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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1887)
ILY SIXTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , THUKSDAY MORNING. JAJSRJAKY .13 , 1SS7. NUMBER 200. BACK TO THE BATTLE FIELD Jim Laird Hurrying to the Scene of the Senatorial Fray , WEAVER PUSHING HIS CANVASS. McSlinno Arrives on ( lie Ground and Con ( Jnllngber .Sprlngi u Chest nut Threat Doings In tlio legislature. Trying ttio Comblrintlons. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 13. [ Special Tele gram to the the Hii : : . ] When the Honorable Jim l.nhil picked up his grip and started for Washington post haste In the midst of the spenkershlp contest It was given out that this man on horseback had gene to the na tional capital Impelled by a high sense of the duty ho owed to the state and to the whole nation. To-morrow our Jim will take up his hindquarters - quarters again among the boltle-scarrcd vet erans that had been marshalled for the fray by the Burlington railroad. Jim's backer and banker , Hostwlclf , has quartered himself In rooms CU and 71 at the Capital. These very odd numbers are suggestive. They tun al most against numbers CO and 77 In which Mr. Marqiictto and partner , Dowcese , entertain so royally. Hero all tiavcllng biethren are nnnolntcd with the oil of peace , refreshed with the wine of Joy. and fed upon the corn-Cobb ot plenty. How beautiful for brethren to dwell togethct In unity. As a matter of fact our Jim has no Idea of be coming Van Wyck's successor. Ills role Is only to gather In the boys from the Republi can valley and upon whom the 1) . tc M. com bine. bine.Weaver Weaver has been working hard during Iho past two days and ho feels conlidcnt of a majority In caucus In case Van Wyck goes in and lalls to receive the necessary forty- eight votes. Van Wyck has made considera ble headway since ; Monday and ho has no fear that his npooncnts can muster strength enoneh to beat him in or out of caucus. John A. McShnno arrived hero to-night. Con Callaghcr , who Is hero playing guide , philosopher and friend for Morrlssey , has given out to-night that McShane will presently give llio stalwarts a chance to beat Van Wyck. They have threatened so often to go over to a democrat that a formal pro posal will bo made to them to give MeShano thirty votes or take their chance of Van Wyck. If this programme Is carried out Valentine , Vandorvoort , Humphreys , Cams , and other bulldozers and blatherskites , will have n chance to show how many re publicans they can deliver on call. The demand for lightning rods Is Increas ing every hour and dark horses are more numerous at the capital than Texas steers at thu Omaha stock yaids. Among members 1 notice a very quiet determination to carry out pledges made before election in good faith In splto of Iho impudent and persistent pressure from the horde of hirelings and henchmen that .seek to decoy them from their path of duty. At a late hour Iho I } . t M. strikers have irlvcn out thai they have secured forty-seven signatures for a call for a republican caucus , but t happen to know from a personal canvass that some of these names arc downright for- uerles , or the story Is concocted lor effect on tbo credulous. Kvon If it were true tbero Is nothing in it to alarm Van Wyck's sup porters or Imperil his success. It would take twenty more votes to elect , and these twenty cannot bo had unless Vanj Wyck withdraws from tbo race. Another impcdlm out In the way of this combination Is tlio fact that the forty-seven opposing votes cannot bo united on one man without breaking up the combination. K. ltosiwATjn. Proceedings of the Senate. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 12. [ Special Tele gram lo the Hin. : | In compliance with a resolution of the senate , the secretaries of the railway commission transmitted the original icporlsof railways doing business In the state , which were referred to the committee on railroads. The committee- federal relations re ported back the memorial to congiess urging tlm passage of thu Inler-stato commerce bill and recommended Its passage. Tbo committee on medical legislation re ported favorably on the bill icgulatlng the practice o * dentistry. The committee on printing the governor's mcssaijo reported In laver of 0,000 copies In JCngllsh , : i,000 In ( icrman , 1.SOO In Uohcmlan , 1.GOO In Swedish , and 1,200 In Danish. The secretary of state was instructed to get bids lor the translation and printing. Mr. Colby of Cage moved Ihata committee of two bo appointed to act with alike commit tee ot the house to arianco for the joint con vention to elect United States senator , The chair appointed .Messrs. Colby and Moore as such committee. Tno following bills were introduced : Hy Duras , S. F. K ) Memorial and joint icsolnllon urging upon cougiess ttio submis \ff \ sion of an amendment to th constitution of the United States piovldlnf'ur thii.electlon of United States senators by a direct vote of the people. Hy Fuller To relieve parties holdlnc con tracts for the pnrchasa ot lands of the state. Uv Snell To regulate fees of county clci kH. Hy Colby To provide a uniform system of school books. Dy Colby To regnlato the practice of med icine , surgery and obstetrics. Dy McNamar To amend an act entitled county and county ollieeri , ; to provide for formation ot new counties. Dy McNamar To dellno boundaries of Iiiman county. Dy \ \ albaeh To provide for the sinking ot test wells in the state for the discovery of salt and oilier minerals. HyShervln-To prohibit the maintenance of willow or other hedgu row over tineo and a half feet high within 100 feet of a public hlu'hway. Hy Melklujohn To relieve parties holding contracts for Iho puichaso of Jc.tscd lands. Dv Moiklejohn Todcitno thu boundaries of Thurstnii county. Dy Keckley Joint resolution lo amend state constitution isectlon ; i ) giving Iho sen ate titty members ami the bouse 100. Dy Mooio To lix salaries of town otllcors. Dy Mooio To Incorporate eltler of the llrst class Imviuir a population not less than and morn than J.' , Senate liles No. ! 