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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .THURSDAY. AP1IIL 7. 1887. 5 THEY HAVE BECOME LAWS Two Very Important Measures Receive the Signature of Governor Thayer , GAMBLING AND CRIMINAL LIBEL The Chief nxRoiitlvo I'lacei Hln Dig- approval Upon ( lie Hill UK Tlmr.Hton County- Capital News , rrno.MTiiE HUB'S i.iscor.x nunnAu.1 Oovcrnor Tlmycr haa signed both tlio Criminal ttntMibel nnd gambling bills , the former bill bolng as follows : If any person shall write , print or publish nny false nnd malicious libel ot or concern ing nnotlier or shall cause or procure nny Bud ) llbul to bo written or published , every pernon so olTcndlng , shall upon conviction thereof bo lined In any sum not exceeding live hundred IS5CO ) dollars or bo Imprisoned In the county jail not exceeding six months. or both ut the discretion of the court , and tnorcover , liable to the party Injured , Pro vided that If said libel Is published In a news paper having n general circulation , the per- eon so offending shall bo punished by impris onment In the penitentiary not less than ono nor more than three years. The governor has nlso signed the antl- gamblmK bill , which Is as follows : Dp It enacted by the legislature of the state Of Nebraska : Section 1. That section 214 of the criminal Code bo amended to read as follows : Section 214. Kvcry person who shitll play nt any game whatever for any sum of money or other property of value , or sliall make any hot or wager for any sum of money or other property of value , or shall bet any money or property upon any earning table , bank , or device , or who shall bet upon any game played at or by means of any such gaming table , or gambling device , shall , upon con- .Vlctlon , nu lined In any sum not less than $100. and not exceeding S30U , or bo Impris oned In tbe penitentiary not more than ono lyear , and upon a second or any subsequent conviction , shall bo lined In any sum not less [ than SSOO and not exceeding 8-VX ) , or be liu- jpri.soucd In the penitentiary not to more ( than two years : 1'iovlded , that If any por- 'Bon ' or persons who shall lose any property or money In a gambling house or other place , ifllthcr at cards or by means of any other gam- l > llng device or game of hazard of any kind , much person , the wlto or guardian of such , his melrs , legal representatives or creditors , shall Tiavo the right to recover the money or the amount thereof , or tlio property of the valun thereof , In a civil action , and may sue each or all persons participating In the game , and may loin tbe keeper of the gambling liouao or other place In the same action , who shall be jointly and severally liable for any money or property lost In any name or through any gambling device of any kind , and no title shall pass to said property or money , and In an action to recover tlio same no evidence Shall bo required as to the specific kind or de nomination of money , but only as to the amount so lost. Section 2. That section 215 of said code bo amended to read as follows : Section 215. Kvory person who shall set UD Or keep any gaming table , faro bank , kcno or nny Kind of gambling table or gambling device or gaming machine of any kind or description , under any denomination or name whatsoever adopted , devised , and desig nated for the purpose of play Inn any game ot chance for money or piopcrty , except billiard tables , or who shall keep any billiard table for the purpose of betting or gambling or shall allow the same to be used for such purpose , shall upon conviction bo punished by line of not less than SK ! , and not exceeding S500 , or to bo Imprisoned in the penitentiary not ex ceeding two vears. Section . Sections 2M nnd 215 of the crim inal code as now existing are hereby re pealed. KKS31 TIUJKSTON VETOED. Governor Tlmycr enters the following Objection to the establishment of Thurs- ton county : Executive Department , Lincoln Nob. , April 8 , 1SS7. 