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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1887)
$ wK"srri > r-v \ f. - , - . . . , ; t iB' iiwii " ' 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? MONDAY. APRIL 11. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STBEET. Delivered by rsrrlcr In nnypnrtof the city nt twuily ctnts per week. H. W. TILTOX , Manager. TELEPHONES : ncPlKTMOmcr. No. U KIUIIT EDITOR No. 23. MINUlt MENTION. N. Y.Plumbing Co. Now spring goods at Rclter's , tailor. ( icorgo W. Thompson &Co. . real estate Prescriptions a specially at opera house pharmacy , Camp A : Ellis. The annual election of officers of the Y. M.C. A. takes place this evening at 8 o'clock , The brick yards , of which there arc some six or seven in tiio citv , will begin operations to-morrow or Wednesday. The city council will moot again to night , no doubt with the same result as before a deadlock on the Tenth a\enuc ordinance. During the past week the Northwestern has delivered to the Union Pacific railroatl at the transfer , 051 cars of west bound merchandise. The Women's Christian association meets at 3 o'clock this afternoon at Ogden house parlors. Ladles who arc not members are invited to attend. A line residence property fronting on Bayliss1 park will bo rallied Juno 1. Tickets are for sale by Smith Bros. , agent" , at 5 each. Get a homo for $3. Will it rain the next four Sundays ? That query is being asked by a good many who saw Easter open in dampness. The sign is old euough to bo of some ac count. Round trip tickets will go on sale on the 17th instant at the Northwestern ticket ollices for the G. A. R. reunion at Dubuquc , which takes place from the 10th to 21st. Some farmer left his team tied in the rear of Gregory's blacksmith shop Sat urday and piobnbly foigot it , as it was found by the police ct 3 o'clock yester day morning. .Special preparations are being made for a line musical programme at the lay ing of the corner stone of tno new Catho lic church , which takes place two weeks from yesterday. As long as Alderman Keller's vote is under the control of Alderman Danforth , ns Keller has himself admitted , just so long will the Tenth avenue ordinance re- iifTiin in statu quo. It is a question if Danforth will allow Hammer to vote for the Tenth avenue ordinance on Hummer's return from Wis consin , as it is said that "Uncle Si" holds the club and will continue to use it with good effect for his own dear self. To-morrow ICO Raymond excursionists who have been wintering in California are expected to arrive at the transfer at 4 o'clock. They will leave about 4:30 : o'clock over the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific for the cast in a special train. Two women aopearcd at the city jail yesterday , ono of which said she wished to have her husband arrested as he was continually insulting her whenever hemet mot her on the street. She complained of him once before , but after ho was ar rested she did not appear against him. A great many citi/cns improved the opportunity yesterday of inspecting the county court house. The stairways are completed , which makes it easy of ac cess. The iron work is now being fin ished and all departments are being pushed , except the slate contractor , who will put a full force on to-day. If the rumors that are afloat in regard to Aldcrman-at-Largo Danforth being the man who will not allow Keller to vote for the ordinance , even if Hollar wishes to , the citizens should got out en masse and go ahead with their indignation meet ing. For one alderman to have throe votes in his pocket is too much of a monopoly. After the rain of yesterday morning the dust having been nicely laid , many persons IOOK a drive abont the city. Very few private rigs remained in their stables and even less livery turnouts. The numerous pleasant drives in and around Council Bluffs are such that as soon ns the Broadway wagon bridge is completed largo crowds from Omaha may bo expected to take ad vantage of these fine drives also. Office of Mulholland & Co. , removed to in under the Citizens' bank. Telephone No. 102. Leave your orders for ice. Ilrlck. We have 200,000 