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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE i .JUESPAY , ? 24 , 1880. FAUX CAS OP FRENCH LEAVE Jenalo Johnson Proves Herwlf to be t Good Policeman. THE BARTENDER AND A BULLET Crack Shots at licllovtic The Twelve wlioAVIH Shoot Cor ( ho Champion Small Knllroad Accident Don't Hun for Ollloe. Opposed to Krctioli Leave. Alitllohump-backod shanty that stand ] on tin- northwest corner of Dodge ami Twelfth streets is occupied by a colony of French females al whose head is n wo man calling herself Jennie Johnson. The fad Ihal the location is in a very promt Mont part of what Is known ir. police parlance " ' Half-Acre " is sullicien lance as llell'.s - , to indicate lhat this domicile is not i seminary nor a hou o ol prayer. Sonn days ago there came to this city a French man named Kugenc Lcgrc , who seemet to bo as alV.ible ami .seductive In his way : as his family namesake of Undo Torn1 ! ( Jabinwas billion and brutal. Ho formcc the acquaintance of .Jennie Johnson am was Installed as principal of her house hold. Ho was lo receive "i.OO per dai for spending money , nil thcwino ant liquor he could think" , and tlio best cigar ; and cigarettes ho could .smoko. Prosper ity was too much for him. He became ills satisfied with his lot and struck for $10 ( M a day. This was refused and n cool ness sprang up between Kugene and Jim nlc. The fecqnal shows , however , that i was not tlio booty that troubled tlio for mer but beauty , and beauty that be longed to a fair French girl from Ohicagf named Blanch Wilson , who lived acres ; the way. While enjoying the hospitality and largesses of his old love ho was i > ro pitring to elope with the new love. l > as night was the appointed time and Denver ver the Gretna Green. Two tickcls foi Ihe Colorado motronolls wore procured bagirnge packed and Kugcno ami Blanclii scparatciliu the evening lo meet at the 8 : ' . ' ( train. So it was that about the houi named n comely female dressed in : fashionable travelingsuit appeared at tin depot and immediately attracted iittcn lion by her nervous endeavors to sot everything that was going on and at the same time not bo seen herself. Shu closely scrutinized all Ihe car windows swept through the sitting room , talket : with dillorenl cabbies anil handsoir drivers and tried while doing bo tt keep in the hhade. Wnen tin train was about to pull out she boardet it. When it began to move a well drcssei man with a foreign air and a guilty looV attempted to do lli.s right fee hud just touched the platform , when t heavy hand was laid upon his arm ant very uncerimoniously no was pulled baden on the platform. That hand belonged t < n stout woman , who was all pcrspiratior ami iro. She was a perfect tornado o anger , anil when her tongue struck tin koy-noto Kugcno Lcgro's cars became uc qnainteil witti borne of the most poppen expressions in tlio language. Then an other and a younger woman came \i\ \ and stationed hernolf on the left of tin prisoner of war. Together they marchoi him to a cab standing in front of Boll' ! drug Store , busted him in and dircctei . the driver to make Iho cily jail in Jay Kyo-Sco lime. All Iho time the showei ol iniprccation. < Iconlimicd , and the ridt to liugono must have been a fail sample of what they saj cbaraotor'r/.es tlio climata of shcol Ho was placed in charge o the police hustled into a cell and thrt charge o : f grand larceny preferred against him , the Johnson woni.ui claiming that he had taken G'J.UO from her and also a trim ! containing her best clolhcs. Logro is ' etiII in durance vile ami will undoubtedly -find himself in greater trouble unless hu prosecntrix relents before trial day which is frequently the result of quarrel ; between this class of people. The fail Blanche disappeared very suddenly nnt very sensibly , for a meeting between hoi and Jennie would not have been alto collier harmonious. It is said that she has gone to Chicago , whore she i : part owner of a bagnio on Fourtl avenue , and several telegrams have beoi received lately requesting her presence IT SOUGHT HIS HEART But tlio Bullet Only Let Light TlirotiRl a Lemonade Cup , Yesterday afternoon , about 4 o'clock , i revolver was fired at ono of Stcphenson'i stable hands in Prod Wirth's saloon al the City hotel , by one of the bartenders It missed the man for whom the shot wa ; intended , and a lemonade shaker bchim , the bar , was badly demoralized. There was quite a number of people ii the saloon at the time , and nearly all o them wore sitting at tables quietly drink ing beer. At onu of the tables sat n mai known as Itcdtlv among his associates a Stophonson's. Ho and a couple of friend : occupied a table immediately in front o the bar. Ho was slightly under the inlltt cnco of beer , and , when the waiter , f young man , whoso first name was Lewis , but whoso second is no 1 "known eyon lo his associates , went U e-fathor the empty glasses which lay upon the table , ho also tried lo nut tlie ompf chair , which stood near " Ucddy" untlci the table , "noddy's feet wore in the wa ] and two or three failures to shove then out of the way by the waiter , ruthoi aroused his iro. It was unable to contro his soolintrs , and , changing its method ; said : "Well , pay mo for thcso threi , beers yon owe mo , any way. "Uoddy1 denied that ho owed anything , and one of the men who was silling with him and who bail just ordered three inert boors , hold a quarter of a dollar in hi : lingers to pay lor the beer which was ox * peeled. "Ueddy" and the waiter , however over , continued lo argue , anil llnally tin ' 'former slapped the lattor's face , The waiter who also acts as assistant bar ton ker , then went behind the counter am appealed to the bar man who said tha all of ' 'Roddy's beers hud been pah for. This incensed the waiter and caiuct Jleddy to approach the bar , whuroupot the waiter seized a revolver and fired Luckily , in Ids excitement ho failed t < rise the revolver hign enougii over tin counter , and , as a consequence , the hullo did the damage above spccilicd. Bofon t 4 ho could lire a second shot the bar tender , Ciesar Bromor , wrenched tin revolver from the waiter's hand , am " .Uoddy" made an attempt to roach tin shooter over the counter. Ho was pro