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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1887)
II SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. tflUDAY MORNING. JFEBIIUAKY 18. 18S7. NUMBEK 245. IL CORRUPT COMBINE. Rttilrogncs , Jobbers nntl Robbers in League to Defeat Honest Legislation , REPETITION OF PAST SHAMES. The Legislature in the Toils of the Monopoly ely Anaconda. PLOTS AND COUNTER PLOTS. f ggressivo Porces Brought to Bear Upon the Weak-Kneed and Vonal. HOW THE CHARTER WAS KNIFED. The nouso Refers the Bill to the Judiciary Committee for Dissection. STERLING'S REGULATION PLAN ( V MonnpnllRtlo Victory In tlio Senate by the Iilciitcnnnt Governor De ciding In Tliolr Tn > or on a 1 lo Vote. A Disgraceful Situation. LINCOI.N , Neb. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele- pram to the Hii.J : : The action of this mil- lend ridden legislature In both houses will , 1 trust , vindicate moot the charge so loudly made by the reputed organs of the corporate monopolies thnt I had mndo n corrupt nnd Holllsh dcnl with the railway managers to clron legislation which would afford rcllof to the pcoplo for the sake of carrying through the Omaha thaiter hill. The positive stand ivhleh Senators Llntnger nnd 'JVsclinck have taken In the senate within the past ( wo da > s in support of railway regulation bills which nrc bitterly opposed by the lobby of the i.itl roads affords prool that they were- not traded otf by mo as had been repeatedly asserted by the tinpilnclplcd nowsptper lies- elans. On the nthei hand , the desperate dash made by tallroad strlkcis , under the im mediate command of the manacers , to get control of the dinner by sldetrac king U Into the judiciary committee , exposes tlio knavery nnd hypocrisy of the H-UIK who have been shouting , "sellout ! " Thuistoii and Charley Oiccn engineered this brlirnndngo on the ( loot of the house , while Mr. Fitch , of the Northwoitcin , was In the cloak room. Jieint ; nt Omaha during the day , 1 have only been able slnco my ictiirn to-night to gather fragmentary reports of the plot and the means and methods used to catry It Into rlfeet. I am icllably Inlormcd that an of fensive and defensive alliances has been foimed within the last forty-eight hours bo- twcen the railroads and the parties interested In all the bU and little jobs and steals that tire now pending In both houses. To this dan gerous combination havobcon annexed those \vlio aio anxious to get thiough bills locating public Institutions. It Is asserted to-night In the hotel lobby Hint both houses are now within the tolls of the railroad nnacondn. which Is tluhtunlni ; Its embrace nnd will re peat this session vviiat It has clone during the past ton jears : Pull thiough enoimous jobs nnd extiavagant appropriations , nnd kill elf decent legislation In the public Intciest. If mi ] thing , this legislature Is destined to re ceive moid cuises nnd co down , If such a thing could be , with Bicatcr disrepute than nny of its piedccc3soi3. There ate ninny brnve , honest nnd true men nmoni ; them , and their strug gle for thu right deserves the hluhcst com mendation. Hut they ate powerless to stem the tide ol corruption and icslst the aggress ive forces biouht to bear upon the weak- kneed and venal. It Is an unequal stiugglo which could only bo averted by blinking the villains who are doing the cilmlnal work to answer bofoio of the two houses of the legislature. Incidentally , let mo add that the railroad Bhjhtcrsclvo asaieason for switching tlio Omaha charter into the judiciary con in ttco that they feared that the compromise amend ments airrced upon last week by the Douulas delegation would bo repudiated at my In stance , nnd the bill pass ns It came from tlio sonnto with ralhoad taxation in It. This Is about on n pm with the canard published In an Omilin pipet that the tle-upmado between Van Wjck , myself mid Charles Francis Adams had been sacredly maintained by all parties1 to the con tract. Thurston's cnndldacy for United States senator oudit to have exploded that Btoiy , and ids course with icgnrd to the char ter ceitalnly don not leave standing loom for the follows w ho have hounded mo dur ing the past two weeks for an alleged sell- nut. 'I ho Until Is , however , thattheiovvas no [ Imposition to violate any agreement made by the Domrlns delegation with the : Iti/ens' committee , and nobody know that fact bettoi than the rallioad malingers. Ihey had Invented this story , ns they have Ihe numbeiless fnbiientloiis , for the puiposc nt Kcttlni : members of the Icglslntuio who me not conversant with thu tncts Into voting with them nnd placing the chutor vvheio hey can USD itnsn club ovei the heads ot tlm Douglas delegntloii. K. Uosiv\Aiin. : \ : III tlio Neb. , Feb. 17. Ibpcclnl Tele- Biam to the Hii ; : , ] Uv a vote of 10 to10 , the house of loprosclttatlvcs depnited from pro- redout this inclining and icfeiied thu Omaha charter bill to thu committed on judiciary. It was done by disgraceful lobbvlng on the Moor of the house by Chailoy Green and George Crawford , lloth went through thu aisles uigig ! | members on whom they have the Blneh , that they should stippoit a motion to bo made by .Mr. 1'cteis to refer senate tile No. El to the commiitcu on judiciary. When thu bill was rear n second time Mr. Peteis sprang to his feet , nnd almost ulmultancoiisly .Mi , Whltmoro tosu , but thochalt iccognued Mr. Wllsoy , who moved thnt the bill bo referred to the judiciary committee. .Mr. Smvth moved an amendment that the bill go to the committee on cities and towns , llo said : " .Mr. speaker , I must express my utter surpih-ont thin , nlthough It wns vvhlspliered last evening that It would bo attempted. I was therefore nwnio thnt n movement of tlib kind was on foot. Wo Irtiv o seen n most dlsciaceful spectacle this morning , \\ohavoi-eeu \ \ tallroaJ attoinuys on the llodr of this house. Wo havu seen n lobbyist , ono whose name Is indicative of thu low cat qualities of manhood , passing up nut down thuso aisles , whipping In mem bers to vote for this outrageous motion , If this bill U rcfened to tlio com niltteo on judiciary , undue and unholy Influ ences will bo used to defeat it. Why should this bill be referred to thu commltteo on ju diciary when we have just icleiied tlm lin coin charter bill to the uimmlilcc on cities and towns ? Why not this bill ? Hehlnd this motion Is a puipjyj to kill thu Omaha charter billl. Air. Tingle of llrown county , who told mo a few weeks ago that ho had been watchlm , tlio other members get a slice of thu pie and that ho was satisfied honest leirlsla tlon was n failure , made an nttack on the charter bill on ihd ground that it was unconstitutional , nnd Insisted that It sliouh ho referred to the judlclnry commltteo w heru there \\ote invvvurs who could icmedj this. Mr. llorstsala that the ob ect of referring ' this cluiuer bill to the commltteo on judiciary plain. It wns a scheme , a very ovlden U'hemo. If thu members were to bo hoodwinked - ' winked aud fooled , It was Mint ) that the house liould Li ilUyf the vampires wUo openly , , . , , * . f ( * gf- A-ii - iMiJJihl Itlllil