1 herewith file with the secre tary of state senate tlio No. 04 , entitled , an act to amend section 3 of an act entitled "an § ct dellulns thn boundaries of Hichardson , EHomaha , Ulackbird and Dakota counties , " March 7,1SW , nnd to re-delino the gpprovccl of "Ulackbird" county , and change the same to "Thurston" county , with niv objections to the same. This bill proposes to take from Hurt , Wayne nnd Dakota counties portions of the territory of those respective counties , and form them Uuotacr.wlth what has been known as Ulackbird county , Into a now county , to be called Thurston county. My objections are those : First , this bill Is unconstitutional. Sen the following. Constitution of the state of Kebrabka. AllTICLE X COUNTIES. Sec. 3 ( llvlslon. ) No county shall be divided , or have any part stricken therefrom without llrst submitting the question to a Tote of the people of the county , nor unless a niajorlty of all the legal voters of the county voting on the question vote for same. Bee. 8. ( Same. ) There shall be no territory stricken from any organized county unless a niajorlty of the voters living In such territory r Bhall petition for such division. No vote of the people residing on the portions tions set oil from Uurt , Wayne and Dakota counties has been taken , and none In provided for In this bill. Nothing lias been presented tending to show that the people have had any opportunity whatever to give expression to their senti ments with rotorcnco to being set off and made part of a new county. They had never petitioned for It. On the contrary , remon strances have been presented from large numbers against being stricken from their respective counties. Tills bill , therefore ) , in this rcspnct , Is a pal pable violation of the above quoted provi sions of the constitution. Second , The bill is unconstitutional for this reason : Seethe following : Constitu tion of the state of Nebraska. X COUNTIES. Section 1. ( Area. ) "No new county shall bo formed or established by the legislature which will reduce the county or counties , or either of them , to a less area than 400 squan miles , nor shall any county bo formed ot n less aica. " It will thus bo seen that any countv to be created must have at least 400 square miles ol territory. The only portion of the proposer county of Thurston wnlch Is open to settle ment Is comprised within the limits of aboul thirty finuaro miles , being that Dart of the Omaha Indian reservation which lies westo the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Otnalu railroad , and the only poitlon on which tlu Indian title has boon extinguished. This comprises all there Is out of which to fern Thurston county , but in order to bring tlu new county within the provisions of the con Btuutlon declaring that every county to bi formed must have 400 square miles In area the bill proposes to take tin whole of tliu Omaha aud Wlnnebage resetvatlon. .This certainly is not the Inten nnd mcanlir ' of the constitution. The intern and meaning is that tnere .shall be 400 squan miles of territory which Is open to settlement which can bo bought aud sold , and over whlcl county government can bo established am have control. It must boa county for prac tlcal purposes. Them must bo county com mlssloncTS or supervisors. There must \i \ < other county ofl'.ccis. There should bo a least an area of 400 square miles to contribute to a revenue for the Mipport of the county 'Tho act ot IbM , defining the boundaries o Ulackbird county , has icmatued entirely In operative aud without euVct to this day. 1 has never been iccoguUcd or treated as i county. The act was useless for tlio rcasoi that the countv could not bo organized am opcratrd , bivau- It was an Indian rojdiva tlon. The territory had no control over I for tlio collection of revenue and general ad tnlnlstratlvo purposes. It has been set forth by the suppoitcrs o this bill that the laws which added those per tlons to Hurt , Wayne and Cumlni ; counties which this bill uioposos now to take away were unconstitutional. The answer to thn Is this : TJIOSQ laws have remained In fore to this timi' , they have never been repealed and they have never been declared unconstl tutloimt by the courts , which alone are in trusted with the power ot passing upon th constitutionality of lawn. They must there fore bo regarded and treated ns constiti iloual. Furthermore , thclr onstituUoiinllt lias never been questioned until It was prc posed to organize this new county of Thur ; ton. To change the relations of the peon ! of these counties now. Is not hi th direction of publlo policy. To dlvhl a county , or to strip a county of a portion c its territory , without the consent of the pec plo living thereon , aud without tie ! consul : of a majority of the people of the county , I n public wrong which should npt be sane ilotiod by law. besides being In disregard constitutional provisions. 