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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1887)
T > THE OMAHA BEE : , SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10. ISST. RUSSIANS BELIEVE IN WAR Thd Ooiivictlon Gaining Ground That i Franco-German Conflict is Inevitable. ' HOW THE POV/ERS WILL STAND Hclghtm Tears For Her Safety Ir Cnflo oT Hostilities Tlio Hnttto or the Flowers nt N'tco Oilmr Foreign. llussin ttollovcfVnr Inovltnl > lo. ST. PiTiiisniriin : : , Fob. IS. It Is semi ofllclally staled in Kusslnn government clr rlea the conviction is gaining irrouin Hint war between Fiance nnil Ciermany I : Inevitable. In nitilltion , it Is said , us tin fresh ( left-it of Franco might involve dlsas 1 1 oils results to Kusstn , tlui c/.nr's Kovornmen will , In the event of war , preserve enttn liberty of action. It will not support as an ally , but may by a firm , reserved atti tuile , prevent Germany from sending tin whole of. her army west of thoKlilne ; am even If Franco should bo defeated , nttenuati ns much as possible the ulTccts of the ilia Bstcr. For these reasons It is declarei Russia will nwait the outcome of thodlffercn phases of the Bulgarian crisis witli grca calmness , and act In such a way as to avoli bo I nt ; Involved with Austria or Kmrland n ttio moment when Frnnco and German ; 1 hostilities. Military Affairs. ICopi/rftfM 11S7 by Jtimm nnrtlm llennett , } HHURHKI.I , Fob. 18. ] Now York Herali Cable Special to the Jlr.n. | To-day M Frcro Urban , leader of the Jicluian llbcra party , announced that ho would oppose tin 1)111 for the fortification or Nnimir and hlegi ns being worthless and dangerous. La Itoviu do llclKlUu | publishes an article which 1 know to have boon Inspired by the kind am written by M , Manning , ono of the liclglnr representatives nt the IJetlln Congo confer ence. The aitlcle maintains that lieluiun would bo threatened both by Germany ami Franco In case of war and strondy urgoi no only the lortillcations and strongly urges no only the fortifications and other measure : already announced , but also compulsory mill tary service. German ICInctlnii Talk. Hr.m.iN , Feb. IS. The Prussian provin cial governors have Issued a circular advis ing the nflluliils ot the unusual Importance o the coming elections for the relschtng am urging them lo refrain from dolnir anythitu to assist the opponents of the government Tim ministries of the other Gorman states liavo adopted a similar course. 'J'ho national liberal committee of Luiioek sent to Bis marck a copy of a placard posted on the walls of that city by dm progressist * ( luotlnir from the pretended manifesto of the emperor. The statement was that no wai was impending. Blsmaiek Immediately tele- KraDhml a reply which was placarded throughout Lnbpck stating that the alleged declaration of the emperor was tui absolute Invention. The Test denounces the lyinp methods resorted to by the progressists and center members. "Tho latter , " II nays , "adherini : to the triennate , an especially assiduous In their efforts tc reduce the Impoitancoof the pope's declara tion In the eyes of Catholics. The conserva tive Catholic movement Is certain of triumph. The demonstration of the Khinisb nobility Is a precursor of the general movement now spreading from the Jtlilno to the Oder and from the Vlstulato the Danube , the Catholics being reunited by their equal love for the mnporor and for the pope. HKui.itf. Feb. 18. The North German Gazette , Bismarck's onran , says that the rolchstag will again bo dissolved unless the government secures a majority In tue coming elections. A. NICE EVENT. The Battle of the Flowers Celebrated With Eclat. [ Coi > i/ri0M iSS7 IjJamet Oonlon Bennett. I NICE , Feb. 18. [ Now York Herald Cable -Special to the BKK. | The famous battle of the flowers came off yesterday with splendid eclat In spite of a gray sKy and a piercingly cold wind. Tli e Count d'Ka , heir apparent of Brazil , drove a smart looking coach and four , covered with tlowers , his pretty children frisking about on the top seats pelting everybody - body "with flowers. The Princess Louise do Bourbon occupied the seat of honor. The wheels of the coach were splendidly decorated - orated with lillies of the valley and nilino- seal. Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt and Mine. and Mllo. Saphonoff followed In a large Ian- dau , aristocratically adorned with Japanese ecrans and blue plumes. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson occupied n carriage radiant with cllllflowers and tea roses , in the defile were noticed the Duke of Lechtenbnrg , 1'rlncess Lolnlngcn , Princess Troubetsko , Countess Boris Mollkoff , Prlnco Fmsten- burg , Mr. Morgan , Duke Jlomar , Mr. and Miss Houston Countess Asuremont and others. The Baroness dc Fava , wife of the Italian minister at Wish- Ingtou , who Is recovering from her recent Indisposition - disposition and is now looking strong and well , ventured out In a beautifully decorated open victoria. The Prlnco and Princess Labomlnsky fcloscd the dottle In a landau covered with violets. At a fancy ball that preceded the , carnival the first prize of three il'k ' an I cold banners was awarded Mrs. Uayes , a very pretty American who appeared So great advantagein the costume of an Ineroyable. A. SHAKE8PEAUK MONUMENT. An Amorlonn's Gilt to the Town of the Great Barcl. tCopi/rfo/it / IiS7 liu James Goiilnn Ilennett. ] STiiATKoim-oN-Avox , Feb. 17. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the HUE. ] Blr Arthur Hodgson , the mayor ; Dr. Macau- loy.odltor of the ra Hour , the friend and correspondent of Mr. George \V. Clillda. with mombeiH of Urn local town council , mot hero to-day and decided upon Urn silo and the do- jilgn for a drinking fountain which is the jubilee gift of Mr. Guilds to Slmkespoaro's town. As hitherto cabled , the design Is by thu Architect Cousins , of HlnnliiL'haui. The structure will be of granite , fifty feet high , the base being twenty-eight feet In diameter , nnd In the upper pai t four , it Is to bo faced by an antique clock , with nn archway under the center cut through the base , and wldu enough forouo vehicle. Undoiueiith , besides a drinking troudi for horses , is a smaller ono for dos. At the entrance ) arc cups. Upon tlio panel of the hiu > o is the iuscrip- tlon : "Tho ulft of an American citizen , ( ieorgu Washington Cliilds. of Philadelphia , to tliu town of Shakespeare In the jubilee year of Queen Victoria. " There are to be four mottoes cast One will bo from WashIngton - Ington Irvlns's description of Stratford-on- Avon , another will bo this Shakmperean Hue from Tlmon : "Jlonest water that no'er any man In the miro. " Thu remaining two nro not yet known. Tliojr nro probably to be selected by Mr. Cbllds. The design harmoii- lu'tf well with tliu prlnrliul tower of the Hlittkospeareau memorial building. Thu site Is In the open uinikec place , near Hot her street , midway betwfieu tlio center of town und the neat rallioad fetation , and within live minute ; , ' walk ot tShakuspeaui's house nnil the church-yaid. Tha cost will not ex- ccud 55.000. On ihu motion of Dr. McCuuley the little iiieeUni ; sent words of tender KYIII- pathy with Mr. Chlhls in his recent accident. Cntliollclmu lit CONSTANTINOPLE ! , Feb. 18 , Much nneasl- ness la felt In rnnstxnienco of the activity of Catholic missionaries In Bulgaria. They are meeting with unexpected biiccuss In their ro- llglousroik. . l-'rlclufiil AUne Disaster. LOKDO.V , Feb. Ui An explosion occurred In the Cute ! : colliery In iihondda valley , 1'haro are lifty-two meii entombed In the ulna. Thsir'wU's can bo heard at the iuouth if the shaft and it li hoped that' the ineu will bo Baved. The mouth of the pit Is surroundn by relatives ot the miners and the sccno I heartrending. Latfr. Twenty-nine pcrons have bow rcrued unhurt and eight utliers have bcoi Uki-n out Injured Sixteen remain in the pi and It Is reported that six are dead , A Nice Discovery. PAIUS , Feb. 18. A Gorman sergeant , wlill driving a wagon Into Mctz , refused to subml to the octroi inspection. The nltcrcation al traded a crown of Inspector1 ? , who forclbl removed the cover , and found a wagon loai ot French dragoon helmets. A Steamship Foundered. LONDON , Feb. 18. The Uuaslnn mal fdeamer Czarlta , from Constantinople fo Alexandria , has foundered elf SVM. N details. Caiinlbnln Clinked Off. LONDON , Feb. 18. Advices from Tongu ono of the Friendly Islands , state ll-at si : natives condemned to death for complicity litho the assault ou Missionary Baker and hi , family have been executed. A Story. LONDON , Feb. 18. A dispatch publlshn by the Times from Mandalay stating that tin Chinese have invaded Burmah Is dlstrustci In olllclal circles. Gcrinnny Haying American Grntn. MII.WAUKII , Feb. 18. A firm of malt stcrs of this city liavo received a letter fron their Now York agent In which ho states tha ho has been approached by an accrcdltoi agent of the Garman government who cami to this country to purchase corn , oats and roi winter wheat In enormous quantities. Tin same IIrm has been requested to bid 01 furnishing iJOO.OOO bushels of oats , and tholi tiiruies liavn been forwarded to their agent aNew Now NEW JISUSKV PAIUS. No Senator to Ho Chosen Before Nc.v TIIKNTON , N. J. , Feb. 18. At noon , at the joint meeting In the assembly chamber eighty-one members were present. Sonatoi Kdwards offered a resolution to permit members bors to pair until Tuesday next. This \va carried , and a committee appointed ti arrange pairs. When the task was onnv ploted , sftventy members wore announced a bolnit pa ired and President Fisii declare < that none of these gentlemen would bi recognized In Joint meeting after to-da > until Tuesday. The ballot for United State : senator was then taken with the result : Sowell , 03 ; Abbott , 35' Bedle , a scattering , 8. The only change from prevl ous ballots was that BpxaKcr Balrd dropnei .ludgo Jlorrow and voted for Bodle. Tin joint assembly then arose. The ballot showei no tendency for a choice , and botli sides an beginning to realiro that thov rue in for : lone siege. Governor Abbott has declare < himself ready to withdraw whenever it ap pears that any other man can command ( lit forty-ono democratic votes , but ho does no1 desire to sacrilico his chances to a meio ex perlment. Senator Sowell Is said to be siml larly disposed on the republican side. ANOTHER KKXTUcnvy OiVVlO. Discovery of the Hiding Plnco o ! Bloody Hill Brady's Gang. Louisvn.i.r. , Fen. 1& A Courier Journa special from Shariw , Marshall county , in the southwestern part of the state , relates tin discovery of a largo cave by two young mer while engaged in preparing a piece of neu land for the crop. A partial exploration developed the fact that the cave was made up of many rooms ol great extent. A complete exploration will be impossible until certain largo nicks arc blasted or broken away , in ono of the cham bers there were found two human skeletons , about SOOO in gold and silver coin. and a quan tity of silverware. This newly found cave is believed to liavo been the hiding place during the late war ot a band of { guerillas known as "Bloody Bill Bradv's gang. " These marauders were attacked .irar Bcnton , Marshall county , in 1B04 , nnd all but two were killed. Those two escaped and , going as It is thought , to this cave , quarreled over a division of the spoils of the gang , and following their murderous bent shot and killed each other. Steps will bo taken for the further Investigation of the cavn ana its former occupants. It has been hinted that the cavern was most likely the head quarters many years ace of tlio notorious John A. Murrell , who robbed and murdered people In this portion of Kentucky and the neighboring state of Tennessee. - CHARGED WITH FRAUJ > . Suit Commenced Against Judge Hil ton UH Stownvt's Executor. Nnw Yonir , Feb. 18. The Sun will say ; A suit has been begun by Prescotl Hall But ler , nn tieir-at-law of Mrs. A. T. Stewart and legatee under her will , to take the estate out ot the hands of ex-Judgo Henry Hilton , who Is executor of the wills of both Mr. ana Mrs. Stewart. Allegations ot fraud In the management of Mis. Stewart's estate are made , and the supreme court Is prayed tc appoint a receiver to set asldn Mr. ililton's acts as executor and trustee. and to direct a partition of the real estate disposed ot by Mis. Stewart's will. The suit Is brought against Mr. Hilton individually and as executor and trustee under the will , and again bt all other persons Interested in the disposition of the real property belonging to the estate. Thu complaint sets out that the will anil codicils connected with It jjlvo Hilton a largo tmaro ofitho residuary estate after certain bequests liavo been provided for. and alleges that "all those portions ot said alleged codicils which purport to devise - vise to said Henry Hilton In trust und undi vided half of said real estate , or to vest in him any trust , were obtained from Cornelia M. Stewart by undue lulluencn and fraud. A Deadwood Hnnk Failure. KAi'in CmDak. . , Feb. 18. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE. | The Merchants National bank , of Deadwood , suspended i'liursday after n run by depositors. W. 11. Stcbblns is president as ho is also head of tlio Stock Growers' National bank of Miles City , the First National of Billings , the National Park , of Livingstone , Mont , and silent partner of Christie & Janney , of Now York. These banks and four private connected banks in tliu Hills survive. Many laborers and poor are among the depositors. The other Eooplo of the Hills aru not affected nor sur prised. There is no run on any other Deadwood - wood bank , Tlio Merchants National hag been losing customers for many montlis past. Last summer Alvln Fox , cashier of tlio Mer chants , Hold Iron Hill stock , of which ho wns tiuasurer , down from gs to about SI , n losi to holders of millions , as the entire market sympathized nnd never recovered. There is talk of a receiver ? hip. It Is H.ild that Steb- bins diow out a month ago , The Torrlhlo Olilneso Boycott. ST. Lourt , Feb. 18. [ Special Telegram to thoBKK. ] QtiougSlng , the Chinese Informer by whoso assistance tlio conspiracy of the high binders to murder Lou Johnson , a Chi nese detective , waf revealed , Is about lo be- coniii Insane. He Is the only witness whoso testimony was sufficient to convict the mur- derern , and should the supreme court grant for a now trial tlm state will have no evidence to produce , ijuong S'ng ' has been in jail over n year , charged with having robbed the mmdered detective , and during that time not one of his countrymen has paid a vie It or communicated with him In any way , nor will they have anything whatever to do with him. No one has called to sue him ex cept the jailer , und even ho cannot converse with him. Tills enforced sllenco and terrible boycott has turned tno prisoner's mind , and tlm jail physician sa > .s that unless he Is re leased within a few weeks ho will become hopelessly Insane. Indlnna'tt Knul Prison. Lot'isviM.i : , Feb. 18. For days past a committee from tno Indiana legisla ture has been investigating the affairs of thu Eoutliem Indiana states prison at Jefferson- vlllo and the observations of thu investiga tors , us given ( o the press , liavo been every- : tiling but flattering to the management. Tiio food was found to be bad , the cells n'lthv. anrt Iho nuances loosely managed. To-day Captain Andrew Jackson Howard , -\varT ilen , tendered Ids resignation which as. acepptcHl "by tho. board of directors. It was developed Utor that Howard's ao * counts \sero lareoly In arrears. A'Mstan Auditor of Htato John W. Coonso , who Is ai expert accountant , and who has been Invea tlgating the books of tlio prison li connection with the legislative commll tee , states that Captain Howard's detleienc ; will probably amount to between SOO.OOOam SlOO.oco. H | sr ld that the committee wll report that uroat Inhumanity hni bcei practiced upon the prisoners under Howard NKW VOIUC STOCKS. The Market Steady With Very Uttli ChniiKO In 1'rlccs. NK\V YOUK , Feb. 18. ISpoclal Tolpgran to the Bii.J : : There was not much chance li prices of stock to-day. Stocks , however , wer held very steady and something of an ad vance was recorded on the most nctlv specialties. Some dlsqnletlne rumors wcr alloat In regard to St. Paul , ono story bclni to the effect that the pool formed some tlm ago to bull the stock had gene to pieces. Oi the oilier hind , It was stienuously assertei by wopio in n position to know , that th movement In slock was not yet over and tha insiders wcro still accumulating stock. J brief campaign was run against shorts ii Union Paclllc , which was advanced l1 po cent. Richmond. Terminal and Coal stock : were fairly active and rather strong , Itwa claimed that the effect of the Inter-slati commerce bill would be favorable to Trunl line stocks , but It was noticed that thphuvlni of any class of securities was very limited and the bears nmdo the point that no long a the public and London remained out of tin market no bull movement of conscquonci could bo engineered. Foreign news wa generally of a reassuring character. At nooi the market was steady and dull at a fraetloi above opening prices. Toward the close o the session room traders offered stocks fo sale nnd the market slumped off \4 \ to ? | poi cent , a portion of which was regained belon tlio close. Heading was rmrticulaily soft 1 railing , however , was light and prices com pletely In the hnnds of the scalplni ; element The total sales wore about 180,000 shares. Fatal Krcnks of Wind. UOCIIKSTKH , N. Y. , Feb. 18.-Snccln | Tolegiam to the BEE. ] A young girl am man lost their lives hero to-day. All tin morning there has boon a high wind and coming from the south , it had full swcej down the Goiitsco river channel. A gust of wind of moro than ordinary strengtl snapped off two large poles which carry tele graph wires across the bridge , and which fell and carried with them t\\o spans of the bridge upon which they stood. Two person ; In an ollico on the bank of the Uverstati that they were horrified to see a girl g < down with the wreck and plunge Into thi flood. The river Is very high and the tor rout carried her lapldly away. The last thuy saw ot her she was passing beneath the canal aqueduct. Other persons sav a man was also carried away with the bridge. Ho was seen iroiug down tlm river maklnir fiantlc but tin successful efforts to catch one of the plankt ot the brldgo floating near. The Campaign In Canada. Nr.w VOHK. Feb. 18. ( Special Telegram tt the BIT. . I The World's Halifax special says : Sir John Stephen , ptesident