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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1886)
THE CfltAtlA DAILY BE : TUESDAY.'MAT 11 , 188(5. ( SPECIAL Ail vortUemonta under th ahead io" cents poT 1110 for the first Insertion , 7 conta for each rubscquont Insertion , nnd 51.5C n line per month. No advertisement taken for less timn 25 cents forthoflrjtlnsortlon.Bovonwords will ho ooun ted to the line ; they must run oonsooutlvolf And must 1)0 pild In advance. AH advertise ments must bo handed In before 2 o'clock p. m. nnd under no circumstances will they bo talc- en or discontinued by telephone. Fartlcsndvertlslnp ; In these columni nn 1 hiv- Inptho nnswcrs addressed m cnro of TIIR HUE , will please nsk for chock to enable them to got tholrlottcri , nsnono will bo dohvorol ozcopt on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements shouldbo onclo < iod In envelopes. TO LOAN-MONEY. $ lfiOoonto lennon city residence property Gco. W.Dny , 1403Fnrnnm. U39 MONivto 1onn on ohnttols of nny < lc crip- tlon In sum * of f 10 nnd upward * at reason- alilo rntn * . City Ixnn nnd Mortgage Co. . Hoom in , 14011'nrnnm St. , opposite 1'axton Hotel. 283 MON11Y to lonn nt reasonable rnto * on liorscs. fuinlturo , watches and ether per- ftniinl property without removal. Small pny- mentHtnkcnnt nny tlmo nnd Interest reduced In proportion. llimlnc * * C. .l.Cas- well , Hoom ID , Iron Hunk llulldlng,12th nnd Far- nntn. Trtko olovntor. 400 , MONKY To lonn on improved farm * or res I dcnco lots , on ono j-oar's time. Homo Flro IllSlirnnco Co. , 1S15 Douglaa St. 183 MONITY TO LOAN On residence proportj- . 8 percent. No commission. C. J. Cnswoll ft Co. , Hoom 19 Iron Hunk llulldlng , 12th nnd Fnrnnm. SKI. to lono. Bum * J500 nnil upwards. l > Lowest ratos. Ilcmls , 15th and DOURa ! * sts. rooo)0 ( to lonn on buolnesi and roildonco $ proppity In sums of $1,000 and upwards. Ames , 1807 Farnnmit. _ R18 ' ' > Uncy m nny nmount JL On nil elapses of security. Short time lonns on ronl ostnto. fxintr tlmo lonns on real ostnto Money to lennon chnttels. Money to lonn on onlMornK Money to lonn on any good security. Terms onsy , tlmo to milt. Apply nt the Omaha Financial F.xchnmjs , Parker's bulldlnir , S\7 corner of Fifteenth and Fnrnnm sis , upstairs _ _ rr.lfcKNTirMonoy to lonn on renle tnto MortgaROH nnd bonds bought. Mahoncy & Harris , lloom 11. Ifion Farnam. MONKY for everyDodylou cnn borrow money on furniture , horses , wnnoiis , plt.nos , stock of nil kinds , dlnmomls nnd nno wntches on your own tlmo. Payments received lit nny tlmo , nnd Interest redurcd pro rnta. Property loft In your own poafcsslon. Terms l w ns the lowest Cnll nnd ceo me. niislnoss confidential. Nondvnntniro tnlton. W. lu Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll's Now HulWJng , Northennt cor ner 15th and Hamcy. " 3 TVTONEY TO T.OAN O. V. Davis & CO. Heal L - Katnto nnd Lonn nsonts , 1505 Fnrnnm St 043 MONET TO LOAN-On peed securities. A MCGnvock , room 7 Rodick niock , 1509 Farnam St. 044 IONCY TO T.OAN On real estate nnd chat M tola D. L. Thomas. 045 MONKT 10 LOAN In sums of (200 nnd np- wards on first-class real estate security. Potter & Cobb. 1515 FarnamSt 040 I.OANKD nt C. F. Reed & Co's. Loa MONKr on furniture , pianos , horses , wagon personal property of all Kinds nnd nil other nr tlclcs of value , without removal. 319 8. nth , over ninehim's Tommlsslon stoio. AH bus- ness strictly confldontnl. 947 CHANCES. SAM : A small drug store , stock In FOK good condition. An oxen llont loca tion for physician. Sufllclont reasons for soil ing. Iniiulio of Mr. Wnugh , Omaha Oil and Paint Co. Omaha. 437-13 * BCSINKSS C HANOI : A man In any live town can do a profitable business In our goods nlono , or In connection with furnltmo or any class ol houso-furnWiIng goods or gioe- orles ; small capital und largo piollts. Per par ticulars address "Miinufucturor , " 01 Summer t.llostonMas . 50H-JO * \VTAISTKD-AII ontorprlsuiK young mnn , ono ii oxporloncooIn nowspnporwork nnd who Is n good advertising solicitor cnn secure a hnlf Interest In onoof the host Satiiidny afternoon publications In tliosliUo , Hno\sn ] 111 oral patronage - ronago , Is very popular nnd circulation 1.500. Itoison for selling , buolness has gi own so that proprietor cnnnot do the enllio work without an nssl'tant. antl prefers partner to n snlnrloil man. Small oipltal roqulied. Applicant must furiiMi flrst-elnsjofoienroi' . Unro chance for the right mad. Address or call for pnrtlculnra nnd copy of paper Editor Courier , Lincoln. Neb. Oil SALE Mont market , Including buildings - ings , team and oven thing complete. Will UYclmngo lor eltv property or land In Nobralm inquire of 1. . F.lllngo _ . L , Oil HAM : Ono of the best lostnunuiti in F the city ; splendid location ; good tiado ; toims very rcasonnblo. Illsglns & : Paiko , 337 FOK SAI.i : In llrst-class locntlon , giocory stock and fixtures : smnll cnpltnl remurod : rent low. Inqulro nt drug store , 10th nnd Pouglns. 787 FOK SALi : $1,000 will buy n general stock of goods together with the good will of n wttll established and nourishing business In ono of Mn < 1l on county's best towns. Ilalanco of pnvmont on very lllioral terms. Reason for polling gntlsloctorlly given on nppllcntlon. Address - dross T."D. 4 ; Co. . Ileo Ollko. CM Poll SAM-Clinnp , u milk daliy. Rolden Hios. . 524 S. 13th st. 6J.1 Foil HALK router , t-how cn c * mill stock of Mrs Folgor'a fancy stoio at 303 N 15th st. Fhort tlmo only. 17 J71OII iXCHAN < < i : Slocks of goods of every J kind , for farms nnd laud ; also lands to ex change for goods. If you want to trndo , no mutter wint ) it is you have , write , with full do- icrlptlon. to C. K. Mnyno , real estate biol > nr , " " ha Neb. HIS I'l'ANTUU Tncxcliniuro for stock of hind- ii waie nndgcneialmorclinudlso , 513 ncrosof flno Thnyer Co.Neb. , l.inJ ; fi lots In Gcnoi , Neb. , good ctoro bnilillng ( best corner ) ; good dn oiling ( best locntlon ) In Kssov , In. , lil o 8) ) ncics 'i mile Irom town of IIssox , In.seoilod In blue irrnss. For further particulars nddrosi John Llndorholm Central Cltv Nnbrnslca. n'il i-EKb'OWAI. . PIJKSONAL-Vlritohiss barber will call nt icsliloncomul do IndlcV und chlldicnft' hnlr- ruttlng in nil the latest styles : shampooing , blenching and dj clng , Call or address , llai her 1W2 nirnaui st ryil-15 * 1" ) l5HMNAiNent and'tasty all-wool busl- nos Bulls for only $7.01. All Rl/ofi. Mall orders tilled. U O. Jones & Co. , luuu F/trnam. / t U.