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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : TFJii8DAir , APRIL 12 , 18B7. FINE FEAST OF MELODY Iho National Opera Company's ' Magnificent Presentation Last Night , "FLYING DUTCHMAN" TO MUISIC Wacnnrlan Opera WltJi Splendid Bonnie KfTcctH and n Italic t Which AVus Never Kiptnllca In this City Tlio First The First Fully n.GOO people witnessed the ini tial performance of the National Opera company ut the exposition building last night. To say that all were pleased , stir prised , delighted , with what they saw is but giving it fair expression of the general sentiment. To those who iiad never § cen that DRautiful but sombre opera of Wagner , the "Flying Dutchman , " la'st night's performance was a revelation. The grandeur of the scale on which the work was presented , tno attention to de tails , the stage setting and accessories , the orchestral accompaniment , ail com bined to make Omaha's lint night of Wagncrian music grandly successful. Tlio lights and shades of this , one of the great composer's most charming works , were so carefully , so delicately inter preted as to furnish every careful listener a thorough Insight into tno musical mys teries of 'Tho Flying Dutchman. " The Audience. The doors were thrown open open shortly after 7 o'clock. As early as a quarter past 7 o'clock the people began to arrive. From that tlmo on until half past 8 o'clock or a quarter to 0 there was a steady stream of people pouring into the Fifteenth street ana Capitol tel avanuo entrances. The ad mission of the throng into the building was effected very smoothly and quietly. In this respect , indeed , the performance was in marked C9iitrut ; with the I'atti night , when the jam at the tloors was Bimply terrific. Those holding tickets for the ground floor were admitted at 'the 'Fifteenth street entrance , these with gal- fiery tickets at the Capitol avenue en trance. By 8 o'clock the larger proportion tion of the audience were seated , by five minutes after 8 the opening strains of the orchestra prelude Honied through the Tast building. , The audience , while not as largo as it might have boon , was still , in point of size , a good ouo , considering especially that the first appearance of the National opera company was to be Viewed in the light of an experiment. And it was a thoroughly representative audience not made up of only ono , or two , or three classes. And It was , too , appreciative. As soon as It became thor oughly imbued with the spirit of the opera , it was not slow to applaud when the work of the singers merited applauso. in short , tha audience was a pleased , delighted , and therefore a happy and Contented ono. From a dress standpoint the ntidionco was fully up to the standard of the Putti fright. Many ot the ladies were hand some and striking toilets , while the swallow-tailed element was largely rep resented among the gentlemen. The 8t KP. A review of last night's performance would bo incomplete without a descrip tion of the stage nnd its accessories , brief allusion to which has already been made. The staff * itself was seventy-eight foot wide nnd sixty-four feet deep. The drop- curtain was of seamed cloth of alternate blue and old-gold colors. There wore dressing rooms for 800 people ple , opening from the rear , the annex , nd the ladies' dressing rooms on the south side. The stage was lighted up by foot and side lamps , so adjusted as to af ford thorough illumination. In a word , the stage and its appointments were per fectly adapted to the superb scenic an mechanical effects which enhanced las night's performance. The Music. Wagnerlan music was given a fitting Interpretation last night on the occasion of its introduction hero in the entirety of opera. "Tho Flying Dutchman" is con eidercd ono of the most tuneful ( if the word may be used ) ot the Dante among musical writers. W hato'vor may have boon said ot Wagner's music , the conviction of its greatness was unalterably fixed in the opinion of these who listened for the first time to the inferno of sound that cm % ' phasizod the moro tragic portions of the story. The first scene is off tlio coast o & Norway and the thrilling realism of a storm at sea with cleverly maneuvering ship was given to an accompaniment weirdly Wagnermn , the sublimities of which were brought out to the utmost by " " * the superb treatment of Thomas' orches tra. Mrs. Thurber's undertaking has been a revolution in the mutter of prop erly staging an opera. Such wonderful electrical effects , powerful ensembles and perfection of detail were never be fore comprised in tsingle , performance. The customary phrases scorn inexpres sive und inadequate to the purpose of doing justice to the 'niagnillccnco of tha venture and the in dividual merits of the artists identified with it. Miss Juch as Sonta proved her- Bolf a lilting exponent of heavy opera. Her voice is very powerful and clear , though somewhat cold. She was doubly I ? recalled last night for her artistic work. William Ludwig was dramatic in his sombre role of the Dutchman nnd dis played a rounM and very pleasant voico. Myron Whitney's rich vou-e had consid erable scope in the part of Captain Da- land. Charles Baasett was an acceptable Eric and Tcssonden's voice