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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1886)
" I - YwT DAILY BEE JR. A JLJLJJ SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , SATUKDAY MOHNING , AUGUST 7 , 1886. NUMBER 43. iiifMi Tmt n IT tiPITVIM nvtifi HIGH TIMS Al 11E1DLLBERG , Great Crowds of People Witness the Grand Historic Procession. GERMAN ROYALTIES PRESENT. Visitors Tut Up With. Iictierwurst nnd Tja or Instead of ChnmpnRtic nnd Chicken The llononiry Decrees Conferred. The University Kcstlvltlof. nno , August C. [ Nesv "i ork Her ald Cnblu Special to the Hr.K. | The giand proccislon to-day was a great success from an artistic point of view , and reflected great eredlt on Heidelbeig's skilled work , for nearly all the costumes \\ere made hero. It compared not unfavorably with the famous one in Vienna , alter Hans Markart's do- digits. Ihdf , the painter , who designed the grouping and costumes to-day , showed that Heldclberc can hold its own \ > 1th any of tlio great capitals. The tour artists who assisted . Y II off lode In the piocesslon in medhcval cos tume , namely : Shuit.Kallmorgen and Hoipe- inan , of Cnrlsiuhe , and Hubncr , of Munich. It Is estimated that -10,000 strangers inci eased the population of this city to-day. This morning long trains began to deposit their hosts of passengers fiom Mannheim , Frank fort , Baden , Cailsruhe , and Indeed trom all along the Uhlno amie\ery paitof Germany. Tlicie was x noon MKAL OF but few accidents here , though one woman fell under a very crowded train iiiMunnhclm nnd had both her feet cut off , Some of the tribune speculators got badly left , as many of the best seats in the tribunes remained un sold. The windows of the Oarinstaedtcr hot , opposite the royal stand in Ulsmarck platz , were rented in some Instances for as much as lit ty maiks. The loj al IJadencrs had nn excellent view of their grana duke and duchess and the prince Ludwig and Charles , bparklliig with dccoiatlons. In the royal box appealed General Von Obernlty , of the Fourteenth Itadcn army corps , and a good many I'liissian and Baden olllcers of rank. The officers filled nearly all the side walk neai the box. JAMS IN THK STJiEUT. The hour for the procession to start was 0 o'clock , hut at 7 It wasdltllcult to pick one's way alouz the Haupt strasso or the Koh- bacher strasse. Hopes were drawn along the Bldewnlk and kept the crowd from overllow- ing the curb. A couiuilsbarv of police on lioitebaek , and a detachment of mounted gens d'armes heralded the pioccssion. The pai t of the procession , lepresenling the foundation of the Heldel- ' rgunheislty by Klector Hupert , was ush ered in by a dwarf standaul bcaier , carrying aloft the banner of the old German emplie. The banner of the new empire closed the last part of It. Between them were five ccntuiies of the history of Heidelberg , linked with that of Germany. X Till : MOST STIHKINfl FKATUnK in the procesblon was tlie grouo of knichts In full suits of mall. Remarkable futures vere these knights , elad In black mall liom head to idot. They kept their visors down to juh.'V > thefr liistoile appearance but they buffeied from heat In their iron shells , though the day was not particularly warm. The actors In tlio'p.igcantr were principally younc men atfd women , sous and'1 ' datiglilers ofwelltoUo "citizens of Heidelberg , Including many of the pretti- ' cst women In the city. A5IONO Till ! rlir.Tl'IKST was nn English young lady , who took the p.irtof Ellabath Stuart , wearing a brocade dress , cieam color , embroidered with pearls and n high niflle trimmed with rare old lace. Over her wn * a magnificent canopy of blue and white , tlu colors of tlio palati nate , with tlie Pilnce of Wales plumes at the four coiners , and an enormous royal crown above this made the mettlesome palfrey t > ho rode nervous and garo the man who led It much trouble. Venus yas a handsome blonde , who ap peared ratlior timid and blushed a good deal 1iom her high place when passing the loyaj box. viATUitns : OF THE MAHCIT. Among the maiked features of the proces sion weio to be seen the wagons of the unl- unlveiblty hunting train , the car of the pala tinate with an enoimons gilded lion and L" ewans , the "Lansquenets" with their baggy r hose , each consuming a hundred yards of stulf sometimes , and thu banwagun , wheio might bo seen masons constructing a honsu after the tushlon of the middle ages. A On.VNI ) I'llOCKSSlON. The aggiegato value of the costumes of the SCO persons In the. procession is estimated at not less than half a million maiks. 'Iho stu dents of the piesent day on horseback at the end of thu pi ocuhslon looked very well , and 4 their good ildlng showed that the "Allge- meino Weluptllcht" had given them good cavalry training. Count Von Wedel , of tl.o Piusslan corps , who led the van , diopped the nolnt of his schlaeper befoio the loyal box with the grace of a colonel ot hussais. Thu procession , as did the lackeUiig the oilier day , matched past at 11 o'clock. It had i cached theiath- Imusheio it disbanded immediately. A frrAiiVKU mown. The hotels , icstainauts ana beer lialls were oveirun by visitors and In two hours famine was the cry among the crowds. Three , who eamo for chicken and cham pagne , were glad to icmaln with Jeberwurst and small beer. In the feat hallo there was btaiidlng room only , BO the pluckiest tr.uuped away to stoun the vlll.mes In Iho neiehboihood tor piovlslons. At 8 o'clock. \\leutliohcl feast began , the grand duke luoblded in his uiilfonu as colonel of dras- oons. TO.YSTi ) AND TALKS After the choir had sung Von Schef- fel's "Alt Holdelberir , " the duke pro posed thu Emperor William's health , which , vas received with tremendous cheeilng , and the 5,000 poisons present sang "Hail to tlio Chlof. " Similar enthusiasm giceted thu grand dukc'b health , pioposcd by thobenlorof the corps of students , and which was followed)1 ! old btudents' sonijs. Toasts Avero diank to the ladeiimelster.the two houses of the Uadon pariiamont and the guests and t-i rjineo IJibiuaick , wheioat the applause lairly made the rafters shako , Then they dnufk to the professors and students , and to the army , nnd dually n i.'iobt Mgnitic.uit toast , "To thu Sludunts in Aims. " SONO AND SKNTIMF.NTS. All this was followed by tlui song , "So Uluik nnd Btaak Gc-faeUt Mir am Itestcii die LOIC. " 1 1 wus a mat I or of universal rezret that the kieiijuliu did not return to lleldel- tHirg. Various icasons given for his departure , one Icing lhat Ills daughter full fioinhcrlior eaud hint hen-elf. Hut the IVeucli eay that lite preseneo heiu gave thu fcjtotoo political a rharnvter. Conrerrln ; : llouornry HKiUKi.inna : , August 5.