- ? PKRSONAL To persons who wish to'build a homo InOichnrd Illll , I will sell lots upon payment of the nominal sum nf ten dollars and iinlanco nt the end of Iho yours. Internet at B per cent , payable seml-anuually. This Is the best oiler over mndo to nnr homo-seokor In this city. Cnll nnd BOO mo. C. P. . Mayne , 8. W. eor. 1Mb mid I'm num. fiTU BOAHDIHO. Oil HUNT-Koom nnd board for two 1613 Capitol nvo 142 I.O3T. LOST A Ciordon setter pup , ii months old ; black Kb inn feet , 1'lonso ictilrn to 1703 N BOtli tt , nnd loceivo biiltnblo louiirtU Cyrus Klillinell. K4-fc" STUAVUD-llsd and brown cow with white ppots , ] U yearn old , hns 4 jitnls rope around her not ns and was about to Irivo calf. Kinder \ \ ill loau Informntlouat J , Koudla 143(18 ( 13th Pt. , nnd bo well puld , 43.V-10 * STltAYKD On Mnv o , n biown-rod Kiuno ruoiter A rc nijwlll bo paid on retuinto BWcorUodBotindlhthst Ill-lU- FOUND. rix\KEN ur-Iark bay mare , whllo ilKht X hind foot , white star iorohcad , slrlpo on noso. Paul TUleston , liurr OaU ndd. , west of Qualoy's eonp laclorr. 118--8 l.\KiN' 111' Ono cheep. Owner onn have Fiuno by provhur propoity and pa > iiu Kcs nt 38 | S. 10th tt. A | r af-ao-Miiy U la-'JJ mitOTTINO SlalllOH.Jnok Bhorpnrd , Jr. , will JL miiku the season of 1SW ut Omaha Ktilr GrouniK MnmUld i handx hl li , welRhs U's5 bs.U ; thohir est and luunlsoninst Hanihletaii- ian in the ost. Hived the sumo us Dliector. S:17 ; riialhis,2:13 : > i , and , 2:10. Cnll nnd fico him und his Block. Terms , $ J3 the fccu- con , Adam Thompson. _ 61.VJ9 T It. AUCIIIIH , late of the llruiof Archer. JJ , Alhrltfht to Ajleawoith , and Wlllhmi Tituh. the ice dealer , have formed u puilner- chip to do u Kencial rtiil estate Inielnessi on coinmlseion , and would corvllully Invite ull iliolr Irlendu to list their uronariy with us. Archer & rili'ti , SIS S. loth Bt. 'roJt'phoiui 274. Ut-0 A'WlJKK oRsTiy uuulo'nt homo ; pleasant - ant work for ladles nnd gentletnen ; no CJinvasslnv ; svnd2o fur ulrcular. Chronolypo _ jni- : 1)ltlVV tuid ccaspooU cleaned by R IV.vInc V. O. llox 427. _ _ MOwySJ7 iojt HKsrr A etcfunnTi good rotalfstivot. JU * Apply the Otuulia Heal liituto and Iau Co. Tnoil KUXT-Snunro 1'luuo. f3 monthly. A JJHoipe.lSUUomflas. . ' Ml * T on itHN'T Squnro Mane , t monthly A. J ? Uogpo , 1513 Douglna. _ 10 _ TTlon HKNT Organs , M per month. Hospo , JJ 1513 Douglaa. 003 FOlt SALi-Nows 8tnnd llT8 Dougln lrcct. K7 11 _ TT1OII HAM ! Fresh JoMoy cow nnd cnlf. II. -C II. Koiinody , 1300 Douglas. _ ij11 ? . ! F Oil SATi-3 : nno bred Kentucky Bfiddlo horses ; have all the caJJIo ( rails nnd drho In harness. Inquire at Jas. Stophenson's barn _ _ _ _ Fill SAI.B The Illicit matched carrlaRO team In the etatc , round , kind nnd saCo foi-n lady to UrUo : cnn bo eocn at Wmaha fair jrrpundsA.'niomfion. _ fil * _ jSoit HAM : Kiirrtlturo nnd fixtures complete JC In so\on-room lion o : house cnn bo rented forf.Wntno ; wlllal o cell inent market or rent tlio f nine. Cnll or address 1324 llownrd street , Omnhn , Neb _ pJl'lr- "TTIOll SAIjft Ued-room sot , Rood ns new , nt n J bnrffi'lii. ' Aiply ] 010 j\'hnnion st. Stl I.IOK HAM' Fifty sharos'Nebraskn ami Iowa 1 Iiisumnco company's stock , also llftyshnioi \Vo torn llntno Iniurnnco compnny's stock. I A. Miller. Coiincll IllulTs. _ ! HIM8 Foil HAI.Ichonp : My hotel fixtures , or will trade for ether piopcrty. Call or ad dress Omnha House , Hartley , between 1-tli ntul 13th BtreoK _ 307-10 1T\OK SAl.n Household furnlturo , horse , J buinty harness , Middle , etc : will soil cheap. Inqulro 1010 Fariinm avi-12 TTIOH SAMJ 'W yards ( food carpets , slimlo JL1 ucdslond nnd Fomo other fuinlturu very cheap by party leaving city. 1210 Douglas st. , Hoom 3. 4--ll ( ) * Foil BALK Another ear load of No. 1 milch cows at Ilrldtio Vards. I't-nny Si Jcslor ; 418-13 * I 1 neil SALK Wo olTor400 3-yoar-old steers , 003-yor-old stoori , 000 l-yenr-oklstcoia , 400 hoofers nnd cows , mostly coming on. The above cnttlo nro good straight Iowa nnd Dnkotustock. Htrango Ilros. . Sioux City. 72Tm30 FOK 8AL.K cheap , parlor , bedroom nnd kitchen furnlturo , cnrpets , Btovos , etc. , In six room cotlngo. Liberal tortns If taken In bulk. Apply lDi Cnss st. 440 FOK HAM : Furnlturo of a llvo room cottngc. Address J. I. , cnro S. P. Morse & Co. 442-fl * Foil SAM5-Or trade. Ono now 23 II. P. Iloiler and3) H. P. Engine. Will sell cheap forcnsh or trndo for do lrablo real ostnto. Ad diossdeo. A. Fry. Dollnnco. Iowa. CM T7 > OK SAIK ono good horse. 1(110 ( Fnrnam. x | 200 I rumsAMi Stiuaro phmo , $50 , monthly pay- monts. Hospo. 1513 Douglas. U07 FOK SAI.R Mntoh teams nnd hor'O * of al klndi to suit customoi-i ntstar Snlo Stables , 20th and Cumlng. N. Oannoii. Pi-op. 777 T7UmsAM : A now steamroller mill In No. I JL' buplncsa locality ; tine wheat country ; but llttlo competition ; $17jOJ ; cost more. w. II , Orccn.UirS l.itli sU SS3 F 8AM-Ujirlfht : ! plnno. 10i , monthly FFoil . Hospo. 151'1 Douglas. DO1) ) Foil SAI.K noslrabloroom liotiso ami full lot on grade : nil lu splendid condition. Call at 1107 H. lltlist 8l4m2'2' WANTED-rEMALE HELP. WANTISU A girl for housework In Inmlly of three. 820 S. 21st St. 503-10' WANTKU A nrsl-clnss cook nud laundress. Cnll nt Wnbash Ticket ollico. Frank 1 % Mooros. 50U-15 AtMcrclinnts Hotel , ono oxpcr- fenced laundress and one experienced chamlcimald. 50U-10 I7ANT1 : A flrst-closa dining-room girl at > City Hotel. 516-11 * W ANTKD-Soamstrc = sos nt Cnnflold M'f'g Co. . llth and Douglas , mi stairs. 222-14 * in Oood girl In private family for general housework. Apply 723 SlBthst. 43U-11 * WAJ Tin Gul lor general house work. In- qulro A. W. Mnyne , s. c. cor. 21st nnd Webster. 474.11 WANTKll Immediately a ghl for general housewoilf. JIust bo good cook. Wngcs $5uuook. 2308 Hurt stlOCt. 472.11 * | TANTKI-Qlrl to do goneial housowoilc. > Apply 2414 Hnrncy. 251-10 * TX7ANTKI1 Girl for general housework ; it small family. Sounrd street , bet oi'n King nnd Campbell. Mis. Wright. 30MO WANTRIt A competent girl for gonoinl housework In n lamlly of throe In n smnll nnd convenient houso. IB4 I'nrk nvo. 410 WANTKU 17 girls for gcnoiiil liousowork ; good wages. Nebraska Cmplo } nioiit Agency , 110 IGth st. und Capitol nve. 375 WANT13H Good girls fir gonoial house work , Uistand second woilc ; good places , good wages and no charges Call at Oinniia Employment lluroau , ll-'O Farnam. 370 ryANTEH A lady nssl&tnnt bookkeeper ; IT must write it plain business hand , nnd come well recommended : none need apply that luno not had some uspeiiencoolthor ns cashier or assistant bookkeeper in Omaha. M. P. Mar- Un.810S. tli st. 073 ' WANTIII ) A llrst-class girl for general lion ° ouoik : must bo n good cook ; none hutflrst-class need npply ; wages J per month , 2422Davcnpoit bt 3 0 WANTii : > Oltl for gcneinl housework , corner liloudo nud Campbell streets , noitli- west coiner. * > 305 WANTii > A good ghl for general house- oik ; good wages. Innulro 2514 Capitol nvenuc. aft \\TAVrii > Girl lor general hou onoik nt \j 210tj Farnnm. 'J-Vi i\NTii rnst-cla = 9 conk nnd laundress. w 23U41 < aruam. J. M.Thuiston. HOI wWANTED WANTED At onto , n licit competent girl to do 'jonemlhousework foi usinnllf.uullj. Apply ntlWJ Cats si. I'll ' "fXTANTKn Lnilles nnd gentlemen in city or 11 couiitiy to tnlco light work nt thuh homes. Sl.dOto t ; > .oundayaa-llv made ; woik hent by mall , no c nnvnijtliiir. Woliavou good deinnul lor our work.'nnd ' lurnlsli steadv oniployinent , Address , with Mump , ( ; rown M'C't Co..201 Vinn Street , t'lncliinntl , Olilo' ii > A.ub'1 nt Doruu House. 