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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1886)
w MB A fcKC32ss8s ! 3 ® THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FIFTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , MAY 10 , 188G. NUMBER 279. THEY RETURN TO WORK , Strikes Ending Everywhere , and the Men Anxious toEcsumo Work WISE WORDS FROM A BISHOP. I'roscctitltiK tlio Anarchists I'owclcr- Jy's Views on Drunkenness nnil ItoyuotthiK Special Assembly of ( lie Knights to be Held. CIIICAOO. Slay 8. [ Socclal Telegram. ] Tlicro Is the usual every tiny activity about must of the freight depots In tlio city this nioniln ? . All of tlicui are open , nnd all business is being taken care of , though some of them me short handed. Tim places of the old inun who did not report nt the huur named In the notice posted yesterday , nro being Tilled up as fast as applicants appear. Six of the old hands returned to the Hurling- ton this morning , nnd others to the North * western , Alton , and the Fort Wayne. Two hundred employes of the I'lttsbun ; , Fort Wayne it Chicago round house weru granted an mlvmiroof tweiity-llvo cents n day , and returned to work this morning. ANOTHHU ANAllCHIST AimnSTEn. James Dejnck , a Holicmlnn nnarchlst , and carrier for the Aibcltcr Xeltttnc , was arrested at his homo on Center avenue tills morning. Two dangerous looking pistols were found on him , and his house was supplied with anarchist literature. The police" say they have evidence to convict him of shooting Into the patrol wngon lilted with police dur ing the riots. Henry Dojuelc , a brother , anil F. Movnk , n locksmith , wcro also arrested. FACTOIHHS ItKSU.MIXn. McCormlck's reaper factory started tip as usual this morning with n full torcc. ami lllnman street police claim to have Identified many of Monday's rioters among those who have loturned to work. The thirty-live po lice on gunrd nt MeCormick's gates had nothing to do. As n precautionary measure McCormlck has twenty-llvo sixteen shot Winchester rifles , twenty-live tloiiblo barreled shotguns , nnd5,003rounds of ammunition In n store which can quickly bo put into the hands of the police and his private watch man In case of nn outbreak. Armour's glue factory was running with a small force under police protection. A move Is on foot to start up nil factories In the him ber district next Monday on the ten hours basis. Captain Cohen ami a strong force of watchinon nro still guarding the yards against Incendiary fires. TIIU HAIMAllKKT VICTIMS. Officer Jncoo llansen was this morning be lieved to bo in moro immediate danger of death than any of the surviving haymarket patients at tho-county hospital. Olliccr Tim othy Flnvln is next to llnnscn inpolnt _ of dnnger. Ills shattered leg was amputated jcsterday. Since then his chances of recov ery have Increased. The bullet wound in his back makes his condition moro crit ical. Charles Schumnckcr , the young socialist , cannot possibly recover. Ills agonies nro so terrible that he Is kept constantly under the Influence of opi ates , and his cot is surrounded bv a scrron to hide his sulTurlngs from other patients. Ilu- dolph Krnegor , the socialist , first known as Labbi'lhardt , who put a bullet Into Ofllcor Madden and got two In exchange , remains In a comatose condition , and Is expected hourly to die. Oflleers Mike Madden nnd Lawrence Murphy , it Is thought , will pull through all right. Murphy was only married a few days before the riot , nnd his young witc Is spend ing her h onuymoon beside his cot. A Most Fortitnnto Mistake. CIIICAOO , May 8. Information was re ceived at the police headquarters Into last night to the effect that llerr Most , the nn archlst , would arrive In this city this morn ing. The dispatch stated ho boarded n Pan handle train at Cincinnati , nnd would reach Chicago at 7:15 : this morning. The authori ties immediately determined to arrest him as BOOH us ho arrived. Detectives were iln- Iniled to make the capture. A good dcscrip- lion of the noted anarchist was obtained. Rally this morning olllcers boarded the train. The conductor pointed out the person sup- nosed to bo Most , hut the detectives failed to rceognlzo him from the description they had of him. The cilfforonco was so great that the officers know at once they had been misin formed. Mayor JlnrrlKon'R Reform. CHICAGO , Mny 7. Mayor llnrrison vcfuscd saloon licenses to two plnces which bocnmo notorious on account of recent murders. Ono wns Charles Xeph , located nt 123 West Lake street , and the other Thomas Grief , who has been riinnlnir a resort lor communists nt Mo. 51 , same street. The wounded officers nt the county hospi tal are doing as well as could bo expected. Flavin is very low. but Ills condition is not worse than last iiiuht. Jnko Hanson Is some what Improved. The doctors nro undecided whether his wounded log must bo amputated or not. They still have hopes of saving It. is'els Hanson Is very low , and his condition is btill rcparded ns precarious. A O.UIIT : NIGHT. "Honoris fiom nil police districts tills morn ing , " remarked Chief of Pollen Kbcrsokl at lOiiM ) o'clock , "aro , that the night wns ono of extreme quiet. There wns no largo nssem- binges to disperse. A few minor distur bances occurred this morning but nothing of n serious nature occurred. " Till ! 