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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1887)
} . IH W- - - , THE OMAHA DAILY. HEEt THyKSDAY , APRIL .71 1887. . ' . SPECIAL NOTICES , Advertisement * under tnis hosd , 10ccnt per line tor the first Insertion , 7 cents for cnchsul- sequent Insertion , nnd J1J10 n line per month No advertisement taken for lc s than1"1 ) fnU fortho first Insertion. Seven woiu < ill be counted to the line : they must run consecu tively and mutt be paid In advance. All ndvor- tlscmcnU mti't be handed In before 1 : V ) o'clock p.m. , tind under no circumstances will theybg taken or discontinued by telephone. Pnrtits nihortlflnc In the o columns pn < 5 hir- hiptho answers addressed In cure of THE lire wlllplenso nk for n check tocnaljlo them to get their letters , ns none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ad * vortiF'Tncnts should bo enclosed In envelopes . MONEY TO LOAN. , to Umn at 1 per cent , Hnrrls Jc Snmp- $500,000 1511 DcmjflR' t _ fltO _ ' ! ( ) LOAN at 8 per cent. Mahoney $ & Ltnnbnn IKWJ'nrnnm. 121 IPF.HCKNT Money. i II. C. Patterson. 15th ac.d Hnrnpy. ONr.V TO I.OAN-O. F. D.nls i Co .real M estate nnd loan agents , J505 Farnam . Itrl IONI'.V to loan on rcnl oHtato nnd chattels M : . Kntz & Co. 1511 Farnnm st , ground tloor. 767 , To loan on Omnhn city property nt 8 $500,000 per cent. G. W. Day , over 1312 DouglAe Bt 753 MONKT TO LOAN-On city prop erty , low intes. Stewart * Co. , Boom 3 Iron bank. 7.V ) MONEY to lonn. cnsh on delay. J. W. nnd E. L. Squire , 1411 Farnnm st , Paxton hotel building. 73 MO.SKY First mortgage notes. The Douglas county bank will buy papers secured by first mortgage on city realty. 7'il ' "MONEY TO LOAN on improved real citato ; 1TL no commission charged. Leavltt Burn- ham , Boom 1 Crclghton Block. 712 PEll CU.NTV-Monnyo lonn. ( Ireuory 4 llndloy , * Rooms 1 and 3 , licdick block , U20 B. 15th7C3 7C3 rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on Im- A proved real estate In city or county for New Entrhind I.onn .V Trust Co. , by Douglas Co unty bank. 16th nnd Chlpago M . _ 7rtl MONEY to loan on Improved city property nt 6 per cent. Money on hand ; ito not have to wait Have n complete net of abstract books of Douclns rounty. f N. WutDOii , nlntroctor Harris Heal K-tnto nnd Ixian Co. , 320 S. IMh st 7i . _ _ MONBY I.OANiint : C , F. llc-od Ic Co.'s Ixjan Oftlco. on f urnltiiro , pianos , hoi , personal property of all kinds , niul nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th. over Dlnt-'hnrn'H Commission storo. All bugl- f trlcllv ronndcntlnl. 7M _ TOANS Loans Loans. Real estate loans , Collnterlul loans. Chattel loans. lanit tlmo loans. Short time loan * . Motley always on hand to onn on any approved - proved security. Invcstinrnt securities bought and Bold. Omaha > lnnncial Cxchnnire , n. IT. cor. 15tb and Harnov. Corbctt. Mnnnger. _ 7C7 MONKY TO LOAN-bythonndoralenocl , who has the only properly ornnl7C'd loan agency In Omaha. I/oansortl ( ) to $100 made on 1 urnltiiro , pianos , onrani , horses , uuvona , machinery , ic , without removal. Nodi'lujA. All business strictly confidential. Loans no nude that any part can be paid at any Imo.ench payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on fine watches and diamonds. 1'crsuns should carefully consider n ho they are dealing wlthjasmnny new concerns are dally onmlnir Into existence. ShouM you need money call And see me. W. It Croft , lloom 1 W'thnel ' 15th nnd Hnrnuy. 70S BUSINESS CHANCES. FOIl SALE A half Interest In an established dally pnper In Omaha. Address It 411 Ileo office. _ 131 j ) "IT1OH BALK In Crol hton , Neb. , meat mar- X' ket nnd butchers' outllt. Oood dwolllui ; houhe and barn. Thta Is n tlrst-clnss opening. Ap | > ly to D. Mclntyre , Crolgliton , Neb. 101 7 * FOlt BALK A well-RBaortcJ Itock ot venoral mercnundlsoat Kmmot , Ni-b , conslstlnq of Rrocorieo , dry poodR , boots nnd shoes and hardware stock : will bo sold on reiwonnblo terms. For particulars call on or addrot.s W. B. lllgman. Sioux City , la. _ 0. ' ii : TJUSINESS chance A partner wanted in a \J good paring business , inaniilacturlnir ; only a modcratn amount or capital required. Itaru chance. For particulars address or call Dayton & Voris , room 1 , 1301 Douglas. SCO 7J TTlUlt SALF. One-half Interest In the Ncbninka JBlgnnl.tho largest circulation of any coun try weekly newspaper in the state : large job office In connection. For full particulars ad dress or cull on E. C. Sawyer , Admr. . Fair- monl. Noli. 733 _ BUY a Mnyflold lot on West Cumlngs street , 1350 , i'M down nnd flO monthly. C. J. Cannn. 722 _ FOR 8ALrJood paying rcstniirnnt , cen- trnlly located ; for particulars call on or address - dress Clms. L. Hart , Crolgliton Illoek. 137 10 FOH BALF 01 Exchaneo-A now 85 hbl com bination mill situated on Llttlo Iliuo river , near Hebron. In Thayer county. Will ex- chatiffe for wild or Improved lands or live Flock * . * > Forturther particulars nitdross First National Hank. Hebron. Neb. _ KM \\'ANTKD To find peed , ll\o bualnosa men > ' with blocks uf KOWU to mote to u grow ing town where money can bo made , I will as plst the rU-lit kind of people In building , etc Will pay good big bonus to nnv one that wll rtnrt n canning factory , or. In fact , tiny kind of a factory thatumplojs hands. Wo want a drug fctoic , furniture store , grocery store , a doctor n practical painter right nwny. For particulars nddresa Hank of Valley , Valley , Neb.orC. E Muyue , Omuha. Neb. LOST. LOST On Saturday evening last , on Farnara st , or In Karnam st cars , a lady's pockot- peek containing about $ , ' . in silver , rindet may Keep contents , returning pocket book to Q W. Ilrlnck , army hcadquartorH. IK : fi * FOUND. mAKKN Ul' Hay mare , 5 years old , white X spot torehend branded U U , little whltu on hind li'ft. shod. August Schmtko , on Kasrausson's place , 7 miles N W of Omnha. m iCL'ixiix ; ; n PERSONAL PEHSONAL To the tailoring men , clerks bookkeepers , etc. , of Omnha , greeting : You will plonso take notice that trom this date the Heal Fstntu ollico ot J. L. Hico & Co , eve Commercial National Hank , S. E. cor 13th nm Douglas will bo open for the transaction o business until 90 : p m every evening. Iron Monday to Saturday o\cntiig. itespectfully , J L. lllco i. Co. 124 IJEBSONAL Prlvnto homo for ladies durlnu confinement , Mrlctly confidential , inlnnta " ndopted , nddrc s E 42 , Hue ollice. BOTn2aj llii. Dl'HANT-Cl rlvo"yant from Boston , la rellablu In nil nlf airs of life , unites separated lovers. 322 N. Itth st , room 1 C40a2S PEHSOS'Al--Mrs. Dr. Nnnme V.Ynrron clHir > onnt , Mrdlrnl and liuslnpfa Medium lloom No. 3,121 North 16th ft .Omaha. Neb. MISCELLANEOUS. KNT UrtHtuJ3 per month , J 1813 Douglas. 