of the Canadian Pacific railway , presented Ladj Macdonald. wlfo of the Canadian premier , with a diamond necklace two years ago. The opponents of the government are dragginy this Into a political campaign , maklnga great handle of it , alleging that this was a bribe by which the Canadian Pacific railway company obtained concessions worth { -l.OOU.OUO from thu government. For the first time In Canadian political warfare the wives of cabinet ollicers have been dragged into the contest. The most brutal attack made in this connection was by J. W. Mack secession candidate for Queens , who , at the nubile meeting , declared that "Lady Macdonatd wore the price of her shame around her neck. " The political cam paign Is conducted with ereat bitterness all through the maritime nrovlnccs. The Ohio Floods. CINCINNATI , Feb. 18. The Ohio river lias reached fifty feet and has been rising since six this morning at the rate of an inch and a half per hour. Advices fiom up tlio river In dicate that It is tailing above Portsmouth. As the rain has ceased hero the drinker of higher water Is not imminent. Ahovo the Dancer Lilnc. Misii'ins : , Feb. 18. The river here marks thirty-four feet four inches on the gauge , which is four inches above the danger Jino and within eighteen inche of the extreme high water mark , it Is stationary to-night , but will doubtless bo rlsiir/ again to-mor row. So far there has been no interruption to travel on any of the lines leading out ot Memphis , but trouble is feared ou the Memphis A : Little Kock road If-tho river con tinues to rise. Tlio levees to the south "all lenmin intact and danger is anticipated of their breaking. lowu's HOBS Butter. JACKSON , Miss. , Feb. 18. The Inter-State Dairymen's and Fruit Growers' convention wns In constant session todayand to-night it transacted Its final business and adjourned. The proceedings to-day consisted In reading piactlcal papers on various agricultural sub jects. Awards of picmlums on the display of dairy products in connection witii the convention wcro undo to-day. The first pre mium for the best creamery butter was awarded to Allen & Beard Bros. , of Bassett , la. , and second to S. Waterbury , of Nashua , In. The first luemlum tor best dairy butter was awarded to A. T. Blngham , of Jcssup , la. , and second to Walter Chlhls , of Man chester , la. Delayed Trains Arrive. SAN FHANCISCO , Feb. 18. All the delayed trains on the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific routes have arrived hero. The mall matter Is being dlstilbuted as fast as possi ble. There were on board these trains sev eral hundred bags of panors nnd nlnotv- eight pouches ot letters. The Knglish mall , destined for Australia by the steamur Marlp- pasa. which was detained hero six days awaiting Its arrival , was handled first. A Dinner to Cleveland , WASIIINCITON , Feb. 1H. Secretary of War and Mrs. Kndlcottgave a dinner to President and Mrs. Cleveland to-night. These Invited to dine with the picsidont were Secretary Bayard , Secretary and Mrs. Lamar , Postmaster - master General and Mrs. Vllns , Chief Justice and Mrs. Walto , Senator and } Ir. . MePher- son , BaucroU Davis , and Mr. and Mrs. Kiull- cott. Hurclurs Fatal Flro. Ln-n.i : Uocic , Feb. 18. Tlio Gazette's Itosevlllo ( Ark. ) special says : Last night the safes In the bherilT'.s nnd clerk's ofllccs of Logan county were lobbed of S80.000 , n large portion belonging to the public school fund. At a o'clock this mm nlnic J. O. Pender- grasV residence near Jtosuvilln was destioyed by lire , burning to death his five sons , who slept up siiurs and could not be rescued. A Arisuniirl ISarthqiiako. ST. Louis , Feb. 18. A special from Frederlcktown , Mo. , says : A very Heavy shock of earthquake passed through this secllon of country last nldit. The loroo was severe enough to overthiow tuinltuio and displace plastering on wall ? . Tlm Itnlnod Town of LyonH. DUTIIOIT , Feb. 13. A Lyons special to the Evening Journal says n heavy ruin has been falling for twenty-four hours , and the. water Is again rising rapidly , having already risen five Inches. The gorge Is Immovable and the people are again leaving their homes. A panicky teellng prevails , the people feeling thu worst is yet to come. Gene to the Jury. NEW YOHK , Feb. 18. The hearing in the case of Captain Kdward Unger for the mur der of Louis Bohlo , was concluded this after noon and was uiven to the jury , At 11-'M o'clock to-night , the jury bavin' ' failed to reach au agreement , It was locked up tor the n Is lit. _ Ordered Saloons to Oloae. Lr.Avr.Nwoimt , Kan , , Feb. 14 Mayor Neely this afternoon issued a proclamation commanding the saloons to close. Rheumatism is primarily caused by acidity of the blood. Hood's Sjironparilla purifies the blood and thus euros the uls- uaso. UNION PACI1-UO EMPL.OYIJH. A Now naMwaj5lnl ? > to ho Forme AitloiiR the l mplorce. A meeting of ( ho employes of th Union Pncilio rmfw.a.y wns held ot th oillco of Superintendent Smlt nt 8 o'clock last night for the purpose c forming n now , n ilwny club that wi comprise the Pionetir association ami th Library nssoc.itifn.J ! ) About twenty men bors wcro present jrcprcsonting the 01 gantzalions wlilcji It wns 'sought lo con blue. In the nbsoiicoHof Chairman N Hsor Mr. llaldwln noted ns chairman. Mi Crnmlnll read tjio cnll for th meeting. Mr. Pike , from the Llbrar , association , staled that ho though that that fioclctv would favor tlio ntnnlgii matlon of the societies. Ho tliouuht i would be on advantageous move , ami wn In favor of it. Mr. Stnittnian npponroi ns a representative of the Pioneer socletj Ho stated that Iho project of forming now club that would Include the old one born discussed at a recent ineotinj of the Pioneer society , nnd it hnd beoi resolved that the Pioneers would no amalgamate. The members would al join the new club , but they desired t maintain their present org.iiiizntion. After considerable discussion it waa dc oided to go ahead with tlio orgnnizutloi of the now club. The constitution niv by-laws of the Library association wer read and referred to n committee , wit instructions to report nt the next mcollnj n constitution and by-laws for the no\ organization. Iho meeting then .ml jounicd