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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .T1HUHSDAY , AP1HL 7 1887. GOOD TRADING IN WHEAT Heavy Experts and Reports of Orop Dam age Pat Prices Up. ACTIVITY IN THE CORN PIT lint-go Ilccolpts Quickly Absorbed IJy lltiyrrs OalH anil Provisions Ho- main Steady Cattle JSrliiK I < o\vcr 1'rlccs ( notations. CHICAGO 1'uonuci : MAIIKHT. CmcAno , April C. [ Special Telegram to the Ui.i,1 : Thu "point" given out at the be- Klnnliigof the week vtai that May wheat would touch b2c and then go up out of slsjht. The low point was touched all rilit ! ; anil It now remains to be seen whether the latter tint ! molt impoitaut pait of the prophesy Is verified. Theio weie bull Influences at work over night. Yesterday at Xew York a bl ? export business done , thirty boat loads of belnjc taken. Tlio dry spell has Jiot been broken , neither was the cold wave very much allcctcd. There was no relief to the drought ; it San Francisco , litiklcs , the ntiiount of wheat In passage both to the United Kingdom and the continent showed n decrease of over louO,000 , bushels , notwith standing l.O'jj.lOT bushels were put afloat from the Atlantic ports of this country alone. There was a little bullish temper In all the pits to-day. It was caused largely by the steadiness with which the very large receipts of corn were taken. It Is undoubtedly true that the bull side of this grain has been the popular one , and that there was a good deal of buying at the opening on the very fact that the receipts were Jarpe. Indeed , tne argument Is otten heard that If the price can hold up under c.xr lots of 400 to 1.0UO , It can advance under smaller ones. Smaller re- relpts , of course , are yet to bo realized. Thru It Is torcotteu by thn crowd that there is the ti c difference between April and May , not becausn the receipts will be any greater In May than In April , but because of the tolls which the holder of cash \slll then have to pay the ele vator owner. As the day advanced leports of damage to winter wheat cut mnru and more of a llcuro with the market. May be- Kan at b2Vc but soon got above s3c and sold up to 8'i , " < e and it was on no manipulaton by citiio | brokers , but solely on the un easiness that was abroad among shorts over the crop and speculative situation. The clearances ot wheat from the seaboard for two days were liberal 422,554 bushels and helped the market along. On the afternoon board wheat was weaker nml lower early , but closed stiongandKc higher. Corn , oats and provisions were steady. Wheat for May sold at KlQSJKc , June at SlVi91J ; ! c.'y ' ' at fcOaS)5 < c , Sup. tcmber at fcO' ' bUXc , December , MJ4 < SS.Wc , closing at . K ) ' < o foi Alay , 81&efor Juno , SO'ft for July , SOJ c for September. bU/e for December. Corn for oir > ic ay , , - - . _ . July. Oats forMay sold at 20.V@t-WcJ unc , closlnK at SWf < 3JJ ! c Tor May , for June. Mess pork for May and June Fold at S21.00. hard forMay sold at 57.00 , , ltinoatS7.37K. and July at S7.45K. 'Short ribs for May sold at SS.123 < f , Juno at SS.20 , CHICAGO MVI3 SIOCK. CHICAGO , April 0. ( Special Telegram to the UEK. ] CATTLE Cattle buyers all trlei : to see how few cattle they could buy. The dressed meat men had their houses full ol bcofand Easter shipping orders were ex trcmely light. Tuesday the market opened with some few cattle lUc higher , but closed with the advance more than lost To-day prices wcr.o lOc lower than yesterday's close and bids Income cases were 103'iOc lower. "Salesmen askca such fool prices , " Bald nu eastern buyer , "that there was no use trying to do anything , so we bad to set back , and us a consequence , prices are lowar. " Foi sometime past buyers have been stoutly llghtlm : airalnst paying any advance. Kvou whim the receipts are very small they holtl otT and say , "There will bo more cattle to- nioi row , " etc. It Is true that London prlcea for American cattle arc Ic lower than a year aio. and t > o export does not Justify nn advance. Said a salesman , however "liuycrs are holding bank as hardaMhey can and are using every possible effort to keei prices trom advancing , but Ulsno use. Thesi cattle are bound to bell higher. " The verj light receipts surprised nearly everyone , bui a salesman said : "It takes cattle to make n market , and we can have hotter tradi on 10,000 cattle than on 5,000. " hhln pine steers , 1350 to von Ibs , 8J.OOffl5.20 ; 12 ( > to 1350 Ibs , 34.30 ® 4.55 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , S3.SO/5 4.25 : stockers and feeders. SiOOQ4.30 ; cows bulls and mixed , S2.0001&W ) ; bulk , S-.nscn 8.20 ; slop fed steers , S4.40ft4PO ; slop fei cows and bulls , ? 3.253.C5 : corn fed Tcxa cattle , 14.25. HOCIH The market was active and prices : shade stronger than yesterday , some sule men quotltiK an advance of 5c on best lioav and medium , but the bulk of sales mad Dhow no such advance. Light sorts wcio dul and neglected. Xo branch of the trade seem to want that quality. Shippers cannot ge orders and packers can't find a place fc them at present. Common liaht , or ligli light , may be quoted at S4.755.10. and i'ort crs at S5.25f25.uO. with a few fancy at S" .C ( The best heavy sold at S5.75iC5. ( ! > 7X. an pack I n u' sorts at 55.WQ5.C5 , with common r WYE STOCK. Chicago , April 0. Tii Drovers' Joui nal tenor ! * as follows : Cattle-Kecolpts. 6.000 ; Dull and lowci shipping steers , S3bO ( < { ; > .20 ; stockers an feeders. 82.90 < * 4.X : ) ; cows , bulls and mlxei 2.00Q3.PO ; bulk , $ i05@3.20 ; corn-fed Texan : llogs lleceipts , 10,000 : stronc ; rough an mixed , 55.15Cit5.55 ; packing and shipplm 5.50 < < { 5 , 0 ; light , 84.WS5.50 ; skips , J3.50Q 1.75. 1.75.Sheen Sheen Hecelpts , C.OOO ; stronger ; native ; 5S.WXS5.05 : western , S3.75Q4.MTexans. 82. ! 