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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1886)
t t THE OMAHA DAILY SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA. THURSDAY MORNING , AUGUST 20. 1886. NUMBER 50. BANNER STATL \ENT10NS. \ . The Republicans of Iowa and Ohio Meet and Nominate Candidates , HARMONY REIGNS SUPREME. IMntforma Adontrd Dpnounrlnit the Dctuocrntlo I'nitj-nml iff * Ailniln- iNtratlon Ili'piiMlciin I'rln- olplcs 1/altl Down , town Itctii1)llonn ] ) ( Jnnvontlnn , Dr.s MOIVKS la. , August U.rSpcclal To cgram to tlio liii : : . ] ( Icncral harmony took command of the republican forces this mninlngand presided o\er their destinies till the close of the comi-nilon. It has been n great disappointment to the democrats , and no less a gratification to the republicans , that the convention which closed to-night was one-of the most harmonious and enthu siastic In the hlstoiy of the party , ( lovcrnor tiivir remaiked this afteinoon : "I have never seen In twenty-live jears the republi cans of Iowa so ten Ibly in earnest as they are this > ear. " Tills determination and en thusiasm were visible In all the stages ot the convention. The republican paity in Iowa have had their little family quarrels occa sionally for the last few years , but this yearthey determined that factional strife and personal diireienci ! should be put under foot nnd republican success alone bo considered. So it has been a glorious convention , like one of the old days of IOWM icmibllcanlsm. Not for many > ears have tliero been so many of the stiong men of Iowa who take part In de liberations and shared in Its councils as in this convention. Tlio kej note of the campaign was sounded clcai and strong by Senator Allison In his opening speech as chairman of the conven tion. He lifted Its work at once to a high place by the dlunlty and strength with which he Introduced the national features which properly came beftno It. With a con vention stalling out on the high ground of national Issues and patriotic counsels , there was no chance for petty bickerings on irrele vant stilfes. There was some fear on the paitof a few timid souls that dissension might bo Introduced Into the convention by ix few distuiblng elements. The only possi ble occasion was in connection with a con testing delegation from Fremont county. This was composed of men who bolted the republican ticket last tall and aie now su | > - portlng the democratic candidate for con gress , and jet had the assurance to ask ad mittance to a republican convention. The proof that they were umvoithy of admission to icpublican councils was so strong that the committee on credentials unanimously re ported in favor oC excluding them , and the convention , witliout a dlsscntlnc voice , ap proved their report. This removed the only chance for dissensions , and the convention liad nothing then to do but to go forward har moniously and enthusiastically. There was no contest over any nomination except that for state auditor. Three candi dates entered the convention , with about equal chances , for this oftlcc. 'Ihcso were Chairman Beardsley , of the state central committee , who wus acting auditor during Urovvn's Impeachment ; Hon. J. A. Lyons , of ( itithrlo county , member of the last two gen eral assemblies , and Mr. A. 1) . Peek , forsov- cial jearsauditor of Sac county. It was plain to bo seen when the contest beiran that tlio soldier sentiment was still very strong in Iowa. Captain Ljons was a very gallant member of the Sec- end Iowa cavalry , and was nearly shot to pieces by rebel bullets. His old army comrades over the state supported him very enthusiastically , and through their heir chlelly huvvas enabled to secure the nomina tion. On the lirst ballot there was but little diirerence between the votes of the three leading candidates. The second showed little change , but the third showed steady gains tor Lyons , and HeanNley's filends fell over to him ami nominated him. All ot the other candidates , Bin- eluding secretary of state. tieas- uicr. attorney general , clerk and reporter of thu supreme court , were reiioin- inated acclamation , they having had bill one term each. The convention brought out some remark- ablcdlsplav of oratoiy. as Iowa's conven tions usually do. First was the solid ami fiubstantlal Hpeech ot Senator Allison on national Issues. Ho spoke for more than an hour , during the warmest part of the day , but the vast audience listened with unbroken attention and showed bv frequent cheers tin enthusiasm which Ids speech created. II was n stiong and masterly pieseutatlon ol the republican Issues nnd w'dl be read in the campaign with wldo spicad inten'.st am wry bcnoliclal results. Colonel Hepburn who was the permanent chaiiman ot tin convention , made a short speech on taklnt the chair , which was clear , stiaiglit forwau nnd forcible , rousing the enthusiasm whicli his speeches always do , Mr. J. / ' , Oliver , of Fort Dodu'e , who Is one of tlu } ouug oratois whom thu state delights t < honor , was called out during an Interim ol thu proceedings and icspondcd in a speech 01 unusually hapio eiloct. Ho Is the epigram atlc joungoiatoi who made somanyspceche' in the cast dining the Hlaine campaign. Hh ciittlnf wit , ( -cathlnc sarcasm , bright and Ir resistible humor , kept the convention It roarh of laughter and applause that conh hardly bo terminated. Several of the noinl- uatlug speeches were also happy efforts , be that all in all thu convention oiatorywa1 quite up to the average ot an Iowa state con volition. The platfoim , which Is qulto lonir , coven very completely the main issues bnforo tin Iowa people. It was received with very yen- enU tavorand satisfaction , there being n < minority toport except In one point , that relating lating to thu temperance question. OIK member of the committee , J. J. Andrews , o tlio Fouith district , dcalred to have the reso lutlon on that subject made n llttlo stronger but the convention considered that the orlgl nal draft was siuftlclcmtly stiong and m mlontcd it as reported by the commlttci without a dissenting vote. At 0 o'clock the convention adjourned wltl tlio best of feeling and a general determina tion to makoihu comlii.- campaign the mos nguicsalv u and successful for many j ears , nr.rAii.s op IIIK VVOIIK. The convention met at 10'JO : this morn Ing. It was called to order by Chaiimai llcaidslcy , of the stain central committee who named Senator William H. Allison to cliaiiiuan. Allison was received with trc mendoiis cheers. On taking thn chair head messed the convention at length. Tin follow Ing committees were then named , b' ' congressional districts : CredentlaU-Flist district , William Wllsoi jr. , WashiiiLMon ; .Second , John Mahin , Mus ratine ; Third , ( i. H. Nansaun , Hlack Hawk Fuiiith , John D , Class , Ccrio Cordu ; Fiftli U 4 , , ' , * . . . . . . tl I.