subject to the call of tlio com mitteo. A31USKM13NTS. Miss Kato Cnstloton In "Crazy Patch1 at the lloyd. The burden of the work in Miss Castle ton's phiyis not borne by the Indy hcrsell It rests upon the shoulders nnd make visible impress upon the features of Join 1) . Gilbert , whoplaya the escaped lunatic Yet Miss Cnstloton'H work , such as it Is is done with that nicety nnd case peculiui to herself. She is n picture in ever ] ficono and grace itself in every move The fascination exerted by these olmrnu enable her to invest with exceeding in tcrest : i weak anil trilling character. Hoi voice is still sweet and mellow in most o : its notes , though in some it betrays tin elleots of over-use find years. Her com " puny make a mistake" in attumutinp vocal numbers thai are not of the comii order , though in selections of the lattoi style they are measurably successful , Miss Castletou'H new song. "Excuse Mo , Hut I'll Tell You No More , " is neither sc musical nor catchy as her first great sue cess. But it is nearly related in construe tion and melody. It is suggestive in SOUK instances , but it secured half a do/.oi : recalls. Mr. Giratd , Harry Phillip ; and Henry V. Donnelly successfully sus tained their respective characters , sciiiu.uu's itoniunts. At the Hoyd ou oioxt Sunday night the Gorman company will produce Schiller' : renowned piece , 'lUio Raiibur. " or "The Robbers. " The plfiy iii English is one ol preat strength. With this company the lending character will bo assumed be Gustavo Donald , of ( the Staadt theater , Davenport , la. 'llijs will be the lincsl German piece ever played by the com- pany. " DEATH ON. THIS UA1U J. Levl Hoard a Moving Train and. Is Killed. The third fatal .Accident of the pasl twenty-four hours , , was brought to tht notice of.Coronor Dcoxel j'csterday morn ing , after ho had concluded his inquest on thu remains of John Lowis. This was the deallt.of-J. Levi , a youifs mnri who runs a notion store in'South Omaha. Ho was walking along Iho Union Pncilio railroad track loading into that village , when a freight train came along. Ho jumped upon one of the cars intending to ride as far as Hammond's packing house , lie was blown oil' , however - over by the wind and fell beneath the wheels. The entire train passed over his body , which wns found to bo terribly mangled. Luvi lived a few moments after the accident , when deatli came to his relief. The coroner's jury rendered a vonlicl in accordance witli those facts. Nc blame was attached to the railroad com pany. Levi was a younsr man about twenty- five years of airo. Ho has lived in South Omaha a year or more. District Court. The case of the state against Ilcrbcrl Hothery for wilful destruction of prop erty was taken up yesterday morning , Mr , Simeral prosecutinjr , and Messrs. Bald win and Hurnham appearing for the de fense. Mr. Homier , the furniture man , testified that the damage done to the furniture amounted to $120.Mr. . I'aJlon Instilled as to thu injury which had been done the furniture , without , however , as sessing the value of the same. In tlio afternoon ox-Fire Marshal Ihitler testified to thu amount of injuries sus tained in his the shooting of the furniture and other property. He was followed by Major Condon and a col ored porter , who detailed how the de struction mentioned had taken place. When the evidence for the prosecution had been closed , Mr. Baldwin moved to dismiss the case , on the ground of a fatal defect in tlio information. Thu latter ns- Rurtcil that the property injured belonged to both Major Croft and Patsy Fallen , whereas tlio latter was only the lessee , and Croft tliu sole owner. If it had as sorted that the interests of Croft were those of owner , and those of Fallen les see , Die information would stand crit icism. As it wns , it was defective. Mr. Baldwin claimed that ho had authorities to support his motion. The court doubted that thu attorney change his mind , but was willing to hear arguments on the subject. Tliu casn accordingly went over till Monday inurnhlg. A Small , Illnzn. At 10:30 : o'clock last night a ( Ire wis : discovered in the roof of the Iowa nouse , on Fourteenth btrey , opposite the Mil- lard. An alarm was sounded , bringing out hose companies U * and 3 and the hook and ladder. The lire had started from a spark falling upon the dry shingles of thereof roof ami was oxtniguishud before any considerable damage-was done , "I was most ready to return a blow und would not brook nt'nJltlilH sortof thing , " for I know 1 would euro all damages with Salvation Oil.t 5 eonU. Never "bull-dozqj" ! n man , but if you meet ono with a bnilj'old you may "bull- dose" him to advantage with Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. 25 cenU. Only True For a 3Jonth. Hi the district court yesterday Parker S. Condit commenced suit for a divorce from his wife , Lottie A. Condit. The plaintiff alleges that ho was married to the defendant in Council Blufl's in Au gust , 1835 , nnd that in the following month his wife committed adultery with a man In Hivor Sioux , Ta. Ho considers lliis grouudd BUiUcient for the desired di vorce decree. Democratic Bwecps. United States Internal Revenue Col lector Calhoun has received a revised list ol revenue collectors throughout the jounlry , pf which there are now eighty- live. . Of this number elghty-thruo uavd been appointed slnco President land was Inducted , thus leaving but tw republican collectors In ollico. The : are James S.Yolt , . of Denver , who li : been In olllce eight j'oars , and Morr Friodsam , of Now York , who wns m pointed n short time before Mr. Clov 1 ! and was elected. SALli OK SEATS. It Will Open Thli Mornlnc Tor th 1'nttl Concert Notes. Mr. Max Meyer yesterday received lithographed pint of the scats for the Pnt concert. There are 8,200 of them nltc gcthcr. They will bo placed on sale a 10 o'clock this morning nt the o : position building as per previous ai nouncement. It is anticipated that the will go oIF like hot cnkc The sale will continue we into the afternoon , nnd the main cxpi fiitlon building , well heated , will b < thrown open to the throng of pui chasers. Those who want good seal should come early. The exposition building proper had platform built