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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 12 , 1887. THE RSEVAIS BILL PASSES , Endorsement By the Senate of the Measure and Van Wyck'o Amendments. AGRICULTURE AND LADOR. Tlio House Adopts the Hill Creating tlio New Department ljGnjrlls ci.sglcm Itcgnrtllna the Hn rcau of Anltnnl Industry. Bcnntc , ffi Jnn. 11. Tlin committee on Indian ofTnlrs reported back vv Itli amcndmonts tlio house bill granting to the St. Paul , Min neapolis & Manitoba Katlroail company right Of way through Indian reservations In north ern Montana and northwestern Dakota. Calendar. The committed on military affairs reported a bill for tlio relief of telejjraph operators during tlio war. Calendar. On motion of Mr. Mandorson tlio house bill for the relief of settlers and purchasers ot lands on the public domain In Nebraska and Kansas was taken up and considered , the question being on tlio substitute reported by the committee on public lands. Tlio substi tute appropriate1) S2,000 to reimburse purchasers - chasers , liouiustpaders and pro-rmptors who had to pay for their lands to the Northern Kansas Knllroatl company , which was de cided by the circuit court oC the United States to have prior tlttlo to the lands , the basis ot reimbursement being S3.CO per acre. After discussion the substitute was agreed to and the bill , thus amended , was passed find a conference nskcd. The Intpr-statu commerce hill was liken up and Mr. Harris , ouo of the three senate con- frrccs , made an arcuuiciit In favor of the bill. Tliu country , he said , had fur moro than ten years , and still , demanded that the carrying tradu bo fairly and justly mutilated by tlio government. Thoconstiuctlon sought to bo glvon to Uio fourth section ( as to long and short haul ) was simply nbstud. The plain meaning of the section was that the carrier should not demand a larger cross sum tor haullnpc a car load of grain or freight over n part ol his line than Is demanded for hauling n car load ol the sainn class ot freight over Its \\lmlii line. Onoelfect of It would bo to put nil end to tlioso ruinous competitions for through Irrkht known as "into vvais. " Mr. McI'hursoti contended that If the local rate Is nmdu reasonably In the samascnsctliat tliu through rate Is made lua&ounblo the nat ural and Inevitable consequence Is that the through rate will tie mndo gieatcr. Mr. Camdcn said ho thought the bill would Incrc.xsii tluoiiK'i ' intps because through lutes am tno low In propoitlon to local rates. Mr. Haiilsbmy siioko In favor of tlio bill. Mr. Cullom repeated the notice licretoforo Riven by him ho would nsk the souato to remain In session to-iuoirovv till the bill was disposed ol. After an oxectitlvo session the seriate ad journed. House. WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. On motion of Mr. Brack' of Wisconsin the senate amendments wcin concurred In to the bill providing for a school of Instruction for cavalry and light artillery. The river and Imrbnrapuroprlatlon hill was reported back and It was referred to the com- in It tee of the whole. On motion of Mr. Caswell of Wisconsin Wednesday , February 0 , nt 3 o'clock , vvas set apait for consideration of resolutions touch ing the death of William T. 1'rlco , late repre sentative from Wisconsin. Mr. Bragg of Wisconsin , from the com mittee on military affairs , reported back the senate bill auihorUIii ! ; the si'cretaiy of war to accept certain land near Chicago. House calendar. In the morning the house resumed consid eration of the bill for the erection ot n public building at Charleston , S. C. . In committee of the whole. The bill appropi lated 5100,000 for the purchase | of a site and 100,000 for the erection of a building1. Mr. Hepburn of Jowa moved to reduce this latter amount to S'JOO.OOO. Tlio city , ho de clared , was In decadence and in suppoit of his assertion ho stated that between IbCO and 18SO the population had increased only 1,700 , while between the same periods the govern ment receipts from all sources had fallen off. Mr. Dibble ot South Carolina thought Mr. Hepburn's statement was not a fair one. In the period between 1800 and 1S&0 Cliailesion had passed through nil the mlsfoituncs of a four years' war and at the close of which grass had been growlnc In the Ktieots. As he did not wish to Imperil the bill hn asked tlio committee to aeree to Mr. Uepbuiu's mo tion. This was done , the committee lose and the bill as amended was passed. Alter the Introduction of u number of bills the house adjourned until 20 : ! ! n. m. Upon reconvening the house , at s:53 : p. m. passed the bill creating the department of acrleulturo and labor yeas , BJ2 : naj > , 20 The bill provides that there shall be at the seat of go\ eminent an executive department to known as the dcpaiiment of agriculture and labor , under contiol of a secretary of agriculture and labor and an assistant secre tary. There shall bo In tlio dopnitiuont of agriculture and labor a division which shall bo under charge of a commissioner of labor , who shall hold ids olllce four years mid until bis successor shall boappoluted , unless sooner removed , and hhall receive a salary of 5,000 a tycar. The commissioner shall collect Infoimntlon upon the subject of labor , Its rotation to capital , bourn of labor , rate of wages , cost of production of articles pro duced , camlngs of Inboiing men and women , means of promoting their material , social , intellectual and niorar prosperity , and the best means to protect life and prevent acci dents In mines , woikshops , factories and other places ot industry. The swiotary Is empowered to inqnlm Into causes of discon tent wljlch may exist between employer.- ) and employes within tliu United States , and ho mav invite and hear sworn statements iiom both parties concerning mattcis In contro versy. Mr. Herbeit of Alabama then called up tlio naval reorgani/atlon bill , but ho was nntago- nl/ed by Mr. Hatch with a motion that the house go Into committee of the whole lor the purpose of considering the bill amendatory to tliu net establishing a bureau of animal In dustry. The recent outbreak of cattle dis ease In Chicago , .said Mr. Hatch , made It an imperative necessity that tlio housu should pass the bill , tor every hour's delay was dangerous. Mr. Hatch's motion was ncrccd to and the house accordingly went into com mittee of tlioliolo ( Illount of Georgia In the chair ) on the bill Mated. Mr. Hatch said that the present law was beneficial as far as it went , but that it did not co far tmouL'li. It was Inclllclent and Inadequate to suppress the spread of nleuro- pneumonia which , If not controlled by national legislation , would In a shoit time absolutely dcstro ) the value of the cattle in dustry. TliudaUKor could not bo nvui Mated. Tliu loss In dollai.s and ct'uts to the peoplu of the United States when the first gun tiled at Kort Slimier uslioiod In the rebellion , was not trit'ater than that tlneatened by an out- bteak ot plcnro-pnoiiionla. Tim changes In the bill , he said , consisted clilelly In Urn 10.