-- " * ' - JfttUlllll II , I blc , rivinonlh. lU'Mjlntlons. First , J. S. Woolson , Henry Second , John Hlllsinakei. Jackson : Thlul.J J. Andrews , Wrignt ; Fourth , H. ( J. Kt'inlgor Flojd ; FifthM P Smith , Linn : Sixth , A. H Hamilton. Wapcllo ; Sevonth.M. A. Dashiell Warren : Klchth , M. M. Wnlden , Appanoostt Ninth , C. W.Snyder. MontgomeryTenthI ; ) 1) . D , Chase Hamilton ; Ulovvnth , John 111 en nan , Wnodburn. StaUt Cpmmlttee-Flrat , E. W. Tatlock ) .ouU.i : Second , H. S. Fulrall , Johnson Third , M , W , Harmon , nurhanan ; Fouith T. W. lUirdlck. Wlnneshlek : Filth , H. Mm jihy , Denton : Mxth , 1.1' . Karling , Monrou Upon icconvfiling at 3 o'clock the com m ttce on credentials icpoi led evciy count1 ioiirsi ; > ntcd. The committee lepoitrd als unanimously In favor of fr-atim : ti\o \ u'DUl llcau delegation from Ftcmuut count ) . Th convention nnanlmouslv adopted the report of the rommlttpo Hon. W I' . Hepburn , congressman from the nighth district , was male permanent chairman , The convention proceeded to the nomina tion ot state olllrers. F. D. Jackson. ecre- tarj of Mate , and A. T. Tlnioth , treasurer , were rcnomlnated by nccla'intlon. Five nominations for auditor wen- then made. The tlrst ballot for auditor resulted : Hcard lt > v 20 ( , Lvons''Ol , Feck Ml , Osborne 70. Kjti-iR ) . The second ballot gave Heardslrv 2-ViVt Lyons.TOO'tf. IVckWf. O4horno : . Kvte : i. On HIP third ballot there was a general change in votes and ' 'aputin Lyons nomina tion was made unanimous. The other state olllres were filled by ro- nomtuation by acclamation as follows : A. J. Maker , attoincy general : ( ! . H. Pray , clerk of the supieme court ; K. C. Kbcisols , su preme court reporter. The platform was tht n prpxptitod and adopted unanimously. A motion was made authorising the state cen tral committee to appoint delegates to tliu national anti-saloon conference at Chicago nnd the convention then adjourned , Tllf I'l.ATKOIIM. The platform of the republicans ot tovva in state ronvontlon assembled togetherdee lares : 1. We renew our adhesion to the princi ples of icpubllcanlsm as enunciated In the republle-iii national platform ot lsj. . J. 'I he eighteen months just passed have * proven the uulHiiess of the democratic pait > lor national eontiol It promt < cd to mince ihp expenses ot the u'oYeinment. but It has Incieased , In tlio session just ended , the np- piopriutioiis by MVWO.OOO. It promised to advance civ II service reform. It undoes that promise by crippling the efllclfiicy ot the commission having that leforin In charge. It piomlsed that tlio espiessed will of the people ple should bo obeved. It iireH'uts a lecord of a larger number ot presidential vetoes In thu eight mouths of the congiesslonal session than has aggregated under all pre ceding administrations slnco our gov- einmcut was instituted. It promised the leductlon In thu uumburof govcinmentat officials. H presents , as a fullillment of such piomlse , an incicasoln the number ot gov ernment Piuplojes at Washington. It promised tarlll ictorin. It has proven Its In- iihlllty under the pressure of presidential and cabinet inlliifiice to airiee Uou ] such a muas- .iro. . much less pass it to enactment. It pie- idits .i spectacle of an admlnlstiatlou which tias utterly tailed to tedcein any ot the num erous pledges which the people were deceived Into plncini : it In power. 3. We declare the administration of Presi dent Cleveland to have justly merited the censure which It lecelved nt the hands of conuress In the passage , by over a two-thirds vote ot each tiranch of congress , of the reso lution compelllui : payment upon the Interest bearing debt of the Increasinc surplus In the treasuty Wo condemn the pocket veto by the piesideutas In violation of the expressed will of the people , and preventing its passage ovei an open veto , and we commend the action of the republican administration In applying the surplus to the lapld reduction ; ri the Indebtedness of the government. 4. We demand that the public domain , in cluding foi felted and tineained lands within the urants made to railroads and other corpo rations , shall be disposed of only to actual scttlcis In limited quantities piovlued b > law. We condemn the veto ot President Cleveland whereby congressional aid was ptevented for the relict of settlers on the lands known as the Des Moines river land crant , from cruel and oppressive vvroncs committed on those settlers , for which aid the legislatiue of Iowa had repeatedly and vigorously petitioned. We sincerely deplore the failure ot the dem ocratic lioiisf of representatives to pass over such veto this bill , which the republican pu- ate had alieady pissed over such veto. Wo condemn the neglect in action of the demo- ciatic house of representatives whereby the bill passed by the icpublican senate for the redemption of unearned lands within tlio limits of the Sioux CHv & St. Pauliailroad company nt the last session ot congress , We arc opposed to the acquisition of public lands , or any pait thereof , by non-rcsldeut aliens. 5. llesolvcd , That we arraign the demo cratic majority in the national house of reiv reseiitatlvcs for Its wanton desertion of the Interests of the i-roduceisof the northwest , asillu tiateil in their icfusal to aid them by meetlni : the questions and controversies be tween the common carriers and shippers of tlio country by the prompt passace of the bill passed by the senate , known as the Cutlom Dill , the substantial declarations of which WG reconni/o as being In harmony witli the dec larations ot the republican state convention of Iowa at its last session , and the joint reso lution of instructions to our congressional delccation , passed by the tvventy-lirst general assembly of this state , and as oirering a de gree ot relief not afforded by any other pro posed legislation. 0. To the people of our adjacent territory , Dakota , we extend the assutanccof our co operation and support in their efforts for ad mission to the sisterhood of states , and we respectfully but earnestly urge our senators and repiesentatlves in congress to continue to labor to the best of their ability and power to secure for Dakota territory the place to which hoi population , Imlnstiy and Intelligence entitles her as a state in the American union ; and we arraign the demo cratic party for its unjust and democratic and blttcily sectional hostility to tlio admis sion of the teriitory of Dakota as u sister state. 