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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1887)
t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , vyl SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING . . . , APRIL 12. 1887. NUMBER 208 * A * * * - " i y ' * * A COMBINATION OF RASCALS Wholesale Arreat of Train Crown on the Pennsylvania Hoad. CARS SYSTEMATICALLY ROBBED Conductor * * and Itraknincn Jailed at IMtttbiirK and n Lnrne Amount of I'lundcr Captured Two Hun dred Warrants Imuctl. \ GiganticConspiracy. . PiTTSiiuno , April 11. The officials ot the Panhandle railroad began this morning to make wholesale arrests of employes of that road for bclnt : concerned In a gigantic con spiracy of robbery. The officials of the road claim that during the past two years the cars on the Plttsburg , Cincinnati & St. Louis road have been systematically robbed of property roughly estimated as being worth half a million dollars. Early this morning 100 policemen ana detectives began a con certed raid upon the boarding houses and homes of the Panhandle railway employes and at 0 o'clock forty-four conductors and brake-men were conlincd in the county jail the officers boarded all early Incoming trains and arrested such men as were wanted. John 11. Hamilton , attorney for the Pennsylvania road , was seen this morning In the office of the dett-ctlvoagency , sitting among a hetero geneous collection of plunder. He said : "These robberies have been carried on sys tematically for several years. Thu company has long been aware that there was a leakage somewhere and as early as Septem ber , IBbC , they quietly commenced investigations. Detectives wcro placed on the trains where the eoods could tie watched and the thieves cauiht. We had already dis covered that the culprits were employes of the company. In September there were eighty crews of freight trains on the Panhan dle railroad coming Into Plttsburg. Of these olehtv crown no less than seventy-live were found to bo crooked. The crews con sist of conductor , flagman and two brake- men. In some cases all men were Involved , in others only part The statement that the engineers and firemen were mixed up In the robb rlcs Is Wrong ; not a single one Is In volved. The goods were obtained by the cracksmen In various ways. In many In- Btances the seals were broken , while in other * hatchets were used to cut holes in the rear of cars , through which the men crawled and took what they coveted. Then they re ported the car In bad conditionclaiming , that thn holes had been made by an accident , The operations were all the result of a com bination. Arrangements wcro carefully made and each rascal was assigned to hit particular part of the work In much the same way as banx robbarlrs are committed by professional cracksmen. 1 do not know that members ol the combination were oath bound or any thing of the kind , but It Is curtain that a thorough understanding existed among them nnd they acted In concert to cover up each others misdoings. The thing which alarmed ui moru than anything else , was that they stole large quantities of whisky and drank II In the cabooses. They needed vessels to hold liquor , so they stole milk cans and kept It in them , not daring to keep whisky openly In the cars , They tore up the flooring and hid it under neath. The mun were continually reported drunk on duty and the probability of disas ter was something frightful to contemplate , All kinds of goods wcro stolen. In cluding sewing machines , guns , rovolv era , cutlery , silverware , cigars , clothing liquor , groceries , furniture , and In fact even Imaginable article that could ba carried on t car w ro quickly removed. The depreda tions were committed all alone the road and th losers reside at points as far west as Den ver. Fences were established m this cltj where the stolen ( property was taken and then sold , the money being evenly divided among the crows. " It Is now claimed that the amount ot prop erty stolen will not amount to S30U. The ar rests hava created great excitement amonj the railroad employes of this city. Tin scenes about tha jail doors this mornlnt when relatives of the prisoners twen gather * ! to learn the cause of tin arrest were of the saddest description Wives , children , parents , brothers and sister with tear-stained faces stood around the en trances to the prison eager to hear the lutes development and pleading with the officer for admission to the jail to see the prisoners At 11 o'clock ten more arrests were re ported. They were captured at the pay-ca while receiving their wages. This make a total of lifty-slx In jail hero and it is sup posed as many more have been apprehendet nt other points along the line. Constenia tlon prevails among the proprietors of th "fences" and dens whcrcithe goods were so crcted nnd sold. In one instanc we proprietor of a notorious den was de tec ted In the net of burning stolen property A telegram was received from Dennison , O. stating that J. 1C Dunlap , leader of the gang was arrested there this morning. One Bushby , the worst man in the gang slipped his handcuffs and recklessly throv himself from the train , while it was golni and escaped. Tht following are the names of conductor irrMted : John nestings , Mac Roberts , J. P Brennan , L. L. Black. H. It. Kuhn , Thos. C Shay , T. J. Hanley , William Islett , Chas Watson , Chas. Shanks , C. Sancacre , Clyd Laughlln , Frank Maple , J. U. Dunlap , C. li Altaian , George Latham , C. A. Laugti lin , John Collls , Dave CollU Among those arrested are thlrtj seven brakemen. Seven more arrests hav been made , but the names have not yet beei recorded. Nearly two hundred warrants an still out and it is expected that the list of ar rests In this city will be swelled to eight' ' before night. A number of houses In varl ous parts ot the city were raided to-day an a large quantity ot goods recovered. Ever man arrested bad stolen goods somewhere Among the prisoners were several dnngei ous characters , who wcro wanted by the po lice for other offenses. They were all nrme < and when not taken by surprise resisted ai rest. The number overpowered them , lion over , and all were safely lodged In jail. 1 special dispatch fiom Dennison says officer have arrested James and W. Collins wltl several thousand dollars worth of velvets li their possession , articles taken from Unite States bonded can which were en route t Chicago , St. Louis and other points west The most Important arrest Is ot Brakema Young , who made a confession which will , I Is said ] convict thirteen others. Telegram from Cadiz , Steubenvllle and points westc Columbus report tbo arrest of a largo numb * of railroad employes Implicated In the rol beries. The preliminary hearing will t heard April 28. To Joseph Hue , special agent of the Pent Kylvanla railroad , and Detective Kllkeson , f tills city. Is due all the credltlt of running tb thlfvcsdown , in the Interview with Ku this afternoon the following account of tt inception of the robberies , their deteclloi tbe modus-operandl of their execution , etc Rue said : "Two years ago we decided to dl pcnse with locks on cars and Introduced 01 present system of seals. The seal Is ot leai is about the size of a rive cent piece , nnd about one-eighth ot an Inch In thlcknes The wire used In connection with It Is on sixteenth Inch Iron \ > Ire. There are curls I U to prevent Its being pulled through the le-t seal. The method of using H Is as follow : The wire is passed through the seal , the through the hasp ot the car door , then bat through the seal again , forming nn unbroki circle. An Instrument then is used in in pressing the seals. That In use , say In Pitt bur ? , stamps upon the Immense blue the U ters 'IMS. Fit,1 upon the obversesldo 'P.O. J : K'thuj Indlcatlnutbat the car Is Intact when enters the Pittsburgh , Clnclauatl & t Louis railroad bound wcstwar The two wires are embedded Iho same stroke-as the letters are Imprint ? This understood , I will give an Idea ot tl Inception of the robbery and its discovery I the officials of the road. Ea tcrn DOUI trains have been the sufferers. As near we can estimate it , these robberies have bet folnif on for two jears. At tint there v , timidity and they only occurred at long 1 tmals : then , dally growing bolder and mo general , until Just lately every train was sufferer. Wa became coenlzant ot the re beries through claims submitted by Nc York to the road on the strength ot UK WMtern customers' allegations of brok , both In bulk and In severally , t web. caw btiuf positive that t packages were opened In transit. Via wcro pu7/.led a lone tlmu by Iho robberies , as our reports from western points showed that the seals weronlwa > s suemliuly Intact , rorn long tlmn wo bl.imed the extractions of the goods upon roustabouts at piers 'J7 nnd 3 In Now York nnd the Dock street station at Philadelphia , as nearly all of our western bound freight was put on the cars nt either one or the other of thesu three places. We cmplojcd detectives and all Imaginable devicesand found finallytliat oiircmplojcsat these points wrro nbove sus picion. As I am In ehargnof all crookedness on our road cast of I'lttsburir , It then became my duty to follow the robbers uu to this city. Alter a most exhaustive search of the ontlro division of the Pennsylvania road up to Plttsburg 1 came to the conclusion that tha lobberlcs wuru committed west of Plttsburg. We then devoted ourselves entirely to the western division. After two months' work \N found that the robberies \vcre committed between Plttsburg and Dennison ; that out of eighty crews seventy-Jive were practicing a gigantic scheme of rdbbery. Wo were badly startled at lirflt by tbo fact that the seals on the ears were uencrally found In tact when the cars reached Columbus on tueir way westward. Then wo commenced n system of esplonaire on every mile of siding between here nnd Dcnnlsou. Day and nk'ht the watch continued. Meanwhile marked and decoy coeds were used. Wo found that local freight was generally untouched ; that the robberies wcro committed on Union line shipments. Well and good. One drrk nleht one of our brightest men stumbled airalnst the m > .stery of thu seals nnd the method by which they were successfully tam pered with. Concealed behind a crow he saw the crew come to n Union line car. The wire was pulled out of the seal , the door was thrown back , nnd the car entered. In a short time the mun emerged carrying a lot of plun der. They made otf to the rabooso and the conductor pulled back the door , run the wire through the seal where it had been pulled out , and witli a board struck n blow. The wire went back to its place , the blow united the soft lend a vain without destroying thu letterIng - Ing on either side , and the seals as appar ently untouched. I saw ono of these , and it was only by the closest scrutiny that a per son could detect signs of tampering with It. All this made clear , our course was much easier. The Individuals of these crows were then each of them tracked down , and I may say here that so closely were the stolen goods located that out of all the arrests wn made last night and this morning , there was not ono man but had stolen stutt either on him or in his room. Of course you understand that our method used In ascertaining nil this cannot be made public. Suffice It to say that wo have our hands on every thluvlsh employe , aud wo are within easy reach of those who are not arrosUed. When I say we , I mean , ofconrse , Mr. Kllkeson first , and to him belongs the exclu sive credit of the rich haul that tilled the dragnet. I can pivo a few illustrations of the spirit ot these employes. In one case just lately the pursuit was so hot that twenty-live boxes of line cigars were hastily burned in n caboose stove. In another * case n "tin" resultud in two bolts of tine silks being thrown from a caboose Into the Mononga- liela river whllei crossing the Panhandle brldce. In another Instance the crew broke open near and found it full of organs. One of the men was so enraged by lindinenothlng of a stnalablo kind that ho thrust an Iron bai into thu organ and ruined It. Wo have evi dence that a freight conductor broke Into n car , opened a piano , and sat and played it nil night , stopping nt midnight to eat supper otl the polished top. The bamo fellow wa = thumplne a piano in a dive last night when captured. Another brakeman , who lives on Wiley nyenue , stole n bolt ol cloth , had a suit made for himself , and gave the cloth for two other suits to two ot his friends. Another man has become an experl on astolcn accordeon. In all my experience of twenty-nine i ears , 1 never saw such B taste for miscellaneous stealing. Everything except a coffin and a blacksmith's anvil has been stolen and made use of. Some of out detectives assured me this morning tint not a man was arrested but had from half ft dozer to a dozen pairs of clean socks of the lines ! qualities and a largo assortment of shirts ol all kinds. " The thieves who wore not arrested at thcli homes were taken from the trains. As the : ralns came In the officers displayed a red Ight. the trains side-tracked , and , before the men knew what was the matter , found them selves under arrest. The cabooses wen searched and many evidences ot long con tinned depredations were discovered. Hun' dreds