was agree-1 nblo. The course was immeasurably be yond the average and the ballot was largo and danced very fairly. "JjacJcme" This Afternoon. * This afternoon Lakmo , a superb opera , will bo given. The action of "Lakmo" progress In India , and the opening incidents - ' dents of the opera- occur near the abode of Nllakantha , a brahmin , who , with his followers , still abhors the invading race. Gerald nnd Frederick , oflicors in the British army , with llojo and Ellen , English ladles visiting the east , while > strolling in the environs dcjccrato the > sacred ground * by their proscnco. Be ing brought to a sense of their Intrusion , i they depart , bnt ( Jerald remains for tliu - purpose or sketching the design of some " ' jewels which have been forgotten in the garden by Lakmo , the bramin's daughter. Lookmo now enters , and her \ beauty at once wins Gerald's heart. ; Bomo love passages follow , but ' " they are rudely Interrupted by the midden return of NilaKantha. f It is death for a foreigner to profane con- ' " * iterated soil , and Lackmo hastens her ' 'r > lover's departure , lie leaves unseen , but , llftkantha finds traces of his visit , nnd ' , lk curtain falU upon the Indian's oath 1 n ' of vengeance , In the second act , the oeae is shifted to a neighboring city , Where A great festival is in course of cole- fcration. Nllakantha and Lakmo disguised § penlUBto mingle with the throng , the ' Brahttta , intent upon discovering the MtMior of the sauriiego. He commands ' : n e tostng , and the voice of the loved BftkM Gerald reveal himself , His . Might comes on , and i luw Mattered ad the public square Is deserted , Nllakantha strikes Gerald down. Lakme , however , lias scon the deed , nnd with tlio aid of Hadji , a faithful attendant , she bears the voung man , who is not mortally wounded , away. This episode brings the second act ot the opera to a close. When tha curtain rises upon the third , it dis closes a forest view , with Gerald , who has been restored to health and strength through Lukmn's care , slumbering at the maiden's side. The couple once moro exchange assurances of undy ing love. A chorus of voices is heard in tliu distance. It is sung by n procession of young people on their way to taste the sacred waters which are said to make love perennial. Gerald nnd Lakmo must essay their powers , and the girl goes forth to 1111 n CUD at the holy fount. While she is absent Frederick re appears to Gerald , , who had long been missing , and recalls him from romance to reality. The regiment is about to march away , and Gerald must bo at his post. He promises to answer the roll call after having bidden farewell to Lakmo. Frederick accepts Ills friend's ' word and leaves him. Lakmo returns with the sacred water. As Gerald is about to place the cun to his lips , how ever , the sound of the drum and life reaches his earn. Ho starts and Laknic , at a glance , understands everything. In quiet but o'crmastoring despair , she gathers some poisonous ( lowers and ex presses their juice between her teeth. Death follows in a few minutes , the heart-broken creature expiring in Ger ald's arms as Nilakantha and his follow ers enter and behold the sorrowful pict ure. A. Critique. The "Flying Dutchman , " as given last night , was certainly a great musical feast. Not only is it a rarely to hear a work of that great composer and "maestro , " Uichard Wagner , but it Is seldom that anything is ever put on the operatic stage with moro c.iro and artistic tosto than was the "Dutchman" last evening. It is ono of Wagner's works in which the vocalists have a great oppor tunity to show their "solo" powers , the orchestration not being the loading feature of the opera , as it rather tends to jo in Wagner's more modern creations. The cast last night was a strong ono and ) no that should have been nblo to have 'filled the bill" to perfection , but unfor -unately - , whether owing to the fatigue of he journey or to the large sized attdito- ium , Miss Emma Juch did not do herself ustico , as in several of her best numbers [ icr voice showed fatigue and lack of its mstomary brilliancy. It was apparent hat utter she had sung her first few ecitations , her voice was regaining its 3lear , pure torso , and her delivery of 'Yet This The Spectral Man , " etc. , was perfect in its delicacy and sweetness of tono. It is the first time most of us have heard Mr. Ludwig , and we arc pleased to say it will not bo the lost. Mr. Ludwig 'ias a voice that overflows with deep mellow tones and with great carrying power. As the "Dutchman" he brings out all his dramatic power to such an advantage that when ho is on the stage , everything centers upon him , and ho completely liils the house with his pre sence and his voice. In the second'act when the ' 'Dutchman" hrst enters 'Scuta's" presence and stands , speech ess with admiration. Mr. Ludwif was very powerful. Ho die not resort to the weather-beaten Italian , ranting and rushing about the stage ; but stood persistently gazing at Sonta until finally ho bursts forth into "Like tea a vision" in his rich "cautalilo" style. Mr. Myron W. Whitney sang in his usual finished manner but as Daland he did not have the opportunity to bring forth the beauties of his superb organ. Messrs. Charles Bassott and