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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1887)
r THE OMAHA DAILY BEBi Fin DAY , F.EBKUARY 11. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS HUDAYMOIINING , FEB. 11. OFFICE , WO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered tjcurrier In Hnrpartof the city nt twenty cents per week. H. TV. TILTON , . . . Manager. TUI.EI'HONKSi BFMHTM Omci , No. 13. HIOIIT UUITOII Ko. 25. MINOR M13NT1ON. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Good ice nt rink to-night. Hand concert at Ice rink to-night. Heavy suits cheap to order nt Keller's. Choice acre property. M. H. Myers * Co. Grand limo at the ice rink tonight. Oiimha Addition is the finest yet plat ted. Ociell Bros. & Co. To realize a liantlsomo profit buy sonio Omaha addition lots , Udell Bros. As Co. J.V. . & K. L. Squire's abstracts arc glvitiR ( jood satisfaction. Band concer. Sccuro skatus sarly. Michael Stro oH' will 1111 the opera house to-night. Supper to-nipht at 0 o'clock at MUs Laura I * . Baldwin's. 1'nul'fl mldition lots will double In value in less than SO days. Get ono at Day's. Leave to wet ! I win yesterday given to It. A. Markluyand Esther Cithrow , both Of OlU'.llia A Lavenborpc is to glvt' a social hop in his hall in Jlnrdln township on the oven- Infiof lliuS'Jd. The best record on sales ynl innjlc is that in Omaha uddition , Udell Bros. & Co. Udell Bros. & Co. luivo leased part of the Schickatan/ residence for their loan and Insurance business. Yoakum & Co. have for sale 32 } acres within half a mile of the city limits nt 1(125 ( tier acre. A choieo bargain. The coming thoroughfare between Omaha anil Council Bluffs runs through Omaha Addition. Odoll Bros & Co. Squire's Park addition is a sum invest ment. 1'acilic ! W mn > will bo built up with store buildings within si your. Why does Paul's addition lots soli so quick ? Because they are the best in the market. Day controls Paul's ' addition. The remains of Mrs. .Jacob Korth were taken to 1' , on the Milwaukee nnd St. Paul road yesterday , there to bo laid at rest. Ifofreshiuents eryed from ( j o'clock until 8 at the entertainment at Miss Laura Baldwin's to-night. Admission and supper 25 cents. The storm of sleet yesterday did not tiectn to interfere greatly with the boom. It isn't the sort of a boom to bo effected by wind or weather. Miss M. T. Schott has taken the agency for tlio Domestic machines , and O. ( J. Finloy , of Hamburg , who is an cxper- icnccdhand , in this line of business , will assist in the outside business. Mrs. M. K Smith , corner of Hist avo- nnc and Eighth street , assisted by Mrs. Saunders , will cntnrtmn the Episcopal church sociable on Friday , February llth. Ladicd at a o'clock. Gentlemen at 0 o'clock , for tea. In the district court yesterday a motion was arjiucd for n new trial in the enso of Ueobo & Co. against the Equitable Life association of Waterloo. It was taken under advisement. Mr Forrest , the evangelist , has been compelled to rest on account of his throat giving out , but ho has rallied and is at it again , enthusing audiences uightlv in the Methodist church. Thcro promises to bo some turf sport here this season. Marshalltown , Cedar Kapids and Council Jiliills have formed a circuit. Tlio time assigned for the meet ing hero is July 4 to 7 inclusive. The purses are to bo f GOO. The funeral of Mrs. " O. Ehrig will beheld held this afternoon at 2 o'clock , at tlio residence on Bluff street. The store of Bpotman He Bro. will bo closed this after noon , the deceased being the mother of ftlrs. W. C. Spotman. The lire department was call cd out nt 3 o'clock yesterday morning by tlio burn ing of a little rosdence [ south of the Wabash - bash depot , on Eighth street. The house was wholly destroyed , together with most of the contents. Cause , a defective lluo. There arc only nine prisoners in the county jail now. The number will bo kept lower than in the years past , not because people are growing so much bet tor , but because the court meets more- frequently , the cases being disposed ol more speedily. It is understood that