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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1886)
THE O3IAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 3 , 18SG. HOW LINCOLN CELEBRATES. Preparations by the Laboring Ken For the Observance of Indepondcnca Day. A GRAND TREAT IS EXPECTED. Contracts Tor HtntoSut > t > llos A warded and Who Hccnrud Them .More Notnrlos Commissioned linw nnd Ordrr People Active1. [ rilOM TUB ni'F.'R I.INPnt , ! * tllMIKAtr 1 Monday , July 5 , is when Lincoln cele brates Hie country's natal dny , and the event this ye'ar , started amid discourage ments nnd doubts , promises to be ono of tlie grandest ovenls that Hie capital oily has witnessed in celebrations of this" kind. Thi ) entire work of preparation , of programme , of speakers , of finances , and all the multitude of little tiling Ihal are a necessity in a well regulated , well con ducted celebration has been done by tlio Knights of Labor and trades unions of Lincoln , and whatever merits tlio cele bration shall produce by rights ure duo to those who have done the hard work in preparations after a public meeting had failed to elicit enthusiasm enough to un dertake the work. The projectors or the celebration have secured some noted speakers to address the multitude , anil the topics discussed Avlll hoof especial in terest to the laboring men. The speak ing will occur in part at Dunce park , commencing nt 1 p. m. , and in part at tlie government square in the evening , com mencing at 8 o'clock p. m. There will be many good things spoken and Lincoln people can hear and enjoj iust as much right at homo as to go away to celebrate. The opening event of the day will bo the street dis play , which will commence promptly at 10 o'clock , the procession forming on Ninth strcel and Market square. The line of march will take many of Iho principal buiiness streets along its way and it will take , it is estimated , 1 hour and 30 aiinuU-s for Iho rounds lo be made and baek lo the point of commencement. The order of march or rather thu forma tion of the procession will be as nearly as practicable in tlio order that follows : i'olieo department , marshals of the day and aids , carriages containing olllccrH of tlio day and .speakers , secret and benevo lent soVieties , postal clerks and maij de livery , Iho lire department , two Knights of labor wagons containing misses rente- Hunting tlie galaxy of btales. the bar bers' union display , typographical union display , clgarmakors' display , bricklay ers , carpenters , plasterers , tojlowod by a genenil business and Industrial exhibit , too numerous in number to enumerate , all making , as Iho management oxpcct , one of the most complete labor displays ever witnessed in Hie capital city. AT Tin : sTA'in IIOUM : . The contracts for furnishing supplies for the coming three monllis for tlie dif ferent .stale institutions , including the re form school , insane hospital , deaf and dumb institution and the blind asylum , wore awarded yesterday , and the success- lul comiH'titorsout of tno grist ot bidders wore found to bo the following : Hospital for Iho Insane Flour , Taogi & Slmiibiieh Columbus ; paints and oils , J. II. Harlo'y , Lincoln ; dry goods , . ! . U.D. Newman , Lincoln ; groceries , Ihoinas Sowell , Lincoln : coal , Whitebrci : = t Coal company , Lincolniv. . ' . S and medicines , J" . II. lliirly Lincoln. Deal and Dumb Institute Groceries , Win Fleming & Co. , Omaha ; broad , Joseph - soph Garnoau Cracker company , Omaha ; coal , Nebraska Fuel company , drugs , J. A. Fuller & Co. . Omaha ; paints and oils. Kennard & Powers , Omaha ; dry goods , S. P. MorBo & Co. , Omaha. Hlind Asylum-Moats , S. W. Trail , Ne braska City ; Ice , Lcidegh & Mason , Ne braska City ; groceries , Frazer & Utter- back , Nebraska City. Reform School Dry goods , J. H. Iryin & Co. , Kearney ; groceries , Caroline Thomason , Kearney meats , Wm. Ilccht , Kearney : Hour , Caroline Tliomason. The competition in these numerous awards was close , and in many cases wholesale rates were obtained in the contracts. NOTAIHK3 I'UIILIC. " The following list of notaries have been commissioned and Iheir papers for warded lo Ihom July 3 by Iho secretary of stnlo : II , C. Mason , A. C. Powell. Omaha ; Alexander Graham , Heatrico ; Frank U. llurcourl. Trenton ; RobertUhllg , Colum bus ; Charles Heck , Hartley , Red Willow county ; H. 11. Hall , Omaha : Robert M. Puylon , Croighlon ; II. C. hvens , Now- porl , flrown county ; Charles E. Davis , Ruvena , Hufl'alo county ; L. C. Hurr , Lin- col/i ; T. O. Hoyt , Ruio ; A. L. Field , Non- panel , Dawes county ; L. C. Thompson , ft" Hex Hntto , Dawcs county ; John C. Fotzer , If * ' J. L. Hill , Omaha ; Charles C Pearl , At kinson ; A L. Stcolo , O'Neill ; Samuel J. i Fair , Rockvilie , Sherman county. The school lands In Chuyonno and Chase counllcs will bo appraised , and work in that line is now in progress. Owing to the size of the first of the two counties the work will not bo completed at a very early day. The railroad commissioners have had just Iwo new cases Hied with Ihom since Iho mill of Juno , and those of a charac ter that amount to absolutely nothing. Ono or two decisions have been made in former cases , and the arduous duties nt the present time are confined to send ing railroad corporatioiw doing business in the state blanks for filling out and for warding an animal report of all business done , investments , repairs , etc. These reports are limited to September for return , and the companies will have a little fun themselves out of their commis sion. Superintendent Jones left yesterday for Nebraska City , where ho will assist in the work of thu Oleo county teachers , institute now in session there , nnd which is tlio opening iiiMilulo in Iho slalo. The Hlulu superintendent will also visit the National Teachers' association al Topeka tlio coining week The workman at thn salt well have now reached a depth of 5r > 0 feet and are Htill hammering in the solid rook entirely oblivious as to whether thu find will be natural gas , gold , coal or a much proph esied bait well. Mr , Irvm , of Kearney , brother-in-law of Land Commissioner Scott , is at tlio state capital for a ten days' residence witli relatives and numerous acquaint ances In Lincoln , Itullroad