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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1886)
fl HE OMAHA SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , MOKNINO , SATURDAY OCTOHEll 2. 1880 , NUMBER ( JO , * fl 1MM\/11V1MP ni" < 1 IM' ' 1\T lAtVPTMl EUROPES PLACE IN DAM.LR , An English Declaration on the Strained Re lations Now Existing. THE KEY TO THE SITUATION. What Hlsium-rlc Slust Do to Pro rrxc Trail iii lilt j Itulg.irlit'ri AIINVVPP to llusslau Moiiiaiids Austria to Uut'our.ijjp U * i lBtnico. Tlic Tlii'oatPiiPiI Dntutpr. LOMION , Oct. 2 , In. in. | Vow Voik Hoi ilil Cable--Sp < clal to I InHi I ] --'lhe Moining Post Ins n double-loaded leidei , ovidi ntlminis - toilally Inspired. 'Iho Post um > be p.illed a MMtu-ofliPial on.iii. 'I ho leader begins : " ( treat danger to Knropian tiampiilil } Is threatened by the attain that Is now put upon the alllawo of HIP three emplips. " Aftei ills- cnsslnj ; what part Kimlind should not take , tin * leadoi concludes thus : " 'I hi' liniiirillati ! luturc of I'uione Is dp- 1 cndont on Berlin. In London wo cm only consider \vlmt forces we ( an husband In an- tltlpatlon of one of the gloat struck" ? of the ngos. The ( ioniums ouiriit ceilainly to keep vvatth hv land II we do the police ol the as. lllsin iii'K will not do Justin1 to hN cmpcioi it 111) ( IOCS Illlt SoeiliP till llose Ol lllSleign ninld paelllcd l.mnpu This ran Do only ac complished l > > tnrhlddhii , w.u , which isolher- wlso Inevitable. The Austil in ciuphc , If It-It to Itself must slinggle and light lei existence against Us great Slavonic neighbor. If Bis- iii.uek fleets to suppoilustila he mav bo cuit tin of mil nun adhesion and lojnl co operation , " Aimvvoi1 to Unulbart. SOFIA , Oct. 1. [ Xew Yoik llorald Cable Special to the III I..1 Thu Bulgarian answer to ( iener.ll Kaulbars" note will ho dolivcied l.ito to il.ij in to-moriow. It u 111 bo to the effect that the government lakes note of Itnssla's demands and will endeavor to com ply with thom as much as lies within Its powot I icll.ihl ) that the government \\lll not of Itself eider tlie reloisp ot the offending oltk CMS , but an invostiu'itln. ; pom- inittee will le'oists ' thun Tor la > 'K ot evidtiite. Ten \\oio i pleased josterdaj. ( IC.uilhiis' modoiatlon Is duo to , \ telegram fiom M. do'Ciiois to the ollect that Kussiadid not vvl h to Intoiloriltli ) the Bidi-aiian constitution or vvlth the domestlo air.iirs ot Bnlgiria. .M Stambiiloff has In- foi nu d ( lenoral IC.udhars thit ho himself .ind all the ministers and ipgents are willing to pue a pledge that Alexander will not he reelected - elected Intnili v into ( liu lovolution will bo ineludid The sohiiaiijolll he asked to ompowci , i coin I m.irtial toll ) the olfuuders. It is lopoit'd thnl tlnee ex-ministers aio im plicated. The 'ici'itsed , will , with thooxccp tlon ol the Ic.idois , ho dealt \\llh lenientl ) . The people throughout thu cotinti ) ha\e hold meetings . mil adapted lesolutlons beg ging the govoinuu'iit to i eject ( .uncial Kanlbii's demand. llcrr 1 ib/a'H speei'ti. LOMION , IM. 1. Men Tls/a's speech In the Hungarian diet jusierdaj is Interpiotod at I'esth as meaning that Austiiaoiild te- in.iln nonlial it JiuliMiia should siihmit to I'Ubsia , but it BulK.uia icslsls itussia , Alls- trm Hoiiid pioventlho ocuipatilm ol liul gaii.ih ) lUissl.i. Pi.sin , Oct 1Vos Tis/a adopted the tin- usual coiusi ! of reading his sneech In the Jlung.iiian pirhaiiient jesteiday. 1'imtoii eopk's won1 given to the newspapers in ordei to avoid mistakes 'I ho spi ech elves general Mitlslactlon , although it is lliouuht lobe laek- JiiK In e\pllcitness on the t'o\ornment lel.i- tlonsvvith ( icrmaiiv. The expected elluet of the speech In Hnlnari.i v\ll ! bo to encoiiiago the government toiesist IJiissIa. LOMIOS , Oct. 1.- The Times this moinin. : sajs : Knaland his need lo.ison to ho sitis- Jicd with the statumonts mailo by Tls/a in the Hungarian paili.impnt , vestiudiy , vvhicli Indicate tin1 point bojond vvhi li the Austra- ( ieiman alliance cannot bo stretched with out hieakini ; . Moscow , Oct. 1. The ( ia/i > ttcdiclaics that thirty HidKailans have been vvliipped to death for pxpiPssliiK sympathy vvlth Kussia'ri netlon In HniKaiia. far. 1'KrriiMiunn , Oct. 1. The \ovoe Vro- inva pnbllshi's : \ teleuiam from Moscow , which sav : "Tho Hiilpuian crisis hiis v.ualy/cd trade and checked the ol Imslnojs vvhloh iroud harvests had incited. Moscow is oropiied toranj ovontinlitj. 1 ho ineMMit condition is us bad as vvai , If not woise. " Aiistila LONDON , Oct. 1. The Anstila mllltaiy at tache at Solia has been iiistiuctedto encoiir- n. 'ti the liiilu'arlan logouts to resist Ktibslan cioinands vvlth a hint ot eventual support. Thu St. 1'e.leihbuig jiapeis li.ivo boon torhld- dcn to publish ( tutuln poitlons of the sjiuech made. ! ) ) the HuiiK.uian promietcbti'idj. . KnnltiarGrous A'ir.s.NOut. . 1. It Is slated jioslllvcly that ( Jonerat K.iulhais , In conseiiieiico | of hints fiom St. IVIeisbuit ; , has inodcialed his attitude eiiiu\llj vvltlithn iiueney and hucoum nioro conciliatoiy. A n immedlato lelaxatlon ol the tension between Itiissiaand liul aila Is thcioloie loiisldcied piolublo. Now Trial lor Wet kinsmen. HIUBIIOct. . l.-i.No\v \ork llciald Cabin Special to the HIM , ] Tlio supiemo coint had bofo n it to-day the Impoitant case of 0-cai Tallc'in an I Sehmidt , the popuhu Kl \\tiiMiunii n vvhoso londoiiination last month to twenh jeaisof penal scivltudo lei the nlle ed InstiK'ntion ot the Chaileiol btill.e ontiaves In M.uch , Paused Mich luita- tlon amoni ; all the wolKlnsnien , and led them to clamor foi amnosl ) , as well as mi- iveihal sntlras" on the occasion ot the reat demoiii'tiation of August IS. The advocnti' ' general n recs with the counsel foi the do- lento that the sentence of the MOIIB ti ibnnal Is Invalid on technical crounde. The couit will ijlvo JudKiuont to-mono vv. It will cur- talnly < ) iiaHli thu loni sonlenco andoidoi u ficsh bcailiiK bcfoio anothei couit , which wllltilvo utfat satisfaction to the classes. Onn iliiiiilioil Ijivcs for a SlADitA" , Oct. 1. I'loods arc devastatliiK the ( ioilaveiy dUtiict. Some villagi'is tiled to cut the dam to tollovo their own villa i > of vutcr at tlui oxpeiibo of othei vlllan'e9. A lleivi ) light oiisiicd In which 100 natives vveio Killed. _ Capitol Notes. WASIUSOIO.N , Oct. 1. l.uul ollicoshavo been e l ihllshcd at Ciiadron and bldnitj , Neb. , uud the land ollkoat Il.o'iieldV ! . , has been removed tn Abliland. The seeiotury of state Is oillclnlh informed that the Canadian antlioiltle.s , hiv ini ; trained that Cut I her repu-M illations In lielnlf ot tijiioule , thn Aineili-an convlrti'd of nniKici in Itiillsh Columbia , wore on theii v\a > tiom the depaitiuent of htato to Londuii. have nualn > esplt"d him until Octubvi W. Jle waste to have bceii exieuteu to-da > . A Wanton Outingo. Ki. I'AbO , Tex. , Oct. -Two Mixlcan pel sued n native whom they wanted tunucbt w-io-s tno Hlo Uranilo into the United States and n liltlo bojond the Atchlson , Topeka it Snnla I'o dtiimt the > ramfl up vvlth him , and t-vlni ; both aimed vvUt : lillci , , tlicj 1 1 red at him , wouudln. , ' hlui seilously. Tl.ey tlum t > eiml the ills.