as soon as Doputv United States Marshal EdwardTroutman can clear up the hiibinchs now in his hands ho will resign the ollico , so as to give his whole time and attention to the real estate business. There will bo numerous applications tor his position. N. E. Lciunan & Co. is the style of the now commission linn which have leased ths Mynster building. Mr. Loaman is an old-timer in this business and has a In mo circle of business acquaintances in this city anil throughout Iowa , having been n member of the linn of Snyder & Lea- man until their dissolution on Wednes day last. W. 11. Gates , alias Jefferson , and Ed Wilson , two colored youths , were taking in the town nnd calling at various place ; of loud reputation. Their actions aroused the suspicions of the police , who in ail o them stop behind the liars and wait for daylight. They showed up to uo two minstrels who wcro trying to organize n ehow horn , or secure a Tinll , nnd they were turned loose again. It Is rumored that Allison , the young man arrested for stealing jewelry be longing to Mrs. Phillips , of the Ogilon house , is said to have been concerned in n like affair at Sioux City lately. It is auspecled that ho took the jowely from hero and planted it in Omaha by aid o nn accomplice. The ollicors are hunting sharp for evidence , and are conlideni that they will got closer track of the missing property. Thomas Kirk and I ) . S. Vanovor , two young mon , are in the city jail on sus picion of having stolen two horses wide ! they wore hurriedly taking across the river when they were overhauled. The police claim to have a doscriution of two stolen steeds which answers closely thai of the two found 'with the prisoners They give n straight story as to who am what they are , anil make fair offers to support their statements with evidence The matter is being investigated more fully botoro cither a charge is laid against thorn or they are lot go. ' The saloon injunction cases are stil pending in the district court. In the case of Charles Burgluuiser allidnvits were filed to hho\v that ho was not in business and could not and did not sell liquors as claimed in the allidavits of the two wit nesses for the state. In thocaso brou"h Bgainst Kramer ntlidayits were Hied to show that ho was not even a resident o the state , and had not boon for a year nnd hence the same witnesses wore a least mistaken about him selling then any drinks , The motion to change cases to tlio federal court is still under advise meat. List your property with Matthews McCrary & Co. , 0J ( Broadway. E.V. . Raymond is now ready for bus ! pess in real estate , north Main btreot near Broadway. Business lots ni-arl opposite Masonic , tumplo. Busincs ' property corner Vmo nnd Market UrcoU. LoU , acre property , houses am ; ots In various parts of the city , am 'arms noarcit'y. . IDE LORDS OF IDE LAND , They Are All Bnsy Buying , Selling nnd Figuring Profits , THE BOARD OF REGISTRY. An Informal IJonrcl ol Public Im provements 1 lie Council Holds n Caucus Mlclincl Stro gofT T Getting to The extreme excitement caused by the suddenness with which the boom struck his city , has begun to subside enough for juycrs and sellers to look at matters in n more rational light. The real estate ; ratisactions are getting onto a business sls , and there is loss of options and loss betting , but moro bona-lido pur chases and genuine investments. Still there is a very feverish state of feeling , and the enthusiasm has ripened into a confidence that the boom will keep up for long time. Those who a few days ago felt that it was liable to get away , and that they must therefore make quick turns or none at all , now settle down to the unshaken believe that there will bo from tins time onva steady increase in prices. It is now conceded by the most limid ones that there are enough im provements assured , work on which will cominonco so soon as the weather per mits , to Keep the boom well fed. The fact that there is hardly a house for rent and that many now comers are Hocking in , is an evidence that theie is need of moro buildings , and capital will hasten to sup ply this