Commissioner Huschow has gone homo to celebrate his country's ' birthday with his own immediate constit uency and a number of oilier statu house men will do likewise. TIIK LAW AND OKDKH LKAOUE nro creating no small commotion in the city and filling the docket at the county judges otllco with work for a month at least if all the eases go through Iho form of a trial by jury , Whisperings of a reckoning time hayo been numerous , but the parties now apprehended and charged with violating the law have apparently boon unconscious of the storm cloud that 1ms arisen and given all fears to the wind ; now , however , the musio has com menced , and the Law and Order Loa"uo are exhibiting a degree of life and vitality apparently wholly uulooked for. It is Elated by those wuo are supposed to bo Hcniinlnted with the facts that two parties from Omaha have been collecting the facia and evidence againsl tlio parlies under arrest for some time , and that they ro indirectly the agents of the law and order society He thnt ni It may the ra < es nro pronounced as onca easy to rcnch n verdict upon , and In nil the charge * made. The cases created in the last two days by the law and order league y are two cases for gamb ling , one against Dnna llydo and one against Jay Norton These ca es nre set for hearing on the 7th day of July. There are five cases commenced nsamst restaurant keeper. " , charging them with selling liquors without a liren e nnd selling liquors on Sundays. The parties chnrged under the = c counts are Hiitltt Lintlsley. James Herrlek , Frank Law rence , Joseph Martin nnd Frank For- bush. For selling without n license , two drug gists , or drug linns , have been called into court , and these are A. L. Shader and Jones t Kostke. One of these firms hail hearing yesterday and was bound over der'tyoo bonds to answer the charges nt the next term of the district court. Three witnesses in this case were nl o hound over in like sum to roqulic their attendance In district court. Five fallen women , keepers of houses of prostitution , are uUo under arrest on the charge of selling liquors without n license , nnd also for keeping houses of ill fame. The e parties nre Moliio Hall , Pearl Lcwi , Lydia Stuwart , Anna Hien - berg and Anna Trip ) ) . Two of these par- tics liati their healing yesterday ami were bound over to the district court under $3CO ooiuls. i.ixroi.N nutr.r.s. The uniform men of the Knights of 1'vthias in tliis city nro in a fever of ex citement over the prospective tour to Toronto that they make leaving this city next week over the Northwestern. The division drills nightly on the university campus , anil some fifty men in uniform will comprise the capital city's delega tion to one of Hie greatest civio society's meetings ever heldm the country. That the Lincoln division will acquit itself creditably on dress parade goes without question , for the boys are all thorough in tlie t/icties and expect to carry tlio ban ner , for Nebraska nt least. Captain J. II. Stickle , of Hebron , nnd Editor Sedgwiek , of York , were in Lin coln yesterday and called at the BII : headquarters. Their ; reports agree that politics as yet in the state are dormant and unorganized , but tlio Van Wyck sentiment a good crop. Marshal Heach had parties out in the country yesterday after a young man who became drunk and made things howl in tlio city. The marshal , the night before , chased the fellow about four miles , both pursued and pursuer being on horseback , but failed to catch him. Tlio young man will be given a lesson in police court. In police court yesterday the rise in the thermometer also recorded a rise in culprits und live answered at roll call to the charge of being either drunk or both drunk and disorderly ; old otlenders wore given live days and new ollenders $1 nnd costs , most of whom paid up and went free. free.Tho The police yesterday were on I ho track of the man who assaulted a woman tlio other evening and wore taking stops to ward securing a warrant for the scamp's arrest. Police court had a case up wherein a cook in pno of the hotels was chnrged with assisting in rescuing pri.soners from o Hi curs. It appear * that along in the evening a row was broken up by one of tlio force and in attempting to take the boligerpnt to jail n newspaper man was called in to assist. The man up in court was charged witli lescuing the prisoner from tlio newspaper man. Senator Van Wyck , after n day's so journ in Lincoln , was an Omaha passen ger. The senator expects to be in Lincoln for a short time again before returning to Washington , presumably on Tuesday next Tlio Melnteo case has been continued until the Oth of the month , but Justice Drown in whoso court ho was released on bail , expressed the fact that owing to the find ings of the coroner's jury , Mclntco would bo placed in jail again. Snoriil'Mohek came homo on schedule time witli tlio two men , Stuwart nnil Chute , the mon charged with embezzle ment. Both parties waived examination and were put under ? 1,000 bonds for their appearance in district court. Among Lincoln visitors yesterday wcro Judge F. G. llnmcr of Kearney , Hon. Nathan Hlakoly of the kingdom ol Gaco , and M. K. Lewis of Hastings , president of the Central Van Wyck club. AT TUB IIOTRLS yesterday wore the following Nebraska people : J. S. McAleir , Unadilla ; E. E Whaloy , Loup City : Thomas W. Kiddle , Waltoo ; William Finn , McCook ; C. E ! North , Columbus ; F. W. Samuolson , Humboldt ; H. H. Whoelock , Fullerton ; Frank P. Ireland , Nebraska City ; W. P Saunders , Beatrice ; Frank Dickson , Elmwood - wood ; M. K. Lewis , Hastings ; F. G. llamer , Kearney. YMion > y wu slcV , TTB giva her C.utds , When eho WM a Child , > hs cried for C'Mtorla , When ulie became Miss , she clang to Cutoria , Wb o iho iixl CMldnu , aba garc them Cistotii For Kent. Elegant briok residence , ton rooms modern conveniences ; St. Mary's ave Dr. Graddy , 140-1 Fnrnaiu et. If you buy lumber nny whore without first getting lloaglands price's you wil lose money. _ , _ ; Dr. M. B. Croll , cor. 10th and Chicago. Notice. Samuel Shears nnd J. M. Eddy hnvo tliis sold their in the dny interest co-part- nortfhipof Markcl , Swobo & Co , , to tlio iiupcrfiigncd , who ussumo all liablitlos ana to whom all bills must bo paid. The business will bo