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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1886)
3 * * = THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. AUGUST 0. 1880. 7 SPECIAL NOTICES Athertl emohts under ihH lioid. 10 cents per line for the tlrM. lii oition , " cents for cncli stile 80fticnt | ln crt'on. ' nnil $1.50 u linn per month Ho advertisement taken for kss than 25 ccnti for tlio Urst Instil on. Seven words will bo counted to tlic line ; they must run" consecu tively nnd must bo pnld In advance. All ndvcr tlneinent * , miiit lie handed In lieforo 2 o'clor-k p.m.nnd under no olrcumMnnces will they betaken taken or dl'tnnllntied liy tolcphono. 1'mtlts mhcrti'ltig in the ii lolutnnt nnd hiv ing tlio nnswersn''dio ' ed In cmo of TiiKllKK , will plcnso nsk for n cluck toeunblo them to get their letlorp , us none will bn dollvoiod except on proM-ntixtloM or check. All rm ner < i to ad vertisements should bo enolowd In envelopes. 10 X.OAH-MOHBY. Ol'l It n\T-Money : to loan. J. J. Mahoney , 1501 rnrnaui. wi ] y | ) Niv TO LOAN On real estnto. HP- -M duet d rnto < ou largo loans Centnd Invest ment Co. , Ilnrkor lllook.cor. 15th nml Fnrnnm st KM M ONF.V TO I.OAN-On fnim nndcltj piop. oit > ' , at lowest rntes , W. A. Spencer FMJQ Fa i n a m st. _ Hi TO LOAN On rent o tntt . MOMJV Smith , lluou ! ! , Wlthnell Illock. _ _ I'KCIAIFUND OF l ifono to loan In S ninoitntfl losult , on short tlmo mortiges , thrt'o to twelve months tlmo on property Im proved or unimproved , Call nt thn Omaha Financial fvxclmiiKO , second floor of Ilnrkor UUiclc , S. W. Fnrnnm nnd iJth St. m TVroNF.V TO LOAN At rendonablo rales on J.U. furniturelino watches and other poi"-oiuil property. O. J. Cnswoll , room IB , Irwn llanlt building. 12th nnd I'e inm. Tnko ulo\ntor. SW n n _ _ Intro cheap money on long tlmo , In nnr WK < ltuintltyto loan on fnrmlnnd , Mnrshnll * I.obcck , 1511 Fnrnnmst. rr.ll l'iNT money to loan , II. 0 rntti-reon , lllth nnd Douglas. CIS TO IOAN At lowest rates of Inlot- MONKV Biinis or S 200 nnd upwnnls on rnrms nnd city property. F .I.Dny & Co. , B.ttoun- e'a block , s o cor Capital ave and Kith st. _ _ MAIIA I < 'INAN < ! IAMC.\ 1 1 A N < 1 1 2 Is prepared - pared to make loans In any amount , on nny kind of approval ( ocurlty. I.nriro collnternl loans n Bpeelnhy. Al > on chnttols nnd ronl estnto In amounts nml time lo mitt. Lower rates , bolter terms , and pi ompter service than nny loan nponcy In the city. For further pnrtleulnra cnll nt ollleo on the cecond lloor or the llaruer Illock. southwest corner or I'm nnm nnd lath streets. _ lr > l ) _ : LOAN At lower intosthannny- MONIYTO . In the clty.onfimiltnro , plnno * , orgnne , horses , WHKOIIS , or stock or any kind. Homember , at lower rntes tlmn nnv other loan oompnny in the elty. City Loan It Mnrtgniro Co. . room 15 , HOI rnrnnm st , opposite I'nxton hotel. _ _ _ * > 1 NIJYio loan on rosldonco nnd business juopcity. lowest intes. C. .1 Caswell i Tloom IB , Iron Hank IlulldlnjT , 12th nnd 1-ar- . _ _ _ ' 463 _ _ to loan by'tho imdorslwned , who hns MONIJY properly oiRiinl/od lonn nuency in Omnlm Loans of f 10 to $1,000 miulo on rur- nlturo , plnnos. orKiins , horses , waitons , mauhln- cry , &o. , without removal No delays. All business strictly confidential Loans so mndo tlmt nny pnrt cnn lie paid nt nny tlmo. cnch pay ment reducing the co t pie rnta. Advances mndo on flno watches and diamonds. I'ersons ihould carefully consider who they nro dealing with , ns mnny new concerns nro dnlly comlnc Into existence. Should you need monor. cnll nnd BOO mo. W. H. Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthnell Ilillltllntf. 15th nnd llnrnoy. 4.T3 IMU CENT Money to loan. Stownrt 4 : Co. , 6 HooniH , Iron bank , 12th nnd Fnrnnm. J55 Ino.OOfTTo : loan. Sums I3UO nnd upwards. $ Lowest rates , llcmls , 15th and Douglas sta. 450 TO I.OAN-O. K. Davis ft Co. . losl MONEY and Loan agents , 1605 FarnnmSt TlTONBir TO LOAN On good Bceitrltios. A JUiicQaTOck , room 7 Hodlck Block , IDOVFnrnam _ Bt. 458 MONEv TO I.OAJJ On real estate _ tola. D. L. Thomas. MONIJY TO LOAN In sums o wards on flrst-clnss real estnto security. Potter & Cobb , 1616 garnam Bu _ 4BO MONKY I.OANKI > at C. P. Hcod i Co's. Ixjiin otllco. on furniture , plnnos. horses , wagons personal property of all kinds nnd nil ether or * , tlclosof value , without -removal. 313 S."l3th. over ninprmm's Coiiiiulssioa etoro. All bus ness etrlctlr confldentaL 401 BUSIKE33 CHANCES. r.soit SAM ) The complete furniture of the JL Nubrnska Vmrirnr Works Cnll KOOII on K. Krebs. Jones st Let Ith and 10th st , Oinnluu 610 _ Foil HAM : First-class Itcstuurnnt in ono of theory best locutions In the city ; nil now nnd complete : on oay terms , by JI. I * llltfL-ms & Co , 15W1 Doutrlus st. C37-S TAOIl S.vr.i : CirocoryEtock ilohw n Rood biw- J' mess , ehoaji , lease would oxchKiitro for Omnlm rent estate at its cash vnlno. llnllou llrof , IfilO Douglas. 649 7 Foil HAM : NIce clean stock of roeerlo < in router of n good tindc. Will accept part cash nnd balance In Onmltix real estiuo. 017-7 Oil SAr.K Invoice nnd stock of the ordr Hrst-cliiKs hotel In a booming town ; -will Hell cheap if i-od ! this month. Address J. Kro- beck , llluo Spiings , Neb. ; will --Ivo lease. OiTcO * DSINES3 CIIANCK-Tho I. X. L. Slate I'alnt Co. , want live agents with small cupl- tnl to taKe exclusion torntorj" nnd apply their paint , ( lood money to rljht nion. Cmlatcom- Cnuv's olllco , room U , over Commeiolal Natlonnl mik , or aildreas J. U lllco , ; i. o. box 570. 043 Foil SAl.i : Barber shop nt n bni-K-nln.sood locution Inn llvo town , tno ihalra , doinx a peed business. Itcasons for Polllntr , proprietor Bolns : In other business. Call on or nddross , II. W.Arnold , Arocn , lonn. ffiTJ7 TT'o11 " ( WMJbr oxcnanKo for Omnlm real -L ostnle , iv nice clean sloclc of irroccrlos. Thco Olson , 318 p.istliEt. _ ois la TniOlt S.vr.i : An elcKiint established buslno 'i. J-1 ( ho best oC the kind In the west located in this i-itv ) nut prolltK $ .1,000.0 < per nnnum : i\ill boar clohcst lnvc tUution ; involcq about I'lirtlos with menus wishlmr to step Into n line buslnoss nddrosa K 7 , llcojoljloe. 4U IJlOIt SA I.H A rostnurnnt which U looaTo"d on JL1 n lively street nnd linn u wood pntronnirc. Is on account of sickness of the proprietor lor _ _ < lii S' 4 .li A llrsT-ylnss bifkeiy , roatnimmt I' nnd eont'ectlonery t-tJind In n town of T.nfij inluibitiuiti. ijKjnhu of K I' . Fny & Co. , Oiu > hi. ; s.VLK First-class moat nmrket with JJ nleo tlYturos , nil complete : uooil trnda ; beat of icnsons for selling. Call or write to ( ieo. W. ilo-ison , 1021 llowHrd. KSt . " Oi : j\Li : " Ono of the oliiest cslablTsTted J' grofrv Innlness in the city , with n very large , v oilpayingtrade. . Will oxohnngo for Omnlm rnnl fdtato or puit cn h npdbalaneo BO- t-urcd note . Oood reasons given for lolling. Address " 131 , ' lleo ollleo. pfl7 _ HOIIM'.S LotsFnrmsLands money loaned ! llomls , l.'ilh and lloiiglas streets. 