1 took up this bill with a desire to foe ui way rlcar to approve It , but the more 1 hav txnailncd it the more I bay o been contronlc with Insurmountable dlftlciiHle1 ? nnd the more I have been convinced that it la In di rect violation of the constitution. 1 therefore withhold from It my anprovaU Aprils , 1SS7 , JOHN M. TltXYnn. TIH : ArrottTioNMKNT mt < t The eovc-rnor neither sl ns nor vatocs the representative and senatorial apportionment bill. Ho allows It to become a law by lapit ) of time , with the following endorsement : Exnctmvi : DKPAHTMI.XT , I.ISCOI.M , Neb. , Apt II 5. 1 7. I Illo herewith , with the secretary of state , house roll JNo. H'.W , "An act to district the ulato Into senatorial and representative districts , and for the a | > - portlonmcntot .senators and representatives , and to lix the number of the same , and to re peal sections one and two of chapter live of the compiled statutes of Nebraska. " 1 have been asked to withhold my approval from this bill on the ground of alleged Irreu- ularltlrs In connection with it , after It had passed both houses. It came to mo bearing upon its face strict conformity to the consti tution and the laws thereunder , being prop erly certified to by the olllcors of the respect ive houses. In my judgment , I am not at liberty to go behind tlioir record. I am convinced that this bill Inflicts vary great Injustice upon Adam.s and Saundcra counties , nnd possibly upon some others , but I have not had time to investigate the matter. If I should veto this bill I would In- Illct a very gieat wrong upon the people of a far greater portion of ttio btato. I therefore do not Hie any objections to this bill , and it becomes a law without my signature. JonsM. . TH.VYEK. TIIK CTY : KI.KCTION. The democratic victory In the city election has been a cause of great rejoicing the past twenty-four hours In the ranks of the Hour- bens , and they picture great success In the futuic. They have now a democratic mayor nd a majority of the council opposition , and ho machinery will undoubtedly bo put In pcratlon to make the comity democratic the loininj ; fall. Ono republican , In the face of lofoat , was holding up his hands and return- ng thanks that they had elected the cenin- ery trustee , which Insured them at least 'ecent burial. The majority ot republicans lew the Held with omens of 111 luck for the uturo , and democrats are claiming that with 10 assistance of their friends the bolters , tat the county ticket In the tail Is within each. The prohlbs nearly lost their Identity ti their clforts to help elect a license .s.iloon emocrat , and leaders of that party are romlorinK what struck them. The saloon ote was c-quallv divided and they expect 10 trouble from the democratic mayor. i'e.s- erday Mr. Koggcn appeared In court to pay line for hitting Webster , and \Vebster ap- icarcd at the same time and withdrew the barge. sm'rtKMr. roniT ruocnr.nt.vos. The following decisions were liled yestor- av : iinlth vs State. Krrorirom Lancaster county. Judgment reversed and prisoner dis- chaiged. Opinion by Maxwell , Cb. .1. 1. Whoio a habeas corpus case Is brought m error from a district court the tiles as to the time ot liliutr briefs will not bo idhered to , but the case will be heaid as soon is practicable after the petitioner's bilef is lied. U. A complaint must charge explicitly nil : hat la essential to constitute the ollcnse , and t cannot bo aided by Inlcndments. : ! . Section 833 of the criminal code contem plates that the charge of the crime against the person to bo arrested and delivered up must bo made in the btate wheie the olTonsb was committed. The charco must ho to some 3ourt. magistrate or olllcer , in the form of an indictment complaint , or other accusation mown to the laws ot such state or territory , and a complaint niado before a magistrate in this state , which falls to allege what such charge Is pending against the accused in the state where It Is aliened the olTenso was com mitted , will not confer jurisdiction on such magistrate. Mann vs. Wolton. Error from Holt county. Atllruied conditionally. Opinion by Kceso , J. 1. 