of boxes which had contained the inest Imported cigars were found on th < trains badly used by the men to hold caps overalls and lamterns. Fires wcro In pro ; ress today ail along the line of thn Pan landlo road , made up ( of stuff thrown out o : the cabooses which had been cleared of art ! clcs valuable as evidence In the cotulnc trial Almost ovary man arrested had from one t < ten pawn tickets for all sorts of articles on his person. It Is alleged that e\ery pawi shop in the two cities Is represented on tin tickets. An amount of suveral thousanc dollars is bald to bo recoverable In this wa ] alone. The crews of men that had been nrrestei had left a large number ot trains deserted The detention of freight , however , was on I ; temporarily. The railroad officers hav , taken special precautions to continue movlm their freight promptly. An extra force o sixty men had been employed. These wen put on tbo deserted trains In the place of thi arrested employes. When It became knowi that a large number of men had been ar rested , applicants for positions commence ! to Hock to the depot by scores. Special Agent line stated to-night thnt tin total arrests number sixty , of whom there an fifty-six In the Plttsburg jail. Ono of tbe men named Black , was released on ball. J. T Glbbs was also released this evening. He I an officer of the company and his arre.'t wa a mistake. Deputy Mayor Grlpp , befor whom the warrants were sworn out , has lixei the hearings for next Monday at 10 a. m The office of Detective Kllkeson is crowdei with many trunks and stolen goods , all o which have been labeled as from whom taken thn date and conditions. They will bo care fully guarded to be used as evidence agalns the men. The goods there are valued at several oral thousand dollars , which may be great ! Increased by the contents of a dozen or mor trunks w hlch have not yet been opened. A the jail all was quiet nnd no more prisoner were expected to-night. It Is understood thn no moru arrests \yiil bo made here. In fac Detective Kuo said they had nil the me : wanted except n few no longer connecte with the Panhandle road , who are located and will bo arrested within the next fe\ \ days. At a late hour to-night J. II. Dnnlop , wh is regarded as tlie ringleader of the iran : made a confession to the detectives , in whic he Implicated several outsiders and locate "fences" at Dennison , O. , New PhlladelphI and other places. Enforcing the Railroad Boycott. NEW YORK , April 11. The World ot t < morrow will say : The general passongc agents ot Iho trunk lines held a meetlnir , t which Commissioner Plerson presided , an at which C. K. Lord , general passengeraget of the Baltimore & Ohio road , was prescn with all the other general agents. The meel ing lasted until late In the afternoon and r < suited In the Baltimore & Ohio agreeing t act with the other trunk lines. Its repn sentatlve promised to order the tickets of th obstlnato western lines oil sale to-rnorro' morning , and after that no tickets can t purchased at any of the trunk line agcnclt or officers via the Chicago & Alton. Chicago Hock Island & Paclhc , Chicago , Burllngto * Qulncy , Wabash , St Louis & Pacltl Missouri Pacific , Denver & Itio Grande , III nols Central , Indiana , Bloonungton & We-i eru , and a low other shorter and less irnpor ant lines. Raiding tbe Salvation Army. Qur.nnc , April 11. While the French d tachment of the Salvation Army was para Ing the streets yesterday afternoon , It w ; attacked by a howling mob who pelted tl members with large lumps of snow and le Ouo of the females of the army was kuocki senseless , and dangerously hurt by bell struck on the head with a piece , weigbli live pounds. The drums of the detachmon were all smashed. The police have as yi rnado no arrests. Death of Burlington Cltlien. BfULiNOTON.Ia April 11. E. D. Kan n lumber merchant , and a wealthy citizen this cltv , cdled here of congestion of tl lungs , yesterday. Handresided , here sin 1S& , and was a member of the firm ow Ing sawmills la this state and Wisconsin. TilE VOICE OF TlIE PEOPLE Great Gathering in Hyde Park to Protest Against Coercion , MANY THOUSANDS PRESENT The English M < ISPCH Show Tholr Sen timent * In llognrcl to the i'as- ago of the Crimes Act . For Ircltetiil. The Anti-Coercion Mooting. [ Co ; > i/r ( jM tvnitu Jam' * Gordon /Jennitt. ] LO.VDO.V , April 11. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE.J Many Now Yorkers who this afternoon walked throueli Oxford street or Piccadilly , each of which Is to Londoners what mid Broadway Is to the former , mint have been terribly reminded of that April day twenty-six years ago , when the Fort Sampler meeting was hold on Union Square to encourage Lincoln to light against slavery. The dozun wagon-llko platform's , arranged In a horseshoe , within the great Hyde Park , Into which the London streets , just mentioned debouch , reminded one of thu dozen platforms that in 1S01 circled llttlo Union Square. Around to-day's wagons were gathered hundreds of thousands of protestors testers against Irish political slavery. A OIir.AT SUCCESS. To sum up In advance , It may be said that , favored by brilliant sunshine , a mild change In the atmosphere , and roads in excellent condition for marching , the demonstration to protest against the coercion bill was a great success. In accordance with a prom ise made by the committed of public works , men were set to work at an early hour this morning In Hvdo park removing the Iron hurdles which fringe all the foot roads approaching preaching that portion known as "Tho Level , " which was set apart for the demon stration. Flvo thousand policemen were on duty at noon in the thoroughfares and avenues leading thither , or In the park Itself. Also , thus early , people congregated along the routes and thronged various sec tions of the park , Invading swell "llotten Kow" and two of the most fashionable dri ves. From first to last perfect order reigned everywhere , as marked the Fort Sumptcr de monstration. At least a tenth of London's 5,000,000 people were at one point or another witnessing the procession or taking part as spectators or auditors. Piccadilly , St. James street and Pall Mall presented the most marked features. Thereabouts arc the resi dences or clubs of many liberal or home-rule leaders , whereat cheers were constantly In terchanged , while chair or groans greeted tory mansions or such clubs as the Oeacons- lield , and the Carlton. Yet all was good nature. nature.CHEEKING THE fIBAN'D OI.T ) MAX. A great ovation was given Mrs. Gladstone and Mr. Herbert Gladstone , who sat on the balcony of Hight Honorable Edward Majorl- tank's house , No. 