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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1887)
SIXTEENTH. YE AK. OMAHA , TUESDAY MO11NING JANUAUY * 11 1887. lR 907. HOUSE COMMITTEES NAMED , Speaker Harlan's Selections Announced to the Legislature in Session , LITTLE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. \ KcRoliitlon ol Ucspect to General Logan inttotlitccil Andres 1'rc- H n Hill Creating a. Urn-can or Imhor. the House. Xcb. , Jan. 10. [ Special lo the Hi.i .J When the house of representatives reconvened this aftcnioon al 1 o'clock it was apparent thai nearly nil bad cnjojed their Bundav dinner nl home. Their brows were unclouded and the cares of statesmanship had been tcmpoiarlly dispelled. 'Iho word "generally" Is used because there weie some exceptions. Notable among these was Kep- icscntallvoJcaiv , concerning whom It had been icpoiti-d , nnd toirectlj- the speakers nniioumemcnl proved , lhat ho was lo iccelvo the chairmanship of llio committee on enroll ments nnd engrossments. This committee Is obliged to employ fiom I'vcnlj to tvventv- hve clcik" , Iho mnjoiilj ol whom , by custom , nro ladles. Mr. Jcary was , therefor1 , be- Hinged b } ladles lo the light of him , ladles to the left of him , ladles all around him , and he woie a scared and hunted look which c\ciled the commiseration ol his fcllow-mombeis Succeeding pravoi by the chapliln and the response of ono hundred "lieies" to iho roll tall , Mr. ( Survey ot Douglas asked for Mr , SinHi permission for the latter uoiitlcman to bo absent until Tuesday , which was giante-d. lltl ! STA\ni\f ! COMVIITT1TS. The eleik then announced the standing committees , as piop.ircd btho spcakoi , as follows : Judiciary Kussell , Howman , Slater , Au di OWB , McConaugh } , Sullivan , Agee , Cald- wcll , Sin } th. Klnancc. Wavsand Moans Nichol , Il.ij- monil , Latta , Hairctt , lloimrod , Dempster , Newcomer , White , Peteis , McUiovv , Thoin- lon. lon.AgrlcuHuro Hallard , "Wilson. Abraham- BOII , Cameron , Kenton , Kuchs , Cillmorn. Heads nnd Hiidges Akin. Fox , Tingle , .Dickinson , Pnchs , Hontloy , Tjson. Militia-Sweet. Cole , Halrd , Yut/y , Gnr- vcy , Alcxandei , Satchel , Wnrdlaw , Norils. Public Lands and Hullillnu'S Caldwell , Andrews , McConaughy. Wardlaw , Wilsey , Tj son , Dlller , Uailey , Young , Jiislcj , Lois- M-ld. Inlei nal Improvemnnts Xorrls , YAlls , Kk'glcston , dieen , Gamble , Wllbelmsen , Itupcr. redcral Knlatlons H dley , Thlrtj-fourth district , Kisloj' . Thornton , Woleuweber , Kelpei , Schwab. l > grossd and Enrolled Hills Jeary. Pern- berton , Hentlej' , Schwab , Aiken , Xorris , Loid , Hiovvn/lvson , Accounts nnd i\pendlturns-Agco. : Wll- POII , Andiews , Peteis , J.eisveld , Jtoper , Ciaig. Hajden , Cole , Constitutional Amendments Slater , Cope , Tracy , McConaughy , Abiahauibon , Kills , Thlit-louith district. County Hoiindaries and Coiintv Scats hulllvnn , Crane , Slater , 1 lajden , Kiel1 hoin- ton , Kenny , Lord , Halld. Hallioads Whltmore , Watson , Shamp , Hallard , Miller , Agne , Cannon , How man , IcCann. ( iilmore , Harrctt , Harrison , New ton , Wotlinrald , Hick. , nnd L'lections I'lslpy , Cope- Kenny. Lord. Veach , MarMmtl , Oilier , Ivuvv ton , ( iilmoro , Husscll , Wright , lS3iiilentlaiy Howman , Shaiup , Aiuliol , Slmms , Andios Randall , Sweet. Blind , Deal and Dumb Cole , GafToid , Mntthlcson , Ke-ipcr , Hallard , U\erton , Leis- \eld. Coinoialloiis Miller. Mlnnlv , Gicen , AVrlght , Pumbcrton , Watson , Hcimrod. Llbiary \ ut/y , Fuller , Knov , Dickinson , MeKeuim , Maishall , Mc(5row. ( Cities and Towns Sinjtli , Knymond , Kills , Cralir , Kwinir , Vouni ; , Minnix. JJ.inks nnd Cuirency Newcomei , Knndall , Alexander , Omton , lluuibon , M ctiiew , ll.iyden. Common Schools Fuller , Overtoil , Hoist , Gamble , Ci.uie , .lenry , Cameron. Unlversltj ana Normal Si liools Domiister , Cannon , White. Alexander , Knox , Wlilt- more , Wilsey , Dlllei , ( ireen. 1'iiblle Printing 1-winpr. Kenncy , llorst , AiUen , Drown. Dempster , 1'iniit/ . Mines .mil Minerals Cope , Uief , Nlchol , McC'anu , Wilson , Crane , Vullei. Immigration Shami > . Hiown C.uueron , MeKouna , Jlabrock , H.iiley , Fuchs , falmanek , WillieliimenVoleuwebei , Dillei. Maiiutactnro and Commerce \Vcthuald , IU < ntley , bim.inek , Matthleson , Mingle , J'l.tnlShamp hehool l.inds Wilsey , Habenck , Knox , I'.Kleaion. batcliel , Underbill , Tiuclc , dull , Malthiesou. Mlscellani'otis Subjects MeConaiiliey ! , Slmms , Turner , Wliholtuaeii , rciiton , TON , Gallord. ApporUomuenl MtCann , Habcoek , Jcary , ( iamblehltmore , Newton , Caldwell , hweet , Fenlon , Turner , Hick , Newcomei , J atti. Claims Watson , Miller , Dickinson , Gar- \oy , Ciai ( , ' , Minnl.x , White , Abrahaiiibon , Jf.iMiionil. Lhu block nnd dra/lnc Harrett , Frant7 , Fox , Underhlll , Kccluaton , blinuib , Wether- aid , Lattn. Kief. Hides Demp-iler , Newcomer , Sullhan , Watson , bmUli. Horst , Mr. hpeiker. Jte\eiiuo nnd Taxation ( ' .union , Itandall , 1'eteis , Vut/y , Tinner , Itoper , Satchel , Jlc'imroil , Keiper. Laboi Mniih.ill , Andres , Underbill , Thlrtj-tourth ilibtiut , Trae > , Gatloid , II ij- aid , Hlel , , ( ianoy , J'omburtun , Veach , JJuv sell.'ardlav. . Mr. Cole , ot Adams. Introduced n joint ii'solullim of lusnuct nnd condolence upon the death ol Geueial .lolin A. hiuan. J'lio lesolutlon was adopted unanimously , but the motion wns ueonsldered nnd the jeiolution \umordeicdloits hecoiid leulinirnnil will lid made tlio bpcclal order ot to merion or home near subsequent d 15. The lollowlnj ; is tint full text : Wbeiens , Tlio commander of the unl\ei--o lia\ini , ' reimnid bj death one ot the nation's noblest deteniloiH , deneial and benatoi John A. Lot'an ; tliou'toro be It Iti-bohed , H ) tbohonatoaud house of icp- reseiitati\es of the btato ot NtbtnbUa , that In thodeath of ( ieneial l.ou'un the lountiy loses an illustrious eitl/eu , hold It. ' r. a lalth- Itd publle hi'rutiit , a man of pure moid .mil nnt > wcr\lnc Integrity. The cieateit of the Miiuntier chiefs lias jiassed away , \ilimt ; ; Irleud ot thoboldier , thoe\erieady dufendei ot the widow and the orphan , JtCbohod , That we bow In humbln subniis- hlon to Iho dhiuo will , acKnowlidclntj Uiu all wise biipiemacv ot thu call , leeoRiit/ln the end to which all o us must eomoiu thu diUnoptan. HesoUed , 'that the respectful sympathy of the Hi'iiuto and liouse ot representatl\es ot the state of Nebraska bo tendered to thu moiunlnu' widow , \\ith whom wo uicatly b > mpi\lhue. tu-solved , 'lhat an enciosspd copy of these resolutions bo'd to her and that the tame bo sniL'.ul upon tin ) house journal. ,1 nines 1'uuell was appointed M meiaengcr to ttio hi'cjttaty of state , as per iNritonrcTios OPIIII.I.S , The follow inj ; bills introduced : Hy Whitoot Cass To repeat the law ro- Qiiiilnn theie istintloii \oteraln ceitaln cities of the si'ciiiid elass. Ji > < iictvn ot I'latte To amend tlio net piovldiiik' tor the election of Kvisters of deeds. JJ\ How manTo provide for paying for jHibllcation of thu coiistltutlonal amendment submitted at the election of lbG , appiopiiat- Ini : 6Jts71. Jij iireen To regulate nioceduto In tlio ( listiiet eonit. Hy 15let To provide for an economic co- ole Ical survey < > f the state ot Netiraska tor the puiposoot dlseo\erltii.tndiliti ; > mlimting Informa'.iou ut'atdlng the ot the \ho. approprIatIneS4'i,000 to sink four test \\ells in the btato ot Nebraska. Uy Cope of I'aw nee To amend cert.un sec tions of the compiled statute.