L1'V.h nd shamelessly go about In the aisles and tick the life blood from cveiy honest law. \Vhltmoio said : "Iheie Is no doubt ns to tlio oblect ot this ruse. Such n notion ns wns made by the gentleman rom Hoono Is without n ptcccdcnt In the annals of chicanery , 'llio charter bill was Iravvn by ono of the best nt- orneys In the stite , the cltv attorney of Omnhn. An attorney of state nnd national renown , .ludge .Savage , 1ms clvcn Itns Ills lentil opinion an opinion well vv 01 th liavlnu' , because It was prompted by care for the Interest ho has in Omaha that ho luovlslous of the charter nre nil constitutional. This motion Is un- ralr to the bill , unfair to the coplo ot Omaha. It is n move to kill the bill. " Mr. Raymond ot Lancaster countv rose to lefend tlie commltteo on cities nnd towns tiom tlio Insults which was covertly thrust vt thorn , llo said it is a direct Insult to that commltteo to t-ike. the bill away fiom It and transfer It to the judiciary. The com mittee on cities and towns Is composed of icpiescntatlvo men and lavvjeis who nro pinlllicd to discuss nnd decide upon thu pin- visions of this charter and who would be clad to call In tlio mombeis of the ludlctary commltteo should their legal ndvlco be needed , When 1 eo members of the judl clnry committee lobbj Ing to get tlio bill Into their hands i nm sure theio Is something tottcii In Denmark. Mr. Fox of Dawson county , whom Green had been whispering to just bcfoie , mndo n specious argument in Invor of refeirlng the bill tothojudlclaty. Mi. Tiucov hoped the house would not bo irullty of discourtesy In taking tills bill away irom the coinmltteeon cities nnd tow ns. Mr. llclmrod said tl.o Dotmlns county dele gation weron unit In favor of having the bill releued to ho moper committee cities and towns and askecf only common courtesy fiom the house. Mr. Fullci.the Gnee county egotist , avowed that he had been stuilj ini ; tlio charter bill. He was only part way thioiiL'h it. It was evident to him thnt thu bill Hliould bo amended by n lawjer. The Judlclnry com mittee was composed of lawyers. Mr. .leaiy I am on the side of fair play. The delegation from Douglas county ate unanimous in desiring thnt this bill bo re- tuned to tlm cities and towns commltteo. It Is no mote than right It should go there. Mr. Voung As ono of the members ot the Douglas county delegation 1 hope this bill will KO to no other commltteo except thnt of cities and towns. The nigumcnts m.ido concerning this- bill going to tlio commltteo on judiciary ( MII bo mule concerning ncaily eveiyblll. The onlv object In referring it to the judlclnry committee Is to kill it. Mr. Knvmond It thu hoiibo undertook to take a bill propu ly belonging to tlio commltco of which the gentleman from Gage ( Fuller ) is chaliman. he would be so enraged th it the house would not hold him. This move is an Insult to the committee on cities nnd towns. Mr. Anclies The motion was not made In good faith. 1 protest acainst diverting the bill liom Its usual channel. Mr. Fuller again expatiated upon the sieat question ot constitutionality he imagined to be connected with the bill. Mi. Smyth asked him , "Why did j on then vote just nowtoiefet thu Lincoln cliaitei bill to committee on cities and towns. " Mi. Fulloi The Omaha charter gives more ( towers than the Lincoln charter docs. Mi. Smvth Hnvo > oti ever reaJ the Lin coln charter bill ? Mi. Fuller Hushed , stammered nnd the house lauched nt his chagrin. Ho could not answer "jes" titithlully , and ho did not dare say "no. " His confusion was , howevei , so mlpably n negative answei that Mr. Amlies said : "In view ot then how do vou date to make the asseitlon \ou have in.tilu ? " Mr. Tingle again attacked the bill and as serted that It should be releued to n committee of lavvjer" . During his temaiks Mi. Andres excitedly advanced and pointing hi * hind alTinglu exclaimed : "Wo supnott that chatter lot the enemies It has made. " , Mr. Casper called tor the jcas and najs , the motion being lost by a vote of 14 to 17. Follow ins is the vote In detail : Yeas iJoncsteol , Drown , ISuinham , Campbell - boll , COIIKCI , lleattwell , Kent , Linn , Majors , McNauiar , Mooie , Sheivln , bnell , Vando- mark- . Nays Calkin's , Casper , Durns , Fuller , Illgglns ol Cass , Hlcglns ot ColfaxKeekloy , Ltnlnuer , Melkleiohn , Hobblns. Schmlnke , blincK , Sterling , T/schnpk , Wilght. A recess was then taken until o'clock. The members of the senate who sincerely want effective legislation agalnstiailway dis crimination nnct oxtoitlon , compflied the oio-ltlon | | ) to show Its hund todaupon con- sulcrition ol senate file -11 , which been recommitted - committed tliieo times vshen up for p issaso. It Is perhaps pretty well known that this bill piovido > for the. uncondltloinl repeal of the rallioad commission , aud that the railway wing ot the senito does not want the pres ent commission abolished. The lallway lobby was on hand In full toice in the senate to day.homu of the railway attoinevs sitting by the wenker senntois holding n club over tholi heads and dictating theh votes. Imme diately nftei adjournment to-day noon 1 henrd .Mr. that the Insolence ot these hliolings was becoming unbeatable. The > know bettet than to tackle him , hut he sees their hnndlwoik nil mound him. lie .slid : "When 1 see these paid attorneys ban. Ing over the members aud hrlnglni ; picssiiro uion ) them , 1 feel like taklnc a club nnd cleaning out the whole outfit. They nro all veij nice gentlemen to meet here , and it 1 desired , I suppose I could go with them mid see the bear dance , ns I uudtrstind some ot my friends do. lint who pajs their expenses hero to pry upon and besinlteh tlio .senators ? The people are made by the railways to pay for the luxury. These hliellngs will Millie upon anil Hatter j on now , hut after tjin ses sion they w 111 damn j on to j our lace. These are the m'iii who bay to the outiagcd shlppci , 'Now , shut youi month , d n jou , 01 wo will ruin your business. ' lean name many n man whoso business has been thus ruined , nnd otliors whose piotcsts hnvo been smoth- eied through thieals by tlieso cappcis of ullei ruin ot theli private business. It was not strange nt all that the lieutenant governor would decide the tie standing vote In fas 01 ot recommitting thu bill to repeal the commission , but a latal mistake was made In thu friends of the moasino not call ing for the jots mid najs. It Mr. Selimliilco had not received word that the t.iilroads would build n bridge at Nebiaskn City ho probably would have voted , but Mime ono has Induced him lo believe that It the amend ment ot Mi. Sterling passes the hrhUo would not be built. Ho ceiialnlj should not let such transparent piomKcIniliienco Ids action at n decisive moment. Mr. Mooie showed himself to be boinewhat thin-skinned on thu subject ot laiiway legis lation , and the statements of Mr. Ca.spei seemed to gall him perceptibly , prohn'ily ho- c.uiMithuv vvoie logical and iinansweiable. Mr. Moore , how over , made a good showing liom n railroad point of view. To daj'sscilmmago showed conclusively that the rallionds have got their iimuls on the throit of the