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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1886)
1 SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , FRIDAY MORNING , AUGUST 27 , 1886. NUMBER 01. TENANTS HOLDING THE FOKT , Evicted Irish Peasants Preparing for a Strucglo "With the Police. HOUSES STRONGLY BARRICADED J'roopi Moving to tlio Scene of the Kxpcotcd Disturbance ) In County Gahvay Ilnyaottlnu ilio Intru ders KoriIKn News. A Stnto or Stone. I ) rni.ix , August 'M. \ New York Herald Cable Special to the Br.H. ] The struggle betvtcen the police and the tenants ousted In the evictions on the Marquis of Clanrieardo's estate , near Woodford , continues to bo the great topic heie. I have just rcturnc'd ftoin n visit to the locality. ( lalway men In Amer ica may remember a little stieam at the south- cast corner of Ualway county called Wood- ford river , which empties into ttio Shannon , wheiolt foims the plctutesqito Louehdera. Here , as Is already generally known In New Yoik , the tenant Saundeison has barricaded his bouse , with fifty men Inside. They meta phorically sing thu Moody and Saukey song , "iioi.n TIII : roitr. " I found the place almost in a state of Blege. In the country round about Wood- lord , for twenty miles from the nearest rail way station , the people form quite n primitive community , and know scarcely anything of the theoretical views concerning evictions now being aned in the house of commons. They are , however , practical people. They have ploughed the roadways leading to "Sauiiiierson's fort. " as his house Is irener- ally called. Near tiio house trees , trunks and branches have been laid across the ap proaches. This was done on the Instigation of a rumor that the ball I Its were nitlNfllXO A IIATTKIHNII HAM. The bailiffs , however , cannot now come be cause the people have destroyed the bridge over tlio Shannon on the road from Porlumua to Loiiscan. Near the latter place are thou sands of people coming from Clare. The Limerick church bells aio continually tolling for miles along the road. Strangers arc looked on suspiciously , but as an American i needed no backing. U.illlnasloc , to the northward , Is a marked town and the head quarters of the Oalway constabulary , where the authorities are drafting more police , whoso spiked helmets are seen along the causeways , for really the whole district is In most excited and resolute condition. really constitute a strong garrison at Por- tumna , between Woodford and Balllnasloc. No soldiers are yet to bo seen , but the author ities say tl detachments arc ready. Nearly twenty other * tenant * than Saunderson's ex pect evictions , and are about ready for a Biegc. All these have reclaimed improved laud without the aid of Claiiriearde. The amount of rent due frotr. all docs not exceed gSOO. Saunderson is liable for SCO a year , but the costs are now S03 against him. Tlio po lice force is IIOYCOTTKl ) BY Till" RIIOFKRIM'KJIS of Portumna anil elsewhere , and with great difficulty the constabulary are getting feeder or drinic , except tor a little garden of truit and the Shannon water. County Inspector O'Brien tineatened the shopkeepers with billeting the policemen. The Saiiudersons' case Is regarded as a test one. I found that nil had got the idea that the new government isgoln ; to use strong coercion , and think that o stand had better bo made when the supplies nre in tlio house for a fortnight. TUB 110ADS IUCKKTKI ) . All the roads and principal places are picketed by the populace. Men who are working at the little harvesting will get duo notice when the storming of the fort begins. Some thought that Chinrlcardo might with draw his process , but the landlord dilemma is on him. If ho surrenders tlio tenants everywhere will take now courage. I think that very soon the conflict will begin but It Is not expected that the tenants will use lire- nrms. , _ Boycotting the Troopa. DUIII.IN , August 27. Midnight [ New York Herald Cable Special to the HKK.J Telegrams just In from Hearsonstown , In Ulrr Kings county , on the borders of Tipper- ary , say that 200 of tlio Twelfth light in fantry , 1'rinco Albert's regiment , with seven officers , that had been stationed there , were marching on to Portumna. They were un able to obtain transportation , owing to the boycotting of the Birr branch of tlio National league. Concurrently with the march was Issued a manifesto forbidding all kinds of aid to the soldiery , RULGAUIA'H IlHOlIj. Turkoj-'H Feclinsj Over tlio Compli ant IOIIH Contradictory HcportH. CONKTANTINOIM.K , August 20. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to iho BEI- : . ] This first Bulgarian coup d' etat was a grcal surprise to all outside of the Husslan em bassy. 1 am convinced thnt no one had UK slighteit thinking of such an event Impend- ing. The news Hrst came through railway people early on Saturday evening , but It was thought Incredible until its confirmation ar rived from Bucharest In a government dis patch to the Koumaiilan charge , who war lioldlng a diplomatic soiree at his resldonct at Bugakderc. The news caused a rapid IMHI'IHIHION OK Till : IIL'KSTS , who hastened to look up their cipher codes , Although , as usual , VotldolT affects greal surprise , It was universally believed thai Itussian Intrigue was at the bottom of this stupendous piece of treachery and ingratl tudu , military aid having been seemed to the unscrupulous use of Russian rubles. rilliuisil Ol'INJON SOU.NDKII. 1 have sounded the Turkish opinion In al ! directions , Tlio palace has taken tlio niattei calmly , ulllioiijjh it is feared that OHM again It may prove that the following of tin Uritlsli policy has brought disaster on Tur key. The matter Is regarded on all sldds as n tresh blow to the British prestige am Influence by Itussla , and should no active measures bo taken to reinstate Aleaxnder , Kngliind will lose her last in lluenco In Constantinople. Turkej herself will maintain as before an ATT1TITIIK OK AltMKI ) OIISKIIVATIOX , Troops have already been sent to n Iron tier post , called Mustaphu Pasha , but wll not advance unless by the concentrated ac tion of the other powers. Little sympathy If expicssed with the prince by the Turks , whe i > ro still boreon ) account of iiis placing himsel : nt the head of the eastern Itoumellui movement. Nevci tin-less , all consider thai Kuglaud Is bound by honor to save his throne Both the ( ircoks and Turks ask : Where nevIs Is the Bulgarian barrier against Kits eia which Kngland sought to ere nto ? The Greeks are quite exultan over the matter. The sniltan's advlsen persuade him not to fear complications i there Is an election of a new prince. This they say , would bo the best guarantee for tin maintenance of the desired peace in tin * Dalkans. ANOTIIKI ! CANDIDATE , 1 hava It on good authority that Prlnci Vladimir will be put