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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1886)
OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JULY * 1880. THE DAILY IJEE. COUINCIlfBLUFFS , MONDAY MOHNINV , , jrhV.5. OI'FICE , NO. 12 , PEA11L STREET. Icll\citd by minor Hi r.nj putt of tlioellynt in i my twits jitT vLok. II. W.TiM ON , . . . Manager. n , No. Vi , NHIIIT 1.1-noii No. 1. MINOR MHM'IO.V. ' ' New York Plumbing connttiny. N w summer yooil.s at 1'ciler's. Tin- city council has a regular in this evening. A barber .sho | ) on Hrondwny yesterday remained open nil day , The boanl of trustees of thu in. titution for the deaf and dumb moots hern to-day. Louie iV Metier decorated tlielr res- tanrant in ti very patriotic and atlraetivo manner , Tlie Typographical union yeslcriliiy hold n short regular mrutmj ; of "routine busi ness. Six of the Western Union mc ongcr boys from Omaha .spout Sunday in look ing over thu BluM's. Hailroad travel for the past few days has been very large on account of both the ! ? ! { rule to Chicago and thu Fourth of July exclusion rates. The rental of po\vs and sittings at the Congregational church the other evening - ing reached about $1,700 , and there arc u number of regular attendants and mem bers who wer.s not prc-sont to complete thelt arrangements. The ladles of the KpNrnnal church will give a soc'iablo on .Monday evening on IJr. Macrae's lawn. There is a snacious platform for dancing , and refreshments and cooling drinks will bo supplied. Ad- minion to the grounds , 10 cents. The liisi lot of tlie l.aiil ) Kins of tea and silk , which arrived on the Steamer ( laellic ill San Francisco on .June 27as received in this city ye.-torday and went east over the Uncle Island route. The balance will arrive to-day and to-morrow. Hov. < ! . W. Crotls returned from his eastern trip Friday niglit ami olliciated at tlie Longregational church as usual , yesterday. In the morning he preached a sermon appropriate to tlie day , his sub ject being "Our Country. " There seems to bo nothing to the story about a stranger iiuing robbed in an out house and for which two men were ar- roMcd. The stranger had been on a spree here , and had spent about § 100 , and when sobered up knew nothing of any robbery. Laura A. McFaddon , the little daugh ter of Wall McFiuhlon. entertained about thirty of her little friends in a happy manner at homo. Little Miss Laura was born on the Fourth of July , and hence her sixth birthday was very appropriate ly observed by a double celebration , pa triotic and persona ! . Dave Kice , who disappeared from here some months ago , has turned ui > again here , with a red ribbon tied in his button hole. He has reformed , and say that whisky , which has been the eau o of all his troubles , will not have a chance to got him down again. It is hoped the good resolution will bo kept , for when fcobcr ho is a good pressman and printer. Missouri Valley's now paper , The Society Record , made its first appear ance Saturday. Jt is , as its name im plies , devoted mainly to social happen- ingHt with a pleasing variety of HrcMtlo reading. It is an attractive-looking sheet , and in the hands of L. Hallou and N. Welch , as editors and publishers , will doubtless become a favorite visitor to many families. Saturday afternoon and evening there was quite a gathering of friends and neighbors at the residence of J. K. Hark- ness , on First avenue. The spacious lawn was filled with a merry company , and cunics , refreshments and good cheer abounded. In the evening there was a iino showing of liroworks , and little folks , as well as the older ones , were : vll delighted. A nuniDnr of the young folks drove down to Cut-on" lake Saturday evening and had a merry time there. Few realize what a charming picnic ground hiul boat ing place this Is. The beach is sandy anil the lake is lame and beautiful. 'With fiomo improvements , this could bo made one of the most delightful resorts in this vicinity. Already there are a number of boats , one little stctunor.and other accom modations for those who desire fun in a rural retreat. There has been sonic talk of electing Hov. Dr. McCroary , of Hroadway Metho dist church , as president of Simpson col lege , at Indianola. J'ho reverend gentle man has declined to consider any such proposition favorably , on account of the church work hero demanding his time. 