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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1887)
"ft $ wmmwim THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , APRIL 7. 1887 ; THAT IlAtl.UOAl ) HOYCOTT. An oninlnl of the I'onsylvfinln Jtond Makes nn Kxtiliinntlon. I'nir.ADKi.i'iiiA , April ( ! . [ Special Tele gram to tliu IJi.n.J In explanation of llio so- called boycott of thn various railroad lines tlmt refuse to accept the rnlo adopted by tbo trunk lines and Central Tralllc association In regard to the payment of commission * to agents , nn olllclal ot tins passenger depart ment of the I'cnn5ylvanlal'allroad company , who was present nt tlio ' 1'iuiil : Hue meeting , yesterday , said to-day : "Thotrunk lints , un der tliolr Interpretation of the Intor-stato com merce law. nro required to maintain strictly all rates published by them , nnd such ratts cannot bo maintained It thu other roads over which they Issue tickets arc poriultted to pay commissions to their ngonts. For this reason the tttink lines and Ccntiat Trafllo association sent a olicular to all their con nections asking thom to discontinue the pay ment of such commissions. Ono or two of the western roads have taken an arhltraiy Bland In the matter nnd have said that they will act ImU'iHjndently. lnconsetianceot ( ] this Btnnd taken by thu roads In question , cer tain of their competitors have considered that they arc obliged reluctantly to take the same position nnd to concur In the action of the lines that originally dissented This will D ) akc about thirty lines out of several hun dred that will continue to pay commissions to aeonts , nnd the trunk lines nnd Tralllc association have given them notice that until they do azruo to ndunt the practiatj. of the association the trunk lines and Contra ! Traffic association will discontinue to exChange - Change business with them. This action must not be confused with any local passenger business. " Fifty coupon book tickets , which It was Bald would bo withdrawn nn the 1'onnsyl- canlm road , will bo continued , and no changes to passenger fates or regulations ar contem plated by the company. A COMPMCATKn SITUATION. CHICAGO , April C. Regarding the whole * ale boycotting of western roaifs by eastern oada withdrawing through tickets from sale , H ls stated that tickets of tl.o Chicago Hur- llnnton A ; Otilncy ha.s arain boon turned to the wall. General 1'assnngcr Agent Ford , of the 1'ensylvanla , yesterday Issued n supple mentary circular to his agents exempting the Burlington , but the latter claims thnt Shis was done under n mls.ipprehon- Ion and that It Is In hnarty ac cord with and will sustain the position .taken . by the majority ot the wrstorn ilne.i. The Illinois Central , on the other band , to-day gave In Its adhesion to the terms ot the eastern trunk lines and the boycott placed on Its tickets will bo removed to morrow. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pnul officials profess to be In the dark ns to the reason why an exemption was made In their favor , ns tliov do not differ In their stand from that taken by their competitors and have made no compiomlso with the eastern companies. .Notwithstand ing the action of the Hunk line officials In Now Voik Tuesday ID deciding to make < t boycott by nil of the eastern lines and connections , the letter received no notification of the fact to-day nnd up to to-ntcht had Issued orders to agents to that effect. It was asserted , bowerer , that the general passenger aeont Ot the LakoSlioic was preparing lustiuctlona tend would send them out to-monovr morn- Ing. The Crand Trunk was threatened with * boycott of Its tickets over the Now York Control , the Lake Shore and the Erie unless it at once compiled with the terms of the eastern trunk lines. Assurances were Im mediately wired that It was In harmony with Its associates , and It is probable that It will not bu ostracised. The western roads with the nxeeptlon of the Illinois Central. Chicago & Northwestern and Milwaukee & Bt Paul are apuarently determined to main tain their present position. There seems to bo no doubt whatever that the nntlonnl com mission will be aaked to rule on the locality boycott.THE THE mo qriAJfim rtr.TA7.rA.TE3. DENVUK , April O.-Tho war between the east ern nndivtestcrn lines has reached Den ver. The Denver & Uio Grande company Is- Biiedorders to-day to train agents In Colorado rado , New Mexico , U tali and California to Withdraw for sale nil tickets reading over any portion of the Pennsylvania svstera , the KewYork Central < Sk Hudson River , the West Shore , nnd the Now Yoik , Lake Erie & Western railroads. This Is In retaliation for the action of the lines for declining to sell tickets over the Denver A Klo ( irando because - cause the latter road refused to entertain an agreement not to pay commissions. FOUJ ; HOADH OIVK iv. NKW YOIIK , April 0. Four of the so- called boycotted roads to-day announced their willingness to sign the contract provld * Ing for the abolition of the payment of commission - mission to agents and broker * tor the sale ot passenger tickets. They are the Gr.ind Trunk , the St. Paul , Aliiineauolls & Manitoba , the Chicago. St. X'aul. Minneapolis & Omaha , and the system Which Is that portion of the line running from Elpaso to Ualveston and New Orleans. Watson Is Itolcascd. CHICAGO , April. 