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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , THURSDAY , MORNING , SEPTEMBER HO. 1886. NUMBER THAYhu TRIUMPHANT Nebraska's ' Grand Old Veteran Nominated for the Qovcrnorsbip. ONLY ONE BALLOT NECESSARY. tihcdd , V/illtml , Baucock , Lccso and Scott All Eonominated. LAWS FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. George B. Lane for Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction. A MISCELLANEOUS PLATFORM. The State Issues Ignored and the Railroad Oomtnission Fraud , FIGHTING ON PROHIBITION. Great Debating After Midnight on the Question of Submission , OTHER STATE CONVENTIONS. 1 * Massachusetts llepiilillonus Adopt n StronKTomporniKJo Plunk In Their 1'liitroriii Colorado ncpiiMlcunti Nominate -Political News. The Htatc Coiucntion. LI.NTOI.X , Neb. , Sept. 2'- ) [ Special Tele- giamlo the Uiu.l The long continued two clays' lobby , the gieatest gathering of ihe kind ever lei mud befoic a state convention , came to a close at 7 o'clock to-night , the hour appointed for the convention to assem ble. Through the oiitito daj Iho woik went on , unceasing lobbjing foi the favoi lies and ever and anon the call fora county would be heaid to uo Into caucus. Uuttho uncertainty neverceased , and at the time of the conven- tlon's assembling doubt hovered over the at- mosplieio of tlio gathering and the pool that could sweep the Held had been foi meet to the knowledge of any one. During the clay the Douglas county dolet-atlcin met to oicani/e , and an Illustrious lot ot pioxles bobbed up and theiallioad ciovvd thought llmv had It. Chailes . ) . ( Jiccn , a delegate by proxy , wanted to be ( .huh mini of the delegation and was sit down upon. The same objections that cleleated Creen defeated 'Ihurston ten the place , and the delegation then selected Dr. Mercei as its clialimin , who was accep.a- bio to the anti-monopoly lepubllcans on tl.o delegation , who did not want their votes cast tin ough a inlhoad attotnej. In the Lincaslercountj delegation an organ ization was made bj selecting C. O. Whecdon as chaliumn of the delegation , couliaij to the plans ol the lluilingtou AMIssouil , who weie in politics lor Captain Phillips lei that position. Several othei plans of like callbie weio Knocked in tlio head , but the iailio.ul vyoio In politics all the day notwithstanding. Unbof tiiQMtrprlscsof tliolobh } to find , that Valley umnty had sent a delegaflon against Auditor Habcock , and no little btee/e was occasioned theicby foi a tlmo. Hut very actlvo woik was al once inaugurated to iiuoll the riot In the ranks. The convention was called to orclci at 7SC : o'clock , p. in. , by C. E. Yost , than man of the state ccntial committee , and on motion ol Hon. John M. Thurston , of Douglas , lion , James Laltd , of Hastings , was elected tem porary chairman. Mr. Laird , on taking the chair , thanked the convention foi tlio honor of presiding for a shoit tlmo over the republican party of Nebiaska. Mi. Laird compared Iho luauguiatlon of the pies ent democratic president with the first repub llcan president. He was glad to say that the lopubllcan patty vvub a law-abiding p.nty , The promises of the democratic party had not been carried out. Its legislation was against tlio soldlei and the common people , Its legislation was for the mlllloiialic. Mr. Morse , of Merrlck , nominated Frank 11. Wilson , of Cass , ( i. W. Urewster , ol Blalne , and Walt M. Seoley , ol Lancastu , for secretaries of the convention. James Laird then said that In passing to n pcimanentoigaiiUitlon ho desired to noml unto for the position of chalimaii his col- leaquc , Congressman A. .1. Wcavei. Mr Weaver was elected unanimously. On lakliiB the platform , Mi. Weaver said that the domoctatlc party was In povvei and happy , except lu Its matilmonlal connec tions. 'Iho democratic paity , ho btated , vvat the common enemy of Hits silver dollar. The admlnistiatlon of the demociatlo partv was a constant attempt to thiovv a cloud over the silver dollar that was doing the business. Mho democratic paity has madon iccoid in vetoes. One bundled and ono old soldlcis had be en vetoed out of that which they had eai lied and paid for jearsugo. 'iho iepub- llcan jiaity had fiiriilshed the sinews ot w at on its Intci pertatlon of the constitution aualnst bbito lights. The lepubllcan party wasMroiiu'ertoday than over and It would allow no democrat to lepiesent Nebiaska. Mi. Hero moved that n committee ot lif- ttPii on icsolutlcius bo appointed to whom all icsolutlons should boiclciicd without debate , The chair Mild ho would appoint them as poi Btlpiilatlon : C. 11. ( 'ore. W , P. ( Jurley , James Laltd , J. S , Haitman , C. 11. Van Wyck , M. A. Duugherty. M. L. Hav- wind , deo. W. Duiion , J , L. i.iibeit , L , Mr. jtosovvatci iiieseiited lesolutions n mlopted by the Wisconsin lepnbllcans , anil ho also picsentcd a lesolutlon dcmandlnc tlu lopeal of the uillioiul commission. Itefeuei to that committee , Mi. llovvoiiresented resolutions upon the labor cmestlon and the mtostion of laboi or canizailous and UKalust convict labor. Mi. Nuttletou. of Clay , olfered a resolution asking the h-Klslaturo to submit the cmestlot of vv oman's biilf i a o. llesolutloiis leciiiding prohibition , bonds gieenbacks , tholilsh.aiid forholdleib' pen- blons were iccelved and icfcrred , Mr. Miutimiu , of Hulfalo , askcct for a rccosi of thirty minutes tor the committee o , lesoluttons lo prepare a platform. Lost. On motion ol W. J. Council , of Douglas nomination ! ! vverooidered torgoveinoi On motion of Mr. Woolo > , ot Hall , the convimtlon pioceedcd to mi Infoiiiml ballo' ' foigoveinor. Tlio Informal ballot lesulted riTimi or - . * . ri arku . , . i ; J , U. Dinsmoro . ; LeanUoi Ceiiard . , . < _ > ; i' ' . N , - f ; Applpt-nto Uiiapp.of vinic , . . . ' , 1" * ' * tll ° 1' > > 1 second ballot , ( Jen i , } . liM'i'B ' ' been bhovvn to be tlu the co of the convention , John M Thnmtoi : vvlthdiovv the name of 11. T. Clarke am asked that I'eneral Thojer bo nominated bj iicclanuxtlon. The motion was seconded Dv J , II , Davis of buumlctb and cart led unanlm onsly. The chrers that gipetedtlie appp.iialico o ! tlio general upon iho btazo weio loud am lonp. ( iciiertil Tlmj er said ho accepted tlu nomination as a icpubllcau , Huhadhelpct orgaul/e the party lu twntorlal dojb , ami he saw no higher honor than to bo Kovernor ol Iho commoiivvealth. lie pledneiUilmself foi the Uest work for thow Slu Kopie , ami sale ! that the perfection of law and a lepubllcan rovernmeutvvas only gained by caietul anil honest administration of all the laws. Iho ballot by which General Thaver wa < upailimted c-icceded lu tfa-ngth all anil more' than the Renctal's most smcitim- friends had hoped , Douglas eoitntv voted on the ballot 2. ' . for Clarke , 2 tor I'lmjer ; Linc.ister v cited for all the candld-iles It could find : Nemalu voted solid tot Clatke ; lilch- nid on , solid for Clarke ; Otoe , scattcied ; dnuc1. divided , and Cass solid foi 1 haver , while thcMMillie vvtst and ninth pail of the stnte wnslirgelv u milt foi 'lha > ei. Tlu1 convention then proceeded to the nomination of lieutenant covetnor. 