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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1886)
I fF "WB 1\ n- THE-OMAHA DAILY BEE : F1UIAY1 ) OCTOBER , 1886. BETTER PRICES PREVAIL , Advances Scored in Spfcu'.alivo ' Articles Yesterday on Chicago 'Change- ' WHEAT Ar4D CORN UP FRACTIONS Wlml Ilic lllj { Triuli'ri An1 Doing Iinrgc Hliort Interests Covereil 1'oi'k HulJVrs n Urchin ! Mnt kctNJttola ( Ions. il. ! ? 0.--hpec | al Telegram to the 11.K.W.M. : H. Iteam viid to-day that hu belleveiHyficat wiiseM'ii up to within f/KUOO ) bushels , /rids , iiowe > ei , tloes not Indicate Hint the ijld bear parly , which is led by Itenin , Cudnliyand .loues , has changed tiom the Ht'llliigjU ) the btiyimrslde. It has not , Kenin hlii m louhtedly co\eied his short wheat. This will n ) t help the mntlcet , ho\vc\ir. ; On the other , hand , It has been one of the\ stock bull arguments , given with whe shaking of the hcnil , that Home day the big shorts Wi.ttid he.Matnpcdcd , imd while they-tiird to cover , the price rushed up , , n them. The fact that lleain JiU-ty : ! coveted .Ms wheat when lie wanted lo w ltioiit | anybody knowlnc it , Is evlilcnco that the pel 11 of selling Rhoit , e\eu on u meat scale , 1ms been ically very mall. So far as Citdahy Is com orned , hu pays he has been doing \eij llltle on t'ae market. These big traders aio now walling for n little better mai ket to sell on , II the market should iidly now llioy will pill llicir wheat out again , tor they ure all distinctly openly beats still. If theie Is no lally , they will sell lor Decen.bcr nnd January or May , 'F and wait. They ure all placing stilt for the 2 : percent per month. Wheat was quid nnd the market unsettled nnd liiugnlnr , Yeitc.n.v ! niturnoon prices ditippcd Me. This uioi iilnu they opened Jc unilei the closing last nlulit , nnd afterward advanced , dining 'M ' o bet ter than at 10 o'clock U'sloiday. The local falluie In the diy goods ttatle weakened pliers , but stronger i epoil.s Irom the iioitb- west created .stieiigtn , and Iheoutslde ligurcs ' ' B ' was . - " ' , . - ' - r. Hf Dm nly of u meal MK cttituive cimractcr. October stalled nt 725 ; c , niUnnccd to nud closed at 7ojc. N'o\ ember opi'lied at 7-IJ c , touc'icd 75 ! < c , uuii closed at 7fi\c. Ucccm- bercloxed al 7r'4C. QUern ruled weaker early iuand with wheat , later tallied e , and lirm. Sldiiulng and speculative demand was mod erate. October sold nt iHiVifSfl1 je , ami closed ntUi : > e , Xovciuber sold alt Xwe , imd closed at ! WV < iM'e. : ' May oneiicd at 4'fcc : ; ' , Bold to 4332c , and closed at 4ic. ! | ( ) Oats weie ste.uly nud film , and trading was tolerably active on speculative account. September PlOSOll til * " ' y 4 c , October sold at nt J c , closing at 'i"ic. November sold c , and closed at 26'tfe. ' I'lovlsIoiiH weio weak and unsettled , es pecially duinwtlit ! early p.nt of the day. Jless poik declined flOc e.irlv. but tallied again and closed steady. hnd : was dull and depressed , and juices declined 10 ( < ? 15e jicr 100 pounds , but closed Ihmcr. ti(0 ! : ( ) ) . m. Kit teen boat loads of wheat weie sitld to have been taken fur expoit sit Now Voik , and buying orders trom that place gave .sticngth to v\heat this afleinoon. November opened al TflJ j and sold up to 70c , but this advance was not held , the mar ket ipccdlin : to 7.VVwhere It closed. Corn \vns falrlj' .steady. Novenibci poik was a fraction lower , while hud lutiiies vveto'W He higher. .September laid was uuehaiigcd. Uiiitu:40 : p. m. I'tlvlle''es on November wheat , 7fi * < @ rie ( ( ; November com , CHICAGO IilVK STOCK. CIIICAOO , Sept. : > 0. [ Special Telegiam to the UIK. ] CAT in : Tiade was ijuiet and pi Ices about bte.idy on useful to choice na tives. To-day w as the opening ol the Jewish new year , hence mau > of our iicllvo buyers weio out of the maikcl. and theie was an ab- 'senco ' of 4'aslein outers on account of thu Bamo event. The bulk ot tlio ficsh ; urivals were rangerd and lange-wlnlercd Texaus. Among the former weie many lots ol choice and useud Mock. I'limu and No. 1 native Htecrs weio scaico and helling vv llhlii a raugu ol ( < 54t0 ! lor 1,400 lo l.MX ) 11) averages. Fancy 1,500 tolCOO-lb steers may be quoted at , SS.OOOB.'i.l.'i. One lot of big fat old lashloncd stceis , averaging neatly I7CO Ins , sold lor 55.20. Kit and useful na tive cattle of 1SOO Ibs and along theie , § 1.50(3 ( 4.75 , with lather rough but fat down as low nsSI.OO@4.25. Thousands of useful natives und rangers have sold within the eight or ten days within a mngu of 8i.CO@l.OO ! , eood butchei lug native stools of 1100 to 1-0) Ibs going as low as 5s.rxc : ! ) < C.7. ! " > . Once In a or so will make SJ.OO. Native butchers' stock Is selling at former pilce.s. the range about the lowest on r < cord tor common block , Northern raugestock Issclllngattiom SlMiOfiiaoo for cow.s ; * 1.7.rxw.UO for hulls , nnd 3i.0e.7r : : ; > for native and hair biectl filcc-iB. Nuithern wintered range Texaus , JW,00.40. ( ) Native laiigers for feeding iu the distilleries are selling as low as i'J.i-0. Texnns nio selling at fiom S'3.50.50 ! for uteiirs and from Svi.OOt ( ; > J.40 foi cows. lions There was another sharp down tin n of lOc. or so this moinlng. making a * \ drop of av 30c for the week so far. At tlio decline trade was dull fiom the opening to the close. Itough and common sold at 33.GO @S.HO. and fair to coed mixed nt SI.OOij.W ( ! , with best mixed at3 U0$4.40 , and best heavy nt S4.50@-t.03. F1NANU1A.U New York. Sept. ! ! 0. MOVKV On call loaned at @ 10 per cent , closing at8 percent uskcd. IMtiMb : MnisoANriLB 1'Arnii 4g3 i er cent. aTKitiaxn ICxciiANfiu Dull and uiichang- cJ. . . . tlovKHNMi.NTS ( Jovcruiiicnt bonds were dull but very Mioug tor 4.s , and Him lor oilier Issues. b'rncKB. The tiaiisactlons at the stock exchange to-day were the smallest lor an v day In two weeks. This may havn been caused b ) the fact that to-day Is the Jewish holiday. I'llcosatthu opening woiu liieirn- Jar , llm differences i.inging trom * tt to ? ( , j > er ccnl. Thcro was some hesitation and lover- Ishnc&.s In the liist tew minutes , but the mar ket soon became strong thiougliimt and uo contlnuc'd until neatly noon , beloie which the highest jirlces of the dav weio lecorded. The market became ijulet after thu letictlon , nnd was cuncritlly heavy until the last hour , when realization caused an Incieaso In the amount of business done and a decided weak ness In prices , The maikct closed ipdct bill weak at the lowest prices ot the day. STOCKS OK W cent bond ! ) . . 