0. [ Special Telegram to thoBEK. ] CluulesL. Watson , short , stout , thickset nud red bearded , dressed in a checked suit , silk hat and nowmarket brown coat , and with dirty face and linen and wltn tumbled hair , was before Justice Kersten to- flay. lie was charged with obtaining 527 lunder false vieteuses from the Hotel Iva on [ feast Chicago avenue. The matter was compromised - promised and the charge dismissed , although 5t could not possibly have held water , Inasmuch - much as Watson did not obtain or rocolvo finoney upon any representation whatever. ( He owed several weeks' board nt St. 10 ( weekly , nnd gave an order for 837 upon n business house. Watson has fceen known as P. W. I.arimorn and recently [ married Lilian Eliza Suavely , who , rumor ald. had Very inystorlously disappeared nnd -plight possibly have been poisoned by her iiusband. The parties only lived together ( one woee. She Is expected from Omaha or Emporla , Kan. , to-day. Wntson says that It tier relatives would not Influence Lilian n reconciliation could easily bo effected. The Chicago Carpenters' Strike. CHICAGO , April 0. Twenty-live carpenter contrixctorH , representing four-IUtlis of nil the employes of carpenters In tno city , held a mectlnz this afternoon and agreed to con * cede some of the demands of the 8,000 strlk- era. The compromise wns rejected to-nlcht bv the carpenters' executlvecommlttee , The eight-hour proposition was agreed to , also a motion to lix the lowest wiuca nt .so cents an hour , to grade wnzes of men np ao- cordlncto ability. Hoth these concessions vrero rejected by the strlkors' executive com- mlttee. ncoause the bosses had ignored their committee when they called to-day while the employers meeting was In session. It Is thought that the strike will bo n protracted one nnd nil the building trades will suiter greatly In ronsonticncn. A detail of ' . ' ,000 etrlkers to-day failed to tind but few carpenters - ters nt work nud they were lu remote parts of the city. Heavy Failure In rhllntlclphla. FIIILADBLVIIIA , April 0. The failure of Jlfnry llower& Sou , manufacturing chemIsts - Ists , was made public to-day through the entry in the common pleas court of Judgment notes amounting to STr.TOI. all of which were confessed. Thulr llnbllltio.s will piobably nuiount to SSCO.OOO , but nn estimate of thPlr assists can bo obtained. The reason assigned for the tnlluro Is that the senior member of the tirm has n Inrcro nmount of money tied uji In real estate and them was not enough cash capital to carry on the busluess. An Aorosilo Outriign. Ni.w Yontc , April 0. [ .Special Telegram to thoUi.i--Tno : | Evening Sun ot yesterday printed In n prominent place on the editorial page n poem of twelve lines setting forth It- vnlnc ns an advertising medium. Its edltoi > vas basely deceived for the Initial letters 01 the lines read "Dannlsa fraud. " This acrostic out race has given the Times an opportunity tovotk olt It 3 bitterness towards the Sun. The other papers kludly passed the Sun's tuUfortuuo In silence. Personal Parnurnphs. J. M. Tlmohor and wife of Fort Nio- . bruni , whcru Mr. Ttmtchcr is sutler , arc registered tit the l'a\ton. K , E. Myers of Detroit , one of the arch Itoct.s who aru presenting plans upon the county hospital , presented the claim : of his design before the county corumi.s f loners 3'esterdnyafternoon. . < i Triple-plated castors , only | 3.60. al liuburmanu'i C'o-oporativo Jcwelrv Here , 10th ana Douslus sta. A HALLELUJAH BREAKFAST What the Salvation Army Soldiers Will Eat in Jail. ELEVEN OF THEM TAKEN IN They llcfine to Obey tlio Council Itcs- olutlon nnd Ollloer Pttlaskl Lo.-ulu the Proucsslon to the 1'ollco Station. The Salvation Army Captured. Klevcn of the twenty-six "soldiers of the Lord , " .is the Salvation army call themselves , nrc in jail. Thny will cnt tx linllolnjiili breakfast this morning nnd nppcur bcforo Judie Stoiiborg to-day to iiniwor to the chargu of distHrbinjj tlio peace. The city council resolution authori/.mg the city marshal to prohibit parading by the Salvation nrtuy attor 0 p. in. led to instructions bcinir issued by Marslial CuniniiiiijJ yesterday to th j nlglit police to the same ulloct. About 7I0 ; ! o'clock last evening the Salvation army started out oluvun strong nud proceeded with their drums nnd singing until they rutichcd Thirtcrmth street , on Farnniu. There Oflicor Puln-ski steppoil in front of the procession and called a liult. Ho ad dressed tlit ) captain , Miss "NVilkins , say ing : "Madatuu , 1 would request you kindly to stop the singing and go back quiisti.y to your meeting place. " Captain \Vilkins , who is a plump and rather pretty young woman , replied : "No , slr ; wo cannot do it. The Lord commands ua to march and sing. " t'nlixski responded : "Well , I'm sorry , but I'm working for the city of Omaha , nnd the command of the city marshal is that you must stop your singing and pounding. Consider yourselves under arrest. " The captain signified assent and the drums struck up a marching tune , while thu army commenced to sing in unison. Ollicer 1'ulaski again interfered and took tlio drumstick from the man who carriud the biSB : instrument , wliilo ho silenced the small boy who wns rattling the snare by a suggestion that he would tap him with his stick. "Of course I couldn't hold all of thnir mouth * shut , " explained Puhiski afterward. Ills inability to accomplish that resulted in the vocal music being continuud untiithc ; army wore fairly inside tiio police station , where they gave the following names : Captain Wilkins , Lieutenant Leh- mann , Anna Thompson , Anna Anderson , KUOK Hondo , Ernest L. Strintrcr , James A. Wallace , Fred Smith , J. E. Dorscy. Joshua M. Gray , D. A. Copson. W. H. Pcckham , Frank Simpson , James Large. The four young women were placed in the female apartment , and the men , all of whom , with one exception , are young , in the male cell. They immedi ately started up a prayer service nnd kept tit it , singing and praising the Lord in speeches. until the patience of the disgusted bums who were also inmates of the apartment gave way and a row ap peared imminent. Then the police checked the enthusiastic religionists for this time , but thov would break out every "Praiso the Lord " few minutes with ! "Hallelujah ! " and numerous expressions of their abundant confidence in the right eousness of their refusal to obey the council regulations. About twenty members of the army and sympathizers called upon them and were greeted with the shouts of wel come. "Toll the people of Omaha , " sang out one who was nearest the bars , "that wo are the happiest and best prisoners who wcro over behind these grates. " They were supplied with