4Ki : Fill : S.v I.K Several flocks of goods , dolntra healthy business , ownership clear , satis- fnrlfon giiniautoed ; terms easy , wmo Omaha property taken In exchange. Marthall & LO- beck , l.'dl Farimm st. 4C5 2OASDIZTQ. TAHLHbo.ini lor two centli'iium in prlvato fniully , llufrroneos rcoulrotl. 114 North It-tn btri'i't , C14-10 * .T > oAllD- i N7. 16th ( t. J-KKSOHAi. I > iilSONAL.-Lndlfl4l : Uesh o to cnll your kind uUuiUon that the Omnhn liniplnymonl > iu. roan has romovuil its oll'co ' tinin Vuumin 6t to ll'l Noith H'th 8t In t'rouiifo blook , shouUI you vrnri nny hcln plouso call. KospU K O. lloll- I lo. CoJ "I l-TtSONAr. : Mr . Dr. Wnunlo V. u'nrren - Iclklrvoynut. . and biiilness Mndlum Koom No. o , Kl Noilb ICth Bt. , Omaha , Nob. BIOS will be recehcil by Ilia unilorslk'iuil Aug. Mb. from 10loH,7l&8. Mil. &U , for ' cellar cor. 13tU nud O lAHA Heal KUdle , Hoiiio & Furnlihrd lU > om Auuucy , Money Luaucil ou Heal Ms- tale , DII.MOII Ijutiniin , proprietor * , lualo oinco JUOl iJoiU'liu u , branch olticoj r.'iUl'nr imm H..1II3 UouplH4et..4lnN16ih.MO und K\ \ 310th : tolaphoue No. 4C3. A largo list of fur nlabcU BKJuiituruIilm * . roomt. houcre , ret. , for cii tonou : to nulrct from t.uavo yaui bouie * and rooir wlth u : w 111 teen nil item up with doilraUe l Coma to u foi rooras nndhoufooan tult you at once ; car- riogca for pntrous ; tclepboni ot mil r above 110 all TAOll llt.vr ; Siiiiru : natio , { I tuomblr. JD IIoip ,15UDou lttS. _ _ _ illlVV ruiilts nn4 cess pool * cleaned ( < } H Kwlog.l'.0LUox47. f. < Caus4 ! < W ioRllKNT Orgmit$2 pur montb. " lc 1613 Dourlaa. 271 IMauo t lltXTA rotnll stroot. Foil < - store-cm ft good . Apply the Omnlm llcnl Kstato and Ixifva . 171011 * AM-lhu furniture nud fixturesof JL1 St. Pnlil hotel nt Oakland , Neb. : n good bnt- galn If Fold sooi. . Address st. Paul Hotel , Oak land , Neb , f,78 10 * roil SAl K Fresh milch cows with calves by their siili' jii t received nt Kstnbrook's stock yards , 10th st , bet. Capitol nvo nnd Daven port * t. VQ- & * Tj01l SALiMlllos , 1120 N IK. 692-18 * " | jHHt SAI.i : A splendid work tenui , voting Jnnd sound together with wagon nnd htir ne s by llnllnii Ilios , l.MO Douglas M. r > " - " > T POK * < AI.i-ltiimbletonloii : roll ( biokrn ) , milky , hniiic s , top buggy , viable mid organ , by Dnglnoer Huberts , Port Omnlm. M5 S IP or. SAM : Funiitiiro il-iootu hou p com plete for housekeeping : price * ki I. llou o rrnt ; ' 'j per month , line locution , Kl'J Douirlns st. _ _ _ 415 _ _ SAI.n lloifo. harness and buggy. Inquire - FOK quire 1407 Douglas st. t.VJ 1 . * FOK S VMS Fnrnlturo nndl ea-n of slv-room hou o , tlmeon pnrt. Cull 120 ! North 27lu street , two blocks from lied Cnr line. 8'tJ 17(011 SA'l.K-MOjBOO biTck dellvoi7d to nny 1 part of the city. Inijulio of C. K. Mat no M Co. . ronI estate agents. 672-7. ifuFffSAT.lT-OnolnoloJeon , rt octaves $18 o"ii J. monthly Installments. One P stop orgnn - knee swells , r ( j feet hhrh $ iL1 on monthly pay- ments. One 10 stop First Class'Organ bountiful onso $7i on emy payments. Ono li octuvo 1'intio ( Irixhd Sqimro llosoivuoil cnc $175 on fill monthly payments. Ono llcnutlful Omnd Vlnno $ SM on pnyments nt Ilo po's minlo rooms I'll. ) lou lns st. ( J'JI Aun. 1 HorHU'T l.ot < i17ariiHlniiiis inonoy lonncdT llcml.i 1'ith nnil Pollens slt-oots. 471 01 : sAl7K l iilMtio , inrnituro"nnd kltoho rniuro.7l7S. _ _ Illtli st. 877 "T7iK SAt.i : Chenp , Iron columns MiiJ win- X1 iloiv aipasnllnhlo for front on lirlck buildIng - Ing1'or pnrtloulnrfl apply nt thU ulllco. MJ WANTED-rEMALE HE1.P. W ANTitnirl : for II ht housowoi-k. nco Ute to 15. Bni'h'Ujjliit st. C.U 7 * Ww w ASTKIi-a plris nt 10in S ; CthV. Mrs. riiiimcry. UII-7 * _ WA.vrKD-fiood Olrl for kitchen work , also nurse girl , ( iuiiimns ptclciicd. OIGCiS4 f > t C i * i \ VAXTii0odcout. : ( ! . ' " > S. lltlfst. AI/'ANTi : ! ) Hovcnil good girls for gpnornl TT hotnowoilc nt Omaha lltnplnyinont lliiicnu , Illi North llith street. K. O. liello-Ule , propi ielor. OVt Vir.VXTIJIl Gltl for general housework , 421 \ \ N. 17th si. Bit 5 * WANTI'I ) An apprentice tor ilrc < smnklnir. One who uiiderstnnds plillu sowing. Miss Lou Itobetis , 1017 Howard , ( iKl-i * WANTIH ) AT"ir > 17o vmil - < t.n rellabio girl lor kitchen work .Mti'-t bo oed , plain cook , washer and lioncr. Uciman or lilsh pioleired. 541 " \\7ANTil : > A good German hpuicKeepcr ' for n small family with two chlMroii , Teims sallsfaeiory. In'iuho ' ' . 'U ' , Jackson St. 570-10 * ! A llrst-clnssohnml < or mnid nt the Wind-or Hotel. NU r ANTKD-A BOOiI jflrl. A. Hospe. 631.0 > Dlnlntr room glrL Occidental Hotel.- - col. _ WANTKli Immediately , n Iclnd girlFtoTiP tend bab. - unit assist at light linn&nwork ; wages $10 per month. Inquire 204 20th street , corner Douglas. 012-5 * ilrl to wash napkins at bumu'd Itcstiiurnnt , 1511 Fainam st. 001.G w ANriJD 4 ( lining room girls nt Daubaum's rostaurant. 1511 Fiu mini st. Ml.O WANTiO An OTpc-lonced cook and luun- rtro s. Good WIIBOS paid. Mrs. G. J. Hunt , Virginia ave .nnd Hrant st. 55 ! ) Girl nt No. UJO S 10th bt. 018 7 * w ANTUU DMiwiisher at the Kmmct house 5-N ) wWANTKD WANTKD A atrl for ifotioral housework. Apply2105 nirnara st 4SJ WANTI3D Girl for ecnernl housework. A. H. Mayne , S. 1 ! . cornorZlat nud Wobstor. ' ' 420. W i\NTKI > Anurso ( fir ! nt 403 Convent st Apply ntonco. 40G "lX7'ANTii : > A ffood pirl for general houso- VV work nt 801 SSlSt st. 313 W ANTHU-GIrl forgcnerrtl housework 2511 , St. Mnrjs avo. 1B3 W'ANTJ'lll GUIs to make ovornlls , shlrta and jonnspants. CanUeki Mf 'a Co. , cor. lltli and Douglas , up stairs. wn-nujf. 7 ANTKIJ Immodintoly.a tlrst-cliiss cook a 1H13 Dodyo St. HI" ; WANTKI > Si yoimsr Indies nnd ( fonts to lenri ) toloffrnphy. Prospects for positions when competentrood. Address W. J. D. room l.Crounso block lUth st , Omaha. 733 WANTED MALE KB I , p. WANTKn Good rollablo marrlod man to occupy house la lumber yard nnd do night w atcblnjr. Inquire at 1403 Fnnmm st.6.1SO 6.1SO \v y.VNTKD Uriel ; mauer ut 1'latto Conlor , ' Nob. Address D.V. . Kdwmils. 6T7-7 YV TANTKI ) A good Etcnographer. O. W. llaucr i ; Co. , room 7 , Iron Itnnlc. 610-7 ANTKU At the Canlleld house , dlniuar- room girl. fi'JQS WA > TKD Cnnvnsser for photo copying work. E. W. Miller , room 21. Fiuiulor block , Omaha , Neb. . BU ) 0 * " \TTANTKH A good baker at onoo. Apply Tt corner 14th uud Lcavenworth. & 40t > * WANTEli Ten good tin roofers and ten good cornice makers. Innulro nt Western Cornluo Works , 608 and 10 3.12tli Ft 557-8 WANTII > An energetic und Influential mnu to act as agent In this city for itn old and well ostnbllshcd life Insiirnncn company. Clvo ngu , oxporloncn If any , nnd ncnunlmimcn In the e.lty. V ) 111 gjvo llbuml contract to the right man. Address until Saturday , "Superintendent. Pnx- oii Hotel. " 530 ( i * TX7"ANTjii ; Af w ouurgotlo young men of ii character nnd good address to work In Iowa or Nebraska. J. M , French le Co. , 10 , llusbman block. 