770 SPOT CASH for econd.hnnd , funiituroTciu > potsuud s > to\cs , at 117 N. luth st 203 a3 rpO parties hnviiip houses tor rent , Itentu J. Agency , Bennwn .V Co , I5st . opposite post oft'co. Wo have turned ovtr to them our rcntn lift. Wo recommend thorn. McCagut Bros. CIO Ol. C. House furnishing goodi , nil kinds cnih nrin > fillmontlunvit ; prices nt J Homier , 1315 Douglas st Mi BLAKK'S Premium Short hand , and Typewriting Inntttute. Thorough practical aud llellnblu instruction. Wuto or apply to I J. Illiko , prlnolpa' ' cor Ktli and Cnpitol nvo , Omnha , Neb. 153 a."J MAHA Stor fo Warehouse Corner Utl O and IrarO us , , for Mointro of lioutohon peed * nnd general merchandise al low rates Advances made : ll uo nrehouio receipts. II II , twitch at tbn houcc. Ollice 619 Suuth Utl btraot and \'Mi. \ 1310 and 1312 Iznrd itrort. Icle pboneMJ. M. a Goodrich , .Mgr. P35 ml * / vNG hundred nud fifty dollnrg per month wl ' . / be paM by three contlomen and tholr wlvr for board and furnlihrd rcnnj lit well locate nfl bU > rbood ; references cxchUrft < t Addrcs I. t , DvVUlueC. tT i1 WJ " ' ' " 'JL = Td"riCK-Tc all real citntTiira'ntf' ' lot * 8. T < VP e , B ud 10 In blocks , lloyd' * addition , an Withdrawn from tbo markit John G , Hoj ; JZW , 147 6J ! , > * n HKplnco whert they sell furniture pbra ; l > \ JL lorc l haiteen ronlovvA froas 141S Douj. in to u ; : ; . ict it. &n an DON'T bo nn oyMer. Don t bo swallowed nIKowhcn you want to sell furniture , carpets or household goods , call at 117 N. 18th , _ _ _ _ P 111 VATI5 school otctenogrnphy at 5ft ! North 1'th stncct. Pupils giren special ntlention ntho stenograph. Cull and Investigate. G. V. linker , agent 1299 J hereby notify real estate -igcnts that the lot on which house Is I. til Sherman nnUHls Tltlulrnwn from market. A. A Whitney. 100 tl OOLS , sinks nnd vnults clenne.l , odor- \J less process E. Ewlnif , box 427. city. 9-'fl n 15 * _ MHS. M. OHLENSCIILAEaBH--Oredtiated midwife , corner 25th nnd Cuinlng st , up tnlrs. 872alt IU.M4 Square Piano , $ i montnlv. A Hospe. 1513 Douglas. 770 ' "l 3H advanced on diamonds nnd wntchos at "lJ \J 117 N. lUhst OrffXCo 'Ml nls DON'T be nclam Don't pny two prices when you cnn o to 117 N , Kith and buy fitrtil- uro , stoves , &e , iitrock bottom prices. T/ltHST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft. X ! TjM MONEV tnlks when you want to buy furni ture or vnpor stoi es nt 117 N 10th. between [ ) odco ami Cnpltol nvo. 201 ul9 X F ym wnnt to buy or soil furniture , go to J. "orguaon's . , 715 N. 16th 771 FOK UK NT Square t'lano SJ montoly. A Hospe. 1513 Douglas. 770 JTKW Bonrdlng House , fine tables , clean and > palatable victual ! . 1418 Chicago st. 772 JTOHAOK First-class dtonuro for nice fur- * nlture or boxed ( roods , at 1513 DodRe-sta 77.1 FOB 8ALE---MISCELliANEOUa. ! OH 8ALIJ Second nand barber chair and F pole Oood as new. 702 B. 10th st. M1-7J FOIl SALE llorfo buggy harness , price fso. I'arcei Deliver Co's stnblcs , 13th nd Web ster. 172 7 port SALH-Brick. T. Murray. "liU > R SALE Cheat ) , nearly now grocery -L wagon , Inquire O. ] ' . Muldoon , Htti and Jones 151 II ] "ITIOH SALE liar fixtures , Iror.t nnd back bar J mirror , etc. Crawford & Stevenson,818 S. 10th St. MI U ] "ITUUtSALE-fiocfmo Klmball organ. Inqulru JSt. . James hotel , tilth st. opp. U. 1' . depot 110 6' FOIl SALE Cheap for cash , the furniture of H xlx-room flat , three rooms pays irnt 113 S 1HI. st 150 Uj A OOOD express or delivery hoi so for f75. Tierce & Upgoitf , 5 Arlington blk. 117 FOlt SALE Furniture of flist-class private residence , 19I'J Dodxe. f-9-l FOH SALE 70 well feed heifers in good con dition. M with calve. 50 > enrlinirs ni.d a registered 5-year-old Hereford Hull. I1. D. Mitchell. Foster , Pierce Co. , Nobr STi.-S- OH SALE-FlrstTlass milk business , Mor- tcnson & Cnristcnsoti , lilt 1'nrnutn At. At.WJ7 fij FOH SALE 2 million brick nnd upwards no- sides dally out put of 30'IQO. ' Enquire on premises , cor Dorcas and 2ud sts. Omaha lirlck unit Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 771 V7ANTED MALE HELP. W ANTKD-A flrbt-class milker. J. F. Hoch , north of deaf und dumb institute. 204 9J " \\7ANTED Throe llrst-cln s coat , two punts T T nnd ono vnst maker nt 112 South 13th st , Lincoln , .Nob. First-class price paid. Best shop In town 2C5 SJ TVTANTEIi Carpenters , 2IKI , Indlnna nvo 11 bet Snundors nnd25th st 197-0) ) WANTED A young mnnto take caroof two horses ft cowsdrive carriage , take care of the lawn Ac. Hofcironco required C. L. KrlcUon Sc Co ,212 N luth street. 19J II \\'ANTED By nn A 1 concern traveling sale ( ' ' man to soil provisions on comnii- lon in Roulliern Iowa nnd Nebraska and northern Missouri. The o nlrearty representing other lines preferred. Address giving reference , route etc. K 10 Bee olfico. SM 14 ] WANTED-Flrst class shoemaker tobox the craft , " steady work to n steady mnn ot good address. W. A. Dngeett , Haryvlllo , Mo. , Maniifnctnrer & Dealer. 183 7 \\7ANTKD-Fiftymen to cut cord wood nt 11 Plattsmouth. Apply to Mercer Bros. 1S5-S V\7"ANTED-3 good carpenters nt 512 Georgia 11 avenue. 200-8J w ANTED Bestaurnnt cook , also n bnker nt Barker hotel , 13th nnd Jones. 103-fl wWANTED4 WANTED-4 boll boys at the Paxton hotel. 155 7 \\7ANrED-Oiieortwomontosoll real cstnto " on commission ; none but those thor oughly posted In the business need apply. Van Ilouron & Co , Douglas nnd 14th streets. 145 C WANTED-First-class carpet ctitter ; only thoiowho nro capable of doing tbo finest border work need apply. Call at carpet dop't. S. P. Morse & Co. W > 8 W ANTED-Flrst-class tinners nnd furnace men , at U'-'J Capital nvo. J. H. Sullvan Co. 12d 7 " \X7ANTKU Two good coat mnkers , nt John Morrison's , 121 X llth St. Lincoln. 103 \\rANTED-rfl sober , intelligent men of good > > address to try a lOc me.U at NorrlV res. taurnnt 104 H 16th st 775 \\7ANTED Experienced dry goods travelling > T saleman having an established trade In the country tributary to Kitnsna City. Stnto amount of trade , territory covered , and how lonsf. Address , with reference , W. B. Grimes Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 358 WANTEI > Salesman by Chicago house , clothing salesman for Nebraska , Kansas and Iowa. To those who h vo an established clothing trade and good reforrencos.wo will pay a liberal salary. Or to imy reliable young limn , v Ith good character and business ability , engaged in other lines of trade and not milking enough money and wishing to change , wo will give plenty of territory , und a good line of samples nt bottom prices , and pay 7 per cent commission' Address W. G. Hemanway , attor ney , Frenzer block , Omnha , Nob. K.17 7 W /"ANTED Men to cut wood. T. Murray.4UO \\7ANTED-To locate at Chester , Thnyer Co' TT Neb , u good practicing phsiclau. Ono coming well tccommonded cnn do u good busi ness. Address K 22 , Bee otllce. HV ) 8 \T , ANTED None but good acti\o youiu TT men of business nullity need apply. J M. French \ Co. Buxnman block. b23 6 WANTED FEMALE HEL3 ? . \\7ANTED First-class cook. Will pay $5 per week. 2I.J7 Dndgo st. 20:1 : " \\7ANTED-Ono chnmbermnld , ono dining- 11 room girl , ono dlshwKshor for hotel. Ad dress K 55 , Ileo olllce. 200 7j i A good cook , 1723 Dodpo. 1U70 ' A nurse glil. Inqulro ol MM. Louis llrudtotd , 2Gth nnd St , Muiy'i > nvo. 9-0 " \T7ANTED SUit tilnimnrund draper , mua T T hnvo some style nbout her nnd know how to plan and llnl'h the handsomest skirt , wages J10 u week. Mrs. E. . tcotield , 1C22 St. Mar * 'a a\e. U24 W ANTED A pooil girl for general liouso- work 101 S.lbtu. 0 2IJ " \\'ANTED GoodluunJtos * nt the Occidental. b3a "lAfANTF.D Competent girl for general T i tioiisewort , third cottage north of Louv- enworth , on West Collax btrect Tiiko Park ave onm. 8S5 "VYTANTED A good girl for general house- 11 work In a small tamily. Apply nt 1712 Clurk st. 751 "V\7ANTED Milliners ; at once two export- 11 cnccd trimmers. S. G. Joyce , I SI N. 15th street. Ill 0 * U ANTED An experienced plrl to take tare of two children and do plain sen Ink- , Ger man prufeired. 