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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1886)
" - - w- - * . ' n - SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 25 , 1880 , NUMBEll 59. RALLYING TO ALEXANDER , The Adherents of tbo Princa Moving for His Restoration , HIS CAUSE GAINING GROUND. 1 ronus Kondy to March on Sofia A Second Provisional Government Formed Terrible Pest mo tion by Floods liilndlit. Tlio Conp n Surprise1. , ( vln Ilavio ) August Jl. [ .New York Herald Cable Special to the Uii.J I tlniiK the Bulgarian alfalr was n surprise to the chancellor , who leaves for Berlin In the morning. 1 saw him in the jhoutlng gallery to-day. lie seemed perfectly unconcerned. Sir William White received n telegram from L'rd.Silnry ' ! tills afternoon instructing him to return to Bucharest Imme diately. Miii.NioiiT A later dispatch says that J'rlnco Alexander has been removed from the monastery at Ak-1'alanko to Iteni-ltussl , in Hussian Bessarabia , Treacherous Wnrl : of Kevolntlonlsts. LONDON , August 21. Authentic dispatches from Solia show that the disposition of I'rlneo Alexander of Bulgaiia , was accomplished diirinu' the night. According to these adVices - Vices a thoroughly Uusslani/.ed remnant of cavalry was detained In the city at'tor night fall when the other troops retired to their barracks. This regiment , perfectly under control of the icvolutlonlsts , surrounded the palace about two hoim past midnldit. The prince was In bed and thu palace was closed. The revolutionary leader , with assistance oC the .soldiers , forced their way Into the build- lug , went to the prince's ante chamber , and had nlm amused. They bluntly made known to him tlio purpose of their intrusion , lie was stunned , having been taken completely unawaies. When ho recovered his .self-con trol and realized the utter helplessness of his situation he bitterly reproached his captors for their tioachery. What followed is still rather obscure the revolutionists declare Alexander signed a formal abdication of the throne. Others , however , assert lie firmly declined to sign the abdication and in consequence of his icfusil he was made a prisoner and confined In a re mote prison , being told ho would b1 kept tlierc until he complied with the demand of the revolutionists. It Is said tlie prince was lemovod from Solia under a strong cavalry escort long before day break. The people did not become acquainted with the tact of the coup d'etat ' until seveial hours alter the priuco had been removed from tlio palace. Telegrams from Widilcn said advices re ceived there from Uulgarla state there Is much discontent umong Uulgarian troops over the change in the government and that lurgo proportion ot the troops are disposed to restoie Alexander. ON A rooTiNo. PA 1:19 , August 21. liepoits are current hem thai. Servia began to place her army on n war fooling. The Journal de IJeuit/ an nounces that Blsmaricniid DcUlers , Itusslaii loieigu minister , liavo arranged to have an interview. lll'SSIAN COMMENT. PKTKiisnriui , August2-1. The Journal do SI. Petei'Mbiirg , coinmontiniioii the Bulgarian crisis , says it hopes the politicians of Bul garia and'ltoumclia will have the wisdom to understand that the destinies ot both nations depend upon the behavior of the people. "The powers with whom rests the decision of these destinies , " adds the Journal , "deslio that above all things the peace and good will of thi'so powers should bo secured. Politicians hlionld abstain from notation and should not attempt to hamper their good intentions. " The Hussian press does not geueially believe that any of the powers will Interfere with Jlussia In the pacification of Bulgaria. The Noovre Vremj'a advocates the sending a Ktisslan dignitary to maintain order until the successor to the prince be chosen. Tt'UKKY'B I'OSITION. CoNHTANTiNori.i : , August 21. Thejporlo has sent a circular to thu powers concerning the Uulgarian crisis. Thu circular says the deposition of Alexander has lo ft Bulcnri in n position which interests the powers a much as It does Turkev and asked to be in formed of their Intentions and opinions re- spuctliii : the situation as soon as possible. WANT AI.KXANDKU IIUSTOKKD. VIKNMA , August 21. Political Correspon dence prints a dispatch from Glurgevo , In Itoumanla , on the Danube , opposite Kust- chuk , which savs that the ISulgarian troops In Eastern Konmella have issued a prounchv inento In favor of Alexander. Tlie dlspatcli fmther states that these Uoumellan troop ; have proclaimed Colonel Mnrkarolf the heail of the provisional government , which thoj have organized to oppose thu government ol Karavelotf , and adits Unit the Inhabitants ol Sliumla and Turnovn h&vo publicly declarer for Prince Alexander , and the movement foi ills restoration Is spreading. LONDON , August 24. Troops ir eastern Itoumolla nnd at Shuml : disapprove of the deposition. Twi thousand people who want the rcstora tlon of the prince met yestordav In front ol the Russian consulate in Phllllpopolls , tin capital of Kouiiielia , and made a public dem onstration of their wishes. Thu depositloi has divided the population o : Sofia into two hostile parties one of which ardently suppoiti thu revolution , the other us warmly uspouslii ) thu cause of thu prince. Partisanship 01 both sides has become dangerously heatci already , and It is feared party conflicts o ! serious nature will ensuo. Hallway servlci . between Constantinople nnd Houmella i : suspended. Hitlers nave been sent to Adrian oplo suspending the Issue of tickets beyoni tlio frontier. J. Ferguson , under secretary of forolgr affairs , slated In thu commons that the gov eminent viewed the events In Bulgaria will the gravest anxiety. imrni.Y OAININO nnoi'Np. LONDON , August 24. The Standard's Her lin correspondent says he has seen i Bucharest telegram which states that Princi Alexander has been landed in Hussln , re cclved by the Knsslan imperial authorities nnd declared to bo n state prisoner. Tin Bni'lmiest dispatch says disorder prevails n Sofia , and that the outlying garrisons an awaltiiiL' the signal to march on the capital It is stated that tlie Uoumellan militia ari prepared for active service , and Alexander1 cause Is hourly gaining ground. The enl ; news received from Darmstadt Is that Alex under , accompanied by his brother , who ha been visiting nlm at Solia , passed Yartlza 01 Sundayand landed at Necropolis orGrnkovi on Monday , and was escorted thence to i pi n CD yet unknown. The Dally Telegraph says : It Is state * that n sanguinary encounter Im.s taken placi iiniong thu troops at Jassy , Itoumanla , re Eiiltlnir In the killing and wounding of man ; on both sides. IIAI.liYlNO TO AI.KXANDIIIl. LONDON , August 24. Telegrams froii Duchurchi to-day state that the majority o Bulgarian army us well as the majority o the Bulgarian people liuvu already deelarei adherence to Alexander , Includliu : the sold IITS \Vlddln , Neciopolls and Slllstrla ! car rlsons. Colonel Montdorolf , chief of Ih Himinelian militia , has olleied to lead th troops to meet Prince Alexander , escort bin back to Sofia , and replace him on the Bui uarlan throne. Stanibulolf , president of th' ' Tiinova provisional government , acting