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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1886)
(3 ( THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : T1IUBSDAY , AUGUST 5 , 188(5. ( THE > AITAr BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , FKIDAV MORNING , AUGUST0. Oi'TICE , NO. 12 ! , PEARL STREET. Polluted by tnrricr In I'll-pnrt of the city ni l < nly tents pur week. H. W. TII.TON , - - - Mnti.iKcr. Tr.l.Kl'HONCSi nrsiM KS Orncn , No. 13. NimiT tinioit : No. 21. aiirvou New York I'ltiniblns company. Summer clothing , cheap : il Keller's. Tlio vury best cabinet : ) at ? ; i do ? . l ( lorliam's. Tin ! fiood Templars gave ! an entertain- incut last evening. Only sf''l per do * . for lirst class cab inet photo'i at Schmidt's , ' -0 Main St. Cabinet photographs $3 pur do/on at { jlicrr.ulen's , ill ? Mrxv'y , for < M days only. Regular meeting of Fidelity council No. 1 0 , Koyitl Arcau'mm , this ( Friday ) evening. Justice Sehniv. yesterday tlii ) knot uniting Henry Arp and Louisa Neum.'vyer , both of Mills county. II. II. Fields has ju-t patented a pr.tont door anil blind fastening , in which Ilium hcciiis to bu u fortunuif itcan bu properly brought to public attention. Olllccn O'llrlen , He-wick and Unthank arc now on night duty , and Ullieers Leon ard , Wcighlman anil Lewis on day , tlio eiiango being made Wednesday night. Street car service lias ruMiined on Pearl Htrcct. At leat > t the old Omaha box , with a sieve top and with .sides bedaubed with red paint , is making ' low and uncei'tain progress over tliu nuw rails. Tin ; blind wall on the west , bide of Ihu peoolc's store is having the light let tluoiigh by four largo oval windows. This will make the store mneli lighter for thii inspection of goods and for the many patrons. .John Helm lias ponc ; into tlio book business since prohibition struck the city. He sells volumes of "Spirit of lie- land" and other suggestive titles. Tlio contents of these volumes are red when thny reach the end of the nose , The police found one fellow sleeping oil'a drunk on a sidewalk cot and piilleu him in. He modestly refused to have his name presented ( o tlio world , and yester day morning when sober answered to tlio call of John Brown , lie was charged nothing extra for preserving his incog nito. nito.The The sewer of the city jail seems to bo very faults' . Ithasagain become clogged , necessitating tlio taking up of the entire length of pipe outside the building. The Hewer seems too small and with instilli- cieiit fall. Jt would bo cheaper to make n new one altogether than to continue these frequent resurrections and burials. Some time ago the rumor was set alloat that one of the local promincnts in the .Knights of Labor was found to be short in his accounts with the order. It is now stated that the matter has been quietly lixcd up , and the shortage being made good by a weekly payment of a small sum , so that there will bo no publicity made concerning it. The revival services continue to draw crowds nightly to the pavilion. Mr. Hell is giving great satisfaction to the Chris tian workers xyhq have secured his ser vices , and is proving to be an interesting speaker to those of the ungodly who go simply out of curiosity. He is awakening quite nn interest here , and tiiis is not the most fertile soil in tUti world on which to scatter his seed. The young man who saws up plates for the evening cold water paper makes .a desperate attempt to convince the public that the Bin : denounced the slayer of Itov. Mr. Haddock as a "liend' " but called the murdered man a "fool. " If the yoitnil man will read the oIleiiHive heading in the BII : : again ho will lind it saying , "A liund and a fool shoot * down an anti-saloon minister in cold blood. " The young fellow in reading the head lines the lirst time , doubtless got no further than the word "Fool , " and was so surprised at seeing his name in print that ho failed to read the rest of the lines. _ Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Smticrs , No. 101 Pearl street , Council Mulls. Only $ ' 2.50 per defer lirst class cabinet photos at Schmidt's , 220 Main. 1'ornoiial Paragraphs. .Mr. John Keller is reported as on the tick list. B. A. Braadwoll was at the Pacific yes terday. P. Lacy returned yesterday from Chicago. 