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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1886)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JULY 5. 1886. SPECIAL NOTICES/ Adrertl emont under till * liond , 10 conls jicr line for the flrjt Insertion , 7 cents for each sub- BCqtinnt In'crt'on. nnd J1.W ) n line per month. No ( ulicrtlscmont taken for less tlma 25 conU for tlio Jlrst Insertion. Pcvon words will bo counted to tlio llnoi they must run consecu tively nml must bo pnlil In ndvnnoo. All ndver tlsctnents mim bo handed in before - o'clock P. m. , niul illicit r no clrcmn'tnnces will they betoken token or discontinued by telephone. Pnrtlts ncHcrll'Inir In those columns nnd hav ing the answers addressed In cnro of TIIK Ilr.B , Tvlll plcn o nsk ( or aclicck toenable thorn to pet tliclr letter ? , M none will bo delivered except on picsentntlon or olieck. All answers to ad- vortl'omonls sliouM boonelo cd In onvnlopro. TO I.OAW-MOHEY. OO.MAIIA 1-INANCIAI , KXCIIANOKISpre- parcd to tnnkc loans In nny amount , on nny kind of approved security. I.nrirg collateral lonns n epei'lBlly. Also on chattels nnd real < stnto In amounts nnd tlmctn suit. l < owr rates , bolter terms , nnd prompter sen lee than nny loan nifpwy In tlioelty. I or further particulars eall nt olllcn on the second iloor of the Hnrker lllock , southwest corner of rnrnam nnd IMIi streets. _ _ _ 8jn _ 6I'KH OKNT money loloan. .1. J. Mnhonoy , \ n I'nrnnm. 102Jy20 ONKYTO LOAN Onrenlcstato. Olbson. M Lnwnn & Co. , Hootn 3 , Wltlmoll lllock J4J M ONKVTO LOAN At lower rntos than any- whoioelso In tlio clty.onfurnlturo , pianos , 01 ( tans , horses wntfons , or stock of nny kind. Hnmombor , nl lower rates than any other loan company m the city. City loan x Mnrtirniro Co. . room ir > , 1401 Farnam st , opposltj. Piutton hotel. _ _ _ _ W7 MONKY to loan on rcsldonco nnd buslnoss property. I/iwcst rates. C. J. raswell , t Co. , Iloom i'J , Iron Hank Ilulldlnir , 12th and Par- nuin. U2U MONKY to loan by the uniler.slcnod , who hns the only properly orKiittlzod loan nuonoy In Ornnhn Ixinns of $10 to $1,000 mndo on fur niture , pianos. orKiuif , horses , wajrons , machin ery , &o , , without removal. No delays. All business strictly conthlentlal. Lonns FO mndo Hint nny piirtcnn IKJ paid ntnny tlmo. cnch pay ment roducliiK the cost pro rain. Advnncos made on line watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who thny nro doallntr with , us miinv now concerns nro dnlly eomhiK Into existence. Should you need money , call nnd RCO mo. W. H. Croft , Iloom 4 , Wllhnell HtilldtnR , IMh nnd Hnrnny. - > 8 $ lflOeooto loan on city rosldonco property Gco. W.Day , 14031'nrimin. W PHlT CKNT Money lo lonn , Stownrt & Co. , C Ioom3 ( , Iron bunk , 12th andI'lirnam. ( gl , to loan. SutnM .7)0 ) nnd upwards. $3O,000 . llomls , 15th and Doujjlas sts. TVr < lNnY TO LOAN O. I" . Davis * Co. Heal 1V1 EBtato nna loan nBonls , 1505 Farnnnii St ONn TO IXIANOn good FCPiirltlOi A MuGavock , room 7 llcdiolt Block , 1503 I'nrnnm Bt. 2ilJ MONUY'TO I.OAN-OII real estate anil chat tola. D. L. Thomas. 2(1) ( MONKV TO LOAN In sums of J200 and up wards on first-class real cslato security. Potter & Cobb , 1E1C Farnnm 8u 201 ONKV I. 7/VNKU nTcTF. Heed * Co'a l/oin odlco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wnirons personal property of nil kinds nnd nil other ar ticles of vnluowithout removal. Ilia S. IHth , over Illmrhiun's Pommlsslon storo. AH bus- ness strlctlr conlldontal. 2 > 5 BUSINESS CHANCES. H I < otal''tirinsljntiils ' money loanol. llomls , l.'itli nnd Douglas stioets. 471 F OR SAM'-A on story building , 3Uxl20 , good corner , line location , well adapted for storage , furniture , livery or carriage leposl- tory ; lavorablu IOILSO ; raio oppoituiilty for any one looking for such lioslnc-s. Addioss for par ticulars 11 13 , IlPO ollico. 473-3' rpo KXrilANtTn SIO acfesTmTinpTovoiriiiiid JL 1H tnllos southwest of Hastings , NebrasKa , for stock ot Hardware or general meicliandlbo. Address It. , euro Hector , Wllhelmy & Co. , Omnhn , Neb. _ 4i.V5 _ T71OR SAM : Hank In Ilvo Nolirn'-kn town. JL1 Paper retained If de-lred. Addiess M. T. llnrlow , Cashier United States National Hank , ( ) i iiiilin. _ 4 2-13 FOR HAI.K Or exchange lor good oily prop orty , meat market doing peed business , in good running order , In ono of the best localities til Oinnlin. Address 11. 32 , Ileo ollioo. 371KI FORhAM : 20 shares Mock of $100oach of the Wyoming Meat Company ol Cheyenne , \Vy. . Q'lils filofk Is UrHlTdiiiPH , will bear the closest Investigation nnd Is now paying a good dividend. I'or further particulars address , O. 11. T. , care Omaha Ileo. Omahn , Noli. 271. _ nu > R SAMi On account of iithorTmslness I * ? will Fell my lee cream pin Inrs and eonteo- tionory store nt 1120 Douglas streets , nt low HIT- iires. If you want u bargain apply at once. H. V. Norils. _ 273 hTJIOR AMO In a prospering little towu'lii J , lowaof about COO inhabitants , situated on the r. It , I & P. It. It. lpo.n good and complete butchering bunlncss will bo sold cheap , us the iirosnnt owner l.itemls , on account of Ills poor lionlth , to go to Callloinla For further in- foimatlpn , address 11 C. Ileo olllco. " * _ ! ? j- ! > ! . FOR KXC'IIANIIK-Stocks of goods of every hind , tor farms and land ; also lands to ox- chniigo for goods. If you want to trade , no mat lor what It is you have , write , with full do- ecriptlon , to C. E. Mayiio , Uoal Ibtato and Trust Co. , Omnhn NoK 2CI ) _ "ITinil SAM : Sovornl stticksof goods , dolngn J-1 healthy business , ow nei ship clear , satis faction guaranteed ; terms easy , sonio Omaha property tnkon In oxchnngo. Slnrshall & I.o- becK. 15il Farnam bt. 412 Z.OST. IOST Itotwcon the ArcadoandSt. Phllomcna J cathedral , a sliver watch. I'indor will bo re warded by leaving nt the Aro.ide. 511 5J3 LOST Ono small pouket l/oolc containing $15 n oiirreney.rallroail pnssaiid papers marked It. H. Tunko. Lllirnil reward If rnturnod tome mo at It. A M. lounl f r'gt olllco. 4TO-3 * IOST Hetween Ifith nnd Howard and the J Millnrd bolol by way of Kith mid Douglas streets , a sum 1 russet-colored S'ltohel , marked VW. ! 11. Wymiin. clmiatl , O. " A RUltublo 10- wnnl will bo paid for return of satehel and con * tents lo A. U.wyman , Omaha National bunk. 473 * T OSr A pair of gold eye glasses. Finder .l.j will bo liberally rownidod by lonving same nt Union Ticket olllco , 1401 Kiirnam. 47JKI STUAYKU" STOM'.N Small llrowli maio. whltorlng around right hand foot ; Texas linind on left hip ; reward to lln'icr. Win. Wort hy , Itoat Houso.Norlli _ Omuh.i. 471-3 * LOST HnseaH's piirli , a dark bay horse ; $5.f/0 rewind for rutura toojrnor of 20lh and llcllevue. 4S9-3 * TRAYHD From IMh nnd Plorco Bts. , dark Roriol horse , whltn fcct.whlto fuce.lamo In foroUijf. Howard for leturn. 