ii concert with Montdoiotf , has summoned tin militia of Uulgarla to bervlcu in the Intercs of Alexander , Stambulotf declares that th1 garrison at Solia , which seconded the revohi tlon , is ready to suriemler to any govern incut properly riunesenilin. the depoe < prince , piovlded the soldiers are assured o amnesty , A : rnoYisiONAi. OOVKUNMKNT. UOXSTANTINOIM.U , AllgUSt ! M. A SOCOIK provisional government has been set up I Bulgaria with headquarters at Tirnovi This government is In opposition to that o Knravelolf and favors Alexander. Stambu lull has been made president of thoTirnov government , lie i * one ot the ecntlemci whose names weie printed In a circuit ! Issued yesterday by KaravclolT's govcrnmen to convince thu people that all thu proinlnen men of the country supported the revolutloi WII.I. DIK KOIt AI.KXANDKII , 151'piiAitKvr.AiigUbt 24. Prince Alexandc Inu been lauded at Kctil a pthoucr. Th cnrrlson at PhlllnopnlK Kastcrn Uoumelln , has taKi'ii arm * in favor of Alexander , A regiment of infantry with a band playing marrlicd to the foreign consulates to give notice of its adherence to Alexander. The ollicer commnmllng declared that the whole Hulgaiian army wat opposed to the dospmi- tlon ot Alexander , and was prepaid ! to lUht nnd die for him. WIIIMIP. Ai.r.xANDr.n is. Hfcit.\nisr : , August'Jl.-The > mht sup posed to have Prince Alexander on lionul n prisoner passed Oiurgeno without stopping. It was expected to touch there. The vaclit was signalled this molding near Slllstna. It Is supposed that the revolutionists intend to land Aleviinder on Hussian tcintorv. The Roumanian government has taken nil the necessary steps to protect the princeif ho lauded In Uoumatiia. The vneht was last re potted at Itcnl , in Bessaialela. at the junction of Prutliand Danube , This is Kussiati teni- tory. A CANDIDA - : roit THI : TIUIONI : . UKIII.IN , August U4. It Is stated that the Prince of oiilenbui-L' , commander of the Hus sian guards , Is the Hussian candidate tor the BiilL'arlun throne. The temporary cabinet at Solia lias summoned humu nil thu .Bul garian officers now abroad. A t.iTTlit : : PltOSt AI.KXANDKII. A letter from Prince Alexander , written at Solia a lew days befoie his deposition , has been received in this city. In it Alexander says : "My position is becoming - coming exceedingly dllHcult. The people are alarmed nt the Servian armament and the prcM'iicoot the Turkish commission ers. In order to reassitiu the people , who have been worked upon by Hussian op position , 1 iciniestcd Count Kalnoky three weeks ago to Induce Servia to aiireo to resume diplomatic re- hul ons with Bulgaria. Count Kalnoky consented , but Servia has not ic- plied and she has continued so fortify her frontier , leaving ns to expect n resumption of hostilities. The ministry have asked to older an advance of troops , which I have re fused to do , knowing the serious- no s of the step in such a case. Oa the other hand , tlie press attacks mo on account of thu appointment of delegates to the Turkish commission. I therefore am anxious to bo absolutely fieo with regard to Servia In order that 1 may devote myself entlicly to the Turkish question. The ex citement Is so great against the commission that an attack upon the delegates is protu- blc. You see how I am beset with troubles. Nobody heio wishes war. On the contrary , we would thank Heaven for n icbtoratlon of the relations with Servla so that a conflict might be avoided. " I'AllTISANS OK Till : 1MIINCK AKIinSTRD. CONSTANTINOPLE. August ! M. There is dissension in the Bulgarian provisional gov ernment. Several "members were named without ncini : mentioned , and partisans of Alexander refuse to act. M. KarnvelolT and Nlcolaielf have been arrested , and will be tried by n council ot war. urssiAN Titoors MOVING , IH'riiAiinsT , August .M. It is reported that Hussian troous are moving towaul Hen ! . It is believed that the Bulgarian revolution ists have possession of the telegraph lines. IN TI1I2 COMMONS. I'arncll mill GlailNtono Make Strong Speeches on the AdilroN.s. LONDON , August at. In the commons to- light Parnell resumed the debate on the nd- .Iress in icply to the queen's speech , lie said the Irish party had every reason to bo satis- led with the present position. The majority of the liberal parly had declared In favor of Irish niilomony. The lories had only prof- led from temporary liberal hesitation. After tlio present government had ex hibited hemselve.s for a year or so , a spectacle for Hod and man , in the attempt to govern Ire land , liberal hesitation would vanish. He said he had only agreed to the adoption of the land purchase act of lbS. > because he then believed a settlement of the national ques tion would come-concurrently , and because the conservative government hail sent o 'Ireland Lord Carnanan , who was an avowed homo ruler. .Now the conditions wereentlrely changed. Gladstone's puichase scheme would have safely settled the land inestlon. If the government thought of bolvlng the Irish question without settling the land questions it would liud It had got hold of tlio wrong end of a very thorny stick. Pariioll read his amendment to the address and proceeded. Ho said judicial rents weie too high , lie accused the government of en couraging landlords to evict by wholesale , knowing agrarian crime always followed evictions. The Irish would bo patient , but tlie incitements held out by the landlords , who tried to exact impossible rents , would bear fruit and might produce exasperation. The landlords would clamor for coercion and force the government to adopt coercive measures. He believed coercion would come , and very severe coercion , too. In conclusion he said : "The Irish will never submit to a government not their own. The question ot autonomous government will always be fixed in the heart of the Irish people. " [ Prolonged cheers ] , Gladstone upon rising was loudly cheered. He began by accusing the government ot having taken an unusual In going so far outside of the speech from the throne. Ho thought the government should have re served the main line for their measures until tlie measures themselves could be presented. He intimated tint ho would take no part In the division on Parnell's amendment , because he deprecated any attempt to force a definite premature expression of opinion on the policy which tlio government foreshadowed for their future guidance. Their policy , however , was open to remarks. It bore-upon five different points , namely ; An issue of n royal commission , the question of miblk works , land purchase , inquiry Into land grants , and Iho suDjeet ot local iroveminent. lie believed tliejgovernmenl's policy was nol n sober one. but was eminently complex ami dinicult. Ho described the policy ot tlio gov ernment ns an absolute Inversion of Hit liolicy of the late . government. In stead of giving Ireland self govern ment , the piesont government proposed thai Kngland snoiild govern lieland to agrentei extent that It did at the present time. The mivcrnmcnt , he continued , evidently in tended to adopt a lai go scheme of land pur chase. Was tlio tenant , he asked , to bt treated upon a basis of real rentable value ol pioporty and the landlord upon