1) . C. Hloomer has returned from his western trip. Dr. K. H Moore , of Harlan , was at the Pacillc yesterday. Dr. G. U. Christie , of Dunlap was at the Ogdan yesterday. Hon. Oeorgo F. Wright is home from a visit to his Wyoming ranch. State Senator Knight , of Dubuque , was lioro yesterday , en route to Colorado. Thomas Meredith , of Lewis , Cass county , was greeting his friends hero yes- onlay. Dr. K. A. Whotslihio. of Irwin , was among those in the city yesterday get ting registered. Miss Minnie Cole has returned from Spirit Lake where she has been visiting Mrs. McFarland. Miss Lizzie Leonard loft for Cleveland yesterday , whuro she will continue her Btudles. Mrs , Leonard accompanied her , Always buy your meats at Star Market , No. ! ! 04 Broadway , and get the best. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sou that your books are made by More- house & Co. , Koom 1 , Kvorett block. HI , Paul's New Church. Work is progressing well on the into rlor of tliu new Kpiscopal church build- ing. This will bu without doubt one of the most elegant church structures In the whole western country. All but one of the stained windows are now in and they urn beautiful. Thosu who are competent to judge of such work say that tlio win dews are oven more handsome and more exnonbivo than those in Iho cathedral at Omaha , and the structure as a whole will bear favorable comparison witli the ca thedral , and will probably outrival It in beauty. The windows alone cost about livu thousand dollars. The woodwork is being finished in the natural oak , hand carved , and is solid and rich in appear- unco , There in no flashy attempt being made in any of the u'nishtns , but nil and every detail will bo elegant in fact us well us in appearance , Tlio whole will bu completed by next month , when the ded icatory services will taku place , These who have not taken a gllmpso of the in terior of tlui church will bo surprised , and will freely conceduthntit is a church of which the city may well feel proud. Attention sir Knltchts. ilogular conclave of Ivonho command- orv No. 17 Knights Templar this , Tliurs * diij ovoning. Regular work In order of the T.unplo and Mast.i. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially invited , By order of the R. c. a _ First-class tin work , rooting , etc. , a specialty ut Coojior & McGeo's. Go to the Now York Plumbing com pany for garden hose. They warrant all hey ecll. Opera house block. The Men of Peace on the Man-a-wa Have Much Watery Sport. PROGRESS Or PUBLIC BUILDINGS The Allldnvlti In tlio Insult , or MlMtnkc Case The Itcvlval Continues The IJnms Hull Games Otlicr News. A MUt.tUc < ) ! nn Insult ? The nllidaviu in regard to John White's assault upon J. Q. Anderson are now all in , the la t of them being tiled yesterday. The defendant states in extenuation of the assault that on thn day of the as sault , and jn t previous to it , he was in formed by liis mother thai his .sisicr hail been grossly and criminally assaulted by Andur.oii about tun days before. Ho went diiTPtly to Anderson's olllce and told him that ho had insulted his sister , who had been working In Anderson's hoti'-e. Anderson neither denied or ad mitted the charge , and exasperated as ho was , ho was carried into a ragn by the apparent indili'erouco of Anderson and hit him. but n cd no other weapon than his list. Tli.s atlidavit of the sister , who , by a strange coincidence , is mar ried to a man named Anderson , is also tiled. She states that she is thirty- one years old and the wife of T. S. Ander son. " She went lo work for Mrs. .J Q. Anderson , and when that lady loft for the cast on a visit she remained at the house , caring for the children , Mr. Anderson being nUo away from home. She was thus in the employ of tins family from .Inly III to July IJ'J. Mr. Anderson re turned homo be'foro his wife got back , ho reaching hero on the 'Jlbt. That was the lirst time she had ever seen him. About ! 