- inoval of restriction upon ihu commissioner of figilci > Uuio : IH lo the employment of u foice to enforce the law , and in empowering the commissioner , with tliu eo operation of Htuto authorities under state livvc , to con demn and destroy Infected entile. It was provided In tlio pundim ; bill that when the state i of used ot neglected to eo operate w ith tuocoui'iilvilnnm , the president hhotild de clare that state In ijuarantluii and prohibit tiauspoilotion ot cattle out of it. Mr. MrMllIln of Tennessee inquired whether n cow afllleled wllh pleuropnou- nionla was not worthier. Mr. Hatch replied that it vtas won.o than useless. Mr. McMllltn further inciulied why , If a row "as vvor o than iihele.-s , tlio treasury should bo couiiH.'llt'd to pay the value ot the animal beloio It eontractoil Ihu dbease , Mr. Hatch ii'iillcd that lliis provision Mas bused upon the expoilenco of the most en- Iliditened governments in the management of the disease for 100 yoais. It vv.w so easy to conceal tliu existence of tliu disease and M > haul to detect It that some eouipc-nsalion must bo given tn owners ot Infected cattle or all the money which could bu appiopriated would not stamp out tl o di.seasc. Mr , Moigan of Mississippi opposed the bill on tliOL'roiiiid Umt It was vain und Illusive and \\onlil amount lo nothlnjj. Mr Svvtneburne of New York , the memlHT of the committee who pie.sonted the minority report , had that Ivpoit lead as part of his iiMiiarks. A new leatiuo In public eth ics was that which it < iulies a urdiulcuu to bo paid men ( o prevent violations of the law. Aside from the iceal questions arising , ns n matter of equity it would be equally loelcal to a k the govonuont to reimburse farmers for the loss of their crops by cj clones , birds , rotornny other nnforsern can * ? ; brcauso sucli crops were the di'ittiidcnco of the family. , . . . . Vending further debito HIP committee rose and the house adjourned. STATE ii ProcccclInRfl In I ho Illinois Senate mill lloitBo Yesterday. SrniNoriEM ) , III. , Jan. 11. In the Bonato a icsolutlon was adopted providing for the appointment of a. committee of three mem bers to Inquire Into the causes leading to the death of Fannie Charllon , who died this winter nt the deaf and dumb asylum at .Jacksonville from exposure to the cold. A bill was Introduced by Chapman provld- vldlng for the employment of convict labor In making school books for free distribution among those entitled to admission to the public schools , and asking for an appropria tion of 23,000. Southworck Introduced a bill touching the revision of the law concern- in ? lunatics. The appointment ot Colonel A. S. 1'rlckctt on the state board of pharmacy to succeed George Buck , of Chicago , was confirmed. In the house of representatives a resolution of respect In honor of the late Judge Jtodgcrs , ot Chicago , was adopted by n rising vote. A preamble and joint tesolutlon touching on tlio life and services of David Davis , was adopted In tlio same manner. The following bills wore Introduced : Uy Littler , providing for an ap propriation ot § 15,000 for the contingent ex penses of the general assembly ; by Crafta , to empower trustees of schools to lay out and dedicate for street and highway purposes any portion of school lands for the public boncllt ; by Archer , to strike out the disability of mar ried women fiom the statute relating to limi tations of all kinds ; by Uogardiis , to authur- l/o the appointment of an agent in Washing ton city to attend to Dm claims of Illinois sol diers and sailors ; by Hogardus , relating to the study of byglono and physiology in the public schools , with special relcioucu to In struction as to the effects of alcoholic buyer- ages ; by Bradshaw , providing for rooms In the state house for a state library : by Uruba- ker , relatincr to the election and qualifica tion of justices ot the peace and thu method of appeal from justices' courts to circuit courts ; by IJrubaker , lo extend the jurisdic tion of county courts , and amending the law regulating appeals Horn county courls to cir cuit courts ; by Chase , to prohibit selling of pools on laces ; by Collins , to amend the law iplatlng to ci uelty to animals by the appointment ot an olllcer at Quincy ; by linker , to provide lor an annual icport from the auditors of tclogiaph companies as tothuuioss receipts and mileage ; by Kuller , provldfni ; for the erection of a monument to the memory of John A. Logan In Chicago , with the appointment of a committee to re ceive subscriptions and a state appropriation of SuO.OOO ; by Oitt Liens , to provide for the anditliiu' of tlio quarlnily reports of county superintendents ; by llalpin , to encouiago the provocation and cultivation of t'tsli cul- tire ; by llalpin , to authori/o the cleaning and widening of watercourses ; by Lovvry , providing foi semi-annual icnoits or banking bouses ; by Crafts , to provide for an Incicaso of six In the number ot circuit judges ot Cook county , to be elected next June and based on the claims of the county ; n bill providing for corporations employing moro than ten per sons to pay vviu'os In lawful money ; by Mc- Kiuley , to punish false pietenses In obtain- iue registrations of cattle ; by McKinlay , to prevent deduction In payment of labor ex cept for money lawfully advanced ; by Mo- ilillan. to provide for the election of llfteen members of the Cook county board at one election and making one district of llio city aiidcountv. The house then adjourhcd until \i'M \ : tills alternoon. Indiana's Senate Latch Key on the lii- Hlile. , Jan. 11. Senator Harri son WHS refused admittance to the floor of the senate nnd several prominent democrats weio treated in the same manner. The reso lution introduced by Senator Trlppett , dem ocrat , Inviting the house to meet in tno hall of the senate on the 19th , was passed by a strict party vote. Before noon an adjourn ment was taken. A messagu from the liotiso was announced and the presiding olllcer of the senate Mated that the mcssasro would bo received at the close < > t the debate then In progress. A committee was appointed by tlio speaker of the house to ascertain why Its message was not received immediately , claiming messages from ouo honso to the other as being questions of the highest prlv- lecc , and demanding recognition at once. The afternoon session of the house was void ol features of special Interest. In the alternoon the senate continued the debate on the Davis icsolutlon , but finally tno pioposltion was inled out of the older by thu chair. Davis appealed , but the decision of the chair was sustained. The elfect of tills action is to deny the validity of yester day's proceedings