senate , and that no leulsla tlon against them will bo permitted. Mon day morning will bo only n leiietillon of today , with probibly the inllroad nang re cruited. hmontcon senators agreed to stand nyMr. Sterling's amendment , but two of them weakened when the light was on. Mr. Moon * moved that the Fonato go Into committee of thu whole , seconded by Mr. Conger , which was lost by a vote ot 1to 15. Mr. Meiklejohn said that there seemed to be borne misunderstanding of the amend ment made by the gentleman from Fillmoic , to amend senate lilc.11. . It was not perhaps know n to the senate that n committee ) of thu house and a committee ol thu senate had a joint nu'eUntr , and the result wusthls amend ment , but the committee did not acreo to bo bound by It. The amendment wns compiled Irom the bill intiodu-ed by the speaker In thu senate and ono by Mr , Ageo In tlio house , nnd nmendments by tlio gentleman from I'lllmoie Ho s\\v plainly from the move ments that took place In the senate relative to tlio repeal of the commission that If these movements were repeate I It would bo impos sible to get a bill ot any kind through thu senate In time to bo passed by the house , as there only remain nine dins. Ho told the joint committee that while Uieie were objec tions In Ids mind to house toll I'.O ' irotten un by them ho would not lit Ids personal feel. inch bias any legislation which Is equitable. With that idea no consumed to the bill as compiled , piovldecl It should bo effective. The lommltteo In thu house bad ruportcc favoiably upon the bill last night and u movement U on foot to make it a spec I a order. Mi. lliown sild Im was a member of the commltteo but knew nothing ol the. bill. 'Ho had been absent , Mr. Mdklujohu said the sub commute was appointed with n llkccommlttoo of the house to consider those two liilU and agree on a substitute. The gentlemin from Clay chairmin of the eommlttee. The sneaker did not know how It could bo reported back to tlm senate unless It came through that commit tee. This sub-committee compiled the bill , Inking the fcatmos of the housa roll and sen nto file. The bill wns reported by order of thnt commltteo under tlm title of house roll Mr. Hcnrtwell explained the progress of the bill through the joint or sub-committees. Mr. Mblklejohn hid carefully compnred this bill with tlm two bills from which it was compiled , nnd noted the amendments nddod by the gentleman from Flllmore , which ho fully explained to thosennte.shovvlng wherein It dltiered Irom nnd Improved upon his bill (151) ( ) , nnd also thnt It confoimed with llio constitution of the state nnd the demand of Ihe people for just and equitable r.illwav leg islation. Ho concluded as follows : "I am convinced , as I was convinced two weeks niro , thnt unless bill 41 came un the onlv ob ject In postponing It n movement to leave It till the close of the session. An effort is now made bvtho gentleman fiom Flllmoio ( ogive tills bill precedcnco on the file for consideration. If thnt is not done 1 ventuid to say thnt , so fm as tills body Is concerned , unless wo can reach honso roll No. 1 theio can bo no further action which will icsultin nny effective legislation on this subject. I do not want to take one single step that will bo dcti Imental to thu ralhoads , but I bellcv e that the talliouls of the state ought not to object to aitthing thai wo would considei that would bo cuultahlo between them and the people. If that bo true , I can see no objec tion to this going In as an amendment. 11 It Is not done , wo have but ono more thing to do , nnd that Is to piss house toll No. 1. The laiiway commission has not met with favor by the peonlo of the state. The law was pissed In such a condition that the commission hail no newer to make It ellectlve. The commission has done some iood ; , but Itt powers nro too limited. Let us say right heionnd now , nro we going to do anything or nothing. Wo should not filibuster on this question. lam ready to settle It ono way ot the other. 1 shall favor no move vvhatevei whereby con sideration w 111 bo stopped. Now 1 sincerely hope the senate w III consider the amendment ot this bill. If theio Is anything objection able let us cut It out , pass the bill and send It to the house. " Calls for the question brought Mr , Moore to Ids feet. Ho made n lout ; detensoof the iidlwajs. quoting the llgincs of the railroad commission ns the basis of lilsicmatKs. Ho objected to the amendment being sprung upon the senate without having been loid on tlieo sopnato days. The fact that a few cases ol extoitlon had been shown was no c utso for the ehnr go that tlio latltoads wcio robbing the people. Theio was sonic dllto- enco between cllsctlmlnatlon and robbery. The attempt to foist tins amendment upon the senate was a greater oflenso atralnst the tiba 'o ot the sennte than his side of the question hid cvei been sulltyof. Ho advo cated moid time in the ( onsiderntlon ot the question. He did not know what bill lt > 2 contained , neither did halt the senators. He hoped the sennto would not do an Injustice to the tniltoads by passing n bill without In vestigation. The cases ot extortion cited were principally upon business to points without the state which this legislature could not contiol. Mr. Cooper followed 'with a most scathing denunciation ot ho tail loads. Ho completely annihilated the H ures quoted by Mi. Mooie , nnd stated thnt the lailroact commissioners had admitted to him that the hcuics wete Inconcct , nnd that It was impossible to tet correct ligmes from the railroads. > lc showed tlio average cost of budding ralhoids In Nebraskn to bo less than 811,000 per mile , nnd rcpioduecd his .statement printed in the ltir. : n tew dn.vs since , show tni' thu railroads' hguios of actual cost ot bulldintr , the gieatest disciep.inoy bcin ' sMD.OJO per mild bv the Missouu Pa cific and Sbi.OOO pet mile bv the Union I'a- cllic. He held thnt the 15. A ; M. and Union I'acihc railwavs hail been donated lands whlcli aveiagcd ovei 311,000 per mile , show ing that thu pcoplo had chen them thoentlte cost ol coiistiuclion. The cost of all repairs made each successive year was put In the statements of the iallwas as permanent In vestment. Ho backed his statements with conclusive piool. Their eaininirs on actual investment weio shown to bo In some cases eiK'lit times the amount given to the commis sion. llhicmaiks had a depicsslmr ellect upon the opposition , as he sent tlieli argu ments home so forcibly that they dare not at tempt to tofuto his nsseitlous. Thu question was again called for nnd the amendment of Mi. Stetllng lead the second time. time.Mr. Mr. Majors took up the same stiain of Mr. Moore that ho was asked to vote on n bill that ho knew nothniL' about. Tlio state con stitution mid rules of the senate siH > cllied tlio manner in which n bill should come before the leclslutuio and bo passed upon , The pro posed action would lunoie thou autboiltles entirely. Ho moved that the bill bo reterred to the committee of the whole. Mr. KohbliiH protested against the delay such a motion would cause. Delay wns the solo purpose of the rnllronds. It vvns just what they