04.23 ; lambs , 84.50(30.00. ( Natloiifl Stock Yards. Bast SI IOUH ! , III. , April 6. Cattlo-Ueceipti 1.700 ; shipment50 ; active and stead ) choice heavy native steers , S4.WX7t5.80 ; fair t good shipping h leers , 54.00 4.55 ; butcher steers , fair to choice , sa70 < 3UO : feeders , fal to good. S3.3Ca4.00 ; btockers , fair to gooc ? 2io ! < < j3.20. Hogs lU-ceipts , 5,300 ; shipments , 1,70 ( active and strong ; choice heavy ana butct crs' selections. S5.fi035.70 ; packing , fair 1 good , S5.40(3fi.5 ( * > : Yorkers , medium to iirimt S5..HX25.33 ; plK'S , common to good , 84.GO < 6.CO. 6.CO.KIIIIH.IH KIIIIH.IH City , April ( V Cattle Receipt1 3,000 ; shipment- ) ; shipping steers wea nnd 5c lower ; light butchers * steers and cow steady ; common to choice , StSOX3l.f : > 5stoc ; ! ere , SiGOV'Uffl : feeding atoers , SJ.iWI.OC cows , Si-iyjilCO. iloirs Receipts , B.200 : shipments , 0,000 strong for choice and steady for others common tocholco , 34.50i5.COsklj'sandpIg ( : : Youif. April 0-SpecIal [ Tell gram to the J5r.iJ : STOCKS. Tn luortiiuz the stock market opor.c actlvo at prices not materially chanced , wit Coalers again the feature In stroncth , b after lirst dealings values declined fractlo ally on realizing. Friends of the Coal stocl Bays this class of securities are to ha vc a tin towards higher prices now , that there Is large short Interest In Lackawanna , and th it Is good for 140 this week. Union Paclt soon forged to the front , clalmlns n larf Bharo of attention for the strcugh manlfe ted. and under good buying by Moore at Schloy and h. U White , who found lltt ! EtocK for sale , advanced IK points , whan I cased ott a little. There w. s no pirtlculn reason assigned for this , but the rumor w current that 1'resident Adams , who goes Now York tonight , wlllronsummatethoOr gen Hallway & Navigation lease before h return , It Is uncertain , In event this trai splrt-s. whether Union 1'acltlc will assun the management this month or wait un congress It-tallies It Corblu people In Je sey Control say that stock Is bound to go par , and they haVe been right on the advan ot 30 itolnts which has already taken pi a since they took hold of it. People who kac a coed deal about St , Paul sny there Is a little oloud Imnxmp over this property , and that It may sell oh" a few points this week. If It does It Is thought to bo a purchase , but In siders'advlco Is not to bull ltju tyet. The directors are solng to meet this week , and the story Is that there Is apt to be a breeze in the board over cei tain board transactions. It was said that Louisville & Nashville bud sold 53,000,000 5 per rent bonds for an exten sion to the Norfolk it Western. Hy the close of the session the advance in Union I'aclllc was nearly all lost , the last ligures being but ? 6 per cent over the opening. St. Louis and San 1'ranclsco. liowcd considerable strennth , advancing 1 } points on common and 1U on preferred , easing oil a little atthellnlsh. St. Paul closed X lower , Norfolk & Western Jf lower , and Richmond Terminal * per cent lower. Heading heavllj traded In. but did not get above 431f , while tlic close was at nV Atlantic & Pacific earnings for March Increased S10-J.301. The total sales were 10J.509 shares. UDVKIINMKSTS Government bonds were dull but steady. visriniAY'.s : : sTori ; QUOTATION ? . U.S.C's 100 , C. .VN. W 120V l' . h. I's coupon. 120 do preferred. . . .ll i' U. S. 4K'scoup. . 110 IN. Y. C 112'J ' I'aclllcl.'sot " . > . . 12 < V4 O. H. &N 1W CanadaSoiith'n. . OJ , U. T 3 ' < Cential 1'aclllc. . 40 'Pacific.Mall ' & 7 , ' Chlcagoife.Vlton.14j P. , I ) , it 1C : do piefeired. . . .100 Pullman Pal.Car.l.VJJ C. , It ! ito iw f Ueadlnir 12V I ) . , L. & W VtfItock Island. . . 125Jf I ) it ILO 30St. . L. iVS. F. . . . rO'f ' Kno 'I'l' ' ' do preferred. . . . 71'i do preferred. . . . 721.-C. , M.&St. P. . . . ' . " . " < Illinois Ci'ntral.12i ) i do pretened..l20 f I. , W 27 St. P. ifc O fy K. it T : ' do prcfencd..lllJf Lake Shore 9V , Texas Pacific. . . . i'J 4 L. , tN r,7's ' Union Pacllic. . . . Ol'a Mlchlean Ccnfl. . H'V..St. ( . L.tP. . . . in f Mo. Piicllie 10-vJfi do preferred. . : W > j No. Pacllic 2'i W. U. Telegraph 70JJ do iirefi'rred. ' . . . G0 , t MO.ST.Y ox r.vj.i. Ka y at 5 < < < 37 per cent ; closed ottered at 5 per cent. PKI.ME MEUCANIII.I : PAPEII 5$0 per r.cnt. SrKiir.ixo ExrirAXOK. Quiet but steady 4.b5 foi sixty day bills : Sl.W.'i for demand. 1'UODUCK MAKKLIT. Cblcnco , April 0. Following quota tions aioth 2xi : : closing llgurcs ; Flour Nominally uiicliaiucd. AVIntcr wheat ttour , : boutbern , 4.10 © 4.20 ; Wisconsin. 4.20 4.nO : Michigan ? oft sprlne wheat , SJ. 70 ® : Minnesota bakers S3.70@4.HO ; patents , SI.50@4.yJ : low ciartes Sl.y5sS'.95 ( ; rye Hour , quiet at K8.2oQ3.40 ; In sacks and barrel * , 3'jiX'iO. Wheat Strong and hlirhcr all around ; opened about the same as Momlav's closing and closed considerably hlu'her cash , 7SKc ; May , b3 } < ; June , Slf Corn Active and llrmcr. closing ( STbC above Monday ; cashS-l c ; MayCOJfc ; June Oats Finn and hitrhor tnan Monday ; cash , 24Wc : May. ii95-10c : June 2'J c. Uyo ( inlet at 54Kc. 15arIcy--K.isy at fllKc. Timothy Seed-Pilme , S1.COQ1.01. FlaxSeed-Sl.OO. Wnlskv-Sl.18. Pork Nothing of consequence dolnir and market nominally unchanged ; cash , S20.73 ; May and June , S21.00. Lard Quiet and comparatively steady. Hulk Meats Shoulders , S&.lOiif 0.23 ; short clear , 5S.50i iS.5.short ; ribs , SS.05. Butter Active but easy : creamery , 23@2Sc ; dairy , lSSOc. Cheese Firm ; full cream chcddar < > , and Hats , iX31RKc : ; ; Young Americas , 13 > l4c ; Bklms , SCu'.tc. Eggs 1'Ji/pQ 13c. Hides L'nciiaugcd ; green , < i4 ! ; hoavv green salted , 7j4c ; alted bullCc ; greuii salted calf. 9c : dry salted , lOc ; Hint , I2igl3c ; dry calf , 13 ( llc ; deacons. 40c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No. 2 , 84'c ; cake , 4 > 4'c. Iteceliits. Shipment' . Flour , bblS . 