5-11-8' WANTlili 10 mou of Rood appearance can cnn nmko Sil to 15 a day. Call after 8 O'clock at HI i South nth St. SQ-J-7 * rANTKii-Lnlinroriforlllnclc HUH extcu- shin of It. & M. II. It. near llroken How. Men to drlvo ton inn. Sernpor holders and rJiovclors. 15. B. Alhrlifht's Lulior Agency. 1303 I'Rrnam st. W18 EITDATIO1T WAWTED. W * iTii-filttmllon : by n practical engineer Call or address II. U , 101J Capital nve. 017 U' WANTF.O Position ns clerk by n young Scotchman. Addroas , D II , Ko. KM Ilioad- way. Council lll-IIa. WAMTIili I'osltioii as bookkeeper nnd Kton- ographor or to.icher of the sumo by n young man graduate of comraorclal school. Hood references , eto. Address , T. It. Illggs , Bhenandoiili , IOVYII. 015 & * WANTKH A | > osltlon by n stenogrnphdr. Can do ontlnury clorlcal work : . Itcfaienco given. Aildrt'ii K a.lh-ti onice. fiOilll * W.\NTMli A midlo-agpd | ! man desires u nit- nation ns bookkeeper , huvimrhad lOynars pxperlunro. Hillary $75 per month ; good rufor- onco. Address K 10 , lloo ollide. fi77V WANTlfil-Posltlon by computout ludym b ( okkpporor caihlor. flood roforencosi wllllny to Icnvo the city. Address K 23. lloo o ill oo. 'jQi ii Mt Employment. If you need n yonuir mati who hn htd eonio exporienca In business , nnd la Milling to do any unuorahic \voik , address K 12 , Itco olllco , KI ! > ' WAKTS. " \\7ANTKH To ecll a now nrvan or piano , t > $ V. to $1W , taken In board by a couth1- mail ! tirlvaujfainllyprcforrod. Address 1C VS. \VANTKD-To Infonn the ladles nnd glrli > r wljliluK for help or place * to call nt 112 North K'th El root , In CIOUIIMI'S block , ai I have jiut removed from 1'arnum street. Omaha Km < ploomont lluiou. Iv. O , llollu-Itio. C54 \\TANTKiAKenlswithImailcspitnl to take i oicluslvp territory and apply our paint , CnllatlhocnlLeot Ibof. X. I * Bhitu I'alnt Oa , room t. over Commercial National baukor ail- tlre sJ. Ultlce , bovSTV. Ctl _ WANTiu : lly a young man a furnished single room within n o minute ; walk ol tlio postolllco. Huff roncoa tin nlalicd. Address , elating tenn .K.31. Ceo oBloo. _ 5704 * W ANTKU To rent In good location In west ern Iowa store suitable for general mer chandise or would buy Block. Addroim Kit , prjiiliq ttcp _ &tS 5 \\T ANTr'.t ) Dfsi ixioui in olllce or storeroom ' centrally located. Iteftrence Kivon , K 11 tJS 4 \ \ r A STKiTt ) rout houaq M to 12 rooms. 1 i * nliuo4tt for coardiuif. Aililrow 1C. mall carrier W. 6S5 V \VA TID Driij ( stocks , nny number find T nnd nnywhero In exchange for Omnlm property , or good Neb. lauds. Swnn vto.i _ rrenrorjjiock , 15th M opp. P. O * y3- < _ , Y\TANTKll-rjood driving horse. K It , lleo M olllco. 2.Trt 5 _ V\'ANTin-A : Ooodsteady tiotso with spring 11 wngonnnd harness ; must bo clionpttn ho paid for In monthly installments. Address 1,37 iico onico. _ _ ! ' > > \\rANTKD Ilyn competent man , nun hns 1 the best ot recommendations , n Job In n grocery store. Cnn drive u dellvciy wagon nnd is well nciUnlntcd | nil over town. I < oit hlsla t Dilution on account of sickness. Address A Hln/e , S33 South 10th st. fi-W-7 * . , , , . . , . . . . . furnished or unfurnlsheil i i rooms for light housekeeping , Jewish family prefcricd. Address K 24 , Heo oljlco. i'ANTin : Ciislomers lor our butter nml 1 crcnm. J. II Hooustro , Wt N Iftthft. Kll n 13 I'AM'ilU A good lioiispon monthly j > ay- 1 inicts. Address II , I'M. llee oniee & . < " > . - Toy \ \ \ n iilcero'ldenco orROod linllillntr lot In u desirable location. .Ad dress II , fid , lleo ofllcc ) Tennis. T. Muiray. TOB REHT-JIOUGE3 AND LOTS. Oil IllTNT House , 3 looms , 103 ? S. IStli St. 2d house Iroin Pletce. KIWI * / HUNT Now 7-room nousc , Imiulro N. I/iOll . cor 1-ith nnd Mnrllm st. 5Ji 5 * HUNT 7-roora hoti e , 22d nnd Lenvon- Foil . lnnullcC03nndlU8.18thSt.5iH-5 _ _ 171oil IlKNT To-room iion'iO furnished or -L1 tinl'urnlshed finest location In the pit v , ono block irom street cnrs Hoggs k Illll.ill _ 11 KKNr Sloro lth 1 living looms.iibovo 1 between Iho head or St. Mnr > 's nVenuc nud l.eaveiiwoith.good oponlng lor nsntldlor or ba ker , nml other lines of business. Wm. Flora- ' : , HOI Dougltu. 241 HUNT Ucalniblo B-room cottnRO. south FOH 1' . depot. .1. 1'hlpps Itou , 1513 8 Bill. CQ3 IlKNT Two InrKP hnndsonio nprtrl- ment houses with inodfin bniirovements , now In the con iso of erection , ready to bo oecij- plod t > yP pt. 1st next , nn mid 'S South 17th street. Forpnttlciilnrs Imiulre of John 11 I. I.uhmann. 507-7 F OK KIINT Tlneo houses by llnllou Itros , 1510 DntiKlns st. r > ( U 8 _ _ _ ' OlfliKASi : Wo IIBVO cloven ncro * on lr. I1. II. It. track.sOJ tent liont : will ICHIRO nil or pnrt tor llvoyeais Ilcdtnnl & Soncr. 751 _ T fftTll 1tKNT id ioom Iiouso wlTh iiiodorn J' linprovomciits. line location on street unr line. 711 N. SOlh St. 8K1 _ ron KEUT-KOOMS. TTIOU IlKNT Newly fiiinlsliedliont looms nt JE 71 South luth stieut. n' * 1T < Olt ItlJNT 1'lvo nicely liirnlshiHl IOOHIB , L1 bath room nud nntor closet on promlsi'S. Terms uiodcintu 412 N Hth hi. bet. Chlcnco und UIBS fillo-lS * . OK HUNT Nicely furiilshud room , sultn- 1 blufnrSffciitleiiicii. 01SS. I7tli St. 522-4 * FOIt HI'NT A suite of two neatly f mulshed looms , suitable lor man and who or single goiitlciucn. X. W. cor. Chicago and loth Directs. 5X1-U * ! KKNT tcslrnblo furnished room. In- EOI qulro 2218 ln\cnport St. 183 7 * KKNT rurnlshcd two front ntulonn FOK bed rooms in good location. Addioss K. 10 lleo olllce. Pitt 7 * F 10K IlKNT Furnished looms nt 1707 Cass st. IlKNT A choice furnished room. 1701 POIt Capital avo. flit" * 1OK ItKNT Furnished nnd unfurnished F rooms Sli and J8 , bOS South 2-'d st. ClO-j * FOK HUNT Nicely turnlahcd room , suit able for L'Kontlcmen. 815 S. 17th st E3-5 * Poll IlKNT Furnished rooms , $8 per month. 007 N. 17th St. 437-8 * IlKNT n unfurnished front rooms for Foil housokooplnK1 , 631 & 17th St. , between Jnckson uud Loavcmvorth. -J.5 * F Oil IlEXT Two front-parlors , nowlj * fur nished. Soil St. Mary's atomic. Ull Jroil HENT Furnished front room for 1 or2 gcntlomon , 521 N 15th St. UOSG * Foil HUNT Nicely furnished rooms. No , 115 South 23d St. , On Fat-nani ! St. , car line. .681-7 POH ItnNT A nleo window for a Jewel r. Cull at W2 NlJth , the New Homo olllco. S75 C FOU HUNT Lai-KO south liont roomground floor , suitable for " gontlotuon : ulso ono small room. Itoferenccs required. lC'J8Cassst. 621-5' T71011 IlKNT With board , a furuishod loom J : 171 10 Casa st M6-8 * Foil HUNT Nleo rooms at 1U1 Fi > rnam St. , 1 block west of Court House. 608-7. irnXT Wcoly tuFiiTshed front ro"om FOU w Ith board , 117 S 17th st. 4U1-5 * FOK ItlINT first floor , front parlor elegant ly furnished , with llrst class boaiil , nKo ono small furnished room voiy cheap , till Pleasant st. TTlOIl ItKNT Newly furnislied room , J8.00 -t : per month. Kaufman II roe. , 100J Fnrnuni. 4DU IlKNT Suit of furnished rooms for two FOH gentlemen. 1911 California st. 48C FOH HUNT Furnished front room. A. Hospo. _ ! 180 oil IlKNT A sillto of rooms 18I2odio ] st F FF F Oil IlliNT Two very nlooly furnUhed rooms with or without board , Iiouso la sur rounded by n nlculnwn and has bath room nud gas. a W. corner of 20th and Webster. 