- . , Also , to amend certain portions of the re used .statutes relating to election of county nnd precinct olllccrs. Hy Fuller To make It unlawful for any to cliarRo moro Hum a icnts ver uiilo ' for transporting any paescnger wltli IJO pounds of baccngc. Hy Tvson To provide for dcterintnlns the length of terms of stipcrvl ors In townships newly or anl/ed. Hy 1'json Toatnond the law relating to the ale ofvlnoni , inallniidspiritiioiisllfiuors placing 5100 penalty on the sale on election dm a. Also , to amend section 71 , chapter T5 * , of the compiled htatutes of iss.\ entitled roads , and to repeal said original section. Also , to amend -ecllons of Ibo revised statutes entitled "revenue. " Hy Audit's To create n continual buieau of labor and liKluMrj , inovidlni ; for appoint ment of a commission ! i , apnoiiitmnnt of a dcpiity , and delinlui ; Hie duties thereof , unk ing the compensation of the commlsstonrr ? lsoo DOI annum and ot hl dctmtj | , cr niiniini ; the commissioner to nun power to enter nnj factorj or workshop and exam ine Into tin1 accommodation for , coinpensa- lion of and troatmenl of emplo.ves. Hv lloimrod To auiend the act iclatlng to corporations Allot thesebllts were ordered to a second teadintr. All of the billsIntiodureil la t week \vero read a second time nnd iclerrcd to the appro priate committees. Adjourned to ! > : M o'clock a. m. to morrow , i IIP mm ii-Mits's ni < i niox. The leoentlon lo ( , overiior Thavcr will be glvi u lo-morrow The senate hallexeeullvo olllceniid olllceof Hie attorney geneial will be Ihiown open , ( toxernor Tbajei midwife will ri'crive the mombois of the leizlslatuio and other visitors tiom S lo 11 o'clock. 'Iho covernoi and wife will bo assisted by ex- ( iovcrnor Davves and wife , Audltoi Habcoek and wile , Land Commissioner Scott nnd wile , Treasuiei Wlllaid , Secretary of State Laws nnd wile , Attorney Genoial Leeso and wife , and .Superintendent of I'ublle Iintruc- tlon Lanonnd wife. Althoimb intonral , the ii-teptlon will probably bo abtilliaiit alfiii. If haiidsomo feinlnlnc toilets can give II lhat AN IMI'OItTAN'T TVFNT I'OSTI'OVKI ) The opcuimesslon of DID 'I him liouse , vvldeb was lo bavo been held to iiionow ovenlne , has been postponed , ovvliu to Hie failure of the temporary olllcers lo secure a postponement of tlio governoi's reception. " "Truth crushed to eatlh will liso acnln. " however , and the 'third house will he duly organi/ed upon some evening of the present week with duo solemnity. HOIU3UTSO.V HWOIIN IN , Tlio Iciiulllcnii4 Score n Point Over Democratic Opposition In Indiana. IxuiAXAPoi'is , Ind. , Jan. 10 ( Special Teleciam to the Hin. : ) 11. S. Hobertson , Hcutenent governor elect , was counted In this morning , but amid oxtiaoidlnaiy s > concs. The dcmociatle senators declined to attend the joint .session to hear tlio count. When Speaker baj or , rcfusinc to entertain motions of anj boit , announced Kobertson eleetcd and Introduced hlm.thedeinocratlcrcpresent- ntivcs rose en masse and began to violently denounce Hobertbon , and denied bis light to preside. Represent itlvo Jowett delicti him and called the proceedings the acts ot n re publican mob. Jlo made \aguo reference to foicc , saylns the democrals bad filcnds In Hie galleiy , whereat a wild shout went up. tlioboitson vainly sought to obtain order , and attei taking Iho oalh of olllce read his address while patidomonium reigned In the halls. The lopubllcans gathered about him , and when ho announced his Intention lo Insist upon Ibo rights of the lieutenant- governor , they shouted loud and long. Above Ibo roar was faintly heard llobeitson's \olco adjourning the joint convention until Jan- taken. The domociats loft llio house In a bow ling bodv , but changed their tactics and returned. They acknowledged Iholr mis- lake in adjourning the scnaloover till 'lues- day ns thu repuhlle.ins have the advantage ot to day's pioccedlngs TIM ; I'nocni.DiNos IK nr.TAir , . INDIAN u-ous , Jan. 10. The hallways and conidots of the capitol vveio thionged w lib an immense crow d this morning to w it- nnss possible developments In the political struggle now in progress. All Inteicst was ccnteied in the house. Dhcctlj'aftei prajcr the dooiknepci announced the presence of the senate , consisting ot tlio nine teen republ'can membnis of that body. Kelllsun ( dnmociat ) arose , and called "Mr. Speakei. " but ho was not recogniml. Speaker Sayio immediately an nounced tno business of tlio convention was to canvass the vote forjllentenant ov- ernoi and Ke-llison niraln soiuht n bearing , but was iiromptlv told ho was out ol order. Other democratic nicmbcis claimed the speakei's attention , but were all letused rec ognition. At tlio close ot the reading ot the leturns , Jewell , ( demociat ) addressed the speaker , bill was told nothing would bo in order until the canvass was complete' . The result of the vote was announced ns follows : Hobcitson , 'Jijtlt ) | ; Nelson , .VJ.o'.U ; Kobeitson's major- ' ' I'lp'on this Hobnitoon was sworn In bv Jiiilno Walkei , of the biijiiemo court , and was then declared bv the speaker to bo lieu tenant governor ol Indiana. Hoi oitsoninstantlyadvancedtothelfrontof the spcakc-i'sdesk and tal.Inir lliog.ivcl rapped tor order. ( Ionian ( democratl raised his hand and called "Mi. apeiki'i , " but no at tention was niven him. Jevvett was treated in n similar mannei but both managed to ex claim "Mr. Speaker , we do not lecognl/o the legality ot this joint convention , " pointing to republican sonatois , "whim theio is no lepiesciitation ol the senate except tin * fair- end of that bodv. We protest against this usuipitlon ot powni and oveiturning of precedent and law. " This was the signal for all thn democrats to bosin noisy demonstrations. The contusion was so meat that only Individual sneakers could bo he-aid eec islonnlly and then In n dis jointed manner , Hohertson held his position at Ihe desk and Kent UP n vliroions lapping with llio gavel. Notwithstanding the noKo and tumult he proceeded to tlcliM'i his Inaug ural address , but the nohow as so great it was bend but by lew. At its conclusion ho de clared the joint convention adjouuied to tens- Mimhle In the same hall Wednesday , the 17th , to vote tor n I'nlted States sonaioi. The house then