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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1886)
THE 03EAHA DAILY Hi ! Till KHJDAY. t 0. 18SG. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIlTBLUFFS. THURSDAY .MOUNIN'G. SF.PT. 'J. ' OrFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. DcIiMicd ! } rnrrirr in nnj-rnrtor thocltynt Hunt } tints per wock. II. W. , - - Mnnnger , nr'JM5OiTicn , No. 1) ) . Nicin Ktinoii No. " ) . MINUU .MKNTIO.V. Xi'W York IMuinlilnir Co. New fall jjoods sit Holtor's. School books sit Crouk\vell'3 , 'I he very best cabinets ul % , ' \ n dozmi rtl fJorlmin's. Oiiu ilo/.on r.'iblnnls utid a large panel fnr $ > . .io ill Schmidt's K-'tHery. Tin1 oily council has decided to rest until Thursday uvpnliig of nuxt week. r/I'lic Uoval Aroaiitini has duuhU'd toujvn u M-rii's of hoclul panics lliu coming win ter season. Hiils for a chance to become county phsMchm wilt be received by the board ii ) ) till to-day noon. The New York I'lmnhlnu company have put one of their Aniiiuril water niolor.s up in their window , attached to : i I'lill'iMi grinder. Thu motors are adapted for liRlit and heavy work K. M. Marvin has leased of Mr. Dohany the opera house barber .slum , one of the neatest and tno-,1 complete in this city , anil will doubtless K\O ! the public perfect satisfaction by Ins management. Charles J'rine , an express driver , was yoMerday lined j'.l.Tft for driving his wagon over a thrrofoot Milewalk. lie \yis ; thankful that it was not a full width faidfiii'iilk , for at this rate it would have eo nit ! near bankrupting him. The county board yestnrday buried itself in | > riiiritiK ! | ) the annual levy , look ing through the mass of ligurcs , and try ing to arrnngo this matter M > us to have sis few .succosful kicks as possible. Tlic old lady , who does so much talk ing about hnilditig up Council lilulVlias not yet discovered there has just been completed nnd opened in this city the liandsomesl chnrcli building in Iowa. Fi'J'lie member- lite Women's Exchange 1m o decided to { mo a series of enter- tainnumts the first week in December. A ba/.aar in connection with this enter tainment will iiirnish inucli work , etc. , for holiday gifts. Jlr. and Mrs. .1. C. Malone desire to re turn thanks to their friends for the sym pathy and kindness .shown them at the time of tiie bereavement caused by the illness and death of their little one , who e funeral was. hold from the Catholic church yesterday. The ba'-c ball panic to bo had at the drivinjr park Saturday between ( ho cigur makers of Omaha and this citv. is for the be.iolit of tlio "blue label , " that is , the proceeds are to he used in advertising the label , and urging smokers to patronize that label in preference to others. This is the last term of the circnitcourt here , the now law going into ell'eet by which the court will heicafter be dis trict. This term has been charactcri/.cd by the unif-nal amount of business done and cases disposed of , it being the fc\\iftest term of court held hero in years. S. E. Mtixon is the supervising archi tect of a new brick block to bo built in Missouri Valley by D. Hern. The con tracts were let yesterday , the carpenter work being given to W. A. McMillan , of this city" ; the brick work to Jens Jensen , also of Council Hlnll's , and the cornice work to John Epcnetcr , of Omaha. Tlio lawn party given by the Daughters of llebeCah at Mr. Hammer's residence , proved to be an enjoyable ail'air despite the dampness of the atmosphere. A plat form was provided for dancing , good music was in attendance , and other need fuls for u merry-making were bounti fully supplied. Lso Hercham , who has been running the opera house barber shop , has sud denly quit business , and some of those who have bought tickets for shaves and baths are mourning over their invest ment , ho not being hero to honor them. Some time ago in his anxiety to give spmo of his competitors a dig , ho sold tickets entitling the liotJer to twenty shaves for a dollar. The holders are now looking in vain for a chance to get their live-cent shaves. Contractor Jackson says ho will soon have his now mailing wagons rolling through