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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1886)
JL 1 \ The Omaha Bee Beoelyea all DAILY H The New York Herald Oabfa the Now York Herald Cable Specials arc Wired Direct to the Specials. Omaha fieo. SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , JULY 5 , 1886 , NUMBER HANGING IN THE BALANCE , The Scales Hold Even Which Decide the Into of Homo Rule. A GREATSTRUGGLEYETTO COME .Iiistln MrCnithy Discusser tha Situa tion as Seen nt Ijomlomlerrj Jlow It Iiooks In Ireland Tlic 1'olllt.K ! ' . Ilio IlcstiltSo Kar. Lovnov , .July I. ( New York llcinlil Cable Special to the Htt.1 : : If It wore uocessaij lo assume thnl the elections will contlnuo throughout as they have tc un , there would bo no doubt thai Hits new parliament would resoluble thu one just dissolved , the parlies ocoupyliigtlio same iclatlvo positions. Inthatcaso Mr. ( Hailstone's hill , as hlthfito Insisted on b ) him , could not , ol COUI-JP , bo canlcil. Xrlther could any con < -eivatlvo nilntstry. nor lltirtlnulon , 01 oven a coalition ministry , lia\o nuy length of life. The ses sion \\nutil bo sloiiny , chaotic and brk-f. Another dissolution and imal appeal to the country would MIOII bo ntce-Haiy. Tills gloomy view for ( iladstoup , however , Is not jet absolutely forced upon IH. Tlioslmilficant alHtentloiis fiom voting on th | urt of the unionists Is one s KII of latent strength foi the natural leader of the llbuial i aity. It Is evident thattho unionists me llbcial bet ore they are lory allies And them aio other pounds lor hope ainoiu the fi lends of the government , asmay bogathoied fioin a raie- lul resume of the situation. Itlsceitaln that an analsis of ycstoiuay's 101111113 affoids no basis upon \\hich AW i-Aisn CAX roviit.\rri.A.rr. ITII i.r 01 iiifsuiiu1 to claim ultimate victory. The unionists have slightly the b'st ol It , though not In the shape of numerical The meio fact of tholr holding their own scorns to ImpelII the powei of ( Hailstone's appeal to the country. To nciitiall/c the lecent niajoiHy of tldity against thorn in the commons , the ( lladstoncltes must win lilteen scats. To socuio a working majoilty they need at leist twenty- fi\e , niidtoohtnln these they must do bottei than lilthcito. The significance of jestciday's elections is that they were fought in constit uencies supposed to contain the strongest Irish vote. The results indicate either that the Hi/not this lilsh contingency has been overestimated , 01 tint the abstentions ol the Kugllsh liberals aio seilous. Ona scat was Rained by the Irish vote In Llveipool , and two In Manchester. But , though the Irish were presumed to bj strong in I'lestou , licrk- enhcnd , Holton and St. Helens , they failed to wrest the scat from the unionists. In Sal- foul , whore the ( iladstoneans lost Ii\o seats , the lilsh faiily swaim , andthoie cin bo no mistake about theli hticngth In this instance at least. Dentfoid , as a dlstilct , contains moio Iilslimcn than any other mutiopolls , and heio the unionists not only maintained thi'ir MMt-i , but hugely incicascd their inajoi- itles. Heietho tiausfcr of a laigo Hlsh vote fiom the con eivatlvo to the Gladstone bide was reckoned on , with nssmaneos to bilng about a gov ei niiient vlctoi y. 1111 : C.U.CL'I. vnox WAS si'oii.r.n Blmply by tlio llhcial abstention horn the polls. Taking alHho seats jet contested , and compaiing the polling with that of last No vember , the nopulai vote shows a net gain ol 10,010 lot the unionist * , n fallingott ot 15 pin cent In the liberr.l vote , and a falling off ot 10 per cent In the loiy vote. The total diminu tion of the vote on both skies causes general astonishment. It is accounted lor paitly by the Mioitness of the lipilod allowed for the electoral cam paign , pailly by the n ual changes of icsldcnco among the vvoiklngmcn , who Imo had oppoitmiltj toieglstcr anew , and these liavo to lose their \otcs , and paitly by the ab- htcntlon of llbcial \ otes , as bufoin inciitioncd. Moic than to any of these causes , however , the dccieascdoto Is duo to the fact , now IP- vralcd , that the masses aioless Intoicsted In this contest than are the educated classes. It Is foil by many that Gladstone may have inado a mistake. In n purely political sense , in basing his appeal to the countiy too ex clusively on high moral and sentimental giounds. The unionists have taken advant- agn of this to api oil to the pockets and stomachs achs of thermal classes , \vho are naunally ( iladslono's allies. It tactics like these prove as potent as the union ist leadeis expect , the Glndstonlans tuesent claim , that yesterday's Indications will be conliadlctcd by the results in the iigilciiltuial distilcts , may bo too singulnc. Assuming that all the reasonable calculations of the conseMatlvc-tinlonlsts coalition are fulfilled , their majority will htill bo very small , and It Is now icpoitrdthat unless the vpidlct of the countiy Is decisively azalust him. ( H.ADSTOM : vvii.r. nnuAix IN orpici : and Indodiice , next October , a new homo rule bill. . The bill Is trained In such a way as to at least conciliate the moro moderate sec tion of the liberal position , and peilmps en tirely rcstoio party unity. Jt Is at this crisis that any unfavorable results In the present election may bo lendeicd harmless to the principle of homo ink . Gladstone has ro- peaicdly said that It is the pilneiplo and not nny pullcular bill that ho is lighting for , and there uro many unionists open to conciliation mlnoi points. .MISS. oi.APsroxn UAR nnir : iini.i'ixn liei husband's came bj being piosentut the political inoctlncsln the London divisions. Sim has met with a foivld lecpptlon , espe cially noin audiences most largely composed of vvoikiug people. At an past end meeting Blio , icspondlii ! : to sucli iccognlllon , lose and paid : " .Mr. Ulailstono's heait \\illiynii. . AVhat a privilege Is JOUIH to help ledrosstho vrones of Iieland. The battle Is bogun. You must help o\en It. " Mis. Gladstone's olee , though low nnd tiemiilous , was pei- fectly clear , nnd was lieatd ovei half the Im- na-nso hall. She was plainly but ilchly dressed In black , her bonnet and lobo being covered with line black lace , her onlyoina- iiient being u diamond clasp. In tin ipthement of Joseph Co won to pilvatollfo Iho Irish autonomy lott Its most aident champion among the Kngllsh memlors of the house of commons , The waimth ot his sympathies for the poor and distressed of all races has often been made effective thiough his BIUpassing eloquence , Ito wath- Ingly condemns the despotism of the now all powerful caueub and doel.ues