-.bled limn and dragged him bad ; to ilc\lc-in ter- jitoiy. fouling tlio ilvcr to do bo. in- dlenailon Is uxprv-itcd here ovoi tins wan tun outrage. J U. I''S .SHAItP PHACTlCi : , Mow tlic I'oo ) lutes t i Kaii a 4 Clt } Aio Avolileil. Ciitr uio , Ocl. I. The Tlmps to-niotrow vvillsiy. 'I in > Southwestern Killvvav pool l thre.itenpil in ralher an nuexpected qitai- ter. It Is learned that Hie Milwaukee A St. Paul Is shipping larito ipi intllli * * of ftoleld to Kansas Cltv tluotuh Council BIntTs and via the Union Pai'llic and tin * new toiito of the laltprthioiigb Mar } \llle. 'I his was opened about a mouth 1.10 and gives Hie 1'nlon Pa- clfli-n lair through line between Omaha and K iims City. Xciihei of Iho toads arc par ties lo the .Southwestern pool and nio at lib- prlj to makpsuch ratesas nii.v Iwagreed tipmi between tiio pirties without leferenco to thi'tanirs govprnlnc In th" Southwestern pool. HIP Kansas Cltv , St. Joseph V ; Counoll Bl ills was elosul up to the South western lines some time ago h ) the snbsidj U'lanted il fiom the pool lines and the es tablished aihlti.uies bnncd all tiaillc tiom HIP noitliwpst , wldch did not take the pool pbaiineN , Thp new ionic1 is somewhat cii- enitoiis , hut Is good enough lor Height pnr- posps. Us main beating will hi1 upon tlio linnbpi tinllic which can get Into Kniisis Cltv tliion h tills gatevvav , nnd unless the usual lemedy Is applied thp Southwestern linuhei pool will bo in lonsiileiahle danuei. It is believed , howcict , that the Union Pa- elhe will listen t'i leason , accept tliobiib < ld } and maintain pool iatei. an A rpiMiicnt. ( id 1. The manayers of thn houthwestorn lines M theli mectlin : to d ij snceei tied In disposing ( d one ol tin ) chit f obstacles Iti the wi > of fotiiilii the pnssen- f ! < r pool. This vv. us .ixcompanled b ) ic.uh- Inc acoiiipioiii'ioon the business west ot the Missouri rlvci , the loadiniinliiK be\oml that bound , nj line aKieeini ; nut to tiool busi ness orl lnatini ; at locil stations , but to cuter Into an anieemoiit to maintain Kites -li lctl\ , under iienalty ot SVU lot anv Inliactlon ot ( ontr.ut. llusinessbi tvveen ' 'liicafio and .St. Kouis was taken the nL-li ! sesslun and dispo-.ed of. 'I heie aie seveial liotnts of dis.ijieeiiicnt vet to he eolisideied. I'lu' meeting will piohiblj bo inoloiiged Into next wceli. Noted Miiiinal ic SI.IIH. Xi.vv VOIIK , Oct. 1. [ .Special Telecram to the Iti -hold | honsdnle and Miss Violet Cameron anpeaied bolore .lusttco Smith tn the Tombs pollco court late vesteidav atter- noon and sworeouta warrant toi the attest of Dobcsandp , Miss Cameron'H hi hand on theirtonnd that ho had threatened to do liei bodllv Iniuiv. Thovvairanl was Issued , but Debesando could not b < - lound until alter midnight. Ho was anested in limit ofihe Hotl man house and was taken to the Thiiti- eth stieet police station anil locked up. The City ol Chestd ot the Inmin line , which aniveil Iibt I'vonlni ; . hioiuht Ito ina Vokes and Wilson 15 uiett. the I'ncllsli a < toi. autliot and maim ei Mi. ISiuett went im medlatel.v to the Vlelini.i hotel , wheie ho vv. is seen. lie is ol iii"diiim staliue , eomiv.ctl > built , fate lull ot ch u.'ctri and e\pies-ion , han duk blown and h.inirs hi a wav v toll o\oi his liioad loii'liead eves d itk mav ami Keen , nose lionian and pioumient. mi nth spmie ( , thin lipped mid detetmlned. Ilo talks delk'httullv with a copious How of wholesome Jhi lish anil witn astoiti Inni ; lack ot what \meiuan dudes ate wort to 10- K.inl , is tin1 Inilv 1'nnlMi act out Ilehunirs with him Miss i.ibllike ; the k id in , ' lailv of hiseomanv. ) Ho Hoi used to Con Toss. 8m I vii.ii. , Mo.Oct.ivet ] : si"ce 1 > . V. Wallace was biou ht heio itndci aiKsllot the minder of the Losan f imdj , thcio has been tlncatsof IjnrldiiK. At tl o'clock last nliht an oijjani/cd body of masked men mai ( lied to the jail wheic Wallace was con- nned , loiecd an cntianco to his cell and dialed him out inidui a lice in the couit liouso jaid. llofoio \ \ allaco was su-sjiendid by a lope ho made.i stateinont ptotestiii his inuoccnee and claiming tliat Vaiuhn vvas > the muidciPi' ot the lamily and had uiven htm t'M to keep the tu- cret. At this the mob hooted and v oiled and at the wotd thoiopo tlnown ovei a limb and Wallace was suspended in midair. Ho was held theica few minutes and then let down , the mob still hoping he would confcsi , but hostlll ptotested Ins innocence as linn ! ) as ovei At the advlco of the shoilir and scvoial piominont citl/eii1- ho addiessed the mob , Wallato was deluded to the anthoii- ties and was tiken back tohlsu.ll. TIP ciovvil then dlsjioised. How to Get Ni vv I5ilN. W\MtiNr.iov , Oct. 1. 'the United States tieasuter to-day Issued the following notice in regard to the issno of one dollar certifi cates : Owintc to the gieat demand lei othei denomination ! } of notes the tieasmer of the United States Is nnablo to s ipi.U one dollat notes except In small amounts. In oidei to b.itlhfj , as lar as posbib'o ' , the imblie demand , It has been decided to I in nisli lioin this ollieo those notes in mms ot 31,00-3 to cadi bank makini ; application and at the same time dec - c th U s um with the assistant tie.isiner at .Sowoik. . Upon leceipt ot the cortllicato of deposit a like sum will he toi wauled at the oxpeiisoot tlwbanks makliiK application. In older to oflict. an erjnnahlo distiibit- tlon , as far as possible , applicants will obtain UIL--O notes in the older deposits aio made at the , ub tie.isitry atev York. Until lutthoi notice no second appi'ention ' will bo ciantcd until the supply 01 notes is adcipialc to meet the em tent demands The maximum amounts ol these cettilliatos , that the lie.isinv can 1m nl-h dalh will not ex- c ( oil frMl.tKH ) , and this Mi esied lij the .u tin ; tieasurei that will ho well lei tin ; banks to ascertain thioitKli theii Now Voik nnipi- poudent the > willieioho I In' shipments ot 010 in tlio order in which the deposits aio made. The total poIiuijppKKmtoil In the mints of the Unltul St ULS duil. it ; .September was ijr.oroov , .0 ol whidi8i.siltJweiestandaid | ) ) silvoi 'J'c\iiH rover iii Virginia. \V.