conducted as heretofore toforo in thu name of the Pacido Hole company. J. E. MAHICKL , Dated ; Omahn.Juno 80th. Tiios.Swom : , M. 11. GOIILU. You can buy lurimuro cheaper of A L. Fitcli & Co. , 12th st. , bet Farnnm und Douglas , than nnv otliur place in the city , Miss Catharine Wolfe , ot Now York city iins Riven SIS.CX'O toward the purchase eSt St , Philip's chinch In that city , to bit used ns nu ItuIIr.u mission in coimectiou with Grace I'luttistaut church. EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest nnd stronecat Na ural Fruit navor . Vanilla , Ijtmoo , Orange. Almond , llose. etc. , llaior u delicately and naturally aa tin Jrult. PRICE BAK1NQ POWDER CO. , CHICAGO , BT. LOOTS. Character Sketches of Both , Followed By Feline Freaks and Fish Stories. MODEL YARNS FOR PICNICKERS. Torcst , ricld and Stronm Ylclil Up JLIbcrnllj , AVIillc Pnrlor rootflcs nnd Hun Monsters Knrlcli the Jlusuuni. Cnnlnc Stories. A 1II.ACK 1'KAIIUK ] > ( ) ( ) . IjAitAMiKVy. . T , June 2 < < . Naturalists - ists nnd curiosity hunting of this cplion nro c\cltcd over the discovery of n black prairie dog the lint of that hue known. the color of the nnininl always being n licht gray , Kesenreh in nil stni.dnni authority obtainable hero reveals no trace whatever of anything of the like. Tlio dog wns captured yesterday in the Cen tennial valley nnd is now on exhibition in the olllci-of the naturnllst , N. C Gil- niorc , who liai already refused several larfjo oilers for the nnininl. Orent crowds conlinunlly coino to view the curiosity , all agreeing that it is thu eighth wonder of the world. SAVKI > nv A i > oo. Columbus ( ( .in. ) Knquiror- While a pleasure partyVero onjoving thenisolves in bathing titl'nblu , IJeacii , one of their number. . .Miss Mnnrio Shaw , daughter of dipt.Villinni A. Shaw , of Jnck\onvllle , Fin , was thrown from oil' her feet by a monster breaker. Her screams attraeted the nttuntion of every one ns she rolled in the fciirf. Suddenly , liku n flush , n largo blaek Newfoundland dog. owned bj John llammant , of Hotel I'nblo , came hounding down tlio hnnk , and springing into the breakers caught .Miss Sluiw by her clothes and brought her to shore. Black , ns tlio dog is named , has bccomo n great favorite by his brave , human-like act , nnd rightly deserves now collar. in ; i.ovis : TO SEE THE CAUS. West Chester Hupnblicaii : I'tissongors over tiie Ualtiuuire Central railroad have noticed for n few dii'vs past n very tame woodchuck or ground hog , which mounts n htump near his hole in a clover field a short distance west of Avondale nnd watches tlio trains go past. Ho makes a roirular practice ol leaving the succulent clover nnd mounting the stunm whenever the noise of the approaching trains is heard. His perch is not more than fifty fuel trom the track. A SK\I : 'iiuEiiiuvincii ; : r > ivotritEii : rirrv DOI.LAl ! BILLS. Philadelphia Record : Mr. Da\id W. Sellers , who is well known at the Phila delphia bar , is tlio fortunate nosses- of nn unusually intelligent Skye terrier whose aptness to learn nnd ability to per form various umusingtrlckslinvncnnblcd him to move in the highest circles of canine society. He has recently ci\en proof of nn accomplishment and a power of perception of which his owner had previously been in ignorance. A tew days ago Mr. Sellers gave each of his daughters a crisp § " > ( ) bank note , which a few minutes later were accidentally brushed from the table where they had been placed and were inadvertently per mitted to remain upon the lloor for a le\v moments. Shoitly afterward search was made for tlio bills , ajul , to the surprise of all , the } ' were not to be found ; and fern n brief period their sudden disappear ance was an unsolved mystery. As the accomplished terrier was the only visitor in the room during the interval lie was looked upon with suspicion. The cir cumstantial evidences of his guilt was overwhelming , and Mr. Sellers at once instituted proceedings in equity v gainst him for the recovery of the treasures. An emetic was administered , nnd the recovery of the bill : ) in a sadly mutilated condition disclosed the terrier's guilt. The recovered notes were , however , in a condition to bo identified , nnd were ex changed at the United States sub-treasury for new bills. "itOOEU AND I. " Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph : A tramp , who had evidently arrived in the city last night , judging from his sun burned face and hands and muddy clothes , took a novel way of protecting himself. He baunterod up to Eleventh street abbout 11 o'clock last night , nnd was accompanied by a b'.g ferocious-look ing yellow dog. The tramp sought the most quiet portion of the street , near Allegheny Valley Kailroad general otliccs , lay down nnd cnlnily went to sleep. The yellow dog squatted down at his master's head , ns though ho had been specially trained to protect him. Several persons tried to edge up toward the sleeping man , but on each occasion tlio yellow uow would blink his eyes , show his teeth and growl. That was Mitlicient warning to all intruders. Jinch would quickly walk away , and the dog and his master were left undisturbed until the morning sun aroiibcd them nnd told tlmm that it was time to be moving on the next stopping place. Almut Parrots. A CENTKNAJUAN I'AltllOT. A well-known centenarian has just died in Paris , His name was Lenoir , and ho was one hundred nnd three years old. Lenoir was a parrot , lie was born in tlio reign of Louis Seize , and never quit ted tlio house he saw the light , hav ing been handed down by will to the dilt'orent owners of tiie house. Lenoir was n capital talker nnd know a number of phrases , which he often brought out mill u propos. Since tlw reign of Charles X. there was n good deal of difliculty in getting the bird to learn anything now. However , n servant with radical sympa thies taught him in n tow weeks to say "Vivo Uambettal" This he occasionally varied witli "A has llobespiorrol" which lie had been accustomed to say during the Kolgn of Terror. The last words or this rcuiurukblo bird wcro , it appears "Grace pour Marie Antoinette. " Youth's Companion : Here is a true narrot story. A lady living in Colorado has a very cloyor parrot , but , like clever babies , it can rarely bo made ( o " how oil" at the