orauges by some brother enthusiast and did not ap pear to in the least dislike their position. The news of the arrest caused a great deal of excitement at the Salvation head quarters. A meeting wixs held as usual and was largely attended. The cus tomary collection yielded $5.48 , which was convo.ved to the captain in a dirty handkerchief by a very dirty kid. The arrested soldiers propose to plead not guilty this morning to the charge of disturbing the peace and hold a prayer meeting ( n the court room for the es pecial benefit of his honor , Judge Steu- burg. They will demand a jury and will bo represented by two at torneys , Mr. Williams , of Williams & Anderson , and Mr. Slabaugh. They will defend what they doom to bo their con stitutional right to worship as they see lit. If they are not released to-day the bal ance of the army propose to start out on a parade to-night and get arrested in the same wayt * THE NR\V PIKit A HOUSE. Details of the Scheme Will be Built at Oncp , E. J. Sackott , of the theatrical firm of Sackott & Wiggins , of Chicago and Min neapolis , was in the city yesterday. Ho left tor the east last night. 15ut before he left bo closed up the details of his opera house scheme. The matter is finally con summated , and it is now deiinitcly set tled that Omaha is to have a uow temple of amusement. "I closed up the matter dclimtely to-day , " said Mr. Sackctt in conversation with a reporter last night , "and the plans are now being drawn up by Colonel J. K. Wood.Vork will bo commenced within thirty days. On the 1st of October next the theater will bo thrown open _ to the oubliQ. " The building will bo , in ground lloor dimensions , 110x138 while the dimen sions of the theater proper will bo t)0x ) 133. It will bo of pressed brick and terra cotta , Hyo stories in height , Tlio lower floor in addition to nccomoduting the theater puoplo , will contain four stores. On the upper stories Mr. Wiggins .hopes to have two Uoors devoted to the Elks , and on the fourth floor there will proba bly bo a conservatory of music. Tlio interior of tlio theater will bo ol the most tasty description. The. general style will bn ot the French foyer. The front doors which by tlio way open by a system of lovers can bo controlled by ono man who sits in the in terior of the house open directly into tlio tlwutor lobby so that tlio pntroun will have no stops to climb. Tlio foyer ex tends almost around the dress clrclo , af fording an oxrnllcnt promudadc. The lobby will bo largo mid ulegant in its ap pointments. On the ono side will bu a parlor and dressing room for Indies , on the other a parlor and smoking room for the gentlemen. The waiuscotting of the lobby \yill bo of tlm finest Parisian mar- bio designs. The doors lending from tlio foyer to the theater will bo of bevelled plate glass mirrors. The interior of the theater will be of the llncst , nnd no pains will bo spared to secure a high degree of elegance in every appointment. The lighting will bo done with Incan dunscent lamps. The building will bo huatod by pipes running at a distance o about two feet below the lloor , nnd trans mittlng the warmth by a sybtnm of smal registers placed here and tnoro. Seven diUurcnt exists for escape in case of ( ire will bo allordcd , so that there will bo little tlo ground for danger on that score , cs pcoially as the theater is on the groum lloor. In addition to the two prosconlnn boxes on the ground lloor there will be a system of smaller boxes or Frcncli "to pos , " overtopping cnch other. These wil bo handsomely fitted up. The cost of the structure will be abou $125,000. OI this amount ? 30OQO has beoi guaranteed as a bonus by local capital isU. lr.Backut.t says that bo has bought the property ou winch tlio structure is to bo erected , out hu refuses to tell where it is until Ills return to thU city next week. KIIA DIAVOLA. The Hoston Ideals presented Fra 1)1- avola at the matinee yesterday to a do- ireailngly small audience. The opera Ls oo hackneyed to boar so many repeti- ions hero. The performance went tnooluly enough though the chill of an apathetic audience communicated itself o the actors. Marie Howe as Xurlina vas all that could bo desired , as were ilso McDonald as Fra IJlavola and liar- labce as Lord Allcash. Loron/.o was ung by A. E. Nichol , a tenor with a netnllic voice that is butter suited for en- emble music. Luly : Allcaah was acted letter than it was sung by Mllle. La- llao ho whose voice has an unpleasant ibrato and general indications of n aulty method. W. II. Clark was ono of eo bandits , lie sang "Let All Obey , " grandly , in the last act. AUINA. The engagement of the Ideals closed nst night with Adina a rohorsed version of Donyottis "Elkio d'Amoro. " The opera is rather insipid but it was more iHtisfactory to many than the previous ) ill. Do Lussan was sang and acted vitli hnr usual spirit and painstaking. After an interpolated song in the third act she received a basket of llowcrs. L'om Karl's voice showed traces of weari ness throughout. That Karnubeo was ex cellent as Dr. Dulcamara goes without aylng. Miss Muna Ch'ary made a minor ) art very charming with her engaging nannors and bright expressive counto- lance. She has made a decided hit in icr several appearances here , and shows unmistakable promise. UOIlbOX AND GKANK. The entire repertoire of these well tnown comudiiuis will be given in this cit3r during thuir engagement at Hoyd's opera house. On Friday , April 15 , the 'Merry Wives of Windsor" will be pro duced. For the matinee Goldsmith's sparkling comedy , "She Stoops to Con quer , " and nt night tlio notable revival ) f "The. Comedy of Errors" are prom- sod. The early call for reserved seats points towards overcrowded houses. Sdwarcl nud John Hurko against Philip Hone. XUADK MAUK CASE. Tor using on his hot tied Stout an imitation of BIJUKE'S KED HEAD CAPSULE. Xnrt Colorable Imitation of Their Labels and Trade Mark. From Ilonfart's H'iiic and Spirit Cf rciifrtr. I In this case ( which ouneaders wlllromem- > or when It was under consideration