\SIIIM.IO.V , Oct. I. Coiumis lonci Col- man , ol the depaituivnt ol isiieullitiP , has icielved u lopoit fiom ll. C. K , DJOI , the veterinary sinpeon whowa-ifcent loa eeitaln whatdisp.isn had hioken out In the counties ol London. I auifiloi and I'lincoVlblani \ , In Virginia , ' 'oinmiinlcated bv cattle obtained fiom Chica.'o , In which ho sivs tlio dh-easo is Texas level and not ph mo-pneumonia. Anotlinr Illovvat Solomon. JKI-SBV Cm , N..I. , Oct. I The Hudson county Krandjni ) has found an Indictment lot bigamy against Kdnard Solomon , husband - band of Llldan Kiisscll , 'lhe > vvcio married In Mav , lSs.5 , b > liev. Dr. Klrlch , pastor ol the Hoboken Lutlu'ian ehtirrh. Louis IS. Allen and Claia ICIrlch weio witnesses to the in D i laa'o. \VIII Cnro for .Soldiers. W.VSIUM.IOX , Ocl. 1. A committee ot thu IJuluiietfuns union called upon the public priiitnt to il-i > In behalf of their com rades who had been discharged fiom the cov et nment iirintiii' . ' olliie. Duiiedict nssined tint union holdleis In his ollico need not fear dist'mrnp It tompetent and atten tive to diiij , Inv e lltilliin : tlio l-'isherles Ol pule. UO-TOV. O-t , 1. tJointors IMuuinds mid I'ljo find the toil of il.n commitlco on the lislieiii'i w > nt to I'lovincctow n to day to In vestigate thrio in iPlorenco to the IMierles diimlolvlvvi'.1. Iho United States and Can ada. O.IVD Ills Mfo Tor II in Pi ifiul. CI.SIKAI. Cuv , Colo. . Oct. I. 'I his aftci- nnon Coinellns McCoy went down a shaft In the Nu.rgel mli.o to K-SV'UO William Quintrell , vv ho vas uiromc by pi isonous cas. Later both weio t. ( ! , ( . ' 1 1 nut. Mi Coy .lead and ( jalu- tielliu a djihu condition. 'Jlireo Ilojb Orovvneil. Mafs , , Oct. l.--Til ) * noon liv o DOJ i wciu out in the harbor In a .small boat when thu wind c.uitl/edtl.o boat and three of them , ll my S > rt , Mirhac ) O'Neill , anil IJaiby CICUH , wire do\vneU. THE SEVEN DEADLY SINNERS , Some Tall ami Triflinp Oaths to Save tiio Neck of Anarchj. THE MOTION FOR A NEW TRIAL Allldnvils I'l-csLMitoil nt tlio Healing Itol'oro iliulo | ( Jai-y Vosierilnj \Vliut the Detcose \ \ 111 At- teini't ' to 1'iovc. Tlip Anarohlst Casp . Cinr\oo , Oct. L Interest In the ra es of thf convleleil atiaichlsls was lu- \lvcd this moiiiliip , as this was the time sot lei the liuinni ; by .liuluo tiaij of thomotlon tor a now trial. It turns out that , besides the affidavits piovionsly published , which allejro that several jitrots had PXDIOSSPI ! uplnlnns concei nhu the unlit of the prisoners , anothei PVPII inoip sensational allldivtt will bo pie- sented. It Is nlloucil lhat tlie two painters named Hove and Hlos om wear the ) know Hurj L. ( illmiir , who swoio he saw Spies ll lit the bomb In Ciane ltio > . ' alley and Sehnaubel thlow It , that the ulliants are positive tliat tins could not he so , ns HIPV weie wltli tillmit In a siloon at llalstead and N'an Huien stieets tiom about s o'dock tlie same eveiilm ; until alter 10. Slates \tlotnev < iilnti"ll , though reticent on the siibjoi t , has villuallj'edi.'ed ' these alhd.ivils ate In e.\sietice. It is avoiled that lie -cut lei Hove , who when closclv oilcs- tioneil , litokod iwn. HIO-MIIII I- , said to h.ivo stud ; to the sloiv. ' 1 Ills Isthoitulit tohi'tho M'lisailon vvlileii tlioanaichists' tonnspl have bien liltilhu- 'I he hen ins : ol the motion was commenced in Iheoiiminal o mil this nioiniii-c. Captain r.kicK. on behall ot the condemned men ollcicd an alliilavit which declaied that Special Ilillitl lleniv L. Ilvce , who summoned tuMilv all ol the pinel fiom which the | mv was obtained , li id made atemaikto a named 1'ivoi , on W avenue to Ihoetlei t that he knew his business and was seii > ( tim : men who would liantr the aiuichists. 'Iheattoinev asked that 1'aviir and a m in named Stevens should he summoned into coutt and questioned as to the alleged lemaik. ' 1 he stales attoitiev oxpicsscd siupiiso tliat eouiicii for the do leiise should make sueli alleirations without ln > t informing him1 theit imrposo toat- tai k an ollieer ot the com t. 'Ihe coiiit leplied to Captain Ulack tint theio was no dito attudiul ti the uflld.tvit The comt aho said thine vis no pioccdent lor t ikltiK otal tcstlmonv at this st.up of tlio moceedltms ami oveiruled the motion to summon the pcr-ons named. Counsel for the iiii'-oneis ( hen ic id a motion lot a new trial which has ahoadj hi en pi inli d. This embodied an allidavit bv T .1 Min.Mn to theeHecl that ho had hc.nd .1 11:01 : Oenkee decl no shoill ) alter the Hi- in nUet tm etuis that the whole ciovvd ot , xn- udiisls outrlit to be h ni.'ed.n atlidavit bv M dnol Cull also nail to the elleit tint Juioidauishid expiis.ed Inmselt to the alhint to about the same lan uai e. Tlio alhd.ivit ol 1" \ . Stevens was also icid , which staled that 1'avoi , a moieh.iut , told tint Dupiit } ItiC' slid the anuohists vvmihl bans asmo as death. " ' 1 no nllldivilsot A I' . Love and Oirin lllossom weie then lead , diHliuni ; thov had seen wit ness Cilniai in a siloon on Van Iluicn siu'el hclnip niic allot the bomb tlnowiiu. 'I hiatlidivit was to Impeach dilmai , who swoie he siw Sdinauliolt thiow tlio bimil ) . 'the allidavlt ot an In- iii.Minpol s biloon keepei , .1. I" . Deliue , was then read , iilnu' the fait ol th. ' ptesencii ot a mvsteiious stransei in hlspl.u'i1 i lew davs hetote the bomb llnow- in , who intiuntoil tioublo would oeetii in ( Inca o Xeisloi , ono of deleiid- ant's oiin-d , madu an alild'vit tliat .hnot Cole had Liken notes ( limns ( Intiial which was contiaiv to law. The piisoncis wei" in court during the altei- noon. Tin > all { showed otfects ot their im- prlsoninunt. Spies , Schwab and Fischei , In paitieulu , hid vcij white tacos. ( aptain Black lead to the cotnt oxtiacts tiom States Attoinoy ( iilnueirb elo-iliiK ad dress to the jurv , ciitieifinc what ho teimed the objectionable and unlawful patt of it. Assistant Stitcs Attoiney WalKei lead alll- davits in i only to tlioso previously piesontcd lij thoattoinoy lor defense. Captain John Cinnev , ehiei ot theLvunston police , deposed that Midincl Cull , ot Lvanslon , who , In his allidavit , alleged tliat Juioi Adanib told him in lei to tilal that the anaiehlsts should haiu , ! si : woithless ehaiattei and nnworthv ol his- lief. Adams K'V ' cs allidavit simply doming theiomaiks attiibuted to him. .Jnioi Ien- kei denies sav inj , ' betoio the trial tliat thode- fundants ousIit to hanir , and On In S. lilos- som tPstined to iPcelvliiK feM apiece from Solomon and Xeisler lei maKlni : n false statement about the whoieabouts ol Uiimai on the night of tlio explosion. Black asked tor tuitliet time to piopne Imthei allidavits 11 dliip ( Cull'schauictci , vvhldi the judge Altei bPlng lofused a continuance Black xx'an the oponliijj niKiiincnt on the motion foranew tii.d. Hedevoted himself i.n ) tlcn- laily to the auumont for the state made b > the state's attoinov , wldch ho claimed was iniioper ] and calculated to leavoawioiu impicssion on thcmlnds ol the juiy. 