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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1887)
c THTC OMAHA DAIIjY fiRE : THURSDAY. APRIL 7. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEABL BTBEET. Delivered by tarrlcr In nnypfirtof the city nt twenty cents per week , il , W.TILTOH . , - - Manager. TKLKPHONM ! BtrfiiNr.PS Omcr , No. U , MIGHT UUITOU No. 21. MKNT1UN. N. Y.Plumbing Co. New spring goods nt Keller's , tailor. George W. Thompson < Sc Co , , rcnl estate Tim city council meets ngam Saturday evening. Millinery opening to-night at II. Tried- man's , No.10 ! ) Hroadwny. The thren should bo called "hold backs " instead " " , of "holdovers. The street mall boxen are to be dressed Up in new suits of green paint. Dr. Cross is said to be thinking of practicing medicine here until hi. ) trial in June. Opening to-night at II. I'riedmnn's , No. 400 Broadway. Permit to wed was .yesterday granted to C. A. Smothers and Mary U' . Brooks , both of this city. Mary K. lleasley seeks a divorce from John Ucaslcy , claiming adultery and abandonment. Ladies attend II. Friedman's millinery opening to-night and to-morrow night. Captain O'Brien , of the police force , is building for himself a neat icsidcncc on Sixth avenue , near Tenth street. The lire ahum about midnight Titos- ilny mglit was simply : i test of the now fcybtom. The box ciitnein all right. The spring millinery opening nt II. Friedman's takes place to-night and to-moriow night. Easier festival Saturday evening in the Congregational church parlors. Supper served from 5 to ! ) o'clock. Ice cream till 10. bupper 25 ceuts. It , cems that the city made n great mistake at the lecent election. Six im provement aldermen should have been elected instead of thteu. The Western Iowa college has opened UH new term with favorable prospects of its being one of the most successful in the liislory of the institution. EJl'arisiiin pattern bonnets at the open ing at II. Friedman'd this evening , also to-morrow evening. Uncle Si Uanforth can vote "no , " but it would be refreshing to hear him vote "aye" once when some improvement or public ; cnternri'-e is to bo decided upon. Ed. Anderson has purchased a bicycle , nnd has entered the lists as the youngest driver of n six foot wheel in this part of the world , lie is getting speed rapidly , and he hasn't had u "header" yet. The ( irst ferry train for Omaha yester day , morning took ON er sixteen car loads of brick , four vegetable wagons , and two % ads of furniture. The first ferry train from Omaha brought over nine empties. The finest millinery opening over given in this city takes place to-night and to morrow eyoning at 11. Friedman's. An Easter sociable will be entertained by the Harmony Mission ladies Friday evening the 8th inst. , at the residence of Mr. , ) . M. Haglcr , 710 East I'ino st. Ue- frcshments , 15 cts. Everyone cordially inyitcd. Commencing to-dav there will be no 110 : ! dummy or ferry "train for six days. The public .should bear this announce ment in mind and thus save much annoy- nncu nnd disappointment. When the train is resumed the announcement will be made in tlicso columns. Elegifnt and correct styles nt Fried man's millinery opening to-night and to-morrow night. There is a party of surveyors myster iously moving about on the bottoms , nnd they are said to be marking out approaches preaches for the new Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway bridge. The site being run over by the surveyors is north of the present Union Paedic bridge. The three aldermen who retired this snring and the three new aldermen cli'Cted to take their places were of one mind so far as Tenth avenue were con cerned. The three holdovers have boon on the other side of the fence. Six against three ought to have some weight , out it seems the trio continue to bo on the balky side William Dobbin , of Ued Oak , died at the Scott house in this city yesterday morning , lie was viged ! lyears ! ) , and hail been in ill health for some time , lie had lately visited Eureka Springs in the hope of bettering Ins health , and arrived from there Saturday. In accordance with the request made before his death a post mor tem was held yesterday , and it was dis covered that ho died of cirrosis of the liver. Ho hart no family. Imported bonnets nnd hats , latest Pari sian novelties , nt 11. Friedman's millinery opening to-niirht and to-morrow night. The indignation