good brick for sale. THOMAS GUEKN & Soys. Money to loan on real estate. Counci Bluffs Real Estate Loan and Trust Co. Room 0 , Everett block. Poraonal Paragraph * . Arthur Chase , of Avoca , is at the Pa cific. J. B. Ettiugor , of New York , is at th o Ogden. E. W. S. Otto , of Cedar Rapids , is at the Ogdcn. J. E. Dean , of Chicago , was at the OgUen yesterday. W. H. England , of Sioux Falls , is n guest at the Ogdcn. J. D. Hardin , of Chnrlton , the "Q. " stock agent , is at the Pacific. Fred Hope , of Mount Pleasant , is in the city and will bo located in Saunder'a real estate office. M. Wheat , state master workman of the Knights of Labor , is at the Bechtele hotel , wucre ho rested over Sunday after having been in the northern nart of the state for the past week. - For acre property , residences and busi ness property call on W. C. Stacy & Co. , No. 0 Main street. FOK A First-Class HesUJnnce. Nine rooms , abundance of closets , two cellars , bath room , hot and cold water , gas , furnace , etc. , city water , cistern , ventilation thorough ; built two years. Occupies an elevated site in good local ity and is very desirable property. About throe minutes walk to postoflico. R. P. Oflicor , room No. 6 , No. COO Broadway , Council Bluffs. J. W. < &E. L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title , and deserve the success they are enjoying. Park Concerts. The summery weather brings out the Annual suggestion in regard to having a Bcrios of outdoor concerts in Bayliss park during the summer soason. The BEK in nugurated these summer concerts sovora' seasons ago , giving the initial ono at its own expense. Others followed , and the citizens have had numerous enjoyable evenings as a result. Now the Nonpa reil comes out with a spring editorial urging a series of park concerts. A surer way than urging others to pay for the music is for the Nonpuriol to sot the example this season , as the BEK has be fore. Various merchants and private citizens will doubtless follow with the donation of onn concert each for the pub- Ho enjoyment. It is a much more satis factory way than passing arouudtho hat. Our 5th consignment of Quick Meal Stoves has arrived and wo cau ou short notice supply the demand for this cele brated vapor stoyo. Cole & Cole , * 1 Main street. SERVICE ON EASTER SUM Hewers , Music and Eloquence Pay Trib ute to the Day , AMONG THE CHURCHES. The Council HI tin's Wheelmen nntl Their 1'lans far the Benson 'Iho Unstor Habblt Amuses the Children-Personal Mention. "Ho It Hlsen. " Yesterday being I'-istor the clmrchoi of the city , without rog.ird to denomina tional peculiarities or whimsical creeds , observed the day by moro or loss of a , change from the usual services. There wcro largo congregation ? at all these places of worship. The day opened with a refreshing rain , laying the dust which had been so annoyingly whirled into the eyes of everybody for several days be fore. The .sun ncupcd out just in time to smile upon the nuw bonnets as they wuro finding their way for the lirst time to church. In almost every church so ciety there had been enthusiastic workers busy decorating pulpits and altars with flowers and plants , while preachers and singers hud been preparing carotuily for fuatuies of merit in iliu services of < the day. ST. I'ACI.'S riiuurii. With the Episcopalians' Easier is ob served \\ith peculiar xust. This church was elaborately an-l ttuU'fnlly decorated , and the services were of a specially in teresting natute. The church was lillcd at the morning service , and the congre gation was evidently delighted and doubtless profited. The rector , Hev. Mr. Muukuy , preached a sermon appropriate to the day. The lloral decorations were beautiful in their details and the general ellect was very pleasing. There were numerous lloral designs arranged with cut ( lowers , a crown , a star , cross , etc. Several of the memorial windows wuro finely decorated. That in memory of Dr. McKiinc was especially so. Among its decorations was largo pillow. The musical features of the service had been prcp.irrd with great rare also , and were well cariicd out by the chorus choir under charge of