'J'ho comisol , dining the cour'-o of his speech , was lohul.ed by the couit , In one instance lei makinir a WIOIIK statement icspcctint ; the inline' imido b > tliocouil , Captain lilack dvvdt at lenu't'.i on two points : I'li-t , tliat the htate't , allot nov in- UodiKtd Into his closing aiKunmnt hiibstantivo niattei not leloned to pie- \ionsl > dinliiK the ; second , that the evl- deiao fiiibmitted bv the pioseciition was de tective In tailing to piovo who thopilndpal vv is Captain lilack held tliat evidence to be Millie lent aijiliist the HKPsMiiles hliould have been so iinmistakablj asralnst tli < > ptln- ci | ) il as to secure his ( oiivktlou had ho been piOM-nt In eouit. The senloi counsel tor the an iichis's li id not com hided w hen point ad- iotnncd. Furthet heaiini ; was dclciicd until Mombj. _ HavvKi'vo I''iiuiiiceJ , ) -MoiM s , la. , Oil. 1 [ Sjn'cml Tele- L'lam to the Ui.n.J 1 he state amlltoi to dav maihdiis quaiteib hi'lilement with the stale ticasmer , and iecelpto < l 101 ovei twohundied iiuilfortj thou-and dollais ol \\aiiantsie- deemed dining ilic ( imiiteri'iidiiuSeptembct W ) . Hy the now law ol M'mi annual payment ol taxes a laico amount ol moncj Snow In the hands ol the count ) tie.i ! > uieisliU Ills btlnc forwarded to the state tUMsnici niid applied at once to lodpomlni ; w.iri.'ints , so that the sIlKht llo.ilint' debt is lapldlj melt- inganay. Tlio Cliaiupiou Trap Shot. DEI MOIM.C , la. , Ocl. 1. Telo- Kiamto the DI.K. ] Mi. C. M , Jiiuld hat > 10- tinned to this cltv , bringing with him the badge lei the clmmplonnldp of Ameilca , u-ronud tiap * This was won in the toiirnn- inontat Chicago , In vvhldi ho established ldt > claim of being tno champion tiap shot ol this conntiy. Hln tiophlos are now on exhibition and nto nunu'inus and very valuable , audit Is repoitPd tliat ho Intends now to challenge Captain Iciaaidii9. ) Oonoral Jleilrlok Crlllt-allv 111 , OTIIMW.V , la. , Oct. l.-On Wednesday ni.'lit last ( iemn.d John il. Hedilek while In bed , was btiickon with p.ualjsis. Hiibtiangd movements awakening Ids wife , and he was found insensible. He bad boon quite well dinliiK thoda } , visiting his farm. Of late > ears he sutleipd with asthma and frcmicnt [ iic.ikliiK out atreeh ot ainiy wounds. Ills condition i ciltlcal. 'ilio event causes profound sorrow here , wheio ho Is held In the hlghc&t esteem , Coimlortoilor Caught. AitiAvv , N. V. , Oct. l.-lavld M Chad- wick , aged sUtive ( jt-ats , was caught by the seciet service oftUoi sand local dotettivea to day manufacturing counterfeit coin , laico ouantlllcs nt which had been shipped to Now York and other cities. Wife MiirdoroiIloppU. . Nr.vvOtu.KAKS , Oct. l.-Charles Kdwaids ( colored ) , alias Charles Uorham , who Killed Ida mistress , liettle ItcfUKC , In Algiers , Juno 20 , Vtiislianged to-Uaj. AClllNtJ I "OH BMPU'MY. . CliaftpHtiin I'poplo Oxnpolnt | | < Ml In Pulillo MOM rhi .Situation. N'l w \ IIIIK , ( let 1 iSpeelal lelpiirani to the III I | 'I \\oildpnlilnbeslliefollow- - liie1 Captain 1A. . Javvson , idllor of the Cliaileston S'cwsnnd Courier , ni rived In the city IT-I evenlns : ' ! nin In a position testate state fiom ner-on il knowledue , " ho said , "and I thlnl ; It Is timIt was stated to the ( jpiietnux ] , b io vdiic'i ' has poiiii' forward so pioniptly t < > t liarlcs'on' ' < aid , tint tlio inotiev , so far tecolvid and now In sight that Is lo cay , which ha been su crlbul aninuntini ; . If It Is all paid In , to 8OJ.O o or SVWOi0 ! , . vv ill snflito to render habdable the houses of those of thoM ot our citi/ens who aic absolntelj w Ithout means to help thotnsel ves. I teter to tlie laboring people , pou widows and like , who owned little homes with mortgaces upon them , and who would heuttetlv with out lesouicos to reptir the dini.ices were It not foi timely assistance. " " ' 1 lion j on mean to siv that no mote help Is needed" " "S'o , tin from that. The douhlo blo\v which Cliaileston has received , Hist nom cv- clotie and then fiom the eaitlupiako , Is one tint s'lecannol ' iccovei from unless she re- eoives other oiir.inbed aid tiom outside. It It can be airamrod so tliat she can bonow monev at a fair latp of lutoiost , s-xy t pjr eent. then we will be ab'e ' to u build , and In a lew jeais be on out leel ng iln " "lias theie hi on much indignation In South Caioliua ovei tlui lailnie to expiess iinj sympilln" "I do not IIUo to talk about thai , " loplied thesontliern oditoi , with leeliiii : . "I nave hnen veiv elo o to the niosidentuid luivo hid a hiili admiration ami love lei him. It ceitalnlv seemed , con ideiln the leu fill ealatnilv which had helallen thecltv , tliat the piopoi tlihii ; lei the president to do was to go at once to Washiimton and f.i , > to the suili'tiiii : i . nle : lam at HIP post ot dntj. \\ can I dotoi on' ' Wooxpioted it , inr- tiinlailv liom a ih'iiiociatlc nii" < ldont , His laihne ton a woid eiilseo not io mueli uuei as ( IKaiipointment mid iiain. We do not know what to make of it. But It was not moiely the pn'sident who smpiised ns Theie Is Senatoi W.ule Hampton lie Ins been the idol of Ciurloston and Seuatoi Butler , also ol South Caiolina. We hive not hiMlduwoid frii ) elthel Bullet is in III ioie | , but there Is the cable It would not h iveeost so v o mnc'i ' uitliui id mono } 01 ol lahoi toi him to send in i tew wo > ds. .No , we don't know wha' to make of it at all. You remembei him C'lailpstmi ' cuno toi- want at the time of Cleveland's m ullage and sent a boantilnl pie-ent to tlio tnidc , Wo have alw.ns stood , stanni'hli bhim. . In pleasant conlr ist vvis thueiu'i ji t < 'iiclion ol Adjntint delieial Dinm , .icliiu sccictaij ot wai. The eii-'ineeis he sent down weieoi incalculable hi'iielit. not old } In diteiminin vvh it buildups vvi-ru nns ite , but which one * . thoiuh