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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1886)
I The Omaha Bee Bccciveu all The Now York Uera\d \ Oftblo the New York Herald Speoiols are Wired Direct to the Specials ! Omaha Bee. I I SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , TUESDAY , MORNING , JULY 0 , 1886. NUMBER 15. How Henry Ward Impressed the- Press of Old England , HIS IRREVERENT AUDACITY. Thitt laVhnt They Cnll Ills Pulpit Humor- The Musical Denny nt Mutiluii Hnw Uc-Kcnt Lull- liolil Loolcs. The HrltUh Prt-sM on Ilecchcr. l.o.vnoN , Julj f . [ New Voile Herald Cable Special to the Bi.r..1 The Chronlclo ami the Xow sari- the only papers thai pay any ntlcntlnn to All. Bcechcr. The Chronlclo Mays : "The pioceedlnirs werihanlly ns decorous cereus as Is desirable in n place of worship when divine SPIV ice Is being conducted , many of the rovciend gentleman's Illustra tion * being leeched liy the closely packed congregation with lontl laughter. There was nothing , however , In the to\t or thu tieatinent to ptnvnku hilarity. Mr. Beecher Is n veneiablo looking gentleman. ln llis opening player his voice was almost In- atidlbli- . " The News , In the eour-o ol a column account , sujs : At the doors was a scene of free Siiee/o ( | which on any day but , a Sabbath would do- SPIVO the title of fieo light. It was a sermon of gieat power emphatically , the expression of n strong ] ici.sonality , and. with all Its other chaiacloilslli's .subordinate to the lead- Inn ne , of a dominating w III. The preacher t-ecmnl much In eainest , nnd not the least so In his many humorous cllorts. It Is stiansie preaching , but we nn > not called upon to rstl- mate lib spiritual value. With pcib.ips om > notable exception. It Is unlike any thing wu are accustomed to hear. In its sttencrth and tenderness , humor , above all its self-conli- dence , limning sometimes Into a kind of Irreverent awl.iclty , It has all the qualities of the. spliltual soil tiom which it springs. 1LVVA1UAX The KfTcct of thu Hcseney Music at n Discount. Mraicir.July 5. [ New Yoik Herald Cable Special to the Bnn.J The iccent events have worked odd changes , not only in things political , but also In matters social and ar tistic. Ono of the moil startling Is the re vulsion of feeling hi'ie with rcgaid to Wan ner. The composer , who was oncoa god In Munich , Is now not only disdained , but ab horred , and his very name Is an object of execration. Xot a single court .singer or court musician of any kind will , 1 am told , attend the pciformanccs at Bayreuth this month. The music of the lutuie seems , so lar as Munich Is concerned , to have become the music ot the past. Indeed the palmy days of music geneially seems about over licio. The early days of the regency are belne marked by swecpingchangesin the Bavarian army. Theiiewspapeis aie tilled with long lists of promotions while numbers of the older olllceis are being put on the retired list. The signs of mourning lei Iho dead king aio low now , and dliectly tlic couit moiuning ends , It Is said theio will be a pel feet whirl of ealcty In the icgent's palace. I gal ft Rood look at Prlneo Lnltpold the other day ns ho knelt with the iiolmlelch- nams , "Coipus Clulstl" piocesslon before an inipiovlscd sticct altar. He has a peed , honest old'German cavalry ollicei's face , open but not over shiewtL Ills sons , Ludwlg and Arnulf , were with him , Ludwig , the eldest , and the future king , looks dull and heavy. Arnulf , ladtpold's third son , Is more alert , though not particularly Intellectual. The young princes both crossed themselves devoutly voutly as I was watching them. The regent forgot to do so at the proper time , but after ward followed suit in an absent-minded way. The salvo of artlllciywhich sounded "amen' to the prayois , was evidently 111010 to his table than thu tinkling of the ecclesiastical bells or the swinging of Incense buincrs. THIS EXOMBU ELECTIONS. The Outlook For GlailKtono'H Success Grown Dismal , LONDO.V , July 5. Up to 10 o'clock to-night the totals of members elected were 151 con- seivatlves , ! ! 0unionists , .VJ Gladstonlans , and 2U Parnellites , The conservatives have § alne.Js\entee.n. ( seats , the unionists ono Beat , and the Glailstonli'ins nine seats. Tlio lories unexpectedly won In Lelth , Lincoln shire , whoio the Gladstonlan candidate , owing to sudden Illness , failed to qualify. Dining a at thu polling station In St. Stephen's Green division of Dublin , Messrs. Dudgeon , Jamosand Sullivansolicit ors and agents of the conscrvatlvu candidate , wcio ejected by the hherlU'ri oracis. Dud geon will sue thu shciltf tor assault. Gladstone li.m written a letter. In which ho says It is Impossible for British legislation to proceed until the lilsh question Is settled. The Issnu Is becoming tlcllnlte. Thu posi tion to-right picsagcs a crushing defeat for Gladstone unless ho obtalnsa larger country vote than In No\umber. The burghs aio de clining against home nile. Thu most omin ous Is the lovolt of Glasgow radicals. Of Miven contests In Glasgow the unionists car ried four. Of twenty-one London polls declaiPd to-night the union- lets secured fifteen and Gladstone six. The polling was close. The conservative candidate won in Central Hnsbuiy by only live majority. Saunder.s , Gladstonlan , Is do- tcatcil in Kant Hull by thirty-seven majority. Among the eminent Gladstonlans defeated nro Solicitor General Davy , Advocate General Mcllor Hlbhi-rt , Secretary of admiralty , and PiofessorThwold Uogers' . Thu London labor candidates' , Creamer ami Hovvcll , ii-taln tholr Beats by a fair majoilty. Sir John Lubbocke's ic-clcctlon Is n.ssuicd bj a poll ol100 ahead of llaiiUon. Sir Thomas Brassy has been nominated Gladstonhm can didate for St. Andiow's dlstiict. Work ol1 u Dublin Mob. Dtwi.iN , July C-Mldnlght. A crowd of roughs to-night attacked the conservative club house with stones. The members 10- pllo with bottles and flicarms , Injuring twenty of the rlotois and killing one. The mob then tried to set tlio to the house by ni > - pljing a bladng mat , which had been steeped in paraline , to thodooi. At this junctiuo the police armed and saved the house fiom lU'bti notion. The Inmates were attested. A i rival nt Antwerp. LONDON , July 5. [ Now Voik Herald Ca ble Special to thu BcoJ A dispatch