131 Piccadilly , corner ol Park lane. For over two hours crowds re mained In front of the house cheering foi the grand old man and the "grand old woman. " . THE BANNEIIS. Much interest was taken also In the names of the numerous banners. Some had portraits traits of O'Connel , Eminett , Parncll ant Gladstone , not a few In frame. Here are some Inscriptions I penciled off : "Glad stone's Union" and "Salisbury's Union , " the former being two hands clasped in friendly grip , while the latter presented tw ( priests chained together ; "Ireland's a Sis ter , Not a Slave , " "Land for the People' ( with a picture of Davltt ) ; "Another Strue gle for Fredom , " "Scotland is With You , ' 'Justice ' for Ireland , Not Coercion. " There were several brooms on sticks o : red , with green ribbons , bearing the Inscrlp Ion of an old patent for the removal of co crclon a sort of signboard bearing bottles o ! parallne and having boxes of matches tied on with the words , "Tory Ilemedies , " thl : being to remind you of the way the Glen > belgh evictions were carried out by burning ho tenants Into the streets. The Woolwich men carried white Hags , or ivhich were Inscribed the words : "Wool wlch Infants Nothing But Victory Wll Silence. " East Greenwich carried a banne "No llecreants. ' bearing the Inscription , The Bermondsey people carried a Hag 01 which were the words , "Where's Poor Joe. ' Northumberland excited the greatest merri nent by having a coffin mounted on th < shoulders of four stalwart men and above li a skeleton , In memory of coercion. The bam of this detachment played a dead marcl throughout the whole distance. The nex contingent was from Croydon. Its appear ance caused the band to play "Walt Till tin Clouds Koll By. " One contingent declarei on a banner : "We are on the sldo of th donkey cait with springs. " OTHEIl FEATURES. National and liberal club members had : swell turn-out. Their many carriages hai out riders and were preceded by a number o bacplpes. Many workmen who were 01 ladders , scaffolding , .etc. , at work , deckei themselves with green ribbon rosettes o plumes. All the liberal and radical club distributed free green ribbons or rosettes t all applicants. Mrs. Josephine Bntler gav several thousand shamrock rosettes array. IHSH AS'D AMERICAN AII53. The processions were accompanied b , bands , numbering certainly 100 In all. Thes played popular airs. I heard a famllla American one "Tramp , Tramp , Tramp , th Boys Are Marching" and , of course , "Th Wearing ot the Green , " and not a few Iris airs that have to them what Secretary Ba ! fonr would call seditious words. SCBXE3 AT THE PARK. The meetings around the wagons wer opened by bpcakers soon after 3 o'clock. . A the last contingent ot the demonstration dl not reach the park before halt-past 4 the could not have known what was going on n the meeting ground. The scene In the par was very remarkable. Columns of me with banners marched to the bleak ol elms to the strains ot bands , occ : sionally broken by the hurrah * of th people. There was a constant streaming i ot thousands from all points toward the r formers' tree. This made up a picture m easily to be forgotten. What was going e at the wagons , however , could be but a ma ter of surmise to the tens of thousands. Arn were waved In the air from the wagons , the : were constant bursts of cheering , but nothin definite could be heard from a few feet b yond. A MAMMOTH TABLEAU. The largest crowds were gathered aronr platform No. 14 , vrhero Davltt spoke , nr where the American lias was flying. Tl resolutions were put by a bugle signal , whl < was sounded at the same time from all tl platforms , and then followed a maramo tableau , Inhicli hats were thrown In tl air and waving handkerchiefs , played tl great part , \vhllo everybody tried to chc their loudest for Ireland. THE FINAL SCENES. When the crowd began to disperse , klssli rings were formed by the bystanders. Mo women and children joined In tbe Innocei games , to. the great enjoyment of the youi people. But the air got chilly and. ( he mo staid among the ciders made the best of their way home. . As I turned out of the marble arch , I saw a veteran police ofllcer. He politely declined to talk politics or glvo opinions , but to a question Inviting an answer , ho said cm- phatlcallv : "l\o lived In London , boy and man , for llfty years , but this Is the largest meeting 1 ever saw , read about or heard of. " COMMENT OP TUB PKRS9. All the morning papers apeak pleasantly about the Hyde park n ietlng and givn fair reports of It , cxccotl ig the Times , which scoffs at It , and says th t out ot the 4,000.000 and more of Londoner who had not left town lor Easter not mi ro than 50,000 at the outside found their was to Hydopark to lend the sanction ot their iresence to the cause of "fret ) boycottlnn" a ! d "free inoonllght- Ing" In Ireland , whlcti teems to suggest that the meeting was really. great success. Again Threatening the Czar. ICopiHuht6S7bu JJtW nordon llennttt.\ \ VIENNA , April 11. INew York Herald Cable-Special to the HnK.l Failure In their repeated attempts to assassinate the czar has not discouraged the nihilists. Circulars are , I hear , now being secretly distributed throughout Russia-threatening a fresh at- tcmptand promising that "cro the year Is three months older Russia will have got rid of its tyrant. " The Times correspondent at St Petersburg says it Is reported that the czar , before returning to Gatschlna on Wednesday , found a letter on his writing table in the winter palace threatening him with death. Fa to of Russian Officers. Jami Oonltn Il'nnt'.t.\ \ CONSTANTINOPLE , April 11. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BIK. ] 1 have just .seen a dispatch from Odessa , mentionIng - Ing without particulars , which , of course , would bo dltllcuit to obtain , the arrival of 450 Kusslan officers en route to the horrible penal colony of Saghallcr on life sentences. They are In charge of a largo prison convoy. A SHOCKING ACCIDENT. Two VoHsar Students and Their Es corts Meet Death In * Mine. POTTSVILLE , Pa. , April 11. A shocKlng accident occurcd In the mine of the Chamber- Iain colliery at St. Clalr this afternoon. Miss Berllsta Shaul , of Sharon Springs , N. Y. , a student of Vassar college , was vIMtlng Miss Minnie Keller , of St Clalr , a fellow student The two younc ladles , in company with a young man named Harry Short and Edwin Thompson , one of the proprietors ot the colliery , entered thu mine for the purpose of giving JIlss Shaul an op portunity to inspect the operation of mining coal. The mine had not been working foi a week and none but the explorers were In side at the