expressed concerning the nction of Aldermen Keller , Hammer nnd Danforth in regard to Tenth avenue Is ziot altogether duo to that single ac tion. There has boon a growing feeling that they nre so conservative that they stand in the way of numerous enter prises which would help the city mightily. The times hero arc not good just now for over-cautious and too conservative men. The city is wide awake nnd wants wide awake aldermen. llrluk. We have 200,000 good brick for sale. THOMAS UUKIN : & SONS. Money to loan on rcnl estate. Connci UlullH final Estate Loan nnd Trust Co. Kobiu 0 , Everett block. Contractors nnd builders will find it to their interest to got prices on lime , ce incut , plaster , iiair , etc. , fro in Counc ' Ulull's Fuel company , 6u I ) Uroadwn Telephone 120. We buy for cash in largo quantities. J'hnl is why wo can make low prices. Cole & Cole , 11 Main street. I'ersoimt I'lirayrnphs. A. l' . Cramer , Avoca's postmaster , was in the city yesterday. Judge Conner is holding court at Dennison - nison , Crawford county. Eil. P.cnnctt returned hst evening from Attending thn funeral of Mis- , Clara JJrooks , daughter of Tlios. Brooks , who was formerly in the employ of A.J.Man- 'lei. _ _ Drs. Hanchctt & Smith , ofl'ioo No. 10 Pearl st. Residence , ISO Fourth St. Tele phone No. 10. .7. W. & E. L , Squirn make beautiful abstracts of title , aud deserve tlie SUPCCSS tLay arc cujoyiug. Call nnd see the stock of horses nnd mules nt Stnr Stables before purchasing elsewhere. _ _ For ncro property , residences nnd busi ness pioperty call on W. C. Stncy & Co , , No. U Jdtdii street. Miss Molio | Corcoran , dressmaker , 714 Mynster street , between Seventh and Eighth. Shcrradcn is still muking cabinet pho- I nt ? 3 per do/ . , best HnNh. Crayon or India ink life size pictures only f 10. By 1' . W. Wootlnrd , artist. Stnr sale stables of Council Blufl's. The largest stock of horses nnd mules of Chicago , which will bo Bold nt wholesale cr rctull and satisfaction jiua TENT11 AVENUE UP AGAIN Indignation at the Three Aldermen Who Opposed It , A MASS MEETING CALLED Thieves Make n Short Until- You us Alan Killed In 1'lny A New Order About Oil 1'crsonnl Men- tlon Urlof lilts. KSt The Tenth Avenue Project. This more still seems to ba attended with many obstacles , dilllcultles nnd complications , Tito old ordinance was obtained only after a prolonged struggle , and it was so amended it was not satisfactory. Tins time within which it had to be accepted having passed , the old ordinance is now of no account. A new ordinance lias been prepared , which it is believed will bo satisfactory , and tins is the one which Aldermen Keller , Hum mer and Danforth have opposed. Many of the leading citizens , those having largo property nmrbiismess interests , amivlio nro connected \vitli some of the moat im portant enterprises recently started , are very anxious that this ordinance should bo passed. Many citi/.ctis have expressed themselves with liot indignation nt the course pursued by these thioo aldermen , and n petition was circulated yesterday asking for a mass meeting to consider the mat ter. There is talk of a king the thre aldermen to resign. In fact there is much hot talk , nnd many rash words ut tered. The recent city election , by which Aldermen Wells , iUotonlf and Lucy wcro chosen , was a clear expression of this city'b sentiments in f.ivor of such enter prises as Tenth avenue , nnd the three now ahlormon are stoutly in favor ol the ordinance. In vii-w of this recent ex pression of the people at the polls it is dillieult to see how these three aldermen , whoso terms o\wro next spring , can very well ho in doubt as to the wishes of the people. Tlie following is the substance of the new ordinance , which the citi/ons .should carefully consider in connection with the assurances of so many leading cili/.ens that several important enterprises are dependent somewhat upon its' passage The right of way is granted to mo Union Pacific to lay its tracks along and upon the alloy in block twelve (12) ( ) in Fleming and Davis1 addition to the city of Council Blulls , la. , at the intersection of said alley with the Union I'acilic rail way transfer depot grounds , nnd from said intersection running cast on said allov to the point where s.iid alloy inter sects Indian creek sewer dileh ; and ovoi and across Seventeenth , Sixteenth , Fif teenth and Fourteenth streets , between blocks