--NowYoik [ Hei- aid Cable Speplal to the lHiJ-The : : ceie- tuouy of coufonlu honorary dcjjiecs In the Church of the Holy Ghost ocean this morn ing with the performance of Klopstock's "Hallelujah , " led bj Dlreclorof Music Wai- frain , The procloi then , in a shoit peech , spoke of the nature ot the degree" , ot thcli being the only icturn which could bo made by a university for the numerous favors cotifeircd on It. These degrees had only l > een conferred by Ihevcnale after matuio de liberation and with the consciousness that the recipients are worthy of them. The deans of each of thu four faculties followed suit in SDceches , much to the same purpose. Doc- tois' degrees were then conferred by the the ological fiiculty on the grand duke of Baden and F. L. Von Stoesser , president of the ecclesiastical council ; on Professor Conll , of Koenigsbourg , nnd on court Chaplain Hebllng and Deacon Xutll , both of Cailsruho ; on Couneellor Senjer of Emmcu- dlngcr , and 1'aison Busz , of Olarlus. The degree ot doctor ot laws was conferred on the hereditary grand duke and Kndolf Von lieu- ninz7en , of Hanover ; Baron Hhasberg , ot Austria ; Carl Dorn.of LcipAlg ; i'lcduilck Kclfei , president of the Landcgcilcht In Constance - stance ; Htchaid Koch , the Beilln financier ; Joliant Von Soeper , Prussia councillor of state ; William Nokk , president of the Baden ministries of justice , chinches nnd public di stinction ; Kudolr Scholl , professor of philo logy at Minister ; Charles William Stoesser , president of court of last instance at Calls- ruhe ; the Uight. Hev. William Stubbs.blshou of Chester and professor of history at Oxford ; Henri Lai no , of the French academy ; Peter Williams , proleisor ot the unlvcibity at Loo- went ; Wlnkelmann , profe.ssor ot history here , and Dr. Call Xeuiior , of Beilln. The degree of doctor of medicine was con- _ feired upon the minister of state of Carls- rube : Professoi SlrJUonrv Uoscol , M. P. the chemist , and Profcbsor Adolf Vonbyer of Munich ; that ot professor of arts on Dr. Klcktofcn , the geographer of Lclpslc , and Nordenskjold , thearctlcexplorcr ; Alexander Graham Bel'/of Washington , U. & A. ; Profesbor William Thompson , of Glasgow ; Professor Tcellor , the chemist of Dresden ; Professor Michael Cliovrcul , the chemist of of Pails ; Clmiles Galllsant Demayronne , professor of mineralogy and chemistry at Geneva ; Werner Siemens of Berlin. The degiees of doctor of philosophy weio conferred on Minister of State Turbln ; Professor Brosch , of Milan ; lr. ) Josepho Eniico Stevenson , the papal envoy ; Lieutenant Colonel Jaclins , of Ber lin : Joseph Darin and Professor Simon Ncwcomb , of Washington ; Arthur Copley , the mathematician , of Cambridge , England ; Director Bartliolo Capasso , ot Naples ; Lulquu Pigorolnl , thearchiuloglst , of Koine ; Piofes- ser John W. Powell , of the United States geological survey : Dr. llauchecorne , of Ber lin , and Professor Pllager , of Bonn ; Protes- sorKoch , of Berlin ; Messrs. Charles Marsh , of New Haven , Conn. , and Edward C. Cope , of Philadelphia , the American scientists ; Professor Decandallo , the botanist , of Ge neva ; Heniy Sweet , of England ; William Strutt and Lord Itaylelgh , of Cambridge , England. Tlio mention of the many names was heait- lly greeted , more ] especially those from the United States of Amciica. The ceremonies ended with the singing of Handell's "Det- tinger Fedum. " The grand duke and duchess , with Princes Louis and Clmiles of Baden lett forCarlsruheat4 in the afternoon , where about four hundred persons dined with them. All , Including the roj allies , re- turnedhwujit 40 this evening. The crown prince icturrfs to-morrow. Ministerial Dllkenesa. LONDON , Asssuto Rev. Finlayson , organ izing secretary of the Colonial and Contin ental Church -society ( Established church ) , was condemned to-day to pay $5,000 to a .merchant named Cookson , in a divorce suit brought by "the latter aalnst his wife on the ground of adultery with Finlayson. Cookson was also' given a deciee of divorce against his wife. The decree of dlvoreo obtained by Donald Crawford , February l'2tli last , against his wife , because of her relations with Charles liltko , was to-day dechued absolute. Burinah Must he Subdued. LONDON , August 0. The state of affairs In Burmah Is , and has been ever blnce the British occupation , one of political discord and boclal contusion. In consequence of this the British government In India decides to entrust command in Burmah to Major General Herbert PMachcrson. commander in chief in Madras. Five thousand troops will bo sen * , into the country as soon as thu cold bcasun commences , to scour it and dilve outer or subdue the insurgetns. Onu thousand additional police will bo sent trom India to maintain order. Try I ne to HcHloro Kates. CHICAGO , August C. A meeting of the general managers and general freight agents of the eastern railway trunk lines was held at the office of Commissioner Blanchard this forenoon. All the roads wore represented and the meeting is stated to have been har monious. No definite action was taken , but the view Is entertained that a restoration of rates to the east will bo ordered. The Panama Cannl. PAIUS , August 0. Ono hundred and fifty thousand new subscribers have been seemed for the now bonds issued by the Panama Canal company. Tlio number lias exceeded the most bunguine hopes ot the company. Jealousy Causes Two Deaths. WALLACDTOWN , Pa. , August 0. James McLain shot and killed Ella Davis this after noon and then shot himself. Jealousy was the cause. n Kail Meeting. LONDON , Ausjusto. The govcinmont has not jet decided to call an autumn session of parliament. The question will bo discussed by the caulnet next week. Young Ynohters Drowned. SAUMA , Out , August 0. The pleasure yacht Cruiser was caught In a storm on Sun day night and wrecked on Lake Huron , She Imdaciowof six young men , nil of whom were drowned. The yacht has come abhoro at Port Franko with the bodit's of Hope Me- Kenzlu , Fleming McKenzip and T. A. Tefer lushed lo U. The bodies of W. J. Sinclair. William Vidal and Walter C. Morrison have not yet been leeovered. All