adjoin ned , When the house reassembled. Jew Itt ( ilnin- octal ) olfered insoliitlons reciting the fact of the election for lieutenant governor , can- vassim : the vote , etc. , admitting all the points except to tlio oni-as to whcihci thnio was a vncaiicj In the ofliee of lieutenant gov ernor and Inv iting Hobm Non to seel ; n solu tion throiiL'h the couits. Tha debate on the-e re-solutions occupied n lingo pail ot the nftoiiioon nnd they weio linnllj lejccted , republican upcakeis maintaining that the general assemhlj was the only tribunal competent to settle the matter. The only additional lealuio of In terest in the afternoon proceedings was the tiling ot notices of eoniesih in the case of Krglchnrto against Mae Kay , Downing airaiiiht Heasley nnd Dickerbon against Meaghcr. Thi'Mi weie reterred to the com mittee on elections , Tlio first of tlie-be con- testa IK that of a demociat iigalnst a republi can ; thu oilier * , uo lepubllcaus against dem ocrats. The Illinois Si'iti.vonr.i.i ) , 111 , Jan , 10. Short sessions vveio held In bolh bouses of the legislating this evening. The only business of any Im portance was the Introduction of house bill No. 11 > > Fullni , limiting the i.ilo oflnteiest to 0 > > er cent. The house Lommltteo has designated Thursday atternoon , Janti try I'l , foi holding a joint caucus for the purpose of nominatimr a senatorial candidate. Wltn the return ot the members of Ibo lozblatmo this afternoon and to-night the senatorial contest has reached its most heated point , and gives evidence of beluga protracted struggle. The situation is nol mateilallv changed and Farwell still stands against theheld. . The Uiand Army Intlu- eneo has not centered upon any ono ot Ihe named candidates with the hope that tioy- crnor O lesby will } et bo Induced i to enter the race , and there Is stiong talk to-nli'ht of tlio probability ot bis doing to , Death of a Chlongo Judge. CiiiCAfio.Jan , 10. Judge John G. Jtodgors , chief Justice of the circuit court of Cook count } ' , and with ono exception the oldest In leiuth of service of the Chicago judiciary , dropped dead in a store on Stale htjeet tills atternoun Ho was a int.veof KctUucky. rni f nit nirrnr'pr'p TTII nil T CILLOM DISCUSSES HIE BILL He Speaka nt Great Length on the luter- State Oonimerco Measure , THE LONG AND SHORT HAUL ? Icnntir ! or the AVorilB nml 1'hrnsc- of the DlfTerciit Sections J'tilly Kxtilnlncil Other DolngM In Sennto. WASHI.VGTOV , Jan. 10. Among the com munications presented by the presiding olll- ccr to Hie senate am ! referred wasono from Hie ccrct iry of war transmitting the tepott of tlio board of engineers In icgarl to bridg ing the Mississippi river at St. Louis. Petitions vveio presented and tolcired as follows : Hj Mr. Cameron Piaylngfoi the reduction of Internal taxes. Hj Mr. Hvarts rrom the Now York chain- bei of commerce on the subject of Intcr-stato commeicc , a bill favoring the commission , but presenting objecting to the "pooling' ' nnd"shoil and long haul" sections of the bill. lie asked tint It bo printed In the Hccord ami laid on the lable , as ho desired to make some comments on It. So ordeicd. Hy Mi. Hlair-Ot Ibo Woman's Chiistian Temperance association in relation to the alcohol tiade with tln Congo status. , Hj Mr. Ingalls Of the board ol trade of lawieiico , Ind. , nnd Topeka , Kan. , lor cer tain modlllcatious in the inter-state conuicico bill. bill.Hy Hy Mr. Hoar From the select commithc on the centennial celebration , reporting rcso lutions declaiing 11 expodlcnl thatacllou be taken by cor.cress for tlio dut1 celebration lu Washington , about April so , ISMi , of the cen tennial of the adoption of thn constitution and the dNcovciy of America ; and direct ing the committu to consider and ptoposc the best mode ot celebration. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Davves the house amendments to the bonalo bill to prov Ide lands for Indians In severally wcro non- concurred In and a conference asked. Mr. Hnller introduced n bill to prevent the sale ol adulterated food In the District of Columbia and territories. Kefencd. The presiding otllcer presented the remonstrance ol the Minneapolis boaid of Ir.ado against sections 4 nnd n ( pooling and long and short haul ) sections ot tlio inter state commerce bill. 'Iho i-an lie. at 1JX : ! > , took up the Inter-slato commcico bill , and Mr. Heck look Iho floor Intavorof the conteience report. Mi. Heck nt 2 o'clock concluded bis remarks on Iho inter-btatu commcico bill , nnd Mi. Ctillom took Iho lloor. lie said bo would conlino his attention at this time lo an explanation of thu fourth section , long and short hauls , in respect to which thcro seemed to bo much ndsuiulcistandlntr. This section , Mr. Cullom said , simply undertakes to laj down in bpeellie tcims n rule 01 niluelplo which , ns 1 lu\o alwavs contended , is already in eilect contained In nnothei piovislon ot the bill. The hist ic- qulromcnt of the bill on the subject of lates is touiid in the lirst .section and is that all rates shall be "reasonable and just. " . This Is In effect that undct similar cncunistnnces and conditions a gieatei sum shall not bo charged for shorter than for longei distance because under such ciicumslniices it would not bo "reasoiiablo and jusl" to make such charge" . The next iciiuiicmont ot the bill that allects the question Is found in the Jirsl pirtot the section , which forbids giving undno or iinuasouablo pn leience or ad vantage lo nny paiticular locality , This is likewison declaration that a greater sum shall not bo charged for n shorti'i than tor n longer haul undei bimllni ciicumslaiices and conditions , boc inso sueli clnrL'e would bo m.iking or giving ot "Undue or unreasona ble pieleiciiLo or advantgo" to one p irlien- lai locality ; or would subjecl some olliei lo cality to an ' Undue or unieasouablo pioju- dice or disadvantage. " ( The senatoi quoted the tourth section in full ) . As I undcistaiid it this section , as It now stands , simply pio- blhlts lallroad coipoiatlons irom chaiglng n grentei nggiegito siim not n hUher late lot a bhortei thin for a loinrer distance over the same Hue , in the same direction nnd un der substantially similai circiimslances and conditions , when Iho slioiter Is included in the longer distance. Theio is no other prohibition made in positive tcims. The ileclaiation that "this shall not be tonstiued ns aiithoii/ing nny common canior within Ibo terms of tills act to ch irge and leceivo as gieat a compensation toi a slioiter as for a longei distance , does not in ( onus prohibit the chaiglng as much foi shoitei as lor longer distance , but simply withholds legis lative sinction f loin the making ol such ehaigo. This iualllv | ing clause negatives Iho infeienceslhat might possiblj be diawu troin the language ot the section without those vvoids , namely , that ui oiiual chaise lor a bhoiter dlstniico Is aiithon/ed bv infeieiico necuiso enl > a gicater clnige is prohibited. This iiualihcation , theieloie , leaves Iho question - tion ol whether an equal amount can be clmiged foi a slioiter dis'ancc to bo detcimiiied by the piovislons ot the bill to which 1 have alieady lelerred requlilns all clnrgei to bo reasonable and toi bidding the giving ot umeasonablo prefer- ente or advantage to any paiticular locality. 