2098.234 st. 149 0 "XTTANTEI * Lidy canvasser. Apply to 30s 11 N. loth Bt IE/I / "WANTED-Good girl at once , small family , 2713 Leavenwoith st 159 "WANTED A dlulnsr room girl at the Vienna 1 i lieiUurant , 1617 Howard at. 157 7 * \\7ANTED Tot } drrcsmnkers. MIM Kate Me. T' Cabe , Crounto blk , lloom Ifl , ICth nnd CapItol - Itol avo. ira 6 \\rANTEn-Corapetmt fflrt for genera ! TT houivwork , lauiily of two. No. ill South rithave. 174 S' \VANTED IIi peed fflrll for homework , peed T ' wazrs and peed places ; call Omaha Em- plormetit Bureau , 119 North 16th , Crounie Block. 1 26 WTANTED-Good wash-woman and shirt cpolliber. 1018 Saundera ets. 1288 * T\rANTF.I-Glrl , age 14 to IJ.IIgUt housework , T I tV riiMaot tuoot. 17) 6 * W TANfED A first cln s dining room girl nt Planter's House , cor. Dodge and 10th > ts. \ & * G \\T AM EDA girl for general hotMcivork , il must bo nblo to cook , fiinlly nf three , f 4 per week. Imiulro of C. L. Erickson Co , 212 H 10th. U5 7 TXfAJii KD First class waist anUsklit makers T T Maude HOOCO. parlors 3 nnd 6 .Incob's block , cor 15th nnd Cnpltol nvo. 195 9J "WANTKD-OIrl for general hou eworkso 11 cur Fnrnnm nnd 2jlh st. IN a v l ANTED A good girl for kitchen work 172-1 Doilgo 1IJ-8 \\7ANTED-A girl lor general hou ework , lllo ( outhl3tliBt. 1SJ 7 * \\7ANTEO-Gooil girl nt the Commercial TT hotel , corner lith nnd Lca\onworth Bts. Good wages. Hanson i Miller proprietors. 114 fi * - AY LTANTED-Second girl F.il3 Howard. 1(0 ( YV ANTP.D-OIrl for housework Mrs W.W. Him.'hnm , 812 South lOlh st. 930 7' \\fANTKH A competent rlrl to do general TT housework , southwoit eornur 22nd nnd Luke sts W7 7 ITANTED Girl for general housework : np- T ply at 1103 S Hthst , lie 7J \\rANTKD-nood trlrl by Mri M. U Stlttfor ' ' general housework , at 1115 S Ctli st. UK ) 8J WANTED-OIrl for Kcncial housework , 210'i 1't.rnnm. fcci T1TANTKD A competent irlrl for Renernl ' housework. OooiS wnpos ; o the right person. Apply to Mrs. John H.I' . I.uhmann , u4South ! fitroet. aw 0 \v \ ' 2 girls , cook nod dining room. Inquire 13IS I-o.ivonworth 963 fl \\TANTKD-At once , piano player , colored TT woman preferred Apply 112 8. 9th 843 V\7ANTED Ladles to work for us at their T T own homos ; $7 to 13 per week can bo quietly made : no photo-painting , no canvass ing. . For full particulars please address nt once Crescent Art Co. , (19 Central it , Boston , Maes , Hox.5170. i2 SITUATION WANTED. W ANTED A potltlon by competent steno grapher. KM Hoc office. I'Ji n \\7ANTED Situation in coachmnn , Scamll- navlati , understands horses , ( Jood ref erences. Address K 5) Ileo oflice , 1U ! ? j WANTED Situation as clerk in ofllco or Moro ti } n gentleman of good education and ttmparato habits. Address K < 7 lice ollice , WANTED Situation in either wholesale or retail dry iroods , boots and shoes orgro- ceiy house , AdJross O. E. J. bo151 , Oregon , Mo 1SO-6J WANTED Situation by a German ( apro 21) ) , ns clerk In retail or wholesale grocery erIn In general merchandise store out of city ; good recommendation and experience of live years In general merchandise store : wnsjes no oboct | on start. AddreaS 1C U , Ileo ollice. H07J WANTED Situation by a temperate nnd re- liable 3 ouug man as toamstcr for some wholesale house. Address K 15 , Hoe ofTicu. 114 flj \\rANTED-SItuatlon by n trmpornto and re- i ' liable young man la a wholesale bouse. Address K , Ileo. 115 OJ STHNKlltAI'HEll ( and typewriter operator , doslics employment evenings. K : n. Hoe olllco. r)7 \\TANTED Position by middle aged ludy ' > fully qualltlcd na nurse. Address K 40 , nee onico. wi nj BANKING , hardware or lumber Hltuatlou do- sired by young man ; C'in Invest fcJ.OO ) , ad dress C K H care Hciiiphill it Moore , DCS WS9 7j "l\7"ANTED Situation by flrst class cook , i washers and Ironci8 Wo contract tor hotel , kitchen and laundry work. Inquire at or address 110 South 10th st. ( ieorge Loyor KlSCJ WANTLD Situation by etondy young man who has experience in olllco and dry goods business and Is tlno penman. Host of references given Add B. II. 1'ost Ofllco. 8137 " \\TANTED Situation by boy 16 j cars of ago. of goo. ) common school education : any respectnblu position with opportunity of ad vancement. Address W. 3,703N. ICth street. 089 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Itoom nnd hoard In pilvato Inmily. Iteforencos. Address II. D. I' P. local freight olhcc. 1" ! 8' w 7ANIED I want to buy a five or six room cottage somewhere inside the Holt line ; north or west of P. O preferred , monthly Day- monts. K 53 Boo ofllco. ITS 3 W TANTED A young lady room mate , Intiuiro Bt 1715 Dodge St. 158 7 * WANTED Good second hand buggy ihar for cush.K 40Heo olllco. 103 0 * \ \ ! ANTED Gentleman and wife wnnt board TV und room in wood locution Will pay t. > 5. References exchanged. Address K 49 , lieu olllco. 153 OJ V\7ANTED Board and room In private i family by gentleman nnd wlfo Good lo cation : references exchanged. Address 1C is , Itoe ollice. 154 Oj " \\7ANTFO-To purchase n good , stvllsh V > horse : must DO sound nnd gentle unit a good stepper. W. S. Seavcy , 111 South 14th street. 144 OJ " \\7ANTED-Honrdlng place for two children , > nour20thst Address Nurse , 119 f. 20th street 104 7J \ITANTKD-To borrow $1.200 on Omnhuprop- T > 6rty worth $ . ' , HiO. Will pay 11 per cent. Address K S7 , lit o olllco , ' . ' 61 ( > WANTED A gentleman wants good fur nished room with board. Address K. 30 Dee. 907 7 \\7ANTF.D-Torcnt.nfurnished house Ad T > dres 1C 23 , Hoe ollico. 892 " \1T ANTED-To buv team of good. Round 11 driving hoi sof , harness nnd top bug&y Will pay cash. Dion Gernldlne , 714 Pncific St. 55 "WANTii--To : ) buy furniture nnd ! ono of 5 to TT B-rooni tint. In tiood locality for rii- rentlng. Must boa bargain for apot cash. Ad dress with particulars , H 71 , Hco ollico. 703 T I ONEV W ANTKD-$500 to 55.000 , for the u = o 1T1 of whlcli for Fix months I will pay two per cent pnr month In advance nnd give good ae- emit ) In double the amount loaned , address II 07 , lire olliio. CJi " \\rANTEO A nnncpaper , paying circulation 11 guaranteed fi nm the start , for particu lars address Bank of Valley , Valley , Neb. 002 " \\7ANTKD-Topxchango medium sized Hall TT Mifo for largo s\te of any kind will pay dlltcrenco Dion Geraldine , 714 Pncifio st , city. S5i "V\7"ANTF.D Hoard and lodging by a slnglo i i man , with some private tamily , located near the confer of the city. Address , stating : leiin ? , to "K 17" Bee olllce. S4J 7J \ \ * A NI E7 > - 0W ( ynrds dirt. Apply nt 13th il and NIcholMS , E. U \ angle A. Co b2J ti \\7ANlED-To lon ground In nny pp.rt of ' the city , not over 10 blocks fiom post- ofllco Address O. W. Cody , box WO , city. b9 ! FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. "pUHM to rent. T. Murray. K53 FOB BENT May 1ftfurnished hoiibo rooms modern coinonlonces , central location. Mend & Jaml0on , il3 ! S 15lh st. 9U5 Oil BENT-t-room hou e. Enquire J. F. Barton , 2.5IG Cupltol ave. b3.7 7j " 17011 BENT A now store on 10th st , Ixitween -I Mason und PuciHoRt.,22 by 32 , Imnilre up stairs. 