thu young men belong to tlio first families of this vi cinity and field prominent business positions. Klotlnc nt Hoi fast. BKLi'AST , August 0. While 100 woikmen were going homo this evening a bottlu was thrown among thorn from a window. The woikmen retaliated with Iron bolts and a fin ions tumult ensued. The police and soldiers ( fastened to the scouu and charged upon the lioters , but without dispersing them , Tim police then liied upon theciowii , severely wounding several parsons. An Early MornliiK-Trasedy , CIUCAOO , August 7. Word was iecel\e'dat police headquarters about lSu o'clock this morning that Captain Hall , formerly chief of the United States secret service in this city , had just been shot dead by a woman. The tragedy occmied at No. 4TO Wabasli avenue. No other details woio given. Captain Hall has lately licou stationed at St. Louis , but lesigncd a tew daj s ago nnd came back to Chicago. _ M. L. Higfrms & Co. , have for sale a special bargain in si neat , clean block of groceries unit lixtnrcs. no bonus. Satis * Lit'tory reason for selling. Location unequalled - equalled In tlio city , 1000 Douglas St. The Anarchist Defemhut Tells About the Meeting at the Haynmrkot. IT WAS A PEACEFUL GATHERING. A Number of Other Witnesses Testify I/or ttic Defense In the Same Strain Contradictory State ments Mnilo. The Anarchists. CnicAao , August O. In the anarchist case this morning Dr. John 31. Fleming was the lirst witness. Hu said that he was one of the physicians who were In attendance upon the wounded at the Despldlnes street station on tlio night of May 4. Witness said there were about twelve citizens at the station who had sustained injuries. Witness said ho ex tracted a bullet from the knee of an olliccr , whom ho thoucht was Olllcer Kruger. Wit ness said the bullet corresponded , as near as he was able to judge , with the revolver bullets used by the police. Counsel bald that ho desired to show that Kuiger remaiked that that bullet came from the police revolver. Objected to and objection sus tained. Witness said ho extiactcd a bullet from tlio shoulder of a shoemakei and it ap peared to be the same as that taken from Kumer. A bullet was taken from the body of the dead man and biouirhtlo tlie police station which also concsponds with the other bullets. Un ctoss examination ho said he was not able to testify as to tlio calibre of the bullet or as to what kind of a levoher it was ihcd Irom. Otto Wandrv , who could not speak Eng lish , testified that before the HaymarUct uiLet- lugeoneluded heauddeleiulnnt.Fischer , went to Sept's hall and weio thcie drinking boor when the bomb exploded. He testified that he also saw Parsons there. This latter asser tion contr.vllcted other witnesses for the de fense. On cross-examination he said he be longed to a grouo of the internationalists , of which Fischer and EnL'cl weio mciubcis. Edwaul Preusscr tebtlited hat ) arrived at Deerlng to make a speech , about iX ) : : ) on the night ot -May 4 , and addressed them meeting at Deering about 0:45 : , speaklnsr lifteen or twenty minutes , and when he concluded speaking Schwab went with witness to u diinklng saloon and remained there tun or litteen minutes. Schwab then took a car and returned to thu eity. According to the testimony Schwab could not have been at the Uaymarket meeting later than 8 o'clock at niihtandcould not have returned to the Hay market earlier than 10 o'clock. On cioss- examiimtion witness said" he was a canier tor the Arhelter Xeltung. Ho could not state the time precisely. Frit/ Settler was also present at the Deer- ing meeting , and heaul Schwab faiieak there tint niirht. Herman Becker , who lives on Randolph street near the Hayiinukotsaw Schwab a lew minutes after 8 o'clock on the night of May 4 , and atterwaids saw him take a streetcar and go east. The testimony of these wit nesses does not contradict that of the state except that of Giluier , who stated that he saw him in company with Spies just piior to the explosion , Phineas H. Adams tcstllied that ho would not believe Gilmer under oath. He could not specify any particular facts to base his opin ion upon except that two men who lived near Gilmer had spoken in that way of him. Heniy Witt , who could not sneaU Enclish , testlied ! that Spies was requested to make a speech on the Black road to the meeting on Mays , which resulted In tlio McOormlck riot , ana gave a resume of the occunence. He de clared that Spies , -\\hen \ the attack made upon McCormick's , meed his heaters not to join the attack. On cioss-exaniination wit ness said that lie knew Linggand that Linsrg joined in the dclibcintions of the lumber shovurs. He said the lumber bhovcrs' meetIng - Ing was not called to take any action against the McCormlck emplojes. The defense introduced a witness named William Murphy , who testlied ! that lie was on the wagon at the Uaymarket when the bomb exploded and did not see Fleldon dis play a revolver. The court then adjouined until 2 p. m. In the afternoon Johann Gmnenbonr testi fied that In presence of Fischer and Schwab at theArbeiterXeitungonice he wasdliected by Spies to take back to the printers the cir- culais calling the Haymaikct meeting and have otheis printed omitting the words , "Workingmen , arm yourselves and come In force. " Witness said none of the first circu lars had been distributed by orders of tlio de fendant. Edward 11. Castle and II. S. Ilowo testified that they Know the reputation of Harry L. Gilmer lor truth and veracity to Le bad. In a cross-cxnmlnation of very short duration , tlie btate developed the fact that neither ot these witnesses have an Intimate acquain tance with Gilmer. Martin iechter swore that ho was with Neebo in a saloon on the evening of May . ' ! , and that the latter dbtiibuted none of the liaymarket circulars. Mrs. Lizzie May Holmes , late assistant edi tor and contributor to thu Alarm , tcstllied that.she was with Mrs. Parsons at the Hav- murket meeting until the close of Paisons' speech , when she and Mrs. Parsons went to the saloon at Xeoli's hall. Shortly atterwartl Parbons and Fischer came in. Witness swoio they did not go out until after the bomb exploded. In the comneof cioss-exam- inatlon .Mis. Holmes said her maiden name was Swank and the nillclcs Inthealaim sinned "L. M. S. " weio wiltten by her. "Did you write the article headed , 'It Is Comiiig'V" asked Inghani , exhibiting a num ber ot the Alaun containing thu aitlclo 