'Iho leiiidrement of the fourth section then is that between shlpmi nts ol the same kind in the same dliection o\i'i the simo line and made under substantially similar ciicuni- stances and condition" , ereater hums hhall not ho charged lei n shorter than for a longer haul when the shortei comprises apait ol the longer h ml not that a highei late Mi ill not bo i barged DPI mile , but that a gieatei aggre gate sum shall not be ehaiged. The limita tions placed upon the prohibition tint Is made are vcrj' lignihi ant and should not bo overlooked. 'I hej lequlre thai in determin ing the sums that ma > bocliaiged fora shorter ascompaied with a loii'/er distance Iho re- quiiement must bo made : 1. Hetween ship ments "ot like kind of propertv ; " , ' . "Under bubstanllallv Mini- lar elicumstanccs and conditions ; " : ! , "Over the same lines ; " -1 , "In the same diiectlon ; " 5 , "When n shoitei Is included within a longer distance. " When tlio net is to be applied In any uivea ciso to Iho meas ure ehaigo that may be made lot an > distance ascomimiul with the longer distance , all limitations must bo taken into account and thej must all appl > to thocasu , not tluee ot four ot them , but all of them. The iiist , tourth and hftb of these limitations do not appear to tall tor nny limitations , but lint w cond nnd thlid need some explanation. As 1 understand them , the wouls 'ciicumsiaiiies nnd conditions" mean conditions that I govein railway Irattle nnd cliciimstanccs under vvldeb it Is truinportcd. To my mind tbeso words are lull ot moaning. They eomprehend all circumstances and condi tions which may lustily differences In rates , such as competition with othei loads and water routes , tno voliimn and character of business at dilleient points , the dllfeienco in terminal expenses and the cost of tenleo In each case. If the vvoids used vveio thn 'vamo circumstances nnd tomlitlous" the In cenloiis railway gentleman would bo able to show that circumstances nnd conditions were never oxacth the t > amo In an > two cases , \ml the > might also bo able to show that thej vvcru not similar if that was the word used , lint the vvoids "substantial ! } similar" Impait enough latitude to the compnilsoii lo enable the courts to exercise sound discre tion nnd common scnso In passing upon cases that maj arise , bo far as any ono rail road company Is conceined , Iheiufoie , the sum which It maj ehaigo for a haul Irom onu end ot its road to the oilier end pecomes thu maximum amount It can cnnige for nnj bhoitci haul over that road In the same dlnction nnd under substantially .similar circumstances and conditions when the shorter distance is included within the larger. Hut Iho quistion which seems lo trouble these who object to the section ns it btands Is whether thu maximum thus fixed Is the amount which the railroad company charges upon shipments onglnallngat and destluod to points unon Its own line , or whether the maximum Is the sum which It accepts as Its bhaio ot a through rate upon shipments passing o\ur ltd load which in- at or are destined to points upon another road. It seems clear to mo that iheio can bo but oue answer to that Question. In the first place , the measure of charge that may be iiitdo for the shorter distance Is the sum Ihal Is charged for the longer distance over the ame line and under substantially similar circumstances and conditions. 'Iho rates lixed bj the ralltond companies between points upon its own road are clearly rates upon 1i ono line , or. In the terms of tno bill , 1t "tho same line. A railroad company can make and control rates upon Its own road and ( l the section sajs that In demanding suc rates the short haul principle shall be ob served. A railroad company cannot carry | over roads of another company , but when two t 01 more companies unite. . In making Joint rates over their respective loads they iK'como In thn ejo ot this bill ono line ; and this section sajs that tlio shoit hull principle must bo observed In making rates over that line , the two or moro mads composing It being within the meaning of the section tlio same line , so tar as such joint rates are concei nod. The w ord "ralhoid" Is used Ihrou houi the bill and the won ! "line'1 is used only In this section. Tlio courts will be bound to assume that the word "lino" means somcthtngdllfcrcnlfiom "rail- load , " 01 It would not have been used In this one Instance , when thoword"rallioad" would natural ! } have been used If something dltfei- cnl bad not been intended , Mr ( ieorge objected to the Interpolation put upon the words "under like eiicumstan- ccs nnd conditions" bj Mi. ( nllom. lie did not believe thai II was a true nnd legitimate Interpretation , and protested against Its goIng - Ing through the semlo wlthnn nuthoiitativo exposition of the meaning of lliosn vvoids such as I'lven bv the senator from Illinois. Mi Cullom 'I ho senator from Mississippi lias the ilcht to put iinv construction ho thooscs on the words Tliev nieput Into the oilglnal bill by the senate l > ecauso the sentence without them was too rigid nnd It was feared ttiat It would Inlet fero wilh the m-ncral commeico of Iho country. They were put theio to mean something and they do mean something. Mr. btinloul aigucd agilnst the bill , lie said that It leiuled notoiilv to prevent com petition by raihoads but U had a tendency lo foster water wa > s to the piojudlco of railroad Interests. Mr. Stanford Illustrated his view of the bill In several ways , devoting consider able attention to the long nnd shoit haul , Aftei an executive session the eonato ad- /Hiincd , _ House. x , Jan. 10. The speaker lali bcfoicviie house a communication tiom the iOcretarof the tioasury In reply lo tlon nskhi ; for nn luturmetatlon of the taillT law icspcctiiit , ' duties on tlsh. Jte- feired. UndPi the-ail of states tlio follow Inr bills and rosolulioia wcio intioduccd and 10- tencd : .Hy Oates of Mabama Making ten \ears icsldenceof aliens a pruroinisite to natuial- i/atlon. Hy Kovvell of Illlmis ( by requcsl-rant- ) ( ; Ing nld lor Vho establishment of common schools and for the professional education of public school tea-hen. Hy Matson ol luihna Foi the icllcf of dependent patents o honoiably dltchnigcd oldlcrs and sailors iho are dependent on their own labor for stpport. Uy Cobb of Indian. A resolution grant Ing the public lauds cmmltteo power to ctll up nn > day attei the Jonilng hour bills for Hie loifeiluro of lamlgrauts to prevent