need. Those interest rd in the building of a new hotel should , at as cany a date as practicable , perfect their plans , so that the public may bo enabled to know what sort of a structure it is to bo. A picture showing what the now hotel will be , wijl bo watched for with eagerness. Hurry it up by all means. Henry Wagner has purchased lots 0 and 7. block 21 , Beers' Mil ) for $1.230. William Moore yestoiday purchased of William Butler , of Clarimla , In. , fifty feet on Broadway , just west of the new gov ernment building. A. Lavcnberg , the postmaster at rmour , yesterday purchased a house and three loU in Burns' ' addition. Tim following transfers were liled for record yesterday : James Moir to Henry Eiscman , trustee , Pacific house ; $30,000. K. Hosrcrans and wife to W. (5. Wilson , lots r . 0 and 7 , sub of original plat lot 181 ; * 1,500. Fr-uik Cook 10 Joel Eaton , lot 0 , bile 20 , Burns' add ; $150. Itobcrt McKcn/.io and wife to J. B. Fall , lots 5. 0 , 10 , 17 , 21 and 82 , blk 30 , Central sub ; ijl-110. J. P. Casady and wife and J. N. Casany and wife to 1) . and A. Goldstein and M. Marcus , lots 15 and 1U , blk 1-1 , Beers' sub : $700. $700.Mary E. Haines and husband to John J. llardin. lots 7 , 8 , 15 and 10 , blk SI , Kiddle's sub ; sfr.,000. . J. P. Casady and wife to John Scluckc- innx , lot IS , blk S3 , Beers' sub ; $100. Benjamin Winchester and wife to Cal vin A. Becbe , pt sw j , lit , 7513 ; $0,000. William Seidentopf and wife to A. T. Flickinger , blk ' , ' 5 , exclusive of lots 17 and 18 , Brown's sub ; $1,000. 11. E. Day and husband to M.E. Fuller. lot 2 , blk 17 , Bayliss As Palmer's add ; * I00. ! Ford. Wcis and wife to Palmer K. Bel- don and Win. A. Higgins , lots 1 , 2 , S and 4 , blk (5 , Hagg's add ; iROOO. Georco A. Kichart to Eliza Richart , n } swj 10 , 70I1. ' , and lots IS , 14 and 17 , blk (5 ( , Underwood ; $5,500. Blairtown Lot and Land Co. to M. E. Fuller , lot 2 , blk 17 , Hall's add ; $150. S. W. Whcolock and wife to Henry Cof- feon , lot 7. blk 4 , sub Kiddle tract ; $250. \V. W. Hanthorn to F. A. Spraguc , lot 3 , blk 2 , Everett's add ; $100. Chas. Greenleaf and wife to James K. llice , lot 14. blk ! ) , Jackson's add ; f 0,000. A. T. Flickinger and wife to Charles Thompson , lot 15 , bl'k 20 , Burns' add ; $200. 'Ihoinas Mackland and wife to ( j. A. Holmes and L. P. .Judson , pt. nj s\vj 19 , 75. 4t ! ; $1,050. B. G. Idslcin and wife , A. Goldstein nnd wife , M. Marcus and wife to I. M. Moss ier , lots 10 and 10 , blk 14 , Beers' sub ; $850. Charles Baughan and wife to Ira Gra- feon , pt Iot4 , blk 3 , Bayliss' 1st add ; $2,700. J. A. Murphy and wife to William Ma- lonev , lots 4 and 5 , blk 1 , Bayliss' 3d add ; $100. $100.Henry Lorentz and wife to C. 11. Holmes , lot 11 , blk 5 , McMahon , Cooper & Jeffries1 add ; if 100. A. T. Flickingor and wife to 1'red El- sheimer , lot 5 , blk 2 , Mnllin's sub ; $ : 'SO. B. Henry Urbalms and wife to Graf , no } 21-77-41 , $5,400. August Sigismund to Robert F. Rain and Benedict A. Hagir , n } sw } 21 , and ej no } and no } so } , 20-75-12 ; $1,000. , George F. Hughes to G. G. Hall , lot 1C , blk 17 , Beers' sub ; $700. Albert Clark to E. C. Cole , part lot 181 original plat lot ; $11,700. bainucl Hughes to J. H. Pace , lot 3 , blk 24 , Boers' sub ; $000. John T. Baldwin and wife to Gertrude M. Piihoy. lot 10 , blk 11 , Beers' sub ; $100. J. J. Shea and wife to Matthew J. Greeny , lot 4 , blk 10 , Bryant & Clark's add ; $200. C. U. Scotland wife to J.J. Shea , s 1 lot 2 , Mill add ; $350. Ira Grayson and wife to R. L. Wil liams , pt lot 4 , blk 3 , Bayliss' 1st add- $3000. Charles Baugan nnd wife to M. I. Per- cgoy , pt lots 11 and 12 , blk 11 , Bayliss' 1st add ; $5,000. Robert McKenzie and wife to O. H. Greenwood , lots 15 , 10 and 17 , blk 33 , lots 1'J and 20. blk 81 , Central sub ; $1,300. J. M. Palmer and wife to John Hill , lot 0 , blk S3 , Railroad add ; $25. Blairtown Lot and Land company to Thomas Motoalf and W. W. Hanthorn , lots 0 and 7 , blk 24 , Howard's add ; $100. L , M. Kohl and wife to Mueller Mnsio company , lot 10 , blk 27 , Boor's sub ; $ ( iOO. Maria Mynster to Thomas Macklaud , nov J sw } It ) , 7S , 43 ; $125. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the majority of real estate offices in the city. $2.1)0 ) per day. For Sale Ten-aero lots in sootion 18 near the poor farm , $300 per aero , Forty acres three-quarters of n milo from Union Elevator. $300 per acre. Fifty.six acres one-half mile east of the Rock Island depot ; elegant property for city purposes. 820 acres ono mile nnd a quarter from Union Pacific hotel. 200 acres land two nnd n quarter miles from Pacific house $200 per acre. Lots in Midland addition , near Broad way , $000 each , Sixty-six acres on Grand avenue , $300 per aero ; this would make a good addi tion. Prices subject to change without notice. Apply to IIoiucu EVUUEIT. A Hoiirit of I'ulillo Works. The city council scorns disposed to net in nccordanco with the evident desire of the citizens to push needed improve- wonts to a speedy completion. The ordering of the pavi.ig of Broadway to the river is an instance. The action taken to secure ground for the erection Of a suitable city hull js mill another. The preliminary work for tlio levee is still another. U isevidcnt that the coun cil proposes to keep apace of tiie boom , and the public improvements are not V ) bo allowed to lag. The council has taken another notion which is of consid erable importance. It has selected three well-known and responsible citizens , heavy taxpayers , to serve as nn advisory committee to | ict cojolntly with the three aldermen who hold over this year. The aldermen are Dauforth , Hammer nnd Keller. The three citizens are T. J. Evans , N. P. Dodge and George F. Wright. The importance of prompt ac tion , the extent of Improvements contem plated , the interests of the city thus in volved , and the absence of any such or ganization as n board of public works , has led to this action. The citizens named , together with the aldermen who hold over another year , nro to form , in fact , n sort of board of public improve ments. It is really only an advisory Doily , but the council will bo glad to lia > o some such body to offer suirgcs- ' tio'np and share the responsibility before the public , Best grades Iowa soft lump coal , $3 per ton at yard ; * 3.50 delivered. C. B. Fuel Co. , 03'J Bioadway. Telephone 130. A lot of first-class mules on sale at Schlcutcr & Boloy's Star barn , 1,000 to 1,500 pounds , and four to six years old. To Contractors nnd HulUlor. " . Proposals will bo received by the under signed until the 23d of next month for the building of the now Catholic church- Plans and specifications may bo seen at the pastoral residence. The right is re served to reject any or all proposalo. B. P. MoMr.No.MY , Pastor. Michael Stro oU" To > Mg1it. This evening the amusement public is promised a rare treat at the opera house , it presentation of "Michael " Charles L. Andrews' Strogolf" by com bination and Minuet carnival company , with the eminent heroic aelorF.C. Bangs. "Michael Strogoll" is ono of the greatest spectacular plays ever put on the stage. It has delighted Paris for two years , London for over a year , and for four years has boon prc-cnted with success in tins country , having a run of 200 nights in Now York , twelve weeks in Chicago , and other cities proportionately. The company is said to parry a wonderful amount of scenery with which to make the spectacular features asirreat as possi ble Aside from this feature of the on- tortainmeiit the play itself is strong , and while it is long , taking nearly three hours , it holds any Miilieneo , and the en thusiasm does not diminish. There is a rich vein of humor which al o runs through the play , the comedy part being largely in the hands ol two newspaper reporters , whoso experiences are very comical. SILVER DOLLARS FOR FIFTY CENTS are not a cent cheaper than lots in Omaha Addition at the present price , be cause they are worth moro than double the money and some of those who read thih will be glad to get thorn at an ad vanced figure before many days. Omaha addition is sure to bo TIM : addition - ' dition from first to last. It was the lirst purchased when the whole town could bo had at ante-boom prices , and has been the selling addition over since. It is the connecting link between the two cities and the coming great thorough fares pass by and through Omnlin ml dition. We want to show you the ground ami have team in waiting at our ollico to carry customers to view the properly. Omu , BUGS. & Co. , Ko. 