013 Far- nnm. ' 4'fl \\.INTUU Good kltchon iflilntin N. l"th st. lOl V/AHTED-MAI.E HELP. \xrAJfTKii-A mllcllor for Oninhn. Must ho l i o lel lencI. d mid competent uud well no- nunlntrd with ttio liu-nicm men ot Oranlia lln > .lno B Rtrlcily loKltlmnto. Call on Tuesday between II ) nnd o'clock nt 14.0 Capitol n\cnue , IK rihbldo , lAi'o.'ltlon InilKUnif. A. J. Stephen- son. 6'i 11 * men for mllroud worn nl ii Mooio's oiujiloyment ngoutf , bU South Tenth 6trce . C33-11 * _ _ W7VNTii : ) M ) rook inon'for iJhnTlion , Nulij will shin Tuotilny mouiln ? at 8 o' , Mny lull. Call at Omnha Employment llurmiu , 1ILM I' 4UU-1U WANTIJI ) A few ill-si , class o.xpoiioneiM can vassors and njrents to liundlu our tlio c < \ . lliwiilhliofd : extra inducements. Address , The Lewis llantl 1'liu UxtlneulelicrCo."Oj-.rith : Avu. W A ( rood lioy from 12 to 10 years old ut S. H , I.ohnuum's News , Clrar nnd lUth st. 61U-11 * WANTIJU Mnn to do Koncrnl work , Aiijily N. 12. oor. 15th nnd Dvnglns et. MT-ll- WANTin : rirst-clntfl cool ; for depot hotel nt Kuiersnn , Nc'.i , ; the best of reference icijulrcd , Taylor & Sbormnn , SOU-IO * WANTKU-ltaiber , Apply 412 South 13th st , 613-10' WVNTiu A 111 nil who can epcaic the Scan dinavian nnd ( H'riunn lutigunccs. Ad- ilrof > 8 K M , lice oltlco. \irANTKD To oiiirnsro oxpeilonr.od snlppin ? ii clerk with i econuiioiulatioiia. Addicss 12. 01 , JlouoUicc. 417.11 WANTUI > I.ul'orcrs , tenmstors , nnd pick and shovel mini ; stiacly Uili , K. S , Al- brlKht It. It. Labor Agency , 13j3 Vniuam , 11 WANTi : A good , reliable furniture sales man who CUD oomo well iccommondcj. M. F. Martin 3168. 16th. W1 \\rANriJO Salesmen needing profitable cm- i i ployinent. Hiilniy $75 und ecuonsos. ( ioods staple , sold by sumplo , Address , with stump , l.-jj. Mftf Co. , Chicago. IB I mil * BITUATIOU WAKTBD. " \\7ANTKI ) A innn'from Mas aohusctls wltl ii oxperlenco , dt ! rcs n position us flilpi < lti ( { clcik lu u hoit ulc or manufmfjrintf house Ii this uity. Addo ; j F 3 , Hep ollico. 631-10 * \ r.vrnn Position In grocery , wholesale or ii retail ; vood rucuiumbiidationu. Addioss It g.Upti olllce. C2S-10' \VrANTJUU-A position us liouscKeepor , by i f T woman who uiuloutands ull klnda of housework. Inquli'O at IcW Farunin. 4- { > -lp \ \ AXl'ii : > liy experienced business moil , to > < luvest n fuw tbousaud dollars in bunking i.r other etHbllsheil reliable Uuslncs * . AddrcM for ono week , K 70 , Bco oltlco. dOl-VJ ly"i | | | woman-tt tltuatlcn us Jicueckecptr , Call ot No. 'JIB M. Vth st. : - M flretnnn or ( tcnorn worit ! German. Apply August Hnuor , U. B. Hotel. . - . - ' r'12'12' ' \ V"ANTii8ltuntlon by n cSmpett-nt cook i' In n privnto family. Cnn tnko cntlro chnrgo nnd understands butter making nl < o. Atldrcss E. C5 , Ileo olllcN < * t < lQ * . _ , \\rANTlsu Hy rellnbla aim steady young i > "mnn , situation M salesman lit boot nntl shoo store In lownor Nchrn kn ; cnn no rcpalr- ng. Address I ! off. 1U-0 nfTlcrt. aVi-10 * "V\fANTin : Ilynyouny mnn , n position ns 11 gnlcsmnn In either dry good , groccrlci , > oot nn.t shoo store vrlth 41 ycnM experience rood rofcnnco , wages no object. I i lown or v'obrnska. E 13 lice office. 443-11 * MIBOEI.I/UTEOU3 WANTS. WAKTKO Desirable building lot at ono o or If cheap would buy Improved ; glyotno Iqtnml location. F 1. lloo ollico. 519-13 WANTii-A : small stole on 10th St. lorn ten store. Lenvo particulars nt Dr. Wood's , cor. 15th and Dodge sts. 49S-12 * WANTin : A young man , refined nnd ro- epcctablo , wishes a room with coinnnt. onccs , ATlth n privnto family. Location high. Address with term * . B. 07. Ileo ofllco. 451.1U * WANTIIO Uonrd by young married lad- , In suburbs of city. Private family. An swer immediately. Mrs S. , Morchnnts'hotel. 478-10 * WANTr.n-Pnrtnorwlth $250 , th tnko chnrgo of ollico. In light mnnufactiirlnp ; business , i'nys f2 0 per month , \\ddross G , 71 , cnro Dnlly lice , Omnhn. 470-11 * WANTKii Qlils or boys for dining room. Onto City Itcstauraut , corner 15th nnd ! npltol nvonuo. 4'll-8 WANTKDInslrto property. K. F. hns customers for Inside property from Sacaoto ? 15.000. Ill ) n. IMIi atrcot. 410. WANTISD In privnto fnml'y , unfurnished parlor , bod-room nnd closets for quite tenant - ant with care of the rooms , on 1st or 2d Hour , [ 'refer west 10th and N Farnnm. Addioss E 08 , lloo ofllce. 454-11 * WANTKI1 Improved property. If you hnvo Improved property for snlo , list It with jrahnm & Ilonona , Crolghton block. 435-11 ANTin-60 : teams. E. S. Albright , U , 11- Labor Agency , 1303 Fnrnnin Bt , 425 WASTr.U To Uont-Houfo of nvo to eight rnoms In good locality by permanent cash tenant with lease for ono or two year * . Call or addicssOmnha Financial Exchange , S. W. cor , of IMh nnd Fnrnnm. 9X > 7ANTin Houofor good tenants. J.H. Evans & Co. , 151.1 Dodgo. 013 WANT1M1 IDOhousos and cottages to rout Ran flnd you good tenants nt onoo. Maloney - lonoy As Hnrrls , Hoom 11 150S Fnrnam 377mO * BENX-HOUSES AKO IiOTS. POH KKNT The Kelt's hotel feed nnd snlo stable. Brick barn 50 bv 70 , fi nine bain 50 ly 100. Possession gl\on Juno 1. Irqtiho of Hoist & Bpctmnn , Kiel's hotel , Council IIIulls. F OK IlKNT One 7 room house on North Park A\o. 125-11 * fjlOll HKNT House of seven looms III n good JL1 location. Apply at 8.JIVJ South 18th st. 800-11 * FOK IlKN'T Good house of ( I rooms , largo lot. comer 13th and PuciUo. Apply 11-S. llth. 50.15 * Foil KENT After Juno 1st all-room house , 111 N 13th. fc75 per month. CEMayuo. 15th nnd 1'nrnnm. 475 T71O11 KENT A 3 room House with hnrd and -C settntcr , 810 per month. 15th nnd Paclllo stieots. 481-10 * [ 71OK HUNT House , bain , S10 , Lcavcnworlh -U st. , 8 blocks west Pnrk nvo. llox 712. city. 4.12-S * fj OU IIHNT Cottage s o corner 17th and -L' Davenport st. at f 1CS. . Lelunnn. 45J Foil 11KNT ID-room houso. 1012 Fnriiiun. R. C. Patterson. 421 POK itixT Largo residence , HIS S. 17th st. Inquire nt 014 , two doora 1101 th. 387 , FOR HUNT For ono xenson,2j ncres'liny land In Konalngton Place , For further In formation add i ess Mat Hovel , Plorco , Nob. 3')4-13 ' ) 17 < OK HUNT Qrund Army Hall , No. 1314 Douglas street , will bo let to lodges nnd societies nt reasonable rates : Is on the second lloor , easy of access and only onq' blook"lvom the dtOcront stioet car linos. Apply to D. A. Hurloj- > 14 Dodgostroot. Sflo-12 wit KiNT ; A doslraolo resldenco on Far- mini st. , near courthouse , ! ) rooms , best lo- ntlon In thoelty. For particulars apply to S A. Slomon , Ifll4 I'm nnm tit. ' DSO F I Oil iiNT-70-acro : fnrm.T. Murray. . 700 Bioil KINT : Nicely furnished room \vlth board. 714 N. lUth St. 517 E1OII IliNT Saloon , and flxturos for sale. IDS South inth bt. 500 F OK UUXT thick yard. T. Murray. 