W. H. lessondcu do certainly not show to an advantage In Wagnerian music. The former though possessing a fine quan tity of voice , has not got 'tho dramatic power to throw ( ire into the part , and consequently his Erik lacked spirit nnd realism ; the latter has not got quite voice cnoiigh to bring himself out against such a largo orchestra and such an energetic chorus , but though thoroughly unsuitcd to his peculiar timbre and quality of voice Mr. Fcssenden sang with great credit his "role" in the first act , 'rrhrough Thun der and Storms. The chorus did some very good worK , particularly the maid ens in the second act. One of the pleas ant features of the chorus wus to see neat and young faces with respectable voices instead of the hackneyed , worn out , forlorn looking people that Maple- son always displays to us in fantastic array. The orchestra , which deserves so much praise for its performance last night , will have a greater chance to show its many attributes in "Lohen grin , " in which case wo will reserve out criticism until to-night. I. B. Notes. The ushers did their best. Every ono was delighted. The gallery was crowded. The stage and its appointments were superb. A largo delegation from Lincoln was present. Everyone voted the stage and its set ting superb. This afternoon "Lakmo" and to-night "Lohengrin.1' Tlio number of men In full evening dress was large. The "fourth act" drew the bald heads to the front seats. The programme to-night ought to draw out a magnificent audienco. Mile. Juch , Whitney and Ludwig were recalled half of dozen times. Some of the ladies1 toilets were con spicuous and strikingly handsome. The high hat nuisance was by no rncans a missing feature of the occasion , The men with the librettos at the Fif teenth street entrance did a big bus'r 11CS3. Theodore Thomas did not lead the or chestra , which , however , "got there just tlio same. " "This boats the 'Devil's Auction' and the 'Black Crook,1" murmured John Oliver , as ho leveled his opera glasses critically at the ballet. Charles L. Gosche , the agent of the Na tional opera company , remarked last night : "The house was not an well filled as it might have been , but I can truth fully say that wo are satisfied with the receipts. " Mr. and Mrs. Max Meyer , Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mover , Mr. and iMrs. Moritx Meyer made up n party in the music stand on the gallery floor. Mr. and Mis. J. A. Wnkellcld , Mr. and Mrs. P.O. Himnbaugh. and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Murrhun tuao occupied scats in the Htnnd. OnicorJOrmsby yesterday discovered un der the wooden ucqueduct at Thirteenth and California streets , an elegant new suit of clothes and a new overcoat , the total value of which was about $70. The goods Were thought to have been stolen and were taken to police headquarters. Hero an hour or two afterwards they were identified as belonging to Frank lionhara A Sons , tailors on Fifteenth street , whoso place was robbed last night. f'nrional Paragrapha. II , S. Smith of the advertising depart ment of the HKE , has returned from an extended eastern trip. Ex-Governor Stone , of Iowa , has been in the city n day or two past , the guest of Mr. O.K. Dewoy. A Tender Bkla is greatly injured by cheap adulterated toilet soaps. Use Colgate's Cashmere Boquet ; the purest ana boat , . TO HEtt FATHER'S AUM8. How a Friend ConsplrcN to Save a Beautiful Girl. A , W. Scliormcrhorn , a representative of one of the loading manufacturing firms of the Tactile coast , leaves for the cast to-night in charge of a beautiful young girl whom he is endeavoring to rescue from a life of sliatuo. A few days ago lie stood at the I'.ixton entrance on Fnrnatn > street and noticed a beautiful young lady pass along the walk in the company of a female who was unquestionably member of the demi-monde. It occurred to him that lie had seen the younger lady before , and when ho wont back into his memory ho recalled having mot her three years ago in Vene/.ucla , when she was but thirteen years of ago. She with her mother was visiting her father , a wealthy Chiciigoan who was then carrying out an extensive contract which lie had received n short time before. The girl- was very beautiful und attracted universal attention. Mr. Snhormorhorn learned where she was domiciled , visited the place last evening and mot the' young lady. She had boon away from homo but live weeks and her parents know nothing of her whereabouts. She did not recognize her caller und he immodi- tely resolved to again bring her to her larents. Ho proposed a trip to New fork and tlio proposition was accepted. This morning ho wired the father at Chi- ago to bo at the depot when the train Arrives. The father answered and when ho pair reach there the young and > eautiful erring ono will unconsciously e returned to her distracted parents. . ind yet but one friend will bo aware of his short life in crime. FIXING THE JtANGE. Fort Omaha Soldiers Preparing For lllfle Practice Colonel Hatch. Lieutenant Brumback , of the Second nfantry at Fort Omaha , went down to ho Bellcvuo rille range with twenty men yesterday to place it in order for the spring Hie practice. The level will bo rcsoddod ind the long grass will bo burnt so as to nflbrd an uninterrupted range