time. In nn adjacent working , however , were Albert Thompson , another ol the firm , and .several others , who were inak- Ine examinations of the works. They were startled bv a heavy explosion , and kuowinc that t lie. party had entered the othei slope , they hastened there to Investigate. About ISOyards from the foot of the slope they came upon Messrs. Short and Thomp son and the two ladles lying noon the ground , some of them unconscious and all frightfully tmrned and mangled. They .were taken out as speed ily as possible and medical attendance obtained. Miss Keller's face was burned be yond recognition , her skull and thlzh frac- tuied and her ankle crushed. She died this evening. Miss Shaul bvd a leg badly frac tured and was terribly braised and burned. but may survive. Short's bead Is a mass oi cuts and contusions and he Is badly burned. He remained unconscious and his recovery Is doubtful. Thompson Is painfully but not fatally bruised. The precise cause of the explosion Is unknown , but the supposi tion Is that the party carried a naked lamp and encountered a bodr of tire damp , wliic.i , igniting from the lamp , exploded witn tremendous force. RIOT OVER A WOMAN. A Denver Mob Indulges In a Bloodj Fight. DENVEH , April 11. A bloodv riot oc curred late last night between rival Swede , Pole nnd Hungarian colonies at Thirty- fourth and Blake streets , which resulted ir fatally shooting one man and seriotislj wounding several o'tners , and It was with tin comoincd efforts of the police force and the patrol wagon that tbe affair was prevented from resulting In a wholesale massacre. The settlement where the riot occurred is com posed of twenty-live or thirty families , w he live In small , one-story tenement houses , not more than ten by twentv feet square , the men mostly being employed in the smelters and foundries located in the neighborhood , The melee grow out of a longstanding jeal ousy In the settlement over a young Polls ! woman , Alice Kalka , who yesterday morn ing left the settlement on the south side ol the street and spent the day with thi rival colony on the north side. Considera ble beer was drank , and a quarre in the street between two mer of the rival colonies was carrlec to the house , when all joined in. After tin house had been gutted of the furniture , tin plaster torn from the walls , ouo Pole killec and several clubbed Into Insensibility , tin crowd went to a house on the other side and resumed the iieht Finally twelve polteemor armed with Winchesters surrounded tin house. The mob attempted to resist run made a dash at the officers , armed wltt clubs , knives and revolvers , but when the : met the blue coats ready to lire Into thorn , they fell back and made little resistance Nearly forty razged , bloody and vicious looking members of the mob were Jailed. DIalne's Condition Favorable. FORT GIBSON , I. T. , April 11. Blalm passed an easy nnd comtortablo night. II awoke three times , each tirno partaking o milk. In the morning he appeared to b very much refreshed and ate a hearty breifc fast , relishing the meal , swallowing fibre am all ( heretofore his stomach refused anythln solid. ) His respiration and temperature ar normal. The weather Is warm and threat ens rain a favorable condition for tin patient. The doctor considers that all dan gur Is now past , but requires Blalne to re main In his room fp one week. ST. Louia , AprrFll. H. C. Kerlns and Dr. Mudd , ot thU city , the latter of when went to Fort Gibson to examine and tra Mr. Blalne , returned home to-night. Kerin stated to an Associated press reporter tha when be and Dr. Mudd left Fort Gibson Mr Blalne was getting along nicely and wa well on the way to quick recovery. Thn fol lowing statement by Dr. Mudd covers th case from the time he first saw Blalno untl noon to-day. Dr. Mudd advised Bialne note to attempt to travel or to expose himself un duly for another week : At 11 o'cloc1 last Saturday morning Blalno bai a slight fever , the result of genera bronchitis , and slight pneumonia of part ot the lower marcin of the left lung The record of this case as kept by Byrne post surgeon , showed an Irrezular but dail rise in temperature to 3 degrees. Thobron chltis rapidly Improved during the nex twenty-four hours. There was during thl time no extension of the pneumonia , and a neither Dr. Bvrne nor myself could detec any Imperfection In the constitution ot th patient , wo felt that there was no serlou danger. Blaine Is singularly free from an evidence ot chronic disease or weakness Now that the disease has subsided wo b lleve , unless there Is a recurrence of th trouble , that hU fine physique and good re cuperallve powers will soon establish perfcc recoury. Acton Downs Lewis. CHICAGO , April 11. Battery D. was we filled to-night with a crowd gathered to wit nest the catch-as-catch-can wrestling mate between Evan Lewis and Joe Acton. Acto won the tint fall and Lewis the next three and the match was declared in hU favo The audience was only moderately enthu : lastJc , and a comparatively small amount < money chan/ htnd * SENTENCED TO BE HANGED Train Wrecker Hoffman Given the Full Penalty of the Law. TO BE EXECUTED JULY 22. The 1'rlnoner Ilrcttks Down Com pletely When Ho Realize * 11U Fate Thlovci l scapo Justice Other Nebraska News. Hoffman Sentenced to Ifans ; . NKIIIIASKA CITY , Neb. , April It. [ Special Teh-gram to the Bun. | David Holfman , who was tried last weed for wrecking a train at Dunbar on January It and found guilty of murder In the Ilrst degree , was this niornlng brought before Judge Chapman for sentence. 11 o was very nervous and looked a * If ho had slept none since the close ot his trial on Sat urday last. When hu stood no to hear the remarks of Judge Chapman , tears trickled down his checks , and for the tlrst time since the beginning of his trial ho showed signs < 5f weaKenlug. The judge spoke at some length of the trial , the jury and the deed , and finally wound up by naming July 22 as the day on which HolTman was to bo hung at this place. The prisoner broke down and cried like a baby while being taken back , to his cell. The trial of James Dell , who was with llollman when the deed was done , will take place to-morrow. It la thought , however , since ho turned state's evidence that he will throw himself on the mercy of the court and plead guilty. Both prisoners are much broken down. The Nebraska City Press says the case of David Hoffman , Indicted for wrecking a Missouri I'acllic train at Dunbar last Jan uary , was given to the jury Saturday after noon. In half an hour the jury returned a verdict of guilty of murder In the first de gree. When the jury liled In very few spec tators