'Ihe re sult c.f the tiist ballot was a total vote of Wfl : II. II. .Shcdil JWs L. M. GDI it'll s-i A.V. . Aj-ec. . - . 11T C. n , Vcist 'M A delegate from Tliajer coitntj midethe motion tor the uninlmnus nomination of Mr. Shedd , width picvalleil , and Mi. Miedd aildies'ed the convention umi returned thanks. On n call foi a billet for se < ictny of state , the Ihstlnllot lesulted in i toial vote of SV1 : deoiKO P. WlUleisleeu 101 ( ! . L. Laws , of McCook 1T2 .1. i : Hill , ot ( 'ago Ml Niles Andcr-oil 12 ! riic'io lielng no choice A ec-ciid ) billet was circlet I'd , and the' lobby woik he-rnti , Some attempt \vas made tostamiiiOe foi someone , but the scheme was evidently not consideied ripe , and the convention settled down to the second ballot , icsultttii ; : 'tMtiteisteen ir,0 Livvs ' . ' ( I * Hill , V , Andcisnn 1'JS 'Ihe thlid ballot s uv Hill chop tiom the nice , Ihe ballot icsultlng : Intersil en 20V Luvs 'j'.u Hill , . Anelcison 01 ( SllliPil O Livvs liavltuiecoivtd a majority vvasdeelaic'd the nominee. ( .eueral Dilvvoith , of Adams , then tcmk the ( loot , and the rules we're suspended and Chalks H. Willatd , of Thavei , was lonomi- natc-cl hj acclamation. Mi. Wlllaid made a speech. Mi. J. (5 Tale , of Hulfalo count ) , look the ( lout and put the wheels in pie less tor the letiomlnatlon or H. A. Uibeoek of Valley , tor auditcii , and the nomination was made bv acclamation , foi which thinkswete letin lied. T. L. N'oival , ot Sevvaid , put the motion in elfeet tot the lenomlnation ol Attoruej ( len- eial Lcesobv acclatuatlou. 'I he motion pic- valled and Mi. Lee e iiscendpd the slago and spoke to the multitude. CecilKP W. Collins , ot Pawnee coiintv , jie- ) scnted the motion toi the renomiuation ol Joseph Scott foi commlssloiiet ot lands and ImlldliiL's. This was one of the most en- llmsisllc nominations mane. The convention came back to tmmoll and sttlle with the question ot the- slate supetin- ot Dodge. The lust ballot , icsulied : Lane uo Diummond Us Jones 10J Clarendon rs How ITS ( > > Cecil o Uuclei the call of counties the second ballot resulted : Lane fiy ; Jones in Diiimmoud 7 Claieudon n llovvcis : u Cecil r Mi McKInuon. ol Cnss , made the motion thatcii-alc'd unanimity in this nominatlou. Mi. McClutic. ot Saline , mo tions had been made conci'iniiu a clialiman of Ihestatecommittee , and JiidiroThtitston had ncmiiiiated est toi the position again , called tot a vote bv counties. This was the game that was to btin up an anti-Van \Aick sentiment bv putting Yost back again , and It was piomptly met bj thc convention that suipiisc'd Ihe anti-Van Wjck men and made ! a pitiable showing tor those who wanted Chinch Howe's right bovver handling the funds. The ballot foi chilimaii of thu state committee tesulled : A. J. Weaver ir/i CasparK. Yost oj beuiitiiry Wilson put the vote that made Judso Wea\ei'sele-etion unanimous. Mi. ( 'ere. thu chairman of the committee ) on u solutions , handed up a collection of i ev olutions , with generalities only , ignotlng the question of the i.iilvvay commission , as leleired to them , the question of a prohibi tory amendment , of any of the resolutions ot state interest. Senator Van Wick presented a mluoiity icport , asking the IcKHlatute to abolish thu radvvay commission as beaten by a popular vote but ore its inception , 'llm call ol coun ties on a motion to lay the mlnoiity leport on the table was wattbed with gieat inteiest , the excitement sin passing that reached at any fctago lu the pio- cec'dlngs of the convention , the picked ralhoad delegation howling and attempting to btampede the convention with a liovvllm ; packed lobby. When Otoo county was leached , and Frank Ransom announced the vote us thlitccn against laj lug the report on the table , and a delcuate arose to dispute tlio vote , calllnx tour foi the motion , the convention lalilv went wild , and by bonatoi Van W\ck' motion Otoe county was polled , voting Individually , when Judge Haywaid. who sat lu the delegation by proxy , with three followers , recoieled them selves in favor ot the commission. The re sult of the vote was : ; oj avcsnmV Mb uoc-s , and the convention , amid the howls ot the lallroad crowd , placed ilsclf on iccoid in lav 01 ot tlie liauif. Thu iucstlon | of thu submission of ptohibl- tlou was then hroiuht before the convent- ilon , T.ite. of Huirulo , taking the gioituil lor it. Mi. Kosewatci opposed It , believing it Inexpedient and not pwpcr to bo submitted us an amendment to the constitution , Mi. CJeio of Lancaster oppose d the question of submission. Mi , Iltewstei ot lilalno sup- iioited It. Judge Tliuiston opposed It and Conu'icssman Lilid made a povvcrtul speech against the question. PIOIU midnight to 1 o'clock thogieatcst debate - bate held on submission feu > eais , vvas engaged - gaged In. At 1KO : the convention , poneliiiu' ailjouinment , was still discussing prohib ition. Sketch of the Next Rovnrnor. CeueialJohn M. Thajer , who heads the icpnbllcan ticket , eamo to Xebiaska In ISfl-l , settling In Omaha ns a tanner. It vvas not long befoio ho had to ( 'Uouptho ploughshaio forthosvvoid , as In lb35 ho commanded a party of volunteers to quell a dibtnihaifcu among tioubleiomu Indians at rontcncllc , then tlio iiontlei. Subscepicntl * , ho was nt the head of tbo tciiltoiial militia and as such did Rood woik In lesti.lining thu Paw nee Indians fiom commllllng depredations uuainst the whiles. ( lOiicnil Tliavei vvas u niembei of the upper house of the teirltorhil leTlslatnru fiom 1WJ to 1N.O , and In thu fall of thu lattei year ho was chosen a membei ot thu constitutional convention. When the1 win biokoout ho informed the secret.iij ol war that Nebraska would furnish ono iegl- incut and Immediately , under order * , pro ceeded to organize thu MUUP. On the comple tion of his labors ho vvas appointed colonel of the First Nebraska , and pioceeded with regiment to St. Loula In the sunimei ot ISeit. Subsequently ho went with Ids command to Pilot Knob and Scdalia , Mo. Attci shoit servlco with thu I'lemont expedition tu Smiugiield , Mo , , the 1'lrst Nebraska went by bteamer to Foil