vonUul. however , by Iho inlerferenco o the bystanders. In an instant Iho salooi was nllod with people , and "Ueddy" wa congratulated on all sides oyor lib fortu iiasooscapo. The waiter then sot upon the bar tender , Ciosar Bromor , accusing him o giving beer to Stepliensou's men withou getting pay for it. Bremcr doniei , the charge , and later told Wirtl that ho would work ami linger with sue ! n hot Head as the waiter , and according ! , retired fourth place. In the cstlmalioi of spectators , who are friends of boll parties , the bhooting was iinjnstiliublc and only the merest accident prevontei the bartender from being a murderer. POU BULLS' KY15S. The Occupation of Steaily-Nervci Soldiers Voaturdny nt Uollovuo. Yesterday brought to a close , by skir inlsh firing in the morning and fixed distance shooting at 500 and GOO yards the three days ot practice preliminary t lUo competitive shooting beginning ti day. The | lirst-twelve men , or team fo ; these days , are as follows- VhcdSkirTot' distance nnsli for i scoic. score , day 1. Sergeant Stevens , Sev enth infantry SJ1 171 W " , Lieutenant Torrcy , rifth liilnntrv ffJTi 151 47 . Sergeant Ileilloy , 1'ltth Infantry ! K1 ! lit 47 . Corporal Kelly , Klfth In fantry K03 IM 45 5. vSonceanl llolen , Seventh inlantry ! KO ISM 45i 0 , I'rivnteMcKen/.ie , Seven teenth Inlantry ! ! 13 137 4'j 7. 1'rlvato Stlne , Seventh inlantry ! 315 157 41' ' 8. jJetiten'l ( iarraid , Ninth aivalry 3i7 115 44 ! ' . 1'ilvato Hoffman , Twen * ty Hi stln fan try 'M 113 41 10. Llenlenniit liatbour , Sev enth In faulty .03 119 4'J 11. I'll vale lce ! < e , Sex on- toonth Infantry ' 03 lit 42 IS. ( 'atitaln nfelz. Seven teenth Infantry : WJ W ) 4'J It does not follow that the above wil form the team sifter the competition which commences lo-duv , and in wliiul every shot counts , which is not the cast in this preliminary practice. In this maiii "jockey , " that is , do not shoot as well n' ' they can , but wait for the compotllim proper. Tnis morning and afternoon firing wil begin al 200 , . 'WO , MO and 000 yards. Tin same will take place on Wednesday Thursday and Friday mornings , Skir mishlng'will take place in tlm after noon with bull's eye , team and olhc matches. The hours of practice an from 8.UO to 12 and from 2 to 4 p. in. FAIIl KXGK08SM1SXTS. Harry \VllkcH and I'hlllirt to Trot li Oinalui for $ nOO < ) Scptcmhcr Dth. J. II. McSha'io has just returned fron the cast , where ho perfected arrange mcnts for the trotting , at the fortheom ing Omaha fair of both Harry M'ilke and Phillis. The record of Iho forme culminates in 2.1U , while that of I'hillis i ; about 2:15 : } . These celebrated animal will trot on Thursday , the Dili of Sep lembor , for § : i,000. Five hundred del lar.s extra will bo given to the owner o the horse which beats 2:18. : Secretary Wholer states that the will bo compelled to erect about one bun drcd more box stalls. The application : Cor Space are coming in an unprecedented dented manner. The display of lin < horses will be especially grand while tin exhibit of catllo will far transcend tha ever made before in this city. One o the features will bo a herd of browi Swiss cattle , imported by Michael Ban die , from Switzerland. This is the enl ; herd of the kind in the country. Thoi are excellent milkers , and one of tin cows weighs 1,000. UIIUOKD : rnr.ioiiT HATKS. The western freight association , com prising the Chicago , Burlington & Quince railroad , Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'aif railway , Chicago & Northwestern rail way , Chicago , Rock Island it Pacific cilic railway and Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific railway , have agreed that ship mcnts intended for exhibition at tin Omaha fair and exposition , to bo hold al Omaha , Nob. , September 0 to 12 , 1890 also consignments to Lincoln , Nob. , in tended for exhibition at the state fair , tt bo held at that place September 10 to 18 18SG , forwarded from eastern associatioi points , will bo charged at regular taril rates to Omaha or Lincoln , as the cast may bo , and returned free to the point on the line in this association fron whence shipped , upon presentation o : certificate , signed by the secretary of the fair , that the pro'perty has been on exhibition bition and has not changed ownership. .J. N. FAITHOKN. Commissioner. Agricultural men must not forget thai men .skilled in the use of all kinds o : machinery , many of them inventors o ; the implements exhibited , and are roadj and willing to give information , will bi on hand at the fair , September 6th tc llth , where as fine a showing of agricul tural and farm machinery as can bo seer in the west will be on exhibition. / smart go-ahead farmer doesn't care s ( much for rod colorctl picture books. Hi ; judgment matures in live minutes whoi ho can see the machine in motion. Tlii : mode of exhibition and Iho presence o responsible men representing thoroughly first class manufactories will bo a spccia feature of the Omaha fair. Tlio fair will partake somewhat of tin nature of a reunion. People from al parts of the state will bo present. Tin various attractions in the city alone fo : the week will bo sufficient to induce : lurge ittemlance , theatres , the intcr-stati exposition , promenade concerts , in add ! tiqn to the sports for the people on tin fair srrouml will occur day and night. I will bo a rare chance to put ma full wecl of solid amusement. G , DI. NattliiRor's Slarringc. Secretary G. M. Nattingor , of the Oma ha Board of Trade , loft on Sunday fo Harriston , 111 , , whore , on Wednesday , In will bo united in marriage to Miss II. EVJ Lowe. Miss Lowe is well known ii Omaha , with whoso schools , for scvcra years past , she has been prominently con ncctcd. Mr. ami Mrs. Nattingor will return turn to this city in September , and wil bo at homo on Pierce street after the 20tl proximo. Those who know the genial ami manlj secretary of the board of trade , and tin father of loan anil building association ! in Omaha , will join in hearty congratula lions over his new venture which will doubtless , prove as happy a success as al others with which ho has boon connected He has hundreds of friends in Omah : whoso warmest wishes for his future hap pincss and that of his bride will follov