378-3 * LOST Tool bag from bleyclo. with wronoli und oil , Please leave at Collins , Gordon & Kay's store , and receive rowunl. _ 4 : > J 1'EnaouAi , . PintsoNAI Wanlod. to know where Finnic KouUlo or Sarah KouKlo Ilvo. Call 212 H 10th fit. Any Information will bo thnnkfullvro- reived by her sister , 4'J3-i : * PKRSONAI. To persons WHO wish to build a homo In Orchard Hill , I will soil IoU upon payment of the nominal gum of ton dollar nnd balance at the end of Ilvo years. Interest nt 8 per cent , puynblo gomt-unnunlly. This 1 * the best olfer over made to any homo-seeker In this city. Call and see me. ' U R. Mayno , Ueul - tate and Trust Co. , S.W.cor. IMh anti $ IPO monthly earned. Heautltul pliologniphy | ) ulntniK tuiigbt tree In ono hour. Foiv weeks loiiKtir. Jllss Clirlstlo , 1514 Douglas. DOAHDIHQ. 73 OAHD-And lodgings , nttfiJ N. ISth t. 128 TDOARU nnd lodulus1 , si nwock. liJJ.lonusst TC1OR KKNT Iloom and board for tivtx J. ' Capitol nvo l < 3 SCHOOL AND rot'NTV llonli bouiri : _ nud toM. Guo. W. Day , HOJ I'nrnnm. 4 1 J-1 ! ! KlNl1. : ' .p < lmi ! ' ° I'iauo , Si monthly. A - Mospo , 1513 Poujfln * srJ P1SI\ vn iilts nnd co n pooU clonnod bv FTlTT Abel , 1' . O. DOS U78 , residence luiil Ciimlnir. _ T i July 1.1 * 1J1VV vlcnnotl by K. Hwmir , I' Ultoxtft. OlQjulyK , ' HTOltAOR-Vrestern Transfer & Storage Co . oornor lith nnd NlchoU St. , nro prepared to rccolvound otoioal ! kluLs of lioucphou goods -J $100 monthly oamcd , F * > O powt-nul itaj-s col.imn * , T A store on a good retail Mrnor. Iho Ooinltt JU-iil l tate cud Loan * * > WI Tmoit HKXT-Souqro 1'Jaao J3 . JIlo uo,1513Joujla ; . J.-7J $100 monthly earned , sco porsonftl column. WS-,1 * BAtr MIBCEttAKXODB Kno ( lIFuir-bloodcd Jerse pply to Milton Hogers , 132 1323 Farnnm st. 4S.3 STiH"n A T. K - T'our milch cows , one with acif ] 1 ly horslilotwo weeks oM : can bo ecn nny evening after six. W. Illftck , lUth nnil Williams. 679-3 * HOl"iES I/ts.rnrinsI.nmis money loaned. Hoinls , Ifith nnd DoilRlai streets. 471 "fifou SA lK Pntiy nnd bujir > rsr W , of fiiir -L grounds. In Plnlnviow. Mrs. llvn Hates. 343-3 * .SAM-Wo have n bunch of noohond A-1 two-year-old steers , good cattle for silo. Strange Ilios. , Sioux City , lown. 1000j)2J 1710R ATT-Onn : Khor'O uprlfflit boiler nil I -L ? engine with llttlngs comploto. A bargain. Nobrnsua Steam Laundry , 10J S. llth st. 729 T71OR SAM-1 : piano , furnlturo and kltcho JL' rnngo. 717S. lutli st. 877 J7MR SA M : Kinosccond-hand phaeton chunp at Simpson's. 714 FOR SA1.K It. It. conti nets on 2,400 acres line tillable land , chrnp for cash , or will ex change for Iri'Sh stock clothing and good bus ) . Moss iiropertj. 11. M. Woolman , I' P Town , I Mi Agt , Denver Junction. Colorado. 7"l-Jll AV f U offer tor sale 600 choice two-year-old stccm. Stiangu tire ? . , Sioux City , In , "IJiOIl SAI.K Chonp. Iron columns 'ind win- -L1 dow cupssullnblo for flout on brick build- Inc. I'or particulars apply nt this oflleo. 813 T71OU SA I.K 2'i year lo.iso on section good -L land , 7 mllas Bolithcast of Atkinson anil 4 miles southwest ot IZmmor , Holt county , Nob. Itentnl only $4 per j ear. Hatcher , OmM.tCo. , 12H1 Douglas street , Millnrd hotel block , Omalm , AI.KA seoond-hand ! i II. P. Shlimian X : eiiglnoand boilorby John 0. Kllncr , Vorlt , Noli. 1st FOKNAI.i : Squnro piano , $ .Y > , monthly pay- moms. Hospo , 1513 DoURhll. 271 TjUHl , 3AI.K Family lioiso A.Ilospo. _ _ FOR SAI.K Mutch teams mm horses of at kinds to suit customer. * nt Star S.ilo SMli lm , 20th nnd Cumlmr. M. Cannon , Prop. 270 1IE1.P. WANTKD A steady iriil house- work. Inquire ut room CreUhtun lllcok. I'.M-ft' ' AN'I'KD Aillnlng room ir > rliittlio I'lant- era' house , t'or 1'itli and Dodiro sts. 49S-G " \\rAXTi : - A lady cnshlur Hilda liookkeip- i cr in a Hi st-vhi"s iHiiil store ; state salary doslicd and nddre-s W. 0. T. , City. 411-3 -AXTKI ) ( Ilil for hotisowork In fainIIv ot AVAXTKI Imiulro IKl. ) North t'ltn ' 481-5- \\7 ANTKI ) Two kitchen and two dlnluir- T i room gills , Now Kugiand Host. , 141H Doug las st. 4,3-3' l\T ANTio-(3ood ( cook , 710 S. 14th St. . cool V > wa es , 470-tl * irANTI.II-OlrlnfilHN. Ninth Btioot. bet. i Cap. avo. and Davenpoit. SUM \l'ANTii , > CooilKli'l to tin irnnnrtil houso- ' t housework In small family ; ? t per week. Iiiqiilrorooms3niul I Granite block. 4U1-7 NTKD A plrl for general housewoih. 1)07South ) 20th street. 4 < l-3 \\TANTii ; > Liuly agenls nctunlly clear $23 * ' daily with my wonderful en'lroly now jiatent rubber undergarment for females. Tri umphant Mieco'S. A Senator's widow mndo ? fi.i In 4 days. A minister's wlfo sold III tlrst hour. Madam I. f.lltlo. llo.x 113. Chicago , III. 424.7 * WANTKD A fjlrl forponoral housework In family of two ; nochlldion. N.W.eoincr Colfax and Michigan sts. , 1-2 block wst of Park nvo. A. H. nteh. 428 WANTKl ) 13 good gills for pilvato families w ages $3.50 , $4 and S5. Oiimtm Employ ment llureau , 1120 1'ainitin t. No charges. 5UJ \\7"A > Tii : ) A good cook mid tjcneinl house girl HOtKnrnam. 41D-2 W AVrii : > A wet nuro. For pnitlculurs c.ill nt Dr.'s olllco , ( irnnlto blk. USKJO * AV 7ANTio : Gnls to umUo shirts at Canlield M'l'g Co. , cor llth nnil Douglas ; up stairs. - WANTio : .leans pants makers at Canilold Mnnulacturing Co. , cor. llth and Douglas , lip stairs. _ 337-3 W l Qbl from 13 to 15 years old to delight light housework. 525 Pleasant st. 453-5 * A\T > A woman to oookwni | nnd Iron ' Call at 1711 Harnoy.Vh to prolorrcd. 451-3 * WANTKO At OM Catl crlno street , nurse girl It to 10 years oltf to assist In tlio euro of small children. Good wiigcs. 45'J-3 WANTKD Sewing gl' Is to work en overalls , shirts and jeans , mMH. Cantiold Manu- lacturing Co. , llth anil Douglas , up stalrs.3JG-3 w ANTKO Immediately , n good cook , 418 South 10th street. 025 ANTKU-Glrl ; b07S 21th sf 185-23 'ANTK1 > A eompotont jjlrl for poncm ! housework. Apply ut 140 Convent bt. 0'iS W AXTII : > lminoilltttolya flrst-cliiss cook n 1812 Dodge St. BOJ \\7'ANTKI > B5 younK ladies and fronts to > T lenrn tolofrrnphy. Prospects for positions when eompotontKood. Address W. J. D. room 1 , Crounso block , 10th st , Omaha. 738 AA ANTKi ) A slrl fOr gciioral housework at V > 2l20fiownr.lst. 5WJ WAHTED-MAI.B HELP. / H.irbor.lmmcdlatcly.atPapllllon. \ \ Call or address James 1) ) . bllnobaiigh. CI2-U WANTKD An experienced man for tend ing shop nt the Colorado meat diiaikot ; none but with good rofoiontas need apply. U C. Knowold , noad of at. .Mary's avenue. 500-3 Two good men or Intelligent > school boys to carry evening routes on Dally lice. 60) WANTKD ! M men , shovolors , teamsters , and 6craier-holdors | for K. U. & Mo. Valley Hy. Phlii Wedno > day. Imiuirc F. U. Irwln A : Co. , 024 Hainoyst. 4MJ-5 * WANTKl ) To employ n gootl nctlvo boy , 13 years old for olllco and on nnd work. Address II 51 , Dee olllco , givingreloionces. 