1 o'clock the next morning ho came home , and she was in a room up stairs , together with his little daughter. He asked her if the room was warm , and if any of the children were with her. On replying that the little girl was with her , hu came up stairs into her room , and put his hands on her. She rebuked him and ordered him out. Hu left , leaving the child with her , nnd never asked for her or awoke her. A few minutes later she went to a neigh bor's , Mrs. Last , and informed her what had occurred. She remained there until about r > o'clock , when she retuined to Anderson's house and irot breakfast for the family. She then went to her mother's anil informed her , and was ad vised to continue to cook meals for tliu children until Airs. Anderson's return. Shu continued to work days at the house until the 2Jth , but went to her mother's every night to sleep. Mrs. White tiled an affidavit corrobo rating the latter part of the statement. On the other side there is Tiled the alii- davit of Mr. J. Q Anderson. Ho denies that lie ever criminally orgrossly insulted and assaulted the woman. He was not hero on the day named , but in the state of Illinois on business for the Council lilnll's. insurance company , of which he is secretary. He was away from here on the 17th to the 3Ud. ilo denied that White gave him any opportunity to explain , but as soon as he spoke to him struck him , as he believes with some weapon. It was not true that White came directly to the olHce. lie was informed that White had consulted an attorney , and was told that he could do nothing with Anderson about the alleged insult , and that he then came to the oflico and assaulted him.i The woman commence' ! working for his wife July C , and continued until July 1C. His wife left July 12 , and ho reached homo on the Mth , and not on the 21st. Ho never asked this woman if the room was warm. Ho did not need lo ask any such question with the weather as hot as it was. The chambers in hot weather were so that it was hard to sleep in them. On the night in question the house was locked when he came from the oflico The woman re- sponded to his rap and opened the door. She went immediately to _ her room. There was a light burning in tlio sitting room and ho found but two of his children down stairs. Ho asked for thopthcr , and was told by the woman that she was up stairs in her room sleep ing with her. He went up there to get the child. The room was dark , and ho saw the outline of an objecl lying across the foot of the bed , nnd supposed it was the child. He went to taku hold of the child , and found out then Ins mistake , for the woman spoke up quite sharply , "I want you to understand that I am a decent woman. " He left the room at once , not stopping to gut the child , as ho did not want any further trouble. The ne\t morning at the breakfast table ho explained it to her. She said she was frightened , and thought ho had been drinking. Ho told her ho never drank. Nothing more was said about it until tlio day when her brother assaulted him. Mr. Anderson's wife stated in an affi davit that on her return , and after the date of the alleged insult , the woman ap plied to her for re employment , but was refused. An affidavit was filed of Mrs. Last , the neighbor to whom the insulted woman went that night. She stated that she was awakened about it o'clock in the morn ing by the woman coining to her house. She explained her visit at that unseemly hour by saying that Mr. Anderson had come into her room for his little daughter , and that she believed he had been drink ing. Mrs. Last told her Mr. Anderson did not drink. Later in the day the woman came again , nnd said that Mr. Anderson had explained the matter. Frank C. Hendricks , one of the em ployes of the Council Hlull's insurance company , who was in the ollico at the timu White assaulted Anderson , swears that ho saw White as ho run out of the ollico put his hand in Ins hip pocket as if drawing or nutting away some weapon. Ed \ \ rigid , the stenographer in the same oflico. swears ho distinctly saw some sort of a weapon in White's hand , and that White did not give Anderson any timu to reply to him before lin strunk. _ _ Pacific house recently renovated. Cool rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained. Klrklnml , the jeweler , lias removed to D'ia Broadway , Singer ollico. Yesterday's Hall G til no. Yesterday afternoon at the driving park tlio C. M. tf St , P. base ball club of Karling , Iowa played the Mueller music company's nine of thlscity. Thn game was for $100 a side and Salisbury nnd Bundle , pitcher and catcher for the Union Paoilio club of Omaha wore engaged as the battery , the Muellers claiming they could put In whoever they wished , the ganio being for money , but tlio Kurllim crowd dis puted this and would not play with the U , P.'s batterv , so they were put in the Hold , Bandlo doing second and Salisbury covering left Held , neither having a uni form on. The Hurling people ofTVii'jd many beta on their niuu but with few takers