In the house In connection witli declining and announcing tliu vote tor lieutenant governor. In closini : the proceed ings In the senate President Smith announced tnat he was anxious to have the question at Issue between Kobeitson and hlmselt settled by the courts BlcOrc-iior's Pair Uncord. McGiiEOOJt , la. , Jan. 11 [ Special Telegram to tlio BKH. ] The records ot the justice courts of tills city show but two arrests for drunken ness In the past t\vo yeai9. McGregor Is the only city on the Mississippi that has no sa loons. Ijivcry Itnra JJurnccl. ATLANTIC , la. , Jan. 11. [ Special Tele gram to the BKI.J : At So'clock this morning llro was discovered In Porter & Hopley's barn. It was totally destroyed , but the loss Is fully covered by insurance. A largo stock of horses had been recently .sold , so tlio total loss It > thus lednced. A Conductor Killed. KKOKUIC , la. , Jan. 11. | Special to the BKP.J At Keln was run over and killed by tv Hock Island switch engine to-day , Ho was a conductor aud his home was In Bur lington. _ Machine Works Destroyed. OTTUMWA , Ta. , Jan. 11. [ Special Telenam to the BKn.J The Western machine works , Flnley & Kelzer proprietors , \\oro burned at 11 o'clock last night. Loss , S3.00D ; Insur ance , S'J.IW , SSOO each In the Merchants of Xmturkand Hamburir of Bremen , $1,000 In Niagara and Siso in tlio KocheHtor Guiman. Sulultio ofnn Anarchist. Jan. 11 , The conjecture has been made thatf'iof. ScholT , uho ciilclncd in jail yestwday , was tiie bomb thrower at the Chicago hayiuarketi lots. This Is based on thu tact that his Irionda In jail \\eio anarch ists and that two of thxm sav ho wrote many of thi ) most incoiidlarv uillclt'S In the ( ! hi- cagoamtichisU' oriian bufoio tliu ilot. It is thought he fciucd the trial in tlio police com t hero would leveal his connection with the riot nnd result In his attest tor that crime. not ) Per Cent Profit has been made since last August by pur- clmsorsof lots from Mr. Albright , in the addition west of Aunuuiir's CIKHPK. Ai.iiiiirjiir's Uuoici ; JJu.vra must ALL ANI > DON'T you FOHUIJT IT. Have Von Heuu Them ? If not , call on W. (1. ALBHKJUT nnd cro out to SOUTH O.MAHA with onu of bis a ontti to inspent the magnificent prop erty known : w Auiuiniir'tt CHOICE. ShaUint ; Up San l-'rancUco. SAN KJIANCHCO. Jan. 11. This city was racked from cast to west at eight minutes alter t this inornine by an eaithquake , vthlch lasted aevon seconds. No damage reported. "They Are Beautiful. : \nd much larger than in ether Addi tions , " is the usual verdict reeanUiis the 200 lots in ALUIUGUT'S CHOICE. Buy n Few Of those clepant lots m ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE und double" your money before spring. Albright is waking lots of money for lots of people who purchase from nun , Only a liUlo tuonoy required to , buy a lot. TIIE PACIFIC FUNDING BILL , A Lively Time in the House of RepTesonta- tivos Over tlia Measure. MRS. CLEVELAND'S RECEPTION. The I'crccntnuc of Measures to llo Considered By This Conurcss the Smallest In Yenrs National Capital N'cwa. Constdcrntlon Postponed. WASIHNOTO.V , Jan. 11. [ Special Telegram to the Hii : : . | There was \crj"illvply tlmo In the house for half an hour this afternoon over the I'acllle rallioad funding bill. An opportunity was offered for forcing consid eration of this measure , but Its friends saw that It could not bo completed wllhln the time which would bo gUen It , and even the shott talk on It would take from It the posi tion It occupies on the calendar , nnd so Its friends fought oil Its consideration , while they who desired Its defeat tried to take It up. Great confusion existed while the halt- hour was being killed , and It was passed over nt the expiration of the morning hour. An opportunity will bo sUen for Its consid eration on Saturday , when enough time to complete It will bo given. Mr. Ciisp will di vide the time with Mr. Springer , who has n number of amendments to offer , and the de bate Is expected to be tart This Is the meas- ute , It will bo remembered , which , accordIng - Ing to reports , has commanded so much money in the lobby for two or thtcu years , the railroads desiring Us adoption. It funds the Indebtedness of the 1'aclllc railroads to the uoverninont for a period of elRhty years In the annual payment. Miis. cr.iJvr.i.ANn's uncnpTiox. Sirs. Cleveland's reception from 13 to 1 to-day was laigcly attended. lurln that hour ihu dtlvcway was well lillod with the carriages ot callers. The most noticeable turnout was the llltlo Uusian drosky ot Mr. GreL'or , of the Russian legation. It was drawn by a beautiful blood bay with sllver- mounteil harness and trappings. Thu small wheels of the drosVy , with their silver spokes and rubber tires , attactcd considerable atten tion , us dhl thu bearded Kusslan drlvei In full Russian livery. INTKIIKST IN TIIH INDIANA CONTfiST. The interest In the sunatoilal contest nt Indianapolis amounted to excitement at thu caultal tills afternoon , A dispatch was le- culved by a Hoosier democrat about noon stating that Green Smiththe rump president pro tern of the senate , had refused to vacate thu chair when Lieutenant Governor Kohert- son presentoiUhlm&clf as presiding olllcor , ho provoked a inw and was thrown out of the chair by the lieutenant Kovcrnor and a ccncial dllllculty was imminent. Several tclotfiaiiH were sent to Indianapolis to ascer tain the truth of thu tumor , but nothing def inite has boon received to-night and the terest continues to bo absorbing. Repub licans here aio very much pleased at thu con duct of the leaders of thulr piitv In Indiana , while thu democrats ifgiet that which their rppiesontativcs mo doing in the contest. Xuno ot them endorse it. Senator Edmunds says the republicans nt Indianapolis uro acting according to law nnd order and courts , and tliu Dconlo will sustain them. MOT SO I1A1) AS Hi ; IS I'AIXTEl ) . Senator Sabin , who lias been reckoned as among thosu who are friendly to corpora tions , has an amendment that no proposes to olfer thu next tune a bill Is proposed to craut a riuht of way ot government landand which wil 1 strike vety ham at the luteiosts ho has boon accused of serving too energetically. His amendment provides that no railway shall be constructed within or through any Indian reservation or other public lauds until tlio estimated cost of Its construction nnd equipment for successlul operation in cash shall have been first submitted to the Inter-stato commerce commission , and ap proved as n fair and reasonable sum required therefor , and tf any railway company shall pay for Riioli construction , ia cash or block or bonds , or In any fonn of money or indebted ness an amount in excess of the sum so esti mated and approved , it shall forfeit all rights granted without further form or ceremony with all pioperty on said resurvatjou or pub lic lands to the United