4U > 0 \VANTKD A gouornl ngont lor Omahn and IT ono lor Council Hluirs for the best line of specialties over put on the market. Goods ro- tall Irom $1 to JM" " ) , with 100 per cent prollt. Call at Coz/oiis hotel , loom 22 , and sco samples nud learn particulars. F. M. vnnitten. : 487-3 * YyANTKD Ilrlcklayors mm tenders , cerT T T Grant nnd Colfiu or lii'iuliu E. l.urkln , o.\- posltlnn bulldiiiir , 450-3 WANTKli-Agoodiaouldor. JohiiC.Kllnor , Yoik , Nob. 4ti'J ' WANTKD Tinoe hundred rook men , three hundred laborers. Good work , good pay. Apply to Chits. HoIsEollor 20 mlle house Ollvo St. Head , Ht. Louis Co. , Mo , , o Jacob Jnyraus , I.iitKiillo , Mo. Keene Ilios , Coiidtruetlon Co. , ehlof conlractors St. Louis , Kansas City { t Col. U. K. 4G8AUIT 1 " \\rANTl'.D A llrst-cla 3 forenmn forCarpon- tor work. Will pay llrat-olusb wagesto the rhrht num. Apply nt cor. uf 2Uh nnd Doduo st. ,1. C. Glnddun. 420.3 * \\7ANTK1) Tivo Cornlco makers nt once. > > Thee Huolto & Son , Fremont. Nob. 430-U * \x-ANTKII-50 men for Itlnck Hills ottontlon oflt. &M. 1C. It. near Hrokon Hoir. I S. Albiiht , LiiUor Agency , iW8 : rarnam bt. Wi AV ANTKD A good gioeory elorkj city reference - once roijuircd. Atldrotts 11 : I5 , Hue olllco. I1S5-5 * WANTKD Tonmstors , brldiro citriionler. pile driver men , eectlon men. Cull at WJ South IClh for tiausportntlon and luCoriuiitlon. n.3 * WANl'lJli Two enottrullo moil to solicit ; Koodsnliiiy or eomml > lou to the rlpht men. A J-J\'ood , 11UJ Dodge stioet Ull-3 * " \\7ANTJi : > I'lrstcUiB brldifo oarpontors for homo tiu s work. This work will bo all In our ytuilj Ht I.CHViniworth.iaid will l t three or four moiithi. None but Unn ( liuti Ho u Truss llrldiro fn.nicrj nco 1 upply. Application * tniift bo mndo bufoio Julylulh. A. J. TulhuO ; , riur , niul iiit | , , Leayenworlli KHI. HB. 204-Jy7 " \T7"ANTUl ) A ujp'.ble boy to cuiry n l > erse i i routoon Dally Hoc. 9J9 BITUATIOH WAUTJUD. Vt7 ANTKl ) Situation by n trnvelluimun of i i el ht ycnm' ovporitnoo vrho U noir truv- ollns from Ohlcago. AHO tironty-nlghl. AUdiuss 1M | , lieu uilii.-e. 4j'-5 ( "Tlr ANTKD .summon In trlio'ciHlir ' "uontu liy ' i youiiir man of good odtictulou ; t alary no object. Ad.lreMll37 , llovnillco. SSflfi * l ) Vouns' man wnut4 position of i i any Llnd. Poriiior cwiipitlon * . teaohcir , Uttvulhiif brtlojninn , mtmiber of Iho bar In two ftiilo.s licit rofeiencas glvon. Addros * H , box ll'll ' , Fremont , Neb. iM i WAJJT3. WANTJUJ To rent * miUI tur for tobaoco acd couft > 'llo-inry about Juy ! lib ; iln- f',0HUH. . Eu'i huuth lutli. llokcrtsou. lb2-3 " \\7A.NTKn KurnlsliH room with or without - out board by n middle njcod ( ronttoinatn In n widow's family whoio thorolMiOothci' l > o rd- cr . Protestant prefoireJ. Atldiosi 11,51 , Uoo onieo. - roii-5 * WANTKl ) A room or rooms with board for wife , child ot 2 j cars ntid suit. Address H , 65 , Ileo oluce. 810-10 _ \\rANTEO-Agentlomannntl wife , no clill- ' dren , would lll.a a plilco to board nnd room In n private family. Prlco not i-o much of an object ns social ) My. Hc t of refcrcnco Rh en. Atldre-s I ettor A , Pnxton hou e. 4'4-i ( * \\M : T ni-A ) imrtyTo"liike tTwliolo or Imlf TT Inn re t In building , nnd running n ( rood lintel , Inn tiew town on the (1. ( 1. &W , ( X rail- roail. Apply or address C S. Ullson , Algernon , Neb. _ . > * i'i : * . _ \\rANTKH-Subscrlbors for stock In the TI Omaha l.oun and Hullding lnocliitlon nnd the Mutual Loan nnd Hullitlng nssocliitlnn. Homos for all olas o * . cm thus bo purchiuod by monthlv p.xymonts ; shares $ .1.00 per month , on wlilch (2ji ) w III bo loanod. Ollico In Kxpnslti ,111 bull.llng on 15th street , G. M. Nattlngor , Secio- tnry.2 _ _ ; il4JySn _ \\7ANTr.D-Ono largo or n suit ot unfiir- nlsbed rooms In 1iulnrR < center of o.ty. forslooplng apartments. Addiess II 20 , Hoe ai ; omco. _ _ _ _ _ \\fANTr.n-TobuynlnrKeBeconti nnnd lt flee salo. A. Hospo. _ _ _ rANTKD-Teams. T. Murray. 473 AV IANTKlt-Short-nnml work of nil lilnds by J. II. Hnynos A : Co. , lull DodRo st. KV. UEKT-HOP8BB AKD rooin lioliso" fn thorofTch re- IT pnlr. IKO North S-ith St. 4SB-04 T71OU iKNT A lurRO house ll-rooms , near JJ depot : nl o3io ( > ms forllght hoiibokroplnff liiciuiro 1112South llth st. 4U-MJ * IilOlPuKNT-HouToT lO oems , batlfroom , all inodorn Impiovcnionts , line locality , on Mieet car line , Imiulio nt It JI. Genius , 1408 Douglas st. fflVB FOR ItKNT House of 7 rooms on 2M near Soward. Inijulro on promises. 4lt3-3 * _ Oil ItKNT Hrick storo-room on Fourteenth HI. bet. Doiiirlas and Do < lgo on the n'loy. " " i & Co. 4w-i ( ; OT HUNT A furnlshod cottage In Rood lo cality during July nnd Autrusl to family without chlldrnn. Hcnt S35. Answer quickly. Addiess 11.39 , Ileo olllco. FOR ItKNT Store with 4 rooms in rear , on paved street ; millnblo for uny business. Apply - ply on promises CT Cinnlmrjt. HlsJylO Foil IlKVT-Tlio biilldlnir now bcliiK built by llnrltnrllr.son ) the corner of tilth and .tone * , not * ) font , mid lour or Ilvo stories hIt'll , will lin rented for lintel or waroSioiiso ptirpow. nndbPlliiMiPiltosiilt the purpose ol toirint. 0. H. Mayno Hstato nud Trust Co. , I5lh and Knrniun. 8 ! t POIt HKN'T Itosldoncnor 10 rooms barn for 14 hordes , bo.iiitllul grounds. Lcavenwoi tli nnd 33d st. , * V > per month. C. R. Mayno Heal IMato AiTrustro. , l.'itli and I'nrnnm. 72 < l FOR KKHT KOOM3. ill TtKNT Purni lMjd rooms and board. F 1010 Cnpllol nVfiiuo. fiOi-fl * T71OK ItKNT fool and do-irablo loom , 03 - N 17th st. 4'U-iV _ Foil IIKNT Plea-ant S. K. rooms with board , JJIO Pointer. 4'.tl-0 \T7ANTKD Two looms sullnlilo fora physl- M elan's odlco , central locution. Dr. T. W1I- kins , " 52" Ileo. 4'Ji- ; ) ' ' 1 ? < OR Itr.NT A neatly lurnUhoil cnttage , 0 1 rooms ; also , two rooms , lurnl.-htul lor light housekeeping , nnd good sleeping rooms. IniiulioiU the boot and shoo store , 410 N. Kith or b21 S. 10th- HH-a * FOR IIKNT Klcmintly fiirnMiod front room with largo bay window , watei-clixot , bath room , close elo et and other foiUonlcncos ut 11121 I'nrnam i-t. 374 FOR KKNT 1K17 Howard ct. In Hist lint 2 un- fuintalioJ. and one liirnished liont room , r,04-3 FOR iiXT : Nice nuwly furnished rooms , cither singly or en suite ; also unfurnished rooms if ilesueil at 71U S 15th st , two-story house near Lenvciiworlh. 501-3 * TT/ANTKO 2 rooms near center of city by ' Kcntlcman und wife. Pnik & Fowler , 15JJ Eon gins. 4J7-0 RIXT I'tirnlalied room. 2218 Cuss st. FOR 4KMGO * F 1OR KK > 'T I'lirnlshod oruiilurnHhnd room 808 South 2Jlld U5r-5 * fjlOK IIKNT Nicely lurnljhedtifrontirooins JJ suitable forono < ) > two gciitlemun ; nil mod ern Improxenionts. 1415 Join's st 141 TT1OR RUNT Pallor and beilrogm furnished ; -L u-o of piano , Imiulro 2J'J : Cnldwell. 4705 * T7IOR luTrr-Klegant"froiit : toom.llr.sTlloor , J for ono or two gentlemen , all noyvlv furn ished. 