the streets all right. The paint is not ijtiito hard onongli yet to suit him for this kind of weather , but by the time it clears up ho will have them out , and perhaps before. The Nonpareil gives ii hn a little shot it cannot give a heavy one and has made the discovery that he it. required to a certain number of these wagons. Ab he is doubtless as well posted in regard to the requirements as tlio old lady , the public will be satis fied with taking his statement that the contract calls for no such number. Clark , with all his newspaper fiendishness - ness , strikes the nal | on tlio head often. Ho is now scoring the council for its econ omy in regard to the chief of police. That faithful and ollleiuit ollicor for a time kept a horse and buggy for the use of the force , but the city would not oven pro vide feed , and ho hail to let it go , the ex- jHinso being too great to boar , when the city was getting the bunolil of it. Now the city has to pay for express wagons , backs , etc. , to do police service , wlien in many of these cases the expense would have been saved entirely if Chief Matth ews had been encouraged to keep his horse and wagon at headquarters. Morohonso & Co. want a girl to sow books at their bindery , room No. 1 , JSvurott block. Howe's Sixth street mill , by its now roller process , is making tlio finest meal , rye Hour , etc. , in the west. Try it. < j round feed always on hand. .Highest prices paid for county , town city and school bonds. Odoll liros. it Co. , No. 1M ( Pearl street , Council Ulnlls. Jowa. See that your books are made by More- house it Co. , room 1 , Kvorctt block. Knlo of StiihbH1 Stook. The shoriiV yesterday iold the merchant tailoring and gents' furnishing goods stool ; of Sttibbs1 elegant establishment , the buyer being Ed Williams , of Omaha , who bid it In for $3,0,10. The fnturo of the establishment Is not yet decided upon , but the purchaser assumes the two years' lease of the building. Perfectly satisfactory accommodation nt $2.00 a day at the Pacific house. Give it a trial anil bo convinced. All the comforts of high-priced hotels at the Pacilio house , and a saving of 60o to ? 1 a day. Try it. Pacific house recently renovated. Cool rooms ; money saycd ; comforts gained , " Hard and soft coal , wood , liiuo , cement , etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. No. PS'J Broadny. Telephone No. 180. Substantial abstracts of titles nnd real csato loans. J. W. & E. L , Sqmro. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Uluffs. i . 10 Cabinet Photographs ? 3. Quality the finest. Shorraden , 317 Uroadway. Electric door bolls , burglar alarms.and > rcry form of domestic electrical appli- liices nt the Now York Plumbing Co. jlLLllAG Or MAN\ MIMSILRS The Annual Conference of the Methodists Opens To-day. AN ECCENTRIC MAN'S WILL. Hold lldlibei-y of n Young lintly A lliislKiml Chanced With Stealing Fiom Ills WlCti-Snlc of the Sttibbs Stock. The MetlioilUt The annual conference of the Meth odists of this stale opens to-day in ISroad- way Melho.llst church. Nearly till the ministers have already arrived. I'ho programme as arranged provides for an opening sermon by Hev. J. 11. Horse- well , and sacramental services conducted by Hliltop Howinan , who presides dur ing the conference. The business session proper opens at 1) ) o'clock every morning and concludes at noon. In the afternoon of each day there will bo work in the committee room1' ' , and on some of the afternoons there will bo anniversaries of the various brandies of church work. This afternoon there will bo tlio anniver sary of the Woman's Home Missionary society , at which Mrs. Jennie Willing , of Chicago , will deliver an address. This meeting will be at'J:30 : o'clock , and will be an inteiesling one without doubt. Mrs. Willing is one of the most pleasing public speakers to be found among the nojile women of the Methodist church. She is better known further east than in this section ot the country , and especially in and : ilottt ) Chicago sh'o haa reputa tion which ensures for her a large and attentive audience whenever she is an nounced to speak on any subject. This evening there will be the