from Antwcip announces the arrival of thu Unitei' States steamer Giunnebaug at that poil. Chief Poiimlinaker Dies , ST. PAUL , July fi. A Winnipeg special to the Pioneer Pi ess fiom Glelcheii. head < juar- Ulackfoot Indians , says : Chief Poundmakor died suddenly at Crowfoot camp yesterday from the bui&tlng of a blood vessel. The oltl chief has languished since his tdeaso Irom thu penitentialy , where hu was confined nearly a vcar tor his connection with the Kiel rebellion. Ono of Sparks' Agents Arrest oil. Sr.P.uri. , Minn. , July 5. A llo/eman , MenU , special to the Pioneer Press , says the latest In the timber depredation coses Is tliu JirreMpf ilieliael J. Healy , .Commissioner Sparks'ngcnt , on complaint of Knoch Hod cpn's mill foieman , charging him with In timidation of workmen and mom-dings not JustlUed by law , llc.ily wns 01 TIM ; and Acrimonious Discussions Tnkc lp the Time. WASIIINTITOX , Julj fi. Mr. Springer of lllnois olfcred aie < iolulion In the house to- lav calling on the president lor copies of all tlioconcspoiidi'iiee between this govcinmcnt ami the republics of Nicaragua and Costa tlcaslnco ISTO , In relation to the construe- ion of an Inter-oceanic canal by the waj of Lake Xlcaragim. Ucferred. The house then went Into committee of the whole , Mi. Hammond In the chair , on the general dehclency nppiopiiatlon bill. In s | caking to the clause iclatlvo to the pay of witnesses , Mr Sprlngersald that thu department had doubtless furnished thu piocr | ) estimate anil It should not be In- . teased. Koplylng to statements made last Kriday by Messis. ] Uncock , Cannon and McComas , In thu o\pcndltures for li'S' ' ) , as compared with those of 1SST > , for the fees of juiorsand witnesses , he caused to bo icad a letter from Attorney ( Garland lo Sctmtoi Allison. This letter cMilalncd that the increase was caused by the fact that , thcie being a del.c cncy In l ss. a laige amount ol business belonging to that flscat year waseauied over to 1SSO , thus Increasing the oxpeiiM'S ot 18 0 ; also that there was u huge Inciea'-c ot sm-h expenses owing to the pioM'ctitlon of polgaimms .Mounons under the Kdmiinds act. and on account ill the pios- edition ol olloii'i's ailsing under the general lamlluws. These \vcio nucL" . .iry and un- foi seen expenses , and \vc oimlit not to take exception to the Incicasp ot expenses on this account. While there had been a tillling Increase of cxpcnditmcs in tlic nnitteis indi cated , yet thcte had been a laigc decicasP ot cxpcnditmcs during the > car just closed as compared with the pievious iKeal year , ThlsdccieabO In all depaitments of the gov- cinmeiit amounted , accoidini ; to the state ment ol ticasnry oHiclals , toS'J-JSlOOCO. ! The new broom ol this admlnlstiation Is sweep ing clean , and much better it-suits may bu an ticipated tor the ensuing jear. A long , and at this time , acrimonious dis cussion aioseovci an amendment ottered by Mr. Cannon ot Illinois appiopiiating SUJ.OOO to refund taxes illcgallj collected Irom rall- load couniiink- account of alien bond and stockboldeis. The amendment was adopted , Thu clause ratifying and continuing the icadjustments of salaries of po&tnmstcis hcretofoiu niaile by the postmaster gcneial pursuant to the act of Match H , Ibf , was ruled out on a point of order , and an amend ment olfered by Mr. Burns of Missouri strik ing out the entire appioprlatlon lor read justments ( SS1C.VKU ) was adopted. Mr. Gibson of Wast Virginia caused some thing of a sensation by cliaiginir that Messis. Townshend and Cannon , members ol the appionrlatiun committee" , hadgonu to the senate , after the action of the house in striking out the names of certain house em ployes lioni the legislative anpioprlation bill , anil piocurcd the reinsertion of the names by the senatu committee. .Mr. Cannon admitted that he had requested the senate committee to Insert In the bill thu names ot two pages , who hud. from lonir ex perience , become almost imlispnnsable. He knew his privileges * nnd ilgnts as a member. and had nothing to apologise for. Neither ot the emnloyes had been appointed upon his solicitation. When the legislative bill came back to the house ho had no thought that It would accept the amendment hu had sug gested to the senate committee. Mr. TownsliPiul said the names of the em ployes had been stilckcn out of the bill on a point of outer made by ono member , con trary , as lie believed , to the wishes of avast majority ot the membeis of the house. Alex ander Stephens , on his deathbed , had re quested him ( Tovvnshend ) to cause John Chancuy's name to be ictalned on the pay roll of the house as long as he ( Townshend ) icmalncd In COIIKICSS , and when Clraiiccy's name and that of U.icon , a gallant Illinois soldier , had been stricken out on a point of older , he Had determined tocausu them to bo ichtorcd if it wcie In his power. Mr. ( iibson resented the Idea of interfer ence by the senate in matters of this kind. lie had no lit will against thcso employes , and , If allowed , be would to-moi row Intro duce a icsolntion piovldlng that their uames be placed on the roll ot house employes. After concluding considciation of all but ten pages ot the bill , the committee lose and at 5 p. in. the house adjourned. KENTUCKY BATTLiK. Ilovvnii County OJIlcurs Killed by Des peradoes Troops Ordered. LOUISVILLE , July 5. A special to the Courier Jouinal says another bloody chapter In the Howan county factional wnrwas added to-day. Sheriff Uainey , with posse , at tempted to auest the notoiloiis Craig ToIIIver , Cook Humphreys and Howard Logan , the principals in the trouble. ToIIIver sub milled quietly , but Logan and his softs , William and llumphiey , opened \tre \ upon the slieiltf's posse , swho ictlrned the lire. ShcillI Itainy was shot through thu body and mm tally wounded , while his soji Hjerjry and ' a deputy ghorlft woro.nbo slightly woii'iuM. li ° SK\\ra \ \ son w as also shol.'buTnol fatally. Tno Intorma- tlon iccelved icnorts that Logan nnd Hum pluevs are raising a mob to kill the whole sheriff's posse. The goveinor has telegraphed to send ( loops to Itowun county at once , whcio all Is tear and excitement. Fire in n Ijndciiif ; House. CIIICAOO , July 5. At 4 o'clock this mornIng - Ing a lire occuricd in the livo-stoiy stone. building at Xos. 15J and 154 South