tlu'j looked unsifp , vveie not so. I lull von u vvai splendid woik those title men did and it was iitmiociited It did seem .11 il Hit \ vvmihl woik tlii'iusehis to deilli , /eiloils weio thov In plosenitlll ; Ihoii task. " - ' a - SI ) HUMAN OSlliVnil. . Ilo ( Jiies a Hl Diillui- Talk in a Very I'cvvVurils. . CivriNV v 1 1 , Ocl. 1. i t uatoi Sherman vis ited the exposition tbib iiioinui ! ; , and in the atteino in was leeeivod vvlth enthusiasm b\ the chambei ol lonniieiee. In the louiscol a hi let speech ho sild : But thegicatest question of all , perhaps is the silvir iiic'stion | luw to niikeau eiiual to the irold doll.u tor them should enl < bo ono slind.ud. I have uoiie tlnonsh one pre- ol icdeciniiiK Undo Sam's monoi and 1 do not want to go tmoimh it arUn. You mUht have put moio bilvei , in join dollni unit made It uiual to gold , but then it would ho too big , as ills now. But anv waj , it would lie a good thing to to to woik with. A iloll.n must he a dot lai. and a dollai's worth ot hilvoi must bo put in to makoit adollai. Tint is hoiu'stv and prudence. It I had m > 'AIIV , I would slop the LOIIUUO ot thu bilvet doll ir , gathei it Into Tilde Sam's meat vaults , and then issue ceitihcatcs and let jou lnuidlo thom 'Iheve ccrtilicates vvuiiid loimtho basis ol inn national bank chciilatlon , and piesoive , what i believe to be , ' the best svstemid banks in tlie countiy. The ill and other meat issues would In a , sivat nieasmo legulalo thom elves , but the hilvti nuestion is thu great ono of the lutilio. One doll.u ot one wo mlii-t have boloio wo can have that stability so mccssai > to national bucuiitj and business success. liiKiiraucu for Irut Si. I'.vi r. , Oct. 1. The National \\holesale D.uggists' association has aiithoii/ed the formation ot a mutual insuiancecompinv for the member * , the di ugglsts moment at the eonventlon auieein to iiisine In tlic now comiMiiy to the amount ot : iGO,000. Winter's Js'car Approach. Ciirnovi. VN , Mich. , Oct. L A heavy = novv stoim jirovailed h'ero for a shoit time this moinlngeovetltiK thegionnd. It has snored bald at in'civals , but the snow boon disnp ] ) oais. _ _ NphranKa null low a We-atlier. I'oi Xebiaskaand Iowa : Talr woathei , waimei In eastein poitlon , tern- peiature In wustcin poitlon. PcrinllN. Inspector \VliilIuclc issued Ijinldinj ; permits jostoiilny us follows : Urexel it Ilarte , three-sloiy bilek stoieand Hat , Sixteenth and Weh- stet . s = irj,000 , S. O Bennett , one and one-hall-stoiy frame collate , Twentj.second and Locust . 'Mi W. 11. Mole. Iwo onc-stoiy li.inio cot tages , Twonty-sopoud and Dajton. . 1,60J M. Uuehlci , onc-sloiy frainu cottage , .South fifteenth , between Doicis and Mailha . 1 > 00 Four pei mils approbating . SlT.dW The livj ing of the cable track IMIIVVPPII Ilnrnov stieet nuil the Uopot is nenily completed. 'J'oni Mnrni\'s ltilldln ) < i on the pornor ot Komti'ontli and llainoy , is i.ipidly shooting skyward. The paviiij ; of Saunilprstfpf't is ontrajiponsly delayed by tlio Asphajt eompany and the piobabilitles are that il will not bo completed lioforo winter. Mis.sMunil Tostovin L'avo pious-nil rp- coptum to her fi iojulb 'riiiiisday nttht ; in honor of Miss Nollfo Smith vv ho nns ju-t ro- tinned from u western trip. Luuhio and lufreslinn'iit.s filrnitihcil the ontoitain- mom of the Personal 1'aruuraplis. Mis tt. M KldrHtsru , of Donv or , sister of Mr 1-2. I' Vining , \ > commissionur \ , ot fhieuKO , pahfoirtluoiixli thoeiti yea Icnlny nun ing on jior waj'homo. The iniiny friends of Miss Joniiio Mo- Viinn will lie pleased to leal n that she has totnincd from Cedar Rapids , Iowa , whom blio lias been viailitiK jiur inotber. Xotloe. M A. I'plon hi ) ! ; this day purchased tiio intotpst of N. li Matcher in the iirm of llatplior. ( indd ic * Co , Itoal Ilstalo Uiokois Mill.ud Hotel Hlook. The busi ness will ho continued nndei tlio linn name ofV A L'plon iV Co. All bills in /.ivoi of or ii uinst the linn of Hatolier , ( iaild iV Cn will bo collected or paid hy their biicL'ossor nl 150'J ruinam street , opposite Merchant ! hotel. M A. Ui'To.s & Co. Speelnl Notice to Oas ConsiiinerH. Uvving to bomo necessurj lupairs at the vv 01 k it will lip nece'.sary to shut the irns oil' tin- city on Tlnir ilnut AV ; > / . 30th. between tlio liuura * of 8Hi a. in. and 11:30 u. in , D. J. ( Jou iss , Supt. Omahu ( Jus Mfj ; Co. UXAX1MOUSLY RliNOMlNAFEl ) , Oongresstnnn Dorsoy Again Clioscn to Rep resent tbo Third District Kopnbltcaas. THE CONVENTION S SHORT WORK Otoc Count'M oI'lraviii1 i * In tlio Itolp iil'n l-\irjir SHiiudorx Conn- ij' Siic-fpssriil l < ttlr Spoil al Col Minima. Uorspy Kcnoinlnatpil. rnrvioxt , Net ) . . O't. ' I. [ Sjioelal Tele giam to tin * Hir. : | Tlie eongie-isloiril con vention for the Third district met hero to night at the opera Imiiso , and was eilK-d to oidei bvJ. U . Love , elmit man , of tin ) ills- tilct central eommdlee. McKarlatid , of Columbus , wiscliDson tempoiai ) chaliman , atnlL W. Osboino , ol lllali m idi'lH'ruiatient ( halimaii , both deliveiing tinging Hpoeches. The business of HIP convention was short. Altei the roll call of delcgttcs was dispensed with , M. 1' . Kinkald. of O Nell I , arose ixnd placed hi nomination Hon. ( ieorgc W. K. lor-rv ) lei concie siu in , and moved tint tin * nomination hemulo bj acelamatlon. The motion was seeonded liom mai'v ' paitsot Iho hall and was e.u lied with wild enthusiasm. Mi. DOI-CJ npiviicd npoa the phtloim and vvasieeeived with applause. H'1 ' made a mat and appropnate speech In which IIP kindlv thanked the convention tor the lionoi con- feiied. Tliceommitteo on H'Mdutions ippoitod as follows : Hesolvcd , That Wi * a'liim ' om unswerving allcciamo to icpnhlican piinciples and iiciept the platloim adopted bv ourla t Mate convention. It-solved. Tint we oliallengo the closest siilltinvof the pei-onal and political lecoid ol the Hon. ( tt'oV. . 1. l ) < iiae\ , and eonlt- dcntl.v pie < ent him to tlie voters ol the Thiiil co'igiessimnldistiici asaoamlidalo lei to- i liclion , li'esolvoil , Th it wo commend his piompt lespon , e lo even ieipie-,1 ol Ins constituents , his Initlinil itidnsi | > iipon committo'N and his e instant an , I eotisi > ient Oiposition | to all cmpoiato monopolies Hon. K A. Bunard , ol I < 'i > > m-int , wis chosen ch iii m in ol the iiimmlttoc. Aftu adjoin n mentIi Doiiuv gave a iccep turn to the deligit 'sand li'onds at Ills ele gant home. Tlieie was no opiiosition evci to Ids ii'iiomln it on , and the conven tion was tlieicfoie not lull } attended. Saunili'i-'w Siiooessliil Show. Wvnooiit : . Oct L [ Special to HIP Bt.i J 1'ho Sa indeis count > la i opened at this place I'nosdav , and has been open eveij dav sinci ! 