7. Time does not bar the claim of tlio sol diers who subdued the icbclllon nor the grat itude and justlcoof the country toward them. Therefoie , wo demand such modification of the pension laws and the passage of such others as shall sccnie equal treatment to all soldieis entitled to pensions , by commencing payment fiom the date of disability , and granting pensions to all soldiers as an ; dis abled from securing suppoit by their own labor , vvitliout reference to the date when such disability occurred ; and we condemn the present dcmociatic administration for vetoing pension bills passed by congress for the relief ot such soldiers , their widows and 01 phans , and for tlio removal of union sol dieis and appointing rebel soldieis and sym pathies in their stead ; and wearo In favor of the mss.tge of a law granting pensions to all soldiers of the Mexican war who are not laboru ! < : under political disability. b. We tlenounco the abuses of the elec.tlvo piivllego which , In the southern section of our country and In many cities ot the north , continue to make elections u mockery and delusion , and the fraud and suppression which continually defeat thn popular will and prevent ialrand proper representation ; and wo insist upon the right of every Ameri can cltl/en to fteely cast his ballot and to have the same honestly counted and truly declared , tl. The republican party , standing for that pilnclplo of equal cltUenshlp to which Is duo the superiority of this ovei all other actions , and recoirni/.lng tlio necessity of protecting against the aggression of capital , heartily en dorses evpr > legitimate effort of organl/.ed labor to secure equal and exact justice be tween labor and capital. 10. Wo demand protection for American labor against competition with pauper labor abroad and against the product ot convici and imported contract labor at home. 11. The republican paity of Iowa , ever sympathetic with the just ampliations of u nation for freedom , and < 'ratofully niiiidfu of the faithful services of tlio Irishmen of this icpubllc. heartily sympathise with the people of Ireland in their efforts for thu re covery of a homo legislature ; that vvoexteni ! to William K. Gladstone and Charles Stuvv- art Painell congratulations on their grand achievements ol the recent past , and IIOIKI that the immediate future will crown their etToits with their full mcasuie of success. I' ' . That the laws lor the suppression of Intemperance were enacted as n part of the general legislation of our state In obedience to the will of the majority ; that wn behold vv ith alarm the continued efforts of the demo cratlo party of Iowa to encourage resistance to tlutse law sand to Inllamo the passions ol the lawless classts In regard to them , thereby menacing social order and leading to thu pprpetratlon of murder nnd other outrages. While fully recognizing the right of the l > eoplo to agitate for the repeal of these 01 any other laws which time may prove in effectual for the beneficiary purpose of their enactment , we insist that thee laws and al other laws of this state shall be faithful ! ) and fearlessly cnfont'd. 1H , We declare It to bo the duty of all public olliclals to honestly and conscientious ! } gnaid the public treasury against nil Imprope * 01 unauthorized drafts from whatever dlrec tlon , and that no ollicial Is or can bojustl lied in drawing or accepting salaries as fees tint-allied by him , or to which ho Is not en titled. Ohio Republicans. CoLiMUts , August 25. The republican Mate convention convened at 1U.-20 a. in tome delay was caused by the failure of tut lamilton county delceatlor toipacli the hall owing to n tight In the delccation. Senatoi iherman Is announced tj arrive at lp in. I'ho Introduction of ( Jencral Xoyps , tempor- iry chairman of the conventionwas received vith enthusiastic applause. A mess was aken until 10 : ! ! p. m. On reassembling , Forakcr. the permanent liilrman , made an Interesting speech nnd ieneral James S. llnblnson was nominated bj acclamation for secretary of state. ( iovcrnor Foraker has been selected for lormancnt chaiiman. Thocomniltteeoli rcso- utionsoigani/ed with J. Wairen Keifer as chairman. It Is learned that bherman will tot aiilvc In time to pciform the duties of chalrmin. deneial Kolfcr. from the rommlttce on resolutions , made a icport. It condemns tlio Ipmocratic party for Involving the United states In a quarrel w ith a sister republic , Mexico , when arbitration was at liana ; con- lemns the removal of old soldiers tiom oillcc on the ground ot offensive paitlsaiiRhip , as alleged ; endorses thu present general as sembly in providing a state homo for dls- iblcd nldiorsof the aate , and nUo making Ilieral appropriations for their cnie. nnd con- lemns the wholesale veto ot pension bills In lit'interest of soldiers by the president. It believes In the republican doctrine of tarifl md In the development and piotectlon of abor interests , and favois the lestorallon of lie vvoid tarlll of'07 imd condemns tlio plac- lin : of the same on the free list. The ticket was completed by nominations MS follows : supeme ! judge. Marshal J. Williams ; c'eik ' of the suprcmn court. A. 11. Hester ; school commissioner. Kit T. Tattan ; memb'T ot the boaid of public works , W. M. Halm. TIIK ri.ATroiiM. The platform declaies : . 1. That the democratic administration of Cleveland lias tailed to keep the plcdi'cs upon which It came into power. It promised rcticnchmcut and economy , but has been the most extravagant ever known. It promised to uphold the dignity and honor ot the IP- iiiibiic and motect American citUens and their lights ot pcison and piopcitj , both at home and abroad , but lias proven iUsclt In capable of seem lin : the honorable adjustment of the lisheriesquestion , and witli seeming Indltfcrcncc has subjected us to the humil iation of seeing our tlac Insulted and the vessels of our cltl/ens conuscatcd by the authorities of Canada ; while , with rasli haste nnd blundering , it has involved us in unjustifiable complications with our friendly neighbor and sister republic , Mexico a. fact which seriously calls attention to the icpublican national arbitration for international ( infer ences , and to the importance of the recent action ot the senate ot the United States in unanimously passing a bill for a congress of the American nations in the interest of peace and commerce. It promised civil sen Ice re form , but has made that phrase odious by not only rcmovinc , but attempting to blacken the character of thousands ot our best citi zens , many of them old soldiers , who have been removed from ollicial positions upon thccowaidly subterfuge ot ' offensive parti sanship. " We reaffirm that to the Union soldiers and sailors of the late war we owe a debt that can not bo computed , and it is the duty ot thegoveinment to giant pensions and estab lish homes for all such as are disabled or In want. We condemn the heartless and whole sale vetoes by Piesident Cleveland of the private pension bills recently passed by con- glPsS. Wo believe in the republican doctrine of taritf , not