In the Common Pleas ) the defendant having p- iealcd to the General Term , and from there o the Court of last resort , the opinion of the Jourtof Appeals was handed down on the 8th inst wo take great pleasuio In laying the findings of the Courts bet ore the trade , and respectfully tender to Messrs. Edward and John Burke our sincere congratulations in the perfectly successful issue ot the case. The wine and spirit trade owes a debt of gratitude to these gentlemen for the earnest way In which they nave followed up this ex pensive proceeding , and we trust that their nngnnnimous and disinterested conduct maybe bo appreciated and rewarded. Final Decision of the Court or Ap- penlH or the State of Now York. EDWARD UUIIICEandJOHX BURKE , Respondents , ooaliwt Fiuur IJONE , Appellant , Be It remembered , that on the seventh day of December , In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-live , I'hlllp Hone , the appellant In this nctlon , eamo hero Into the Court of Appeals by U. 11. Crawford , attorney , nnd tiled In the said court a notice ot npoeal and return thereto from an order of the General Term of the ( Joint of Common Picas for the City and County of New York , and Edward Uurko nnd John Uurke , respondents In said nctlon , aTtewards nppeared In said Court of Anpeals by William 11. Field , their attorney. Which said notice of appeal and return thereto lilcd as aforesaid me hereunto an nexed. Whereupon the said court of appeals hav Ing heard this cause nnrued by Mr. Grosvenor P. Lnwery , of counsel for the apcllaut , and by Mr. Win. lllldreth Field , of counsel for the rcsuondents , and after due deliberation had thereon , did order nnd ndjudgothnt the order of the general term of the court ot common pleas for the city nnd county ot New Yorlc.appealed'frora to this and thn same is hereby nlllrmed with costs. And it wns nl > o further ordered that the record aforesaid nnd the proceedings in this court bo remitted to the said court of com mon pleas , there to bo proceeded upon ac cording to law. Therefore It Is considered that the said order be alllmied with costs as aforesaid. And hereupon , as well as the notice of ap peal and return thereto as ntoresald as the iudemeut of the Court of Appeals aforesaid , by them given in the premises , are by the said. Court of Appeals remitted into the Court ot Common Pleas tor the City and County of New York , before the Justice thereof , according to the form ot the statute in such case made and provided to be un forced according to law. and which record now icmalns In the said Court of Common Pleas , belore the Justice thereof , etc. E. O. PEURIN , Clerk of the Court of Appeals of the State ot New York. A Sudden Death. James Betz , who lives over 401 North Sixteenth street , fell out of a chair in his room at 11 o'clock lust night and died in a very few seconds. Ho is supposed to have beun attacked by heart disoaso. The coroner will investigate thu case. Real 1'jStntc Transfers. Real estate transfers tiled April 5 , A S Patrick to John U Grossman , lots 7 and 8. blk 4A S Patrick's add.w d S 0,900 Jehu II liumrato Win K Pat- tcr.son , lot 10 , blk S , Bedford Place , wd 730 Macgio L Hunter nud husband to Gee W Amos lots i ) . 4 nud 5 , blk 8 , Newport - port , wd 2,250 Emma V .Steves nnd husband to Anna llllnv ct nl , lot 1) ) , blk "S , " Shlnn's Wall , wd 2,500 Ilev Jas O'Connor to St Peter's church all of lots ' < ' ' > , oG.oxcept n tt ) foot , also blk 12 except n.19 feet In sub-dlv of J 1 Itodlrk'b ndd , w d 1 Temple W Atkinson nnd husband to ( Jeo A Day lot 1 , bit 7 , Central Park , wd 700 W J Wasnei et al , to SInttle M Seow- van. lot 2 , blk'-i , Fowler Place , wd COO A H souer nud wife to the city ot Omaha , s 21 leet oflot 2 and n S'J feet of lot D , blk 1 , Hawthorne ail , q c. . . . 2 ( it'O J ! Barker and wlfo to Isaac K Congdonloteo , blk 9 , J 1 Uedlck's sub , wd 2,250 Gee K Barker and wife to Isaac K Consdon , lot 10. blk 0 , J I Uedlck's sub , wd 2,250 Gee K Baikcr and wife to Jos U Clarion , lot 21 , blk 0 , J i Uedlck's sub.wd. 2.2W Gee ] J Barker and wlfo to Jos K Clark- son , lot 2) , blk U , J I Itodlck's sub , Gco K Barker nii'd'wlto to Jos it Clark- sou ct al. lot 'JO , blk 8 , J 1 licdick's sul > ' wd. . . ' ' * . . . . . . . . 225C LoKo'y Tutt'to jr to MaV'earct'K Jaiies , lot'Jfl.Tutthvssubdlv , n c 1 City of Omaha to Chas Anderson , 80.79 feet by ( "j feet , bPR at n point 80.79 leet w of s o cor of lot 0 , Isaac As ( Jrltren's add , a c C0.20 Ncls Olpvo and wife to Clueston Hansen - sen , lot 0. blk 'K,1 Lowe's add. w d 050 Lew W Hill to Sam'l V Butler , lot M , _ blU 4 , Omaha View , w d WO D L Thomas and wife to Win Pan , lot 9 , blk 3 , Bo fs < Sr Hill's 'Jd ndd , wd . .403.05 David R Archer trustee , to Alonzo P Tukoy. lots 7,10 nnd 14. blk 1 , lots 14 , 15 , 10 , blk 2 , lots 13 , 14 , 18 , 19. SO , 21 , blK 4 , lot lb , 10. B3 , blk 5 , lot ! l , 4 , 9 , W , blk 7. Iota 8.4,7 , bjk S , Gram- mercy Park , w d . l Gee L Miles nnd wlfo to Edward E Mnyno , lot 7 , blk It Orchaid Hill , qo 1 Ada i' Drake et al to First M E Churchi society , lot 21 , blk 7.Drake's add , wd 1,400 Patrick McKvoy toiWih .Murphy , lot ai , Auburn Hill , w d. ' -100 City of Omaha to Hurry P Ducl.Uxl'JO ; , ' nts e cor of 1018 , blk 83 , q c SIO C K Mnyno ut nl to Alice O'Douahoe ot al , lot . blk SO.U. wd 13,000 C K Mnyne et nl to Alice O'Donahou ct nl , 10\1 ! J feet bee nt n e cor of lot 4 , blkWJUj.o.c 7 2,000 Buckner M Undford ct'al ' to the public , plat of Kadford Heights , beln.imib dlv of lot 2i ) . Tuttle's sub-dedication Hiram P Smith nnd wllo to Chas C Paul , ICOacres In S3 , 10 , 10. w d. . . . 0,000 Henry D Smith and'wlfo ' toS S Curtice all of blk 1 except Mots 7. 13. U , 20 , 27,2-J , Good Luck add to South Oma ha , qc 1 John 0 Bnrnhart and wife to Jns Mil ler , lot 10. Uarkalow Place. Wd 1,000 John Move ! to Frank J lloel. lot 0. blk H , Lowe's add. lot 10 , blk 0 , Bedford Place , lots 3 and 9 Fnlrmount Place , wd 4,250 Gee N Hicks et nl to the public , plat of Bcllevuo st business place , bclue a sub of wKblkOS. 