11AII.HOA1) ) SITUATION shows further improvement to-day. Twenty old freigltt handlers of the Illinois Central reported for duty this morning nnd all roads nre handling freight In large quan tities. The Lnko Shore road Is worKine , again with a Inrgo foivo of police In and nbout the freight houses who permit no crowds to gather nnd compel nil Idlers to "move on. " TIIK ANAllCIIISTS IN COITIST. The petition fora writ of habeas corpus In the cases of Mrs. L. M. Holmes , Adolpli Fischer , nnd a man named Uzlcrs , employes of the Arltelter Xeltung , for release , was culled before Jtiduo 1 toners In thoelretit court jlils mouiln ? . The state's attorney stated ho onld not now divulge ( lie character of the nvUloncnho had ngnlnst thesepeople. . Ho wns willing that Llzlers should bo released nnd Mrs. Holmes should bo admitted to SWO : or § 1,000 although she was probably uuilty of ineparlng someof the inflammatory articles Intho papers. As for FiM-her he held evidence that ho had personally thrown the deadly liomb or wasa paity to it. This produced a Hcnsatlou in court. The jndgo accordingly admitted Mrs. Holmes to li.ii.l ordered Llzler released nnd ordered Fischer's retuui to Jail for ono week. CHICAGO , Mny P. IVler LolsocKln , a Pole , was held to thu criminal court to-day for in citing some lumber strikers to riot yesterday. Tim police ralded 71 West Lake Mi out to-day and discovered a lot of bloody bed clothing , indicating tlmt quite n number of wounded annrchUts hail been harbored In the place after thu flight on Tuesday night. ANAltCHISTS IN COl'IIT. CHICAGO. May & Several employes of the AibeiterXcltung wcieln attendance In Judge linkers' court nt 10 o'clock n. m. to-day. Wnen the socialists. Adolpli Flbcher , Gcihan Lt/iertuul Mary L. Holmes weie brought ii ) on a wilt of habeas corpus. Slates Atfonuu Grinncll informed thocouit that lie had sulli- rleut evidence- against Fischer , but that | t would never do to doveloix ) this evi dence hi Urn preliminary heating , -as It was ot a very'impoitnur diameter. He oven refused to divulge tlio nature of It to the newspapers and said to snow1 his ham would jeopardize the cnso ; not only of the prisoners but also the case.s of those other socialist still nt large. "I linvo evi V deuce , " ho said , pointing nt Fischer , who sat with eyes cast down , ' 'that tlio man sitting there at least assisted in throwing the bomb Sensation. ) If ho Is not the irlnclpal , ho Is at least an accessory. " .Irlnnell said Mr. < t. Holmes was doubtless ono of the writers of tlio Inflammatory editorials In the Arbcltcr Xeltung , but ho Iocs not Hue to go Into her case to-day , and wanted a week to Investigate. In the mean- Imo hu was willing she bo rclenscd under SW or § 1,000 ball. Kate Knno said she appeared for Mrs. Holmes , and desired nn Immediate trial. Judge itogcrs snld : The amount of S500 Is small ball under the circumstances , but , under the suggestion ot Mr. Grinncll , I will make It that amount. The person who sneaks through aji editorial s as responsible for good or bad as ono who nets , but whether she Is entity of writing Incendiary editorial ? , 1 do not iiiow , ns 1 did not read the language and could not determine if they wcro Inilam- untory. " Attorney Solomon said with re tard to Fischer that ho wanted nn immedlnto tnnl. Jlo wns entirely Innocent of any crlmo nnd had n family to support. Judge KodRcrs said that In criminal cases , and especially In ono of such great magnitude as the present , Iho couit must rely very largely upon the re presentations of the state , and It was the luty of tlio courl to give the state every op portunity to InveStluato this great cilme. \ \ hue he learned tint the prisoner at the bar and his associates did not bpllevo In nnylnw. itlll justice should bo administered nnd Inw. Ho would accept the suggestions of the Htnto'.s attorney nnd would post pone the hearing until a week front next Wednesday. As regards the support of the man's family , the same hands which have jone down so deep Into their pockets to ro- llovo Urn suffering families ot thu policemen would see to It that Fischer's family did not starve. FOR LAW AND OilD13It. t Patriotic Address Delivered by Archbishop - bishop Glhhons. BAT.TIMOIII : , Mny ! ) . At meeting to-day of Iho now church of the Holy Cross In this city , Archbishop Gibbons took advaiitaco of the presence of a largo number of foreigners , ind spoke forcibly on tlio shins of anarchism that have iccently been developed in Amer ica. In his losnnrks upon loyalty to country , ho said : "The government of the United Slates Is a lovornmcnt for the benefit of the people. Tlio eltlzensof the United States enjoy the amplest liberty , built Is liberty of law , of order and authority. Liberty without law degenerates into license. Wo have no stand- imr armies In this country , nnd lam glad ot It , for such armies are n great drain upon the resources of the country , and necessarily condemn a largo number of men to a life of forced idleness. Tlio strongest force of n na tion lies in tlio laws of tlio laud judiciously administered , and these laws nro upheld and sustained by healthy nubile opinion. The strongest bulwark of n nation Is found in tlio Intelligence , virtue nnd patriotism of its nation nnd adopted citizens. So long ns they love their country and cherish her institu tions , nnd are ready lo die for her if neces sary , wo will have nothing to fear from nn- , .socialism and nihilism. Socialism Is a foreign plnnt , n noxious exotic which crows only In dark places , nnd withers and decays under the genial sun and atmosphere of the United btntes. " The archbishop concluded his remarks by exhorting' the congregation to love their country and her institutions , and to do all In their power to promote her best interests , to avoid dangerous , forbidden soci eties , to beware of demagogues , nnd not to surrender their liberty to nny mnu or class of men. BACK TO WOHIt. Freight Handlers About to Abandon Their Strike. CHICAGO , May . Nearly all the freight handlers employed or on strike hero werp present at a meeting of the freight workers' union to-night. The meeting had no sooner been called to order than n communication received fiom the switchmen's union wns read , wherein that organization absolutely refused to uphold the. freight workers in the present strike or even to countenance it. The reading of tills communication wns followed by n warm debate which brougnt into view general sentiment that tlio popular prejudice against strikers has been Intensified