131S Capitol ttVO. 407-3 TTIOR RKNT Haiidsomo front room with JL ; board for two. Very Comfortablj , I./ . ) 1'ur- 4M-3 * RKNT Nlco front room In handsome FOR . $ S per inonlh. 401) ) Walnut st , eight mlnutca walk southeast U. P. depot. 4D > FOR ISKXT Well-furnished looms , only Ilvo blocks trom postollico. 507 South lUtli St. ass-e * FOR IIKNT Two furnlsliol rooms' slnzlo or on siiHo ; mo.iorn convonloiioos , on 20th near St. Mary's aveniio. iniulro : S. W. oor. lUth and Doilgo. Dmgbtorc. 497-3 FOR RKNT Two nulls of funifxhod rooms also 1 furnished rooms suitable for houso- kcoplng putposo < , party tontliig e.ui board tlio people they tout of. Address H 47 , Ileo ollioo. 500-Ji * EOK HUNT Olllco and desk room. Frenzor lllock , cast P. O. , rooms 1 and5. 47U.3 FOR RKNT Newly furnlshoJ front room. 231 ISt Mary's uvo. 4312 FOR RKNT Choice ollico rooms on ground lloor. No. 150'J Fill-mini st , Inoulroof .1. & Hlclmrdson. 441-JJ-29 IT OR RKNT A suite of furnished looms , Ju with or without board , for man and wife ; al so two looms for gentlemen. 019 North 19th si i cut. 4M-7 * 171 OK RKNT Ploinant rooms to young gentle JJ men at No. 311 North 2 Id. 485-U FOR RKNT Furnished room forono person Terms low , 202.J Hnrnoy. 487-0 * ITUJKNISHUDroom with board. 117 S. 17th. JL1 415-0 * FOR RKNT Nlcoly furnished rooms , 1813 Dodge St. 403-3 * Foil RKNT-TDosiriiblo furnlshoJ room's nt 1811 Fainnm street. Ml Full RKNT Furnished room. 17U7 'u > s st. 18.-12 * F 1OR RKNl' Nicely furnished room forono or two KOiitlonien , nt 010 N , 17th St. 373 FFOR FOR RKNT Largo unfurnished front room , b.iy w Indow and clo > ut , 1U17 Chicago. ; > fV ) FOR RKNT Nlcoly furnished or unfurn ished front rooms , private family , rill N. 17th st. 350-4 * FO 1 iTllTNT Witli board , neatly furnished rooms. 1718 Cass streot. B71-3 * FOR RINT : Nicely furnished front room on Hiiltoor Binglo ; prhuto family ; gas ; Hath ; 1015 Cap , nvo. aikijl ) OR RKNT Furnished rooins , fhwpost in the city. Apply at Iloom 14 , Anderson lUock , N. lUth St. , oor. Davenport. 174jy21 TT1OU IIKNT For llKht houiiekoppjiiir , looms X1 furnUhoii and unfuriilsbotl In lioompr's IllocK.cor. Klgbt and Howard Bts. 1)18 ) Fcilt UKNTStorfroom on llth 8t , near Farnam ; make line olllco , * 23. Ilrlcksioro , N Kcor. llth and Hownnl , IS1 ! . C , II. Mayno , Heal Kstalo and Trust Co , B03 OK HKNT-A suit of lurnlshod rooins. 1011 California , 81U FOH HKNT Aiiolouant rtiillo of two room's. Apply with references , Iii07 Doualoa. 745 ' FOH UKNT Kiiriillittl ! rooms. Innuiro drugstore , 10th unJ Douglas. txfc FOH IIKNT To store rooms on Ifltti street , Wntor , gas and gower connoctlona. The C.K.Mnyni and Trust Co. , cor , 15th i\uj Pnrnani. 8"H 17-OR HUNT Anoicollent lmsomont/503imd -U 5118 13th St. : 3 stores oninh uud Douglas , nn < 12 stores on 23d and Cum In jr. Paulson K Co. , 1513 F.iriin m. tj > 7 FOR RKNT-Dcsk room. Hush Jt silby,21 ) ? S. 15th st : HI rou aAtE-nousBS LOTS. "IPOK 8AI.H A elx-room liouTo nnd lot In J-1 lllook l . Walnut Hill , at $2,5uO ; si.COOcash , balaiifo monthly pniinents atUpurcuiU Intur- cst. C.ill soon lor this la a bargain. T.V , HluuU- burn ACo. . , bead of St MnijTB nvoiiue , bOb-C , 0 MA HA VIKW-250lols to bo plinedoqt this uuinnior. llnrenlna. HoggaillllL 4774 ] 0HOUsKS HOUsKS lTol6l'iiriiisI.iiiiiis luonoy loanodT HomU , ISth and Douglas structSj 171 UAHA VIKW-2.Vlots to bo olOM-d'out tliU summer , nnr nlna. llog s&lllll. 477-3 OUAHA YlWV LotT 3oTto > 70o7"uo ( fr& Hill. 177 U . P , Tukojr , 13011ariiurn u . . B llcmls l.'th nn Uouglns ctrpcH. 471 Foil SAt.K NI6o Broom house nnd S corner lotdln Walnut Hill ! H cash , bal. to ult. Cdl MnrtlnJIO S Uth t. 4fi3 " OMAHA VlEW-2.V > lot9 lo"boclOBP'out this summer. lloj-guThs llosrirs .V Hill 477-3 " ' f KO. i : . onixoN"a'rr)7,217 ) s 14th st Lots V.I ItiKclby Pl eolota ; In ( . 'rolfhloiii ( lots In Hnwthorno ; cheaper tliiiu an ) ono. 4M " MAIIA VIKW-Tots 3MTo $ ; 00. llopirs & , o Hill. 477-3 IflNT lot Kllbv plnce , near Dodge street , $800. 1 Uralmm * Ilenairn , 4'7 > l IIKAI1 I.OT8-lr4 1 16t * In Omaha View , nil to bopold andcUmVl out this ouinmcr nl best , prices they will brmp < Wo will build house * for all wnntlnir homes nnd sell on easy pnymnits. s Jc Hill. 4773 HATOilKK , (1ADI1 A DO. , Millnnl Hoto lllock , oiler the following spcolil bargains : llenutlfiil It-room eottiiKO and lot in "Idiowlld" KO feet from sticnt cars ; well , cistern , city vralorgns ; pipes throughout hoii"o ; hunt wood finish n skin ; sidewalk , fences nnd nil Irrfprovo- mmit.snow Thoroughly furnished. Now fur niture nnd cnrpols. An o.xtnx bargain. Alt for the low pi leu of 11.500. Now7-ioom hou e with lot , nlcoly furnished ; burncistern , woll. city wntor : lot tJxl27' ! { . on launder * street In splendid location , I block noith of UumlngM. , fOAKJ. Hntuleomo corner , OoiUo nnd 2flth St. , 132x110 feet , grand bargain at Slil.Ooo. Splendid Housoandlot In tdlowtld addition , newly pnpored and pamtod ; very complete , Nice Hcsldonro with 2 lots , corner Park nve. nnd Woolworth ; re/y cheap , f. " > ,0K ( ) . Splendid U room Hoiisiinnd lot In Hnnscom Place : shade trees.shrubbery , etc. , J , " > ,000 House nnd lot , Cl.xrondon nddlllonoay ; terms , $ .1,1.00. . llcnutlful cotlitRO with 3 lots , In Walnut Hill , Nice 8-room cottngo With good lot In Omiilm Vlow , n sjilondU bargain , ensy terms. $ IWW. Itoaiitlful residence lot on Harncy nonr2Uth , adjoiningJudge Neville's block. f.'i.OOO. 10 goo.Flots . In Kllby Plnco. $1,000 eneh. A beautiful corner lot 103 foot square , Pop- plotou nnd Vlrfilnln n\o , f3,000. No. 1 linmnliu 12 choice lots , the finest in Ilnujcom Place , $2,1)00 ) to tAiiaionch : easy terras. 3 choice lots , south fronts , In Patrick's 2d nd- dltloii , f.l.WJO ; onsytonns ; vury desirable. 1 hoautmil lot In Hood's 4th adaltlon , on Lnko st , hnrgtiln , 81,5)0. ) H lots In Wile-ox's 1st additioncast fronts , easy terms , SGOO each. 1 lot and n half Hoes Place , MxUO foot , f 4,203. Splendid business property on 14lh st , be tween Douglas nnd DoiUo , 3-story brick , $ I8.0H . I'ull siio lot , Dodge , betwocii llth and 12th , $11,000. _ 2J. ' OMAHA VIliW l.ols SLIM to $700 , Hoggs & Hill. 477-3 "f7 OK SA L i : J43 acica of coal landsituated L1 In Putnam Co. , Mo. , within a hnlf mlle of C. It.t 1C. 0. K , It. : Joins lown line on the north ; wllltiiule lorOmaha proporty. ( . 'oiiriiil,1413 DodRO St. , Omaha. 3aO pHKAP I.OTS-24.1 lots In Omaha Vlow , all to V. ' be olil and elo od out this summer at hest prices they will brllur. Wo will build bouses lor all .taiitlmr homes and sell on easy payment s. Ito.L'fjs .V Hill. 477 3 " " T "OT" ; ) , Hlk. 4 , Kllby Plnco , ? 1AU , ( Irahani & JJ llonawa , Crulghlon llt < ck. 477 > l pHHAP IOTS-24.1 lots In Omnhn Vlow , all to J boold and closed out this summer at boM prices they will bring. Wo will build houses lor ml wtmtlnir homes and toll on easy payments. llogKS Ar Hill. 4'.7l ) HOIIsKN Lois , Karms , Lands money loaned. llcnils , 15th and DouKlas slrouts. 