09 , South Omalia Thos J Penncll to the public , plat of Penuell's sub dlv of lots 1 and 2 , blk 4 , Cleveland Place dedication Win F Snydcr and wlfo to Uufus II Smith , 10acres in 19 , 15 , 13 , w d . . . 12,000 Win C Benson and wife to Erastus A Benson. 82.80 acres m 20 , 15,13 , w d 233,000 Templa W Atkinson and husband to Isaac Oboifolder , lots 7 and 8 blk 17 , Central Park , wd 1,400 Frank T Murphy to lilram N Gates , lot 4 blk 1 , Armstrong's add , no. . . . 1 lllrnm N Gate * and wife to Chas N Deltz , lot 4 blk 1 , Armstrong's 1st add. w d 6,700 A W Phelps and wife to Mary M Shor- rock , lot 17 , Arlington add , w d. . . . 1,100 Chas.McCormlck to Isidore BragElottl , lot 10 blk 7 , McCoriulck'a add , w d 1,200 llenry Pundt to the public , pint of Puudt's place , belnp netf swjf 30-10- 13 , dedication. Temple W Atkinson and husband to Louis II Korty , lots 5 and G , blk 13 , Central park , wd 1,400 Mary M Sliorrock to A W Phelps et al , lot 15 blk 13. Hanscom place ndd.wd , 3,300 Chas F Goodman ( trustee ) to the pub lic , plat ot Maple ton , being S3 acres in 0-15-13dedication. Edward Reed to Win T Robinson et al , nwK stf 10-15-13 , qc 1,000 Thos B Tombs to J1 Redick , nj w 23 ftlotG blk 180 , q c 1 A B More to Thos B Tombs w 22 ft lot Cblk m , qc 1 Clara L F Koetter and husband to Cornelius B Connor , commencing on e side of hnfayetto fit , 50 ft s of nw cor lot C'J S K Rozers' plat of Okohoma. o 184 ft , sw 50 ft , w 159 ft , n GO ft to beginning , w d 4.500 John W Russell nnd wife to A U Souer , blk U , Bedford place , w d. . . . 4,000 Louis ijongprev nud wlfo to Jacob Bohliver , lotiJ , blk 5 , Bowery lilll , wd 5,000 John Kirk to Sebastian Blumle , lots 3 , 8 and 4 blk 15 , Bonilold , w d 1,500 Ida M Curtis ct al to AW Phelps et al , lot 10 , Hickory place , w d 1,400 Wm T Seaman and wife to Jos Kuop , e 30 ft of s GO ft ot lot 4 blk 14 , Shlnn's ndd , wd 2,500 Anna M G McCorndck et al to Phillip J Kun/ . lot 17 blk in.Deer park add , w d v 1,000 Dora Hnrnoy to Mattle.L Arthur , lots 19 and 20 blk 4 , Kilby place , w d. . . . 2,750 John Date and wlfo touC F Harrison , X of lots G and 7 blk 'J , 1st ndd to S Omaha . - . ; 1,005 Nannie J Wharton and' husband to L 0 Jones , lot 12 blk 20 , llanscom place , wd . . . 1,700 E S Rood nnd wife tivMlctiacl Ritchie , lot 1C blk 8 , Albright's annex to S Omaha , wd -tr. 101 A E Touzalln and wife to A R Souer , lot I blk 3 , IHllside < Bdd Nol , w d. . . 200 A R Souer and wife to IIW Yatcs. lot 1 blk 1 , nnd n 29 tt of lot 3 blk 1 , Hawthorne add , wd. ' 1,500 A R Souer and wife to U W Yntes. 51x 115 ft commencing tit nw cor lot 1 blk 1. Hawthorne ndiT , ' w d 500 A R Souer and wlfo t6 11 W Yntes , lot 1 blk 3. Hillside ndd No 1 , w d 600 City of 6mnha to H W.Yates , 14x120 ft beginning at nw.cor lot 4 blk 84 , q o. . . i. : . 840 Ilattlo Duncan to Abigail T Morton , lot 10 Redlck's firovo. w d 1,000 Lucy II Luco to Thos 1J Tombs , sK of w2iftof lotOblklSO. wd 9,700 John Nlckolson to Jas C Knowold , lot 2 blk 09 Arbor place extension , w d. 1,800 John W Hueus and wlfo to John C Dnhlstrom , 10 acres in 4-15-13 , w d. . . 20,000 J C Dahlstrom and wlte to Win P Ste vens , 10 ncres In 4-15-115 , w d 25,000 Win P Stevens to the public , plat of Stevens' place , being tax lot 21 , 4-15- 13 , dedication. Brevities. The next term of district court will commence May 15. No criminal busi- will bo transacted at this court. A patty of fifteen colored fellows wore arrested'last night for creating a dis turbance al a dance on Fourteenth and Douglas. With , the the Salvationists they filled the jail. The city treasurer reports that taxes are being paid as promptly as over bc fore , showing that there is no stringency in financial matters despite the largo amounts which have been locked up in real estate. Mr. Thos F. Tuttlo. of the firm of Tut lie & Allison , with John R. Hamilton leave to-day for an extended tour through the cast , combining pleasure with impor tant business. It is reported about town that Mr. Hamilton purchased two return tickets. * THE SAWDUST KING. The Chief of Dogus-Monoy Swindlers llecnmea Confidential. A dapper little mnn stood on the cor ner of Houston street and the Howery last nightwrites a Now York correspond ent of the St. Louis Republican" Ho wore an immaculate white shirt front , from which sparkled a six-carat brilliant of the purest water. A heavy gold watch- chain hung from his waistcoat , on which was suspended a large gold horseshoe with seven- diamonds repre senting nail heads. A largo ring encir cled the little linger of his left hand , with an eight-carat stone embedded in it , which shot out little brilliant prismatic sparks with a snap at every move of his hand. This little man was none other than Barney Maguire , the king of the sawdust swindlers. Ho appeared to bo more communicative than usual and did not hesitate to unbosom himself to u friend , "Ten years ago , " ho said , " 1 was working nt my trade as a journeyman bricklayer , earning rt salary of ? : i a day. 1 don't just now recillj'what : ' first led mo into the 'boodle1 business , but I started , as you know. Other "people knew it , too , and much to their sorrow. " The little confidence man gave a quiet ehucklo , and continued : "And 1 have been so successful at"'tho sawdust game that $100,000 in cold cash would not touch mo to-day. The game has grown so threadbare and lurs ; boon exposed so often , however , that , I am kept con- tinua'ly ' studying up some new scheme to roiui in the guys. Itiis not anything like it used to bo , 1 cnn'toll ' you. Why , I can recollect Jive yenrs ago wlion I thought nothing of-n < klig } in $15,000 111 ono week. Those wcro good times. Nowadays if I make $ WO or § 1,000 I think I am playing in good luck. My expenses nro frightfully heavy , too. I always got fifteen or twenty stcercrs that must bo paid $15 or Sc'O a man , ac cording to the boodle that he drops. Then there is mv turner , who has charge ot the layout. . Ho must bo paid