spec ulator In public la ls nnd to icservo Iho public lands foi bonnlde selllers. Hy Mnrrluun of Xivv i'ork 1'or Hie pui- clmso of John Lri'oon's "Destroyer" and tt n enlarged steel escls of the same tv po tor aofendins the lurbors ot the United States. Hy Ciicoii of Xrfh C rollna-To grade . ' 'M,110 ! ! lu"rci | tf income. Hy lillman of SMh Carolina To piovont lliodestinetion ot lts. , n jjfo Ino in ioad accidents. by rall- Mr. Moirisoii oflHnois , from the cnm- mitteo on uiles lupatod n resolution setting apart Wednesday an Thursday next for the oonRiiinrition of busicss repented tiom the commitleo on judiorv. Agreed to. This To'lv" ' " imCb"inS idmunds-Tucker antl- The lloor was tlongivHn to the District ot Columbia commUonnd ! alter the passaso of several aistnc iiPasuies the house utl- . joxrned. ANAnClIISIVAGUN AT IT. t no , I.atUutlo Allow etl Thoinly tlit Authorities. Ciur voo , Jan. 1 [ Special Telegiam to the Hi i .1 Thcies much Iinlignatlon felt among the neoplof Chicago oter the lati tude which the auioiltles aie again giving the amichists whnrestillat llbertv and the feai is openly expssed nothing short of a reoccutieneeof 10 scenes of last M.IJ will bilng tlio authorits to a realization of then duty. 'Ihe Arbter Xcitnng , Spies' old papei , is asIoht In its language as foi- meilj and again ipeals to the woiklngineii to aim themselve Spies , Schwab , Parsons , and the othoi cidemned anaichlsts still write lei the . which pap. seems more pi os- peious than evei , Golf's hall , the saloon in which many of t , nnaichlsts' conspiracies w fro hatched , w hi figuied so prominently In the dial , andvhlch was closed by the police at the tin of the massacie , has" been given a license nui.nmlls aualn iiinnlng ns of } oie. The st on i * > - nce moic the head- quarteisot the wliiMstS ' . ! at a mpL-tlng held there hist iglit the n. t jlu.enualy | secchi" ] , were illulired In. . . .siirniiif.ant ' ' s ff t tact coiiceining Us uu.etlnt pioceedings wen earned 01 in - " " ' " ° tl.rce-louitbol . . prceent lot bellW 10 understand Kisllsb. A unmler ' 'V ' Mavor II urison tli , aftei nom , lave rt noticed , Mi. the uiaic lists Iicl ' ' a veiv stoimv nieptlng inel's lull on Lake ht"v .1V ? ' held } meotlng ll.eie . , but 1 did not think then t k amounted to an.vthing moie than ruio blnsteiing " " " ' "wasn-'t Xell's license en to him with the iiiideistaiidlng that iu would iillovv no moro such mcetiiiL's to beicld there/ " 1 don't oxactl } know the terms of the stipulation upon which is license was ro- btoiedto him. The woe undc' taiK ing was between himself autlio pohee , 1'er- sonall > , however , lam' the opinion that It Isbettei to allow ihose'icetlngs ' to be heli openly In places jccosJJlo to tlio public and thone.wspipenepoiic'tliaiito drive hem iindi igioiinil nnd eou > l them lo bo held so- cretlj.'o IIIMJ iiotnirf to fe.u Mom open ineetinirs. Ills lr < seciel imdcrground gatherlngs-andcoiihiiaciesthat ho leal dan- KCI IsloTx ) apprehcded 1 tlilnlt that so long asells tlocsn allow anj moiooft hose iiiureigiound. basiuent , M-ciet meetings , with baited doors ml senllhels on the staii- wajstheithiiontlolinteifeingwith ! ! dm. It wotakorepicssiv mcasuies nnd K-e-k to cinsb out this HilK bv prohibiting open mcelings , then wo nve it under Iho siirlaco and clatidesiino reoions and bee-ret organ- i/atlons will bo then-suit. If these puuplo aio denied the useot the saloons , whe-io everjbody can heat what they sav , theioa \ nothing to movoiit nem fiom hiring prljato rooms nnd holding t eli meetings liieie. Iho cure would , In my > nlnlou , bo vvoiso than the disease , 'J1II3 ItOUTKI ) Ml.MSrUY. The Cnimtllan C/lnnnt to Try Another JJeoiion. NMVOIIK , Jan.10. fbpec-lalTelegram to thn lli.i : , | The i.-lhune's Ottawa special ba > Owing to tlieJiscusslun In the Doinln- ' Ion cabinet over tlieimmcdlato dlEsolutlon of parliament and holting a general election , John Costlgan , mhlstcr ot internal revenue , has placed his icslgnation In the bands of bh John A. Mit-donald. It Is not likely that it will bo accejit-d until after the elections arooverand tbopremlei sees whether ornot ho Is himself to cuitlnuo In power. Owing tosomedljagieciiciuas lo next jear's estl mates now being prepaied , W. A. McLcllan , minister of finatio ! , alter n cabinet meeting jcstcrda } , banded Sir John Ids resignation. TIds islikclytobo accepted and tlio place lllle-d probably with blr Charles Tupper , present - ent Canadian hlb commissioner in London , who sails for Canada to-morrow. Dissolution was agreed nponat the council ot the cabinet jest'rdajbut tlit date for the elections , has not jel been tixedniid will nol bo until Tues day , All members ot the ministry who nro now stumplngthecounti } havobercc.dlcd bj tlio promlei by Megraph , and aio uxpectedto arrh e- hero to-iuorroiv. MEANEST MiN ON" RECORD , Chief Olerk Duryco of tlio Patent Offic Awarded the Modal , THE CASC OF SIX LADY EMPLOYES lloiircscntntlvcs UriifjK nnd Stntsot Announce Tholr Intention to Op pose tlio 15111 to Pension Mis ljnn | Capital News. A Contrmptlblo Clcilr. W viiuvmov , Jan. 10. [ Spccl ilTelegram to Ihe HI.I : . I The most contemptible act jcl reported coming fiom a representatlvo of the administration In ofllclal lite Is bioucjit lo } our coirespondent to-nlnht. On Satiuda } six lad } cleiks In the patent olllco weio ab sent half a tlav. When they repoilcd foi dutj this morning Chlet Cleik Duijec , fron A lislnia , compelled them to make nlhdavl thai thev weie absent on account of sickness , Dur.vee Is a notarv public , administered th oaths himself and chained the usual fee levied by notatlns for administering oaths it this Dlstiict , which Is y cents each. WIM , ot'i-o n n SXIOMNO MI-.S. loriAV. Hcpresentitlvos Malson and Hiagg an noiinco Ihclr dctetmlnatlon to tight the pas s.agc of the bill pensioning Mis John A Logan when It comes up in the house. Matson is credited with basing bis oppositio on thegiound that Loirati did not die iion disabilities Incuired in iho service and tha theio are those who have died from tha cause whoso families cannot get rcllel al the hands of congress. An orcnnl/ed elloil wll bo made bj Hie democials in iho house lo de feal tlio bill. General Hiagg is opposed to incieaslng the list of civil pensioners. TIlKMOl'MtKSKIIYAriOV 1III.I. . Chairman Wellborn , of the liouse com mlttco on Indian affairs , Informed the Hni coriespondenl to-night that the bill opening to settlement the Sion\ Indian reservation In Dakota would bojond reasonable doubt bo taken up and passed this week. It the spcaKei does not lecogniro him this week al the nicmbcis favoring Iho bill , nnd nearlv nl. ol them tavoi It. will petition the spcakci tor Immediate consideration of it. niM m IOWA Mi.vinnns. Hills were intioduced in llio house to-day Iry Iowa nicmbcis ns follows : HyLjinan For Iho le-llef of 11. X.Camp bell , of