of vision. A bake oven lias been oroctcd on the iingo , nnd store house for keeping pro- isions will also bo built. Next , week live jompanies of the Second infantry will go , o the range and remain there for six iveeks' practice. They will then bo fol- owcd by the iivo other companies of the lame regiment who will remain there 'or another six weeks. Owing to Iho fact that the ritle range will bo occupied during the months of August and September by the department , division and urmyrltlo com- ) etition , the troops of this post will only lave two months practice where the .roops of these other posts will have three uonths. Colonel Hatch is in tlio city on his way ; o Fort McKinney , from which ho expects ; o remove the neadquarterf of the Nine- ; eenth cavalry to Fort RoSinson. Ho cports that the commander of Fort Du Jhesno has taken charge of that post , which is now ono of the most thoroughly equipped and most- important in the de partment of the Flatto. AMUSEMENTS. THE NEXT ATTUACTION AT UOYD'3. Louis Jamrss and Marie Wainwright , who were for five years the leading sup port to Lawrence Barrett , will appear at Joyd's opera liouso next Wednesday evening as stars. There are no greater avorites with the play-going public than , heso two artists. They possess a popu- a rity acquired by no other professionals and justly earned by force of their artis tie ability. Together they constitute n powerful attraction possessed by no traveling dramatic company. They will appear in Sheridan Knowlcs' great play of l'Virginius. " It will be cast to the full strength of Mr. James1 company. The Chicago News says of "Virginius : " "Mr. James performance was a powerful one , manly and impressive. The general effect upon the audience was a favorable ono. Marie Wainwright was as lovable , girlish and innocent a Virginia as could bo desired. " I'EOl'LE'g THEATER. Gilday's comedy company packed the house last night to the doors , the play be ing the farcial comedy "Collars and Cuffs. " The company made a decided hit , each ono being especially engaged for their respective roles. The acting of Chas. Gilday created unbounded merri ment. Miss Fannie Beam is a talented soubrette and is undoubtedly the finest lady dancer in America , the manner in which she handles her fan in her song and dance drawing forth numerous en cores. This company will repeat "Col lars and Cuffs" to-night and as it is a most laughable entertainment all lovers of fun should not fail to bo on hand. Ijonvenworth Street Grade. The contest over changing the grade of Leavonworth street , which for tlio past six months has agitated the city council , came to an und at the meeting hold Sat urday night. The council , by a vote of 10 to 2 passed the final ordinance making tlio changes as proposed. It is anticipated that as the result of the now grade Leaven \yorth htrcot will soon become a business thor oughfare. The grade proposed , .which will at once be carried out , is an extremely rad ical ono. The changes proposed' com mence at Sixteenth street arul end nt Thirty-sixth street. From Sixteenth street to Eighteenth street tlio cut is a variable one of fronvtwq to five feet .be low the present grade. ' " , At twentieth street a moro severe cut commences , extending to the 'depth of twenty-live feet at the top of the' ' hill op posite City Attorney Connell's property. A lill of eight , feet above the present fill of twenty-throe feet is made at Twenty- fourth street , and at the intersection of Park avenue a cut of about Iivo feet is made. As the result of the now grade a sewer line will at once bn constructed and the street will then bo paved. To Keep Streets Clean. There scorns to bo some things which at some times lot zeal over-run discre tion. In the Herald's report Saturday , some mention is made of the arrest of teamsters , who in teaming graded dirt across paved streets had infringed an or dinance , which condemns an impractica ble action ; that is to say , the effort to re strain loose dirt , in dump wagons , No credit is given for the effort of restraint , nor tlio absence of malicious intent. Fan ning and Slavcn , or any other follows , are no doubt eager to enforce the law against other evil doors , but must remem ber that they may have seine dirt to haul , in tlio dim future , and had bettor look a little out. In another case , where the informa tion was filed by or tit the instigation of F. and S. , wo are informed that the case set for 2 o'clock p. in. yesterday was dis missed by tlio police court , and the city attorney , who was called by F. and S. to persecute similar delinquents for dirt dropping gave some gratuitous * an vice In the course of the trial to F. and S. and , we tire Informed , told Fanning that his feet were too largo for his boots. Isouie- bodv else whispered that it was not in his loot' but his head where the mischief was brewed tlio "big head" was the com plaint , not sore feet. B , C. J. Without Warrant. 