Prof. Lipfert. Following the morning service was the holv com munion , and the children also liadspccial services appropriate to the day. Jim iiAirribr cnuiicii. This was not elaborately decorated , but about the altar numerous plants and llowcrs were tastefully arranged. The pastor , ttov. Of. Cooley , preached an ex cellent sermon from I Corinthians , xy , 14. The burden of his discourse was to sot torth clearly some ot the results of the resurrection of Christ. One was that it proved Christ's divinity , another that it proved the fullness and cfliciency of iiis redemption of man , n third that it brought life and immortality to light. That it proved also that man's future life will bo full and complete , a life of body as well as of spirit. It proved that the fut ure life will be eternal , beginning at the now birth and continuing forever more. In closing the reverend speaker showed how the resurrection of Christ was shap ing the world's history , and Christ as a living : force was still ruling , and that it was not a dead Christ who was being worshiped. In the evening Dr. Cooley gave a forci ble , practical sermon to young men , on "Tho temptation ot Joseph. " Ho dwelt upon the ease with which young men away from homo , as Joseph was , would Yield to temptations that they would re sist if surrounded by homo influences. As Joseph called this "a great sin against God , " so sin should bo called by its right name , and spoken of plainly. There should bo no dallying with sin , but when tempted , one should lice from it. The floral decorations at the Presbyte rian church wcro very fine and consisted of n large cross of calla lilies , a cluster of white roses , n floral star , Easter lilies nnd potted llowcrs ; all arranged about the pulpit. The choir consisted of Miss Anna Merkel , contralto ; Miss Barbara Merkel , soprano ; S. C. Noble , basso ; J. E. Atchison , tenor. The musical programme consisted of the To ) eum , "I Know that My Kedomer -.iveth , " solo , Miss Barbara Merkel ; of- crtory , "Tho Palms , " duct , the Misses ilerkcl. The congregation was n very larco ono xnd the sermon by the now pastor , Rev. Stephen Phclps , D. I ) . , is pronounced ono of the finest ever delivered in this jity. lie spoke apparently without nanuscript and held the audience closely liroughout his entire discourse. His closing was a grand climax and there vero probably not a dozen people in the congregation who wcro not moved to .cars at some of the emotional passages M the sermon. He took as his text Matt , xxvii , 7 : "And go quickly , and tell His disciples that Ho is risen from the dead , and , behold , Ho goeth bcforo you into Jallllce ; there sbull yo sco Him : lo , I wo told you. " ST. FKANCIS XAVIElt. At the Catholic church there was an extra largo attendance at both the 0,8. 9 and 10:30 : o'clock masses. The attraction of the day was the special musical fea ture at the 10:30 : o'clock services. The choir was composed of Mrs. J. O'Noill , jrganist ; Mrs. A. Darraugh , Miss Jennie Keating , Miss Sophia Gerner , soprano ; Miss Gray. Miss Katie Throll , Miss Delia Dohany , alto ; J. McWilliaras , E. Ingols- by , Henry and Charles Paschel , basso ; assisted by F.V. . S. Forrest , tenor. The offertory was called "Jesu Dei Vivi , " which was very finely rendered. The included Concono's mass , aving solos , ducts , trios and quartettes ; also Peter's "Grand Magnificat" and Tantumergo , " quartette by Rossi. BKOADWAY METHODIST CIIUKCIT. There was n largo attendance at the Broadway Methodist Episcopal church yesterday morning. The choir was com posed of Miss Matio Palmer , Miss Lou Smith , Colonel Till leys and R. J. Me- Bride , and the anthem "Thou Hast u Mighty Arm1' was rendered in a highly pleasing and successful manner. The lloral decorations were very fine and ornamented either side of the pulpit. Rev. E. I ) . McCrcary , the pastor , took as his text Rev. 1,18 : "I am Ho that liv- eth and was dead ; and , behold , I am alive forever moro , amen ; nnd have the keys of hell and of death. " Also John XIV , 10 : "Yet a little while , and the world bcest mo no more ; but yo see Me : because I live , yo shall live also. " The