Jow.a. Hv Uall-To pension William Kcdlck and Mlcnjah Kedcr. Hy Muijibj' ToremoH' thochaigo of de- sortlon against the military iccord of Picntlco Holmes , niSOt'STHl ) 1IAMA1I , Somcot Mi. Handall's doinoci.itlc follow- cis on Iho tnrllf question nro verv much dis gusted over the situation. Ono of the most prominenl of these a well-known demociat from Ponnsvlvania spcaklne of the situ ation lids moiiiiiig , said : "Although I have been Invited bvMi. ' Kandall to bo present nt his conference's , and although t am wilh film in bis work , i have not bothered nijself about tarllf matters since congress adjoin tied last summer. It has come to a pass when it makes nil thn dilleieneo Imaginable who pie- sentt , the suojeet of tarifl to the house. If Monlbon leads then Kandall opposes , and vlco vcisa. Of eour o when either wing of the dcmociatle side leads out on n subject the rcrmblUniio oppoio solidly , simply because they will not support a democratic measuie. This is child's play , and 1 am most heartily sick of It. I am opposed lo a general revision ot tlio larlu" , but believe , and so does Mr. Jtandall , that something must be done to do- ciease the levcnues from customs dues. Of couiso this can only be done by placing niti- clcs ot common use on tlio frco list , as the simple i eduction of dut } on an article stimu lates Impoits and Increases the rovniiue. Hut It Morilson should pionosoa scheme of this kind our people , the Kindill men , would oppose It , oven thoiiL'h it was just what they wanted , and they would bo se ( ended b } tlio cntno lepubllcaii side ol the house. " 1 believe that wo could get together and pass a Old enlarging the free lost 11 it were not lor tlio suu'iii question. The lenublie.ans want Iifosugai 01 a decided reduction ot the dut } on it. As the south represents the sugar Intelests and Is democratic wo cannot please the icpubllcans In this respect and thereloic , to my mind , the last scheme tor le- dueing the lovenuo and iclleving ( ho cus toms laws will f.iil. It is possible , but not piobable , that vvn nmv get togethei at this session and nbolNi the tax on tobacco , fruit brandy , nnd alcohol to be used in the nils : but this is not piobiblo owing to tlio childlike situation In which we bud ourselves , and the piojndica existing against pioposltlonsmadebj ceitain Individuals. I hear that Sunset Cox Is to be chiiiman ol the coiumittio on wajs and means In tlio next congress , and Is to take the place ol Mi. Monison In the aflcetlons and favor ot bpiakni Carlisle , and he is to be the Moses to lead oui paity out of tlio tariff wihleiness. It Is mj picdlclloii , how- in evei , that he will make n more dismal failu/o than did Mr. Monison , because out side / ol the house will have the same composition on the t.ulfl question In the Pittleth that it bns In this congress. " mi NEW sn.vnit n inincvTi s. Washington has a surfeit alieady of the to sllvei certificates. Sixwieksa.'o complaint ' ' was made bj the meichants ai d bankers lhat thej ' had to handle so many sllvei dollars , 'heir comments seem to have had effect upon ev-ii ciistonieisand they iiishcd off to llio iiP\rooiii of the treasury and gel loads of the thiitjrtllicates. Now a man lieipientl } gets stores , iJoitj of them In clmiigo at the the tieasliSilvei dollars aio at leqttnst. At demaml Ioi lepaitment It Is stilted that the great lhat the ono dollai certificates Is so is ' M w DIIMON'TS cannot bo filled. Within a lew dnj IAM > CASK Arrru.s. peals ioi land cases ' \o new division of , ap i , the Inteiior dopartmcn bo in opeiation at the j fiom the. decisions ot the * > o man } appeals ' land olllce-s are bent to the .rs at the local be that thu secietaiy. lilH Hslst. . , , ) now misslonnr of the land ollleo .im.'iw com- ants aie unable to heai nud dect , Mv ; . and thev have banked up deeper than , . . : the boloiu the snpieinc court ot tinI'nited * 5tii II ix pioposdl in Ibis new division lot.ikJ eliargo ot all oidlnau npiieals and have a coiis ] of clerks who aie lawjci' to lull control , and thcli decisionsbh.ill be those ot thoseeielaij ol tlio interior. A ehie-1 01 this division has been selected , and congiess has been asked to make piovision lei the law eleiks , but If U fails to do so cleilis fiom other dlvisioiib will be assigned to this one , The work heio will ho ot a ttchnicil cbai- actei and more inteiestlng In Its details lhan piobablj .111 } othei small blanch ol tlmgov- einment beivice. Ills hojied that within a jeur fiom the date ol opening this division llio appeals winch have been delajed for jears will all have been cleared up. At pie-s ent onu is lortiinato II ho gets a decision in a ca-e at the end ol fifteen mouths' solielta- lion. MIIITUIV MOVrMTNTS. Hilcadlei tleneial Absalom llaiid , Inspec tor general ol the army , has been ordi-icd to Tort lu ) Chesne , Utah , to inquiie Into ceitain matters theie , under special Injunctions from Lieutenant ( ieneial Sheridan. First Lieut , ( in ) S , liowaid , Twelfth In fantry , leturiied with Mrs. llowaid to Kort Niagaia , N. V. , last week. Llonl. llovvanl Is a bonof Major deueial O C. llowaid. and the } had Ijcon visiting Mrs. ilowiud's idla- liveIn Omaha. In the 1'ilth Infantiy , Tlist Lieutenant S. AV. Mdlei has been tiaiisleiied Irom Com- iianj K to Company (1 , exchanging with Khbt Lieut. Thomas M. Dofreos. lloth olli- bi-rs are stationed at 1'ort KeoKh , Montana. Army Jiuloughs authori/ed : Hospital Steward John H I'ovvlor , Whlpplo Harraeks , Arl/ona , three months , with permission to apply tor two months extension ; 1'rivato Lewis C Hull , tioop H , Seventh cavalry , Tort Vntes , Dakola , thico monlhs fiom Jan- uaiy SO. Army leaves uranted : First Lieutenant Thomas M. Defrces , Fifth cavalry , I'oit KeoB'h , Montana , tvvojmonths ; Lleutonant Lt'in S , HoudieI'itteenth Infantry , Fort month trom January NIobraia , Neoraska' , Yen months , w It'll per mission lo go abioad ; Lieutenant Lawn nee 1) TV son , Ninth Infuitry , now at Kuox- ville , Ic'iin. , two months extension. SVI VI.I , OAI'ITM S. L. H. WadlcUh and daughter , of Clinton , la. , are hrre. Adam Icke , of Sliluny , Xeb. , lia liren .admitted to practice beloro the Interior de- nil Uncut. ( J. U. Hnlley , of Nebraska. IM In tlincltv. Among the delegates to the Inleinatlonal Hiicklaveis' union convention , which coo- \ened here to-day , are tuo followlni ; : I ! . II. Holmes mid Charles Mcrcadv ( ! , of Omaha : A. T Dowllnp , of Sioux Ullj , and Samue'l Not I , of DCS Molnes. IS1 OHAI iaNGn. ; llenoitncos the Htorlt-s ofCou-up- tlon nnil DonmiulM 1'ioor. Hostov , J in. 10 , In a letter coiiceining the 1'aclfic railroad funding bill now pend ing In congress , sent to night to Senator Hoar and Itepiesciilatlvo CiKp.who hnvo the propi > eed legislation In clmige , 1'iesidciit Adams , of the Union I'acllie companv , avs : "Vniruo stories ot corruption piactlccd 01 attempted In Wasbliig'toii In connection with the pending I'acltic inllioad legislation haveappi'.ated In to-div's papers. In justice not loss to the nicmbcis of cougiess tints millgned than to injself. I wish to make n prompt and empliitie denial of such chaises and cliallcnce1 thn production of evidence in Mippoil of them. 1 do this on behalf of the Centtalns well as the Union TatiHe laMimd. 