until thn ending of Iho second inning when tliu Muellers were ahead anil then Karl- ing's monlnd men kept quiet. It was chimed by many Hint the Larling battery way 'Mmuorted" for the occasion , but they hvlJ their own in uood fihauo until the closo. The jjam.i was tlui most hotly contested ever played on the driving park ground but there wore not over 3iVJii attendance- . Tlio Karling'a won Iho ahoioo am ! sent Co until JJlulb to tbc bat. Strock wont to bat and struck out , as did Handle also. Al.lN'oblo biokc n bat nnd got IhM bv n niUir by Lnnson. Salisbury followed him to lirst on balls , while Saddler cnmo to bat. mUscd the ball and Al. ioble was the third man put out and no runs. Karhng then came to the front with W. Hyors , who hit a grounder past second base to center field and got to thn second bag. afterward Mealing thinl. Young struck out. Lawson sent one to Hierwein nt short stop , who passed it home to Strock , who had "onio soiort between Pulton at third and himself running Hycrs first one way , then another , Sadler coming in to the reseuo jusl as Uyers pns ed Strock , but Sadler had Iho ball ami llyors re tired , ( J. ( Jeist then struck out , making a whitewash for ICarliilg. In the second inning Oliver sent a "honey-cooler" to right field and got first and finally came home on a pas.-cd ball. Hierwein .struck out. Pnlton got lirst on a inutl'by Lawson nt lirst. S. NobUs htruck out , inu Strock hit one to left Meld , which sent Paiton homo and Slroek gelling second and on n block ball , came in. Handle got lir t on strikes and lo second and third on bad throws. Al. Noble hit a hard one to second. G. ( ieistgettiiig illo Li\\soii : , who surpri'ed the audience by holding it. Karlingeaiuo up with Swart/ , who got lirst on balls and lo third by a bad one that Sadler cut to Stiock. Pat Ion retired II. Myers , who--ent him a hiiili tl.y. Hnwley got lirbt on a left Holder , whllo Hrown fol lowed to first on a dead ball , having been hit by Sadler. E. Geist .sent Ilawley homo' by one to left Held. W. Hycrs sent a hut one lo Sadler who put him out on lirst , Al Noble b.uiging the ball back to Strode , retiring Hrown. The thinl inning scored one by Sadler for tlio Hlnll's. Salisbury previously hav ing gone out on strikes Uierwein hit to center , stole lirst but was lelt by Pntton , who .struck out , Young went out on .strikes us a starter for Karling , followed by Lawson , who took bnsn on balls , Swart.striking out. G. Gdst reached base and H. Hyors scut a high lly to right .short. Sadler , Al Noble and Handle all went for it in a bunch , lint Sadler hold it. In the fourth Sam Noble went to first on balls , stole second , but was put out third man on reaching home. Strock hit a hot ono to lliu pitcher , who stopped il. and put him out at first. Bundle followed with a foul tip. Ilawley hit to left , got first but was caught stealing second , and Karlii g's first man then retiredHrovvn and K. ( ieist followed on str'fciis. Salisbury led oil' the fifth inning with a high lly to second and was saved the trouble of running by G. Geist's big hands , Sadler got base on balk by E. Geist , stole second and third but Oliver and Hierwein striking out left another blank. Karling followed in like manner with W. Hyors , Young and H. Hyers. Lawson , of the Karlings , let Pntton open the sixth inning by reaching lirst on another had in nil. S. Noble struck out. Stock sent one to left field Handle and Al Noble both followed with a lly to first , Lawson holding the ball both tunes , closing another inning without any runs. The Earliugs came in , the score standing a to 5 in favor of the Hlull's. and scored three runs by Ilawley , Hrown and E. Geist. K. Geist making the best ball of the day. Swartz , H. Hycrs And W. Hycrs being the outs. As Karling went in the fiolci for the seventh inning , Hrown and G. Geist changed positions and the Muellers Fend ing Salisbury to the bat. He again struck out but Sadler followed with one ( o short , making a run , as did Hierwciu. Oliver and S. Noble going out. Young and G. Geist made a count for Karling , making the score 7 to 7. The eighth inning was a blank by both clubs , while the ninth gave Council Hlulls three by Salisbury , Sadler and Oliver. Karling came up to win and scored four runs by Young. Lawson , G Geist and 11. Hycrs. Hawlcy's hit won the game , as it s.iiit in the run thntconntcd eleven. Tlio Hlnll's boys claimed it