100 } 0. AN. W . . . . 0. b. 4k's HS'i ' preti'iied. NowV8 ( . . . . . . ; . 12'ns N.f. 0 OiCL-oii Tran. . ! iiJH ; 1'acillo 1'aciiicMall. . ' Central , . . 57' , C. it A 14' 1' . I ) . .V K preferred. . . , IfiO I'.l'.0 141 O. n. JcO * 1 7 Hock Island 1'JU 1) . h. itW Jim. . St. h. i\cH. \ F. . . . S1K prefcried. . . ( iiu Krlu 0. , M. tcfil. I' . . . 115 IHKferred , . . 7S jiietciicd. . . Illinois Central. St. I' . iV-O ] . , ! ! . fcW lli'4 ' jncterred. . . KniibasATexas , Texas I'.u'ltlo. . . low LuKoShoru Union I'liciliu. . . 111 % V. , SI. h. & 1' . . BOK Mich. Central. . . jiicfcriod , , . BD Mo. I'uclllo Wcstcin Union 7SU Northern 1'ac. . . O. . U. AiN 105 ! < jiioicnod. . . O'l KWv. . Chlonco , Sept. It ) . Flour Quiet ; bhado caklur. Wheat Fairly active , nnsottled , opened "V/o under ycsteiduy's close , and closed above ; c.isli , TJKUjtflHfu ; October , 73- Corn AlodeiT.loly nctlve ; ojiLMiell easy , closing about ' 40 atovo yesterday ; cash , iljo ; October , > jCao ; November , lis > 3-lCj ; . Oats I'llecs average I foiutnvhnt lowir : cash , 24 @ito ; Oclobcr , 23 ; j.-0 oMa ; > .aiJVc. Kvc Quit't at 4SJ < c. Harley Steady it. Vic. Timothv J'rlme. Sl.bO , Flax-seed 51.01. WhisKy--Sl. 17. I'ork UuJi cil weak , declined rulllcd : aiu ami closed cuunurnihcly steady : cash. so.JO : October , St.27 @y. o ; > 'ovTiub r. SO-asS-ASn. ; May , 510.37KwJO.40. l Uecllucd 10Q1V , closing compara- tivlv sloftdv : cash , SO.fl-n October. ! ( ( . : . ' ' ' ; November , SV8 Mt V. J.inmry , " Jjidk Meats-Shoulders. 58.W i0,00 : short cltni. > ; short ribs io.r:5 ( Until r Finn forcood ; cieameiy , HVci' > < V ; daiiv , 15i(20c. ( Cheese Knslnr : fullcream clieddor . 10 V" Il'jc ' : Hats , ll i'n''e ; young Ainnilcns II14m 11' ' c ; si.ln s , 7'ix ( ; f. IlFdes Iteavy green sailed , TKctlleht. .c ; damaged , 0' ' ; bull hides , f ltfo ; drv "ilted ll(3l' ( > : dry IIInt. Wrfl4e ; calf sklii , VijiuTaC : deaconi. 5'Jceach. Tnllow No. 1 country , a4M./e ! ; cake , % < ! N < > . 2 , % . AtteriKiou hnaid Wheat , tinner ; Ocffiber , iS' c ! Mav , Sic. | Com. iiieguhincasb. : * V ; Oetober , ! / . .i4eovembei ; , : v-e ; May , 4i\e. : Oats , iiitvniai : Odoher , 'J4'c ; N"\- ember , -'il'r ' : Mav , : il TKiI'oik. . Iriegulai : October. i'.l.iW : Xovember. S'J.'i ; .laiinniy , 810.10. hmd , lit in Octobei.Xir , : No\embei , " ' . ; J.inuarj , O.oi,1 , , . Shoit ilus , cash , SlllUlClll ] ( . Flout. Iml-i . 1iKfl ? ( 10.0JO \Vhe.\l. bit . Ol.iXM 11.8.00 ! ) Com. on . HI : . OlU 2. ' > s.ol)0 ) ( ) nt .tti . 1 iiMHX ) i'i-m : ) Itye , on . 1.00J none Ilailev.uu . in.-ioO ! iO,0)0 ( ) Ninv Voj-k , Sept. ; ; o.Vhrat \ llcpclpts , irl.OOO : export * . 10 ,000 ; spot without any iii'itable | change ; options opened lather vvcnK , later tilled stionger and advanced \ ( < u 1'4C ' , closing weak with a le.'ietioii of , ' < ( rf 9C | ; nn dadcd icil , TO'iiSfio ! No. ! t led , &V11 * MNo. . 'J red , Moi lJ e in elevnlot. KtJ4i svc : ; No. I led , Mi'iC ' ; No. 2 led , Oclobei cloiilig nt M c. Com- Spot , ' 4 ® ' ' lower : less active ; ontions. HMh.idu stton er and liilily active , closing steady ; icceljts. 'Jisi.otx ) ; expoit" , l'KK ( ) ; uiiitiniled , l.l.'jtiMTc ; No. ! ! , 44lic ; No. 'J , 4ri4iin elevator , ni.V : I7c alloat , Oc tober closing at 4ii'fe. ' Oats hhnde lower : iccelpls , 1IOJ ! " ( ; ex ports , Ifi : inKed vvcslein , : JUiiiWc ( : ; while vvestcin , : i5@4ii.jc. rctroleiim bte.idy ; united , 0-V'c. ; Kggs Kali iciiuest ; Him ; wcatctn , 20j.i ! ( ! Ulc. Ulc.I'oik I'oik Dull ami uiumiiuen' ! me ipio- ted r.t S ! i-oofrtn.2i ! lot new ; ? 10.25' ! ' i 10.50 lor old. old.haul haul how PI but more active ; western steam spot quoted W1.6X llutteiFiimci with lair demand. Cheests Mioiig.-i with better demand ; western Hat , 10 ( lO'4c. ' Alltin < * iii > ollo , Sept. .TO--Wheat Quiet ; No. I haul , cash and October , Tl' c ; No vember , 7.c ! ; December , 71 , ' e ; No. 1 ii'iiiiiLrncasn nun v/ctouri , ' ' ? < 'J oveinj ber , 70c ; December , 7i4e ; No. ' -i northern , cash and OctoberMic ; November , GT'i.c ' ; December , O'.ic. Hour Stcadv and iittiet ; patents , SI.3IM 4.40 ; bakers' , Su. 0 ( < . . 40. Keceipts- Wheat , 100,000 bu. bhipmcntsWheat , -'l.oOO bu. ; Hour , 21,000 bbls. Cincinnati. Sopt. Dull ; No. i. , Otc. Coin- Dull ; Xo.'J mixed. 40o. Oats Quiet hut nnn ; No.ii mixed , USc. lijeDull ; No.-J , , VJc. I'oik ICitsy at fti.75. haul Dull anil nominal. Whisky Finn at Sl.l'J. Alllwaitkce. Sept. 'fO. Wheat Kiiiner ; ca ; > ili , Tl.'c : October , W e ; November , 7-1 'c. Corn Weak ; Xo. ' ' , : iic. Outs Quiet ; No.Tic. . Itye Steady ; No. 1 , .Vie. liarlej-Hi.hei ; No. - ' , Wij e. 1'iovlsloiis-howci ; poik , October , S0.r : . St. Ijoius. Sejit. : ; o. Wheat Stiong - . Oals Finn and hicher ; Xo. S mixed , cash , 20' ' c ; October , ,0' c ; November , 2 ,1tlc ; M.iy , 3HMc. Kve Ihi c bid. \VhUky-51.12. Pork-Easy at 610.00. haul- Weak at S.V.M. Uuttei Finn ; cieamery , 2I@2ic ; dairy , lOdv'ilc. ArTiit.vo : NIfo.vni ) Wheat Kasy and a shade lower. Com Firm and Ve higher. Oats Ste.uly and about unchanged. Now Orleans , Sept. DO. Corn Sitting and higher ; iu sacks , white and mixed , Me ; yellow , Gic. Oats Firmer ; choice western , in sacks , ! HU@y5c. Hog 1'ioducts Dull and lower. Poik Easier al $10.25. haul Weaker ul § U..OWO,02 } . Hulk Meats Shoulders , S0.10 ; long clear and clear libs , S7.00. 1'oletlo , Sept. 30. Wheat Higher ; cash. 7Sc. 7Sc.Corn Corn Firm but dull ; cash and October , 40c. 40c.Oats Oats Neglected. Iiivcrpodl , Sept. 30. Wheat In poor demand ; new Xo. 2 winter , dull at Os O d ; new Xo.2 sprint' , dull at Ostfd. Flour In poor demand ; dull at 83tl. ( . D Com In mme demand ; spot and Septem ber , dull at 4sId ; October and Xovember , 4s : ijil. ( KaiiHiiH Olty , Sept. ! ! 0. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 , led , cash , Oi c bid ; Octo ber , Oj4o ; May , 72' ' c bhl. Com Steady : Xo. 2 , cash. : Jlc bid ; Octo- bci.SO c bid ; Xovember , ; H } < , e Oals-Noiuliiai ; c.isli , 2lc bid. IjIVK HTOCK. , Sept. 80. The Drovci's Journal icpoilsas follows : Caltle Uecelpts. 0,000 ; fnucy stonily , ottiets KfelSc lowei , exiapt Tcxtuis ; nldp- plng slceth. $ ; ! .H54.oo ; stockers and feeder-- , S'J.OO i.O.1) ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.2.ya.5.2.1 > ; bulk , S3.a5Qr3.CO ; tlnoiigh Texas c.Utle stioug-r , cows , 52.00g2.60 ( ; steers , S2.0330 ; western lauueis , steady ; natives ami halt-breeds , S2.75@4.0.'i ; cows , S2.40iiilX ( ) ; wintoied Texaus , Sit.WWJ.45 ; AVvomlng , S2.SO ; Wyoming Tnxans , Sa.00 ( < 8.0 i ; Xcbr.T-la Textuis , . ! .15@.40 : : ; Dakota Texans , S' ' . 10. Hoes Uccnlptr ) . 2'i.OOO ; slow and 15 < ? 20e lower ; rough and mixed , § : i.'i' > @ 4,2.i ; packIng - Ing ami sliippiuc , 84.lO ( < i'4.i. ( ' > ; light , 5ft.r : > o@ 4.15 ; hklps , 52.OOeja.2Ti Sheep iieceipis. 4,000 ; stendy ; natives , S2.2l0t.00 ; western , ? : t.lOC't : 00 : Texnns , : ; lambs. Sl.00@4.l0. ! KiuiHiiM City. Sept. iio. Cattle Iteceliits , 1,200 ; bhlpiuents , none ; best quality steady ; grass range weak ; good cows and stockurs and leedeis Him ; good toeholce , S4.OOef4.riO ; common lo medium , 5t.80 : : i.VO ; Mockers , Si.25JJi7 ( : > ; fccdcis , V-.bO ( < ii.iO : ( ; cows , $ I.30W ( l.UO ; grass tango stceis , & 2.r.O < $ ; J.OO. Hogs Keceipts , 7,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; weak and fiOllOe lower ; good to choice , ( W4.00 ; common lo medium , 5 > 4 , 1.1 4.40 ; giassers and pigs , S'J.r > 0@4. < > . " > . bt , tiotils. Sept.Cattle : ) Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , l.bOO ; steady on good , easier on common ; lair to choice native shipping guides' , $4.20@ .s5 ; butcher steot.s , Slj.soee 4.00 ; Texans and wcstem , Sl.7ri < 2t.GO. : Hoes Kecclpls , 5,700 ; shljmients , 2,000 ; opened steady but eased oil' , closing weak andhmet tlmn yrstci day ; butcheis and choice heavy , Sl.nOiJ4.05 ( ; packing grades. S4.20 < < il.MYorkeis ; ji.KKjiMS ; pigs , Si : < 15@4.00. O.MAIIA lilVK STOCK. Thursday Kvcnlug , Scjit. TA C.viTi.K The iii.n ket was active to-day audit good many changed hands. Feeders were in butter ictjucsl Ihau they have been for some time. lions The heavy decline In eastern mar kets canoed ucouespouding fall in the mar ket heie , which was about 20u lower than yesterday. This is the heaviest decline at out ) time that Iho nun ket lias experienced in several months. Kven at thu decline tlio market was slow and draining. Kailv In the morning one load sold as high as $4.oO , and seveud other loads that wcio sold very eaily , before Iho eastern reports were ic- cejvcd , bioiiL-lil consldciablu itioru than they would a little later. Siuii' : Theio wcio a few In , but noun sold. KKCl'.ll'lS. Cattle- . roe Hogs . . . . . . . . . .1,100 IloprcKontittivo Hales. WISTKIIN : fiKnins. : : Owner. Xo. Av. 1'r. John it. Smith . 25 , . . . SH7 gaoo Doe. Harris . , .05..lOs5 cov\s. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I r. IU. . . . 017 S2.5 yj . OSU S2.75 12 . . . .bit > srr.nns. No. Av. l'r. 100 . 1'X)7 4.10 lion ? . No. Av. Shk. 1'r Xo. Av. Sbk. l'r. C5..2fi5 MM § 4.10 fl2.ilO : 120 S4.17j ic . aa riou 4.10 45. . . . aw 40 < .n | tO..ZM ( WO J.15 r > 7. . . , 38 200 4.20 CS..24S lt/0 / 4.15 fi2.UO ; 240 4..0 73. . . . 247 200J.15 00. . . . 247 40 4.25 C4..223 40 4.15 110.,2 > 1 120 4.2.-J 60..a03 bO 4,17 > s Oh. . .200 100 4.aO T11I10W OfT * . Xo Av. Shk. 1'r. No. Av. Sbk. l'r. li..40t i j S4.oo . , . .3,7 IBO 84.oo 8 . . ! K ) 40 4.0fl 2..4rO 40 4.00 Prevailing I'l-leet. Show lug the proviiditii ? piicJi | uid tor live FttM'k on this iiuii kcl. Choice Mecis 13.V ) lo 1500 Ibs S4. riit4..W ( ( hoice steels , 1100 to lOJ : UH : U. ' > ( ! < 4. : Medium , 1-V ) to 1.T.1 Ibi . . rt.00i > Kallltllesteers , 1050 to ll.'illlH . . . . H.9K < | 4.00 ( iood feedeis ! 1.0i ) ( < vV.W ( iood lo choice corn-fed eows 'ifoa , ! ; . ! Fair to medium gracs cows C.OiVi-J.fii ( iood locholco nulls Jfifl iOO hiahlaml mciiium nog * -1.00 4.10 ( iond to choice lie.m1 l'gs 4.1.iiel.'JO ( ( iood locholco mixed ho-ts . ( 'Ojn.l.j ' ( iood to choice "beep l ! ! ? ! ] ' ' " * ' Fulrtocood sheep - IX'V. | ! Common sheep l.oOjfJ.oJ Hnnce ol'IM'ioei. Sliowlns the blitheami ! lowest prices paid for loads of bogs on this market dining the uavteven da.vs und lor the same time last month and IaM jcnr : Day. Aur. ! .ft ) . i fi-pt. ISM. | > < ept. ? l.40 Q4.M ! $4iO : ( i ? l.4-i flHl ) 24lh 4 2S ( it4 "ill : ) 40 cjii ri Mill | 4.40 4.2.-I Cil.40 T KI < na.u ) ' ' 4.15 < in.\ ; \ ; > , ii.iri M. iiiili 4'n : 4.2'i Q4.4. % Rutiilny 4 : tO O4.40 oar. Will 4.H ) TI. . : PJ a 10 . 'i > : t.o the niiiuher of u.ittle , hoas and sheen shipped ftoin the ynuls to-day : PATII.I : . No. C.ns lit. Dost. 3 U. A : M Palmyra nods. Xo. Cars lit. Dest. 10 NV Hoston 1 0. H.tQ C'hlcngo All sales of stock In this niiukrt aio made tier c\U. li\c weluht imlevs othciwUo ststcil. Head liozsfcdlnt'tfc ' per II ) lor nil womhts. "Skins" 01 hos ( vcipinns less tliiin 10J Ibs nour. : ( ! . . iT Kiiant sows are docked 40 Ibs nnd stays W ) ll > s. Notes. KM riuyton , Walnut , la. , was licie after Iccdi'i.s to-dny. N. II. Mile ? , I'lixlon , Imtl Sli'J head ol sheen on ( lie nun ket. Two ears ot horses weie leccived lioiaSan Antonio to-day. Win. Klllnjier was in nml bought twenty- live head of leeilei- . Kil lientou , Council Ulalls , was here to-day ill'.j'.ilriiig ' fur l ,1. .1. Krldies , lottland , stripped at the vaiils on Ids way home. A. I ) . Hocmer , ot Hccmcr , Neb. , was a vis- Itoi nl llieyaids to-day. N. 1 * . Daken , I' , was in and biouiMtl si.