by the tragedy of Tuesday night , nnd has made the prospect of success exceedingly doubtful. Many of those present openly declared It their wish to abandon the principle for which they wont out ; and return to work. This feeling resulted In tlio appointment of a committee , which Is requested to cull at the ofllces of all the roads to-morrow and negotiate for the most rnvornblo settlement possible. It Is stated that , failing any better concession on the part of the roads , tlio committee will authorize Iho discontinuance of the strike , on ono consideration that nil tlio men bo al lowed to return. A freight worker present at the meeting said liobclluvod the strike would be at an end to-morrow morning. POW DEItfrY MOUAIjIZBS. Excellent Atlvlco Given , to the Knights of Labor. CHICAGO , Mny 9. The Dally News will to morrow morning publish tlio full text of a secret circular from Grand Master Workman Powderly to the district assemblies of the Knights of Lnbor to bo read during tlio pres ent week. The circular contains n call for a general mcetlni : of assemblies to take place nt Cleveland , O. . Mny as , at which matters relat ing to Intcit'sts ot the order will bo canvassed and action taken upon them. Also in'the circular Powderly takes occasion to rebuke the tendency to drunkenness iiiKomequnr- ters , nnd adjures members to forswear thoin- temperate use ot intoxicants , lie leads quite n temperance lecture , pointing to tlio fact that drunkenness Is n great incentive to riotous methods , lie deprecates all talk of use of violence and Illustrates many abuses to which the boycott Is put. " 1 hnto tlio word boycott , " ho sayp , "and foibhl its use except as a last resort and then only upon the consent of thu general assembly. Powderly then announces that hereafter ho will rccuivo no committees and answer no letters addressed to him Dcmllng the holding of the meeting nt Cleveland. Ills mall , hu says , conlnlns 400 letters dally , nnd ho has ii.OOO on baud thnt nio not nnd never will bo lead. Ho must have time , he says , to perfect his plans for the good of tlio order. QUIET IN CHICAGO. Klva OllluerH Have Died Up to the 1'rasont. CHICAGO , May 0. The day hns been one of marked quiet throughout the entire city. No procession occurred nnd the police were not oven called upon to disperse any Inrgo assemblages. Olllccr Timothy Flavin died at the county hospital last night nnd Ulllcer Michael Sliechan died nt his homo this after noon. This makes live police officers dead ns the lesult of Tuesday evening's outrage nnd others nro liable to dlo at any moment. Kruger , the boelalist , who wns shot by onicc-r Mndden Wednes day limit , died tills morning , nnd tlm death of Frank Lnnnls occurred nt No. 3i07 Wentworthnvc'imodining thonfternoon. Ho wns a recognized member of the com munists , nnd was wounded In Tuesday niuht's riot. No work was attempted nt any of the rail way freight houses , but tlio companies will give notice to-morrow of their ability to han dle nny quantity of frolulit offered. It Is hinted tlmt the stiikerson the Illinois Central , Michigan Central nnd Dnltlmoro & Ohio loads have announced their Intention tore- tuiu to work to-morrow , < " ! oiio to Glory. GAI.VESTO.V , May 0. A special from Wax- aliachlo says : George Young , the ne ro wlfo murderer , was executed hero to-day In the presence ot 5,000 persons. .Young wns cool and collected. Ho made a speech , de claring hU Innocence , and exhorting all to profit by liis fnto and s > nun bad ways a'Hl dis solute habits. After hanging cloven minutes life was declared extinct , and his body was cut down and dellveicd to friends for burial. The execution passed oil quietly. A Failure/ Niw YOIIK , May 0. The platio makers who were demanding ten hours pay for eighl hours work , assembled to-day to listen to res olutions by their grand lodge , declaring their strike to bo a failure and ordering their men back to their shops to-morrow morniu g. GLADSTONE'S ' NOBLE FIGHT , lo Stands Firm as Gibraltar Against the Assailants of His Policy. TWADDLE FROM THE PRESS. Political Ultterncss nnd Unco Hatred Aroused by tlio Home lltilo Meas ure Tlio Orcck Question May Create Serious Complications. Standing Up for Homo Uulc. LONDON , May " . " -Special [ Cablegram. ! It nay bo stated on very good authority that the cabinet council recently held resulted In i decision on the part of the government note o mrko nny ofllclnt conciliatory overtures for the support of the malcontent liberals and ndlcals. The government will , therefore , jczln tlio parliamentary strucglo over the ionic rule bill to-morrow with hands en- : lrely free. Of cotnse , whatever concessions Mr. Gladstone may have made thus far In the way of modifying tlio clauses ot the bill ac cording to the advice of those whoso criti cisms were In the spirit of friendliness to tlio main object to the measure , will hold good , ut nny attack upon tlio bill wlileh Is mndo In a wholly antagonistic spirit will bo joldly met and opposed , tt Is not unlikely that so mo further modillcntlons of the origi nal draft of the bill will bo consented to in course of debate In order to meet the wishes of sucliof the supporters of the government ns liavo not yet had opportunity to consult Mr. Gladstone and who will therefore express their views In parliament. MKKTINO A DIFFICULTY. Ono of the propositions which Mr , Glad stone has been asked by the adherents of the government to consider is Intended to solve tlie difficulty which has existed In respect to Irish representation In the Imperial parlia ment. Tlio plan is for the Irish par liament to appoint a delegation of Its members to meet a similar delegation from tlio imperial parliament , or , If preferred , for the Irish parliament to have power lo send nt any time a delegation to sit In the Imperial parliament itself. Mr. Gladstone has , up to this Urn , declined to favor either oE these plans on account of his