Henry and paiticltuted with distinction nt DoncNon and Shlloh. Jit colonel was then madoDiUadlcr gencinl foi Kallant and meiltoilous soi vices , and elm Inn the battles named he scived as commuudiu of the second brliraelo of Walluce'h division. Altervvaid ho went to Memphis and com manded a InUado of Iowa ( loops at the battloot Chlckasiivv Ilajou ; then lie in the battle of Arkansab Post , in which ovei 5.tXX ) prlsoneis were taken. Ceneral 'lhajei teived witli distinction all tluouirh the siege of Vlcksbmg , and forKallant and and meiilonmis sen ices was niailoa majot geneial of volunteers. He participated In the rapt in a of Jackson , Miss. , under General Sheiman ; ho was In the Arm ) of Arkansas , under ( jenei-al Steele , and also took n piotul- nt mjp.iit in the battles of Pialilo d'AnnMos cow , Joiikln's leuj , and Saline ilvci Aftei- vanls ; ho ho had command of the Aimv ol the Frontlet , and while at Foil Smith he de feated the rebel generals , Cooper and Muxey , Aficrbhoit service In command at Helena , on the Mississippi river , liu closed his mill- taiy career on July , ite. and returned to Omaha. On thu admission of the tenl- teiry us a btalo In Wfi ho vvas elected United States senator , aim served one term. In U > 75 ho was appointed cov- ernorof VVjoiuln and smed ono vpar , ( ic'iieral Iliajtr vvas born In IJellliiL'ham , hoilolk county , Mass. , and Is now In tin' ' 1 rime of life. No Nebraskan has been moio prominent In public affairs than he , and none has had more arduous duties to peiform nor been more faithful to everj trust. MnssacliiiscUi llcrmhllcnnq. HUSTON. Sept. 20. The republican stale convention wascalledto ordet al 11 o'clock. J Henrj Could vvas cho eii president and KobertA. Soutliworth and Calvin D. Piigo seerctarlts. Major ( lonld , chairman of the state committee made a btlef spvc'ch , setting foi th the objects of the convention ; euloniir- Inz the national iccotd of the lepubllcan pirty and Insisting upon the fealty of ttte lepubllcan parlj to temperance and pinlan- tlnop ) anil Us fcaIlessne sof death from a third pattv. 'Ihe speaker clo'Pd bv prcellcl- lma tcpubllcan triumph In N'ovcmbct. The iisuil committees weie then announced. Permanent otirnul/atloii was affected by the ele'ctlon of Ueuiv I'nbot Lodge as piesi- dent with a lousr list of vice jnesldents. A'uouc thei kilter weie Seuitors Divvcs and Hoir.rouijic-smen llanney , Ilav- den , Whiting and Davis. 'I ho convention Is composed of 1,127 delegates. Mr. Lodge ad- eliiMscd the convention ut cotibideiablo leiiL'tli , Attei Lndco's spei'ch. n h'llet vvas iccelved fiom the Woman's Chtistlin rempetaiico union asMni ; feu prohibition candidates and H'solutinus , vvhlcfi was appropriatel.v to- fcircd. ItC-olutions reported bj theeommlttec > weie uimiilniotHlv aelopted attc't shoit dcbito ovei the piolilhition nlink. The following ate * thu essentlil le.itincs lu the platliitm : Keeo.'ul/lug lu IntiMtipur.incii a elesttover of mankind , a means ol cortuptlon In poll- IIcanil a mint fruitlul soiuce of piupeilsm and crime' , wu inipeiativdv alllrm thai both p.itilntlsm and philantlnop > demand the stiict enfoiiemeiit of laws enacted to sup press this PIIOI moils evil. Wo Dledse1 oiu- celves to supjiort as a candidate ) foi olllco no man who Is titruld 01 unwilling to tlo his whole elnlv In enloielng the laws , and to lavoi at all limes such tuither Icirisiillon as nmj IIP neeessaiv to reuelei the existing laws moie e'llectlvc' . We favor submission to the1 people of mi amendment to the constitution mohibitlni ! the in uuilucturc and sale of alco holic Illinois to be used us a boveraire. The civil set vle'o plank Is us follows : Wo irivc to the civil service acts passed hj n ii1- imbllean coniiess anil a lepubllcan legisla ture of this eommouvvealth oiu heaity ap- pio\al and siippoit. We oppose all open 01 covert attacks upon them , and encourage no action which tends to tmp.ili their ofllcicucy I'ituc'ss , not political Inllimnci1 , should de termine appointments to plllee ; icmovals shoiihl bo made' lei cause alone , and incum bent sli ould be fioud tiom entoiced patllsaii duty and ussussmunt. We favoi fie' extension of these piiiiclples to all business olllces in the state anil nation. The icpubllcau paitv , line to its Instincts and puneiiiles. will deal with the iuteicsts both of laboi : .nd capital in a spirit ol I'eiual and exaet justice' . ' 1 he gratitude1 and esteem which the icpuhlican put ) teels tor the soldiets and sallois of the kilo vvai bus &uevei lulled ot expression , either in worel 01 eh'ed. It shall never \\liilii\\eicnialna ti.utv the pledges m ule to them shall be kept. Wu demand ot the national admlnKtiation piompt , peisist- ent and cletci mined action In thu settlement ot disputes between this coitutiv and ( iieat Dutain to the cud that oui hshermeu in.iv no IOIIKCM be hanassed and depnved ot their inopeity , and diMuivi'dof then occup.itlous. Wo fully maintain the prlnehiles ol protec tion to Ameilcau laboi umlluilnstiles. While anxious that inequalities in the t.intl'shall be eoirected. we oppose all hotizoiital leduelions and such mischievous attempts at Inlci- iiieddling with the tat ill us the so tailed "Mouisou bill. " The eontiuued coinage of silvei elcdlaisat the IHCMMU i.illo Is a con stant menace to the stabilitv ot our nuance * . Wo again demand the tepeal of the liw which rceiuiu'a tuilhei coinage of this de based money. Oliv er A mi's w as nominated for cov ei nor. iccelvlim Wi votes out ot a total ot ( fit. and thu nomination was then made un.nlimms. The convention adjourned nt 2 o'clock. The rest of the ticket nominated is : Lieu tenant ( iiivet nor , J. ( J. A. Hrackott ; seere1- tinyof smie' , lleiuy S. Pioicei ; treasure ! , A. w. Hoard : auditeii. Chailes Ladd ; attorney general , diui J. Shcian. Colorado UcpnhllcnnN Nomln.ito , Di.