forwatd as n caudhlati in lUo upproAShiui ; meeting of the assembly. The communications to or from BulL'nrla nre very dilllcult. I have been unable during the last three days to get any despatch otT , as perhaps you nl- iraily know. The boats from Varna bring no passengers , and trains via Adrlanoplo carry no passengers acioss the Koumcllali frontier. rnMMi\rrMi\TOK : : TUB nrsit't's. Vm.v.NA , August OT. The Uusslau Tele gram agency's statement that Piince Alex- nder hai been released Islittlocredltcd hern. LONDON , August ' . ' 0. The queen tele graphed to Bucharest yesterday for news of rVlexander of Bulgaria. Conflicts have taken lace in the streets of Sofia between locallsts Mid supporters of Keanceoff. The prince's wllii-reiits are still In prison , Caravaroir , "tusslaii captain In command of Alexander's /acht , telegraphed to Bucharest In icply to nil Inquiry that the prince uos handed over 'othe Russian authorities. Blsmaiek's unusual cour c In visiting Do- gleislsmiieh commented upon. It ts the general opinion that Itussla will not now al ow Alexander to re-ascend the throne. CoNSTANTINOI'I.B , AUgllSt 20. Nolldoff , Husslan ambassador herei Informed his col- cainics that In event of serious disorders in Bulgaria , Uussla would , with other powers , consider necessary .measures for interference. The c/nr ordeied that Alexander bo for warded to KisslnctV , if ho ictuses to accept 'ils abdication as an accomplished fact. Towns In Bulgaria are decked with Hags , and theie Is a ireueral rejoicing at the over- 'brow of the rebels. VIENNA , August 20. The c/.ar has per- iillted Alexr.ndur to proceed to licrinany by way of Odessa. LONDON. August 20. The Itrltlsh foreign ) lllcer has been Informed that Prince Alex ander is safe and free and is on his way to 'Ms home In Darmstadt. Dispatches state hat after being convoyed out ot Bulgaria the prince was set tree at Hrnl. It is bclelved that when Alexander learns of the counter revolution In his favor he will at once return to Solia. Ills presence there it Is believed ll quell all disorder and restore peace to the country. LONDON , August 20. J. Ferguson , under foreign secictury. stated In the commons this afternoon that loyal troops entered Solia Tuesday with tlio consent of the powers. The exact whereabouts of Alexander , the secre tary said , was unknown to the British gov ernment , but telegrams have been forwarded him Inviting him to return and resume rule In Bulgaria. SOKIA , August20 , A single regiment of troops assisted by a number ot military cadets accomplished the work of deposing Alexander. .Before proceeding against the prince the revolutionists arrested the com mander of Alexander's regiment which was nt Sllvnitza. The provisional government seeing that the people were loyal to the deposed prince , resigned office , and liberated the commander , wiio at once brought his regiment to Slivnlt/.a and disarmed the regiment which had assisted in the arrest of film. After this the commander placed under arrest the political loaders who had managed the coup d'etat. The powers have recognized thn government foimed by KarovololT as premier. The provisional gov ernment has assured the portn that the move ment in favor of Alexander Is not inimical to Turkey , and has asked the porto to reopun the tailway between Constantinoulo and I'hillippopulis. LONDON , August 20. The Morning Post has a dispatch from titanboul saying : The greatest excitement prevails here owinir to the belief that Russia intends to occupy Bul garia. The military department is in a state ot feverish activity. Orders have been given toiecrnit : i,000 ( ) men in Syria. The Standard's Berlin correspondent says : Em peror William , on hearing of the sei/uicand kidnaiinlng of Prince Alexander , wrote a sharp letter to thoc/.arexpressiutf aimr/.emcnt and indignation , When the king of Scrvla heard of the events at Solia ho said : "Jt is the greatest piece of Infamy ever per petrated in Europe. If 1 knew where Alexander was I would sacrifice all I possess to afford him assistance. " The report of the arrival of Alexander at Darmstadt is not confirmed. 1'KSTH , Amiust 20. It is positively stated that Alexander , on hearing the result ot the loyalists' movement , resolved to return to Bulgaria. Ho is expected to arrive to morrow at Kustchuck , whence an army will conduct him in triumph to Solia. CONSTANTINOI-I.I : , August 20. The Levant Herald contains a statement that Alexander will be detained by Russians and it Is be lieved , unless ho consents not to return to Bulgaria , will be bound to return a prisoner to Russia. LONDON , August 20. Thn Hn.ssian charge d' affairs had an Interview with the loreign secretary to-day. He protested against the insulting language used by the KnglTsh press , and reaflirmed that the c/.ar had no knowl edge of the Bulgarian conspiracy. When Prince Alexander received the news of the success of his friends in Bulgaria no was deeply moved. He telegraphed his father ho would visit Darmstadt before returning to liuigaria. LONDON. August 20. Prince Alexander has arrived at Darmstadt. IN THIS COMMONS. Sexton Introduces an Amendment WIilcli Creates a Sensation. LONDON , August 20. Sexton , Parnellltc , gave notice in the commons this evening of Ills intention to move the following amend ment In the address In reply to the queen's speech : We humbly represent to your majesty that the circumstances accountable for the recent riots in lielfust dictate tlio necessity for special measures to maintain order there , the most urgent of those measures being the re-establishment of your majesty's author ities in the district wlicrofrom the police have been expelled , by the Increase of local con stabulary to such strength as will enable It to deal wltn any probable contingency. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach declared that Ccncral Buller was not sent to Ireland to es tablish martial law. nor to strain ordinary law. but merely to assist the civil authorities in the won ; ot preserving social order and detecting and punishing crime. Tins reply was not deemed satisfactory by the opposition , and Russell moved thu ad journment of the house. Wholesale opposi tion , consisting of all the Cladstonlan and Panic ! 