anni versary of the MKsionarv society , wit K an address by Hev. Dr. Held , one of the mii-iionary secretaries. lie is one of the ablest men in tlio chnrcli and his words \\illbeofgeneral interest to all who at- tend. Ii ! liop I'owmnn will bo the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Pu-py. No. O''o Wil low avenue , while in the city. Hiv. Dr. 1'i'id will be entertained at the home of Colonel and Mrs. L. W. Tul- leys.Hev. Hev. Dr. Hart/ell , another of the prom inent ? , representing the Frecdmcn's so ciety , will bo the guest of Hev. Dr. Me- Crcary. Hev. Dr. Cranston , of the book con cern , was here a day or so ago , nut wont over to Nebraska , promising to return during the session and present the inter ests of that feature of thu work. Hev. Dr. Hnrlburt , reniesenting the Sunday school union ami Tract society , is to bo here , and is booked for an ad dress Saturday night. On Snndav the pulpits of several of tl.c churches of the city will bo occupied by members of the conference and visiting bretnrcii. Hold Rubbery of a Lncly. Miss Crowdcr , of Hamburg , has been in visiting Miss WyckolV , one of the teachers in tlio public schools here. As she was preparing to return home she had quite a lively experience witli a bold sneak thief. The twoladies were on their return from the postofTico to Miss \ \ yckolPs room , in Dr. Woodbttry's house , early in the evening , anil when reaching a crossing on Bancroft street , near Kiel's ' stables , two fellows came up behind them. The ladies were crossing single file. Miss Crowder being behind , when one of tlio fellows grabbed her hand satchel. Shu hold on with a firm grip , and in the struggle she was pulled ( town. While tlio thief was wrestling the satchel from her , his companion stooa idly by. and Miss WyckolV ti ruing around and seeing the situation used her umbrella vigorously , in pounding the thief over the head and shoulders , but with little apparent ellect. He suc ceeded in wresting away the handbag , and the two ran away. Miss Crowdcr lost about nine dollars and somn little articles of value chiefly to herself. Tlio police were notified , but a search for the fellows resulted in nothing. Dr. A. J. Cook , oflice No. ,11 N. Main st. Diseases of the rectum a specialty. A \Vnywor l Iluslmml. Mrs. Fred Dixon , a worthy woman , is in a deal of trouble arising from the actions of Iinr husband , who , according to her statements , is unworthy of such a helpmeet as she seems to bo. They worn married about four months ago , and Have both been employed in a Broadway laundry. Some time ago ho disappeared , while they were boarding at the Essex house , and she heard nothing from him for a week , when ho turned up smiling and ready to be forgiven , his excuse being that he had got oil'on a drunk. Womanlike she forgave the offense , and the two have since been boarding to gether at thu Northwestern house , and working in tlio laundry as before. A few days ago ho got oil' again and this time ho hung around homo. Tuesday after noon she loft him sleeping in the room whilusho went to work , ho not being in good condition. When she returned she found him gone , nnd also discovered that he had taken from her trunk $20 ot hard earned money , nnd had taken most of her clothes. She lias her suspicions that ho has become infatuated with a woman in Plattsmouth , and that ho has gone there. Such is her story as to brief ex perience in matrimony. Personal PnrngrnpliH , Clark Ellis , of Little Sioux , was in the city yesterday. S. U. Stockman has arrived hero from Now York , and will enter the employ o Eiseman it Co. Alderman Danforlli and Marshal Gim- nclla wont to Colfax Springs yesterday in search of better health. D. S. Mock has returned from Colfax Springs and resumed his duties in the poslollico with renewed vigor. Harry Pace returned yesterday from Mount Ayr , whore ho was called by the death of his sister , Mrs. T. E. Davis. W. H. Cunpy , E. D. Hopes , II. O. Self. fort , A. P. Cramer and l-romont Benja min formed an Avoca parly at the Ogden honso yesterday. Mr. T. Foley , of Farrcli & Folcy , Ncola , was in the city ycslorday en route to Willow Springs , Nob. , whither thu linn is making ready to move , Mr. Farrcli to follow as soon as business matters in Ncola can bo closed up. Nebraska gains two of Pottawatlamio county's best business - ness men. E. Huntington and wife anil daughter , Miss Bessie , start now for Chicago on a two weeks' visit , intending then to visit Ludington , Mich. , whore Mrs. Hunting- ton's sister resides. This is the first lime Mr. Huntington has been further than twenty-live miles boj-ond the city limits since ho was soyon ynars of age. Opera house barber shop and bath rooms ; everything lirst-class. E. M. MABVIN. _ A Queer WML Some time ngo an old man named Jacob Smith died in Lewis township , and having no family of his own , his prop erty was left by will to James & Haver- stock , the well known merchants of this city. Itvas claimed that Smith having . - . no family , and no ono to care for him , living alone and bcinc In enfeebled health , he made an arrangement with the firm , with whom he had long dealt , by which they wore to provide him with the comforts of life so longns he chould h\c , and nt his death they should come into tlio pose-s ion of the farm and other property. They carried out their part of the arrangement in good faith , and saw- to it that thccccentiic old gentleman wn provided with the comfoits and care needful up to the time of his death. Now some of his brothers and otiier relatives como in with a claim that the old man's mind was affected , and that ho was not' in such mental condition as to cause the will to stand. The ca o has been pending in the circuit court for two days pa t , and is bk'ing fought inch bj inch on both sides. J. Krnsiltorf , having taken entire con trol of the Phoenix chop hou e , desires to stale that he has secured the services of Charles Decker , a lirsl-ela s cook of New York City , The best the market affords , night and dav , in Hie besl style of tiic art. Will also have a regular bill of fare. * UTAH'S FAR VICTIMS. A Ilnvtil of Pretty Mormon Girls at Cnstlu UimlcMi. Now York Morning Journal : "What a pretty lot of girls , and how singular that they should be Mormons1 said a tall , well divs-ed , liand-omu woman who stood.on the deck of tlio stunmship \ \ y- oming yesterday morning. The steamer had just armed from Liverpool. " 1 have watched these Mormons on the voyage , " slip added , "and 1 nmquiloMiro some of tlie'O girls have been lured away from homo. " Others In the ship had heard ami seen the girls cry in secluded parts of the steamer , In all there wcroS'iO Mormons. Nca'iJy one-third were young girls ami one-half women. Thev were in charge of fifteen elders , of whom Elder Kur/ was the leader. On thv-ir arrival at Castle Harden Com missioners Stair and Stephenson , who had heard of their coming , were on hand to investigate matters. Tlie Mormons were landed like a drove of sheep and inarched ashore under the watchful eyes of the elders , like slaves. A murmur ran through thu herd as a young and pretty girl of 19 years broke from her compan ions and asked to see = omc one in author ity. , She was referred to buperiutendent Jackson. "My name is Margaret Hawthorne , said she. in a sweet English voice , "and I want to get away from these people. " "What people ? " kindly inquired Mr. Jackson. She blushed and looked down at llio tloor. "From these Mormons , " she replied in a quivering voice. Several 'weeks ago , she said , she re ceived a letter from her uncle , John Hawthorne , who was a resident of Smithfield - field , Idaho. He requested her to come to America and make iicr home with him. in the letter was a ticket for the ship Wyoming. She had not seen her uncle in years , but knew he was a wealthy farmer in America ; so she de cided to go to Him. She hail never heard anything of Mormons or their practices. One ot the lirst persons she met on the steamer was a Mormon elder , lie intro duced himself , spoke of her uncle as a Mormon brother , and told her he would see that she reached his home safely. She gave him her letters , money , and tickets. What followed on the vcs el is not known , hut it is said that she complained lo a fellow-passenger that she had been insulted by one