desired time. The owner of the parrot one afternoon gave a tea party to n dozen or more Indies , nnd Mibb Polly positively declined assisting in the enter- tninmont of the guests Not one word would she say , hut kept up u constant Knurling and snapping that was most inhospitable , even disgraceful. While at the tea-table the ladies dropped into ( lie feminine habit of all talking at the same time This so dis gusted Polly thatsho finally condescended to speak , nnd in her angriest tone she sneeringly shrieked : "Ya , ya. ya ! All talk at once ! Gab- bio , gabble , gabblol" A Sea Serpent in the Danube , Flying Dutchman or jio Flying Dutch man , tlio sea serpent has turned up again and this time in the Danube. The in habitants of the little town of Delns-Mo gyer , between Ofen nnd Szcnt-Kndro , were thrown a few days ago into great excitement. Fishers returning from the Danube , which flows hard by , reported that during the night tlio quite waters of tiio river had been ogitated by some ex traordinary monster whoso like they hail never before seen. It was the body of a colossal flshliko creature , which rose to the surface and disappeared again alter nately , violently agitating the surface of the stream. The story spread like wiM- fire , and the next night exploring parties betook themselves to the river , though the monster was not seen nguln. The be lief is now common in tlio district that the Danube has been visited by the fabu lous sea serpent. A small flotilla of liuda-Pesth fishing barks is reported to linvo ponp ( o thn scone of the Mrnnge ap- pnitlon nilli a view of learning the ( ui'.li of tlio matter. l-'lsh Stories. A ! | SlAtK | STOIIV. ( nlvcston No d : Last summer , ns the quarantine toamor Hvgela was coming in from outidu the bar , a largo school of porpoises were nhUing round the vc scl , when the engineer , "Hilly" HriMol , opened lire on them with an old-fah- foiled 45-cabiber revolver , anil by a chance shot killed one. The vessel was stopped , the porpol c , which would weigh several hundred pounds , secured liy a stout noose round the tail , and leu hanging over tin1 ship's idc , head down in the water. Within a very few moments a huge shark , probably eighteen feet in length , made n ru h for the porpoise , nnd. although fired upon , cut it in twain , and made another ru h for the remainder , nnd bit thnt in two just above the tail , which was left hanging , nnd mndo oil' , despite the fact that IMO pistol shots wcro lired Into its head without nny apparent oiled. On the hist rush the shark's head was well out of water , nnd when lired on was not moie than three or four feet from the pistol's niu//le. A ( JAMK riMl. Atlanta Constitution"Speaking of game fish , " remarked the Judge , as ho swapped tobacco with the railroader , "the waw-moiith perch beats all for bit ing. When I was a young fellow 1 used to hunt deer in south Georgia. Down about the Wavering Ponds , below Albany , was line ground lor still-hunting , and L used to indulge myself In some rare sport there. One afternoon I had killed a little buck , nndslinging him ncross my shoulder , I .stillted for homo. For tlio sake of a short eut 1 decided to wade through ono ol the. ponds. My breaches legs had become tattered and fringed by the wild rose bushes , and as the water began to get about knee deep. I kept feeliuc something something pulling nnd twitching nt my trousers. I paid little attention to it until I emerged fioni the water , when , looking down , I beheld wall nmn/.ement half a do/.on largo waw- Dionth porch clinging to the tatters on either leg. They had got splashed with blood from the deer , and the lisli had bit at them and were so hungry that they held on , waw-mouth like , until [ carried them liigh and dry to the shore. Bent nny fish I ever saw for grit and determina tion. " A OEOIIOIA KIslI STOKY. Atlanta Constitution. The old rounder , casting a meditative glance toward where the sun hud gone down , said' "Well , gentlemen , I had a little experience of my own once. 1 wont down on the Chnttahoocheo river , in Dceatur county , to visit an old-time friend. Ho had often told me of the splendid fishing theie , nnd 1 was anxious to try it. It was into in the evening when 1 got there , nnd I re tired early , so ns to be ready for the fun next day. 1 asked how far it was to the creek , and they told me it was only a few hundred yards , just beyond the fence. 15y light next morning I was up , and se curing n good tackle and a few .sawyers , stalled off toward the crock. The fog was bo heavy , for it was woods burning time , that 1 could not see any distance ahead of mo , and so 1 groped my way 03 boil I could across the little clearing. Kciiching the fyncc. J climbed over , and picking my way carefully , for i did not want to fall into the creek. I proceeded slowlj down the slope until I thought I must bo near the water's edge Halting my hook , I throw it forward , and just about time enough for it to strike the water I felt a pull , and with a jerk 1 biotiglit in n Jine fellow. For ten min utes I stood txcro ( , and pulled them in , and then , fearing 1 would spoil one day's sport , 1 regretfully retired , and by acoi- dent 1 reached tiie house through the fog. After breakfast the fog liftt" ! , raid \e got ready for a dp.y'S enjoyment. You may imagiiic my surprise when , ongoing to the place where 1 had caught so many early in the inornintr. I found that it was n full hundred yards from the bank of the creek. The truth is , 1 had not touched the wnter.but . just stood there and caught them out of the fog. " THE JUMl'INU FISH OK SIAM. From Two Years in the Jungle : Wo will never know the actual depth of the mud on that bank , but wo sank into it to our knecb at every step and were for tunate to stop at that point. What a circus it must have been for those who looked on ! But in for a penny in for a pound , and bidding Francis to choose the largest fish when possible wo wont for them. Tliere were probably about n dozen in sight , hopping spasmodically about or lying nt rest on the mud , but when we selected the nearest specimens nnd made for them they developed sur prising energy nnd speed and made straight tor their burrows. They pro gressed by a series of rapid but short , repeated jumps , accomplished by bend ing