them during his absence from Iho city. G'laiiK. Yesterday there was quite a littli matinee ut the driving park , at whicl quite a number of leading citizens gavi their horses an airing. Adam Thonip son , the lessee of Iho grounds , drovi "Jack Uabbit"C. E. Mayno's ' grey pacer to the lively gait of 2:80. : Three walcho wore hold upon the steed , two of then showed 2:2 : ! ) } , while that of T. O. Bruno : gave the time at 2:30 : , which latler wa accepted. Grocer * oil tha Diamond. Faxton and Gallagher's base ball nin worodelcated by a combination from tin houses of D , M , Steele & Co , , and Me Cord , Brady & Co. , yesterday by a seer of 20 to 14. The first mentioned nim were dissatisfied with the result nml ini mci'iuloly challenged the victors to an other game for $25 a sitlo. It is coiitutl ured likely that the challenged lads wil accept the gaujjo of contest. Died. Mr. Ralph Bowman died in this city August 23,1630 , , at 4 o'clock , p. m , , agoi seventy-nine years. The funeral wil take place from his residence , 018 Dodgi fctreot at 4 p , m. to-day to Prospect Ilil cemetery. Mr. Bowman had been ii Omaha since 1857. Aryoy 'Olmes. Harvey Holmes was in a pugUUti mood yesterday and imagined ho was ; double-breasted prohibitionist from low who had a contract for demolishing EU loons. Ho attempted to got in his worl in a Tenth street saloon , but OUlcor Bui dish gathered him in. Seyen recruits in charge of a sergeant trom Jeftbrson barracks , St Louis , wen west to Vancouver Just night , V * f * * - THI : LATK UKti Arrival of 1114 Hrmnlnq rjnst KvcnliiR The Kiinornl To-Day , At 7-23 last evening the remains of the latn _ Ezra Millard arrived in this city , ac companied by his sou Alfred , who wont to Chicago on this sail errand. They were shipped from Saratoga via the Now York Central , Lake Shore it Michigan South ern , and Hook Island & Paeilie , arriving sit the Transfer on the regular evening train. Undertakers lrc\el & Maul received the body , and n delegation from each of the banks in the eity formed an escort from the depot to the residence. Among the gentlemen present were Messrs , Herman Konnl/.e , 11.V. . Vales , Frame Murphy , C.V. . Hamilton , .John K. Wil bur , \\f. II. Mogtiuier , Captain Marsh , Robert GarliohsVilliam Wallace , Thomas McCague , Charles K. S inires ami T. ( ' . Morgan. Tlio two outer cases were removed at the depot , ami the easket piopor placed in the hoarse. It is of rioh black ilii3h with ebony bearers' mils nml solid silver handles. A plain silver jjlate bears the name of K/ra Millard , with space left for ago and tlalu of death. The receiving delegation took carriages and followed the remains to the homo which the deceased left only so short a time ago apparently with the least ) of many years of health and nsofulut"is as his possession. The funeral will take place from the family residence this afternoon at fi o'clock and it will undoubtedly be the largest ever livid in ihis city , following is the obsequial re quest of Mayor Hoyd : KxocutiNo Department , City of Omaha , Nob. , flavor's Ofllce , August 23,18 0 : I , .1 .lines 1C. Jloyd , mayor ot the city of Onialia , * do hereby proclaim to the citi/.i'iis ol said city , that as a m.xrk of esteem and In leeoziil- lion of the wrvlces and stcrlliic Intugiity ol tlm lion. ox-Mayor 1'zra Mlllaid , late of Umalia , deceased , that the vailous oily olllci's will bo closed , at the houi eli : o'clock on the afternoon ot Tuesday , the 21lli day oC An- pist , issfi , and icinalii so until the termina tion of the tuneial huivicos. And 1 fm-tlier iccpiost that the eiti/eiisof : the city ol Omaha , ns a token ot respect to a loimur executive olllcoi of the city , and as a Iributtt to an illus- tiious clll/en , cliiao their icspi'cllvo ] ) laees of business dutim ; the coiitimianre of tlie itnieial scivlce > of the Hon. Em Millard on Tuesday afteinoon , AiurustiH , issfi. In witness whereof I have hciowlth sot my band and caused the seal of said eity to be alllxed the day and year lirst above written. JAMES E. Bovi > , fScall Major of Omaha. Attest : ,1.15. Southard , City Clerk ; by John S. Wood , Deputy. Mr. J. M. Clarke , an old and sincere friend of the deceased , hands the follow ing for publication in the BKI : . K7.IIA MIl.l.AKD. Karly Snturday morning , August 21 , IS'v , aslrcakof lightning Hashed tinoueh aclQar sky heralding the sad news to the cltl/.eus of Omaha that the spotless banker-public spirited and Ktmuui ot them all , Ezia Mlllnrd , hud linished his labors on earth and laid down to rest In the lap of eteinity. Omaha deeply mourns the loss of it $ best I'l lend and pours out tears of sympathy for bis Kriut-slrickon family , who must now bow in meek submission to the will of his God in whom he tiusted in life. He 1ms left a his tory ot his life that yomiEf men may profit by hisexample. I loved him as a biother because - cause ho loved bis fellow citi/.ons more than he did himself. JOHN M. CI..VUKI : . JIIJ. MIUAIM > 'S LAST CUMTANIOX. Mr. Robert Garlichs arrived Sunday nieht from the east. He left here three weeKs ago in company with the late Mr. Ezra Millard. Last Wednesday they parted in New York , with the under standing that they would meet 1n Chicago on Sunday last. Mr Garlichs reached Chicago on time to keep the appoint ment , but Mr. Millard had not made his appearance. Mr. Garliclis started inunc- dmtely for home , but heard .nothing .about Mr. Millard's death'ufiUL lie reached Pacifio Junction , when tlic-iutcl- ligonce came upon him with crushing cubct. r HAS GOT filK MULES. A "Well-Known Citizen Arrested for llccelvltij ; Stolen Property. A warrant was sworn out in police court yesterday against the well-known liveryman , James Stcpensou , for conceal ing stolen property. The particulars of the case arc about as follows : A few days ago a wealthy farmer named John II. Noyes , residing in Western Iowa , came to Omaha. Ho was on the track of his hired man who had run away one night , taking with him a valuable span of mules , with a wagon , harness , etc. Ho came to Omaho and sold them , it is claimed , to James Stephen- son. Mr. Noycs put his case in the hands of a lawyer. Replovian proceedings were commenced to get possession of the mules , but when Mr. Stcphcnson was approached