States. This amend ment will bo offered to all the several bills now pending In the senate to grant right of way to railroads In the west , and lntondpdas it shows on Its face , to prevent stock water ing. There will bo allvely protest from some ot Sabln'jJ constituents who are engaged In railway building , but ho Is determined to pass It it ho can. ci.ivcrA.Ni : ) nni'AKTH FIIO.M Tin : CUSTOM. Tlio nomination to-day by the uicsldcnt of Henry I ) . Humphrey , of Idaho , to bo n second end lieutenant in me army , caused surpiisc among those senators who are familiar with the law governing the appointment of civilians to the military .service. The net of Juno 11 , lb7B , provides "that the appointment of civilians to be second lieutenants m anv of thu regiments of the army shall bo made In time ot peace only when moro vacancies exist in th' ) army than will be required in the nssiguuipnt ot Iho no\t graduation class of cadotsattlm United Status military acad emies. " There.aro now about twelve vacan cies In the line ot the aimy and the next graduating class at the military academv con sists of sUly-tour members. The law above ( juototi toibids the appointment of civilians until the vacancies shall exceed sixty-four , Anothei law passed In 1S78 provides that civilians shall only bo appointed after the as signment ot the iiraduitlug class mill such noii-coinnilssioncd otliccrb lie commended for promotion to the rank of second lieutenant. Illi : NirAIlAdUA ( UNAI. . The senate to-day In secret session passed an Important resolution relating to tlio con struction of a canal In Nlcaiagua Dptweeu the Atlantic and P.icilio oceans. The resolu tion was reported by the committee on foreign relations and icqucsts the piesldont to open negotiations wllu the go\eminent of ! STIc minim with n view of obtaining conces sions to the United States for the purpose of constructing n canal acioss thu isthmus on what Is known ns the Xlcaangun route. The committee on lorei ; : ! ! relations recently re ported n bill to Incorporate a company to con struct a canal over this toiito and Ilia lesolu- tlou adopted to-dav would indicate that the henato dcslios to liava the proposed canal during the progress ol Its construction and attei It Is completed under thu protection of the United States. TI1K I'llKSlIIKNI'IAIj riltMlCH I'llOSl'EIlIXO. The annual mi'Ctlng ot the conyn'jrntlnn of the l'irht I'rosbjterlan church , of which .Mis. Cleveland Is a member , was held hero this evening. Thmo was. a. full nltendanco , but Mis. Cleveland , who has shown some inter est in church work , was not present , which was partially atlrihulcd to the fact that the piesldont was notable to accompany her. In llioabieneo of senator McMillan , president of tno congregation , an older presided. Treasurer Sargent read his ropott , which showed that dining 1 5 tlio Increase in to- celpls over the former year was ahovo $500 , which laigcly rupichcnU the contributions of the curious ctowd that has weekly assembled at the chinch to hcu the president and his hi Ide. During tlio yoai tl.'JOO was .spent In Impiovmgnnd adorning the edifice. Anew tlio floor was lalil In the \iatimik' , \\liilo the woodwork of the stairway was painted. A new cushion was placed in the presi dent's pu\v , which was also provided with toot stools , prajer books and hymnals. The dingy appearance ot tlia frescoing of the church was not impioveci. Ahouttwenty- live additional memlieiPIO added to tlio congregation. As n maik ot esteem tor thu Rev. Dr. Suiidetland , thu pastor , a sum of money was set aside as an annuity reserve fund to lie added to annually for seven years , and at tlio end of that tlnui to bo pieseiited to Iho docior with nccrucd Intr-test. It Is thought that the conn Ibutions to this fund will bu liberal and that a handsome amount will thus bo cathered for the pibtor who mar ried the incident. This is an innovation which , it Is L > elie\ed , will bemoiusatisfactory than the ordinary method of talslng the pastoi's salary in order to aid him. The otll- curs of thncongregation weioru-elceted , with Senator McMillan ns president Altogether thu piosiilent's chinch can bo bald to be pros , pel lug. roi'ltT-SIAUTlAMNO I.IKUT , IIUMI'Iim.VS. Thcru Ida couit-martial In session at the arsenal hero which is likely to develop a nasty scandal. First Lieutenant CUailus Humphtejs , of the Thlid artillery , son of the lata floneial Humphreys , chief of nrtll lerv on Grant's staff during the \\.ir , and until his retirement chief of engineers , U being tried tor conduct unbecoming an olllcor and a gentleman. A deteimined attempt has been made to keep UIH specification * M > cipt and General Gibson said todavtliat Lieu tenant Huuiphres was to bo tried'for skating on the pond wnlch fuinlslios lee for the garrison risen niter he hail been forbidden to do so , 1 his assertion causes a good deal of amuse ment In military circles and It Is generally la mented pat LlfUtcniuu Humphrey * should bo In thn rtcss lie Is. These ort of state ments do not b6ip hlni > nnr. The fact Is that Lieutenant Huniohreys married n woman whom the ladles at the garrison declined to receive nnd has defended his wife as n bus- hand should If he believed sno Is wlmtaho should be. A disagreeable ca o of ostracism has resulted In criminations and recrimina tions until U became necessary to call n court-martial to MUCH HKUCAOV. So much delicacy mists within the circles ot our legislators aixmt dealing with inter national questions that It Is belie\cd nothing will bd done at this fi ( * < don with any of the \arlon4 questions alTwIlng our relations with foreign countries. Senator Kdmnmls the other day broke the Icobysubmlttlng n tnvor- able repoit on the rcionrneuan canal bill , but there Is unlikelihood of Its being taken up lor pa age. Anextradition tieaty wltlt r.nclnnd Is pending nnd various questions relating lo Mexico and Spain , but fear of disturbing the pic-sent equanimity will defer action. rnncKNTAOK or MEASURES TO nn coxstn- It is said by the clc'rks In the house that the percent of nicasuics Introduced In this con gress which will receive action on the floors ot the two bouses will bu less than tn nny congiuss for many years. They cay that not moro that 3 per cent of the measures of a general character will receive llnal action , although : per cent ha\u been considered incommittee. In thu event an extra session of the Fiftieth congress Is called the entlte time , If ncpd bo , between now nnd the leg- ular session could be taken up on measures on the calendar , and no committco work would bo required. liut It Is Intimated nt the white house that If occasion should nrNo for an extra session the w oik to be done would bu pointed out In such a way that there could bo no mistaking it. I'jioFtessoii nr.M.'s nKstDEXcn nunxnn. At an rally hour this morning fire was discovered In the mansard roof