twelve , cloven , ten , nine anil "CM at which point said right of way herein granted to said company shall terminate ; and thence , commencing at a. point on Tenth nvo at or as near as practicable to the intersection of Fourteenth street with said Tenth avenue ; and thcneo in , along and upon said Tenth avenue east to the intersec tion of said Tenth avonno with Sixth street , and the streets and alleys neces sary to reach said Tenth avenue from the point of starling upon the most prac ticable routo. Provided , however , that in case a line across any portion of the lots in said blocks nine , ten , eleven , twelve and "U" shall be adopted , the Union Pacific railway company shall procure a nght _ of way through , over and upon such lots of the private owners thereof. That the Union Pacilic railway com pany in case of the passage of this ordi nance , shall bnforo the JJtst day of De cember , 1837 , lay down its railway track upon its right of way. and con struct and maintain a suitable freight depot on the south side of Tenth avenue between Sixth and Ninth streets lor the accomodation of the public , and at said freight depot shall bo received nnd de livered all the local freights consigned to or from Council Hlufts over said com pany's railway , when so ordered by con signees or consignors ; and it shall so construct , equip , manage and operate said freight depot and line of railway as to furnish ample accommodation for the speedy transit , of all freight shipped to or loceivcd over the same , at its own cost and expense without claim of compensa tion thereof from said city , or from dam ages that may or might uriso as acainst or claimed from said city by private property owners or persons. The company must conform to grades of streets and maintain suitable water ways and keep crossings in repair. A failure to construct aud operate said tracks for sixty days shall cause the right to revert to ttio citv. The city is not liable for any damages to any party or corporation. The company shall not take any earth from Tenth avenue or from any street The said Union Pacilio railway com pany in consideration of the agreements herein contained by it to bo performed , aud especially the location of a local freight depot on Tenth uveuuo , between Ninth and Sixth btrcots , is hereby forever released from all obligations and agree- plants to maintain a freight depot at the intersection of Union uveuuo and Hrond- way , and to receive and deliver freight thereat or therefrom , and from running freight cars thereto , lu any other re spect the rights , duties ami obligations of said Union Pacilit ? railway company shall remain and continue as provided in the ordinance or ordinances heretofore passed granting right of way to said com pany over and upon Union avenue in said citv of Council lilufls. The said Union Pacific railway com pany shall lilo its written acceptance of this ordinance and of the rights therein granted within thirty days. That there bo and is hereby granted to the said Union P.tcilic railway company for the purpose of extending its lines in an east erly aud southerly direction the right of way lor one or more trucks in and along lenth avenue acioss Sixth , Fifth and Fourth streets , nnd across Eleventh , Twelfth , Thirteenth , Fourteenth , Fif teenth and Sixteenth avenues and the alloys in the blocks between said ave nues and west of Third street. Proridod that no railway track or tracks shall bo laid or shall bo built ever and across the streets and alloys mentioned in this sec tion until the rightof way shall have been acquired through private property inter vening between the same upon the route adopted by said tail way company for the extension of its said tracks. Star sale stab'.os for mules and heavy ' - draft Now Oil Onler. The state board of health , through Sec retary Konnmly , has Instructed State Oil Inspector IHanchard as follows : "In nc cordanoo with n recent expressed opinion of the attorney-general , it has been de cided that so-called'Signal Oil1 bo here after inspected for 'Hash-test1 only. Yon are therefore respectfully requested to so Instruct your deputy inspectors , " Signal oil is used almost exclusively by the rail roads in their lanterns and elsewhere and is a higher grade than that in general nso by the people. The oil is required to stand a test of over 105 degrees before Hashing , while the oil in ordinary use flashes at not less than 