well , for a good turner is not picked up every day , and then besides I have agents all ov r the country looking up good subjects to work on. > \ lii-n a man is found who it is suspected will takn tlio bait ono of my circulars is sent mm. There's nothing in it that could crimi nate mo , even if It got into the wrong hands. I don't tell Him that I am scllini : countorJ'iumoiioy , but simply allude to it ns manufactured 'grciui stud ' in the denominations of 1's , 3's , .Vs , 10's and 20's. Hu generally knows what it menus. If hit writes bnck for a sample and I think .ho' means business , I cut , for in stance , u br nd-iiuw $5 bill in two and send onn-half to him. This generally brings him. It has been previously un derstood between us that upon his ar rival in this city ho is to telegraph mo at what hotel ho U stopping ana under what name. Then one i of my stcorurs calls at the hotel and steers him to the layout , which Is situated cither up stairs or down in : i basement with n ilnrk passageway. You will understand the reason for this presently. "When ho gets Into the layout It's n very rare thing that ho leaves it with more than just enough money to take him out of town. \ \ lieu ho enters thu layout , which has been lixcd for his re ception , crisp now greenbacks greet lilt eyes on nil sides- The shelves are ap parently full of them , and lie imagines that barrels nro tilled with the notes , The packages on the shelves , however , simply have a bank note on the top ami bottom. The rest is paper cut the right size. The barrels htivo fnlsc tops. The greenbacks have just been brought from the sub-treasurv on Wall street in ox- chaugo for old bills. Ho lirst advances to the counter , takes up a bill , und in nine cases out of ton takes one from his pocket and compares the two. Ho could not bo other than satisfied. Then ho signi fies how much ho wants. Ho is told ho can have f 3,000 for 1600. The money is counted out by the turner and either done up in a packaget > r placed In a vallso. If the guy has on a good stone or a watch and chain sonio fabulous sum is offered for it and placed in with the ether inonoy. When the package has boon securely sealed something must bo done to distract his attention from it. It requires only a sec ond. As a rule , one of tno men from be hind him makes some startling remark and ho turns his head. The second his head goes around a package is substi tuted in place of the ono the money I.s in. Ho is allowed to carry his own package in this case. Hut ho is told that in order to insure us against any treachery on his part ho must take the package to the express - press oflico and send it to his homo. He then must allow one of mj men to no- company him to the train and sec the train start ofTwitli him in it. "Then wo are snfo. When ho arrives home ho calls for his package and very likely locks himself in his room and stulls the keyhole full of paper before he opens it. Wnon ho docs open it he linds a package - ago ot sawdust or paper , with a generally accompanying note which informs him that the package has been substituted on the road. 1'vo had the same man comeback back three times for more , thinking that it was stolen on the road. If ho docs find out that wo have duped him ho can't squeal , for ho is as deep in the mire as wp arc. If a guy's altention in the sub stituting act cannot be withdrawn from the package ono of my men takes it and in company with the flat starts for the express oflice. Going through the dark passage way or down stairs they meet a mau. In passing each other the packages are exchanged. It's regular sleight-of- hand work. But sav , I'm talking too long. " The king of sawdust swindlers looked at his handsome gold watch and walked up the Bowery. Well-Trained War-Horses. Pittsburg Gazette : A Pittsburgh vet eran relates that he once saw a young eoldier who belonged to Knapp's battery of artillery engaged In patching the holes in his guidon ( a marker's Hag ) with cloth from the lining of his uniform. When naked why he spent so much timn to mend that old Hag , his answer was that , as the army was so far from the base of supplies , ho could not get a new one , and that when the battery went into action with thirty-six horses and six guns he al- wa s stuck tlio pike of the guidon into the ground where the battery wns to form , and oven if the man who rode the leadiug horse was killed or disabled , and the noise of the battle was so great that the bugle-call could not bo Iieard , tlio horses would wheel around the lla < r and execute the mancouvor known as by left into line , and bring tlio muzzles of the six guns on a line with the Hag , an-1 then as soon as the guns wore nnlimbcred he would again place it about two hundred paces to the rear , and the horses would gallop to the roar with the caissons and halt again on a line with it. JACOBS Oil INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. 99-Afleralapieofi/ean statement ! conimtnp Vie efficacy of SI , Jwobi Oil anit its permanent cum , are gntn below. From a Rheumatic Sufferer-lBSO-Cured. Harnburj , Berks Co , Penna. I Buffered from severe Inflnrumatory rheumatism for about 4 weeks ; plnslciini pave mo no relief. I was confined to the house , limbs very much swollen , and liad to crawl up and down stairs. After a few applications the pain was gone , and a few iDorc entirely cured in P. u. KOLAND T.LEONARD. From Same 6 Year * Later-Permanently Curtd. Hamburg , Herts Co. . Pa. . Oct. 19 , IfWS. About bU years ago I took elck ttllh In flammatory rheumatism uiul by using a fuw bottles of St. Jacobs OllI was -mlrel y cured. I cheerfully duplicate my testimo ny to the grand , srent nnd gmxl effects of the oil. KOLANU T. LEONAIID. From a Deputy Sherifl June , 1881 Cured. AUlel.orcnigh , Masi , Last May I was ItiUl up with ncutu rheu matism and conlincd to bed. t was told to try St. Jacobs Oil. I did BO and uoxt day was well ns ever. KLIJAU CAPRON , Deputy Sheriff. From Same 5 Yeara Later Permanently Cured. Attleborough , Ma , s. , Nov. 19.1SS6. I