of ihu SMO.OOO residence of Professor Alexan der Graham Moll , the telephone Imcntor , sit uated on Rhode Island avenue , bcott circle. Thu palatial structure was gutted and Hooded. Jinny thousand dollars worth of fuintturc and books and models woith al most ns much as thn building were de stroyed. Professor Hell Is out of the city. His faiuilv and servants had n narrow escape As Mrs. licit fled from the burning building she carried with her nt the peril of her life a largo bundle of papers. It Is said they were loch n leal descriptions of some of 1'rof. Hell's latest Inventions and worth moro than the whole Hell telephone. The inventions are Intended to supplant the latter when thu term of patents expire. They nro lor tele phoning without wire , cabling without wire , telegraphing from movlnc tialus , etc. Piol , Hell's ' scientific library , composed of moro than llvo thousand volumes , and the com- pletest private laboratory In the world weru hilly destroyed. Tliu pecuniary loss Is noth ing to Iho professor , ns ho has a nest egg In Mrs. Hell's name of over S-,000,000 ) in the government and quite as much In his own tltli' , but the loss to science Is great. His lahoralory and llbiary and residence Imvo nttiactcd scientists hero liom every part of the woild. TUB TOUT IIOIIIXSON" niT.T. . The housu to-day concurred In thn senate amendment appioprhitlnj : g.j'i.OOO to rebuild Fort Robinson to a ton com pany post nnd SHO.OOO to complete Fort D. A. Russell. The bill as It originally pissed Iho housoapptopriatod S17. " > ,000 lor the two posts named. Senator Mandeison , lor reasons known only to himself , had the bill amended In the senate committee cutting the appropriation down moro than a half nnd losing to h3 ! own stain an expenditure of moro than S59.000 , which would otheiwlso have been laid out In Davies county. The estimate from thu army headqutrturs called foi SS > 7UOO font-building Fort Robinson , In addition to $ : JOOCO already appropi latod. With this sum Iho post could haui beoti tobtillt to a seven company post. Tlio nniouut appropriated will now have fo bo .supplemented another year by a sum siilllclout to cnrrv out the pio- vlslons of the bill , enlarging the post to ten companies. I'ATiixTs issur.n. Patents were issued for the following to- dav : Gustin M. Anson , assignor of two- thfrds to H. Stoddart and C. 1) . Shrove , Marshalltovvn , In. , tube cleaner ; Walter Hiadbrook , Djparr. la. , hoot trimmer ; John AV. Hoagland , Lovltla , la. , liay loadei ; John Helm mid L. Kuglpberg , Ainsworth , Neb. , wind wheel ; Joseph H. McGee , Mnncliestet , la. , bow facing oaij Thomas E. Pniiltt , Omaha , pallor game ; Jennie M. Stewart , Cedar .Rapids , la. , assignor of one-halt to H. F. Thebault , Cook county , 111. , lint covet ; William U. Vountf , Waverly , In. , stanchion. I'OSTAI. CUANC1KS. The following Nebraska postmastcis weio appointed to-day : .Mis. Sallie Fnhn- stoek , Cams , Kejn Paha comity , vice John Hciger , resigned : John W. Martin , Homervlllu , Gosper county , vice George E. Dunn , resigned : William J. Dunnuck , Lan- liam , Gage county , vice A. S. Tajs , resigned ; 4. Hesslg , Utbana , Phclps county , vice A. P. Wllcox , teslgned. hMAI.T. CAPITALS. Army orders : Fiist Lieutenant H. L. Har ris , Fir- artillery , is tiansfeircd from bat tery M to battery I , vice First Lieutenant John P. Wisslcr. tiansferrcd from battery 1 to bntterv M ; Coiporal James Nugent , of the battallion ot engineers , Is reined on hu own application. Cancelled the Debt. Robert A. Steele , mem ber of the linn of llnll & Steele , commission merchants at the Union stock yards , was shot and killed about 10 o'clock this morning by Y. A. Marsteller , a trader about thoyards The killing was the outcome of a dispute over some money loaned to Marstollei by Stccle. The murderer was arrested and is now in jail. llnvo You Heon Thorn ? If not , call onV. . G. Ai.nmoiir nnd go out to SOLTII OMAHA with one of his Hjicnts to inspect the magnificent prop erty known as Autitir.HT'a Cnoiu : . Dyiinmllo Kactory Itnzod. Hum.iNOTox , Vt. , Jan. 11. The dyna mite tactoiy at I'lattsbuigli , N. Y. . was totally burned nnd destroyed by an explosion this morning and the shock was felt hero , twenty miles distant. Doois pud window. * i.ittled as if by n heavy eaithquake and many hundreds of peoplu lan Into the stteets. A m ivato dis patch states that the ( Ire started in the en gine room and the vvnikincn left when they vverounablo to extinguish the flames. No lives lost. Tliu main factory was deitiojed , but the fitoin house near bv , wllh a l.irgu amount of dynamite In it escaped. lluy n I'ow Ofthoso elcRiiut lots in ALBHIOIIT'S CHOICE nnd double your nionoy before spring' Albritrht is mnkinj : lots of monov ' for lots of jiropln who purchiiso from 'him. Only u little monuy ruiiuircd to buy a lot _ Buy u Kow Of the o ole uiu lots in ALiJUKHITS CHOICE nnd double your money before spring. Albright . is making lots of money lor lots of i rfplo who purulittso froniliini. Only u little money required to buy n lot , ' ' 'inn Till ! n CIUCAOO , Jan. 11.I he Dally News Tlflin ( O. ) dispatch .says : J. li Hcatty , of Hlooin- Ington. 111. . WHS also op tlio ill-fated Haiti- more iV : Ohio tialn and jicrishud in Ihn flames. His name added to the list of killed maKu the total fouitccn. HOO l er CVnt 1'rollt hns been mndo sincft hist August by pur- cimsors of lot.s froni Mr. Albright , in tlio uddition west of Ai.ftuicur'3 CUDICU. Ai.itiiiciiT'u Cnoic/iniArs / , : TUKH AM. DON'T vou roitf m' ir , Tlio Ilooni 'HI linniciiso IN SOUTH OMAHA IJUOI-EUTV , AND Ar- UUKJlIT's OlIOICK I.KAD3 ' 11IKM ALL. TlIEIli : IS NOT A HAD LOP IN THIS UKUTI - l\\K \ Kirent Jiulavla. IHri'Ai.o , Jan. 11 , The Commercial-Ad- VPI User's Data via special says a terrible Iho l.rukoout hero at " 'M tins niorning. The lilt ) slatted in thu Hatavln clamp factory and spread to adjoining buildings. Thoiu are MX or sewn building burned. The loss is laige , with only partial insurance. A western newspaper says that the latest sensation is n St. Louis liorso ( hat chuvvs tobacco ; but the greatest sunsa- tion is Dr. Hull's Cou rli Syrup. Salvation Oil is the greutest ] ) am-de- Blroyor of the ago. It spuuitily annibi- latoi ? pain'whether , from n cut , bniiso b'cnld , burn , /roit bite , or from n wound of any other kind. Price only 25 cents , THE STOCK MA Light Iln lnc s nt Lower Price * on \Vnll Street. CIHCAOO , Jnn 11. fSpeclal Telegram to the Hnc. I The stock market opened rather firm to-day , but the temper of speculation was not strong onouch to cause any advance ot moment. The only general conviction in regard to the market seemed to bo that no movement of importance would take place until some nctlon has been taken on the intcr-slato commerce bill. The early firm ness was due to moderate buying by London. It was claimed , however , that