100 degrees. It has been the custom of the inspector to require u burning test or about 800 de grees , which practically excludes it from use for illuminating purpose ! , but it is only now required to undergo a flash test . . . _ _ " * ' * * * ' .1 - - * - i * yor 100 di < gr0o0. and usually doca no dAirrunder ISO to 1HO deproos. The only 600 degree oil la that usuU for lighting railroad conches , and is a pure carbon oil distilled to the fourth degree. "Sig nal" oil is 20 per cent Inrd oil aud balance petroleum. _ _ Slick Thieves. Matt Scanlan awoke yesterday morn ing i to find that he had boon the loser by tlie t sly prowlings of thieves who had en tered t liis residence on Vine strcct'uot more l than n block from the police sta tion. ] The fellows had gained admission \ > y means of a window which hail been left unfastened , and which they raised so quietly as not to arouse thojc sleeping in tI the I IIOIHO. Mr. Scanlnn's pantaloons 1 were found in the hallway , but Ids pocketbook hail been ransacked. There were a number of notes and other valuable papers in the pocketbook , but these were not taken , the thieves preferring cash , of which they secured i7' . The police have no clue from which to work up the case , and there is therefore little chance of the thieves | being captured , or the money re covered. i _ _ ThrroAVntidcrfnl Pictures. At the art store of \ V.V. . Chapman will be found for a short time three character sketches from UickciH. The subjects are "Mrs. Gamp , " "Mr. Pickwick , " and "Little Dorrit. " They are engravings from the sketches of tlie great Barnard , nnd were until recently part of n famous art collection of ibis country. Being im ported aud as tlie Edition in England is exhausted , they cannot bo duplicated at any price. Tlfey are thrown on the mar ket , by accident and nro to be sold for n more tithe of their rnnl value. Lovers of line art should not fail to take this oppor tunity of enriching their collections by the purciiuso of one or more ot these rare gems. Another I Constable Pierce was recently brought hero from DCS Moines to show canns why he should not be lined for contempt of court in the matter of the seizure of the liquors of llurlbert & Hess. Judge Love ruled in his favor , and thought that the federal court could not enforce its writ of replevin while the state court had the matier in hand. Another hearing of ihe questions involved has been granted , and will be had at Dubtique , on the 14th , when other liquor cases tire to come up. Judge Brewer and Judge Shiras will be there with Judge Love , and it has been deemed best to have the Hill bench pass upon the matter , Fatal Sport. A son of James Flynn , a young man and prominent farmer of York township , met with a serious accident yesterday. He and some neighbors' boys were try ing their strength throwing sledge ham mers. One of them threw the sledge just as young Flynn stooped to pick up an other sledge , it striking him , crushing the top of his skull. He was still alive at last report , but ids life was despaired of by tlie phy.sei.ins , none of them being of the opinion that there was any chance for his recovery. Death of Joseph I'robstlo. Last evening about 7 o'clock Mr. Jo seph I'rohstle died quite suddenly. He had been ill only- since Sunday. He had ' resided here over twentylive'years , and was engaged in tlie harness business at No. 215 Broadway. Ho leaves two sons. Charles Probstle , who is with J. II. anil J. S. Collins , and William Probstle , who is in Washington territory. The funeral will be held from Morgan's undertaking rooms , Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Meeting. To the members of the board of trade , to the mayor and city council , to thn citizens nnd property owners of Council Bluffs : Gentlemen : You nnd each of you are hereby notified and requested to attend a citizens meeting at tlie Masonic hall , Fri day evening April 8th , at 8 p. m. , for the consideration of important matters and enterprises for the development of this city. T. S. EVANS , Prcs't Board of Trade. The Wheelmen. The Council Bluffs Ramblers met last night at the Ogdcu house and decided tpon a uniform , white llannet .shirts and darn blue coats , pants and stockings. It was decided to make application for ncmbcrship in the League of American Wheelmen. The Ramblers start in with twenty-four charter members The County Board. The board of supervisors