3l to M were read a second tlmo and to the apptopriato commit tee. tee.Mr , Majors of Nemaba Introduced a bill pro viding lor the publication of thu session laws In two county papers wboro the population is over 10,000 and one. paper In counties of less population ; also providing that pilntersin each county pilnt tlm laws within four months after the linal adjournment. Adjourned to 10 o'clock to-moirow morn- ing. NOTIIS. A letter was received from the wife of Senator Campbell of Sarpy , stating that the senator was seriously III at home , Dr. Matthi'Nvson Is hen ; and states that ho will contest his right to the position in Iho iiiMinoltoipital widen the slate board deposed him fiom. This will diaibtle.s.s lead to alegis- Intlvo Imvstliration , which will create some very interesting reading tor the general Moore of Lancaster , In his bill Incorporallng cities of the lirst clns * , presents the longest bill vet introduced In the senate. It Is. of course , the city chaiter of Lincoln , or created to meet the requirements-of this municipal ity , The merits of the bill will Im iccltcd in thw DKI : when it comes up fordiscusslou , Tin ) Nebuiska State Historical society In vited the Kciiut * ) to attend Its meeting in the hoiisit of representatives 4hls evening. Tluimumiuersuf thohomo lor the friend less extended un Invitation to thebtattuitr licers and st'uatois to attend their reception on the evening of January in , from 7 to 10 o clock p. m. The senate , though fully organized , Is doing very little business and may not bo expected to do much until niter the election of United States senator , This may tnko place next Tuesday and may not tnko place lor two weeks. All tbo work done this mornIng - Ing , to sneak of. was by Secretary Scelcy , In leading hills thoiFCCOIIU time. This all per vading Inertia on tlio part of the senate prom ises an catly adjournment this week , M last , It being the opinion of iomo of thn senntors that an adjournment w ill take place Friday , until MnndavaUcrnoon. Majors of Ncmaha Introduced alilll to-day which will meet the approval of the stnto press , no doubt. It provides for the publica tion of the session laws of the legislature within four months after final adjournment. In two papers In counties of moro than 10,000 population , and one paper in counties of less population. The rate fixed Is M cents per Inch. This manner of Instructing tlm masses upon the laws of the land will provo a most satisfactory one. should the bill become a law. C. L. Hall , of Omaha , Is geltmg out n biographical manual of the lesrhlatnro. .Induing from tlio work he published of the session of IbSl , It will bo valuable and Inter esting. The lad that the printing ot senate bills wilt nil bo done In Omaha this session will probably cause some delay. Under the rules adopted by the senate all bills will bo printed before relercnco to standing committees. This will prove a great bonanza to tlio printer , for thu leason tint many a 1)111 ) llnds Its gtnvo In thu committee room , and in that event , of course , H not printed. Hut now they will bo printed and killed afterward. Anotherobjeellon to Ihls ruling H that many bills of the same nature and Intent lir.d thefr way to the committees , and In almost every case are all tin-own aside and n substitute made by tlm committee which cmbtnces all the good points of thu lot. Incases of this kind the printing of largo numbers of bills will be a dead loss. IN TIII : SK.VATI ; ri.oAK nooir. I'ho professional lobby Is pretly well rep- lesonted at this early hour of the session. \\hilotheycannolhopoto accomplish much in Influencing or controlling members whoso attention Is fully atlracled by. and earnestly bent on the election of United Stales senator , they are busily engaged In cajoling members into their dragnet , and prevailing upon them lo Introduce bills which are ostensibly gotten up solelv for the welfare of thn dear people , but which nro In reality born to work a thorn In the flesh of some moneyed Interest , which Is expected by the lobby to pay handsomely lor Iho detcat of the measure. This , o't' couise , is the same old story. Not a single session lias over escaped the cunning prac tices of the lobbyists , and with the material growth ot the stale , the ingratitude of their transactions increases. Their opportunities are thus grcaler than ever before and they of course nro making the most of it , A bill that was suppressed by the lobby last session was Introduced by an Innocent member lids session , and as the bill Is really a worlhyone , the honest members will support it. "It took S.VJO to kill llio bill last session , " n lobbyist boldly remarked yesterday. "and it will take that much to Kill It again. Of course , if yon want the bill to go through and have got § 500 , wo can probably arrange it. " Lobbyists consider money placed with them lolnlluenco legislation as merely a fee for services rendered , und ot course they will not part with it If the necessary votes can bo Inlluenced by argument or persuasion. Otherwise they have to "dlvy" up. This session of the legislature , during which It Is morally ceitnln Van Wyck will be elected aialn to ttio United States senate , leads ono In a rellectlvo mood lo look back upon the session six years ago which lion- 01 ed the senator for thu first time , 'theso beautiful halls of legislation wore at that time but a dieam of the future. The old cap- ilol , since Ihon lorn down , will soon bo lor- gotten , but the actors In It will live longer in tlio memory of tlio people. The old senate chamber was a relic of the dark aues. Its dimensions were aboul 7SxCO. What was termed a gallery described three sides of It. It was supported by1x4 "nllasteis'1 painted a rich mud color in fact , the whole interior bore a tlnuo of tills : esthetic coloring. The chandelier which hunc to tbo center was was so black and dusly that It often stopped the clock , which hung on tbo wall above "tho bar of the senate. " This bar also partook of the general character of decay. It reminded one of the pulpit in a country church. The top was a wooden monument to the energy and muscle- a generation of Mr. Presidents , whose travels had licnten a hole in it as largo as a buffalo wallow. Hut In these days tlncu or moro senators were wont to speak at a. time , and if they all rose at once , Mr. Presi dent had to decide the case after Iho style of Hariiey Shannon the first man up had the lloor. The windows of the old senale were of stained glass , twelve panes to the window. Just what the stain was no body knew , but it answeied the purpose. They didn't have an assistant janitor then , nor could the stale afford n tedious investigation which might servo only to deepen the mystery. The lobby wns about six feet squaru and usually full- so lull that to admit another the ser eant-at- arms was compelled to step out Into the corridor rider in older that the visitor might pass. Long , /.Ig-/.ug cracks were traceable upon the plaslciing of the walls , thiough which the gentle zephyrs whistled from day to day , while the mercury stood 25degrees below. On ellhor sldu of the room , away upneaily to Hie celling.was a port-hole , possibly designed as a skylight or ventilator. Hut the cobwebs of many seasons found n rofugu within Us casements , and the smoke of many battles by the cannon-stove , had veneered the glass to such an extent that tlio winter sunbeams didn't stand a ghost ot a show. Hut despite these unfavorable surroundings the senate is again in session , and tlm gov ernment htlll lives. Oiatory was wont to soar In gentle reverberations among the cob webs and dirt , and who can tell but that laws were enacted there just as wise and just as wlllbo these enacted within the gilded walls of the present senate. The abolition ot the state railway commis sion Is almost a foregone conclusion. JCven lliose who supported the measure in Its in- laney have realised its utter uselessness and want the state relieved of the unnecessary expense. As will bo seen by the proceedings of both house and senate , three bills have al ready been introduced aiming at llio aboli tion of the commission Ono of these by Senator lEobhins abolishes the commission absolutely , while llio ono by Senator Moikle- jobn docs away with the commissioners and pionoscs to establish In thulr place a board of arbitrators. Doings in tlio House. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 12. [ Special Telegram lo the Uii : : . | Immediately upon the opening of the house this morning Mr. Newcomer , from the joint committee 011 the governor's message , picsentod a report , the substance of which Is ns follows : That 0,000 copies be published in Knglish. tf,000 In ( Jeriuan , IMX ) In Holiomian , 1,500in Swedish , and 1,200 in Danish ; that tlio translation and printing bo done ns early as possible , contracts for printing to bo let to the lowest responsible bidders , and that bids bo adveitlsud In three newspapers , two In Omaha and ono ! u Lincoln. Tbo report was adorned. Tlm speaker announced the following In crease of committees and now committees ns authorized by the lesolutlouRoC the house : Additional members of the apportionment committee , Crane and Wilgnt ; of the peni tentiary committee , Watson and Wethorald ; of the public lands and buildings commit tee , Harrison and .M In nix ; of tlio claims committee , Klmamek and Slater ; of the luna tic asylum committee , Fox and Andres ; o revenue and taxation committee , Dillerund Knox : of publlo printing , Harrctt and Schwab ; the new committee on asylums , Clafford , Mcrew ( ! , McKlnnoy , Cole , Wilson , Voung , ( Jieen , Whllmoio and Tracey. The leanest fiom Ihu Slain Historical so ciety for the use of the hall of the houbu this evening was u'iniitcd , The folo\ylng | new bills were introduced and read a Hot tlmo : Hy Whltmore , No. to To prnvldo for Iho appointment ot u deputy supeiln'.endeut of public Instruction. Also , No. IKi-Tn compensate Hottest N. I'urnas for scrvlco rcndeied to the state of Ni'ttraska at the Now Orleans exposition. Also , No. Of 1'iovidlnjr tor the establishment - ment of a btato school for dependent chil dren. HyMlnnlx , No. OS To amend section 1 , chapter " 0 , pago-lS7.'laws ot" Nobi.iskn , IN * . ) . Hj Fov , No. W To provide thrt manner of voting- stockholders in all elections for di rectors or managers of Incorporated com panies Hy Klnney. No. 100-To establish a stale normal school at the clly of Itcd Cloud. Also , No. 101 For the relief ot William Fulton. HySlmrn ? , No. 102 To prohibit games of chance in saloon ? . Dy Sweet , No. 101 To fix reasonable max imum rates for the transportation of freight over railroads In the stale and to prevent un just discrimination. Hv Andres , No. 101 To amend chapter 73 , entitled , "Hovenne. " Also , No. 10.1 To amend section 7 ot chap terV > of the compiled statutes , entitled , "Klecllons.1 Hy Cole , No. KM To establish. locate , erect nnd maintain a hospital for the Incurable Insane within the state of Nebraska , and ap propriate the necessary funds therefor. Hy Fuchs , No. 107 To provide for tlio pay ment of Jurors tecs in thu dlslt let court. Also , N'o.0i \ Defining Iho crime of usury and providing a penalty therefor. Dy Cameron , No. MM To amend sections 0 and 10 of chapter 12 of the compiled slalulos of 1 8" , entitled "Chattel Mottgngcs , " and lo repeal said sections. Dy Sullivan , No. 110 To piovldo for main taining and repairing bridges exceeding iWO feet In length in counties under township organization. Dy Watson , No. Ill To amend sections 4 and - - of subdivision 1 ; section a of subdivision 2 ; section 0 of subdivision : i ; sections H and 11) ) of subdivision 4 ; section 11 of subdivision 5 ; sections 1,2 and o of subdivision G ; sections Stand 4 of subdivision 7 ; section U : sections ! ' and 4 of subdivision It ; sections ; ) and4 of subdivision 11 ; alt of chanter < U , compiled statutes of Nebraska. Also , No. 112 To provide for the publica tion of llio session laws In ono or two news papers In each county of the stato. Dy Mclircw , N'o. ii : To authorize coun ties , precincts , townships or town , cities , vil lages nnd school districts to compromise their Indebtedness and Issue new bonds Iheiefor. A largo number of bills wcro Introduced , which wore given in the llui : , wcro placed upon second reading ami were referted lo up- propi late standing committees. Mr. Caldwell offered a resolution that a committee of two be appointed on the part of thu house to meet a llku committee on the part ot the senate to make the necessary ar rangements for a joint convention for the elec tion of a United Stales senator. The resolu tion was adopted. The speaker , who had temporarily called Miller ot Duller to the chair , resumed his scat and appointed ns the two members of HID committee contemplated by the foregoing resolution , Messrs. Kgglo- ston and Watson. Itecess until a p. in , Al'TKUXOON SESSION. The further consideration of bills under second leading was resumed , and thu pio- posed measuics were referred lo appropriate committees. Mr. Ageo presented a resolution thai Messrs. Sweet , Kandall , Cole and Klsluy lie added to thocoiumlttec on relief for Indigent soldiers. Adopted. The following bills were introduced : Dy Slater , No. 114 To prohibit the n o of Intoxicants by employes of railroad corpora tions within Iho state of Nebraska , while such employes are at work. Hy Tracey , No. lin i'lohlbiting the con tracting ol convict labor. Hy Andrews , No. 110 To amend certain sections of Hie code of civil procedure. Hy Ilussell , No. 117 To amend section 12 oC chapter 4 of the criminal cede of the compiled statutes of the state of Ne braska , and to loneal said section. DyVnrdIaw \ , No. IIS To provide for the erection of ouo building and furnishing It , one laundry and laundry apparatus and ono barn on the grounds of the Nebraska institu tion for feeble minded youths situated near the city of Heatrice , Uaee county , Nebraska , and appropriation of funds thcretor. Hy bmytli , No. 110--To apportion tlio stale inlo judicial districts and for the ap pointment and election ol judges thereof and to repeal cortuin acts and paitsof nets named therein. Hy Cole , No. 170 To amend section 11 of chanter U and section 01 of chapter 14 and section ] : ! of article a of chapter 14 of the compiled statutes , and to repeal said orig inal sections. The amendment is for fciualu suffrage in city and town elections. Hy Cole , No. 121 To provide for the puult- callon of the names of nil cx-sohliers , sailors and mariners in Nebraska. Hy Smyth , No. 12-J-To pay Patrick O. Hawes for collecting cetlain claims ( torn Iho United States government. The bill contemplates paying O. Jlawes S400 : for col lecting SIS.OOO. lu introducing it Mr. Smyth said that bu did not know the merits or de merits ot thu bill , and might oppose it. Dy Kggleston , No. 12:1 : To dedicate