were In the court room. The prisoner was In his place , stolid as he had bc * n throughout the trial. There was an Interval of deep silence when the verdict was read. The Jury w s then dlichargcd and a motion for a new trial entered. The prisoner broke down twice ; once Just after the jury went out \\lillo his brother was talking to htm , and again when his sister came near him after the verdict was rendered. With these ex ceptions his manner was stolid , rather than nervy , throughout. OTIir.ll DOINGS IN COURT. Keenan and Murray , two men arrested for burglary , were released by a jury this evenIng - Ing in the district court , although the eoods were found on their persons when arrested. Judje Chapman , In discharging the prison ers , said : "I know that you arc guilty , but the jury has cleared vou. " Another thlet plead guilty and was sen tenced for onn year. Detective Flynn this afternoon brought in a man whom he arrested for placing atones on the H. & M. track west of Syracuse onn day last week. It Is thought that the man Is slightly demented. It has been Intimated that Bell , one of the train wreckers who turned state's evidence , has been promised Immunity and will escape with a light punishment. Judge Chapman will adjourn court tomorrow row to the 2.Jth. O'Donnell Again Ulven Damages. COLUMBUS , Neb. , April 11. ( Special Tele gram to the BEE.J The case of James O'Donnell against the Omaha , Nlobrara < fc Black Hills railroad company was given to the jury this afternoon and a verdict was re turned for $5,000 In favor of the plaintiff. The case was tried last January , when a ver dict for SS.SOO was rendered. A new trial was granted with the above result. Con siderable intereit was shown In the .suit from the tact that In February , 165 , O'Donnell , with his team , was run over at St. Edwards by the Albion train about 7 o'clock In the evening , killing both the hordes , breaking the wainn into kindling wood and Injurlnz O'Donnell to such an extent that with his in juries and his broken hip no has been falling In health as a consequence. But the most incredulous part of the suit Is the .statement of the defense that neither the engineer , tiro- man , conductor nor any one on the train knew nothinc of the matter till atter the train had reached Albion and the conductor was asked to report the accident that had oc curred at St. Edwards. 1 hen , tor thu tint time , did any of the train men know that O'Donnell had been run over by their train. A Horse Thief Shot Dead. BROKBN Bow , Neo. , April 11. [ Special Telegram to the Br.E. ] Sheriff Penn and deputies just returned from Elton and Sar gent , where they went to take care of the re mains of a horse thief who was shot yester day evenlnz Dy a posse who attempted hl canture. The sheriff captured the dead horss thief's pard , and landed him in the Broken Bow Jail this evening. The posse was from Brown and have returned. The dead and captured are old horse thieves. THE HAPDOClT TRIAL. Legal Points Argued and tbe First Speech M de. Sioux CITY , la. , April 11. The day has been spent In the Haddock murder trial mostly In the counsel arguing the law point ! relating to conspiracy and the application ol the term "reasonablo doubt. " In the after noon Hon. E. 11. Hubbard , of counsel foi the itate , presented the case before the jury closing at 5SO. Tbe attendance has leisenec to over one-half , but public Interest does noi seem to subside. The probable outcome ol the jury's deliberation Is the theme of th < people. Three speeches will be made or each side before the case goes to the jury and It Is not thought Improbable that It wll not be submitted until Thursday. Indianapolis Carpenters to Strike. INDIANAPOLIS , April 11. The carpenter ; of this city and their employers held sepa rate meetings to-nUht , but were unable t < agree and the men decided to Inaugurate- strike to-morrow. Thev demand nine hour a day and an Increase of 10 per cent li wages. The employers Insist on ten hour and oiler n graded scale of wages , the high est being 23 cents an hour and the lowest 1' cents , which was rejected. Tha strike wll affect , it Is said , about 000 men. * Dad Floods In New York. GANAJOIIARIK , N. Y. , April 11. Excite ment was never more Intense along th < Blackhawk river , which ha.s continued tc rise since morning. The bridge over thi Mohawk at Fort Plain was carried away bj the flood to-night. Fultonvllle and Fondi are nearly all under water. No teleirapr wires on the Central railroad are In opera tlon. The railroad tracks are torn up a Podestlne. The bridge and tracks are wasnei out In various places. Travel will be 1m peded for several days. The Eagle In Port. ST. JOHNS , N. P. , April 11. The saillrt : steamship Eagle , which arrived here to-daj reports that the debris and apparent wreck age with the snip's name found on the la were flung overboard to make room for seals There Is great rejolclne among the sailor- families over the arrival of the supposed los steamer. A Strike Averted. CHICAGO , April ll. Two weeks ac the switchmen In the Illinois Central yard qnlt work , became the company ordered th force reduced. They returned to work bt were expected to go out again to-day , but th company ordered the same number of mete to bo employed as heretofore and the strlk was averted. Three Men Killed. Nr.wYoKK , April 11. Three men wer killed to-day at shaft No. 10 of the uei aqueduct by the falling of tbe cage. The arc Edward Snedy , machine runner ; and J O. Slclnllll and Antonio Coleno ; laborers. THI : SWKUNB t IB Declared Unconstitutional Ily the Supreme Court. WASIIINOTON , April 11. A decision was endcrcd in the supreme court of the United States to-day In thn railroad penult case of ienry S. Darruii against George W. Uurn- Ide , sheriff of I.on county , Iowa , In error o the supreme court oitlmt state. ' 1 he ques- lon presented by the case M the validity of he act of the guneral assembly of Iowa , ap- iroved April C , 1M50 , entitled "An net requlr- ng foreign incorporations to lllu their nrti- les of Incorporation with the iccrctary of tate and Impeding conditions upon such orporatlons transacting business In this talc. " The object ot thu act Is to compel orelgn railway corporations to take nut a lermit for thu transaction of business within hu state , and It is made a condition of the granting of such permit trial when a railroad company M sued by a citizen of the state It hall not remove the case to the federal court L'hls court , In an opinion by Justice lilatch- ord , holds that the Iowa statutu Is void. The udgtnent of the supreme court of Iowa Is re- ersed and the CASH reminded with dlrec- Ions to enter judgment