1 hnve evhieiico thai the ehaigo lefetii'd to was Invented and tuinishcd to the pu-ss by blackmillers and slock jobbois whoso ( sole ohlect was and Is to futther theli own ends In \\all stunt nt thn exi enso of the permanent InteieMsof both thiseoinptnj and of this government. As to the measiues now pending be'iorocoii'iu'-s ' , both In the hoii'o and t'natn. 1 will frankly si } tlio maiiagemont ot the Union I'acilie has no ineference between thi-m. It eonsldcis both of them too hostile In their piovislous. Hoth exact of flic companv in favor ot Hie goveinmeiit a late ot interest neail } half ns laige again as the government pas to the company. In practical operation eitliei , mcasuin will dangerously oveiload the future lesouiees of the Union Pacific. Neveilhe- less the Union I'acnle Is piepared lovall } to accept elthei mc-asuio and to endeavor to live up to al ! Us requliements II b } so doing it can once tor all end this continual warfare upon It of those who seek to piomotn their own stook gambling Interests b ) gioundlnss insinuations and lalso statements to the detriment nol less of good governmonl than of main thousand honest and iinotlendlng stockholders. A BTUIKH IN I1OSXON. | Street Cars Tied Up anil Tra\ol Madly 1 111 | HMl I'll. Hosrox , Jan 10 A general "Ho up" on the consolidated Morse rallw.av occulted this morning , ptnsnnnt to the action of the meel- Ing of emplojes Ibis moinlng. The roads compilse Middlesex and llichland linnscon necting Walden , Kveiett , Charleslown and Somei ville with Hostonnud the Hoston high land dlstilct. All emplojes , luelndlng oon- dnctois , dilvers , hostleis , hoiscshoeis feed ers and tow bo } s. are paitlcipatiug. The ex act gi lev ances of the men aie not jet known , but thn trouble Is believed lo be caused by the failure ol President Howets to keep his Dai tot the agreement reeenlly made with Iho i men. I A Clmleslown cai was stalled from Charlestown Neck this morning. Seveial Sliawmut avenue cars liavo passed over the line since , manned by non-union dnveis and conductois , vvho aio protected bj * from font to six policemen on each car. No dls- tnibancc has been repotted thus fat , aim none In nxpoctccl. President Hovvers has ndvettised for WK3 able bodied men lo woik on all the tie-up roads. All who will he taken will be iriiai- anteed steady work and good vvngcs. It is slated that Superintendent Stndley , ot ( bo ChnilestwnTHstrlctrhas IndiirOd a number of his old men toietiirn to work and at 11 ho had fifteen c.ars running from tiuit end of the- city.At At noon ( itiito n numbpi of cais weie.- iiinnini ; on Ihe Shaw niiitaveiiuoand Chailes- lovvn lines. 'Jhcso vveio all policed and met with no moro violent demonstrations than hoots and jells. ' 1 he emploji-s ol the Metro politan Iloiso H till oad company held a meet ing this moinlng and voted ? \00i ) to assist the stilkeis. A meeting ot the emplojes ol the South lioston load was attended with the same lesult and ? 10,000 The doublenose out ot a number ot minor matters alTecting onlv n lew m > .Mi , such as the pay ot tipiicis , the allowance lor me il time of certain men , the iieimittlngol men connected with the Kud to keep Ixniding houses , etc. A Thoollli lals of the toad sa } the- } met the men \v \ In a filendlv spirit nnd had iiinccded mine than half thnh demunls. Ono ol the stiikeis fli said that the Knights of Lilmi did not oidei inl the strike. Tlio men took the responsibility tin on themselves , and claim tint the } have promises ample ot lin.ini-i il nld and can hold out as long as the eompuiy dons 'Ihe nl strlki'is remain veij quiet atidoideilv , most of Ihe hooting being done by bojs and idle poisons. The dlicctoisof the company and employes l held a meeting to night winch , when it ad journed shoi 11 } aftei mldnigl.t , hid lesiilteil jii' nn amicable adjiistment of all ilHtcic-nccs CC tin ' 1 H ID COAIi'sn UAT1ON. ilovv ( lie Kniuhts Can Poice a I'.iinino on New Voi-lc. AI Xi w VoniJan. . 10. [ Special 'IVJegiam ne- the Hi i.J The Sun this moiniiu sajs : W.I bOl 'Theio is about two bundled and filly thou sand tons ol coal now on the scahoaid at ports Ambov in the eontial dock , nt iil/a- : bethpoit , nt Hergen Point , lloboken and at A Wnehawken. This is distiibided about as follows : 7r > , OUO tons nt Weehawken , 100,000 tons nt lioboken , nnd r/jouo , at the othei cr liolnts. 'Jhls is neaily all hard coil This Pa about a week's supply for this city and Is suiroiindlngs. Confeiences weio hold be- al Iwicn . several of the eo.'d companies and for 1 ! aibltiiitlon committee ol the Knights ot ha' Labor Saturday , but no underitanding could mi 10 Klied. Thcio will he run in Camp and within a ( lny 01 two if the coinpinlcs do not At jleld. No cIToit will be made to prevent by once loieo the employment ol new men on A coil docks. The knUhtsj | | of' meet a light of this kind bv stopidngtho took hiiiiplies ot coal both liom the Cnmbnilaiid an lley .mil Ihe I'ennsjlvaiiia fieldh It A can do this b rallinu' out the ' ' } ' " ' ' " mlneis 01 git ' ' 2'i -meii'\e'-w"'Yo'ik "and'Tiii \ 'i' ' < - tlio tin I illiei ' , ' " " L0 1 < % 1 H ' " ' " ' , V " . " ' WV ' " l tim i u ts vv i/istiiknisuronbotooidi-l , ; ' ' , ; ust x , , .1,1. , -i in-u ' eon- lln II they f.iiiii.'V will biiueal. bo HiostilKo" , , " , , " , s , d thej ' mines HiostilKo"1""tV,1ol , , , from the companies jiclil. till , " 1't , , , unless the tin another week. Should wlll lastat leisl ho 'nii'berlaiid valley and ' "juiiiers in the .lelds beeilled out It would -\haiil i coal ujion upwaid ot 150,0"U men. i idleness J11JV. ttuTlU'GiA'.N'N. let I a That llo Will Iicnvo the Chinc-h Knthor 'ihcui , Ni vv Vouu.Jaii. 10. [ SpecInl'Ielesrnm to Her. ] The Times sajs : Hov. Dr. I'dwaul MeJljnn has resolved lo piaclically leave the chuicb , of which bo Is consecrated pilest , rather than abjuio the opinions on land ownership and other social queblloni ) whlili bo learned from Heniy ( icoruc. It was known sometime ago lhat Midljnn bad ie- lubed to eommunleato with or recogni/o In nny way the addresses of hU Immedialii superior , Arclibishop Corilgan , but It has onlv lecently been rovenlnd that ho has been bold enough to lunoro the inopaganda vvhli h summnned bun for trial. This , to a Catholic , iseontumaey of thu wout type- , and some- tiling even worse than the oiiglnal olli-n.