a foul , as it went over the corner of third base. After much discussion the umpire decided the game won by Karling "nine to nothing , " as the Blnil's boys were not in their places. There remains considerable dispute as to the stakes being paid , as the losers claim that , by Spaulding's rules , Karling has not fuirlv won. Charles Hrown , of the Hayard News , acted as umpire. Fine pasture , plentv of water and good attention foriiOO head of stock about five miles north of Hroad way and Main .street. Inquire of L. P. Judson , No. G2 ! ) Sixth avenue , or Charles Palmer at pasture on lime kiln road. The Farmers * Congress. Hon. H. F. Clayton , of Macedonia , the secretary of the Farmers congress , has been to St. Paul arranging for the meet ing of that body in that city August 2.1) , 20 , and 27. The congress is composed of delegates from cacli state and territory , one from each congressional district and two at large from each state , conforming in number to the diflerent delegations from each state in congress , nnd also a representative from each agricultural college. Mr. Clayton has received the announcement of the appointment of delegates by the governors of Colorado , Florida , Dakota , Georgia , Illinois , In diana , Iowa , Kansas , Kentucky , Missouri , Maryland , Massachusetts , Michigan , Min > cousin. The object of the congress is to discuss matters to he brought to the at tention of congress for the benefit of the agricultural nnd animal interests of the country , such as the oleomargarine busi ness , niakin" tliu commlssipnur of agri culture a cabinet officer , establishing ex perimental stations , extending tliu signal service throughout the diflerent states , stamping out plouro-puoumoniannd kin dred subjects. The inter-stato commerce bill and tlio labor and land questions are also probable subjects of discussion. Tlio congress is supposed to represent the concentraled wisdom of the agricultural community , and its voice is hoard re spectfully by congressmen. It appoints delegates to the national congress to lobby for its measures on the floor ot both houses. From the appointments which have been made it is evident that the coming congress will bo one of con siderable intellectual and political weight , including cucli men as ox-Gov ernor C , C. Carpenter , of Iowa , H , F. Clayton and A. V , Stout , the chairmen of the committees on agriculture of both houses of the Iowa legislature ; ox-Gov ernor Hamilton , of Maryland ; Kd Campbell - boll , United States marshal of the south ern district of Iowa ; ox-Governor Cam- back , of Indiana ; General S. H , Hncknur , of Kentucky ; General Hooker , of Miss issippi , who will deliver the annual oration tion , and lion. Itufus Prince , of Maine. All roads give excursion rates to dele gates. DTry it. Hest Cream Soda in the city 5o per glass at Palmer's , No , 13 Main fit. New styles bathing suits at Heno's. The County's Now Home. The new county court house has its ( irst story completed und work has been com menced on the second , The upper portion tion of the building will bo more orna mental , but no less solid than the baso- incut and lirst story. Now that the work has progressed so that thn outlines of the building begin to show what it will bo , It is n surprise to many to notice its sizo. It is looming upas"un immense structure , and it certainly will bo roomy enough to meet the public demands for years to come , There are two very largo court rooms , although under the now law there will bd but ono court , . The building is beinsr made apparently very strong and with a view of making tt hro proof With the stone and. brllk , ' , the hc.-ny iron bcaniq , Iho filling of .concrete , if .eems that the llames will lind nothing lo feed upon should they seek to cat it up. The work is progressing [ Well , and if the bulldiiiir can be roofed-in tlii ? fall it will be completed ready tor occupancy by Iho time sol , next June. , There is some doubt as to whether the work this < soi : on will reach the HuMiing of the roof. The wisdom of bulldmt ; the rear walls of Mono Instead of brlpk Ss now apparent , as a shabby rear would have been a blotch on otherwise a beautiful structure. The Itowlnt ; Hacc. On next Monday afternoon , at such time as the contestants may decide , the heavy-weights and light-weights of tlio Omaha rowing association will row a four-oared race in forty-two foot paper boat's on Lake Mniuuvn , over n three- quailer mile course and repeat. It was owing to some misunder.