preached ho simply denied having the mules. He admitted , however , that he had had them at one. time. Criminal pro ceedings have accoodingly been com menced against him in the police court on a charge of receiving stolen property. Last evening Mr. Stephcnson , hearing that there was a warrant out for his arrest , appeared before Ju < l < ro Stonbcrg , and , giving bail in the sum of $500 for his appearance when wanted , he wits released. Stephenson jokingly remarked that ho had the mules , but couldn't have then ! convicted. They are now on his ranch In Colorado. Ho paid the thief $300 for them. Noycs claims that they arc v val uable team of mules worth $500. Ridding Him Good IJjo. Yesterday afternoon in accordance with plans perfected some days ago , lid Rothery started for Chicago , Now York and Boston , via the Wabash , Ho was ac companied across the river by n largo delegation of the sporting fraternity , and many who take no part in 01 t dooi4 amusement * , but are friends of the de parting Omahan , At the transfer Captain O'Malloy presented Ed with an unique diamond pin , and n safe jolirnoy and speedy return were heartily wished und sensibly sealed in many a Mowing beaker of sunny Italy's nectar. George Grillin , steward for C. S. llig- gins , has just returned from n month's visit to the east. He was accoompamod with a good-steed hardware store , com prising the largest range west of Omahii , with several minor cooking facilities , which really annihilate time in the almost lightning-like rapidity with which edibles inny bo prepared for the table , Georio is as promt over his purchases as C. ci. Higgins himself , -and claims that the lat ter is going to revolutionise the restaur ant business , Smashed by n Dirt I'lotv. The stock yard train which left South Omaha at 4 o'clock yesterday met with an accident at Seventeenth street. Sev eral cars loaded with dirt were at n stand still at the point named , and as the pas senger train swept by it was struck by an iron projection of the dirt plow. One of the coaches was so badly damaged it had to be laid up for repairs. Luckily no one was injured und no delay in the passage of trains occurred , County Court. Yesterday afternoon the case of Haas vs. Eby & Walters was on trial before Judge McCullooh. Tim former sues for $300 , alleged to be duo for services. Kby claims the suit is brought to corcr up an indebted ness said to bo due him by Haas , upon whoso note By wont and for whom ho paid the full amount because of the failure of Ilass to make good his Big' nature , . . , . - K. 1 * A > " f-f -.J * " " " * " * ' " " ' * " ' UrevUlcs. The United Statw court has taken at adjournment until lhmwentyovenUi. . SeDtember 1 , Oihnifa lu ! iness collejK will move to se. co" ( , Capitol ave and 1011 st. ( Crounso hall ) . , , ; The jiavers on the Bitlewnlk in front o ; thel"a\ton slrneb * y tl < rday morning They claim lhat tlii-y ltve ) ; not been pan according to agreement. A. Brnmlcis. of J , LVUrandeis & Sons , relumed Sunday Iroin New York city and will be closely followed by tali goods for their Fair. n , A new paper Urvolfd lo the interests of the Knights of , TMhla * will make its lirt appearance Ihh lirkl of ne\l month It will bo called the I'\thian Spur ami will bo edited and published by Ilarrj Merrinm. Gco. H. Murray , nduanro agent of the "Devil's Auction , " is in the city. Hi ! company thoroughly organized strength ened , will arrive here Atnrust 29 , coming direct from Philadelphia to open tlioii season here. They will appear four nights , commencing August 'M. 1'ersoiial I'uraKrniih * . Mr . Gnorge Canlield is quite ill. Capl. V. M. Suitor , of DeWitt , Neb. , is in the city. Miss Belle Nicol , of I'eorin , III. , is visitIng - Ing frieniN in Omaha. Bruce C'artwrlght , Honolulu , Ilawainti Islands , is at the I'avton. Charles H. Dewey , wife and daughter , returned from the nicilio coast Sunday , Joe McCounell amiV. \ . O. Taylor have just got back from a fishing trip to llawf Una. Una.Dr. Dr.V. \ . C. Spaldlng loaves this evening for a two weeks' visit with relatives in New York stale. Colonel Babbitt , the well-known cattle grower , his wife and daughter , went to Cheyenne last night. \V. P. Saunders , of Beatrice , special agent of the Nebraska ami Iowa insur ance company , is in town. Mr. and Mrs. Hllis L. Bicrbowor went lo St. Paul , Minn. , last evening for an ex tended trip through the northwest. " Mr. " > V. J. Martin has received the gralpful news that his wife , now visiting ill Galesburg , Ills. , has become the mother uf a bouncinsr healthy boy. Kngincor Cook , of the water works , and City Engineer Hosewatcr went to Fremont hisf night to test the water works'just completed in that city. General Suporinlendout Smith and Di vision Superintendent Uorrance , of the Union Pacific , went west last evening on a special car attached to the Grand Island train : . , - Smnnel 11. Brown and son returned yesterday from Shoshone Falls and Yel lowstone , and arc very enthusiastic in their reports of the scenic wonders of the places the } ' visited. i'at O. Hawcs went to Lincoln yester day to pay over some of the $10,000 ho collected from the general government. The last worths ho saitl before the train left was that he wou'dnt give the gover nor any points on running the senatorial campaign. _ .j ' Mrs , F. K. Bailey , sr.s and son Ross , accompanied' N. W. Charles , wont west yestcrdsiy over the B. & M. While absent they will Visit Manitou and Colorado Springs * pikei Peak and all the principal .sources interest / in Colorado and Wyoming. "Uncle" John Sutplifen , once a well- known business mVn : of'this ' city , with his nephews , D. C. aiuj JYD. Sulphen , passed through the city yiistortfay on his way to San Francisco. Hi ; was accompanied by Mrs. John Warforjl , ot Pcrrv " , Ohio , sis ter of D. C. Sutphon'ol this "city , who is on her way to visit'relatives ' in Pctalou- ma , Cal. * " ' ' ! Con'clnctoif'LcaynnB ' rUw q the Pull- imm Jino , who lias been r.unning between here and Salt Lake , has been changed to the route-from Green river to Portland. Mr. Lcavonworlh was one of the most popular conductors in the Pullman ser vice , ami Ins nb oncu from this division will be regretted by many appreciative friends. The vanities , and , perhaps it might be said the vicissitudes of polilicswero nota bly represented at the Millard yesterday , when the Hon. G. W. E. Dorscy , con gressman from the Third district ; the Hon. A. J. Weaver , congressman pro tern from the state at larorc , ami Sam Chapman , willing to bo congressman from slate , district or precinct , all regis tered on the same page and breathed the same ho spitablc : ur. A Now Track. Union Pacific workers commenced yes terday grading for a new track on the south side of tiio depot near the raised track of the B. & M , stock yards spur. In all probability , judging from the circular line of the excavation , it will be brought across Tenth street , thus giy- inc nn outlet to the west , south of the depot. A Royal Visitor. Marquis Hatchisukl , Japanese minister lo Franco , and wife , a lady companion and one servant arrived in the city last evening and remained over night at the Puxton. The party loaves for Japan via San Francisco this morning. MICHIGAN OENTKAIj. "The Niagara Falls Iloitto. " The Michigan Central enjoys peculiar advantages as a route lor the western man who travels oitlior for business or pleasure. In connection with Iho Now York Central and Boston & Albany , it forms the direct und great central route to Syracuse , Albany , .Now York and Bos ton , to which points it runs through cars. This is the direct route to Kichliold , Clifton , BalUton and Saratoga Springs , tliu Adirondacs , Catikill and Iho Hudson , and is the only route lhat pa.sso.s directly by ui/d in front of Niagara Falls , anil gives the passenger a satisfactory view of the falls from the car window or plat form. Trains stop at tails View , whore the finest views are obtained , for the express - press purpose of permitting the traveler to enjoy the scene to tl(6 ( best advantago. At Niagara Falls connection is mailo with the Homo , wAtyrjown & Ogtlons- burg railroad , running , through cars to Clavton , where thonstenmora are taken for" the Thousand Islands. Alo.xandria Bay , and Moniroal&und to Fabyan's and Portland , through tliu Heart of the glori ous White Mountain region. With the Cauadidb. lVifio it forms the direct route to the grc Canadian cities of Toronto , Otawai ( , Montreal and Quebec , and to mo wonderful Ink o nml river scenery , full 6fDelight to the tour ist , the hunter and the fmhorinan , so re cently opened to the world. Nearer homo its i > wn ° lines ofl'or a score of dolightful-summuriutf places : Diamond Lake , witli its nnmrnul isio in priuiant setting ; Sister Lakos.fcf restful refuge for the weary within easy reach of Ihu city ; Higgins , Houghton , Otsego , Mullet , Burl and Crooked. Lakes , full of sport for the enthusiastic dcciples of Izaak Walton ; Topinnbeo , Iho sight of the Northern Huy Fever Itosort Association , ami , above and beyond all , the wonderful weird island of Mtickinae , gem of tha northern teas , paradise of the tourist and snorUman , washed by u crystal Hood , bathed in an atmosphere of purity , and crowned with u halo of aboriginal tradi tion and historical association. Altogolhor no road oilers to the trav eler more enchanting routes than those described and pictured in the beautiful little book called "In Summer Days , " which O. W. Hugglos , the General Pas senger and Ticket Agent , Chicago , Ills. , will send to any address on receipt of a couple of stamps for postage. KAIUY MNOnilS Slnrt the Imposition Machinery Ir Motion n Thousand .Mllosnwny. Piinsi'ECT Hoi SK. N. Y. , AmjiistU Mrs , Cleveland touched the button this afternoon that set the nuchmoo In inolioi fit the Minneapolis exposition The ceremonies Ihere that opened the ex position were IOIIR. Instead ot giving tin signal at 1:80 o'clock , ( MstiMti time , in accor dance with previous arrangement , it was after 5 o'clock when Mr * . Clevclaml touched the tclccunli key , tn losponso to the word "ready , " from Minneapolis. The lirst message OUT the wires was fiom W. 1) . "A'a-Oibnru , ptcsldont ol the exposition. Picsldcnt flex eland furnished the opei.itoi \\ilh a reply in nls own hand writing. To the lion , \V. I ) . Washlmrn. President , .MinnenniilK Minn. With ninny thanks foi the liiiul message scut nsbv thuoillceis nml dlrertuia of the Minneapolis Industrial ex hibition , Mrs. Cleveland joins me In tender- lue to them he.uty eoiiKialulallous upmi Hit ! ausiilcloiis Inanimation of an exhibition , which not only demonstrates the prospeilty and piojfie-is of the Kieal noithm'M , but must al o lelli-ct ciedlt ii | n the cnunti ) , Whose pride Is the happiness nml contentment of Us people ami tneir cnjov- meiit ot nil the Rllt.s of Hod , Mrs. Cleveland pliully compiles with jour request and will set In 'notion the machinery of the exposi tion. She now awaits your slunnl. UllOVKll Cl.KVnii.VM ) . As Mrs. Cleveland stepped foi ward to nlvo the signal , which .shoultl move the machinery more than n thousand miles away , the spec- tutors l.iuKhed heartily when Iho Dicslilent gravely admonlslieil her not to start It with a jeik. The circuit was open the whole ills- tanco and within two minutes alter Mis. Cleveland bail pressed Iho button a lojily Came liom Minneapolis that the machinery was woiicim ; beautifully. Imposing , August SI , Tliu Imlustilal exposition licio opened lids allernoon with Immcsslvo cuiemonlc , In the pic.senco of oiiormott.s ciowds of citizens anil vlsltois. The machinery was stalled atl:50p. : : . m. by elfHrlelty , the clrcuil lutvimc been made up loSainnac lake , X. Y. , wheieMis. Cleveland closed the key al Iho hour named. cunio roil coit uuvrioN. A Dakota Sinn's Alndtclnc Tor Venal Olllon llohloi-.s. AVAtinxnTrtx , August SI. fSpcclnl Tel8 gram lo the BIK : ] The lollowim ; cmious .letter has been lecolved at the patent oflico from a man livimi In Dakota : "I respectfully request you to inform me what U might cost mo to lake out letters-patent on anew now discovery of a valuable , safe cure and an Infallible cure for olllclal corruption so much needed at pio'ont. My medicines have been prepared in a liquid lorm , but seemingly thorn Js no demand. I now propose it dryin the form of a powder that can bo dusted on the lloors of coucrcss or left in the desk of the invalid atrected with that dire malady eating the vitals of our beloved country. In the Dos JNIolncs land bteal 1,203,000 acres were stolen. No compensation was ever given. II is'now tried to be compromised by a coek- ulrlco seilato bill incubatetl in star chamber. enllei'les cleared , doors closed , and b.ipli/.cd III open senide l-'ebuinry 11 , 8ii. My medi cine is Tree from mineral substance. It Is patent arid pungent , boiue lirst extracted by that mischievous potato bug. 1 take c < nial parts of the hard shell and of the red bin ? , same family , in its embryo state. 