531 FOK SAtB At n bargain" , flue U-oom nousq with modern convenlciHcsi full lot ; on Homey gt. , near 25th ; S3.TU. Potter * Cobb ; 1515 Fnrnnm Bt. U'/J TpOll HUNT Garden tnrui. UOO S. llth St. ( FOH KI5NT Nice 0-room cottuw. S. T Puturson. S. E. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. 581 fOE. F OR KiNT-Puriilshod front room,8H4S ( 21st st. near l.oavotmorth. 427-1 i * KKNT With board , a fuinislfod fiont loom. 1710 Cuss bt. 611-15 * FOR HUNT Desk room In Pnacton Hotel , 110JFarnam Et. Apply at ,1401 " rjriilun Bt , 41J-H * : TT'OH ' Ji.NT ! ( ichtloinon will' please call at JL'u1 - ' . : Hint st , OMimlue nnd lent tu'b nicely furnished looms ; mndnn comenlouous : terms \ cry ictt'jonahUi ; breakfast it ilo < nod. fi7-15 ! Jt'UNT rurnislioa'rooinaY.oH cap. uve. Foil , - ' , r i'.JIf.ftv ( | TjToii 'iiNT : Ti\o nc.vly'turdishoii"front J-1 rooms , 2511 St. Mui'y's.nvo , on urocn Cur Lino. " 4U1 Foil UINT : Fiont loom with board lor sen- tleninn only. Itolorenco icmilmt. 1721 Douglas St. ' 109-10 * IiAOK HINT Newly furnished looms Blnglo nnd en milto , for gentlemen only. Oxer LcBtor & MorroU'8 pharmncy , lUth and Dudgo M. _ 41 . FOK KJiNT Purnislicd rooms S5 per month nt 00) N 17th st. 4 Mil * FOIf IllINl' A furnished oottngo- southwest cor 2oth uud Seward bt , Apply nt once. 43J-10 * FOK linNT-Fiirnlslied or unfiirnlshod looms. 597 S. llltli at 3 1-13 * _ F"OK KKNT-lloom and hoaid In strictly private family lor cine or two gentlemen. Ill X 18th tilt hct. DoiUo and Capitol in u. ipoi : HHNT-ruinlshed or unfurnished ' loon-.K , 2421 , roinor of I.ouvonutirtli und 25th6ts. il'l--12 ' * _ _ KJ ; > "r-Niocly furnished looms In line FOK coltngu , jor , Wtilnutsl , eight mlnutos walk southeast U , P. depot , in , $1 and is per month. iou KUM-Furiilshod rooms. KnO Dodge Btroot. ! i3'J-ll TTlOIt KKNT Nicely furnished room with or J- without boaid. 117 ti. 17th Bt. Holoronco tuqulluU. aiS-11 * Foil itHNT One laruo nlcovo tooin , cast front , with board. Ki ) Pleasant st. U14-11 * nud uood board. 812-10 7\OH \ HUNT Nicely fufnlshod room cheap. L1 420 Con vent St. 2SI Foil JCUNT-Nlcoly fiunlaliod front room with board. & W. cor , Vth and tit. Mary's uvcuuo. 2S5 T7 Oll HUNT Newly fuinlslied rooms close to JJ P.O. The mo-it Uoclrublo furnished looms In the city , ut reasonable prices. IMS Cast > bt. oil KKNT 3 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping , ! ! ) Llcoiiioi's block , oor 8th and I lownrd. . I"7\tiK \ HUNT 2 pleasant fuinished rooms , J roth et. , nearSt. ilary'unvo. InrjulioS. W. podge and lilth. _ 102 rjlfm HUNT Uir o nicely furnished loom. -L1 suitable for two Kuntlomeii , with ( able l > om d ; 3 minutes' walk Irom P. U. ItfM Dodgu ht. Ull ) ] - , > ( ) it lu.NT-FuinUlioJ : rooms , ISlODodiro , 1 stiuva F HliST Klcpuntlyfmulahad rooms with- -L1 outboard. All modemt9nvonlcjico3..222j ' " T" Dodgu. T"KiO "I71OII KKNT Two slorn rooms on 10th street , X' Water , PRS and snwpr cunnuctlong. 0. U. Muyno , car. 151 h and i'urnam. d-'l EOU ItKNT Tvto IneKpeiulvo rooms , with board. 1M4 Wobstur strt ot. _ ] " 633 Foil IlKNT-Store room on 13th."C. Z. M lyno , S W cor IMh and Fai-nnm. 4B1 T7V > U IlKNT Ollico and store room. G ration J ADrummond. n Harne/ rtM ! FO'H ItKNT Ltoi-au ; ijiul .desirable , rooms , furnUhcd or iinfnrutshej ? JCJT DauglM Bt. Hofarcncob i-oqulred of nppileauts. B i nmqit KMT with boum. oao iarco ijicaly J furnished front room , K4i % uJ bata roam at IJOBJonwSU . ' " * K ros BAJUB-nonsBB tors. FOB SALK ij o/ln / Howe's addition , often lot 127x133 YeoU1 fenced nnd flftr trees plantodVl2,000 for ball. Apply 317 8 , fclovcnth itroq . .1 61S-15' fJOK SAMJ-iir A ? , a. Blirlvcr , rosldonco -U property. , , , , Two fine InrgolioQKcs near 18th and Clark St. . rent for V > . . . .t. i . . , . , fVOOO Fullcornor lot , fl no cottngo , Chlcngo st. . . . ffl/XW Full lot , ri t frontHantofl room houo , 2uth § t. near St. Mary , ve . fvsuu \'o\v cottngos. full Iqta onoh , In sightly loont Ion nn very easy tcriiu1. . . . , $ lViQ Full corner lot withiO roomcottngo near high school . - . . ( . . . . . . . ffl.uoo Two full lots , " ( th , and Mnson with cottneo .i..l : $1.700 2 full lot" , corner , with beautiful cottage on 1'ark avc$5 , < XO.OT onolot tl.WO Corner lot and fi room cottage , Fnrkoro ndd , , f-MOO Tottngc on SOft lot near Snundors $ tensy terms , 9\ffW \ 2 lots nnd house 8 rooms in Shlnn's add. . . . $2,100 Full lot , 11 room house , modern Improvement * . noarhlgh school on 1 ted no . . . .S12.00U Urlck house , 13 rooms on Cn * * st { 4,500 VACANTLOTS 4 lots C0tl40onl7thnnd 1'aulBt , f2,400 to f2,600 Nlco lot on Fnrknvo , 75x140 1,200 lot 50107 on llnnioy nnd 20th st ? 4,500 I-ots In Sunny Side f9W to 81.300 Mjolotln 1'olhntn pliicn. , . , . . , . , $00,1 Uiton Hurl ttcnrstioci our SI.IOJ Full lot on Dodio near high school $5,500 Full lot , I'mknr's ndd , near street car.(1,100 Itioiiutlttil lots on California t , ono nilla from VO ? 1A'X ) to $1,300 onoh 23 lots Hiinscr.m plnco ifSUOto JI.500 l-iots 111 Ambler plncn , Oxford , Dupolnt , Thorn * rg , West Side , Flnlnvlow Shrlvcr Plnee , ic , . . : $300tofrt50. Lenvpiiwoith , Torrnco add lots S5 per cent chenpor thnn surrounding lot * , licit Mno passes through this ndd , nnd It Is ncnr the M. P. H. U. shop , easy terms o-KiOOto JSVioach Lot us show jou the beautiful ndd "Shrlver I'lnco. " It Is located within : Cl > lk * of the U. V , W 0 SHlllVElt , Upp. P. O. Ji'OHSAi.K Nice 0 room house , simile trees- t otOOxNVi.noar llanseom park , $ l,50il. C. 15. Wayne , s. w. cor. 15th and Farnam. tf403.11 T 11. EVANS i CO. , Imva for snlo- rl The beet business corner full lot on Snun- lorfist A tlnocornorsoiltli nnd past front , Shlnn's tl,350 Corncr.Snimders & . liliubiiugh's add , ever u01oet trout 8.V ) Corner , couth and cnst front , Prospect I'lnoe.fiixUM 8OT Corner , south nnd cast fiont , 1'iospcct Plnco , (15x75 ( B30 Corner , south nnd onst front , Prospect I'hico.andcnttno 200 Txits In RV Smith's add , cor Ui'd nnd Grace 1,100 Host corner , Suniiyoldo 1,200 Cholco Insldo lots Sue them TOO WostKndlot.soulhfinntonDodgo ; n bur- gain 1,100 407-10 Tl f OTTI3U & JOHNSON estate nnd loans , 1V1 2i\ \ south inth st. , up stnlrs. A lull lot on 20th St. , 01108 room house nnd ono 4 room house , paying 13 per cent , on cuey tcuns. ? 4r > 0 < i 4llcot In MoCormlck ndd. frontlntr ont o streets , unlmpi-o\ . A line Investment. ? 3IJOU. Two lots In Hansuoin placu In block 111 , which citn bo bouglit chuup us owner ncoils money. A full ncieof Riounil , n KOOI ! 0 room house nnd n biru , In onooftho most dnslniblo locul- Itles in the city. Toims to suit. fJKio. A 11 no { loom house , Shlnn's ndclltlun , : V\12 ) * , nil inodcrii Improvements , $1,050OJ cash , and bnlunco0 per month. A lullloton.Ionesstrcot. n lots In Lowe's ndd , ? .VXtoOOOnmonth. 3 lots In Marsh's add , , actually worth fir > 00 each ; land lilgh ; splonilld vlow of'sur rounding country. 