adjoining the bioycl track on the west side yesterday , llor scats will be sold at $3 each. The standing room admission is $1. Brevities. The bank clearings yesterday amoimtct to ! f57a,2G0.44. The revenue collections yostorda amounted to $2,120.07. The cnso of Singer vs Hlerbowor i still on trial in Jtidgo Wakoloy's court. Mrs. Gen. Hrcck returned yestorda from Boston , whither she was called b ; the illness of her son. A man named Dow , who drives a dc livery wagon lor Slotls & Co. . the Soutl Fifteenth street grocers , hnd a set o double harness stolen from him Thurs day night. Lieutenant John L. Harbour , Sovontl Infantry , has been relieved from duty n Fort Lara.mio. Wyo. , and ordered to pro cced to Fort McKinney , \ \ yo. , and repor for duly with his company. Gustavo Krocger , clerk in Judge Her ka's court , was admitted to citi/.onsliii yesterday morning , having just attainui his majority , lie lias been a re.sidont ii this county for live years. The suit of C. F. Uced , the mono ; loaner , against Fleming & Shand , was oi trial before Justice Helsley yesterday Heed had a$7/i / mortgage on a set of coacl harness , which ho claims I'lctuing t ! Shaud spirited away. Pcrconal Parauraphs. R. Al. Stark , of Rivcrton , is in the city M. 1) . Welch , of Lincoln , is at the Pax- ton. ton.II. II. D. Dawson , of Endicott , is in the city.J. . J. W. DoLong , of Creston , la. , is at the Co7./ens. M. Ellis , of Nebraska City , is at thu Windsor. J. Southcrland , of North Platte , is in the city. Tile iCatc Castleton company are at the Merchants. W. W. Dingman. of Toronto , Canada , ii in the city on business. Mrs. R. E. Allen and Miss Mattic Lyoi are visiting Lincoln friends. Isaac Hodgson , tlio architect , returnci from the Minneapolis oluco yesterday. Mr. Kelly , of the firm of Kelley , Stigor , & Co , has gone to Now York on a pur chasing tour. Dr. G. E. Hragg , of Wavcrly , is the guest of Chief Clerk Doud of the rcvcuui department. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Odell , of Wiscon sin , are in the city visiting at thn resl duico of their sister , Mrs. 13. F. Scavcr. J. W. Lusk , Kxtot'i II. H. Windham , Plattsmouth ; E.L. Reed , Weeping Water ' , and M. J. Jones , of David City' , are among tlio Nebraskans in the city. A. J. Earliug , assistant general super- intenJent , and R. H. Campbell , division superintendent of the Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul , arrived in the city last night and arc stopping at the Millaard. A Cuuuh or Sore Throat should not bo nenlectcd. "Ilroivn's Urontclinl Tmchcs" are a bimplo remedy and glvo immediate re lief. Comity Court Cases. In the county court yesterday Steele , Johnson & Co. commenced suit against Gross Bros. , of Madison , for ? 009.26 for goods sold nnd delivered. S. P. Morse & Co , commenced suit against II. C , Newman for $125 on a promissory note. T. J. Hook commenced an action for collection of SJ112.50 from Edward Ains- cow as commission for the sale of real estate. August Weiss commenced a suit against Birdie Mann tor the collection of n promissory note of $300. The Oilier Fellow ICscapcd. Henry KirkholF , a six-footer who jerks beer in Hans Young's place on Dodge anil Thirteenth streets , appeared at the police station at 1 o'clock this morning and complained that some fellow had broken the windows of the saloon with brickbats. Ite.foro lie had finished his tale of woe Kirkhoil' became so abusive that ho was looked up by Jailor Sigwart and charged with being elrunk and dis orderly. The Poor Farm. Plat. The county commissioners yesterday formally accepted and approved the plat made of the fifty acres of the poor farm by County Surveyor Smith. The plr.t has been named Douglas Addition to Omaha. Tun plat has been mndo with reference lo Isaac street on thu cast of thu farm and Mt. Pleasant avenue on the north. The lots will be sold at auction iu May. It ID a Curious Knee That the body is now moro susceptible to benefit from medicine than at any other reason. Huncn tlio importance 9f taking Hood's Sarsapanlliv now , when it will do you the most good. It is really wonder ful for purifying and enriching the blood , creating an appetite and giving tone to the whole system. Ho sure to gut Hood's Sarsnparillu , which is peculiar to itself. After Puttl Tlokols. All night last night n row of messenger boys guarded thu door nt tliu Capitol avenue entrance to the exposition build ing holding their rehpuctive place for parties who wish to get lirst choice of seats for the P.itti concert when they are placed on sale to-day , Tlio boys received Irom § 1.00 to t-4 for the positions they are engaged lo keep until the sale opens at 10 o'clock tills morning. A Foot Unco , On next Saturday , February 20 , there will bo a fret race nt tlio fair grounds be tween Hoiirihan , Uro/ioo mid Gregg. An Omaha patron of this kind of racing has oflored a purau of $ .10 fora one-mile race , lo test the powers of thu three men named , lloiirilian and Hru/eu will start from the scrateo. Grcug having a Jcad of 125 yarns. Postal Appointments. Chief Clerk Gililhi , of the railway mall service , reports the appointment of C. C , shadier , of Pilger , as postal clerk be tween Scribnor und Lindsay , and J. G , Hansen. of Crete , ns clerk between ICdgar and Holdredge. Two great enemies Hood's Sarsn- imrilla mid impure blood , The latter is utterly defeated by thu pvaullur medi cine. A SHII'PEIVS OPINION. Wlmt Dave Anderson , the Vntorr Shipper , Thinks of the South Oinahn Market. There Is 110 Industry In the stnto th is Improving with the same rapidity : the South Omaha live stock mnrkc Omaha is becoming n great live sloe market , nnd the stockmen of the stal aru fully alive to thu fact , nnd are takin great Interest in It , and are doing all i their power to help It forward. j n recent meeting the members of tl Live Stock Shippors1 association pledge themselves to put forth every endeavor ! build up n mnrket in the slate. Dnvi Anderson , of Columbus , the vice pros dent of the association , and probably tl olelost live stock shippers in the state ci ho line of the Union Pnolllc , and who ft the past ten years has annually shippe from ICO to COO cars of cattle , hogs at : sheep , when asked his opinion on Soul Omnha ns n market , replied : ' shipped mostly to Chicago until la ; season when I began pntronlzin the Omaha stock yards , and overythm I handle is now sold in South Ouiah : No shipper of live stock west of Centn Iowa can make money shipping hogs t Chicago any longer , because the Omah market , every day in the week , Is with ! 