1 forward U Iree of all charge on Hpplic.Uion. The Base Ball Record. AT Louisvii.i.i : Louisville . 0 00010200-3 ritUburg . 0 0201120 * 6 Uaso hits Louisville 3 , Pittsburg , 7. Kirors Louisville 'J , Pittsburgh Pitchers Jlamsoy anil Onlaln , Umpire Kelly. AT ST. Louis St. Louis . 1 00012002 0 Kansas. City . 0 00000000-0 15ase hits St. Louis 10 , Kansas City 1. Errors St. Louis 1 , Kansas City U. Pitchers llealy and \Ycidman. Umpire Grace Pearco. AT < CINCINNATI Itaiu prevented the St Louls-Clnclnnatl game. AT NEW Yomc Brooklyn . 0 0248011 0 10 Metropolitans _ 1 0 Base hits Brooklyn 15 , Metropolitans 10. Krrois Brooklyn 0 , Metropolitans 1. Um pire Bradloy. AT JiAi/riMOKK Uallimoro . 1 0" ! 2 0 2 0 0 0-0 Athletics . 0 a 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 7 liasc hits Baltimore" . Athletics 10. Er rors Baltimore 2 , Athletics o. Umpire Valentino. AT DirrnoiT Detroit . 0 00000000 0 Chicago . 1 0002010- 4 Base hits Detroit 1. Chicago 8. Errors- Detroit 0 , Chicago 2. Pitchers Baldwin and Clarkson. Umpire Powers. The Yacht Kacc Abandoned. SANDY HOOK. August 23. The weather Is hazy and the wind Is not blowing more than three miles per hour. The heat Is intense here anil has its effect upon the breeze. There is a heavy swell outside. 0X ! ) a. m. Clearing and wind Increasing , now being about six miles an hour. The race is twenty miles to the windward outside the course of the New York yacht club , the start to bo from Sandy Hook lightship. The M-I is comparatively smooth , there bcim ; only the customary swell trom the iioitliwcsi wind. At this time , 10P,0 : , the time for the start , the Mnyllowor and Atlantic are Hearing the Hook and Iho Pinilan and Pdscilla are oil ilohpiU ! Island UINIII.ANDS , August 33. The yachts 'started at 12:21. They crossed the line as follows : Puritan , Atlanllc , Priscllla and Mayllowcr. The wind having died out the ynchls did not attempt to linish , but returned to pint ( Jonoy Island Itaces. BmnirroN liK.vrn , N. Y. , August 23. Six fm longs : Lucy 11. won , Susanna second , Toribra thlitl. Timo-l:17 : . Six furlongs : Adonis won , Milton second , Illghoail thlnl. Timo-l:17 : . Ccrllllcales paid 4iso. ; JllleBonnIo : Australian won , Mentor second end , Inconstant third. Time 1:47. : Ceitlli- Kites paid 5fW.70. Sovon-tiiiliths mlle : banta Clans won , Nlmroil second. Change third. Time liUf. : : Ceitlllcatt'S paid SJ .70 stiaight , Sb2.76 for plai1'.1. ThieR-iiuarlors mlle : Ticasurer won , King Arthur hucuiid. Kvn K. thlid. Tlmti l:10 : > i. Certilicatesiiald S7.r > .ao. Sovoii-t'lKlilhs mile : Delilah won. Little Winch second , Jim Douglas third. Time Racine at N. Y. , August S ) . The at tendance was good , the truck fast , and the wvnther cool. Thieo-Qiuirters mlle : Besslo won , Patro- cles second , Telia Dee third. Time 1:10. : Mntuals paid , 55X70. One and three-sixteenths miles : Burch won , Nettle second , Saltpetre third. Time 2:05. : Two-year-old inaldons , live-eighths mlle : ( ilntlstono won. Valiant second , Village Boy third. Thno-liOlH. Thieo-niuutersmilo : Brolt won , Cailsslma second , Duke of Coiinuiight thhd. Time 'one nml an eighth miles , over live hurdles : Burr Oak won , ( ilenarm bocoiul , Joe Shelby thlid. Time 2:00. : rtnllctH Tor Hlolcrs. LONDON , August ' ' . Pursuant to Instruc tions Irom the war olllco the various cenerals of the army districts have ordered volunteers to practice picket duty and bo In le.idlncss to quell doting during Iho ensuing autumnal ninnojuvre. Kttch volunteer Is to bo bupplled with twenty ball Oiirtrldires. It Is uiiilur- fotood that this action 's tuken under the ox- puctancy at a renewal of dynamite outrages and Iibli dlsiordors in uorthurn and midland towns of Kiniland. MIDNIOIIT The police did not lire upon the mob , ns the streets were clraiod by the military , Nine nncsU wore made. The city is now Quiet. _ Dynamite In Uso. DIMII.IN , Augustas. During the eviction ut Ballyugcn , Kilkenny , to-day a row took place during which the police were Moncd. A numberof bailiffs wore seriously injured. A portion of the mansion of Jtuluo Klce at Busltinent , nenr Ll.vchnn. county Kerry , was wu-ckO'l to-d.iv by Hie explosion of i\y- \ nnmite. A similar ouiraeo wa < periietiateil on a protestaiit farmer's house at ( faillcan , Loiidondetry , Itlots AKnln Hreak liooso. Ilri.rT , August 23 , ( > : : ; o p. M. This e\enim ? a deui-hment of inlloo made an at tempt to disperse n mob on Shank 11111 ami the mnb llnow volley atler volley ol stones al thopolleo. ieule < l them , and then completely wiei'ked the bniraoks which wetc defended bylwonly polloe. Military iclnforeemonts are hurryiuc to the spot. Glntlstone llonkcd for n Specoh. LONDON , August C.X < ilndstone will , It Is bolleved , make a speech In the commons In suppoitot P.iruell's mntloii that the gONerii- nieiu sloe evictions in liclaud In ceit.dli ca e-i. The committee of workimjmeu has been lormcd toialse a penny siilxerlplion testimonial menial for piesciitnllon ( o .Salisbury. SALT LAKK , August 2JJ. John Sharp , n I'liion Pacllic director , heretolore a bishop in this city has been deposed. Sonic months ujo ho agreed to obey the law and stop living in polygamy , The church organ to-night gives ollleial notice that another man , ODD Husscll , a .son-in- law of Hie presiding bishop of the church has been put in his place. I'Vnnoe \Vivlttii > j. PAIIIS , August 21) ) . The fall of Prince Aloxandoi Is the absorbing topic of discus sion in P.iri.s , Franco has determlncil to ob- seue an expectant attitiule. Picsldent ( iievy keeps In continuous communication with all the members of the Kiench ministry. A Printer's Kail. Brm.iNn-ro.v , la. , August 2:1. : Frank Unit , a printer , fell fiom tliu third story window ot the.ctle : composing