05x125,0- room house on 17th street ! a great bar gain , $2,50J ; oiisy terms. Anolognnt 0-room cottng-o In onoof the moit doslnihlo locutions In olty , JIV-'OO , KHWcusU ; $ - , per month for bnlan co Wo hnvo the llncstllit of business nnd rosldonco property In the ettj'Jboso looking for In\ost- mcnts or homes would do well to call upon us. 4C.7-10 FOH S.VLK 2 Iot5iand duo houso. Ilmiscom plnco , SO.OJO. OTlfco. Olson , 218 8. IWi street. 457.15 T71OII SALE L < rtirin Plalnvlow nt $410 ; flno J ? lots In Hnwtnm-nd nnd Iliinscnui plnco. The finest c st Iront lots In Schull's 1st. Small and huge IKIUSOS nnd lots in nny part tf the city. Ensy pavnicnts.J fbjQ. Olson , 218 a. lith street. 457.15 ACHE LUTS-Xewuort. _ _ 410 t I 3 Aiir.q , 1TO7 rnrnnm. GOOD Lot VligliTfa a\o. , near M'oohvoith lflX'03. UrnliiuiT 4 lionawu , Creljrhion block. - I ) loom loaidonco , ( joorslanvo , a bargain , * 7-room cottnco , fioorpln inc. cheap , fi.500 ; 0 rocm cottnjto , Gi-oi-glntnu ; see It.'SJJiJO rino residence , Ocoife'ln avc , near Leaven- woith , flK5 Houserooms , Improvement uss'n , clionp , 0-room cottage , Baitlett& lllmobnugh's ndd , SJ00 2 house * , 4 and 7-rooms each , Fopplcton avc , a bargain , 3lWJ ) i i , house 4-rooms , Plorco St. , Stall's add , ' , huge house , California St. , lionrjrftck , tUv5r > , good cottngc , 20th nnd Hurt , chcnp , $ i.too ; W\132 ) , business comer , Howard st. ? 20,000 ' 44x132 , Hartley fit , ( business lot ) $18,000 . f" 132x1.32 , Faimim . t , line location , fTJ , < tOO ' " GO\J32 , ( l-ioom cottage. Cup nvu , JJ.RflO * 22x13.1 , stole , lents i7"i , Douglas ? t , SI 1,030 2 houEOj.ropms ! ) o ich , Douglas st , rent $120 month , 8,200 ( ! 0vl32 , hou c 7 room" . Fninnm t , $9,000 3coittrjo , Miinu's ndd , uasv terms , ? -2)30. ) ll-ioom cottngii , Hogg * & mh"B add , Douglas st , a bnigaln a few Un > t , $2,100 Vuiatit Lots A'l oho.ipcst lots In Hiui com Place , ? 8W to $ .V.IU Cholco lots in BliuH'AJidd , ? 1,000 to $1,50) . 25 lots In Iliirr Oak , § r,0 to SI.OOi I3'\13 : , ' , corlot.Calilornla Bt. i , WO 2J lots , Marsh add , $1,000 to 5-J.5UO " loth , Itodlcfc's ( liovn. corner , M.100 10 lots , Hoggs A : lllll'rtWld , 5I.OOJ to f2'M , 2 line lots,21st nor fliatoory che.ip , ? 1,5M aceh 2 lots W. A. Hodlck's Ildd4 $775 each | ' I o ( " , on L'P truijks Itutlno s nn'U lesUleiioo lots In all pails of tlio city thenp M lott , In Park Fnrcst , $250 Io S'MS onch SOD lots In Oinihn View , f3flt ) to * 70J. Finn houses \ > lllbo btiilvon thosoJota. ith a finall cash payment and monthly payments nt S per cent , bcu mu about It It0ncrt" ) land near the Foil. $85.00 per ucro 45 neros n nth ol Kloienco , S-'l.Oi ) | > or neitj " 10'acio tincts live miles woit of postoillcu. $110 per ucro. ( HI Rc. I'ATTKitSON , Ilenl Estate , llth and Dongluj. . ' Ilrslilences and Cottages Iloiiutlful cottiiKQ and lot , de lrublo local ity JJr.OD Flno residence. N. ISth st , fnelnj ? cast 4WO , 2-story liouso , lull lot , \Vojt Lcnvennoith Hon-oiind full lot. Hickory Place , cheap , ldtlj Cottavo and Jiilllof.Blilnn'sad add lr > < )0 ) Kioto building anil lot , H. 1'Jlli st . . . . . . . . U.OOO 7-ioom house mid 2 lull lota , Hanscom Plato n.r,9D Ijirgo onttiuro and 'i ' lot S. 10th st ! ; ! Smnllfottimo and -/t lotS. 10th ht uo A bouullful loldenro and 2 lull lots on Davenport ht , thu pio'.tlcst house In the city , very cheap 8,000 Iliiblness and losldcuco lots. Improved mid unimproved , tlmmglinut tl o city , ( 'allonor nddrctsj H0. . Patterson , 13th and Telephone 7UJ. 311 PATTKItso.V I'AHU-Situated 3'/i ' mlloa S. W. of couit house. Jit , HVXNH 4lftfl > | | RVO lor wulo good ohenp lots whcioflr yuu want them Call uud vcilfy inl-mlaiemtmu _ 40U-IU pAlTllHSONTuTUiK Acre < ieold on the In- X Btallmeiit plifctlAn'l' ' avro largo enough for 6 big rfaldenio lots , tiltualod nuiir Dulo Line In th inaniifncturihuiMcallty tliov are the best acres to buy. I ) . 0. Patterson , Onnor , let Hour Iron Ilunk lliilldlng.r > _ _ 2 111 Poll"thu lunr | tliil tUu working people I will keep mi < oulco open until 0 p. m , ex cept Buiida > 8. 11 , K. Mayne , southwest corner IMIuind Fariinm. _ _ 205-ia JH. KVANS taniJ15l3DodKO Voudo not wiuittoin in BO cull on us and tscl n good lot wtihuuv < ltty'stittVoloCiiur busi ness r J" JQj-lQ tlio only fJix ) pelucife. . liiQUiro about thorn. Potter frUibb. im iniom. KS F lUrtAMi-Ao.-mlot4.Olio' * add. , only 81,6) ) Potter k Cob.'ftn Karnaui. B5 A liS J'l.ACi : No grading ncudoj ; love lota. Amca. 15)7 ) Fjuiiain at. ill rnoil t > ALiFlnu : 7 mom house Khlns'3rd , Jntur street ear , t2xXI. ( Tlao , 0 Ban. 2ltl B. 16th bt. 4V7.15 . . S.VI.i-Lots In liowo'a 1st addition , south frontsoisy terms , only $5J ) . Potter i : Cohb , 1515 Farnum st. an , . . , _ . Hie best ots in Wllcox'd ndi ut $ OjO cacli. Potter & Cobb , 1515 _ Fur- TmoirsAI.K Or TMdo linpro > c1anJ unliu * Ji proved lands In Furnns nnd ot lor western coutitltn. Address Wiu. tilaioral , Arapalioc , FurausCo. Nob. 275 G15. M.VYNK'.Siiowinupof Dou lai county * Is compluto In nvury detail ; it I1IU a long felt want The price is low , considering the amount of work noccsi.ii'y to proluou it. For solo at C. K. Mayno'tf real oslato oliiu ? . SI'J-niH A M 8 1'LACK No such lots lu any other la- -c - cality atthe _ nrlcon asked. 411 Foil 3AIi-Tuo : lots oil ficorglu nve. , each $000. Orlmam & l.'ouawa , Orolshton .block. Tion SAtiK Cheap lots In flurr Oak , Jnt can Jof Hanscom Pnrk , near street car * , $750 , easy tQrms. Potter tt IJobb. 1515 Fnmam su KH 71OH SAI.B rino east front lot Han com - I'lnco (1500 , Urnham & llonawa , Crelghton block. 4.&U A CUK IXT3-Coto Illlllaiito XV 410 AMBP , 1507 Fnrnnm. _ _ TTldllHAI.K-Threo flno loU In Shlnn's 3J add , Jntf aw each. Potter & Cobb , 1513 Fnrnam. 847 T n. EVANS & CO. , 1M3 Dodge t ) Call for choice Improved residence prop erly Wo have moro timn wo can advertise , much that wo nrc not permitted to 4iJ-10 ) FOUSALi : Two lots In Plnumow , JJJJ each. Potter .V Cobb. 1511 Km nain st. SOS Foil S.\rK Tlirco nno lot * Phlnn's nddltlon nil for $3,000. Urnhnm Sc llcnnwa , Crolghton Mock. 433-11 r 11. EVANS ft CO. , hnvo lor snlo- V. 13lcot squaroon UPtrack Corner with largo wnrchoti oonSt. rnultraok Fulloornorwltb trnckngoiui 12th et ill feet on I/.ard , Holt Line track Forsnloor ( leasecor ) llth and llownrd,73 feet on N 18thst,2housos$5,000 IliiMnesspioporty on nil principal streets , va cant nnd Improved. 403-10 Foil SAT.K-2.1,0 > 1 acre * In ono body In Clio- yonno county. 10miles of running wator. 7' . S. Clarkson , ISofl Fnrnnm. 393 AC1U3 LOTS Pratt's SulMltvlMon 410 AMKi ) , 1503 Fnrnnn. FOH SAtn-ioo lots In Park Forest , ( ISdown nnd f5 per nuuitli , J2.V ) to ? , ! OJ. HOBKS & Illll , real estate , 1403 Fnrnam st. TTlOlt SALK 40 ncres for subdu Islon. Cheap. X ! T. J. Clnrkson , 1500 F.irnnm. 400 > A ltd A INS m Improved nnd unimproved 1 property. W. H. Uroon , 215 8 13th st 833 PATTRHSON PAUJC ACR13-Nonrost. best nnd cheapest. 