wanted. In one Instance the ) say , "Don't lepcnl this commission law , because It will leave the people w ithotit railway legls- latlo , " and when other legislation is at tempted they seek to delay It until the close ot the session. Mr. behmlnico snld ho vvns ready to vote for tlio abolition of the railway commission , but he would like to haul this mnttci post poned until to-morrow morning at lu o'clock. Ho would not vote for the amendment on linnl passage II mi opportunity weio not nf- folded him to read the bill. Ho would vote with the friends of the amendment to-day undei that condition. Mi. Majors' motion wns then voted upon , resulting in n tlo which the lieutenant-coy- einoi piomptly decided , releirlng thu bill with the nmo.idmunt back to tlio commltteo ot the whole. Attorn little routlno business had been transacted. Mr. Steillns moved that his amendment and senate Tiletl be oidticd printed and thnt Its consideiatlon bo undo the special older lor Monday meaning at 10 o'clock , which wns carried , and the sennto adjoin ned. Senate LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 17. fbpcclnl 'lele gram to the HKK.J The senate met at 10:15 : , 1'iesldcnt Melklojohn in tlio cliali. Mr. StcrJingsald : "i presume that the unfinished business will bo taken up , the reading ot the substitute. " The Chair "Tho secretary will read. " Alter ono section had been lead. Mi. Snelt said : " 1 rise ton point of order. It Is the nidci of business Ims been laid down In the manual nnd 1 Insist on tnu icgtilnr otdcr , It would bo necessary to piocecd outside the lejriihir ordei as laid down In the manual to suspend tlio ink'- , . This H ono ol the stand ing iides of the senate which envois the man- noi ot proccccllni : and all business ol thu sen- ale. Wo cannot proceed In n dif ferent manner without suspending the inles. 1 know what the lieutenant governor said on this point , but that was onlj the tiding of the cliaii on that dav and thmowas no objection made , but wliuru nil objection Is made , it would bo necessiiiy to suspend thu rule which we have adopted. " Tlio Chair The chair would rule that the point of older Is not well taken. The pre cedent set b > the chilr Is that business will bo taken up where It was lelt oil I'pon ad journment wo weie upon the adoption ot the report , The seerotmy will i loceed , Upon thu bill boiug u-ad , Mr , Sterling snUl : "Mi. 1'iesldeiit , It Is not necossarv to lenow my motion tor tlio adoption of this amend ment ns mndo last night. " The Chair That motion Is before the Iiouc. Mr. Sterling The amendment which I ollered covers all tlio cround that desiied by the trlcnds of the commissioner system. It creates such a board and defines their duty , lequiies them to make and publish schedules of Kites tor freight and passenger trnllle , which the railroads - roads nio compelled to bo go\eined by and violation will subject' the corporations to heavy penalties , 'llio bill provides ajalnst unjust discilmlnntloii ami extoillon , nnd seeks to prohibit pool inc. It gives power to the coinmUsionua to hear complaints , pass upon them , entei up their mini. and entoico their rullusr by proper action In the courts. H makes It the duty of the attornoj general and county attorneys to prosecute allcacs aris ing under Its provisions for each viola tion on the part pt corporations" I'lte speaker reviewed the situation at length , holding that .the people demanded legislation that would aflord relief , and thnt tlm viovbloiisof the bill wew In accord with the Mate constitution with reference to the fixing of tnixlmtim rntca and the enactment of laws ( o prevent discrimination by rail- wavs. Mr. Hobblns spoke npon the necessity for such a law ns proposed. If the mcmbcis who had expressed a deslro lor railroad legisla tion were sincere they could now redeem their pledges. Ho greatly favored the pro visions of Mr. Sterling's amendment , nnd hoped It would prevail. Mr. Snell Interposed the samn objection as elvon In my dlspitcn la < t nlcht. nnd moved that senate llio 41 be recommitted to commlt tee of the whole. , The vote on adopting Jamjth's amendment : ieas-Amlrcs , Ilullard , Ucnlloy , lllck. Cameron , Cannon ( who had been nppioachcil by Chnrloj Grcon toil minutes before , nnd told him to go nway from him ) , Cole , Craig , Dempster , Dlller , Klsloy , Kills Kvvlng , Gnm- bin , Ollmorc , Harrison , llnydpii , Helmrod , llorst Je.iry , Koiper , Kenney , Lord , Matthle- son , McConaiigliuy , Mlnnlx. Ovciton , Kay- moml , Ulef , Michel , bchvvah , blmins , Slmnnok , Smvlh , Tracy , 'I tuner , Tvson , Underbill , Watson , Whltmoro , Wilson , Wolcnwebor , Yut/y , Voung , Hnrlnn. Nnys Ahrnhamson , Agee , Alkcn , Alex ander , Andrews , IJ.ibcoek , Ballov , Halrd , " jwman , HrovvnCaldwellCopo. Crnne , Foil- n , Fox , Frant7 , Fuehs , Fuller , ( Jntford , Gar- .uy , King , Lnttn , Llesveld , Marshall.McCann , McGrevv. McKcnna. Newton , Newcomer , Nlchol , Norrls , I'embcrton , 1'cters , Itandall. Hussell , Slater ( who mndo a ex planation on the ground th it the commltteo on cities and towns are overworked ) . Sulli van , Sweet , Thornton. Tingle. Tiuesdell , Veach , Wnrdlavv , WitlioraldVhlte \ , Wll- holmscnllsoy , Wiight. The motion to retcr to the judlclaiy com mitted was then adopted. Hills were passed ns follows : ( ilvlnc school trustees added poweis to es tablish district high schools. 'I o punish pocket-picking. To mnko counties or townships llnblo for damage to property ot injuries to peisous fiom defective bridges and highways. The linal consideration ot bills was re sumed ns soon as the house reconvened In the nlternoon. The following were pissed : To pay K/in Leonnrd Smith Sl7lJb.J which vvns obtained by the stite from thu estate of Leonard H. Smith , of FortCalhoun , Washington county , who died Intestate. K/rn Leonnid Smttii has established Ids re lationship to the deceased Smith. Allowing any sub contrictoi or person to tile iccordot work or matciial fuinlshcdon any building sixty days tlmiaftcr. such sub- continctoror pc-tson to hnvo a lien on the piopoi ty of the conti actor docs not pay. The senate bill limiting railroad pisscnger fare to : ! cents pel mlle and pciinit-OJ pounds of bag.-ngo wns passed nnd now iroestotho governoi lor liissignature. ; Mi. Dentley be came choleric and when his name was called said : "Tho other dny wo spent the whole forenoon discussing the question , of that ad ditional titty pounds of ba.-uraco (150 ( pounds beliic now can led ) aud decided against mak ing the baggage nny heavier. Now , Lccause this hill comes In from the senate , wo vote on it like n lot of sheep. I nm .sick ot s.uch Inconsistency. The people of this state nro not calling for n reduction In passenger mtes. 