belief that , when the parliaments wera thus united by delegation , consideration of Imperial nirnirs would be necessary ; whereas facilities for such dis cussion would bo crude , and no logical voting ing arrangement could bo devised. It is thojuht , however , some proposition of this nature will ultimately bo agreed to by the premier , and that it will meet the approval of the majority of the party. llnrtngton nnd Chamberlain the most prominent seceders from among Mr. Gladstone's supporteis , held : i protracted con sultation last night presumably for the pur pose of agreeing upon a course of concerted action against the home rule bill in tlio com ing debate. As the decisive moment grows nearer , party bitterness intensities , nnd hardly anything could bo more venomous than tlio language ot some of the journals which are active In opposing the measures under public discussion. SI'KCIMKN H.VOI.TSII KANT. Mr. Tyndnll writes that Gladstone Is guilty of a treasonable surprise : that ho Is trying to drug and debauch the nation , Vanity Fair which has been the organ of the English advocates of armed Irish pro- tcslant rcsUtanco to home rule says : It is time to stop talking. If the people of Ulster are handed over to Ford and Egan nnd torced to liaht for their skins like rats in a pit , any nblo bodied Englishman Is a coward if he stands by and sees this crime committed. Kncland Is still worth living in , but so sure as Irisli-Aiuerlcan reprobates ore allowed to plant themselves in power on our very coasts , so sure will England become n nniuo of contempt. The St. .lames Gazette says : Ulster must bo ready to resist any attempt to place the province under the rule of a for eign government composed of Amerlcan- Irisli Jacobins and priests hungering for spoils and revenge. A coodly proportion of the provincial papers Inuulgo in similar statements. Al though Lordwolsuley refuses either to con tradict or to explain certain statements at tributed to him. it is well known ho shares the hostility of tlio bulk of the nrmy olllcers against Mr. Gladstone. This feeling is not duo solely to distrust of Gladstone's Irish policy , but Is partly occasioned by resentment for what they consider Ills policy of sacrifice and surrender in Afghanistan , thu Transvaal and tlic Soudan. The Orangemen In London have agreed to raise a special fund to bis devoted ' "what ever purpose the position of loyalists In Ire land mny render advisable. TUitco-niiKKic DIFFICULTY. The great dninrcr of the Tureo-Groek situa tion Is that the Turks njay glvo the Greeks a bad whipping. National feeling throughout Kuropo would bo excited by such a struggle almost beyond restraint , especially In holy Kussia. Greece and Itussla are closely allied In religion , politics and ultimate- designs against Turkey. It would take very llltlo fighting to rouse nil Jfiissia to action nnd render the Intervention of the c/.nr's government inevitable. Kusslan interven tion would bo moro likely than not to work tliocommenccment of complications through out Europe. Austria could not very well remain - main a passive witness of the rearrangement of Turkish frontiers. Her military nnd politi cal interests in liosnla and ller/.egovlnn for bid. Tlio east is like n vast powder magazine Greece is tlio chnnco spark that may light the blaze. Ureeoo Tor War. ATHKXS , May 9. A demonstration meet ing was held to-day in Constitution square. Warlike speeches wnro mndo nnd n resolu tion wns carried , amid wild excitement , favoring war with Turkey. AVII1 Help Greece. LONDON , MayO , Turkey and Greece nro hurrying troops to the front. Several Kuronenn papers nre of the opinion that Itus- sia will secretly support Greece , i K1G FlllE lNHOXOIUhU. _ The Entire ChlncRO Quarter , Com- lirlKliiK Sixty AorcH , Conmunod. SAN KuAxcisro , May 0. Advices received by steamer Alcmeda to-day from Honolulu plvo account of a disastrous conflagration which occurred tthero April 18. A Jlru.started In the coot house of the Chinese quarters nnd soon got bovond control. Efforts were then directed toward staying the progress of the lire by blowing up the buildings. It wns not until eight enure squaies , comprising sixty acres of the most thickly populated Chinese quarters , were destroyed that the lire's advance wns stayed. About bO.OOO people ple , mostly Chinese , were left homeless. The loss Is estimated at S1,60UOUO ; insurance , S'Jt'0,000. Only two lives were lost. HOT S A Giihan Imdy Kills Her Husband and Xlien Herself. PATHIISON , N. J. , Mny 0. Perlko Fernan dez , a rich Cuban , of Hawthorne , N , J. , was bliot in the right breast , lost night about 12 o'clock , by His wife , Hello. The woman then placul the pistol to her temple , blowing her brains out. Both nrd dead , No cause is known for the deed. Mr. Fernandez was a member of several New Yoik clubs. A Hiri.n , Quebec , May A A lire broke out at an early hour this morning In Alderman Lau- dry's bakery , and spreading rapidly , soon de stroyed all the houses on Lake and Duke streets , and on Main street as far as Poutln's fitono block , at the corner of Main and Sildo streets , where It was checked. The area cov ered by the lire Is about ten acres , and 1M families were buriied out. The new post- olllee , a haudspmo structure , costing about 25,000 , wns destroyed. Other losses ro esti mated at 100,000 , ou which there is au lusur- aiico of § 23,000. Vonoo Itolfns , Again. DES MOINKS , Iowa , May 0. [ Special. ] The promptness with which the civil authorl- Ics checked the recent attempt at rioting In his city Is the theme of very general com- ncndatlon. The mayor , police force nnd county ofllcors worked'In harinoy , and wcro ircparvil to do deadly execution If a riot was begun. When the excitement wns run- ilng high , there was some talk ot calling on ho governor for tlio intlltln , but ho very ivlsely discouraged any resort to force , lie told thoslierlff that Chicago had put down ts