31.000 45.00vO Wheat , bu . 77.000 fiO.OOO Corn , bu . 223,000 71,000 Oats , bu . 140,000 134,000 llye.bll . 04,000 2,000 IJarley , bu . 58,000 none Ht. I.oul . April 0. Wheat Fairly active , firm and higher ; cash , 7'.Ki < iOe ; May , fcO3 'c. Corn Steady , Drm but slow cash , & " ) > < fc ; May , a' 'c. Oats-Firmer ; cash. 27Kc ; May , 27 c. Whisky-Steady at 51.13. Pork Quiet at S17.00. Laid Dull at S7.10. Uutter Unchanged ; dairy , 15 < § 27c. Afternoon Hoard Wheat unchanged. Corn Unchanged. Oats No sales. tfsnvai ) City. April 0. Wheat-Steady ; No. 2 red , cash , 09 'c asked ; April , G3c ; May , 72c. 72c.Corn Stronger ; No. 2. cash , S0'fc bid , 3lc asked ; May , 321 0 bid ; June , 33c bid , 33 c asked. Oats Nominal ; cash , 27J o bid , 29c asked. New Orleans. April C. The produce ex change was closed to-day In honor ot the unveiling - veiling of the Johnston statue. Now Vork. April 6.- Wheat Re ceipts , 40,000 ; exports , I'O.OOO ' ; spot advanced K@icand ? options J iplc , closing tirm ; un graded red , SOfiJDU < c ; No. a reel. OOKc ; No. 1 red. OIXc ; No. 2 red , 02Q92 c in elevator , 03'/ga3 ( < c delivered : May closed at WMc. Corn Kccclpts , 42.000 ; exports , 60,000 ; spot Kc and options > ? fchlchpr , closing steady ; ungraded , 45if ( Jc ; No. 2 , 4sK'J 45 > fcln ele\ator , 4'JJi'c delivered ; May closed at 4S fc. Oats Kecclpts , 103,000 ; exports , 070 ; trifle higher ; mixed western , 35@37c ; white , & @ 41Kc. Petroleum Firm ; united closed at C43C. 1'ork Dull and nominal. Lard Dull and lower ; western steam , spot S7.7K- Butter Quiet and weak. Checsfl Unchanged. Eggs Steady ; western , fresh , ISJ Hc. Milwaukee. April C. WUeat-Steady cash , TT c ; May. " ' c. Corn Lower : No. 3 , flCJ c. Oats-Firm ; No. 2 white , ao Uye-Firm ; No. 1. M } < c. Harley-Easier : No.2,52c. Provlslons-Qulot ; nie > s pork , repacked cash , S 15.50. Cincinnati , April 0. Wheat Dull ; No 2 red. 83c. Corn Fair demand ; No.3 mixed. 30W@40c Oats-Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , S.iJ < (330c. ( Kyo Stronger ; No. 2 , OtQG'.c. 1'rovtslons Qulot ana iinchauged. Whissy Steady at 51.13. Minnoapoiis , April 0. Wheat Weak buyers off and mills about to shut down unti freights bccorno moro settled and values o Hour advance ; No. 1 hard , cash , 75Jfc ; May 76't } June , 7bKc ; No. 1 northern , casn 71 > 4'c ; May , 7tf c : June , 77 } < c ; No. : northern , cash , 7iy c ; May , 75Vc ; June 76J < c. Flour-Dull ; patents , 54.25 4.40 ; bakers S3. : 33.50. llccolpts Wheat. 55.000 bu. Shipments Wheat , ll.OJO bu. ; dour , 11,00 bbls. OMAHA LIVE STOC1C. Wednesday , April C. Cnttlo. The receipts of cattla were the same as yes terdav. The market opened at prices \erj nearly steady \stth the day betore , but closet : lOc lower. The market was slow and drag ging all day and a good many were lef over. ? The receipts ot hess were liberal aud show 1 a icaln of 2M over y.osterday. .A few o tint beat loads were picked up In tlie early morn t Inc at about steady prices. The market wa verv slow nnd dull all day and closed abou lOc lower than yesterday s market. Twenf loads \UTO left over. The demand Is llthte' on account of thu absence from thu market eSquires Squires and North , of Boston , who havebcei heavy buyers during the past week or two. There wera no fresh receipts nnd nothln : was douu on the market. Itcuelpts. Cattle. 1.10 H ' 's :5ci : , Horses 1 I'rovalUni : Prices. Showlnz the prevailing prices paid for Hv < stock on this market : Cholcosteers , 1300 to 1MO lb3..SJ.50ai.70 Choice steers , itoo to UV Ibs. . . 4.40@i..V ) Fat little steer UOO to lOoO Ib3. . . . 4.03MJ.45 ( Jood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.00 < i(3.4ii Falrto medium cows 'itKXiW.75 Uoixl to eholco bulls i.W'atii' ; Llphtand medium ho ? * . ; , S.200(5.SO Uood to choice heavy hogs 5.40 5.50 6 Good to choice mixed hoes 5.20M5.S5 IT Choice sheep , W to 130 Ibs 3.60 4.90 Itcprcociitntive Hales. ofl'rlcoi. Showing the hl'ihost and lowest paid for loads of hozs on this market during thrpast seven days and tor tha sauio tuuo la t month nnd a year azo. Feb. IMT. March Its I. March 1 'fl. 30th I U.C5 (33. ( S7i ! : ilet | March ls > > 7. April t-57 April " 1st . .Bj < .p' ' .1 5.00 .2U ( jfrVSO .175 © l > 5 'M fl.10 Suntlny 3.5.1 dUbo 4th O.'O ® . ' . ,12i ! - ' Sunday nth . . H.rtO 61-1.80 iithl Sunday B.17'5 5S.uO this marketaro made percwt. live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell , it Ki3 per Ib. lor all weight ) . "Skins , " or ho.i weUhlu le-H thiinV \ ) Un. novalttc. Promint sows are docked 10 IDS. tindbtassSj Ibs , by thu public luspsstor. Ijlvo Stock Notes. Cattle close lower. A dragging market. Hops close lOc lower. Abolish the sundown market. Twenty loads of hogs left over. Swift iV Co , boujlit seven loads of cattle. W. X. Shy , Leon , la. , was In with a load of hogs. ( ! . 11. Hammond & Co. bought elescn loads of cattle. d. M. Garten , Dewltt , was in with two loads of cattle. Mr. Murphy , Wahoo , was in with two loads cf cattle. J. It. Conklln , Lincoln , was in and mar keted two loads of cattle. C.V. . Grain , Dorchester , was In nnd sold a load of cattle and a load of hogs. 15. (5. Uoing. a well known citizen of Fie- mont and A. P. Davis , Chicago , were visit ors at the yards. Thomas Ililcy Albion , was a visitor at the ards. Hu marketed tour loads of cattle nd two loads of hoRs. 1) . S. Underwood , of the firm of McCoy A : 'tidorwnpd ' , live stock commlsslo.i dealers ot Cansas City , was at the yards to-iiay. It Is an amusini : sight toseethurepre'ienta- ho of a great packlui ; house bit on the leuce rom early In the mornini : until utter &uu- ! own before buying anything. Swift it Co. ha\e endorsed the proposed ilan of closing the market at 3 o'clock p. m. 1'hc Antrlo-Amcrlcan packiuj ; company how ever , object to It. The holding of stock nu ll sundown before selling may bo a pleasuri ! o some , but the sjreat majority ot tbose do- nK business at tlie yards would Hko to see in earlier hour fixed upon as the limit. OMAI1A. WHOLESALE MARKETS Wednesday , April C. 1'roilucc. Tlicfullowliiii prices arc for roun-Z Zofi of 'iroilucc ' , ns sold on the iar\ct to-ctui/ . E os The receipts were not largo to-day but the market remains about steady at lOc. HtiTTKn Choice country , 1820c ; fair to peed , 1410a : common , b10c. CIIKKSK Full cream Cheddars , single , 13 } ( ? ? 