'J ho trustees last week hold their annual meeting and decided not to elect a presi dent this year , but to place Prof. Hamil ton m charge , ho being vice president. Terhaps by another year Hov. Dr. Me- Lrcary's work here will bo In such shape that he can see his way clear to accept Kiich a position , if offered. It looks as if this was thu hope entertained by the trustees. They can well allbrd to wait if they could thus secure such a scholarly man. One tall , slim young man , on Hroad way , Saturday , was determined to show that his nerves wore as of iron , and when n big cannon cracker was lighted and placed near where ho wns standing , ho refused to bo moved by it. As ho stood watching and waiting , be evidently secretly thought ho had bettor be a little braced for the coming explosion and ho leaned up against a peanut roaster in a graceful , nonchalant manner , but about the time the big cracker did its womt the hot peanut roaster began to singe through his light coat and lie made a jump. Ho inaiiiigod to capsi/.o the roaster , peanuts , charcoal , straw hat , tall young man , big cracker , small hey watching , stray dog , et nl. . went Into the gutter In a badly mixed UP heap. Next Fourth the young man will move on , and not seek to estab lish a reputation foi nerves of steel. The lunlNh I'lcnic. Yentorday the Danish Brotherhood had a largo picnic about thrco miles out of the oil } ' . Thcro was a largo delegation over from Omaha , and the bands and banners added to the holiday appearance of the Mrcot parade. The 'busses and carriages were kept busy carrying out the crowd , and by the middle of the afternoon - noon there was a big gathering of merry makers , Stenographer and typewriter. O. Mini- BOH , with M. F , Kohror , over C. B. na tional bank. HoomMouldings Largest assortment and lowest prices at Hoard's Wall 1'apor Store. _ A Fourth Accident. A son nf Kugeno Mottaz , aged about seven years , was badly injured by lire- works Saturday , his face being burned , and both eyes so injured that thcro is doubt us to whether lie will recover their full sight again. They arc both badly swollen unit closed , and the result of the injuries can hardly bo determined , A Slight Scorch. The lire department was called out yes terday forenoon about 10 o'clock , the blaze being in u small residpnco on lower Third street. The llames were put out by buckets before the department reached the place Damage nominal. Supposed < tauso , tireworks. POffDERLY MEN AND POWDER Daze of Tireworka by Kuights of Later Oratorj , Music and Dancing. DETAILS OF THE CELEBRATION. Only One Illnzc nntl Thnt n Little One I' ' -VOCllllSIIlN TIlC l ) lll < > ! the Politic A IJIootly * litiiiatie. A Day r 'ic ' Kiiljjlits. The t-eU'liriitlon ( in Satunlny iinilor Hie uii pii'es of Hie Knights of Lubor wns a happy nntl sueecstful oiuThu knights int-rlt much ) imi-e for the eiiti'i'priso nhown in assumingIhpllntiiicinl lo-ipoiisi- bility , anil evcrliHg ilit'insclves o xoil- ; oiifly lo sepiiro for C ( > nneil Itlun's si worthy observance of the ilny. It is to ho re ri'tled , and is : i just cnn-iP for i-riti- clsin , tliat there was not u more heurly .support { riven the kniclit' ' , ami n more t'litlm.slnstie ami ftciun'al eo-opcrnlion , but still then- was a t'eli-bration which re- llt-pU',1 eretlit to the city and to thorn. This was t'.ie llrsI time Unit the knights have made any pnblie appearance here , and it was u surprise to muny to see " 00 of them In line , boiiit ; eouuio'sed tilso of sueli an excellent elass < jf citizens. It will be an additional surprise to many to learn , also , that not over half of the knights were in the parade. Some were culled away by other dulio * ! , ami various causes are stated which does away with any seeming reflection upon the loyalty of the members to the order. The Chicago cage A : Uook 'Island employes as well as the Chicago vV Northwestern , were not able to leave their work and join in tl e parade. The ( ! . A. R. went to ( ilen- wunil , which took away some of the members. The employes of the Kansas City and tlie Chicago Murlington mil- ways had a gathering of their own. The ( teed Temnlars went lo Crescent. Thus various oilier arrangements interfered. Despite those facts , the celebration here was a great Tim cigarmakciV union ami the print ers' union joined in the parade here. The lire department also turned out in holiday attire. There were : i goodly number of advertising wagons , some very ingeniously and attractively ar ranged , and a large number of olliciuls and citizens who joined the procession. Captain D. J. ( V'Neil served acceptably as hiar.shal of the day , with Colonel K. , J. Abbott and ( Jeorge I'lunteras assistants. Tlie ( icrman American band furnished excellent music. At Hayliss park there was a lartr" gath ering of citizens. Judge Ayleswortli called the assemblage to order. Rev. Dr. Cooley ottered an appropriate prayer. Jtiss May Davenport read the declara tion ol independence , and although it has been given in publ-c so many times , yet it .seemed to have fresh meaning as read by her. She read it very clearly and with wonderful expression. At the close of the reading Colonel Daily presented her with a beautiful bouquet in behalf of the Knights ot Labor. Uev. T. , J. lackey , who is recognized as such a lirm friend of the wage worker , was very appro priately chosen as one of the .speakers of tlie day. His address was an excellent one , and characterized as usual by bold ness , irracoful diction and strength of thonzhl. Dr. Lewis , of Omaha , also gave an excellent address , which called lorth much enthusiasm. Mr. C Vincent , of Tabor , was on the programme for an address , but for some unknown reason ho was not present. The exercises closed with the benediction by Rev. Dr. Cooley. In the evening there was a display of fireworks from the stand at the corner of 15road\vay and Fourth street. It was one of the finest and most varied of any ever given hero. The streets were thronged with people , and as spine of the more elaborate pieces were fired the crowds would give such enthusiastic cheers that their voices could be heard tor many blocks away. The ball given in Temple hall was largely altcnued. It was a lilting closing to a day into winch so much pleasure had been crowded. The arrangements all moved oilsmoothly , and showed that the knights are not only good planners but no less able to execute. The knights assumed an expense of about $ . "iOU in order to thus furnish the city with a celebration. Many citizens responded liberally to the call for co operation , and to them the knights re quest the Ui'.i : to express their thank0. While the thanks of the knights are doubtless thus duo lo many , yet the city as a whole is under obligations to the knights for their patriotic enterprise. In the afternoon a committee of the Knights , consisting of Messrs. ( Jleasou , Reed and Mel'eek , wailed upon Rev. Mr. Mackcy and presented him with a beau tiful basket of llovvers , a very handsome tribute. ( irocerins , dry goods , tinware , crooker.v cheap. J. J. Stoltyr , fiO.1) upper Hroad way. ISeaid has an immense .stock of wall paper and room Mouldings which must be turned into cash , so down go the prices at Hoard's. All Aliout Avoua. AvorA , la. , tluly1. . Our celebration hero yesterday waa all that could bo expected , the people commencing to con gregate early , and by 10 o'clock the streets were thronged. The procession formed at the south end nnd passed up street , headed by the Avoca band. The carriage containing the speaker , Jacob Sims , of Council lUull's , in company with Mayor Diederich , J. T. Jla/.cn and Fre mont lienjamln followed. The four- horse wagon , handsomely decorated and driven by a fair representation of Uncle Sam , in the por.sonof D.M. Uriggs , with thirty-oiiiht little girls ropresoniing the states , was next in the line , followed by the Avoca colored jubilee singers , who favored the listeners with some of their selections as they passed. All other conveyances then falling in line repaired to the grounds , which were nicely ar ranged , Hon. K. A Donsig- noy , as master of ceremonies , intro duced the speaker , who ably addressed the people. At the conclusion of his address dinner was announced. Ttio programme was followed to the let ter , and Avoca can justly be proud of her celebration. Friday afternoon about 5 o'clock a lire was noticed