318-13 II. UVANS & CO. , Solo ngcnts , lots In Creston - ton 4J1-10 Foil HAM-go : ncros to sulxllvldo , 2S4 miles from Con it House , A fortune to the bu > cr. 1 , S. Clnrkson , 1600 Fnrnam. CDS DUPONT PLACE Is only two blocks south of Hanscoin's Pnrk. Kvory lot covered with lionutlful foiost trees. Clark .t French will lake pleasure In.showing jou the lots. Terms to suit. No. 1510 Douglas street. 420.13 11. KVANS & CO. , Polo agents , lots inCres- ton. 401-10 | NU-IXURTIt ) ACUUS-Oiconwood. ' 410 AMES , 1507 Fnrnnm. SPECIAL 11AUUA1NS-77 feet , on Fnrnnm , ( S.609 ; 200 feet on Farnnm JlO.OOa T. S. ChirKfon , l.'iOfl rnrnh.iin. 397 TDATTKHSON PARK ACUES-Ncnrcst. best JL ami cheapest. 21312 n. BVANS & CO. , 1513 Dodge Call on us J.n. . for bargains inchcaplots 401-10 FOK HAt.K 3 room cottagca on very easy terms. Price (1,0V ) . Win. J. Paul , iSUtli and Charles Or 1133 N. 10th st SIMM * LCUP LOTS-llrlghlon 410 AMES , 1507 1'nrnnm. "PATTERSON PARK ACHUS-Nei-rcst. best Jmid cheapest. 218-12 pATTKItSON PARK ACHUS-Noarcst. best and cheapest. 21b-12 TDATrEHSON PARK ACUUS-Noarest , best X. nnd ohchpest. 21S-12 17A1H3IODNT PLACI2-27th nnd Lake stiocts. IJ Klegnntotf \ , low prices. Wo bulk , houses. T. S. Cluikfon , 150J Fni nnm. 300 tATTERSON PARK ACRUS-Noarost , best nnd cheapest. Foil SAI.K Leased school lauds In tracts of 60 acres and upwards , no taxes to pay on thoMlandsfor20years. O. F.Davisi Co , , 1505 ruruaniBt 720-mW : BARQAIN In store house nnd lints , rents for $50 per month ; (3,000. Ginluuu It Dcmnui , Crelghtnn block. 43S-11 Foil SAl.n 1,200 uoro riincli , HVIIIR wnier tunning tluough land. Cnn cut 1,000 ton liny oir land ; also \M \ head cattle , 33 head horses with nocos-wry iniplonients , & .C. , & .C. , Ac , to run ald ranch. Price $13,5000. Addicss Hurt i MoAndiew , Alusworth , Nobr. AUo , 010 ticicb school land appraised nt $303 per acre , running20 years at sU per cent , u 1th- IH4 mllca-of Alnswortti ; living nter nnd will take (013 for lease. Address Hart & AIcAmlrew , Alusworth. Uioun Co.Ncbr. 8.J7m2J nTooo.oci lost by parties tfhaVTailod to Tmv acres lit Patteison Park , 00 days iiaro nt S175 an ncio ' 1 ho same piopcrty now Eclllne : at nn adranco of 40 per cent. 21742 IIILI , lots sell on their merits OUCllAltn I/ow prices nnd cnsy terms given. Call nt C. E. Mnyno's ollico nnd get n plat. 201 Wl'iTES Hub div 118 aero lots 2f milo from city limits , SUV ) to J50J per MCI o , that Is hnlf prlcu. I uijwick Ac Seay , so cor 15th & Uouglus. 471 V\7"FISS Sub dlv.-38acros Just platted In ucro lots lor sale , commencing Monday May U , from J. ' r > 0 to S500. Adjoining aero bell for $ GO' ' ) to fWo. I/jawIek & Seay , so cor 15th mid Douglns. 471 SuD dlv aero lots nt hnlt' price , 'J cuyhdml 1,2 andUycnrs. Sale comiiioiicos Monilaj- , May 10th , to bo closed out in one week. Ludw Ick A : tie-iy , MI cor 15th nnd Douglas. 471 : . , & M'CANUMblt offer : Bii.I 75 loot on Hnn coni Park , pcrfoot , ? 2 . b-iooin house and lot , car line ; S70I ) cash , bal- mice monthly. V-stoiy store building , St. .Mary's nvo car , f 1,400. 13thstieot lot und store building , 2 Btoilos , baigaln , 5trW. Good houses , Wn'nat ' Hill , caiy tctma Bar gains West Plan lots , ? U Ili.Miiitllnl ucics , Full Vlow , $303. . . 'JU'ro : ) , ( llmebaugh and lliookllno. Lincoln Place , on licit Line , 8.5 ! bplondid rcbldonco lots In Capitol add , 5 , 1 ! . front , clump. . fo\uinl lots nnd acres on Lcavcnworth st , SO',0 tot 1/00. Ambler Place lots , $500. Good propel tlo < on Pnrk nvo. Splonald cast trout lot on Catherine st , S-.OM. > ( | iri ! add lots. Hbii-o and lotIsnno& Beldcn's ndd ? 1C3J , ; cash VOX Sfi ernl properties In Kount/o's ( iilds. 2lots , houtuund bain , Hfi feet liom Lcnvcu- wouh tt , easy payments , Jr ( iO. Luiivuuuorth st. piopoity , per foot , 20.3 * . Wtst fldo lots , .HIO. Lot In Isaiio i : Selden'a ndd , ? 1U rah view , the highcat land nt lowpst prices , acres , I'M ) . rihlnn's add , lioueo nnd lot , $1.030. Mniiutactuiiiig nnd railroad Interests will mnko West gldo lots valuable , now fJO I. Dell & McCaadlish , 1511 Dodgo. 8SJ-15 \T7IMSS Sub. div. This now sub. dlv. It V > lujol out Iniici-cilot. lor silo .Monday May 10th ut imlf pilco. Ludwlck & Soay , B. o. car. 15th and Douglas. Foil SAI.i : I'lno lot on grade ono block from Micot car an CummingH , f 1200.00 , on easy payments. Thee , Olsen , ' 'IBs. IDIh nt. 45715 \\HISi Subdlv. Tills beautiful aoio property - ' orty will bo closed out in ono \\oekut half price , commoncliler Monday , May inth. Lud wlck & Soay , a. o. cor. 15th and Douglas. 471 "ITIOK SALK 1-oiir lnr , cor , California and JL' 30th sts. , 2 blocks from proposoil paving on Cumlngst. , fdW uud $ i(5) ( ouou. Potter & Colil ) , 1615 Funinm st. 843 AIK.S I'l.ACi : Lota poKi to tU03J who want A homos they pun pay for. 411 T71OltSALK-120xl57on Hamilton st * 1MO if X1 sold soon. Qrahora Aellcnuwu , Crelghton block. 8J4-U 11. KVANB 4 CO'Solo agents , lots In Crus- . ton 401-10 T7 AIUMOUNT PLAOB , 27th and Lake-Take 1"red orgiuon cars ; eoo the piopeny and > uu will suicly buy u lot or house and lot. T , B. Clai h8ou , IWOFurnam , 300 rpwo Lots Ocosrla nve. , f2,000 for both , X Uruuuui & ; lleimwn , CioUfhtoii Illock. HANSCOM PI.ACUchoicest ) lots. Cheap , Buy quick. T , 8. Clniksou , 15 > 1 Farnhiim. ; IJH _ T7\on \ 8AMC Kino lot east front Vlmlulii J ? nvo , (1050. ( Jiuhuoi& . lloniiMU , Ciohrlitoii block. 43S-11 TIIIiU-good lots Clifton Phup , 1100 nnd fUOOeach. lirnham A ; llenairu , ( 'iolghtoa block , 4 Mil F OirsALIC-Ono of the nlooit 8-room 'ouwjs in Blilnn's nddltlun , with cl'y water , &o. , t-omplUo. Piico low. O. I' , Davfs i. Co. . lfiO > Fiirnaiiifetret't. 7CJ ( > n i TH. EVANS i. CO. , Solo agents , ! otV"lnCifcF- t ton 401-10 rriTU3.\ { i K-jbson ( | hai for sale on In " JJ coin PJaoo.SStt to $ ! , > ! . Oibstm has for nulo Uoasua and IpU In com 1'lAco. Gibson hu ? for sale houiojim-l lutsin all pa vis f the city , Qibson has Impiovod farms aivl lanls in ull part * of Nebraska for ailo or o\chnii'fo. Olbson ha.9 thousand of acres ot lini In WptitaruKvhraska { or solo from I ? to ( i par QlbSon would like to see you If you want to bur or M.U. Gibson'sls the place to lUt your property. Call and 060 him at UoginS , Wlthuell flloek , cpr , Utb .UuJlUruovstj . , ; SW FOB flAT.13 slj feet on Snunders st , house S rooms Cistern , etc , $ J00. C } feet east front , on Sitindon it , houit T rooms , well , cistern i etc , W.200. House cf 3 rooms , full lot , In Lowe's add , Three corner lots on Peward st.ncnr Poor Clfllio convent , $750 ohohj easy term * . lot --xl20 . 