bad a scvuro ntlaclc of aculo rheuma tism bo I could not hike a Hep ; was con- flued to bed. 1 tried everything to no purpose - pose and at last tried St. Jacobs Oil. It curetl 1.10 entirely and I cheerfully recom mend It. ELIJAH CAPRON , Deputy Sheriff. THE CILABLES A. VOQELER CO.Baltimore , , MA. trr All ftrtoni USINO St. Jacobs Oil or Red Star ( tough i.'urt , will by tending a ttm cent stamp and a history qf ttuir ccue , rtcetvc ADVICE KELK. KEE moai OPIATES AND POISON. SAFE. Cts. SURE. . PROMPT. AT uuuoarsTs AND DEALERS. aunus i. TocEuit co. DILTUOKS. ED. Notice , MATTUH of nppliciitluii of C. M. Uoyil for 1'oniilt vo sell liiior ! | in u . Notice Is hereby wlvon tliat C. M. did upon the 4th iluy of April , A , D. 1BS7 , tllu his appllcullon to the nuiyoi nut ) city council ul UinRlui.lor pormtt to sell mult , aplr * Ituoii3 mid vinous lliiuors. us iilrugiiltt. . for iiioillclnal.iiKcliiinlPnl mill choinlcnl pmpoioK only , nt No HOI South llith Hlicit. Pint wiinl. Ouiuhii , Noli. , trora the lltli di : > - of Aptil , 1VS7 , to the 10th ilny of April , ! > - . II thorn lie no objection , rfimoiiMranco or protcht tllfil within two wpp'us fioni API II Ith.A. II. lb 7 , thoKHlilpcnnit will lie ninti-d. C. M llovi > , Applli'Hiit. J. II. SoiiTiiAitn , CitvClf-rk- . C-ll ITotloa. MATTRKof Application or Hurry Huitans for Iliiuorlicei o. Notice is heroliy l\on thnt Hnrry HBKNIKI did upon the -iiJ day of April , A 0. lasT , the liU npplloiuion to the mnvor nml cty : council of Oranlip , forllconsoto B ! ! mult , nr.lrlti..nn un'l \lnoiis llquorg , at No. a I- South Cioxnnth 8tieotTiilul ward , Oinnhii , Nob. , from tholllh diivol April , IhhT , to the I'Jth ' duy of April , 1S4' . If there lie no objoctloii , roinon trati''O or protest iilod vrithln twowooki trom April -nil , A. l > . , 1 7 , the sni'l llc'ctifco will ho trr.intcil. llAiutv liAOXN-i , Applicant. J. B. BotiTit Aim , City ClmK. 0 II City fnnlncer S. Omah-i. TUHNUABDT SUBVEYOBS. orticet.&outb Omalia. lloom 5 , Itunti Uulldlnton N Oinaba , lloom C , oter Ooamare al Natlontl Jfink KUS1IIXG TO DEATH in the attempt to swim tlic Niagara Wlitl- pool KnpuU U no more reckless or ilatiRcroiir. than to trifle with disease which each dny secures n stronger lioltl anil hastens the ctul of his life. This is specially true of rlicti * mutism , neuralgiasclata , anil nervous hcatl * ache , -lUiioh though perhaps slight at flrst at e extremely dangerous , am ! stcailily secure ' a lirtncr r > rip until at last the agony 'is nncn durable and sudden death brings relief. Tnese dlscaset can be cured by the me of Athlophoros which , in connection with Athloporos Pills , never fails when properv ! tiscil , Kean tee following from those who have tested it. John S. Kennedy , Spensville , Kansas says "Nearly two years ngo , four bottles of Athlophoros cured me of rheumatism , and I have had no return of the old complaint since. " Mrs. A Newton , wife of ex-Mayor Neu- ton , DCS Moincs , lowa , S.T > S : "I had been a gicat suffcicr for years , and had resorted to many letncdies , but nothing would do what Athfophoroi did for me. Athlophoros took the stiffness out of the joints of my fingen > , which I had been troubled with so long. " Murray J. Cochrnn , Dennison , Iowa , says : "It is now two years since I used Atltlo * ros , and I have no iheumatism since. At the time I used this medicine I was crippled so thar I had to use crutches. My knees were swollen so that I had to cut my pauts in order to wear them , my arms were btiff at the elbows ; part of the time I couid not feed myself. While in this condition , I was advised to take Athlophros ; which I did. After using a few bottles I was com pletely cured. Every druggist should keep Athlopho ros and Athlophoros Pills , but wncro they citnnot bo bought of the druggist the Athlophoros Co. , 123 Wall St. , Nuw York , will send either , carriage paid , on receipt of regular pnco , which is $1 per bottle for Athlouhoros nnd GOc for thu Pills. For IIvor nml kklnoy diaoisei , drftpepsln , In * digestion , weakness , iiorvousiloulllty , diseases of wonmn , constipation , heudnohu. Impure blood , eta , Alhlophorna 1'ltls are unequalled. \\Xce * s , Cancer of the Tongue. Jty wife , eomo three or lour year ? ngo , was tron. blctMUthan ulcer on tlio BIOS of tier tongue near the throat. The pain was Incessant , causing losa of alccu ana producing treat nvrvoua prostration. Accompanying thH ! trouble was rhcuuialUin. It bad passed from Uie shoulder * and centered in tlia wrist of ono hand , BDC almost losing the use of It. Bdween the suffering of tno two , Ufa had Brown burdensome. By the nan of n bait dozen - Sparta , Q& . , Juno 6,1R38. Trcatlaeon Blood and Skin DUeaaw mailed tea. Tim SWIFT SFKCIFIO CO. , Drawer B , AtlantaGa. 167 W. 23 < 1 St. , N. Y. CONSUMPTION , I ktTi * poiltlTe rantd ? for ilw ab T < ll * o ; by iti nu ttioii.nai uf CMM of tin wont kln4 ° < 1 or lone i.undine 8b tncur * < l. ImJM totlrnnclilnrfiitthlaUlvScMf * illdu tu , toiiitv inrT r r. OtTex * Li. T. A. SLOCCM.Ml TDorlBt M. V ctlecrctloui , excet HCI or QTF rwork , rir > il wllhwut atomuctt > lir Ilia gR/TJWA [ / | RSTO Kyj { | t T | ofthclr Snm. rS ItpIttwllb. * MARSTON REMftf CO. 10 Park Place . New Vorki And tiianv other complaints ciued bv Cl EVIDENCE OF 1887 A Prominent Buffalo Plivsielan says : IIIMTAI o , N , F. , t'ot ) u , ist ; Drllorup Chicago , -I'eirflr. . It Is roraothlnK tur onti nt ihu moilUml prolcrHl jn to triilnr o nnnilvortl nc article : TOI I t ke plfninru In Inform * Inff yn\\ that ono lit your Klwtrlo ItelN rtmdtm'nf rheumaU'in , trom which 1 ( mil Mirrored 1 IINTU rocominondiMl ytitir Inrcntlon to Hi lonit fnrty of HIT pit ti'iti sutTerinn with chronic difoiiieaof T * rloiKkltid * . M < : 1'nlpltii Ion of tin ) honrt , nervuiK dt'btl'ty , epllnp'T , rhcmmatl m , ruin tntlic hiick anil kidney * , ale. , etc. , otc All IIUTO | > urth i < il xml worn mom vrltn mot tfr.itlfjlnn ru < ultn. I can blchly recommend ruur Klcctrlo Hcltt ai po50 < 4lny eruat merit rrsterunlly vrmr.v 1 , D MC.MICIIAKU M. n. a Ninc-tra-m A Chleiiffo PhisiciuiiHiiys , Ir Homo Dear Mr I Imva ii'oilovi'ral klnili of niNKMi'tlcnnd KU'ctno H lti nil | mtl6ntiHiid tiiriolf 1 ( mi hnno tlr-ilru thn priSluronce ID yours , by all odd * . Ilfncf I cinunttdo lucouimoni ! yr ttrsorir nil othei . Yours Jrntern.