southwest of town about a mile and a half , which proved to be a dwelling owned by S. Caldwollof , Avoca , and occupied by W.V. \ . Ritchie , the lire having caught from a defective lino. Mr. Ritchie succeeded in savlngthe household goods that was down stairs , but the wear ing apparel of both he and his wife was burned , as was the building ; no insur ance. Enforcement of the law and saloon ele ment liavo hud quite n buttle which re sulted in the closing of the saloons , Some of them , however , hnvu again opened their doors but claim to sell only temper ance drinks. The information was hied by Thomas Hardio a brotlior-iii-law of the late Heller , whoso death ho attributes lo the saloons. Ho is very determined in their prosecution and has ample friends at his disposal for that purnoso , F , 11 , HotzePs now hardware store is Hearing completion. It is a decided im provement to Main street and Avoca as well. The dimensions are 100 feet deep and 111 feet in the clear. Wo are sadly in nerd of moro men like Mr. Hctzel , who are not afraid to invest , thereby improving our town , A quiet wedding was solemnized iuour midst last Saturday evening , ( a case of too well and not wisely enough ) , bvJ. T. Hazei , , justice ot the peace. I ho un tiring energy nnd zeal manifested by CouMablc ll'nrmmtnn in tln ( hunting down and bringing 'olWani ( lie iWfeA'tfl lover , and pointing out his duties , and only ceasing liis arduous labor upon the consummation of ( he tie which made them one , is do on ing of special mention. Mrs K , 1) . flnopi" ) entertained "tho ouchio" Friday evening in honor of Mrs. K.V. . D.uis , of Minneapolis , who is visiting Avoca friends. There were pres ent : Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Consignv , Mrs. U. \ \ . Davis , Mr. and Mrs. 1) . II. U Day , Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Vo < s , Mr. and Mr < . J.K 1'owors. Mr. and Mrs. C. ll. Norton. Mr. and MM. S. C. llarlow. Mr. and Mrs. F. ( ! . Ilef/cl. .Miss Clara Norton , Mis * H. Ilooring and ( Jus So'.ll'ert. Mr. Norton and Mrs. Day carried oil' the honors. Mr. Si-ilt'ert and Mi-s Hoeriug wore not at nil envious , as they also received a remembrance. 'I lie friends of Mis.s Xoe lle.llin will be pleased to know she has so far recovered innu her imiispixition as to be able to iiur.-o and assist Mrs. Dr. Xantcn , who is nt present conliueil to tlie house with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Hennessey , of Council Hind's , Sundajed in Avocaguests of Mr . J. H. Arnold. Mis.s Arvilla Smith and Miss Wright were in Carson the Fourth. Mrs. J. H. ,1-ick oii and daughter , Delia , who are visiting in Aftou , the guo.sis ol Mrs. A.I' . Cramer , are expected hoinc this week. Miss 11. Hoering , of Davenport , la. , is spending her vacation in Avoca v/illi her sister , Mrs. C. N. Voss. Mrs. II. W. Wilson , of Audubon , is visiting her Avoca friends. Dr. K. II. ( Jothard , of.Atlautie , is look ing after his interests here. S _ . H. Fruin , of I'lcasaut township , was visible on our streets the Fourth The farmers great want at present is rain. Their crops are gunoraily good. N. \ . /j > Substantial abstracts of title ? and real estate loans. J. W. it H. L. Squires , HI Pearl street , Council Blurt's. Highest prices paid for county , town , oily ami school bonds. Odoll Hro's ite Co. , No. 10a Pearl street , Council Hlntfe , Iowa. Police Pointers. A man on Main street near Seventh ayeiuie attracted a crowd Saturday night by his shouts for "help , police , " etc. lie was foirnd to bo bleeding from several wounds in the head and his ri ht arm was also injured somewhat. He claimed that three men pitched on to him with the evident purpose of robbing him , but as he bad no money tncy got none. He got as severe a thrashing , however , as if he had had wealth to give up in return. It was learned that tlie assault , or drunken row , or whatever it was occurred on Sixth avenue near Seventh street , ami that the assailants carried the wounded man to Main .street , and leaning him up against the brick wall of a building , left him there. He gave his name as Jerry Harry. A tramp , givlnsr his name as Charles Patten , was found near the North wet-tern depot Sunday nightwith one fool mashed. He was taken to police