10 to 25 cents of Chicago , and it costs C cents per 100 pounds to run hogs froi Omaha to Chicago. Seven-tenths of a the hogs raised in Nebraska are markete and slaughtered in South Omaha. I three or four yc irs It will be n curiosit to see a full train of entile pass throng Iowa , because they will mostly u slaughtered in South Omaha , and th meats shipped in refrigerator cars to th seaboard cities. Omaha can pay so much near to Cliicag prices bcsnuso a large amount of the prt duct comes west and south and our hire operators obtain from Omaha verg la ! rates , and the best of facilities for shiii ping , besides their running expenses n the .way of buildings , labor , etc. . ar much less than In Chicago. Inside o eight months another mammoth bee slaughtering establishment , larger thai Hammond's will be erected here , to cos not less than $150,030. Also within on year I understand there will an cxlensiv beef canning institution built , anc in fill blast , Inun all tlio cattle ci iuing to thi market will be taken care of and stool raisers and shippers Will rcali/o hand some pricps _ for ovcrylhing otlercd. 1 believe in two or three years tlier will bo a smart , active little city of 10,00 , to 15,000 inhabitants. Two mfw depot will be bui't ' this spring ami ono or twc viaducts oxtaiiding over the railroads thereby connecting the west nnd cas sides of the town. And then you know every railroand in Nebraska come in here. Then you will hav a splendid and cheap diimm ; service every hour in the day , and on ! or two projected stveot car lines whicl will bo built the coming season. Then is already a very largo brewery erectci and almost ready for. manufacturing tin stuff. Three brick yards will open ui > a soon as spring will permit. 1 know o several largo brick buildings that will g < up early this spring. There is nothinj that I see that wtll retard the rapid prog rcss of South Omaha except the paralixa tion of the agricultural and stock raisin < : interests. A few years ago the packing house ; and stock yards of Chicago wcro locatee seven miles out and a large prairie layei between the two places. Now it. is all : solid , compact city to the slock yard ; and for two miles beyond. Real estat < any where in that locality is worth fron $200 to $1,000 per foot front and there i : more men employed , moro business done and money handled , also more taxes pan in the town of Lake than any other place of the same area in the United States The same same state of a flairs has buei reported at Kansos City , and 1 have ne doubt but it will repeat itself at Soutl Omaha. There is already a business ol .fflO.OOO to $100.000 transacted daily in these yards , to say nothing of what h being done in all the large establishments here. " Licensed toVod. . Judge McCulloch granted marriage licenses yesterday to the following par tics : Name. Kesldence. Age Frank blezak. Adams county , la. .il ! MacKlu PiohosKy Omaha S2 Fred Kleiiko Omaha ! M Anna Hiocer Omaha 1(1 ( KricK Sundstrom Louisville , Neb..2. ' ! Johanna Oatllng Louisville , Neb..22 Bulling Pcrmitrt. Superintendent Whitlock issued build ing permits yesterday as follows : C. \Volnndor. . 1-story frame store , 7010 Houth Kith st 8 500 C. > V . A G. K. Tliompson , U-story ir.-imo awellimr , iMtli and Domilas sts ' . . . . 5,100 0. W. & G. j3 , Thompson , 3-story frame dwolllnir , Uomrlns and IMth sts 720 Three permits adrenalins SM.luo 1'ni-tnorn In a Fight. Charles Parker and John Martin , two men employed in Evans1 auction house on Tenth street , quarreled after business hours last night. They finally came to blows nnd engaged in a rough and tumble gght. Outsiders who wore attracted by the noise broke open thu door and sepa rated the men after Doth of them had been bruised and battered considerably. No arrests wore made. Rheumatism /o doubt if there Is , or can ho , a spcciflo rrmcily for rheumatism ; hut thousands wlm have suffered. Its pnlns have been cicatly ben- tilted by Hood's Sarsnparllla. It you have failed to nnd relief , try this great remedy. "I was aflllctcd with rheumatism twenty years. 1'ievlous to 13831 found no relief , but grew worse , anil nt ono tlmo was almost help less. Hood's Sarsnparilla did mo moro good than all the other medicine I ever had. " II.T. JUI.COM , Shirley Village , Mass. " I had rheumatism tlirro years , and gnt nn relief till I took Hood's Barsnparllla. It has tlnuo great things for mo. I loromincml It to others. " LEWIS UUKIIANK , lllddcford , Me. Hood's Barsr > iiirllli : ; Is ch.iractcrl7i > il by three iiccullsiltlcs : 1st , the combination of remedial agents ; 2dtho jiropurKon ; 3dtliu jiroccst of securing the acUte medicinal ( jmtlltlcs. The result Is a medicine of unusual strength , cnuctlng cures l.llhcito unknown. Bend for book containing additional < sliU'iiro. . "Hood's Sarsanaillla Iniu-s up my system , purities my Mood , 6harp < jns my : im > HII > , and xei'ind to inaku mo over. " .1. P. TnoiU'SUH , Jteglstur of Deeds , Ixittell , Mass. "Hood's Sirsaparllla bcati all others , and hwoithltswi'lRht Int'nld. " I llAiiui.NOio.v , 130 lUuk Strict , Hew Vork City. Mood's SarsapanJIa Bold by all drupglsU. tl i six for 55. Mads only by 0.1 , HOOD ft CO. , tourll , Mass , IOO Doses Ono Dollar , CAT.Utllll. TLcGK t ( > tmaa MOIIU l c , .ulv cure. Free tmrLic * iul ti k for 4 cenlt la c Lll. * Jiul.ULCO..l.iiUUiDituu. cr Wormy Veins ot ilw it ot m. orirn < a Mn.t. " ? ? ? " "t } ' 0L9st , Mpnliood . , , DobJIIty. * ? , qalcklr 3d fx ! > * ftrr .l tflt EJatlQ CroflUy-i Cjmipjrussos. SB. Cfc i/uwy. C VnWVr8 : UTTERLY DISCOU11AOED expresses the fccline of many victims o ! rheumntism , neuralgia , sciatica anil ncn wens or sick herulache. liaviiif ; tried miin * bcrless so-called rcineilics nnd physicians of all schools ; without relief , there seems ta be no hope. Many such 1m c as a last resort sort tried A Ihlophorot , and to their