riot without the help of the troops , and ho lopctl that they would not bo called for tin- ess absolutely necessary. This put the police force upon their mottle nnd they wcro dctcr- iilned to do credit to their calling. As the sheiilt's posse and police were arranged , they could have withstood an attack fiom fifty : Imos their number. Springfield rifles , re volvers nnd Goo rounds of ammunition are .ho tokens ot rn.iard which the slier lit and ils force have waiting the mob if they over try to break Into the lall. There Is n little talk that If the rlolcrs became saturated with Honor Ihoro may bo some disturbance. But unless theie are some very reckless leaders it will not bo attempted. The experience which the city has had In tlio enforcement of prohibition suggests the lined of great caution in selecting the peace- officers. One Indiscreet man like this Con stable Pierce can do an Immense amount of Injury , nnd Involve not only his own , but the lives of many other persons in jeopardy. Tlio prohibitory law Is of course largely an experiment , nnd Is slowly working out Its own salvation , probably after some ex perience the minor defects can bo cured. It has been very successful since the Clark supplementary law passed the last legislature. There is not a saloon in the city now openly selling liquor , nnd the snmo tiling la true of most ot the cities of tlio state. Sioux City is an exception , ns the people tlioro nro generally - ally opposed to euforcument , thinking It will injure their business , and they wouldn't do anything to check the boom which the young city is having. So they have licensed tlwsaloons at $25 a month. Tins means that while licensed to sell tin- prohibited bovcraacs , tlio clty'autliorlties will not Inquire if they sell oilier drinks , provided they pay their license promptly. A similar arrangement will probably be mndo In some other river towns , out through the interior ot tlio state the law is being very generally run EFFECT OF Tin : STIIIKF.S and labor agitations In other cities lias been felt by capitalists here. Uulldors especially have been kept from carrying out plans they had formed , fearing that their work might bo Interrupted at nny hour ; Hut the carpen ters and joiners of the city have shown a very wise appreciation of the situation , nnd taken a very commendable course. At a meeting of the union lust night , represent ing nearly 1)00 carpenter and joiners , they passed resolutions denouncing the Chicago riot , nnd declaring that they would not nslc for nny chnngo in the ten-lioiirsystem during the present year. They say that this eight houraultatlon Is hurting- them moro than anyone else , that contractors are afraid to undertake Improvements , and they nro there fore llkelv to find themselves without work , long before tno full Is over. So they have taken this action as an organization , to let builders know that they' ' can depend upon them to stand by them , In nny work they may undertake. The effect of tills action by the carpenters is very salutory and reassur ing , and does much to relieve the anxiety over the building outlook. It is probable that either trade organizations will follow their example. Tirn riiii/UArmoNic SOCIETY , which is the old staiidnrd musical organiza tion of tlio city , is foaling very goud' over the prospect for a brilliant close of its present season. Their annual May festival occurs tp-morrow afternoon and evening , with Tlilnioro ns conductor. Last year Theodore Thomas conducted , nnd this year a still irreater success Is assured. The Philliiiriuonic chorus will bo assisted by Glmoru's : full band and soloist , nnd the sale of seats Indicates packed houses nt both con certs. TUB iniowx iMrr.AriiMENT. The attorneys for Auditor liiown have filsil their answer In the impeachment case. It is longer than the indictment , nnd that was the longest paper of the kind on record. The answer will cover more than' fifty pages of typo writing , and If tlio senate can wrestle a conclusion out of the two voluminous doc uments before fall , It will have to work with remarkable dispatch. Tlio ceneral sen timent among members of tlio republican state central committee seems to favor a moderately Into convention some time in Auzust. A conference of the committee will bo held in this city In a few days to deter mine the precise date. THIS BHINY TJbAHS OP JEPP. The Unrepentant Hob AVoejiH for the "Mlslit Have neon. " IIo.Mr.iivir.ii- : . , Mny 8. On his return from Savannah , Jeff Davis stopped hero long enough to receive the greetings of the people. Some ono in tlio crowd cried , "We're proud of tlio man who always did his duty. " Mr. Davis answered : "I always tried to do my duly , and If tlio people of the south think I did my duly , Iain satisfied , and I don't care what the Yankees say. 1 have nothing to ask from them , not oven a pardon , for lie who ask.s a pardon must profess repentance , 1 have not repented. The only thing 1 am sorry for is tlmt wo did not succeed. An Autor'fl Suicide. Kr.wAinc , N. J. , May " . [ Special Tele gram. ] Just before the evening train on the Pennsylvania road arrived In this city last night , a handsome young man , apparently about SO years old , was. walking up and down the platform. Ho did not seem excited , and attracted no particular attention , but Just ns the locomqttvo came thundering up to the Ntntion the man lumped from the platform directly on the track. Tlio engineer tried to ruvrreo Ids locomotive , but was too Into nnd the man wns ground to pieces under the wheels. Jly a letter found on his perMm the suicide was identified as Frank Clements , n missing actor of the Modjeskn troupe , for. whom bcarch has been made by his friends since last Sunday , No reason can lie given for the rash act except that he has been on a prolonged debauch. The Murderous Deputies. ST. Louis , May 8. T. E. Hewlett , leader of the deputies who fiied on and killed sev eral of