headquarters and Dr. Lacv callcil in to attend to the in juries , which arc not of a serious nature. ft'-William Kyler , the night watchman of the Chicago , HuiTmglou tfcQuiney yards , found two toughs in a box car Saturday night , and tried to handle them , but they came for him with coupling pins , and he had to call to his assistance the night watchman in the Milwaukee & St. Paul yards. The two fellows were marched to police headquarters , where they gave the names of William Rvan and Thomas Scbilloy. They will have a hearing to day. ( icorgc Ira , a boy only thirteen years old , was found by the police in a beastly state of intoxication. It seems that he got into this condition by carrying drinkt. lor a woman named Jessie White , living on Hroadway. A warrant lias been is sued for her arrest. It seems that she is the same woman who caused another boy to get drunk , a son of a well known citizen , one niglit last week. Slio evi dently has a pasiion for getting boys drunk , and it is nigh time that she wiis brought to a realization that this is an offense which the people of Council Hlnll's will not allow to pins by unheeded. Smokers ! Drop iu John Templet on' new cigar stores , opnra luusc block. Go toltoar for room mouldings. ( Jo to the New York Plumbing com pany for garden hose. They warrant till they hell. Opera house block. Go to Heard for room mouldings. Fleeced l y elliiuk Drivers. On Saturday two young men from the country came to town to see the celebra tion. They were accompanied by a young lady who received their combined attention and gracefully accepted litllo favors , such as peanuts , soda , popcorn , etc. Kvorylhing wont along nicely , how ever , until they engaged a hack lo drive them to the transfer , when , upon arrival , the hack driver requested the modest sum of > ? l ! for the ride. They llioiithttho ! char o somewhat e.Nhorbilant , but as it was tho''day wo celebrate , " Ihoy pro duced the required amount and the hack was rapidly driven in a circuitous route to tlie upper end of tlio oily and placed in the stables , the hack driver taking a lay- oil'for the balance of the day thinking himself quite wealthy. After making &ome few inquiries .is to haoK rates , the two young men , who were about twenty year ot ago each , con cluded they would notify the police , who hunted high and low , but the hack driver was not to bo found. The driver ot another hack "caught on to" the two young men and ollered his services as detective. He was accepted , and after so\ oral hours , returned lo ( he young men , explained Unit for his .ser vices as detective they were indebted lo him in thu sum of $ ; ! and handed I hem $1.50 , leaving $1.50 with tiio hack driver who took tfioin to the transfer , thus allowing him the regular 00 cents apiece faro to the transfer , They evidently thought that about as well they could do , getting oil' with only ll.QO out of pooket , and taking the hack- driver-detective's adyice in tlio matter , returned by the evening train to their homes. Crazed ami IMoodliijr. On Friday last a young fellow from Omaha secured employment attho stables at the driving park , and scorned appar ently to DO all right. In the night ho getup up , however , ami seizing a hatchet began in a wild , crazy manner smashing tlio doors and howling , The men hud quite a tussle with him , and finally got him tied with ropes. Ho managed lo escape to wards morning , and came up town. Ho entered Dr. Hollingur's ofllce on Hroad way , his head bleeding from a severe wound on the top , which had swollen greatly , showing no had somewhere been dealt a terrible blow. He said he was the niglit before sleeping in a barn with a lot of men , about two miles from the city , and that they tried to rob him ot what little money ho had. and when ho tried to prevent them one of them lilt him over tlio head with a revolver , lifs narration of further details showed that the man was crazy. The wound was dressed and ho was taken to the county jail. Ho went along quietly until he came to the cell door , when ho became furious , and it re quired thrco men to mil him In. Since he has been in the jaluiu , lias been parl 01 the tinjo very wild , touring tlio bandages olVhls wounded head , d' lroying lli , t > vd- dlnir , and makjnir irjoh ; noisJ. 