that for him it Jrns ii'iidered a parUamentaiy position unten able. HO M ) llOW 111 M\KII IICCOMI : A PAIITV SI..VVK. "Tho caucus wants n political machine , " sajs Mr. Cowcn. "I am not a machine. " The complete libt ot Catholic candlditos in Kiilaiid ( hhovvs a total of bovcnlecn , of Vhom fouitccn aio Qladstonlans and three unionists. The Dnko of Noifolk's earnest appeal to Kngllsh Catholics to support the uniouibts has been utterly w ithout etlcct. IMcCartliy qu tlio Outlook I.O.NDONHEIIUV , .lulyS. [ Now Yoik Her ald Cable Special to Urn UKR ] The Irish campaign has opened briskly. Thu outpostbare dilveniu heie , and indeed the three closing days of this week can not bhnw Anucli more thau ailalrs bclouclug to out- pO'K lint next week will co the great de cisive battles. Uladstone. .lolin llrlght and ( "haiiibcilain were elected without opposi tion. Loid Itandolph Cliurchlll was elected for one of the London divisions. He was opposed by an eloquent , popular dissenting picachcr , llev. Page llnpp ? , of Leicester , a sort of Spurceon , who chivalrously came up to attack Lord Randolph. Hut ho came too late. Lord Randolph , securely Intrenched , cot MI NO i in : DiM.oitnnt ) , I'ainell vvas elected for Cork without any attempt at opposition. 'j'l | ( , most rcmaikablo feature of the electoral cam paign was the reception of Painell by tlio Kngllsh population ol the southern cities. Ho appealed on tlm plat foi ins of sov- eiat Kngllsli ( il.ulitonlaii candidates and was the heio of the hour. English audiences wete delighted b > his calm , cold self-possession. .Mrs. ( iladstonc , ttio wife of thu prime minis ter , vviote an onthmiastlc lettci about Par- noil. Never In our time has such a change In llngltsh opinion been known. Thochansc Is In Kngllsh public opinion , not in Parnoll. niifillsli rad'callsm ' has come to Parnoll ho has not moved one sl 'p toscok It or meet It. A.vtnin.u siiiAMit : i'in\oMi\ : : Is the scpaiatlon of ( Hailstone and Blight. For twenty-live > oais Itilght vvas a Milt of vvoidilpor of ( iladstonc. Many times Uriglit suirondeicd hts Ideas , even his convictions , In doft'ioncQ to the views of ( iladstono. Sonic of Hrlght's own lamlly used to eo.nplain of Ills devotion lo ( iladttoiie. Now ho has deserted his leader , has Hung down the altai at which ho used to woiship tlio burning Idol he vvas once wont toadoie. In plain woids , llrlght now denounces anil satlrl/es ( Hailstone as once ho used to denoiin rand atlil/e i'almcrston and Disiaell. The tuilh is , Hrlght never had a piogiesshe mind. In Intellect and heart ho Is essentially conservative , lie was eton on cairylng one or two great rctorm meas ures \cais ago , and when those weio earned he was satisfied , and thought all the lost ot the woild ought to sit down satislied as well. When ho found there vvoie i > tllt some people not satisfied , ho became anmy with them. "What can these people want ? " ho seemed to say. "Don't they see 1 want nothing more' . " ' lie Is especially wroth with the lilsli people for DAUINll lOTVKn UP WITH 1'AU.NP.I.T. Ill the present Instead of being content loabldo vvitli John liiiglit in the past. Xow that Gladstone eneoiiiages the Iilsh in theh audacious , Innovating way , Uiliht loses all patlenco with Gladstone and icvilcs him. Yoaisaeo 1 lieaul Hilght declare that Glad stone's mind was ono that alwavs struggled toward the light. If that was tine of ( Hail stone then , It is equally tiuc ot- him now. Hut lor many jears Hrlght has shiiink back 1 loin the II jht and piefeis to live , owl-like , In the twilight and dusk a melancholy close tea a once splendid c.ueer. 1 am glad to see tliat Jacob Hiight , .lohn's blether , has just been elected , though losing his scat In the elections last > car. Ho Is a contentious , devoted radical a tiuo fe.uloss fiicnd to the Iiish cause. NO couiici ! KoiiKc.vsr I'ossini.w. It is jet. of course , too soon forme to use fully attempt anv forcexst of the geueial ic- sult of the elections. 1 am myself heio a llt- tlo out of the way of thn main action. Hero 1 am flanking the outlying stionghold oftor > isiu and oranueism in Iieland. The city ot Djiry Is the gieatest orange foitress , by histoiy and tradition , but , llko all other places in be.'ii yielding moro and moio loagmicious Inspliation of national feeling. Last > ear 1 contested Deny against an cxticmo and blttei toiy , who Is , howcvoi , an Kngllsliman. 1 was doleatcd by only tvvcnty-soven majoiity. 1 am in coed hope of victory this time , but shall disci ectly rc- fiainfiom piopheclos. Se\ton is fighting a similar battle In one distiict of the city of lieltast , long hold in absolute possession by the Uiange tgrics. UK MADII A SI'I.IIXDID 1'inill' In the same i > laeo last year and was defeated by only a small majority. I feel well as sured ho will win the llzht this time. Jf i can carry Deny and ho West Uolfast , that will convince all Kngland that the dajs of Orange ascendancy has gone by , and that n national splnt becomes as eager and ardent In the far noith ot the lloyne as the south ot that historical liver. Kvery Itipli national ist Is delighted to hear that T. P , O'Connoi Is again elected by ono of the divisions of 'Llveipool. JUSTIN McCAitiav. Tlio KlKht In Ireland. DUIIMK , July 3. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable Special to the Itanj It must not bo forgot ten by the homo rule friends In Ameilca dui- Ing those election irturns that all so-called liberal unionists favor homo rule as a piInclple , though dlbagieoliigon Glad.stono'.s plan ; also that some conscivatlvos aiewlth tliCM' . I'liiH home rule has made great strides within a twelvemonth. Wo note lieio that Chuichlll's \oto has decreased fiom 2,718 to 2,570 , , nmlT 1' . O'Connors' , In Llveipool , has Incicabcd lrom2,7Jl to 2,911. A plucky contest - test Is now proceeding hero In St. Stephen's Green division , wlioio Giay , of the Fico- mail's Journal , is bitterly attacked. The last afternoon , in conjunction with Edmonds at llarld's Cotjage , Is ex pected to bo "indeed a monster. " Gray made a most telling addicts this afternoon befoio his own btippoiters at a meeting in a Held , well known to all Dublin boys , opposite the Dunn hospital. O'Shea can now , in his iptlrement. lecall the gieat hong In tlio opera of "Murltana. " "Kirovvell , my gallant captain , 1 told you how 'twould bo. Faiowcll ; you'll not forget the lesson That 1 have taught to theo. " This could bo sung by John IMnkprton , an Ulster 1'iotostant fanner , who replaces O'Shea , as the latter did not vote on the homo rule question. Thoio Is another now nationalist member , Thomas