'I , n' woitlioi his been lould bo dosticd , miking it ] denint lot Ilio visltois and iiroiitablo lei the associ ition. The nimi > ci ot oxIubiN are nnitsuallv ku-re- The Dost exhibits aio in the line of ( aim piodiictYesloidiy ex-oveinoi ! But'ei ' spoUo to a l.UL'C an lieiieoon the Ian giounds. Ilodwlt esp > 'i'iallj on anil monopolj themej , contiasting the lelitivo position of the lai.uei and < oipoiation picsuleiit. The taios , tiottiiu and imimn , ' , have been unusallj good tliis je.u , , it- tiaetini ; a laigo numbL'i ol hoseliom ! Iowa and man } Ncluaska polnl * > . I ii Hie i 10 luitling i ice ol Wedne-- , d iI't lend lo ! > won hist money and Kiltv B second. J'lino I II. In Ilio L'IOJII tioi- ting lace , simedwv , Wahon M.ud won hist inone.v anil Honest .lohn bccoiul. Time JL50. Ueibv vvon In-t monev in the tlneo- louitlis mile sin.'le d.ish iiinnlng. Timu ll\ : In TlinlNdav's laies II. U. won lust and Kiank I' , s-coud monoi m tho'Jr > J tiot- t ing race. 1'iinoJ:4ii. : . In tlio:40 iiottmg i.ico Lumliei Boy won lust and ICiit > It. second end iiioncN' . 'lime M. In the iiinnlng lace , hall mile and loped , Bee-wicK won lust and Bollov oetoud monov , Time 1 , : ,0. Dnlco Simpson as a XnmtAsKA Crrv , Ocl. 1. | Special Teic- L'ram to the Bi i..J The lollowin has just come to the sin fate : Duke W. Simpson , ex- counti tie.isiner , emliLv/ler , duf.inltur and toigei , at piosont In our county jail , will have anothei case of ( orrery to explain or ac count toi when Homy llnnsclilld comes to dicide which of two notcVbeaiing his name Is the ono note he Sgiied. Ilansulilld it seems , ho'ight a machlno and a wairnntiom Simpson , for which lie give bin note foi Sls.f , pivab'e in Xovenibci. l Mi , Simpson made anothei note tot the same iimount pa j able in January , lUsT , iigned Haniischilii's iinme to it and had It discountid at tlie Meichants' National bank in this eitv. Tliegeiiuino note was given to A nil man , Millet A : Co. , ol Akion , O , . , nd li now then piopcit ) . isfiil Fair Oloseil. s , Xeh , Ocl. 1. ( .special Tele- giam lo Iho J > i i. . ] The lair closed to-day with an attendance ot SOJ. It was financially a booming success. The speed contests were bettor than the picv ions das Tlio Hist tace , pony lunning , halt mile heats , was won in three Mialght heitsb ) Cow bov , owned by S , O. Raymond , of this city , in r % seconds. The next on the piogiamnip , the liee-loi-ull Hot. was won easllj hy Belle Poid , owned by J. Creighton , ot Omaha , in 5'iT1 . The ' , ' : -ficlass ) tiot was completed today and was close ! ) contestedhi ing won b ) ( ! raChiilio , owned h > K. II. llcnij , ol this i Itv , in ' . ' . The paeiiiL' i.ieo was won bv Bill , owned by It. H. lloniv , ol this pit\ . In 'J II'J. ' The base ball game ended dlsgiacclullv , 0 to n In lavoi ot Albion. The nionoy is liable to be contiibuted to tbo school fund. Van Wjc-lc at Sclmjlpr. Si HUM i li , Neb. , Ott. 1. [ Spickil Tele- giain to tlio Bi l. ] Tim county fait closed to-day , ' thn kugest dav's at tendance , owing to the fact thai Seimtoi Van \Vek dc'IlvPied an addtoss at 1 o'clock. When tlio senator mounted tlio platloim lie wasgiietodb ) a l.tigo amllenco and his ad- dies * on the pie reis of leloun was listened to witli maiked atti nlion. M its eloso bo was given three lousing clieeih. Ills visit and speech have added ! ) to the ahead } laigo lollovvingind warm Mippott which tlio hdiatoi lias In Ibis county. People's Party Nominees' . Br. v i itir r , Veb , Oct. L ISpochil to the Hi.r..I Tlie people's masconvention which met in this city jistord.ty nnmlmto'i foi sen- atoi lion K O. Kietshurer , of Beatrice ; tor repiesontatlves. J. \ . Knllei , John Wilson and ( ! . I' . Bentlv. Mr. Puller the lopuhllcaii nominee and Wilson the domociatlo iioml- nco for the same position. Mi. Bentlo ) has < u > othei nomination , Mr , Kictslngci's election ovei Colby is. a curtain ! } . Mi. I'PIII- boilon , of Beatilco , WAS nomliiatul lei count attotno . j } _ _ Tlio Ncbranlca Contial. O VM.AMI , Neb. , Oct. 1. fSpeclal lo Iho BI.I : ) The boaid ot dlnctois ot the Ne- biaska Cential lailioud had a nio-tlng In Oakland this week to take some action In 10- gaid totho Imnicdiato lonstiiitlion of said road , and to answer the accumulated cone- himndenco. It Is iiimoied that the con-lino. ( MID will begin soon , as Kngllsh capital is lucking home , Oakland Is to bo the base of coiistiiictlon wo t ol the Mlssoml ilver , Depot nullilliiK Coiiipleleil. \ \ vnoo , Xeb. , Oct 1 [ Special to Iho Di.i-Tlio : ] novfii'l jht depot of the PIP- mont , Elkhoin \ .Missouii Valle } i.ulioad waseoiupleled } Csteid.i } and Ua neat build ing of good dimension * . On account of a condom-)1 between the laihoad company and soiuo of out cltl/ens ov or the location ol the switch , very little has been done tovvaid the erection of a pasacngci depot , Aim. Tlli'omli'rt Puuoral. Woitchfeii n , Mass. , Oct. 1. [ Special Tck- gram to tbu Bir. : | Mrs. Alice Tltcomb , the who was binned to death at Omihi HeplPinbor M , was burled to-dav. The tooV jilaioat I'mon ehiirih and vvas.iftond dbya number of relillvos and friends Uov W. ( J.ico olllelitid. 'I IIP 1P- niilns WIMP intoned at Sutton beside her niotlui and sisU'i. COIIIMJ npnioprat Wl M I'otxr , Nob. . Ool. l.-Spcelal [ TPP- ! cram to HIP Hi K i TUP dpiuociatlc countj eonv pillion hold jpiteiday was vprj Iminion- Inoiis. T.I ) . lich ! w is nominalPil for HIP | piti lalnip. P. W. Woltii , Olio It.uuii.iti , I' . P. O'snllivan. .1. \ .tohn-on , 'I1. M. Plan/ , Jnlin Conlin. and Joseph Kieanent aio the dcleg.itiM to the sdte pnnvpiitlon. Hlch Is for a democrat fm eiiatoi , Van Wjek next. T incATfiTiT : IMJ vein : . Ulip SHuailon In Chli'imo Dvvuers It Clltr via ) . Ot't. 1. , S | iv | il Telogi un to Iho Bn-rii- : | t bliml wasdrawnat thp P.m-nif dlstllleij > heds to-div. About fa m. some olthiiowtieis of the sick cows loaded up homoot the baled hav wnieh Isnndet ipiaian- tine , and staiteit todilve off with il. .special Dcputv Shentl William "avloi inteileied andotileted tint the Inv ho unloaded. A > oitng > ltugei named \ wKvan \ JuiiiDid to the limit , and allei < uislng the ' tate oltlcets , veteilnaik'H nnd eveibodv connected with the ipi u.intino. he knockid tin * oltlcet down A eiowd 01 citile owneigalheieti , and tlio olliier wasimain knocked down and b.ull ) hiui-ed , while a iiiIlL wagon