4'ii-T(5 ( soffio iloTibtfoli as to whether the man's present condition is due to the wound , or whether ho n'as cra/.ed before. The wound is a bad one' ' , and while it is thought ho will recover , yet his chances are not of the bust. Ho gives his name as Miller Walters , and sa\\ his mother recently moved hero from Hillsboro , 111. , a she informed him by letter. Ho says ho has two brothers , James and ScotL , but does not know where they aro. No ninllliiu Uin On Saturday , at Red O.ik , the Mueller Music company's nine of I his oily eroded bals with tlio Red Oaks for the second time this season. Red Oak was crowded with people from the surrounding country to see the celebration and quite a large audience witnessed tlie base ball camo. Rod Oak people were confident of their nine being victorious , as they had won the lirst match , and in consequence olt'cred odds as high as $2" ) to $ lo the Council HI nit's bo\s before the game began. The Rod Oaks had secured a pitcher and catcher from Washington , la. , who was to "paraly/o" the Mueller nine , for which , ll is said , they were each to receive s"iO. Hut whether they re ceived the money or not is not staled as tlio Mueller Music company nine returned - turned to this city victorious on a .score of 10 to 8. fought The game was a hard one , it being nip and tuck from the very beginning and both clubs made a creditable showing. Strock caught admirably - mirably for the Hlull'snine and redeemed himself. Ho was flit by the ball and com pletely Knocked out , but after a delay of some fifteen minutes amid much cheer ing ho took up his position and Hie game went on. The game was virtually won by Al. Noble , an employe in the Hiu : job rooms , by a three-base nit over third base , which sent thrco men home , himself getting - ting to third and cominir in. The Rod Oak's backers kept quiet after the trame opened and did not oll'cr tobot , oven refusing an even bet of $100 just sis the game started. White nnd Ills Hilly. Two men givingtheir names as Thomas Davis and James Campbell were drunk and raising too much noise oven for the Fourth , and Deputy Marshal White and Ollicer Hcswick took them in chanro. Ollicor Unthank coming along. White turned his prisoner over to him and was U'oing to ride up in his dog cart , leaving the two Doliecmen to walk the prisoners up. As the two ollieers and the prisoners started off , two of their friends tried to take Campbell away from the ollicer.s. Deputy Marshal White interfered , and remonstrated , so tlie two wore allowed to march on. The two friends , Frank Kain and George Hammock then turned on White and proposed o get sweet revenge out of him They came near accom plishing their purpose. * White got two or throe hard knock.- ! before he got his billy into action , ami th6n ho got a kick which knocked the billy out of his hand. lie recovered it , however ; and in getting in bis work knocked Hammock down , cutting his head in two .places , one re quiring .several stitches by the surgeon , the cut being about , t\to inches long. Hammock concluded to go along without further trouble , and Kain skipped out. He was found yesterday and ( lie two will have to answer the charge of assaulting an ollicer. .Talior CoIlcKO Commencement. To tlie Editor of tlie Hir. : : Everything conspired to make commencement at Tabor college a success. The weather was the most delightful of June days. From the beginning to the end nothing marred the harmony. The exercises of tlie students showed a grasp of thought ami training reflecting great credit b'olh upon themselves and their teachers. A largo nuniber from tlie towns about and from a distance gathered to ijston to the oratory and draw inspiration from the occasion. The graduates numbered cloven. Addresses wore delivered by Rev. William Sailor. D. D. , of Hurlington. la. ; Rov. W. L. Williston of Davenport la. , and Rev. S. Gilbert , 1) . D. , of Chicago , 111. 