Clark street , the ilrst Door being occupied as a restaurant , and the lour upper Hours as a cheap lodging house , known as Dcnton hotel. Two of the upper lloors had been occurred as stoiago rooms , and had only iccnntly been titled UP with pine bunks. At the tlmu the Ilio was discovered there was a large number of Inmates In the lodging looms , thiee of whom had a vciy nairow escape fiom the burning buildings , while a number of othcis succeeded In making their way out of the building by the regular stairways. Until the firemen succeeded In making n complete seaich ot the building It was feaied ten to twelve persons had lost their lives. Only two peisons are known , however , t < have pcilshcd. and they wcio binned beyond iccognltlon. They were found on thu upper lloor , having evidently died from sullocatlon bluntly alter leaving their bunks. Thu lessen on building and contents will not excccil SMJ.OOO , lully covcicd by insurance. Four Ilujiiicn were seriously injured by falling glass. Thu cause of the tire Is unknown. IlrltlHh Oriiln Trade Kovlevv. LONDON , July fi. The Mark Lane Kxpruss in Its leviovv of the llritlsh grain trade dur ing the past week says : The brilliant and unbioken Hummer weather Is opportune and s improving the sinvlvlng crops. If there Is no more lain the finest pjjslblu samples will bo obtained. Tin do still favors buyers. Salt's of Kngllsh wheat dining the week were ; wvi , ! : ( quaiters at 'tis , against 3SB.'i7 Ud during the corresponding period last year , Flour has boon depressed , usiicclally American. Two cargoes ot wheat arrived , nlno cargoes were sold , and four- weio wlthdiavvn and remained. Trade for ward Is almost nominal , At to-day's market wheat and Hour were quiet and unchanged. AV tin tli or Indications. Wisconsin Local rains , followed by fair weather , slightly cooler , southcily winds , shilling to westerly. Illinois Fair weather , stationary tempera ture , winds generally southerly. Iowa Local rains , followed by fair weather , slightly cool and vailablu winds generally westerly. Nebraska Local rains , followed by fair weather , Matlunaiy temperatwo , winds gen erally westeily. Tlic Schooners Iloavlly Fined. HALIFAX , X. S. , July 5. A telegram lion : bhclburnc says that the collector of customs , . under Instructions from Ottawa , has Impost * u tine of § 400 eauh on the seized Portland M'hooiH-is. C. H. Harrington , City Point and dcorge W. Ciisliinjj. The fines have not > el bi'cn paid , and thu vessels aru still in blon ol tue customs authorities. FOURTH OF JULY SPORTS , Chicago Turns Out the Biggest Crowd Yet at "Washington Park , GOOD HORSES MAKE FAST TIME. The Iowa Thrcc-Ycnr-OIil Ilecortl Heateu nt SIcCooU llasp Ilalllstg Do Double Duty Other SportiiiR Invents. Orcat IliioltiK "t Clilnajjo. CitirAon. July .I. At Washington park thu weather was again very line but lather warm. Thu i acini ; was first class , the tlmo very last , and the attendance l.iigcr than ever seen on any race track In this country In modem lime * . Everything passed olV without an 'accident except In the steeple chase , In wblcli M. Daly was slUhtly In jured. It was ipgietted that so many fell or It would have been auood race , Thiee-qiiaiteis mlle : Marco won , Ira E , Hrldo scc-iml. Tiuaut thlid. rime 1:17. : Mutuals mid * ! . 10. One and one-half miles : Volanto won , liui'lmnaii second , Myrtle thiid. I'lme ! J:5(1U. : : ( Mutuals paid Sii.lO. One and one-fourth milesSheiidan stakes : F.d Corrigan won. Purcy second.Silver Cloud thlid. Tlmo-'J:0 : > . Mutuals pild * .M.TO , Milo : Vligle Ki-rne won , Hellantnns second end , Handv Andy third. Time 1KM. : Mu tuals paid * ! XH ) ! ) . I'Mia race , mile : Itosio H. won. Jim Nave second , IJootblack thlid. Tlmo l:4l : ( T. Mti- tun Is paid $ W. Tlnce-foiirlhs mile , heats , thtco In five : Flist lipat ( ilcanor won , Alice second , Sov- eieign Pat thiid. Time 1:16. : Mutuals paid fcl.10. ) Second heat ( ilcanor won , AllP.i ! sec ond. Soveieign Pat third. Time 1U1J. : Mutuals paid SO.S ) . 'I bird heat Clcanor won , Alice second , Sovviplun Pat thiid. Time 1:15. : Mutuals paid iO.UO. Kxtra r.icc , stcpplu clniio , fullcouise : Wel lington von. . Kory O'Mooic second , Chantl- cleci thhd. No time. Muluals paid S1.03. Tins lovvn Heooril Urokeii. McCooif , Xeb. , July o. [ Special relegram to the Uii.j : : McCook celebiateJ to day with a matinee at the driving pai k. The event 01 the day was a free-for-all , in which 1. J. S. was to go to bicak the Iowa thtoe-year-old iccoid. There wcic three staiters : I. J. S. , owneil by Hon. I. J. Starbuck , of this city ; Gold-Seal , and a pacer. Thu liist heat was won by I. J. S. In S:45. : The second heat was won by I. J. S. In 2:41 : , lowering the Iowa thicc-yeai-old it-cord , this belni ? the lastest time ever made by a 'Ince-year-old west of tlie Mississippi. The half-mile dash was iiindc In lifty seconds. A Lugo attend ance witnessed the laces. At Monmouth Park. MoNMotnn PAIHC , N. J. , July 5. Three quarters mile : Pontlac won , Little Mincli second , Thackeray third. Tune l:15 : > f. Independence stakes , for two-year-olds , tliice-quaiteis iiiilu : La Juivo won , Agnes second , Uessie J line tliird. Time 1:15j.f. : Fourth of July handicap , mile : Charity won , lianana second , Joe Cotton thlid. Time-IMS. Lorlllaul stakes for three-year-olds , one and a halt miles : Inspector Is won , Quito second. Wintied thiid. Time 'J:40. : Handicap , ono ami a quaiter miles : Favor won. Ultimatum second , 1'omico thiid. Time-2:4i. : beveu-clgliths mile : Miss Daley won , Witch second , Mustapp thiid. Time 1:31. : Haudlcan. steeplechase , full course : Abra ham won , "Major second , Put Dennis third Time 5:11. : Brighton iieuoh Kacc. . Biiiaiirox BIIA.CII . For , Julys. two-year- olils , tliree-quaitcis mile ; Al liecd won , Magyar second , BcIIona third. Time 1 : For maidens , three-year-olds , seven-eighths mile : Li//Io won , Vlrgilia second , Tlico- doia thud. Time liSlJf. All auos , mile : Cliantilly won , Montauk second , Haiolinc thiiil. Tlmo 1:45. : Mile : Ked Buck won , Weasel second , Jlanv Uoso third. Tiuio 1:45. : Milu : Bonnie S. won , Kensington second , Osceola thiitl. Tlmo l:43 : > tf. Independence stakes , all ages , ono and ono- quaiter mllfts : Hartford vvon , Salita Claus second , Olivette third. Time 2:14. : The Hnso Ball Jtcconl. AT CHIOV.OO Morning game. Chicago 1 * 10 Boston o oioaoooo Afternoon llamo Chicago 0 1 Boston 1 1 0 0 0 a 0 0J0 Pitchers McCoindck and Hadbourno. First base lilts Chicago 3 , Boston 10. Eirors Chicago 4 , Boston fl. Umpire Cmry. AT CINCINNATI Morning game. Cincinnati , Q 5 0 0 (7 ( 0 3 0 0-11 Athletics , , , , . . . .0 - T B.