the mob In East St. Louis about a month ago and who has been held in the city jail on the charges of manslaughter and being n fugitive from justice , was yesterday allowed to furnish ball in the sum of S5WK ) . Immediately after the < bond was approved , Hewlett armed himself ns n inenns or defense against possible attack by sympathizers of the East St. Louis victims and boarded n train nt the union dejot for homo nt Meri dian , Miss. The other deputies furnish bail next week. to I'hrco Children Duriiod to Death. JACKSON , Minn. , May'6. Frank Henoit's farm house , twelve nilles west of Jackson , burned yesterday about noon , Nothing was saved In the house. Three children , aged 1 , il and 5 years , perished , in the flames. The father was carrying the mall nt the time and the motlicr working In a distant part of the farm. On seeing the house burning she came running to the liousu and would have rushed into the tire had she not been restrained by a neighbor who arrived nt the moment. The mother will lese her reason. Tlirco I5oy Drownod. PniivADKU'iiiA , May 0. Four boys were in a row boat on Wissahlcken crecK this forenoon , when the boat pitched over the dam at Kivcrslda , wheie the creek empties into the Sknylkill river. Patrick Hroderlck , ngcd 15 , Jnmes Ahenrn , aged 14. nnd William Hynn , ngod 13 , were drowned bofoio assist ance could bo brought to them , Pat Fuery , aged l-l , was. rescued. Everything Destroyed. Piui.ADKi.i'iiiA , May 0. The Philadelphia -Maritime Exchange Sltni&l Station on capo Hcnlopcn , took tire lust night and every thing -was dubtroyed. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , Many Important Bills to bo Considered Next Week. EXTENDING CLEVELAND'S TERM. A Proposed Constitutional Amend- incut An Iowa Man PctltloiiH Con- Kress for $2noo to Take Him West A NCAV Centennial. IMnko Itnsto Slowly. WASHINGTON. May 8. The president tc .lay returned to Iho homo of representatives without his approval the bill entitled , "An act Incru.iblng tlio pmislon of Andiew J. Hill , " on account of nn error , the veal name of the beneficiary being Alfred .1. Hill , in ferring to the settled polley of congress in granting pensions to persons whose claims mvo been rejected by tlio pension bureau , the president says : ' 'The policy of frequently reversing by spe cial amendment decisions of the bureau In vested by law with the examination of pen- tiiou claims tully equipped for .such examina tion , and which ought not to ho suspected of iny lack of liberality to our voternn soldiers , Is exceedingly questionable. H may well bo doubted If a committee of congiess has n bet tor opportunity than such asrency to jiidno of [ ho merits of such claim. If , however , there is nny lack of power in the pension bureau fora full Investigation it should bo supplied. If the system adopted is Inadequate to do full justice to the claimant It should bo corrected , nnd if there Is n want of sympathy and con sideration for the defenders of our govern ment the bureau should bo rcorcniilzcd. A disposition to concede tlio most goucrons treatment to the disabled , aged nnd needy nmong our veterans should not bo restrained , nnd it must bo admitted In some cases 'justice nnd equity cannot bo at tained without the charitable tenden cies of the government in tnvor of worthy oh- lects and Its care Indulged under fixed rules. These conditions sometimes justify a resort to special legislation , but I am convinced that tlio interposition by a special enactment In the granting ot pensions should he rare and exceptional. In the nature of things , If this Is lightly done and upon slight occasion , an Invitation is offered lor the passage of claims by congress which , upon their merits , could not survive the test ot examination by the pension bureau and whoso only hope ot success depends moro upon the sympathy often misdirected than upon riidit nnd jus tice. The Instrumentality devised by law for the determination of pension claims Is thus overruled nnd discredited , nnd there Is clnn- 3cr [ that. In tlio end , a popular prejudice will l > e created against these who arc worthy and entitled to the bounty of the KOV- crnment. There have lately boon presented to mo , on the same day , for approval , nearly J-IO special bills , granting and Increasing pensions and restoring to the pension listthe names of parties which , for cause- , have been dropped. To nld the executive duty they were referred to the pension bureau for examination and report. After the delay absolutely necessary they have been returned to mo within a few hours of the limit con stitutionally provided for executive action. Two bundled and thirty-two of these bills nro thus classified : Eighty-one cover cases in which favorable action by tlio pension bu reau was denied by reason of insulllclcncy of testimony filed to prove the fuels alleged. These bills 1 have approved on the assump tion that the claims were meritorious and by the pastfige of the bills the 'government has waived all proof of facts. ' Twenty-six of tlio bills cover claims rejected by tlio pension bu reau" because tlio "cvldenco produced tended to prove that the alleged disability existed botoro tlic claimants enlisted. Twenty-one cover claims which have been denied by such bureau .because the evidence tend ed to show that the disability , though contracted In the service , was not incurred in the line of duty. Thirty- three cover claims wliich have been denied because the evidence tended to show that tlio ( Usability originated after the soldier's discharge from the army. Forty-seven cover claims which had been denlntl because the general pension laws contain no provisions under which they could bo allowed , nnd twenty-four claims have never been presented to the pension bureau. I estimate the ex penditure Involved in tlio hills nt more than § 33,000 annually. Though mv concep tion of public duty leads me to the conclu sion upon tlio