\tj-live head of Ice'deis. Chailie Welch , I'aiiillion , was among the visilois at the vaiils today. The Piatt iV Ferris C'nltlecompany were on the market w ith MX loads ol cattle. ( ! . H. Hammond A : Co. iccclvctt thirteen loads ol fat cattle , shipped iu to them to-day. Harvey I'aco , ot I'.iceit Schmidt , Council ISlutrb butclicis , was looking over Iho butch ers' stock to daj. 1'ralt .V. Feirls had eleven loatls of cattle on the inaikut jestciday , and not hogs , as was enoncousl } ipjioitcd. J. H.McCoy , nn old-time feeder , who boimht M > many fecdcison t'ds market last tall , was heie to-day looking tor feeders. Hunter A : IJurgnum , OWIIPIS ol the Y. T. Uiand , Smithwick , Dak. , had seventeen loads of cattle on the maikct to-diij. Mr. Hunter came In with tliem. On the maikct with hoes : Kissclbach' & Co. , Shelby ; F. Kropl. Schuyler ; UIIss A : Uliss , Schuj lei ; .MniKe on it llomih , Council ItlulTs : ( ! . ( ! io > venor. Tekamah : A. D. Sear * , Claiks ; T. Maitiuc , Madiion ; 1' . Tinelson , honp Citv ; James liaminonc : , Aillinrlon ; licckucll , t Iteynolds hlliott , la. ; J. Wciu- Keit , Hiistiiiirs ; Spaid A ; Miles Hailwpll ; H. Smith , Fiiend ; C. h. Champion , Fiiciid. O3IAIIVVHOIj'JSAIjl3 | MAH1CIOTS General I'rortuoc. Thtiihilav Kveniiur , Sept. UO. jor imtiui IO'H ' of jmittucc , us Million tlic mitrAc ! tty-tlu\i. \ 'flic QUiitntloim on fruits rcitrctcn ! the prices tit ivhlch ntitxldc orders are tillul. Kfids The market was very active diiiim ; thcearly pait of the week. Ileceipts since yesterday have been mote liberal and piices me not unite as linn. 17c Is about outside liiine obtainable lor strictly licsh , candled slock. UurrKii The demand lor first class table butter continues vciy brisk , while lower ciades aie dull and neglected. Fine cream ery a ul dairy meets with ready bale at quo tations. creiuneiy. 'J 2-ic ; fresh dairy , ISC'f-Oc : choice countiy rolls , ItsfnUOc ; choice country solid packed , ITOilbc ; iood ; country roll , 10 ( > l7c ; taircoaidiy solid jmcked , llf' I4c : common , iK'ti'c. ' Onii > r. Kuncyfull cieam chcddarf. 12c ; fancy full cream Hats , two In box , Kic ; lancy full cream yoiim ; Americas , lour in box , WK(55Hc ( ; fancy Swiss , iflc ; choice , 14c ; btlclc. lajaftjlSc ; Limhui-L' . liic. Poui.ruY The market Is well suuhcd with live ct IcKuiih and sales are dinffiaf | > Tlicie havobeiui n lew consiiinmcnts 01 dressed chickens la the mnrkct which met with nithci slow tale , owmir to the warm weather , hive Chickens , old , per doz , ' _ > .r X 1'-.r > 0 ; to good , SCaUc : diicks'clioic'c , He ; geese , He ; turkeys , UidilUc. OAMK ( ? oed .sound praliie chickens hold about their own. wtnlo ducks are extremely dull and low. Piospccts laver a very brisk trade In prairie chickens at liltzlicr femes as soon as cold weather sots In. Pndile chickens , S2.W ( ( t'J.50 per do/en ; quail , $ l.'j. > ( jl.0 ; binpe , plover , etc. , Sl.OOOl.ffi5 ; ducks , ( Mallard ) , Sl.50@l.7n ; ducks , ( Teal ) , ; ducks , mixed. ? 5cfiSl.OO : KCC.SO , SS.WCif.'t.r/J : deer , saddles , per lb. , ll12c ; deer , catcasscs , per lb. , "iat'.ta ; nntulopc , saddles , ll@12c ; ante- lone , carcasse.s , TiAilc ; elk , .saddles , 10@llc ; elk. catcasses , ( ! i.i < 7c ; jack labbits , per do/ . , § : i.r > U@I.OO.small ; , iicrdoSl.OOfel.'J. . ' ! . ( Jv.sTins. : The exceedingly waim weather of the past fuw days has had the effect ot cutting down the oyster tiade. It is as oed as could bo expected at tlds season ot Ilia year. Pilccs lemain the same as last week , ThcfollowbiK aiu thepilccs at which ronntiy oulersnie tilled : Mediums , 8Uc ; standard , 8oc : hulcctsWe - extra .selects , 45C. POTATOES Theio Is very little demand for potatoes just at piesout , dealers being mostly hiippllcd by local faimus and mo not ready \clto lay fa their winter stock. The out look , however , tor the mouth of October is quite favorable , 1'ioni 150 to00 car loads ot potatoes will bo needed to niipply the local tratlu ; and no doubt a good many more cars IOKO to points wlieio the crop Is almost a total failure. They arobclllnt ; in a t > mull way nt .r)0i05c ( per bushel. Osioso Itecflpts are moio liberal and market not quite as linn as a week nao. Onions , tancy , in balk , per bushel , SI.VX& l.'J5 ; need , per bniliul , lHc'iiS1.00 ) ( ; choice , f linn store , per bill. , $3.y . OIIAPUS Piices aio higher , on homo Krown Drupes , and still hluhcr prices are an ticipated h the season draws to n close nml the supply diminishes. The following nro the prices at which outside ciders lor cholcu stock are Idled : Shipping stock , per lb.l c ; 10 lb. baskets. JOc. A car load of oxtia choice Now Yoik crapes has iuiUed In the market and met with veiy good halo at ahout the followingprices : Con- coids b@0b | Daskets to&ra ? . lelaw ) ares , nib bnhketK.V tXc ) , Martha .Mb baskets 05g70c. ( Kocurb Slh baskets nocuMc. SWIIT : : POTAIOKS Choice homo Kio\vn , per lb. , 2c ; Juinuy , per bbl. , S4.f)0 , CAIIIIAOK Thereis u talrdcmand lor cholcu 50a ( > 7'io per doheads. . A I'i'i.KHMichigan , Inucy eatlatc , per bbl , S'.75u3.K ( ) ; Michigan , assoi ted varieties , livc- Imircl lots , pei bbl 33.00 ; Michigan , assorted vaiietieteubaiiel lots , tier bb JS'J.50 ; Mis souri , choice ealmi ' , , per bm 83Mi@A7fl ; MIs- sotiil , nbsoited arletieH , live and ten-barrel lots , per bbl S'J.'ixa'J.'iO. CiiAMiKiiiiiKh Capo Cod. fancy , per bbl ? S.W ) ; Jeihuy , choice , S7.M ) ; Wisconsin , S7.0. UANANAS Choice stock has been bcaicu lately ; per bunch , S2.0UviOO. : CAI.IKOMNIA , per box , LEMONS Choice. &W size , ) > er box 8S.0 ; lancy bar Midoris , SOO size , jcr ) box 810.00. OitANois-A : consignment of Jamaica orances iiuivfvl In tno market this week , They me good bright stock. Jamaica , per boxsr.50 : iwr bbl. , 812.60. UTAH Fiti'irs The receipts of Utah fruits have not been heavy the past week. Peais , 40 lb boxes SS.OOfea..i'S ' ; Peaches , 'JOlb boxes. Sl.WXHl.75 ; Plums. S1.00GI1.U5. MiriuoAN PIIACIIKS Thu biipily | on the market Is light and better prices are beim ; obtained. 1'hu shipments are gradually fall ing on" . The tollowliiguiu the prices at which oulsldo ordei sure < dlcd : Uaskcts , nccorulni : to size , 75 ( < t1S1.00) cralcs , 4 baskets , 83.00 ® KI.OXS A few nro still coming in. but the oinniid is lleht nncy they are slow snle. Cr.t.Kiir Knliuua/oo | > cr do/ . , -tOQ R M.vri.i : Srn.\u. Strictly i ure. 00-lb bo\r . ' er pound ; strleflv pure. 10-lh tin 1 1e per poiniit ; eliolct ) 6j l > ru ls. ' . ' 5 It ) oxe * , l'l < ' ucr I , < HIIIIJ | rtinVp jicimy rakes , Till ) lm\es , l-e ! per pound. HONINcbraskn : , cl-oice - , white clover , 1 iittin1. ( : Nebraska , dark , liatle. ; Califoinla. 