London houses were averse to carrying heavy lines of Amer ican stocks In the present condition of the English money marker , nnd would advlso their clients againct loading up too hrav lly. The strike among employes ot the coal roads was said to bo causing a heavy falling ofT In the earnings of Jersey Central. Hulls on It , however , wore still quite confident of much higher prices. It was rumored that ouo strong wing of Ihu bull party had icnltocd , nnd the drift ot stock to-day seemed to Indi cate that the remaining longs In it were trying to get out without attracting atten tion. London was responsible for a good share of the strength of Lrle , and there was evidence that strong foreign houses were bu > Ing It. A good ninny bearish re- potts were In circulation about SU Paul. It was figured out that it earned less than 3 per cent on Its stock dm Ing the past j ear , ntul Chicago reunited that Armour had been quietly xolllni ; out Ids holdings for some tlmo past , nnd would resign at thu annual meet ing In April. Hocking Valley boomed at the opening on n.story that the road would pass Into the contiol of the Vandcrbllts at the annual meeting to-day. The very unfavora- hlu statement made by the Rending for the year ending December : ! ! , IbSrt , caused largo selling and n sharp break In that stock. The market was , on the whole , rntlicr weak. Washington dispatches weio received just befoio the close announcing that a vote would bo taken In the ponnto to-morrow on thn Inter-sUtocommeico bill. It was regarded as almciot certain that the bill would pass nnd the prospect of getting a vote was made the pretax for hammering the market. The beaisMld largo lines of stock , and n break of 1 to IV ncr cent ensued , Omaha being nboul the vvcaUest thing on the list. It was n.ild London was a seller of all Granger stocks. The market ieact 'd n fraction befoio the close , but the last quotations were generally lower than the opening. The total sales were about IbU.OOd shares. Troops For Illototia Striken * . RICHMOND , Va. , Jan. 11. A riotous dcm- onstiatlon on the part of thu stiikluir em ployes of thu Old Dominion Steamboat com pany at XuwportNew.s occuned to day. The btrlkpis Imvo taken possession of pier No. 'J , set lire to bath housu of the Old Dominion Land company and peipcttated other outiagcs. Hicmoiid askb for an armed force to ptotect thu company's piop- crty anil arrest tlio offenders. Judge Peek , \\artlck county , has made loimnl call upon Governor Lee lor military aid , nnd hu has taken piumpt action in the matter by ordering tluce companies , two white and one coloied , tiom Richmond , nnd one white nnd onu coloied from Hampton to proceed at once to the scene of dlstuibnncc. Thu Kich- mend companies left at midnight. Mtrly : Clonlnjj and Half Holidays. Nmv Yomc , Jan. 11. ( Special Telegram to the Hii.l : Judge Noah Davis , who has just tetlred from the supiciiio court bench , presided last evening at Cooper Union at a mass meeting of salesmen and saleswomen Inlnvorof early closing and Saturday half hollda > s. Judge Davis said hohoaitily en dorsed the movement. Ho thought , how ever , that the holiday should not bo left to thu caiuico of employers but should bn enacted into n law. Hu also thought that wages bhould be paid in the middle of the week , which would help to keep the monev out of saloons. Hu would bu clad to aid in pi cpaiin n bill for the legislatute embody Ing the tegulallon. TnijKtiKAIMI XOJBS. Right Hon. Goorco May. lotd chief justice ot Ireland , has icsigncd. nFlonuet has been re-elected president of the French clumber of deputies. The Kansas legislature met nt Topekn yes terday andorgani/ed temporality. The Aikaiiba * house oiganl/ed yesterday by electing John M. Hewitt speaker. The Texas legislature mctnt Austin yes- tciday and Immodlitcly orgnni/ed. The Illinois state gi.mge is In session nt Hloomlnglon and will continue Ihieu days. 1) . F. Hayncs & Co. , proprietor of the Chcsapcaku pottery at Halilutorc , Jailed yus- teiday. The opera house at Suncook , N. li. , was destroved by hro yesterday morning. Loss , 550,000. Vaudeihcvdt's jewelry store In Chicago was lobbed last night ot 51,500 worth of gold watclicb. Thu Illinois statu boird of agriculture met In Springfield yesteiday and oijanl/cd by electing ollicers. lion. Alvn Adims , the ncv democratic governor of Colorado , was inaugurated jcs- leulay afternoon. The farmeis' national congress opened yesterday in Washington , and vvasaddicssed by President Heveily. During his speech to the Gciiuan reichstag jesteiday Hismaick drank nine glasses ot cold tu.uidy and water. A. J. Hrock's shoo factory at Hrockton , Mass. . binned voMerdnv moming. Loss , & 115.000 ; insuiancc , 805,000. A Columbus , WIs. , dispatch says that ox- Govcrnor James T. Lewis was struck wllh paraljtilb suit Is not expected to live. The annual convention of the journeymen unker ? ' national union assembled in Chicago yesteiday. Only routine business was tians- acted. Ho auso of the scatclty of coal Havpinoyer & ICIdei'shiiL'arri'linetv in Hiooklyn has .shut dovMi , About bOO hands aio tin own out of work. The striking switchmen and luakcmen on the Lnuibvillo it Nashville railroad have abandoned their strike aftei being idle eight een days. The tenth annual meeting of the Illinois Statu Har association convened in bluing- lii'ld jestdday , wllh Melvillu H. Fuller , of Chicago , piesidlng. The Dakota legislatuio convened at BIs- maick yesterday nnd elected George C. Crosse speaker of the housu n victory for South Dakota. The Wisconsin legislatuio convenes at Madloon to day nnd tin ) icpubllcniihnnd dem ocrats held caucuses hist night nnd nomi nated their candidate * . Atchblshop F.lder , of Cincinnati , denies thu Until of thu published lepoit that the Catholic chinch and Knlglil.s ot Labor nut united In opposition to the Henry Geoigu movement. The funeral of Rev. J. J. Glassbrwmcr. bishop emeiitus and hi'.ul of thu United Hrethifii church In the United States , tool ; plncoat Chuichvillo , Va. , yoiterday In tlio piesonco of a very largo congregation. Jiimos W. Itaymer anil F. K. Seagrovo , members ot n Toledo banking firm which laih'd iccently , vvuio anesled jostetday chaigrd with embc//lemont In coiinecllon with their failure. Hoth gentlemen vvcioie- leased on ball. A scene of wild disorder occurred yesteiday In the New Jer.sei housu of icpicMuutntlvcj between thu republicans and dumociats. I'ho democrats , by bulldozing tactics , tinall } came out victorious by electing Dr. Haiid , then candlduto for speaker. It Is understood that negotiations for nn amended tieaty with China piohlbltlng thu Impoitatlnn ot coolie labut Into this count ! v havu been successfully compluted anil thu tiratv will bo submitted to thu senate in n few ci.iyu for ratification. Representative Jeiry Murnliy. of Jowa , last night telegrai'hi'J Genera ! Henderson , now In Illinois : " 1'ho Henncpln icport is In and very btiong for ihu Rock Iblauil route , but It Is absolutely necessary that legislation ceding the locks and dams from LaSnllo to lleiiuepln be passed by the stato. " The Buuato yesterday conllrmed the follow ing nominations : Poiimasters-J. K. Hall , Toulon , 111. ; M. Warner , Limont , HI. ; U. L. Allen. Jollnt , 111. : W. A. McCuiio Stciling , 111. ; F. M. Mead. Marengo , III. ; M. L. louhy , .Vokomls , III. ; J. A. lUidon , Superior. WIs. ; J. K. Jonc-t , Portage , WIs , ; A. H. Irvlii , Cairo , HI. ; w. 0. Green , Fulton , HI. ; J. U , Dale , Kdwardsvllle , 111. ; JV. \ . Caraou , Kdgar , Neb , The secietary of war yesterday trans mitted to the hoii'e the report from the board of engineers appointed nndiT thu teims ot UiolastiiV'ir and harbor bill , upon the pro posed acquisition bv thu povernmuiit of thu llllnoU nud Michliran ( Heiinepln ) canal. The ivport Is geiu'Mllv iavorablo lo Hie con- btnictlon of the iroposfil canal on the Hue which Is ilesignatud in the bill reported b ) the house commit tee on railways imd canals. TllU COVNTV'S COST. The Ktpenscs oriiotiRlni County for the liast Yenr. County Clerk Neodham yesterday filed with the county commissioners , the fol lowing st.itcmont of the expenses of Douglas county for llio year ISSils Adrertlslngnml printing. S 2,710.S5 Assessment Attornov ( count } * ) IJooks.blanX' ' . statlon'ry. , Hly poor fuel S C.U3.77 City poor transportation , . 1,707.2s City poor supplier , 0,483.37 1- County commissioner.J.WilK ) Coioiier 010.75 Coroner Juiois and wit- nos c 4CS.OO1,087.7ft County clerk 240.05 Court bouse janitors and engineer 2lf > .03 Couit house fuel , . , s,3fli.ii Courthouse fnrnUtiro. . . . 431.05 Courthouse ca . . . . . ,1,011,17 Courthouse grading 1,014.00 Court house Ice and water SM.M Courthouse repairs 411,1)9 ) Courthoujointalnlngvvall 03,200.53 District court ballllTs 3.0K10 District court clerk ! i,187.15 District court , dcfciullng prisoners 8SO.R7 DIMi let court juror * 10,0o0.43 DIMrlcIctcouit , boaidlng Jury 00.15 Dfsli let court vvltnesses. . 2,737.w-17,013.D'.i : Klcctlon UliSi Kxiiminlng iccouls 1,300.00 Kvpcnso o-j.'JO Insane li'.r..35 : Insurance U7.50 imprest and discount. . . . 2C5o : : , lall supplies 144 0' > .lail guard 2,51)1.00 ) .lall repairs 083.14 3,120.10 Judgments 5,112 .75 MUcellnncous 2Vs3.\n \ Poor farm fuel Pfll.10 I'oorlariu supplies a.tV .OU roorfnrm help 1.4TO.S3 I'oorfaim hospital l.o-K.-w I'onrfaini 1,75U5 ( ! 8,84S.SO l'li > slrlan 517.50 Sheriff fees , ete 3on2.n Shcrlir boarding prisoners 11,039.00 11.131.RI Nupt. public ins'.iuctlon. 1,071oo Suivoyor 501.10 TIIXM ittfundcd 12.1.00 Tclophonus U5S.10 Tolal exponsi' foi ibsi. . Sll IJ5.42 C. 1' . Xir.i : > iiAM , County Ulcrk. Pollt Jurors. The following petit jurors were yester day selected by the commissioners for the Jiuiuary icrin of the district court : 1' . L. Porino , William Alien. W. U. Ap- plebce , , Iolm Mitehell , Peter 1'ronzior , Adolph Sudani , Samuel Slobor , William Anderson ( Second ) , \V. P. Morrow , IVtor O'Mnllcy. lIiiiisHnsmussnn. N. W. Nel sonP. i ) . Williams , ( SeoruoivIcKcnzio , ir , Joseph Ketlmun , Nols P. Jont/.er , P. W. IJurkliyusor , .Joseph Dully , llnrnoy Knm- morliifg , William Amlor.son ( Sixth ward ) , Vaclav L. VotUcha , ThomasColkin , Louis Spiingbirg. Rrcvltlps. The bank cluurances yesterday were $797,780 53. riio revenue collections yesterday amounted to 2,287.81. Of the 18fi saloon-keepers in the city 113 have paid the required license for the last quarter of tlio year cndini ; April 1. The Carter White Lead company yes terday filed an amendment to tlioir uiti- cles of incorporation increasing their capital stocK to S500.000. H. F. Pierce , who is accused of the lar- reny of a lot of goods fr0ni A. J. Abra hams , plead not puilly before Judge JJerka yesterday The charge of bur glary has also been filed against llio de fendant by Abiahams. The case will bo tried on Friday. i\lr. \ K. A. lloughton , member of the wh.ili'salo linn of Al.ll. Smitli it Co. , gave a complmiPiitnry dinner last evening to tlioir treveling men at his residence , 700 North Nineteenth street. Among those present vvoro George M. Tracy , ( jharlos 11. O'Hnen. Frank 11. Daniels , .loliu P. Huall , Clittrlos II. Morris , Harry II. Lodor ami M.V. . Kayloy. A Road HOIIHC A cnng of bporls from the city went tote to Tall oil's road liotiso last niglit nnd in the nbsonco of the proprietor cleaned out tlirs much completely , shooting holes through all of llio windows und demolish ing all of the Inrinture. The identity of the parlies is not known. Attention , School District 515. Thrro will bo a meeting of iicads of families and tax-payers in wild , district , nt tlio public school house , on Lowe ave nue. West Omaha precinct , at 8 p. in. , vVediiosdny , January 12 , to consider the abandonment of the main school house by the school trustuus , nnd such other business relative to said ollicers ns ninj' como before said meeting. The mem bers ot the school board are respectfully requested to attend. II. M VUTIN , ( ) S. OsJIOHN , F. J. liiAVVI.A : ! , And twenty-live others. XoininatloMH. WASHINGTON- . 11. Thopicsldent sent the following nominations to thu scnatu to-day : Postmaster ? William C. Rich , Anna , 111. : William A. Miller , Monticelo ! , 111. ; John W. Luslc , Monmoiith , 111. ; M. J. Hiiirgs , Dodguvllle , WIs. : nnd Georgu Me- Aleen , Sturgeon Hay. WIs. Have You Scon Tliom ? If not , call on W. G. Ai.iimmiT and go out to Soirm O.MAIIA with one of his agents to inspect the magnificent prop erty known us Ai.mtimir's Cuoici : . I'ersonnl Pi Mr. M. Strashburglicf of the Nebraska Clothing CD. goes oust to-night to Ix : ab sent for somu two months. Ho will bo accompanied by Mr. M. Levi. Charles Hlnekw oil , who for some time was Htiperiiilendunt ot the Montana Union railway , has returned to Omaha nnd assumed a position in the ollieu of General Manager Cnllnwiy. Huyo Vou Seen Them ? If not , enll on W , ( ! , Ai.niiKiiir and go out to Soi rn OMAHA with ouo of his Agnnts to inspect the magnificent prop erty Known ai AuniKinr'a Cuuic'i : . Nobrahkn nnil lovvn AVontlinr. For Xelnaska and Iowa : Hoist cold wave signal. Thu tomporaturu will fall 15 to lil demurs in the nu\t thliiy-lwo houis. DYSPEPSIA Oauios Its victims to l > o inlscraWeJmpdcss , confuted , nnddfjiiossudln mind , vi-ry liut.i- h'c , lutiKultl , ami diowsy. U H n dlsoaso which docs not got VM 11 01 Itself. H requires caicful , iicrsbtcnt nttentloii , and n lemiily lo Ilium off tin c.uiies and lone up the dlgcs- till they pt-ifurm their duties ll\o oiaii3 | willingly , llonil'a Btit > ; ip.iillla his I'lir.en ' just the t cqnli cil rcmcily In luiiiUi cdd ot cases. " I have tal.en Hood's S.imparllla for dys- pcpvla , fuun which I havu biilK'icd luo yc.ns. 1 tilodnuny other mullclncs.lHil nemo juineil