471 OMAHA VIKW Host place in Onmlm to own a home ; lots f'iOJ to $700. lloj ; .V Hill. 477 3 UK line lots , Klby Place add. near Dodge - St. , bargain at00. . Graham & llenawa 477-3 O MAIIA VIUW Hej't place In Omaha to own a homo ; lot4'S3Cito $700. Ho gs V Hill. , Hi 477 3 AlToNKV'.S 'iiildftion , near Walnut Hill , " lots ? . ! 00 lor ( ho next 20 days. Terms to Mill purchaser. AUomeros In Washington 11111 ami bargains in ail nails of the city. J. J. Mn- honoyJ5p nirntim. , ' iaiySJ | O MAHA VinWt-Hiht place hi Omaha to own a homo ; lots 30g | o .J700. lloags & HUL ' 477 3 I 11 ( /1OHNKU lot oh 'CVImlnif St. Cheap , f2,500. v Cimham iV Heniiwa Croisbton Block. 4T7-3 OMAHA VIKW Lophatlots In tills addition lotorolnvohitnirt'Isowhero. llot'gs & Hill. Utsfr3UO to g700.ii. . ; 477-3 LOT C0\127 , Srilnn's 2d , S900. Grn'iam & Renawa , Crcirfbton block. 177-3. OMAHA vinw Look nl lota in thisadilltYon before . . . _ Investing . olsowhore. liogtrs&IHll . . , . ( * H .n tllUt ) * .fc T.- ' " ' J 47i-3 FOR 8AI.K or exchange at n bargain 89 acres of Quo hay land within 2J ( miles of Fremont. Neb. S. A. Slonian , 1207 Douglas St. , Omaha. Neb. 270 VHW-T.ook at lots In this addition OMAHA buloro Investing oUowhoro. Hoggs * Hill. J.Ots * 3JO lo $700. 477-3 FINK corner , east front,21th Bt. ono bin. Irom St. Mary's nvo. , ehoap at $3,000 , Giiiham & lioimwiu 477-3 OMAHA VIKW Lots selling fast. Hurry up it you would bocuio one ot those low pilcodlots. Hoggs & Hill. 477-3 FOK SAM3-Two elox-ant east front corner lots In Hurt- Oak ; natural sluido treos. Hatcher , Gadd & Co. , 1210 Douglas street , Mlllard hotel block Omaha , Nob. BO I O MAHA VIKW Lots ( -oiling fast. Hurryup it you would scuuro ono of these low pi Iced lots. Hoggs & Hill. 477-3 B USINKSS CtKlitTon Dodge Btreot. Oroai bargain at $14,000. Graham Ac Honuwa , freighton block. 477- . ' ! OMAHA VIKW Lots i-olilnir fust. Hurry up , If you would eocuro ono of these low priced lots. Hoggs & Hill. 477-3 / 1ASS STHKITT , 31.\lt2 ; house fl rooms near WJoffcrson Siiunru , $3,000. Graham & llenawa. 477-3. MAIIA VIKW Wo will build Irom 50 to 100 O houses on payments. Hoggs & Hill. 477-3 OFOR FOR SAMC Splendid lull-sl cd Dullness lot on heavonworth stioot , with trackage. A grout bargain nt the low prlco of $10,500. Nonrly nil ol west half blook 22 , West Omaha , $5,000. Above two bargains only fora few days. Hatcher , Guild & Co. , Willara Hotel block. 4B2-3 O MAHA Vir.W Wowllt build from 50 to 100 houses on payments. HOJJ-RS A ; Hill. 477-3 K RKNT Nlcoly furnished rooms at Mrs. MoAuslund'e , 1415 Howard Bt. 480-3 * OMAHA VIKW Wo will build from 5'to ' 100 houtos on pnjmcnts. Hoggs & Hill. 477- = 171 OK nAIK Acre lots for snloTaT ? 200 per -L aero , this land Is west of the block yards and will bo sold In aero or 5-acro lots. Very cheap und n rnro bargain , lledlord & ; Souor. 413,0 , MAIIA VIKW Will build houses worth O $5CO to $ l,000on payments. Hoggs & Hill. 477-3 BAHOAlN.llne lot , east front. Vliglnla nvo. , J800 , Graham i ; Honnn'n , Crolghton blk. 477-J1 _ O M A ! K T V fliw-Twill build houses worlh KAW to 1,000 on payments. Hoggs .t Hill. J1J. KVANS ACO. . llurt'iilns inBusiness Business , HeHldonoo and Huhurban ' , Property. JH'J' " Houses tor sale on monthly payments. HotlbOS built _ losult Purchasers. 391 6 _ J. n. Bynns & Co. . Mia Dodge. OMAHA VIUW WH1 liuIM hoiifoa worth $500 to $ IG'JO on payments. Hoggs A- Hill , t 47U-3 _ _ RCIIARO llir.r. m * soli on their merits. Low prices nnd oil sy terms yl von. Call at Iho C. K. Mayno and Trust Co.'s olllco and get n Plat. - 20i _ _ OMAHA VIllW-TjChuHPO t nnd best lots n the c.ty for only1 $300 lo $703. Hcggs & " 111- ) , , , iJ 4'.73 IflOHSAI.E-Alot\v4tU now house and bars I'or prlco of niyoAiinir vacant giouiid on Siiunderd Btreot , Ilullou Ilros , 1510 Douglnu s t root. _ j _ 4i.c ; ) _ OMAHA VIUW Clieapcbt and lo t fotlis the city for only $300 to $70'J. ' Houtrs , V HilK J'-'L _ _ _ 1TOH 8AL1A : bartraln In AiubTer Place loiT for u few days. Ilallim Jlros. , 151U D.iiurhis street. 4 .7 OMAHA VlP.W-Chenncjt nnd best lots In the city lor only30J to $700. Howi Hill , 477. ) " \\riST\VAHD \ wo K ° tar solid bargains in T I Inures and lots. Call at Cluis. J. Itynn's Kcal l.stnto ufc'une ) , coruor of ileroor un Ul.owo avcnuo. jisi-B _ _ _ O MAHA VlHW-Is the addition In which lo lunko money Lots only $300 to S7U ) . $525 will purchase n Pretty Cottage homo. 4 largu rooms. Kilt paper , cistern and city water , nnd within u block of struut c-uis. Cull ut once on J. E. Smith , utt'y at law , Jacobs' block. cor IMh and Capitol avo. 408-5 * f 4 OOD lot Vlrslnki ave-ncar Woolworll" , $ I 2aT V.J Graham Ic Ik'imwn , CrcLjhtou Hiock , 477-3 T71OU S.VT.K Hriiise nnd lot in Notth Omnhn , J ono block from streetcar , cheap nt , > , MW. O. T. Davis i Co. 5.1-.V 7 _ rpwo flno lotsCrostonnd.l. $1,100 oncti. Ora- JL hum A llonnwn. 477-3. OMAIIA.VIKW Is ( ho addition Inwh'th to mnko money. Lots only (3JO to fTiX ) . HoggsKHIIJI. 477-3 FOKSATiK 3 ncres in Hnrknlow 8 suo-dlvl- sion , east front : t shares In Omaha Dnlrf nssoclntlon : I two-seated buggy ; 4 Hue barber chairs. 214S. Uthst. C3l A. SKM ! YliTsTlMh ft. , offer Vacant lots Unst trout , corner Franklin nnd 3lth f.V > 5 with $69cnsh Anotlier IBM Another 47S with f'5 down Double corner I We'smM. . 1.30J U front lith st , near Fair grounds 600wlth 2J down R front on grade , Hanscom place 1,000 H front In Hawthoino , beau tiful SOO F front llmiaoom plaio on Catherine st Call for price 15front Vltginln nve. , near Pleasant lr V ) 15. V. Smlth'sml 23d 8t.M\140 ( MM ) Ambler p.sice COJ Hamilton ft near Poor Clnlro 1,000 Arlington Double corner nonrciira IfM roster'sndtl fl.tCiO to 1,700 " 1 lots east of cemetery , monthly payments . . . finores west of Walnut Hill. . 17. " per n fi acres In Ilontlold : 0 pern 10 noresnnar South Omaha . . 2flO per a UOXI32 Howard' wholesale flto 18nOO ncsldPiieo Property. 10 room house near high school $ . " .000 r > " " 2,7r > o H room hoii'o , lot 61x110 Illoiulo st 1,200 Sowurd near Saunders nlco cottage , lot Bl\140 3,000 Nice 5 room cottage , city wnter near Cum Ings IXfl & room , now c-iltnao , PIrrco , $100 cash , bill easy 1,750 8 room , nowliouso and lot OflxlOS. Plereo 3,100 a room lioii o N lth 5'Hlil cn li bill monthly 1,800 Cotttiuonciir Cum lug st. $100 o.iuli , bal monthly 1.700 House and two lots , Walnut Hi ! 2.'MO 7room house Phil Shoildan and llwcrth 4,01X1 Iroom ) house , cellar , city water , cistern , I nil lot on Park nve. V front 4.000 3room house , full lot lu Hawthorne l , " " > i ) 4 room cottage lull lot , Virginia ave . . . . 