discharging the ilalntitf In error from custody. The corpor ation concerned In the case is the Chicago > t Northwestern railroad company. The News In Iowa. DBS MOINKS , la. , April 11. [ Special Tele- ; ram to the UEK. | The announcement that ho United Spates supreme court had declared ho Swconey law unconstitutional wa re- elved hero without much surprise. Many vere prepared for It since the elaborate dls- usslon ot the question before the state tipreme court last December. The Sweenry aw , passed by the last general assembly , compelled all foreign corporations doing business In the state to re-Incorporate here and thus be subject to state laws and state courts. It was the last section to which most objection was raised , as It took away the Icht of foreign corporations , when sued , to ransfer their cases to the federal court as Is now usually done. To make a test case , the tate arrested the employes of two or three oreign railroad corporations , among them hose of the Chicago A. Northwestern railroad. 1'ho company defended its refusal to reln- corpor.ito on the ground that the law was inconstltutlonai. The leading foreign rail roads entering the state united , and through heir chief solicitors argued the case before he Iowa supreme court last December on an application for a writ of habeas corpus to re alize the arrested employes. The state court lenled this and the case was at once pre sented to the United States supreme court with the result announced to-day. Governor Larrabee stated to-night that the state would probably abandon at once the prosecution igainst the other corporations under the Sweeney law. but it would make no change n Its prosecution of the Pullman sleeping : ar company for refu al to pay taxes in Iowa , le says that he It not disappointed In the decision of the supreme court , and he thinks hat the next legislature , if any legislation on this subject is attempted , will be very careful not to Interfere with constitutional rights of non-resident corporations. It Was Deadly 1'lay. DUUUQDE , la. , April 11. | Special Telegram to the BEK.J This morninz two young tn n , Nick Olenser and B. Oallc , took a skiff and rowed to Dunrelth. On returning , when near shore , they stood up In the boat and ilayfullv commenced to rock It f rorn side to hide. It was capsl/ed and Olenger was drowned fifteen feet from shore. At the nomentof his drowning his mother was being married In St. Mary's ctiurch. It Is supposed tbeyounz men had been drinking. Fire mt Center Point. CENTER POINT , la. , April 11. ( Special Telegram to the BEE. I The residence of Dr. Wilson , occupied by S. L. Wilson , was consumed by Tire this morning , catching tire From a spark that got under the roof. About lalf of the household eoods were saved. The loss Is 53,000 ; insured for 2,000 in the Cedar Itaplds company. Store Moulders Strike. KEOKUK , la. , April 11. [ Special Telegram to the BEE.I The moulders In the Central stove works struck to-day and are still out. rhey were given St , Louis stove patterns to work with and they refused. THK CLEARANCES. Omaha Lends All Competitors in Per Cent or Increase. BOSTON , April 11. The following table shows the gross exchanges at the leading clearing houses In the United States for the weet ending April 9 , 1SS7 , together with the percentages for the corresponding week In IbSG : Preparing for n Row. NEW YOKK , April 11. [ Special Telegrarr to tbe BEE.J A telegram from Washlngtor to the Star says : "The fishery question I : rapidly approaching a culmination. Tin menacing attitude assumed by thu Canadiai authorities encouraged by the British gov ernment , is now a feature of controversy , as the United States was led to believe tba the London authorities were disposed to ad lust the matter in dispute amicably. It hav ing been ascertained otiiciallr that Englam is not disposed to make the concession : asked by the United States , the pres ident and secretary ot state an considering the step to take in thi Impending dispute. What has leakec out in oflical circles Indicates that the presi dent and secretaries of state and the treasur are now In favor of resorting to the power ernnted by congress. It tbo Canadian Ens lish authorities persist in their course effect Ive retaliation will bo resorted to at once The outline of the proposed retaliatory proc tarnation , it is understood , has already beei ditcloed , nnd at the proper moment will b Issued If necessary. There Is some actlvit In naval circles preparatory to transportatioi of torpedo boats and appliances to the lakes It Is now proposed to supply all lake port with ammdant torpedo equipments. Th armrwill also bo carefully inspected witl reference to any emergency which might prc sent Itself. Dan Thought It Improper. WASHINGTON , April 11. A delegation o Irish-Americans called at the wblto house to day to invite the president to attend a meet Ing to be held In this city to-night to protes against the coercion policy In Ireland. The saw Colonel Lament and were Informed tna whatever th ; president's views on the sub Ject mlcht be , it would be manifestly Ira ptoper for him to attend such a meeting ii his official capacity. Tbo committee witt drew without further effort to sea the pran dent. _ Strike of Moulder * . CHICAGO , Apr.l It The stove moulder employed in Collins & Burgee * foundry qu work this morning. TiiU. together witn in men who struck Saturday , throws GOO me put oi work. THEY ARE CLUBS ON SUNDAY now the Washington Saloons Evade tlifl Strictly-Enforced Law , CLEVELAND AND THE JUVENILES Ten Thouinnd Mttto Ones Hoi I On the Wltlto Hnimo Ground * and Shako the I'roldcnt'H Hand- National Capital NCIVH. They'll Have Their Snndny Nip. WAsm.ViTo.v , April 11. ( Stcclal ) Tele gram to the HER. ) A way around the Sim- lay laws In this District , which arc to bo rlz- dly enforced , has been found. It Is through. he clubs. Yesterday the police wcto In- onneil that thu club * \\ure selling liquor to heir members and guests just as openly att ho saloons formerly did. The complainants \cretoldthatthecliibscotild not be Inter- ered with ; that they were the castles of their member , Just as a man's resilience Is his own. Under this ruling tlit-re was an lm mouse boom , and club books were opened or almost a score of new clubs , the entraneo ee to be nominal and no dues for mam * e nance. Most of thu books wcro opened by well-known saloon men , and each member la o tc permitted to visit "the club"on Sunday vith friends and buy wet cowls at thn usual 'club" prices , which do not vary from thojq at first-class bars. A largn number of appli cations were made to thn registrar ot deeds onlay for charters , and