the hinder third of thv body sharply around to the loft , then straightened it very suddenly , and at tiie same instant lifting tlio front part of the uody clear of the ground by means of the arm-liko pectoral fins , which act iiko the front flip pers of a sea-lion. Those fins nre almost like arms in their structure and use , the bones being of great length and thus giving the members great freedom of movement , Owing to the soft and yield ing nature of the mud , the leaps were short , about six inches being the distance gained each time , but tlioy wcro so rapid , the mud so very deep , nnd our progress FO slow , the lish nlwiys succeeded in get ting into their holes before wo could reach them. Their burrows were simply mud-holes , going straight down to n depth of three or four feet , large enough in diameter to admit of a man's urm easily , and of course , full of water. Al though the mud was soft , it was not sticky , and wo were nblo to use our hands for spades very oU'ectually. JJy digging a big hole two feet deep and standing on one's head in the bottom of it wo were able to reach an arm down two feet further nnd .seize the fish at tlio bottom of thu burrow. Lucky it is for us that they had no sharp nnd poisonous spines , like tiie mud lull' , which stung me in Singapore , and paraly/cd my right hand for some hours. Tlio Devoted H < | iilrrol. Savannah Letter to tlio Atlanta Consti tution : The intonsHy of animal afi'ection has just been pathetically illustrated In this city. Tliroo 'years ago Mr. Jacob Gardner , of Bull street , sold n lady n largo bltiek squirrel , which had attracted considerable attention while nt the store on account oft its' ' unusual si/.o nnd the beauty of its coat. The animal became the favorite pet of its purchaser , and was often given tho'frcedom ' of the hausonnd oUondod other liberties not often enjoyed by its kind when in captivity. Occasion ally the chatterer left the premises , but never failed to return when night ap proached. It was the object of almost constant petliug nnd caressing , nnd nearly always fclupt snuggled up in tlio arms of its mistress. . A lew days ago tlio owner left the city for a few iiuys , leav ing the squirrel at .home. Tlio little ani mal soon missed her nnd ran from room to room nil over the house nnd grounds in smirch of her , giving unmistakable evidence of grief. All ellorts nt consola tion on the part of other inmates of the house were unavailing , and the squirrel refused either to be comforted or to par take of Us Usual food , from time to time giving vent to pitiful little cries indicative of grief After nearly a week had elapsed and it became evident that the little sonowur'b deatli was n matter of only K few days , the owner was notified and returned homo. Her arrival was greeted with evi dences of wild joy by the squirrel , which nruncod about the house and jumped into her arms with all thu signs of ecstatic happiness that its weakened condition would permit. It made every ell'ort to partake of the tempting food placed be fore it , but it was unable to swallow , and on thn following tiny , tvfth if.s eyes turned most pitifully into those of its mistress , it gasped out its life while lying In her nrms. lionny's heart had been broken too long to lo healed even by the glad balm found in its mistress' return. " * Sulcldo of Animals. - Man \i \ not the only nnininl ( lint com mits suicide , llprringsandothcrllshhnve sought dentil by rushing nel.are in my riads , regiments of ants , by deliberately marching Into streams , swarms of rRts , by migrating Into the face of their deadly foes , and even butterflies , by Hying in immense cloud * straight out to sea. It would bo Inteiesting to learn the causes of the apparent wholesale nnd deliberate self-dust ! iiclion. Is the aet a purely con scious one , or nro the creatures victims of disease mental or physical ? t'Mslicrincn Attacked l > y Kaylcs. When Farmer John Martin and his neighbor , Mr. Slrcotcr , of Greece town- shij ) , nonr Rochester , N. Y. , went fishing nt Long Pond last week they weto amply provided \ith } all appliances for captur ing the pickerel that lie in wait among the lily pads of that famous fishing ground for the spoon hooks of angler- . Their luck was phenomenal. Pickerel and bass of glorious dimensions took the lure In rapid succession. A few hours' fishing put them in possession of enough lish to satisfy reasonable men , and they started to walk homo. Their path led them through n piece of woods near the pond , nnd in going through n glade , they were decidedly startled by a sudden attack of two largo birds , which How nt them viciously and compelled them to drop tlio fish and defend themselves. One of the men had n gall'or fish spear , and with it lie struck at the birds , finally so disabling the wing of one of them that It could not fly or continue the attack. The loss of its mate cooled the courage of the o'hor bird , and it Hew away. Air. Martin and his friend then nppronchcd the wounded bird , which proved to be nn eagle , and found it tar from subdued. Its beak and talons were vigorously used , and it was not until one of its captors hold its head down with n stick while the other tied a piece of lish line around its legs and a hankerchlef mound its head that it gave up the .struggle. The eagle , still alive , is now in Mr. Martin's posses sion. Its injured wing is healing and its appetite appears to be unimpaired , for it easily eats two pounds of meat daily. Hoes Hint Can DIsllngulMli n Tune. Lyons ( N. Y. ) Republican : Furmer Henry Wadsworth. of Wolcott , in this county , has a son Daniel who has for years worked nt homo upon his father's farm. He has a great love for domestic animals , and an unusual aptitude for winning their confidence and teaching them tncks. He has taught the horses , dogs and cats upon tlio farm scores pi dillorent tricks , and is well known in Wolcott nnd vicinity for his ability in this lino. Several months ago Daniel heard the old-time saying that swine had no ear for muaic. Ho was convinced that the having was an unjust imputation upon the intelligence of those animals , and by long practice , coupled with rare patience , lie has during his leisure hours actually taught the licrd of swine at the farm to distinguish tlio tune