'Iho exemption of S500 In personal lironotty In favor of a judgment debtor , pro vided by section r > 21 of the civil code In lion it a homestead , must depend upon the tiling of the inventory as provided by section 523 , and the selection of the property claimed by ' , ho debtor to be exempt. 2. Replevin cannot bo maintained against an otllcer for property levied upon and claimed to bo exempt under said section nu II after the Inventory is filed and the ap praisement and selections are made. 3. Anew trial will not bo granted where t appears as a matter of law that upon the conceded facts the result must be the same. Parker va Matheson. Error from Antelope county. Aillrmed. Opinion by Kceso , J. 1. An action to foreclose a tax lien on real estate may bo brought on the tax certificate , where It is alleged In the petition that a deed would be Invalid if issued. In such case the cause of action would accrue at the expira tion of the time within which the landowner might redeem , and suit may be brought at any time wlthln'Hvo years thereafter. U. A purchased land at tax sale ( on the 5th of February , 1871 ? . A deed was refused by the treasurer when demanded , for the reason that no notice was given of the expiration ot the tlino for redemption , and that the sale was void. On the Ulst day of February , lb& > . inoro than five years after the expiration of the tlino for redemption , he commenced his action to foreclose the tax lien. Held , that his cause of action was barred by limita tion. State , ex rol. Hymervs Nelson. Mandamus. Writ denied. Opinion by Maxwell , Oh. J. 1.Vhero a petition was presented to the county commissioners of F. county , purport ing to contains the names of 644 resident electors of salt ! county , asking said board to call A special election for the relocation of the county seat , the whole number of votes cast in said county at the preceding general election being 729 , a remonstrance signed by llVt ( persons purporting to bo electois of said county , ngalnst the calling of said election was thereupon presented to said board , alleg ing that said petition was signed by persons who were non-rcsldonts of salil county , and by minors and others not authorized to sitn such petition : Held , that a general finding of said board that a large number of persons so disqualified had signed said petition , and that the whole number of lawful petitiouera was less than three-fifths of all the votes cast In said county at the pre ceding general election , was not subject to rollatoral attack ; but If erroneous must bore- viewed on error. State vs Nouiaha county , 10 Neb. Si. 3. The decision of a special tribunal , where It has jurisdiction of the subject matter and parties , Is conclusive unless reversed or mod- llicd In the mode provided by law. 3. A writ of mandamus will not be granted unless the right of the relater thereto is clear , Uecker vs Krehn. Appeal from Pierce county. Allirmed. Opinion by Maxwell , Cli. J. 1. Where the evidence Is confilctng and It Is apparent that some of the witnesses the defendants , were mistaken , and that their tc.stimony was disregarded by the court , the Judgment will not be set aside ns being against the weight of evidence. t ) . Where an Infant purchases real estate and receives a conveyance thereof , and at the same time executes a mortgage upon the land to secure notes given for the purchase money , such mortgage Is voidable only , nol void , aud when on reaching his majority he sells and convoys such real estate , he thereby confirms the mnrtcaec. Western llor o and Cattle Insurance com' pany vs O'Neill. Error trom I'iatto county. Judgment , for insuiance on mate reversed and judmnent entered m this court for the amount of the Insurance on the horse- Opinion by Maxwell , Ch. J. Ono O'Ntilll Insured a mare for the sum ol 3100 In the Western Horse and C.ittle Insur ance company , and afterwards violently beal anil abused said mare by striking her with an lion Kid. Held , that a preponderance of the testimony clcatly established the fact that tlu death ot said mare was the