1-lb Motions loc ; Calitoinin , 2-ib flames , lSfM2'e. ' HrANs-The market is nniiost denned up. Nice clean beans In fall leiptest. 11 , P. Nn\j. S1.70ii t. 7ft : H. P. Medium , l.fkijf'liolre clean country. Sl.'l'idjl.rO ; need clean comitr\lHiSl.oo ) : Infeiior. OUiJ7.V. PimvisiiiN" Ham , suRni-curcd , KKdlH c : boneless , 5'J-lli boxes , II" u" picnic ham. 10 V ; broaklast bacon , Miuni-ciued , t ) - ; shoulders. Miitnr-ciued , 0 ; clear side bacon , iVali e ; ilry salted snlesi4 ( > ; dried Ivef diams ) . 1.V ; diied heel ( teirular ) , I'.V laid , 40-lh cans , Krdi- IniiU's. ' 4c ; 10 , Omul : i-lb palN , Puiibank's , Coin. 'JTie ; new oats 2.'c : lye , ( Oc : wheat. No. 'J , Me. ri.MVit AM ) Mit.i.sit ITS \ iuter wheat flour , best rninlltv patent , Sfe.Hn ; seooud ou.d- itv. S'A-id'tS.-O ; best quality spilim wheat Hour , iialeiit. ? J. T5 ; biun , nee per cwt ; chopped -.Medium , m bols , SO.r.o ; do lu half bbls. SU : * > ; small , In bbls , ST.M ; do in halt bbls , Si.iiS : ghctkins , lu bbls , 88.50 ; do In halt bbls. S4.Vi. uhMit v No.70lgallou kccs ; , 51.82 ; Xcw Orleans , ! 5SC'i40c per callon ; Maple Symi > . barrel , stilctly pme , 7 JHT gallon ; 1 KS.ti ! ! cans. SU.U.1 ! pci doH' ; gallon cau o5. > por. doz : quartcans , J.'i.lK ) . SuoAits Powilcicd , 7J < c ; cutloaf , 7 ( < i7'4c ' ; graiiulttwl. o c ; coutcctloncis' A. fi'tc ; stamUid e.\tra C. f.'V . ( . ; extra C , 5K@Wc ; medium yellow. OJif'iS c. icon : Ji lnch.l > ; ic6 ; Inch , 10. ' , c ; X Inch , lOJae. Dunn ) Kim is No. 1 qmnler apples , , ' ! V@ 4c ; lu evaporated boxes. U'oC'lMfc ' ; blackber lies , boxes , 'Jhf ' - ' c ; pcaefies. wistern , 6. > fcc ; penclies , evaporated , LVjOHc : Salt Lnke , noae iu mnyketlasjibcirlc.s , new , IS ; cmients , 7147Hc ( ! ; piuncs , new , Ij'tf ' 4l < > c. c.STAitnr Minor gloss , lib , 5\e ; Mhror gloss , .i lb , ; Minor glo s , 0 lb , ti c ; ( haves'com , 1 lb , fie ; Klngsford's corn , 1 lb , 7c ; Kingsloid's gloss 1 lb , 7e ; Kings- ord's glofs. 0 lb , 7' < jc ; Klngsford's pure. Sib. Kliurslonr.sbulk , 4c. OOODS Oysters , staudaid. tier ( iW.50 ; 1 lb mackerel , per dot. SI.20 ; 1 lb sal mon per do/ , gl.ft'H'Vl.nO ; 'J lb gonseheilos , per case. S1.7. > ; s lb stilm ? bc.ius , per case , 81.70-Jib : lima bceas , pel case. 51.00 ; a lb manowfnt D < 'as. i > er ease. S2-tO3 ; lb eaily Juneiieiis , per ca c , S2.7.i ; 3 lb tomatoes , per case. ( < pJ ! ) > : Slbcorii , per case , Sl.'Jfl ( i'ilO:3 : Ibeorn'heef. periloSl.7U ( < ? . ' .00. Coi'rr.i'.sOrdinaryginues. . iltniVfc : l.dr , pi hue. l-'JiV l c : choice , Uilwoith's. lOc : lied Cioss. 10'jc. ToiiArr o Pluir , elhimx , 42 ; horseshoe , 3Te ; star : ; spear head ; ; ' ! 'c ' ; piper holdslclc , fiOc : gold bhicld , 34c ; mcl'ry ' wni. ' 5c ; J. T. J. , : > 'c. TOIIAIVO Smoking , nuiham. Is Hlc ; ? s. We ; ' < . 67e : " * s , ( i'lc : rneeischum. it'ic ' ; old st\e ! , 'J''c ; N. \ . O , 15e ; snliitcmed , l.r > c. heArs Kitk's feiivon imperial. S2.i"0 ; Kiik's .satinet. SU.OOj , Kirlt's statidaid. SD.O' . : Kitk's white HtibSiaii , S4.00 ; Kiik's White Cap. SO.I5U : Dome , S3.M ; Wnsliboaid , S3.10. WhitoClond , SD.Tfl. , MATritr.s I'er diddle , -JSc ; rouiitl , per rabc. $1.00 ; stiuare cases , SI. 70 ; mule btjuaio , tl.20. < > ' CA.NDV Mixed , OKfS12d ; stlcic , SXGiOMc. CuArunus ( larnenii'H .soda , butler ami picnic , .rii < , e ; ci earns , S ciigiuger snaps , 8J c ; citv soda. 7' c. . . l itiKD Ku IITSNo 1 quarter npples. 54' @ 4c ; In e\aioratcd boxes , UVtfQ'J&c ; blackber- lies , boxes. 8 ' , ( cfi'iJ ; peaches , eastern , r > } nc peaches , evaporated , 15-i } ( < ? 17c ; Salt l/ake ntiui ) in mm dot ; raspberries , now. 18 ( < f lOc ; currants. 7ii7 ( > $ c ; uiuncs , new , 1 GcnciTil Mnrl cts. Wool. Medium , 17W18c ( jicr lb ; line heavy , raisc ; lipht , ! 4t6l7c { ; coarse , I2rfl5c ! ; btirry wool , -'C " oil. Hiiis ; ( ircen biitchor9 , 0 } @ 7c ; green caied , h wfcdry ; Unit , ll@l c ; diy .salt , U@IOc ; damaged liidcs two-th'rd.s ' price. 1'allow ! ic. ( iiease , prime wlntc , ac ; yellow , 2c : brown , le. Sheep 1'clt.s. ! i5@7fle. LIATIIIH : : I'limo slaughter s-ole leather , 32c ; prime oak sole leathur , 'JOfgasc. Upper leather per foot. 'JOU3" ( > c ; lieni , UID , TSc twc ; oak kip , tfitresne : Kicnch kip , ; hem , calf , fcl.00@1.10 ; oak calf , SLOOdil. ' ; Fieiicli calf , 81. 5f1.80 ( ; Moiocco boot leu , ; ,0 H-ic : Motoccooil pebble , 28Vtwc. ( , : toppings ami linings. Wn'Mc. JIKA.V-Y JiAiiowAiin iron , rate , ? ? 2.2j ; low stenl spccid cast , -Ic ; crucib lestcel , Cc ; cast tools do , l'Ji 18c ; wairou spokes' per sat , fl.7.Xrf.00 : ! ; hubs , per se.1 81.25 ; telloes , sawed dry , 31.40 ; toucuus ; , caeli , 75c ; UVK-E. each. 75c : square iiutb , wer lb. 7@Hc : coil chain , per lb , Oc < S12c ; malleable , OC < C8o : Iron wedges , Oc : ciowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4c : spring steel , 7@8c : Uitrdcn's hoisesiioes , f4.40 ; Umden's mule shoes. S.r > .40. Harbcp wire , in car lots. S4.00 per 100 IDs. rotil Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , SM.60 ; stt-ol nails , 83.05 ; Shot 51.05 ; buckshot. Sl.85 : oriental powder , kegs SS.N ) : do. halt kees , S2.00 ; do. ; blasting , kegs , S2.8J fuse , poi 10 leet. Cite. Load liar. $10. PAINTS IN On. Wiueoaii. Omaha , P. P He ; white lead , St. Lc-jls , pure , 57,15 ; Mar- eilles green. 1 to 5 lo cans. 2c ; French zinc. irrecn seal , 12c ; Fiench zinc icd seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst , 20c : French zluc , 75c ; Tcrmllllon , American , 18c ; Indian red , 10c ; losopluk , 14e ; Venetian led , COOK- bou'fl , ! ' ? ic : Vciiettnii red. American. l } c ; red lead , 7c ; ciuome yellow , giinulne. 