to the use of the Seventh Day Adventlst congrega tion of the city of Lincoln , lot No. 0 in block- No. 211 , lu the city of Lincoln. Dy Drown , No. 124 To amend section S3 of chapter 77 of the complied statutes. Hy Fonlon , No. Ill To amend section MS. section O.VJ and section ( JOO ot the cede of civil procedure of Nebraska of title ID , entitled - titled "Juries. " Hy Miller , No. 120 To regulate charges for the usu ol sleeping cars and providing a pen alty. The maximum charges are placed at SO cents for the ( list hundred miles and at SI lor any distance within the state. Hy Raymond , No. 127 To dedlcato to the use ol thu Danish Kvangellcal Lutheran church of Lincoln , Neb. , lot No. 5 in block fxo. is ! , in Lincoln. Hy Kaymoiid , No. 12S To provide for the redemption from mortgages to thu state to secure moneys owing to tlio educational funds. Dy Horst , Xo. 129 To amend section 51 , aiticle l , chanter 18 , of the compiled stalules of lyvi , entitled counties and county officers. Mr. Newcomer introduced a resolution thai acommittcoot seven bo appointed on ap- polntmcnls and election of employes of the house not provided for by the rules of the liouso or laws ot the slate , and that the com mittee shall report lo the house what ad ditional employes arc needed. Mr. Fuller ot Cage said that tlio resolution was substantially the same as a resolution which Im had previously Introduced nnd which had been almost unanimously voted down. As llmt had been the action of thu house , hu was in laver of Us belni ; consistent nnd moved that this resolution bo laid on the table. Speaker Holmes , having called Mr. How- man to tin' chair , said that ho was In favor of the leMiintlon , as It was appaient to him that the speaker had no authority to appoint more employe : ; than wcro provided lor by llio statutes. Mr. Whltmoro stated that ho was In favor ot the resolution for thu reason that ho had a personal grniigo aualnst Mr. Newcomer , who would bo chairman of the committee , and ho wanted to sen him besieged by hungry applicants lor place. [ Laughter. ) Mr. Fuller de.slied it to bo understood that , personally , ho was In favor ol the resolution ; but ho was in hope that hereafter , that when a resolution was introduced the liouso should consider it upon its merits independent of whom would become the chairman of a com mittee created thereby. Mr. Newcomer disclaimed any knowledge that Mr. Fuller had introduced any such resolution elution , and averted that ho had no deslru to assume the responsibility of entertaining clamorous applicants for appointment. The resolution was passed without dis sent. sent.Tho house then adjourned to permit the standing committees to commence their worlc. oossji1 Anoi'T TIM ; r.niuuns , Then ) Is the best authority tor contradic tion of the rumor that Chairman Jeary , ot the house committee on enrollments and en grossments , by whom about twenty lady clerks aie employed , required all applicants for clerkship to pass a civil servlco examin ation. It was Mr. Kleferof Pierce county Instead of Mr. "Pierce " who , Introduced tlm bill yes terday to amend thu act to fix a maximum standarUot Irolglit charges on railroads and to piovent unjust di.-eiinilimtlons or scciet iatn , rebates or drawbacks. The committee on privileges and elections will probably report on the FishSurn-Klnir contest case to-morrow. It Is hcliovcd that whatever may bo tlio report of tlio committee there will be music in thu air. The liouso is remarkable for the numbers of members who aio physically In their prime. . Few gray heads and fewer bald ouw am lo IIH seen on Die lloor. Mrs. MfUonatiiihey , wife of tlio representa tive ( rom Polk county , and Miss Julia Has- call weiu among the visitors at the liouso to-di.v. The mombeis have been supplied with con venient hie books tor printed bills by the bee- rctirj of state , and the complement of stat utes , compiled laws and session laws has been satisfactorily tilled. ' 1 he state-oiUa'is mid legislators have been Invited to a reception to bo given bv the man agers of the Home ot the Friendless , to bo given to-morrow tvcnltig at the Homo. ttio Ouinlin Charter. LINC-OI.X , Neb. , Jan. 12. [ Special Telegram to thoDr.i.J : The Douglas delegation on Iho chni > cr bill , organized by the selection ot Ltn- InL'cr , as chairman , nnd the clcik of the sen ate committee on cities and towns as clerk. The delegation has lead fifty sections of Iho charter. Those to which there were no ob jections were adopted MI 1 notes mndo regard ing the sections to which any member of the delegation made objection. It was agreed that In all cases of objection the majority should rule and sections would be adopted by vole. vole.A second nieettiu was held In the after noon. City Attorney Council was present to explain the Imuortant features. The reading of the charter occupied no.irly thieo hours. Objections by various members were noted by the clerK of Iho committee , but no debate was had and no conclusion reached on the points In controversy. The work on the new charter will bo continued fiom day to day until It Is revised and the bill Is ready for introduction. , NI2W I'OUICJ STOCKS. No Comfort OlXatncil By the Hulls Out ot the Market. Nnw YOIIK , Jan , 12. ISpcclal Tcloginm to the Hr.i : . ] There was nocomfortfortho bulls In the stock market to-day except In Richmond mend & West Point , which mndo n gain of 2 per cent immediately after Iho opouiiiL' . The rest of the list was weak. Grangers wcro especially soft , It bolng claimed that these rends would bo4 the most seriously affected by the passage of tlio Intet-stato commerce bill. Northwestern broke lo lllc , < , and It was claimed that the recent Issue of 4 per cent bonds had proved disappointing - appointing , as , In view of the present ralo for money. Investors would not buy 4 cor cent securities ot this company at par. The report that Mayor Hewitt , of Now York , was dead caused sdmc selling In stocks. London also figured as a moderate seller nnd the advance In rates of sterling exchange was regarded as n point in favor of the bears , inasmuch as It removed for the present any prospect of further shlmncnts of gold to this country. The expcctalton Unit the senntc at Washington would reach a vote on the inter-state commerce bill prevented any good buying. Most traders preferred to remain out of the market until a better understanding was had as to what the effects of the bill would be. Washington dispatches generally conceded that Its passage was a fore gone conclusion. The turn taken by Hicli- moiid it West Point was n surprise to many traders who have been following Iho deal of late. It was expected that the .stock would bu made weak and held around 40 , but on the contrary it jumped to 42 anil held very strong at that figure. At noon the market was barely steady , sales aggregating 12SfiOO , shares. Thu announcement Irani Washing ton that no vote would bo taken to-day on the inter-state commerce bill afforded a pretext - text for rallying