10- leircd to. " 1 did , " icplied the witness , after examin ing the paper critically. ' Did you mean what you wrole ? " " 1 meant it as much as any piop'.ict means what ho says- , " "Do you claim to possess powers of proph ecy' " ' Witness replied that she could sometimes foretell events under ecitain circumstances , but was plainly bomowhatembairaBsed by thu question. She became somewhat contused when questioned us to the locations occu pied by herself , Mi.s. Parsons , .Mr. PaibOiis and Fischer , and contiadlctcd herself as to minor details. Samuel Ftelden , defendant , was then called to the stand. Ho conoboiated the tes- limony of the other witnesses for the dclense as to tlio meeting at the Arbelter Xeituug of fice early In the evening ot May 4. Fiom there ho accompanied Paisons to the Hay- umiket , airiving at the conclusion of Spies' speech. Paisons then spoke , and witness being Intioduced DV Spies , spoke about twenty minutes. He repeated the substance of his speech , which was about thob.unum icportcd by tlie papers. Anlvlng at that poilion ot his speech when no was ropoited to have advibod that the law bo "tlnottled , " ho said ho used the teim In a flguratl\e sense , mean ing that the law , which did not piotect the people , should bo abolished. Witness bpoko iluently , in a slightly tremulous tone of uilce , and related the subsequent events about as follows : "As I was concluding my remarks. I no ticed the police coming towaul me. When they weio quite close Captain Waidsaid , in an angry tone ot voice , ' 1 command you In the name of the state of Illinois to dlspeise. ' 1 then stepped down fiom tlio wagon and said to the captain , in a con ciliating tone of \olce : 'Why ' , captain , tills Is a peaceable meeting. ' Ho made an ancry retort and I slatted lor the sidewalk , As I walked along I srtw a llahh over my Mionlder and heard the explo sion ot the bomb. Then I heard the police pouring shots Into the crowd fiom their ic- volveis and many groans of agony. About this timei J. tell a sliaip pain In my knee , but I did not know I was shot until 1 leached Desplaines stieet and mounted a Van Buren street car , 1 boarded a car going toward Fifth avenue , Intending to visit the. Arbeiter /.eituugolHcHaudseelt any of flio. otheis had arrived , and learn whether ( hey had been wounded. Time Sas no light in the build- ins , so l got my wouud dlw.sed.jind vent lioinOt , Thd remainder of Flelden's testimony re lated to Mich i-tca-otyped Items of defense as "the police did all the linncthere was no Intention to m > o dynamite or any kind of foire at the Haymarket , " "the aimed section of Uao association ii&d uo aims , " tc. . thioiichont which Wiihcss * answers were .similar to the ! C of his fellow witnesses. The defense brought into considerable prominence the fact that Flcldcn was an In dustrious and prosperous worklngman , when n ever owned a revolver In his life and did not use one at the Hdymarhet. His dltect examination will be continued to-morrow morning. Til B CUTTING ! CASK. Tim International Uotlo of Honor In Dancer of n Gash. Ei. PASO , Texas , AugustO.-Cuttlng's trial took place yesterday By advice of Consul Brlgham ho don led Jurisdiction of the court. No evidence was Introduced , but the prose cuting attorney addressed the court In Span ish , demanding Gulling bo sentenced to two years Imprisonment at hard labor , tltatbelng the longest term given by the statutcsof Tex as. He also demanded that Consul Brlgham be censured for ofllehms Interference. Me dina spoke In Spanish , demanding speedy punishment. Then the law .student appoint ed by the court to defend Cutting spoken low wonts , clafmlnirCnUliiff dlil not know ho was bieaklng Mexican laws by publishlnc .state ments In Texas , and asked the court to assess the lowest penalty. The court took tin ; matter under advisement and .said ho would give Judgment within llftcen days. The people In all thUsestlon are excited oer the atlnlr. Seuor Nicolas Mlgo , Mexican federal Judge for Puso del Norte district , came fiom Clil- lumliiia Wednesday niirlit. Roberts , resident of Paso del Norte , came up on the same tialn and says Mlgo shoved him a full paidon tor Cutting , signed by President Dhu , and ex plained to him thai the Intention was to con vict Cutting , sentence him , and then In stantly innlon him. This was thought would pacify the United States without denying the rlirht claimed by Mexico to punish Cutting. Judge Mlgo de. cllncd to talk. _ Dclnllcil Public Opinion. ' CITV or Mnxico ( via Galvestou ) , August C. The Cutting case Is still uppermost. A reporter visited some of the American resi dents to KCt their views to-day. Neither Min ister Jackson nor Consul-Ueneral Porch felt at llbeily to say anything for publication. General Superintendent MacKcnzle , of the Mexican Central railway , said that ho was sorry so much trouble hail arisen from the petty quarrel belween Cuttlni : and Medina. General Manager Tur ner , of Wells , Fargo & Co. , said ho con sidered the matter of very little importance. He thought It highly unjust for the American papers lo assert that there was no protection in Slexlco for American citizens. Charles L. Seagcr , publibher of the Mexican Financier , said : "ICdo not think our government or the vcoplc at homo fully realize the disagreeable and oven dangerous position In xvliich the busi ness Inteiestsot Americans living hero are placed by the conduct of an adveuturfir on the border , who tries to use tlio American flag to protect him In order to obtain a little notoriety. " Several other gentlemen declared they novel- considered it a lit subject for diplo matic Intel fercnce. Cutting was notdcnled ; any ot the legal i roeirtions guaranteed to Mexicans under simitar circumstances , nnd by his refusal to recosrnne the autliority of the court he , himselL-prevented con- sldclatlon of tJS O1U ileporteciJFlna ot PJjfi' ieuin.Ncar the Gardoir CniCAoo , August 0.