Qulnn , who ipplaces Smith- w Ick In Kilkenny , It looks to-night as If wo should gain two Ulster members. Edmonds 10 election is , of couit > c , SIPO , Ho is opposed by Joseph Todhiiutcr-l'iin , who was wag gishly called Corporal Nym by Gray in a hjxH'cli , applying to Todhunter the woids of Nym In Henry V. When Haidolph eiles , "On to the bieaci. , " then Nym says : "Tho knocks aio too hot , and , for iiilno own pait , I have not a case of lives. " Wo wish Americans to remember on this , their Independence day , that their contilbu- lions against the gold of the toiles are warmly appreciated , and also that , how ever the elections result , the Parnclllto phalanx remains as solid In ISsO ns that of the sons of liberty In New York In mi ) . Jtostilt oT tlto rollings. LONDONJulys. . At3 o'clock this after noon 120 toiles , 23 unionists , 40 libeials and I'arnellltes had been elected to commons , Jfoth political parties uro disappointed at the piesent Jesuits of the election. The torles , to use an expression of Lord Randolph Churchill , wcro "cock sure" of making gieater headway than they have achieved. The liberals profess to bo gaining In spirit. They point out that although the lories have made a net gain of two , jut the Glndstonltea wou Carlisle and Lclth asalnst the unionists , whldi practically makes the battle so far a draw. Edward ilent-aire , one of tnu most piomlneiit liberals who receded from Glad- stonu's support and icsigned the ministerial oinco of chancellor of the duchy of LaucltCbUf on A lull 8 , unou the oc casion of the Introduction of the homo rule bill , was re-elected to-day from drlmtby , Llncoln hlip. as a unionist. His majority was : )0 ) against SU at the last flection. 1' . 1 ! . Condln , I'nrnclllte , as reelected - elected \\ltlioiitopiioiillon in thoeast division of Tlp | > erary comity. Homy George tllll. 1'arnelllte. has been ic elected for Limerick ( 'it ) , 0IIIO ] Ml. Tlio i'all Mall Oa/ettc. pointing lethe the result of the elections so far as they have cone. says : 'I he Irish vote in llngland failed to work the wondeis prom hod bv T. 1' . O Connor. Heclalmpd that II o lilsh vote would bo a decisive factor In luxontecn of the I'ngllsh coiistitucneles. Yesterduv pollings , however. showed that the lilsli tinnrd the scale in about two places In tnvoi of liberals , leaving tlicotheis tiiialteicd. O'Sulllvan , 1'arncllltP , was re-elected In the south division ol West Moatli. At4rothisafteinoon : 1 ° .itorlc , 21 unlon- Isti.It liberals and 17 1'ainellltcs had been elected. Winn ( conservative ) lias boon eloctrd over ricmlng ( Oladstoniaii ) In 1'on- tefract , Wostrldlng , Yoikshlie , by : i majority of 2.000. nn Increase In the tiny majority over the last election of ITS. J. F. Kox , I'ainellitc. lias been ip-clcotod for the Tullamoio division of King's county ; Mi-Donald. I'aniplhto , for the noilh division of Sligo ; .lohn Doasv , I'miiclllti' , feu Wcst- Majo , and Joseph Nolan , rarncllltc , for North-Lonth , all unopiioscd , The total nuiniii'i ot votes so far cast Is : Gladstonlaii , U. > , 'JJ7 ; opposition. . J''y.'iJ. Loid balMmiv has been ouleicd bv his phxslclan to dilnk the water ot lt.iv at A\enfno. He will DO absent tlueo weeks. GHKMAN SOCIAIjlMTS. Ilov ilic 1'nlico ItlanuraotitfC I-vl- tlcnuo A nlnst Them. Itaui.iN , July a. | Xew Yoik Herald Cable Spi'oial to the Hi i : . ] The mild excitement ol last week's aitistic festival has subsided , leaving Iteilln diillci than ever. The city Is getting unbcaiably hot. The theateis which icmaln open are half empty. The piome- muleuntoi don Linden and the Thmgaitcu ate the only two pleasant spots In the Heilln hints-ape. Just now the panting civilians w ho aie lutt divide the hot pavements with the rather bumptuous hcioes ( H the ganlson. longing to go and dilnk the wateis at Kins vt 1th the kaiser , or blghlui ; tot the cool soli tudes of thn Hail/ and Suhait/.vvald. The deputies have departed for their various con stituencies in search of rest and recicatiou. When tlioy assemble they will miss their Jj i'inuiti--ijui : : COII.IAOI : i : , Heir blngor , the well known social 1st , who lias been summarily banished fiom lieilln for too plain peallng. : Heirl'iittkamcrand the Puisslan police have not added to thcli reputation by this expul sion. Everyone Is sick of socialism , and Slngoi will have to console himself with the oiations which , 1 mulct stand , aie being pie- paied for him by the ana ehlsts , in half a doion great cities of the emplio. The ttlals ol Heinilt and Cliiisticiiacn , who had denounced the peeullat methods of the I'nissKui political police depattment to Heir Slngor , and ttnouzh him to thp country , have made an unpleasant impression. The les sons taught by the Trench authoiltles at Montceau Ics Mines have evidently not been wasted on the German poveinmcnt. They think all means lair in wai with socialists , and when the cause ot order icquiios a sensation they do not hesitate to manufacture one. Jieuult and Clnistiunsen , two workmen , were mem- boisof the's association which amused Itself by shouting revolution and toasting anaichy , but tlio membeis weie only VAI.OISOfS IJT IIIKIll CUl" ! . They fully appicciatcd the dltfcr- enco between pleaching outiago and committing it. Nor , though the pollco had long known the opinions of the association , had they biicccedcd In saddling it with actual crime. This vvas disappoint ing. A peed anarchistic explosion was badly needed by thogoveinment losave the country and sticngthon the hands ol the government In Its policy of lemesslon. The man lining Mahlow was , accoidlng tolleirSingor , there- loio detailed by the pollco to tuither the ends ol providence by plajing the chaiacterlstlc- ally French pait of atent piovocateur. lining sneaked Into the association disguised as a mo 'liun ic , and soon distinguished him self by the bloodthir tiness ot his senti ments. But , like other agents provacateui , ho oveiactcd. His talk vvas so persistently of m-NAMin ; A D DACOUIIS that the inemboi.s giewsusplcIotHand , ! Berndt and Clnlbtleiiben were set to watch him. Iteindt admitted hob. d enteied thor oughly into his peUldious part to tlnow dust in the eyes of lining Mahlow , Ho affected to know his friends , won hlsconlldonce , and ono day vvab asked to join their police. He consented , and even wont bo far as to give lining Mahlow infoimatlon , lor which he was paid veij badly , by the bjo. When the countciplot had gone far enough , Ucrndt , who alleges ho acted throughout with the knowledge and approval of the association , tinned round and denounced the spy to the socialists , llcrr Slngor