12th . ISOO. - - on Dodge St. , near st. $ , Six choice lots iii Lowo's ndd. , $475 to $600 onch ; on y term * . Ixit In Sunny Side , JU5 < V 3 lots on 4Ui Ht , , nenr Pnriinm , fW.OOO. MxlaJon I'm nnm ( corner ) , $ WWJ. 1 t2xl'K on Fnrnnm t , ( cornerl M7.WO. HoiKonf 0 rnoms , hnlf lot , Irani At , f2,500. l/ot In Wr t Knit , on Dodge st , , $1,100. Ixit In Polham Plnco , $ KM. House of room nnd lot 25x140 , on 18th , near Pnul t. , $2.010. Hou > u of 8 rooms , lot 25x110 , on ISth , ncnr Pnul , $2/iOl. 2 houses nnd full lot , 10th near Webster st. , $ n.ojo. 4t fret cn t front on S 13th St. , $ lr > li ) . 125 feet east fronton 8.13th st. , HI.'XM. ' Lot on Virginia nvo. , near Loa\onnorth St. , ? 2,000. term * ony. Elghtcon of llto choice * ! lots In TteJford Plnco $150 , $50) . $ .VV ) for Inside , nnd $000 tu fO&O for corners. Enytorni ! . Lot In Ncl Hin'i ndd. , cnt front , $1,700. l/ot on Sownrd St. , U blocks from street car lllln , $ IHRI. ( Full lota houses , 18th tt , near Lon\onworth Bt , JViOO. 2 lotssouth front , on Hamilton st , nonrOOtU , $1.700. A Ilnrgntn Must bo ( told. Largo tot , largo boarding house , barn , together with snloon , loom nud 'jnrber chop on leaed lot ndjnln * Iionl Established business. ? s00 fet ull. lletnls , IMIi nmlDougln * street * . House of l > rooms , lull lot , lllondo.nunr Satin- dor * St. $2OOJ. Money to loan at lowest rate of Interest. Qoo. P. Hemfs.B. W. eor. 15th and Douglas. no PATTUUSON I'AUK ACHBS-Noarost , best and cheapest. 218-12 JI1. EVANS & CO. , Solo ngonts , lolRlnCrcs- ton 401-10 THECH.CAGOAMO NORTH Omalia , Council Bluffs And Chicago Th o only road to tnko for Ies flouios , Mnr- linlltownCedar ItapldsClinton , Dixie. Chicago. Milwiiukco nnd nil points oast. To the pooiiloof Nebraska , Coloindo , Wyomlntr , Utah , Idaho Novada.Oreson , WnshhiKton nnd California It ollors superior ndvnntages : not possible by any other line Among n few of the numerous points of supe riority enjoyed by the patrons ol this road be tween Omaha nnd Cliie.UfO , nro ltn two trains a day of DAY COACHCS which are the ntio-tt that human art nud Ingenuity can create. ItsI'AIr ACi : SI.KKP1NQ CARS , whlcn are modoln of comfort and elegance. Its PARLOR DRAWING ROOM CARS unsunm suil bv any. and Its wide ly ccioDrnted PALATIAL DINING CARS , tno equal of which cannot bo found 1'lsowhoro. At Council llluirrt Iho trains of the Union Pao flo Ry. connect In Onion Depot with those of the Chicago & Northwestern uy. In Chicago the trains of this line make close connection with tlioso of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmcin natl , Niagara Falls , liutfalo , Pitlslmrjr. Toronto Montieal , Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , Hal- tlmoreVra ) > hlngton and all points In the cast , uiu the Uckut agent for tiekots via the "NOltTH-WKS'IT.RN. " Uyou wish the best accommodations. All ticket "a "Iltt R3. . HAIR. . ( Pen' rass < Afuut Milwaukee & I Paul The Short Line and Best Route FroiOmaiiato the East. TWOTHAINS DAILY HETWEKN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis. Mllwnukeo , fat. Paul , Cedar Haplds , lajnporr , Clinton , Uubuquo , Itockford , Hock Island , Frcopqit , Jnnoavillo , Klgln , Madi n , LnCrosso , Helnit , Winona Audull ether important points East , Northern iicd Southeast. Ticket olllce nt 1401 Farnnm stieet , ( m Paxton Hotel ) , and nt Union Pacltlo Depot. Pullninn Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In the World nrorun on the main linoa of the CincAOO.Mu.wAUKEU&Br. PALT , mn.wAVuuJ every attention is paid to passoniiors by couit - oiiBomploycs of the company. It. M i M.EII , G cnornl Mnnngor. J.F. TUQKCII , Assistant General Manager. _ A. V. H. CAuriiNniii , Gontrnl PMionu'oraal Ticket Agent , Qno. K. llEAfrono , Assistant GouoiulPajsoa Bor and Ticket/ ISHO it uNAcoMiNTfO WITII THC ooanpnv oe THIS COUHTmr Will. ICE EV EX MI'IINO THU U/F > TH/kT / THE eillCJlGOr.OCK ISLAHD a PACIFIC I1AILWAV llj ; rciuon of ll central iioiltlon and clogn rrlntlontu nil prlni-lpil III"a i : lvn'l l Wet , nt liilllnl IIIKPI- inlnnl puiiitH , c-unitlliitiii tliu nion Import nut uiM viiilliiontMl llnklu tlmt "j'tnu at thiciiL-li tiRiii > n tntlon wlili'i luvliti ) unit ficllltatn tinvi 1 nnd tmlM > iei cdicltlu iir tin Atlantlu and I'nrlnci L' < jnt u M nuo fliti favnrlta nnil heyt toiitn lobml from paint * ICant. N/ntier-wt ) nud honllionst. kitil rurie ronUlnu l > l'it > > Vett , Nurtlmcit and Houtline < t , The Croat Rook Islnntl Route Clumnnteri Itj r trom lh t itatn ot porronol epu. rlty ultonli'.l l.y a * ollil , Iliuiuiivlilr ltulU > uil loail- tin ) , mnonih truck * tit ciMitlnuoiu ktucl loll , lu.iHon- tlallv hunt cult mil nnil lirlJuci , lolllneitiH-kai nc/ir Ih'rtectlun ai IIIIIUAII ktilll tan make It , the .nftli iipnllancri of P > ten t j"JI.Vf ; il1ln'foi ' m nnd ulr brultj , tli-al opurallun .hU route * reunion union Deputs , . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . luiurlet of lu I'lutonem.fuliui | | | > > it. Thi Fut ti < rri < M Jralni iKtiTMn ClilrMrn nr.ll Pnrja , Council Illuir * . Kanaui city , l avuiiivortl > ami AtcliUon lire co'iip-uml ' nt Mi.ll ; nlllat.'il , up. JjoMerpil li y ( iiMheii Muu lll < - n ( I'ulhiinn I'ul.rn Hlo'pcriof ( litt att"t ilMtRii , nd iniiiptuoiu ( Mnlnn C r . In which elulioiAtoly rooko < t mraliaiol , IKIIHI ? U'n , li twiiiitiilafiru.uvt ! ; Ki > n ( ; ity ndAlihln/tt uro alia lun tlio Mltbiutva Itoclinlufrnulr : it . The Famous Albert Lea Route { Mil * direct nil fnyorlto Una hetwten CUIrado and f' ' , lfl..R ° .V' " } ? ? .L JIt ! 1 * r1' " . "nnerlloi , . r , mart. filyu J ) poli fnr ll polou In ttio ud iih l'ru > ln'-ci. Ovtr dill rmito f tt ipe liu Aio run to thv watorln pUc . summer r t . plrturnqna laoiilltlei , na limiting unit Iliulnu uiiji ut lnw mil tllnnonta. It { Mao the mu t tor qtiaiicn mriirniaiinn t. . . . . . . .r , , , , u , oMalnablii.a well an tlukpu , nt all iiitntlDH. . .t. " Hi tlio Ualteii tilatu aud Coiul | or ifi Crti rlDg R , R. CABLE , C. ST. JOHN , J'res't * Ocn'l MVr , Ocn'lT'kt J : I'm. Ac1 ! , HAMBURG "AUfflRICAH Corrj.pasj.3T. A DIHHCT LINK WK England , France & Germany. Tbn steamships of this wcl ) kno'ru line fl'.n built of lion , in water-tight cnnipiiitiniima , nnd am furnished with utcry loquUllo ( < > inuXn tha pw sujfo both tiifo nnd pcrcuiablu T.icy curry tiu ) Ij'tuted HtnU'fl and Ituropeiin m.ill .nnd ! o ivu New Voi k Thursday * aii'l BiUtlrdayj for 1'lv. mouth. ( LO.NDOXCUorluifPAHla ) , ( and HAM. llUKOf. , . llMtuiiliie , the Mcamcra leave Hamburg on Wodnedng miJ Kunda > , via. Haire , takln ; : ci iit Southninpton nnd f < omlon. ciihln JV ) , t J and $75 ; StooresotH d ll kots fioui Plymouth to liribti.l , Cat. iliir , l.tiitdon , or to any pl.tco lu the Houth ol , Flll'E. Ktooruijo from Kurope only " , .toe , , . Pm > eiff | r Aponts , 81 llroixdx-ny , Now Voik ' : Wg lilugton nud I.a in. . A STANDARD MKDlOAL PORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN $ OJfl.Y 81 11Y MAIL , rOSTl'Ain. I s.vstruj FJIKE TO AM rejtnuniiton vitimT. Nfrrom nn rnriioii in-Jimr : > rmunrel > ' 'Hnem Mnn , irrors . \onlhfinfl th untold mtxrlf" rn'nltlnufrnm ln < tlcreUon * n < l or- rcjjoi. A boon fnr oror * ni'in. Tf > ns. mlil.llo-nrcl nriil out. It pontilni lit nrl orrlptlons far nil ncuto nnf chronie'lliiemo , ! which I * inTnhintiln. Sf roiinill > rtliomilhornho < crnorl'jncofor Jt yo MI nidi n * . protmtilr never t > oforr > fell to the lot l of n KM , tioimil In bountiful Frenoii mu * > tor * , fr.11 ! ! ! . ffunrantoc i | to hoi tlaof jntH-moctinniml.lltOMry nn > lprofe . Honnl-tlmnnnr other Dili country forlMX cirthe mnnpTKlll bo rofunrt In ororr ln.l.inoe , PrP intT II bf mill , pojtimld. llhMlr.