-e. When the archbishop iccelvns fiom Homo requisite Instructions ho will remove Me- ( iljnn from ht. Pti-phe-n's , biisprmt him lor- cvei from his pri'Jstly functions and ippulnt n permanent pasloi in his place. This will bo clone certain ! } betoio rcbruary 1. , Jan. -VerB'ho , Knhlin Co. , extensive doalirs In drug ints' siiuililes andtojs , asii nid'this afteinoon. inabili ties placed at flO'J.ixwi - . ms are uoi vti btateil. The tallnru occasioned tjreat sui pi Ifce ' lu thetiadebci" THE NEW BRITISH "CABINET. Its Mnkc-up Cfficinlly Announced iu Louden Last Evening. LORD IDDESLCIGH'S POSITION. Snllfiliir's ) Knjipott ( > is Sn > They At Clnd to lie Ulit of Mini Orders With a Wntllko Aspect .News. ill Tim Coalition LONMUIV , Jan. 10. ' 1 he composition of the new cabinet was announced this evening. ' 1f 1 ord Knll'lint } Is vecictary of stnto foe foielgn , iiiralrs ; night lion W 11. Smltb , tlrst t ) lord of the ticaMtij ; Illght lion (5. J. ( iosdien i , chancellor of the e\chequnr ; Illght linn. 1 IMward blnnhepe , suieiaty of slate forvvaiaud Sit Henij Holland , ocietafy fie the colonies. Tin 10 Is no change In the olhci cabinet olllceis. The Tail of IddeslclRh icpulsed Lnitl Sallsbui } s olfeof the inlvyscMl. Lout Idili-slelgh denies lhat thu condition of his health debus him liom nc- ccptlne an ontroiM otliio and he withdraws fiom olllcn life uiidei n iiroi'g ' sense of hav ing been Ill-ttcati-d. lli personal filcniH esplaln that he pielciied his ic'slgnntlon lo enable Lord Salisbmj lo foun a coalition cabinet. Loul ' Salisbury's snpportcts 10- bpond that they aie glad to get i Id of Loul lddcslolth ; , as his health was of no beneJlt to the foieign olllce , An nnjilMiVnrllko Otdcr. t ( oj i/i / tuM 1W /Jitinr | * ( fOMlnn Itcnnrlf.l Qn i NSTOWN , Jan. 10. ( New Yoik Her ald ! C iblo Special to the Hir. : | i\cltc- : mont has been caused beio among the navy pensiounis. seamen nnd marines by the icport fiom thoadmhaltj t ! which bldssush pctisloneis ns nirt undei illtj-tivc to hold themselves In readiness lei active service. Also lliov nio rtrt reqiihod Immedlntel } to answer questions a'si to age. vv bethel the pensioner * Is a long scivlco oneor Invilld , vvhethci ho Is a gun ner 01 tnigel arlilicer , lo state his rating , and also to mention the nearest war ship ho can ntt ( ml for the purpose of being exam ined , etc. All traveling expenses are to bo paid by the goveinmenl , which will allow fit ) shillings lei clothing and IsOd foi bedding. Tlio follow Ing oidei Is pilnted In red let- tcis : "When called upon Immediately pio- cccd nnd icpoit tothe commaiulliig otllcci of the department. The pennllj foi not lopoil- ing Is loss ot pension. It may bo thai the de linquent will be ancsle'd nnd punished as a desettei. " Since tlio Crimean vvai only one such elicit- lar has been addressed to the pensioners. The last occasion was during the late Kusslan scale when an outhieak ol hostilities was considered imminent , ' _ , Consequentlj' con- sideiabloalnim ' prevails among the families ol the pensioners who roaid the clu-iilar ns nn indication that the gov eminent appre hends vvai. \ KUIIIOI-H ! lolln\Cl. [ CnmnlulitSS7 bu Jitmc * fliinluH llcunMA Hntssni,1) , Jan. 10. [ New Yoik Hciald Cable Special to the Hr.n.J Hcllcf In the truth of the war Illinois prevails hero lu olliclnl circles. Theieloie Iho annual Inspec tion of the tioops and war mateilal which usually takos- > place in May will take place oaily next month. Military circles hera assert that enormous quantities of piovibionj aio being stored at Mel/ . A Scare in 3atlilil. M \Ditin , Jan. hours Sat- urdaj thocitj was e\cited over sensational icpoils , that liUauli Jsibolla , sistei ol tlio late Mug Alphonso , had lioeii kidnapped or killed. The infanta had gone out In a eai- ilagelo follow thn nival hiinlsmnn In ( ho iiiado. In a inmotn pail of thn ginit p.ult lie ( an ! me bioko down , throwing ( ho intanta in n ditch. She was not hint , although it w is tliomiht she was. liuv Iiekey was disp itched foi assistance. \Vhnn : tliohiilifsmniidlsf'oveiedtlieli mlitiess was no longer with tliem they became gieatly riiu'liten l. The piohinged nhseneo ot the inlanla fiom the eistlo caused uneasiness limit ! and finally the police and tioops weio ent out in sn inh ol bni Tfio lackey sc-ia assistance was slow , nnd H w is Id o'clock night befoio the curl ige was found , Gl.ulstono Appi < > v CM ICniitlyN Sto | > . LOSDOS I , Jan. 10. Gladstone wiltes saj- Ing tint Loul Churchill's icsigii itlon was justlliahle , and add : "J , mv self , Inv 01 mum economy ( In the aimj and nav } e\pi ndi " lines. Fire in a I'alnco. MADIMD. Jan. If ) . 1'lro ocemrcd In the Alea/ar , ocenpiul by Iho nnlllaiy auadcmj' , nt Tolncio jnsteiday. 'Ihe w.iscomiilntol } desfrovid. Itfsicpoitcdtlmt boveial jinibons weie bnined to death. A PATAIj Shield II Him : . WhlNkv Hottlo and Tliiro U'oinnit Kill a I'C'IIIJHJ Ivanian , Nr.w YOHK , Jan. 10. l.Speclal Tele- cram to the Hi. i . ] 'I ho World's Haiilsbmg , , special bijs : Thrco gills , none of whom mom i than twenly ycais ol an'o , aio in Jail Lewislon , Malllin county , awaiting dial ono of the IUOM di ihollcal mmdeis Hint hasnvei Oeen coiiiinltted in the .stale. Ihiir names nio Delli Cmlutt , Dll.i Konnt/nmii Jennie ( jna > . On , John Aikle } , u coal miner , while iiudni the inlln- ol liquor , look thue iils hlelgh tiding. snpn ! } ol vvhiilv } was taken on tha slolub , vvhleh Ae-IJi'V and his companions par licoly The paitj diiivo through town theli c-oiulucl was hliaineliil. I limlly Aikley he-ianici lulplisilv diiink and llio gills threw luiu fiom the sh-uh , hut not be- oie tin j h nl Hi Ilii ted itiiiiiiis on bin peiion ( .muni I o mentloiiiil The nnfoilniiiito llngi-nu .litttV iiuHt e\iiilialii'pdn | , . . , , with tlio miu in a i. , sud with a vi'e ' oith"Wo in. and dia und him behind our iraitnis . Ifiin In the HIIOW. We le-ll him . Iho go. diess and sro to mie-s I'll buj a black inci . , , . , . stnidai that ' Hiindav hn would ni'jI'V \ M'tmon 'l eniiinly to the KnlL-htsV i , [ nud it after that the members of the clui , , . ) K.rtili < ted In In-longing to th it oidei ho woii.i' , , Xpel tlmui Iromcliinili. 'llioniinouneomeiH , rented u crcat Hi 11110114 the Lutlmi ins iii-i It H pndlctid that tUo Knlgbti ot l/iboi vvlll'.osn n largo number ot membi rs in i onsequciie-o ot tin- action of the ehuieli. A Dnlnth iTn'H foil lino. Mil WAI iu n. Jan. 10'Iho Lvnnlng Wis consin's Snpoi ioi City spec lal saj s Alexander Cravvlonl. n well-known Dulnth lion maun- lacluier , recnlved noticn that bv the death ot a cousin named James Thompson , in Hal- Icil. Austiia , a fortune ot ovni a million pounds has binn lutt to him and hHlo'jr ' bioiheis , L'lviug ihnm each neailv fc'J'W.OO'J. Crawloidhad not seen his cousin in loity Sh.ui ] HoriihiMl a Chnniio. NnvoiK ( , Jan -Jmlgo Hanett In the Miprcmoiouit to-day ik'iuofj the irotlon lor change of ve-imi In iho ease of Jacob Sharpn. whowasinduted for biiblng aldcrmei' l > a HloaiJwiv ruji < ; a'l '