loom his > t evening lo the bnsemenl. He Used until moinlng , but did not spcnk alter Ids tall , lie Is sup posed to lui\e been silling on the window bill und fallen asleep. Crop ICstlnintes , 2. ! . Olllclal estimates of the Piusslaii crops state that the wheat yield will equal K per cent ot the average crop : rye , bT ; bailey , 07 , and oats , 101. THE AMERICAN ELK. Interesting Skciuli ol * n Graceful nntl Fast nisapiiearln I have at Intervals during the last ten years had ample opportunity for study ing the American elk or wapiti door , says a writer in the Christian Advocate. I have seen thorn in great numbers in the Kooky mountains , where , in 1871 , 1 cap tured one that dressed 800 pounds , the largest elk of which I have been any au thentic account. I selected him irom u band of si.xty-thrco feeding on the mountainside tain-side near Long's peak. This species of the deer family is larger than all others excepting the moose , and is taller than the average horse. His antlers are solid , very long , and have numerous prongs. I Iiavo stootl on the head of an oik after he was shot , of course nntl found the tips of the antlers extending over my head. In color he is a yellow-brown , with white buttocks. His head is finely formed , and , altogether , this is a graceful and nmgnili- conl beast of Iho forest. His track in the snow is about tire si/.e of that of a 2- yoar-old hoifor. His home was formerly in every part of the United Stales , ex cepting , perhaps , the Carolmas and Florida , lln prefers the woodlands or tlio mountains , and only inhabits the prairies from force of circumstances. The last elk in Illinois was seen near tlio present city of Peoria about fifty years a < ro. A band was seen and one of lliom shot two years ago within a few miles of where 1 now write Lyiln cbunty , Iowa. They arc at this time quite numerous on tlio Yellowstone river , Montana , and in parts of Washington territory and Idaiio. The flesh of the elk is line ilavoretl , but. di tiers from all oilier venison. It is said to bo more nutritions than any other known meat. From experience I know a hungry hunter is satisfied with about half the amount which would bo required of beef or bacon. The bucks arc at cer tain seasons vicious und dangerous. The mother also lighls desperately in defense of her young. Judge J. C. Caton , late of Ottawa , 111. , had a few years ago qnito a band ot elk in a wood lot inclosed by a high fence , and placard posters warning persons of the danger within. Three men passing on foot thought they would show thai they could go through that Jot ami that they were not afraid of anyone. s elk. When about half way across the enclosure they were discovered ami attacked , lirst by the leader , an old buck , and then by other members of the company. A desperate struggle ensued , the men lighting for life , and the elk in a porfrct rago. The men wore literally stripped of every shred of clothing by the horns anil sharp hoofs of the infuriated beasts. One man. by dodging among the trees managed to es cape over the fence ; another climbed a tree , ami the other was killed. The man escaped over the fence g.ivo the alarm , when a party of Judge Galon's workmen went into the lot und fought the elk hand to hand with pitchforks and axes. The batllo was fierce and lerriblo. At length the men , by striking the elk with Ihu pitchforks behind the fore .shoulders , forced thorn to give way slowly and sul lenly , when the lifeless man was carried nut. nut.Tho fawns are the cutest and most _ de ceptive litllo oreaturo.s imaginable. While very young they are left by the mother in supposed security hidden away in the gnus and loaves , anil jt isas- loninliing how perfectly they are in this way concealed. In this condition the lit- lie fellow allbcts death boiler than any Eirctitiiro I know of except the opossum. In fact , you would think him quite dead only ho forgets to shut his eyes. Ho lies without a motion , and if you pick him up he is limp as a stocking , the head and legs hang down without a kinglo muscle being moved , but Ihe big bright eyes are fairly sparkling all the timo. If you lay him down , however , and step a few paces away he is up ami off like an arrow , calling at every jump with a desporalo squeal for his mother. It is then best to Iiavo in your hands a trusty rlllo or bo near a tree , When hard pressed by a horseman or dogs in their native haunts the elk ut- tars a shrill scream resembling more the whistling of a steam tlinwhor than any thing else , ( icnurally they are easily frightened in a wild .state , and when one Lakes alarm he instantly communicates it to tlio others , when they all dash away an a long ( rot. or rack , carrying with ox- inisilo grace their great antlers high in the air. The waterworks of Hapid City were successfully tented last week. They have iullieiout capacity to supply the present population with twenty ono gallons per lioad per day. which , with judicious mix ing , is contidorod ampin for immediate iiueds , _ _ Women Wanted. To pool tomatoes nt tJanninj' ' : factory in West side on , Loavonworlh st. road. Ogooil carpenters wanted immediately. Apply s o cor. llth and Williams. NKW OIIUANS FUOM ? 23 unvAitus. Easy terms at Max Mo.yer it Hro's. Our Howi : & KKUU'S pities ON FUUNI 1510 DiUOLA3 Sl'UKUT Dr. Hamilton Warrcm , Kclootlo Physi cian and Surgeon , lloom 0 , Cromiiio block corner 10th and Capitol avenue Day and night nalla promullr uttenlud to Send J. B , Kvaiif & Co. list of your propurt } for t > ule. Al Fnlrbrotlifr'fl Compliment * to Church HOMO. To the Kilftor of the Hun : Olmrck Howe , with his hair parted in the middle ami his prospects for congress ili.ssolviug and disappearing every day , has set his editorial pimps upon mo because I have been compiling apnitof his shameful record , reeking with rottenness ami seelh- ing with foul blotches of political corrup tion. Howe finds a letter that I wrote , about a year ago , asking Howe , not as a ono-hoi'Mi politician of Nemaha county but as u member of the national commit tee , into which position he forced himself , against the solemn protest of fifty good republicans ol Nebraska , lo make a slalo- nienl regarding m. > republicanism. Par ties hail questioned it. Al the same time 1 wrote lo Weaver , N an Wyck , Dawcs , Mercer anil many others with the same request. They all responded. I printed all the letters , except the one from Church Howe the o'ie over which ho is now making Mich a great fuss at railroad ulatloiis , in railroad coaches and through ( he columns of his subsidised patent- gutted country dreadfuls and Chili. Ueie's journal. 