the whole list. Sl.orls helped the market up and Iho report that the strike among employes of the coal roads had been nettled made nil coal stocks stiong. New Knaland and Klchmond A : West Point were iiaitieularly buoyant during Iho last half. The list , closed lirm with nearly all of the early declines regained. The total sales were about 210,000 shares. DOINGS AT COI.UMltrjS. Completion of the OrKniilzatloii of llic Uoarrt of Trade. . Coi.uMiirs , Neb. , Jan. 12 , | Si > eclal Tnio- gram to thu JlKK.f l ate last night ! r the Columbus board" of tiaijo. sguipletcd Its' organization by tlio UecUon "of J. N. Taylor , piesidcnt ; Ooorgo Lehman , vice-president ; O , T. KOCH , treasurer , and thu following gentlemen were elected directors : ,1. K. North , H. II. Henry , J. H. ( alley , L. A. Clark , Carl Kramer , A. Jacgg , E. Pohl. Henry Hngnthc. This organization Is timely. There aio Important Interests to our city that will come before lliom. In the construc tion of a permanent bridge across the Lonp fork , a grave quostlon has arisen whether , under township organization , the county can be required to keep'the Loup fork bridged at this point , or If the township in which tlio bridge is located should keep up the crossing of the river. The securing of a twine and bagging factory , the firemen's tournament next August , and to moans to avert the coal famine that will bo inevitable if thu thieatcucd cold wave should reach us tonight , are other subjects to bu considered. A young Polish girl , Mary Oarbats , six teen years old , swore out n warrant before Justice Cowdry on a charge ot bastardy against John C/.nthkl , living in thu west part ol the county. J. K. Muti-'iir , furniture dealer , made a transterof his stock to Dewey it Stone , of Omaha , retaining his undertaking stock. The L'rand chancellor hero was to-night to wind up the affairs of the Knights of Pylblus lodge at Columbus which died Irom Inani tion. Guarded By Colored Troops. ItiniMoxi ) , Va. , Jan. M There has been no riotous demonstrations by thu strikers at Newport News since last niL-ht. This mornIng - Ing a train with nearly a hundred laborers from Albemarlo county reached Newport News and Iho men went to ivork moving freight under protection of Iho stale guard ( colored company ) from lUclimond. An arbitration committee of tlm Knights of Labor assembly asked lor a con t'eronco with ( Wickham , vice president ol the road , but bo positively refused to arbitrate. Some of tlio negroes are very Insolent , and intimate that thcro will bo bloodshed to-night. The meinbois of the police forcu say must of thum are armed witli rovolv-irs. Tlio new hands will bo under protection of the military lo- nlghl. There are no indications at present of a collision between Iho military and strikers. at Fort Nlobrnra. VAIJ-.XTIXH. Nob. , .fan. 12. [ Special Tele gram to the HII : : . | Pay day at Fort Nlohrara has been attended with the usual number of tights among thu soldiers visiting town. They were of a moro serious nature last night. A severe cutting affrays occuired In Fisher's saloon between u colored soldier nud ajwhite one , llio latter boitu badly cut In the upper arm , A notffer affair , also of a serious nature , occurred at Hog ranch , A party named Drown , employed at the post , becom ing offensive , was clubbed over the hend with a six shooter , thu pistol exploding during the process , caiislm ; a bit : rftampcdo of thu in mates. The parties are under arrest. Fair oninnrs Klootod. HI.IT. bi'iUNfis , Neb , , Jan. 12. ( Special to the HII : : . | The Inter-State Fair association ( the Wymoru and Hluo Springs fair ) held their annual meeting yosteiday and elected the following olllcers : President , J. W. Hrl- denthall ; vlcn president , Itobcrt I'entou ; tieasurer , il , M , Soutliwfck ; secretary , W. C. Cow. Hlnu Springs held a majority of the shares and captured the meeting. Although It Is a joint alUIr between thu two towns , it. like all other affairs , Is terribly disjointed and there does pot exist that love that character- Ued David and Jonathan. Another Victim of llio Horror. CI.IVII.A.VI : : > , Jan. 12. 'I'ho testimony bc- fore the coroner ntTIllin to-day In tlio inquest of the H. A O. wreck , added another name to the list of the killed. A revolver picked up at the wreck was Identllied by Hcniy M. Ice , ot Maniilngton , W. Va. , as belonging folds son , Kllby H. Ice. ol Penlield. 111. , who was on Ids way homo Irom a visit to his father at Manningloii. A deposition was rcculved from Harris C. 1'ore.Mer , of Chicago , in which ho says ho talked with ice on the 111-tated train before the accident. Nothing elsuof iiitciest was brought outbytho testi mony to-day , _ _ Jcnlli | u Kaw CI.BVKI.ANU , 0.-Jan. 12. A special from Youngstown , 0. , says : Herman Dj&nkcr , wlfu and babe , and his wlfii's father , Frederick F. Smelt/ , are all affected willi ttichlnosis from eating raw pork , ACTION AGAIN POSTPONED , The Senate Fails to Vote on tlio Inter-State Coicmcico Bill , MORE SPEECHES TO BE MADE : The House I'nsscs the Pucker Substi tute For tlio KilimimlH Antl- I'olyuainy Hill Tlio Provi sions o ( ' tlic Men sure. Senate. WAMIIXOTON , .Inn. 12. The comtnUtco on claims reported tlio senate bill to extend the tlmo for tiling claims under the-French spoliation act for twelve inouliH additional , and on Ills motion tlio bill was considered .iiul passed. Mr. Mniulurson Introduced a bill to facili tate promotions and to letlio trom active service or on their own application ofllcors of tlio army who served during tlio war of tlio lebelllon three yearn as oltlccrs or enlisted men In tlio volnntcur or regular army. Ho- ferrctl. TJio committee on coast defenses reported fas an amendment to bo oll'ercd to tlio bill to encourage tlio manufacture of steel for ordi nance ) , an Item appropriating 8.1,000,000 fur fortlilcatlons and other works of defense. Ordered printed. Tlio committee on appropriations reported back the army appropriation bill with amend ments. Ordered printed. The senate at 1:1.1 : resumed consideration of the Inter-stato commerce bill and was ad dressed by Air. Call , who declared his con currence in the great objects of public policy that were soncht to bo carried Into ellect by tlio original bill and by the conference re port.Mr. Mr. Mitchell of Oregon said ho would veto for recommitting the bill with Instructions to amend tlio second and fourth sections by striking nut the words "under substantially similar circumstances and conditions. " Mr. Ctillom stated that there wcro three or four senators who desired to speak on the bill and who had engagements lor this oven- Ing. Ho would not therefore aslc for a vote to-night , but would do so before ndjourn- munt. Mr. Harrison asked unanimous consent to have the vote taken to-morrow , but Mr. Ahlrlch objected. After an executive session the senate ad journed. House. WASHINGTON , Jan. 12. The sneaker an nounced tlio appointment ot Messrs. Skinner , 1'eel and Perkins as conferees on the