11 to members , arose In support of the motion , and Russell proceeded to contend that the policy of government was to degrade Ireland to thu level of a savage and barbar ous country. Ho made a vigorous speech , In which ho said that General Buller was only known as a military man , and It had been predicted that he ( Bullcr ) , would treat the moonlighters as rebels. Lord Randolph Churchill replied at length , defending the govern men t'.s policy and reaf firming Hicks-Beach's assertions about Bliller. Churchill did not want an adjourn ment , lu-coucluslon Churchill said : Tlio motion wilt not have a practical Issue. The government refuses to discuss the merits of General Buller's appointment , and wilt have nothing inure to do with the discussion. ( Cheers ) . Sir William Vernon Hareourt replied to Churcuill. Itussell's motion was finally ielected. Chamberlain , resuming the debate , said there were two sides to the runt Question willingness and ability. They wanted to know whether the tenants would be per mitted to pay If they w e willing , and also whether thu Panie.ll- ites supported Parndl's attitude when he said at Chicago it was their duty to make English government In Ireland impos sible. If the Purnellltes repudiated that speech , they must also repudiate American donations. Russell followed and the debate then ad journed , Irish Affairs. LONDON , August 20. A whip has been Is sued urging tory members to attend tlio meeting of the commons to-night and defeat ParncU'R amendment to the address In reply to the queen's speech In relation to the Irish land question. Di'i.PA&T , August 03. Everything quiet to-day. Huge paving stones and broken glass mark the scene of last nlirht's riot. Key. Dr. Kane , protestunt minister , who de clared that unless thu police are immediately disarmed two hundred thousand armet Orangemen would lelleve them of their wea pons. , is again out with a declaration clung- Ini ! thu .magistrate of Hclfubt with criminal parleying wltU lawlessness. A SECOND CONVENTION DAY , Cho Democrats of Illiuois ami the Republi cans of Michigan Meet. PLATFORMS WHICH DO NOT JIBE. 31cvn1anil's AdiiilnUtrntlon Kmtorscd by tlio llonrltnns , Inclndins ; the Cutting Incident-Oilier Con ventions Political Notes. Illinois Democrats. , 111. , August 20. The demo cratic state convention was called to order at loon by Hon. Alfred OrcnadorfF , chairman of the state central committee , lion. James W. Duncan , of La Sallo county , was named as temporary chairman. Duncan , In Ills speech , gave umiualHicd praise to the admin istration of President Cleveland. The con vention Hall was liberally supplied with cir culars slmied by tlio executive committee of : he slate labor association asking for a reso lution abolishing prison contract labor. Alter appointing a committee on credon- iluis the convention adjourned to 2 o'clock. The convention met at :5 : p. in. and the com mittee on permanent organization piesented aiopoit lecommendlng that the temporary organization be made permanent , which was unanimously adopted. Nominations then being In order , George C. Anderson , of ( jnlncy , nominated for state treasurer A. . ) . K. Kicker , of ( Juiuey. There boim * no further names proposed the nom ination was made unanimous. General Jesse Phillips , of Montgomery county , pie- sentcd tlio name of Professor F. T. Oldt. of Lanark , Carroll county , for superintendent of public Instruction , and lie was nominated by acclamation. Alter the nominations had been made , and while awaiting the report of tlio committee on resolutions , Messrs. itlckerand Oldt were introduced to the convention. They brlelly expressed thanks for the nominations eon- fened upon them and promised to exeit themselves to their utmost to sceiiio the elec tion of the ticket. Congressman Lawler spoke briefly to a question ot privilege , and then the committee on resolutions reported the following platform , which was adopted unanimously and without debate : Tin : iM.ATFiiiiM. Kesolvcd , That the democracy ot Illinois in convention assembled loalllrms the plat form of principles adopted by the national democratic party at the Chicago convention , which nominated ( JroverCloveland resident , Thomas A. Hendilcks vice-president , and congratulate the country upon their election , and tlm restoration ot our party to power In tlio admlustratlon of the national govern ment ; that we cotillally approve the ad- minstratlon of President Cleve land for Its faithful adherence to the principles of the democratic paity and to the pledges made to the people before the election , and tor its ability , integ rity and economy in the administration of national affairs. Hesolved , That the democratic party , by Its history and traditions , is nlodged to the urolcctfnn of all American clti/.ens , both na tive bom and naturalized , while sojourning in foreign lands , and we heartily commend the prompt and successful demand of Presi dent Cleveland's administration for the re lease Of an American citizen from unjust confinement In a Mexican prison. Kesolvcd , That the taxation of the people for other purposes than that of raising reve nue for the expenses of the government economically administered , Is robbery under the form ot law ; that we arc In favor ot a reduction of the present unjust tariff to a revenue basis , mid heartily endorse the action of those democratic lenrescntatives in con- giess who were faithful to the cause of tariff reform. Jtesolved , That the action of the demo cratic house of representatives of the lorty- clghth and forty-ninth congresses In declar ing forfeited and reclaiming from railroad corporations about 100,000,000 acres of land unearned by such corporations is hereby heartily endorsed and approved. Kesolved , That the ownership of real estate in this country by persons not citizens of the United States , or who have not de clared their intention to become such , Is injurious to American interests and may bo attended with evil consequences. Wo there fore heartily approve of such legislation by congress as will effectually protect the public lands from such alien entries and ownership , so that the same may , as fur as possible ba reserved for our own citizens. Jtesolved , That we favor a financial policy in which gold and silver and paper currency convertible into coin on demand , shall consti tute the circulating medium ; that thu surplus in the national treasury sho.ihl . bo applied in the payment of tile national public debt , to the ends that large accumulations in the tieasury beyond the proper necessities of the public service shall not occur , thus assuring honest and economical government and re lieving the people from unnecessary and oj > - presslve taxation. Jtesolved , That we are opposed to the Im portation of foreigners and aliens under con tract to perform labor In the United States ; that we demand such legislation by congress as may bo necessary to prevent such impor tation , and as will effectually prohibit Chinese immigration ; that we demand the abrogation of all laws which do not bear equally upon capital and labor : that we de mand the passage of stringent laws to pro tect the health , and enhance the safety of employes of railways , manufacturing estab lishments and mining operators , and to com pel employers to mak's prompt payment of wages to those in their employ ; that wo ap prove legislation prohibiting thu employment of children under fourteen years of age In