only for revenue , but also for the protection and development of American labor. We demand in behalf of the great wool glowing interests of our state the re storation of the wool tariff of IMVI. and de nounce the recent attempt of the democratic majority In the national house of representa tives to pass the Moinson bill , reducing the tariff duties and placing wool on the tree list. The republican party has ever stood as the friend ot labor against all who would either oppicss or enslave it , and every measure , state or national , which will protect the laborer from dangerous foreign competition , or impiovc and dignify his condition at home , will meet our unqualilicd approval. We are unservlng In our hostlllt ) to an archism , socialism nnd communism. We favor such wis < > legislation as may insure har mony , which ought alvvavsto prcvallbctwcen the employer and employe. We recognize the right of ail men by association to promote tholr mutual good and protection in every way that does not Infringe upon the rights of others. Wo favor the cicatlon by congress of a national department of labor , the head of which shall be a cabinet oflicer , whose duty it shall be to collect , sjstematUe and publish statistical Information relating to the social , sanitary , educational and commercial condi tion of the workinirmen ol the nation. We demand that all officials , state or national , charged with the duty of enforcing the liws which provide for the proper security of the lives and health ot woikingmen , sluill be practical men. ' The United States senate , in refusing to order an Investigation of the means by which a seat In that body wns procuied by Henry 13. Payne , has disappointed the just and reasonable enable expectations of the people 01 Ohio. The eighth resolution Is as follows : FavorIng - Ing , as we do , every legitimate and constitu tional means for diminishing or eradicating tlio evils resulting from the tiaftlc in Intoxi cating Illinois , nnd recommending such legis lation as will keep abieast with enlightened public sentiment on this question , wo com mend the Dow law as a wise and practical measure tending to that end. The republicans ot Ohio relolce In the pro gress of the cause of homo rule for Ireland , and send cheer and greeting to Uladstuue and Parnell witli the hope that the struggle they are making mar be ei owned with success. We at thu same tlmo commend lie ) wisdom ot these national leaders In declaring that only u native parliament can properly pro tect and foster native Industries which have so long laid paralysed under the pernicious iullnenccs of the prevailing free tiado s > s- tcm and doctrines. In common with all the loyal people of this land wo mourn the loss tooui country of that great republican as well as gicat soldier nnd statesman , Ulysse.sS. ( Jrant. The remainder of the resolutions relate to state nlfnlis. Illinois Democrats Gathering. Si'WNOFiKi.D , III. , August 2. > . The city Is rapidly filling up with politicians who coino to attend the democratic state convention to-morrow. Tliero Is almost an utter nbsonco of excitement as to candidates and the gi enter part of the caucusing being done Is In regard to the platform. Considerable Interest also centers in the make-up of the new contial committee. The only pronounced .candi dates on the ground are H , F. J. lUckor , of Qulncy , ana K. U. , of Ashley , both of whom are seeking nomination for state tieasurer. The committee held a meeting to- nluht and acrecd upon tlio following for temporary otllcers of the convention : Chair man , James Duncan , of Ottawa ; secretary , D. A. Stilt , of Chicago ; assistant sccretaiies , 1. N. Southwlck , of Clay county.I. H. York , of Hock Island , and L. D , Kiillot'g , of Peorla , This organization will prhbably bo made i > eruiancnt. Ho Will Not Hun. CiticAno , Augusl 25. W. C. Solpp , treasurer - rer of Cook county , who has been mentioned for the state trcasurershlp , in an Interview to-night states that ho cannot , under any cir cumstances , bo n candidate for tlio otlice , and while ho appreciates the honor with which his name has boon connected , jils private business absolutely pi events him fiom allow ing the u&eot his name even as n candidate for Hie nomination. Under no circumstances will he bo a candidate. Xortli Carolina Iiemocrnta. IlAi.Eiair , N. C. , August 25. The demo cratic state convention met to-day and nominated William H. Smith for chief jus tice , and Thomas S. Ashe and A. S. Merriam for associate justices. These are the present supreme court justices. The convention adopted no political platform or resolutions. The Impression Is the icpubilcans will make 110 nominations for these olliees. California Republicans , 1.09 AXQKI.ES , Ctil. , August 25. The re publican state conventionxuct thtfaiternoon , Senator A. P. Williams in the chair. The convention nominated full state and con gresslonal tickets , and three justices of the supreme court W. II. L. Uarues was electci temporary chairman. Atterappointiug the usual committees the convention adjourned until morning. The platform which will be presented to-morrow avers free andIntellfcent labor and approves co-operation among laborers , favors the free poliiaeeof silver , denounces the democratic mtlonal administration for sccklnc to de rive the people uC silver as a circulating ucdlum ; advocatei ( lie passneo of lawsabso- utcl.v icstHctliig the furthei Immigration of ho Culncsc , but claims for those In the countrv under treaty stipulation protection under the law. I'oiiniylvntiln Prohibition 1st P. 11 vmitMiuiu , Pa. , August 25. The state prohibition convention was called to order nt 10 o.clock this mornlne nnd S. D. Hunter elected tempoiory chairman. The report of ho committee on credentials showed 425 lelegaie.s present , and upon Its adoption A. A. Stevens , of Jilalr , was made permanent chairman. The re.poit ot the committee on lules was then adopted. Michigan Hopiiblicnttfi. tiiUM ) lUrin * , Mich. , August 2.1. The republican stale k committee organized by electing Robert K. Frascr , of Detroit , tempo rary chairman. The regular committees were appointed nnd the convention adjourned until Thursday morning. COMMONTS OX ltTAINK'S s'l'dSCH. The New York Press oil ttie Plumed Knight's Latest F.flort. Kr.vv YOIIK. August 25. [ Special Tole- crain to the HKK.J The papeis all devote consideiable space to editoilals upon Ulano's spceclt. The Sun says ) : "Untsofai as lllalne's first speech In the Maine canvass shows he retains the same disposition to Iocali7o the prohibitionist issue as he mani fested tw o > ears ago vv hen ho neglected to vote either ye.s or no on the piohlbltory amendment to the Maine constitution , ills able addicss at Sebago tieats on the tariff question , the labor question , thu fishery dis pute