\b , hlta-Clnclnnatl 11 , Athletics 8. Er rors Cincinnati U , Athletics 5. Afternoon ( iamo-i Cincinnati o oioooooo l Athletics 0 00000005 5 Pitcheis Mullano and Coletuan. First base hits Cincinnati 4 , Athletics 11. Kirors Cincinnati 0 , AthleticsS. Umplic-Kelly. AT Lot'isvii.t.n Morning game. Loulsvlllo 0 5 Mctiopolltnns . . .0 4 Base hits Louisville 0 , Metropolitans V. F.IIOI.S Louisville' ' , Metropolitans" . Aftciuoon game Louisville 0 10010000-8 Metioiiolituiis. . . . ] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-i ) Pitcheis Itamsey and Cushman. First base hits Loiil3vlll 8 , Mctiopolltans S , Er- lors Loulsvlllo 3 , Metropolitans 1. Umplio Valentine. AT PiTTSHUiio Morning game , Pittsburg 0 8-15 Baltlmoio 0 1 Basu lilts Plttsbuig ID , Baltlmoio 0. lois Pittsburg 0 , Baltlmoie 1. Afternoon game Pittsbmg 0 3000043 3 13 Baltimoio 0 00001100 fl Pitchers Mori Is and Kllroy. First base hlts-Pittsbnrg IT , Baltlmoio 8 , Kirois Pittsburg 3 , Baltimoio 0 , Umplio Walsh. AT Sr. Louis Morning uamu. Phlladi-Iphla 'J 1000030 0-0 St. Louis 0-1 Base hits-Philadelphia 10 , St. Louis 7. Knors Philadelphia 5 , St , Louis 7. Afternoon game St. Louis 0 0100000 1 2 Philadelphia * 3 Pitchers Boyle and Casey , First base hits St. Louis 0 , Philadelphia 5. Knors St. Louis 7. Philadelphia 3. Umpire Ualfiiey , AT Dr.Tjioir Morning game. Detroit 4 8 Now York , .3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Base hits Detroit 10 , Now York 10. E-- rors Detroit 7 , New York a. Afternoon game Detroit 1 2003002 3 11 Now York 240021 00 1 10 Pitcheih Get/cln and Keefe. First base hits IMiolt 14 , Mew York 10. Krrors Du- trolt 7. New York H. Umpire York. AT br. Louis Mouilng association game. St. Louis 0 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 - , Biooklyn 0 00000003 3 Base hlts-St. Louis , Biooklyn 4. Afternoon game St. Louis 0 1 3000000-4 Biooklyn 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 a * C Pitchers Canuthers and Potter. First base hlts-St. Louis 5 , Brooklyn 14. Errors St. Louis 2 , Biooklyn 0. Umpire Bradley. AT KANSAS Ci rv Morning game. KansasClty 4 Washington 0 00801 100 4 Pitchers , Weldman and Shaw. First base lilts Kansas City 10. Washington 10 , Kr rors Washington 0 , Kansas City 5 , Ujupiro Connelly. Afternoon game Washington . , . , .0 00 0 l o 0 0 0 l KansasCity 0 * b Pitcherb-Uarr and Whitney. First base lilts Kansas 10 , Washington 0. Errors- Kansas City none , Washington 0. Umpire Connelly. _ . . . . Iowa. ' * Third Annual Regatta. CEDAII lUi'iDS , la. , July 5.-In the third annual regatta this afternoon the first four oared shell race , mlle and a half , , was Won b Ottumwa over Davenport. Time 10 ; I'he junior slnclo was won by Hull.of Cedar 5apld , over Martin , of Davenport. Time rw. The spcoud four oar was won by DCS Molneson a toul. Tno pair oared raciMvas vvon by Davenport over Mollne. Time lOAi. rho liual four oatctPljctwecn the two win- ilnuciews was won by Ottumwa over DCS Molnus , The latter VYM disabled by a broKcn outrigger. The Twin City Itncc . ST. I'Afi. , July -Tho event of the closing day of the Twin City driving club was a match race for a purse of Sd.OOO between he champion pnooig , Johnson nnd Mike Wllkes. A , crowd of 5,000 to 0OUO , people were present. The vvoithcr was Intensely tot , Johnson won easily lu tlirco stialuht leats , mnking Ids best time , 2:15 : > , ' , In the list. Dan D won tne2''r pace , and Dutch ( llil the -J:27 : trot. The Lacrosse Chaiuplonshtp. ST. P.vt'i. , .July 5. A great citnvd was pipsenlnt While Buar lake this afternoon to witness thu lacrosse iniino for the champion * ship ot the United States between the Now York and Su Paul clubs. The result was New Yoik3 , St , Paul 1. TAMMAXV.nmiI.iA.TnS. The Hotiirn to Power oFtho Democrats Kiirninhoq n Thcnic. Niw : YOIIK , July 5. The Tammany society celebrated IniU-ticniti-nce dayc to-day as a body , Tammany hall was packed with people who sat thioii''li the programme laitiug lour liouis. Among the prominent pi-isonages pii-scnt weic Senator S'ancc , Samuel J. Kan- dall. dciieialK. L. Viele and Congiessmnn Dowdney- The general sentiment was one of eoiigiatulations v\cr the letiun of thu dcmociatlu parly to power In the national ovei ttio restoration , more or less complete , of the ancient democratic principles , paitlcularly appropilulo to an tVmeilean Independence celebiatlon. Kach P".iker ct welt upon ono phase or another ot tliehomu rule contest abroad. Confiicssnian Kamlallof Pennsylvania was accorded an ovation , llo spoke but eight minutes , congiatulatlng his heaters upon the administration's retoims alicadv accom- plls-iied under tlicxlcinocratic administration. "Without any change In legislation , " ho t-ald , "thiiievenucsot the uovi-rmupnt have been Incie.i-cd SMLXX,000 : ) ) by economical man agement , StjCOO.OOO have been culolf from expt-iidltuips , and the gpveinment is now yjs.OOO.OOO better off forucmocratlc adminis tration. " A letter of resict fiom President Cleveland was road , lull ho said : "I should bo very glad to Join these who , on that occasion , will renew their pledges ot devotion to the princi ples for which the fathers of this iciniblle foughU Thp e principles had no relation to advantage or ambitious schemes , but weio adopted and cherished because their enforcement promised prosperity and gieat- ness to a free and victorious people. " Letters of icmattwaro also read Irom Hon. S. .1. Tlldon. ticnorait B. F. Butler , the gov- ernoiB ot Now Yorfe , Indiana , Virginia , Pennsylvania , Flo-hip , Mississippi , New Jeisey , California , Secretary of warEndl- cott and a lal'ge nmnber of United States senators , repicseptatlyes and other promi nent men , _ A AVESX HXD TllIP. Through n Glorlqua Onrtlcii to a Grand Country. Ei.MW'OOi ) , Neb. , Jjuly 5. [ Correspond ence of the BnuJ Hero wo are at the metropolis of the wjcst end. A ride of tliirtv-fivc inile across the country from I'lattsmoutli to Weepinc ; Water , nnd thence , after tv stop , to Klmwoodfgivcs ono n chancoito soil , the most' part of Cass county , and 'also to behold 800 square miles of yardeu such a garden as Adam himself never realised. Corn , small grain and fruit are nil looking remarkably well , and , checkered oil' inio quai-os and clotted with pooping white farm Iiousos , present u picture of surpassing beauty , and oiic never to be forgotten. Elmwood , Ilio metropolis of the west onu , is just beginning her "boom. " Seven now business houses and as many dwelling houses , have preceded the nu- vertt of the iron horse , while : i goodlv number more business houses , besides cl'evutor.s , railroad buildings , nnd dwell ings without numLor , simply await stca n transportation. The track on the new Lincoln branch of the Missouri Pacific Is laid to within four miles , and to-day wo can hear the steady lutfnmor of the steam pile driver , doing work on the last bridge east of town , while the grading con tractor Is working west of town , nnd by the end of the week will move his camp to fields anew. We hope for rain before the week is out. but cun stand even another week of dry vventhcri The Jinn Is our dally , and the circula tion of tno weekly BLU is second to none ut this olllcc. CAOS COU.NTV. Dese'rtcif ills Family. Kd Lewis , u , printer who has worked in Omaha job olliccs for several years , loft town the other nigl.t accompanied by a notorious prostitute known as "Kansas City Liz. " This would huvo been con- hidored a good riddance of very bad rub bish , hail not Lewis shown himself to be : i contemptible brute by deserting his family , an estimable wife who is hi dan gerous health through his abuses , and several small children. The family live on Harnoy street ; As Lovvis is awav ho had better stay. It wouldn't be healthy for him to return , as the fraternity vvhioii In ; has disgraced will make id decidedly Interesting lor him if ho ever shows up in Omaha ifguin. A Shootlupr Affray. A gang of tramps vvcro lying in the park in South Omaha yesterday afternoon when one of them discharged a revolver , the bullet from which took cllcct in the leg of James Mftrtin , a resident of South Omaha. The wound is not u serious onu and .Martin says ho does not cant to prosecute thu munvs he thinks the shoot ing was accidental. Tlio tramps wcro ar rested. A frco for all slioot occurred on the grounds cast of Atblotic park yesterday , in which several thousand birds were disposed of , It'was.u free for all , vvith entries by the do eh , making it Impossi- bio to kegp a of the contest , * T. 1 A. Is a Spanish hand , made full Havana cigur , made in shop by the best Spanish workmen. No JJayoring , strictly pure imported tobacco , Cull on ono of the following agents and. get a T. P. A. cigar : Kulm & Co. . oor. 15th and Douglas st. Cheney & Olestm , No , 1807 Fiirnnm st. Hub Cigar Store21 OS. 18th st. lialduft &Co.cor , Capitol two. audlOth Mauhrttton. Kasy payments , Dr , Hamilton Warren , Ecleutlo Physl- clan and Surgeon , Hoom 0 , Crounso block corner 10th nnd Capitol nvcnuo Duyaud night calls promptly attouted to Don't pay bijf prices or lumber but buy cnoap at Bradford's. Buy McAlestor&Illcl ) Hill coals. bestrestO cement , etc , , of liuvens&Co , IStisWeJiuJUb Whitobreast nut coal , fU.75 per ton the cheapest and best fuel. NEB. FUEL pp , 214 South 13th St. OIT : HOWK & IUimM : PniOKa ON FUUNI- TUKU , 1510 DouaiJia THE EAGLE SCREAMS AGAIN , Mro Oolobrationa of the Glorious in the Commonwealth of Nebraska , FATAL BATTLEAT BATTLE CREEK An Intoxicated Imllvltlunl Crushes n Drunken Man's Skull Otoe Coun ty's Treasurer Still Uulwltctl Other Stnto Now- ? . The Work of Whisky. Nonroi.u , N'eb. , July 5. ( Special Tele gram to the lir.u ] During the celebration at Uattlc Creek , this county , Satmday , V. Parks brandMicd aievolver several times In thu face of Kmmct llalscy , both being under the Inlluence of liquor. Halsoy jirocuicd a double bauellcd sholcun with two loads In It , and when Pitiks met him and dievv a ic- volvcr Halsey rcfialnud from shooting , for fear of hitting others.lmt clubbed his RHP nnd struck PaiKs a fearful blow on the head , cuislilng his skull. Talks was alive this moinlng , but cannot survive , llu Is a man of tamllj anil lives near Deer Cicek , The Pieice cclebrators bonowed a cannon ar Norfolk , and while they weio ( King It Sat- unlay a pieim > tuio dlsclmixo nearly took la\o WIlcos's hand off. The nicicuiy Is 100 = In the shade heio to-day. Ilupltl City C'-lcltratlons. KAVID Cirv , Dak. , July 5 , [ Special Tele gram to the HII : : . ] This Is a glorious day lor thosoiithcin inetiopolls of the Black Hills countiy. The people are celebrating tlio anniveisary of llbeityand the completion of the Kiemont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad to this city. The birth of ficcdom is appropriately linked with dcllvciancu from the stage coach and the bull train , and the dawn of modern communication with the outside world. Karly Saturday morning thu track had ciossed tlio city limits and by noon the liist locomotive stood piifllng and whistling w Ithln the ( late city. 'I ho track reached the depot grounds early In the afternoon and about 3 o'clock the first switch was put in. Laige numbers of KapHI City people thiongcd to witness the work despite the lays of the sun which blaztd away at 100 degrees In the shade. Engine 41 , in charge of En gineer II. P. Leper , and Fiicman Dan Bowcn , brought in the first train , and engine 45 , Engineer licorge LinhaUanclHiie- man Geary , hauled the second train. Con ductor Elliott was in chugp of the urst train and Conductor Hansom ran the second , lo thcso gentlemen belongs the honor of being the Ilrst lallioad men to enter the city with trains. In consideration ot theevent , Engin eer Leper and Fiieman Mow en had their en gine , No. 41 , gaily decorated with Hans. The formal celebration ot the completion of the railroad began thlsmoininir and will con tinue throughout the day and night. The city Is gaily tlccoiatcd with Hags , bunting and evergreens : triumphant aiches span the principal streets , and thousands of people from ( lie surrounding countiy and fiom Ne braska towns lined the route ot thepiocos- Mon. The marshal of the day was J. U. liu-nnan. The tntnout was a grand one , a cicditto the city and the occasion. Theio