15-1 10 * J7OH * TlENT-May Ut a furnished house , Ap- 1 lily to Mrs. A , II. Kustls , 6J1 Colfnx st , 2 doors n of l.ivonworth t 1,0 7 * FOIl BENT-2ndtloor"2xl31ft. : well lighted : lirlvllogo of using water eluvntor Included. Apply ut 1405 Douglaj at. 191 ) H BEST Five room house 27th St. . near DoJgo. $17. J. It , Blngwnlt 213 south 15th. FOIUlENT-10-room house , bath room , hot nnd cold water , soo.ikln ? tubes , elcutrlo bells , c-to , . now house , never been occupied , $53 per month , will lease for one year. Gnod location. Call at once , Gregory & Hadloy , loonu 1 nnd 3. Hcdlck blk. ; el So 15th il. 733 T7K3K BENT 4 now cottaicoi on California JJ and 33th street , nor Cumin ; street car * . Bent $25 per month. Apply to Kaufman Bros. , 07 S. 15th st 6f1 TTIOIl HENT-May 1st , 10-room homo , all JL1 modern Improvements. 712 N 19th Et. 640 BJ T21OH BENT Store and llvlnu apartments on. A. CumingncarSaundorsBt , Apply at HarrU Heal Estate tnd Loan Co. , 333 3.15th Bt 75J ETOIi UKJJT-BrlokyardsT. Murray. * 446 T71OH HENT-Thrcoroora house 1100 South JU 7tb 81 , . . &i' Foil HP.NTV J of n largo offlno well located , lii'iulro of Swan A Co. , l tt\ \ Dodge n. 753 FOR KENT ROOMS , 171011 ItE.NT-llooms-Ono suitable for 3 or 4 -i ? gentlemen : one sultnblo for two gentle men : one suitable for grntlemnn nd wife. llonrd In the family. 1410 Chicago st. IKH 11ENT Booms with I HMt-clnss table FOlt board , nt 703 south 1'th St. _ 101 11 * ITIOIt BENT Newly furnished rooms In now Jj .house ; 2213 Farnatn st. 181 12' F IOH IlENT-Furnlsnod rooms , ISIS Dodso. " 1710 It H.ENT Corner room m fine locatlim.l -t ? or t young gentlemen , best of reference re quired. 3.-I N 13th St. 7'7 IT'OU ' HUNT Furnished rooms , 712 N. Fnli st. 1 ? 523 sj " 17/011 / BENT Furnished rooms 1707 C.tsi ( FOIl HUNT-Two unfurnished rooms suite , 8. W cor 18th nnd Jackson , $15 per month. 123 FOlt KENT rursluhod rooms. Inqnlreat502 N lth street. JI30 9 T710HKKST A gmull neatly furnished room , J ? 2025 Karnam St. 780 0 F [ KENT Wull furnished front room suit- P able for two , 1318 Farnatn St. 1U 7 FOK KENT Suit of newly furnished rooms to tlnco or fnur > ; eutlomcn. 1IMU Web- Bier st. 12i It * F OU KENT Furnished rooms , 3U N. SM it. between Chlciigo and Davenport , 10-11UJ TTIOK HiNT-S : fumlshed front room * suit- J- ' note for lltht ( hoiiBekcopmi ; . $ S per month , furniture for gulo cheap. Cull at 27UJ Cnmintf St. , betxrecn 0 mid 8 o clock p. in. KU Sj FOH KENT Furnished rooms with or with out bonrd. Also tmni suitable for csrpen- tershoporstnblo. at 1011 Dodge st. 103 lij FOIl HUNT Furnished roorai , with or wlth- out bontd , Bt 41X. . Ulh 8t. 100 11J " | 7 > Oll HUNT Furnished "looping rooms nnd JT furnished and unfurnished rooms for light houtoliecplntf. Inquire 8U'J Howard st. 176 FOH KKST Klnenntly furnished front room suitable for two contlctnen or tfontlotnan und wife. Apply 1718 Dodge st. 7.17 7IO11 ItGN'T Furnlshod room , . ' 13 Cass st. F IOH KENT-Furnished rooms , 714 N. iwth. 72nlO FOlt KENT Nicely furnished rooms at rea sonable rates , one olock from court house , 506 So 18th st , north St. Mary's uvo , up etalrs. 573 FOIl llENT-Ottlees In Hcllman oulldingcor. 1'arnam and 1 Ith sts. . In Biiltos or singly. For prices , diagrams and Information apply to S.A. Slomnu , 1J1J Fartiam st , Itoom 2 411 FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. TIIIIC real estate ollico of .1. L. lllco i.Co. open untlii'iOp. ! : m. Telephone 418. 122 . SLOMAN , Heal Estate Ilrolior , SA. 1512 Karnam Street. Fariiam street , coi Ii > th,6'iil3. , 4 cash.f sfl.ojn Karnamst , near KtliIxl , U , Improved. . 35,000 Karnam st , near lbthtixlJ2 , Improved . 22 , ' > JO Karnam st. , near 20th,2Jxl32. very cheap , 7oaj Karnam st , neur 20th , llGxxlu2 . 3J.OOO Knrna-nst. cor. 31st st ! J6xl32 , south andeastfront . jn . 17,000 Fnrnam gt cor. 41it. 48x13) . 8 and e front ; i.flOO DouglaSbt nour 13th. 22xl3J , Ji Interest. Douglas st. near 23d , fi xl32 . 8.000 Dodge St. near 29th , 50xl52' { .v . 2,0(0 ( Dodge st noHri'tth ' , 40x127 , lmprov d. . . 3,000 Jones st cor. 15th , Mxft ! . 24.00J Lcav nworth st. cor. 21st , 132x111 , 1m- pro-ed . * . . 13,500 Leavcnworth st. cor. 23th , 140x112 , lin- oroved . 25K)0 ( ) leth st. opp , M. P. and Holt Line depot. 81x113 . . t . . . . 9CW ) 14th"Bt. trackage , I'addock place , 08x112. 2.50J Parkave. opp. park , 60x110 .4 ; . . . l. OJ Georgia ave. near Mt Pleasant. 50x1 W 2 , OJ ahhst near Dorcas , lOOtl'W ' , improved . 4r > 00 20th st near Douglas , 3IxM , Improved . C.iJOJ lMhBt.cor.Mnrtlia,65TlJ.impirovod. . . 4,501 SUthst. eor. SnwnrdOJxl2),3 houses . . . 4.W1 Pierce near 20th , 61 foot front , 2 stroots. 5'WO Hamilton st near Holt line , imrnovod . 1.100 35th st. .near Davenport. 100xti . 2,200 Feward. nearSJth. B0.\157 . , , . 1.15J JOth st , near Castollar , 135 feet front. . . 4.WI Mh st. near Martha , 51x151. corner. . . . l.riOO Hurdcttost , near 38th , 50x132 , on car line 1,000 Ilurtst.-neur Lowoave. rill-2x3 . 1,103 25th , cor , Poppleton. 6xll)0. ! ) Improved . 4.60) ) 2hthnear Popplcton.&Jxli ? , Improved. . 6.000 Orchard Hill , lots * 750 to . l.KK ( ) Hrownl'nik , lots JSOOto . 8.VJ Ilodford flaco , lots tOW to . ! KX ) Highland Par * , lots oich-casti J 3. . 2iO : Wakely add , lcts57xlV ) , r ch . 400 25 acres near FortOmaha.flnely Inproved 11,000 Center st. CflxVI2. Improved . 1.2UO Farnam gt.nenrS'itli , . 4,500 Nicholas gt corner . 4,5fiO 1'ark ave , facing Park , 50x150 . 4,001 P 10th et , near viaduct , 40x102 . 5,003 SulphurSprlngs add. just opp. 16th st,50 xl 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.000 Lenvonworth st. near Holt Line , 100x127. . -,700 Saundorsst cor Hurt iB2t" > l s and o front O.M ) Lcavenworth st cor 21st Iiflxl3i Imp . . 12.W1 I'nrnnm cor 13th imp. , rent $ .IOHJ. . . 33.0UO II X M. Park lot" , 15-1 each . Hellman's add lots , JlWcnch . .loroinu Park lots , east front , on grndo . 2.W5 Bargain 1'arnam st a corner s and w fiontonly . 3.503 9M S , A. Sloman , I51J Farnamst niHK real estate ofllco of.l. L. llice \ Co. open X until 3:30 : p. IB. Telephone 4H. 12J FOlt SALE-By Grnham , CrclBhton Hlock. T o south front lots , Lowe's aid , f2,3JO for Ixtts on Benson car line , 40 feet front , 759 ench , Finolot on Hurt , next to corner , t..OOJ , 1-3 canh. Corner In Hart's subdivision , fl.WO. Oood lot In Creston , f 1,250. 12(1 ( fecit on baundcrs st , $75 par foot. Fnrnam it , coiner on Lowe's nvo. J,50J , snnd o front. Lot on Lake st , $2,230. Good lot on Virginia ave , in Hanscom Place , . Sherman ave fronts at f 103 per foot. . Good lot on Charles st. lt * > J. Five ber.utlful acres on Ames a\e , fi.OTO. Graham. Crcighton Hlock. 911 8 Telephone No. 7.14. p IE rcnlcMatoollico of ,1. L lllco i Co. open Juntil H:30 : p m. Telephone 41B. 122 OMAHA linOHTS , prices moderate , you will doiiolo jour money. Ov/neis nio men of mran * , and aru determined it snail nu llioniojt nttiartlvouddltlon to Omaha. Claik- foil \JUodtty , 219 S 14th St. 7'J6 rplli ; real estate office of . I UHIcuiCo open X until 0:50 : p. in. 'Jclephono Hi * . 122 "I710H KALE-iVe have IVlots for sale In Mey- J cis' , Itlchard \ Tildnu's add , call on us for terms and prices. Uenuwa i : Co. , 15th st , oppo- tltu postoHico. 