2Uo ; VAKNISIII.S IJarreN , per gallon : Kami- ture , extra , SI. 10 ; fuinltuio , No , 1 , PI. 00 ; coach extia , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , S1.20 ; Da- mar , extra , S1.75 ; jap in , 70o ; asplmllum. extra , & < jc ; bhcllac , $3.50 ; hard oil linlsti , 51.50. bpiiiiTS-Colomiesplilt.s. 1E8 proof , 51.W : do 101 juoot , SI. IT ; spnitA , bccimd Quality , 101 proof , S1.10 : do 188 piool. S1.15. Alco hol. 188 proof , & 2lii per wine gallon. Itedis- tilled whiskies , Sl.OOfal.ftO. Gin. blended , 81.5lX < S2.00 ! Knntuck/ bourbons , S2.00it0.00 ( ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , < f'J.OO@0.50 ; tiolilen Sheat bouibon mid rye whi-kies , Sl.fiOis'-.OO. HiamMcs , Imported , } 5.0 8.50 ; domestic. * 1.JO@S.OO. ! ( ! lus. impotted , 5f4 50 WO.OO ; domestic , 1.85rii.oO. ( : Clmmpagnui , Imported , per case , 828.00@S5. : ( > 0 ; American. per case , 810.00@lfi.00. Dnv 1'Aiin.ii Whltn lead , be : 1'ioncii.Inc , 12c ; I'aris whiting. 2Kc ; whltimr , glldeis' , 2J/c ; whiting , coiirl , IJfc , lampblack , tier- iiiiiiistown , ISc ; lnnipbjicii ; , oulinary. 8c ; Pnisslaii blue , . ' ) ' ) ! ! : ultramarine , IScjvandyko , brown , 8c ; unibcr , burutt 4o ; umber , raw. 4c ; Hleniia , burnt. * c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Pans gicen. genuine , a-'xi i-aris crccn , coinmoii , 22e ; chrome irrcen. It , M' , . 20c : chroiao green , K , 12c ; vcrmlllion , Knulisli , in oil 70c ; raw and burnt umber. 1 lb cans , r o ; raw nud buint sienna , 1'ic ; viuidyko , blown , i : > c ; re- tiiitd lampblack , 12o ; coach blaek and Jvoiy black , 10c ; drop black , jOe ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramaiinnbluc , 18a ; cm omo green , li. . M. I ) . , Ifio ; blind and simtter urcen. L. . M. & 1) , , lf ) ; Paris uiccn , lye ; Indian led. IM ; Yeiietlan led. w : Tuhcan , 22o ; American vermilllon. L. A.1) . , 20o : 'yellow ' ochre , He ; L , M , A : O. 1) . . Ibc ; good ochre , 10c ; patent dryer , be ; graining color , . Unlit oak , dark oak , wlanut. chestnut nml Hsb. 12u ) OaKinoXl.H Acid , carbolic , ! c : acid , tartaric , 5'io ; balsam copaiba , per B > , 4 'c : baik. sassafras , per tt > . lOo : calomel , per Ib72 < ; : chiiiciioniuiii , pur 02 , 40c ; cliioro lorm , jcr ) Tti. MI c ; li\erls ( powders , per U' , 81,23 ; epsom salts , per dl > , : y c ; glyceilno , pine , per 11) . Ibo : lead , acetate , per Hi. 21c ; oil , castor. No. 1. per gal. , fcl. 50 ; oil , castor , No. 3 , iwr cal. , 81.40 ; oil. ollve.per gal. , l. < 0 ; oil orljrannum , 50o : opium , 3. ; ) ; imlnino , P. it \ \ , ami 11. its. , | x-r OL , 70o ; potassium iodide , pei 11 , i'M.CO ; ballciu , pel o40o ; hiil- phutu morphine , per o . ? - . : ! " > ; biilphur , per ni , 4c ; htrychnme. pero , S1.15. Klali ' _ _ _ iiir , irr iru'or iibisii'iJ icn no , w wjia u lion's s't.No t I/U'T ' oo' ' oo'a cs'a ' as 1 70 ! 0.1 I/t'O Olli'd I'micylS 003 003 75 1 65 t SO' ' 60 h Vu It'll Mi'ro F'cy 5 00 3 00 3 75165 I 3Ul W l ( IMPOKTRDriSll. Klt to 13 ID KKKlU'l'ng ll , X)7 ) 60C $ l'n ' 903 10 . . . . 1W W Hullnnil IIIT rjnrs , now. vu Dry Immuor. . Xo. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft . S1T.50 No. 3 " ' IS , I i nnd in It . H.'i No. 3 " " IS , Hniidie It . 18.50 No. 4 " " IS. 14 Hllil 10 ( t . 12.00 ft'lll ' ft'lS ' fl'sJ ' It'g4 ' 4 ri O ft 2x4 77T. . 10 no njiso 10.611 17.00 21.011 21.00 SKI . ] f.fiO ] K1..VI IH.fW 17.IUI | ! < .0-I i..W K.tH ) \8 . HISU in a ' lam I7.iio is ixt ui.wJi.tio 2.110 . ififio in rin ) .vi 17.11 1 * -J.wi-'if'O ! ll.5 ! llrt-fiO tn.otl 17.0" l . ( )0 ) J''AVI ' . ( luiso nifio ir , rti No. 1 , l.tftlncli , lUaiul 14 ft. , iuiiili..Sl ; .00 > 'o. S , 4.fcOlntlt , I'Jnmt 14 ft. , ruimli. . . ll.OJ A is , n A-ir.ft. . , 'Jiooo (3 ( . $ ir > , ( io U IS , 14 A : Kill. , 'J.OOO I ) . 11.00 1st coin. , ? In White 1'inc I'atlltion. . . .ssi.00 ' . ' ! " " " " " . . . . S37.M ) Sil Com. % In. Nonvtiy 1'lno Cellini. . . . . 14.00 ri.ootti.vii. A ninch , white | ) lnottl 0 . S2H.OO oo inch , " : H l ) . ' 'i.w P10CK IIOAUDS. A 13 Inch. HO . : . S-V..OO lU'J Inoll " " 4i-l ) . 2.1.50 No. 1 , cow. I'ill. . , s. 1 s. . 10. ISA ' . ' 0 ft. . . 31.00 . ' " " " " . . ' . No. 2 , . . 1S..0 No. S , " " " 13 t II It . 1T.OO ' " " in ft . III.DO Ut nntl 2u. clear , l > < Inch , s. U s . 500 < : kl. clear , 1 Inch , K. ! i s . 45.0J : id. clear , 1' ' , 114'J In . 4T.50 15 select , 1 inch , s. ! J s . iili.OO U select , 1'4 , IH.'JIn . . ; w.Ki ( SllllI.Al' . No. 1. plnln.Santl 10 Incli . 81T.50 Nu. - ' , pl.iin.S nnd 10 Inch . 15.00 snixoi.r.s I.ATII. XX clear , S2.10 ; A Mnnilnul , § 2.fiO ; No. 1 , Sl.itt ; I.nth. S'J./ / , . 1'oBi-s Whitts Cedar , 0 In. , Vs , 12c ; b In. l < Dti : . ETC. Qulncvliltullmu ( best ) SOc : Ceinrnt ( Akinn ) Sl.thi. llnlr , ! W. Mlchi- can plaster , SS.73. Sa-sh , Wc. ) lllliKb , Doors , 5Uc. A Ooti'oit Clcilf'n Speedy Knin. Detroit Kree 1' . - , ; , , . . iil hero in town : t few months A clci'k in Hie silk dopnrtmoiit of : i iiroinincnt hoii'.o had : i wife and two children , but he became * o infatuated with a htranjrer that li\e or six \\onien in the neighbtu'liood where \w \ lived identi- fietl him. They then formed a ring to blaekmaJl him. and he was nailed on and informed that eaeh waniod a silk dress at a very low m-icc. If he could fuinish them , all right ; if he couldn't .his wile should be informed of his identity. The elerk wilted al onee. The women of the ringuamo in one -ifter anotlier for their silk. He would sell a pattern for say $2 a yard , send it and the money back to be accounted for , and , when the package re turn he would open it and slip in a moyo expensive pattern , llu furnished the six witli silk drus es in this way without be ing detected , but one of them brairged tea a neighbor of the " .snap , " ' and the result was his niin. lie went out of the store without a dollar , and inside of a week hat- neither footl nor fuel for his wife and h.ibics. Mot only did bis disgraceful dis charge become known to all the mer chants , but the women put his wife on the track of the other matter , ami he was done for. She returned to nor father's , and ho drifted west and blew out his brains in Kansas City. Tirctl Languid Dull Exactly expresses the condition ot thou sands of people at tins season. The de pressing cfleets of warm weather , and the weak condition of the body , can only bu corrected bv the usu of a reliable tonio and blood puviliei1 like Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. Why Miller longer when a remedy is so close at hand ? Take Hood's Sarsaparilla - parilla now. It will give yon untold wealth in health , strength , and energy. .Special Delivery letters. LhiriiiK the month of September the number of special delivery letters which passed through thih ollice was ! ! 