14c ; full cream Hats , twins , I4c ; Voung Americas , 14 > jc ; fancy Swiss , lC(517c ( ; Swiss imported. 25e ; Llmburiror. 14cbrick. ; I5@16c. DIIKSSED POUI.TIIV Choice fat chick- - ns have hecn selling readily at ll@12c , nnd fair to good at 10gllv. ( Turkeys , nlthouch not in very good demand , ate selling at 10 Uu on account of the scarcity ot chickens. Large fat ducks are In irood demand at 10@ lie but small , poor stock Is slow at 8Q9c. LIVE PouiiTiiv Good largo fowls are sell- log readily at S3.25Gi3.50 and smaller ones at S3.00@S.a5. There have been a few tur keys in but they were slow sale at 7c. Large ducks are. selling at $3.00 and smaller ones at 82.50Q2.75. GAMK Mallard ducks , per dozen , 2.00 ® 2.25 ; teal , per dozen. S1.50@1.75 ; mixed , : r do/eu , S1.50 ; geese , uer dozen , 53.00 ® 50 ; brants , per dozen , § 2.00. PoTATOES-llomo grown.4y.J55cColorado ; , rose , per bu , S1.10ql.l5 ( ; ; Colorado snow- ( lake , per bu , 8I.10&U5 ; Salt Lake , 81.00 ; sweet , p rll ) , 3c ; new potatoes , southern , per bbl. , 87.00 : new potatoes , southern , per Ib. , 4c. 4c.CAIHIAOU The market , California cab- bace , choice , ierlb,3x'ic. ) Br.ASS Inferior stock.75 ( < cS1.00good ; clean country , S1.00 ( < J1.25 ; medium , hand nicked , 51.40(3 ( .60 ; hand picked , navy. S1.50@1.GO. Pitovihii s Ham , 123fQ13c ; breakfast bacon , rib. U > fc : break fast bacon , plain , lOJf c ; dry salt sides , .iK@53 c ; dried beet , regular , lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14c ; laid , 50-lb cans , 75 < e ; 20-lbcaus. Fairbanks , 7jrc ; 10-lb cans' . Fairbanks , 7Kc ; 5-lb cans , Fnlrbanks , 8c : 3-b ! cans. Falrbr.nks , 8 , ' e- OAUi.iFi.owin ; There Is not vcrj much on the market The demand l < fair for good stock. Cauliflower , ner dozen 81.75c2.ou. APPI.KS The market Is well supplied with apples , but choice and laucv apples atu not so plenty. Uomanltes , willow twit : nnd Gcnetona are in the best demand and sell for about 4.50 , while Hen Davis are selling at S4.00. Fancy e.utern stock. 84.50 < 3.1 > ,00 ; choice Missouri stock. S4.00 < g4.M ) ; common Mis- .sourl stock , ? 3.SOrf4.00. Oi.r > VKOETABMS : The demand is light for most kinds of old vegetable * and stocks are moving slowly and mostly In a small way. Unions are not bringing quite as much us they were. Unions , choice stock , per bbl , 53.50@.75. : ! Beets , carrots , turnips , etc. , per bbl.ST7.V5i2.00. NKW VEOErAut.Es The weather has been colder this week than for some time back nnd accordingly the demand has not been so heavy for giren vegetables. Kalamazoo celery Is bediming to cotnu In , but It is still scarce nud ! > gieea. Spinach , per bbl. , 81.75 : top onions , per dozen bunches , 3T < cf45c : California celery , per dozen. 51.00 ; radishes , per do/en bunches. 3.VOc < ) : lettuce , 40c ; pie plant , per Ib. 12c ; California beets , pcrlb , IKc ; California en riot's , per Ib. IKc ; California turnips , per lt > , ! > , ; California nsp.iRiis , per lb,20c ; cucumbers , per dozeu , 51.00. OVSTRRS Mediums. 20e ; standard , 2Cc ; selects , 2Sc ; extra selects , 33 ; X. y counts , Lr.MOKS There has been no material chnnee in the mnrket. Prices contlnuo linn. Me. sina , choice , i > er box , S5.00 ; do. fancy , per box , 55.00(35.50. ( Ur.ANGES There ! s not a very heavy sup ply on thu maikct. A consignment ( if Mes- hlna stock has nrrhed. California , Hlver- sldc , per box. 4.00Ji4.25 ; California , Lo ? Angeles , per box , S3.0Ua.V.i.V Mediterranean hww'ti , $4,00(31.25 ( ; Messina Imperial , tancy , STHAWIIEIIIUF.S A very few continue tc arrive nnd meet with ready sale. Choice stock is selling ut45c. Report * Irom Missouri indicate a light berry crou for the season , in all kinds of berries. B VN.VAS Larcobunches , per bunch , 52.00 @ 3.00. Nurs Afow black walnuts arc coming In from the country nml nro slow sale at 75c pci bushel. The following nro the wholesale prices a * , which orders Irom the outsldo nre tilled : Almonds , 20e ; pecans , largo polished He ; tilbens , 14cBrazll3 ; , llcwnlnutsNaplcs ; roc : walnuts , Chill , lie ; peanuts , H. P. Vir- glnln. tx > . KLOUH A.ND MILLSTUFFS Winter wheat flour , best quality patent , S2.75 ; second qual Itv , S2.ftK3i.60 : be t quality spnne whcal Hour , patent. 52.40fiW.fl5 : bran. 70c percwt chopped feed , 75o per cv > t ; white corn meal tWc ; yellow corn , meal , bOnrtXta per cwt screen in ir. 60c 75c per cwt ; hominy , Sl.50 § horts , 70o per cwt : graham , 51.75 ; \ y % \ \ balls S7.CO pvr ton. GIIAIS Ccrn.27o ; wheat , > o. ' - ' , & 7 ( flOc oats , 2Sj ; rye , i&j. _ Grocer' * Ijlst. TICKLES Medium. In bbls SS.OO : do , li bait bbls , S4.50 ; small , in bbls 89.00 : do , It bait bbls , S5.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , 810.00 ; do in half bbls. 85.H > . uranulated , GftQC c ; con ( , A , 5 tf ; white extra C , e'/i'We : extra C , fi' , , D fi'.c : yellow C , 4ViVid cut loaf , C G 4c ; powdered. C wO'nc.i CoFTEK.s-Ordlnaiy grades , irx315Vc fair fcsU7' ' . CANXF.uiooiaOysterstantlarilpcrca'so < , Sa.l&n3.ii ; strawbeirles , 2 Ib. per case. Siao ; raTpbcrrles. J Ib , per , rnse , S M' California i > oar < . percale , S.V ) ; apricot" , i > er ca .1 , 84.00 ; peaches. W caie , S5.00 ; white cher ries , ptr c.i'i1 , SO.OO ; ptuiiH. per case , $ 'J.50 ; Dlueberrk-1 porca c , Sl.Si ; e e plums. 