'Ihoso who ttavel can afford to pay their fare. What the people want is cheaper ficlght intos. That is the business wo ought to net to. i vote no. " To prov Ido toi the reglstiatlon of judg ments ncalnst counties. To provide lor the erection of a building for tlio mi Ivorslty ot Nebraska , lor the practlcil and .scientific instruction ot the industiinl classes and tor iusti notion In the mechanic arts , and to appropriate money foi that inu- pose and to nuthorl/e the bonid of i Clients to erect the building. It anpropilntes S5J.OOO. To amend the law providing lei the issuance - anco of school cllstilu bonds. Topievent the acquiring of title to lands in the state of Nebraska , or the descent thcrcot to non-iesldont nlldiis ; to piovido for the estate escheating tothostnte , and for paj- nidnt to tlio heirs of an ogultnblo sum for it. ( The ncc.itlvo votes wer i > y Krant7-Havden , Huimrod. Miller , Ovcitou. Watson , White and Wolenwcbcr. "I'hoy do .not Uullcvo the bill coiistltutlonal. ) Itelatimr to tliu ptnchise , lease and sale of i.illroids in certain case * . ( It is for the ben efit of the Hock Island rallioad , placing It on the same basis as other railroads In the state. ) orilKIt HUSINUSs' . Tlio bill piovidlng for wanning railroad coaches by steam , hot water ot hot air was icpoitcct with n recommendation tor passage. Thu bill to establish a stito boaid ot he nth was indefinitely postponed , asweionlso the follow lug bills : To define the eligibility of county judges In counties ot 10.0TO inhabit ants ; amending the lien law to resulnto tlio foes of county olliccrs , establishing "maxi mum rntes ; " to provide foi separate taxation ol the inoitgagot and mortgagee's inteion In real estate ; to amend the usuiy law ; to provide toi loading money lylngidlo In the tiensuiles of the seveial counties ; amending the tax law ; to compel assessois 10 swear loan Iron-clad oith ; the sonitoblll lelntlng to cities and towns under 5,000 in habitants. . The favorable report of the committee of the \vholo upon the bill establishing two normal schools was adopted and next Tues day designated as the time when the location w ill be settled upon. Tlio teport ot tlio committee on public lands nnd biiildliiL-H was submitted. It was lead nnd ordeied piinted. The house then went Into committee of the whole , Mr. Smyth in tlio chali , upon thu bills providing foi appiopilntlons for charllablo institutions. Tlio first bill was lor election nnd lurnlslilngn main building nt the Ne braska institution for tlio blind , at an cx- penso of id'i.OOO. A motion was made that tlio commltteo should iccomiiiend the bill tor passauo. This was headed elf byn motion by Mr. Whltmoiu thnt the commltteo should arise , llo alleged as his leason that the re- Doi t of the committeu on public lands and building' ) should lint bo printed. 'I ho mo tion cnrrled , .V ) in the afllrmntlve. The hou < o ncnln went Into committee. Mr. Symth In thn chair , nnd took up the genetnl lilo. The first enactment vvns tlie loint icso- lutlon proposing an amendment to thu con stitution , muking the legislative taim sixty davs and the pay of members r > per day. It was lecommemled tor pnssaco. Tonmend Pfctlon 0)i ) ( of tlio code of civil piocedme , to the effect of cntorclng the rcquliument ot a tianscilpt by tjio suinemo com t , and repealing the lequliement ot an abstract. The hill was iccommonclud for pas < ; a re , The committee rose nnd the house nd- joiirned. nt Aiil > nro. Arnrnv , Neb. , Feb. 17 , [ Special to the HIT. ] llurglars entered the saloon kept by H. Brainwell last nUhtnnd becured nbout 2' In small chnitgo , They then visited the S'doon kept by ( \ Itliode , nnd made elf witli about SJ in cash. No liquor wns taken at olthcr nlaco. Tlioy next visited C , H. Will.ud's haidware stoioiuul becuied n lot of notes nnd other valuable papers , some pocket Knives , nnd otner Hiuall aith'les , but no money. They also broke Into the post- olllco and a drnu- store at bouth Auburn. The only clue to the burglars ) b a tur cap left nt onu ot llio saloons , and a brace and bit lett nt the hardware stoiu. Suicide nt HASTINGS , Neb , FeD , 17. Uurger llros.1 hardware store was the scene of n sulcldo shortly nttcrt 10 o'clock this niornlnc. A stranger named Albert Fosburger walked into the store anil , puichnslna a revolver loaded it and Immediately blow out Ids hialns betoiu Ids purpose was dlscovend. Fosdtirgcr is n Get man nnd formerly resided nt Chaltswoith , 111. , where he has a binthci living. A teleirram was sent to the lattoi an- notinclng'thObUlcIde , Nocuuso foi thu lash act ts.knovvn , Tillering TranipH Arrcntod. Wwioni : , Neb. , Feb. 17. JSpecial to the Ui.r.J William llacklcr , city marshal , arrested - rested twotiamps list night for breaking into thoicsiilencoot Mr. Jloort' , residing north- eist of hcio , and stealing money , a watch , icvolvei , and other articles. Tuey aio con- dent that thu riuht parties are unoited , al though nothing but tlio money was found npon them. TTicIi tilal will come elf to morrow. Faith Did : \nt llrnl. Ui.i-i : Si-nixc.p , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special to the Hir.J : To-day the two-year-old child of J , O. Wilson , \vhlch has been under tint faith euro treatment of Mrs. Ste\unson , of Heatrlce , died. Th s Is Ihe second death within n wetk oi iratlcntt ) nuclei this ladj's tie.itment , Mrs. William KcbtfiUiavlng-ulsO died , nnd being burled last Sunday. THE MANNING -SUCCESSION , Oantlidato3 for the Oabinot Vncancy Multi plying Eapidly , NEW YORK ENTERS THE CONTEST A Strong Effort to llo Mndo to I'nss the DcpciKlcnt Pension lllll Over the PrpBldcnt's Veto Na- tlonttl News. I'ollttcnl .TuRclcrs nt Work. WASIIIXOTO.Y , Feb. 17. [ Special Telegram lo the llin : . I i\iiort jtigtrlersat thdwlillo liousoand In Now Vork seem to have hold of the becretnrishlp ot the treasury. It Is stated on good authority to-day thntlJajnid would go into llio tienstirynnd United States Minister George It. I'undlelon , of Ohio , would bo made secretary of stato. To-night it Is announced thnt such piessitro Is being brought fiom Now York tor n county de mocracy man that the picsldent has con cluded to select n successor to Mnnnlng liom thnt faction ot his party. Kx-Mayor Grace was nt the \\lilto house this morning nnd ii Is understood thnt the btiiden ot his business wns upon this matter , partlculmly with icfer- cncc to Its posssible Iniliienco upon the tem per of the New York delegation nt the next nominatlnc convention. It Is nndeistood that the county democtacy have a man whom they would like to boisecrctmy of the liens- my , and UiatGinco piesentcd his name. The picbldcnt may deem it advisable for pollt- Icil icasons to appoint an active poll- tlclnn , or ho. may decldo thnt to accept the choice of onu faction In New York would only mnko him enemies In the others , and this may bo a further Inducement for the appoint ment of Mr. Falrchlld , whoso selection would not cxclto jealousies. It Is said that besides the piessuro comintr fiom New Yoik there arc western membms who think a lepresen- tatlvoof the county demociacy should suc ceed Mr. Manning. A rumoi has been run ning around town for twenty-tour hours to the effect thnt Mannini : iroes out of the nrv for tlio purpose of taking charge of CIov eland's campaign , nnd thnt the adminls- tiatlon is to further relax- Its pretended civil servfco icform principles so as to cover as far as possible the piound occupied by Governor Hill , of Now York , who Is now fairly In the Held as an opponent of