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Wo have forty or lift } ' head of fine mules , for all purposes , for sale at our "Star Stables. " SCIII.UTKII > fe BOI.KV. At the Pacific house yon will save from cents to $1 per day. Try it and be nvinced . Dr. llnnchett , office No. 12 Pearl street ; residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone No. 10. I'repnrc 10 Vote. The following are the places and the boards selected for the registration of voters. The work will commence next Tuesday and continue five days : First ward E B. Gardiner and E. A. Wickham , registrars ; at Swan's packing house on upper Broadway. Second ward A. T. 'Whittlesoy and John Fey , registrars ; at John Dohany's livery oilico on Bryant street. Third ward Geo. F. Smith and P. Lacy , registrars ; at llattenhnuer'b camagoshop ollico on Fourth street. Fourth ward First precinct , consisting of that portion of the Fourth ward lying north of Ninth avenue. J. M. Shea and C. B. Waite , registrars ; at No. 535 Broadway. Fourth ward Second precinct , consist ing of that portion of the Fourth ward lying bouth of Ninth avenue. M. Do ( iroat and A. L. Kahlp , registrars ; at Kelloy's hotel on South Main street. L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning money on nil classes of chattel securities at one- half their former rates. See them before securing your loans. When you are in the city stop at tno Pacific house. Street cars pass the door every fifteen minutes for all the depots. Meals 50 cents. All orders from real estate brokers for job printing will receive immediate and careful attention nt Pryor's Bui : job oflico. _ A Caucus of ( he Council. The city. council was yesterday in secret session as n committee of the whole , to informally discuss various mat ters of interest. Among the bubjeets considered was the Tenth nvenno project * It is bullovcd that in view of the recent change in the outlook for this season , there will bo Homo steps taken to encour age the building of a union depot and another freight house. The proposed laying of a water main to the transfer as petitioned for the other night was also being dbcussed. In fact numerous mat ters now pending before the council wore talked over so that when the aldermen meet as a council next Monday night they will bo able to proceed with busi ness , without wasting any time in long discussions and exchanges of views , Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances nt the Now York Plumbing Co. SPCIII-O n iMt Before tlio Next Ailvanco in I'riocH , Remombcr Broadway is to bo paved to the river and other oxtonsuo permanent improvements are to bo made which will boom prices4 > n all property.Vohavo \ the largest list in the city of lots in all additions. Give us n call and wo will bo glad to show you all property wo have for oalo. Wo also have some choice acre age property loft. BALDWIN & TIIOPTMAN , 000 Broailway. Council Bluffs , la. ItarualiiN I'or To-Day. Full lot and six-room house on Avenue A , near Tenth btreot $2,000. Wo have some of those lots facing Urotulxvay in Benson's second addition at $0'JU. They will bo $1,000 before ton days. Call and buy ono or moro of those , as they cannot bo beat for a speculation. Broadway lias been ordered paved to the river. Eighty acres within ono milo of the business center for $500 per aero , terms very easy. This land i # very nice and cannot bo beaten as to location , lay of laud , etc , Wo huvo only two lots left Iu Curtis & Ramsey's addition nt the low priced wo have been offering thorn. Twenty acres in Rico's sub-division very chenp. hots in Railroad addition. Bargains in all parts of the city. THE BKNPOX & MAYNE , REAL ESTATE COMVANV , No. 502 Buo.unvAY. Another Itlg Snlc. A syndicate yesterday purchased the Gregg tract of 40 acres , paying therefor $40,000. Jofferis' replat of Lots 1 and 3 of Al bright's choice , 5-8 milo south of Ham mond's packing house , South Omaha , on main line of Union Pacific railroad. Omaha. Choice lots in Omaha addition will bo placed on sale by Crosslaud X : Otis to- dny. dny.List W List your property with YoaKiim & Co. For Choice Bargains sco Yoaknm & Co. , over First National bank. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. For S.ilc A now city ma ) ) of Council Bluffs. Inquire at Herald olllcc. Two sealskin caps ami two overcoats were sneaked from the Ogilou house last night. A sealskin cap was alno stolen from the Paoilie hou o. The police have arrested Charles McLoud on suspicion. Last cvcnim : Mis. II. W. Hart and Mrs. J. D. EdinuniUon entertained a party of their Irieiids at their home on Willow avenue. The parlors were beautifully decorated with ( lowers. An orchestra in the upper halhvay discoursed sweet music. A sumptuous repast was spread , and all the details were elegant. SPECIAL NOTICES. 3STOT1OS. Ppccln ! mtvurtleoincnts. such ns Lost , To tnd 7ol.omi , Tor Bile , 'lo Hunt , nnH , Honiiilnir , etc , 111 liolnscrtivl In this column llm low rntoofTUNCKNTSI'mt titNU forihoilrpt liner- Ionntid I-'lvoContal'crMnoforpAcli 8Ubsoiiiuut | ln L > rtiou. Iciivu nJvoillsouipnts nt our ullico No. 11 ! Venl street , noir Uroailwar , Council Ululls WANTS. \\7ANTii : ) A K ' 0tl pill for nonornf 1)01130- work. Inquire 10U Fourth street. "T71OK SAIiK A well improved fiirm..V ) ucres. -t" Including " 0 ucros of timber , Rituutod in HOB Creek to\vn lnp. I'nttnuattmnlo county ; 1W norea In suction 31 , Imlmteo lyliiff lust west thereof. Inquire on premises of Theodore lliisch. WANTRI ) A flrst-clafT Rlrl with first-class wiitlnr. reference" " . No otliors need apply. Apply nt No. 6:37 : 1'ourth street , Council Illulls. FOH SALK Choice , smooth , unimproved 16(1 ( acres elo o to llrnlnnnl , in llutlcr county , Nelircukn. Will iflvn Inrno discount troin prud ent vnluo for cnsli. Addr < w Iliititmir , Kiinrnn & JOIIP * . David City , Nob. , or W. J. , lleo ollicc. Council Illulls , In. FOItSAliK At ntmrRiiln. 2iV > ncroiwllh line linpro\oiiiPMti , sl\ mile ? en t of Council Illuirs. 1'ileolow nnd nil the time needed. In quire of T.V. . Vim Sciot or , Council Illulls. rOUSAI.R If tnkcn thlsuecK A flvo room house on Filth e\onuo , nenr dummy depot. Tin ) ] street , sldi-wulk nnd lot tilled to Krndo. I'rlco Jll.l ) . Knsy terms. Address Lot. llco ollicc , Council llluirs. FOK SAI.H-in Here lot In section 18 , near poor farm , f 1JQ per ttciu. 40 ncresthtee-nimrtors ol n mile from Union olovutcr , f iCK ! ) per Here. M ncros one-hull milo east of Hook lelnnd depot , olnwanl property far city purposes ; i-0 iicrei OMO milo nnd one-mmrtcr from Union Pnelllc hotel. 200 acres land tire nnd one-half miles from Pacific house , f'-WH per aero. lxti in .Midland mldition , near Uroadwny , fCOD each. Bil ncroion Ornnd A nue. $300per ncro ; this- would m kp n Kood aclmtion. 1'ricn subject to clmngu without notice. Ap ply to Horace Kverott. T7OH SAW-Tho : business nnd furnlturo or 13 Hotel Denmark No ( L'J nnd 6'.M llrondnny. , y on ptomises. Itonaons for selllmr. prev App'ropriotorvHuea ' to leave city. I'eterhon cut p pSTACY STACY & CO. , -IJV A GREAT BARGAIN. A fine two-story brief : lionsc with ten rooms , situated on elevation , th FIXKSTotiJtrouaivau , lot 103 fret on JSroatlwd2JO ] feet on State street and JUt feet on 1'lcrcc street , Price Only cars run In front of this tract , and JtrtHidwaji Is pared with cedar blorlii. lite land Itself Is worth more than the price asked for the whole. ( tern prapfrtu < ni Frunlilln uvcniic very low. 30 acres Joining the city limits near Grcendale , t'ViM ' ) ? per acn : ( 177 acres tire and one-half miles east of the cilif , ftfiO per acre. fiO acres at $ < > O per acre. XO acres one-half mile north of tint city limits , near Jiroailway , at $3,500. Residence Properly , Business Properly , Cheap ! LOTS IN ALf J'AIITH OF TllK CITY I'Kitr LOU" . W. O. STACY & CO , , Real Estate Brokers , JYb 9.Maln stn C GREAT SALE OF Ladies' ' and CfTdrens' ' Arc have succeeded in pur- nt nn Extraordinary Bargain A largo quantity of Muslin Un derwear , Childrens' Dresses , Aprons , etc. , which we have di vided into two lots , and to make quick sales will sell them nb let 25c Consists of Ladies1 "Night Robes , Chemises , Drawers , Corset Covers , Long White Aprons , Children1 White and Red Msthcr Ilubbard Dresses , Drawers and Infants' Slips. These garments are well made and warranted pcrsccfc. Lot 3. 