111.Tho corner stone of Gabion hall was laid June 111) ) . It is expected that this building , costing ija.'i.OUO. will be com pleted in tlie autumn. The number ot different students last year Was 215. Do nations , $12,800. , Li Ti\r.n. : Personal Paragraphs. Senator Carson has returned from Dos Moincs. Attorney General Hakcr was in the city yesterday. Fred Loomis .spent Saturday ami Sun ] day at home. Mrs. George Parks has returned from a visit to Kansas. Fred Eastlaml ami lady , of Ncola , were at the Pacific yesterday. Colonel Kcatloy orated at Malvern Sat urday , and came here to spend Sunday. Frank Howe andhisStandard company spent Sunday Dat the Paeilic , being en route for Yankton. W. H. Judd shot oil' firecrackers in tlio city on Saturdayand will start out to-day to Visit his trade again. Charlie Morris , who "covers" north- weslorn Nebraska for M E. Smith As Co. , was in liio city on Saturday. Misses Katie and Kmma Ernsdorf , who liavo been spending some time iiast in the oily with their fal her , have returned to their homo in Logan. C. Toufol and Alfred S. Porter , of Chi- eago , were at IhoOgden yesterday. They own considerable property on the bottoms toms , and they are hero looklnsr after it. Roy S , Tnttio rested at homo the past two days , being somewhat fatigued by talking "heavy hardware" for several weeks on the road to > Kculino & Foil's customers. Closing' ; Out , I have tin largest1 ajjil most com plete line oE NEW MIT INERY AND NOTIONS In the city. J am closing out LESS THAN JOBBERS' PRICES. You will find nil tlio latoit novelties in hats , bonnets , llowors , plumes , tips , ribbons bens , , crapes and oilier styles of trimmings. Goods Must Be Sold , Best of Bargains ever bflV.rcd. Call and sue them. J. J. BLISS , No. 328 Broadway , Council Bluffs. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KO-crsmis OF COUNCIL , BLUFFS , DKMUK , WKLLS & CO. , \Vholcsnlo , Agricultural Implements , Bu ijs , rniTlnw . rtc . rio. Council ItlulK loun. KUYSTONK MANUFACTU1UNU CO. Mn\o the Urlmnl unit Coinplclo Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cidr Mill & Press , COHN SHKU.KHS AM ) 1T.KI ) ( TTTKH" . No * . inl , nti , iiinl 15)7 ) South Mnlu SU-eot , CouiHI tllulP. lown. DAMI ) UKDLKY * CO. , Miinuf'rs mi l.lnb'ipi-s of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Baggies , * . ninl nil kluU nf rsr.n Mno'ilmrr. 1100 to HID SouiiiM > iin street , Council Illutrj , Iowa. AXK JM.UJ/.K . KO. ( , T. It. UODDI. V4 , ( Jr.o.K Win nir. I'res.&Tron . V.-IVos&M in. Siu AtCoinuol. Council BiuTs HaiilJ Pact My , ( Incorponiteil. ) Mnmifnctuiorsor A\li , I'lc1 ( , Slolzo and Sin til , of pvuri COUNCIL BLUFFS CAIU'KT CO. . Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Clotlm , Ourfiln rixturos , tTplmlptnry ( looJs , itc. : No. 405 llromlivay Council Illuils , I own. , Kir. PEHEGOY & MOUKH , WliolcMilo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. 8Main anil 27 I'onrl Sis. Council HlulTs , lo\vti. COJM//.SS/OV. / SNYDKU & LKAMAtt , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Mercliats. No. 141'otrl St , Council iilulTs. 11AKLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , s * Sundries. Kto. No. 23 Miiln St. , unJ No. 211'cnrl St. , Council iliuirs. DllY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Iaip3rte3 ail J ) ! ) of DrGii5 , Notions. Etc. Nou. 112 nnd 114 Jlaln St. , Nog. 113 mid 115 I'cnrl St. . Council lllulls. lo\va. O. W. HUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commlfs.'on. No. fit ! Uromlwuy , Council DiulTj. WI11T & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 anil 18 Pearl St. , Council GHOCEIlUiS. L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Joboers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Coolers. No. 410 DroaJ- way , Council UECKMAN & CO. , Jlnnu'notnrors of nnrt Wholc ale Do iVra In Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . No. Ko Mnln St. . Council IllulTi , Iowa. 7L12S , CAPS. KTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps aad Glnos. No ? . ! M2 una 3 l nroniUray , Council niiilf ? . j/n.irr IIAIIDWAHK. IvEELINE & FELT , Wholosnlo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Sto = k , Council illu'Ja , lowix. AXD D. II. MeDANELl ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tiillcw.Wool , Polls , < lroa'0 nnJ I-'UH Council lo\v.i. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholcsnlo Dealers In Illuminating & Lubrlcatlaj Oils Gi3)llaj P. Theodore , Agent , Council llluffs. Town. iUJ/BK/f. VILIXO , t'.TC. _ A. OVERTON A : CO , , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , 4ml llrldffo Mntcrlal Spcclaltioa.Wholusiilu Lum ber ol uU Kinds. Ullico No. YX3 Main St. , Council Illulfs. Iowa. inures AMD LIQUORS. JOHN LINDEIl , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent for St. Oottharrt's Herb Illttord. No. U Main St. Council liluils. SCIINEmEU & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Y/iiies / and Liquors , A'ti OW JJaln St. , Cnuneil llluffi. SPEOIAL NOTICES. Special mlvurtlsomenlB , euh as Lost , Found , To Loiin , For S.ilo , To Kent , Wnnts , lloardlutr , oto.will lioliiBOrled In thin column nt the low rote of TIJNCKXTS I'Ell LINK for the first Inser tlonnnd I'lvu Cents 1'er Line for eiich eubsoqlient Insertion , Umvo ndvertlsoinunts nt our oilleo , No. 13 1'oul stiett , near llrooclwajr , Council illulls. WANl-S. " 4717ANTIJU Sttuntlon us housohecper or to tukucuioof furnlslicJ rooms. Address II , llco oilleo ANTin : Harbor , immediately nt No. KO Jlroadwny , Coiinull lilnllc. \\TANTKI1 A ( food jflrl for goiHT.ll lipueo- > V work in prlvuto family. No , 10"J l-'oiirfli-Bt. OH HUNT No. K30 Second avenue ; houto ot eUlil looms , etabla , etc. Very dotiro- Die. N. 1' . Uodfc'O & Co. 17M1U K.VI.i : IVult , confectionery and cigar -I ? store ; positus-lon Klvun right awuy. In- < iuiro ut jncinlses , No , 101 .Vfnlu-st , , Council SALK O1J vapors. In quantities to suit , FOlt liuo oilleo No , 1-1'tarl btiout. R. BICE , M. D. or otbur tumira romovol without the knife or drawing of blooi CHRONIC DISEASES of all kind. gpeolaUr. Over thirty ro.iri' pmjtiaal O c.ll I'u .id Street , Ooiut-U Ulu IT. SCHUH.Z , Justice of the Peace. OOlcoOvcr Aincrlcun Exuross Company. tf BUY BUGGIES ? m cuss ii mi tern IMatilMicd In IS77. CINCINKTATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT ! 20 , ( ) ( > ( > Annually.oiitl > Tor < 'utilt tu' , Frit-en , Frclli | N and 'l w. Hrick u.ilMlni nnv kiml rntoni or tmrol mil Mtlirni'tlon Rimi-anteiM. IVninohouses moved truaii tha boHln tun w.irll. 893 Eighbli A.voui3 ; mil Eighth Street , Council BlalTs. us"V "V JU - "V N3\l AA \ 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , HAIR GOODS WJ33 HftDZ TO ORDER , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa To close the siiiiiinor stock to the low est possible point. Arc oflerinp bargains now every day. Good Corsets for 50c worth 75c Parasols for 75c and Upwards , Embroideries and Patterns , very Cheap. . Only a few of those Summer Silks Left , Lace Flouncings in Spanish and Cliiniilly Laces , WHITE Clicajicr tlinu you ever saw them. Flno assortment for graduation dresses. Samples sent when requested. CARPETS. Choice patterns , peed ( jimllty and lowest prices. Special discounts to churches , socie ties and clergymen , Harlmess Bros , , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , China , Glassware and Lamps , \V. S. Homer & Co. . No. 23 , Main St.CouncIl Bluffs , la. TIMOTHY SEED. I luivo a ( iiiautlly of sound , well cleaned seel w hkh ; J olfi-r ot rt'iisunublQ fljrurc-B. Kccd of the cro.iof JUti. roircii > uuilcico | solicited. F. U 'J'n 1.KII & CO. SWAN Dealers In Milch Cows. At Our N'o 002 ami 010 K. 15road\viyt'onncil Hlft Creston House , The only hotel In Council lilniTs liminir IF'ire ' Esoa/pe A ud nil minium Improvi'inditf. 215 , W mid -'ll ! Mnlii M. -MAX SIOUX , 1'rop. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOTJISrOIIj Practices in Stjito nnd Federal Coiuts. Hooum 7 and 8 Sliuiiart .Block. Star Sale Stables and Mule lards , BROADWAY , COUNCIL I'Ll'FFS , Opposite Dummy Iloput. Horses ninl Mulus Kept constantlr on huiiil for sain nt vctnll or In uiu lomli. Onlor ? proMidtly lilloil liyo itrnct onbhoit notlcu. tftock sold on commission. 8HMJTKU Jc HOI.UV , 1'roprletorg. Tolepliono No. 111. 1'ormeily ol' KIHI. RAJ.U BTAUI.rB , corner Gilt live. nnJ 4tli Mrcct. ( JlioU-c I lHi > Jny oi' lAitvnl I'u turns , All Cirmlcs. Council Bluffs 4.O5 A Helcfl .Stork of Cliulcu Novelties In. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL HLU1-TS , JA , Hi ) " til' . CfRAND BALL , To bo ( iven by the KNIGHTS OF LABOR ! At Temple Hall 33venin. r , CTvay 3 , C3T Ticket Admitting Gentleman an Ladies , $1. Horses and Mules For nil purposes , bouxht niul sold , nt lotull nii'l u lot * . I.urtv ( iiuiiitittoa to bflcui fiow. MASON WISE ,