brought the matter befoic paillament , with whatiesultwe know. Ho himself vvas turned out of Beilin , his two Intoimants were arrested , and the sapient tilbunal having decided that Beindt had li belled Hiring Mahlow , sent them both to prison for six months to teach thorn honesty. A win : Mt' SKXIKJJCKII. A youthful Don Juan , named Hciiulch 1'ranke , has Just been sentenced to death heio for minder. Ilciinlch , who was a do mestic sprvant , had seduced- poor i nstlc maid living In a village r.cai Berlin , and thought no moro of the mallei till the Kill's patents , getting wind of tlio affair , forced him into a maulago with his victim. Shortly before the wedding Ileinrlch vvas heard to f > ay : "If lover get the chance I'll do for her. " The chance came a few months ago after a violent qnanol. Hciiulch took his wife out for a walk ono night , and when some distance fiom the vlllapo foiled her to the ground w Hit a club and dashed her bialns out. Ho wasairosted by the ncluhborK anil made no secret of his crime. When the death sentence was passed ho seemed unmoved and only muttered bomuthlng about " ci v ing her light. " . _ _ A Itig Hchoino on Paper. LONDON , July 3.-New [ York Herald Cable Special to the Bee. ] The morning papeis and the linanclal weeklies contain a cut Ions piospcetus of the Eastern and Western All Lines company , United Slates of America , connecting by a straight line , to bo built 1,141 miles long , the I'hlladelphia & Heading and Wababh system at Omaha. It Invites a first subscilption of SS.000,000 , lirst mortgage bonds on nn authorized Issue of 830,000,000 to inn foity ycaisat 0 per cent gold , the lirst payment of Interest to bo made Now Years next. The trustees are the Tanners' Loau and Ti ust company. The president of the board of Ameiicaii directors Is ox-United States Senator' ! ' . W. Osborn , and among the directors are Samuel Menill , Dayld Phillies and George Hubbard , of New York City. No prospectus was over so rosoy as this , and no map ever showed ilke tills an air line that bores mountains without engineering ccie- inoules. Demands. , jul > 3. [ New Yoik Jlerald Cable-Special to the BEE. ] The vvorkine- men's party hero publish a manifesto stating that the great workmen's demonstration In Brussels would take place on August 15. If it Is prohibited the workmen will reply by n general strike ull eve { the country.Vo want universal eutfrage , " concluded { he manifesto , "aud will have it. " IN KN Ho Astounds Johnny Hull With a Clinrnotcrlstlo Sermon. Lo\nox , July 4. | Ncw York Herald Cable Special to the But : . ] The voice of Mr. Uceoher vvasto-dayngnln heard In an English pulpit , ami several bundled AtucilciU' * joined the Immense ciowd of Londoners which bcselficd Dr. I'aiker's City Temple on Holborn viaduct this moinln ? quite an hour oeforp the time appointed for the open' Ing service. I reached the chinch rather late and had ome dllncutty in pushing through the perspiring thtonu which obstructed the hack stilr entrance , set apart for the more privileged ticket holders. At least a dozen policemen had been stationed to keen 01 dei outside , while Insldo a small army of volunteoi door keepers matched hither and thither showini new arrivals to tholr scats. The iceiic just before Mr. Bcecher made his appearance was sinking and strange. The City Temple , with Its lather gaudy dec orations , Us modem stained gla's windows , painted columns and paitlcoloied stone and marble pulpit , Is one of the handsomest and laigest non-confoimlbt tabenmctes In London. Pacing the orean lolt Is a gallery miming lound the chinch and rising almost to tlio roof as In a theater. Indeed , TIII : wnni.i : n\i : : WAS iinATnirAi. : , and It tilled the icioicnd preacher like a glaip. The coiiKiogation ( seemed abnoimally agitated , too , and sot you thinking of a IKCUIII audience bofoio the cuitaln goes up on n new pla > , 01 the speak- ci's gallery on a Gladstone night. Every corner of the huge building was occu pied , chielly by people belonging to the com fortable middle classes. The front rows weie almout monopoll/cd by Amei leans and a detachment of lopoitcrs while , utterly icgaidlcssot Biitlsh decomm , eight or nine enthusiasts had taken lefngo on the steps below the pulpit , where they squatted i > t in xo i in : sKiivir nIke Iko o many souls at the feet of another Gamaliel , A lluttei went through the church as an elder solemnly issued fiom the \estry with a basket of red , white ypllovv and blush loses , set In mililen hair and adorned with a small Ameiicaii Hag. The eldei placed tlio basket a floral tribute to Mr. Bcicher from the ladies and gentlemen of the City Temple "Bind of Hope'1 on a table before the pulpit and ictlrcd. Ab 11 rang out from a chutch opposite , the Old Bailey , Mr , Bcecher ASCIINDUH TIII : rui.riT STIM'S. ' Four and t.venty maidens" In the oiiran loft Immediately behind him rose bcml-circularly as ho entered and burst Into bong. From thy fiontthey seemed to compass a lialoiound his head. Ho icminded one stiongly , just then , of Mi. Casbvln "Little Don it , " and , as these smioumlcd him , a little ot the asthellc Bunthomo of "Patience. " Three thousand necks cianed forward , six thousand eyes grow li\cd , as Mr. Bocchor got on his feet and began bis sennon. He looked intensely patilaichal , with his lomr , white hair and black co it , his turned down collar and his upturned oyes. "Isn't lie beautllul , " niur- imiied a lady near mo , fanning herself Into a delicious feivoi. lie ceitalnly was extremely decoiative a tilllo moro unctions , perhaps than the picachcrs one Is accustomed to in this cut and diled city but decoiativo. ANNouNcixa tnu wirr-KNo\vx TEXT/ about "Love , " taken ! from Coiinthlans , he showed bomo inltlatoryneivousness.but soorf" his voice acquired ita qld ring and clear enun ciation. The-subject was admirably suited to Independence day , and ho treated it in hiu own inimitable manner , contrastinir what ho called palomoonshine.sentlmentallty and the "mush" of love a human love which special ised its object with tlio divine love ot Cluls- tianity. and summing up soveiely against the "mush. " By the way , this word excited much curiosity In the In east of John Bull. New Yoikeis hardly need a description of Bfccliei's sermon , which is doubtless some what familiar to thoin'atidpei haps has been reported in times past in the Herald. It vvas eloquent If lamiHar In lone. Evciy now and then the picachcr rniBD OFF A JOKD. This was at liist rather alarming to the congiegation. though Dr. I'aiker has ac customed tliein to some pulpit humor. Somehow Beecher seemed to have