515 FOR KENT Nicely furnished rtoms with l 5211'lonsimt-st. * tlrst-class oiird , - y72-31 TTlOU HUNT- Furnished loom , 1810 Dodgo. FOH IlKNT A furnished parlor room with board , suitable for two Kontlomon ; uigo flrst-class tublo board ; rcforoaco roiiuircd : 18H Dodge. ' I'M FOIt ItKNT Furnished rooms. ln < iulrodrug stoiu.lUth and Douglas. 109 Foil UINIA nicely furnished south room IftOT Douglas st. Itofurencos rciiulrod. 475 FOU KENT-Ioilrnblo turnlahod rooms at 1811 Farnnin street 4 70 _ fTlofl Ill.'NT Nicely furnished front rooms A.1 sultnblo forono or two goiitlomou ; ull mod- crulmprovoincntu. M15 Jones st 141 Fi > II'HUNT Two stoio rooms on 11th St. , ? 2Scacti. JJohnson , 1K1 Fnrnnm. 2SU ! POIt BALE-KOUSEB-LOTS. Foil SAM' : Fine lot In Plnlnvlow , froiitlng east , on 20th st. Thco Olson. 218 H. 15th bt , 6J3 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ HILLSDALK- , that's the name , nnil tne lots soil for f 150 to (175 on coay terms. Have you seen this ground ? If not , do ttt onco. as it costs nothing to ride out to tills beautiful location. Amos' Heal Katato asonoy , 1507 Far- nnin. _ _ eO LOT on Dcoaturst , cheap ut $300 , Graham. Crolghton blk. CSO U n" Oudd Oudd&Co. . , Hillard Hotel Dloclc , offer a few special bargains below : Hmiclsciino U- room coitnto and lot In "Idle wild" only IJO foot from btroot cars ; uowly und thor oughly furnlshod with now furniture nml carpota. Well , cistern , city water : Sni plpua throughout Iiouso ; hard wood nlalOisldo ; sidewalk , fences nnd nit Improve- mouts now. An exceedingly good bargain. AH for $4.500 on cosy terms. S-room houso. nnd lot In Omaha Vlow , a bar- gnln J1.UOO. Three geol rosldenops. Chlcajo stroet. with 132xit : ! feet , bringing a good rental , very cheap , Voi-y'dcslralilQ property Cans and 20th st , 3 peed house * , giounds 110x133 foot good pay. Int , ' lines ! went : bargain , (27,000. NeathouEo and 2 lots , In Walnut Hill ; ntco little home , clump ; IJ.tOO. Six bonutlful lots in "Omaha Vlow , " f3.M ) cash ; a big bargnln and Iminodlnto profit Hir tlr.o lots In "Weil Sldo" $100 oiu-h. 4 lots lu Thornburg place f I VJ and $500 each. Choice lot In Hanscom placo. f l.COCt Heanlirul lots lu Kllby Place , Uosorvolr oddi- ttin , Manhattan , Walnut Hilt and other addi tions. 0-room house and 2 loU.SehnclPs addition , BW of HnscnU'i Park , on Vlnlon &t , ITOtfiS feet.2U- loot ulluy , brick brass foundry on roar , $1.UUO. llousound lot.lOth bet Douglas and Dodvo Sts , b n > foriU hortoi. SA.OOO Jane * st near 13th , W feet front with fi brick stores , 121,000 ; renli for iWJj splendid bar- gam Largo roildenco lot la West Omaha , 60x155 , JljiJ ; on easy terms Bnlondlri buslnouproporty Doujrldi st , near - . bljf bargain , $10 $0 On FnriiHut UCAT llth. 23xl3J , f 15,630. lot on Vttruam near Neb. Nut I bank , 7 > 03L 44 fsot. DodKO opp 1 * . O , 2tUOO. 8 good rciMeneos and 3 lots , Chicago at , tll.ooa Rental pay * apleudfd Interoit. Good corner und cottage , 8 liJth , 60x100. Vlu- duct will make thU ndvunuo rapidly , | 4 UO. Aoovo are some of the many barfc-nlns w .i rcIf you vrlsb to buy , ell , or exchange , call on Hatchor , ( ladd * Co. , MlUnnl hotel blook. iit DODOK ST I lots , east front , Kl'by Place , $ l/iOOfornll ( rnhnm , CrclBhtonblk , KOO f _ _ AOOOD lot la Oltahoma , near the Vlnton st. cnrllno , prlc6 fl.OW. I'ottor vV Cobb , IMS fnriiaiii st. . OmnhnVKeb. ajl HOUSES ANf7 T TS-On monthly pnyments on N U'thBt ' , t.'iion. Urahnm , Cielnliton blk | nso B , | i _ _ < * . rATTKUSON , ItoomC , lion llniiV- .I it ilnShitmiu < ld . * 403 l.otsmHIIHIdo.Nn.S . 1.VW I.otsin llnn com Pljco . ! , l < ots In OmnliA Vlorf . [ M Iotstu Lincoln Tlneo . 4ni Ixt III West Side , a . 2.V1 Ixits In l-'oKora Jflnoo . 2:5 Lots In SnundoM.VIllnielmiich'sndd . . . . 525 0-room hou o anil Idt yiilnn's add . 2OJ f 100 ciiMi , DnlillKmonthly. ! . PattorMW Park ncrcs . TO ) Wn hln ton Illllncics . 750 IllinolimiRirs ndil ncrcs . loun Wo t Omnlm ncre . . 4 v > Uonlleld.Viicre lot . . . a'o 2iVnere , I miles uu-t of court hoii-c fern n ihort tlmo . . 7,000 1) C.Pntterfon. lloom 1-2 , Omnlm Nnt'l Hank. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oil sAIi-Klno : lot in Plnlnviotv , F east , on 20th st. T heo Olson. 218 8 I.Mh st. ftllill _ _ _ ' ' COHNr.Hnnd < nm nest. Lowe's ndd ,'fa'r both. Jraham , Crcl hlon blK. / 1 OOliTots on Dodito street , $2,000. ( Irnlmin , VJ Crel htoil block. 581-0 Fffll I OllAN n-Ttvwo o lTdTyl oodVror Onahn property Aicher > t Htch , 2H 8 Uthst _ _ _ _ _ 4V. ( _ $2.1)00 ) will buy lot 2 Qulnn's nddltloiiTsiiiith llth st. COxllU with Improvements address , t.noilojiolljcg. _ _ n FOKHAIjR Wo linvo sixteen lots In Haw- thorno nddltlon tlmt wo will sells best nud chenpbHt lusldo pioporty in Omuhn. Uodlord & Souer _ _ _ 7" ONUnndthreo-fourllnnurcs in Iliookllne ad- dltlon , prli-ofiw. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Far- mini St. . Oiimlm. Noli. _ R.M Foil rtALK Or ovchinKo lor tconernl mer chaudUo.SOOncro * ( Inally Improved land In Pouthernloun. iidjolulnir county scat nud rail road , In Dccntur comity. Has n line 0 nxim house , law b.iru.WI loot shod , ( \M-Il.sprliiK nml runnlnirrnter : in ) npplo trco * . cherries Krniics , etc. llornhard Saehsio , U17 S. llth 8t.tmahiiNob. im _ _ FOR SAM ! fine lot In Plalnvhnv , frontlnsr cast , on 2Jlh st. Theo Olson , 218 S. 15th st. ( aim _ _ nAHNlIV Street , larno lot. south front ) $5/.l)0. ) Gtnhnm.CrolKhton block. MO-U Jl , . inn : .v co. , oiler the following bnr- uami lor ono week : 3 south front lots lust off Saunders ht. . Put- rick's 2dadd. , Hi miles fioiu po--tolllecSIJ O o.ich. lla'-y pnynionts nnd 5 years Hino. 12il feet on Snundors st , with tluo moilern rcsldonco , i'XH > . "lots In PlulnvluwJ blooksoiT SaumlorsSt. , Savi ouch for the bunch , posltlx-o bniKiilu. Full tot with now 5 room cottngo , Keuiso's nd dltlon. 1 block otr Saunders st , $ ycx ) . Half ncictraokiiH-oon U. P. lly. , centrally lo catedut a bargain. ( > 7\44 feet on N 13th t. , with 5 room cotta eon on car lino. 81,500. lillfcft Ironl South 15th st , cor. nlloy. $8,000. Iiouso and full lot Parker's udd. just oil Snun- dors St. , line ImprOM'ineiit * , $ i,80J. ; 40 acres 5'i miles west ot city , $100 per ncre , ono-thirdcasli. llarza.u. 2 story 8 loom house nnd full lot on K. 18th st.Vt5) . Hull ca h. 1 ucro lu I'arko Place , $ ; i,000. 5 rcom cottage with lot ISOxlOO , N. 19th St. , ncnrcnr line tluo location , 52,200. Ensy pay- meats. Botiutlful loteast front , Hnnscom Place , $3- 250. Half cash. * room modern new residence .ifull lot , Han- scorn Place , only SWA. Half cnsh. 12'ixl20 loot trnckirsc on II. k Jl. Ily. B.irRaln ut $6.000. IlniffCHSlii Half lot and 1-TOjOBi house , Nelson's addition , f 2.01)0 ) , ono-thlnTcnsH. , 2 full lots , onoii corner on Dwlght & Lymon's add. , only $1,000 ; Inrtf cash. a-room house and lot.OjvluO , Park PJacoS2,000 , ea-y payments. ' 2fuhlotsThofrnburf ! Place , $1,030 , one-third cash. / ; I Corner lot In walnut Hill , with 2-story 7-room cottHKo , 53,000 , niio-thlrd cash. North lot 5 , lilock 70 , Omaha , f-VMO , cosh. ' " " full lots Walnut Hill , 3-room house , peed barn , $3,000. one-third cash , splendid bargain. y ncrcs In Tlclvlflero , S1CO to $500 per acre. , , Full lot nnd 4-robm cottiiffo In W. A. Hcdlclc's ndd , S1.NK ) . 