\viii : Sept. 2-On ! ) the thlid ballot the republican state convention today nomi nated Hon. William H. Mevci lei goveinei ; foi lieutenant govetnor , lion. N. H. Mel- dium ; ciinKiessman , Judu'c C. d. Syms : state tienstuci , P. W. Hicen ; secretiity ot state , Captain James Kice. New York Nominations. Nivv YOIIIC , Sept. 2J. Tlio lepubllcan state committee to-day nominated Jndjie Daniels bv acclamation for judge of the couit of appeals , and Iho demcciatic state con mlt- tee selected Unfits W. Peckham lor tlm same olllce. _ Clay County Ileniifiliciins. FAIIIKII.LI ) , Neb , Sept. 29. [ Special to the Hun.Clay ] county's bourbon demociacy met In convention at CJav Centei jesteidaj , and went tluough the Usual toim of nomlna- Hng caudldales foi llie legl Iatinoand county olliceis. although they well know , fiom inst exuerieiice , all their laboi Is foi naught , The lognUr standing candidates weie placed In nomination again : Fred Mattcson , of Sutton , for senator : Heniy Dalton , ot Kcigiirand A. Hetien , of. Howard , foi lepie- sentatlves. Resolutions weio iissod ) eudoislnjrcveiy- thlug demociatlc , and con < leuiiiii0' ] ovci > - thlng lepubilean. Itoono County Ainiov , Neb , Sept. % ( Sicclal ) to the Hi. 1 .1 The stalwart lepubllcans ciptuiod the majority of the dolcgites to the lioouo coant ) republican convention , which met at Albion jesteielay. John Peteiian anil-Van W > ck man , vvas nominated tot the leglsla- tine ' 1 heio seemed to bu nooiciuil/ed cllmt on the pait ot the fi lends ol Senatur Van Wjck , nmt what IPVV tiicnels he had In the convention j leldcd to thu incv liable. KiillroiielH at Alhion. Ai.iiiox , Neb. Sept. 20. [ Special to the Hm.J : Albion Is jubilant In having the Noithwesn railroad inn to our town. Last Satuiday the precinct voted § 10,000 In bonds In aid of the load the vote being 393 In favor of the bonds to RS against llioli Issue. The i Wit of way and depot giounds have also been putchasedoi uiven bj our citl/ens to thu LOI potation. That portion of the road lor which the bonds vveiu voted is what Is known as tlie Scrlbner bianch. Our citizens wciiiRiirpilbcd ono moinlni ; lu leainliii ; that the Noithvvestein folks had endued the Union Paellic road in tno extension of their line tiom this town north to Oakdale. The Union Pacilie lir.d houeht the right of vvav six miles not Hi ot the town and have craded Ihcli load to that point , but neglected to wcuio the right of vvav tluough a naiiovv valley leadlng from thu Heaver valley to Itae valley , ' 1 ho Tvorth western went quietly to work and bought up the iluht of way tlnoush this valley , which cuts the Union Paciilc load trom ealnlni : an cntianco to Antelopa county without having to do some ot tlio heaviest L'radltiK and cuts that can bo found In the state. ( iiadcr : > aio busily at woik cast ami noi th of Albion , mid the piobabllatlns aio that thu load bed of the Noithweslein trom Now man's giovo on the cast of Albion , and from Albion on the north to Oakelale , will bo graded and leadv fartholioti beloio biiovvlllex Thlsnotthein extension will beef of great benelit to this county , as it will nlvo us the me ans of shipping our product ) to the Hlack Hills. _ A Succpssrnl Show. Coi.fMiii's Neb , Sept , 21 , [ Special lo the 1UK , ] The fall opened today with a l.ugo attendance , and isoveiy way n Mice PS * . Tlio people of nulKliuorliiK counties , taking ad- vontago of the i educed j-alltoad rates , aio Hocking In lauo muubci . The conntv tint was won in 2:48 : bi ( ihidlatot , owned by h. O. liajmond , ofthUcltv. ( iuneia ! Inteiest Iscenteied in thu free-tor-all lacesTliiunlay and Friday , whili ! local spoils are Inteiestcd in base ball to nun row tor n IJIIIM ) of SKVJ between the Alblou and Columbus nines. The feeling exists that thu game will bo foi blood. Oft' . MAIUII KIIKAII , MASS. , Sept. 20. iio p. m. Theicvvillbeno mce today. Thojachts me PERTURBED PORK PACKERS , They Will Not Return A"aiu to the Ten Hour S.fatcm , CHICAGO'S LOSS-t-OMAHA'S GAIN Tliu CoinUiiT Session of tlio of Imlior In Kluliinoiul It nlll 1)0 a Iinruo GnthcriiiK 1'owilcrl ) . 1'nclccrs On tli CiticAon , S"pt..Special [ Telegram to the HKK. I Packing low n emplojcs do not think that the Huns In the stock jards Intend to le-establlsh the ten hour sj stem on the lirst of the month , as rnmoied. 'I he situation Intlipjards is quiet , and the men are wait ing qulctlj foi some demonstration on the paitof the ( Urns. Business has Increased constdciabh within the pist month , and the wInlet seas'in , which begins ubmit Xo\om- bei 1 , will be .1 hc.u'Ioruud blinker olio than has been expJiiciicL'd for some jears This will noecbsltiti ) the employment of full work- Inn loiees. Packets are almost unanimous lu asseitlnt : tint undoi the eight houi sjslem they aio losing heav'ly ' Thex siy that the men do not work as bird as thei did under tlmoldiule. and that to n.ivo their work donetiatlstacloilly thaj aie compelled to In- eieaso theli loice moio than is necessary , allovNing foi the loduction of two hours per diem. I'aeking houses in other cities are winking on the ten hour sjMom and the twenlj two nackltu houses In the stock I niIs cannot compute with them , as their o'liei ' expenses aio hoa\lor. One naokot said to d.ij that the newly established liouses In Omaha would , lu tlui event of the leliisal of the men to work ton hout , cantuio much of the woik this waiter , so that the Chicago cage houses would not ha\o to emplo > big loiees. Most of the packing house piopile- tois aie Interested In those at Omaha , and could ti.uibfci their business and save the frolKht rates and contiguity of Omaha to the cattle sections weio sullkient inducements to locate the packing business there peimanentlv. I'acki-rs , uc- cordlnir to umi lepotter's Infoimaiit , ha\o been seiloush contemplating thetc fe.ituies , and a stnUeor lockout would hasten that moNement. While there Is a geneial niulei- standing among pickei-s that the movement to ic estiblish the ten-bout iitlo shall be p.u- tleipiteil in by all the houses , nothing of a decisive natitiu looking towaid the mattpr lias been done. Several pi ins liavobcen pio- posed and dNcus-nd. iilid.uious methods Have eeen lesoiled to with alevv of aseei- talnini : the leelingor the'ineu. Agicemeuts \veie ciiLMiIated , but ae oixling to an employe these met with a .frlultP reception , the men iteLlInlng to sign and rufublii. ; peiemptoiily to woik lei leu honid. , All thepaekeis ate rcJIccnt In discussing the matot ! and have faked no steps to dlssl- pate the iiimm- . which have been enciilated , iil'holiL'b the clicet nf ihe e on the m.iiket Is cotuetted. The paekeis'seem to blaum the nevv-iujieis foi publishing the itimoi , hut thev will not atlliin prduitythu authenticity onhem. The latest t.tohIs that all the l > .ickeis II.MP signified llii'li intention to co- opi'iate in the ie-estibllsbhig of tiie ten hour ink' , and that a meeting is shortly to be held at which detaiH and the date ot Inaugmatiu the same will bj decided iitioii , nioequallj leticent , although tlii'i luoitnnlntl ' Ueclnintlon th it II the jnckeis attempt Inciiioicuthu tenliour iuloe\eiv man in tla jaus | wUi strlkc. Xc.ulj all the men employed nflhe yauU aio tonuected \ \ 1th 'some labor oi anl/ation , auu the.seha\call held mcellims and authoriml co-oiioiationiu oidet iopie\cnt thu Chinee. Those meetiuirs weio held when the subject wis agitated a month aso , and