the mines and factories of this state ; that In the enactment of all laws , strict regard should be had for tlio rigiits of the laboring masses , and that wage workers should bo protected from tlio oppressive power of monopolies and encouraged in ail lawful efforts , organized or otherwise , to secure just compensation and to advance their social and material interests. Kesolvcd , That we favor such measures and policies as will promote harmony in the icia- ations between capital and labor , and ade quately protect the lights and interests of both , and to this end wo favor the establish ment , as far as possible , ot boards of arbitra tion to settle disputes between employers and employes. Kesolvcd , That we favor the enactment of such laws as will effectually prohibit convict labor from coming In competition with hon est laborers , and that wo especially commend to the voters of this state the ratification of the constitutional amendment on this sub ject submitted at thu coming election. Jtesolved , Thnt wo are in favor of the maintenance of public order , of the protec tion of persons and property against mob violence , and of strict cnfoiccmcnt of tlio laws , and that all conspiracies to defy or re- slst constituted authorities are criminal and subversive of the popular rights and should bn promptly suppressed by the strong arm of thu government. Kesolved , That while wo have no purpose to Interfere with just laws lor the regulation of the traffic In Intoxicating liquors and for the prevention or conection of the evils to society growing out of the abuses in their sale , wo declare that It is not legitimate province of the government to control the habits , tastes , appetites and libcities of people ple so Ionr as they are orderly and peaceable and do not encroach upon the rights' * of others or of society. Wo therefore declare the prohibition , by constitution or by general laws , ot the manufacture or sale ot vinous , mult or spirltous liquors , would bo In viola tion of individual and personal rights and contrary to tlio fundamental principles of free government. Kesolved , That in common with thedcmoc ? racy of the country \vo express our sympathy with Ireland in her great struggle tor nome rule and our sincere nope that the effort now being made to give the right to govern them selves to u longsufferlngnnilgieatly wiojigcd Irish people shall be crowned with complete success. Kesolved , That the democratic party favors libeial pensions to all wounded and disabled soldiers and sailors of the late war. and wid ows and dependent lelalives of those who lost their lives in defense of the country , and leltirn thanks to congress for the liberal ap- propriatlons made for this purpose , ' Jtesolved , That wo rootlirm the ereat prin ciples which constitute tlio foundation f free government , among which a'ro equal rights to all men and exclusive privileges to none , the protection of thu weak against the , equal uxatlgu , free tucccu , lice ureas , free schools , and , above all , a free and Incor ruptible ballot. Kesolved , That wo deplore the loss lo the country occasioned by tlm death of the gal lant democratic soldiers. George B. Model- Ian and Wlnlield Scott Hancock , and the eminent statesmen , Horatio Seymour * Thomas A. llendrlcksand Samuel .J.Tildeh , and we commend lha. example of their lives as woilliv of all tniltttlon. The convention adjourned. Kopulillcnttfl. JVvi'tDS. Mich. , August 20 , The republican state convention met again tills morning. The temperance question Is causing delay In the formation of the platform. A prohibition plank which Was offered was dis cussed by the committee on resolutions until 2 o'clock this morning without .settling the question. At s o'clock the committee aealn assembled and resumed the discussion. Cyrus W. Luce was nominated tor governor by ac clamation and James > A. McDonald , of hsen- nda. for Lieutenant Governor. Two platform adopted favors tariff upon Imported products of lower priced foreign labor and the restoration of the 1S07 tariff on wool. The organization of labor for the pro tection of their interests Is favored , as is also the enactment of laws for the settlement of controversies by arbitration. The platform opposes the importation of Chinese labor , the abolishment ot convict labor , provided tree labor will not bt > compelled to support con victs in idleness ; oppuse.s tlio doctrine of the anarchists , and advocates absolute protection of every Individual In the enjoyment of the fruits ot his personal efforts ; advocates that the people should be allowed to vote upon any change In the law as affecting liquor sell ing , and opposes granting any of thu public domain to aliens. The following In addition were nominated : OH. K. Osmaii , secretary of state ; CSeome L. Maltz. treasurer ; Henry 11. Alpln , auditor general ; Moses Taggart , attorney general : C. Koscoe O. Jlx , commissioner of the land otlice : Joseph S. Kstubrook , superintendent of public Instruction ; S. S. Babcock for member of the state board ot education. At 11 o'clock a recess was taken until 2 o'clock. The resolutions denounce the present na tional administration for Its Indefensible vetoes of measuics for the relief of veterans and widows and orphans of veterans. The resolutions insist that "It Is the duty of con gress to enact such laws as shall promptly and effectually suppress the system of polyg amy. and that the laws so enacted shall be rigidly enforced , by the civil athorities if pos sible , and by the military If necessary. " Sym pathy for the Irish nation In their gallant struggle for the sacred right of self govern ment Is lealliriued. The democracy in con gress is condemned for its flagrant outrages of tlio spirit and letter of the constitution in refusing admission to the territory of Da kota , entitled to an honorable place in the sisterhood of siatcs. ( Sconce A. Karr , of Ottawa , submitted a minority report regarding the temperance plank , as follows : 1. That we believe that the Republican party Is the only true temperance party , through which all legislation favoring tem perance must bo obtained. 2. That thu vast majority of that pafty deplore the existence of the evil of the liquor trunk1 , and hope tor Us ultimate extinction. 