171 7 EAST trent Kllby place only i VJ. Lots In llenpon \ Mnyne's addition adjoining thU lots are f-clllngfrom JIAKto ) l/iOJ This is a bargain. 1'nrkAFowler , 1522 Douglas. l"t ! i " S PECIAL HargnTiiCorner lot Maj no's place , one block from JLeavrnworth , only $2,000. Park \ Fowler. 1522 Douglas. , ISl 9 R EAD thls'splcnillil ll-t : Gibson , Ayleaworth i..llenjnmm , i 1512 Futnamst. 1 lot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , wUti 2amull liouies . . . . . $ 3033 1 lot m Hawthorne , 4e\lo < , cor "lid ana l > import , with ( , room Imu'o'.clstern , well , etc , \urycasy terms .rr : . . . 3,5 1 lot In Hillside 2,1 add . t. . 1.SD3 liotln Hedfordl'lice.5'Jxl2J ' [ / . . 73i Hot InHltchcosk's Mt n < ld. 50xU.'i . . . 701 1 lot In I.OHO'S lstaddr lxlJOwith house 1.7V3 Hi lots in Shinns 1st uJd,75vW i , Caldwell - well st . : J 3.7CK3 1 lot In UodlcK's add , 5xl2. , Half How ard st . . . . . . . 3,33 2lot < In West Sid's , 53vl29 , barn nnd fruit trees . ' . . 2,103 D-room homo nnd lot N. 17th'ft.good wolland extern . , f. . O.W ) Kount7o 4th add , lot ( -.block rlrlx room house , well , cistern barn , &o . 4,0 > 3 Hlinebaitgh A Patterson sub left 10 , block .contract . . 550 120 ft on St. Mary's five , wlth-S'9-ioom bouseN , gn- , and water , will subdivide 3"i,033 40 ft on fct. Mary's nvo bet , 10th and 2Jth l..OOJ Choice lot In Omaha View . . .J. . 9 I2ftonl0tn st.nearFarnam.r. 70,0)5 2lot . 60xJ7. 1/iwo's ndd , 4-room house , cellar , ell nnd ( W-footbirn , price . . . 3,00) Warehouse or business property In block 1W , $15,003. easy terms Itestaurunt nnd lot 22x132 for roomi , jjood paying buslnoss , In Weeping Water , $2,600 , terms easy. Lotl'Jin Anlsflcld. $ ° 50. llouao 40x13s , 6 rooms and lot on Douglas St , for sale , SfVIOJ. S-ml'h add. one lot MxlT ! , 15.000 , harm of 80 acres , splendid IIOIIHO , barn , grnn- nry and all outbu Idmgs In Cus * Co , 3 miles N of Wo.pln ? Water. S1.2UJ cash , II JU ) J , easy terms. harm of Ml acres well lmpro\ nnd all con veniences In Caji county , $ JsOO , $ j > JO cash nnJ assume fl.suti mortgage. Full lot on Dodge st , 3 houses , rents for J500 , 5 " 3. H cash. t > 7J _ _ /"IHANCUforfinnlnveMment : cor i > \ II on v > / California Mft on 23d. $ . ( HO. Itoom to build 4 tints on California st. Theio buildings can b put up for $12,0X1 und will rent for $60 each per month. IhU It will bo seen will pay big on the Investment , Call and sou John Gallughcr , 317 > 13th about this property , 142 10 fTMIE raal enato'offlco of J. I , . IHco fc-Co. open , J.untll9 : 3p. to , Telephone 4t8 K3 OWEM , ? , real cstitn broker , has re- moved hl olllco to 1WJ Fnrnnmft cor of 15th , and hopes to see nil his old friends nnd many now oneHo hns n large ll t of VAlunb ) : ire | erty for s"\lo nnd to nil ho wish to pur ha u ho unites > ou to call and bellouIt will ) oto j our Interest ns well as 1m to get his irlcos nnd torms. To non-re'lileiits peeking nvestments. Any Information that you wjh | 111 be cheerfully given , nndpartlciiUr ntten : lon gl\en to shoeing propcity. Ploatu note tlic followlni. ; -'lots In Ambler place , each f 100 Ixits In Albright Choice , 175 to 45J Lotsln Albrlirht iinneT , $5X1 to 7i Jlotsin Arm tronp2d nJd , onch S.2.M1 2 lolsln Ilurr Oakeach lCi ) Ixts In Armour place 450 75tlisftof lot 2 , llnrtlctt place , a cheap nnd valuable property l.VX ) 2lotIn Bedford ) > Uco at 1TO Lotl7 , blk 12. Hcilfonl 771 71olslu lludford uliici1 , each fOJ lt.'f , blk 2 , linker plicc W ) Lot fl. blK 7. Il'tker place NV ) Lot IS. blk 1. linker place 4iJ Nortlt 100 ft of lots I and 2 , blk 2 , Ciimti- bell's add 5.K ( > 3 l itt" " , Cllltou plnco 1'VV ) Lot 4 , Courtland place , the bc > t location nnd residence lot In the city , \ > lth largo , tlno shade trees , all for 7.VV ) f/ots 1 and 2 , blk 5 , Deni'u's add , both 4..MO Lot , blk2. Dcnl-o's ndd , 2'iOJ Ixjt 1 , blK tf , Demise's add , 1,250 Lots 1.1 and It' , I'almow , each l.nnu Lots 13 , 14 and 15 , blk 1 , Hnnscom Place , ench . . . . 3.000 lot 12 blk U , Hnnscom Place 3.VO Lots 11 and 1. , blk 2 , Hanscom PUce , S K eor Pupplptou and Virginia ave , fronting enft , n barimln nt . 7,200 Lots U , 7 nnd t * , blk fl , Hanscom Place , each . . . . Lots 1 , 10 nnd 20 , blk 8 , Hanscom Place , each . . . . . 3.000 Lot 17. blk 1 , Hanscom Plnco . 2V > J Lots s nnd I * , blk 2 , Hanscnm Place , both fi.'JIO Lot6. blk 15 , Hauscom Place . . . l.uV ) Lot 2 blK 15. Hnnscom Plnco 1/V3 Lots 10 nnd 14 , blk 20 , Uanscom Place each 1,750 Lots > ) anil Si , blk 1' ' , Hansco.n Place both 3riOO Lot 2 , blk 19 , Hanicnm Place lrXl ( lxt 1 , lilk Isl Grand Vli-w MV3 Ixits2l,22 nnd SI , blk 2 Hawthorne , each 1,500 I.otalW. ; > 8 and ; i7 , llarlam f.ano , each UH1 'J lots In Horbach 1st 2.5(10 ( to. . 5,000 South 40 ft of lot 4 block 1 Kirxwood 1,125 1'ilnl , Clarendon 1.71W 7 , . 9 and 10 I.akpview , each 450 The ft hole of block 1H In Hoyd's add , a bargain nnd sure to double In value. . . . 7,500 1.1 and 14 In' ' , south fronton Corny st , . : tIOO 11 In 4. Paik Place . . lO.tXV ) 4 and 6 In 5 I'addock , > ach . . . . ls l 4 niul 5m 4 , Phillips' aild t a Inside Property. East 41 feet of 9 In 1.4. gilt wdge 2A.OX ) North 'sof ' 5 In Kl.COxM -J.J. H ) West 44 ft .lot 1 , block 121 , 12th nud Douglas. , Imimnod 10,000 btorouii'J ' house on Douglas , lot 83x 3. nil for . . 6,000 Lornor on Farnam , valuable , 60xl3J ft can be bought now for 32,000 Lot U , in HI.I , luth und JackKon , routs for $2.0tiOa year . . . 25.WK3 22 ft. of II nnd M of 4 In block 12.1. front on Douglas : S. E. Douglas und llth . 31,000 5 R 'ith nnd Loavenworth.Mlxli' ' , n val- able property for . . . . . 25,000- S W. 8th and Loavenworth , 8 cottages rents for $110 per month 15,000 East 44 fi-i-t of ( I. block 101 , between 10th ami llth on Douglas 22.0O1 Lot 7 in 22 , on Mason between 13 and Mill 10,000 bouth half lot 5 , block 17.ltli 2 hou-es , tents for $50 n month , 23d and Cuas . 0,000 Lot ti. block 104 , between Douglas and Dodgy , n good investment lor . . . . ! ! 0,000 Lot 5 , in 7 , one of the best bargnlns In the city 20.003 7 stores with upper rooms , tents for tt.OGOa jear , u good Investment , self sustaining.right in the city nnd will sell for $40,000 within the year , and can bo bought now for . . . 30,00n ti block of the best trntkairu property in the city with private track , valuable for manufac turing or wholesale purposes , $7 ,000 14,15 and HI , In 14Orchard lull , lay high and dry. each SI.OUO land 2 block 18. Orchard hill , these 2 lots nro a bargain nnd will bo a good Investment to whoever Imjs them , each $ siH ) . 21 and22 In 0 , Orchard hill , $ j50on easy terms. This will pay Lots 1 and 2 In 9 , Orchard hill , for $1,100 to ' " Lo't"6 block 0 , Orchnrd hill sro Lots S and fl block OOrobnrd hill l,0o ( ) Lots In Omnha View $1,000 to 1,200 Luts in Albright's choice. Lots in Albright's annex. Lots In Morse & Hrunncr'S. Lot 1 block S , GilxHO , with 5 room house Itoger's add . . . . 4/nO Lot 1" > block B , iV5xl4 ? , llogors's add 0,080 Lot li block 4 , Hood's division , lot 11 block 3. Herd's division , ench . . . . 