of the Mormons , and did not wisli to travel in company witli them if she could help it. She was advised to continue on friendly terms with the Mormons until she reached Now York. This she did. On hearing her story Superintendent Jackson immediately ordered the tickets , money , and letters returned to her and sent "her lo her uncle in advance of the Mormon herd. When the crowd came in to register Commissioner Starr and Commissioner Stephenson stood by the clerks to in vestigate the cases of the young girls. Their eiforts were successful. A sharp cross-questioning drew some peculiar facts from the girls. VVithout exception they failed to fully explain how they obtaine I funds to pay tlieir passage over. Ono young English girl , Janetto Williamson , a pretty miss of fourteen years , with big blue eyes , a supple form , and rosy cheeks , attempted to put on an air of bravado when she came up to answer the necessary qucs- lons. She said she was a Mormon and was going to friends in Utah who had paid her passage out. "What friends ? Relatives ? " qucrricd Clerk Silbcrstein. "No , sir , " she faltered , blushing and lowering her eyes. ' "Who , then ? ' She could not answer and was at once placed in charge of Chief Clerk Van Dtr/.cn. Soon the commissioners had a score of the girls locked up in the ollico away from llio rest of llic herd. All wore young , pretty , and well dressed. All had been posted what replies to make to the usual questions and all had failed be cause the questions were too pointed. Commissioner Savage said : "Wo are tied bund and fool and cannot act except in such cases as wo can prove to bo assisted emigrants. " "There is liltlo question in my mind , " said an attache of t'iogarden ' , "that these young girls are imported specially by llio depraved elders of the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City. They are all young and good-looking. All arc afraid lo speak out on account of Ihoir deadly fear of llic elders , who hayo oblaincd ab- Eolntu control over them. " None of llio girls would lalk after being taken into the main ollico. They asked to sco the eldpr's ' , and would say nothing lo any one clso. There were many hardened faces among the older women. Many claimed to have husbands in Utah. The detention of the young girls was'grccted with con- stonmtion by llio elders. They had ex pected to bo on their way to Utali last evening. It forced a delay , and tlieir actions and looks plainly showed that they feared their prey would slip through their hands and perhaps bo sent back. The Mormons consisted mainly of Eng lish , Scotch nnd Germans , Many ap peared educated , but the majority wore far from prepossessing. SPECIAL 3STOTIOES. JiTO'TlCB. Special nilvertlfomonts , such as test , Toun To Loan , For Sale , To Hontnnts , noardlntr , etc. , will holiiBcrtod In this column nt thu low rntoof TKN CUNTS I'UH LIN15 fortho first insor tlonmid I'lvo Cents 1'or Line for each eubsoquont Insortlon. Leuvd odvcrlleomonts at our ollico No. 12 1'cnl street , near Broadway , Council lllutrs. WANTB. WANTUn-Sltuatiou by u young mnn who underetnnds tlio euro ot horses and can milk. Also can run hot nlr or bieain fuinuces. Can give good lefcroncea. Addiess II , ilco olllcc , Council niuUs. - - IPS aero farm FOItHALK-OrTrnde-A , US wcres under plow , 10 acres pasture , 40 ucrea hay ground , good honso and barn. Will sell or trade for merchandise , AdJrosg 1 > . 0. box 1181 , Council llluirs , Iowa ' Foil BALK Old imnero. In qnantltlo Bto at Ueo offlco No. 13 1'oarl street. n. RICE , M. Or other Tumors removed withou , h0 j nlfo or drawing of blooj. Over thirty > oars' prnctlcul experience. No. U rouilSl. . Council Ulullu , Consultation Iico. On Dcccinilri''tlsl , ; > ro.r/in / , IIic ixirtncr.thl ) ) ofOrfittt , l-/riir/i / P Trril- nnt : Icnvii'i ) < t tin- < ' < ninil Jilii ] ) ' * C < n'i > ct Coi , expires by limitation , and vn tlntl date flirre icill be Td art rcaila for < / ( / " clianac ire offer our entire stock of CARPETS , CURTAINS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTINGS , RITG-S , WINDOW SHADES , DRAPERIES Or ALL KIX11N , AX1 > OTIIKll FIOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AT