3. That the mass -of that party demand from us a clear and distinct declaration of our position upon that question. Therefore we submit the following as the temperance plank In our platform : Hesolved , That the Republican party is In favor of the .ultimata ! Fuppiession of tlie liquor trallic , and hereby rcatllrms. Its doctrines of submission as incorporated on the platform of ISSiand 1S-S4. The minority report Is signed by three members of the committee. A Iter'somJ ' ! debate the minority report was adopted by a large majority. llot > bln < * Veterans , of Their Ileer. IlAnHisnuitn , Pa. , August 20. The prohi bition convention adopted morning , reciting tlhil'info received of theppenini ; > f aUrlnbhiffJEtUoon" in the national homo for disabled soldiers at Dayton , O. , pronouncing the opening of such place to be wnlnit to old soldiers , and calling upon tht'SiiiHirintcndcnt and manager of 'the homo to close the saloon , and protect the Inmates - mates from the baneful Influence bC drink. Rev. ( Joortre II. llecker , coloied preacher from Washington , said the same state of af fairs as complained of at the Dayton homo "existed at Hampton , Ya. , and at tlio home In Washington. Nine thousand dollars were raised to carry on the campaign. After tlio reading and adoption of the plat form Wolfe was nominated for governor by acclamation ; A. Unrgor for lieutenant gov ernor by acclamation ; Charles T. Huwlcy for auditor general ; John N. Merely for secre tary of internal affairs , and Rev. J. M. Pal mer ( colored ) for congressman at large. The platform demands the state and na tional prohibition of the Importation , manu facture , sale and supply of Intoxicating liquors ; arraigns the republican and demo cratic parties as having been untrue to the people on the liquor question , and asks the voters to abandon these parties ; commends all organizations having temperance ob ject in view ; demands that congress shall forbid the issue 'of revenue permits In tlio states , districts or counties where- the liquor trallic is prohibited by law ; declares that imported contract and pauper labor bo forbidden and the Immigration law so changed that American industry will bo protected against the Introduction ot crimi nals , Idlers and vagrants ; declares that American labor , skill and capital should have the first consideration and protection azalnst tlm competition of foreign labor and capital in our tariff and other laws : that arbitration for the arrangement of differences between employers and employed should be provided for by state , national and International law ; demands the enforcement of all laws against the violation of the sabbath. Iowa llcpul > lluan Cniiiinlttoo. DKS MOI.MIS , la. , August 20. fSiKcial ? Telegram to the lii-.Jr-Tho : : republican state central committee nave orn'anl7cd by the election of Charles JJeardsIoy , of Burlington , as chairman , and P. 11. Hnstow , of DCS Mollies , as secretary. The committee se lected the following delegates to represent at the national anti-saloon conference at Chicago cage : Delegates at large , William Larrabee , K. R. Uutchlns , Roy. Klmball , James K. Wilson , Phil Seliallor , J. W. MeDlll , P. M. Sutton , James M. Heck ; alternates , J , O. Crosby , Rev. Dr. K , Miller , Rev. Dr.Magouu , J.A. Harvey , ( leorge 1) . I'crkin ? , Senator J. Cahlwc'll , cix-OovernnrM. W. Waldron , Pres ident Brooks : First district , John S. Wool- sen. W. K. Ulako , L. W. Myers , Winlield Sniouso : Second district , J > oyal Matthews , L. ( ! . Fellow ; Ftth' | lislrlotS. A. Marine , R. K. Sears. William lloa dshear , T. L , Dews ; Sixth District , J. U. < rinnell. Hen McCoy , Frank Campbell , AMI lianillton ; Seventh dlstricl.J. S. darken J. A. T. Hull. C. D. Hovln-ton , M. A. Das dels ; I > : ighth district , T. K. Clarlc , W. S. puiican. Francis Harga , Lynmn Evans ; Ninth llsirlct , Lofo Young , T. M. C. H. C avion Platte Wycks A < ! \Jf Logan , AJ. F. Y * Jtu , 4 IUIU ,1Jlna ; Tenth district. J.Fred Myers , J. P. Ander son , J , P. Doillvor , Albert Head ; Klovcnth district , John Dimmaili U. L. Dobson , James M. Miller. F. L. Dennis. An Ohio Sonant Ion , CoirstnrsO.AuguBtpo [ Special Telegram to'the UIK. ] A greatsensntlon was created in political circles last night alter the adjoin n- ment of tlio convention by the arrest of W , S. Cappcllar , of Cincinnati , on the charge of bribery , preferred by Alien O , Myers , man aging editor of the Cincinnati Knqulror. The charge alleges that Cappcllar , thioiiph the Cincinnati city comptroller , bribed' "Hum" Wilson to vote for Cappellar for state central comiuitteeiimu at the meeting of the Hamilton county delegation yesterday , Cuppellar was released in bonds of SbOO , After the release affidavits were signed by all parties concerned denying the charges and cimrgiutr Myers with perjury. Myers had gone to Cincinnati , but-was arrested there at an early hour this morning. Poll- t leans are anxiously awaiting the outcome of this little affair , CINCINNATI , August20. Allen 0. Myers , manatrlng editor of the Jinqulier. was nr- rested at { hat olllce shortly after 2 this niorii- ing and taken to tlm central iiolice station when ) lie was locked up on the charge of ugitive lium lustlcc. The uuest was made by order of Mayor Smith , who Is In Columbus , and who telegraphed that Myer * was wanted there on the charco of perjury , and that an olllcer and a warrant were on the way to Cincinnati. Myers was nt the Columbus convention yesterday and tfworo out n warrant charging ex-Auditor Xapi ) > cllar. of this city , with biihorv in con nection witli his election on the republican slate committee. Cappcllar on his release had n warrant issued for the arrest of Myers for Perjury. Myers was released Sl.tXKJ ball about i ) this morning. Illinois UI.OOMIXOTOV , III. , August 20 , The state committee of the giccnback party of Illinois met here to-day to consider holding the state convention and tlio appointment of delegates to the proposed conference to be held In In dianapolis .September 1 , when nn effort will be made lo unite the factions of the soft money people , farmers' alliances and labor organizations. T10 | members of the state committee and three delegates from each district were appointed to go to Indianapo lis. The stale convention was not fixed upon. _ _ _ _ _ California Ucpublloani. Los ANIII.IS ( : : , Cal. , August 20. At thn republican state convention to-day the com mittee on organization reported plans to place the nominations for supreme court ahead of the platform or nominations of state officers , the object being to place the candidates for the supirmv bench outside of politics. Adopted. Judges Patterson , Muc- Farlandaml Hamilton were nominated , Texas ttci > iitUcaiiR. ) WACO. Tex. , August 20. The republican shite convention to-day nominated a full ticket , headed for governor by A. M. Coch- rane , of Dallas. The platform favors sub mission of the prohibition amendment to the constitution to a vote of the people ; opposes the leasing of convicts ; denounces the op pression of mercantile and laboring interests bv monopolists , and lavors the Ulalr educa tional bill. _ Air. Itlalno oil 1'rolilliiilon. Lr.wisTON , Me. , August 20. Mr. Hlalno addressed n republican campaign meeting of 4,000 people this evening , lie declared the republican party had never wavered in sup port of prohibition. A C'oiiKi-esfilonnl Nomination , PKORIA , 111. , August 20. The republicans of the Tenth congressional district at a con vention at ( ialesburi ; to-day nominated Gen eral Philip Sidney Post. UklSVEIjANIJ ON XI1K NEGHO. The President Tells Why Ho Ap pointed Matthews. NKW Yonif , August 20. [ Special Telegram to the HKK.I The Herald this morning pub lishes a long interview with President Cleve land In regardto hisappolntmentof Recorder Matthews to succeed Frederick Douglas , The president said : "Iliad only ono object in apnolnting Mr. Matthews , namely : to put the best -man 1 could Hud , that is the best colored man , in the position. The colored race is develop ing a ureat many able men. They have ae- complisned wonders duriiii ; the last twenty- live years. I could not appoint them all , so I was compelled to use my best judgment to do service to our colored fellow citizens and at the same time to give tlio appointment to a lalthful and able man. " "A colored democrat " the , reporter sug gested , "is regarded as a novelty. 