-landing that this race did not take place this week , as was al lirst announced , but Messrs. Odell Bros. & Co. veilerday received n letter from the association naming next Monday as the date. The silver cup to he rowed for , which has been on exhibition in the window of W. II , Maurer on Broadway , has been sent over lo Omaha and isuow on exhibi tion in S. P. Morse A : Co.'s show window on I'lirnmn ' street. The race will probably lake place be tween ( J and 7iO : ; o'clock in the evening , so as to give the people from Omaha and .surrounding ( owns a chance to witness it , It will bo a great curiosity to sec these shell boats as in the west such titles are vor.y caree. The entire race , from start to finish , will be best witnessed from the shore at Manhattan beach. All the comforts of high-priced hotels at the Pacific , and a saving ol 50c to $1 a day. Try U. Highest prices paid lor county , town , city and school bonds. Odell Bros. & Co. , No. 10l ! Pearl street , Council Blufl's , Iowa. I'pt'inltH Kor Doctors. The slate board of medical examiners is at the Ogden house , and will finish their business here lo-day. The physi cians are coming in speedily , bearing their diplomas under their arms , and getting their names inscribed so that they can legally practice. This is tlio lirst registry under the new law , and the hoard has almost as many questions to answer the applicants as thev have to ask. The board consists of ) ) r. W. S. Robinson ot Mnseatine , Or. W. II. Dick inson of Des Mdlnps , Dr. II. II. Clark of McGregor. Dr. K. M. Reynolds of Centcr- vilK Dr. J. F. Kennedy of DCS Moincs , Dr. S. H. Oluoy of Ida Grove , P. W. Llewellen of ClarindH. Perfectly satisfactory accommodations at $2.00 a day at the Pacific house.- Give it a trial and be convinced. Fruits , Confectionery a"nd Cigars , best in the market always in stock. Frank Withcrcll , 2-.M Broadway , , Sea Gull Wills tljo Knee. Last evening the race between sail boats on Lake Manawa 'tbok ' place at 7 o'clock , the Sea Gull , coming in lirst , going over the coursc in forty-seven minutes. w * The race was fora s/ilvcr / cup , presented by. Messrs. Thonipsouv'/and Cory , to be sailed for by any kirn ' } of , , a boat carrying a sail over a mile co'urse with a turn. The course was from tlio liointoppositc Mark's landing , a Malt mile west around a stake boat nnd return. Six boats were all that went into the race out of the nine entered. The wind went down considerable be fore the raeo started and there was al- niosl u dead calm , f hu Sea Gull catch ing the wind lirst lead the way , continuing it around the stake boat to the finish. The start was made at exactly 7 o'clock ; they reached the stake boat in the following order : Sea Gull. 7 : ' . . > r > ; Lake Hreo/.c and Pitti Sing , 7:80 : ; White Wing , 7:11. : The Idiuwild and Una were becalmed. The Sea Gull returning to where the start began at 7-17 : won the cup. She is is owned by Messrs. Maxon , Beno , Mc Millan , Pace and Hughes. Last night as engine No. 110 was going west just below the packing house it struck a man named J. J. Fatty in tlio head. Ho was sitting on the track when the engine came upon him and knocked him oft. Ho came from Cedar Rapids , la. It is not known how badly ho is hurt. hurt.The The Karling club could not gel away last night until 1 :40 : o'clock and had to go homo on a freight train. A Mathematical Problem. Minneapolis Tribune : A few dnyn ago a conductor from a Minneapolis railroad was visiting in the park wit'i ' his wife. On tills road conductors are paid a salary of $70 a month. That's what the com pany pays them. The wife of this con ductor was talking with some oilier ladies at the table at the hotel. As is natural with women the conversation ran into political economy. "Yes , living is very high in Minne sota"said the wiio of the knight of tlio punch , "we find it almost impossible to save more than $100 per month out of my husband's ' salary. " D"Where do you ooardV" "At the Nicollolt house , Minneapolis , " "What do you pavv" "Seventy-live dollars per month. " "Yes , ifs lots of nionuy. " .VourimU , County and ISuiik AVorU ol'siH. Hliulh u Spec ially. ' < Prompt Attentionto'Mall ; | Orders MOREHOUSE' ' ? & CO. i i Room 1 Evcret Block , Cjmncil Hlulls. Standard Papers Use'd. , Ai ) styles of binding - ing in MagaV.incfl and BLANK 9OOKS. IIBPIJUENOKS : O. II. National Hunk , M. K S nitli & Co. , Citizens' liiink. Dcoi-o. WulU&Oa , Mm Nutlotui ! , U It , Iiisurmico Co. , Olllcer A : l'ii uyllunVi < reC. Havings lluuk. The Steamer OLLIE MAY Newly fitted up. anil under tlio clmi-tro of a BKlllful oiiKlnoor umi pilot , Unow inuulna picas- ura trip * on LAKE MANAWA. Wo will Klvo clmrtrrs to purtlcs fur ono hour or tin ) Irngtli of thuo ik'SirPil. Itatcs of charter given uua order * taken nt ottlce No. 20 J MulaU , between hour * 10 to 13 u. m. 1 + DAuU & cu. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING JESO-CrsIES CXP COUNCIL BLITFFS. DKKHK , WELLS & CO. , Whnlos.ito Agricultural Implements , Bnggi33 , CniTln re . . T'tc. Council llltilT * , Town. _ KEYSTONE MANTKAlTlMINtr ( Jo. MM'KO tlio Uriirlnnt nnd Coui | > loto Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press , COHN PIIKU.KHS AND Witt ) n'TTKIl * . Kos. ir.Ol.liJI , I.VY.nnd l.riT nnlh Mnlu Street , Council lllutT' , limn. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KU IP HUADLKY * "CO. ( MuniirrsnnJJobboM of agricultural Implements , Wagons , Bnggios , Csnlaorcs , nnd nil Idnto of Tumi Mnolilnorr. 1IPO to 1110 South Mnln Ptroot , Council I II u in , loirn. .f , T. If.Tovnr.\4 ) , ( Ino. I' . Wuuinr. i'io . .VTrPns. V.1' fv0oimsol. ( . Council BlnTs Handle Fact/ ) , ( Itu-nrponitpl. ) MnnufnclnrcrRof Axle , 1'leV , Slodao nnd Smnll Ilninllcs , of ovrry description. CAttl'KTf. COUNCIL HLU1-TS CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shade ; , Oil Cloths , Curtain fitturaq , ITphoMory RooJs , Kto , No. 403 llronltvny Council IllulTj , Imvn. 01 a A IIP , i oiu ci 'n , n TC. PEllEHOY & MOOKE , \Vliotusiilo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco A Pipes. Nos. 8 Mnln and - ' - t'cnrl Sts. Council IlltllU , town. SNA'DEU & LEAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. lU'o.u-l St. Council Illtlils. I1AKLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , DrngKlste1 Sundries. IHc. No. 23 Mnln St , and No. 1 I'oarl St. , Council lllutrs. wnr ROODS. .M. E. SMITH & CO. , an ! Joblws of DrG3)i ) ? , Notions. Ktc. Nos. 112 and 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 atidll.l Pearl St. , Council Illuirs. Iowa. ; nurrs. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. 6U IJrondwnjr , founoll Illuffs. WHIT & DUQUETTE , M'holcsule Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries , Nos. 10 and 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. GHOCM11K3. L. KMSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor DoalorB. No. 418 Ilrond- wiiy , Council llluffs. UAltXKSS , KTC. 11ECKMAN & CO. , Mnnii'ncturorg of nnd Wholesale Do ilora In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. C3'i Mnln St. . Council DlnlTj , lown. HATS , CAPS. KTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glores. Nos. 3 nml nil Broadway , Council lUulIa. IIRAVY HAltDn'AKK. KEELINE & FELT , Wholojnlo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Woodstock , Council DlnlTri , Town. JI1UKK AND IfOOL. 1) . 11. McDANELU & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Polls , Grave and Furd Council Illnlls town. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealer * In Illuminating & Lubricitin' Oil ; B3TO. , E3TO. P.Thuodoro.Apoiit , Council llliiTa. Town. LUMUER , I'lUXO , KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Hrldgo Material Spoclaltlos.Wholosnlo Lum ber ol all Kinds. Ulllco No. 130 Main St. , Council HI 11 ITs. lowiu LIQUUK3. JOHN L1NDEU , Whnlo3ilo : Imported and Domestic Wlnas & Liquors. Audit for St. nottlmnl'3 Herb Ulttprs. No. 13 Main St. Council llltitla. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Ku U Mnln St. . CY.micfl . Illuffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS Meeting. FOUR DAYS' ' RACING. Trolling , I'ncinc and Itimiifn ; ; Tuesday , Aug. 31st , Wednesday , Sept , 1st , Tiiursday , Sept , 2d , and Friday , Sept 3rd , Including special attractions by Prof. ' xx-orld famous HaciiiK A. K. Walker's Dot's daily and Balloon Ascensions by 1'rof.A. S , 1'arKor daily , in front of the grandstand. , , Other attractions in the way of sliced consisting of celebrated horses from Kentucky , Ohio. Illinois , Indiana and Wisconsin. . Reduced rates on all railroads. Come everybody and havea good lime. For particulars , address PBANK STUBBS , Sci-rcliiry Brick btiiltling * of any Icinil raised or moved nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Frame building * moved on Little Giant truck-1 , best ill the world. 