vv lib the bile ot hav was diiveii nwav. Two othei special guilds wealing sheilll 's weio neiibj but did not eouiii to the it'scuo. Dopnlv shi'i- 111 liiviso ! Blue Ulind , aiiived at the I'lne nix in hour I itei. and at once letmued to Iho slici ill s otil o lo.inint'u tot the aiipstof Kj TII and the other ofllcoi- . Hit * i rime ol biiakitu < iuai inline Is -eilous one mult i the stale law. and the distmbets will ptoba hlv piv deailv lei theii Muled hav. " I lie live slock commission had a meeting to da ) , th it Is , Mi. McClubiic ) , who is HIP onU mil' ot the thiee commissloncis in tlui i il\ . and ho has been in M'-MOII at tin1 diand I'ai'the all dav as IMI it. Di salmon has gone to Iowa md IcH ihe lull do/en govern ment exH'its | in eliiiL'e ol Di Mexiindoi .Muiiav. ot Dettnit. I'bej , vMth HIP local "vi N , " an1 al woik tij Inu to nnd thp hounds ot the inlitlcd distiict audio cllintlvily ipi iiaiitmo the pleuio wherevei tound. "I shall not kill an animal that wo have not monev to pav ioi.'siid Commts-iionei Mi ( lie-"iiov lodi > . "It mav bo altei we gel tin Hung within bounds whcieVP aie nic it will mil spipnl , that thiiKeueial slauuhtei m iv be delaved til thp meeting ol the ictr.slatnrK 01 until the numhci of unwell cattle beiomos mill enough so that the pii"-tnt anpropiiation will covet the v ilue ol the animals killed ' ( twin is ot milch cows in the I'lio-nix ills tdleiv sheds , iiesnles h iv ing theii cattle in ipiiiautine and losing some with disease , hui now lost m inv ol then milk ciistomois. ( 'oiisiimi is and some ol the let.uleis liavo lound ( that the milk ( lie ) aie getting comes liom ldth\ and ill ease-inteeted sta bles and Ibex let use to hn > moieol it. The goM'iiinienl inspectois examined to-day I'eteison s and othei iiuaiantined eittle .J.OIIL' WliisUx I'cmit 10 id. Thev claimed to have lound. i -iiNpipious i ascs I lie nnimils in ( lie liiveidalo distdh'rv weie iunin d. 'J hoi were all pionoinn ed healtliv. Plans to Otyanl/p u U Yi iterii.i v 'h < ; . iinrs. I'll i sin m. , Oet 1. A niov . cut his hi en st.utid help to loim a national Icuucol col on d bi-e lull i lulls , and a meeting will slmitly IK ; held in thiscit\ perlectan 01- ganl/atlon. U he league ; will ombi.iie eluln In the cities ol Washington , Ballimoio , Plill.idelplila , Cleveland , I'lllshing and I'len- ton , \ . J. The piojectoiaio conhdont that thov will make the vpiitmo a siui-ess and jiiopose to pul lust-class nines in tlie Held. Illl 1,1 .U.I. I. CiAMI s. A i I'n IMIL no PlttslilllR . 0 0 0 2 0 0 . ' ! 1 1-7 Brook ! ) n . I 0 ( I 0 0 0 0 0 1J I'itcbois Cr.ilvln and Tony. Pnst base lilts Hushing 10 , BiookUn t. Kiroi , Pitlshuii : I , Biooklii , ' . Umpiie Kelly. A I U A9I1IMI10.N Washington . 1 000013 1 Chicago . 1 5 ( ) 1 0 0 l s ( ( lame called In the seventh Inning on account of darkness. ) Kim base hits Chicago cage 8 , Washington 8. Knots Washington I , Chicago ( ! . Umpire I'icice. Ar.Vmv VDIIIC Deiroit . : : ' . ) Xow .Voik . o ooi ooooo-i I'll si base hlts-Detioit it. : Xevv Yoik 4. Ktioi-5 Uetiolt ! i , Xe\v Voik 7. Umpiie 1'owers. A I Pllll , VDI.I I'lIIA St. Louis . . . .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 a i'hiladelplil.i. 0 0 u S 0 0 l 0 * ( J Pli st base hits St. Louis : t , Philadelphia 0. Knots ht. Louis b , Philadelphia ' . ' . Umimo Pulmer. AT Bosio.s- Boston . 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0-12 Kansas City 0 0 0 2 0000 1 : i Kirst base hits Boston 1. . Kansas Cltv 0. 1'riois Boston ! ! , K.uisisCltv Hi. Umpiie Quest. Pitehcis Kadbotnn and Kimr. Coney Island Knees. BnuiinoN Iii veil , N' . V. . Oet. 1. Three- qu.uleisol audio : Tiiplo Cioss won , ltola\ sitond , Pimaslei Ihlid. Tinip ll } ( . Sevon-eightlis of a mile : Vonnlc Duke vvon , Li//lo Mack SCCOIHI. M ly W thlnl. Timo-l : W1 ; . Seven fnilongUn'niio : won , ( ! i mil DnkosuLOiid , Wiona ] thlid TIIIH * : ! ! ' . Selling allowances , flneo ipi.uloih ot a mile : Delia Bo till uon , LUKVallon second , Annie Wallon thiid. Time - 1:17'4. : ' Pin beaten hoisc . Iiandlcip , mill * : Sam Blown won , Leliotli second , Lid Lome thiid. Timo-l : I1. Wcllci huidlo iace , one and one on u lei miles : ll.uiv Mann won. Pool MI onil , Will Davis thiid Tinm-iJrJl'tf. ' Auotlier Aiiifi u-an V.iolil Victory. Ni.wi'inti , 1 ! . I , Oil. 1. 'I I o malch race between the Sachem and Iho Ln.l p i c dtei Mlianda wassail d to dav. The llo ! < k Isiind coni.o ollwcnt ) mtlosto wlndw ml and IP- linn was chosi n. and the jarhls ciossed thn Mailing llmt w lib Mil. tml.i In Iho lead , but the Saeliem bo'd the vv mlwaid posit on and won the i ace. . .Tiuilloi'I'll IIH on Ti'l.-il. BnIin ill. . X. .1. , O , I. l.-At Iho of lanllot Tllus of the coMcento Institute , to diy , on thoihaigu of oiitiagnii ; and then muideilng Tilllo hmitli , u domestic ol the In- Mltiitlon , the jttdgo ouleied all joung ! 'lis ] excluded. Chailcs Munnlcli , n comniuii ial ho was In eompany vvlth thu dead glil on the night ol tlio mm- dei ; that about 10 o'i lock he , n coinpaiiied hoi to thi ) Institute ; that when ho loft hoi t-ho stalled to ire to the laiindiy do u to get In , as the other dooio weio locked. Thin was the last hi ) wavv of hoi , It was not tine , ns ho had Hoisted lo anothei duimmci , that ho had hi'pti Intlni ito with the jjil. Mnnnlch'b IPS- tlmonv as to hi , aecomiMinv uu the i/ul to the nislltiito that night and p.ul tig tiomhei was lonoboiatedhi Axtmo Hivm.vmd Hanoi Smith , btiidcnta w ho * aw them. Or > a Sliiko lor a Com. ! ) ! . > MOI.MS : , In. , 0 t. l.-hpotial Tolo- Kiam to the Bi.u.j Onoliundicih oal miners. woikiiiKin the Ihiu'kn and Pioneet mint's of this city , went out on a Miikolo-daj fii a i.ilspot ono tent a bu > lip ] In vv ig"s. This will only hilng theii pav nu to that pild in other mint's , and tl j * > n\\ \ \ will p.obaMy bo BianU'd. Postal Dulit < ! ) . EBW\\ i.- The i > tc'tnloii of tlio postal < lullveiy s.s.ttem ot the p.'stolilco dppaitment to a1) ) poslolllctM ami local clis ci ot matter you Into etict | to-muiio'\ . I'ooltMt XVit'li a IluHiw. . Uui.U ( > ri' , lit. , Oct. 1-iSp.t-lal 'IVlsu'ram to the Uii.J : Vouti ! ; 'll.oman Hum * hid ono foot and bolh handa cut od m HoYj.u-,1 taiv mill LABOR TROUBLES COMING. Chicago Packers Decide on a Lookont the Middle of This Month , DLOODY TIMES ANTICIPATED. Conceited Art Ion to UP Tnken atul tin1 'vliMi ToiTpil 10 Hoturii id tlio Olil Ten Hour A Loi'koiit Uv Pai-kPi-n. Cittrvoo , Oct 1 -l-speclal Tch'smm to ( ho Hi 1. 