tile plans tor opposing an iucieabe lu the bouts weie ma- lined. It is understood that piepaiatious lor a stilko wi-ie made , and are beinu can led out so that should one ocqur the men would not be leftentiiely destitute. The men deny they shlik theli work , but declaio that they aio accomplishing as much under the piesent uileas they did under the old. The pio- Ki.imme ot the men Is understood to bo a linn letusal lo to accede , witli an oiler to continue under the time system , bo that theie w 111 bo no stilke. KNIGHTS OF IjAIJOK. Their Coining BcHsiou in Kiulimond A Salary ffor'Pouilcrly. CIIICAOO , Sept. iJO.fSpeelal Telegram to the HII : : J ' ! leave Ifoi Uichmond to-night to attend a session ot the gcneial assembly of Knlghtb of haboisaid Itichard Giifllths , gcneial woithy toicinan of that great ot nanl- /atiou , to a reportoi totlay. "I feai tlio ses sion will be a Ions one , " continued Crllllths. "A fall cstimale will put the total number of delegates at 1,000 , ami all the now ones will liauo to bo Indulged with the organl/atlon s.iIng speech , or motion. 1 expect that the bcttei piit of next week will bo wasted In that way , and tint the convention cannot conclude Its woik In less than tlnee weeks. " "llow'H about the iimioi that Povvdeilv's health will debit him fiom pciloiming the woik entailed on him as mastci woikmanV" "Powdeily did bleak down in mldsummci uiuiei the ticmeiulous stiniu ot the south- westein troubles , and the haul woik ho had loperloimto rescue the oiMiiuntion ( fiom the position Into w hlch , tolly had jilunged It. 1'owdeily Is an estiemely hcnsltlvo man , mid the undcaeived abuse then heaped on him , when , foi the Interests ot thu Older ho had to loiget bib individuality , neaily biokn hlblu-att. When how us majot ot hcranton hoiufused to aeiepL rt cent of Ins > > alaiy. oveiypenui ot whleli went to the pooraud needj of the town. Ho woiks night and da > , at least t'iu'lilt'cn hems nt both , foi the be 'ailj fcalarj of 51 V a > eai , and for thieo > eaisonlj iccelved Si .oO. l'ov\dcil > will bo elected and will hum > , but 1 mistake the delegates , If ho Is not , paid a com- mensmato with his labors. He Is a poor man. Ken now ho Jsti > fn/ to gain him self a home thtouch the building association plan , and It looks lo me as though our \asl nigani/atlon ought tobq able to pav him at least a tltlioof tlio sal , nj ot a inesldent of a little nairow gauge lajliuad. " Swltclnnim's trilco Kndod. CI.NC , Sept. p. Tim strike of lall- way Mvltclimeu becatno general to-day , but befoio tlio day closed nil the men letnrned to workatthooldrntejj.fexTent the Cincinnati houthein. They will brobibly jesumo to- iiinrrow. , _ Aliiliictod uudlMtmlored. Br. I.ot'is , bopU5T ) . Chief of Po lice llneblei received , some time ngo , a letlei fjom ' ( Jcorge 1' . Kelstoi , a guaid at the Jotfer'son City poniten- tlary saving that afcgnvlct named ( Jeoigo Seais states tint Zoo Watklus , a daughtci ot h. A. Wall ; ins. a bnaliieVft man of this city , and whodlsipiH'aredlnJMay ! , IBM , and was latei toiind dead In tlie rl\ct , savh she was abducted and uftdiwuidf iniinteied. beats wasa lesidentpt St. 51oul8 beloie ho was sent to the penitentiary fet foigeiy , and an acqualntanty of the yurdered glil. A. ChliiCHi ) Jtulil. SA llA clt co , feopt. 20. The steamer , City of Nevv Yo k , arrived this morning bilnglng HongKoug dates to September 'J and Vokohoma 11. It is lepotted that a ills- chaiged baud of ChlncbO soldiers made a de scent on a leading pawnshop In Iluchonir , Aiisust W ) , muidercd thw proptietor anil torti- iot his employes , 'ihe robbers weio all aueiU'd. > Tlio ) 'iesil.ill' WASHINOTOX , Bent. 20. The president's leceptlon this afleuiooii was. attended by neatlj Jour hundred rper < ms. Inuludlng the drand Q'liernl Chanter of Uoval Arch Majlis now holding u touveiition in this elt ) . IHli SU'UATION STUA1M3I ) . ICnttlbnra' llrusipin Circular Not ix Svvcot Morsel. SOFIA. Sept , Sti.-fN'ew Vork llpnild Cablc-boeclal to the Hi I..1 The clrcuhr of ( toucral Knullmrs occupied the council of the mlnlstiy tod.ij thiouchoitt the thtco liouis slttinirot that bed ) and made an ex tremely bad Impression. Kien ministers whol'ad before show n a tendency to hold to the wishes of Hussln ns fai as possible wcie p.ilnfiillj sensible of the briisqueticss of the communication. Kaiavcloff , tlio most easily reconciled of all to such representations , now favors resistance. The situation Is highly strained. Th" council postponed Its final decision until to moriovv. The Hiisslan consulate bus recently emplojed agents to distilbuto In vaiious public houses lu Soli i tlio cli- cttlar issued by Oeneial Kaulbtts and nddiesscdto the Kussian consult * In llulga- ila. These agent , Imvlngbccn caught , weio .voteidaj and to day severelj and repeatedly beaten , ( ieiieud Kaulbxrs protested against the chastisement In a note handed In to day. Natchcvltcli replied to the bearer of the note by woid of mouth to the clfcct that ho would himself cause the chastisement ot iho guilty parties , but that the government must do- cllno to become lespouslblo foi such acci dents. Thu responsible patties , ho added , weio those who In times and ciieumstances like the present took upon theiuselv es to dls- ttlbvted exciting publications broadcast. niid 1'r.STit , Sept. "JU. In the lower house of the llungailaii diet todny Deputy S/llagyl nskeit I'rrmler Tlb/.x whetlicr ho considered Kus i.ui protection of Dulg.irla compilable with the Ik'rlln treaty , and whether the policy of Austila agreed with the theorj of the scml-olltelal ( lerman press that Bulgaria and Eistcrn Koumclla do not comn within the spheie of Austria's interests , but that Austi la's main object should bo conllned to maintaining the creat route leading to the -T'enan sea. The piemlcr will reply to- moi tow. Afl'nIrs In SOFIA , Sept. 2'J. The nt'cncy 1ms posted notlcps of elections for the gmnd sobrunje , which Is to elect a successor to Alexander , ( icncial Kaulbais , Uusslan special agent , threatens to have the notices lemoved. The people lesent the conduct of Itussia in de manding as a piice of the c/ai's piotcctlon the libeiatlon of political piisoners , raislnj : the state of sleue and freedom foi oil parties to vote in decline the uraml sobtanje. It Is believed that a i upline between Hulcaija and liussia Is Imminent. Never Keel With nn Kdltop. PA ntK. Sept. 29. A duel was tonglit to day at Moutpcller between M ! . Calniel , an edltoi , and Captain \ allconit , ol the I'lenth army. The quairel aioso ovei an editorial ciltlcisiu upon certain feituies of army manieuvres. Captain Valicoml was