con- quprjd their prcjudlcj , lor every few minutes the house I mean chinch was convulsed with laughter by his quaint , If to Kugllsh cars " .shocking , " bailies , Tlio scimon was a long , airy commentaiy on the text , once 01 twlco tls > lnc to rhetorical heights , moro olten keeping within tlio limits of hu- moious aud familiar discussion. Towaids the close , talking about the un- cliai liable nature of Pharisaical Chilstiaus.he OOT OIT A MCSQl'lTO fiTOIlV wlilch set the congiegation Into lits. After likening thc Piiailsees to bypocrtical and 111- dcbeiving mosqultos , wlio always say a grace bcfoiothoyjHittlielilstlngs lntoyou.hoencrlg- Ically exclaimed : "riiankGod wo are not all Intccls. " Ho made another point by at tacking those hellish people who call them selves by holy names and live llko devils. Then , gradually dropping bantor.ho returned to the oilglnal subject Love aud wound up w 1th an exhortation to his heiiers to cast oil the bondage of fear and enter Into the losur- icctlon of the freedom of the love of God and sobilcty. iinccncn'fi ASTOU.VUINO OISTUIIIS. : Beochei's gestures seemed to astonish the people louml mo oveJi moro than his veiy bioad comedy and familiarity. 1 doubt whether Englishmen , would lellsh much of Ik'ochcr's oloqucnce , but to-day ho unques tionably was a .success as a hiimoi 1st. A TAMC WITH iiiirinii. : : : After the service I dtpvo to Dr. Parker's house , near the Brltbh museum , and inter viewed BecchcR He was lolling back on a sofa when I called , resting from his labors , for the day is hot and tlio dlvlno has brought us an American July , Ills lesoinblanco to Mr. Casby was stronger than over. ; "What did you thlnkof your audience , Mr. BeecheiV" "Oh , I was well enough pleased with it. It was yciy like my tfwu audiences. But I don't think the Kngllah are used to pulpit humor. For my part , J don't think It Is un- vujrthy to use any of Hiy talents in thebcrvlce of the LoiU. " "What plans have ypu formed ? " "I have no plans. 1 leave all that to my agent , and ho ( ires elf wherever ho thinks lit. I bhall lecture or proaQlj nt different places , not alone on icllglon , but also upon political economy morals. ffo , I bhall a\old .special political subjects and say noih- iiul on the burning question of the day. 1 think It would bo a mistake and out of place to meddle with lojal politics ; In fact , it would bo what wo Anieilcans call 'bad politics.1 Let mo not foiiret to add that honor was paid to the musical traditions of Plymouth church. A chant and an anthem were exquisitely sung by the choir , also four hymns , Dr. Parkerdolug all the Interlocutory rhetor needed. Before the congregation dispersed 'Ira. Anne Dulkclcy Hill , of the choir of St. Biutholonicvv's church , Now York , sang Gou nod's "A King of Love My Shepheidls. " Hakd bills were handed to thocongicnatlon announcing another FOT- mon on next Thursday by Mi. Boeder , ad mission tickets a half crown , w Itli a shilling extra for "eailj doors to avoid a ciowd at the main entrance,1' ThU latter vvas a con venient Invention of Manager Han IB , of Dniry Lane , on-crowded nights. WI1ERE THE EAGLE SOARED , The Nation's ' Bhthtlay Honored With tlio Usual Grand Accompinimenta , ORATORS , PARADES AND POWDER Nebraska Cities That Cclcforntcil In IMcmory of Inilcpcmlpnoo Dciully I'lrcv\orks Socuie Vlutlius riiuncs Destroy I'ropcrty Honored nt Nutirnskn City. Nr.nuASKA CITY , Neb. , .Inly 4. [ Special Telegram to the Uiu. : | Our city eeleluated the fourth jesterday , and never In past } ears has --ho celebrated It so loyally. The pro- giamiKe vvnsund" ! Iho auspices of the Uro depaitmcnt , and to them , ably headed b > tholr chief , Mike Bauer , belongs the honor ot the day. Thu paiado in the morning vvas over tin ci miles long , most every business house and factory being lepresente.l. The I ) . P. Itolfo and Chicago lumber jauls to gether with KlooseiV Hauerliofcstlr liquor mcichants , made the displays. To Jlis. lltny M. Bojdston , the well-known so- piano ot < mi citj , Is duo the honoisof the musical part , which vvas excellent , in which she vvas ably assisted b > her husband and otlici well known local talent. The iimces- slon aftoi airlvlim at the was aihliesspd tliooiator of the day , the Hon. John 0 , Watson , whoso 01 atlon is coiisldoied by the thousands who heaid It to bo the best and most eloquent addiess over delivered in Ne- biaska City. It js estimated tlio city was visited by ovei foiu thousand people. l.NIIS VVMIl A 1 IU1 . Last cvoninir about ( J o'clock the largo thiee-story Irame building known as Me- Hicvej 's hotel , situated in South Nebraska Cltj , near the packing-house , was discov eicd to bo on lire. Them was nobody at the house nt the time , and the Hie wasnotdis- coveied until Mulhevov iclurned with his wife fiom an adiointng held , vvheie ho had gone to do the ev cuing milking , when it was too late to do anything towaid savin c the building. Only a lew aitlcles of fin n Hum on the lirst ilooor could be biivcd. The house valued at $2,100 , and the furniture at Sl,7bO , on which thoic was an hibuianccot W.100 , half ol which was in tlicNoithwestcin company , and tlio balance in the Washington company. The origin of the me is at picscnt unceitaln , as the flic evidently stalled in the west portion of the house , while the- kitchen was on the east side. Some advance the idea that it came from Inecrackcis hut Mollievey says there \veio only a few iiiei.racki'isbiimed neai his house , ana all thoae weie on the east side. Grand Tlino nt Fremont. Fitr.MONT , Neb. , July 4. [ Special to the Br.i : . ] Tliecelebiatlon heio jestcid.iy was a grand success in every paitlcular. It vvas undci the auspices of the Knights of Labor , ami the result reflects cicdit upon the oulei here and tluso who weie in Its active man iigement. No accidents happened to mar the pleasure , and the celebration was voted a success by evcrjbodj. The chief atliactlon of the da\ was the speech delivered by Sena tor Van Wyck at the move on West Military avenue. The senator , In coinp my with his wife , airlved at3MO ! fiom the west , bavin : spoke also at Columbus at 1 o'clock. Ho was met at the depot by a committee consisting of Ma or Stauffcr , O. U. Stiong , it. L. Ham- menu , C. H. Godticy and Kobeit Giegg. As the tiain came In the scnatoi was , gicetcd ; witli u salute lued by a cannoiniand a lively Slrv < wbfch was sliuck up by thoJ gW Ho .Ay fcdav iMU once to the , gi omuls. Aast concouiHoof peojile , ftom all over Dodge and Miuoiuullni ; counties , weio prcsont , eaircr to hear the distinguished spcaKei. Slioitly after 4 o'clock ho vvas inliotluccd