a basis ol judicial rentV Gladstone maintained thai there was no ] > ewer within parliament oven to carry Into effect such a fatal proposition , ( Cheers.I Ho had been taunted with havlnu become tlie leader of Irish nationalists , as II that was a charge against him. But lie wu > delighted at having any share 01 any part whatever In becoming a leader 01 follower ho did not care which in nnj movement tending to make smooth the deoj path of the people ot Ireland , and encourage them to hope for a realization of their jnsi rights. ( Cheers. ) Ho feared that tlie policy now anpounced would Increase the dllllcul ties which the late government had striven ft diminish , beausu that policy meant the ad journment of Ireland's hopes , because li otVrrod Ireland what she did not want , anil postponed as long as possible the confirma tion , wlilch alone would give rest and reposi to Ireland. ( Cheers. ) It Is understood that Parnell will not pros : his amendment to a division. All Quiet la Holfnst. UKI.FAST , Aguust .M , Mayor Kger of thii city has gone to Dublin to confer with tin Irish executive In regard to the recent Bellas riots. The city Is quiet to-day. Four mon prisoners , Injured during the late disorders \\eru lust nighl removed to the hospital. Nine policemen , recently arrested , chargei with murder for tiring upon and , as alleged killing a number of people during thulati riots , weio brought uu for examination to-da ; In criminal com t. They all swuro they lirci over he heads of tlio people , Tlio jndm granted the policemen releases on ball wltl two sureties qualifying for 77 > 0 In each case Six of thu men who took conspicuous paits It the rlot.s were to-day committed for trial to commlttini ; manslaughter. It was announce ! that It was the Intention to serve all the riot ers In the same way. Frightful Disaster. MANDALAV , August 21. One of the embankments bankmonts of the Irrawlddy river burst li this city yesterday. The break was 80 yards in length , and so rapid was the flow o wiitcr that in a few moments the whole ills trlct was flooded from four to ten feet dee ) Kugliiecrs ut oucocut the dam south of th * Ity to allow the waters to nihside , but the esult of this action Is as yet unknown. 'Ifty thousand persons are to-day homeless , lieir houses having been cither submerged or destroyed. Numbers were drowned by the sudden ush of waters how many Is not vet nseer- allied , The Hooded district had within Its errltory many food-supplv stores , and all hesiMvcrc swept away. The result will be an nppioaeh to famine among tin1 homeless lopulatlon. The river will not tall sufficiently 0 permit nnv attempt at reconstruction of he broken embankment until November , iritlsh military operations are seriously In- erfered with by the overllow. The damage done bv the flood already nilioiints to S."i,000OJO. Jinny dead bodies are wing constantly washed ashore. Sit Is now estimated thasono thousand per sons lost their lives In the Hood. Additional Troop * for I'vlctloiiM. DL-III.IN , August SI. The Ciitragh ot Kil- lare , a great plain owned by tlio British crown In the heart of Klldaro county , and ised for military purposes , Is the scene of musual activity. The place Is being put In readiness to receive live additional regiments if Infantry nnd four additional regiments of cavalry. These trcsh troops will bo used In assisting in the work of eviction during the joining winter. The authorities expect that he default In rents among the Irish pcasan- rv this winter will be unusually crcat nnd the present force in Ireland will , unless iiuch sticiigthcned. prove Inadequate to the work ot protecting the Interests ot the land- ords. ords.To To OppOHo I'ariioll'n Amendment , LoNimv , August U , The ministers , after 1 lone discussion on Parnell's amendment to the address In reply to the queen's speech , decided to oppose it. The Gull' Simonii. GAI.VHSION , August 'it. The city council it a meeting last evening appropriated Sl,000 for tlie benellt of the storm sufferers of this city. Citizens have subscribed 85,000 'or the same purpose. This will nlford only iompomry relief , ns over one hunched and ifty families are rendered homeless and destitute by the storm. The storm proved very destructive to small vessels elf the Texas coast. It will doubtless bo months before the lull list ot casualties Is secured. One sloop went to pieces off Pelican - ' can .Island , while another sloop near ler Is bottom up. The crew of : wo men is supposed lo liavo jeon drowned. An unknown vessel and Ihree schooners are reported ashore or over turned at different points on the coast. Two of the crew of one schooner wcro lost and the crow of another is supposed also to liavo iieen loit All small craft In the bav from Shoal to J-Mwnrd's point are reported lost. A lumber schooner went to nieces in the bay nnd her captain and cook weie drowned. It is roimhly estimated that the damage done to shipping in this vicinity during the storm will approximate S100.0UO. The village of Oninlana at the mouth of tlie Brazes river was entirely swept away and two schooners driven ashore. No lives were lost so far ns known. Indlanola is a complete wreck. Not more than three or four houses escaped destruction by the heavy storm. A neuro woman and two children won ) drowned. Nearly all the cattle and sheep on the island were drowned. A special to the News from Victoria says : News of the destructive force of hist Fri day's storm is constantly being received. The latest advices report tlio loss of Captain William Moore , wife and live children , and his brother , Dolph Moore , wife and three children , thu former lesidingHt Dem- ing's Bridge ami tlie latter at Klllot. They came down Mntagorda bay Thursday evening - ing to visit friends on the Mutagorda penin sula. On the same evening the party left Indlanola in thu sloop Dauntless for their destination. Yesterday the vessel was dis- coveied in the bay bottom upward. Tlio Con TOSH ion of a Bail Mnti. KiciiMONi ) , I nil. , August ! M. ( Special Tel- eirram to the BniA : sensation was cre ated last evening by the publication In a local paper of the full confession of Nathaniel Bates , who killed his wife at llagerstown on the ' 3d of March , coining as It does at a time when efforts are being made to have his sen tence commuted to Imprisonment for life on the eve of his hanging , which is to occur next Thursday. John F. Kobblns , county prosecutor , went to Indianapolis yesterday to counteract tlie Influence ot the petition with Governor Gray. Hates has all along confessed the killing , but denied premedita tion , which he admits In his confession , while portraving the killing ns moro fiendish than had heretofore been suspected. lie also confesses to hitting a man with a sand-bag at Council Bin It's and throwing him under a walk , where ho was afterward found dead , and supposed to have been frozen to death while drunk. Likewise another , who sur vived , and also to Having helontred to a wing of tlie Jesse James gang. Ho gives no names , however. The Cuttint ; Cnflc. WASHINGTON , August 24. An official telegram has been received from Minister Jackson confirming his reports of Cutting's release , but giving particulars , and no doubt