1 have oven heard that a gentleman well known in Washington remarked that a colored demo- "crat Is a political anomaly or even inon- "Yes , " ho replied , "I believe there Is some such opinion In the air , but It is not an opin ion of which a man has any rUht to bo .proud. A colored democrat an anomaly I And why , piayV" 'Well , because southerners , who were their masters in old times , were nearly all democrats. " "True , " replied the president , "but the last thirty years have brought changes in tills country. Old relations are broken up and old times can never return. Tlio noith and south are equally giatllied by this fact. You cannot apply rules which obtained yesterday to tilings of to-day. We are a new nation. Tlit ) occurrences of twenty-live years ago be long to ancient liistory. .Now , then , we have two great parties in this country. That is our salvation. Every four years those par ties have a wrestling match. Jt's a hot light throughout the campaign. Hut when tlio 1'urlit is over then we forget the light-und settle down good naturally to support the administration in every honest effort toward good government Well , the colored people ot the south arc just like all the rest of us. The moment they begin to rec ognize the duty of citizenship , that moment they will be.ln to form convictions and to be C0' " riieil by them. Does any reasonable man su' that , when the white people ot the country divide themselves between the re publican and the democratic patties , the col ored people will all think alike and join the republican party1/ This is an insult to the co .etl man's brains. It is the sheerest non- sei , , mid , more than that. It would beagrcat political calamity. The difference of opinion is not only the charm of the republic , but it is also Its safety , and I have no doubt that when education does its effective woik tlio colored race of the south will wheel Into line with the renubii- can party and partly Into line with the dcni- cratfc party. Jt cannot be otherwise so long as human nature Is what It Is now. 1 have great respect for the colored people. Again and again J have told delegations which have visited me tnat they must have convictions ot their own and act on them ; that they must choose their politics witli thoughtful care and personal Indopcndenco , In that way alone can they become woithy citizens of the best government in the world. " Press Criticisms. WASIIINOTOX , August 20. [ Special Tele gram to HKI : . ] Local papers continue to de vote a great deal of special to criticism of the president's course in appointing Matthews as recorderof deeds In this district. The Critic thlsuvenlng makes this point , which seems to bo a good one : "Tho following is an exact copy of the president's letter on file In the olllce of the executive clerk of state : To the senate of tlio United States : 1 nominate James C , Matthews , of Xe\v York , to be recorder of deeds In the District of Columbia , vice Frederick Douglas who has leslgned , fSlgnedj ( iitovKit Cr.i-vii : : < AJ 'D. Executive Mansion , Washington , Match 4th , IbSO. "Tliero are noconditions accompanying tlio president's letter as to the vacancy existing , for he says Douglas has icslgned. Tlio sub sequent action ot tlio piesidcnt In commis sioning Matthews as recorder of the deeds was therefore to fill a vacancy , which hap pened while the senate was In session. This action brings both the president and Matth ews under the penalties of sections 1771 and 1 72 of the revised statues and the conditions are aggravated by the fact of Matthews hav ing already been rejected by the senate. The continuance of Air. Matthews to act as re corder of deeds under these circumstances is not unlikely to create as much commotion , If not some very serious teal estate complica tions , as"iiny other darkey ever found in a wood pile , " A hynuliliiK Party. MAGXOUA , La. , August 20. Tuesday night an armed mob broke open the jail and tooKjohu and Leamlern Delson , colored , charged with the recent murder of a nero named Collins , and hanged them to a bridge near town. Theio is much excitement over the utlair. A Hail Failure. BAI.TIMOIIE , Md. , August 20. The liabili ties of William J , Hooper & Sons , who re cently failed , are SMO.OOO ; assets , SOO.OOO. The creditors have appointed a committee to arrange a settlement. NORTH BEND BADLY SCORCHED A Big Business Block Swept Out of Exis- toiico Last Night. THE TOURNAMENT'S ' THIRD DAY. A Lincoln Man Shoots Himself Ho- cnnso Ho Couldn't ! > ny Ills Debts 1'olltloal Points-Mony Other State Happenings , Ilcnvy CotttlnKratinn , XOHTII Hr.xi ) , Neb. . August 20. [ Special Telegram to the lin. ! : | An Incendiary lire stalled In tlm livery barn of Harry Theeo heiu to-night about VM o'clock. The most ] irncipiil ! business block Is entirely ilt'slroyctl. The following Is a list of business house's burned : J. B. Frost , _ eneral metchandlse ; Hank of North J5oud ; Robeits t Smith , druggists ; llatry Stcphenson , confectionery ; A. 1'eller fc Co. , gcnetal mcr cliniuliso ; City hotel ; V. Young , groceries ; A. Ciawford , furniture ; Thomas Arn/a , saloon ; Henry Thege , livery , bam and lesldencc ; Jeiry Dion , blacksmith ; Joseph Vavra , sa loon ; \ \ ' . Janock , ( 'eniiral merchandise and barn ; Storey * Dutel , harness and sewing machines : llemza Uros. , two Ice. houses. There Is very little saved. There lias been two attempts befoie to burn this block this summer. Since the lire stalled olll-ors have arrested ten suspicious characters , and they will have to give good account of themselves to-morrow If they receive their llbcity , Our lire , department were nearly all at Fremont In attendance. at the state tournament , tint too iiiui'h praise can not be Riven to tlm lire boys that were at homo and clti/.ens generally , as they worked hard , and through their elTort the west