mid the Mexican complication fiom a national point of view , ills remarks on prohibition may bo read am. ) read again without discovering a principle or an Idea designated for applica tion south of latitude 4'5 degress or we t of the Pescataugna river. Hlainu has promised to speak ten or a docn times more during the present campaign. He rarely repeats himself. Perhaps he may be preserving until a later date the positive expression of those broader views on prohibition which every body is waiting so impatiently to hear. " The Herald s.i > s : "As the speech was in tended for tiie nation rather than the state of Maine , and for future rather than present ends , the failure of the speaker to deal v\ith other issues that are likely to bo more lively mid important than these treated by him will be gencially remaiked. Its readers will also baldly fail to notice that yesteiday's effort at Sobairo Lake is tamer and less clfectlve than might have been expected from the plumed knight. " Tne Tribune sayai "On all topics of the day Mr. IJIame dpaalts with candor , vigor , sound judgment and excellent taste. " The Times says : ' 'Throughout the long ad dress , which is a very fair mid n very dull one , the speaker's mind has plainly been di rected not so much as to what he should say us to what he should leave unsild. Uy this means he has succeeded In disappointing those , whether friendly or hostile , who ex pected a brilliant oration , charged with , the personality of tlio ox-candidate. " The World bays : "At Sebago Lake yester day Hlaine delivered bis first speed ) in the Maine campaign. It mav be said to be , as a matter of fact , tlmoponing sun of the cam paign for lbs.s , for nobody doubts that Ulalnc is in the field astun for n presidentiaj'renau- ) illation. TliDTuost important feattinyoWhe- speech is tire , effort to slay the progress ojt the prohibition ratty .in then stated It Is plain that Jilaiup Is ; apprehensive about the third partv.in4 lie labors with all the nriMiment and lo/iCKat his command to prove that the republican party of Maine is to-day anil has always I.e-en a consistent friend of prohibition. Ills tight in Maine is to hold the prohibition votes in the republi can ranks this yo.r * , for the Ncal Dow defec tion promises to reduce tlio republican ma jority next month , and this , to iilalue , means a gieat deal just now' . " Blntno's Second Speech. XOIITII UEIIWICK , Me. , August 23. Blaine made his second speech ot the campaign here to day. He twitted the prohibitionists ot inconsistency and Ingratitude toward the rcpuollcan party which had given the state all the prohibitive legislation it ever had. The prohlbltibnlsts did not ex pect to elect anybody of their own party. They could only dcteat the republicans. Passing to the fisheries question Blalue said : "Canada is In n very peculiar position. She wants to enjoy the pride mid sentiment of bclonglm : to tlio Itritlsli empire and to pocket the piollt and advantage of having nn American market at the .same time. We don't think that fair. " Blalno read at length from the late treaty with Can ada , commenting as he proceeded , and show ing bv Its terms that the United States were placed at great disadvantage. Train Wreckers Foiled. CHICAOO , August 25. The Times Joliet special savs : An excursion train of five coaches , with three hundred passengers from Aurora , anivcd to-day over the now load , the Joliet , Aurora , & Northern. The rail road men report ties and logs found on the track In three dif- erent places within a mile. They were discovered In time to prevent vviccks. Tills was the lirst train over this road , nnd the officials think the. obstructions were placed by some 6no whoso property was con demned or purchased at a low nrlce bv the railroad. AIntal .Midnight AccMent Coi.UMiius , O , , August 25. Meagre Intel ligence has been received of a collision be tween the Dee Linp passenger train and n Pan Handle freight which was standing on the track at Mllfoid Centre. Three poopla are know u to bo killed and soveial .severely wounded. The accident occuricd about midnight Ohio Oota There Just the Same. CHKVENNE , Wyai August 25. [ Special Telegram to the HEEJI A. Frelck & lirother , Sanuusky , Ohio , awarded the contract for the erection of the new capltol building of to-nlyhtot $132uou. Rev. Beectier 111. LONDOK , August $ i Hev. Henry Ward Needier Is ill , lie has cancelled a lecture engagement at Now Hrlghton for next Fri day , and has gone to the Hydropathic. Instu- tutu nt Mottat , Dumfrlcshlru , Scotland. Fatal Jtailroad Wreck. ASHEVII.LE , K , C. , August 25. The con struction train on the Asurllle & Spartan- burg was wrecked to-day. The overseer ami four convicts were killed and seven convicts bevciely wounded , Drowned in tlio Ulvcr. A roan's clothas was found on the brink of the river near the waterworks reser voir yesterday afternoon , and as no own er could bo seen in the vicinity nnd no ouo called for the clothes the natural suppo sition is that some bather met his death by drowning , No reports have ofliciully indicated any clue to thu victim's uamc. PTinv rnt i < nnpf REVOLUTION COLLAPSES , Prince Alexander to Ret'irn to His Scat on the Bulgarian Throne. THE RUSSIAN TABLES TURNED. liontlic Dethronement wni The Prince's Manly Ucfnsnl to Slen Atullcntion Papers Trio General Sltiintlon. On Ills Way Monte. LONDON , Auettsl 25. [ JSew Yoik Herald Cable-Special to the But : . ) fho boU In formation ninlil tin1 eonllictinc Bulgarian tel egrams leads me to s\y that Prlncu Alexan der , Ignorant of the counter revolution , has started for his home In D.unistadt. but will doubtless get Information of it and ictnrn to Sofia. The revolution has ludicrously col- Inpsed. The pilnccvvas piessed bj fourteen disaffected ofllccM to sign an abdication and was pioml ed that If he signed It he would be allowed to leave the country unmolested. Neither that nor the threats which followed could Induce the hero of Gtivnlt/a to put his name to tlie abdication. Tlio prince nevei hesitated one moment , but daring his ag- eressois to do their vvoist , cist fiom him the document that was to have secured his fieedom. He wastaken to liehova , where a small yacht was In waiting. Tills eraft was manned by n cievv not exclusively composed of Bulgarians. There seems to be some doubt as to the nationality of the yacht , but the riverside population declare it sped along with greater rapidity than any Danube steamer. A detachment of Bulgarian troops with fixed bajoticts was soon on board. When the jacht passed Kustchak , Silcs- tria deputations had alieady arrived there from the KaravelolT government to hall the vessel and to receive the pilnco when ho should land. No notice was taken of the signal they made. BALlMiUItV SENT FOU. LONDON , August 25. The government