2,550 m I lush ft Selby. _ ( TirsATK KiiU lot oiTlTtli st. , near Nleho- Ins , at a baiualii. Sachsso I.tindnrgion , m7S. 13th st 164 POIt S'Al.i : Tun lot on Sherman nvo. , oppo- site for Hell I.lnodepot. Sachsso A Lnnder- Bicn,3l7S. I3tbst. 1C ] FOR SAM ; 3 houses to Uo moved olT lota ; will sell cheap. The 0. P. . Mnyno Heal IMnto nnd Trust L'o. _ Ml r OUsAUK- The finest twenty-acre tract ot -L land on I.eavonworth-st , , lor a low days , by Theo. Olson,218 houth Kirteenth-st. 3jm ! sl\i " 1 Co A Hist tl s stock ol .Umolry in n irood tow n. irood trade , riiro clmnco , easy terms , w ill triulo tor Omiilm proporty. Vli-toi I'nrk iScholco lei . In the lioait of tocOltj. I'llro toriill , ? 15WM. A IIIIKO li t of irood jiropi'ity Call and SPO what MO ollur. Will BIOW ! you some ( jood In- vustinoiiH. I ur ollleo ison rurivim Xo.1501 , FPcond 1'loor. 1'oluiihonu No. B21. J. 1 ( . 1'iurt.on \ ( Jo. 475-I1 Pbi : SAM : llouso 0 rooms , Iot6'\in. ' terms to suit , small cash tm\ moot $ : 0 per iiumlli , or will tnu'o , a line Imrg.iln , at f l.'iOO. ' 2fOltiiros ( ,11 Walnut Hill , new modern Im- proro.nunttf , 4 rooms , lot 60.\IH7 , f20Hcasn , 520 per month , only ? I,4UO. 1 coltiifreon ( Ir.iuo t < trcot , no.ir2.lth street , 4 rooms. ? 2J > i ash.lmlanco f- " > per month. 2roltiifo3 | nenr 17th , ! 1 rooms , tlOOcash , 1ml- nnco f 15 i r month. 1 ccttiiiio on Saundcrs Ftrcct , 5 room s , barn , woll. c'sU'rn. phailo trees , 520J iasi , bulnnee $ . ' 3 per mom li. f,2,3WI. ( I cottiijros on Ohio street , now , fi rooms. These mo nirolv built. Inn o sliadotioos , ynnl soddoil , 200 , balance email monthly payments , n bargain nt Sl/'cX ' ) . Wo bnvo houses In all part 9 of the nlty that wo can sell on small CIHI ( payments , lialnnuo to suit , lloloru buying } ou n home cither for ca h or longiimo call and sou our list. 3 lols In Lincoln 1'lucu , n bijf baignin at $ ! C ) each. 4 lots , juet south of Omahn View , lay nice. only $500 mid SJM , 510'Jcash , balnnco $10 per month. 3 lots In Wnlniit Hill , only J703 each , Icrma easy. Ono let In Bedford 1'laro only SUM ) . Wo linvo lots In neai ly every uddltlon to Omn- hn : aKo am e propoi ty. 1'nrk & 1'owler , Sueccssoia to Illprlns & Park , IfiSS Doiifhii street. IW-l SrUICIAL. Good house , all Improvomcnti , full lot. cast front , Shlnn's add. , $3,100 , Graham & lionawn. 477-3 " MAH7V vriW : laTho"addTTlon In which to mauo money. J ots only fWO to $700. Hoggs A ; Hill. 477-3 FOU SAMS Seven choicest ICIlby I'laco lots , SSi'J each. A. P. T ikoy , ml farnnm St. ' 14J GOOD lot on Dodge st. near 27th St. , cheap , at 52,000 , Graham & Uoiiawa , Cicldhton bile. 477-3 "IJIOK S.VLK Hosldenco property nnd vacant -L lots In every addition In Omaha. Terms to sultpiirchasor. Also doslrablo business prop orty. Gibson , Larson & Co. , Koom 3 , Wltlmoll llloclf. 153 T710U KXClIANiK-JBOtOstooK ) dry goods for JL ! O-nuhn proporty. Archer it Filch , 218 3 15th st. 405 [ 7 < OIl SAI.K--Corner on Jackson st , business , P SIO.TOO. A rare bargain. Call toon. Mai1- ' &l < obock , 1611 ritrnuin. CIO OTon Georgia tivenuo , $1,100. Grnbam & J Ik-imwn. Crolghton block. 477-3 FOR SAM : Or Tra < lo linprovc-1 anil unim proved lands In Purnns anil ot lor western counties. Address Win. Si moral , Anipahoc , FurnosCo. Nob. 275 M. A. DISBROW & CO. Wbolosnlo Manufacturers nnd Dealers In Fine Hard Wood Interior Finish Counters , IV/w lindu , lintclicts. SCJtOLL H'OJtK find Dealers InJSulldtiif ) Main Oillco nnd Factory at Lyons , lown , OICC3 & Warerooms Cor. 12th & Izard Sts , Notion to Contractors. SIJAL1-ID proposals for the bulldlmrofn rourl bouse and jail In Sunda'iuo , Crook county , Wyoming Toirltory , nnd lor furnishing the ma terial tor the construction of the mme will ho locelvodby the coinnilMlnnors of suiil county up to 12 o clock noon on Tuesday , July nth , A , I ) . 1880 , at which tlmo the proposals will bo opened In public. Plans nnd spcoillcntlons for said building ra ly lie Eorui ut the olllco of the county clurk on urn ! nltor.Muy20ih , Ibst. HIils must bo aojoinpnnled In ccrllflud olieck for ? 5'U , or an apjiiovod bond for lllio nmoiint , us a guauintcu or good lalth. The county commissioners reserve the light to i eject any ornll bid8. Illds must be directed to .lobn B. Harper , County ClerK , Sundance , , and en- iloi-soil "Pioposuls for Hullillng Court House Hi-oitler of tholloanl of County CominUfilnori. JOHNS. IIAHPKIl. County C'lnrk. Sunthuico Wyo. May 19th , IteO. niy.'fiU'iJt A > rANDARl ) " MEDICAL \VORR FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONLY 81 1 Y .IIAIU J'OHTPAIU. ILLU9rB.VTIV'a ti.V1Il'ZB FRUK TO At. mm THYSELF , Th nite YIM1ltT.Nnrroni nil Phrilcd p lillltr PremjlarenBillneln Man. Krr0r of YOUIU.MIUI t"n untold mlierlai rfltultlnuirom ln'llx-rotloa unit at- ccnei. A boon ( or o er nun. yuiinx , inidillea/ol and old. Ilraiitiln lniirr cT < | it. < ) in for * ll sciitonnj rhronlrulxeHtet. onrhoi.o of wlilrli Uliiriihubl .Si lounil dr Hie author who * ' ) oninrlnnco for VI yeV'lH ( ucliuiprolmtilir nurur URfor. > full lollm lot or 'ir imjrildiini art i iiie > . bound In bcitiitlful Kroncij mitv \u rnibotiodrovur * . fr. ! ! 'lt. ' eiinr.inie ' .I ta li : i'ir worklii every cHni'i morlunlcul. lltcir.iry unJ nriiro , . : ! onul lliiiiiiiiir olhor worle In tltli roa'ittr rorU.H cirllie nionef will iiorcfunl In ernrr liinsnctf. Pil'j culr 11 br ' mill. r i. llhutraiel tt'iul * . ,111. , frenanow.'uolilmoclalnwitrlort tliiauttinrbrttia V- tlOniilMeilloiil Awioclutlnn.lo llm Hon \ . I' , tlmalt niiiluiKii-liitu oirifrtrj of ( ho bourj til a rji\rtrfUr > - * no.-tfiillyittforrol. Tliobcienreof I.IPM north raoro 10:03 jrj-iiuinl mMiile-ine.l nu > n of ihli fonurallcii ) ihinull the jl I nilnos of Calltornliiuiii } the tll ( ruilt.ot < it .NU/J.U coinlibiftil.s. . r riir.inldu. TlieS'lonroof Uf01 > olntiou thB roclcj , tnJ quisle- nd onn'il-Utho coiwtUutlon.iiigii.iuM . < f law " jouii inan Imra bcou JiiUllr wrecKcil. Muulje > i r The ' sclonca of I.Uoliof KreaterTHlue thin all I'll mejluil works i > ubll huJ In thu coualrlunliaim ; 60 veiirn. - AtUuta Cunitltullua , TtieSclencaof UfoU taatrb n.uj mil I't on uorraus nnd iUT lc.i ! otro.t fl d the tklli uf nil olQtrpnrtic Interesting History of the Brotherhood by Its OLiof , Its Progress from n Vnlnn nfKlvo Jlrn to an AcurcunUon of UO.OOO Moncllclnl Alike to Mom- tors nwl ( . 