8. F. Morlarlty , csq. , commenced habeas corpus proceedings yesterday in the ootinty court on behalt ol I'atTookey , who was arrcstep hero on Saturday night on a charge of mayhem in DCS Molnes. Tookev was arrested on a telegram from Dos Molnes , and Ms counsel contends that ho ciitiiiot M held upon a warrant accompanied by trequisition. . A Klro tiniiAlc Coupled. John Taggart , of' ' No. 1 truck of the city fire department/ bo married to Mary Shea this1 , morning at 8:30 : o'clock , at the , home of the bride , on Eighteenth and I/anl streets. They will occupy their ovvir tfcsidcnco and settle down to domestic happiness Immedi ately. , " Canadian Comment on Cleveland. Toito TO , Out. , April U.-Spoclal [ Tele- irrnm to the UKI' . | The Globe says the letter ot President Cleveland to the president of the Itahury union at Gloucester , Mass. , is a remarkable and Important document. It is not such a letter as Americans Interested In the fisheries desired to be served from the president , but the letter was evidently In tended as a warning to Canadians Also. "While we desire that the rlgnt of Canada be firmly and efficiently assorted and main tained , wo hone that American Usliermim will not be refused any privileges to which they are entitled , and that they will never experience unjust or unfriendly treatment Irora these employed In the protection of our rlehts. It would be folly , however , to put out of sight the fact that ninny in the United States , apparently , the president himself and members ot his cabinet , assert that the fishermen of the United States have rights In our waters which we believe they have not under the treaty now In force , nnd that there are wlvileces to which they are intitled In the opinion of the president to which wo say they have no title whatever. iom tlilj misunderstanding , if we assert we believe to bo our rights , urrater mis- indorst.indinfrs may nrlse. This letter , al- lioujjh studiously moderate in tone , Intl- vmtcs plainly what may follow. The posl- ion is , to say the least , exceedingly serious. " nvcatigatlng Collector Heohcrger. CincAoo , April 11. Civil Service Comuils- loners Kdxerton and Lyiiiau spent several ours here to-day In continuous private ses- lou of Investigation of the changes preferred italnst Collector Secberger by the Chicago Ivlt service reform leamio alleging that Jeorue A. Webster , a 81,300 clerk In the an- ralscr's olllcc , had been removed for pollti- al reasons. An allidavit from Webster was reduced detailing a conversation with the 'ollcctor ' l i which the latter Is represented to invo bald ho could no longer withstand the : > arty pressure which required him to give .ho place then occupied byVcbstertoa dem ocrat. Seeberiter positively denied having nado such a rwnurlc to Webstar or any 0110 ilse. The nttoriioy of the league stated tlmt iVebster was In Milwaukee and could not bo .ireseiit at tlio investigation. A letter from Appraiser HolTman , given to Webster at his discharge , was submitted , It tustllies to the deposed clerk's elliclpncy and gave him an Rtivlable reputation for ability and character. The appraiser was called in and was closeted with the commissioners ( or two hours. When : ho investigation closed the commissioners declined to be Interviewed In regard to it. They sairl the duclsimi would be llrst given to the authorities A Consolidation or Trades. CHICAGO , April ll.Speclal [ Telegram to lie BEK. ] The thtrii preliminary meeting ooklne toward the 'formation of a consoll dated building tradolcouncll was held last evening. There were present representatives from the stonecutter , carpenters , painters , derrickmen , hodcatrers ; | , steamtitters , lath ers , saslitlers , galvarU/.ed Iron and cornice nen , stairbullders Jiii'd slaters unions. A constitution was tulop'-ed containing very strong articles of federation nnd a pcrma- lent organization will bo effected next Huu- day. The bricklayersand clumbers unions are expected to johlifyem also. The council will bo one of tlio most tremendous local organizations ever known. It will lepresent 'nun twenty-live to'tlijrty thousand menand > y the articles of the constitution a general strike can b ordered lu every Instance where a titrike lu a single trruln cannot be'won without doing fco. lt.Is highly probable the new council will take a hand lu the great strike of the carpenters now on , unless it Is settled soon. A member of the council says tint strike of tlio carpenters will bo the last probably oC any of the Chicago buikllnit trades. They will , ho said , get what they ask for without resorting to a strike. Carpenters Roach an Agreement. CHICAGO , April 11. At a mooting of the striking carpenters to-day an organi/ation was formed to be known as the Independent Master Carpenters' association. Tim terms of tlio strikers were at once acceded to on condition that the strike be declared oil so far as members of the now association of employers are concerned. This was agreed to by the strikers , and it is expected that about one-eighth of the men will thus resume work immediately on the eight-hour plan at 33 cents an hour. Disputes are to be hcttled not between the employer and em ploye , but by arbitration between the car penters' union and the masters' association. The result marks an Important divergence horn the programme declared by the car- penteis at tlio beginning of thn strike. They then announced that no carpenters would be allowed to return to work until nil the con tractors gave In or the strike as a whole un declared a failure. Many Families Made Homeless. PiTTsnuna , April 