discourse was listened to with marked attention and was a very fine ono. An Easter missionary service was held in the Sunday school rooms at 12:30 : o'clock which consisted of songs , offerings nnd recitations. lu the evening the Ladles * Foreign Missionary societyTield anniver sury exercises. THU CONGUEUATIOXAL CHURCH. Tito interior of this church was as tastefully and elaborately decorated as any in the city. Across the base of the organ , just abovn the kovboard , and ex tending along the whole width was r broad wine-colored strip , upon whlol appeared in largo silvered letters of oh English , "Ho Is Risen. " The altar ral was almost hidden m a profusion of blooming plants and green vinos. On each side of the organ was u largo ever green tree , and at each side of the church m front was n stand of flowers and plants. At the front end of the middle aisle htood a cross of rude wood , and ono of the most pleasing features of the ser vice was the manner of decorating it. The pastor , Roy. G.V. . Crofts , mndo a few remarks pointing out the significance ot the cross and of the flowers. . Children then came marching up the aisle bearing cut flowers , which were skillfully placed in position by Mr. Dan A. Sudd , so that in a few moments the rude cross was transformed to one of rare beauty. The choir then sang the following , which was written for the occasion by the pas tor : JJcJiold , the cross of rucgcd wood Now frowning darkly on thy sight : 'Twnc thus the cnns of Calvary .stood. Whereon wns nalletl the Prince ot Llcht ; The Lamb of God's lose , The Glorious Saviour from above. On such a cruel cross Ho died That sinful nmn misfit be forgiven , Ami to Ills own Krimt soul allied And fitted for the bliss of heaven ; Oh , Christ ! was over love like Thluo , So pure and pcrioct and dlvlnoV And now , behold , the cross with ( lowers Adorned by Infant hands so sweet ; UrlRht tokens of the joyous hours \Ve spend while sitting at Ills foot , And learning tliuro the precious thought That lifo by Christ's dear blood was bought. The musical part of the service was es pecially fine. Mrs. Roll' , who has one of the sweetest voices in the city , sang a solo , and the choir , consisting of herself , with Miss Jossclyn , Mr. VVcstcott and Mr. McDormid , gave some special an thems. The organ voluntary was very fine. The pastor preached a short ser mon , not over fifteen minutes. It was lull of appropriate thoughts , in well chosen words. An Easter service of the Sunday school followed , consisting of re sponsive scriptural readings and songs. Contractors and builders will find it to their interest to got prices on lime , co- incut , plaster , hair , etc. , from Council IMuiVs I'ucl company , 03'J ' Broadway. Telephone 130. Whirling on Wheels. In view of the fact that bicycle riding is so popular this season in Council Blufl'H , ulicu man yesterday questioned on of tha members of the now association , which is named the "Council Blulls Ram blers. " Ho was very enthusiastic over the prospects for the bicycle riders in this city , and was under the impression that as the season advances the number of riders would increase materially. There are twenty-throe charter members of this new association and several now applications arc to bo acted upon at the next meeting , ono of them being n gen tleman from Omaha. The association is composed strictjy of amateurs , the defi nition of which in this case refers to those who have never earned a livelihood by the bicycle , never raced for money or having ridden against a professional. It is very probable that this new organi/a- tion will have a road race some time dur ing the season ; under the rules of the as sociation they are to have at least ono run during each month. These runs will no doubt bo from thirty to fifty miles each. The road race will be for a medal or something of that sort , as they are not allowed to race for'money prizes under any circumstances. The bicycles cost all the way from $70 to $150 each , the average cost of those in use at present in this city being $110. The road races will not bo to test the velocity with which the riders can send their machines along , but as a test of endurance. The Bicycle club has made application to the Council Bluffs Rowing association for a part of the building which they are to erect on Lake Manawa , in which to place their bicycles when they reach the lake. Should the Rowing association fail to allow this privilege , for which the Bicycle club proposes to pay , then the "Ramblers" will build a house of their own on the lake. A bicycle , under a largo number of cgal decisions , has the same right to the road as a loaded buggy or other vehicle , and the United States treasury has de cided that a bicycle is n carriage and im poses the same duties as on a carriage. People on the country roads and on the streets are under the impression that a bicycle has no business there and should make way for other vehicles , while in "act , through courtesy and custom , bug- jies , etc. , "should give the bicycle the smooth road instead of crowding it into the rut. Considerable talk has been in dulged in about the bicycle frightening horses , while in fact it is usually the driver and not the horse that is most frightened. A sensible bicycler , if he sees that a horse is becoming frightened , an easily stop off his machine till the horse passes. Shcrraden is still making cabinet plio- at $3 per do/ . , best finish. Crayon or India ink lifo size pictures only $10. By F. M. Woodaru , artist. SPECIAL NOTICES. XTOTICJB. Special advertisements , such as Lost , Found To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , V > nnts , Ikmrdinjr , etc. , will bo Inserted la this column nt the loir rate of TEN CENTS PEK LINE for the flrst laser- Ion nnd five Contl PerLIno forcach aubsoquent Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our oflico No. U Pearl street , near liroadwar , Council Uluffg. WANTS. FOR BALK Entire household goods , No. Kf Seventh avonuo. T/OKHALK Three room house without lot -I f 103 : uUb family horse and open Apply to No. 119 titutsman street. AGENTS Now lithe time to make money. Our goods are selling to nil classes , room for good men who are irllfiaif to work for largo pay. Call at 410 S. lltn St. 40115J LOST From No. 714 Ilancroft street , two Bcotch terrier pupa about three months old. I.lnlit yellow color. Suitable reward. T. W. McCargar. WANTED Apprentice girls to learn drees- making. No. 714 Mynstcr Bt. _ FOK SALE A nice pony mare , cheap. B. T. French , No. 38 Pearl street. WANTED A peed girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. W. B. Cooper , 631 Bluff Bt. "ITITANTED Twenty good teams for grading T T on the Northwestern load , BIX miles from Omaha. FOll KENT Large furnished front room , No. BIT First avenue. TTTTANTED Olrl for general housework. No , TV 637 Fifth avenue. TTITANTED First-class girl to do general TV housework. No.L0Fourth ! street. FOR KENT A largo front room , flrst floor , furnished now , suitable for two gentle men. Located In the cent nil port of city. Witter and gus. Address W , llca oflico , Coun cil IllUdB. FOK SALE-Comnlote plant and equipment for II. R. brldgo work , consisting of 7 pile drivers , cnrpontiirs tools , tents , bedding and boarding outllt for 1IH ) men. In good re pair. Now stored at Clienouno , W. T. For In ventory and terms address No. 13 , N , Mam tit. , Council niufTs , Iowa. TJiOll SALE A good second-hnnd delivery X ? wngon , cheap. 0. 11. Smith , No. CIO I ) roadway. LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , TortoiseShcll ctc.Hair Or naments , as well as the newest uov cities in Imir goods. Mr .C. L. Qillette 89 Main' street. Out of town work so- . . netted. HENRY EISEMAN & CO'S ' PEOPLE'S STORE , Do you wish to save money on your spring purchases * If so call at iisr.MAx'g : vnoi'i.r.'s STORK. Everybody ktjows that wo have n argor and better stocK of goods to so- eel from than alltho , houses In Council Itlull's combined , , niul wo guarantee to save you 23 cents on every dollar's worth yon purchase In our house. To substantiate tills ( wo refer to the thou sands of ladles who visit our stores dally. Lady shoppers who have sent to Now York , Philadelphia , Chicago , St. Louis and other cities for samples , have upon comparison with