Cleveland fet the nomination next j ear. VAX WC1C SCOItr.S A I'OINT. Senator Van Wyck mndo a very. strong speech this nfternoon in opposition to the covernmentnssuming nny responsibility In connection with the Fads' Tehuantepec ship canal scheme. Ho showed how the g/ivein- ment hns been fleeced by the I'aclfic lall- Kpads and gave Jav Gould some slaps which brought forth toiinds of apolausc. Senator Dawes , of Massichusctts , who suppoited the measure , was thankful for an oppoitunity to leave the senate chambei aftera tow minutes' engagement witli tlio Nobiaska senator , whose nigumout proved to be iinansweiable. l'i : > sio.NS roil MIIIIIASKANS AND 1OWAN" . Pensions were issued for Xebiaskans to day ns follows : William A. McLean , insane , Lincoln ; John Rowland , Hanksvillo ; Wil liam T. Leonnrd , Ellsworth , Jncob Andrtib , Atkinson. I'onstons were Issued for lovvnns to dny ns follows : Jnno , Ashlon ; Isaac Cotton , deceased , La 1'oito City : Sampson D. Sarvei , Uussoy ; William Donlon , Scranton City ; Ilenry A. Itobbins , Fort Dodgo. Increase of pensions : Thomas Gray , I'l.iiiie City ; James M. Alvoy , Wllson- vitlo ; ( Jeorgo D. Adams , Dinkcvllle ; Wil liam F. Myers , Fontaucllo ; Kllsha H. Skin- nei.HIimlnghnm ; Gooigo McNeelor.HusscIl ; Martin L. Ware , Ceiitervillo ; William Do Wolf , Pembroke ; Daniel Killlon , Conkllng , reissue ; Ftcdeiick C. Loebei. Foil Dodge ; Thomas J. O'Blcnis. Keokuk ; Thomas Diown , Diakovlllo ; Itobeit Kappcl , Hep burn ; Denjamln T. Dawson , Algom. A pension was to-day granted to Senator Ceiro Goido Williams , ot Kentucky. Wil liams vvns a soldier in the Mexican war and this vvns the ffrst pension granted under the Mexlcnn pension law enacted but n few davs ago. It vvns taken up and allowed within lour houis. 11IK PIIKSIDKNT AND HIS VI'.TO. Proshlent Cleveland is vciy lunch exer cised over the piobahlllty ot the dcjtend- ent patents pension bill being passed by eoncress ovei his veto. It Is ? ald ho has sent tot n number of democratic sena tors and repicscntatives and impressed upon them the necessity of his veto being sustained and that his work is having veiv peiccptlhle etlect. This morning's Post ( adminlstiation ornan ) has the following edltoilal In double leads , under the caption "Sustain the \ cto , " which Is said to have been lusplicd nt the whlto house : "Tho house hns made np Its mind to fight the president's veto of the pniipcr pension bill , and the sennto will , of course , follow suit. In acting on the bill a second time party considerations should entirely dis appear , lor It would seem as If the weltaro of the countiy weio n sutllelont test ot the merits of such. The bill should bo killed for this very icason. It oilers a premium for ln/lnes . It offers a temptation lor pcrluiy and hand. It fixes a penalty on self-denial and sell-respect. It passed it would extin guish our surplus. If passed it would In- cicasoour pension list to fem times thesl/u ot the Mainline army ot Gient Biltain. If passed It would pievent a reduction ot the war tail If and Internal lovenno from spirits nnd tobncco. It Is the device ot domu.'ogucs : foi the icllel of shirks. Demociats of the house mid scuata oiuht to present an un broken liont in support of thu veto , ana in- publicans likewise. ' ' nr.A'in mxoflTJii : 111:1. : i. . A rcmniknblo coincidence happened yes terday moinlng at the death ot Miss A. W. Dully , a daughter of Capt dn O. D. Dully , the patent attorney. Miss Duflv had laid In n dj Ing condition lor soveial days , belli : : Miiroundcd by the meinlieis of her immedlato family. Slid was conscious to the last nnd talked calmly with those about hci until n moment or twobeforo the end. The watcher had scaicely mndo tlio an nouncement that she was dead when a bei- vnntfiom below enteied thu room In ansuei to the summons ot the call bell. No one had i mm nnd thcpcculhultyof the circumstance vvns In the Inct that all of the six belli placed in tlio dining-room nnd communicating with the illlteiont rooms of the house had rung violently at tliu Instant when the death tool ; place , and tlio hells , with ono exception , had not rung since Mi. Dully moved to Ids pies- out home , the w ues connecting them being bioken , 'Ilia a ITali cicntcd n lecllng of awe over the household as no explalnntlon ol the ni ) stety has been made , jiu.irAitv MATH its. First Lieutenant Kdvvmd A. Catlln. Second artillery , has been detailed ns mllltaiy pro- lessor at Norwich nnivoibity. nthfiold , Yt. Captain M. C. Wjcth , nssf-tnnt surgeon , is lelleved trom dutj nt Foil Wnine , Mich. , and ordered to duty at Fort Uaiancas , I'lcnldn The leave of Mnjor William h. Fromalne , suigeon , Ims been extended loin months for Majors' . S Sumner. Klchth cavalry ; Cap- tiin II. W Wessels , jr. , Thlid cavalry ; ( 'np- talu JohnQ Adams , First cavnhv ; and Hrst Lieutenant William N Saint , hlxth cavalry , lecorder , have b. en apjioinied n boaid to meet at Jelleixin Itni racks , Mo. , to consider nnd topoit npjn the subject of hoise-shoolng Intliunimy. , , , Spcnkei Cnrllslo to-lny nnmed hcott of Pennsvjvanla , I.nnlmm of Texas , mid lei- ton ort'alifoinia , conferees on the pait of the hoii e on the trido dollar bill. 'I ho son nto conlerees are Morrlll ot Vermont , Beck of Kentucky nnd Jones of Nevada , 'llio point at Issue Is whether the ledemutlon ot the u add dollar shall eome out ot the monthlj purchase of & 2oooOOJ , worth ot bull ion. It is practically agreed that tlio senate conlenes will recommend the hciiato to io- cede trnm Its position ot demanding that the redemption bo deducted trom thu bullion pur chase nnd that the. repoit will piovldu tnu'odollaiH ' bhall bo coined into standard dollns. ' 1 his will do aw a > with this obsph to colnforo\er. . . , . , The piesldent has nominated Charles. M. Mercer , oflowa.-suivevor ot customs for tlm port of UuilliiBton und Owen McLaii hliu , of lown , surveyor of customs for the-port ot Diihuquc. KuclidMaitlnniidC. Parker , ot OmMia , are in the city. James A. Cooley , of Nebraska , arrived H.'Windsor and wlto , of DCS Molncs , nro registered nt the Kbbltt. Joseph Hri ant , of Schnylcr , Xcb. , arrived heio this evening. COMl'I.KTI.NO I'UIII.IO IIUlI.DIXnS. Actini ; becretary Knlrchlld has rccom- mended congress to niipioprlnto Srt.OOO for oompietlufr the public bullclliiK nt Nebraska City nnd ss ooo for the public building at Council UlutK jivnu nnnu. A Dei "Molnps CniiHtiiltlo nml Oi-t Into Trouble Ocr n Cnrlond. Dr.s MOINHS In. , Keb. 17.- ( Special Tclo- cram to the UIK.J : This inoinlnKa caiload of beer nrrl\ecl from St. I.onls o\er the Wabash - bash lor Hurlbut , Hess t Co. , shipped by the Anhcuscr-lUisch llottllni ; company. Con stable Pierce henid of It nnd examining the county nichhes cllsco\ered that Hurlbut , Hess it Co. had no permit , ( jetting liU pai > crs , he seized the car and employed n drnymnn to hnul Its contents to a storehouse. Mr. Hurlbut hcaid ol thu set/tiro at noon and hunting up ex-Just Ice MeMarlin becan pro ceedings to leplevln the beer. Ho said thnt Plcrco had no r ht to sel/o it , ns the bill of ladlnci showed that thecailoadwas consigned to U. 11. Waul individually , althouch the casus and banels wcie maikcd 11. 