1 did not print Howe's loiter. 1 knew that his record as a polit ical tumbler was too widely known. Hi * work in trying to steal Oregon for Tilden gave him an uncnvhhlo reputation as a I'ildcn democrat. Because lie insinuated hlmsell into tlienatioiial committee inndo no ill He re nee. Atr > way , I want the pa pers and llowu to know that his letter was never published. Mr. Howe should remember that he is running for con- gress. I am not ; in fact , am not before the people. It happens in my way , working for the best paper in the state , to write some truths about Howe that make him squirm. From what I can learn regarding the man , and what can easily bo learned , 1 imagine thai he can not well all'ord lo urge lights on iudi- , vldnnls. If 1 had published Howe's letter - ' tor il would have been ilill'erenl. Th tiles of my paper will show that 1 never published it. Be easy , Mr. Howe , and do not shoot until yon have treed your coon , Ai. FAimnumii.u. The Sad Lotol'tho llimn Unit Umpire Texas Sittings : A New York paperboys Ihe manager ol a club took a pitcher inlo a room alter the game was over and se verely punished him for his big mistakes. The pitcher is not tlm only officer. The umpire Millers at the bands of both sides. The poor umpire is out on Iho ball ground. There is a limp in his gall and lie carries a cam ) . He is an old vet , ami played a right lively game before ho was wounded. The ball hlruck him on the knee cap , anil when ho was discharged from the hospital ho was placed on the retired list. What are they doing now ? Tlie man at the bat made three strikes , and the catcher has thrown the ball lo lirst base. Is the man out ? Some say he is and some say ho isn't. What docs the umpire sav ? Ho has not had a chance to say any thing yet on account of Ihe uproar. Why do the two nines gather so closely around the umpire ? lie ought to have a little fresh air. They are going to bulldoze him. Has lie rendered a decision yrt ? Yes , he has pronounced the man out. Who struck Ihe umpire ? The short stop. \V ho is that man kicking the umpire on Ins gamoiegV That is the man whom he declared OUt. OUt.It is a shame to kick , strike and abuse a lame man. True , but look at the third baseman , who is creeping up behind him with a club in his hand. What is ho going to tlo ? Ho liiids that it is necessary ( o kill the .impirc to stille further discussion. Has ho struck him yet ? No , he has not hit him on the back of lis bead , because the umpire lias just re versed his decision. done back on what he said in the first place ? Yes , he now says the man is not out. Who lirod that shot ? The left fielder of the other club. Who is he shooting at ? The umpire. Why ? Because the umpire reversed his do- nsion. Why , they have Killed the umpire for joing back on his first judgment ! Yes , but what is the tlilVeroncc ? Ho voultl have been killed anyway by the ' ilub on the other side. It' is six to ono .nd half a doxen to the other , and an um- iirc might as well tliu for an old slice ] ) as . lamb. A young man in Pitlsburg has agreed o-go down the Alloglmny and Ohio river * n a cask and shoot over Davis Island him , if another man will Dlungo oil' the 'oint bridge into tlie Monongahchi river. Railway Time Table OMAHA. The followhiir Is tliu time of nrrlvnl and de- arturo ol trains by Central Standard Time at ho local ilopotx. Trains of tlio C ! . , Si. 1' . , M. le > . arrlvu nml ilopnrt finin thtilr iluput. corner of Uh nml Webstorstroots : trulni on tlio II. i M. ! . II. AfQ.mid 1C. 0. . SU .1. If P II. frnin the II. i M. dupot all othui-g from tlio Union 1'iiuiflo OI'0t' IIHIDOH TIIAINS. Ilrldtfo trains will leave IT 1' . depot at n-M n-.Xi 8uo : 8:40--Hij : : < jnoOU ; llou : a. m , : 111:0 - ! : ; I.rl-M:00-Uj0 : : ( 111:01) : ) 5Uu : 5'W : 0:10- iOU llilOp. in. Jxmvo Transfer for Omnlm at 7:12 : 118:15 : 9:30 : -.1:12 - -moK--10i7- : : : : : n.lii.l:37-3ia-2OT : : 0:42 : 7:20--7VJ-8 : ; : : ! > 0- CONNECTING Arrival nml ilopnrtnro ot trains from the VaiHlur Ouput ntCouiiuil Illiilla : IIIII'AIIT. AltlllVE , CHICAGO , HOCK IKIANI > 4 I-ACIMO. 117:15 : A.M. I I ) : I5 A. it. irjir : > A. M. H5w : : ! . M , ( JJ4Ul ( ; > . M. I II7 : ! ! . U. C'lllCAUO fc NOimiWGSTKIIH. 00:15 A.M. I 1)11:15 * . if. 11 UliiM : ) , I 117:00 : i > . x. CI1IIUI10 , UUIU.INniO.N . O.UINIIV , A OlliS A. M. I A Uilfl A. M , II 6iu : r. u. II :20 : r. u. I A 7:00 : r. u. CIIICADO , MILWAUKK * 4 hT. I'AUI. A0:15 : A.M. I A'Jsir.A.M A 0:401' : . M. I A7OJl' : . M. EANKAH crrr , HT. JOE & COUNCIL ni.u fs. A 10:00 A.M. I ] ) fli3A. ; : . Ub:65l : > , M. I A 5:351' : . Ii , WAIIVHII , ST. C.OU1S * I'ACiriO. A 3:0oi' : . M. I AilUOr. : M. HKUU CITY & I'AdlFIU. A7Ci'AM. ; I A UM : A. M. A a-a r. M. I jyiil1'- " Dopiirt. W JISTWA UJ . Arrive. l.M , IM. . I UNION I'AUIKIU..M , , ! , u. . . .I'liclllu K 5:0of : ) . . .liiiciil Icxmim. . . llIXa ) II. XM. . IN NKIi , . .Mullmr " 0:10a : 0:21.1 : NiKlit l)0 ( > nrt. WiTIIWAHl ) . Airlvo. , ' | I' . M. MlBBOIiU'l 1'AUIPl'U. A. II. | IMC. , .luy ) Kxpiosa . . . UU ; 1C. . , ST. J. & (3. ( II. . Via IMiittsmouth . 7OQJ 7:10 Jlopjul. Nlllt'l'iiWAItl * . I' . , HT. 1' . , M. A l . HlouxClty _ 15/\S1'WA ; HU. _ " Arrlvo. _ 17 n. I i > . M.'l C. . II. & I ) . \ A7u. I v. u. VXQ1 0:001. : . VIu I'lmuinuuth. ! _ : ) [ _ 7:19 : NiJTK-A , tt-Hliimlnlly ; II , U'llly njcopt Bun- njrU ; , dully tutcopt .Saiunlny ; 1) , duily cxjopt luiuluy. STOCK YAIIDTHAIN'S III leave ( I 1 * . .iqpnt , Oinuliit , nt fi:10 : 7:35 ) : iMu. tnB'W-3Ui-i3-.1iti-T8W ; : ; ( : : p. in. I'nclllo Jliprosj , , b:30 : p m , ; Denver lix. , 10:51 : .m , ; Local Kx. , 5:03 : p.m. LovvouUick vitrcU for Oiualia at TOi 9'JO- : . la : > . in. : * $ > - 3-ai 4:3aJuj : 8so : n. ra. t V , Atluutlo Ux , le S. 0. Ti" : : > " . in. ; Olil".io fir. , " \ * > 6. 0 f.:07 : p.m. : Jcul Kx , In , a 0. I05l ; u ia. | ' to. luiJ. Us. ; ir. S.oB:4lp. 10. ; 2d II. P. Kr , :0y : a.