51.100 cash. Boiutinil lot , lu Claik's add. , Just oil St Jlnry's nvenuo'ITOO. * , ' , -j Lot 'in PlainriawhBdditl6n' , fOOO , 'ono-lhlnt Sut'intlors streeP Idts in Pinlnvlow add'liloa , $1,000 each. > f ll' .T. I. . Hlco & Co. , Itqom 6 , over Commercial National Hank.'L 5l TjlOIl SAI.,1 : Ti-nclfimc und wnrolioueo room J3 nttho 11. * M. n mr20th st. Splendid site iorn Hour mill. Tlioo. Olson , 218 S. Iftihst. 640-11 OTffln ICilbyTTiici'Tnem-Tyodsobtrcet , 5750. jtiraliamCrchthtonUlpck. 5SfMl HOAV'jou can make money ? liy buyliu ; on easy payments a Ilillsibilolot for § 150 , that will bo o.islly paid for and double In valuo. Ames1 Koal ISstato Agency. 15U7 Fnrnnm. 803 TTIOirSAlfK Good 7-room house with collar , J- ? cistern , city wutor and barn , Yi lot , $3,800 ; onqiilro on premises.2517 Davenport. fe7S HII.I.SDAI.n has ailvuntnjjos which can't bo beaten hy uny location. Whan 3-011 sen the lots you will admit It. Ames. 1V)7 ) Fariinm. ttXI HILIiSUALK Voucautinil no snoli lots as thcso nt $150 upleco. Amos' Heal Estate Atronoy , 1507 Fai-nam ft. 800 FOU SAT.E Trnnknsre nnd wnrehouso room nt the H. & M. near 20th st. Sp'cndld site for n Hour inlll. Theo. OUon , 218 S. 15th st C40-11 TT\OIISAI.U OrTr.i'lo lmprovc-1 unl unim- JJ proved lands In Furnna nnd ot lor western counties. AM dross Wm. Slmoral , Arapahoe , FurnasCo. Nob. 275 TTlOIl HALIAt n hanrnln. A seven room i' house that hns to bo removed Immediately from 22d and Ohio sta. liallou llros. , 151U DOUK- T71OJISALK-Only two out of the fourteen JL houses just built at 22nd nnd Ohlq loft. We hnvo nUo u now uouso and full lot for 81,500 A neat cottage nud half lot Ihls slilo of the brldgoon Kaundors Bt , oiiht front for $2/,00. 0x131 ion on 13th st this sldo of llui-kcU's at n bargain , liullon llros , 1318 Douglas Ht. 50 ! ) 0 FOU BALK Trackage and warehouse room at thn n. k M. near 20th st. Sp'tiudtd Mto fern n Hour mill. Tbeo. Olson , 218 H. 15th st. 010-11 Foil SALK Ilosldeneo property and vacant lots in every addition In Omaha. Terms to Bultpurchasor. Also doMrublo 1msHum prop erty , Gibson , Larson & Co. , Hoom 3 , WIthnoil Illock. liij H ILLSDALB. ' 8M 'ILLSDALE--ilc" utirul location. 8oT HILLSDALK , highest trround , hnndsoroost location of nny lots In oraronml Omaha , for $1,7) to $175 n lot. Como nnd Heo this giound. Amos' Honl Kstnto Agency 1507 Far- niiiii. 809 Hou.sis Lota.Farms.Lanus mouoy [ onnoa. Horn Is. 15th and Douglas streets. 471 FOK HALIC-Two eloifiuit oust front corner lots In Ilnri- Oak : natural Hhndo troos. Hatcher , Gaild A ; Co ,1310 Douglas street , Mlllard hotel block Omrilfi , Nob. BJI SALII-W'oolfer the following special - - cial ImiTfiilns'forii few days only ; Ono cast fiout lot Viririulu HVO , fWd. Ono east Iront lot Virginia uvq IB bile 10 , Sl.fc.5. j Two onst front" lots Tlill Sheridan Ft near Park Forest , building nsmclatlon , each tl.OJO. Two west fniiu lots Vlr lnin ave , CSJiO. Two of the llnAstifiabt frontlets in Ilanscom place. tOilBi.omrairprnor , only tl/03. F. K. Tunncr A : Corcal estate agents , 1615 Ilonnrd sMnuiliii. _ _ _ B50 7 H OI1SC8 Ixitg , Farms , Uinds money loaned. lioml ; . jrjth nCilDoiitfltia struuta. 471 tOOD , , Oraham.Crog 580 U _ B8ACIISSH. Il .U. Entute , U1T H. loth st. has for siilent iiUiUiiln : Improved aud nu hfrnived farms lu Nebraska , Tour 1-4 sottloninh'Douglus Co. , JIU per aero. 11X1 acres of Bplondld farm land , nil Improve- inonts. In York Co. , Ju per ucio ; ul o crops irrudod stock and f iirmturo for halo. Only for a short tlmo at this pr'co. 1-4 soutlon In PnniiMCo. cheap at f 1,800. kOucros , Hurt CVwt'KO par iieio. 3(0 ( und 601) ) acres In Nnnco county , $12.50 per aero. , . _ , , U 80 acres In ArtlMbpn Co. , J15to f30 per ncre. lOJacrcaln .MltflAtlli Co. , f 10 or cxchaugo for city iii-npcriy. s > v Anne farm of 200 ncrcs In Dot-atur Co. la. , f 3J per iicro. 01- will trii'le for gi'iiurnl mcicliau- Ulso. Also farms lu Kan'iis. II. i-iichssc.Bi : a llth titrcct. 020 f' . HAMMOND , Koal Estate Broker , 15. . * , ' Jt Douglas Kt.Hooiu3. I offer the following special bargains : Two choloo lots m llanscorn I'lucc , bargain. 4 houses on Ohio ut. , fl'JOO eaoh , $30 } caish , balance Ji'ipor month. 3 uholcolots in Llacoln I'laoo , will bo sold at a bargain. Bnlaiidld S-room house Ohio st. , barn ; 91x119 foot lot : bargain , &UIU. Bpleudid lot In Sbmn's add. Lot on 1'Rtnum ft ; S1.3X ) List you pioporty with me. I/its 1 , 2 and a , block 16 , H. R. Honors' addition to Okaliomu.aOxluO eaclv. Cull for lerina. Want Omaha rual pstato for fl ,000 stock of hardware In good Iowa location , only S stores , l.Ouo Inhabitants. _ B30 aiItSDALB-c6mo and 8A0 It yourself , It soils on It * merits. Amo * ' Ite l Batata Agency. 1WJ Faraam . # B SAC 1ISSK , llcnl Kt tc,3l7 S. 13 st. hns for snle : Hcsidcnco Ixjls In Ambler rinco . fIVltof KK ) K. V , Smllh's nddltlon . , > . UOJ lowpV addition. . 700 to 1,101 Lake's ntldltlou filxlll . 2.W10 Ilonl < r 'ldilltlon31ot4 . 4 "n Omnlm View. . 500IO UO PhlnnV nrd nddltlon S0\l20'i ' . LOW Saunder .V lllinobnimhN ndillllon 500 to 701 Shliin's2nd nddltlon - ' , lots. . . . S.-VK ) Wllcox s 1st addition . MOte K I'laln Vlow . OWlo l.OOJ M'o l fide . : 1 On Hurt st. a' IM . 2,5(11 ( At a bargain. Small piymont * and ea y terms Lot < In nil parts of the elly nndsubuibs. II. Saehs ool7S. IHst. GM _ _ 1 > muoN & coMsroFk ; J-V Iti'iirance , Itval IMixtn nud I.o.-.ii Agento. Poooml < torv Merchants' National bank build- Inir , uouldcnil attention lo tlio finlo ini ; list of piopeity which they otfer lor sale : 1'ult lot on I'aik avenue. HJHtlU'i. contnliilnir two haiuUoino largo oottnitcf , a barn and nu nbuudancoof mnll Irillt , JI2.0HO : " 111 divide , I.ol on DnienK | > it l wit t of STith , lUxlll , coiilalnlng'-ioom cutlnifo \ itli nil modern con- \pnlenolcB , 11 Kooil-il/eil burn , both nearly new tASOOj liberal lermi. l.ot on hernmn ave about ono mlle noith of the | io.tnlHru , .AxIRi , luniium through to I'th St. . cnntnliilnir 7 loom eottntrn In goo I rwpMr , uud burn , jii : WflMXH-\ ; ! . lull 1,2 and 3 jenr- " . Ixit In Diiixmt place with ; Moam house , 9lt\M TIMI full lots In KoiuiltV Itulh'snddltlon.on corner , coutniiilng 4 bulhllnirs , loutlng torJlOJ per month i f'J Jim Cull lot on S. 13th st near. lones , containing bn lldlnps which now rent for ! 700 per year , ( Jl , Owl , l.ot 22 0(1 ( on 8. Thirteenth st. between Hartley nnd lluunid. roiitalnlug building nhlcli routs for $ M ) per month , ? ? ,1K ( ) . Center street near Cumlnit' , po\en room hou oand biirn$2,0ill ) : liberal terms. Uou oiiud two lots In Iiin"oln 1'lnco , house nluo iconic and flmtthiHl in line st lo. S5,0 < U ; small cash payment andbilatico In Installmonts. 