Is entertained nt the department that the published statement with regard to the reasons allowed by the Mexicans for their action are correct The release will not ef fect Sedgwlek's mission , which Is to learn all the facts In the case. The government does not at present concern itself with any question of damages due Culling , but will use the Information It may gather through Sedgwick in furthering Its negotiations for a clian ; ; ! ) of the Mexican laws in so far as they are hold to glvo a right to iry Americans for acts committed with in American territory. The Aresures- Mondragon murder Is still the subject of correspondence , or rather of Inquiry , ns it appears at present the only net tor which this government can demand redress Is for that of kidnapping Aresures when ho was domiciled upon this side of the border Hue. In no event can It bo expected that Mondragon will be surrendered for trial to the American authority , a special treaty clause Intervening to warrant the refusal by Mexico of tlio sur render ot one her citizens. Now York Dry Goods Market. NK\V \ YOIIK , August 24. The exports of domestic cottons for tlio past week have been S.ft'X ) packages , maklne for the expired portion tion of the year a total of 161,18'- ! , against 145,572 for the same tlmo last year , 109,483 In 18S1 , and liW.-m In 18S1. the largest total In any previous year. With auents the demand has been only moderate , still a good volume of business has been reached , The various branches of the jobbing tiado are very busy , * Pus tnfliCQ. Changes. WASHINGTON , August 21. The name of the postotllcu at Joang , Clay county , Xeb. , Is changed to Greensbiiri ; . The following Iowa postmasters were ap pointed to-day ; A. Hamilton , Blocltloy , IH'Ctttur county , vice William M , Hamilton , resigned ; ' ! ' . Jtogors , Laurel.Marshall county , vice J. C. Bulfnrd , resigned ; John Wagner , Itoss , Anilubon county , vice \V \ , J. Lancelot , resigned ; J , W. Tonminjr , Hossean , Monroe county , vice , J. li. Walker , resigned , Mon Lliifnoil In Mines. IlAiiuisnuito , Pa. , August 24. Two ex plosions of gas occurred at Short Mountain colliery at Lyken yesterday afternoon , which burned twenty men seriously. No deaths have yet occurred. The explosions weie caused by lighting a lamp in the air hole. Gone line It to Erin. NEW Yonu , August 24. O'Hrlen , Deasoy and Hedmond , comprising thodplegates from Ireland to tlio Chicago convention * of the Irish National league , left > for Euiopeon thu steamer Wisconsin this noon , Kirkwood Accepts. IOWA CITY , August 24. The Dally llepnb- llcan this evening will prim the name o Samuel J , Kirkwood and authoritatively an pounce that ho will accept the nomination .for congress tendered him at Davenport , in ? nnivc TIII ? Cho Maine Statesman Delivers the First Address of the Campaign , GREAT SUBJECTS DISCUSSED. Hnynrtl Drnoiinocil TOP Ills Action In the CnttliiR CiiHC QticHtloiiH of TarllTi fjnlinr ami Klaliorlca Vouched On. National Innues Discussed. LAKI : Sr.n.uio , Me. , August 34. James (5 , Blaliic arrived hero from Bar Harbor this morning to deliver the opening address of tlie campaign at the republican mass meeting held hero. His speech In substance was ns follows : fellow Citizens : A new administration of the national government Is usually unvexcd In Its lir.-t year except by the Importunities and the disappointments of Its own support ers. The people nl large irlvo .small heed lor the time to public allulrs nnd the discussion of political 'SMIBS ' Is left as a somewhat per functory late ! opposing partisans In con- tress. This period of popular Inaction Is thus not only advantageous for rest , but It prepares those who nro the ultimate arbiters In all matters of pliblleconcorn togivo patient hearing to fair argument when tlio time arrives for popular discussion. Have the old differences between tlio re publican and democratic organisations been adjusted , or have they grown moio palpable and moro pronounced'.1 Ale the questions over which the republicans and Ihu demo crats have waged a long contest to be now abandoned ? Is llrigatlon In the court of pub lic opinion lobe discontinued ami a settle ment effected by entering "neither party" on the people's docket ? Or , on the oilier hand , do the American people just now begin to see with clearer vision the alms and inten tions , the method * nnd the measures of each party , and arcthev waking to a new ami more earnest struggle over politics that are irreconcilable , over measures tnat are in herently nnd inevitably in eonlllct ? " Let us inquire of those things In a spirit of candor ! THU TAltll'F FOI.ICY. It Is In the lirst place especially worthv of ! observation that in the history of Industrial questions no party In time of peace has ever been more united In support of a policy than Is life republican in support of a protective tariff to-day. At the late session of coneress n measure known as the Morrison tarilf bill , designed to lirst weaken and ultimately de stroy the protective policy , was resisted oy so compact an organization ot the republican members that a single vote from New York and two or three votes from Minnesota were all that broke the absolute unanimity of the party. On the other hand , the vast majority of the democratic members supported the free trade side ol'tlio question ; but a small minority , uniting with the republicans , found them selves able to defeat the measure. These leading tacts indicate that the policy of protection versus free trade Is an issue shaped and determined no longer by sectional preference but lias become general and national affording a distinct , well markedliueotdlvision between tlio repub lican and democratic paities. The hostility of tlie democratic party to piotectiou has entailed upon the country a vast loss and has In many ways obstructed the progress and development of certain sec tions. Since the financial panic of 173 and the contemporaneous solidiiicatlon of the southern vote , thu democratic party lias , witli the exception of n single congiess , held control of tht ) house of representatives. The power to originate revenue bills lias been exclusively iiy.thgir'liandsaud they have used it to tlio confusion , the detriment , In many instances to ; ih&destruction of new en terprises throughout the union. " 'Confidence ' once shaken"la { lard to restore , and tlio schemes of Improvement which have been abaudoiied-withln the past ten years on ac count of the uncertainty of our revenue laws constantly menaced by the democratic party In congress would have caused prosperity and happiness In many communities which'hare , felt tlio discouraging influence of dull tithes. The democratic party is constantly using the. comparative dullness in business , which their own course In congress for twelve years has largely developed , as an argument against the policy of protection. But it is worth while to compare the condition of the country in this year of grace with Its condi tion the year before the republicans suc ceeded in enacting their first protective tarilf. In the nine states which still do the larger amount ot manufacturing for tlie country , and which did it nearly all n quarter ot o century