-illy , J II .Killixiv. M I ) , Jun II , US7. ( ) IWco. > h7 htHlo-it. , Cblrn/o A Physician Says , All of My Pa tlcnt are Satisfied. 1,1M'VA. . Nni , . ! nn 51.1"1 ! ? \V..1.1lorne , Inventor-Dear Htr I rt imimfn 1 )0nr Kloctrlu Helln to fill wh t Miifrr wltti un > nnrroufl tiutililc. nny chronic liver or klilniT lloa c . Allof my | iatli > iiti thiit HIOU-IIII ; ymir I'lurtrle llnltn oru utlsilud. 1'ritcrually. , M. I'norM.M l > . I'liysldHii im'l ' Siiwenn A Mlnlstop of the Gorman Kvausrcllcal Chiin-h. Siiys : I.tiniirnv , AllciiunCo , Mlrh. , 1-eli.S , IT7 Kr W. J HiiniH. Ohlcnsro , III Ktnr Mr Vour Klcctilo Hull * i'o ll you r.lilm. Olio or Iliam liclnvd inoof , li jii > | > s | , con tlpitlnn nut itunernl rti-tiltliT I Miiiilil Ilku 10 Intrxluixnir Kot l lur" W'll ' jou let mo ua\o tliKJ.'cnfr fnrllin | townfli ii-l'lrifi ) L'lvo your terms I nm tlit ) mlnlit r of tli i ( leriniin K > ai.3fllCiil Cliiirrhof LolKliton ItPfierltiilly. 1IKV I.'UM 1111' Mtl , Hc. = idoncc , Mldillcvllln llmry cajiity. Mich. Ncunilcfiu of the .Stoiiuirh Cured. I'lllBlMIT. II I. . J " 01. l f Ir ) Homo-Don fir I win suirnrln : * iiaurnl cli of theniom'ioh. nnrt ninllrlnM cenifU to hum i < iiirutlitjvvii morplilnuitlJ iiulreliioauitt luiioli 1 tin uturk Wuiil I li" ! ln iTry ovnulne iilxiut iilini'reln-V , umltaBt Hlioutil liours I sunt Ion neu ! your Ulcc irlf liilt'.pn U nml put It fn and liirn't hail tlo lf t yinptiiui of noiiialvlii itliico Inm-ti-ll rloniuil Vouiitiuly , A U llAKC.t'itT. Dr. W. J. HORNK 191 AVaUash-avoiiuu , riilrasto Polo InTfntnr. rrnrrlotor ami Slunufncturar. tuJtlamuforcjIiilou'ita DREXEL. & MAUL , Siu-ctisrors to Jno , (5 ( .Incobs , J73TDJEIi.T A I WIIfj AXI > mSKAI.3 : S. At the oldstnnU 1)07 Farnumst. Urders bytolcgnxph solicited and promptly at tended to. Telephone No. 235. unill ! C1 AT A It I1II. ThaUr tCrrraui and bock for 4 criti lu uimp > . PAT.P.CT.I91S.I8BC W& SOMETHING NEW. warranted to neither break down Of roll up In wear. JOD Bonolnc dllhont klllO ilMnprJ ea Inildt of Tenet CHICAGO CORSET CO. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. JlftT. Embody the hichust excellencies in Shape liness , Comfort , and purablHty and are the Reigning Favorites in fashionable circles. Our name is on eve ry t. Ic. J. Si T. COUSINS , New York. DRS. S. & D. DAYIESON 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado , Of the Missouri State Mubcuin of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Gicscn , Germany and New York , Having devoted their attention 81'ECIA.LLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous , Clironic and . DISEASES. More especially those arising from impru dence , unite all so buffering to correspond * tliout delay. Diseases of Infection nnd contagion cured safely and speedily with out detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters receive immediate nitcntion. JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an ' Essay on Mntriage , " with important chap ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address , UIIS. S. fc D. DAVIESON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado. 1707 Olive St. . St L uis.Mo. KEYSTONE MALT WHISKEY Specially UUtllled for Rlodlclunl Use. TJ5 ! BEST TONIC ! UNEOUALEDforCONSUMPTIOR WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION TU. TOW. I , . WAI.UNG. Sur ( on la Cbltf , National Quart ' of N.J.wrltM. "UT attention WM cnllM l < your kejiton * ilalt Wblikty bj Kr. I1or , DnigUt , of Trenton nd I burn lined A f w bottle ! with fir h tt r effect than IDT ) hiTA liul. 1 Bin rBoonuntndlni Tour article In my pracUiw , out find it TerT lallrbctgrT. " t OfDHtnt hat th * fHfnit'W ' ef Bu ! . EISNER & MENDEL.SQN , ( rV' * e nu far U US ) 316.31S and 320 Rac St , Philadtbhia. P * . Qoodraan Drtip ( ; o.Qenl.Ajro tsOmahr Nebraska. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Paidup Capital . $2BOOOO Surplub . 40,000 H. W. Yntns , President. A. K. Touzalin , Vine President , W. H S. Hushes , Cashier. UJHKGTORS : \V. V. Morse. John S. Collins. H. W . Yates , Lew is S. Hood. A. E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE JKON HANK , Cor 12th and Furnmn Sta. A Uevscral Bunking Miisiucss Transacted. Mombcra New York Stock Kxclmnge. IIITY AM ) SM.I , ON MAIIfllNS STOCKS A D BONDS Grain and Provisions. ( OninJ I'ntltlcllotcl' Private wire to New York. Correspondence Invited by mnll ortolcirraph. niCICMCCO 1 rnusofl. and a new and liCflrnEcOaucccfstulCIJltK t your own * homo hy otio who wfl ilonf ( wonly olglit yours. Treated IT mostoftliu noted H | > oclal < i l without licncflt ; cured lnmsulC in tluoi months , and Blnco them liuiulrocls ot other * , I'ull p'utlciiliiin font on nppllcfitlon. T. u , I'AOK. Wo. 41 WcgtUUI St. , uw VorkCitr. CHICAGO SHORT LIE OF THU T/ic JJvst Rnntc. from Otnaha and Council Jilii/rtt to IE1A.ST TwoTiaine Daily between Omaha , Coun cil Blutls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St Paul , Minneapolis , Ccdarllapids , Rock Island , Frecport , Hockford , Clinton , DubiKuc | , Davenport , Ulgin , MadUon , Janesvillc , Heloit , Winona , I. a Crosse , And all othrr Importnnt points Rnst , NorttioJit nnd hotilhtait. For through tlckcU Lull nn tlio Ticket Attont ut HOI I'nninm ilrcot.dn I'axtoti hoteli , or at Union I'acltlo Depot. I'uilmun HlbKpcrs und the flueet Dining Can in tbo world are run on tlio main lines of tlio ClllCAiC ) , llll.rAUKLK & Br. i'AUl , ItAH.WAr , und every attention Is imhl to pauonuc > ri > by couiteou > employrs of the company. H. ( ioncral Mnnutrrr. J , V. TIICKEII , Atslt-tnnt ( Joneral Mnnntrar. ' A. V. It. CAiii'k.NTKii , ( Unerul I'smciiirtr nn4 Tlcknt A ent. ( , ) ro it. iUAMnrm , Ainlntant Gonurul I'M' lonKbrnn'lTlLlict ' AKCTIL J . T. CURB ,