81 < hon cs on Cnldwell sfect , $2AVoach ) ! easy UDII'SO nnd lot on N.2l t street , f l.SOO : U cnsh. Hoiiso and lot onUth sticul , north of Qracu , corner lot , ? : i,00l. ( InaaoX Solilcn's addition , corner. 2 lot * . 132 feel on I.oiivenworth street und Ul ou I'ros- poet"i.OUU ; < 5 cash. Ten nej-os bouth ol Syndicate Place , about n mlle nud n halt southwest of the county poor farm , f-t'M per nero ! Tt.tOO cash , balance 1,2 ll.'ifeet on Dodge , In Hoggs .t Hill's addition , cor. , l-rooni liou-i % SI.OiHI : ' 4 ca h. Km m ol ( n aero ? In Morrlck county , will bo sold at a bargain. Cornurlot in llurr Oak. $2,7X ) I/itsillHlll-tdo''udmld . 1,40) to Sl.ttlO Lots III llnwthoi no ndd ' .Wl to l.tkKI Lots In llan coin I'bico. . 1 , Ml I to I'.IIHI l/t In Kllby I'lituo. . f.VI to KK ) Lots in Klrkwood . ( .00 . to 1,001 I/itslnl'I'ilnilew . GO ) to UK ) Ixjts In Wo t Cumlimr . . . 701 Lots InWIIcot's ' 'ud add. MO I tslu Walnut Illll . 700to l.OJU Lots In J. I. UoJick'stidd l.TOO to 2OK1 , Lotiln Itlchmoud . . . ntnl to 410 IxitalnSliirldaii 1'laeo. . . . M ) to R.V ) Lot * In WaihlngtonSq'iro 1,40) ) to 2.0,10 LotslnPtiNom I'lnco . 20) to ItX ) Lots In Sehloslnger Placo. Si ) to yOJ l < ots in Illiiiebauuli A Patterson - terson s ndd . ! . to 4iw rts In Cottnuo Piu-k . . COO to 0,10 Lots In Van Camp's add. . ! ! 00 to 400 Acre lutilnPnttorson Park I17r > to MO Wo have Improved and uniniprovcn buslnosi and i-osldenco property In nil parts of HIP city and It w III ho for the Interest ot ull persons who wish either to buy orssll to glvo lisa call 437 SACHSSlCrenl ostuteT l" s 13th sfrcct otters at a bargain : 3 lots In Patrick's 2d add , east front , on Saunders street : terms , oue-lmlf cash , bal. 1,2 , nml3 vcnrs . $ 0,0:0 : Also 3 lots , south front , on Purdetlo struct , f .1,750 , or $1'WJ each single lot ; SITS. Llth street. Heal Kstato,317 S. ISth St. , has BSAPHSSE for b lo Impioved piopcnj't U2G Vine brick losidonco with nil modern improvements , ou Saundcrs Ft. , lot 120x100 , Sil.OOO to $ : . ,000 cash down . . S 8,000 200 Nine room i-onso nnd lot. 20th s-t. , near St. Marys live , $000 cosh balance monthly . f.,750 . 201' ' Three-room cottngo nnd lot S. 17th St. , Cl.OOO cash . 1,000 300 Ill-room bouse und lot 6iixUO ( ! on Hurt St. , ? 2UOO cash , balance to suit 4,500 301 22 ft ou Cumlne with store and dwell ing . 340 81 ft on Cuming with 2 stores nnd dwelling , barn , eta , . 10,300 not ) Fine B-room house , barn , etc. , lot 100x100 . . . 4,500 WRY -room cottngo. lot 50x100 , both ou Webster , one-third uiiali , balance lo suit. . . , . , . 2,000 327 Ccottnges on South Hth St. , to bo sold together or in lott of 2 or nndjolnlng 12,000 25S I'Ino G-room house , lotUO.xllO , ou 1'Jtli St. , cash $1IO ! . 2'JOO 263 Lot COjcHO with house , well , etc. , ou lOthst. . 2 00 306 6 cottages of 5 rooms , lots 30 x120 , cistern , \\ell , etc. , ou Iflth st. , i''M cnsh. ? 2" > OJ per month , each . . . . 2,100 330 81 teet ou Cuming. business lots , with 2str > ros , dwelling , barn ; nil rcntuil SIO.ROO Full lots nnd J lots with Irtrt-o or Hiuall houses U V Smlth's add , Plain Vlow. Lowo's 2d ndd , Kounlfo'fl 2d add. I'liltcri-on Hiibillr , Inprovoineut Assn add. Milliird & Caldwell's ndd. Walnut Hill. Park Place , Hickory I'laco. Omnhn View , Hcdford's add. Shlnn's ndJ , Amcsl'laco. Shinn's2U add , Don loos' add. From $1,000 to $4X)0 ! ) ; small paymcuts : easy terms. 022 _ /"IHNTHAJj INVESTMENT CO. , lloom 7 Itarker w block , cor. 15th and Fiirnaui st. For sale : 20 lots Mayno'fl 2d add . SC60 to S'iO ! 19 " r-lndsiy's add . NW to IftW 4 " Clnremlon . SWoaoh 3 " place , on Pleasant St. , choipat . 1,000 10 " Shin n's 2d nnd 3d add . 000 to 1400 2 " Plninviow . VOO 1 " near ISth st. oar line barn . 10JO ! 1 " Uncoln plaoa . 430 to 5ul 3 ' Potter's add . BJOto 000 5 " Ilanscom place . HfiO to 20K ) 3 " Dcnlso's add . IfljOtolSOO . 1 " Itodford place , mio business lot. near foundry , only . SCO 25 " llo-0rvolr ! add . 700to WJ f > 0 bountiful residence lots 4 blocks west of street car line , adjoining Shlnn'a 2d add. , from $6ui > to $1,05 ! ) , only $10 cash und $10 per mouth. 20 houses and lots to be said on monthly pay ments , 10' ! cash and balance $20 per month. Wo linvo nice residence property for sale In all pnrts of city. Please list your proporl v with us nnd cnll and sou us , whether you wi ute to buy , soil or caclinngo. Wo can give you bet ter rates on money thsn any ono In the city. Wo also make u specialty of holllng nnd renting farmlands ; hnvon lluo list of oholco liudi in Nancooounty , Neb , , near It It. , which wo can soil or lease for a tonn of years. _ SOi OTri sollinv today for SHOO to $100 1 Bold a year ago lor flOO to (2TiO. ThlnUof this nnd got n lot now lu Hlllsitnlo for $150 to J17S and on un y terms. Amos' Itcul Kstato Agency , 1507 I'linnim H , t FtTil SALK Nico5-roora"nouso nnof2eornTr lots lu Walnut Hill ; 5i cash but. to suit. Cnl Martin Jl mil ht. _ 4SI _ 'prow Is It your neighbor hns mndo money ? J-JL IJy having couragn to buy ohoap lots. You cando thoHiimo In Hillsdale , where lots now soiling for JIW each will brlnir double that lu a yimrfrom now , Ainei' Heal listato Agoney , 1507 " Faranrn t. _ _ _ & _ H"lLWDAl7i-Ixt80iily : $150 to 5175 , and will soil for double this tlguro in 13 months' tlmo. Como nnd ECO thorn , Amos' Heal 1'stato Ag'juoy. 1507 rarnam st. _ BO'J F. llAICBlirTloal Kstnto nnd Houso-llent- ing Agency , olllco with Kaufman Ilios. , 207 8. 1Mb st. Lomu uivl ecuiiro ono of these cheap lots lu Wnvorly Place , milIU5 miles from I'.O.HI ; , olio-third cash. Iml. HO per month. Also 1 In Haws' add , 6 in Manhattan , Iiouso and lot In IIiMliokti8l.8 ( In Plum View , boaidos ether prm city In dllTorout parts of the city. Cidl eaily aud Bet bargains. _ 6UiB ) * 1OH SAI.V Flue lot In Piamvloir , fronting JlJ oaatou33thst. Thee Olson , 2183. 15ih st. Kfl II Q AUNDKUS Street , 1 20 feet $7,0X1. Ornhnra , CJ Crolghton block. 5 > 0-u _ T : > l fKMlBlf ! ,10"w , i the tlmo to buy cheap J-V lot * . They grow lu value faster than any others. Pee Hlllsdato. Lots $150 each. Ames * Heal Ksluto Aguney , IV ) 7 Farnam. _ 80 ; II.HY I'hACE-Lots $753 to $1 03. Clraliain _ .Crclfl- { ' ! ° -.b ! ! _ 5606 TTTlLLbDALi : soils ttt 115J l > or lot. N ST. II. Jl. trneknKO , one or IKAVIINWOHTII anncro , nt ugioat bargain. See J. W. Ixigun , at Loarunworth Iluslnesi Plttco. or 0. . W. IJaker , Itoom 7 Iron Ilnnk building. _ jM } _ T AHOR cities make suburban homos anocos- J.V sitv nnd this class of lotj grows with the rest 'I'll Is is to bo considered. See IHIUdalo ut SIM nnd buy one when you can at this flguro. Ames1 Itenl Kstato Agency , HW Farnnmst. &M 'IJIOITH Ar7i5 ? frackajro" warehouse room JD at the R. * M. iioarMth st. Splendid Blto for a Hour mill , aiioo. Oken , 218 3. 15th St. 040-11 ITUIII SAI.K-fl dcslrnhlo lots in Ilanscom J.1 Place ; tonng easy. O. P. Stebbos.hoxiv ! : . 