ago , It is Interesting and Instruntlvn to compare their financial conditions ut'the beglnningof ISGlaudut the beginning of 1803. The states referred to are the six of New Eng land with New York- . Now Jersey nnd Penn sylvania. In 1801 the country pre sented a condition brought about by nearly auenlire generation of free trade , and the aggregate amount which the people had ac cumulated in their savings banks during that long penou was less than one hundred and sixty millions of dollars. In the same states on the lirst day of Januafy , isec , the aggregate amount in tlio savings banks was over one thousand and twenty millions of dollars. The difference in the amount of savings in Maine for tlie two periods show that in January , 1BG1 , tlio people had less than a million and a half in bank , while In January , 1BSU , the people had over thirty-six millions in bank. \ During this perloiHt must be remembered that the increase of population In the nlno states has been about 45 per cent. , while .tho Increase of deposits In savings banks has been at the rate of bOO per cunt. it must bo remembered that 75 per cent , of this vast sum belongs to the wage-workers. The vast number of depositors may bo In ferred from the fact that In Maine , whore the aggregate population is less than 700,000 , the SJo.OOO.OOOofdeposltsarodivIded between 110- 1)00 ) persons , showing that about one In six of the total population Is u depositor , and that the average to each Is about three hundred and twenty dollars. The figures with wtilch wo arc dealing have been coniliicd to the nine states named be cause in 1801 the manufacturing done in this country was mainly confined to those states , liut the thousand millions of savings by the workers within their borders become still more significant , as an ecoiiomie fact , when wo remember that since IWH the great body of northwestern states under the Inspiring influences of a protective tariff have in turn developed an eiiqrmousaggregation of manu facturing Industries. Ohio , Indiana , Michi gan , Illinois , Wisconsin , are nd longer de voted to agriculture solely , but have a mass of manufacturing lijdnstrles larger In negro- cato value than sd ( ttuo manufactures In nil the states of tlie ujtlon on the day Mr. Lin coln was tirst Inniurprated. And yet another comparison may bo made Btlll more embarrus < i | > K to the free trade doe- triiiarieannd-MorotUlncult for them to an swer. While the American workmen InK nliio states , . , . ' . ' \\K \ \ under n protective tariff , have over ft t | misalid millions of dot lars In savings wn > s , the vastly greater number of working men In Knglnud , Ire land , Scvtlaiuttiuu WuUw , the whole United Kingdom , nil , work i\fi \ under free trade have less than four bund tjil millions of dollars in thu aggregate , both 11n savings banks and postal banks , -'J hes | ) figures and these dollars are the most persuasive of arguments and the conclusion tjiey tc.yh Is so plain that the running man muv read. THU LABOIl O.UKBT10N. The lending fuatijro in the industrial field Of 1SS.1 and ISSQ In thu discontent among the men who earn theirbread by skilled and un skilled labor. Uneasiness and uncertainty are found on all aides ; there are wise alms among many-ami with not a lew there Isuiin- lessness witli its Inevitable result ot ills- appointment and discouragement , The man who could by any prescription remove this discontent and at once restore harmony and happiness , would bo philosopher , patriot and statesman. Thoiuan who professes to bo able to do it will generally prove to be a compound of empiricism and Ignorance. liut in the end , perhaps by .toilsome paths , with many blunders and some wrongs , noone need doubt that bound nnd just arid righteous con clusions wll | be reached , 1'erfect fieedom to test the virtues andseyyre the advantage of organisation , to ewt strong power throush combination , are certainly among the common rights o ( all men under a repub lican government. Labor asioelattons have tliuhaniu sanction nnd the same rights that uy form of incorporation may assuiue-sub- jcct , as all mint be , tn the condition that the persons and properly of other * shall bo re spected. It Is well lor every citizen of a free go\crnment to keep before bis eyes nnd In his thoughts the honored nmlm that "the liberty of one man IIIIIMI always end where the rights of another man begin. " In what may bo termed the imlittiMl creed of the various lalmr organizations I have ob served some singular omlmlous of poillnont and 1 think fact1--fuels which , ns , coutiolling * - - In n spirit of friendship and candor 1 beg to point out , 1 read , it lew ilays slneo. In a creed put forth by an association of Knights of Labor , In another st".t" , a lecital of eigh teen distinct ends which they desired to have secured or maintained by national legislation. Among these theio was not the slightest mention of n protective tariff. That might have been ac cidental torolt might have Implied a per fect sense of safety In regard to tlie continu ance of the taiIff ; or It might have meant that those who proclaimed the creed are In different to the tatc of protection. In any event It would bo well for the labor organizations to diligently Impute and 'cer tain how the wages of labor In the United Stales can be kept above the rate of wages In England , Germany and Franco on the same articles of manufacture will.out the Interven tion of protective duties. With the present cheap modes of Interchange and transporta tion of all commodities , 1 Inquiio of these gentlemen how , under the rule of free trade , can wages In the United States be kept above the general standard of European wages V I do not stop for the detail of argument , 1 only desire to lodge the question In the minds of the millions ot Amei lean laborers who have it in their power to maintain protection or to Inaugurate free trade ; who have it in their power to uphold the party of protection or the party of fiee trade. Another portontious fact has been omitted so far ns I have observed- from the consid eration and judgment of labor organizations. They seem to have taken little or no heed of the existence of more than a million and a half of able bodied laborers in thcsoiith , with dark skins , but with expanding Intellect , in creasing Intelligence and growing ambition. While these men were slaves , working in the corn and cotton Holds. In the rice swamps nnd on the sugar plantations In the south , the skilled labor of the northern states felt no competition from them , liut since they be came freemen there has been a great chaiigo in the variety and skill of the labor performed by colored men In the south. The great mass nro , of course , still encaged In agricultural work , but thousands and tens of thousands , and in fact hundreds of thousands , have en tered and nro entering the mechanical and semi-mechanical Hold. Of course they are underpaid. They re ceive far less than has bean paid in years nast to northern mechanics for&lmilar work. They are able to take no part in making laws for their own protection , and they are consequently quently and inevitably unable to maintain a lair standard of wages or to receive a fair proportion ot their proper earnings. 