rare us THAT WILL SELL TIII : : I. CHtscnnofCoiint'11 Hln/fraiid rlrhiitun-111 it to tlirir Intcrcslato call and c.vaininc otiratxulN and jtrient , 'J'fiin.f / tlic jlrxt oi > iH > rnnHi/ ! t'l'ri'iyli'i'i-dln / / / > < / / / / to obtain llic ttlnn'eyood't from ti/'tillfrci > ti ttock , at tlicoin'tiitid of a tnt > > linwit < cttt > oii. Count rn nicrrliantu H'W ' find inanjf bari/aiim / ; / / railing carl if. MAIL OJtniSIiH VILLEl * I'ltOMPTL T AXI ) CAliKl'l'LLV. s. bpss Rrnttipi , Ea , . Arc oiicninq : new and beautiful designs in Ilodij Brussels , Velvet , Tapestry 'Brussels , 3-PUj Ingrains , # -jP/ Ingrains , Ma j Carpets , Efc. For offices , hotels lodge rooms , Cnll Cor prices at Htivkncss Ui'os , ' , 401 Hroiuhviiy. > Are now arriving and in stocU. Tri cots , Flannels , Cashmeres , etc. Ex cellent for traveling' and fall service. SILIKIS. Black Silks and in the new colors. Quality the best and prices the lowest for good goods. Ladies \vishin ? relia ble goods will call on Harkness Rros. ' , Xo.101 Broadway. Council Blurt's. A few more of those Lisle Thread Hose left ut 25t' . , iu black and in colors , at Hnrkiicss Bros. , No.-101 Broadway. OIL CLOTHS In many new patterns and a largo stock to select from. Door Mats , Rugs , Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. , at Ilnrk- ness Brothers , No. 4i01 Broadway , Council Blnll's. MURDER ! ! Diphtheria | q 8rnln maklnar Its nnnunl visita tion. Ton ycuro' trialol 1)11. THOS. .1KITKHIS' HK.MICDV lor that fatal initially has dcimm- Ktratcil the fact tlnil It H Inlnlllhloas u provcnl- ivo nml unrn. If yon permit your chlhlrmito cllo with diphtheria , "Tlieir blood ho upon your licnd. " For Milo only nt the ollico , No. SA South Blh Pticct , Council ( Hull's , lit. , or sent byexpiosti on iccolpt of price. { - ' . From the ronnell IllulfH Dally Herald : Mrrf. 1 ! . M ( Sorurd.wlto ot lliiKlni-cr Oorard , of thu Union I'acillu , this city , has been afloat Mifforer tor many years , with what was tnp- pofcod to bocnnuur of the throat. It was t.o had that tbu was thioiiteni'd with Rtnrvatlon. Her Bcncriil health was completely broken down. Hbo could only bwnl'ow liquid food , nnd oven that her stomach could not digest or assimilate. I'hysldnns of Council Illulla and Omiilui intended her for three years and KHVO no rcllof. Dr. Jcllorisof this city , was called. In lour wcckb1 tlmoho cured her thioat , and com pletely restored lior ireiioral lioulili. Had Mrs. ( Jorard not obtained ic'lof soon she would huvo died Inim bloid poison , the HIIIIIOcondition that dt'btroyod the llto of Gen. Grant. 1'rom the Council lllnirs Dally Gloho : M. A. Mcl'lko , olltor of the Cambria ( Ebons- Inn K , 1'a.l IVocman , has been tlio personal friend of the editor of the Qlobo for moro than twentj yoirs , nnd la known whorovnr ho is known us ono or the best men ll\liir Ho l a ) < o an Intlmato frlond of Mr. Clnik of the Non- paioll. Ho IIIXH .boon unloitnnnto In the 1 act thai his lamlly was raviiKod witli illphtherlii. and locally dli-tKiFBcd. Mr. Clark hnvlnir heard of his calamity font him ome of Dr. .lolforls' Dlphilieila Cure , it was iifod nt oneo , and the llvus of the rottAf his chlldicn savod. I.cttois lioni Mr. Mcl'lho are nnbonndod In their ex pressions of pi ntltudo for tlndlnir FOIIIO means of ixvorlluir the lost of his whole i roini of llttlo and tender onoaJ i'lvo of Mr. Mcl'lko'schlldren out oft'ltrhtdlcd fi oin diphtheria bofoiu ho had an opportunity Qt UEliig Dr. JolTuris' icniLdy , . i DVfrCI'SIA ! IIYSI'KI'SI V ! Dyspontlo , wlij live In m ory and die in dls- pair wllli canci-r'Qf ' llio stoninehV Dr. Thomas Joirorls cnrcH every case of Indlro9tlon ( nnd constipation In \vry Bhort ilino. I lest of rol' < orencefl t'ivou , pypponshi is the OIIIIKI of ninety per cunt of all diseased conditions. 1'rlco K for two weeks treatment. Dr. .Icfforib' dlphtlierln medlrlno la Infalllblo for all kinds of toro throats. Indlsprnslhlo in putrid foio lhioi | 'n ' malignant Ecarlet foter , ohanKintf It In in hou i H to t ho elmplo form. Infill- llhlo onroforall lullainmator.r , ulccratlvo , put rid , cancerous ultornllon of the womb and all catanhnl conaltlotie. Full printed instructions how to ueo tlio rucdt- cmos sent with them. No doctor rooulrcd , Dr. .lolfcrls' lemodlos can only bo obtained at his onice. No " 3 South Kiiflilti btrect , ( 'ouncll lllulfs , Jowa , or sent Dy express on receipt of prico. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , aorrNanj Buxjifips Practices in the State and Kodoral courts Itoonu 7 and 8 Shugart lilonk. f. P. MURPHY , . . . , LATE OF ST , LOUIS , Office No. 525 Broadway , Council Bluffs. ) 8 to 12 H. m. Hours , > 2 to 5 p. in. ) 7 to b p. m. Ilooui No. 8. P , G. MSX&ER- No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. IATIST : nnsiaxs. MANUFACTURER OF PAINTS. House , S.MI | ( and Decorative ralntur. 1'aplcr Jlncho Wall Oiniiincnt ? . Xono lint liost Imnds employed mid charges as low us otliois. OmaliaDenialAssociation Dr HAUGMOUT , , Manager , .Nos. 1510-1521 Douglas st , Omaha and No 234 Broadway , Council Rlufl's. Pnlnlcsn Dentistry. No humbug ! On , Vltullml Air , KUicruml Clioruforni , wl'.li IhelrplcKenliiKCirect avoided by the ino t wonderful mmc thctlc , imrlfj- Ing the Lloo.l nnd but d.nj ; up tha tissue * . Omaha Dental Association , Sole Prop'rs. Gold Cronm , ( ! ell 1'lnW nnd Continuous Rum Teeth , u specially. Heat iceih K ; foiuier price { Ii per sue. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bo-i ht nnd soil , nt retail nni in lota. Lurt'u iiuiuitlttoa to boloet fiom Severn ! inilrsol llnodilvcrs , Blnnloor double. MASOH WISE , Council Blull's. U ) N. Main St. , Council BlulTs , fa. , and SOS ) S. 113th St. , lloom 10 , Omaha , Neb. JJBiiiifactnror's .Agent for the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Kooflnp Slate , Man tels , Plato and Window iflass , Sho\v- Cases. Elevators ( hand and hy draulic , ) &c. Reduction in Prices , IN China , Glassware , Etc , At W. S. llcinor & Co's , No. 23 Main fit. Council 131utls , ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COUNCIL JILU1W8 , IOWA. An excellent cduciitlonal Institution , funilsli mlilh all the modern Improvements , con- uetoa bytlioblBTUHS OF CIIAHITV.H. V. M for term of flvo months , $75. Terms boffin Hi st Monday In September nnrl flrfit Monday In February. 1'or cataloffiiea ad- risa SlbTIIH SUI'KKIOH Et , rnincis Academy , Council IllulU , OFFICER & FUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , ISbtabllshcd IS } F.W.SPETMAN&BRO NO. SOO A : 511 BIAIST. . Daily receipts of new goods.lints Caws , Clothing , nnd u full line of Dry ( Joods , all of thu latest styles , Call and get prices before purchasing clsewhora COUNCIL BLUFFS , Friday , Sept. * ' P"i IP R.BIHWk/8' f\ PI3T . BARNUIV ! S GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. ( OMIUNKD WITH T1IK -AND- MOKTSTER BOM AW HIPPODROME , Making Nine I'tilted Monster Shows. $4,000000. $7OOO Capital , , * . Daily Expenses , , Largest and Richest Amuerinent Enterprise nn the face of the ( Jlobo. FAHHWKLL TOl'U--Itanium's Adieu to hi * American Patrons : 1 rrjm't lioltitr forml to tnkiMiuny I mm nij follow citizens nn exhibition wliloli they Imvoon llmMuMtr.'iliy uppri t tilled nn < l hushly [ piitiuiil/cd. Inn llio miniM'im'iil--ct'UliiK' rc p1 < < r Knropo ilpiimiul tin ( .pjMMtnnlt.i of i'cliiji tliN I onililmiilmiUiich luii \uulil-\\Idc ie | > utMtloniiiu1 no I'ounti rpml In iiny country. I liiixeiiuulu nil iiMiin reiiii-nt inut rnntim-M lor Its tnili < poitiitjou , In USMIM ititli'H ; , nero Ihr iitliuillo. My ublo anil rxpeiluiiwl itiulni'ii \ > III conduct thH un * imritlli-il enu-ii'il-oUMiMUM I-HIMIN u. HI ri IIMMOX. ' llio public's nbiilieiit "ommt , I'lIlNKAS T. MAUNfM. Triple C'ircns Company in ft Itig Kings Huge Elevated Stage for Olvmpian Games. T\\o Immense DniiHo Menageries uf Wild and Trained IKasts. Museum of Living llniinii ( irand Itnrnn 11 ppndronie , with ( ilnrioiis Kaees DOORS Ol'KN AT 1 AM ) 7 P M. 1 Kill OHMANCKs AT ! > AND 8 P. M. XifiW."Bic'n ' * > ? J'w THE SKELETON-OF.JUMBO , U U [ VI BO As l'll' ! ° ns ° atu' ' < l ilo ! ls Natural. The Polished Ivory Roned Articulated SKELETON Only Klephant Skeleton on Exhibition Anywhere. G I A WTS Intul'nalional Co"Kruss of the lliggest Men Alive. The most .Marvelous Troupe of Semi-Barbaric In Wonderful Performances. AL. IO EL -'IC ' Affectionate and Distressed Companion of Jumbo. f I * T - > \ 4"TVyT" ! Y * 3 T V > "V Q I ' r \ - yx - l \ \ * - ZTJtzd U _ L\CL-LJ- = trJLJJ. k czi. JJd.X-LQ _ L. Myriads of intensely Interesting and Startling Features , eolleeled at an Enormous Expense. Trained Horses , DOKS , Pigs , Ponies , Lions , Tigers , Panthers , Hears , Hyenas , Leopards , Camels , Elephants , Monkeys , Birds , and even Reptiles. 