808 Eighth Avenue nnd Kiyhlli StreetCounil Bluff * . Price paid in casli for all kinds of second hand STOVES , Furniture , etc. M. DROHLIOH , 608 Broadway. 00,66 cv te eie ; . tt > vc/ ,0 , / / n,0 / fttyy e-ttv 4.,1'it'C'l' o-v 71 o-t-lx. w < 4 ttp. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , lands In Town , Minnesota , Texas , Knnsns ami Arkansas , rnnplnj ? from $1.25 to $12 nor aero. School anil state liuiils in Minnesota on.10 years time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , piven by P. l > . liiuisti-iip , No.rriu Broadway , Council IJlnlTM , Iowa. Desirous of purchasing for bath- iny suits , .should si'c our now und olo- giint assortment of goods especially adapted for line and pretty b.ithin < ; .suits. 11AUKNKRS ItllOS. , 101 Broadway , Council Bluffs Arc being closed out by us at remarka ble low iigurcs. Wo have them in beau tiful shades , colors , etc. , nml luivn put such prices on them that will dispose of them rapidly , ns wo WILL NOT carry any over to next season. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Now in stock arc being disposed of at low prices to clear our shelves of same before receiving our fall stool ; , which will shortly arrive. JLUIKITJSSS J7J70.9. , 401 Broadway , Council Blutls. Of the choicest style , design and quality , just purchased by UK at a bargain ami wo are selling them at retail at whole sale prices. Sec them and you will buy. ifAitKyjiss JIHOS , , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. For summer wear are being disposed of cheap , and must shortly be taken off our shelves to bo replaced with for full wear. Summer dress goods can bo pur chased cheap now by all who will call on 'jlAltKlfJltiti JtJtOff. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. For ofliccs , Now invoice just received and latest patterns guaranteed. All btylcs , und prices satisfactory to everybody. UARKNlSSti liJtOH. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. CARPETS Of the very latest designs , patterns and quality for the coining season , are being now introduced by us. Piek ono out now before the line is broken. Harluiess Bros. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , SPEOIALNOTIOES. FpeclHl nilrrrtlfoinont ] , euch ns Ixift , Pound To Loan , For SailTo Hunt , Wants , lluiirtllnjr. etc. , will bolnsortcd In this column nt the low ratuof TIN ! CKNTS 1'KU LINK fortlio tlrsi insor lion nnd KivoCcnUl'erLIno for cncb subsequent Insertion. I.cnx-o aJvprtlsomonts nt our oflico No. 13 I'cal street , near Uroadwny , Council niulfa. _ WANTS. 0-An assistant cook nt the ( fedon House. 8AI.K > H la . lit qimntltiii to luit , uiUtouUlcu o. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , I A , R. RICE , W. D. , " 0' ' ' other Tumor * wlthou Chronic Diseases or nil umjs Ox-crtlilitv > o.irB' prnctlciil experience. No. 11 Pent I St. . Council llluira. Consultation li eo. Creston House , The only hotel In Council IllnlTs hnx-lng Fire Esoa/pe /nil nil model n liiiirou | > ] iii'iils. : i5 ] , L'lT and l-'ll.Mnln ! M. MAX JIOHN , Prop. AT COST. "W. S. HOMER & Co. , 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , Practices in thu State and Federal courts Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart Block. Horses and Mules For nil ] > m-j > ott)3. liO'iglit nml sold , nt rotnll imd in lots. iMtKu quiinllttoa to r-ulozt 1'ioni ijovunil palrriof lliunirlvorH , sln leer il MASON WISE , Council Bluffs. Star Sale Stables and Mule Kards , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Dummy Depot. so HOI Bun iinl : MuloH kept cnnetiintly on hand for Fiilo at relnll or | n car loads. Orders proimttly tilled l > y contract onshoit notice. Htoclt sow on commission. Blir.UTKH i 110I.HV. 1'roprJotors. Telephone No. lit. pa rorinoiiy of KIKfc HAU ! BTAW.KB , corner nx'e. and 4th street. H. SCHTTRZ , Justice of flu Peace. Office Ocor American Kxprosj Comonar ) ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COUNCIL JILUFF8 , IOWA. An excellent educational Institution , furnish cd xvith nil the modern liuprox'ninnnts , COD- 1'setcd by thoSISTUllS OFCHAHtTV.n. V. M For term of I'.TC months , ( ? & . Terms liesln first Monday In Brploniber nnd Orfit Mominy In February , For catalogues no > drcKS fiISTfl ! SUI'KUIOll St. Froncls Ac&deuiy.Couucll DhilW , lowk