yesterday went out in a body into Crescent town ship to view a now road. Some routine jusmcss was also transacted , but nothing of public interest. * * * Decline o man or woman , prematurely induced by ex-cesses or bail liraetices , speedily and radically cured Book ( illustrated ) , 10 cents in stamps Consultation free. World's Dispensary Medical association , Buffalo , N. Y. The Distribution of Shad. A recent bulletin of the United States fish commission states that tlie total dis tribution of shad fry for the season of 18SO amounted to 00,000,000. As the en- the number of shad taken for the market is less than 6,000,000. it will be seen , that , for every shad taken fron the waters this season , there have been artificially hatched and returned to the waters fifteen young shad. Assuming that the entire cost of production nud distribution hns been $20,030 , the young tisli have been produced and distributed over the entire United States at a rate of about $215 a million , or about 4G fry for one cent. Another interesting fact to mjt that , for the entire time up to nnd in eluding 183J , there were produced 200,000,000 young shad ; while for 18S3 alone , the total was over 00,000,000. Tins indicates that wo are certainly approaching preaching a position where tno work may bo regarded as profitable from a commercial standpoint. It In a Curious Fact That the body is now more susceptible to benefit from medicine than nt any other season. Hence the importance of taking Hood's Sursnparilla now , when it will dc you the most good. It is really wonder ful for purifying and enriching the blood creating an appetite and giving tone to the whole system. 15o sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla , which if peculiar to itself. A Costly Tomb I-'or a Parrot. New York World : Six weeks ago Bil died. His mistress sent him to Wilkins the bird-stuffer , in Broadway. Ho loaded Bill up with arsnlo and other things which defy decay , put in a nice now yellow glass eye with a bold , black pupil , and then the bird was ready foi the tomb. Tno Stern Manufacturing company got the job of making the tomb They had orders to spare no expense , so they turned their best artists loose on a big block of rosewood. The result was on exhibition yesterday. On his lef bide , his head resting on a pink satii cushion , lay Bill at full length. His new glass eye looked peaceful , and all hi. green and yellow feathers shone brigh with post-mortem splendor. All arounc him the walls of the polished rosowooc casket were quilted with hand-sewei pink satin cushions. A thick piece o side of the casket was rich and lino. It would Jiavo taken one' skilled artist a full month to do it. A tracoryof vinea and sprays of ilowers. wth | every detai /ully worked out. covered the lid of the casket , 'The lame decoration was on HENRY EISEMAN & CO/S / PEOPLE'S STORE , Will Display New Sprlnc ( Sooili In Every Department This Week. We Invite the ladies to call during this vdok to sed our superb stock and gtiaran- co Intending purchasers that no bettor allied can be found in the United States. Everything is marked nt the very lowest ash prices which means about one- bird less thnn other houses will sell the nine quality of goods for. We call special attention to a recent Mirchnsc ot silks at much less than rcgu- ar value and wo propose to give our patens - ons and the public n beautitul offering at special sale during this week. 5,000 ards Summer Silk at 2. ' ) , 8310 , GO and Oo per yard , worth fully a third more. ,000 vards of Colored gros grain and ailc francaiso silks , all shades , at 0 , * ) , 75 , OOe , $1.00 and i1.25 per 3-111 d. These goods are the new fashionable gray , hades included. They are bargains ind must bo scon in order to bo ippreciatcd. 23 pieces .surah silk , all hades , including black , at GOc , 75c , ? ! mil ? 1.25 per yaul. The greatest bar- ; .iius ever seen for the money. Several thousand remnants of plain nnd fancy brocaded silks and satins to be clo cd out during this great sale at less ban half their regular prices. This is a grand ouportunity for moth ers to lind suitable cuds lor children's Irobses small ends to combine with vorstcd materials which is now so stylish. 1ILACK SII.KS. We shall offer n few special bargains his week in black silks AT ifl.OO. We are selling tlie verj' best blnrk silk thadamc ever offered for the money , till .mro silk , well woven mid well finished. These are worth ! ? 