weio four divisions , consisting ot lire com- pantesfiom all towns in the hills , city otll- cials , boards of tiade , invited guests In car- alamos , the nilhoad ollk-lals , membeis of the Grand Army , secret societies , vat Ions coun ties olllcialfT four base ball associations in nnuorm , Similar schools ot the city , tlic con struction foice , followed by displays of the business men of the city. The ccfcbiation will close with a bamiuct to tinraiboad olll- clals this evening and a grand display of Hre- worlcs. _ Fittingly Remembered nt Marqucttc. MAinjor.TTi : , Neb. , July 5. ( Special to the Br.i : . ] Marqnetto thiew oucn her doors to a freedom loving people and celebrated In grand style Saturday. There weio peihaps more people present than ever were seen In Marquette befoio at any ono time. Owing tea a heavy vvlna picvaillng duilng the aftcr- uoon , the people weio almost cheated out ol one or the things of thu day , namely , thq oration by Mr. Cleorgo M. McConiiughy. of Stlomsbuig , but were finally marshalled logether In tlio Presoytci Ian church , where the orator spread the eagle In as line shape as It ever linslwn our lot to listen to. All who listened to the address will attest that it coujd not have been donomuch better by the bigftest guns of our state , and If it Is ever tlio orators lot to bo called upon to address our people again , It will be to an eager crowd ot Ilstoocis. Ono of the features of the address , which took well with the audience , was the foielble manmtr in widen tno orator de- houHced tie | inllioad companies and corpo rate JnonopOUi's as sycklijg the Very lltq out Ot tlffe pcojup. The nC\er-to-bp-tor"gotlcn day closed In Maiquetto by a biillhint dis play ot liicworks. Spent the Uny iu KrAiiNKV , Xeb. , July 5. [ Special Tele gram to the IJBU. ] To-day was set apart for a general celebration for our city. The two smaller icservolrs in the canal being ready { or boating , huudii'ds of pcoplo went out there to-day and had a gi and good time. J nan Boyle has leased the entlto water pilvlle.'c for boating on the canal , and promises to pioko a good thing out ot It. Ho will put all the ruservolis , or hikes as they should lo called , In good shape , piovldoall kinds of boats and make thu place gioat plcasuiu ic- bOlt. _ On the Kcburvatlon. PKNijit : , Neb. , July 5. ( Special to the Ilnn.J The celebration hero was a grand success. About tluce thousand people wcio present , mostly all sti angers. The feature ol the day was the presence of a large band of Wlnncba o Indians , numbering about ono bundled. Evciythlng passed oil smoothly and the crowd dispersed at a late hour well pleased with the day's exercises. Sorcaiueil Lout ; ami Loud. Ei.snvooi ) , Neb. , July 5 , [ Special to the Bii.J : : Thn American eagle screamed long and loud on Satuiday , and the gyrations of the noble bhd woie witnessed by about two thousand people. lion. Mr. Alexander , of Sjracuse , pioclalmod the jK-dlgreo nnd un sullied icciml of the never second-best bird , and gavu a piactlcal talk that was so lar fiom the usual Foiutb ot July vocal exhibi tion as to bo unite pleasing and profitable. Enthusiasm Rampant at AVymoro. WVMOIIK , Neb , , Juno. 5. [ Special Tele gram to the HBU , ] Fifteen tnousand pcoplo greeted Senator Van Wyck heio to-day. The gathering was the largest and most enthu siastic over witnessed In Gaze county. The general's speech was loudly applauded thioiighont. The display of liiuwoiks were remarkably lino. "Judge" Cojley made a few remains. KniffhtH Celebrate. Dis : MoiNE8IaJuly S. [ Special Telegram to thoMKK.J The day was observed hero by a general suspension of business alter 1 o'clock and picnics , games and other recrea tions. About ten thousand pcoplo celebrated at Prospect park , vviicro the exercises were under the charge ot the Knights of Labor , Au assembly from Moono joined with the local assemblies in the parade and procc&slun to the park. Kicked at a Picnic. CHETB , Neb. , July D. [ Special Telegram tothollKB.1 At the German Miennerehoii society's picnic yesterdav a deputy sheriff was kicked In the head while trying to quell a disturbance. The injuries are bcrloua. No arrests , Wasuburn's best Minnesota flour $3.00 per cwt at llchurod's , Tlin The Olmutnuiiuans Klltlncly HPIUCIII- tier the Nation's Itlrttulay. Citr.ri : . Ni-b. , July 5. [ Special to the Hir..J : 1 Ids dav of the assembly has been one of upboundcd SUC-PS and enthusiasm , tot of tin1 lame , quiet sort , but brimful ot icarty coml w 111 and genuine pati lotlsm. In the way of weather wo had bilcht snnshino and delightfully cool luce/os. The crowd msbccn tlii largest which ever gattiPied on thcso giounds. Thn pccial tialns and all others vvcro over run with IIPW arrivals. UllTcient companies of the National Guards an > here lu bodies and nnlfoims , also the Ncllgh and rrlendvlllebrassbaiul , and thcsp , vMtb their gonieousunlfoimj and nnsurpass- ing music , added much to the brilliancy of the seem1. Very cailj In the morning the cannon salutes were tired , and the usiml ac companiment of fire ciaekfrs and toipcdocs was on hand In every dlipctlon nnd the flag ol the nation waiving. The chalk ttdk by Frank Hcaid at 11 o'clock wasslmplv lire-dstlblo In Its humor nnd fun accompanied by e\paesslons and lapldly sketched pictures on the blackboard. The afleinoon cxciclses were opened by a shoit under tlu < mauaiccmcnt of ProfcsMir ilicivlii. . Ainoiii ; Ihc othi-i attractions of thu hour was a iccltation hj MKs I'uiker , of Lin coln , " ( 'liai pol the Light liiluude. " IMitor James W. Dawcs came In to-dav-and as lie took hlsseat upon the platfoim wan enthusi astically giiTtcd. loItobcit ! N'oin c. of Washington , speaking of the idionce of den- cral John A. Loiran , who v\as c.xpi'ctcd to speak on this occasion , said that w Ithln a week or two it was fully expected that he would be huie and that the gencial himself legicttod as deeply ns anyone the necessity which compelled his absence. Picsldcut F. J. Foss then introduced to the audioncu as cluilinian of the meeting General John M. Tlmyer. ol Giand Island , who made a short , caincst address. Ho was followed by Colonel P. W. Wllcox , of Mendota , 111. , who lalrly took the audience b > storm with his eainestnoss. liumoi and cloipicnce. lie expressed himself as peifcctly intatuated with Nebraska and the Crete Chatnuqtin. Throe heaity chccis gicutedtho speaker at the close ot the ad- dicss. There has boon no moio Intt-icstlng exerclso since the assembly began than the Icctine by Uov. Robert Nourse at 8 o'clock. Mr. NOUMO gave the same It-cttiiu two jcars ago at tnc Oicto assembly , but has been so otten ui ed to icpoat It that ho chose It for Ids subject this evening. The enjoy able o.M-iclscs of the day weio littiiitfly closed by a grand display of llioworks. 