-ito I t-\rnpK ( tl * . 'cnrtnow. UnlcDneitMnwnnlol the nnltiorhrltis If- JonnlMedical AnooUtlpn. to the linn A. I * . Hljiall , iniln < > o''iiild offlrnrt ot the boiM ttin reader Ii r - MTnVSclenro'o7 ' Wr1 ' worth morn toltia roiin n1 wiiftlM "A nienoV this Bon riitlrtn than nil -WoM mines oiCnhiornlti n > J the ( ilrer mines of Neril * . no. the rock , , anl ( on Wilcli the ciinMllutlon wml , hjo \ nt mv\r iiounffmnnliiTO been fHtnllj r oka < l. Manobaitgr The Sdenco of I.lfoliof greater T liiB Minn nil lh * pJlciil works pulillslio.l m lliU countrj farthspxil oVcirV. Atliinta Con lU\itlon. Thoscloncuof Ufoli nncrb nH msjlorlr tmi- le on netvuut nntl plirHonl Utbllltr. Uttrolt Frai lho Pstboilr Meillcul Inilltuto , or DrT. . It P Yker.No.4Uuimncti itreat , Boston. Mats. , who m r > eooniulteiton all JHOOSM roqninnri kll land tlptrh OUCH. uhmiiloiinJ obniimto iliiuaso * ttiuUura titt- led ttio tklll of nil othorphrslcumi a spoclnltr. aaoa TPDtnl tnccossfiillr wiuiout an t ntunoo ot f Uif klonllun Umati.i U o. ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , & imm ENGIE Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock , Orndo Bj stems nnd Sowerasro Plans for Cities and Towns n Bpcclnlty , Plans , Uotlmatos nd Spccincntlons for Public nnd ether Unfflnoorlng works furnished. Surroya nnd Report mndo on Public Improvements. ANiwr.w HOSSWATKH. Member Amcrlonn Sooto Oty Civil r.ugliicei . Cltv Engineer of Omaha EO. U. CitnisTit : , Civil Isnwinoor. O.NP. 4IU JtlOltU AT V lll > lr.8.UF. P1J1CE. I PAY nil ptprc'i chnrRrs In nil point * vrlthln 900 mllpn. l.OiH'currlnirc" to neli > ct Irom Send two cow , ( tamp for Itlmtrntnl cntnlosui ! . Jlciitlon tills | pcr. L. 0 , SPENCER'S TOY FACTORY , S2I W. MADISON ST. . CHlCAaO. Proposals. SIJAI.mi propoauls will bo rccclvo.1 by thk cllv of lliistliigi , Nebraska , until 10 o'oloon n. m. May 18 , issil , for the furnlMiliur.erootlor nnd completion of n system of water works fee the city of Hasting' , Nebraska. Slid system of waterworks to bo furnished and built In accordance ulth the plans and neclllcatons ! on tlln In thoofllco ol' the Olty Cloilcofthu city of Hastings , Nobraslta. Piopo aH will bo iccclvcdoii any or all oC the following Items. 1st Fuinlslilngnnd complotlnff open well , or furnlshlntraml cnniplotlnfr tubular well system. 2d FuinMilntrnnd complctlns ecglno house , boiler house and stack. : id Fin nUhliiff and completing foundation and bnscol stnnd plpo. 4th l'urnUhliiK and completing- stand pipe. nth Put nishlng miJ setting up machinery and boilers. . iltU-Kurnlshltiff cnst Iron plpo nnd spoolftl 7th rurnWilnjr kalamcln plpo. Sth riu nulling hydrants , gates nnd fjato boxes. Oth Fiirnlshlnjrlentl nndoalcum and oxnavat- fr , und liyln pipes , lijtlranti , Kates and gate boxes. The contract price of said system of water works completed not to olcccd the Bum of clirlity thousand dollars. I'.acli proposal must bo accompanied wltli A good lUidtaUlUclontbond In thuauin of onothou- siUHl dollnrs on each of the Items bid on. na se curity for the lining of n ( food nccoptnblc.uond the sum of which shall not be lees tuab. full nmount ot contrnct price. The City Council lesorvos the rljfht to rpjoot nny or nil hlds or nny parts of bids. Proposals ehould lie addressed to J. I ) . Minos. City Weikof HastliiK * , NobrasUii , and lunrltod "Proposals for Water woiks. " Uy older of the City Council of Unstlngs , No- brnskn , thls'-'Sth day of Am II , A. D. 18311. Didders may submit tiiolr own plan Epccitlcatloiuwlth methods forobuilnmt purnn * Ins and storlmr the necessary water supply , but lu every case the plan of plpo , hydinnta , valves , \c. , to icmnln the same as per plans nnd spool- Ilcntlons now on Illo in tlio ollico of the Uty Clerk wlthtbo undoislandliiK that the Olty Coun- ' ell will not pny for nny pl.ins and speclllcntlons furnished Uv bidders. 8/SAV.UUI. ALBX/VNUER , Mnyor. J. D. MlMM , City ClcrK. npr29dlOt "P. BOYER & CO. DKALEIISIN , and Ml Work. 1020 I'tirnam Street , Omaha , Neb. ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL nonoo PARIS OF THE 'WORLD Cnlnlniucs and Prices on apnllc.itlqn. Bold by ft 11 His Lest CarrlavH Ilullriernund Dealers. CINCINNATI , II. H. A. L'ablu Aili'rcn-1. COO CIN , Or thu I.HIIIOIllulill , Ciu-etl by Ailniltilitci-liiir Or. It can lie gl > en , In ft cup of coffee or ton nlthont the Itiiowlfiltcof tlic iiorson taking H , U absolutely iiarmlc-is , untl will clk'ct a iicriimnriit cud upotdy cuiu , nlicllitr the pntletit la a tnodurato arlnkor erin in aicoliullo uri < cU , It lias hcun flven In HIOU- iiv.ida ot c.iics , nnil In nveiy liist > inc r.erfi ; ! > Llcaro lias folloui'.l. . It ni-ver liillfl 'Ilia tyetum ciiica linpicBMiitnl iv lili the Hj > < liot'omo an ultor Impossibility for the liquor apiicllto toeiUt rOIt8AI.n BV I'OMAJWINO DIUIOQIbTS : KHUN te CO. , Cur. 19th it nil D aslnn , r.nrt 18th iV C'tmiluc Hi * . , Onitiha , ttcb.l A , D , FO.STJJU & I1RC\ . Couccll ninffit , Iowa. Cillarwrltft fnr pani | > lilot cuntalnliiK hcndrtdfl < ' toztluiGnlaU from Dm U : t women and luea ( ram fil pins ol tliu cujntrv. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " The Orlfflnnl and Only Genuine. HUe 4Mw l > ; i kdlittrm . , tile ta LADIE.S. Aik soar llrujctflil t fcf Cfalclicf.tiTr' * RutflUn1' and Ukv u olbir.or . kluir > * ) to as lor pkrucuUrl tn tttlir t/ return m AME PAPER. Clil.btt.ttr Cl ml l Co. . 881D IduclUoll Hguurc. i'tltUdtk , lfc * ildtrl , tta vvrrrwbcrr. Atk tor "Chlclie * tcr .t Kr " I'cnn/nijal I'llltw Tiki a oibw , Red Star Line Carrying the Dolgtum Itoyal and United Btntoj ilull.sallinif every Saturday Between Antwerp & Hew York TO THE RHINE , GERMAHY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE , SI'KINfi AND SI'MMKIl IlATIi l finlon 1 rom $00 to flOJ. Kxcurslon trip from C1IO to titi. .Second Cabin , outlaid , 6(1 ; pienald4' ) ; exeiir < ion. ( UO. tileonine pacungo at low iiitcig. p ter Wright & HDIIS , uunoral AcnlH ( , 5" > DroaiUvny. ew VorU , , Omaha , NohrasKn , Frank 15. Mooros. W. , St , &P , ticket You or * ) nllowod a free trtcl of thirty ilavt of the O ! of Dr. Pj-o'i l lcbrutcd Voltaic ISelt ivllli Llcclilobu- pooiory / | f.lUntcs , fur the ipviay jcllrf and munentctuacf l > tn < i\n Hebtlttv. loss jfal / i //anfcixxi , anil all blnilred Iroubli i. AIM for man } _ , reaturntlontoUeaUb , Vlcor. nnd MunlujO'1 piarunici .1. o risk Ii Incurred , _ | llu- ' ' * w : \uLTAWllK&'vo'Muralisi\li l \