of "Yankee Doodle" when they hear it. It is his daily custom to go into the lot where the swine are feeding , and to whistle the old familiar tune , whereupon ever. , liog will prick up his ears and run to his side. A number of people are sceptical ns to young Wads- worth's ability to call up the beasts in the manner stated , but since he has put tlio animals on exhibition tlio experiment lias never been known to faij. Hundreds of people have seen him do it. On many occasions ho has whistled n number of familiar airs without touching upon his"Ynnlcc Doodle , " with no oil'ect upon his swinish pupils , but when that tune is reached only a few bars , are whistled before the herd comes crowding about him. To any who may disbelieve this , Daniel extends an invitation to wit- the exhibition any line dny. A Buzzard Carries Oft" it Goslin. Fort Gaines Tribune : Wo were in formed by one of our best farmers , resid ing n few miles from Fort Gaines , of a rather singular occurrence which ho wit nessed n short time since. He was plow ing in n little patch near the house when ho noticed quite n commotion nmpng the fowls near by , and seeing something dart aown among them , nnd supposing it to be a hawk , ho ran toward thnm. Imagine his surprise wiien ho saw n buzzard rise and Hv awny , taking with it n goslln in its beak. It seems thnt the gonlin was more than the buzzard could well man age. BO it flew oft" very near the ground. The gentleman and his dog then started in pursuit , and by his hallooing and tlio dog barking , frightened the buzzard ho that it dropped the goslin and Hew away , lie says ho can't toll what tlio bu/.zard's intentions wcro , except that it thought the goslin was ono of its young and wanted to carry it to stifo quarters. liccs on tlio War-path. Lewiston ( Mo , ) Journal- correspond ent of the Bee Journal writes Unit a brood of chickens were in tlio habit of frequenting the shed in which ho kept his hoes. The bees slung till tlio dark colored ones to death , yet did not molest the light cojored chicks. Whythopreforencoy The editor writes that ho lias frequently spoken of the advantage of wearing light clothes among the bees. Wo wear black line veils because wo cannot sec clearly through any other color. Woolly , fuzzy and dark materials are objected to by bees. A man with a plug hat on rarely gets stung , unless by a bee that in trying to "blioot the fiat" aims too low und hits the face by mistake , while n companion at u suitable distnnco is perfectly safe. Fell no Romances. A CAT ON A llENDKIt. George A. Gray , of Woodland street , Moridan , Conn. , has a three-year-old cat , which , until rccmitly.lms conducted Itself with propriety nnd sobriety. The other day she quit her play nnd mischief and began to yowl as if in pain , and soon stretched out in a death-bed attitude and apparently dopnitcd for the land where nil good cats are supposed to go. Alter tlio flow of family tears had par tially subsided , thu cat , after several hours of innocuous desuetude , began to show slews of returning consciousness , nnd finally pulled horse If together almost ns good as now. The secret of the incident cnmo out two days later when it was discovered flint tlie cat had boon feasting on bits of steak which n neighbor had been soaking for medicinal purposes. In brief , the cat was dead drunk , and this in a commu- njty where a man has no .right to deluge himself with any tiling stionger than throo-per-ceut. A OAT'S KiKitr OUDEAL. New York Journal ; The intoiior of the Forty-second btreet car .stables on Saturday night was n crutor of red and yellow tlamo when the gaze of tlio mul titude below becamelixod upon tholigiiro of a big black cat that had fled to tiio roof for safety. The tenor tones of thu cat were audible above the slnieks of the fire engines and tlio rush of water. With tail pelpcndiciilnr , with nil four claws clutching the hot brioks , the un happy feline began n race with death along the crumbling edge of the parallel forty feet from tlie ground. His form was penciled against a background of lire with the sharp lines of a silhoutto. Oncn in n while u red tongue of lltimo would lick n bunch of lir from the cat's body , and with an uncanny scream of ngony he would leap along the parapet like a swoepstakc-i favorite. The crowd below began to got excited. There was a cry for the firemen to rescue the only living thing in or on the hla/iii' building , but the cat hither and thither eo rapidly that it was impossible to tell where to post a ladder , Several times ho Jumped from n tottering frag- mom of wall just ns It crumbled nnd fell in dust nnd nshcs wittiin the crater Tlio green light of his eyes could bo seen plainly , nnd so constant were his cries that it was evident that his lungs were yet untouched by the fiery vapors. At last re.seuo was attempted , nnil the crowd cheered. A lironian stnled , i lad der , and the cat uw him coming \ \ ith wondeiful pivenee of mind the poor built ; Mopped over the topmost iiing. and \ \ hen the fireman was yet some distance below , leaped upon his shoulders. Mnn and cat then safely descended to Iho giouud. livery vestige of hair had been singed from the cat's body , nnd ho looked n liing skeleton in carconl. Ho was re ceived with open arms by n woman in the crowd , who carried him oil' for hospital 11eatment wrapped in a shawl. Several thousand witnessed this thrilling rescue. llatH. AN r.NCHNB DKItAILEU MY A HAT. Bridgepoit ( t'onn. ) Stnndnid : Last nlghl the regular freight on the Consolid ated road at IKtO stopped In Kast Bridge port to take on pome cnrs ThobrnK'1- man turned the s\\itch , which is known among railroad men as a "split switch , " to let the engine in on the turnout. Thu switch is operated from one of tlio little rouiidliou'-os built for that purpose The switch re.spondcd correctly to all appear ances , and the signal was given to the engineer to "go ahead. " 'Llio engine stalled and the driver soon discovered ho was oil'tho track. An investigation re vealed the fact that a lingo rat had been cnughUn the jaws of the switch , which had forced it open far enough to allow the engine to leave the rails SI'IKNTIKIO HAT KILLINU. Farm , Field and Stockman : An at tempt to entcli rats by trapor by pois oning them .suddenly , will fall. Old rats know lee much and can only be caught by kindness. To destroy them , give them a good meal every day. Do not put any poison in tlie food , but simply prepare a dish for them every day , ns a free lunch , eompo-ed of corn meal moistened witli milk , into which nn egg nnd a little salt has been beaten. At they may not touch it , but keep it before them making it fresli daily They will > eon try a little and if not Injurious their suspicions will be allayed. 