WOUIKI- ed foiu times bj tlie editoi. Ills condition is piecanous. Will nnl'orce HIM PAitis , Sept. 20. The Pails newspapcis vv aunty eudniso the llrmness ol ] ) o Kieicluet's language. Lo National sijs : "We have no concein with Tripoli and v.lll not u < > thcio. Our inteiu.sts He in Kgjnt and nowheiu else , and wo shall enloice our light * . " Houoivcd Ulotliic at nelfast. ] > Li.rAbi , Sept. 20. Tuuro was despeiato fighting to-day htslvveon the Protestant and Catholic wotkmen at liai bom's foitndiy In thlscitj. The uolicc Intuifeied , when thu lighteis joined toices and stoned and muted the police. The eivahj was summoned and chamcd upon and dispersed the mob. Semes ot lioters and several policemen wcrelnjuied. O'Connor On Coercion. LOMJOX , Sept. 20. T. P. O'Conuoi , speak ing at blioredltch to-night , said ho hated ciime , but ciucl landlords mliclit diive the Irish peasantry to despciation. If coercion followed , It would piob.ibly pioveashort road to Irish autonomy. A New Lord flfajor. LONDOV , Sept. 20. Sh Keglnald IIan on has been elected loid major of London. * CAMMING ON T1IC OOVEUXMCNT. Ijcttcrs I'or Aid to the Commissioner of Agriculture. WASIIINOTOV , Sept. 20. The commmissl- oner of agiicultnro iccelvcd to-day the fol lowing letter fiom the govet nor ol Illinois : State ot Illinois , Executive Oltice , Spring field , III. Sept. 27 , l&5 . Hon. Noimau 3. Colimn , Commlsslouot of Agrlcultuic , Washlnirton : DearSli : I have tholionoi to Infoim > ou that 1 have this day duly signed and accepted , so fai as any act of mine as the governoi of a state may be necessaiy to accept , the same rules and io.ulaUonn tor co-opniatlon between the United Stales depiitment of agriculture and theanthniltlcsot the stale ol Illinois lei tlie tipptcssion and cx-tlipatlon of contagious plcuio-pncumtmla of cattle with ceitain ciasurcs , Interlinatlons and altciatlons therein noted In wilting above the slgna- line ol Dr. 1) . i : . Salmon. chief ot the hmoaii of animal Industiy ; and have this day foi warded to Di. Salmon acopj so modllied and accepted , with directions that the same be dellveicd to > nu. I have ictalned aconi loililin iu the olllco of the sccietary ol state ol Illinois , and Imvo directed that n thlnl eopv be pic- pated foi dellveiy to the boaill ol livestock cnmmlsslonciti of this Blnto lei theli USD and dliection. I take this occasion to osptoss in } thanks to jou peiMmally lot the lie , iilj coopeiatlon extended by the United States government to 0111 stale In its cllmt to oxttrpato what appeals to bo a pieltj ions outbreak of contusions sei plcnro-pneu- monla In the city of Uhlca o. Voms veiy resp c fully , It. J. Onu.sin. M > Deal Sh : I f-oo by the newspapers that Chicago stock jaids peoplonio detolni ; the existence nl aio disease amoiii : cattle at theli jaids. I must be. yon to semi a voteil- 11.11 i : > n to tills section as soon as possible to look altei diseased cattle that were brought heio dliectlj fiom Chicago stock yaids by 13 , T Holton. I learn that tlio disease exists , 01 that cattle aie iblntr In tlnco coun ties Knqiihai. Pi luce William and London and the } being cattle brought lioni ( Jhlc.ico. Inuveiy Instance the caitlu came Irom Chicago. 1 have seen nouo of them , but he.ii that many of them out of each cat load so htouuht , nave died and olhciH aiu sick , Fonio of our farmers Bay tiom Texas level , but all tmv the cattle have a couu'h which 1 know is not pecullai to Texas ftsver. This thing sliould bo stopped , If possible , but all my c-tloits with tlio Yhcinia loglslatuio last win ter ( not being n member ) to supplement the I 'lilted States law as to ploino-pncuiuonla weie unavailing Sincerely jours , llOIIMIT liRVIKM. Iho commlsslonei 1ms sent Dr. Djei to Vitglnia to make an Investigation , Heietolnrntheiuhavo been no cattle quai- antlned except In distlllciles and the Harvov larm. Xovv iho authorities are going to nil points near and fai In the state where theiu are suspected cases or theie has been expos ure. To day In the vicinity of the Haivcv larm. Couples and 1'iiss , cattle to the num ber of fony that Imvo been exposed to plouio- pneumouu weio quarantined. Reopening tlio Cnihon mint. WASIIINOIOX , Sept. 20. Acting Secrctaiy raiiLhlld has authoiked the reopening of the inintat Caison City , Nev. , as an assny olliio foi the icceipt of dcpoblti of bullion. This action was taken on recommendation of tlio director of * thu mint , and with the full ap proval of thu president. It is intended as un experiment , in , It Is bald at the depattmont that It is doubtful whether tlio deposits at the mint will warrant even is ) conduction as an assay oil Ice. Its future operation as a coinage mint will depend altogethei upon thu extent of its deposits. nvciiv IMMJCATMION T town Determined to 1'iotcot Its SI 2,1.000,000Vnrlhiif Cnttlc. Hi < t MOISI , la . ept. U9. [ Spcchl Tele- glim lethe Hi 1 .1 - Dr MallKer. stite veterl- uail.iu , and ( ioveinoi Lairabee telurned fiom Chlcaco todnj where thnj have been to guard iigilnst the Intit'iliirtloii of deee.T-ed cattle' Into Iowa. Di. Stallker snjs that overv piccautlon possible has been Inken , and thev secured a piomiso fiom Ihe i.illroid authorities to ship to low a no cattle that hid been In Chicane ) 01 other Infected points within slv mouths and have Issued orders ac-wdlnglj. A verj ilgld quaiantlno has been set up to pi otect Iowa's Investment In cattle which are value I al Sl'i' 000.000. low .I'M Holillcrs' Home , Dps MOISTS la. , Sept. 29. ISpcclal Tele gram to the HIIK.J The bordof trustees of the soldiers' homo met nt Marshnlltovvn to dny anil examined bids for the construction of the building. They lanced Horn ? 00OCO , to fc'iD.OOO. and the contract will piob.ibly be let tomorrow. Klrst IOP ol' the Season. CUM os , la. , Sept. . -Sneclal > [ Telegram to the Uii. : . ] lee was fiozen on exposed water In this plnco lasl night. The thcimom- etci icglstuulUO demess. Posicitlluo Mui-iied. Dus MoiNhs , la. . Sept. 2,1 , ISpectnl Tele- Kinni to the llr.i.J : The postolllce at rill- more , Dubuqtic coutitv , together w Ith a store , saloon , and the dwelling of Postmastci ( ! or- don was burned last night. All the mall was destiojed. Tlio ptopertj was piutly Insuied. Snvv Mill In OITUMVVA , la. , ScpU 20. [ Special Tele gram to the HnK. | Snick's sawmill at this iilaco burned this mot nhiK at r > o clock. The loss Is S'.OOO. No liibiiiance. Knastcil Crenm. DK1 * MOINI.S , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele- pram to the lhi : . ] A lire this afternoon at Green destroyed Scott's cio.inierv , one of the best eqvlppccl In northern Iowa. Loss 5",00i ) . J\o Insurance. _ _ THU DUAI ) llllOUnilT TO l\VK. nomarkixblo IJcHusoilntlon ot'ii Vount ; Alarrlctl AVomiin. CiiirAtio , Sept. 20. [ Special Telegram to the IlKi. . ] i'lip .lomnal to-da > publishes a case of remarkable resuscitation from the supposed death of u young man led woman , nimed .Mrs Krnser. On July ! ! 