by Hess L. Hammoiul , editor of the 1'ilbuno , and lot about ono iiour ho kept the vast crowd who could pass near enough to hear him in tlio closest attention. His speech was lull ot thought , and dclivoied in an impicssivo and cllcctual manner. The audience manllestcd then appreciation of ths speaker and thus concuncd in his views , vvliieh lie so clc.nly and forcibly expressed , by oft icpeated cheei- ing. cAftei he had concluded scores ol ! the audience pipsscd foivaid to shake hands , as they said , with a man who is with tint people and not atiaid ( o stand up and defend them. " At the baboball uaika game was pl.ijed between tlio Athletics of Omaha and lhoGia > s of tills city tor Si" ! > 0 and the amateur cham pionship ot Nebiaskn. The Grajb weio vic- toilous by a scoio of at to 7. Dny For IMattHinontli. Neb. , July 4. [ Special to the Uin. : ] The celcbiatlon on thoiid diow the laigest nurnboi ot people seen In this city for many a day. Early In tlio inoining the crowd caino pouring In , and at noon the streets were thionged with vlsltois from ad joining towns. The piluclpal featuieof the day vvas the tiadcs' paiade , which was the finest over seen In Plattsinoutli and would ha\o been ciedltablo to any city. The line moved tliiounh the pilncipal sheets , headed by the B. & M. and Bohemian bands. Fol lowing eamu the display ot tlio B , it M. shops , consisting of eight laigo wagons or lloats , repiesentlnL' blacksmiths , machinists , coach builders and each department ot the shops , with men busy at woik. Following this came the display ot maiiiitactincrsand mer chants. Kvcry business or I ml ust ly was 10- ] ircbcntcd In the line , which moved up Sixth bticot to Smith's grove , wheio addiessoswpio made by lion. 1' . W. Wlleox , of Mendota , III. , and Hon. Isaac Mcssmoic , of Gland itaiilds , Mich. ICiovvds lilted the dancing platfonns till evening , when a grand display of hrowoiks wound no a gicat day lor Philts- mouth. _ Soldiers Colelrato at Hholton. Sur.i/rox , Neb. , July 4. [ to the BII : . ] District encampment A. I ) . Yocuin , commanded by B. C. Calkins , of Kearney , held its annual reunion at Slielton on the ' 'd and ! ! d. A largo number of old soldiers vvero In attendance , and the affair was u most pro nounced success. On Iho i-'d , In addition to the brilliant parade and other conventional coiPiiionlos abhim battle vvas fought on tlio camp croum ) . and a leullstlc naval enga - ment took place on Ualsh's Ice pond. On Hie 'id the cltl/cns united with the onoamp- incut to celebrate Iho Fonith , and the oc- cislon was tlio grandest In the histoiy ol the town. At least 10OjO people weio In attend- in ice. MarMial of the day , lion Kd Oliver ; speakeis. A. D , Yocnm , B. C. Calkins , Gen- eial Thayei and.J. G. Tato. In the cnenlng display was given and thocxeiclscsconcUided with an enjoy able ball. _ Ilnrglars ( Work Unsuccossfiily , NniuiASKA Cnr , Neb. , .Inly 4. [ Special Telegram to the BIK. | The ticket olllco of the B. &M , lallroad was bioken open last evening and the cash drawci badly do * mollshed In gaining an cnliaiico to it , but foitunatcly tliero vvas nothing In It of any yaluo , The thieves , finding themselves foiled , made their way Into the gent's waiting loom , and fiom there tnoy affected an entrance Into the baggage loom , where , up to the piescnt , nothing Is found missing excel ) ! a small giip cmiiplu case ot hue cutlery , belonging to Mi. John llnrbery. tlio representative of Jteclor , Wlllielmy A Co. , the well known wholesale liardvvaio meichants of Omaha. The thieves gained an enhance by breaking the east fiont windows of tlio ticket olllce. Thoio Is no clue at present In regard to who thu pcipo- trators were. Wound tip Wltli n Harbcoue. GnAFrov , Neb. , July 4. [ Special to the IHif Saluiday was a gala day hcie. The town was gaily dccotated. The country people - plo for miles around came in to celcbiato. The profession was half a mile lone. Theio Avero tli roe bauds of music in the lino. The states weio icptc&onted by thirty-eight Kills , dressed In white , lining In a laigo platform wagon. The fantastic company in the pi o- cesblon was an amusing feature- . The fes tivities took place in the grove and were pie- sldpd ovei by Dr. Hallaid. The oration was dellvoiedby Mr. V. . Ito owatcr , editor of the OMAHA Ui n , vviioso elToit was warmly ap- iilaudod. Alter tlu > oration there was n bir- becup , followed by music and danclm ; and otbcr ainu-.omeiils , together with toasts and rei onsos by local speakeis , Columbus Honors tlio Occasion. Cot.iMim , N'eb. July I. [ Special to the HKK. ] Tlio town was In gala day attire > psterdaylu honor of the colcbintlon of the ever glorious. Full.v live thousand people weio In iMteiidance. the cimvd belnecou- peed laucly of people troni sunoundlng towns nnd tlieentlie laiiiilng element of tlio county. The procession was most eiedlt- able , nnd was tollovved bv a maud spoeeli by Hon. C. II Van W > ck , which was listened to atlentlvelv by thelaige oiowd. 'Iho foot uen In the aftoi noon foi t-'iObotweeu ) Paidoo of this cltv and an unknown was won lij tlio former. I'lie celebration elo-od with Ilio- vvoiksand a grand hall at tlm op * ia hoaso , I nlal riroVi > rKH I'xploilon. Pour lit nov , Mich. , Julj 4. In the local celcluatlon of Indoppndencp day jeMciday evcivtlilng pas od olT quietly till evening , when lire spi from a laigo motto , "Wel come , " to othev mottoes , and the plalfonn waslnstantlj onclioled with llaming , explod ing pieces. Thomas Cook , J. L. Black and Mr. Wltlioy saw their danger and managed to make theii escape , although painfully burned. Cltj Cleik L. N. Mlinio did not jump soon enough , and h > ( lie time tlio flames weio extinguished he was binned to an umciogiii/ablcmass. Salem Soarn. SU.IM : , Neb. , July 4. ( Special to the Hi.n.J Yeslenlay was agieal ilaj at Salem , fully live thousand people being piosont to paitlcipatp In tlio celcbiatlon. Kveuthing pasTd oil in leuMilai oulei without a mishap. Thoaddipssof the d ty was made by Hon. Chinch Howe , of Auburn. Tlic Day tit HAS ii.xos , Nob. , July I. [ Special to the Br.i : J The Knights of Libor and the teni- pciance pcoplo combined in colobiatlng In dependence da > here > ostonhy , and at'iand good time vvas iiad , noaccldonth occunlng. Hoeiullsts Cclolr.itc tlio l onrtli. Sr. Louis , July 4. A small but vciy en thusiastic audience ot Fenians gathered at Llndull pail ; this aftei noon to celcbiate In dependence d i > anil listen to the speeches of W.J. GoibUch , asoci illst of Italtlmorc , and O'Donovan Kossa , of New Yoik. The so cialist sp > ko Hist and said that socialism , as it exists in this country , was a distinctly Amcncan institution. It was not that form of socialism 01 anaichlsin , or whatever fonn ol pel led tiecdom niiglit bo called , as It exists in Fiance 01 Got many 01 Unssla , but a combination of the better teatuiesot them all. The speakoi ad vocated this loim of government , and c\- lirofesud sjmpathy for Its peisociitcd ad- heioiits , especially for these m Chicago and Milwaukee. Ho denied that the > had bioken the law. It was tlio police , those salaiiod minions of monopolies , In tlio onfmce of al- leired laws , wlio weie guilty ot the murdeis which had lesulted fiom the labor agitation In those cities. O'Donovan Kossa spoke ex clusively ot Iieland and Irish affaiis. Ik- said that theie was no use ot iriantlngpaitlal local self-goveinment to Kngland's Poland. ' 1 hut vvas the present method of the govern ment ; that was ot deshed Independence. Ho saidtliat If the piO'Ciit pailiamcntaiy election should icsult in a vlctoiy for Gladstone , and home mlo as pioposed bv him , should bo imally gianted to Ireland , it would bo on account of their tear of the lilsli lathei than on account of tlieli love lor justice and humanity. He would advocate an open declaiatlon ol wai. This was a mode of wai faro moio ceitain and lai loss ox- pciibive , both as to mmi and money a war- laiool dynamite in the hands ol patriotic iii-hiueii. He could name to-day 100 such men in New Yoik who were moio willing to show to the world thcii patnotism , and weie only waiting for tiio vvoid to go to Kngland and woik out Iieland's iiKiependonce. The English ) > eole ) had al- le.ulj oxiierienccd , in a mild loim , that kind ot vvarJaie , and befoie many yoais complete home mlo would be voliintaiily gianted 01 these bundled men would bo oideicd to ob tain it foicibly. It would bo an easy matter to place a few pounds of dynamite In the house of louli , tor instance , wlieio it would do the most good , aud in hotels and icsl- denccs vvlipio opponents to Indi'pcndonco and advocates of coercion icsided. Cheeis giectcd the bpcakci's icmaiks. Fight AVith Showmen. WiNTr.nsr.T , lo. , July 4. [ Special Tele gram lo the Bii.J : : There was : i beiiousal- tcicathm last night between two young men of this place and the bhovvmcii belonging to Wallace's chcus , which exhibited here. Pcto Cassidy had a dispute with the elicits men , when they attacked him. live Bcvliiton , his paitner , came to his rescue armed with a lovolvcr. City Marshal Sno.lgiass attempted to Intel lere , and In theiracas Bcvington shot him twice , piobably inflicting a fatal wound. The sheiilt then ai tested Bevlnuton , and Cassidy , keeping up the dispute vvitli the showmen , was assauIUd by them and be- iloiibly beaten with a stake. Increased Hailroad Nrw : YOIIIC , July 4. The earnings of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul lallroad for the month of Juno , 18.SO , aie : SJ.OII.OOO ; lbb5 , 31,605,449 ; Incieaso , S103.M1. The appioxi- mate gioss earnings of thoNoitlicm i'aeille i.iihoad aie as follows : For Jiino , 188-l-lbS , , Sl.012.Mr.S7 ; IbbVlbiO , 81Ul'i,5l7 ; incieaso , Swn.7.l : ! ; July 1 to June 80 , lbbl-U8" , n , incieaso , Tlio Uoycottern Nr.w YOHK , July ! ! . This moinlng the five boycottcrs who woio sentenced jeslcidaj for blackmailing Thelss , of conceit hall tame , weie icmovod to tlm htato pilson to sci vo out their icjjpectlvo tcrin" . Now York Hnrhor. a D. C , , July ! J. The senate agieed to an amendment to ( lie liver ami haihoi bill appiopilaling Sl,030Mj ( ) lot the Impiovcnient of the Now Voik Iraibor , Iliirliera li'lyiiilni ; the Sunday I/avv. BosjN' ( , July SI. About loity-livo boss organl/cd last evening to contest the oidei closing harbor shops on Sundii > b. Test cases will bo can led lo hiirhor points. Catarrh Cured Catarrh Is a very piovalcnt disease , dlstrcsshi ) ; aiul olUMiblvo tjinptoms. Ilood'a Pnuip.irllla gives icady relief and itjircily cure , from the fact It acts through the Mood , and thus leaches oveiy purl of tlio sjhtem. " I sutfcrcil with catarrh fiflfcti ) cars. Took Hood's Sars.ipaiillaawl I am not troubled any with catartb , and my general health Is mmli belter. " 1. W. I.II.I.IM , Postal Clcik Chicago A HI. Louis Itallroad. " I suffcnU with catarrh flora jcars ; trlci ) many vvoixUvfui ciirot , bihalfm , etc. , f > i > euil. Ingncarly cuio laiiulrcd doll irs vv Ithout bcnrnt I tiled Hood's Bawapjillla , and vvas greatly improved. " } I , A. AIIIJUV , > V Ji coster , Mass. Hood a Sirsiparllla Is characterized by tin co pccull.irillea i 1st , the combination ot ngtiits ; 2U , the proportion ! 30 , the process d securing the attlvo medicinal qualities. The result Is n mciUchio of unusual strength , clfcttlng cures hitherto unknown. Bend for book contulnlng acUlltlonal evidence. "Hood's Bmnparlll.i tones up my systur. , purifies my iilood , bharpcns mv .luinHm , mid Rcenu lo mnku 1114 ovei. " J. 1' , THOMPSON , Deeds , l.owtll , Mass. "Hood's B.irsiparlll.i beats all others , and h worth Its weight hi jsuld. " I , UAiuiu.a row , 1M Haiikbtrcct , Now Vork City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold ty all drugi'lsts. $1 ; six for $5. Madr only by 0. 1. 11001) & CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOQ.J9 ° sg3 _ Ono . A RANKLING REMEMBRANCE , Iowa Democrats Look Bnck With Bit ternesa on Their State Convention. A BIBLICAL CONUNDRUM ASKEDe Us Antncr llordors on tlio l rorniio The rci-soiint MlHM-l.v Principle Iiost Tlio Kopulitlcnii Cnm- Other News. Di s MOINIIS la. , Jnlj 4.- Special to the lln.J : Allliongli the demo- cratlo stale coineiition adjotin erf and the luembcis have gone him 0 , > ot the bltU'inoss ( hoio moused Is not allajptl , andii'iiiiliis to lank'o In tlieavir- nge ttiMiiocMllo liieA-il. .Senator Knight's lieiy denunciation of Iho admlnlstiatlon made them the maddest , and domociaU can not allude to It now without ehoklinr under thocollai. Some of the Inoveiont ii'Diibli- cansaie wonyini ; the ilemoeiatH witli this Kind of a conundrum : "Wh > was iho late eonvpiitlon llko Joshua ot old ? " "Because they luted like h 1 to hue IvdilghO comedown down on them , " The local option and high lloonso medlclno gives thoolddemociiit-saveii wry fnco. They saj that to accept this planu of local option In counties Is to go back on their life-long leeod of opposition to the pilnclule ot piohir , bltlon. It Is admitting wlioio people want piohlhllloii they ougiri to bo allow Oil to have It , and laws should bo passed to enforce It. This position tlnow s to the winds their favoiitoiiiguincnt of "poiMinal libeilv" and sumptuary legislation , it it la