8linpnon SUM Uiilmllctl. NiniiA8KA : CITY , Neb. , July .1. [ Special to the Hnn.l Another week has begun , and notwithstanding tliumaiij asscitlonsof DuUc Simpson's fileuds that hu would be out of jail bcfoiH last week elapsed , ho still remains thcie. The bond for ball has been made out for the past three weeks , and lias been car- tied , liist by this ono and then by another , each and all trylngtopiociirosomc particular ono , but as yet without avail. The bond when last seen by the Bin : man had five slg- natuics , to which was to bo added the name of Hon. H. F. Cady , provided twoothernames of men of good financial st Hiding bo placed before his slgnatmo could bo had , and on the stiength of Cady's willingness , under the above pioviso , has the friends of Simpson been working. Among the latter none has shown moioeal , or put in moie long an 1 wcaiy hours then the gentle and loving wife of tlic accused. Day alter day , distance being no barrier , has she tried lo overcome the obstacle that makes her hus band a prisoner. Everyone i&spccts her , and cvciyone admiics /.ealoiisnuss she is put ting foith In hcrbusband's bull. ) And yet , williil , when they ure asked to place tiii-h name to the bond that will nmkohci husband doe , even 11 it be but lei a while , they leluse , and in the myit kindly mannei they can fiamo their wet Us , This cannot suipiise many , when It is a tact ihat his nearest kin rcluso to become bondsmen , it npneais to be IliH Idea of many that should Simpson get out on bail this would be the last ween of him , lor they say It his casu comes lo tilal he is bound to be convicted. While SliciilTMcCallum is Hying to be as accommodating In tills matter ns possible , he in , II the BII : : man conjestnrcs light , becoming tiled and weaiicd.ovcr this case , in sending olllcers with the accused to vailous pai ties whom he deslies to go In his behalf. Ills lawyers , Hon. J. F. Kansoni and E. F. Wairon , sue doing all they can foi him In regard to procuring this ball but without any avail , and it has become a veiynenily settled fact that Simpson will have to abide In jail until his tiial takes place. ColiiiuhuN Notes. Neb. , July n. [ Special to the Bii.J : Jacob Gicgoriuus , a piomincnt mem ber of the I. O. O. F. at Columbus , who died yesterday , was bulled to-day with honois , by "Hit oreanj/allofi. Ed. Gia'iil was anestcd Sunday forslabblnc .lolirj Qiilnn will } intent to kill. He Is thy fame nlan wno was bound over to appear at the next ti-imot thn district couit tor thu burning of Tom O'Connor'sbain , .some time ago. ADDITIONAL COTJHOIL BLUFPS NEWS. The muffs The city council held a regular nicetiny lust night. All present. In the mutter of O. Lowes , lilb claim of ? GOO wns allowed. Alderman Slmg.irt moved that the Ccmuterv association bo allowed to use one of tlio fountains lying idle , the trus tees and waterworks company to iirrantco for setting thu fountain ami providing water supply without any expense to the city.A . A resolution was adopted ordering tlio Driving Park association to inovo its fence back from Cherry street , leaving the street full width. W. 11. Campbell's petit Jon for $100 dam ages was referred to city attorney unit engineer. Committco rcptutcd on petition of W. II. Moiituith for $505 damages , favoring u liku reference. Petition ofV. . U Heed nnd otlmrs for fiidovvalk on Third nvuniio reported on favorably , ami the walk ordered built. Petition of A. AI. Weir for hiilewalk on Avenue E granted. Petition of S. T. Walker for damages on account of change of grade referred to city nttornoy ami engineer. Petition of D.V. . Pulton for sidewalk and protection from water. Committee reported favorable to walk , but that there was no necessity for grading at present. Concurred in. Petition of L. C. Braokctt for repeal oj sprinkling ordinance , reported back without rccoincndation , ns old ordinance is not being enforced. Laid on table. Petition of U P. McMunomy and K. U. Cole to have Willow nvcniio exempted from paving this season , Kuportcu on adversely. The question of culling a spoulal elec tion for the choice of u mayor was culled up and referred to the city attorney to prepare tlio necessary papers , Tlio contract , drawn up , by which thu city was to tukit the Richmond fire alarm , was presented but laid over to give the committee un opportunity to secure fur thcr information nnd prices , The city clerk was instructed to notify the chairmen of the democratic ; and re- Kubllcan parties Unit the city council ad taken steps toward oiling n special election , and asking them to name three peisons from each party in each ward to Bcryo ns registers under the new law , The council ] then adjourned tint ! Wednesday evening. A Now One. SecJ L. Rice&Co'.s revised list of Rwl Estate bargains. THEIR BILLS ARE DOOMED , The Pacific Railroads Measures Thought to bo in Their Graves. WHO WILL SUCCEED MANNING , MeDonnltl of Indiana Hnld to ho tliq nilnu .Man Two N'obi-UNkiuiH1 Cliilins Itoportoil l-'nvurnbly Mnttcrx. The Pnulllo Uallroails llllls. \ \ ASIIIMI III.N , July 1. Telt-Ri-ain 0 the HKIKeprescntatUo | Weaver , of Nc4 u-aska , o\piesed vciy ginvo doubt * to ( lie HKI : coiics | > oiident to-tlay of the iblllty of thu fiicuds of thu mcas- mo to cot up In the house either of tha illls anthoi I/lug the i'lilon Pflclllo tq .mild branch Hues and funding the debts ot ho Pacllic toads to the go\cinmcnt. Botli Weaver and lei e > Imvewoikcd faithfully for their constituents , In these mea.surcs. It s piobablc that eongiess v\lll adjourn In two weeks , and a * there are oilier measures do- uandlng the attention of the IIOIISH above and over thc'c , nothing can bo done with them. I'ho Ncbiaskadelegation will icliiin homo \cij soon afti-i adjournment. HI Mouit : > ciiAMir.s. It Is stuicd upon seemingly good unthoiity hat px-Sonatoi