2 Ib , per ca < o. S2.50 ; pineapple * , a ID , per case Sa.SOfiJ.'i.'iS : 1 Ib ms kerel. per t\or \ , Si. 10 : 1 Ib salmon , per unz,3luOv9l.Vi ; 2 ID , coose- berrle" , per case , SI. 75 ; a ib strln ? Deatn , per ca e , Sl.'Wlbllinabean ; , ptr cA e. Sl.00 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , perc\se , S J..V'S"J.OO ; 2 Ib enrly . lime pea , per case. . ' .75 : a Ib toma toes. ' . ' .5'J i-irfla : lb.corn S' ' . I0ri2.w. MATCHF.S I'crcatldle. 'ijc ; souaro SI. 70 : mule square. SVKUP No. 70 , 4-iallon keg , Sl.M'Tl.25 ; New Orleans percallon J i44Ge ; maple syrup , halt bbls , "oltl lime. " per gallon , 7i'e ; 1 gal lon cans nr doz , 510.00 : h.Ui gallon cans , Der iloz. S5 fjO : quiirt cans S".IM. CANDY Mixed , © llc ; stick. S > f(39S'e. ( CuACKF.iis-Oarneau'a soda , butter and picnic. .Vjc : creams.sMc ! pinser snaps , o > c ; citv oita. 7i. . fcTAucii Mirror gloss 1 Ib , Cc ; mirror nloss , 3 Ib , 5 'c : mirror closs Olb , ou'c ; ; iraves corn , 1 Ib.G'jc ; Kin sfortl's corn. I ID , "c : Kliiiisforii'ss-'lo-ii , 1 ib. 7c : Klnisfortl s cin .s < llb. 7 } < c , KlnirsfnnlN pure lit ) , fiirfo ; vincsforil's pure , 3 Ib , 6)40 ) ; Klugsfords * Kirk s avon Imperial. S2.70 : < irK s sit'uet. ' j.0i : ) ) ; ICIik M stmitlanl , SH.05 ; Kirk's white Kusslmi , S4.W : K.rU's white- cap. j-C.riO ; ilom' . ' , ; washboard , $3.10 ; vhlteclouil. S3. 75. Ooncrnl \AIIM < ! : IF.S Umtel ? . per cation ; ure , extia , SI. 10 ; funuuuc. No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach oxtr.H Sl.l'J ' ; co.ich , No. 1 , S1.20 ; Da- mar , extra , S1.75 : Jamil , 70c ; usnhaltuin , ; xtra sjc : shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil linisti , IIKAVY HAnowAun iron , rate cast tooN. ilo. lUnjls ; ; wanon spokes , pet s > et , fca.ooco3.WJ : liub-i. per set , S1.2. ' > : telloe- * . Kiwcildry , Sl.50 ; loiijrue.S each. SOe : axeb. pncli. 75e : snuaro nuts , cer Ib. Ol ( < niu : cell chain , per Ib. 0 o l"c ; malleable.s10o ; lion wedups , Cc ; cro\\iurs , fie ; harrow teeth , 4'ic , , spring steel , 7@V'c ' ; Burden's horseshoes. S4.75 ; Burden s mule shoes. SI.75. Barbed wire. In car lots. 51.03 per 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to 60. SUO ; steel nails , 2. ' . 0. Shot , : ; buckshot , Sl.GO ; lliuml-.powder , kegi , 55.00 ; do. half kegs , S2.75 ; do. quarter kens. 51.50 : blasting , kegs , ; fuse , per 10 feet. C5c. Lead bar. SI'- DIIY PAINTS-While lead , 7c ; French zinc , 12o ; Parli whltltiir. 2' < c ; whiting , gilders , ' * Hc ; wliltliip , cotn'l ' , 1'ic , ; lampblack , Ger- manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ; Prussian blue,55cultramarine ; , Ike ; vandyn- brown , 80 ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; Bienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine. 2otv Paris green , com mon , 22c ; chrome green. N. Y. . 20c ; vermlllion American. l > c : inaian raw and burnt umber , 1 ft cans , i2c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke btown , We ; re- tined lampblack I2c : coach black and ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc : Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine black. ISc ; chrome crccn.L. , 1A. & D. . 16c ; blind and shutter preen , U. M. < k D. , 16c ; Part8 green , 18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , PC ; Tuscan , 22c ; American vermlllion , L. & 1) . , 0c : yellow ochre. So ; L. M. it U. D. . Ibc : good ochre. IGc : nateni dryer , 8c ; cralning color. light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and sh. 1'Jc- UituosANn MIEMIOAI.R. Ac d carbolic , MCI acid tartarie , 52 < s : balsam copaiba , per n ,5Uc : bark sassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calomel , per Ib , 7Sc , chlnchonidla , per oz , 40c ; chloto- form , per ft , 48c ; Dover's powders , per tt > , 81.25 ; epsom salts , , per ft , 3' < c ; elycortno , pure , per Ib. 30c ; lead , acetate , per tt > . 21c ; oil , castor , No i , pergr.l. , 81.50 ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal , S1.40oil ; olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil oriirauiiuin. 50c ; opium , 5J.UO ; quinine , 1' . & W. and \l. \ & S , , per toz. 70c ; potassium Iodide , per Ib , S .W ; salicin. Peroz. 40C ; sul- chatomorphine , nor ioz. S'.lS ; sulPhur , oor tt.4c ; strychnine. oeroz.Sl.2u. i'AiXTS i.v Oi. Wliltotead. Oraaha.P P. , fil < p ; wliito lead , St.Louis , , pure. iVic ; Mar seilles , gre < > n. 1 Ib cans , 2c : Frencn zinc , ercen seal , I2c ; French zinc , red seal. He ; French zinc. In varnish asst. 2Uc ; Fcnch zinc. 75c ; vermlllion , English , In oil , 75c ; red , lOc : rose pink , He ; Venetian red , Cook- son's , 2J c ; Venetian red , Amerlcau. i ; < c ; red lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2i'c ' ; chrome yellow , K , We ; ochre , rochelle. 3c ; ochre , trench , 2 > ic ; ochre , American , IKc ; Winter's mineral. 2 } p ; Benign blown , 2) ) < c ; Spanish brown , 2 > fc ; Prince's mineral , ' h PIBITS Cologne spirits , 183 proof , 81.17 ; do 101 proof , 81.18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.17 : do 188 proof , 81.10 Alcohol. 18S prooi , 2.20 per winu irallon. Kedistilled whiskies , Sl.00iu.50. uin , blended , i.5u@ ? .00 ; Kentuckyliourbons , 82.00(80.00 ( : Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.OOOffl.5U ; Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies , Sl.W3.oa ( Brandies , imported , S5.00@s.50 ; domestic , Sl. : > 033.00. ( Sins , imported , S4.50 @ 6.00 ; domestic , 81.25rtr3.00. Champagnes , imported. , nercaso. S2S.00@33.00 ; American , per case. S10.00jlfi.0o. ( ! HIDES Green butchers. 5K@6c ; green cured. 7c : dry flint. HWl2c ; drv salt. WlOc ; creeu calf skins , 8 } < c ; damaged nidcs , two-thirds price. Tallow 3) < c , Grease- Prime white , 3c : yellow , 2 } c ; brown , IJf Sheen Pelts. 