'lovolatul Leader : A conniso ami instmctiyo reviuw of one of the most powerful mid liost-i'omlui'tcil Inbor or- gani/.ntions in tin1 country was tlio fea ture of the ConKn.'jatioiiul club nu'i'tiiur last evening : . Mr. P. M. Aitlnir was tlio speaker , ami tin1 Graml International llrotlu'iliooil of Lot'omollvo Knglnoors , of which lie is tlio cliiuf , formotl tliotlionio of his mltlnw. lie statuil in opening ; that ho had prepared no sot speech , but would jjlvo a plain slatoinont of the pro gress of the oruani/.ation , nnd the plan on which it was conducted. Twenty-live years ago the locomotive engineers were organized and were looked down upon by tlio public for the reason that in too many cases there was on their part a lack of self-respect. It should not bu undut > tootl , however , that the brother hood is formed altogether of reformed drunkards , for twenty-livo years n o there were many noble exceptions to the general rule. They were regarded with distrust , and from the fact that many yielded to the temptation allbrdod by the nature of their occupation they found many defamcr.s , Ku'ly : in the sixties u few men on the Michigan Central rail road conceived the idea of forming an association , and five of the number add u mooting at Marshall , Mich. , for the purpose of eonsidoriiifi the. question. This was followed by an invitation to TIII : IMPI.OMS : : or AUJOIMNI ; KOADS and they held a meeting at Detroit. A constitution and bylaws'wore adopted and Detroit division' Ko. 1 , Itrutherliood of the Footboard , was organized , Sobri ety , truth , justice ami morally formed the basis of the order , and their motto was "Do unto others as yon would have them do unto yon and thus fulfill the law. " To the fullillmcnt of these princi ples much of the success of the organi zation is ascribed. Twelve division.- ? were formed , and the present name was adopted at a convention hold in Indianapolis August 17 , 18U. ( When first organized the brotherhood was looked upon with suspicion , strikes and dicta tion to employes being supposed to bo its object. It now includes Jt''O subdivis ions and nino-tcnths of best , - the engi neers on the continent. A monthly magi/inn devoted to tlio interest of engi- nerr.Sj t lie first number of which was is sued in 1807 , now has a circulation of 1,000 ! ) copies , and is Font to all parts of tlioyorlii. . One of the features of the publication is the names of all expelled or snspondud members. Some objections were urged against it , but it has been found that fear of exposure has had tlio ofl'ect of preventing wrong-doing. On December ! } , 1S07 , an insurance associa tion was formed within tlio brotherhood on the mutual assessment plan. It has paid to the heirs of deceased members Jl.Sj'-.OOO. and lias disbursed to the needy and distressed over if.WO.OOS. The organization has re formed many a man , and its whole object is clovatinc. To become a member a man must "have one year's experience as an engineer , be of good moral character , temperate habits , and able to read and write. Political or religions discussions are not permitted in any of the divisions , but every inllnonco is brought to buar to induce a man to load an upright lite. Mr. Arthur stated that ho would say in all candor that they were not ashamed of their strikes , and under like circumstan ces would fctriko again. All ellbrts are exhausted to secure a peaceful settle ment and is usually successful. In every instance where a railroad manager has refused , to confer with a grievance com mittee a strike has resulted and the men gained their cud. Throe strikes were caused by the discharge of men without a cause. In 1870 a now manager of a Canadian railroad discharged men who had been employed by theconipany from twenty to thirty years. He did it without provocation and on tlio supposition that lie would rid tlio ro-id of "the commit ted. " Tlio matter was investigated , tlio men found to have been wronged , and a committee asked Unit they Uu reinstated. The committee WAS TirCATRI ) WITH CONTIJMIT but found opportunity to inform the man rigor that unless ho acceded to there re quests every engineer on tlio road would go out nt 0 o'clock the following Friday night. Ho laughed at the idea. They deserted their engines promptly on time. After three days the haughty railroad manager in dismay asked for a confer ence , and tlio matter was satisfactorily tutjus ted.Vo hold that we wore not wrong , " said Mr. Arthur.Vo have never resorted to violence or intimida tion. It is our principle ) that we cannot interfere with others who may want to work. [ Applause. ] Hut wo say that if wo arc dissatisfied it is our pri'yilego to quit work at will. [ Applause ] It was tin ) same on the liostun & Minna and Philadelphia & Reading roads. Since then ovcry question has boon satisfac torily adjusted. It has been demon strated within the past six months that a thorough organization is of importance to the employer as well as to the em ploye . If this had not been so , in the excitement - citomont in the southwest not a compet ent man would have been left to operate an engine , ( ircat pressure was brought to boar to induce us to join the strike , but so long as the railroad company fulfilled their contract with UH I advifcd the engi neers to adhere lo their principles. They remained loyal to the end. It is not nec essary to laud Iho brotherhood , for a tree is known by its fruit and a man by his Work , " ajj&j Mr. Arthur was heartily nppliulod. After closing ho was asked many ques tions on .special features of tlio order. The moro intorcstiii } ' arc given. "Docs the brotherhood work tend to secure better wages for momborsV" "Vos. In 1853 I was employed on the Now York Central , ami received $3 per dav. A petition to the manager for an increase was torn up and thrown in the waste basket. To a committed ho Mated that lie would break up our organi/.alion if it cost him $ l,000OuU Ho granted us an inorcaFc of fifty cents , liowovor , and the wages were afterwards raised to & ) .r > 0. They now pay by the milo , which is best for the company , ml is the nm- vor > al rule , the men having drifted into Iho system during the war when tliero was uionty of work. " "Does thu brotherhood regulate the number of men in the biininess1" ! "No , the railroad companies nro. Ireo to train as many men as limy flu.iirc for the position. " ' .Are oii/jinepfj ; tnoro generally sober than twenty years , igoV" "Tliero has boon an improvement of fully 6D per cont. " IIKUMCr.NNKfS AND QAMIlUr.'fl. "What is done with a member who be- cumcs drunk ? " "Ho is expelled , but in oasu of reform id welcomed back. While total absti nence is not ronnirrii , intoxication will not bo tolciratud. ' 'Ilgw is { rumbling punished ? " "An examination 01 u inombur charged with misconduct Uoonduciml by a com- niHtoo and thu guilty punished accoiding to the nitturo ol the olil'fiiu. " "What is the infuoncc on thoqnalltyo the work ? " "A man rnnnut join the brothoihoo.1 unless ho is u compri'i'Ut ' iii < ; inoc'r A i net vc youuj ; muii Is : i cultwblj un cm- plo3-o In a few years n * lie ever will bo , for flio business requires vliit nnd n clear head tliat must bo possessed nt tlio start. " "Is the brotherhood identified \Uh ( nny other organization ? " 2 " \Vo : iio Independent from all others , 2r. and hnvo been from the start That U r. why wo have been called the aristo . cracy. " "How does a man get into tlio bnsl- "In two ways. Kithor by learning the machinists' trade or being promoted Irom a lireman. Ninety prr cent of the onein- eer.