side ot the street was saved. This block which burned was composed entirely of frame buildings , and In two hours from the time it started was com pletely wiped out. It is impossible at this writing to give any estimate of the loss or thu amount of insurance. However , A. Pel- ler & Co. nre the heaviest losers but are well insured. J. It. Foot has probably saved over half of ills stock. The Raclim Firemen. Fitr.MO.NT , Xob. , August 20. [ Special Tel egram to the UKK.I The third day of the firemen's tournament was well attended and the interest has increased from tint begln- nine. The programme was again changed to have ail the races in the afternoon begin ning at 2 o'clock. The board of control , at a meeting held at 9 o'clock , alter much debate decided to allow Hie Frontier hook and ladder team , of Fremont , and the North .Bond hose team to run ngain , both fouling in their runs yesterday. The Frontiers made the first mn in19 seconds , which gives them third prize. The North It end , hose team then made their run , but lacked ono turn of the nozzle in making a perfect coupling , otherwise their record would have been 15 seconds. The regular programme of the day began 'with hook and ladder companies which had never contested. There was only one entry the Scribner team. This company showed " "lack of practice , making 1 :03 : } { . The ladder caught on the truck and lost them several seconds. The next was the hose race for companies never before contesting : . The first run was made by- the Dorseys of Fremont ; time , 45 > . They made usulondid run for a new team and were loudly cheered. Congress man Dorsey has presented the boys a hand some silk banner. The Kearney Wide Awakes ran next , but failed in coupling , and got no time. The Mechanics of Fremont wore third and last. They never ran together before , but did well until they came to the coupling , when the hose broke and a serious delay occurred. Time , 1:1" : . The day closed with the chiefs' races , for which there were the following entries : Dibble of York , Wilson ot Kearney , SpalU- ing of Norfolk , Lowry of Fremont , Temple- ton of Council iiluff.s , Ncwberry of Lincoln , ( Jardanierof Srrlbner , Crawford of North JSend , .Backus of Columbus. The prizes were chief's cap , gold baiUn and leather medal. Hackus won the first , Tcmpleton second , and Nuwbcrry , the Dutch Dude , captured the leather medal. After supper a fine exhibition was given by the I'nmpler ladder corps. The grajd tour nament closes to-morrow , and thu result of the races is anxiously awaited. The state- championship lies between the Cleland and Fitzgerald hose teams. A Youiitt Mnn'H Sulclilo. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 20. ( Special Telegram to the JiKK. ] Stuart S. Smiley , a young married man living at Eleventh and I' streets , 8utcKlod , to-night at 0 o'clock by shooting himself through the head with a revolver. Ho had undressed , gone to bed , bolstered his head up with pillows , then fired the shot. He never know what hurt him. Smiley was a son of .Mrs. Dr. Leslie , and he lias llvcd'slnco childhood in Lincoln. Ho was married about a year ago , and his wife has been for the past two months with her people In Ithaca , N. V. Smiley was a drinking man , and not addicted to hard work. Ho had borrowed money voluminously fiom acquaintances and run in debt in different ways. His mother had often helped him and had paid a good many ( if Ills debts , but had lately refused to pay more ot them. Consequently quently the geiier.U opinion is that lie suici ded on account of financial troubles. Ho left a note to his mother saying that she was the cause of his death , but from the reports that neighbors gave she lias stood a good deal from him anil had refused to pay nuiro of Ills debts. Through thu day an execution had been gotten against him , and several parties wore crowding him to make him meet Ills obligations. Olio of these haw him at M i > . in , nil the bed at his home sleeping under the influence of ether with a lovolver by his .side. His mother saw him also , but the attention of the olllccrs was not called to the fact of his con dition. Through the day ho had told sim-nil parties that at ( i p. in. he would meet his obli gations to them , and at that hour ho ende.t Ills existence. It is rumored that a young man named Kahcock has had some Influence In the matter and thu dlsagiccmcnt between mother and son was known to him. What the police may do In tlio piemises Is not known , but an Inquest may develop some startling facts that aio not now known to the excited public , one of which is thu confirma tion of the rumor , that Smiley forged his mother's uuiiio to a note for S-'iOO. Dawns' Hiillno HOKO. Fmr.ND , Neb. , August 20. [ Special to the HiiJ : : The primaries In Saline county aie an indication of tlm Incieaslng strength of Van Wyck at least the waning power of ( iDvornor Dawcs-rfor the United States mi a to. Western heads the procession with an overwhelming Vun Wyck majority. Friend follows with a selection of thlitcen delegates to the county convention by u vote of $9 for Dawcs and 125 against , The delegation is also lost to Dawes in Crete by u vote of more than two to one. These results becoming known to the governor , ho ar ranged for one of his friends to meet him a lew evenings ago at the rear of tiiu midnight train on the side of the track opposite the Friend depot , w hence they journeyed ! ln the middle of the highway , thiouded by dark ness , avoiding sidewalks , to where iicarrlaco was iji readiness to take Ihem to the Interior ot the county to meet the primaries that had not yet selected delegates This midnight excursion was unusually alluring to balking uois , the whole hchemo Inning been tin- \ filed , and ono would-bi ! srctct caucus in the ( ntei lor is reported as having been made quite public and resulting in a vote of about ten to one against the seeiet caucus plot. Saline county being the goveinor's homo , it Is of much concern lo him that ho has dele gations that would be kindly disposed towaid him. The vote of moie than tluee to ono against him In the nuithwestorii pait of thu county Is said to be duo in H nicaMira to the Siamese ntllllationol himself with Whltcomb ot the'telegraph. Thu latter has kept the postonice oscillating between himself ami his wife tor several ) ears , until a tew days ago he was finally deposed and W. F. Wolf In stalled and commissioned , to the gieat ie- llefaiid satisfaction ol the community. Less dictatorship , and 111010 deference paid to tlio wishes of the public would be ciihuly acceptable to the people out then- , and they are perfectly willing to experiment with most any kind of a chance , A Uepnlilluati Split. McCoou , Neb. , August a * } . [ Special Tel- epiam to the Hit : : . | The republicans of the Sixth representative district of