-2Ut jBiexcltement was created to-day In { henorthMJjlsuburb of Lake \ lew by the statemeat tliatfpetroleuni flow ing in large quantities. hadS ecn > discovered on the pr.Uiicnear'Mcorfierot \ ! . .Itotfyatid , Noble streets. Thq Tnlprlanco o"f such a find was. manifestV wtijjn taken in con nection with itho-- proximity of the location to. i-tho city's "great manufactur ing establishments. Upon investigation it was found that five years _ aeo seine gentle men purchased terr acres of clay bank In Lake Vjevv at "the place named , and have been turning out latge : quantities of brick ever since. About a year ago there was no ticed among the. , * lower strata of clay a black. stickysufpstance , rosemb- line printer's Ink , and having a decldca odor of petroleum. Very little attention was paid to the matter until the last six weeks. Wednesday a small bubbling was noticed in threoplaces , t > id a close ex amination showed that the ( spasms , which were at intervals of * five miiiutes , threw to tlin suitaco alternate yields of water and. the matter In question. To-dav Captain Villars , of the Lake View police , look two Pennsylvania oil prospectors out to the lind , and they airrccd it was pure- petroleum , but could form no Idea as to whether or not It was to be found in paying quantities. Near th < 3 clay bank Is a huge. flat rock , several hundred square feet ot which Is exposed to view.It Is asserted to night by persons who claim to know that the lock is stiongjy Imprcfrnatad with natural gas. Tills rumor has greatly added to the excitement caused by the reported find of pctiolcum. Warrants for Squlro and Flynn. NHW YORK. August 0. A rumor was circu lated to-day to the effect that Ilollln M. Squire nnd Main led 1) ) . Flypn were liable to bo arrested at any moment on criminal charges made to the district attorney. It was biid that alrcadi * bench warrants signed by Jiulcu Cowing were in the hands of the detectives. The examination by Mayor Grace Into the chatges made against Commissioner Squire continued to-day the , sixth charge , regarding the resignation letter. Gillieit M. Spiie , jr. , the lirst witness called , said ho knew Hubert O. Thompson and had seen him a shoit time pievlous to his death. Monday , July 19. Thompson called at witness1 oflico anil held a conversation with him. * Fiom there ho wentto tho.ofllcooffMavor Grace , on Hanover . "Before ho went " said over Square. , wit- ne'B , "Tho'mpson .showed mo a letter or paper. " The letter of December iiO was bhownandldcntilic I. "Did ho tell you * hcre he got the letter ? " "He told me * ho til d taken It lioin n box in the Sato Deposit coi ipauy , " August Lyon aill D. Loubcr Smith , ex- deputy collector ot flio dopaitment of public woiks , Identified th iblgnatuio ot the letter as tlmt ot Itbllln M. bqulre. The letter of December 20 , lbS4 , from Squire to Mauileo K. Flynn was thenjeail. The letter Is ono In which ISquire give ? Flynn aiithoiity to make all appointments. In the oflico of the du- paitmcnt of public woiks. Keep Off ! bo Streets. BKLPART , August0 , Tlio city is plaeaidfd with a pioclainatlonjb the mayor inrblddlng assemblages in tha stieets , Uneaten inn all who attempt to form lljem and all who par ticipate in them with arrest , and calling on all law-abiding citizen ) to assist the police In supniesslni : disorder whenever It may occur In the city. * > _ . ! _ Asiatic Cholera' Wisconsin. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , August 0. Keports of the existence of Ablatle cholera cases icached this city to-day from Madison , Chlppovva Kails and Miladoru. Xf Miladoio eight people ple have died from tha alleged disease. .None of the toportsaie fioin'oftlchilhources ' andtlio state board of healtli Is inclined to doubt their accuiacy while admitting that cases ex- luo Houses Melting. KAST ST. Louis , August 0 , Tne extensive Ice houses1 of the St. Louis beef canning com pany took lire at 10.u : tuis morning and aio bllll imriiiuir. Aid has been aslced tiom the lire ( tepaitment of St. Louis. With tlio aid of tlnou engines sent from St. Louis the ( lie was kept from spieadlng , and the building In whlcli it eliminated was the only one destroyed. Loss , 518,000 , fully In- wllrml Horse XI11 el' Arrested. Coi.usini'8. Neb. , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to JhoBei : . ] Chief of Pollco Nichols , In compliance with a telegram from the sher iff of Merrlck county , to-day arrested on the overland train John Melinite , a resident of AltonIlle , for appiopiiatlni ; n York liu'ry ilg and endeavoring to dispose ot the same at Central City. THE PROHIBITION MAllTYR , The Remains of Eov , Haddock Sent to C3 Their Pinal Homo in Wisconsin. CROWDS ATTEND THE FUNERAL. The Coroner's Jury Still Worklnjr to Scottro a Trnco of the Murderers Many Join the Ltuv nnd Order League. Honor to the Donil. Sioux CITY , la. , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to the lint : . ] Tlio Interest In the In vestigations of the coroner's jury in the mur der of Hov. G. C. Haddock continues un abated. Of what Is being developed the public know little or nothing , as oven the stenographer Is sworn to secrecy. It Is cer tain , however , that a now lead was struck to day and It Is doubt ! ill whether their work can bo completed before to-iuoiiow evening. State Attorney General Baker , Hon. M. D. O'Connull , of Fort Dodge , and late Federal District Attorney Marsh aio in attendance , at the Investigation. These gentlemen show plainly that facts of unexpected importance aie being developed. The attoinoy general advises that no in rests buordeicd on mcio suspicion. DTlils morning a British bulldog revolver , will ) ono chamber empty , was found In some weeds near where the murder was committed and was turned over to the city authorities and presented to the coroner's Jury. The funeral was held this afternoon , the remains lying In state at the Methodist church fiom 10 o'clock. At that hour a stream of people commenced passing through thu church viewing the remains of the nuutyr. The church was beautifully draped and de corated with floral tributes , among them being several very costly emblems from a dis tance. Almost all of the city churches pre sented offerings of tills nature , the display being one of the finest over seen In this section and unmlstakcably emphasizing the place the dead preacher held in their ap preciation. Long before the hour for cer vices to commence the church was crowded to overflowing and also the slreet outside , The Presbyterian church near by was opened and was soon tilled , but still the crowd could not bo accommodated. Feeling and touching memorial addresses were made at both places. Thofollowlncwere the pallbearers : Kcv. Judson Jones , ht , Peter , Minn. ; Itev. K. C. Glass , LeMars , la. ; llev. William Picston , Alta , la. ; Hov. D. Woodworth. Fort Dodge , la. ; llev. C. C. Turner , Sioux City. At the