0 last , Airs. Frascrgavo birth to a child , and In August , after seveial weeks Illness , was pronounced deid by ono ofhei attendinc phjslcmns. Dr. Mark II. Lackeisteen , who was also attending Mis. Fr.isei , says : " 1 did everj thins I could toiestore icspii- aliou without clfcct. Ten minutes must have elapsed , though at that lime 1 was not In a position to watch the pa sairo ot time. Then it suddenly stiuck me that 1 would like to tiya d.v podcimic injunction of this solution ol nitrogljcerine. Itooknpteiidinpsot Hand let the corpse hive the full bcnolit of it. The that minute there was no pulsation , but just n gasp , that was all. 1 looked at niv watch and theio weie tout such gasps dtstiibutcd over the lust sixt > seconds , but tint is not lifl1. In a second minute theio were six res- peratlous , and a slight heirt puKe could l > e heaid , but no pulse could bo telt. In the thlid mluiito there ) weie eighteen rcspeia- tlous and the pulse became distinctl ) sus ceptible at the \\iist. In tlio fourth mlntite itwaslto and upward so that It could'iiot bo ( ounted. Her tncp llubhed. llet , eyes begr. . . toioll in tlli > Ir" oclCt . All the mus cles relaxed fiom the cMiemo .stillness ol death. All the contraction ot the limbs grad- uallv , lelaxcd. SLCiilntion ] came back to her ejes and she became conscious. In my opin ion , in all cases of .shock , 01 collapse , this thing ouKhl to be tiled befcne they are give u over for lost " Tim vomur woman was seen by a lepoiter and Is eujojim ; excellent health at present. _ IJLOODY W01UC OK INDIANS. JIoriHilc ] > IaRsncro ot A\ lilies In the NorthvvcHt Toriitorj. CIIICAOCI , Sept. 2'J. [ Sjiecml Telegiam to the IJUT.J The Tilbune has a s ] > eclal from Ottawa , Ontario , this morning , which cou- vejs Intelligence ofahoirlblc massacio in the northwest teiritoiy. It is stated the mounted police dcpaitmcut is In iccelpt ot infoimation Irom Ciow Creek agency that the Blood Indians have gone on the war path In revenge foi the kllllngof six of theii band by ( Jros Venires lecently. Thc > left thu leservatlon and went to Hud son wheio sixteen whites were killed and scalped. 'J hey then continued on their way to tlie ( iios Vcntio settlement. Lvery faun house which they pns < cd has been laid in ashes and the inhabitants massacred. It Is believed that not less than one hundred whites alone have been killed by the icd devils , ho far , among those killed aio two Catholic missionaries at Ciowfoot agency. All whites at the lescivatlon , In cluding thu agent , have been killed ami tour scalped. Aftci golnc about thirty miles to ward the Ameiicaii bolder , the savages fell in with slxtv ( liosVenties mid a desperate bittlc ensued. The moitalltj on each side waslaipc , and although no dellnlto informa tion Is obtainable it Is believed that atleast foity of the contestants vveiu lefl on Ihe tnouud. Two detachments of mounted po- Hco have been oidciccl to put down the rising but It Is cxpi'cted that the w hole lorce of some lWXmcn will bo necessaij , as the Kockles and C inuclu .Sioux will loin the npiIMng , The minlstei ot militia will call out to day , It is stated , 2,000 Iniantiy , and cavuliv to go to tlioncenoof the ticmhlo ami assist the police until the poMco icach the spot. In the mean time Ills teaied many more valuable lives will be lost , and a utilising is immi nent , the Indians having been dissatisfied toi some time past. WISSKI-TO , Sept. 80. Tlio it-poll sent out fiom Ottawa that the Illoods had massacred the whites has been usccitalncd to be untiue. A Mimlcrnr Clieatii the GallovvH. JiisruitMiox , N. V. , Sept. . ' . * ! ) . ( ipoi go Axtell , who , May : )0 ) , Ibs. " , , shot and Deposit , Hioomo coitntj , Kills Kieoman , 1'ieeman H Kiench and William H Peny , who was In jail heio undo : sentence to bo hauled , was Icmnd > csleula > lying In his cell In an unconscious condition and luc.itli- iiiu'heavil ) , The muidetei died within an houi. It is not vet known whether Axtell took poison 01 whether an epileptic lit ended his llie. Pirn nt HAKHNOS , Neb , Sept. 20. Tvo ( Ires In thlscltj jesteidaydestiojed piopetly valued at 0,7(10 , paitly Insured. The buildings burned were 1. 1 1. Leu's biloon , 1C. Kittke'h coinlcu shop , Johnson's llveiv stable and a dwelling house. It is believed thu Hies wcro stalled by Ics and the police ) are keeping u closowiitch on bilsnlclous chai- utters. Diikota'H Altornoy Gcnoial. ST , PAIL , Sept. 20. ( iovornor Pierce of Dakota told a rcpotlor that ho had appointed ( Icorge I , Kngles attorney of the teiillory. Knglcsibti le.iding candldato foi delegate beloiothe demociatlc teiiitorial ennventlon. vvhIt'll meets to-day at Abeuleen , Ktonmnr Itc-lciihecl , SAUI/I Si. MAJIII : , Out. , Kept. 20. The fcteamer Krands Smith of thoCollliigwood Jlnolmbbcen leleased bi the custom's olll- clals on iciving bonds to thu amount of 810.000. 'iliu belnno caused the bteamei u vveek'blobbof time. Col fax County Kulr. , Neb. , Sept. 80 , [ Special 1VU- Brant to the DI.I..J Tlio Colfax Countj Agricultuial soclctv's eighth minimi fall opened today. The stock enhances were nevt't better In thu lilstoiy of the society. Quito a nnmbei of last hoiscs are pnteied. In the departments ot kitchen and dairy inodncts and household falnks thu dh splendid and complete , PROPHET WIGGINS' ' SHAKE , It Fails to Put in nn Appearauco at tlo Appointed Hour. ANXIOUS HEARTS GROW CHEERY The Southern Cities Hcfuio to ll ni pear nt the I'ropliol'H Itrlicnt 1\ Day ill' HuiiMliIno Without Anj nlsturtinnucH. H * liny In Chnrloatnn. Ciivni.i.siov , Sept. > . This day hat been anticipated \\ltll iincut deal < > ) tear by hundreds of nnxlous people In Clmilrston. I'or the last tliico or four- nights the colored churches have ) been ciovvdcd with worship * peis nnil sevetal icvlvals ate uowlu pioirrc'fts among these people In lli clly , Kven the most couiageons have felt emu dread nt tlio npmo.tch of thi' ' . " .nil. nmt although they linvo eaini'stlj asserted thev dlil nut believe tit Wiggins they have all Ml \\onltl bo nioro eotnlortablo to live In Charleston - ton after the 2'JUt. ' Indleatien.H aio exceedingly fuvoiablu anil Iheic arc no ptenionlltons ol uppioachlng shocks , hot-ill scientists who have given btialv to tlio Mtblect siy that tlioro Is no dan-jot t > t a leeimeucc of the IHMVJ shocks , and the community will surely-H-tllc down alter to day , nnloss ihcio should be unexpected mani festations ofdislnibamc. A ' .tutu of Icverlsh ( \cltPtnent anil foreboding seems to exist , however , among thine who passed through tlio meat shock ot August ! H. | Wiiglns predicted that the performane.u would begin at 8 p. in. today. Tlioo.utlt * quake wave was to move horn cast lowest , icachlni * as far noith sis ban Frunels < M > on the west ( east , although nbnvo the thlitlctli parallel of hilltmlo on the eastern const tlu'ioould bo no tumble hovntid severe storias , nnil pu-Obh nitiilciini's. in foieoonld bo fai ineater than that which caused the icccnt dlstuibancu HO dls- astions to Charleston , and the country \\onld alike bo alTeetcil. The do\aslutlmi to piopeitjonld be something tcnlbloat Jack sonville , 1'la . Macon and Atlanta , ( ! , ! . , Mobile , Ala. , Now Orleans and Hilton Itoinro , La. , Houston , Sun Antonio mid ( inhesion , Tev , would In : dl luiiiiau piolubillty bo more or less damaged. Ho predicted that New Oilcans , Mucon and .Mobllo would bo ruined , as these cities weto i lnht In the path nt thosubtoiiancan and mctcoiologicid phe- nniiiLMiaJ. Noon There { has boon nn icciineneo of the earthquake shocks since 1 o'clock v ostoi- day aftei noon , although soiiui ncivnus per sons say tliov felt u sliL'ht tK'inoi about 10 last night. Several slight shocks were tell at Summers illo last nlL'ht , but no climnic Is leported unjwheie. 'llieeathei In Charl eston todaIs mild anil pleasant , the win shining Illicitly , ternpcimiie not oppres- slvelv warm and the city Is lull ol actl\lty and liopo In " splto of Win-Ins' piophecj. 1 he signal olllceis heio have leeched special bulletins fiom Wash ington tod.iy Indicating no uunsual motoo- lolo icil phenomena and pleasim weather , with the piohabllitv ol i.ilu this altci uonu. ( SHIN , TeBupt. . ' .11. Up to noon theio ln\o been no signs oC the Wiggins' picdieiteel distill banco in this section. The vveathci , whlub bus been lainj and dlsiigipcnhle tin scvenil tlujs , to- biokoolearmid pleasant. The thermom eter legistet s 72 degiccs Up to 7 o'clock this evening llieio had been nn 1CCIIHCI1CO of iwitliquakc Chocks , and the clt\ had quieted down. Wk'glns' ptedlctlon proved to IK ) utterlv without tiuth , Tim com munity feels .neatly iclievcd that thoiowcio no shocks to-dav , and within another wceK , II tlifiio nil * no shocks , tlio city will sumed Its nnimnl condition. The work of building and repaiiini ; has been loing on all day , and them is a glowing lecllng of con- lldunco In the city. DlKluilianccH in 'Mcvico. Cirv or ill xicd , bopt. 2'J. Hepoits fiom allo\crthe n'public show oxeijwhcro that lica\y rains ha\o falluu , dolni ; great good m foiwardinu the ciops. In tlily city the rains luuo Hooded the stiects In many places. The iiiedlcted eaithiinake did not lake place , but the volcano folium Is again in a Htato of cinptlon. A lingo white cloud Is o\erhang- inc the summit , eausins great tenor among the Inhabitants of nuighboilng villages. A I'oiniH.vlvmila Shook. I'liu.\i > i IPIIIA , I'a. , Sept. U ! ) A siieelal finm LancaMcr says : The peoule of Kli/n- bclhtimn weio badly frightened last night. About 11 o'clock two distinct shocks of csarth- quake weio telt. The shocks followed In quick succession and scaicely had the sound illed away when buildings bwaud Milllelciuly tocaiibo doois and windows to Kittle. Spioulo MIIHI Die. WASIIINOIO.V , Sept. 20. Spioulc , the Anieiican who was coinlcted in Urltlsli Columbia of murder , and whose ( sentence of death was suspended pending an appeal to the court at Ottawa , and aftonvaids to the privy court of ( Jieat lirltaln , will piob.ibly bo executed the 1st of October , the day to which ho was icspitud. The state depart ment exerted Itself in his behalf , but today has been Infoimcd tiom London that the lepiesentatlons on Spioule'H behalf hud not bfcnconfildeied sulliclentl > weighty to n\er- tutn the \cidlbt or loiucr postpone hL'iitonco , Prepare to Kioozo. W \sniNnioN , l'J:20 : a. m. llolft cold wa\o signals. The tcmjieiatuio will piolnbl } fall iiO degre o in the next twfenty- lour liouis , with btiong noitlicily winds. HA/JJX. pirn I'roinlueiit Votoriiiai iiinn Culled lo Clilcatto No SlniiKlitcr as Vci , CniPAfio , Kept , ii ! ) . [ Special Teli2iam"to ( the J > IK. : | Two of the e.speit veteinlarlaim trom abiond , Doctors Muriaynnd Hose , are alieaily In Chlcatto prejured to begin a s > hfoiiiatlcf > cai 'h In this city and \lclnlty for any ami all tiaccs of pleuio pneumonia. Ji , S.iloiiiaii , acting under ordois fiom Com- mlsslonei Column at Washington , wll' s'lect a corpse of six or eight ospertfi , and pioceed nt once , upon their arilval , to makoathoi- oiiKhcan\assof all Hiispected districts. 116- sldes Dictois Hose ana Aim my , Di. T , J. llerrof Now Voile , Di , M. U. Tiumbull < ) Illinois , and Dr. J. W. Itowlond ol Xeiv Jcisiivaio likely to bo called as asslstantu lo Di. haloman. The latter bald wlthconsldei- ahlo tcellni : tndiiy : " 1 lu\cihien a gieat deal of this dlseaso and of othei matteihatrutlni : stock Inteiesta. but nexcr jet saw an > thing gained by hiding the tinth. Ths Is ecmilno jdouro pneii. iminla and 1 lm\o put iujself on record as to reporting It to the go\einment , tlio statements of intoicMed parties to the con- ti.iry notw Ithstadinu' . ' 1 huro baa alwai h been opposition to the fiutb heio In Chkugo. Jt was the banid when the tilclnmu ojildomlo brokoout. If the limb had been acknowl edged then and proper inovlsions iiiinlo for the examination of pork , oui meat would now bo going to Kurnpo without question. " lowahtatoollleeiH lni\u ananieil with all lines of r.ulioid leading from Chicago dlioct Into that Htato to not Milp stoek them with out a certlhcato of Inspection. Cattleman ot \Y > oiiiliiKaiid othei great beef-ralslnu in tliotht are now thoroughly awaku to the condition of things in Chicago , and Imvo au'cnts heio to see and loport toi tliom el\os. 1 lie ll\o stock commission has not been ahlo to ha\o u lull meetinf , > etthonjli ten davs ha\e passed biiiou U 3j5li6e.iso was dlsc < ivered In a dHiui'iou'i form. The much talked-of sliiiiithti'i seems as fai elf as when Uovornor ( ) Klt > b > wrt. hern last wtek. 'I In eo .Ml IKII s Kllleil. AI Miij ! Mil , Mich , .Sept. 2ti.-AtnoVtoclc th's ' iou'itoun thteo mlnerfe wcro bin led under a mass of falling lockat Winthion mine , near ItlineinliiK , and Inbtaotly l jlifl , Tlnlr bodies were rceoH-rcdduiini ; thg afjo' noon , 'lluili nameb are M.iuilthhUlm.n. . Paul Hia/i.i . and 1'etei 1'eppa Two ol lluj , men were 111,11 fled and lo.