1 do not dwell on tills subject at length , though it could easily be presented in aggra vating detail. 1 mention it only to place it before the labor organizations of the noith , with tills question addressed to them : Do you suppose that you can permanently main tain in the noithern states one scaloof prices when just beyond an imaginary line on the south of us a far ditfeicnt scale ot prices is paid for labor'.1 The colored mechanic of the south is not so skillful a workman nor so Intelligent a man as you are , but If he will lay brick in a new cotton factory in South Carolina at half the price you are paid , if he will paint and plaster It at the same low rate , he is inevitably eriicting an industry which. 11 the same rate of wages bo maintained throughout , will brlve you out f business or lead you to the irates of his own poverty. The situation is , therefore , plainly dfscern- able and demonstrable , viz : First If tlie democratic party shall succeed , as they have been annually attempting for twelve years past , in destroying the protective tariff , the urtlsaus ot the United States will be thrown into direct competition with tlie highly skilled and miserably paid labor of Europe. Second If the democratic party shall bu ublo to hold control of the national govern ment , , the qolored laborer in the southern states will'remain when ; the southern demo crats have placed him politically , subject to the will of the white man , and unable to fix the price or command the value of his labor. The colored man will , theiefore , under these conditions and influences , remain a constant quantity In the labor market , receiving in- adtmiatu compensation for his own toll , and steadily crowding down the compensation of white labor , if not to his own level yet far be low its just and adequate standard. At every turn , therefore , whether it bo in exposing the white American laborer to the danger of European competition by destroy ing the protective tariff , or whether it bo in reducing the wages of the white man by un fairly making the colored laborer his fatal competitor , In all the fields of toll the demo cratic party north and south appears as the chmny of every interest of the American workmen. With that party placed In full pbVor and with all Its measures achieved , the wages of tjie American laborer will fall as certainly as effect follows cause. THi : FIRIIKHY IJl'KSTION. The fishen-dlsnutu between the United States nnd ( Britain has passed through many singuhir phases In ttio last seventy years , but never before , I think , was It sur rounded with such extraordinary circum stances as we find existing at tills moment. On.tlio 31st day of January , 15 ( , several months before the fishing season of that year began. President Arthur Issued a proclama tion giving notice to the people that the fish ery articles of the treaty of Washington (1671) ( ) had , according to the conditions of the treaty , been formally terminated. This termination of the treaty had been decreed by an overwhelming vote ot both branches of congress and was now nrndo final and effective by tlie president's proclamation. This course had been earnestly desired by the American fishermen , was fully under stood by them and was completed without protest from n single citi/.cn of the United States. i'lve weeks after President Arthur's pro clamation was issued his term closed , and with the new administration Mr. Uayard be came secretary ot state. In three or four days after ho had been installed In nfllco the British minister. Hon. Sackvillo West , sub mitted a proposition to continue the recipro cal lUliing arrangements until January 1 , Ibbfl. After a brief correspondence Mr , liayard accepted the offer. In other words , Mr. West and Mr. Bayard made a treaty of their own by which American fishermen were to bo allowed to fish in British waters six months longer , and Hrltish fishermen should freely lisli In American waters for the same period. It would certainly be apart from my desire to pass any personal criticism upon the piesi- dent , of wnom I wish at all times to speak in terms of respect , but , viewing this as n pub lic question and speaking only with the free dom of a private citizen , I must express my be ttiat this transaction throughout most extraordinary nnd unprecedented. It was extraordinary and unprecedented nnd altogether beyond his proper power for a secretary of state In the recess of congress to revive any part of a treaty which congiess had expressly terminated ; It was oxtraoidi- nary for a secretary of state to begin nego tiations for the renewal of a treaty which every department of government had just united in annulling ; U was extraordinary for n secretary of state to enter into n trade with a foreign minister tor n pies- cut benefit to be paid for by the fiituioaction of thu government , and most of all was It extraoidlnury that a pledge should be given to a foreign government that the president of the United States should in the tutnre more than a halt year distant make a specific recommendation , on a specific subject , In specific words to the congress of the United States. That pledge was given and was held in the British toreign otlico in London , and It took Irom the president all the power of rccoiihidcrntlon which the lapse of time and thu change of circumstances might suggest nnd impose. It robbud the president pro hue vice of his liberty ns an executive. Jle was no longer free to Interest In his annual mes sage ot December what mluht then seem ex pedient on the question of the fisheries , but was under honorable obligations to Insert word lor word , letter tor letter , the exact recommendation which the hecietary of Mate in the preceding mouth of June had promised ami pledged to the British ministry , Congress could not be Induced to concur In the president's recommendation for an Inter national commission on the fisheries , and KO the sctiemo for which Mr , Hayard and Mr. West had made bucli extraordinary prepara tions came to naught. As soon its U became evident that congress would not accept the proposal for a new com mission , the government of tlie Dominion of Canada , with the presumed approval ot the Imperial government , began aterles of out rages upon American fishing vessels and IHiing crews seeking In evcrv wav to de stroy their business and to deprive them ot their fishing rights. Their course continues to this day and Is adopted by the Canadian government with the deliberate Intention ami obvious expectation of forcing conces sions from this government , The humiliation of our situation has been cratintouslv Incioased by the voln of a nujoilt ) of thu democratic paity In thr house of u prcsontatlvo to throw open the markets of the I'nlted States to British and Canadian fishermen , without duty or charge and with out securing to American iiuermon the right to lisli In British and Canadian waters. Tills Is an act ot such unaccountable , rancorous hostility to the fishing Interests of New England that It Isdillh'ult even to compre hend Its motive. John Itaudolph so hated the wool tin UT that he felt like walking a mile to kick n sheep. Do the noithern dem ocrats fool such determined