sur- p rise nnd joy have found that it was asaf , sure and quick cure. Athlophoros is not an experiment , thousands li.ive been cured by its use and they testily as to its value. G. W. Ankcs , Flllcy , Mo , says , "Atli- loplioros lias done for my rheumatism than anything I have tried. I have paid out Unceorfour Imndird dollars fur doctors and other medicines , but nothing did me anv iood ; until found Atlilopboros. " r'I' . L. Davis , Insurance nnd Loan Agent nt Missouri Valley , Iowa , says , % ll Imc used Atlilophonsand it has cured me com pletely. Scr era ! years ago while away in an adjoining town on business my atten tion was called to this medicine by a phy sician nnd friend , who showed me n bottle nnd package , nnd made the remark that if I was ever troubled with rheumatism use this medicine and it will soon cure you , Abontlwoycais ago my legs suddenly be. K n to swell and pain , particularly at tha knee joints ; on my right knee there wns i bright red spot , that pained me most. In < cw days 1 wns aware it was rheumatism , my legs and feet kept on swelling until J could uot move my toes , nnd for man/ days and night I was obliged to sit , cat and sleep in n big chair. I placed my si If in tb < cart , of a physician but he did me no good I then abandoned the medicine I had beer using and commenced with AthlophotxH The first three dose * relieved me , and wilt one bottle I was well. " Every ilniCRist should keep Atlilopho ros nnil Athlophoros Pills , but whorothoj cannot bo bought of the elrtiei'ist the Athlophoros Co. , lia Wall St. . Now Vork , will solid cither ( currinjio paid ) on rocc'ipl of regular price , which is $1,00 per bottle for Athlophoros nnd COc. for I'ills. I'orllvor nnd kidney disables , ilynpup ln , Indigestion - digestion , wonliio s , norvoindolillitydHp'Hoi or woman , constipation , hoiidnelio , impure blood , etc. , AtlilophorcH 1'IIU nru unequalled. ft AJARIUnnn RESTORED. AtietimT" r\fl UlMrlllllll } "uu'"l ' imprudetioxruu-fcu ; BuH Ml l IUUEJ rmnituro Hcr.v , , .Vrvnu BW1 H'l > : ittTI < wtW nhoo < lel i.l Tlnttrir ( < lln van U W ptfi-y tncmn loninU. h < illo i-rwl n Mmt | < i eclf-mre , which IM , wllltwnil FR 6E to Mi f.-llowiuITi rcr- A/M row. U.J.MASON.rokt OMIte fioiJi9. ; Now , dr. , mulling from In. ft c or orcnrotk , tf MaDE , , r..Ptnu.Tll,0 ) , v I l -vOREAT MARSTON TREA fvillin ftnnlc tiitflt SllOUlr . by Falti * A plnm ! lit lint lining J of tliclrSrttm. ngUt > | i1rtt with I Itifbtmftlion or value In nit linn. KIARSTOH REMEDY CO. 19 Park Place. Now York. MentionOumlm linn. V KB Fosl At ooa yours , they hnvo stonillly irnltioil In fiior , anil with Biilcs constnntly Inormiftlni Imvobocomo the most popular corset through. out tlio United Btntod. Tlio K , G nncl It II urmlos nro nmdo In SnoitT MEDIUM ANI > KXTIIA. I.ONO WAIST , aultulile foi till figures , Tlio 0 quality , mmlo ot Kiigllsli warranted to rronr twlco us longus orillimry corsets. HlKlieit awards from nil tlio World's jrrcnl Knlrs. Tlio Ini-t meanl rccolvoil Is for PP. < IHIK or MKIIIT , from tlio late Hiposltloii hold nt Now Orleans. While scoios of pntonts linvo boon found iTortliU'Ss , the principles ot the Ulovc-Jt'lttlna liavo provrdinvnlunulo. IcottillorH nro nuthorlznd to refund money , if , nn examination , these Corsotg do not provoiu represented. KOIl SALK UVUHVWUKHIl CATAI.OC.Ui : FUBB ON APPLICATION. THOMSON , LANGDON & CO. . New York , CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 , "Wo dn Imri'byeertlly tlmt wo miporvlsn tin nrrnnecinoiiiB for nil the Monthly nnU Homl-An. mmlDmwlnp ) or Tlio Louisiana Slnto Ix > ttorj Coniiumy , nnd In person nmnnKO nnd control thoilrmvliiKs thomsolvus , mid tlmt the PIUIKI urn conducted with h-iifsty , Inlrnoss ami In Rood fnlth toward nil pnrtlos nnd wo ntithorlzo tin Company to use this cortliloato with fnclm - IIosoroursltfimtiiroHUttuchod , in Itg advertise ments , " COMMISSIONERS. Wo tlio undersigned Dunks nnd Hunkers wll Piiy nil I'rl/in ( Iniwn In The IxnilBlunnStiitt Ixitlerles which nitiy lie presented ut our coun ters , J. H. OGI/ESIJY , I'iciililcnt I/oulHlnnn National Hank. ] ' . LANAUX , President Blnto Nntlomil IlnnV. A. 1IALDWIN , President Now Orleans National Hunk. -MHTUiimrKn WDISIAHA STATE LOTTERY COHPAHY , Incor | > rntoU In 18 < VS forSS yonrs ! > y the loifl luturo lor Kducutlonn ) nnd Cliurltulilo punuism with ncnpltul of f liRWXW-t ( ivhluh it resurvij luml of over $ -V > UUV ) him since been nddod. Ily an ovorwlielinlnff populnr vote Its f rnnohlss ivas mude n pm t of tlio proxcm State Ootibt Itutlou idootol Docuinoor d A. 1) . 187V. Thu only lottery uvurvotoil on nuU onJorsoJ by the people of nny stuto. It novnraenkjs or postpone * . IIBirnind 8lnilo iiuinliur dra.nnifS tuko pluos inontlilr. nnd tlio fc.iii-unniinl ilr.nvlnirs ioju- larly utury Mix nionlha Juno nnd Do oinlipr ) . A hi'i.KNiiinOi'i'oiiTiiNi rvrn WINroimi.sB. . kl ( iininl Uriiwinir , ClnsHi' , In the Aimdmnyof MUMC , Now Orloima , Titesdny , .Mniuh IMli , IBH7ar.M Mnnllily llniwinir. CAPITAL PRIZE SI50.OOO. Notice , Tickets are $10 only. HaUaj , S3 Fifths $2. Tenths SI- l.i.sTor nil/us ICAi'lTAi.Pin/nor jiWiim. . , , fivifl'n IfillANIll'IIIXKOIP W.1"J . ! * > I KllUNI ) I'lll/KOP SU.IIW - im 4IJ.OH ,000 AIM'HOXIMATION I'llICIM. 100 Appiuxiiiintioii prUu-i of } M. . . , lU ( " " W. . . . , 1U " " 100 IU.CU ) : ,179 Pii/frtninnunlinirto . SKB , < fl Application tor ratoi li ( oliihsehonld lift nmdu inly to thu ollluu oi * the coinpany In NutvUr 1'or rurllior Information write clnnrlv , irivnr/ ull Bddrii-HS. 1HJSTAI. MI'IW Krpm * Mouj/ IrUorh. or Now Voi'k HvchuiiKii in ordhmry lot- ur. currencr uy ozi > ru-ij nt our utpuiwo uj Or M. A.OAIII'IIIN. Waahlnjjlon , 1 > . 0. /f// I" IrftWXtO NKWOIIU5AN3 NATIONAL IIAMK , NuwOrlaaul In TVT I,1f IJ I.1 1 1 Thut th proienco of Ui1 111 1' Oil li J'j J ( ( ; , . , , erMl. liunur.vur-1 iiJ Uitlr , vrbo uroln riinriie nt ilia ilrawln . H au'Jur- litL'o ul nU'U.ui' . fulrnusn uiul InUJvrlty , Ihul tliv iico rnli < iiit . mi'l thM nu und can pottliil/ liiu nlmt uuiube. % will ornw A I'rico. All partial - to u-iuintb * I'rlto * In ( lili I j- ill. or bjlillntf u Jl uiir uUier luipu $ IUIu Ilidnoj. iriiu. ' " enlinllorj.nim onlr aim la decelTimail J *