icsult of sucl strlklne and alnibe , and that O'Neill was no entitled to recover the amount ot the Insur nticu for the death of wild mare. Wacnnr mill 111VitV. . Vrouml's Weekly : Wagner's dinr.i when n hardnp nuisichui in Paris de scribes his misery at tlio thought of hav ing to reveal thn true btato of his ufl'iiir to his young wife. Ilu says : "What wil happen no.vt month ? I cannot toll. I hitherto my unxioty has been great , before fore long it will turn to do iinir. Even source has run dry , uml 1 still liiclu fron my wife the true statu of things. " A few months later , prospects havlnj brichtuncd ; i little , Wagner addressed i unarming little poem to his wife , cullinj her ' 'his wealth nud nil hin goods com blned. " Wagner , nt that tlino on intitnato term ; with Heine , has hero attempted ono o those , humorous llnnl turns of which tin poet was eo fond. This Is what ho says "I wish to every ono the sumo luck ( viz , an excellent nnd virtuous wife ) , nni would not unrt with it for nnythiuq Still , If I could put myself ton years baoi I should not more wisely : In otuor words I should follow Mr. Punch's adrice o ' nnd remain lnglo. " FIELD AMD FAIC5I. Difltanco In 1'lantltia. Fnrin , Field nud Stockman : Professor Snnborn , . of the Missouri agricultural college in experiments nt various ilist- uucc3 apart , and also with different num- bers'of grains In the hill , finds that tlio best nvorngo was obtained by tlnok rather than thin planting , and this tallies with the experience of the most practical planters in the wost. In check sowing four ( cot olght inches apart each way unit thrco good plants to each hill being the rule , flour plants would ciyo a larger yield , but the cars would be smaller and the cost of huskiug would bo somewhat greater. Tlio results would bo some what greater. The results obtained by Professor Sanborn , as related by him , were ns follows : Six rows of corn , about sixty rods to the row , were planted 4x4 feet , four plants to the hill. hill.Six Six rows of corn , about sixty rods to the row , weio planted 4x'J feet , four plants to the hill. hill.SU rows of corn , about sixty rods to the row , were planted 4x3 feet , thrco plants to Six rows of corn of about sixty rods to the row wore planted 4x'J feet , two plants to the hill. hill.At harvest the hills were carefully counted nnd stood In numbers according to the fol lowing table : First six rows had 3,000 , plants standing. Second six rows had fi/Jos plants standing. Third six rows had 4.5HO plants standing. Fourth six rows had U.ISJ plants standintr. "i lold of first six rows was IIW pounds of ears ; ppr acre , 21TO or ! H.l. Yield of second rows was 1000 pounds of eais : per act c. 'J01U , or 41.7. Yield of third six rows was 15'Jl pounds of pars ; per acre U907. or 41.5. Yield of fourth six lows was 11CO pounds of cars ; per acio D117 , or 'S0.2. If there is any dilleronce in tlio qual ity of the land it was in favor of the first six rows. The variety of the corn was the Thompson , a variety of average size. Tito year was well known to have been a very poor corn year and ono not fayora- bl to thick plaining. The ground is an upland soil , rolling and inclined to bo dry. It is the poorest tillage licld we have on the farm. Two Wagons with Ono Team. Team help is often scarce , and oven if not it ia best to use it with as great economy as possible. It is a great waste of time to keep a strong , able team standing idle while men are loading and mloathng. By having two wagons this oss may be avoided , and the amount of ivork bo nearly doubled with little extra expense. With a little calculation , aided by experiment , it will bo found what number of teams , wagons , and men will work together with least loss in drawing out manure or bringing in grain , hay , or other crops. Snngonnblc Hints and Suggcstlona. Corn that is in the least degree ati'octcd by rust should never be used. ( Jive the cows warm stables , but do not forget to have the air pure. Do not forget that cats are very fond of young clucks , ducks and turkeys. good deal of the peculiar mutton taste is taken out of it when mutton is cured. To kill out the cut-worms plow the ground soon enough to allow the frost to penetrate. Sow some radish and kale for your poultry