1,70 Lot I. block 2 , John I. Hedick's sub , u good lot nnd cheap for 3,101 Lots 13 and 14 block 3 , Hcdick'g sub , each 3,750 Lot IS In blo ( k 2 , llcutck's sub. 1 hU lot Is worth $4,000 nnd cnn bo bought for 3,500 Lot 3 nnd adjoining VJ of lot 4 in W. A. llodlck's add. both 2.800 Lots 2 and 3 in block ( i , lot 3 In block 7 , West Side , each GOO Lots 20,21.22,2J und 21 , block 28 , West Side , each . . . . 400 Lots 11 nnd 12 block 1 , Washington Hill each $ .V > 0 And lots nil over the city nlso ncro pioportv in Geo. Forbssub , Uurkurs sub , 25 acres wo-t : of Fort Omaha , 25 acres within two miles of city If you want to purchase I will bo pleased to sell to you and try and give you as good bar- gnlnsnsyoucan set elsewhere. C. Wells 150J Fnrnnm. Ifc'J 7 SNAP-m\131 east front , corner on alley In Shlnn's 3d ndd. for * 1.7iO. only $730 cash. 51xln ; in Foster's ndd. high and dry , only 52,200. ' , cnah. 'r.'vrU Patrlck'a2d , front Ing : | streets , Includ ing Lake Btioot. $4,203. 'J cash. 50x121 , One of the best corners In Falrraount 1'mce , $2,000 , Terras Easy.Gregory Gregory A I lad ley , Hooms 1 nnd 3 , Hedlck block , 3'G S. 10th st , 8'Jl B real estate ollico of J. L. itlco .V Co. open -L until 9'M : p. m. Tclcphono 118. 1"2 F IAHNAM 8T acreage. 10 ncres , ' $1 , 3 per ncro. Hush & Selby , liXU Fnrnnin , 533 niHE real estate oftico of J. L. Hico i Co. open Juntil UTO : p. m. Telephone 41 122 FIVE flno acres on Amos Ave , for fo.OOo. Graham , Crelghton Illoek 941 G LAKK Street , full ot near 20th st. $3,0X1. Graham , Creighton lllock. ( HI 0 rpHE real estate oltlco of J L. & Co. open JL until 9.W : p.m. Telephone 413. 122 rilWO lots In Hnnscom place , cast fronts$1175 -I and $1,075 : these nro the cheapest lots in tbo addition. So\ oral Orchard Hill lots. $7Wto JI.OjU Park & . Fouler , 1&J2 Douglas , 1MB ' SALE -By M A. Tpton & Co. , 1509 Farnnm st , Telephone 73. Fnrnam etroct. N E. eor. 20th nud Farnam 00x13 ! , $53,030. Just wjst of 20th 22x1,12 , $7,000. S. W. cor llUh and Farnam 90xl.R. $52,0)1. 120 ft between 21st nnd 23d lliivlSJ. $ R.ovi. 12ft ) between 21st nnd 22d 12'Xl1 ! . ' . $ IS. 101. fflltn st , 8 , W lmpro\ements 57x1 J. , $15,033 , Hnruoy street 20th st , 193x191 from Hartley to Ilownrd , $ VIIKIO 2 lh st. CIvlT1 ! Improvements $1,030 , | 1,503. ! Howurd street. 123x123 , fronting on 3 streots. $ US03. Cuinlng street. N. W. cor'iMh and Cumtng 51x121 , 310,030. Douglas Street 44 ft. east N E cor llth and Douglas , 22x13 : ? , $ KlKl DnvcnportStreot C4ft , est S Wcorllth and Uuvonport.Ofl ft front , $10UW 1'th Street. R and E front , 15th ami Hickory , 100x140 , $ ,0i > 0. 'Ihero 13 fiom 25 to IM ) per cent on money in vested In the nbovo boforoJ.inunry 1 , l " . Wo ha\o business nnd ic'Iilnnco property In oil parts of Onmun nnd South Omihii. M. A. I'pton A Co. , Telephone 73. low Fnrnam. _ 7.a il I E real estate ofiico of J. L. Itlco k Co. open J until 9.'Wp , in. Telephone IH. 122 OMAHA HEIGHTS-Hlgh.dry nnd beautiful. Clarkson \ Hcutty , 219ri llth Bt. 97U 8 120 FEET on Ssundrr- " . corner.$75 per foot Graham , Crefffhtcm BlocU. I'll ' U \BNAMST. acreage. 10 ncres. $1,330 tier aero. Hush i Stlby , 1009 Fnrnim. Bin HANfc ( OM PLACE Ono Hftho llnost cornora nn Virginia nvo , 10-5x17) . Lots lovulod up and h lug about 3 ft above grain , only $5,5'30. ' 429 Grugprj A : Hadluy. rplIEreal estate olllco of ,1. L. Hico i : Co. opoTi -L until l > :30 p. in. Telephone 4H 122 cQAVOCKJc O'Connor , 310 South Ulth st will off IT for ono week , n low hnrjaln1 ! out of tlio tunny Hhlcu ure in our list ; 2 lots on Huundera et , Impiovtments worth $ l,5"fl prleo $ fi.OOfl 22x1112 corner on llth et , rents for if-J'J ' per month . . . . . . . Z5 , < 0 75x1:2 : coiner on fct Mary's uve , with 3 hoti ca C.1000 13.'xli.'corner : on South 10th st , aotitb und cn t front. . JO.noi AconrorandC-roora cotttitfoon 10th st . 7,000 120x13- corner south ot viaduct un lltU st 8.2 2 vacant lots on 3 , lltb st , cheap. 19x140 nnd an b-room cottiu'i ) , n c&rner h. 15th st 6.00J A beautiful roslJunce Igi nenr lth * . ' . . cars , l.'Ol In n word , If you want dojlrnblo p-opertv either for speculation or for n hnino.rnlliinrl ( cotuolnrire nntl carefully seloctcd Hit of Mo- ( Javock A : O'Connor. 3ia B. l.ltli it n-3 "II10K SALE A newly HnlshcI 5 room cottngu -1 } with nil convenloncrs. centrally loc.-'cJ on Centre , near 20th , lot ul.VJ Prlco fl. J.c $500. 'ItlDO. Olsen 3M S IMlh St. 113 U FATiNA > f HTT"acTemro. fo acresll.VoO acre. ItujU ASelbyVi \ E raaui. b \TEBHA3I\A Loan and Heal F tf\to Co. , rooun J. > No s iuut 10 , .M lloor , Hellmnn's block , corner Htii nnd Fiunntni lonn money nn real estate and collaterals , on long nnd short tlmo. Sec our ll t of property ImprovUd. < 5. i : . corner IVth and Farnam $2-,000 I'hrco houses and lots adlolnln ? N , l- corner lith and Jnck on < mlfi 10,003 Throe hou os nnd lots , s. K. corner lltb and Hurt , tMxl.t ! 15,000 louse -uul lot , cot nor 31st nnd Franklin streets ! , * > ! lou e and lot on Franklin street . . . . 1 , VW Store nnd lot In South Omaha H.MO ilouso and lot on locust trcot * , 3u < V1 House nnJ lot. corner 17th and Martha . 2 v > ( louse and lot on Dodire bet27th nmU' th 3.1KX ) lloti'O and lot on S. 12th st . . . . 3.&X ) House nnd lot In S Omaha , rents for $115 per month 10,003 Hotel with 10rooms In S Omaha . , . 6two House and lot onS. 19th near Center. . . . 1,701 llouio and lot on Charles st. nenr 23th . . 2..VIO llousq anillot on 27th uve. 02fi3.5 . . . . . 4.nM Hou'o : ind lot N. E. cor. 15th and Dorcas 3,025 House , lot nnd bnrti on 2jth st. between Frnnklln and Seward 6,000 Hou e and lot on S.'l t st l > etwoon Lravcnuorth and Mason 4OM HoujoHinl lot , 50 feet on IMIi-t. liy UI feet on Mn on , cor. lot. 7-room house 6,50i1 House nnd lot In Council Bluffs . . . . 750 llouc , lot nnd barn In Omnha View . . 1,5W Housir , lot ntiJ barn on 21)111 ) St. , near Ca ollar . . . . 1,503 House nnd lot on Clark street , between 17th nnd ISth 4.VX ) Pnlmproxed. Lot on S W. cornet Vth and DoJgo , | V\132 , 18.VO I/ot In.letter's addition to South Omnhn 700 Ixjt In South Ornnha proper 3,000 Ix > t in Ambler Plnco H ts In South Omatm Park , ench 650 Lots In Clarendon Place , fronting on Like treN 2,100 Lots in Orchnrd Hill from $750 to 1,04) ) Lot In Brown Park 1.HO Corner lot In Hlmebiiugh Saundcr'a addition . . . 7.50 Ixit in Mn } no Place 3,2tH l/ots In Hnwlhome , each l.HOO Lots nt Manhattan 32"i Lots In Danbaum' ! . sub South Omnhn . . 750 Lots In Albright's Annex WH Uitsin Shlnn's 1st addition,75x1271 ! . . . 1,700 Lots In HoillcU's Park , each liX3 Lots In Central Park 375 Lots on South 22nd street , near St. Murv'K avenue 4,000 I ts In Barker Place 553 Uitsin Walnut lllll.on grade 1.50J Ixits In Albright's Choice 4M l/its In Washington Hill 4IH Lots in Campbell's addition 1,200 LoU on Burdutto street , between 18th and Sherman a\enuo 3,200 Lot In Exchange Place , South Omnha . 1.000 Lots In Armour Plnco . . . . . 4,5 Al-othe following additions : Hoffman ter race. II. & M. park. North Omaha , lloso Hill , Bedford plnco and many others too numerous to mention. A splendid addition Just laid out nt Sioux City Ion a. Can double } our munoy in M days on these lots. Call and see us No trouble to show property Nebraska Loan & Heal Estate ) Co. . Hooms U nud 10 Hellman's block cor l.lth _ nnd Farnam. 