close ot the services the remains wore followed to the train by ayastconcoinse of sympathizing friends , nnd about 5 o'clock left the depot forKaclne , Wis. , where Inter ment takes place to-morrow. Meetings have been held at various places over the state denouncing the muiderot Hev. Mr. Haddock , and large amounts coutilbdtcd for the benefit of the widow. Slbley , LuMars and Cherokee'sent large contributions. The citi/.ens of this city are also raising a fuuu and have now about 8(500. ( Over 800 citizens have aheady joined the law and order league , and the work of exterminating tlie saloons , brothels , etc. , so bravely begun by Hov. Mr. .Haddock , will bo prosecuted with more Ti or than ever until every such place disappears from tills city. vl'Uls is undoubtedly tlie spiritiand purpose of the people. Many rumors are afloat as to dynamite schemes and thieatenect attacks on other prominent temperance gentlemen , and It Is cei tain that the vicious element of the city , seeing they can iiile no longer here , are mak ing oiio last strucsle , and anything may bo expected. Sioux City has reached her crisis , and nothing else is talked about hero. KACINU , vVls. . Aug. 0. The remains of Rev. Geo. 0. Haddock , who was miirdeied at Sioux City , la. , will arrive lieio at 4:40 Satur day afternoon and bo taken dhectly to the cemetery , where icllglous services will be held. Laige numbers"ot ministerial friends fiom Wisconsin and Illinois aie expected , if the trains will peimit their icturn home the same evening. CASK UAIjL UHCOKD. The Fat Men of Wahoo Skin the Skeletons Other Games. WAIIOO , Neb. August 0. | Special to the BIE. : ] Accoiding to n custom prevailing hero a game ot ball is played annually be tween a nine of the tat men and a nine of lean men of "Wahoo. The game for ' 80 was played at the lair giounds yesterday and re sulted in a victoiy for the fat sports. The score stood 31 to 23 in iavor of adipose tissue. For tlireo years in succession the heavy weights have been victorious. LINCOLN WINS AGAIN. LINCOLN , Neb. , August fl. [ Special Tele gram to the Bun. ] In the tlilul game of the Llncoln-Leadvllle series on the homo ground to-day the spectators were treated to as line an exhibition in playing as has been wit nessed this season. Up to the eighth inning the game was very close , but in that inning the Lincolns piled up thicc scores and won the game , tlio scoio standing 5 to B. Holf- ner pitched for the homo club and was in line foim , and both clubs played ball with visor. The last game between the clubs will bo an Intcicstlng one. lo-day's attendance was light. OTIinit GAMKS. AT Nnw Yonic New York 0 10300000 3 Kansas City 0 B 0001001 4 base lilts Now Yoik 0 , Kansas City 0. Errois Now Hork 3 , Kansas City , U. Umplro Ellock. AT Prrrsiiuiso PUtsbuiK 0 oooioooo l Ualtimoio 0 2000001 * ! ) I'ltchi'is Monls and Klhoy. First base lilts Pittsbuig 5 , Baltimore 7. Eriois Pittsburgh , Baltimore 2. Uiiipue Kelly. ATl'llII.AIUII.I'lllA St. Louis 0 00000000 C Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 ! 1 Pitciii-is Healy ondFeignson. I'ii'bt base hits St. Louis 2 , Philadelphia 0. Kirois St. Louis 7. Umplio ( iallnuy. AT WASHINGTON Chicago 0 3300312 0 11 Washington.0 00000000- ( . Fhstbaso hits Chleairo 14 , Washington 4. Krroirt Chicago 0 , Washington S ) . Uinnuc Sklnncr. AT BOSTON Detiolt 1 0110100 * 4 Boston 0 01001010- ! : Pitcheis Itttdhourno and Smith. Flrsl base lilts Boston 0 , Detroit 2. Euors Boston 5 , Detroit 8 , Umplro Fuliner. AT LOUISVILLI : The Louisville-Metropolitan game wa < biought to a close by r.iln after the tiist hall of the third imiinir , the scoio being 5 to 0 ii : favor ot the homo team. AT ST. Louis St. Louis 1 3 0 0 1 0 S S 1-K Athletics 100001000- ' . FhstbaSo hits St. Louis 10 , Athletics 1 Krrors-St. Louis 4lA.thlitles , : 10. Umpiio- Vulentlno. AT CINCINNATI Italn Mopped the Brooklyn-Cincinnati came in the beginning ot the fouitli inning The homo team bcoicd two runs ; Bionklyi none , /V / Cyoliino in Kansas. TOI > IKA : , Kas. , Augiibto. A telegram was received hero last ovenlng stating that a cy clone had bti nek the town of Hartl.ind am demollslied twenty houses and done prea damage to growing crops. Sixteen cars wen blown from the Atchlson , Tojieka A : Santi Fo tracks and the teles ianh wiies ] iroslratei for two miles west of town. The extent o the damage is not yet learned , but Ilio dls patch stated that Ho tar as learned had been seriously Injuied. The Morn icached other towns in tlio vicinity of Halt laud , ltd ellcctfcauuot uukaiuwL fjMMMa A NOTICE TOJJI5MOOKATS. Whnt They AVII1 Have to Do to Sccnro Irish Vote * . \VASIIINOTON , August a [ Special Tclc- jram to the lir.K. ] The associations of United Irishmen of the United Slates will tiold a meeting In Chicago on the 14th Inst , for the iccoption of lion , Michael Davltt. It Is expected that there will bo at least 10,000 pie < sent on that occasion , and it is the Inten tion of those having the matter In charge to make it of considerable political.significance. lion. Samuel .1. Itandall , uf Pennsylvania , and Kepioscntatlve McAdoo , of Now Jersey , have been invited to l > o parent and make ad- diesses. Both has-o accepted. The fact that Messrs. Sullivan and Kiran arc engineers of the movement scorns to Indlcato they ptoposc to serve n formal notice that If the democrats deslte thu Irish vote at the next piesldcutlal election they will have to take up Mr. Itandall. It will bo remembered that Sullivan and ICgan did the im ) t work In the last campaign towards thiowlng the Irish vote for liliilnc. The Now Timber havr. WASUIXOION , Avmusl O. The Interior de partment to-day pioiuulgatcd rules and regu lations governing the removal of timber from government lands. They are proscribed by virtue of the act of .luiio ! i , IbTS. entitled : "An act authorizing the cltt/ous of Colorado , Nevada and the territories to fell and remove timber on the public domain for mining and domestic purposes. " The act applied only to ( lie states of Colorado , Nevada , and the ter- rltoilesof New Mexico , At 1/oti.i. Utah , Wy oming , Dakota , Idaho and Montana , and other mineral dislilcts in the United Slates notespcclallv provided for. The rules specify that none hut residents of the 8tat or toiri- tory Is permitted to cut timber , and that the samn wiicn cut must not be icmosed from the state or territory , but used tlieieln in the erection of buildings