eo satlsfactoiy ns Jlnod'n iparllla. " THOMAS COOK , lliush Klcitno Llglit Co , , New York City. Sick Headache 'Tor Iho past Uvo ) ears I have been nulictcdilli trvvro hcndailus aud d ) pcp- sla. I as Indiircd to try Hood's haibija- lill.i , and luvo fuiind iclluf. IdiciT- fully rrroiiniieiid It tu all. " Mis. i : . ] ' , AK.NAHI.I : , New Haven , Conn. Mrs. Mary C. Smith , Camhrldgppmt , Mass. , was a biiftVrcr from djt.pcjisla itiid Mck head ache , bho took Hood's riatsnparllla and Jouiid it the beit remedy i > hc over used. Hood's SarsaparHIa Bold by all druggists. SI i nix fur % ' > Mudo only by 0.1. HOOD & CO. , lx > well , Jlasi. ICO Dooos Ono Dollar * Prof , Clias , Lud lg Von Soepr Mortlclnn i\t th Unlelit of llio Uoynt AiKtrltn Onlpr of Iho t CrownlKnlKhl Oommindor of thn Horn ! Hi nhli Ordcrof I nhallM Knlsht nf iho Itoy-xl l'ni lnn Or flproftholltpil RnitloiOiiaTAller of the Lojlou ot TONIO ih nii not * rotVnunclr 1 nllh thatiorla of trmhr cure nils. I til In nn cn o of llio won ! i pntnnt romc Ir. I * n > tlinr- miRhlr ponTnn > intwllhlt mo IP of propfiMllon nnt tnon It lo l > not onlr A iPCHInut" phirnnci'iitlMt iiroilnctlMUnl ownrlhyof the hleli pomnioiutmloni lthn rocelKHlln ll | > nrt < otlho wnrl.l. U contnlm r cnco of llcpf , Copnyulnlnc , Iron ml C U nT- < . vhlrh nro ill * olved IniuiraRonulnoBp nlsa Iiupornl InvJihin'hlelo ' Ml who nro Unn Down , Norton * , Ilr * . pppllc , Illllom , MnlirlniK nr iRlclod with woik UJ ' IlerMajcsty's FaYorllfo CosmeticGlycerluo lirltPrnoT tHlitinc < tno Vrlnrcx of W l n unit thn nobility. Tor thn Bkh , Coninloilon. Kriip * lion * rhipplnii , 0) ) . Of il I.IKUU ) CO Uoiiuino t jTun nofs > arjpirllliili tuiniutuoa Ulio best ynr imrllUlutho market. PRIZE , $150,000. "Wo do hnrcbj-certify tlmt wo 8Upor\l- thn arnuiKoinciits for nil thu Monthly nnd Ou.vrtpr- ly Drawing * of The Unilslntm Slnlo liOttniv roinpnny.nnd In IK-IPOII miumiro nnd control the drnwIiiiTu ilunnsolvof , nud Unit the sumo nro ootidiieli'd ttltn honi < M > , liilrno fi und In Kooil rnltblownid nil pnrtles nnd wo niilhoilzu the Company to n o thli i-ortlllciito with rni'-shu- Ilt-Hof oiirslfniiturosaUucliodln ( Its ndrortlso' " incuts COMMISSION ! : ! ! ? . Iiiuil < < nnd Ilnnkorfl will iny nil Pi l/i-s iiriiwn In Thu Iioulslairi Slulo ilterios Mlilelinmy bo iiroscnUid iitonieoiin - turs. .1. ir. I.onlslium National linnlc 1'iosllout Slnto Kutlonnl Unnk. A. UAliUWIN , I'rcbidontJJoN OrloiinsNi.tlonnl llnult. JBNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION U HAI.FA MILLION UIH LODISIAHA STATELOTTERY COMPANY. Incorpornted InlbIS for2 > j-onrs by the loifli Inturolor Kdnciitlon-il mid Chnrlliblo purposoa wltli uciipllal of Sl.mXMKM tonhlcli H ioior o fund of ever $ .VVlxl ( has t.lnco boon nd-lod. lly nnovui hohnlnif popular v ole Its f ninclilia wim in in hi n part of I liu in imont State Constitution mlntitt'd Docoinliof d A. 1) . IdTU. The only lottorv over voted on and cndoMe.l by Iho people of nny stato. It novorbcak's or postpones. Itfirinml Blintlo numljur drnvvniffs taku pluoa nionlhlv. nnd thn B , iii-iuiiuiiil ilrunluird itvu- lail > ovfrypU inonlhs i.luno iinil Doii'intier ) . AStM.KMtinOi'i-ouTiwiTVTO WIN A KointiNie. "ml Qtatul Drawliifr , CI "S 11. In the Academy ot Music , Now Oi loans , Tnosd'ty , roLiiiiuj8th , 18S7"Ul3t Monthly Drnwmor. CAPITAL PRIZE SI50.000. Notice. Tickets nro SIO only. Halves , 55 Fifths S2. Tenths SI- I.lsTOPl'lll/Ki. ICAlTTAT.Tlll/KOl' { .irflOW. . . $150,0)3 ti.ninrl'iiizisor nKK ) . . . LM.O-JO UM BO.OJJ aw. rpOovi 1,000 " W. 50,0 JJ AVI'llOMMTION MUCKS. 100 Appioxlninllon jirizus ol if HU. . f W.Oli lou " " an. yo.txw 1X ( " " 10U 1U.COJ K,1T9 Prbnsniiionntinirlo . fXKiffiO Appllrntlon forrnto4 lo chilis vlioulil ho iiindo only lo thu oineo of the company In Now Or erviip For furllior lnformatlor.i\rlto olonrlr , c full addi oss. 1'OSl'AI , NDTIJS Hxprosi Monuy Onlors.orNow York r.\uhiuirn ( in ordlnnrylot- Icr. currency by oinross ut our etponso uj NuwOrlonns , La. Or M. A.nAlII'HlN , Waslilnslon , 1) . 0. MokoP. O. Money Ordora pnyablo ana adJroji roglatcroa letters to NEVyoULMAN3 , NATIONAL HANK , Kli1 ' Af V T\f n V M I'1" " "I0 presence of I'j i > l 111 i\\ \ li'j \ H ( j , | , iioiinrenHrd nntl Knrly , ho iir In oliiiriro of thn clnivvliiiti , li nxunr- initi'tt of iiliioliit'i fiilrnuHH iitxl liiiuL-rltr , Hint tlio i liniiciHiiruiilluiiuii1 , nnil Ilii't no one uin pomlhly ilhlnu uhiit iiuinlioiH lll driw l'rlu All I'm tics llicrororiMiilvprtlBlim tuuuiiriiiitio I'rlfC" In tlil Knt- Urj. or liolillriK mil nny ( itlicr linpd llilo Inilui'n- nifiitH. nroHwIiiillcrK.iinuonljr aim to diMicUuiind do- frnnil tlin nnvrnry. To Sell the neat Window Sash Lock Ki-cr Invented. Aironts mnkn bin nnillti Olrcn , K ni | > lii hy ninll Uits. 11 II ! ; . ( ) ( ' , 1 ullcr.uu. NuLrnsku WEAK .MEM1 ! . . rrrtluiit or iVI IK-t Vsirf Tr - ? 'BI1tIK " < " . K l Al < I iiri.r ihu Ntw Ihlifprcif cjinri . ) r.NM'Afl\ VVlikNlMK , klt- ' tlntioui.inlltl , funllni Kctirrriil * of < ! lrrrlljrliri | < iiyli nil i-ok pnrK.iritor- ' * l < > litullh Q < 1 VlKurouahlril Kill. IJtclna ' ( iltln.l nlly T wcfoilflti.H ) Inraih. i'nMut'rDri othrr l rll airiprr * miliititly ruffil jilllirQlnonthi hi-Rlr < t pmiil > lilet4c tlAinit Tlio Sandcn Eloctrio Co. 109 LaSallo it. , Chicoga Quo Agent Olorrnnnt nnlrl wnntpd fnrrry town for ffljgSH ! S3saB ? ms&wfixt * Illl < ooiir"Tnnlilir I'"rliniiii vnry niiirli nnd ulsh tobiivi ) tliu uxrlnsho ttitlo In this p'uuo nun williloall t ran to inibli thuni I bcllino In advoitlshiH-TUid mil tiiklnw pnliiH lo illslrllnito tboclii'iilart ) wliorn tlim III do the most uood , C V KU.IOrr , .MiuiHlield.OMo. S333 a Wormy Volno eu > ] * itril ( Uui nf Loat Mnnlionil , Debility. * . iiiuMyiuHlpainl'iilycurcil L/ilia ElQBllo Crndlo- C'jniproaaoto 30. < ilofuir < i r.inula/l-uu CI7JALB EICiEtiL iJIJlCr , 171 fnltcs Et. , ITw rejh. ir I "CH ( CHESTER'S E , Jr. 'I Oi-lKiiuil nnil Only Huf kalftUn/i DclUblff llrwargnr irulllI < lfr.lutluni fi lnll > l n blo n LAPIEO. A > l > ) ur llruiral.t ( err in.i > r [ i.tlun { uiiiuta ) UK ( < r ru-llcuurt m tttur hy return mull * t KAME PAPER. Mrli t r flii-inlinl 'u , . I'o. VniJIMu'IU h4Uuiiiriilluilu. , 4sl hold I , , | irucKl.l < , \ < rj I.MT. l > k t < r "I lilrliO 'o-1. l.tlfllrll" rililltrutkl I'll I * . 7 .iwvll. - lad t'll Will Mind the Itr.UAHU : KDUTI M ; by'1'ICI.I.I.II.Mo . I.OItlllVhI.S'MUi\M ) ( ; IHUIv , IUc , , PAI.MJh'lltV. " ( All Unto , -Or. t , IIAI'I.IT : ; 1-1 ULI.SIIINU i ; < > , itux - ! IJ , .Nun Voil. City C i/nnll ) llhihlrntdl. Jlldlin " BRO'S" ' State Agents niw j Omaha , Neb. II ) Dr. hnrillkor t niut'iud No oiicrttt oil. No 1 * ii'ii Nu De-ion I J.i froui lutm-si Ailuulul to chlldroii utwvll u Kr 'tn | ivoi > lo. lltuntrfili of uiitiur | > U i llniunlitU on tllui All bwlndii xtrlftlr' cyull Ivn tlul. CO.SbUI.TA'IION' lill tluiulni tlUtr.uLH. . NoU.