Jos. K. McDonald , of Indli ma , will succeed Daniel Manning as secro ai > of the tieasury and that It has been so uiangcd bv the luesldcnt. Dakotalanssaytlipicisa chempafootbytho lemoerats of ( hell teiiiloij lo nominate Gov- . -inor Gllbcit Pierce lor drlcgato to congics * . I'licj think ho would get the icpubllcan vote In tin-north part of the tuultory nnd defeat Gifloid , who will llkcl > be lenomluatcd. i' vvoiiAttt.i : nin-onis ONi 111:111 : CLAIMS. Alavoiablo icpoit has been made by the muse committee on Indliin atlaiis on Itcpio- tentative Laird's bill to pay JHIIICS Bayntcr , ot Clay county , Neb. , S. > , b7J out of any funds : > clongini ! to the Sioux Indians of the tllf- rcit-nt Irlbcs , including tlio Santee Sioux of Nebraska , lu lull settlement of his claim igaliist the govcinmcnt for depicdatloutj committed and piopcity taken anil destiovcol liy these Indians in August , 1MH. Also the , bill to jiay George S. Cumstook. ot JS'uckolls county , Neb. , Sl'J.-UM tor a similar cause. 111 : woMiiis ) : THAT in : I.IVKS. ThiMt ) is an element of both democrats and republicans heio that continually Insist that It Is not Illness but discontent and disgust ) that keep Sccrctaiy Manning away tiom tha trcasinv department , and that bo nad worda some time ago with the president , vvhiofr made him vow ho would not act longer ai icciotary ol the treasury. While such a rldicr iilous iciHiit Is not woith mentioninir. Ill Itself , your coiicspondent heaid somu obsor-r vations In connection with It to-day whlcll sue worth icpi-atlng. "Secietary Manning , " said ono of Ids IntP' mate flit-mis , "came about as near dvlng as > A man well could and recover , after ho fell In the dcpuitmcnt on that afternoon bo vvasf cauledaway. His trouble was of a verj seilous character , boulcrlngas It did on nppo-i plennd 1 woud nut be suiprlscii at any * moment now to hear of his death. Kinv men' have liad so niucli brain woik as he has had * lining the past six jcais , and 1 wonder that ho lives. " TUB AI'PIIOI'IIIATIOJT IIKT.AV. Those who have to di > with the i mining of * congiess say that the drubbings the picsulenC and Senator Beck have given the nouso for/ lioldinir back appropriation bills will un doubtedly have a good effect. The delay in ; Ihc passant-ot appiopiiation hlllsin the house , ' is premeditated and has a double pin nose , ' First , the e bills aio held back to control lexis * lation. as an appiopiiation has the rUhtol waval any tlmo and can taku any other , mcasuip off the floor. Second , the withholdIng - ' Ing of them till the last moment otten lOMilta lu securing concessions liom tlio senator which could not be secured by any othcc means. Heretofoio the senate has Ix'cn willing to push the bills through hurriedly and make many allowance lather than delayand make It nee- cssniv to extend eurient appioprlations , as was done by a joint resolution last week. No excuse can bu made lor the delay of the nppronrlatlons In this congress. Without any Inconvenience or trouble every bill conl * have been ready for the president's slgnntuitf a month or six weeks ago. But thu house conimittcu on appiopiiatlons has laborutf , zealously to uelay matters , mine for the pur- nocu of Impicsslng the countiy with tlio al leged unwisdom of dividing the appropria tion bills by the adoption ol now rules tiiaii anything pise. All sensible and honest mere piaise the action of Senator Beck nnd tlio piesldent In "leading the riot act" to their paity lor Its vicious delays. ST. LOUIS UASCA.LITY. The City Council Knijiliuc 'tho .Inclines of'Now Vork. Sr. Lot is , July 5. The charges of corrup tion andbiihi-iy , hand and unl.v.vful legisla tion against the municipal house of delegates : aiu becoming numerous. The chaigu that twelve members ol tint house wcio Inelligiblo to ofllce when elected has been partially' substantiated and knowledge of this tact by prisons interested In lallioad legislation has been used by them to Influence membeis. To day cliaiges ol open bilbory aio made. The liepubllcan thin moinlng states that a person who speaks whereof ho knows will testify before the giand juiy that thu passage of the Forest Pai k and Cariindoh't street railroad bill waspflretcd by the IMS of money. Ho will testify , the paper v\ys \ , as follows : know that money was usvd to pro- euro the passage of the bill , so far nt least as the statements of men who paid the money can go to provo the asset lion. 1 have heaid that ono of the nicmhms ol the house was talking about hav ing nahl money to thn lallioad committee for rcpoiting the bill. I'M. Butler , member of the house , came Into my olllce onu day ana after some caiisual convoisitlon , icijmisUid , ur lathi-i intimated , to inn that It would be a. lilcndly net to get this dcli''at < i to ( | iilt tiuk- Inir and , as ho put It , to Keep Ids mouth shut. 1 asked the gentleman why , and utter very tew pinlimlnailcs , ho told mu that ho had paid $ , > , ( )00 ) to the lailioad conunlttqo ol the hoiibu ot delegates to rcnorf the Forest Patk and Carondolct railroad bill and ho did not caio who knew It , lor the pt-isons who had taken that money had gonu back on him on all occasions recently. Ho described to mo In , detail tno tiaiisactlan. 1 did not ask him from what source this money camu b''causu I had no doubt ot It In my imn mind. It Is also sliited that &looo in cash and 85,000 wet Hi of stock was given to members to Inlluunce him to vole against the clcctilu lallway bill and that the piivllegc of naming the Matloiifl along thu route ol that road was piomlbcd tq another lei the saino pmpo-c. " ItltlllOVUl. Valcnlino'H Shoitlnuid iiiHtUuto has re moved from the northwest corner of liltli nnd Douglas to Exposition building , Cupitol uvoniiu near 1-Uli , ISrlck All mr-mbors of thu itriok Moulders Union are requested to meet at their Hall y\ \ and dimming st. Tuesday Kveu- ing July mil. I ) . W. C. Huntingtoii , a senior In Villa colli-gu. will open a hummer school in thu Central tJuhool building in this city July 4th. MoAleMcr coal , fO a ton 115 & Webster Kich Hill coal. iSl.a5jt tun f tcl'phono b2J ( lluril Coal. Wo ofl'nr for the present , eon C-ASII aiul iM.MKUU'ii : Diiiviitv ; : tin ) best rjualHy , Anthracite Coal , Kgg and ( irate ? ( ) 7q pur ton , Jstit and Kango t ? per ton. ' a Kuul Co. , tfl I South lath bt.