'In a week or ten days they will c\j > ect it and every rat on the place will bo nt the appointed place for tlie treat. Give them plenty of it so as to induce every rat in the neighborhood to join in. Do not bo in n hurry to poison them. If they oat nil the food , trive them a larger quantity ne\t day. As soon ns they have thrown oil'all suspicious go to your druggist , get some phosphorus paste , or oilier rat poison , mix it with thu food and be sure you give them enough and something to spare , so ns to induce all to eat. Tfiey will either bo killed or become so suspicious of nil other food ns to leave , and not a rnt will remain. Hence , to destroy rats , take plenty of time , gam their confidence nnd finish them when they least expect it. i.XPLOl : > IN(3 ItATd. A package of yeast cakes was eaten one night by rats in n freight house at Mlddietowu , N. Y. The yeast soon began to work , and people waiting for the train next dny were interested in watching rats run out from under the freight-house , go nj > like rockets nnd explode in tlio air with a Minip rcpoit. Too Many " \VoodcliuolcB. Thrco years ago woodcluieks became .so abundant and so destructive in La Porte , Indiana , that the authorities o fibred a bounty of i.0 cents for each woodchuck seal ] ) . The lirst year 2,875 scalps were presented : the second , 5,010 ; the third , 7ol , .1 total ol 15,860 scalps , on which was paid $ .5,177,20. Hnnkc Stories. AN ENCOUNTEH OP HAT AND SN'AKli. Lnfnyetto ( Ga. ) Messenger : One of our popular young farmers , noted for truthfulness as well as modesty , tells the following story of a fight between a rat and a miukc. He wus ut his stable one morning not long since , and after doing some chores around the lot he sat down and began to meditate he is given to such tilings occasionally and while sitting on the fence near Ids stable he saw u snake orawl out from under the crib in quite a hurry ; presently u largo rut followed und attacked the suaku fiercely , It jumped upon Ids snnkeship nnd ut once the loptilu coiled und en deavored to strike the rat , but it was quick und escaped the bito.s , meanwhile plying its own teeth in u fearless man ner , The rat and snukc clinched , rolled up in a wad , the snalto trying to coil around the rat. Just ut tiiat moment iho rnt , securing a good chance , seized the snake near its tail and bit it terribly. In much pain nnd agony , the gorpent m > ickly gave up the fight nnd made ofT , the rat following u short distance nnd then re luming went back to the crib. Several times it came out und smcllcd nlong through the weeds , as if scenting tlie snake. It Is supposed that the snake iiad eaten the old ral's young , and it v/ns de termined to hnvo revenge. BOUNTY ON 6NAKES. Tlio Tuxedo Park association odcrs a bounty on snakes $1 for u poisonous snake and 50 cents for less dangerous ones. One of thu men employed Uiero killed $40 worth in one day. GOLD IN THE"OCEAN. A Ijnw Suit RccallH tlio Btory of HpiUu'H SmiKc'ii Treasure Ships. Philadelphia Dispatch : Hampton L. Carson filed n bill in equity to-day on behalf of K. C. Collins ngninstJ J.fioylo und the Vigo Bay Treasure company. The bill is brought merely to compel Boyle to deliver to the iiluintifl' 20.000 shares of the stock of the Treasure com pany , under an agreement by which lie agreed to make feuch delivery. The com pany's business is of a decidedly romantic chnrnctcr. During tiio war of tiio Span ish succession , at the end of the seven teenth century , when Franco and Spain were contending with England , Austria nnd Holland over the question of whether Louis XIV. or King Charles of Austria should name the successor to tlio Spanish throne , Iho mnmornblo naval engage , incut took place in Vigo bay , n little land locked harbor on the northern coast of Spain. For several years Iho Knglish Heels and privatccra had deterred the shipment of tlio usual annual cargoes of precious colonial produce fiom thuSpnn- isli colonies to the mother country. Finnlly in 170J the nucosiilics of the .Spanish exchequer demanded relief in some wuy , and the protection of a French Hoot was secured to escort thirty heavily laden galleons from Havana to Cadi/ . llelore the Heel and convoy renehod thn Spanish const , Sir Clondenley Shovel , the Lnglish admiral , learned of their approach preach nnd set his sharpest watchers. Tlio Spaniards observed the movement and succeeded in coin eying a warning to the approaching fleet. The destination was accordingly changed from Cadiz to Vigo. Thu Englishman , however , was nut ID bo so easily thwarted. The licet got by him , but ho went nftor it They beat him Into the harbor , nnd the French lleet wiia stationed at the entrance , while llit > galleons proceeded to unload IJeforis much of the cargoes hail been landed the Englishmen arrived , and n battle began nl once between the two fleets. I'liu French ships were rapidly Bunk or disabled When the Kuglish lleet finally forced its way into the harbor , the Spaniards determined that if they could not themselves enjoy thu riches of the galleons , ut least they .should not fall into the clutches of thu Kngliih. Seven had been unloaded , the Hiiglish captured six , hut the remaining seventeen were sunk in foity-livo feet ot water Diving bells being unknown to the mariners of those davs , Sir Ooudcslo.v suited oil' content \uth the lot he Irul secured , afterward discovering that the treasure taken from n single ono of the galleons was Asoith fJJ.OOO.ti.Kt. all Of this was made into coins , on which the word "Vigo" was stamped below the head ci good Queen Anno. Historians and antiquarians occasion ally referred to the sunken treasure , but it remained undisturbed , save once in the present century , when the Knglishmnn who raised the ships sunk in the harbor of Sevastopol sent divers down under the waters of Vigo