Nebraska , In cluding ( Josper , Frontier , Hayes , Chase , Duiitly and Hitchcock counties , held a conven tion ut Culbetlson to-day. The convention consisted of seventeen delegates. Hitchcock county , which has herutofoie always had a representative , h.ul a delegate which , according - ing to a former agreement with Uosper and Frontier , was wrong. Upon assembling the latter two counties refused lo ire Into the cotm'iition , having only eight delegates with nine against them. The nine delegates tioni four counties met and nominated W. W. Drown , of Culbertson , as n candidate. The reMilt is that there will be a hitler llcht and the piesentap- pcaruneo Indicate that Utown will lie snowed under by .some other man. I'lio demociats aio foelliiK jubilant over this phase of atfalis. and swear b\- the gods of war that they will elect their mail. Look out lor democratic music. A .Indue Dcposoil. HOLIMIKOI : , Neb. , August 20. [ Special to the lir.i.j : The trial of Judge Hackmau , of this county , for olllcial misconduct and drunkenness closed here. C. J. Dilwortli. of Hastings , and S. A. Dravo , of this city , were attorneys lor the defense , and District At torney Modan , of Arapahoe , for tlm prosecu tion. Tlm case was called at 1 o'clock on the 23d. Yesterday before any evidence was In troduced on the part of the defense his a1- tornoys handed In the resignation of tl o judge , but the board could not then close the case without a finding , and he was adjudged utility as charged. Ills resignation was then accepted and thu costs charged up to him. The county attorney , T. J. Caiter , was then apnolnted county judee , and S. A. Dravo re ceived tlio appointment as county attorney. Much sympathy Is expressed for the Indue , as he is a cripple , and yet the justice of the verdict Is acknowledged by all. The judge Is his own worst enemy. The Camp I" Uoaitlno.sH. GnAND ISLAND , Neb. , August 20. | Special - cial to the Hr.B.l The quartermasters department here has received nine hun dred hospital tents for the soldiers' reunion here which will open Monday August i0 ! , and they are being distilbuled over tiio grounds near the city. The telegraph and telephone companies are running lines to the ground , and will open ofliccsat the headquarters de- paitment. The electric light company is constructing a line of lights from the city to the reunion grounds , and the camii will be lighted with electric lights which will run all night. Orders have been Issued by the secre tary of war to the Second infantry from Fort Omaha , ( leneral Morris' troops from Fort Sidney , AVoodruft's K , Second artillery , from Foit Luavenworth and the Hluo Springs ar-i tillery from Hluo Springs , Neb. , to arrive heio Monday , August 'M , and remain during the week or reunion. A Sudden Departure. LTNCOI.X , Neb. , August 20. [ Special Tele- cram to the UKK.J A music dealer or dealer in musical Instruments named Hlnimii who had his place of business on Twelfth stnut near O , has suddenly left the city and his place of business has been closed by the sheriff. What stock he had has been covered this afternoon with attachments for debt. It is freely rumored that some of these debts were of a crooked character and that money was obtained through sales of moilgngcd property and under false pretenses , and that thu sufferers will put olllcers on his track and look him up to come homo and answer. Ills mode of depirture was a ride out of town In a buggy. scMidinir the same back and vanish ing himself from sight. Nebraska and Iowa Weather. I'or Nebraska and Iowa : Fair weather , slightly cooler. Opposed to Convlot fjalior. GiucAdo , August 20. Fifteen representa tives of some of the largest manufactories In this and adjoining states began a session here to-day to consider the best method of se curing the abolition of convict contract labor. J. J. Lewis , of Racine , Wis. , was elected chairman. He declared that the employment of convict labor was as serious a menace to the manufacturer as to the laborer. Ho ad vocated that convicts- should be employed upon public roads. After listening to n series ot prison statistics , tlio session adjourned to 2 o'clock. An organization was finally effected , to be known as the National Anti-Convict Con tract association , the object to boa thorough investigation of the subject of contract labor for the purpose of discovering and securing the adoption of a method of employing prison population least burdensome and oppressive elected vice president for Iowa : Chas. L. Uradly for Wisconsin ; 11. M. Klnnoy for Mimii'sotn. Tlm vice presidents for other states will be appointed by executive committee. A congiesslomu enactment prohibiting the sale ot convict labor 1:001 ! s outside of the state in wiiicli manufactured , was endorsed by the convention. Kcsolu- tlous wore passed askingtliatthogoverument be leqiiiicd to withdraw federal prisoners from state prisons woikcd upon thu contract system , and that thn purchase of prison labnr product * for government use bo made Illegal. A committee was employed to formulate u method of employing convict labor less o | > - pressivo to the industrial mtcicsts than now. Adjourned. AVreckcd Fishing VossolH , ST. JOHNS , August 2) ) . A dispatch from St. I'ierio announces the total loss of the bhip Ktolle. She was commanded by Cap tain Chcrel and manned by twonty-oiio fish ermen , She was icturnlng , fish laden , with others of the ( Irani Bank fleet , when during the prevalence of a dense fog and very bols- teiousbeu hlit ; struck yesterday on the reels ot Kalauclsund Laiualne , wns shuttered and sank. Twelve of her crew were diowned. Nine with the captain weio washed upon u sfilnghi of seaweed off shore , in an appar ently lifeless condition. A fishing vessel at 1'ort Degrave was also lost. Captain Butler , his son and all hands perished , ( iiornKTi.i ; : , Mass , , August 0. Several vessels from ( ieorges and ( liand Banks ar rived this moinliigand lepoit that on August SJ they encountered a gale of great energy. It Is feared much damage was done and many lives lost , n Calile Id no Knjoincd , CHICAGO , August 0. Allen 0. Storey , a prominent lawyer , has secured a tei'iporay injunction , restraining tlio Yeikes syndicate 1'iom beginning work on Noith Clark street witli the c.ihlu road. Storey claims the ordinance under which the company is procccdtm : U illegal. He demands a perpetual Injunction and that the ordinance bo declaied void. This ordinance Is ono whoso sudden passa by tlio city council was publicly charged to have been secured by thu us ot "bi.odle , " Jlallroad Accident. Coi r.Miti'.s O. , August 20. The only vic tims of the wiecknt Mllford last night am Charles 1'hilllps and .Samuel Laiulon , assist- sarvenntut arm In ihu Ohio house. The aiv cldentuhuaiicrtl bhe air brake en tlit passenger tiuln lallfutf t < ; work.