bill for thn allotment ot land In severally to Indians. The lloor. nndcrspcclal order , was accorded to the committee on judiciary. Tlio liouso then proceeded to the considera tion of tlio Kdmunds anti-polygamy bill and Mr. Tucker's substitute therefor. Mr. K. li. Taylor of Ohio gave n brief sketch of tlio establishment of the .Mormon church in Utah and the efforts which hail been made by congress to suppress the prac tice of polygamy. These efforts had been only partially successful , owing to the dllll- cully of obtaining proof of polygamous mar riages , Congress should take the matter In hand , not In a spirit of persecution , but with a determination that the evil and wrong of polygamy should cease. It was now growing stronger and was not conlincd to the boun daries of Utah. Whllo ho hcaitllv favored tno mum feature * oruieliendlng blll1liirv unalterably opposed to ono provision of r , , , tihr'nboli ] < i ] > ln female snlfrftjo iiillijUwTHory. , o't Utair. But though protesting against this provision , ho would waive his objection and heartily support the bill. Mr. Caine of Utah earnestly opposed the measure as undemocratic , un-American and wantonly destructive nl human rights. Ho sketched tlio settlement ot Utah by the Mormons. depleted the per secutions to which they had been subjected , and highly eulogized the Mormon people for their industry , intelligence and honesty. If this bill became a law it would place tlio Mormon people at the mercy ot men whoo object was to plunder them of all their earthly possessions and drive them from their homes. In all candor , ho firmly believed ihata law directing ci'iicraloullawrv against nil who did not publicly renounce and recant their belief In the Mormon church would bo merciful in roinunrlson with the eirocts of llio proposed law. Ho asked the house to pause. Ho pledged his word and character that the .statements upon which the legislation was based wcro without founda tion in fact. To the gentlemen who had freed from bondage the negro slave , who loved liberty and cherished the institutions ot our country , and who would bequeath them unsullied to their children , bo pleaded that they would not consign his people to such inhuman slavery. [ Applause ] , Mr. Bennett of North Carolina opposed the bill. Mr. Caswell ot Wisconsin heartily endorsed the bill , while disclaiming any wish to perse cute the Mormons. Mr. Scott of Pennsylvania asked leave to olferan amendment to the hill. .Mr. Tucker declined to permit him to do so , saylnc that he wanted to pass the bill hero and now , .so that the 12th of January , 18s7 , would bo mcmoiable In the history of the countrv. [ Applause. | The liouso substitute was then agreed to an dtho senate bill , as thus amended , was passed without division , only eight members rising to demand the yeas and nays. Tlio house then adjourned. The anti-Mormon bill , as It passed the liouso to-day , by the adoption of the Tucker substitute for the Kdmunds senate bill , makes the lawful husband or wife of any person prosecuted for bigamy , polygamy or unlaw ful cohabitation , a competent witness against the accused , and further provides for the reg istration of all marriages , making It a misdemeanor meaner for any person to violate the provis ions relative to such registration. It annuls all the territorial laws providing for the identification of votes of electors at any election , mid also all laws conlorrlng mi territorial courts the power to determine divorce cases , and abolishes woman Milfiugo In the territory of Utah. Penalties are pro scribed for unlawful intercourse , and polygamy is dclincil as mairhigo between ono person of ono sex and morn than one person of another sex , and Is declared to be. a telony. The llnancial corporations known as the Church of hatter Day .Saints and the Per petual Kmliiratlon Fund company aio dis solved and the attorney general is directed In wind them up by process of the courts , and all laws for the organization ot militia of the territory and the cication of tlio Nauvoo legion are annulled. Polviramists are nmdo ineligible to vote , and a test oath is pru-sci ibed to all persons desiring to vote that they will oliov the laws of the United States and es pecially laws In icspect to crimes delincd in this and the original Kdmunds act. The bill provides for tlm Immediate appointment by the president ot all judges and selectmen of county and piobato courts , and by the trov- ernor of nil justices of tlio ponce , sheriffs , constables and other county and district oili- cers. The bill , as amended by the adoption of the substitute , will now Iw transmitted to the .senate lor the action of that body. DisciiHHloii on llciinniiln. QWASHINOTON , Jan. 12. At a meeting of the house committee on rivers and harbors to-day the Hcnncpln canal project came up for discussion in connection with the report of the board of engineers presented to tlio house yesterday. In consequence ot the. ab sence of Keprcsuiitativo Henderson the com mittee took no action In the matter and it will bo fmther considered \\hen Henderson returns fioiu Illinois. Tlio IrleniU ot the canal wish an appropriation of S.VW.OOO lo bu Included In tlio river and harbor bill , as well as a clause accepting the grant of the Illinois it Michigan canal , out considerable opposi tion has already developed In the committee , several of the members takinc the position that the letter ot thu secrctaiy of war linns- milting tlio engineers' report , .is well , ns the report itself , cannot bo lo ardcd as endorsing the project unless extensive changes ar made in the present line ot route. NnhrnNku and IOWA \Vintn > r. For Nebraska and Iowa : Colder , fair weather , pieeedcd by snow. Ij TO A DIVOHCK CASK. A Prominent ClilonRo Merchant Mar- vies III * KvCnslitcr. CHICAGO , Jan. 12. [ Special Telegram to the Hit : : . ] Just a year ago society folks on the. south side , were startled by the ropOit that Mrs. Augustus Wheeler had suddenly loft her elegant homo on Michigan avenue and encaged board at the Southern hotel. January 21 she began suit In chancery for a divorce , charging cruelty and adultery. The bill d < d not state the name of the woman with whom Wheeler was charged with being unlawfully Intimate. The charge , as tiled , specified "Will , a woman In his employ. " On January 20 Augusta Kddlngton , a female cashier In the employ of Wheeler at No. HI Lake street , sued Mrs. Wheeler for libel and slander , placing her damages at Si" > ,000. 