liny , and afterward re ported that the treasuie there could nni be less than $ M.OOu.Oil ) . Finally the Span * ish g < n eminent gave n concession to a Connecticut concern to recover the treas ure upon tlie condition that It should pay n royalty of 23 per cent The concession was transfoircd to tlio Vigo Hnj Treasure company , and the Suantsli gm eminent rutihed the transfer The olllcoru of thu company estimate thu nniinnit of tno treasure at $ :17,000,000 : They find that the galleons hn\o sunk very little In thu hard bottom on which theivsf. . but thnt they are covered over witli mud and llnu sand about inno feel deep , which havu come down from tlie neighboring moun tains. They have exactly located twulvo of the galleons , nnd bioughl up thirty cords of magnificent mnliogany , besides n lot of brass cannon. They are not discouraged nt having failed to icaeh the treasure yol , because old report * preserved In the government library at Madrid show Hint the Ircasnro was ulwujs carried in chnsU built inst over tlio keelson , with the cargo Piled above. The future of the enterprise is decidedly speculative , however , and Counsellor Cuison asks the Interference of the court to compel the delivery of thy stock il < elf instead of money damages for its non-delivery , on the ground that ) "it may be of great value , depending on- lively upon the amount and character of the treasure recovered. " A. Knlr ItUlr. Citizen ( to insurance agent ) -I expect lo light a duel tomorrow , will , and I wan1 my life insured. Agent ( dubiously ) 11 m. What is your name ? t'iti/.eu Col. lllood. I'm a native of Kentucky. Agent Oh ! All rlghl , Colo'ie1 , how much insurance do you want ? Kirk'ti Gnrmnn 1'ilo Olutinont. Sinecure l < ir blind , bleedlnc , ami Itclilnir Piles. Ono box ! ms em oil the \\oust eases OL ten H'iirs Mainline. No ono need sutler ton minutes niter using this woiuleiful Klrk'a Herman I'lle Olutiiicnt. 11 absorbs tiunorH , nllajsthc itphliitf at onoo , acts us it puulttcu. L'lu's Instuml relict. Kirk's Guinuiu 1'Uu Ointment Is proiuied only for I'llo.s ftlitl Itehliiirof the pi I vale p.uts , mid nothing olsc. Kven box is w.iuaiited by our agents. Sold by diu 'iiist-s ; sent by mall on receipt of price , f > 0c per box. DR. C. O. UENTON , I'nor , Cleveland. O. Sold by C. F Gooodmnn and ICuhn & Co. , Ifitli nnd Doiik'InM , Ibth nnd Cinnlup IjOokliiR 1'or Fresh Tnlmt. Huso ball manager ( to applicant ) ! want a now piloher. Con you curve a ball ? Applicant Yes , sir ; I can curve it twice around the baiter before il reaohts the catcher' * hands. Manager only Iwice ? Applicant That's all. Manager I'm afraid jou won't do. What I want is u phenomenon , and a lefl handed one at thai. A sure cure for Blind , Ulecdln ? , It chin nnd Ulcerated 1'ilos has boon discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an luillnu lemetly ) , called Ur Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A slnglo box has cuicd Iho clnoiitc raises ot i or 80 years standing. No ono need sulfcr live minutes nfter applying this wondeiful sooth Inj ? medicine. Lotions nml instruments djj more harm than point. WlHinffls' Indian Pile Olut iB i Abttius Ino minors , nllayu the intfhso itching , ( pnitlcnlarly ut ninlit after gcttinc warm in bed ) , nets as n poultice , elves instant lellet , and only for Piles , itching of private parts , and for nothing olsu. 8JCIN DISKASKS CUIUII ) . Dr. Krn/.ioi's JIairlu Oinlmunt cuies ns by maL'ic , Pimples , Ulacl : Heads or Oinbs , Blotches und Krnptluns on the face , leaving tliOBKlu cleuruml beautiful. Also cincsltoh , bait itl'enm , Hoio Nipples , Sere Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. V Bold by druBirlbls , or mailed on receipt ol GOcunls. Itetiillcil by Kiihn & Co. , mid Sclnootor & Conrad. At wholf.salo by C. F. Cioodmau Sonic 1'oor Seeiiory. A Chicago base ball enthusiast , recently returned from Europe , is disgusted witli Switzerland. "Scuneryr" he repeated in reply to a . quesllon. "What did 1 Ihlnk of Iho sccneryV" "Why , there ain't scenery in the hull country Dial's ' level cnougn to make a diamond. " The Orealcst Medical 'fiiunipu of Uio Ago ! SYMPTOMS OF A of appetite , OovTrUco tl c , I'ulii lu iho licnilrllli n dull enoatloniu tbo bacU part , 1'iiln under Ilio ( boulder * Undo , I'ullncis after eating , with adls- Inclination to oxerltau of bodr or tulnd > Irritability attemper , I.oimplrlK , with a roellnnoflinvlnir neglected eomedutr , Wcurineu , Vlzzlneii , I'lutlirlag at Ilia Heart. Dot * before tbo eyes , Headacbo over Iho right ere , Kostlemnon , with fitful dream * . Illculy colored Urluo , and CONSTIPATION. TOTT'H 1'IljI.S are especially ndnptou to lucb cases , ono tloao effects eucli a clianiro ofcol In a as to niton Uh thn sufferer. Tuer Inerea o tlio Appetite , and cam * tlio bodr to Take ou Flenhtliu tn B/item l liourlihol.aiul liy their Tonln Action en TUTT'S EXTRACT SflRSflPflRILU Jtenovatud the bodr. wakes Iiualthy tledli , fiLrcuijthcna the weafc , rcimlmtliu nasteaol tlio system witli pura bloou and Imnl nuisclo ; tones thu nerrous system. Invigorates tlio bruin , anil Imiwirta tlio vicor ot innuhood , I . Bold by dniKKiftUi 44 niurray St. , Noiv York. UHCOLHBUSjljBSJiHECTOBY Ilcccutly llullt. Nowljr Kurnl.hed The Tremont , " J. C , I'ny.OKItAI.UA. tON , I'minlotois. Cor. fth anil I'rits , Lincoln , Nob. llnto JK.'XJ iiurdax , btr ct uira fromliuuta ( u unr purl of tliu ciiy. J. li. W. HAN KINS , Architect , Olllcos-at. Ill unil 42. HI'jlKiids Block , [ .iiicoln , Nub. Kluviilor onlltli at rout. llroi'iltT ol Jlrt'oilnr of OAI.MIIVAVC.MTLK , Blllllll llOKVUATTI.3 F. M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer Rulu * iiuiilu In nil imrU of Ilin 17 H. nl fi\f ml us. IIiKJin : iHlau ( IlIorK , I.lnuoln , Ni'li.j ( iolluwu ) umlSliurt Horn hulls lursale. iril. GOIJiTmN Farm Loans and insurance , In rr-ynnl to loam hollt cc 1. lloum 4 lllelmr U lllo ' * , Lincoln , NU'J. Public Sale , 4u lumd of Hlnnv B'luit ' ll'inis Iliiti-i , V ( i > i'li tlianl. , t-ji'in olils , oi ( liinif in.VJ ; lin II "ill liolloij Aililnuj I'ti'li ! ini'l Fill in. lor i-ilii'nf uorf , Dcnxi i , ( Hi. ( . ' . M. lit 111011 , Lliu Jin , Nil * Col. lM WixiiN , Ani'iloiiiiur. Win n lu Llnuoln Flop nl National Hotel , And cut u KooJ 'll'iner fm1 i'to , J.A. t