they were granted n every Instance. The by-laws of old cluta ire being substituted with proper altcrntlons i and the names of all the old bums In town eolng In as directors , members , etc. A task ot the validity of this action ot the clubs sell- ng liquors to its members on Sunday has been made several times and the "clubj" are secure. A flAY DAY FOI ! CHILDREN. This was the ira\est day for children eve * known In Washington. Fully 10,000 of the ittle ones eoneregated In the whlto house ) grounds during tne day and engaged In the isual annual ezir rolling , wnlch has beer * lopiilar hero In n moru or less decree for thd ast decade. Twice as many turned out t < X lay as were ever seen either in the whlto louse crounds or thu capltol grounds before conercaS passed a law prohibiting them en * gagin * in the fun there because they ln lured the sod on the .sUen terracings. Th < scutio was never duplicated In this country and may never be equilled anywhere. As early as 'J:30 : the children began to arrive with littl * bask U of eges and a sandwich unchcon to make a day of it. Bylloclcckj here were thousands present and they word arriving and departing till 4 o'clock. They 'butted" eggs , rolled ezgs , tossed egsjs ana ilayed every concelvabln prank wltli eggs ; which were Hard boiled and colored. Then the children ran In great crowds down hills and up again immediately about thu white house. rhey raneed from three to hfteen years In are and hundreds of little ones were unac companied by any one. Many were lost from nurses or parents and the police were cept busy loc..lng them up. At one time there were more children on the grounds than could have been huddled together on an acre lot , and with the older persons they well covered four acres. An hour before the pres dent's reception began children ( locked Into the white house anxious to see Mr. Cleve * and. The building was overflowing Ion * Before the president entered the east parloC atl-.rx ) . Directly ho appeared In the rar lor the little ones aet up a cry of delight sim ilar to that heard at Sunday school enter tainments on the night before Christmas. Then they rushed towards the president hundreds crowding about him as though he were a Santa Clans distributing presents. Thev pulled at his coat tails and were not content to shake his hands and cry , "Good Mr. Cleveland , " "Nice president he Is , " and a thousand other exclamations , but tncy lin gered around till the president told them they muit move out and let the other child ren come up. There was a continual tear of juvenile voices. Such a sleltt way never witnessed In any country. Finally the president included chrildren to go out as soon as they shook his hand , but hundreds of them turned around when outside the en trance , and , colng back , went throuih tua same proramuie. Outside there were thous ands of people who could not get Intido. When the entertainment had proceeded foe over an hour the president grew weary , thq doors were closed to visitors , and half an hour later the chief magistrate was back at hl $ desk working. This egg rolling began to ba something ot a feature during the early part of Hayes' administration. A few hundred children met on the green about the Capitol on Easter Monday and buted eggs. They rolled a few down hill and had a good time. The next Easter Mondaythe number doubled ; and on the third there were so many they ruined the sodding on the whole ground and congress passed a law forbidding their con gregating at the place again. Ther have since taken possession of the spacious white house grounds. It is simply a day ot frolic for children aim Is the opening of spring sport for juveniles. TENSIONS OP.ANTEU WESTKHXKRS. Pensions wereisuiedforNebraskans to-day. as follows : Alexander Hamilton. T > cums h ( Kll Boynton , Friend : James B MacCormlcf , Valisade ; William L. Saum , Laird. J Pensions for lowans : George _ _ . Guernsey ; Thomas Foster , Moulton : Fred * erlrk W. Hardln ? , Manson : Franklin M , Harrison , Commerce ; John Dunbar , Decasfl Agency ; John Hlcter , Clarion : James S.Pen- nel , Sigourney : Daniel ll. Priest , Greyed ! Ira McNalr. Sully ; Thomas J. Spindler , Alf blon ; David 11. Hilton , Spencer ; Thompson F. Hours , Bentonsport ; Frederick Bowefj Eagle Grove : William II. Irwln , Sibley. PERSONAL MENTION. Ex-Consrcsiman Ka on , of Iowa , Is here ; also C. L. Burton , of Ottumwa , la. I'OSTAI. CHANCES. The president to-day commissioned the fol- lowinz postmasters : Lafavette Myers , at Grand Island. Nob. : W. C. Swlgart , at M&- quokefa , la. ; C. P. Uuckey , at Srxjncpr , la. } ! T. Alexander , at Montlcello , la. ; William Judil , at Fargo , Dak. The presldunt to-day appointed as post master Alex Green , at Miller , Dak. , vlco W , S. Keppart , removed. ( THE NEW COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. Ex-ltepresentatlvo Benton J.Hall of Bur lington , la , who succeeds Commissioner of Patents Montzomery , has arrived hera from the west. Ho will at otu begla , learning hU dutits , . and will assume charge of the cilice May 1. Meanwhile Montgomery will bo In at least nominal con trol. Hall says he has not thought of making any cfcanjes or Inaugurating any reforms. The Baltimore & Ohio Deal. NEW YORK , April 11. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. ] Tbe Herald's report that Henry Vlllard had received an option on the Baltimore & Ohio Is generally discredited and a well known corporation attorney , who occupies a position which permits him to speak with authoritr , says Henry S. Ives & Co. still hold an option and In time there will bo carried out an alliance cwUveen tha Baltimore & Ohio and Cincinnati. Hamilton t Dayton system * . It is Impossible for Vll lard to have control or an outlon in it. The only possible connection that could bo Is H at he may have adva nerd n : ine > to Ivei < & Co. , but do not think t'lat is probable. nialne in 1'cnimylvitnln. NEW YORK , April 11. fSpeoIal TeUirrara to the BEK.I Christopher Maze , of Pilta- burg , is at the Fifth avenue hotel. Maios \ one of tbo leaders of tbe stalwart wing ot the republican puty In Pennsylvania , and has been stronsly opposed to Illiine. So far as Pennsylvania Is concerned , he raid to-ilay. "It BlalnuU a candidate next je-ir he will have our delegates. U U uielt s to combat the Btaloe element In Penn ) lva.m. 1 bavo trltd It for some and 1 am nriof ' run ning my head up against a s'ooe wal " New Western Union Share * . NEW YORK , Apnl II. The stockholders of the Western Union Telegraph couiptuy heM n special meeting 10 morrow to ratify tt ls e of 12000 shares of new stock wit hi \vbich to retire the ouutandin. ; i" script.