847 O MAHA HEIGHT3-$250 to $400,1-5 cash. Clnrxson & Uentty , 219 S 14th st. W79 U TUIE i oil estate ollleo of.l L Illce 4c Co open until ! ) .30 P m. Telephone 418. 12. TTUHNAM ST. acreage. 10 acres , $ IWO pert -t acre. Hush * belhy , 1M9 rarnam. 605 FOIt SALE I4'l feet front on Fnrnnm st , In side $200 per foot. J. L. lllco A Co. Q')7 ' ) SPECIAL n rgnin-Corner lot Mayiie's place , one block from Lenvonwoith , only $2,000 , Park 4. Fowler , 1522 Douglrts 1S4 0 ACOHNEK and throe Inside lots In block 4 , Orchnrd Hill , next to Hamilton St. , at $900. Terms easy. Pierce & Hogors 117 OMAHA HEIGHTS , surrounded by quickest communication , depot on the ground by August , Uarkaon & lloatty , 21 < J S Htli st. 9790 rpAKlTtho"cako. Cuke & Hillings. Heal Efk -L estate hot cakes. Over 101 South 15th st. Sttmplo Glugiir Snaps. One hundred and ten feet on .lonos and 14th Bts , halfca hbal. 1.2 , 3 years , $17V)0. Fifty by xn feet for trackage lor uuslncHnear Stock VardA. Ten selected lots near Swift's pncklng house site. 010 THE real estate ofllco of .1. L. llice 4 Co open until PuO : p.m. Telephone 418. 123 4 5 ACHKS north ot U. P. shops nt $200 per acre. Terms to suit , David M. Connnll ngfiit,3131ltliRt.opp Pnxton hotel , or C. K. Crallu. 1419 Uodgo . 1'67. LOTS for sale. A great bargain for a few day onlv. Lot 51 ( Uses add , n w coiner Suunilers and Cnsslus street , will subdivide to tidmntago , nearly ononcrn of land , $12,000. Lot 10 , ( ilfo'rt add , $ ,000 , Lot 71 , Glse'undd. $5.aX ) lllock No. 1. Hoyd's ndd , $10,001. Terms , not lo s than l-.l cash , balance 8 per cent , foinl-iinnnal interest. liomlngton A. McCormlck , 921 2JOSonthl5th Btrcot. EIGIITV-SIX by One hundred and eighty ft cor of Ohio and 17th § t. line house and barn , can bo Bold cheap find on easy tormf , John Gallagher,317 S 13th st 143 10 10 ACHES 4 miles west ot P.O. for sale. $000 per aero. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Na tional baiiK. 280 FAHNAM ST. acreage , 10 aoios , $ IHOO per acre. Hush & Selby , 1803 Fninam. 503 OMAHA Some ot the host corners SOUTH In the business portion of the town , nnd lots In all additions thnreto. Gregory > V Hadloy , Itooms 1 nnd 3 , HeJlck's Hlk , 320 S. 15th st. 4W PAHNAM ST. ncirauo , 10 ncrcs , $1,1 < 03 per aero. Hush & Selby , I8W Fnrnam. 535 nil IE rcnl estate ollico of J L. llice & Co. open JL until 9:3 ! ) p. m. Telephone-116. 122 FOB SALE In largo orsmall lots Held deeds , timothy , little red nnd mammoth clover , Gcrmnn und common millott seeds. 1 warrant this seed all raised In Hutlcrco mty , Neb , nnd new. pure and clean seed. Write to W. G. Bos ton , David City. Nob. , for prices. 491 nO 5 ACHES In Cunningham's ndd nt $1,500 per acre. Small cash pa ) incut. Gate City Heal ] > tnto Co. , 1320 Douzlas. 17'J 8 10 ACHES 4 miles west of P 0 , for sale , $00 I per acre. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nu tioiml bunk. K ) . FAHNAM ST. acreage. 10 acre. Hush .V Sclhy , 1TO3 Furnani. 5(15 ( VALLEf , S Our now addition. Aoros-t75 to $401 per aoM. Nenr South Omaha , And Hydlcato HIIL Marshall * , 778 150J Farmvm. INSIDE PHOPEHTV-Wo have some good in- side property nt n bargain , Piorto A : HOST- ors.1511 Doiltre street. ai3 BlaljAlTflAIN-Ono hundred feet front on South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5.000. Part on tlmo. V. I. Vodlcka , 5.3 South 13th st 6.14 _ rpllIHTV lots two blks from new depot. South X Omahn , $ lr.O If Fold before the 15th , rierco \ Hoguis,5Atilngtonblk. 117 rpHE rcnl estate ollico fit .1. L. Hice & Co. open X until 0:30 : p.m. Telephone 41 . 122 100 cnsh will Focuro 10) ) acres of first class $ farming land In onstern Nebrnskn balance verv long tlmo und no tRif < for 'JO year * . The O. F. Dnvlj Lompany , 15J5 Fnrnam st. 921 n 15 _ _ TTIOn SALII-A loiiKont $310 per annum for f J yonrs from Apiil2 , 'h7 , on struo room nnd 5 room Hut on hi. Mary's avo. hem ecu 17th Ibtl , bis. hhnw \ Co.rlU S. Ibtli tt 5.16 rpIIE rcnl cstnto odiro of J. L. lllco A Co. open -L until 9lii : p m Telephone 418.U \ HO feet oust Iront lot in Vite-i : & Hood's suhdl- vision fur $1.200. John Gnllngher , 317 S 13th. 111 10 _ VTELSO.VSADD-IotiB'xl25. with 3 houses. ---i ono ll-room , the otner 7-rnom , total rent fCfiporjoai. all for ? 0W ) . r..tvicush b | 1. S , ! l 4 aniiSyoTK. Nniltn the oaiy terms nnd that rent pays ) over 10 per rent on Investment. drouiir ) X llaillo > , Hooms 1 and J , Hodick bll ; , J-.n South l.lth st. _ Bt'V lots In Omniia Heighti bulorn they nilvuncB and bctore the rnilioiuls com- mcneo work on tboir shops , clarkson .V ll nity 219 S.I Illi st 117.1 u FOIl SALE 5 room house , two full lots cor ner , east front , enpy terms JilJJ. Knst frontlet In Kllby Plnco J91D. Two lotsln block 6 Ames Place 11000. II. W. lliuure3. 15W Furnitm st. 357 8 OOD lot in'.owo'8 add , $95o Grumn Crolghton Hlock. Ml 0 1 [ 0ll SALE Desirable residence property on 1 CupltolHlll. In'iulru' ' Davenport Ht. 1 0 ACHES 4 miles west of P O , for eaie. $ V -I porncrc. D. U. Putteraon , Om.ihn Na tlonul bunk. 2-ifl SALE Oil TUADEVo own Severn ) thousand aorai of choice South Dakota land which wo will sell or trmlo for Omahn iiropwrty. Wo want to Bell and otTer our land .it bottom prlroj Wright AT Li bury. c < rr. undt-r Puxtonjiotol _ lort 'V\rA.NTED To biry 4 or 5 , 4 or 6 nrom houses M to bo moved off the ground. Park ft .Fovrlur , 1423 liouglas. . _ m 9 rnHH real estate o-J < tt. like A Co. open X uutilB : ; p. M. Tr phon (13 , m , CWELL9 , 1503 Fnrnam si Itostdonccsi Hotiio , 4 rooms , well nnd clMcrli , In BodforJ place , $ lf/W Lot v block S , Hnnsoom place , hoiuonf9 rcoms with all modern lmproomenlj1,1100. . Lot 20 block 2 , Hanscom place , house of 10 rooms , uiro homo , good loc ttlnn , nil for S8.00X Houo , nnd lot 5 block 4bS In Grand Vlim.cot * tngnoft rooms , cellar , cistern , , \ iI.'WO , Housu and lot , llartnian add nt $ V > > H Ilon.uior 12 rooms on bli > ck 51 , Horhnch's 1st , nl o house , 3 rooms , same lot , u bargain nt 2hou t-s on lot AJ , llorbnch's Ut , fronting on 1Mb , rents lor $05 per month. Price $7UuO. HOUS.I of 5 rooms , collar , 2 cisterns , well , turn , out houses , all fenced , $ .tV)0 , S. E corner of I' S. Grunt and Virginia avo. 50 feet on Virginia and 140ft on U. S. Grant , house of 9 rooms furnnco , olccti lu bolls , man- ties , , \c , , n uood location , a plcndld home nua it goo.l tn\cstment for * swo. House of 0 rooms , good w ell , cellar , outhouse nml barn , on lot 11 blk Id Central Pnrk.W. . > . Lot 14 blk 10 , with 3 More * , price $3,010 North i < 3nnd 4 In 203 , Mtll. , corner , liottsa Brooms , $10,000. S , w,23 < tHua Hurt , block 311 , house of M rooms , gas , good barn , 1 block of cars , cheap al flO.OiK ) . A flno resilience with all modern conveni ences. 10 rooms , on lot III and 14 blk 10 , corner nfCtlduell mid King In Shlnn's aid. , with fur nace , stove , now carpets , gas nnd w Indow fli > tiire' . all dirt chenp nt $ l.ono , on easy terms. 1M)7 ) C Wells , 1502 Fiiriinm Bt. TTIAl'lNA.M ST. ncreaire , 10 ncroa , $1 , ' < OU PC/ J ncro. Hush A Solby. 160J Fitrnnm. 505 OSWENSON * CO.-1I04 Fnrnnm street , Boom 15 , dealer ) " In real estnte and west I ern land. Homes built to suit purchasers on monthly pnyinont 31-al4 FABNAM ST. nercnge , 10 acres , $1,800 per ncre. Bush & Solby , 1009 Farnnm. 