for u\iicultiiral or min ing puiposes ; that no tiees less than eight inches In diameter shall be cut , mid that each tren cut must bo utili/.ed so as to leave no residue on tlio ground to encourage the spread of foiest Ihes. The rules take effect September 1. ANOTHKH POSTAL COUMB. Milton llenock was to-day appointed post master at ShMiuock , Holt county , vice T. N. Mouis removed. The Fellows Who Got Left. WASHINGTON , August 0. The following are the nominations sent to the senate which remain unacted upon : Samuel G. Glover , receiver of public monlcsat Valentine , Neb. ; Oliver Shannon , , receiver ot Noith Piatte , Neb. ; Thomas Cooper , collector of internal revenue for the Eighth district of Illinois ; Gustavus Van llorscheck , United States at torney for the Southern district of. Illinois : S. T. Burch , register of the land office at Valentine. Nel } . : L A. Abbott , postmaster , Aubiunlll.I.A. ; BaidonpostmasterSupcrlor Wis. ; .1. E. JotiPB , po-jtmaster , Poitage , Wls. The following is a list of the rejections : E. M. Kin man , postmaster , .laeksomillo , 111. ; G. W. Bell , postmaster , Webster City , la. ; Geo. Wist , postmaster , Hamburg , la. ; A. B. Kutli , postmaster , Denison , la. ; Abraham Ko e. postmaster , Vinton , la. ; John Geode , solicitor general ; John Shields , chief justice of Arizona ; C. It. Pollard , associate justice of Montana ; It. S. . Dement , sinveyor general of Utah ; P. S. Wilson , assayer , Den\er ; C. 11. Potter , Indian agent , Omaha and Wlnucbago agency. _ Civil Service Democrats Downed. WASHINGTON , August 6. [ Special Tele gram to the BIK ; ] The republicans hero ore exceedingly sorry to hearof the doteifepfy IlepiQScntaUveCqvof North Carolina * * ? ? renqmiuatlon.,0 Cox'wa ? a gallant co'nfede'c- ' ate officer dining the war and was the most popular democrat In his distiict , but he was a warm advocate of civil service reform and declined to piostitutu his convictions for the sake of inopitlatinc the olllco-seuklnir elo- nient in Ills party. The result is that there is scarcely a less popular man in Moith Caio- llna to-day. The shallowness of the profes sion of the democratic party on the subject of civil service rolorm is shown in this case , as well us at the Alexandria convention to-day , where resolutions condemning Cleveland weie unanimously adopted and greeted with rounds ot applause. To Prevent Pleuro-Pnoiimonla. WASIIINOTON , August 0. Commissioner Caiman has piepaicd a circular containing the mles and icgulations for co-opeiatiou be tween the United States department of agri culture and the authorities of the several states and teriitorles for tlio suppiesslon and extirpation of contagious pleiiio-pneumonla of cattle. The circular quotes thu piovlslons ot the law approved May 2'J. K&i , and of that apjnoved.luneliO , 1S38. The latter appio- pnated 5100,000 to be employed In such man ner as the commissioner m.iv think best to prevent the spicadof plouro-pneumonla. Another Appointment. WASHINGTON , August C. The president to-day appointed Thomas Cooper to bo col lector of Internal revenue for the Eighth dls- tiiet of Illinois. All Other Reoordfl Broken. WASHINOTON , August 0. The record ot the present congress lllls 8,630 printed pages , not including indexes and aimondlx. This exceeds by about hftcen bundled pages the record of any preceding i > oislonof congress. To Attend Tlldcn's Funeral. WASHINGTON , August 6. The piesldent , Secietary Endlcott and Sccietary Lament left to-niulit for New tork to attend the fu- neial of Tllden. Storey's Will Snstnlncil. CHICAGO , August 0. The appclato couit announced this morning that It had aflltmed the decision of Judge ltogcrn , In which he sustained the will of thu Jato Wilbur F. Stoiey. editor of the Chicago Time * . Hedgers held thu will was valid and should bo ad mitted to piobato. The will bequeaths to the widow the entlio estate of the l.ito Wilbur F. Stoioy , including thu Chicago Times news paper. The attoiucys for the other heirs took an appeal to the supreme couit. The Southern Itopiihllc * . ST. Louis , Auaust 0. The Comniereio Del Vallo , published in this city , pilnts a letter In the last issue irom its correspondent In thu city of Mexico to thoeffect that thu picsi- dents and ex-pieshlents of the Central Amer ican republics of Salvador , Nieu.igim , lion- dm as. Costa Klcaand G.iuteumla are now in that city , arranging a plan tor thu union of these states In onu contedeiatUm , with the ultimate , view ot annexation to thu Mexican lotmbllc. Financial Aid For Homo llnlo. DrjTitoir , Mich. , August 0 , Hev. Dr. O'- llollly this morning cabled to Iho treasiueis of the Irish patlhtmentary funds sixty thous and dollais to sustain the I'ainellHcs. The following dispatch was sent ; "Patncll , House ot Commons , London : 1 have ( his day trans mitted to the trustees SflO.OOO. Loacuo in Anteiua ! lelaxe.sJiL'.elloil. knows no dismay. | SlguciH > 'liiM.v { : , tiuasuiur. John Smith OALLATIN , Mo. . August 0. John F , Smith was hanged heio to-day for minder , llo as cended the scaffold ulth a , linn Btej ) and made a i-lioit speech , in which he piotestcd complete innoconuu of ttie crime. His nock was biokon and ho died without a struggle. Will Kho Ulso ix. Ari/ . , August O.-Tho principal business block of the city was dcstioycd by lire this mornlug. Loss , SHU.OJU ; Insnrancn &iVjxx ( ) . It lh believed to liavu Inecn- diaij. _ _ John Hmlth iliui ( ; . ST. LOVIH , Ainrust C. John iiinlth , the murdeicrof Gladson , wa taken fiom M ville to Galiatin , Mo. , to-day and hanged , Neurnulcu and lownVcather. . For Nebiask.i and Jowu : Fair wr.tihcr , marly sutiomuy POOR NELLIE'S ' HARD LUCl What a Lady Writes Concerning the Lift of Grant's ' Daughter. MRS. SARTORIS' LONELY LIFE. ' Her Husband's Nesiloot nnd Indulg * cnec In Driinlcon Sprees nnd Fail ure to I'rovldo For Her A ] Humored Scimrntlon. ' ; Love's luilior AuRiist (1.