1.25 , AT $1.00. Black gros-gram silks. We guarantee o supplv a silk that will not cut or crack ; ill pure Italian silk , satin finished , and with a grain heavy enough to make a landsome dress , AT $1.00. Colored gros-grain silks in all the new colors. This is n handsome and durable cloth worth $1.25.AT AT $1.00. Armuro silks in black and colors. In offering this new weave of silk wo can safely say that it is certainly very pretty ind will wear as well as any goods that be bought. We have an elegant line of colors and warrant these goods to be ill pure silk. AT f 1.00 Ulack Kndzimir SilK. The Increased popularity of this weave of silk , both for dress wear and for short wraps , has in duced us to make this a very special jargnin and we nro very positive in say- ng that nowhere else can these goods jo bought forlfiss than $1.U3. We also show an elegant line of silk velvets nnd trimming velvets nnd plushes mall the latest styles at 75e , $1 , fl.23 , $1.50 , $ L75 anU$2 , per yard. The best value ever shown for the money and the argcst and bestdinc in the west to select from. Mow is the time to got bargains our. > riccs are the lowest ; our goods are the choicest ; our styles nro correct ; we main tain the lead ; onr refutation is well es- : ablislnul , nnd wo , with pleasure , refer to tlie lending ladies of the city. Pa3' us n visit nnd we will at nny time ic glad to show you our stock , no matter if you wish to purchase or not. Respectfully , HHNQV KISEMAX & Co. , People's Store , Nos. 314 , 310 , 318 nnd 820 Brondway , Council Blulls. N. If. We glee all mull ordera s ; c- clal < ttul j > roini > t attention and ainj order * or corrcHiiondcuce ntni man favor H.S with will receive the avcatcst care and attention. each side. The casket is six incites high nnd eighteen inches long and cost $2OUt ) . From to-day until he wenrs out Bill \yill repose in it on a suitable pedestal , which hij mistress has caused to be placed in her parlor. Brown's Bronchial Troches" are of service In subduing Hoarseness. Declined to ho Commander. Washington Republican : It is not generally known shortly after Mrs. Cleveland's marriage the sultan of Turkey tendered her the order of the Caliphate. Tne term "caliphate" simply means "commander of the faithful , " and this order is often bestowed upon the wives ofidistinguislicd men. Its insignia is a kind of sash , which could bo worn by a lady without being conspicuous. The offer was gracefully made , by the sultan , but was as gracefully declined by Mrs. Cleveland. When nature falters and requires help recruit her enfeebled energines with Dr. J , 11. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle. Old Joel Bennett's Great Itccord. Savannah News : Joel Bennett , from near Flowery Branch , was in ( ininsvillo \Vcdncsdny of last week. Mr. Bennett is seventy-six years old. strong and healthy ; never took a dose of medicine or wore on overcoat in his life ; has not lind his shirt buttoned at the throat for more than fifty vcars , and has been chewing tobacco lor fifty-live years. Mr. Bennett was born in South Carolina , and moved to Hall county when he was six years of age. He is the father of six children , the youngest of whom is forty-live years old. The solid train of forty-two cars loaded with binders and reapers consigned to the Omaha house of William Peering & Co. , crossed the bridge this morning. It ar rived in Council Bluffs last evening. Socialism Must Go. OiKNr.vA , April 0. The Swiss government has decided to act vigorously ngainst the so cialists and anarchists , whose recent activity Is thought to be calculated to disturb the pe.ico of tlio state. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special ndvcrtieonients , such us Ixst , Found ' /olxinn.ror Sale , To Hent , V > nnts , Uonrdlnc , etc , will bolnsortod In thin column nt the \o\r \ ratoof TEN CENTS J'EK LINK forihoflret Inset- Ion nnd Five Cents Tor Unof or cnchsubeoquoni Insertion. IA.-IIVO advertisements nt our oltico No. U 1'curl strevt , near Urondwar , Council Uluffg. 