slight examination which I have been able to give to such of thOo bills as uro not embraced In tlio first class abovii mentioned that many of them should bo dis approved. I am utterly unable to submit within the time allowed mo tor that purpose any objections to the same. They will , there fore , become operative without my approval. A PEGUI.ilAH T It. A. ScliclIInius AskH Congress Tor tftJ.r.OO to Take Him West. WASHINGTON , May 0. [ Special Telo- envm. ] lloswell A. Sshcllhaus , of Selma , Van Huron county , Iowa , has addressed two long petitions or letters to Han Hill , his con gressman , asking him to have congress ap propriate 5JW)3 ) to enable him to remove west and secure homes for himself and fam ily on tlio public lands , Sehellhaus says : " 1 base my petition on the peculiar circum stances of my unfortunate condition and upon the broad principles of humanity and justice. Justice because an Injustice was re flected upon me and my father in IBOl-Cj , when my father was thrust from Ills official position ( I'oslma&ter nt Ureneta.Clark county. Missouri , and I was his deputy ) driven from home his property con fiscated nnd his family reduced to poverty Why ? llocnnso ho and my brother boldly maintained the. .supremacy of the civil over tlio military rules. From this injustice I btlll sulfur moro than most others , because 1 run physically disabled. " Tlio writer enters into a long and technical argument to hhow that congiess bus power to muU'o this appropriation and seems to think ho will get It , hutlio Is much mistaken ns he will find out soon. Ills petitions arc signed by n number of lending clti/.cns of belma and Koosanqna who evidently enjoy tlio joke. Among tlio signatures are thosii of lion. K. A. Duck worth , L. 1) . liotchkiss and Uoorgo F , Smith. WASHINGTON NOT12S. An Important Decision on tlio Addi tional liounty Act. WASHINGTON , " May 8. Scconn Comp troller Maynard has rendered an Important decision under the additional bounty net of July 23,16 1. The decision Is to the effect that every soldier who enlisted after April 14 , IbOl , fora period of not less than two years ami was honorably discharged lifter tcrving two years for the purpose of enabling him to accept u commission , Is entitled to the addi tional bounty of 8MJ authorized by the thir teenth section of that net , provided ho was not entitled to any gieater bounty than S1CO under tlio law existing nt tlio date ot the passage of the act , and provided his claim was filed in time. This decision Is not ap plicable to any claims for Mich additional bounty which were not filed till niter July 1 , IbS ) . tlio time lor filing Mich claims having expired by limitation on that day. DOINGS i.v TUB IKHIM : . The bill granting the Kansas City , Tort Scott & Unit railroad the right otvay ; through Inillan tenltory passed. The military academy appropriation dill passed , and considerable progress was mabe on the army appropriation bill. Itnmors were current ngaln to-day that Commissioner Spin Us had been called upon to resign , but they could not be traced to any rellablo source. AVflAT'B THIS POINT ? A Proposed Constitutional Amend ment Another Cololirntlon. WASHINGTON , May 0. [ Special'IVli rnm I Tlicro is a prospect of passing n joint .L-SU- . Intlon proposing nn amendment to in i-on- stltutlon for tlio beginning of the Mieccsslvo , administrations upon the COth ot April in stead ot upon the 4th ot March. The amend ment Is received with favor both In the sen ate nnd , although the first congress as sembled on the -itli of March. 1TS9. H did not get n quorum until Anrll mm Wash- ngton was not Inaugurated until ho 30th ot that month It Is proposed to extend President Cleveland's term until April : , 185H. Speaking of this matter to a prominent Icmocrntlc member of the house ho said to- lay there was a general feullng In both branches of congress that the one hundredth anniversary of our government under the constitution should bo celebrated , and that to lo It by opening a permanent exposition would undoubtedly merit the approval of nnd nld from congress. tOAVA POLITICS. Democratic Falsehoods In Ucgnrd to Ilia Oniiitt | > cU * Weaver Contest , WASHINGTON , May l' ' . [ Special Telegram. ] The democratic newspapers of DCS Molnes. lown , containing n telegraphic batch of false- mod In regard lo the Campbell-Weaver con tested election have caused great Indignation lere among icpublicnns who are minted ns mvliifotcit for Weaver. The malicious falsehood Is generally attributed to Weaver and ha * damaged his reputation very much. ' The facts nio : The democratic rebel crew voted for Weaver and the republicans for Campbell. Tlio result was n fore gone conclusion , ami boiico hut little nterost wns manifested in it. Weaver is nklng tills undcih.inded means to down Campbell and keep him off tlio truck this fall , or ho fears him moro than nny other man in Iowa , and Is very anxious to have him kept ml of the race , fenrliiK 'that it nominated Campbell will beat him. * A HU8YViaBK. JCho Interstate Commerce Hill Will Ho Toted on To-Morrow. WASHINGTON , May 0. The senate has innnlmousdy consented to devote to-morrow nnd Tuesday to discussion of the Interstate commerce bill and to vote upon the measure jeforo adjournment on Tuesday. It Is the inderstnmllng that tlio general pension bill will bo next taken up , ami that the bank ruptcy bill , open Mission resolutions , Chinese restriction bill and 1'ncllic railroad debt ox- enslon bill shall follow In their order. It is lossible , however , that not moro than one or , wo of these measures will bo disposed of during the coming week. The appropriations committee has the atcrl- culture , pension nnd District of Columbia appropriation bills under consideration , and is sub committees have imido such progress that one or more ot them may bo brought in speedily If desired , but HOIK'are likely to bo reported or brought up for action this week. They