as soon ns possible , and give the 'owls free range upon It. A gill of linseed meal fed daily to each cow or horse will kenp the bowels in good condition and grontlv promote the 'inalth. There is nothing to prevent the farmer from experimenting. In that way ho will learn more about hi.s own farm than can be taught him by others. Only fresh eggs should bo used for latching purposes. When eggs are stale the chicks do not hatch in the time due , iml often they die in the shell. When cleaning the perches of the poultry house it is necessary to apply 'he mixture of kerosene oil and grease to ho under side as well ns the top. If old hay be cut and moistened before being fed to horses there will be fewer animals sufFonnjj from heaves. Feeding dusty materials is usually the cause of the difliculty. If your laml is well underdramed you will often bo able to plow while your neighbor who may not nave umlonlrained is waiting for his ground to dry off before he can begin. A mixture of equal parts of red pepper and Scotcli snuft' thrown into rat holes will cause the vermin to leave. Rats soon become suspicious of poison , and the mixture easily frightens them. All food cooked for stock is more easily assimilated than wlten raw. It is only n question of cost in cooking. Roots cooKed : and thickened with ground grain make an excellent mess for all kinds of stock. Manuring land by plowing under some kind of green crop , such as millet , buck wheat , oats or peas , should bo the object of every farmer. Clover is also excel lent , nnd lime should bo freely used at the same time. Do not try to keep geese unless all the conditions are favorable. Geese may bo kept at a very small cost or they may en tail cost according to circumstances. A pond nnd pasture will enable them to secure their teed with but little aid. If the seed is good the cutting of pota toes to pieces with txyo oyc.s should give good results. In cutting always endeavor to leave as much of the tuber to the eves as possible , as it serves as plant fooif in the early stages of growth. Some of the garden crops arc very hardy and can stand a light frost. On ions , peas , beets and lettuce , if sown in rows early , or as soon as the warmth of the ground uermits , will make good growth before some other crops are put in. Hoes do not work as well in n hive exposed - posed to the sun. In midday , when very hot , all work on the inside , such as comb building and storing honey has to bo suspended. Sometimes combs molt clown and the brood dies in the heat of the sun. A grapevine arbor is considered an excellent place for the bee-hive , as it protects against the sun in summer but should bo thick enough to servo as a wind-brake in winter. In very cold climates the hive should be placed in the collar. Lambs coming in this month are not too late for the early prices if the owes bo highly fed. so as to provide all the milk required. As soon ns the lambs will eat give thnm plenty of ground oats and keep them well sheltered from storms ami severe cold. To secure good seed oats fill a largo wash-tub two-thirds full of - - water and pour in half a bushel of oats at a time. Skim oil' all hu oats that do not sink to tint bottom. Draw off the water and dry the seed , and tlio chances will bo that every seed will sprout. A"s > soon as your young tomato plants become too thick in the box or hotbed transplant some of them to cold frames or thin out the plants. If they grow very tall it is no objection , as the tomato is a plant that can bo put in deep ground leaving only a small portion ot the top above the surface. Tim cheapest hog food is said to bo peas and sweet potatoes. The potatoes are boiled nnd pea-meal added. This claim , however , depends on the section of country ami the price of corn , Where sweet potatoes are easily grown , how ever , there is no food that excels that crop for fattening every class of stock. A practical apiarist , in relation to water for bees after flying time says : "I have frequently observed chips of cell- distributed all the way 'through DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture- maker's art , at reasonable prices. "THE 75th GRAND DRAWING , MARCH zoth. NO BLAXUS. IIIG FIUZKS OR REWAUDS ! One Million Distributed Every Tear 11E ACCUMULATED 