1 A meat lockout nt tlio stock yatdshas hi en decided upon some tlmo dur ing this tmintlt , .ihnut the 1Mb , U h said , when tin' packing houses will ill close down and icurnln closed until the < ] iiestlon of eight houisoi ten luiiirs Is n'ttled. Ono of Iho large pickets said this attcimmn : "Tronblo Is , of couiso , expei toil. H will bo a loiiff light , but we pan I inn on eight hours with other bongos nroimd ns miming on ten hours. So the tioublo mklit as well ionic nil at once as to dug along until wo nto compelled to hut iiown hv looses. It is likely that several houses will stall up In u small way on Iho ten hour schedule and imko tlio tUhl. " Tin * Chicago Talking .v. Tiovlslon coin- pan > hasalte.ul ) shut down lei iswhUall the pieklnu company olllcerssny , and this is piobabh theseiretof the denial of the packers tills Is to be a "lockout. " The houses w ill shut dow n one aftei another "torreiMiis. " When the ) open It will boon ten horns time 01 not at all. A ) this time ot the jcai It Is custoumij foi all the holism which have been tunning all snmmei lo snut down fin lepilis. Tins Otlobei , however , the shut down will lipsUuincant. It will alfoid the houses mi oppoitnnltv to thiow on tlii'ii men the onus of tlio lighting. The houses will bo do ed , and those M ho apply foi woik can go to woik at leu hoitit ) , or they eanstivout. Meanwhile , all Iho houses at Kansas Ci | > . Omaha. Milwaukee , SprlnR- lield , st. Louis , ami elsewlieio , will ho run ning dav and night. The fact of the lock-out is aiithmitatlve. Soistlielael that the packers are nctmi : all together 'I Hero Is nououbt at all about theie bctnr a eoncoit ol action , yet the nickeis aio all & ' > letkcnt. and some of them deuv the fact so gliblv , that to ono not veised in Iholi vvavs their denials would bo acioptod Theie is howe\ci , no doubt but that the lockout ! - agreed to , and prepara tions ue golnc lot waul to make a long and stubborn light foi the ten limn nuestion. V hog Inner aid this moinimj : "Them Is plainlv Minictliiii'-r in ( ho wind at tlio jaids , hut just what it is noliodj knovv.s. The houses anuoiiig to close down very soon. Thev ( an betti i aiioid to m iko n light In Oilolici thtnin November Hop ) are high now , and hi shutting down and lorcing the ten-hum light the pukois would teally maUo theii expenses bj the depiesslon of thoprlco ol ho s. " Tweiitv thous\nd people will bo deprived ol emplovmont b > the irie it lei k-out. It Is expectul tint thej vvillolloi a htnbborn te- hi' tame , and it is not thought iuipiobablo tliat the li ht vvll lead to bloodshed. rultllr Delii Sl.Kpincnr. W \MIIM. > N , ( lit 1 ' 1 ho public debt slalenient shows the iidiution of the public debt dining the month ol Septumbei to Lxi 51,0i.2.oi.il7 . : , and the total cash In the treas ury Sib , T7ri7iK'.l ! : ' The following is m re- cipitnlatlon of Iho siatemonl : Juiciest b-ailngdetd , ) ) ilncl- pal . Sl,181,7' VJl3 0) IB Total iK is Dibton whith into Pst has leased since matinitv , piin- i pal SrOlK)3,0.i5 ) UJ JOl.OOl 07 Total . . 0IK,7tW ) 3 Tola ! debt , ] inncipal. ' " Intciest "WAISTS 23 Totii : Less rash items available foi public debt S'JOO.Di-t.OlS 00 Loss ii'scno held toi redemp tion ot United Slates notes ( -10i > , oOO,0i ! > ) 30(1,024,013 03 Total dohl , less available cish items fc 1,412,445,8 % 37 Deeieaso ol debt dmlng month 810,027,01317 Cash in treasiiiy available tor reduction ol public debt 200,0.11,01303 , Itp.sene tiind , hold lor ro- ciemptlon ot United Stales noto-i , acts ol Jaiiuai ) 11 , 177aml.lal } 1. . I- * ! . . . . 10D,000,000 00 Un ivailahle lor lediu lion ot tlio debt . . 27,10.5lOi01K ; ) Cpltllicatesileld as cash . . ( Xt.IViO.MO 00 Xet cash balance on hand . . 07bDOm : 01 Total cash in lie.isuiv , as shown I ) } lieasinoi'H gnnoial aieounl . . . . ' ; -f5.373,7l3 ! l > 3 An Aftlvo Volcano. SAN' Kii v vr ISGO , Oct. L AI < tterpubli.shrd In the Bulb tin , imdci date of Kodlak , Alaska , Sojitemhei PI , s ih tliat the volcano peak ol Pablolt Mountain , .0) ) miles gontb- west of that place , on tlio Maskl psniiLsuki , is In ciuption. Slight lalls of volcanic dust , leseiiiblliiL' povvdor have boon omeiy , ob- tcived. Captain Cmi } . of thoHchoonci > Kodiak - diak , topoils that on August Pi , vvho ) > a hint- died miles liom tint voleuio , tlio vessel was onveloiidin | a nlai k cloud. The datkncu * was no gic.U that lamps weio kept Inunlliir liom 10 a in. till' ! p. m , At tlio same tlmo a I'lai I. diiBt lell uiion the deck to a depth of hovi Ml indies Captain Abhoy.ot Iho Unltod Slates steamii Coiwm , who iiiiiveit hero AngiiM 21 , also bion.'lit simples of dUHt , and niioiled h ivmr lie.ud a no ! , o Ilko tlnindci wfnlp pissing mm tlio vokanh ; lug on. No eaithiiiak | < < shocks have been reported thus tai In eoniuctioii with tlio otitlneak. Do ul.le 'Murilcr. W vr o , Tt x . Of I 1.A hloi v of a double miiidoi his been leceivodhcio frpm Tliioiknioiton lonnt ) . Tim victims are a faimei , named Uiney , and bin giovvn-up daiightei , Li//ie 'I ho falhei , vvho liadbeon lassoed and diagged sumo distance frqm hu liouie , was lound with his throat out. The danghtoi had heon nivibhod. nnd then mmdi'icd h ) muUlatlon. llorfaos * tracks weio dlM'ou led In thoyaul , which , ou belli i lolloiv o I led to the an est of a ncgra covvbov , who .ii ! ! ho stopped nt Urnovd house lot a diink and h'iw Iwo \vhlto men enter tlio jaid as ho It'll. The negto's lariat was mihsin/and Im was taken Into custody , l''euing ; Ijncliing , tlio olllicrs left Tluoclc- morton with the tulsonei , Tlin Hlnillei od Hoii'o of Uagn. Ocl 1 Tins btoioof A. .S. Uago , \ : Co. vis ii'opcned this moinini ? by the assignee , who. iitidoi oidm of.ludgo Piondet- gast. will conduct the business for the benefit of the cu'dltois , pondliig s-lement ( ! of altalis ot tlio enibnr.asscd ill m. Thu llub'lllles nnd assets IIIVP not > cl been icliediilod , but tiio loimei Isostlmatodat SMn.ojo and tlio latter ato'prSI.OOO.OOti. Ainninr the clilof llablll- tieaio the claims ot tlio Kliut NiUional bank lei Sur.OiU : Mossit , Illoomenllml , Philiide.l , pld.i , fc.iO.OOOjJ. V. l-aiwpll iv , Co. . Chicago , biO.O Kj ; 1'ottPi Lovell it Co. . tW.OCO , and MattlnJl.voiooiiS10)OOJ. ) in < IruIcEtcin. UIIAIII i b-io.v , Oct. L 'Iheio > vas , shock lii-K ) aboul I o chclc this morning , but t > o slight that it was not felt by the lunjoilty of ( he people. 'Iheioweio hllsht shocks ut- bimmenllh ) last nl ht. but none f them. have been more poircptiblc than tre-i-prolel ! . ii | < i.ti.uivd.u slnco AijKUstSl. Allrcporfi in It and Udal ot vvimbau1 at > otA