11. X Co. In the meantime Pierce hauled the Ccrman Untago awav , leaxlng tlm owucis to do what they nilclit. Attoiiiej McMartln becured a writ of leplevln nuclei the Impression that Plerco had no variant when ho snl/ed the beer. Armed with the wilt McMartln proceeded to where the beet was being stoiedand tlndlin ; ono of MeNutfsdriumon unlcmdliiL' so\eral cases , of beer ordered him to icload on the autlioiity of the \\iit and instuictlng him to retuin the beer to the cm regardless. The diherobejcdaud stalled. Jin had leached the alley between Pouitli and Fifth streets , on Court A\ciiue , when Plerco rushed up , and , bonidliii ; tlio u.igon , ouleied the driver to return. Acting mulct his Instructions the dihcr lefused point black , but Pieiee , whoso blood was up , pulled out his rcnohei and shoxlui ; the mii//e ! uudet the nose of the as tonished dia > iiinn loiioatou hlsoiders. This time It wns obeyed , and followed by a howling mob the beer was i etui ned , unloAilod and Const hies Potts nnd Logan sho\edlt into tlio collars and placed it under lock and kny despite the thieats and protestations of McMartln. A Allshnuri Vulloy Firm Fniln. Missofiu \ 'Ai.i.rla. . , 1'eb. 17. [ Spcclnl Telegram to the Hii.J : The doors of S. Alt- shuler it Co. , clealei In gents' furnishing goods , of this place , w etc closed to-day by the sherilf under a w rlt ot attachment. This \\as a gcnctal surprise to c\ciione , as the Him was supposed to hn\o been ono among the best in standing of the place. The lia bilities aie claimed to bo SM.OOO and assets 520,000. Attachments lm\o nlready been go ton out to the nmount of nbout S10.0CO and it Is thought f nither developments will greatly iiicicase this amount. Among the heaviest auditor * ate M. llolbiook anil ( J. 11. Mc- ( iavcn , of this place : . ) . V. Km well it Co. : ! aloiel Jlros. ; Strauss , ( ilazlcr A , Co. and F. Mej er it Uro. , of Chicago. The lirm had n blanch house at lilalr , Neb. , which is also 10- poited closed. Death or mi Old Kcokulc Cltt/on. Kr.oivin ; , la. , Feb. 17. [ Special Telcgiam to tliulfi.i : . I NCVVH received here announces the death of Hlchatd McAllister , February at AVashlngton City , llo wutt formerly , nil attoiney of Keoktik. Ho was appointed post- mabtei In October , 1MO , ni a JJieckenildgo democrat , but was soon succeeded by Judge How ell. _ O. A. n. Celebration. Four DODO n. la. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele gram to the J3ii.J Fort Donclson post , No. S'iO.C. A. It. , celebrated thotwentj-hfth annl- vcisai ) of the battle ot Foil Donelson in the post room last night. J. P. Dolllver delheicd an able addicss on the Donclson campaign. State Tieasurer Twombley. of DOS folnos , n'so ' made a speech. Tne affait was a gicat success. _ I'asHcd n Sucocssritl Il\ninliintlon. Cnnsro.v , la. , Feb. 17. [ Special Telegram to the Bni.J : Fred P. Wilson , of this city , was succcsstul In tlio examination fora West Point cadetship held by Piol. ( iiirnoy nnd Mr. Tedloul. llo Is a member ot the U class In the high school and Is eighteen years old. Ho will leave about .March 1 lor West Point to take Ids linal examination. Nine young meu competed hole. Another Unitarian Announcement. Co.vsTAvri.sorr.i : , Feb. 17. it Is stated that lieu Von KndowltCcrmnn ambassa dor to the porte , has informed the Hukaiian deputation that In the event of falluro to settle the liulgat lan question by thu negotia tions pending , Kussla will occupy liiiL'ana with tlio consent ot Germany anciAustiia. NEW yolCK STOOKS. Interest Ccntorn In Jticliinoiicl Ter- ininul U'lilcli SuoreH ti Jlltr Drop. NKW Yoitif , Feb. 17. [ Special Tclegiam to llio UKI : . ] The stock maiket was rather iiioie active than usual lo-dav. but notwith standing that all the talk was bullish about e\eij tiling .sold off more or less. A good deal of interest centered In Hlchmond Ter minal , which scored iU op ot V/i percent eaily In the day. It was claimed that thu clique. In It was oveilonded with blocks , nnd thatEomo ono had been tiylng to net out. The banks were discriminating against tlio block , icndciing weak holders moio than em Inclined to bell. Anothei advance In exchange biought tales above the gold ex porting point and enabled the hears to hell thomaikct elf without meeting much opio- ) sltlon. London prices lor Amciiean sccuil- ties , too , weto In most Instances a shade lower. About the onlv icnssuiliiL' tnctoi in tlio situation wns tlio advance in Kngllsh consuls and Fiench ionics , whlc't was taken to Indicate an Improved piospect torpeaco abioad. St. Paul eainlngs tor the second week ot Fehiuaiy clecrca'-ecl S'Jb.OOO. The He.ulinn H statement toi Jnnuniy showed an Increase ot ovei thieo hiindied thousand dollais , and was regarded ns Indlcallni ; a veiy tavoiahlu hummer's business. The bleak In Uichiiiond Tcimlnal , however , do- moiali/.ed the bulls , and no attempt was made to lift the pi lee , although It wns known that the cliques had btijlng orders In the market on n scale down , Kales to noon were lliO.OOO shares , Dining the closing hour them was a study decline In prices , Apparently no ono wanted stocks , and when they wciooffcrcd for silo homo concession had to bo given. Thu Keadln , ' clique was very active , advising people to buy that stock ; that the rcorgaiil/ation bcliemo was ceitaln to go thiouuh. Theio was no scram bling lot stocks , however , and the closing prkcs weiu n shade under the opening , The w hole list closed cas > at n concession fiom thuopeiiinu llu'iirei. The total sales weio about two htindicd thousand Hhnres. Itontlholiloib DlHutircn. Nivv : YOIIK , Feb 17. The rcorganl/ntlon committee ol the C 'iitral Iowa railroad has had sevcial meetings but as jet lias been un able to agree upon any satisfactory plan. Holders ot lirst mortgage ) bonds claim hoIdeiH ol consolidated mortgage bonds vvlsli them to concede too much and they will not agree to any plan providing lot an Indls- etlmluato cutting down ol Interest which the juniot securities piopose , Prohibition In Wc t Virclnla , ( 'il\ni.isroN' : , W. Va. , Feb. 17. The ben- nt i passed n resolution which piovldes foi the submission of the question of piohlbltlng the manulactiirt ! and sale ot llquora In this falate. The liousii adopted thu icsolntlon two weeks nxo. Thd question nlll Lie voted on In Nov embt-r is > w , Ua itiul loua Kor Nebraska nnd Iowa , local talr.i < suovv , li > llow d by cooler , Ulr THE LAST VETO SUSTAINED , The House Fails toPnss the Texas Bill Ovoi tbo Frcsidont's Head. THE ANTI-POLYGAMY MEASURE , Adoption of tlio Conference Roport-i llio Scnnto Agrees to n Substi tute Kor the 12 nils Dill- Other WASHINGTON' , Fob. 17. The moBsnso of. tliu piesldent , reluming without his approval the bill appropriating 810,003 for tlm spcolnl' ilestrlbutlon ol seed to the drought-stricken counties of To.xas , Wits laid before tlio house. ' this moinlng. Mr. Lnnlmm of Texas moved Hint the bill and nccoiupanj Ing mcssngo boreleircd to the cominlttco on agriculture. Inasmuch , ln > sild , as he hiul intioduicd this bill , ho was unwilling