33 , of which but sixteen were mailed in Omaha. This is a .showing of a slight increase over the number of last month. The rosy freshness and : i velvety soft ness of the &Kin is invariably by those who use l'o//oni'h Complexion I'owder. J. W. , general passenger atjnto of the Union Pacific , arrived home from an custom trip .yesterday. CI i i G a g o _ _ _ l > ally Newspaper. T j \ -t 1ft . edited by 1 riink -L-'CllJ.y llutton nmt Clinton T _ _ _ , A. hnowdon , will bo N e ws p a p e r . to in toU H. or din- uila for J2 51) ) per nn- nuni ; II luontlits S1--S ! S inontlis ( I : 1 iiiuntli , y c Hcncl po-Jtnuo starnpB. poHul note , postal order , or r Annum. Clilcago , HI. DR. IMPEY , N.W. ( or. J-ltli nnd OotiKlns Sis. Practice limited to Diseases of the EYE , EAR , NOSE AND THROAT Glafisesfltlml for all forms of dofeattva Vision. Artilleial Eyoa Inserted. mm JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Artists' Material. A. irosrE , , nt. , Artists' JInterials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 DoiiKlni Street , Oinnli.i. Agricultural Implements , CJllTItCJIILL TAliKEli WlmlebRlu Dealer III Agricultural Iniiiloiiicnts , Wagons , Ciatltitat nml llu cl" . Jnnei iliiet , uetweeu Dtb _ mid lOlli.Oiniilin.Keb. _ LIXIXQERA METCALFCO. , Afrrlcnltiiral Iniplonieiits , Wagoin.Ctrrltinn. Bngglei. Etc. , WholtmU , O-naha. I * A liLIX , OK EX DO It 1V MA Wholesale Dealen In A rlcultnrul liniileinonts , , IVajonmnil IlurKl1I.03.'JOJ anil .OT , Janet at Butter and Eggs , McSITAlfE t5 SCHltOEDER , Uuyers of Itnttor and Kffffs. Kcfrlierator and I'aihlnK HOUBO , llth nnd I.eavea- uortliflt. , I ! 1 > . It. It.Ti ikOina.lm. ! Butchers' Tools , W JIELLJSJt , Itntchci's' Tools and iausugo Caelcgi of nil kinds alwa/sln tock. 1215 Joneint.Cnaba ) , Builders' Hardware and Scales. HuildprsMIardware&ScaloKepairShop Ucclmulo1 Toolt und nutfalo Bralei. HOJ Douglui u , Omalm , Neb. LEE , Fit ! ED t CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , bhcot Iron. Etc. Agents for Howe Et lei , mid Miami I'owder l.'u .Oninhn.Ncb. HECTOR 0 WIL1TELK1Y CO. , Wiiolesalo Hardware. Wettern arenti for Jefferaon Blcel Nulls. Aiinln I'OffderCo , Kalrbankt htandard bcale * . Corner IClb mid Harney , Ounlia. OffijIA JOBBERS' BIHEQTORY Boots and Shoes , " " ' AyiEincA ' "Tt.txh" .s'icirijj ) mu OK COJIFAXY , MninifiututptK nml WliolornloDcilett' ' in Hoots u ml Shot1 ! ? , Complete olorK of lUibl'or Itooil1 nlw.iys onlmml W > 9 S. 13tliit . Omnlia , Neb A T. AurtlnKont. . in r. MOUSE , p co. .lubbers of Hoots nml Shops. 1411 Knrnmn t , Oiiinlm. Noh Miumfncto , j , Siiunaot Beer. Apt. for Aiihi'iiver-Husli Hrovvincr AHS'II Sicrlil | : nrnml I'mitt Hmlwcl er nml Krlnngrr. STOKZ , ( TLElt , linger Hcer lrov\er ! < ? , l.'l North ) "h Mrocl , Oinnlin , NoK Coffee , Spices , Etc. Oiniilin ( Wop nml Splco Ten' . GorTi < oiSplo > v linking ! ' < > < > ' rt vorlti ? Kx * trnctp , l.rmnilry lilim IT v L..I- ' Mrret ' . . .mini , * < > 'JAl'KS , COLK , r MILKS , Home ( Woo mid Siiro | Mills M'f'p Co. CoITce Uimitors tiiul Spkv * UrlniliT * . Mnnnfnt ttirrrs nf Uitklim 1'utrUor. KlivttrliiK KMrnet * . Ithilrif. ' * Kir. Try mie rnpi * ( it o ir I K iniikuuc llnme llluiid Itoa. tct ] Ooffco. lilt' ' llonl < l si , Omiti * . Neb Cornice. EAULECOJtMCE It'OJtKS , John Kpenetor , Prop. llawifictiirer nf Cnlrunltcil Iron nml Cornlco. 023 DoilftMini' ' lUlmiUlDSN.lOlliHt. . OiiiHtm , Neb , JtUEMFlXG tl 11OLTE , MunnfacHitcru of Oniiiiiientiil lJplvui/ed ! Cornit'PH , Dormer VTIm1o s Hnnl .MclullrHkyllplit.ctr. BIOS. nti ; K. , Onmhii , irEsrl-it : } ? wjiAJcEWdiucti , C. Hppcht , Prop. OolTnnltCllrnnrirnlco < . cli1. Hncrl > lmprovpil 1'nt- out Mc'lHllcSkyllnlit. tiM iunl 5lu S 12tli M .Oniulia. Carpets. OMA trA CARFET CO. , .Inbbc of miwin"n \ : ? , - ] ? l.lnolumiiF , Miillliieii , Kto 1511 Douglm BtriM't. ' ' .S' . A. OJtCIIAJfl ) , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Clotiiy , Maltln , Curtain < ; < K Klc. 1 I Kainam street , Omnlui , Neb. Croikery and Notions. if. L. .Agent for thoMimnfiK'turers mid Imiiortoraol Crockery , Glassware , Lamp ! ' , ( lilmni' ; : , etc. ( ) ni - , 517 South 13tb et dunlin. Nt'ti. Commission and Storage. * J ) . A. llURlTEY , Commission and .Jobbing. tlotlcr , KuBsniul I'toiluri * . romlRiimcuts nolloltra. lienilquiirtt'm fur blDiicnaiu , III rry llnxi-n HIK ! ( ir.i | < liml ! > i > .r. 1(11 DyilfcChtn't't , ( minim. ' " K Jtno.s. , Moreliants. Krultn , 1'ioiliK mill I'ro' Islono , Omiiliu. Noli. If. K. Storage and Commission Merchant. Spciiiiltlcs llu to" , nzci. Cheese , Poultry , ( iiuuo , OyMcri Kio. Pic | ] 2Hnutli llth ptrpct. iriEi > EMAjr& cd7 Produce Coininission Jlcrcliunts , Poullrjliuttcr , O.irno , Friilti , etc. ZM K. ItlU el. ( linuhn , hub , WEEKS tO MTLTsAItT ) , General Commission Jleri'liants , AndJobbcrH i f Toicicn and Domestic TniltH. < 'orrc- eponUcnce p ( ltclt ( d. Warebouflc ttntl olllcc. 1IUN. Ililrtoentli HI. , Omalui , fob. lclP | > biinc77.'i. Fruits. inportcrtt anil wholesale iloalcrs In Italian Produce , Foreign. l > nmc < tluninl O.illfornla Krult anil Comrals. Blon UeicbunU. lOIS.Klh l. Only ciulutlvu IrullliolliiulnUliiallil. Coal ancLime. . / . MILEHTOKE ( > CO' , " Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal , Otllco HnO ynrJ , liitli nml Nk'li.ilas lu. , Omatm , Nob. Vicid 'Iclupliono , 17. Ohu. i . i. IIIAUM , I'rc . C. F. OuonMAK , V. Prc . J. A. M'SliLHLAxn , Sue. nnd Trcas. COAL , COKE C LIME Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. M' ) South ' 1 hlrteenlli Struct , Omalie , Kcb. Majiufiicturers of Illinois White Lime. And "lilpperH of Con I unit Cokn. Cemc'iit , riimlor , IJme , Hiir. I'lio Bili'k , Diiiln , Tila and Senri I'lpu. Olllto. I'.nton Hotel. Karn.itn ft. , Omilin , Ncti. Tuliiphunc fcll. Confectionery. > , f . FA Y ,0 CO. , iramit'actnrinff Confectioners , Jobbern of Fiult9Kul iind Cl um. 1211 Kiiniom St. . Onialiu. Life Stock Commission. M. HUJiKE .C fiOJfff , Live Stock Coininission. Goo. Uuiko , Mnnnger. Union Stock Yards , H. Omaha. Tolopliono 687. SAVAGI ( ! HE EX , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipments of tiny ml all klmls of StockBollcllcd. . Union Stock Vitnlx , Omubn , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. * MAX MMYEll ll 60. , Jobbers of Cisrars , Tobacco , GUIIB nnd Ammunition , 215 IO2T ! H. IHliH. , 1020 to Ul.'l harnuin n .Omalia.Keb. EST tj MnnufuctiircrB of Fine AnilVholciu1i * Dfalorn In Leaf Tobnrros , NOB. 108 uuillllJN.Htli itrrrt , Onului. Dry Goods. M. E."HMITJtTo CO , , Dry OooilH , FiirnisliiiiRd'oods &Notiona 11U2 nml 1101 Douflue. cor. Hill St. , OmnhR.Kcb. Distillers , DIitlllcrBof Ilunr ] .Aloi > hrlniil , Hplrlli. Importer ! u ml JoMnTsofVlnejuml l.lquora , WJLLO W 81' KINGS DISTILLE'S CO. and ILEIt fi CO. , Jniporlnre and Jobbernof Fine Wlnei nnd I.lnnnri , bole iiianiifiiatiireriior Kenned * ' * I'nit Inillu lilt' tcriniid Dumri In [ lfiiiirn | , 1112 llurnoyht. ' Drugs , Paints , Etc , JT. T , CLAHKE jynua co. , Largest Drntr , Paint , Oil & Glum Honso Wettof Ctilraco , Complclo Line of DruielitB Huu * drift , 1111 llnrrioy tt.OniMha , CO. , WlioloHalo Diup/jfists. / And Denlerdn 1'alnti. Olliind Window G ! MOmnhs , Drain Tile , Etc. A. lt.St'KHPrfi , .I.W.Uniinnn.Seo.iTroii It. J. UAIISOK , V.l'ren. nnd Hupt. THE UXJON JfYlUtAULW lilt A IN TILE CO. , Office 5113 B. Mill it. Onialiu. Neb. Machinery and _ hupplleafor Hunufncmrlini Cement Drain Tilu. Engineers and Contractors , EnfirincerH and Contractors , Brldcei , Vladnctt , Itoof Trtiinoi , Htenra I'lle Prlrlog , 1'lllnc , Oak uuii I'niu ltrl lc Lumber , 15tb > ! . , near Fiirnuin , Om li , Neb. furniture , EY& Wl Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Farnam it. , Omaha , Neb. fcCJJAJILJKS filUl'EltWK , Furniture , Dedding- , Upholstery , Mlrrorj.ttc. JOB.IJOS and J21Q K rnam § t. , Omobi. i < a ? Groceries , FAXTOX , ( lALLAGltEll Wholosnlo ( iroreries and Provl 'Wn ' i o tic , irr. flv mi. ) rn H loth ft. lo Groccra , Mill nnd 1 o r < ! nmrtli M.Oin h ' : | ir. , r. Heavy llardvvaro , Iron and Stool , , \\tKn Mnrk llnMwaro Lumber , Oto. J H. nml 1211 llnnipf ft. , ilmttin. j.v/cr.p vrnnox , lie Iron nnd Steel , B \Vjson ami rnrrlnsc WOIM ! Block , Henry rdi Vi. Kic. 1517 Hint 131" I nvonworthst. , UiuHhK , N . I wna o soxs , Stoves , Furnncef" , Tiles , M ntlce , riiliM. lini . 1MI nnd K33 Furntin Iron Works. Iron Work.s , WroiinM nml Tint Iron llnlKllnii WorV , Iron Bt l Hnllluc , Itouitu nn.l ( , h JCM. Slrnni Kmilncs. llr " \Vnrk.litnprul Kiinnilrjr , Mucbln * nti < l IIKrHiiJIln WoiV. OI'l-c nil\\otk 11 \ ' . llr.iiiilltlliMiNt. Jewelry. EDIIOLM : te Wholosiili ) .Jewolera nnd Music Dcnlcrs. Dealer * In HllTornnro. Dlamondi , WMche * . Clocki , Jeweler sTooli Ami llntmlnl * . oic. 101 miuIUJ Win * M. , cor. Dmlfc , Uuiabu , Nob. Dealer in Lumber. Inth , Lime , Sol ( lx > o , Ulo. YHnls-OotncrTth n * Uougl l Cor f ftli uiul loiuln . _ . CHICAGO Ltr3Iltim CO. , Wholesale Lumhor , 81 S.14tliKtippOiunhu | cli. l.Colptittcr , KtiMt " " c. y. DTETZ , if ii , , . , , M nticetn , On Lumber , Lime , Cenicnt , Etc. , Etc , Cor , fill mill limmliM am , OmulinNl'b. Lnmhcr. 2' ir. ITA Itl'EY LUMVEKCO. , To Dealers Only. Ofllcc , 1IM 1'ktimin treel , Omatin. ClfAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Luinhct , Wood Cnrpctf and 1'urquct Klooilue. Vtli nnd IHnifllnn Omulm , JOIIX A. WAKEFIELV , IVholcsulc Lumber , Etc. Imported nnd Amnlran 1'orllnnd Cement. Rtitta iiiki-u HT.1r ullo Cement nna Beit iilnry w'tiltcl.lmo. Live Stock. XSTOCK YA11DS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. Jolin P. BojJ , Superlntcrxlont , Millinery and Notions. T. OllERFELDER cO CO. , IniKjtci9 | ! aiul Jobbers of MillliiPi'y and Notions , I'-'l.lmxl llriH ! nipy M.eetOmnhaNob. Notions. C. S. Are the only IMmt Importers of Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods | In NebniBkn. ChlriiK" prlcct duplicated without add. liiHJreltflit. uiriI'nrniiinStreetOraahu. j. a1 , noitrxsoy XOTXOS co. , ' WiolCKalc l ) nlcr > In Notions and Furnishing Goods , l lainnil 4111 H. Tenth Ht.Omatia. VlNYA / ; / > , ! SCHNElDElt , Jobbcn In Notions , Hosiery luitl Gents' Furnishing | ( ioods. lflrancl ! liyW I'.irrmni at. , Omaha , Nob. Overalls. COMl'ANY Maiinfac.turprs of Overalls , Jeani I'uiitn , bhlrtB , Ktc lurintid HIM DaugluB Street , Oin liiiNcb. Printing. Job Printers , ISlunk Book Makers , And Hook lllndorfl. lUt and 1IU Boutll FourttcnUi Btruel.Dmund.Ncb. Anxilinry Pttbliahors. Dealers In Typo , Pron M and rrlnters1 Bunpllrr. SOJ outh TwolfthKtrcot. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. TsDjyiir M&nufitcturcrn , Pai kcrs nnd lieolori In Applj'ct-T dur. H ) l,0ivi-'ii\niitli ! rt. . Ooiubii. - Safes , Etc. . .C. , G , AND KEEN , Onialia Sale Works , Mnnufnrtllromof Klre anil llurclur Proofetffj.v. , , ! , Doorf , Jull WcirU.hliul ITU end Wlro Wort. Car Hlh nnd Jnckiun HU. , Um&lm , NJb , J' . JIOYER tSt CO. , Agents for Hall's Knfo & Lock Cos' Tire anrt llnrK'ar Proof S.iJm , Tlmo Ixjokiutit \ and Jail Work. 1031 1'iiriiim itr ut OiuahnI Ves. j Sasfi , Doors , Etc. M.A. nisiutow < oco. , VVIioloiido W imfncturer of Sash , Doors , Jilinds and Moaldl lltMticli ofllcr.lilli nnd Izurd nt . , OinnhuNoti. G. F. LYMAN , Sash , Door , Blinds , Hoii Oulldlnir I'anor , ct . 1'Kll ' Sontli Thlrtrenlh fat Ouiab , Nub , A tomplcto itockuf lluildu ' ' J10HN MA NUFA CTURING CQ Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinili , \ MoulillnK > .Stulr VVorUnnd Interior Hard Wow ) HrliK' Juit oiiuiicil , N. I ! cor. mil nnd Jxj Ten - rtlitL. f muliu , MAIi. " j Pumps. > rafico. ? , btoara nml Witlor Hupitllev. Headqiiarteri t" , tojtttio'itlootli. Illl l-'urnam M..Otiiiiln , : A. L. fi'l s , I'ipoB and Steam , VVutcr , llullnnr and illlll _ _ U , S. ENGINE nd Unlladajr Wind Mlllii ttr ra end ' . ) 'Wi.tjr fan.i i JMuuilifngOoodi. Helling , lloie. MS BI.J SW1" ! ! i iiuiu t. , Oiuiilin , B k.JeiltfUi.aif ' 1'I TcleiihnncNo.Jlt , * * ft I . , 'T r r WT T.W i t rrnf-ff * j / / . 11. 31AJIHQFF , ' WholeHiilo TruHkg , ir < Mlllard Hotel lllock,0 h . Wagons anil Carriages. The LeadlnffO ( ESTA HL. . , _ . . . . _ fr lioa and Illl Iodk-e § tr TOi , . v Building Material , OMAHA 111 * Dealer In All Klndt'ot lUtildiiiff Jfiitcrial K 18th Street und Unluii r clo