right lei the inajoillv of the people ot a countiy to foico piohlbitlon unou tliomlnoiltv , then It Is bj the same piincl- pal i Icht lei the majoiity of the state to say that piohibltion shall bo a state law. That Is vvlieie thuli now theoiv loads them , nnd they aie mad that it Is so. U Is prott > haul for them to explain how It Is wiongfoi a mail to getdiunk In a county , but light foi him to get ( lunik in the siu | ; > . So as becoming virtual piohibltionlsts In theoiv they have abandoned all thu lighting tjiound on which they toimoilj stood when pleading tltat pio- liibltlon pci so was wrong. The late convention bad not the coinage to saj ono word toi the poor sottleis on tlio DCS Mollies livi'i lands , wheio rights hadl been taken away bj n demooiatlo piesldont. I 01 a do/en years the demociata ot lovvii have banked upon ( Ids issue , nnd gone up and * down the state ti > lng , in some iiiiexpl.iinnblo" way , to tasteii the blame lei tlio injiisilco t < r the poor sottleis upon tlio lepubllcaii paity. Now , when they had an oppoi ( unity to do the small bci vice of ieiiestinit | n deniourntto housetopiissthe bill ovei thopiesldout's veto , thoyieiiised to say a wind. Congicssmarf Weavoi. who has ilddon this Issue all over Iowa lor domagoguic purposo/ MJS now the picsldout's veto ol Iho bill and the ialluie ot a domnciatic house to pass It over tlio vote , will cost the democratic paity in Iowa 10,000 votes at the next election. rmitrisjvi TIII : i nusriis. : : Tlio action ol the boiid ot tmstees of the Falls in ii'inov- Ing Piesident Gllclnist tlio past week , vvas a gicat sinpiibo to ( lie state and meets witlf veiy hliarp eiitielsm. He was given no no tice of their Intended acUon , but wascutofC , siimnarily , chlellv , It is supposed , because ho did not show the lio.iid In nvoiy Instance all of thosubseivlentiespect thutsouio ot thcin thouirht their positions demanded. One now member ol tnu board , who was elected by Gllchiist's li lends , went back on them , to their gieat disappointment , and was ; allowed to name the stow.ud of tlio Institu tion foi his services to ( lie inaoilty. | The successor to Piesident Gllelmst , Piolessor li. II. Sot'ilojof Osk.doosa , Isa gentleman of very hiuli cliuauter and standing in his pto- lession. Ho is an active , piogiesshe man , abieast ol the best thought ot tlio day and ho will ( ill tlio position ol picsident with gioat ability and success. It seems to bo the fate ot all the htato schools that ( hero should bcl inoieoi less liiclion between mcmbeisol the ( acuity and butween the faculty and tho" tmsloes , that is one ol the pcrj nicious effects of bilnglng them Into politics , at least so fai as that Is dimi' by the legisla tive election ot theli tiustees. BotlithoHtato univcisity and the Matu a ncultuialcnllotro have had unpleasant experiences duo to this tact. mi : iir.i'uin.ic v.v siruATioy. Tlio icpublicnn nominations aio not going begging In any pait of tlm htato. Kvon In thp sixth distiict , General VWavci's dlstilct , tlicioaic tlnoo icpubllcaiis anxious to cross swoids witli him. Frank Campbell , who was counted out bv the domociatlc house , thlnka ho could boat Weavci this time , and wants" to run again. Senator Iliilchinsoii , of Ot- tuniwa , a cool , consoivatlvc , lovel-hoaded business man , Is stroiurly niged lor tlie place , and John A. Uonndl , of Kcokik county , a popular lawyer and at present din- trie ! attorney , Is crowding to the liont. Thla makes a llnee-corncrpd light and Insures a , good man , whoever is nominated. The re publicans ot the dlstilct aio imlte determined tli.utho next congipssman from the h'xth ' bhall bo a republican , and theie Is every piohahility that this will hu the caso. lu the tenth thcio Is a lively contest be tween Dolllver , of Foit Dodge , Holmes , ot Boone , the present Incumbent , and Itussell , ofGieen. Dolliv 01 loads , and nnlcbs he liau toliglitthollcld , will win. In the last John li win. ot Keokuk , becms to bo ahead for the lepnblican nomination. If ho gets It , hu will ictlio Ben Hull fiom congiess in uhoit Older. COIjD IILOOITOD Gainhlor ( icor o Trout BhootB Gam bler Kit Hatch nt Klonx City. Sioux Cirv , la. , July I. [ Special Tele gram lo the Bi'.u , ] I'M 'latch , a well known gamblei , was shot and killed Saturday night by Gcoigo I' . Trout. The iniirdoi occuried In the gambling rooms kept by Picscott , Hatch & Cook , ovei Ulmci'B h.iloon , just cast of the Hiihbard house. Hatch and Trout had been quam-llng dm Ing the evening , just what about nobody sceius to know. Trout was Intoxicated and veiylnltable. Picscoit. Hatch's paitncr , cautioned him caily In the evening about Tiont , and Hatch promised ho would say no more to Tiout. Soon after Hatch went Into the back room again and was shortly accused by Tiont ot having a. gnu in his pocket and Intended using it. "No ; 1 havpii't any gun. as you can sec , " replied Hatch and pulled hack his coat to show that ho had no pistol in his hip pockU. Tiout then began cuifilnir , poked a revolver In Hatch's face and hied. Hatch ran down the back stalls and Into the alley , Tiont after him. When assistance came Hatch vvas lound lying in the alley dead aud Tiout had escaped. The victim was well known thioughout the northwpst. Ho was probably thiily jeaisof age , and until within a low months was ; i mombi'i of thn law and real estate tateilrm of Njn it J latch , ot Wayne , Nrb , lie was gicatly Inlcipstcd In spoiling mnt- tcis and was considered an autlioilty. In company with Wallace Cook ho came heio hovcial moiitlisagoatidenteicd Intopailiiei- bhip with William Pie eolt. ( Jeoige K , Trout , thu mnidciPi , Is a gamblci by juolpssloii mill camohfio last full , Ho Is twcnty-soven or twenty-eight .veins ot ago and a native of TciinesM'c , Npoaklng with a stiong southern accent. He has a light completion , Is of hllcht build , weighing about ono bundled ami thlity pounds , U Is claimed that ho ban Killed his man betoie , and his : operated at Omaha and Denver hugely. .Saturday nlcht and Sundaj has been occupied In i-eaiching foi the mtnileiei , but as vet ho ha" not been eaptuipil , The tragedy lias cicated Intcnto cxcltemoiitftiid Iho feeling is groxvlu , ' tlutt niuideibuiobicomlngallogcthei tooficuuunl In bioiu City. " \Vlilshy ( iolnt : Down. CINCI.VN vn , July u. At a meeting of vvlii&ky dealcn It was lepoitcd the lAtos WPIO maintained f\ci > wltcro except by ouo dealer In .St. Louis. He was appealed to by UU'Kraph to hold up to SI 05 until Tuesday when a ma < g meeting will bo had toilx prlcos. Them v\cio sites to day of fourteen bauuli ot iiii > hed ouibon thu baslb ot 51. Oi