11. A disastrous lire at Sprint ; Gnidcn borough this afternoon dt > stroycd twenty-five frame houses , tendering thirty-live families homeless. The lire staitccf in Michael Waldschiutt's soap factory and was caused uv the boiling over of a kettle of fat. The occupants of the houses had baiely time to escape wltli their lives and were una ble to save any of their household goods. They are all poor people and the loss will fall Heavily upon them. To-night the thirty- live families , nntnberlne over 100 persons , are without shelter and many or them are being cared for by neighbors , Tlw loss la estimated nt about ? SO,000 , on which there is a small Insurance. An Agreement Concluded. CIIICACIO. April 11. On account of the dis- agrpememnut between the eastern nnd west ern lines regarding the divisions of rates on business trom the seaboard to the Missour river and beyond'which resulted In the lines quoting local rates up to and west of Chicago cage , and the division of a largo nmonntof this class of business to tit. Louis routes , via which city the rates wcio from 2 to 8 cents per hundred lovwr , the Chicago west bound lines have conslfHlod an agreement with the ( Jrand Tfluflf by which the old rates and divisions nrp entered into ngaln. This will give the Urand Trunk control of the business unless .tltf other eastern lines yield the point they -hive been lighting over. i'ralrlo Flrc i In Kansas. ATCHISON , Kan. , , 'Alrll * 11. A disastrous prairie lire is raging In 'rhlllips and Norton counties In Kansas. It slatted Saturday evening near Etlmon , whore four houses were Burned , and crossing the Central branch * j rnllroad has entered northwesterly to Nofcaster , havingdestroyed quito a number of hWHos , with all otner per ishable property In Its track. It is reported that nine to twelve persons have perished , but the facts cannot be dcllultely learned owing to Injury to tli tulcKrapli wires. Htoninsh1pMArrlvals. NBW YOIIK , April 11. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.J Arrived Steamer Arizona , from Liverpool ; the Hungarln , from Ham burg. SOUTHAMPTO.V , April U. The steamer Elbe , from Now York for this port , and the IJremen arrived elf the Lizard at 10 a. m. ruu < Ai > EMiHiA , April 11. Arrived The British King , from Liverpool. LO.VDOX , April 11. Arrived The Erin , FNKW YoKKjAprll ll.-Arrlved-Tho Elder , from Bremen ; the Devonla , trom Glasgow. Fire lu New York. MKW YOIIK , April 11. Fire broke out tonight - night In the six-story iron front bulluint' on the corner of Canal and Mulberry streets. Hey wood Bros. , furniture dealers , occupied the first floor and a portion of the upper part of the building. Nelion Matlor & Co. , f urnl- ture dealers , occupied the second tloor. Two llromon fell down nn elevator shaft during the Ilsht against the llamas. Dovixney will probably die. 'Alfred Shalcr , the other , had a let broken. Two other firemen were over come with smoke nnd were rescued uncoil- Tbo total loss Is estimated at Chicago Getting Vaccinated. CHICAGO , Apill 11. The olllco of the health department was besieged to-day by people applying to bo vaccinated. This morning .several families from the neighbor hood In which the stricken Italian. Co-sselll , lodged Informed the ollielalsof the health de partment that the plau'iin had already com menced to spread and that several families In the district were down with Infection. No olllclal reports to this ollect , however , have yet been imulc. The Schwartz-Watt Trial. Mounts , III. , April 11. In the Schwartz- Watt murder trial to-day the defense Intro duced Jonas D. Meade , father-In-lawof New ton Watt , one of the deteudants , who testi fied that he had sent Watt Siw ; ; In June of last year out of certain pension moneys lie had received. This was offered In explana tion that Watt hod considerable money shortly after the express robbery. Itotno nnd IrnlanCI , HOME , April 11. In consequence of Eng land's treatment of Ireland and the attitude of the Irish clergy on the Irish qtioitton , the pope has charged Cardinal Slmleoul , prefect of the congregation of the propaganda , to make ( i thorough Inquiry Into the whole matter and draft Instructions for the Irish bishops. Nebraska and lown Wcnthcr. For Nebraska : Generally fair weather , slightly cooler , light variable winds. For Iowa : Fair nnd continued warm weather during Tuesday , slightly cooler on iVcdnnsday , winds becoming variable. Arrested. For Arson. ITHACA , N. V. , April 11. John Mntman , nd his wlte Julia were arrested at Ludlow- Ille station in this county to-day , charged ivlth arson In causing the lire which burned Matthew Ma.ssock and three small children n the night of March 38. A Hallroad's Earnings. NEW YOIIK , April 11. The annual report > f the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & O niali a railroad for the year ending Decem- 'jer 'U , IbbO , shows that the total net income > vas 51,0-1.5,000 , an advance over last year of A Ilobucr Captured. WASHINGTON , April 11. Paymaster Gen- ; ral Ilocheater received a telegiatn from Chief Paymaster Terrell , reporting that Charles P. Parker , the man who several weeks ago robbed Paymaster Bash of S7-1UO , has been captured. Portugal and China. LISIIOK , April 11. The Portuguese govern- nmit has concluded a treaty of friendship with China. Lord Lonsdalo is writing an account of his experiences of America. There is a "Home for Intemperate Wo men" in Boston , which has forty-one inmates. The best modern siege guns cost 197,000 , and it costs $ 'JOO ' .to shoot one of them only once. Tlio Empress Eugenie is said to bo con templating a tour through the United States , traveling incognito. PURELY VEGETABLE. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. A Critical Cuso Astlinm Uronchltls. Mr. Charleg A. Ticl , tnys the Philadel phia Evening Htvi , wni so prostrated tvltb throat trouble following upon astbtua , ho was ordered by phyelclans to New Orleans. The changes wrought 110 good ; bo returned homo In a hopeless condition. Ho wus ad- vlncd and ho tried Hod Star Cough Cure. Ills cough nnd asthma loft him , and after using a few bottles tils heatU : was com pletely restored. Another riouro-riieumonln Cough. Qulnby ITouse , Portland , OrCRon. After suffering a grant deal from an attack of plcnro-pneumnnla , connected with a severe and painful cough , a friend of mine recommended tbe Red Star Cough Cute to IDC , lifter I had tried Kvvcriilothcr remedies without success. Ono bottle ensured my recovery. MAKK A. MtU.KK. Travelling Agt. , Erie U. R. Inflammation of TUrout and Lnngi. Ban Francisco , Cal. Mr. Oliver Hlntley , Proprietor of the Pacific CarrlaRO Co. , 11 1'owell St. , Kan Francisco , pays : "I have been lufrering with a savero cough , causing finally in- ilammatluu of the tliroutnim luiifitfor a longtime. After consulthiBseveral phy- tlrlans without < lerlvininny beiicllt.l was indueedbyn Irlcnd , who had been almt- larly aillletod , to try the "Hud Star Cough Curt' . " After n few doses I began to feet instant lollef and after taking one bottle I v as entirely cured. OLIVER JUSKLEY. AStarlllnRDIsoIdMire Tnko Note. A lending physician has mudo llio fclart- IhiK re\ elation tlmt six thousand people , mostly children , dlo yearly In Dili country from the cffe < ts of rousn mixtures con taining morphia or opium. THE CHARLES A. VOGKLEIt CO. , Dnltlmore , MJ. Kf tl utrtont v iN'a St. Jacrli OH or Ktd Btar Cnuyh Cui e , mil by sending a two-cent s/'i / ' mp nwl eihlftnry ofthrlr car , rcrhr ADVII r. tMI. THE GREAT GERMAN REMED rul rflill r\l\r \ Vcnlt. At CT1J ' ; O unJ H 1 < T > . IIU ClUlUJbS A. VOCELIU 10 , tWUnort , > i C.S. * j Notiqp , - \ r ATTEIt of applicntlou of Ernst Wotzlg for iT-LllUQrllCOIL-.0. ( ] Notlca is lioroby given that Krn \\eUlir did upon tliu "atli duy of Mnroh A. I ) . US" , lllo his application to the niuyor find city council ot Omnhu , for llconso to .soil mult , spir ituous and vinous lliuors , nt No. lull ) 1'iorco Mroot , Second wRf.l. Oinahn , Net ) . , ironi the Ilth tlay of April , IbST , to the lOtli day of April 1 3. If there bo no objection , romonBtninco or protect nlod within two WCOKS Ironi Miircli''Otli , A. U. 18ii7 , the said llccnso will bo grantod. KIINST WKIZIQ , Ajiplicnnt J. H. SouiirAiii ) , City Clork. 0-11 Notice. . of Put Desmondfor MATTKIlnr.nprillCHtlon liquorllconsu. . Notion U ruiruby irlvoii tlmt Pnt Dosinond did upon the 7th duy of Ajirll. A. I ) . lt > < 7 , lllo thelrappllciHloutotlioiiiiiyornndcitycotini.'llof Utntiliu , forJIounso tn fell malt , spiiltnous mid vinous liiiuors , lit No. 111 : . ' South 10th street , Third win ! . Omnlm. > fob. , from the Ilth day of April , 1HS7 , totholutb duy of April , ! . If there bo 110 olijfOtlon. lomnnstrunco or protest nicdwltbln two weeks from April * th A. 1) , 18:17 : , the said license will bo jrrnnti'd. I'AT DKkniONU , Applicant , J , D. BoariiAlili , Clly ClorK. _ 6 11 Notice. . application of Hans Young for MATTr.Ilof liquor llnonrsis. Notleo is hereby Klvon that Hftns "uns did upon the 7th dny of April. A. I ) . 1W , 111 ; Ills application to the miiyor und city counci of Umahn , tor lli-eiite to sell multspirituous mid vinous liquors , at No. li'l Ioljf ( < > < - ' . Third WHrd.Oinahn. Neb , from the llthday o April , 1887 , to tlio 10th day ot April , 18W. If thoio bo no objection , ronionstrnnco 01 protest filed within twowcoKs Ironi April ith A. D. 18S7 , the said license wilt bo granted. HAKE , Applicant. J. n. SouTHAui ) , City Clork. 11 lai uaim , 0. S. DEPOSITOUY. Capitol $800,000 BurpluB 100,000 Herman Kountze , President. John A , Creighton , Vice-President , Fi.H. Davis , Cashier , W. H , Megquier , Asst.-Caihier , A STARTLING FACT. It is not commonly known that a large proportion of the rhcinatisin and neuralgia extant is traceable directly to the dlseated condition or imperfect action of the kidneys and liver : therefore n remedy \\hlchcures the resulting disease must have found and smitten the first cause. Many persons using Athtophoros fortheinnatisiusiul neu ralgia have been surprised to find that chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys have also been grcatl } ' relieved and they have written for an explanation. The fact is , that the remedy acts directly on these organs , cleansing them from all irritating substances and regulating their action. Taken in conncctiou with Athlopboros PIIU this is , without exception , the mos valuable kidney and liver remedy in tb world , nnd will cure a large proportion o those who have these diseases , t Charles K. Griffin , Stuart , Iowa , says.