'WANTS. ' ANTKD ISIrl for ucnorul housework. No , 7 I'lftli uvcnuo. ITANTKI ) Vlrst-clnss ilrl to do general housework. No. l.'O Fourth etrcet. "iriOH HUNT A largo front room , first lloor , -L lurnlahcd now. euituhlo for two Kentlo- men. Located in the ccntrnl purl of city. Wntcr Hnd &U3. Address W , llca office , Coun cil mulls. SAIX Complete plnnt and equipment FOH H. H. lirldKO work , consisting of 7 pllo driver ? , carpenters tools , tonti , bedding and bourdlnir outllt for ISO turn. In K""d re pair. Now stored Ht Chcnenno , W. T. For in- vcntorr and terms address No. 13 , N , Main tit. , Council Hilllla. lown. 8AM2 A erood second-hum ! delivery FOR , cheap. C. 11. timltli , No. 6(0 ( llroudway. .Notice of Dissolution Of partnership of llosley Bros. , brick manu factures , by limitation , llotli to receive and receipt for clouts duo the firm. B. W , Ucslcy to pay all debts njfalnst tho. flrni. Council Uluffi , Apr. 1,1887. S. W. . . i , . o. PEOPLE'S STORE. Our Constant Aim Io to Give Ilct- Icr Value In Everything Wo .Soil Than Other Homos In Council HI u Us or Vicinity Our Stock Will Alunyt Ho Found Clean anil Troth ; of the llu t < timllfy and Latest $ lIc . In our Dress Hoods Department wo will oiler special bargains this week. Head our prices , see our stock. We can show you more dross goods , twice over , titan all of our competitors combined , lie where you can Hurt what you want. In our American Dress Goods Depart ment you will lind , tills week , at ; ! c. per yard , 150 pieces ol Plaids , suitable tor children's wear. At 5o per yard wo have 100 pieces , half wool goods , worth from lOc to laje , At lOc per yard we oiler 150 pieces wool mixed dross ma terials wortli double the 11101103 * . At Ific jjer yard , ! J cases of lioiiV3 * double-fold Serges , Cashmeres and Jame.'town Al pacas , sold ovciywhero from 23c to 3Jc per yard. At 'JJo we oiler 75 pieces of Combination Beiges. At 25e , U cases fresh new shades Body Cashmeres , . ' (8 ( incites wide , sold everywhere else atlOc per yard. At 30e , ! 35o and -I0c per yard , l(5 ! ( , US and -10 inch Satin Diagonals , nil now shades ; aKo Cheviots aim Serges in nil wool goods nnd best value ever shown for the money. In French and English Imported Dress Goods we oiler this week at fiOc per 3'ard , 1 case of 50 pieces Cheviots and Serges , in pin checks and broken plaids , 42 inches wide , wortli 05c to 75e. At flOe wo have 1 ease -13 inches , in all wool French Caslimores and Serges , in stripes , cords , diagonals and other fancy weaves , in all shades , including the new greys nnd tans ; worth 75c per yard. At 50c , two cases all wool Dress Flan nels and Tricots , solid colors , new mix tures , tans , greys , beige and ecru , the best quality in America for tiie money. At OOe , 73o and $1 00 a yard , we oiler : 175 pieces French Silk Mixed Serges , corded nnd striped Silk Mixed Pans Dress Novelties. Camel's Hair Cloth , Plain and Diagonal Suitings from the best looms of the world. We also have n full line of Trimming Velvets nnd Novelties suitable for com binations with the above mentioned goods , nnd arc prepared to show n line of Combination Suitings second to no house in the United States. This is our Silk and Dress Goods week , let everybody in want of n nic-e Spring Dress call on us nnd we will surprise yon. Bo sure to call during the special sale THIS WEEK. Respectfully. IIEMCV KISKJIAVS & CO. , PEOPLE'S feTOKE , Xos. 314 , 310 , 318 and 32O ! Uroadway , Council UluU's. IV. It. All mail orders t'oi Maniples or goods entriiHted to our care u ill receive the lieHt o attention. REAL ESTATE , Vnccnt Lots. Land ? , City Hcsldonccs nnd Forme , Aero property In western Dart of city. All gelling cheap to mnku room for spring stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Koota 5 , over Officer & Puscj's Dunk , Councl Bluils. Announces tlmt ills stock of Finelmporlecl Spring-Millinery In Choice Shapes ol lints & Bonnets , Together \Utli n LnrffcLiiic of XorcltleHln Fa ncijMa tcrlattt Is noio Heady for Yo r Carefnl Jtuncctlon. 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. If. SCHUltZ , Justice of the Peace. FINLEY BURKE , Attorney at Law. 501 Broadway , Up Stairs , Council Bluffs. 1 will be at the Pacific JfotelCoitn- cll Bluffs , evert/Saturday forenoon. Omaha Dental Association removed to Hollman Block' , cor llitli nnd Kurnnin. Best sets teeth i0 , fully warranted. All operations rendered painless by the use of our new amusthctic. Dr. Haughawout , Manager. T.'IE TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. 