hostility to the fishermen of New England that they would sacriilce n great national interest In order to Inflict a blow upon them' . ' nm.ATioNs wtnt MT.XICO. Another International trouble has increased our sense of chagrin and humiliation. In contrast with our patient endurance of Cana dian outrage towards American lishctmcn , we have made nti unnecessary and undigni fied display of insolence nnd bravado towards Mexico. There Is no adequate cause for the demonstration. I do not stop at this point to narrate the precise facts attending the ir.i- prlsonmont of Mr. Cutting. I know that \\o cannot without loss of character for honor and chivalry tu-gin our negotiations with threats of war. 1 maintain that when thu United States agreed to accept nibltintlon as the means of adjusting our grave dif ficulties with Knglaiuf we came under bonds to the public opinion of the world to offer nibitratlon to any weaker power as the moans ot settling difficulties in all cases whore wo cannot adjiHt thorn by direct ne gotiation. If wo are not willing to accent that conclusion we place ourselves In the dis reputable attitude of accepting arbitration with a strong power anil resorting to force with a weak jowcr. ) I am MHO no Ameilcan citizen of self-respect desires to see Ills coun try subjected to that destiadation. Kor thu United States to attack Mexico without giv ing her an opportunity to be heard bcfoie an Impartial tribunal of arbitration would be for a great nation of unlimited power to put herself to open shame befoie the world. There could not , fellow-citizens , in my judgment , be n moro deplorable event than a war between the United States and any other republic of America. The United States must bo regarded as the elder sister In that family of commonwealths. Even in the day of our weakness wo gave aid and com fort to them in their struggle tor Independ ence , and let us not fall now to cultivate friendly and Intimate relations with them. Kofrainlng from war ourselves wo shall gain the Inllueiice that will enable us to prevent war among them , so that peace shall bo as sured and perpetual on this continent , War In any direction would piove a great calam ity to tlie United States , but war forced on Mexico would be n crime , marked In an es pecial degiec by cruelty. Tlllltl ) I'AHTV I'KOllinmONlSTS. Referring to the third partv movement In Maine , Mr. Blalne concluded as follows : The supporters of the third party adopt ns their shibboleth that "the republican party must bo killed , " and they have secured the co-operation of- the democrat , of the free trader. of the saloon proprietor , of all men who wish to keep six millions of colored peo- in the south disfranchised and oppressed. iilu t is an insincere coalition , an unnallowcd paitnerslilp. an unholy alliance. Against It tlie republican party of Maine presents its uniform support of prohibition , Its splendid lecord ol devotion to tlie protection of Ame rican labor , its long and patient elfoit In behalf of those who are down-trodden and deprived of natural rights. Tlie republican party lias always fought its battles single- handed , against great odds , and now with principle untarnished ami courage undaunted it will again triiAnptj over the combined force of all Its , foes. . . To. .Remove the Apaches . WASHINGTON , August 24. There is no longer any reasonable doubt but that the gov ernment has fully decided to permanently remove from the territory of Arizona those members of the Clilrlcaliuaand Warm Spring bands of Apaches now on San Carlos reser vation. The only important question now Is said to bo where they shall bo located. It Is stated that the detention at Fort Leaven- worth. Kan. , of Chief Chatto and his dozen companions , who were returning to their res ervation from a visit to Washington , and who , as well ns Gerominoandliisband ot icn- egades. belong to the Chiricahmis , was ordered , as a precaution against their anticipated bitter opposition to the scheme of removal. It is also stated that the presi dent lias glvon his willing consent to the change , and has placed the details in thu hands of Secretary Lamar nnd ( iencral Sheridan , and that ho warmly approves of the vigorous policy of ( ieneral Mffes. The peace of the southwest demands that the hostilcs should be pursued until captured or exterminated , and Gcronlmo , when cap tured should bo punished as other perpo- tiators of high crimes nre punished. The OlcomnrKarino Stamp. WASHINGTON , August 24. Work upon the models for the oleomargarine tax stamp has been delayed by the absence of the assistant superintendent of the bureau of engraving and printing , and they will not bo ready for several days. The design Is said to be slm- nly a bull trampling a serpent underfoot in the center , while around the margin are the words "oleomargarine" and "Internal revenue , " the demominatlon of the stamp be ing indicated in the comers. There will bo three varieties of stamps needed In order to operate the oleomargarine law one kind for retailing , another for wholesale dealers. and a third for manufacturers. These will bo made of several denominations , and coupons pens will be attached In order to make any intermediate numbers reeulred. AVUconslii Hrccdcrs1 Meeting. Mn.wAi'KKn. August 24. Excellent time was made at the opening of the annual meet ing of the Wisconsin horse breeders' associ ation at Cold Spring park to-day. The track was a trifle heavy but in good condition , and the weather perfect. First Call won tho820 : ! trotting race , taking the three last heats , Mary Spragne coming In lirst In the first two heats and making the exceptionally good Hum of 2:21 : In the lirst ; Frank McCluru thiid , Sorrel lied fourth. In the 2o : : ; class , trottlny. Opal won In three straight heats , with Mattlit 1) . second , Calvlna Spniguo thiid , David It. fourth. Uebt time , 3 :2b : . National Capital Notes. WASHINGTON , August 21 , Judge Durham , fiist comptroller of the currency , Is confined to his home by sickness , Commodore Walker , acting secretary of the navy , is very 111 with high fever. The ticasury department Is Informed that Special Agent A. M. Harnoy died at New \ctvk to-day. Mr. Bainey was n gallant boldleriiiid rose to the rank of brevet briga dier general during the war. He was in the service of tlio treasury department moro than twenty years. A TGXUH Hull Ktorui. OAI.VKSTON , Tex. , August 24 , A special to the News from Han Antonio says ; "About 3 o'clock this evening a funnel shaped cloud made Its appearance In thu northwest , and in a few seconds swept diagonally across tlie city. Thu storm lasted about fifty minutes anil It was accompanied bv heavy hall , the HZ | of marbles. A number of buildings were badly damaged. IlogllH HtlttOr CHICAGO , August 21. Of the twenty-Avo members of the National Biitterine nnd Oleomargarine association sixteen were In attendance at the meeting to-day. Tne bill taxing oleomargarine was denounced as an outrage. It was decided to test the validity of the law should an attempt be made to en force it. _ Won't Join lie I'ool. ST. PAUI , August 21. Traflle Manager Hanley , of the Minnesota & Northwestern , has written Commissioner Falthorn , of the Northwestern freight