605 IF you nro sharp you will InvostTgnte thesY ; l Jx 131 conuir Davenport nnd 32d uvo In Morsmnn Park , 1-3 cash $ 6,500 45x131 near corner lu Morsmnn Park , 1-0 cash 2,750 Lou 111 an1 20 In block 2 , Drake's , . . H.OOO Lot 2 in block 4' > , H ca h 5,000 South-west comer Coldwell and Pier. , . . 3.500 lUlxlMonSt Mary'snvc 20,003 Middle 1-3 lot 1 , block 349 , with nine room house , modern improvements , ii cash 7,003 57 3-4x125 H corner with cottage In rear on Fnrnam , $ ,1,000cash , nnlnnco easy 11 11.000 Lot oln 10 , Isnnc and Selden's ndd Lot 7 In block 340 , with two houses Hint rent for $60 month , 4 ensh 10.0M Lot 1 und 2 In block 2 Hanscom Plnco for 5V > I Lot 13 block 1C , Hanscom Plnco 2550 Lot 17 , block 'i. Hnnscom Plnco Z , WJ Lot 11 , block 1.1. Hnnscom Plnco 2.5.V ) LotT , nlocK 2. Hunscom Place .550 Lot 13 , block 3. J I. Itedlck'K add 3.75H Lot 14. block 3. J. 1 Bcdlok's ndd 3,750 George M. Cooper , lloom 3 , Arlington 111 is. SPECIAL Hargnln Corner lot Mayne's place , ono black from Le.ivenworth , only $2,000. ParkFowler. . 1.523 Douglas. 1 4 9 JL. BICE & CO nro solo ngents lor the fol- lowing : Lot 10. block 7 , Ambler Plnco , $1,000. Lot 1 , block 1 , Pnti Ick's Addition , $1,750. Ixit 5 Washington Square , $ ,1,250. I-ot 10 block 5. Hoggs \ Hill' ? . tll.MO. Lots 1 nnd 2 Andrews. Wlllluma & . Troxell'S sub on i.uko street , $1.0X1 ench. 7chofco Instltuto Plnco. Lots $ " > HO each OlotH in Corell's Addition to Crolghton Heights $375 each. 2 H < iiiio\nrd Crclghton Heights , lots 9750 each , 10 Hilloke's First Addition , lots $ T50 to $10) ench. Lot 3 Glso's Addition , $7.0M. 5 lots In William's sub , $ l.CnO to $1,500 each , I/ot M block 2 O'Neal's sub , $1,000. Ixits 5 and 0 , Oavenpoit's sub , * 5V)0. Ixs 27 and 23 Washington Square , nt 10,000. Lot 23 Wnshlngton Square , $ -.SiO. I/jt 2 block 8 Shlnn's First Addition , $150 per foot 4 mmlness lots on Snundors street nenr cor ner Lake , $ -r , > 00 each. 4 lots in A S. Patrick's Addition , $1,100 each. 3 lots In Brown Pnrk , South Omaha , $ G5q each. House and bnrn with lot 50x127 on Hamilton Btreotoniy $2.i < 00. Open every evening until 0:30 : p. m. Telephone - phone 418. 170 mHErenl estate onico of J. L lllco & Co. open -L until 9:30 : p. m. Telephone 413. 122 I 0 ACHES 4 miles west of P O , for sale , $00i ) J. per ncro. D. C , Patterson , Omaha Na tional bank. SSO IJSINESS PHOPEHTV. northwest corner 12th nnd Jones st , C0\13. , nt a bargain. Fine Improvements contemplated In that locality which will greatly enhance Its value. Solo agents Clarkson & lloatty , 2198. 14th Bt. .173 10 rpIIE rrnl estate office of J. L. Itlco iCo. open JL until9:30 : p.m. Telephone 418. 122 rPIIE lot five-acres in Bonfield. JL Lot 11 at low price of $12J per aero K cnsh llomcrabor Bowling Green. AcroBouly $500 , Cheaper thnn any adjoining property Sprliiff Valley $100 per ncre. Near stock ynrds. Cheaper than ncros west of Mo. P. R B. 912 9 Marshall X Ixibeck , 1VI9 Fnrnnm. TTVB ) SALE OH THADE-Houso nnd lot enC -C BroHdnny , Council Hluirs , $1,500. Will take 2 good single driving borcca In part payment. J. L. Itlco & Co. 1(17 ( MIR rcnl estate office of J , L Bico & Co. open 1i 1 . until 9:3Jp : m. Telephone 41" . 122 i I ) DOWLING GHEES. 1 Blocks 17 to3 J , the bojt part of Howling Croon. The cheapest property on the market. K mile from lleii on car lino. 5-ncrelots per acre $5) ) . 2' ' , ; aero li > 's per acre $ "ir ) ) . Acre lots $ ( VJ. Lots 50x1.7 on Hamilton street $175 to $223 for corners. Full commission to agents Got pints. Marshall Ac Lobcck , No. I.V3 ? Furnuin. Telephone 73. 778 W1 St PAllMKLK , 410 south lr > th St. Offer thesd bargains to-day : 1 corner Georgia avo. and Dupont $1,3 } ) . 7 Orchard hill , choice lots ouch $ S51. House and 2louSaundurg li HlmobaugU'S add. to Walnut hill $2,3.13. 20 Finest lot * In Clovordalo , bargtlns. Fine lots In Kllby place , cheap. Flnol l-2lot John I Hodlck's Sub-division , ' 'choice lots In Mnynes ndd. , each ( SIX choice lots Falrmount placo. lacro best In Holvodcro , bargain I33X Slots Jotter R addition , each $703. 24 lotD cholcn In Vntej & Hempol'a addition. A flno list of western lands for sale , or trade for Omaha property. Lot 7 bloik 18 , Albright's nnnex , $700. Lot 11 block 2. Cottier .V Archcr'H md ! , $5W. I/ol 1 block 2 , Hiirllngton Plnco , ! 575. Lots l and 3H block 1. Armour Plnco , $175. Gi xmmercy Pnrk lots $ ono to $7,53 f > 5xUS Mcrter nvo , 3 room house , and barn , "ftixlho cor Military hve nnd Edson Ft , $2.200. THiignoi ] store bulMinga on nhovo property Mill lenrto good ndwiutngo. Lot 7 block F8 , South Omaha , Sl.W. 177 Last , not letst , corner on Fnrnam $45,03) ) and wnnv others.llfl S. 15th st. Wlso nnd Parmele. FOll SALE-By Bunchcr , 1511 Farnnm st. Nine beautiful lota in Bionmiu plnco on Cull- fornla , pleiixant and Casa sts , some corners ; from $ l.5 > i to S2.5.JO ench Two fine lots In Amber plnco for B few days onlv at t i > eucti. Trtocholcfilots lnMcCormIck's2d , ono n cor * ner. $ lMii lor noth. An clcgunt rosMenro property on Pnrk nvo , firal clu s iminovcment.V'i ' feet front $ H..r/H. Lirgo lot , faces bothl'lerco uml Ml Pleasant tc , with two IIOUPCS , vf-ry chenp , ? 5.-00. Flue bu Idlng site In NN estomnha aild , 105x137 , very choice , S1 , ' , ( * J. Ono ol the prettiest loin on upper Fnrnam nenr-Ctli st,4)xll. ) , for215 perfront font , noth ing so ( lump east of It , K < o this If you want poincthltig nice nnd \ nluublo ue nu Investment Coiner lot In I'lninvipw , 11'IX ) . A Isrgo list of choice In'ldo property nlwny * on hand I luuo thn Choice-it lots In the host addltionf. IticliiillngGrniinncicy 1'arnC'lllton HIII.OrciKh- ton Helg'its.Oruimr.l Hill , etc , ns well us all the food South Omaha uddltlons. List your property for quick Rains with mo , and alwnyfl nee mnbeforu jou buy or mil. ! U3 a Bunchcr , 1511 Fnrnam st. /IIJNNINOIIAM'.S ADD Largolutsaud ive7J- J ono hu * IrueUnso , They are cht-up now , and will ( ommnint funcy prices fioon. Gregory & Hadloy , Hooms I and 3 , Hudlck's Hlk , 3.3 B. 15th Et. 4'J _ SI T II lint en Litbo Bt , very , S ' ,200. ( JO i bhnm CielRhton lllock 'M n Ti TLrrUtV KOAU-Blx'40 ft lota | 7CO o-ich. -I'l ( ii-uhnm , Crolghtnn Block. I'll 0 IjlOll S \ LEA turner lot BJxin. on IMIi and J. Cumlng ct onoof thn bout locations In the city for n warehouse , with waterworks nnd koueruirc. Apply at premises. The * Slnchilr. _ _ 2"iO n2ij ; "l Ij.Tl I C I > \ CO oiTer tbo followiuii u"iouii | f I bargains : Us lc < t front on Farnann it. , $300 per foot , 14.1 fed front on Farnam M. , J-i5 foot. N ) lent front on I urnnin at , I " PIT foot , 40 feet front on Fnriiam , $ : Xl p r foot. corner. H4 fi et Iront on 1 arnam , yll , < )00 , corner. L'nholcc outh Iront blUsldo No 1 lot , $1,500. 10i | ftot front on Iln'iillton st. filin : ( , 57 feet fiont on Fnrnnm t , M th line Impiovo mcnis Horili fV" " ' ' . fio.oot Beautiful Int , liOvlJf , with 10 room modtirn honvo on lV d/ * t.Oipo | lto lfc''i ! gchool. i3riOU. ! llnautiful lot < Vxl4'J ) , t ror m hu JBO , slmilu und frulriiee . on Camuroii H , Gists add , onpvlt-j KonntK I'luco , only $ : , ' < n , Oi > mi every e > onlntr till 9:70 : p ro. Telvphon * * idoittintied on EtgUh Page. )