2915) ) Sired by Almont No M , and "Hciristor. " ( Standard No. r.812. . ) Sired by Tramp No. 308. These stallions will make the boason of 1887 at the Coun cil Blulls Driving Park. Tor particulars inquire of or address WADK CAUY. Council Bluffs , la. m L. BIGGS , Justice of the Peace. No 001 Broadway , Council Blufls. Collations a specialty. Refers to the I3c > j OFFlCEll cfi PUSEY , ' Council IlluflVowa. EiUtHlhea 1X1. . GARDENERS AND FRUIT GROWERS. Choice Property at a Bargain , Fifty Acrcq Choice Land Adopted for ( turduninj ; ami I'ruit Growing. About twenty acres of the tract is not to applu orchard which is In bearinp , and to all varieties of choice small fruit nnd vineyard , divided a" follows : TIII : VIM\AHI : > . I'ropcr contains upwards of live acres. The vines arc thrifty and in bearing. Hutween llireo and four acres nro well , ct to choice varieties of blackberries , rafcpberrios and strawberries TIII : AIM-M : OUCIIAKO. Contains more than 1,000 trues in bear ing. In addition to tlie above enumer ation nro a largo numbers of choice plums , cherry nnd other fruits , also'sliado and ornamental trees burroundiiig the buildings , Ordinary barns and otlu-r out-buildings. Thesoii'is of excellent quality for yard- enini ; purposes , beiuir a deep black loam and is ttuni'm , south -ilopo.nnd isaltogctii- cr tin1 most attractive and desirable of anything- within business distance of Omaha or Council ItliilRiththonow bridge completed across the Missouri , the property is not over thirty minutes drive from the Omaha postolllce. Any party de- siting a clioico bargain should apply at once as , if not sold within the next two weeks , it will bo withdrawn from the market. _ _ For Prices and Terms Apply to C. Jo CCMQ MASONIC TEMPLE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and "Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Mail Orders Shipped A. U ItlCE. E. W. RICE & RAYMOND , Real Estate Brokers , No. 13 North Main Street. Lower Floor First National Bank Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. TELEPHONE NO. 239. VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY AT AUCTION Property Situated on the Corner of Pearl Street and .Sixth Avenue , Known as the CRACKER FACTORY PROPERTY , WILL BE Sold at Auction on Wednesday , April 20th. A.T 3 IF. : tv . 3A.X. ' 3 01T E = H. H. INMAN , Salesman. NEW SPRING STOCK CARPETS Curtains , Upholstry , Window Shades , Poles Door Mats , , Rugs , Sasli Draperies , Etc , , ARRIVING DAILY. Mail OrderTSrehily Filled , )0 ) ( Our Mr. Stoolcert Superintends All Work. COUNClTBLUFFS CARPET CO. , 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : IA , O. R. ALLEN , nginBerSuryeyorMapPublisher , , A'o. 11 Xavlh Main fit. Citv nndrounty maps of cities nn < l counties InTfblern lown , Nu'jrnsku and Knueas. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards IlroaJway , Council IlluUs , Opp Dummy Depot c/a § | PI JiM "VV WOBBO HPm * Horses and mules kept constantly on Imud. for sale at retail or in car loads. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notioo. Stock sold on commission. SIILUTEII & Boixr , Proprietors. Telephone No. 111. . . Formerly of Keil Sale btablcs , corner lit. are. and 4th street. . - Horses Q Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. L.irge quantities to select fiom. Several pairs of fine drheis , sin gle or double. MASON WISE , Council Bluff OIIN Y. STOE. JALOU STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Federal Court Rooms 7 andS Sliu art-Beno Block. COUNCIL Hum's. Fit Ay It S. JIIVE , CIVIL ENGINEER , Ie ljrns. catlmntoB and reports on bridges , viaduct * , foundations imil Rununtl ont'inccrlni , ' ! Blue prints of any Bl/.o nlnt qumitlty. Olllco No J3 N. Malu St. , Flrdt Nutlonnl Jlaah Block. _ _ _ _ _ ORESTON HOUSE. The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a fin fscapo , And All Modern Improvements * 815 , 317 and 210 Main St. MAX MOlfX , Prop. J ) . II. MuDANKI.D i CO. , [ KsUblljIlO'l mi. | No KO Mntn Plrnol. j t t rn-noi ! TllnlTJ. ( jojMiifcMOjv : MIIUIIAVI.S : ; A.NJI lirAI.KUS IS - HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC Jt. It WE , M. I > . Cancers and other Tumors Removed without tlie l.nilc or Drawing o niood. OvcrfiO years Practinil expcrcncc. No 11 Peail St. , Council Bluffs. K. S. IIA ItNUTT , Justice ol the Peace , 410 Broadway , Council Binds. Refers to any bank or business house in tin city. Collections a specialty. CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSIAREj -AND- FINE POTTERY. I'rlccn ret'/ ) Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , ' jVO. A ? MA IX ST. , COUXGlli 21LUFF3 , t t XJ.