25Q75c. l-uns AND SKINS-TUG following prices are for primp , well handled skins ; Beaver , prime , clean per pound , 81.50@3.oo : fallSI.2.'i ( S2.00 : meatvatid Inferior. Bear , brown and grizzly. S5.003S.03 ; cubs mid yeatlings , S-.OOy4.00. liadgcr , MK GOe. Cat , wild , 20aUc ( : domestic , black , 10 ( < ? l5c : do mestic , sundry colors , Sfgbc. Fox , red , Sl.OO (31.25 ( ; cross S2.00@4.00 ; grny , 40 < ( J.Oc ; silver , 510.00(310.00. ( Fisher. 54.00 ( 0.00. Utter.S4.00 QO.OO. Martin. S1.00@175 , Muscrat win ter. large , lite : fall , 5c ; kitts , Mink , clargo dark , aXg Oe ; bmall nud pale , lfl@aoc. Kac- coon. largo prime , 40 < Ti50c ; binall and Interior. 20Sxc. : ) Skunk , common , 15@25c. Wolf , largo gicy , S1.50Q2.50 ; coyote or prairie 7.rXg POc. Deer and nntelope , winter , r-er pound 15c ; fall and summer , per pound 2'Jc. Dry nmbor. DIUKNRIONB AND 12 It U ft 1C ft 18 ft 20 ft 2 It ft 214 'l ' .00 18.0) 17.00 IS 00 10.00 I2/.S Zl6 18.90 1S.UO n.UOj 18.00 . . 2l8 lle.W 18.0017.00,18.00 , 18.00 IllO . 18.00 18.00 17.0" ) 18.00 in.ffJ22.M22.5n 2x12 18.110 1 18.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 23.W 21.60 < T4-til . lg.OOl6.0ui | | ; .UOIli > . -JO.OU12-J 50 22.50 4 A B Inch , 13 and 14ft. , rough. . . 315.50 Ko a , 4 4 Cinch. 12 aud 14 ft. , rouirti. . . UOO I.IMI : , Qulncy white lime , ( belt ) . 05c Akron cement , 2.75 ; hair . 25c BOARDS. -No. I Com. sis . 18.00 No.'J " . 15.50 No.3 " " . 15.00 N 4 " . 1(5.00 ( SIDIXO. A , 12 , Handle ft . S21.50 H , . . 20.00 O , ' * " " . 15.00 D , . . ; . 11.50 01:11.1x0 AND I'AiiTino.v. 1st com. , in Wliltc Pine Celling . S" 4.00 . . , . oj , it > O Q ; 2d com. , ? a In Norway Pine Celling. . . . 14.00 Fi.oortixol A Cinch , white plue , : .M ) C . 5M..10 K Cinch. ( Sell-Vn'u ) . I'J.OO STOClt ISOAIIUS. A 12 Inch s. Is. 45.500. , . S35.50 No. 1 , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12. A : 14 S20 ; Ifi ft.MOO No. 'J. " ' . 17.50 ; " lll.5J ( yiNI'SHINo. 1st and 2 < i. clear , i > / men , s. 3a . $50.50 3d , clear , 1 Inch. s. 3 s 4 l l > 4. 1 } . 2 In 45.ra U clear , 1 Inch , c. 3 .4 ! K.i.50lf : , IJ . 'J In H7.CC SIIII' l.AT. Xo. 1 , plain. Sand 10 in . SIS. 'A SOUTHKIt.V YRI.I.OW 1'I.NE. Com. 4 and 0 in. tloorine . S17.5C Clear , tmlsh , I and 1)4 ) In. s. Us . liO.W " rorrutjated celime. 4 lu . 2I.W3 " bellow jilno casluc and base . -7.0C I'lCKKTS. Pickets , D and II liat S20.50 ; I ) & U SQ.S20.5C SII1XLKS , I.ATII. XX clear . 53.0C * A * standard . 2.7. AMI. U. and JJ . 2.5C Whlto Cedar , C lu.jl2Kc ; " " 5J < ln. Jjs Kotice , \fATTKn of application of Lnry ic Carej I'l for liquor license. Notice Is horehy given thnt I.ary i Cnroj did upon the 2nd dny of April A. H. Itfc7 , tilt their application to the mil j or nnd city counol of Omaha , for license to boll mnlt.Dplrltuous am vinous liquor , at No. 1120 Kurnum street Thlril nard.Umnhn. Neb. , fiom the llth day o April , 1"7. to the 10th dny or April , loM. If tlirre be no onjectlon. remonstrance or protttt tiled within two wecKS from April 2nd - \ . 1) . tt 7 , the 8 ia tlcensowlll bo tranteJ. . LtitvA : Cilifv , AppilcnntSj J.aSOLIIUUD.CitvClerk ; 6-U fflE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Leave Leave P. BHIDCKTKA1NS. Transfer. Omaha. Except Sunday. :12 am tC Rlnni tConnrct * with S. C. < & * 8 :15 : am * 7 :35am : P. nt Council Blufts , i y :25 nm bi OOnin ' .Connects with C. n. & 0 :42 : am ; s : 40am Q. , C. A N. U' . , C. M. & * 10 :87nm10 : :00nra : St. P. , C. It. I. & P. at 11 :47 : mil' ' 11. 10am Council Bluffs. j :30pm : * t :00pm : tConnecN with W. St.I 2:37pm : 2 :00 : pm L. & P. nt Council muffs.I 3 : 7pm { 2 :20 : pm ( Connects withall even- 4:37 : pm1 :5 : :00pm : lug ti.ilns for Chicago at 5:50 : pm M :00pm : Council Bluffs. Trains 0:42 : pm , 6:00 : pm leave Omaha at Union 7:10 : pm 5 : pin Pacific depot , lOth nnd 7:42 : pm 10:10 : pm Plerco streets. S'Xpm : ) 7 : < 0pm 0:47' : ' 8:15 : pm -55pm 55pmi i l:10pm : COUNCIL BLUFFS. MQRTH- WESTERN RAILWAY. And fao U The only rontl to tnku for DCS Molnca Mar- Ehnlltown , Ceilnr Hiinhls , nir. n , Dlxun , Chlca- po , Mllwntikpo mill all points f > n t. To tlio pco- iilo of Nobrasku , Colormlo , Wyoming1. Utnh , Iiluho , Nevada , Orcxon , WnshlnKlon unil Cnll- tornla , It olfnrs superior advantages not posil- bio by nny oilier lino. Amen n few of the numerous points of su periority enjoyed by the pntrons of this rood between Omaha mid CblcaKO , aie Its two tralua adny of DAVCOACHKS , which are tlie nnest thnt bumnn nrt nml iHironultr OHM crcnto. Iti PALACKSC.KBPINHUAUS , which arc model * of comfort and clotmnce. Us I'AHI.Oll OKA\V- 1NO ItOOM GAHS , unsurnassoj by nny , and Ita widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAHS ttie eqnnl of which cannot bo found elsewhere At Council Ulufln the trains ot the Union I'uclllc Hy. contipct In Urdon Depot with those ol thn Chicago & Norlhwcstern Hy. Tn Chicago the trains of this line make close connection with those of nil ensturn linen. For Dotiolt. Columbus , Inillnnnpolls. Cincin nati , NlasrnraFalls , Buffalo. I'ittsburs.Torontc , Montreal , lloston , New VorK , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington and all points in th cast , Hfk for ticket via the "NOHT11 WESTERN. " If yon wish the bust acoommodation. All ticket agents Pol ! tickets vlu this line. H. HUOHITT. B.P.WILSON. Uen ! . Manager. nenl. I'net'r Agent Chicago , 111. W. M. lUnCOCK , LH.nOM.ES , Western Apent , City I'aiVr Agent , Omtiha , Nebrahkn. notice. MATTP.nTfAppllcutlon of Prlhorsky i , Hor- tos for liquor license. Notlcu Is hoitiby gHonthnt Priliorfky A : Dor- tos did upon thu Uh ditv of . \iull , A. I ) . 