100 Startling Acts and Furious Hacos. UUO Phenomenal and Daring Artists. 11 Acts going on at the Same Time. 1,000 Now Features and Wonderful Attractions CHEAT FREE STREET PARADE , Containing over a Mile of Rich Objects and Rare Features , will leave the. Grounds at S o'clocic A. M. Admission to Everything , .10 Cents. Children under Nine , 25 Tor the nccommodntlon ot those wi-lilnir to avoid tlio crowds nt tlio vrngnn. nn odlco Imsbcoix i > tnlillslK > il in I ) . W. llnshnoll's Hook Slor.V-'O Muln street.C'iniifll UliilIs , lH'n > iesi'rve < l numboretf scuts cim ha bought ut the regular price , nnd iidml'-Moii t.c'ift lit tnu usual blight ndvunco , on tlio illuming of llio bhow i\utir.-ioM : rules on all Hiilh-oiuls. Will i\iiiFU ; in Onialiii , September IStli. eoiit'-l'-lMl-lO ' * ' Tlie Ideal Wau eslia Water. " Bottled direct at the spring , has been found invaluable in the treatment of diseases of Kidneys and bladder , such as Bright's Disease , Albiimiuuria Diabetes , Inllama- lion of the Bladder , etc. The medical profession with great unanimity for many years past has been prescribincr Waukcsha water for such ailments , and ARCADIAN as the moat perfect examples of these waters is rapidly monopolizing the patronage - ago of tlio experienced physicians nnd of Intelligent invalids. Diluting and neu tralizing the urine , allaying intlamaiion. freeing the urinary passages of elleto matter and acting us a natural solvent. The Arcadian is tlio best of medicinal agents in diseases of the stomach and alimentary canal , such as dyspepsia , bil ious fever , catarrh of the stomach , jaundice , malaria , nervous debility and kin dred affections. Prof. Walter S. Ilaincs , M. D. , the celebrated chemist of Rush Medical College , says " ! have never analyzed a purer water. " J. Adams Allen , M. 1) . , L. L. D. , president Rush Medical College says "This spring furnishes the typical water of health. Try it and bo convinced , 1) . ti. Morgan ts Co , , 11. A. Haird , II. J. Palmer , C. Deetkens , A. M. Heardsloy , Taylo r & Culitl1 , John Short & Son. Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world. 80S Eighth Avenue and Eighth Strcct.Couuil HI u fid. T"T" rrUNJ in&aoa ra G-BAND EXCURSION THIS WEEK ! Farinlntr lands in Towa. Minncsofa , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , raujji from $1.25 ( o $12 iior acre. Sahool and state lands In .Minnesota on. ' 10 year time 5 per cent interest. Laud Imyers faro free. Information , etc. , Driven by P. P. Lttiibtriip , No. 053 Broadway , Council Itlnll's , Iowa. Lodgori , .yoiirualu , County ami ICaiili U'orli ofull Itliids a Spec- Inlly. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders fflOREHODSE & CO. Room 1 Kverct Block , Council Mlnlfs. Standard Papers Used. All styles of hind- ing m Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. IlKPliaRNCKS : U. H. Nntlonal Ilank , M. i : . Smith & Co. , Clli/Diis1 Hunk. Dofcio , WdlUArCo. , Urbt Nntlonal Ilank , ( X It. Insurance l i. , do or A. fufeey.llunkors.C. U. tiiivlni'S Hank. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace OOl co o > cr.Ainirlrau I'jjTtfs Company IRY WORK In the city can bu obtained by pationlslnu the ! H , Wl Uroadway Council lllulfa GKO , W. tiCIflXDJll.K , Mono but oxporlcncod liandH omploycd. Out town orders by mull or express i > ollcltoil , and nil work City Steam Laundry o sj No. 31 N. Main Struct , Council finest worl : and lowcttt flno worl : . All collai'u and cufl'a re turned in collnr < ind cit/ ) ' boxes imlltoiit extra cliaruc , which ( jmir- antfes worli in nanns condition < m It Icuvcs nn. Out of town orders re- cclvo a < unc2ittcntion and itt i > nin rales an city work ,