has received a number of important dispatches from the cast , and Salisbury has been re quested by telegraph to return to London immediately. SOKIA , August 25. The piovlslonal gov ernment created by the revolutionists has been overthrown. Clement , Gioucff , and Xaukoffc , three of its members , weic arrested and thrown into prison , and tnoold members reinstated. The deception practiced upon them by the circulation ot n report that Alexander \oliuitarlly addicting has ex asperated the troops and civilians alike , and the revulsion ot populai feeling In favor ot the deposed iiiler is as general as it is In tense. A deputation started out to find the mince and nssitie him of the lojaltv ot the Bulgarian people and armv nnd endeavor to pursuadelum to return to Bucharest. The commander of the yacht on whicli it Is stated Prluco Alexander is kept piisouer tel egraphed fiom Konl , in Bessaiauia , to Soha , asking tor Instruction ? . He received orders to convey the prince back to Solia. Dis patches from Widdin state the couuter-ievo- lution to have been successful. KUSS1AN 1M-KIIVI.NTION. ST. PniKiisiiiutJ , August 23. Botli the Novostia and Viedomoski newspapcis agree ttmt tlio state of anarchy existing In Bulgaria 'hM rendered Uussian Intervention more nec essary in order to prevent its spread to the Balkan peninsula. Viedomoski says : "We do not * advocate the occupation of Bulcaiia bv Russia. That is not worth the flesh blood- sfied it would entail. " It is announced that Alexander arrived at Itenl vesterday , that ho proceeded to Anstiia by way of Yolotshisk , and that he was in nowise a prisoner. Tuition's POSITION. CoNSTANTiNoi'i.i : , August 25. All com munication between Turkey and Bulgaria has been stopped. The porte , it is presumed , will take no action until Instructed by the powers. Instiiiction , It is thought , will be received by Saturday next. Five batteries of artillery nnd squads of cavalry have been or dered to pioceed from Phillipopolis to Solia. Diplomats believe tliat Russia will not per mit ; Alexander to return to Bulgaria , even If the c6unter-ievolution troops are successful In Ids favor. Kussia will rather , the diplo mats argue , insist that tltc Bulgarian assem bly shall choose a new ruler. Thepoweis undoubtedly desire to localize the question , but the demand upon the c/ar to allow the return of Alexander might lesiiit In making the whole matter an Inteinatlonal affair. iMiorhCT ouu ruiNCi : . TIKNOVA , August 25. A pioclamatlon has been Ksucd by Stambulolf and Montkoiofl declaring in the name ol Alexandei and the Bulgarian parliament that Stambulolf as sumes the direction of the provisional gov ernment at Sofia and proclaims martial law. He appeals to the Bulcarians to defend the crown acalnst traitors "seeking to depose oui heroic nnd beloved prince. " IlLSslAN JIII.ITAltl JIOVr.SIKNTS. VIKJ.NA , August 25 , It is reported that the Kussian minister of vvar and marine has been summoned to St , Petersburg and the Black Sea licet has been ordered In readiness for n cruise. The fall of the rebel cabinet at Solia has neon confirmed and It is reported that they have fled to Servla. CHAMPION ATHLETES. Records Smashed All Around. AVoik oftholrox. LONDON , Augtiit25. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BIE. : ] Thli has been a rod letter day for sporting gossip In many senses , especially in the cycling world. G. Gatehouse , at the celebrated track of Long K.iton , ton miles eastot Derby , on a tiicycle did thu lirst quarter of a mlle In 14 sec , the half In 1:10 : and the mile in 2-U : 2-5 , thus beating nil records. P. Furnlval went on a bicycle to beat the world's records for a mile. .He did his first quarter In 37 sec , the half In 1:01 : , the tluco quartets in 1:51 : 1-5 , and the mile In 2:30 : , thus beating Hovvell's American record of 2:31. : nnd breaking all records for the Intermediate distances , llowells' Injured leg Is not en tirely well , but ho claims otherwise to bo in perfect health. Ho had made all auange- mcnts to sail next Saturday on the Aii/.ona , to take part In the Springfield tournament events , but ho now understand1 } these consist entirely of handicaps adjusted from his just stated record , and to this ho oojects. Ptof. Fred Wood , known in America as the "Lei cester crack cycler , " expects to sail for New York to-day on the Germanic. Ho appeared at Lone Eaton In good form and spirits. Sidney Leo beat all cycling records for htty miles on his trjclclo upon the Hertford road , covering the whole distance In : i hrs'JJ ' niins almost seventeen mllesan hour. Fied Archer , who has just won the Yorkshire oaks lor the seventh tluiL\ won to-day thu lions stakes tor the new Irish viceroy. The jockey Is quoted as saying ho won by tlio strongest use of cocicion. The hotting at the start was $100 togu against his hoise , Ilortou. So much for physical sport. A few words as to mental play , The in ternational chess match Iwtwecu Burn , of Liverpool , and Captain Mackenzie ended In a draw for the ninth game. Kadi had scored four games. The captain having to sail for New York , each plajer diovv his stake. Kos , Beach , Kemp. Matlerson , Gaudaur and Bn- bear improved the fine day with practice on the Thames for the International sculling rejjatta , and were watched by thousands of holiday makers. In all the series of spurts it was agreed Beach showed the supeilorlty. The day finished with the loyal torquay re gatta in a race for first class > achts exceeding twenty-live tons , The starters Vvcro the Irex , the Marjorie and the May , The Irex al low cd 3:02 : j the May ; 11. The Irex and the Jlarjorip raced almost toeetlirr for the lull distance of flftv miles , but tlio Marjorie nl- tlmntch beat the Irex by S sco , which , to gether with the time allowance made her ahead by 4 mln. Tlio May , however , kept well \\illilu her time In each lotind , nnd won with 4:01 in hand over the Marjorio. A cowAimijY nuurn. A Jersey Cur Crlpploi Ills Own Chil dren Tor Life. Krn HANK , N. J. . August 25. Telegram to the HKI..J Augustus Holmes , n mart led colored man , lesliling neai Freehold wns brought In custody ot an olllccr to the county jail yesterday afternoon fiom New ark , whither he had eloped with a dn ky denl on ol KfdBank , ubout a week ago. Be sides the cliame of dcicttlon prefened b ) the man's wile thn vvouiin tella story of the man's brutal ferocity towaids his children , which ma > consign him to prison for a period and which ha nilcady come near cost ing him Ids life by mol > violence. Mis. Holmes vv hen she confronted hci recent hus band In court was accompanied by two of her chlldien aged nine and four jeais ies- peolively. The formei Is a mute anil advvaif anil has no reason. The other is n hoiribie ciipple. Anotuci child with a broken arm Is being cared for