15s" , tlio tholf nppllcatlori to the mil } or unit city council of Omtilia , for llcon ° o to t-ell mult , ojilrltuous nml vinous llqunrs. nt No. rcL'Soutli 'Ihlrtrnnth tr ( t t Second wiird. Omnha , Noli. , f * - .o llth Uay of April , US' , to the luth Ouv o : April , 1SW. If there ho no oblectlon , rtnon3trt\nco ) or pvolostlllcd within two weeks Irom April 4th , A.I ) It37 , the sulcl llcenji' will lie prnnti'il. I'Hiiioii.sKV \ IKmros , Applicants. J. IJ. SOUTH \nu , City Clerk. C-ll Notice , MATTnil of application of Alc.x M. Blnlr for liquor licon-u. Notice Is hereby given that Alex M. Dlairdld upon the 4th day of April A. I ) . IbST , lilo his npplicntion to the iniiyor tmd city council n ! Omnlm , tor license to bc'll malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , at No. 1315 I'mu street , I'lr.-tt ward , Omahn , NCD , from the Itthduy of Anrll IcW , to the llith diijof April , I MX. If there he nn objection , loinonstrauco or piotpst ( lied within two weeks from April 1th A. l . Ibs7.tho biild license will bo Knmtoi ) . AI.CY M. III.MR , Appllrunt. J D. SOL'TltAlin.Clly Clerk. ii-ll Notice. MATTKR of application of Trunk Hogcrs for permit to sell ll'iuor u g u druggist. Notlcu Is hereby given that Train * lloyori dl < upon the 4th d.iy of April , A. I ) . Ito" . tlio hi : Hppllcbtlon to the inuyotnnd city council o Omiiliit. for permit to sell malt , spirituous nm vinous liquors , H ? n druggist , for medicinal mrclinnicnl mid chfinlcnl mnpojns only , at No Ul : ! South Uth street , I'ourth ward , OmaUa.Neb. from the lllh dny of Apill , IBbT , to the lOtli day of April , l v" . If there bo no objection , romonstrnnou ni protest Hied within two vouks from April 4th A. I ) . 16 , the said permit will ho grunted. 1 HANI ; KonEn.s , Auplicant. J. IJ. SoniiAitn , City Clerk. 6-11 OCEAN STEAMERS. A TRIP TO EUROPE , Send stamp for spring and summer pro gram * , just issued. Tilos. COOK & SON , mar3-2tn 100 Dearborn St.Ghic ago , 111 mafia Joliliers' Directory. Agricultural Implements. ' " "CJIL'1CJ11LL PA liKEli , \Vholoinlo l > ' lffln Afrricultitrnl Implements , Wupons , vt nJ IIuck . Jonci flreot , tclwtcu VU ) mil linli,0m ha , .N t > . lO7 KTVA LF CO. , Affi'lculturnl Itntilptiicnts , gfn .r frltgc ! i lltifrlri , Klf. . Wholc' lc , Om .h * . LK&MfTKl ) cC CO. , Jobbers of llrml urp and S'nilp , , Shpcl Imn. Kto. Atonti ffir llown hcnlet , nd MIIIIUI I'oMdcrl o. , Ooiiiti . .Vi'b 1'A.HLIX , O I { K\1H ) H r ,0 M Agricultural Implements , ( Vncom unJ Uusu'lc * . 001,001,10 } nnd'AT , Jonc ( t Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos and .111 HouisUi Street. Otnshs. Builders' Hardware and Scales. HIM EliAl'lTlT T AYLolj , Bundcrs'Hiu'ilvvnrcASc.ilclxi'iiaii'Shop .Icchauicf Tooi * nml lUitTil" r.ilt. . iKVi louilns stl , w Dmalti , Neb , Boots and Shoes. "AMEKICAX j TAX ft SHOE COMTAXY , llnnuf.icturer.i nml WtiolesnlcDcalora la Hoots ami Shoes , Complete torX of Hubhcr Ooo > 1 nlwaj nn h.inil Ml $ . IStli < t . On : h , Neb. A T. Austin. Apcnt. Jr. 7' MOUSE iC CO. .lobliors of ISoota and Slioes. Ill Farrani it. , Omntin. ? , 'eb Mnnufoctorj' , Summer firei'C. lloston. Wliolesalo Hubbor Hoitj aii'l ' S Hiaibuinml Ollrd I'lmliltiR niul IVIt Hoots and fclioea. Southetvt ( .utnurUtli nml Beer. M. KEATTXf ! , Agt. for Auheusor-liush Urowliif ; Ass'n Special llmnila. Fnuat. tlmlwBlter nt ) Krlanger. STORZ ,0 TLEIl , Lager Uccr Urowcrs , 1551 North ISlh btrcct , Omih , Nob. Butchers' Tools. 1IELLEK , Butchers' Tools ami Supplies , lausago CiitlOEi of nil klnrti nlwnyi in stock. 13U June t..Omabi > Coffee , Spices tEtc. _ _ Omaha Cortro ami Spice Mills. Toe , Onffoe'.fplee' . Unking I'owdcr. FlHrorlni tracts , ijiuuJry lilus. Ink. Ktc. llli-lfi llurre/ Street , Uaiuhit. Net ) . GATES , COLK .t1 MILES , Homo Coirro anil Spice Mills M'f ' Co. Coffea Koa'lorsaud Pplcn GrlniVn , Hanafnaurers of Haklnn rowder. Flitnrlnit iitrnct , Illnlnv. KIP. Try nno cfte of our ! ! * picks ee llotnoulccd Ituaiteu Off e. 1'WUowanl st , Oiaih % . Not. Cornice. EAG.JLECORX1CE WOliKSt Jolin Eponctor , Prop. Manufacturer of Gnlvanire < l Iron Cornice. 951 Dodge end 103 and US N.lOtb L. Omaha. Neb. tC ItOLTE , Unniifncturcrs of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Wluilowe , Finale. iletallcSkrllubt , etc. 3108. l.'fi t , Umnha. WESTERN COHNIUE WOliKS , C. Speclit , Prop. Galranljed Iron Pornlce . etc. St'ecfulraproTed P t > cnt Mrtnllc Hkylutit. MB andtlQ f.lJIli t..Omiitiii. Carpets. Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains' , Oil Cloths , Linoleum * . Mattlngi. ntc 1511 Dauglai itreet. Si "A. OlfClLAIUT Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlnci , Curtain Goods. Etc. 1U3 Farnam btrcct , Omaha. N0b. Crocker/ and Notions. Agent for tlie Manufacturers and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lampa , Chlrnueji , etc. OTlce , 317 South Uth it Omaba , Neb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing. Butler , RICH and Produce. Conilzntnents collcltcd. Ueailquarttri for Mooewire , Hrrrr Horn and ( jr i > e llaiketi. 14t < Do'JL'Qircut. Omaha. J'EYCKE JtJWST Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and ProTliUmi , Oai\h . Neb. ir. E Storage and Commission Merchant. Bpecinlilee nutter. Egg . fheeae. Poultrr. ( ! m , Oyiteri. Etc. , Me. lit uth lllh ulroet. Jk CO. , Prodttpo Commission Merchants , Poultry , llutler , Onme , Friilti , etc. 220 8. lithit Omah.t , Neb , Coal antf Lime. Qzo. > ' . l.Antnn. Pres. C. F. aoonwxx , T. Piei. J. A. hUNTtSKLAND , 8 c. and Treai. OMAHA COAL , COKE dJ LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 309 ? outh Thirteenth Street , Omahn , Nob. , r co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Phpport ! of Coal and CoWo. Cement. Platter , IJme. Hnlr. Klru llrlck , Drnln. Tile find Hewer 1'ipe. ORicti. Paston llot l. rnnmm ft. , Omaha , hub. Telephone hll. Confectionery. Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbcri of Fiults.Nute nnd Cljan. 1211 Farnam SL. Omaha. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER < C CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , tiuna and Airmunltlou , VIS toJJ3S. 1Kb. t. . VKO to ItCt farnam > t. . OniMiH.Nfib. EST c Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholoinli' Dealer * In Leaf Tobaccos , No .10a and 110 N , ' 4th itreet. Dm nan. Dry Goods. M. K. SMITJF l ! CO , , Dry Goods , Fnrnislilng Goods & Notions 1103 and 1104 Douiil'r , cor. llth St. , OmahaNeb. Distillers. DltUllcrinf I.lnunn , Alcohol and Eplrlti. Importer : and Jabhcriof WlneianJ l.Iquori. WTLLOH'fiPJtIXGSniNTILLE' CO. and ILElt 15 CO. . Imponen and Jobberr of Fine \Vlnrs and I.I VJOn Bolo rainuf/iciurcru nf Kfnnt'Jv'B 1'ait India lilt , tors and lone > tlc t.l < | imr > . Ill ] ll.irney ? t. fJrain Tito , Etc , A. H.B-u'E'i.Pr" ' . J.W.ntnronn.Scc.ATroi 11. J. CAHSQH , V.l'rei , and Supt. THE UXfoy JlYJtltAULIC DHAIXTILE CO. , OS'e 713 S. Kth St. , Omaha , Neb. Machinery and Euppllo for Manufacturing Cctr.fri Drain Tile. \y. itonEii- " , D. 8. 1'vn. E T in.i ii'ii ISI'i. OMAHA ELEf'ATOU niul COMPANY , Jobbers ami Storcrs ol Grain. (3i ( * lit < 11 - i u Urn ffunrnntetcl , Umliaa hob. Furniture , DIWEY , Wholesale Dealers In Furniture. Farnajo | U. Omaha , Neb. Omaha Jobbers' ' Groceries , PAXTOX , GALLAGJrEK A CO. , T Wholesale- Groceries nml PrOTlslOHi Not tCVi. r)7. 7CT > ami 711 S. lot h St , On b . Xob. McCOltl ) , Ji.liA DY cC CO. , Wholesale Grocers , l.'lh and Learenwortti t . ,0m h . Hardware. Hcavj * Hardwuro , Iron and Steel , Springs , \Vaton tock , llardnare Lumber , etc. I and 1211 llamcr it. , Utnaha. Wholesale Iron nnd Steel , Wnsonnmt TnrrUsn Wool Ptooi , Henry Itar4 r& Me. l. and _ ii ) l.cavcnivorttiH. . Omaha , Neb , JULTOX J7) GEliS * D SOXS , " Stoves , Range ? , Fnrnucrs , Tiles , Msnllei , Uratcs , llrass < lo < x1" . l ll ana 133 KarnaM Mtect. Iron Works. Iron Works , WrcttcM and Cnst Iron OullitliK Work , Iron Stair * , ItnllniK , llvania nnd lilrdPM , Menm iti : ine , llrnu Work , tUniTal Tnumlry , Mnchluo Hn1 llack ! mlta Oiaicanjyyurku , U. 1' . 11) mid Itth meet. K. It. Mr.MANt'S. C. St't.I.lVA.V. OMAHA If ! HE X n'OJKift Marmfneturpr * of Wire and Iron Railings , Desk Rails , Wlndnn ( iiiiird * . Khmer stand * , Wlro Un . tta ij..Utli. . Orders Ljr mall promptlj attended t , Lumber. OMAIFA JVMJlEIt CO. , Dc.iler . AllKlndiot Huildiiig Material at Wholesale 13th Street nnd Union PnclHo Tnick , Oninha. LOLTIS Dealer In Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sasli , Doors , Ktc. Vardi-CornrrTth nnd Douglas ; Corner Vth nnd Dotijla * . ' CHICAGO LUMBEll CO. , Wliolesalo Lumber , 811 3. llth ttroct , Oniahi" , Neb , r. Colpctnir. C. JV ; Dl'ETZ , Lumber. 13th nnd California titrocH. Omaha. Neb. Fit ED W. Gil AT , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc , Cur.Ctb and Douglai Hi. , Omaua. Mai. HOAGLANI ) , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 1403 Farnara itreet , Omaha. CHAS. K. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carptta and Parquet Flooring. 9tli aud DouiUf JOI1XA. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement. Stuff Agent rorMlInaukcu Hydraulic Cement and Beit ( Julncy WhiteI.tue. % Live Stock. STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Umltol. John F. B0)d. B'jpgrluterdtnt. Live Stock Commission. M. JIUltRE C SOXS , Live Stock Commission. _ Ceo. Hutke , Manager. Dnlon Stock Yard ,8. Omaha. Telephone & . SAJ'AGE cC G'REEX ' , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Shipment ! of cnr and all klnrte of Stock eoltoltVd. L'nlon Stock Yard . Omaha , fTcb. Millinery and Notions. I. OBEBFELDER d ) CO. , Importer ! and Jobbera of Millinery and Notions , 1213 and 131J Harney St. eet , Omaha , Neb. Notions. Wholesale Dealers In. Notions and Furnishing Goods , < O1 and 05 H. Tenth Hi. , Omaha. > Overalls. CAXFIELD MAXITFACTURINQ COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeana Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 1102 and llCi Uolitlaa StreeL Oniahii , Neb. Paper Boxes r. L. WILK1E , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , 8.11th St. . Omatia , Nubruaku. Orders by nuilij lltltedaad wllIr c Ue r tn t atteanou. Printing. REES PRINTING COMPAJTY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers. And Book Ulnderi. 10i and lt Kouth Fourteenth itreet. Omaha , Neb. WESTERNXEWSPAPER UNIOX Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type. Pre ni > i and Printers' Supplies. (09 South TwBlfth Street. Punps. ItROWXELL tC CO. , Honufncturern nnd Uenlera In Engines , Boilers & General Machinery bhoet Iron work , Stunm Pump/.Snw Mills , Aetna Bhaftlnu , Dodve Woodnpllt l'ull ; s , I'.oltlnz , etc , Alfo wagons , scrspen.ttnd baletlcs. l.'U-l.'lS Lea' vcnworlbet. Oini < bn HECTOR C WILHELKl' CO. , Wholesale Hardware. W'ftorn agents for JclTerson Steel Nails. Aunli Powder Cu , Fairbanks S'nndard Scales. Corner lOUi and Ilarnoy. Omahn. cnvitciriLL P.UMP co. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteamand Water Supplies. Headquarter * for Mail KoitlCo's Uoo > ls. HllVarniim it. , umaha.Neb. A.L. STRAXG CO. , I'ijics ami Knginea , Etcnm. Water , Itnllwnr nnJ . . Eta KXJ.nacdlCi FnrniMU dt. , Onmhn , KoK U. S. WIND EXGTXE nnd PUMP COMPANY. UallidarWInd Mlhit nlcam anil Wi-tcr Puppllc * , i'iuniblnedoc'li , ( leltlnr. llnic. 1'H miJ tOO fir- . , Uiunlm. H. K. l-'elu.n. llunufer. 'JVIepliumi No. 210. Safes , Etc. J' . JtOYER 0 CO. , Agents for Hall's Snfo & Lock Co.s' Flro and llmv'ar Proof S fa . Tlmo Ix5cki , Vnult * andJMl Wor < . 1W ) tnnum utreot Oiiia1) * , Neb. G. A Oinalia Kafo Utnufaclurrmof Mr anil Ilnr/lnr I'rnufSafo , Vault Uoor < , Juil Wurk.hliulier * nudVltu Worn. Lbi. IUhandJ ct.ionHli..umi.iayab | , _ Sash , Doors , Etc. M.A. IJISItltOlftQ CO. , Wholonlo Htnnufartuteti of Saali , Doorn , Hlinila ami BO//.V MANVFACTrillNG CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'jiei.f.t ' lr Work nnd Interior Ilar.l . Wood t-tnltlt Juit oixui'd. N. JJ cor , Cili "nil l.eaveQiroillt U. OmnUn , NcU.