1 ler leading counsel was the late Kmery A. Stoirs. In the declaration which Miss Kd dlngton tiled some of the counts were for libel and some for slander. The lady averred that the sentence In Mrs. Wheeler's bill , charging her liusb.xnd with adultery "with a woman in Ids employ.1 referred to Augusta Kdillpgtoti. Miss Kddlnglon's solicitor- * , alter lour or the tilts , did not succeed In getting Hit' declaration to "stick. " On tlio same dale the licailug ot the 1)111 ) for divorce was had the tilal took place bofoio JtuUu Shepard - ard without jury of tlm case of Miss Kddlngton against Mf . Wheeler. No defense - fenso was made as Mrs. Wheeler did not ap pear , and no one was present except her at torney , who sat quietly by and listened. The judge entered iidecreu for Miss Kddingt > > n for $2,000 and costs , which Mr. Wheeler him self promptly paid. Mr ? . Wheeler's bill was amended , striking out the charge of adultery and leaving it on the ground of cruelty. Mrs. Wheeler secured a decree ot divorce on May 13 , issn. Mr. Wheeler paid her 40,000. The custody ol the only child , a bountiful girl of sixteen , was a'.vnidcd to the mother. AtiL' W. Wheeler , who Is worth aboul SoOO.OCO , has been living at the Palmer house recently. Not long ago Mo sold his stock of Imrdwuieon Lake stieel and subsequently disposed ol a piece of real estate , for which ho received § 100,000. Miss Kddlngton , It is stated , became Mrs. A U'zuslus ' W. Wheeler this afternoon. A gentleman familiar with the inside history of the divorce case said this afternoon : "If tlio suit of Mrs. Wheeler had coino to a public trial newspaper readers would have had a sensation outrivaling any of the tales of Arabian Nights. A. W. Wheeler Is a man about thirty-eight years of age and his ex-cashier twenty-eight. JAY GOULD. Ills Opinion of tlio intcr-St.itc Com merce Hill A Tour of Inspection. ST. Louis , Jan. 12. [ Special Telegram to the Ur.i : . ] Jay Could , accompanied by A. L , Hopkins , ol Now York , and Cencral Manager Clark , started this morning for an extended tour of Inspection of his Pacllic railroad property , going first to Texas. In an Interview Could continued llic statement recently made in these dispatches Hint arrangements are In progress to practically abolish the bridge arbitrary rates here and to operate Iho bridge so that its icvcnuo shall cover the fixed charges. Ho also said that Cenoral Manager Clarke has oeen authorized to calls for plans for a union depot from local architects , and that during the coming year he honed to see the building completed , it Is to be .situated between Twelfth and Four. teenth streets , bo COO feet long , with the east and west entrances of sulllclont width to coverall tracks in tlio present depot yards , to be asliuctnroof modern architecture , embracing all ilip. . late improvements and to cost no- virrnror5TiOOn'CDr ' lIeriils6"thoUhl ! well of the prospect to establish extensive stock yards In the western suburbs of the city. Ho Mild ho was considering plans for Iho exten sion of the Missouri 1'aclfic into Colorado , but while nothing has been done dclinitcly , a number of extensions and leedei.s will bo built during the year and probably as many miles of road bo added lo the system in IHSTasIn IV-fi. When asked his opinion of the Inter-state commerce hill ho added : "I am in laver of it , provided It is revised and made clear , winch the original bill is not. Tlio long and short haul clause , as tr.itlic men Interpret It , amounts to a piac- deal exclusion of the products of the far west from the markets of the east. While it will have a damaging effect upon the west , it will hoot advantage to many eastern states , as Ohio and Indiana farmers will bo benelitted by II , The section of the bill making its vlo- tion a nennl otlenso is decidedly ambiguous. That clause will have a most detrimental effect upon tlio west , wheie thcio will bo clamor lor Its icpeal , The wisest course to puisii'3 would uo to appoint an intelligent commission and let that body pass upon all questions arising. " Illinois TjculRliitlvc I'rnoeedines. Si'iiiNOii'iii.i : ) , HI. , Jan 12. In Iho senate this morning the appointment of A. K. Clark on the state board of health was confirmed. A communication from tlio veteran club of Chicago was read , asking the support of the senate for cx-Covci nor John M , Hamilton lor tlio position of United States senator. Senator Funk presented a resolution asking to enact laws providing proper quar antine against the Importation of diseased cattle. Adopted. Jtcsolutlons of respect In honor of Judge John O , 1'od'jers ' wcro adopted. Kyans ot Kane introduced a bill asking for an appropriation of S ! ,000 for anew now Insane asylum at Klgin , The following bills wcro Introduced : Dy Bacon , making dls- franclilsenient the penalty for selling votes ; by Hacon of Will , mlneis' truck bill ; by Car- rltty , piovldlng for twenty-live wards and lifty aldermen in the city of Chicago ; by Cochran , for an act to enable corporations to extend their charters ; by Kckhart , providing for the refunding of West Park bonds ; by Humphrey , making It a felony for any person to Import Into thu state any dy- nauiito or other exploslvo to be used to the injury of any person ami punishing aiders and abettors of sndi manulacture.s ; by Hlir- gins , piovldlng that th statM inspector of mines shall nsceiluin the capacity of nvery car used in raising coal from anv mine and brand the same upon the side , and thai alter- wauls each minor shall be etediteit with the full wolirht and mcasuro of such ho shall turn ; by Oman , lixlng weights for different measures throughout Iho Mate , mailing sixty- eight pounds per bushel for corn ; by Johnson of Whileside , to make an apprnpilation of M.OOO lor Iho relict ol John A. Lyle , of Ster- lint' , wtio lost both arms at a reunion of vet erans : ly Collins , to legulalo the inanutiicturo and sale of explosives ami Inllicling punishment on persons manufac turing the same for tbo dcsliuetion ot lllo and property ; by Dwyerol' Conk , to compel persons and corporations icouiring deposits from employes to pay interest on the same : bv Fuller of Jioono , providing for the repeal of the act in regard to judniiifiits on eonfes- Klons ; by 11. llerrinctun ot Kane , making an appioprlatlon of S-AIXMJ lor a live block commission , to be used for preventing the spread of contagious diseases among cattle ; by Johnson of Whltc.aidc , to amend the act relating to cilminal juilspiiideneo and put- vidlng lor counsel for every person chuigod \vithciimc. _ Tim Itlo IHsaHlcr. MII.WAUKI.K , Jan , 12 , Uia cman WulU , charged witli being responsible lor Ihc Itio disaster , wasairalgncd at Portrigo liilsmnrn- IIIK for manslaughter and pleaded not guilty. His counsel promises to make sensa tional developments when the trial eomes oh' , Wells will trv and piovit Conductor HanUcy caused the accident. Ivxtrmlitiiui JU < ; ut > Md. ! Jan. 12. The senate in sccict session took up and debated lor an hour the Hrilish cxtindition ticuty , hut ad journed without action. Oliln Miner * HiriUi ; . Oi.Kvr.i.ANP , ( ) . , Jan. I1. . Four bundled coal miners at the National in in a * of WatteiSiVr Eerrio , near Wasliinetoinlllc , ( ) . , of luccuis JUT ton. THE WORK OF WRECKERS , The Missouri Pacific SotittVEoTinu Express Ditched Near Dnubar , Nob. ENGINEER DEWITT KILLED. 