association , that his mad will not join the association until the milling in traiult system is abolished. i Tiir"r > ntp / 111111 if > t n nit MRS1 BIG .CAMPAIGN GUN , Republican State Convention in Iowa Opens To-Dny. MANY WHEEL-HORSES IN LINE. Konomlnatloii of tlio Ohl Ticket l'rol nlU A ICoy-Noto Tlmt Will Iti'-oolin In tlio AiIlroniu'kN CuiirnueouH Klrkxvooil. of the Day's Work. Dr.s MOINI : * , la. , August -Special [ Telegram to the llii : : . ] The Indications ot to-morrow's meeting now point to one of the largest and most enthusiastic conventions over held In the state. The anlvaN to-night Included Senator Allison. Congressmen Hen derson , of Dnbuquc , and Htrublc , of l.e.Mars ; Ex-iovcrnor ( ! ear and many ot the old leadeis of the p.uty. One of the lu-st signs about this year's convention Is tlie laigo number uf old wliecl-luirscs oftho | p.iity who nre to take part tn It. It seems like one ot the old-time Iowa conventions and It will In clude many of the mm , who for the last few years have not been very enthusiastic over the icpubllcan party , but two yeais of a democratic administration have warmed up the old fires and turned them toward their first love. There will be no dllletanfl tone to Iowa republicanism as It shall bo set forth to-morrow. Every republican hern has his lighting clothes on , .so to speak , nnd repub lican enthusiasm runs high. As one of the lirst republican states to hold n convention this year , the Iowa republicans propose to sound a key-note that will not bu mistaken , so the utterances ot the platform tire likely to have a very slnlwait llavor , Talk witli various delegates shows that they generally favor striking straight out from the shoulder , and they intend that the administration , even In the recesses of the Adlroudacks , shall know what Iowa repub licans think of Its work. On the subject of pension vetoe the platform will probably speak very plainly , lor Iowa republicans have very warm feelings for Union soldiers , 80,000 of whom went fiom this state to put down the rebellion. On the temperance question no advance ground will bo taken. It Is generally thought the republican party has given the prohibitionists all the Itgisla- tlon that leason could a k , and if piohibition is over to be enloiced it must be with thu laws that hive already been clvon. Thiro will bu no lichton tills subject and no nt- lompt will be made to aggravate or ulicnato Iho anti-prohibition republicans , who hava borne a great deal In the past anil yet stayed true to the paity. There may bo a resolution on the subject of senatorial back pay , referring to the Impeachment tiial , but if there is it will condemn back-pay and double-pay , and excuse no one who toolc more than what a strict and high minded construction of the constitution would allow. Iowa republicans are getting on thtir mettle nnd propose to have no moie strife or dlssen- tlous , but bury differences In a light against , a' common foe , so the convention jiioiiiises to bo unusually harmonious. Theonly possible ) bone of contention is the question of admit ting the Anderson delegates from Kiemont county. Indications point to the nomina tion or Beardsley as auditor , though Lyons and Peck crowd on his heels. All the other state officers will probably bo rcnoml- nated. _ G ran ( I Old Man Jvlrkwood. DEsMoiNKS , la. , Augusts- ) . [ Special Tel egram to the Bir.J : Much clelleht Is felt that cx-Uovenior Kirkwood has accepted the re publican nomination for congress in tlie Second end district. No sympathy , is felt for the fusionists , who , in order to down JInyes , the pet of the saloons , would support O'Miarn , a total abstinence man but n democrat. Ite- publicans hero all say that Kirkwood has dunn the noble act of his life in agreeing to lead the forlorn hope nnd carry the republi can colors in a district with 0,000 democratic majority and a republican defection beside. The Grant Club Opened. Irs MOINKH , la. , August 24. [ Special Telegram to the Bni.1 Tlio opening of the Grant club occurred to-night , nnd was an oc casion of marked enthusiasm. Speeches wcro made by Senator Allison , Colonel Hender son , Colonel Hepburn and others. The Grant club Is composed of leading republicans ot this city , who have organized a permanent political nnd social club , to be n continuous center of influence and a recrultr Ing point for republican strength. Will Send Him Buck Di'.sMor.NKS , la. , August 21 , E. II. Con ger , republican representative in congiess1 from this ( Seventh ) district , was reiioml- uated by acclamation to-day. Nebraska and lown Wcnthcr. For Nebraska and Iowa fair weather , slightly warmer. The Missouri Pnolflo Lincoln Line ; WiJim-u : WATKII , Neb. , A iignstJM. [ Cor'- rcspondcnco of the Ilii.j : : Yesteulay the Missouri Pacific was finished nnd to-nionow trains will be put on between Omaha and1 Lincoln via Weeping Water. Tlje contract has been let to Casement & Carlyle to extent the road east and connect with the Walush somewhere near Nchiuska City , as the Wubash In now building from' ' Shciiundoah , la. this way. i I5iitter KulcH Perfected. WASiiiNoro.v.Aiigust 24. Collector Stone , of Chicago , and Bates , of the Internal reve nue Imic.iu , who were charged with the duty of preparing the regulations necessary to carry Into ultcct thu provisions of the oleo margarine bill , completed their work to-day. The proposed regulations ate full nnd com plete , and were favorably considered by Commissioner Miller. They will bo ready" for publication In a few days. A. Schooner Wrecked , HALIFAX , August 21. The schooner Mil- Ho li was wieeked on Port Monton Island' yesterday. Captain Downh1 was killed by the main boom falling upon him , and Benja min Downlo was drowned. The rest of the crew weio saved. Beware of Scrofula Scrofula U prnhnbly moro general than any other disease , It U Insidious In character ; and manifests Itself In running sores , pustular eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged Joints ; abscesses , sure oycs , etc. Hood's 8urnaparlll.i expels all trace of scrofula from the blood ) leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy , " I was severely afflicted with scrofula , and over a year had two running sores on my neck. Took live bottles Hood's Sarsapurllla , and am cured , " 0. E , LOVUJOY , Ixiwcll , Mass. 0. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had serofulnus norcs for seven years , spring and fall. Hood's Barsaparllla cured him. Salt Rheum Is ones nf tlio most disagreeable diseases caused by Impure blood. His readily cured by Hood's Karsaparllla , the gicat blood purifier. William Bples , Klyrla , O. , Btiftcrcil greatly from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused by handling tobacco. At times his hnmltt would crack open and bleed. Ho tried various pi up * -nations without alii ; finally took Hood's Har. taparllla , nnd now Bays : " I am entirely well. " "My bou had salt rheum on IdsliuniUand on the calves of his legs. Ho teed Hood's BaisapaiIlia and Is entirely cured. " J. 13 , Htanton , Jit. Vermin , Ohio. Hood's SarsapariHa Sold l > y alldrugtiUU. gl ; lx furgs. Mikdoonljt by C. I. HOOD A CO. , Aithciarlc ) : , Iwi > | lMai , ( OO DOBGB One Dollar 4