ottr goods , pronounced OUR ( lie best and cheapest. Ao have given Council Bluffs the larg est store and stock of merchandise in the entire state of Iowa and wo are proud to say that people for hundreds of miles come or send to us for their goods. Wo also offer for this week largo bar- ; ains in Laces , Embroideries , Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , Gauze , Lisle Thread , Jalbriggun and Silk Underwear , Muslin Underwear , Infants' complete outfits , Parasols , Fans , Lace Curtains and Scrims. Heady 31 nilc Stilts , 13ee. An entire now line of ladies , misses. and children's wraps , jackets ami ready made suits in silk , worsted and va h matt-rials at much less than former jriccs. This department has an immense - menso quantity of goods of all prices and you cannot fail to make selections which will prove satisfactory. Wo call special Utoution to our ladies wraps in extra si/.cs ranging in si/ro from 43 to 48. HI.NUV : EIMMAX : Sc Co. , People's Store , Nos. 314 , 310 , 318 and 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs. N. J ? . We alve all until orders spe cial and prompt attention and any order * or correspondence you nay fnvot' us with will receive the 'ireatcst rare and attention. REALESTATE. Vnccnt Lots , * Lands , City Residences nntl iritis , Aero property In western pnrt of city. Ml selling1 chciip to make room for spring stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , ItoomS , over Officer & Pusoy's Dank , Councl Bluffs. 1 will be at the Pacific JIotclCoun- cll muffs , every Saturday forenoon. Omaha Dental Association removed to icllman Block' , cor. 13th and Farnam. Jest sets teeth $0 , fully warranted. All operations rendered painless by the use if our new nntesthctic. Dr. Haughawout , Janager. THE TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD Standard No. 2915) ) Sired by Almont No 33 , and "Register. " ( Standard No. 5812. ) Sired by Tramp No. 308. These stallions will make the season of 1887 at the Coun cil Bluffs Driving Park. For particulars inquire of or address WADE GARY , Council Bluffs , la. Star Sale Stab/es and Mule Yards Broadway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot 5 1 Horses and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at retail or in car loads. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SHLUTEB & BOLKV , Proprietors. Telephone No. 114. Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , corner 1st. avo. and 4th street. FllANK 8. ItlCE , CIVIL ENGINEER , Designs , estimates and reports on bridges , viaducts , foundations and general engineering. Blue prints of any sire aim quantity. omco No 13 N. Main Bt. , First National Bank Block. OHM V. STOB. _ JACOU 8IUS STONE & S/MS , Attorneys at Law , ractice in the State and Federal Court Rooms 7 andS Shugart-Beno Block. 1" ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. li. ItlCE , M. D. Cancers end other Tumors Removed without the knile or Drawing o Blood. - Over BO years Practical experence. No 11 Pearl St."Cjauncil Bluffs. E. Si BAJtXETT , Justice ' 6i the Peace , 415 Bn hy V Council Blufft. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. OFFICER tC PUSEY , Council BlulTs.Iowa. Established 1M7 If. SCHUltZ , Justice of the Peace. Notloo of IMbaolutlon Of partnership ot Boiler Bros. , brick manu factures , by limitation , noth to receive and receipt for debts duo the firm. B. W. Ileslojr to par all debts against ttio firm. Council Blufff , Apr. 1,1887. B. W. DCBJ.EV. IC. . UESUiV , PEO FLE'S STORE. For- This Week's Special Sale Wo Offer in Our Domestic Depart ment the Followinyt G cases Host Standard 1'rints , in all the latest shades and best styles , at ffc. 850 pieces Good Quality Ginghams , in dress and apron styles , atr c. 800 pieces Ik-st Dress and Zopliyr Ging hams , at lOr. 3 cases Crinkled Sncrsuckcrs at fie. 5 cases good yard wide Hicachud iMtis- tin at fie. ICO pieces Kawns at ! { < . ICO pieces Victoria Lawns and'India Linens nt " > . , ( ic. and he. 75 pieces Foulard Sateens at lOc. Silk and lrcs > * Goods. Great barcains in our Silk and Dross Gioods Departments. All new , fresh goods direct from the manufacturers' looms