010 8 J KAVY gnlns lu population pushes Omahn to the front. See illllsdalo lot * that you ran now buy for JIM. Piek ono out. i > r.y for It In InstaUmuntB. and sell it in a yearn tluio fortwlco its cost. Ames * Uoal Kstato Agency , 1W far- namst. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " " FOUSAr.H-OrFjchiufxo-A Duo Improved farm in western Iowa , contains IfO BOIT , or will exobanira for Omaha proiHirty. Inquire of It. Urown , Wlndggrjiqtej _ ' ! TTIILBDAI.lf-llo t opportunity for IA jouaciieaphpmti. FOUSAt.n-t tslandS , 1teillck' nddltlon , 3 blocks outh ande t of Fninntn ohool , Corner nnd emt fronts. Inside building lots mid ehenp. A P. Ttikey , 1TH Fnrnnm St. 422. RAItllAIN-i'nll lot on WohMnrsl l.otwcen . 17th nnd ISth sts.,2 hoii'e < , one of fi rooii | < and ono of Cror m . ! gotxl bam nn > l Minilotroo * nnd other Improvements : prleo $7OlXM o-i y ternij. Potter A Cobb , 151J rnrnnm. st. , Omnhn , _ _ _ _ _ HAVU ynu eeil Hillsilaloy If not , do so nt once nnd pick out u lot for $1X1 that will not only m.iko ton money hut helpyou n\o some AmeV lloiil r. liilo Agoney. I.V)7 Farn-itii , TO ! "SUPPLIES ! O U Prinliog Offices. THE SIOUX CITY NEWSPAPER UNION lc lrp Uir.nll tliOMttfnllon of Printers nnd IMibllth crj of NobmiVn , UaknU , .Mlniu'sol.i nnct VVoMcni lonu to lliclrTory coniiH'tpslock | uC Tine 1'lnt rnporj , l.lnen lni > ors. Cover Pnpor . Col ored rhii-l'niXTK , Maiillln 1'jHKTK , Honk , j'r nt nnil I'oitcr t'npcrt , CiHlsiml ; C.inl tlniml , llulinl l.ipcr , Itavrtopo- , Wedding Stiitloncrr. Hull I'mcrninmc" , VIMIInK Unnls. nml nnytlilna otso In the lupor Hue required In u Hrst-cla-s I'rlntlns oRtcc. S.unplcs of Rcio < t. will tin furnUlicd prompUjr to nil who tipply for them with upeelnl prices for n cn c m.utonpor ns many dlffcrenl klinlsnt u < > o < l > 111 inny be required. Nun htlie llmo lo m.iVo out. your onion forKOOil * for fnll nnrk. Got ramplcstif our RooiU nnil mmparo the qualltr unit prlres nltli tlitno ot oilier liouses. Wo enrry nu Infclror tnrk. 'rwfntjr- are ) cars' ot | < vrlanro con\lnrrs\is Hint tlio IIKST l > ClIli.M'r.ST mill Elvei tlio tirciteit natlsfnctlon to inircliuscrs. Crrre pnni1enp ( > sollclleil to which prompt nttcntlon will lieilvcn. Aililravi SIOUJ CITY N8WSPAPE1 UNION , Douglas Street , SIOUX CITY , IOWA. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE 01' TI11J ChlcagoMilwaukee&Sl.raulR , . > y THE BEST IfcOITTE Fron MM ani COUNCIL BLUFFS ot THE TWO TKAINB DAILY UKTWRHN OMAHA COUNCIL BLUl'Frf Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dubuqiic , Davenport. Koek Island , Frccport , llockfonl , Elgin , Madison , Jannsvillc , JJeloitVinona \ , La Crossc , And all other Important points liust , Northeast und Southeast. For through tickets anil on the Ticket Acen nt 1101 Karniim xtrcet ( in Paxtou Hotelpi- ) Union Puclllc Depot. I'lUlmnn Sloopel-s und the finest Dining Cars In the woikl ma run on the main llnosoftho , MILWAUKIB & Sr. I'AUI , H.UI.WAV , nnd every nttontlon is paid to passengers by courtnona employes of the company. K. MiLr.Kit , Uent.ral Maua vr. J. F. TittiKUii , Assistant Renornl Mnimtror. A. V. II. UAiti'r.XTEi : , General 1'iissoug-cr and Ticket Ajront. ( ! KO. IIItiroiiD , A Ebtant flonornl Pnsson- Kor nud Ticket Agtmt J. T. 'JL.VHK , Goncrnl Snponntondoiit. WHO II UNACOJA1NTEO WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTDV WILL GCE OY EXAh'ININO THIS MAP THAT THF CHICiGO.ROCK ISLAND a PACIFIC BMLWAV ly reason of 1U central poiltlmi and elate lelallonta au principal llnm fca-t an \Vent. I . at Initial t > ri ter * lulaal point * , oonstltutQt the inont loiportiuit nifdC- contlnentnl link In ttiot fyttfm of fhnuieh trancitm t tIon which lnrito ami firllitut * * * r tel nnd tr nTa tiitwnao clttonor the Atlaiitlu nnd JVrlflr CoftHtfi. U U nlto ths fftTorlte * nd bo t route to nnd from point * li.Ht. Sortliu\t nnd iSoutheuit. and rorreipundine ivjtntVeJt , Northr-ect and HonlhvtML The Croat Rock Island Route Ouarinte * . Itpitroim tliot iun n of prronnl prtt * rttr AlTuidftrl by ft snlltl , thinouyhlr ImlU'trd rnnil- i < l. uioAlltlracfari nf foiitlnituui terl rll. t-ulifttun * } iilltrulT rt4 niul hiltlcoo , ontirvtdi mv perfection lui hniuait nlclll run mitke It. tliw rnfrty nppllaucM of iwif ut bnff niiilaifor > iiii nnd lr lr Vrj , nd Ih.TteioclIn dUclpllnii nhlch RIITCIIK llm uruiv lienl npsrntlnn nf all It * tritlnn Othrr p elallp of lili ruutn am Tramrarn nt nil rniiiiFrtlnK uolnu In L'nlon Oftioti , uiul the uiiiiuimnMd luiufulta ni.d luzurittt of IU pAA enjror Kqtilpmoit. . . . . . . . . . . . , . ! WKV.1V * . MlHKMIllWVHb I UUmMII J IItiU Mafprnof I he InlMt ilrilpn , nnil FinnntiiouH Dlnlnir iin. In vhli-heUlwrntalr rookrd nmliarHlrlrnifly vitca. J < Bti L'i > iiClil. ' i/c > nJ KaniuiiClljrmiilAtililkua or lie tun UK UolelirtlMl ItrrilnlntrClialr Car . The Famous Albert Loa Route [ j tlio illrnct and fnvnrtto Una between Cliicnijooiid Mninoftpollf andSt , 1'aul , wlicro connvctjant aioinuilM 111 Union H"ioufor all polnu In th Irtrltoi-ltii mul llrltluli finrlni-m. Orrr tlili route Ku.t Dtinr.j 1 riiliu are rim to tlie Mratarln. ; plarii. rumnii'i rn * eorti , plctiir fin * Icx-ullllcn. and linntlnir an-l filling eruuniUor Iowa anil Jllniii-botiu It l ittii Ilia i.iuii -ilrablanmt tn Ilia rcl ! | wlwat flctili cnJ imltoral Ullill nf Interior PaVoK HUH anotliur JiliKrr ( T.IXK , Tin Bcnsrn nd Kan- kakre , hat bi'i-n oimnrd liitwtcn rinrlnimtl , In'ilui. ; ijolH and LafTrt ) . and ItMinrll niiiirs , KannanJlly , UlnneapolU and ht. I'uul aud lutirinedUU luilnu. For detailed Infonnatlori rA llap * Hnd Ffild rf , ohtalaatile. a V A | | n tU-k U , at rll lirllli llull'llckf t Oftlrrt In ilie United 6tatea ujij Oaiuulat or l > r ad- druoluic R. R. GABLE , E. ST. JOHN. I'roa'l A 0 u'l H-tfr Ocn'l " , l"fct a ! . Atft , PBOYER & CO HafsSfttesVaultsJimelocks ! ! and Jai ! Work. 1WO ( I-'ju-num Street. Oiaaha , . Neb. FOB GIRLS , At Crotoii-on-tho-lndsoiiNoiv ! York. The finest location on Iho llmlson , and every .Tlvautivjo fur thorouuli inrrruetlon , Vrlnclpala. Mi-u . I' , llaiiku nml Miss 0. B.Uu- dorhlll. llcfurto lli'ii. ( ice , \V. Tiost. , IKISJV : , NIIVV JJJIISI'.Y. Iluxular four-year coiufoi , at follovra : 1 , Kor tlio drvei'O of llnrrrlor of Kcittnre. a gimcrnl courixi ulso eloctlia oour < In I'lioniUtrr. llloloey , Haaitr \ , JlutUeuiiillcj and l'li > al > a. II. I'ur tlio ilnurco , f civil Knglnoor , Includlnir , heBldi > i Mil ui > unl prafuMliinnl ttudle , uiipllultlQinof KU-ctrlcltr | n tlio Arm. I'p't prucluivto . ruction I r ' . . . . . . Anrtlytlcal and > \ppllol i'liomUtrr nml Apaylii' : . IJUdoKy , riiy.Us.antl A-tronnmy , 1C ntmnce e\aniii. tJout hept. lltli nnU UUi. lisi. For vnociul runrci y totl > ncoULU'uTrvii.iiror. MEW EHGUND CONSBRYATORY OF MUSIC , Boston , Mass , THU I.A1UIKST nr.l DKST KQOII > l'KI > In the WOULD. i'JJ liiitructori , 2X.i < loiiuli > < t7oar. d'lioruuvu ln trnctlun < In roul und Initruniuntul uiit- lc.l'lanoiindOrciiutuuln . tine Aru. llratorjr. l.Hiir- mure , frrnch. llerman nii't ' IKIIuii hinjnuijoi , Kn - llih bnmclioi.Grinnaitlca , utc. Tuition > to lii ; Inuril nnd room \fllh tcnni luul unU clOLtrl lluhtflitoSra tterterm. KM.ITKIlMUok-ln hci > lumljery. Ull. KIT lllujiruteJ dilcu'Jar.with ( ull InlurmillDii , aJJroii. U TO U It J KB ltr..t'ruuUlubg. . lluitua , Mati. * # r * V NORTH H < B mM0Bra ft Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only roiul to tnko for le ) < Moliun , Mnr- plmlllown , Codnr Iliipld' . Clinton Dixie , Cli h-n- ( ro , Mllwitllkconnd nil ivolntsrint To the people - plo of Ni'lirntkn , Coloiitilo , NVjoiulnir , 1'tnh , Idnho , Netndn. OrotfonVn hlr.Kton nnil Cftll- fnrnlnlt olTur4-.upc.rlor ml vantages not pomltla by nny othur line Anioiiff n row ol the mitiu'rotlipolnts ol supe riority cnloyiil bv the pntroin of till' mini be- Iwccn Oiimlni mid Chlcmro , urn Its tno tinlnsn ilnytif HA V CO U'lU'.S wliluli nro thp nnoil tlnit hiininn nrl nnil Inucnnlly run crcnto. It * 1'AI.ACi : SI.Kr.l'INO CAHS4. whloh nro models nfronilorl nnd nloiiillieo. 1M I'Altl.Oll D1IAW- 1N(1 ( 1UHM ) CAIIH , uniurpUMi'd bv nny , nnd 111 widely eelobriilo.l 1'AI.ATIAI , lININ ) ( > CAU3 , I lin oiiunl or whloh ounnot bo found H o\rlioro. At CounollllliilTti Ilia tuiliiA or the Union 1'iu'i- Do Ity. connect In I'lilon Ucpol with the oot llio CliU'iitfo Jfe Northwe tern Ity In ChlciW thn trnlns of this line innkii I'loso i-onnoctloii with the o of nil en tern llne.s. for Dotiolt. ColumhiM , Indlnnnpolls. Clnrln- null , Nhimuu rntl . Iliiirnln , I'lltshunr. Toronto , Montro tl. Hoot on , New York , I'hlUdolphln , llnl- tlinore , Washington nnd nil pol'its In tlio onat , ntk the ticket iicont for tlckettih \ the "NOHTUWKSTr.HX , " If yoiiwMi thn bootnifinnmoiliitlons. Alt tloko uircnth fi'M tlukoU via this line. M. m'oiUTT , u. a itAin , Gnnornl Mnnnprr. Ooa. I'as ; , Apflnt. CIUOAIIO. _ Red Star Line Carrying HIP ItclRhira Rnvtil nnd Unllod Stntos .Mullnulling uvery buturday Between Antwerp & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , IT&LY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE , I'AI.Ii AND \MNTKtt. Salon from $ no to $ : ' . Kxciirslon trip from $110 to tl : . . Second Cntuii , outwnnl , CUt picpnld4 * > ; oioiirrtlon. $ ' . )0. ) rili'onu'O uassiiRO nt low rales. 1'otor Wrluht X Sons , Oonoral Agents , 53 Hrondwny. Now VorK. Ilonry I'umlt , I'JIB I'm limn st. : rnulson St Co. , Fariinm su : U. O. I'lcuman , VIM I'urnamst M.A. DISBROW&GO Wholesale Manufacturers and Donlors la J fcSUBBBHUJ Mouldings , Fine Hard Wood Interior Finish Mitntlcs , CoHtitrrs , Pctv Emla , llrackcta. SCltOLL H'OIIK and TURNING. Dculciv in liitittliiiiPaper. . Mnln Office and 1'actory at Lyons , Iowa , Offlce & Warerooms Cor. 12th & IzardSts Union National Bank , 206 Masonic Blk , N.W. Cor. Cap.Av , & 16th P.aid up Capital , - $100,000 Authorized Capital , - 000,000 Accounts solicited. Intcrixt pnld on tlmo do- posit. : colleutlons inu.lo In nil parts of tlio urtvt , iiiul having p ) \lilol ilio largest nud host vault in the city , wo will receive valuable nttlctcs on stoniK-o. I'rompt nttenliou will tie given to all business entrusted to us. JNO. W. iloniH-Eii , Ciwhlor. WM. W. M Mian .I'r ToIoplionoNo. Hl . IURGA E'aclcot Oom.po.a3r. A DIKECT UNB VOK England , Francs & Qermany. The htoiiin > . | ilpsof tlita Mull known lluo lira built at lion , In water-Unlit compArtmenta , und mo iurnlsliiHl with uvi'ry rt'qiilsllo to mnktt th'i pnssngro both Mifo nnd iiKruuiihlo. They carry tlio United 8tnt 4 nirl linroppiin millsiiiul : loivu New York Thursdays nnd Saturdays for V\v. \ mnuth.I/NDON ( > , Cliorloul ) ( AUI9 unj HAM- II DUO ) . Iteturiibiff , Iho stoainors leave Hamburg1 on Wednesdays nnd Siuuluja , via. Huvro , tnkliif pHh onicorsat Southampton and Iiondou. li r * I c'ibin f V ) , fJJ and $ 5 ; Stoonuro WJ. IlallKiad tlcUots from I'lyinouth to Hrlstol , Car- < llir. London , or to uny place lu the South of KlKflnnd , Pit lilt. StoomifO from Kuropo onlf $35. Bond lor "Tourist llazette. " C. II. KlCIIAltD &CO. , Qenerid I'annenffor AffonW. U. BroaUway , Now York ; Washington nnrt ( a. BalloSta Chienwo. IIL _ Kailway Time Table OMAHA. The following Is the tlmo of n nival and do- parliiroot ti-.iius by Cuntrrtl Standard Tun out Iho local dopots. Trains of the O. , fit. 1' . , M. & O. nrrh o and depart Troiu their depot , corner of lUh and Webster strrnls ; trains on the li. & U. O. II. fcQ.and 1C. C. , fit. J. & ( X I ) , from the It. AM. . depot all othora from the Union ViiclUa ilopot. nitinar. TRAINS. nridifO trains will leave U. I * , depot nt OUB II7i"i : 6-M - M HW ; 1110:01 : 11:00 : n. m. : 111:03 : -1:20- : -2:00-a:00--m:00-5OU-6.l-t1:10 : : : : : : ) 7:00-11:10 : p. m. I jjivo Trausfor for Omatm nt 7:1S IlSslS 0 : 3 nl2-tlUr.--10i7-.lli ] : : : : ; u. in. ; 1:37- 2ii-2r : : : -SI.1a-ai7-l'iI : : : niOO flil'S 7:20 : 7:30-8500 : 11:32 : p. m. m.CONNRtJTINO WNI . ' Arrival and ilupiiituru of trains from the Transfer Depot ut Council IIlu 11 u : UKIMUT. Alt III VB. OKICAI1O , IIUCK ISLAM ) & PAClrlC. 117:15 : A.M. I n : I5 A. M. lid ; 15 A.M. JirU : ! r. n. UUilr. : M. I II7iMl > . M. C1IICAC.O tf NOIITIIUTRTKIIM. Cll:15 : A.M. I 1)UI5A. M. II :40l' : . II , I U 7:1X1 > > . ) ! . CIMCAOO , IHHI.IN07ON ! & ( JUINCY. A USB A. > l. I A 0:1.1 : A. > l. HOil'Jr. M. I It tl-JO : i1 , u. ' | A 7:1-0 P. u. CMIOAOO , MIMVAfNH1. 4 ST. I'Atlf. A'Jill A. .U. I AUI5A. : M A 040 ; f. it. 1 A7OJ ; | ' . It KANSAS CITY , ST. JOH i. COl'MIll. A 10:00 : A. > | . I D lltV , A. H. C : MiM. . I A6Wi- . WAIUS1I , FT. l.OUIS & I'ACIllU A 3:00r. : M. I A 3:30 r. u. sioux CITV & r.voitu' , A7u"Jl..M. : I A 0:83 : A. M. _ _ J AB iflH , MM _ . _ _ - rjy , j-fr , /.M. | I' . U. . .1'itlHu KxprOM , , 10:53:1' : : ' .Donvor Hvprcns , . . .lioml l'.tii.o ; . It. k . IN NI2I1 , 8:10u : .Mull mill Kxpioii. C10a ; 10:40n : nn-lilt7 KoC'Tll\VAIID. " "A.M. i I-'M. ijil-JStii'iU I'AClriO , A.M. i llilOii ! . . . .Day Ktprws B23 ; < ] 1 OjlOh . . .Nlulit Ktpri'Rq 3:7ihk | | K. O , , ST. J k U Jl , :20ii : bl5b ; | . . \ in riattmouth. _ . . 7OOJ : | 7:10 NDUTUWAfll ) . _ A. u. I i' . 14 , I T' . , M'T'l'.I > lt"At O. i .C i. i IV"M. B:15il . . Sioux City KxpicK. . . 5Jo .J .Oj AfcoiiiigoJ'n'lii-'lOa1. ' . . . . . " " " "Tlopait. lD. ATrivoT" "A.'M. i r. 7TT c" . n. " is ' < J. , A. M. j it7 _ D JJl 0:1)01 : ) Plattsmoiith. I 8K | 7:10 NOTKArtlnirdally ; II , dally wccopt Hun. day ; ( ! , dally oxeept Saturday ; 1 > , daily orei > t Muuiluy. _ _ _ _ " _ _ HVOCK VAlin TIIAIN.S will lo.w - U. i . depot , Omaha , nt CIO--T:33- : jOWu. : in : i' m-'JiUi-iiOJ 3ri ' ; ' ) p. m. Pnclnc r.vprojs , 8'W : p. in.j Denver Uv. , 19:51 : luni. ; ixxjKl Kx.,0:0i : p. m. LoHVusta-ck jnrdi Inr Omnhs at TOJ : t'sio Il'Jj . in. : ao-iia--l'JH-fliOi-'itW p. : u. AllnntlolJx. . le H. O. T.Vn. m. ; CUI-UKO I'.y ; , If. fc. O 0:07 : p.ui.j I cuil I'.j. , lo , O. ni:5l : w.m. j Wo. IMc. Kx.le. 3.0. D : 7ji. Hi.'J ; M. 1' . Ex. GCWu. ; m. UvooplSuod f.