2 50c. Consists of Ladies Night Dresses , Skirts , Chemise , Drawers , Corset Cov ers and Childrens1 White and Turkey Red Dresses. All trimmed with Linen Torchon laco. Such garments as these are usually sold for 75c to $1. Wo take great pleasure in plac ing this immense purchase be fore our customers and invite an early call , as we believe this to the greatest bargain in Muslin Underwear nnd Childrens Dress es ever offered in this city. . 31-1 , Via , ; t8 ami ! S2O Jlroail t Council JiluJt'ti , All fresh good well made , full sizes , good shapes , nnd warranted free free from imperfections. SECURE A LO BEFORE THE Next Advance in Prices Kcmcmbor Broadwvy is to ue paved to the river , and ethel extensive permanent improvements are to bo made , which will uoom prices on all property. "Wo have the largest list in thd oity of lots in all Additions. Give us a call , and wo will bo glad to show you all property wo have for sale.Vo \ also have some choice acreage property loft. 506 Broadway , Council Bluffs , /OS E. W. RAYMOND , TATE , 13 NORTH MAIN STREET , First National Bank Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Vacant Lots , L < nids , City Jtcsltlcuccs and Minns , acre jiropcrty hi western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for spring stock. R P. OFFICER. ' Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Jtootn S , over O/Jlccr < 0 J'usej/'H lianh ; Council Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUM'S , Oppoblto Dummy Depot. CO SB S (7 ( Horses and mules leapt constantly on hnnil , for sale rtt retail or in car loads. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Slock sold on commission. Siiu'TKit & HOI.BV , Proprietors. Tolopliono No. 114. Formerly of Kcil Srtlo Stables , corner 1st. iivo. and -Itli fatreet. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL UUJKFS , IA. Ketnblishcd 1857 R. RICE , M. D. , Anntono Or otburTuimiM removed without Lufjcers , [ ,0 unlfo orilruwlnirof blood. Over thiity yoni-H practirnluzporleiico. No. 11 I'cmrlSt. , Council lllutl * . fj/ Consultation froo. O. R. ALLEN , EngineBrSuriieyorMap , , Publisher No. 11 North Main St. City and couiilf miptof Cltloi anil countlej In western | owii.Nlir.ukuaiid ! Kun j . Geo. S. Miller & F. II. Tobey , Civn < ENOINKKUS. Oflico over 1st National Hank , cor. Main ami Hroadway. If you want ostlmntos or tilnns for lirldgo irorKfoundation , sewora , trraainir or survey. lniin < l platting , cull upon Ilium. All work given prompt attention. W. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office over American E riNU'.y iii'iirci : . 01:01101 : : w. iiu it never & in GOt liroatliray , UjiSlairs , ConncllJltiiffs , Justice of the Peace , 115 IJi'omlxvay , Council UluHV. Refers to any bank or business lioiiao iu the city. Collections a specialty. JOHN r. di'.vj 11.1 i i STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT- , Practice hi the State and Federal conrt Uooms 7 and 8 Shutfart-Huno blo k. OOXTNOIL , BXjT.TF'ir'S Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Lar c quantities to select from Several palm of fine drivers , single - gle or double. MASON WISE , Council liliilln. J ) . H. MoDAKKU ) & CO. , | i : utn iioJ I&M. ) Nn. i MHln Htrt-i't. i i i Council Ilhiffi. AM ) DKU.KIIH IV- HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC. CBESTON HOUSE The enl > hotel in Council lilull' < > having Fire Esoa/pe And all tnoJcrn improvements , aiO , 817 and 210 Main st. MAX MO UN , Prop. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OI'KNT. Lad ifbbu\uig a S hatbonnctjOf one far u will be paid , $10 , tound ( rip.