by the physician for the i > oor. The woman's sworn storv was that she was man led to Holmes ten je-u'1 utro , nnd ever slnco "he ami her children have sullt'ied the most in human treatment ; that , tidfs t beating her unntorclfuli > , he at times , utter Irving to kill her children , thre.iU'nod to take her life. When the first child was two je. told the father , in a lit ol rage , - > ei70d it bv the heels and dashed it headlong to the tloor. She wanted a doctor , but he threatened to mur der her If shi called one , MI she tioated the infant heiselt as best she could. Now , at nine years ot age , the child is a dwarf and a boneless imbecile. I'ive jears later tliunn- natuial tatliei selvod the second child bv tlio lens , whirled It mound Ids head , and tliievv it against the wall , breaking one of Its legs In two places and fearfully Injuring It other wise. Tills she also endeavored to treat her self , and the result Is the child is crlpnled for life. A few weeks ngo Holmes scl/ed the one-year-old infant from the mother's lap and dashed It to the lloor , hi caking the llttlo one's arm. All this Unit ; he has been abusing and beatlnc the woman In a fiiirhtful man ner , but she , afraid of her life , has kept her peace until she found he had deserted her , when she told her terrible tale to the authori ties. Dining the few moments Holmes was in court thu gicatest excitement prevailed , and had It not been for the admonitions of a number of cool-headed men , n rope and tieo would have piuted the accused man's career. Holmes , tor safety , was speedily icmanded to the strong conhnos of the court house jail , to stand trial in October. T1IC FAUMKIl'S COXGUESS. The Convention at St. Pnul Urjjcd to Orgiuilzc for Action. ST. PAVI. , Minn. . August 25. Over two hundred delegates were piescut at the open ing of the sixth session of the Farmeis' con gress of the United States at the state fair grounds this moinlng. The meeting was called to order by the president , Kobert Bev erly of Yiralnia , Itev. Henry Wallacoof Iowa otteiniR a ptnver. An address of welcome was delivered by Governoi Hubbard. who spoke appiovlngly of farmer's efforts to ob tain lefiet fiom the unnatural bm- dens of monopolist exaction and oppression. Beverly poke brlelly in icply , and further interchange of oratorical courtesies were made by B. F. Clavton. of Iowa , sccretaiy of the congress , and others. Jn [ the course ot his annual ad dress President Bcvorlv , in behalf of the jfurmcrs , thanked Pjpsi Jen t Cleveland for his recommendations to congicss to Inouiro whether legislation' might bo considered In the interest 01 agriculture. It is tor us to considerwhethei wo shall continue to de liver our sutf rage on demand at the ballot for machine made candidates of any party , unpledged to the gieat measures wo deem ' essential to our prosperity and urogrcss. "Organize ; organi/e , 1 be seech you , " concluded Colonel Beverly. "Not to-moriow , but to-day , combine ami stand together as one man in defense ot your interests and In bclialt ot thegciicial welfare. " Among the committee on resolutions arc : Illinois , Iowa , fc Horsey C. Tlio Car Drivers' Strike. NKW YOIIK , August 25. At 0 a. m. n force of 300 policemen dispersed the men gathered on the adjacent coiners of the Broadway line stable.s. u Is thought the company will make an attempt to run cars to-day. A rowoccuiicd when tlio first car on the Forty econd and Broadway line started out , but no Injury beyond a snaking up was ex perienced. Several stones were thiown against the car and the diiver hooted by the crowd. The ciovvd was dispersed for the moment by the police. Further on tlio mob appeared again and ovei turned a large truck on the track , which the police lifted from the track by main force , and lin ear proceeded amid the jells of the ciovvd. At tlio junction of Sixth avenue. Broadwaynnd Thirty-third street , another aault was made upon the car with hi Icks nnd stones. At this moment Captain Williams witli a large torce of policemen clubbed the mob right nnd left , nnd drove them into the side streets. They did not collect again , and the car made the trip without luither molestation , followed by otbcrcais. At noon six cars weiu running. More trouble is feared this attcrnoon.when n largo u amber of new diivcis aio exacted tiom Philadelphia. General Ncwton'a Now Odlco. WASIIINOTON , August 25. [ Special Tele gram to the HKB } General Newton , chlct enclncer of the United States army , passed through this city last night on his way to Now York , from Canon Spiings. Va. It Is rumored hero that this journey Is in ( espouse to a letter tiom Governor Hill , and that lie Is to be tendeied Itollln M. Squire's place as commissioner ot public woiks for New Yoik Cltv. NKW Yemit. August 25. Mayor Grace to day apuolnted General John Newton , L'nlttvl States nimy , commissioner of public woikb , vice Squlio removed. Famine. In tlio Storm's Track. YICTOIUA. Tov , , August 25 The eitUens of this place held n meeting last night nnd Issued nn address calling upon thoclmritably Inclined peoploof Ameuca to send assistance to the Biilferers of the late stoim In this vi cinity. Tlio address Mates that famine will follow cfoso upon the storm's track. Contri butions of clothing and food arc asked tor , The addiess IsMcncd by several piomlneiit citUens. _ _ Crosion Notes. CRK TON , la. , August 25. [ Special Tele gram to the BIKJ : A head-end collision of f i eights occurred near Woodburn jcstcrday afteinoon. Both englnc-s nnd thirteen cars vvoredemnrall/ed. Noonoseilously Injured. Win. Killetor , accused ol lapo of u live- ycai-old glil , waived examination and was bound over In GOO bail , He bccuicd the bond. _ _ Gladstone Takes a Vacation , LONDON , August 25. Gladstone started this morning for Gei many , where ho experts to spend tluce weeks vacation. Ho was ac companied by his daughter and Loul Acton. Mrfc. Gladstone , John Merely , and n number of pcisonal friends , went to thu tallvvay sta tion to tee him olT. Close Call. WiNDSon , Vt. , August 25. A carrlaco CPFI- talnlng Senator Kvarta of New Yoik , Charles C. Perkins of Boston nnd Mlt-s Mnthevvs , daughter of Judge Stanley Ma thews of Ohio , was overturned this evonlng. and Perkins was Instantly killed , Senator Kvnita and Miss Mathews wens bevurcly bruised. Cnttcrfl Called Out , NEW YOIIK , August 25. Cutters In Iho employ of one of the laigest clothing IIOIIH'.S woie called out to-day. Then In the omploj of the other large inuis ate expected .out dui- lut' the day. HIS WILD DREAM REALIZED , A Boat Constructed Equalling the Ono Imagined by Jules Vornc. TOUR UNDER THE SEA POSSIBLE. The Torpedo Hont I'onoo Mnlcrr Hue- ucsifnUy Te ted In the North Itlvor Whnt tliogneer Craft Can Do. The Nnutllii Nrw YOIIK. Atunst 'iV peeinl 'IVIc- pinm totho HmThedtoam | ol Jules Yerno seems to have bivn i rail/oil In n boat con structed liy nil American Inventor. The World this nun ning nlve * the following ac count of the tnnl of tin * boat : "The subma rine torpedo Imat ln\enteil by IA Tuck was ji'stoid.iy tested nnd pi oved a practical success In tlieprc euco of a larco liart.of gentlemen lnleu" < led. They went abn.udthu Monmer Chance Shot at Klghty- slxth street. North rl\er. The submarine vessel lay like a ulganlic turtle lashed to the steamers side. She has been ehiNtcned 1'ho Peace-Maker. Slu > was constructed at thn > ard of C. II. Deiaineter it Co. , mid Is tlihty feet lonci with a bteadth of beam of right nnd one-half feet and a depth of seven and one-half fee * . The bow mid stern taper olt from amidships , nnd the forvvaid end of the vessel Is surmounted by a dona1 t\\cl\e Indies high , which is set with glass nnd jiu-t large enough for n pilot to eel Ills head Into. Admission to the la throi gh a scuttle abaft of the dome. At the stem theio Is a piopeller and rudder ot the ordinary fashion , mid two hoilznntal ruddcis with which the boat ma > be dellected up nr down. The Intel lor is half filled uith ma chinery and mechanical device ? , Includ ing u powerful little Wesllnghou o engine. Compressed air is stored In six-Inch pipes1 running around the Intciior , and theariange- niciits arc made by which a r may bo sun- plied by chemicals. A gauge registers the depth of the \CSM-I benc.ith the surfac ? . Light Is furnished b } incandescent clectrlo lights. At yesterday's experiment Caj'taln John G. llollnud and Ktisilneer John II , Kllnn slipped down into the Iron hull and fastened the air Unlit scuttle. Then the captain's head appeared In the Lookout dome and the Iron liih started up the. ri\er. She had not gone one hundred fei't before she dipped her nose into the water aim gradually .slid out of sight beneath the milled The spectators anxiousl > watched the spot wheie she dlsap- peaied for three minutes when she reappear ed about a quarter ot a mile to leeward and hcadul toward them. The Silvan Glen was coming down the liver only n few hundred feet above , ami her captain was much sur prised at the sudden appearance of the Iron monster. Me tooted his whistle vigorously and put his wheel a | ort , wlieieat the torpedo boat Kicked up its heels and again disap peared. The Peace Maker reached a depth yester day ot loityleet and attained a fair rate of speed. The torpedo million of the experi ment was not tried. It Is designed to use tor pedoes attached toscthrr by a chain ana fas tened to corked magnets , which will attach themselves to the lion or steel sheathing of tlio vessel to be destroyed. Theyaie to bo hrcd b > electricitv after the torpedo boat has reached asafo distance. 1'rofessorTuck 1 * working on a device by which ho claims the occnpants.of the boat will bo enabled to Icavo Itnt a depth of forty feet nnd return again In sait'ty. _ - _ _ _ ! _ ! IMl'OUTANT 1) UCIS1ON. Secretary 1/-xmnr on nil Interesting Ijancl Contest Case. WASHINGTON. August 25. [ Special Tele gram to the BRI : . ] Secretary Lamar to-day decided a land contest which lias an import ant bearing on the northwestern entries generally. It was the timber cultm e claim of Patrick Byrne against William W. Derwood , taken on an appeal from the commissioner of the general land oflico. Byino contested Derwood's claim to the northwest quarter of section 0. township 188 , raiv-'c ' 9. Bismarck land district , on the ground that the con- testee had not planted tree .seeds , nor bioucn the live acres , although he had had possession of the land since May , IS"1 * . Der- wood claimed tha tf the was not compcllc d to make any inipioveinents on his land so long as Ins title was contested , aiid cites the. fact that In case ot the reserve against the coutestee the land had been de cided January : , 1S > S3. to be his In the face of the admission bv him that ho had made no impiovemcnts on ttie land slnco May 1 , IbtsO. The regNtoi and leeeivcr would not accept this precedent , and recommended the cancellation of Detwood's entry. ComnilH- slon Sparks held the entry tor cancellation and lei wood appealed to the secretary. In sustalnlm ; thu decision to-daj the secretary hays : "i'heie Is no doubt of the correctness of the position that pending dual decision In a contest , on whatever giound or charge , the cnhy man whoso claim Is attacked should continue to comph with the law , and that if ho lulls ho lays himself liable to attack in a subsequent contest , should lie be successfully dofendcd In the one pending , to hold dllfeiently would bo to condone laches and to open thqdoor tea a praetlcn which would enable parties under the cnlse of n contest to hold lands Indclln- Itcly without complying with tills icqulro- mcntof the law under which tncse entiles were made. " A DEEUHKIt SUIO1DBS. Jfcnry AViird'n Hrothor IJndti Ilia Ilfo With n nnllet. P.i.MJitA , N. Y. , August 25. Itov. James C. Ueecher , of Cos Cob , Conn. , brother of Henry Wai d Beecher and Nov. Thomas 1C. Beecher , of this city , committed suicide nt the water cure hero tills evening by shooting himself through the head with a illlc. Ho had been suffering under severe mental troubles lor a mimlxnof jears , and foi a tlmo was under treatment at the Mld- dletown asylum , Beechci was about fifty- nlno years old and the younijest son of Dr. Lviiian Hocchcr. lie was graduated fiom Daitmouth college and Andover theological semlnaiy. Ho was chaplain ot the Seaman's Uetht'l In China : chaplain of the Brooklyn legimcnt duriinr Urn lehclllon ; became a colonel and was mustcicd out a brevet briga dier general. A Treasury Olliclul WASHINGTON , August 25. Benjamin r. Davis , deputy louith auditor ot the licasiiry. tendered his icsignaton to the piisldeut to take ellect October 1 , It K understood tint * he was rciincsted to icMgii , and his siiccector lias ahead ) been selected , One Goronimo Oornerod. WASHINGTON All list [ 'in. Adjutant ( it'll * eral Umm iccelu'd a duip.ttch tiom Cencral Miles , at Foil Hu'clnmh , sijlir- that Captain Lawton had Geionlmo and his Indian * where ho bulleves ho can kill , captuio or foico them to surrender. The deipatch la uatcd August 21. _ Tlio loxva I/uinlicr I'nol , CiurAfio , August 2 * > . At n meeting of the Central Iowa Traffic association , the com. inlssloner was inMiiictcd toplactt the ! ) Moines lumber mol In sliapo for pi'nuanei.t business , the Wabash having agicul toabldo bf arbitration. Mr. VIliiH' Snh. WASIIINC.ION , Aiuust2 < . First Assistant Postmaster ( iencial Stevenson ictuincd to the city this momlng and dm Ing the UUMMICO of Mi. Vll.w will bu acting po < tma.slur genctal. _ _ Mr. Niulio'i | Hiiiinee. AuiAN\ , August ii'j. ( iuu'inoi illll ha apiioved tlio removal of Conunlsi-ioiici ol Public \Voikshijuhu \