1) ) . AV. Hoffman ami .Ininc. * Hell. Ho * llevctl to Ho tlm I'criictwitura , Cnn- niut liodKCil In > Tnll at Nobrnskix City ( Ji-cnt A Cownnlly Dccil. KANSAS CITY , Jan. 12.iSpcclal Telegram to the Hit : : . ] The south-bound passenger train on the Missouri Pacific extension , which left Omaha last night and duo hero this mornlnr , was wrecked near Dunbar , Neb. , about midnight. The wreck was eauscil by the loosening of Iho rail , done by parties unknown , Several spikes and fish plates had been removed and the train , coming along al the late of thUty miles an hour plunged fifteen lect down an embankment and landed In a snowdrift. James Hewitt , of Wyandotte , Kan. , Iho cnclneer , wns caught under the boiler and kilted , bis body. not being recovered at last accounts. Frank Henoweth , oxpiess messenger , whoso homo Is In tills city , was Internally hurt and may * die. A lady , whoso name was not learned , was badly hint , but no other passenger wns seriously Injured as fai as known here. All were shaken up , however , and more or less bruised , The entire train left the track and probably the loss ot , llfo would have been girat except for a snow bank. which broke the lorco of the plunge. The .Missouri Pacllie olllchxls hero stale that the wreck is the result of a third attempt upon the llfo of Dewltt , the engineer. They say some of tbo men engaged In the strlito last spring cherished a grudge against Dowltt because ho was an active supporter of tlio company during the treat strike. They as sert that the wreck near Wyamiotle , for which Hamilton lias just been tried , was the result of a plot against Hewitt's llfo , but his train was not llic llrst to pass over tlio track , as they expected. Subsequently , they say , a second attemnl was made and last night Is the third. Several suspicious looking men were seen loitering about Iho station at Dun- bar last evening. Tiacks were found lend ing from Iho scene of the wreck which may furnish a clun. The sheriff and several others me searching the neighborhood and n icward will bo offered for Iho wreckers. A number of Calllornia excursionists worn among the parly. OMAHA iT.oi'i.i : ijf.n nrn. ATruiMiM , Kun. , Jan. liTlio persons In jured In Iho Missouri Paellic train accident last night were all brou.'ht hero to-day and cared for. The cause of Iho accident was Iho removal of a nil ! by two men , who weie seen to leave the spot as the train approached. Ail examination showed that the spikes and lisli plates had been removed , and close bv a claw barbeloiiL'iiiilo the Burlington Missouri Itiver load was found. Tlm tool house of the liurllngton AMissouri Hlvcr at Dnnbar was also found broken open. The wreck oceuricd on n curve where the road rounds a sharp bluff. The entire train was tinned over. Two men who wicyeMerdav turned out of the depot at Dunlmr nru Kiiiuautud. Thu following ate among the injured passengers : K. CoSNKit , Omaiia. M. O , MOHAN. Omaha , M. Kuxjfoy , Omaha , Mr.s. F. CKOSS. Omaha , 0. ( J. lirnroN , Omaha. MATTIIKW la.vnni.i , , Omaha , JAM us McUnoi.ttY , Omaha. Tlie 3Ii orcnnts Onptitrcil. NnintASKA CITY , Neb. , Jan. 1' ' . ( Special Telegram to the Urn. ] Tlio teriiblo acci dent which occurred last night on the Mis souri Pacllic railroad near Dnnbar , in which tlio bravo James Dewitt , llio engineer , lost his life , has been so tulh'.ind strongly pushed lo see who the miscreants were that made tlio derailment that caused his death that to-night 1) . W. Hoffman and James Hell aic conlincd in the jail in Ihls city under the coionor's verdict of being the perpetrators of this hell ish deed. .1. Slilson Potter , who prosecuted the search on Del mil of the Mis souri Pacific railroad , Ed Mar- nell , editor of the Nebraska City News , and to Sheriff McCallum certainly belongs - longs the credit of ferreting out and bring ing the guilty patties to trial. Thcio is In tense excitement at Dnnbar , and if the pris oners had not been brought to tills city to- nlglit there is no doubt but thcro would have been lynching . The- evidence a ; - adduced be fore Iho coroner's jury was such as leaves no doubt but thu guilty parties have been found.- 'llic Kerry Dlvorcn OIIHC. fiiiPAoo , Jan. 1' . ' . [ Special Telegram to Iho HKK. I Mrs. Abblo Fiirwcll Ferry's suit against her husband , William II. Feiry , was. yesterday dismissed in Judge Shcpard's court on Mrs. Ferry's motion. The discon tinuance of Iho piocccdlngs , which promised : hcnsalional developments when the ease was1 commenced , was the result of a compromise between Ferry and tils wife , brought iibout , it is said , by tbo efforts ot Mr. John V. Fiu\i well , Mrs. Ferry's father. The agreements arrived at tietween them Is that they shall ? live separate and apart without a dccieoojU couit , and that Air. Feiry shall pay for tlm maintenance and education ol lour boys. while Mrs. Ferry Is lo bo supported by her father. _ A Hluh Mli ! Scandal. Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. i l'J. | Special Telegram to the Uii : : | . The Star stiys : Fashlonablo society at Lout ; Hrnnch is agitated over the announcement that ( ieorgo Hoey , son ot the millioiiuho , John Hoey , president of tlio Adams Kxprcss company , has been Indicted by the Moiimontli county grand jury for forging his father's name to a dialt for 5150. The culprit ha. lied , and detect I vos.irn on his trick. This Is not the first time llmt dcorgo Hooy has been ciillly of a like oireiiM- This tlm e , however , the lather determined to pun ish him , and made complaint against him on which ho was Indicted. Jlouy has virtually disowned Ids KOII. Uc.onro la thlrly-hvo years of nge , and has a lovely wife and two beauti ful childrun. He hi an actor , but a very poor one. _ A HooinlUilo Colony In 'Mexico , N'jw YOUK , Jan. 13. ( Special Telegram to lhoHiiTho : : I Tribune says : A gentleman who Ju t icturned fiom Mexico says that J. K. Owens' socialistic colony at Topolobampo Is bound to pi eve a failure , Tlm telegraph reported tlio other day llio dcpiutuio of moio than one bundled and twenty jurnllK for thin colony fiom ' 1'oinliitone , A IThu country In which they aio to settle is repre sented to bu n dcM'it which en n ho inmloto produce unythlnu' only by inigation , and that Is in most instances Impiuctleabli ! on ac count of the M-aiHI v of water. The Mexican government in also unable or unwilling to afford udi : < juil < t protection to lilound prop. city as to iiml.u everything uiicottain thuie. Conl HAXI.KIO.V , Pa. , Jan. 1'J. Tlio oxrcutivo committee of the miners and laborers' sub" division of the Knights of Lulior which In clude tlio eniliu antniacjtii coal licids , hold n session hero yesterday and icbolvcd to de- claio a general fctriKe ot all emplojc" on- gained in mining and jucpar.ition ol ? .oal going to nlace.s all'tclcd by the slrilro ol the New Jersey coal handler * , providing the .strikers appuivo of tni.s us lining the most effective mnnnor ot leiidcrini ; them assistance , Powderly stated it Iho action ot the com mil tee Is apmnved by Ihc Milker/ * , lifty tonne hundred thousand luliurs cm- ployed in the anthracite coil ; litlds wll Moy