- "I have not bad an ache or pain ol rheuma tism since I used the Athlophoro * , which is now over a year ago. For three months my store was closed , not being able to at tend to my business at all. My joints were swollen and there did not seem to be any partof my body that did not ache. After suffering in this way until the pain was al most beyond endurance , I went to Col fax Sptingsto try the effects of the water. The ( lav I left home I had to be carried down stairs. Alter remaining at the Springs a month I came back , being some better. After being home a few weeks I had a re lapse. It was at this time that I learned of Athlophoros. I sent for a bottle of it and in fifteen minutes after I had taken the first dose I felt its effects , nnd when I had fin ished the third bottle I was well. I ha\e not had any rheumatism since. Every druggist should keep Athlopho ros and Athlophoros Pills , but where they cannot bo bought of the tlruggist the Athlophoros Co. , 183 Wall St. , Now York , will send cither , carriage paid , on receipt of regular price , which is $1 per bottle for Athloohoros and 60c for the Pills. Forllvor and kldnoy ( IHoascR , dyspopsln , Indigestion - digestion , weakness , norvoun Mobility , discuses or woman , constipation , liendnolio , Impiiro blood , ota. . Atlilophorns I'llls nro unenUitllod. \X\tfcv s , < vSiv Cancer of the Tonguo. Mr wife , some thrco or four years ago , was troo. bleu with an nicer on tue sioa of ber tongue near the throat. The pam was Incessant , canning loss of ilccn and producing great nervous prostration. Accompanying this trouble was rheumatism. It bail passed from tfie shoulders and centered in the wrist of ono hand , enc almost losing tap use of t. Between the suffering of the two , life had grown burdensome. By the nae of a half dozen email- sized bottlesof Swift's Specific , she was entirely relieved and restored to health. This was three Tears aeo. and there has been no return of the dis ease H. 1 * MlDWJtBHOOKa. Sparta , Ga. , Jane 5 , 1888. Treatise on Blood and Sfcln Diseases mailed free. TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer S , Atlanta , ( id. 1ST W. 23d St. , N. V. SOMETHING NEW. Warranted to neither break down or roll up In wear. lone Cennln without K1BO stampfd on Imlis tit Corset , TryMI lt IM foil y m nllMuif If nftt rrprfp lrtl. CHICAGO CORSET CO. CHICAGO. _ HEW YORK. _ MALT WHISKEY hperlallr Dlilllled Cur Medicinal Vac. 18 ! BEST TONICi UNEQUALtDtnr CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION UB. EJJlV. L. WAIiLINO. Sur geon In Chief , National Quail nf N.J. , wiltn ! " ] ! r attention wn nllrd t ( Tour Kej lone Mult Whhkojr M Mr. iJiIor , Drngirlit , nf Trruton anil I have used a Ow bottlf * vrlth fi btUr effect than any j h re bid. I < un jrucoiunmndiiic vonr article In my prucllco , una 'find It Tory MtlnUctorjr. " < l nnln but th Hlrnllurt o klSKKK * MRXMEkgUN tl Sttl. ! EISNER & RSEMOELSO& , IHol < i < nu lor tin U. 8 ) 316. 318 and 320 Rac St. PbiladelnMa. V * . . Goodman Urnc Co.Gpnl. Atfents.Oraaha Nebraska. Men tufTcrlrf from T.u iuo * , I. U tit WEAK rwiulurM lrx him ! < > k | _ r * ' * ! wlh ut iffi& * * * * * l MtKT. I&4W K . . . . wbw4/r ) - - - - - " Fftthcrt 1 pUrM hi lira litml ' < n . trr Krplrle wilil V V * * tun/'oJ'ttv'l OI TBlIX 1J * Jt fOCIt * MARITON BIMIDY CO. 19 Park Plict. Mew York. Mention Omaha Bee. R now orul tyournwn homo hy ono who win iloaf twenty plght your * . Treated by most of tlio nol J upouml- luta without bonofltt cured himtolf In tbri > B inontbi. anil § inc tbon humlrfciis of otliirj. Full particular ! lent on application. T. U. PAGE , No. WCit3l t St. , * w Vor0iir. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. "With the approach of ipring nnd the increased interest man ifested in real estate matter * , I nm more than over consult ed by intending purchasers as to favorable opportunities for investmontjond to all such would say When putting any property on the market , and advertising it as desirable , I ha ire invariably confined myself to a plain unvar nished statement of facts , never indulging in vague promises for the future , and the result in ev ery case has been that the expec tations of purchasers were more than realized. I can rofari wi/.b. pleasure to Albright's Annex And Baker Place as sample illustrations. Lots in the "Annex" liavo quadrupled in value nnd are etill advancing , while n street car line is already building past Baker Place , adding hundreds of dollars to the value of every lot. Albright's Choice was selected by ma with the greatest care alter a thorough study and with the full knowledge of its value , and I can- conscientiously say to these seek ing a safe and profitable invest ment that Albright's Choice . oilers chances not excelled In thU market for a sure thing. Early investors have already reap ed largo prolits in CASH , and with the many important improvements contemplated , soriio of which are now under way , every lot In this splendid addition will prove a bo nanza to first buyers. Further information , plats nnd prices , will bo cheerfully furnish ed. Buggies Ready at All Times to Show Property , Respectfully W.G.ALBEICHT . . , * SOLE OWNER , 218South 16th Street , firanf * . II. Prvyerty / <