to let the occasion p.iss without snjlng n word In vindication of the action of congress In passing this moasuic. In doing so It followed picecclonts established In IBift and In lbb.1 , when n bill of similar diameter passed congress niid becanio n ln\v. If seeds could bo dtsttlbutcd lei tlio object of promotIng - . Ing agilcultuic. If the Inteicst wns contincntnf In Its clinractci , then the needs of ngiicultuio should bo considered equal In to nny other icqulicmcnt of tlio govcinmoul. When thu Kovernmcnt was accustomed to timko n general distribution ol beed It did not seem unconstitutional to con centrate thnrdlstilbutlon in ai.irtloiihu ) local ity \\here thti need vvns the grcntcst. The motion toioloi wns lost f > 7 to t-1. The question was then put , 'Would the house pass thu bill , the picsident's objections to thocontiary notwithstanding , " nnd wns ntiMvcied In the negative jeas , KJ ; nnys , Among these who voted in the nfllimattvo to pass the Toxns seed bill over the presl- dent's veto weio llltt , Pnjbon , Cannon , Nerco nnd I'luiubof Illinois. Mi. llniiiuiond ot Geoigli called up the con * fcrenco lepoit on thu nntl-.Monnon bill nnd Mr. Bennett of Noith Caiollnn spuKo against the adoption ot the lenoit. Mi. l.den ol Illinois nlso criticised the re * port , \\lileh hn said inado the imuslial the judge tind juiy tu detoriiilnolietlier n per son was guilty ot an ullcnso nnd Invested him with the power , without investigation , to coiinnit thnt person to j.itl. llo did not think thnt in dealing with the ciluio ol poljgamy ( which e\ery one wished s\ip- piesied ) it wns necessary to else the marshal power tu tiuinnlo on the rights of the pcoplo of Utah. Tlio conteicnco tcport vvns then narcod to voas03 ! ; najs10. . Mr. Giosvenor of Ohio cnlled up the veto message of the pteslilciit on the hllfgiantliiK n pension to Sail } Ann Itiadley. The house ( joas , llt ! ; na > s , 140) ) lefnseil to considoi the pension veto. Mi. O'Neill then attempted to Have the call of committees lor icpoits dispensed with , but was unbiiecesstui. The speaker appointed Messrs. Scott , Lan- ham and 1'eiton as conterccs on the trndo (1 oll.u bill. Mr. Caswrll of Wisconsin , from the com mittee on judiciary , repoited the bill piovld- ing for an additional associate justice of the biimcmc com I ol Dakota. Committee of the whole. The house then went Into committee of the whole on diplomatic nnd consular np- i pioprlatlon bill. In older to simplify anil fa- Ti cllitnto > coubldcratiuu ol ! the bill , Mr. - ? * Helmont of New 1'otk olleicd it substitute foi EO much of the hill ns had not already bceit disposed of. This substitute Is 1 rained to avoid points ot older which would opcinto aealust the original bill in tlio mattci ol re- rlnssllic.itlon ol coiisulai suivlee. The exist ing classlhcntlon is letnlned , thus cuttini ; oft the pioposed Incic.isoot salaries. Ptovlsions tor the appointment ot two inspcctois oC consulates is also omitted fiom the substi tute , and the appiopnation lot contingent expenses of consulates Is reduced iinin S'JOO.WO to 5150,000. 'J'ho substitute was agieod to. The. bill ns amended was icportul to the house nnd , nilei debate , nassed. Mr. Itindnll , liom the committee on np- pioprlatlons , icpoitcd hack the sundry civil apiuopri.ilion bill with the .seunto amend- ments. recommending concurieiico In twon- tweet these nmendmonts ami non concur rence In [ ( i nmcndments. rending action the hoiibo adjoinncd. Sonnte. WASHING i ox , Feb. 17. Mr. Hoar pre sented resolutions of the Massachusetts leg- Iblatiucln fn\or of coast dolcnaesand the bulhlliiKOf a na\y "that will command the coniulencoot tlio Ameilcan people and the rebpcct of otlioi nations. " Mr. Wilson of I own picscntcd n petition ot cltl/ens of Iowa In favor ot n buaut ot intcr national niblti.itlon. lilllswere Introduced and relerred ns fol" lows : J5y Mi. Whlttorne To create n naval rc F < T\O in : iu\lllinry ciulscrs , olliccrs nnd men fi0111 the mercantile niailno of tlio United States. Mr. Plumb presented a petition fiom ( irand Army posts of Kansas for the passage ( OMT the piesldont's seto ) ol n dependent iclatlvu pension bill. Laid on the table. Mr. Miller ( by request ) intioduced a bill ta appropriate monev to pay the cost of iliilllng wells over three thoimnnd feet deep In every state and every toriitory.and to give nil inoliti of valuable mlncral.s found therein for school pin pose's Hefeni'il tu the committee on edu cation and labor. The ficnnte then icsuiiipd consldeiatlon ot the bill to pioviilu toi the Inciense of tha naval estalillsiinient ( Hale'ri bill ) . 1'hu iimeiidmiint olfori'd jcsteiday by Mr. Hutlei ( i'ls to ho lei "sea seivkes" ) was \\luulia\\n. The bill was then paused jcas , KJ ; naj.s , 7. The nays were Coke , .IOIICH of Aikansas , I'lumli , Vance. Van Wjclc , Vest and Vooihcoi. The bill piovldes lei tlio construction of heavily ar- moicd M-ssels lei coast doti'iiso nnd also tor gun boats nnd toipcdu boats , and approjirl- ntes jir , IOOooJ to he available dining ti\o \eus liom Mareli I , 16S7 , The scn.ito then procecdeil to consider n IIUIIIDCI of house Ijllln on tlio calciidai to whieli tlieiu witio no objections. Thulollow- liV was passed : To cicdlt the tcnitory of Dakota with § 'J7 , < ViO lot oidiiancc stores. The f-enalo then resumed consideration of the Knds Tolin.intepto hlilp tallway bill , and Mi , Vest nltcttd n new mihstltuto tor the bill. It recites that the Kou'rnmeiit ot Mexico haH planted to Captnln ICads a concession for the constitution and opcintlon of a nhlp railway ncioss the Isthmus of Tehunntcpec , and has nuthorl/cd him und Ids associates to obtain ii chiiiter olthm In Mexico or cjswhcro. It therelore ineorporates James li. K.uls nnd boinu eluhtj othei IKMSOIIS , nunied as a body politic undei the name nnd tltlo of the At lantic and 1'ncllio Slilp railway I'oinpuny. The block In not to exceed Sf 100,000,000 , and when 10 per cent ol thubtock is sub-crlhud lor , nnd 10 pei lent theicon paid In dish , a iiiccthiKot stockholdeis Is to bo held In Washington 01 New Voik lor the election of dlnctuib. If S10ooooiu , , ) ot stock Is not hub- K'-nhed loi. and 10 per cent in cash paid theieon within two jea" , the charter is to exiiliuliy limitation , Mi. Van W el > ofli-icd to this Mibstltuto the amendment which he had ollercd to the orig inal one -that no ceitihcato of block bhall bo Issued until It > lii | | havulxen lullypald toi | n moueat i ataliic , and that no lionclh In i > \tbsol the amounto | tlm capital actually pud In sli ill JH > Ib.siud , and tnat no hondtf bhall ho ibsiicd oi disiuiscd ot at less Uian tho'i ' | at s.ilne. On motion of Mi lloai , the amendment olleied b > Mi , Van Wjek W.T > amiMided by the ino\ision that the 10 p.-r tout ol stock tu tin Kiili.sciibid for and paid before' the Issno ot ceitllic.ilcs shall not be abslunablc until the whole of It hhall lia\o been paid in ; and that no bonds shall do nuthori/ed or Usuccl until IIHI paid In caiillal bhall amount to & 5lWO.jOO/inbtail ( ot 10 t)00OJO ) , ) . As thus a'lieiicled Jli Van ' , , Wjek's aincuil- went was axtccd to. Ui Uoicill oilctuJ n