1.VTK11K ST MONEY' IlVIIi : AMONG A f HfT MICKY IION IIOLDKUS EVERY' 3 MONTHS. Only | 2.00 required to Eccure one Royal Italian 1011 francs gold bond. These bond participate in four drawings every year and retain their original valu until the year 1944 , Prizes of 3,000,000" 1,000,000 , , 500,001) ) , S.'O.OOO , &c. francb will b drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , you may win 4 time every year. This I i3 afo , nnd the best , Investment ever ntTored , ns the Invested money mutt ba pMd b < tcte \vticn bonrt matures. Bond forrlreulnr * at It will pay you to di , or son < 1 your orders with money or loffiaturcd letter , or postal nuto , and In return wo will forwutdtlio clooumonu. BERLIN BANKING CO. , SOS Broadway , Now Vorli Oil jr. N. B. These bonds arc not lottery tickets , and their sale is legally pc tinkled in thcU S. by laws of 1878. _ , Display at tholr warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , Including PIANOS I bmli m 1 s i \ / \tvi o is rr A it Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 1 1303 OL 1307 FARNAM STREET * CUMMINGS & NEILSON Dealers in t. Paints , Oils , Glass and Varnishes Painters' and Artists' Supplies. Plymouth Cot tage Colors , Heady for use in new and denirttbte sliaden. Qualiti/ Guaranteed 1118 Farnam Street , - - Omaha , Nebraska The G , E. Mayne Beal Estate and Trust Go , N. W. COB. 15th AND HABN3Y , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale m all parts of the oity. ' Linda for aalo lu OTery county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS O/Tities of Douglas'county kept. Maps of the city state or county , or any otho information desired furnished free of chargs upon application. tlio pile of cloud bees in the bottom of the luVb anil on the bottom board show ing that the bens were suiluring for water wlum they began to die. Perish- infi from thirst day by day the cluster dwindles until a mere handful being left they succumb to tlio cold. " A bean crop usually pays well and fre quently better than most farm crops. There is always a good market for them , and the planting , cultivation and har vesting can bo attented to when it does not interfere with tlio other products , which is a great advantage to farmers. The white-leaved and weeping lindens are among the most useful lawn trees for our climate. They are hardy , and in jurious insects and destructive diseases appear to pass ttiem by and , while tlioir growth is quite rapid , the foliage of each is singularly beautiful aud tenacious. Young horses that have not been ac customed to hard corn are very subject to lampas. Softer diet should replace corn when lampas appears. The bowels should be knpt open. This can be done by giving food in tlio form of bran inaslies. Laxative food is what is wanted. When a dozen eggs bring nearly as much in tlib market as a pound of butler as they do in winter the farmer who keeps liens and manages them well is ahead of the farm dairyman whoso cows can hardly return enough to pay for their keeping. Evan hog cholera is hrodtictive of some good. It has led to'b'otter care and treatment of the swine. They are not now fed exclusively on corn the entire year , while shelter is beinir provided for the hogs that formerly had the leaky sheds for u covering. Clpun water is also given them , instead of filthy slon. The result is that tlio disease is gradually diminishing. When placing eggs under a hen nso the thermometer. Alter the eggs have been in the four or live hours lay the thermometer among the 'eggs ' under the hen for a few minutesthen quickly with draw it aud look for the record. If le s than 103 degrees the lien docs not impart sullicicnt heat , liens vary in giving heat to the eggs , and some of them can not hatch out n full brood. If you wish early green food before the grass crop is ready , especially if cattle are conttned , make a small plot very ricli with well-rotted manure , and sow mar rowfat peas nnd oats together. Sow the seed thickly , and cut for use at any tirao when the material Is high enough for Unit purposn. It is excellent for all kinds of stock , and especially for cows and sheep. Oats are usually sown early for a gen eral crop of seed , but our farmers miss an excellent opportunity in not thickly sowing oats to bo