-fSpoclal ( to the Uii : : . ] "A givat many lllo\l filcndsoflho ( Jrant family deny the story , that Mis. Sur- torls IB llvlnc unhappily with her husband , " writes ahuly tiom lhiiland , who stands \erv nigh \Vasliiimtonsoclctycticlc ) and whoso liusband Is a man of national reputation. " 1 have been visiting ne.ii1 the Snrloris estate and have had ninny oppoitunltles for observ- liiK the state of ntl'ftlis in thu lamily. Nellln iHiliiKan Ameilean k'lrl I n.Uiuallv took an Interest In her welfare and tried to discover If the ciuel sloilcseliculatod In icgard to her domestic lifo weiotiui1. Thu poor itrl tries to hide it thu best slio can , but her husband so openly and avowedly disicganU her wishes that It Is common talk in the neigh borhood. It has been said that old Mr. bar- loris was very wealthy. A lawyer tolls Brno licio that his son somehow managed to get liold of a greater part ot It and hay , In tlm latiRiiagoof the woild , 'blown it all in. ' 11 \\nsiiotmoro than a month a : o that Neillo was 111 with a blight fever , 1 believe , and her husband was oil somewhcie. Of COUMO they telegraphed him to return home , and the answer came back noxl day that ho was off with a patty of irlends and It would bo Impossible to return home immediately , ho would endeavor t6 get back In the course of a fuw d.iys , hoeur. . Such shameful neglect an this , thu neighboring oplo say. Is an every day oeoiti route. olllo leceives n icmittance from home every month with which she | uvs her expenses ami s of rt' and all tlie money ho cots Is a begnnrly al lowance given by fiis father. Society ncnplu In London and thiouzhout island undn- stand the state of ulfairs and try and niviKM things as blight as possible for Nellie. She has niinieious vlsitois the year tound and ones who are I believe tiuo Irinnds for th v do not desert her In the hour of trouble. Ah for her husband they entertain the most cordial disiesneet for him. When ho goes to London to "do" the season his invitations nio very limited 1 assuio you. 1 encountered him once at ono of Lady Ruulolph Church- Ill's receptions 1 believe. He was looking aA if he had not slept for two weeks. In fact I do not remember of having ever soon such a tired looking man. It is H.iid on good authority Unit Nellie will return to America next spring or bcfoie AVI HI HF.Il Ilt'SUANI ) . If ho comes Flio will not you can depend oil that. She will bo accompanied by the ehlld- len , and the chancus are thai hei leturn will be exceedingly ddtibtlul. in fact , 1 do not believe Nellie ever intends to BO back to sueli an unpleasant lite.ind live with a man lor whom she has no respect. No high spliited American gitl , such as she , would do | t. The death of her father and her piesent trouble combined show on her luce only too rigidly. One can easily discein what the difficulty 1H with the slightest hint as to the ntato of a 11 airs. I do not think Sintoiis .ever abused his wife , but hojis addicted to , illquor and thot is just us bad. I iccolK'ctV ? when In Washington the night befoic Ills wedding hoont off ana "hurrah" with n conplo of riotous companions. Ho was il sorry lortklng sight novt moining , I assure you , and I said then to Mrs. that thu match would end unhappily if he continued his wild way * . You see my predictions ha\0 come true. Lady Chuichill Speaks very dln- parajringly of him. She told me u great deal iibout the whole allalr a short lima ago , ami seemed very.much touched by NeIlieYs haul lot. I suppose thu whole truth will come mil soon , and I do not think 1 will bo vviong in saying that thcio will be great Indignation in Amciica. " 1JUCKIXG THI3 BILU .Aliiiuifacturers to Tout the Validity ol'tho tinw. CmcAoo , AnsustO. The Chicago manu- facturcis of buttcilno and oleomargarine met in contoience to-day to talk over the lecent5 action ot congress regaidlng their industry 4 * and agreoupon a plan to test the validity of tlio olcomargaiino bill. Kloven Chicago factoiies were rcreseuted ] , ( ! . M" . Sterne , ot Sterne & Davis , piesiding. The bill was dis cussed , and It was agreed that Us constltn- . tlonality ought to bo tested bufoio the United States bunrcmo court. The law goes Into el- lect November 1. Uefoio that date. It wna said , the manutactutcrs will piobably take the first steps for redress , and a mentlny of : the National Oleomargarine and liuttcrlnn association , of which Sterne Is pu-sldunt , will be called within the next thiity days in Chicago. Thcio aio twenty-live linns in thd national association. Cone rcsHin nil Coming Home. WASHINOTON , August 0. | Special Tel6- giam to the Uii.J : : Iteptesoiilatlvo Hepburn , of Iowa , loft for homo to-night. All the other lepubllcan mcmbcis ot the dclCKallon have gone with the exception of Senator Allison. He will go to-moirow. Weaver , Hall and Fredericks aio still hero looking afier deiiaitment matteis. Tliey expert to goon Mon < lav or Tuesday. Senntoi.s Man- dei.son and Van Wyck weio both liero tills alternoon hut Intoinled to lea\o for Nebraska at once. Messis. Weaver and Dorsey have gone. Mr. Laird starts early In the week. At TIldcn'H HI or. YoNKnits , N. Y. , August C. The morning opened lalny. All is rjnlut at GjoyHtont- , Tlio prepaiatlons for Tilden's funeral to- monow morning aio about completed , Til- den's face looks natuial and peaceful , The business men of Youkeislmvo concluded lo close their btoies to-mouow fiom 10 to la o'clock , thu liouis oecupied by the Inneral services and the Innoral piorosslon In going from Uro.Vbtono to the Hudson Hlvcr depot. Jlrs. J. H. Daniels has KOHO on a visit lo Cleveland , Ohio. That Tired Feeling Tlio warm weathci has a doJdlltatlng effect , especially upon these \\lio uroltlihi doom most of the lime. The peculiar , yet common , complaint known M "that tiled feullng , " is tlio result. This fccllns cmi bo onthcly ovciconio by taUIng Hood's Sarsapaillla , \\hloh gives new lifo and bircucth to all thu functlaiis of tlio bod/ . " 1 ccnld not sleep i lia < l no oprctltc. I took Hood's Baisaparllla and soon Ijegan to ilccp soundly ; tould get uji nlthout Hint tired and languid fccllns , ' ; and my aiinclito li. A. S.xx ono , JCcnt , Ohio. ytJtoH tlie System lioort's Bars'iparlll.i Is clinrnrlcrlzeil by tlireo i.ecullailtles : 1st , tlio coml'iuittcn ot remedial agents ; 2dth pi opinion ; ad , Ilio proct i of securing the nctl > e medicinal ( juallties. The result is a mctlichio of unusual Etrcnglh , eltcctl.ij ; cures Mtlicito unknown , 6eud lor book containing ndillllonal cvldcnco. "Hood's Sarsurailll.i tones 1111 my K > stcir. . uiincH my hlood , sharpens niy appetite. .iml to mnko m < i over. " .1. 1' , THOMJ-SOJ * . ti-i of Uccd. , , Lonull , Jlas1 ! . " Hood's Bir-sap.ullla licati idl othen , and n worth Us v.olislit In polil. " 1. li.\ujii.saTOX , no JJauk blicel , New Voi k City. Hood's Sarsapariila field by all drusuNts. ? t ; six for $5. Mnl ; < cnlybyC. 1 , HOOJ ) CO. , towell , Mass. SososOno. Dollar *