at less than anybody can oiler .licsc same goods. Thousands of pieces to select from. You will have no trouble to find what you want. Wo receive each day letters of encour agement and compliments from our cus- : omers everybody concurring in our assertions. i\o One Who Studies Economy can aflbrd to pass us by. SPICING. For the spring of 1897 we are belter prepared to please you than ever before. Great bargains in each and every one of our numerous departments are laid out and placed on SPECIAL SALE every day in tbo week. We Keep Everything. No ono need go outside of our house to ; ot a complete outfit in Ladies' , Misses' , Children's , Men's , Youths' or Boys wear. IlEMtV EISEMAX'S iV CO. , PEOPLE'S STO11E , Xos. 31 < l , 31O , 318 nnd 32O Brondwny , Council JBInlTs. N. B. All mail orders foi iiiplc * or goods entrusted to our eare will receive llio best of attention. ] j. II. MCDANELD & CO. , [ Kttabllsbod 1803. ] No. 820 Mfiln Street , ; t : Council Bind * . COMMISSION MERCHANTS , AND DIALLUS IN HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC FIHLEY BURKE , Attorney at Law. C04 Broadway , Up Stairs , Council Bluffs. O. R. ALLEN , npeerSurveyorMapPublisher , , No. 11 North Main St. City and county maps of cities and counties In western Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas. W. L. BIGGS , Justice of the Peace. No 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Collctions a specialty. Refers to the Bee Announces that ills stock of Finelmported SpringMillinery In Choice Shapes of Hats & Bonnets , Together with n LaraeLlne df Novelties in Fancy Ma tcrlals is now Heady for Your Careful Inspection. 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , Horses f Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large qt.antities to select fiom. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or double. MASON WISE , Council Bluff CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , AND FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co , , yo. 23 MAfX ST. , COUNCIL It LUFFS , i ! * ORESTON HOUSE , Ttieonty Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a fire Escape , And All Modern Improvements , 215 , S17 aud 319 Main St. "MAX MOlfN , HARKNESS BROTHERS , Headquarters for Good Goods ! Carpets and Dry Goods. We are still to be found on the Old Camp Ground Broadway , Council Bluffs , la , With the largest and best selected stock of Carpets ever brought to this city. Our stock of Dress Goods comprises the finest fabrics , and also the most substantial but less costly. Those wishing good goods and as repre sented will not fail to give us a call. SAMPLES AND PRICES SENT BY MAIL. Don't Forget the Place , No. 4O1 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. J. S. COLBY , RealEstateBrokerandDealer r > : Council Bluffs Office , Masonic Temple. Omaha Office , No. Ill , North 16th St. Particular attention ylven to investing funds for non residents. Special bargains In lots and acre properly In Omaha and Council Bluffs. Correspondence sollctcd * GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 55S Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa Stall Orders ShippedPromptly. . A. U. MICE. E. W. 11AXMOXD BICE & RAYMOND , Real Estate Brokers , No. 13 North Main Street. Lower Floor First National Bank Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. TELEPHONE NO. 239. VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY AT AUCTION Pronerly Situated on the Corner of Pearl Street and Sixth Avenue , ' known a the CRACKER FACTORY PROPERTY , WILL UK Sold at Auction on Wednesday , April 20tn , .A.T 3 Z9. 3 C. SAXjE OlsT 3S H. H. INMAN , Salesman , FARM LAADS CHEAP F.nrminK Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $3.00 to $10 00 nor aero. School and state lands In Minnesota on 30 yours' time 0 per cent interest. Luinl Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given hy . . . . . ' , No. 555 llroadway , Council lllulTa , Tmva , agent for Froidrik.sen & Co. , Chicago. CSucccKsors to , ) HATS & GLEASON , Commission and Produce Merchants , Dcale ra In Groceries and Provisions. Satlxfaction Ouarunttcd , No. 11 South Main Slwt * . ' .