cut wnen in the green stage. Use plenty of manure , and cut the crop iust after the heads are formed , or when In the milky stage. It is an excellent - cellont substitute for bay , the stalk and heads bein < r ull eaten , while in nutrition it equals anything that can be grown on the farm considering thn cost of produc tion , as it is a crop easily grown , and en- tills but little labor in harvesting , cur ing nnd storing in the barn. Tholr Bevontcutith Ball. Tlio Emmet Monument association will hold its seventeenth annual ball at Cunningham's hall , Monday April 11. The parties of this association have always been sel ect and noted as exceedingly joyous oc casions , and it is certain that the coming event will bo no exception to this general rulu > Mrs. Sarah Williams died at the resi dence of her daughter , Mrs. John Kohule , at Indianapolis , Ind. , Tuesday , aged eighty-four years. Merlon V. Sturges , aged 'JU , and living in Omaha , obtained a license yesterday to wed Miss Isa A. Wolfe , 31 years old and resident of Mount Vernon , Iowa. MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared wtth rtrlet regard to Pnrltr , Btrongtb , wi B utbalDOM. lr. J'rte'u Baking Powder contains BO AmMoniaTJmnAlain or Phoiphsiea. Dr.I'rico'o jtTftCtS , V&Qflld | MZQOO , 6t . | flAYOI ddUdOUAljT. Wtra I tn tar. fdaDoi me n iTcr.irtoTiop rtT mI r a Urn * o J tlon b t. them rtwrn g ln , 1 m n t.dlc Jl cute I htr. roi-Ja tk. dlieu. e ( FITS , Bhl.lMT ci PiLLINU BICIN1B3 e. life-Ion j uuilr. Iwwrul to euro tbe word ruae. Bf cioto othen bar. failed U no rnuon for net DovnolTlacaciire. b n.Ulooe ( > , tretilMand fre. ott'.e etmf Infllllble rera Jj. dire Kiproieand Pott ffflo * . It WHM TOO notkln * r trltl. u4 1 nlll car * TOO. AddteM Pr. U. It. HOOT. Ill reulEt. . ' Miw York. Notice. rpHR Nortolk Street rallwny will receive pro- -L iioaals fur tbe Immediate cooatructlon nnd equipment ofotio and onu bolt miles ut street railway In tlie city ot Norfolk , Nebraska. Pro posnls received at the olllco of tbo Bocrctary pf company . . . at . . Norfolk. . . . . Nebraska , until tliujth A. day ot April , 1687 % . & 1IKQMB , Secretary , , SOUTH OMAHA Beautiful Residence Lots Also Business Lois Oil the large map of Omaha and observe that the two nud oue-liult milo belt from the Omaha postoftice runs south of section 83 and through the north end of South Omaha. TARE A STRING And pencil , then get one of J.M. Wolfe & Go's maps of Omaha nnd South Omaha combined , PUT YOUR FINGER On the string at 13th and Farnam , Omaha's busines center , nnd your pencil on he string at where Belltmte street enters South OmaUa from the north. THEN DRA W A circle nnd note wherO . SOUTH OMAHA 1 * \ . Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hills" are far > t * . ' ' OUTSIDE ' > - * * - j- 1 This magic circle. THEN STOP And think a minute what will make outside property increase in value ? I THE GROWTH OF OMAHA Is all that will enhance the value of real estate other than at ] South Omaha. At the latter have three point we important factors to build up and make valuable the property : First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow the transportation lines. Second All the great railroads center there , thus making it the best manufacturing point of any in or near the city , Third THE IMMENSE STOCK YARDS INTERESTS Dressed Beef Business and Pork Packing Industry Will make a town of themselves. SEVERAL NEW PACKING HOUSES Going up this year. A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment To be put into operation at once , Away your day of grace when you do not get mi intereat in South Omaha before a higher appraisement is made. The best locations are being taken Make your selections now : Lots that sold for ? 300 in 1831 cannot now bo bought for $3,000. Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between this city and South Omaha. A STREET CAR LINE Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lots will dou ble in value , as this- will afford quick and cheap transportation cither by Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars. For further information , map ? , price list : ! , and descriptive circular- } , ddress , C. E. MAYNE , # Agent for the South Omaha Land Company . N.W. Cor. 15th andHarney. - ' , . ,