- are of the latter class. 1 was a wl | > er of engines on the New York Centralthen a lireman and afterwards an engineer un til I was elected to my present position. " "What i the membership of the brotherhood ? " "About iO.OOO engineers loeated in every Mate and territory and the Cana dian provinces. " " \ \ lint N the leading cause of Indlvl- diril < rriovenee-iv" ; "The fact that engineers have six or seven bosses , sueh as foreman , yardmaster - tor , trainmaster , master mechanic , superintendent , and proMdont , bill wo go from ono to tlio other until wo got jus tice. " " \yiiat ii the cost of membership ? " a "Ten dollars Iniiiation fee and an aver o age of 1 for annual dues. " h Are engineers blacklisted ? " o "Two 3 oars ago wo found a few ti isolated cases , but a , committee ascer tit tained that they were justifiable. " it ' "Do managers iig'roo with 5'our re itt itV " V quester" "Yes ; wo have had no serious trouble t for oiirjit yours. They appear to realize 0 that wo tire disposed to bo fair and that it is to the best interests of all to settle disputes peaceably. Wo now have written contracts with llfty railroads nnd 1 think on tlio whole that our organiza tion will compare favorably with any oilier by whatever iiamo it is called. " Superintendent Hammond and wife joavu tins morninc for the west , expect ing to attend tlio National association- teachers of deaf nnil dumb institutions , which meets in California. Others from the institution here will leave to-night. A beautiful lily pond is to bo ono of the new features of Central park , Now York. An effort will bo made to introduce the victoria rogja , upon the leaves of which it is a saidtCluld may stand. IB X. Mniu St. , Council UHifl's , In. , nnd SODS. inthSI.IluoiiilO , < ) mtiliaNob. Mnnuruvtiuor's Agent Tor thu CAL1GRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES TonK Awnings. Hoofing Slate , JIuli- fles , 1'Into nnd Window ( Mass , Show- Cases. Klcvators , ihuud and hy draulic , ) Kail way Tims Table I IMA II A. Tno following : N tlio thno or nrrivnl nnd do- partuionC iriitni by Control Slumliiid tltuo ut Iho local iloputH. Trnlnior the O. , St. 1' . , M. 4 O. nrrlvo nnd dopurt from tluilrilonot. oornor ot itth nnd Wt-litPr strorH ; t minion tlio II. 4 : M.C. . U. * Q. and 1C. C. . St. J. & 0. II. from the 11. & M. dunot ; nlluthora from tlio Union I'aolllo dCPOtg imiUQK TRAINS. HrldRO truln ? willlniivo U. 1' . ilopocat 0:33 117:35-3:00-8:10 : : : 8M _ ] iia:00 : llw n. m. . U 1:00 : 1 : ) - ! : SO-nsOO-asOg 11 4W-5M--5:3) : ( : C:1D TW : ( 11:10 : p. in. Lonvo traiufi'r for Omaha at 7:12 : 15 8:15 : 9:30 : -0:42-11 : 10:35-10 : 7 11 : Jin. m. : ' 1:37-3:13- : 2:87-3 : : TO-3:37-4:37-0:5)--0:12 : : : : 7:30-7:50- : 6:50-11 : Wp. m. CONNKCTINO LINKS. Arrival nnd dmmiluro of tinliw from tlio transferdopot at Council Illulfa : UKPAUT. Aniuvc. CHICAGO , HOCK 1RNANIJ & rAClFlU. n 7:15 : A. u I JJ : l.r A , M II PliA.M : ! I 110:33 : p. M C0lflp. M I Jt 7:00 : p. M CHICAGO k KOatnWESTF.nK. r.8:13A. : M I 1)9:13 : A.M CU:10r. M I 117:0. ) p. u CIIICAUO , nunUNaros Jt quiNor. A t.35A. M i A0:15 t. 11 1' < > :40 : p. u 110:20 p. M 1 A 7:00 : P. M CHICAGO , MIMVAUKE2 & ST. PAUL. 0:15 A. M I u:15 A. M OHQr. a \ 7:00 : p. M KANSAPCICTT. ST. JOB & COUNCIL mCTr . A 10:0 : * ) A. M I J ) (1:3-1 ( : A. M Cb:55P. : M | A 5:35 : V. M . WADASII , ST. LOOTS 4 PACIFIC. A 3dO : lM I A 0:3J : p. U SIOUX CITY 6 PACIFIC. A 7:05 : A. M I A 0:35 : A.M A ff.'ij P. M I A 8:50 : P. M Hcnart. ( VIJ8TWAUU Arrvi A. M. P.M. UNION PACIFIC. A. M. I 8:20.1 . . . Pacific Hxpross. . . . 7:50nJ : , i6:50a : . . .Donvor J2xpro33. . . . .Lucal Express. . . ll:00a : H. &M. IN N1CI1. 8:10a : . .Mall and lixprojj. . . 0:10 : * 0:25.1 Nlfc'lu Hxpross . . . lOMOa Depart. rJOUTHWAUD. Arrive A.M. P.M. TillhSOUHl 1'ACll'lC. A. H. , P. U. I Day Express 0:25d : ! ) :10b : . . . . Night Krpross. . . 0:00a : K.C..8T.J.4 C. IJ. 0:20a : Vm riaUsinouth. . . 7:00d : 7:10 : j DpimrU _ NOUTHWAHD. Arrive. A. M.I . . . . i. I 0. , ST. I' . . M. li O. A. M. B:15n : . .Kloux City Kxpro . ' . . . . . .I 6:45ciOahlaiid : Aeoouimod'n i'diidn Dcpnrt. KASTWAUD. Arrlvo A.M. I I' . M. I ( J. H. & Q I A.M. I I' . uT 9 20-1 fl:00 : | . . . .Vla rinttsiuou 1 1 0:20 I 7 U NOTI3-Atralns dally ; IIdally except Sunday ; C , dally except Satuicluy ; D , Dully except ilou- pay. STOCK YA Iin THA INS will Inavo U. V. depot , Omaha , ot " 0:40 : 7:35 lOitfJii. m : aM-3j-405-r.J--8Oi : : ( ; ; : ) p. in. I'uclllo Hxpross , 8:20 : p in , ; Denver Kx. , 10:55 : A.m. ; Ixcul Ex,5upi : p. m , f Leave { .took yards lor Omnhn nt * 7:0 : > 0:30 : Jln ; : n. m. : 2:30 : 3r : ; > 4i.l : : a-M 8o : : ; IK in. Atlantic Ux. . lo S. O. 7Bn. : ! m. ; Clilcatro Kr. , Ic. S. O. 0:07 p.m. : Iocnl Kx , lo . , O. IO,1I ; a.m. ; Mo. I'ao. Kx. , lo. B. O. D:17 : p. uu ; ! ! d M. P , Kx. , 0OVn. : m. * i\cepl. Sunday. Wotlco. SOHOOI , DISTHICT NO. 8 , Clay county , Noli. , will ici'cUo opoii lildd July 'J , IrHO , at t p. m , al Hie olllco ol tlio Dlstilct Trunsiiror , for the Biilo of f 10/00 ol in bonds In denominations of f.VK ) each. lloiiiUiiin ir > yeais with option after live years. Intnret 0 prr cent , pnyiililo Homl-auniially , Tlio rlhl ( ; IH luwirvcil in reject und ull bid. . JOS. ( lltHJi : Director. JnMilCt 'IKE AHD Council Bluffs And Cliica o Th n onlr ronu in talco DIM .Monies Alnp. ha llown , Ce.Inr . api.U. Clinton. DUIo. 'lle'uo. ' Mllwiiiikou and nil iinmts east. To tlio poop' > ot Nebraska. Cnlonido , Wjoniluir , I'tah , Idaho MiviKlii.OruKoii , WiiHlilinrlon and ( illfornl.l < t ollerssuporlor ailrantn us not poHSJble by any Amen a fowof Dig numoioiit poiiilbot su > o- rlorlty onjoj'iid by Iho patrons or thli romt li- > twoiiiOmahii and Ublviiyo. nro Its two iruiiHn day i > t DAY OoAC'HIIS whiuh mo tlio line t ilint human art nud luucmiilt ) ran cri-alo. n't I'A I , . ACK BI.HI5PINU OAItd. vvlilui nro inoil-u of I'omfort nii.l . u'Oirniico. ' lu PAItl.Olt lillf ' . \ JV(1 HOOM UAIW unstiinarM brnnv. nndli wld'i. ly toiourated PALATIAL DIMNO 'JAIls , mo ugual of which o-tnnot bu I'mi'i.l i < lotruuo ) At ( 'ouuttll Kluirti the li-.iliii n ( tlin l.'nlii ! ! P.i * " . fin Hy. comiiH ) ' in l.'nio'i Dr-pot with HKHH of tint C'h.caiio.V Noithwt" > torii Hy , In fJlile'iu I'l'l irdln * of ilil line milo : clixn C-ONIHTII JM ivuli tlltlKJllf III ) O'lStl.TIl 1.II01. I'or Dotioit.OilumbiM. Ili'JI.inrijiiills. Ci'i ' ll null. NIaifiiift Full * . Uuilnlo , I'lt'sbin r. 1'iro-iro Mor.lienl. HoMoii , Now V'irl.'hlla1chi , ! > Id. 51 u. iluiore.Wnihliiirtoiuiiiil ullpolntDli ticket iion ( fur llnkuij via thu " - " - | Ifyou wuiiiho tiktnccinin' > d tlbni. AlltloWst i B 'iIV.-.p.Hot4ivlfttHU ma j g jj ji