Gagged Him at Lust , WASHINGTON , May 9. [ Special. ] A little secret , but n very significant one , politically , ins leaked out here. These who have fol- owed tlio recent movements of Jeff Davis luring his tour in the south bnve noticed .hat in his journey from Montgomery to At > anta ho was trotted out nt every stopping ilaco by his follow traitor , General and Ex- Senator Cordon , of Georgia. They have ilso noticed that whenever and wherever 10 presented him he announced that tlio arch traitor was too weak nnd exhausted to make a spcccli to his admiring brother traitors. I'hoseeiot that leaked out had relation lo this 'net. When the democratic leaders hero cnllzcd how old Jelf was ever lastingly smashing the prospects ot the demo crats the greatest consternation wns mani fested by them. Hurried consultations were dutm-miiicd that old Jelf must be. muz/.Icd nt all .hazards. The wires were loaded down with'messages ' to Gordon : o inu/ ! the old imbecile , "for God's sake , nnd for tlio party's sake. " And it was done , ns the result .shows ; but it was done too Into o save the partv from the effects of old Jeff's rashness. The hiss of tlio traitor has jecn heard by every loyal man in tlio Union. The Labor Question. WASHINGTON , May 9. [ Special. ] Moro las been said hero during the week , and nero Is being said hero now , about tlio labor strikes nnd the riots growing out of them : han of any other or in fuel nil other subjects. It is the unanimous opinion of the great .hlnkers in both parties that the labor iiucs- .ion Is the most profound and serious ono : hat congress will have to worry over fiom ; his time forward. How to avoid strikes and low to treat strikes and riots when they can not bo controlled , are the serious aspects. How to employ reason instead of weapons of destruction , is the issue , and congress , nil concede , will have Its hands very full of It hereafter. "Tills question will undoubtedly figure prominently In the npnroachlngcampaigns , " said an old senator , "and thorn is one thing the masses should look to the defeat of dem agogues. Tills is a time which will try patriotic men's souls. Wo want only those who have the honesty nnd courage to vote against capital or labor unflinchingly , as duty demands. " They Feel Hotter. AVASIIINOTON , May I ) . [ Special. ] The thoroughbred democrats nro foeliiiir much better toward the administration since the laying of the beige ugnlnst the treasury de partment employes. Theru urn nbout fifty clerks discharged every week at the treasury now. Few of the dismissals are mentioned in t ho local press , because there Is no avenue- of publicity of tlio fact except through the dlblodgcd employes , nnd ns a general rule they don't caiti to say anything about It. The employes retained have been instructed to makeno comment upon this matter. At the present rate of dismissals few republcaiifl will bo in the department three months hence. TlioTnriirilill. WASHINGTON , May 'J. [ Special. ] There Is talk nbout leaving the tnrllf bill rest just where It is until tlio next session of congiess , nnd It Is likely that it will bu done. It is plain that tlio bill cannot bo passed , and tlio situation resolves Hi-elf Into a question of ex pediency : "Is It bettor to permit Iho demo cratic house to defeat the tariff bill , or will it ho better to let the bill remain ns it is during the campaign , as an earnest of a desire to ful fill tlio pledge bo made in the platform nt ChleagoV" The latter Is generally accepted ns the better pnit of wisdom , mul so It will probably be. fired Feeling I That extreme- tired feeling which Is BO dis tressing and often BO uiir.ccouutablo In the spring months , Is entirely overcome by Hood's Barsaparllla , which tones the whole body , purifies the blood , cures scrofula and till humors , cures dysier | > sla , creates an appetite , rouses the torpid liver , braces up tlio nerves , and clears tlio mind. Wo solicit a comparison of Hood's Sarsaiiarilla with any oilier blood jmrlller In tlio maiki-t for purity , economy , strength , and medicinal merit , Tired all the Tlwo "I Jiad no ajipetlto or strength , and felt tired all tlio time. I attributed my condition l.o scrofulous liumor. I had tried several Mnus ol medlcliio without benefit. Hut as soon as I had taken half a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla , my ni'jictlto ' was restored , and my stomach felt better. I have now taken nearly three bottles , aud I never was so w nil. " Mas. JESSII : F. DOUIIUIIK , 1'UECoag , It. I. Mrs. J. "W. Manlott , Lowell , Mass. , was completely cured of sick headache , which she liad 10 years , by Hood's Sarsajiarllla. THE /-DAVID / - j , ADAMS ; The British Minister Rends Congress o \it \ Stiff Lcotnro on the Subject. ] SENATOR FRYE OVERHAULED , Hon. Saokvlllo AVcst Puts the Art- _ inlnlstri\tlon on the Hack null Sneers nt the Senator From Maine Ills VIcwH nt Length. West Interviewed. WASHINGTON , Mny . Tlio Post tomorrow row will publish nn Interview with Hon. Snckvlllu West , Hiltlsh ministerIn regnrd to the sclzuio of the United States fishing ves sel Adams by Canadian nuthorltle ? , In which ho says : " 1 have no official correspondence upon the fisheries question this year. You BCO , that matter Is In the hands of the Dominion au thorities nt Ils present singe. They corres pond directly with the c-doiilM o'fllco In Lon don nnd it Is not until some acnton Is taken by the Imperial government that I should bo called upon to net In the matter wjtli the United States. 1 do not apprehend this question Is going to cause any serious iillfciences between the two countries. Of cour&o the seizing of tlio Adams nt Dlgby will increase the unpleasantness which Is felt on both Hides. Kvcrything might have been avoided had congress taxi'ii the ndvieo of the administration nnd appointed a commission to Inquire into the whole dispute. Hut It has chosen not to do .so , led by Senator Fryo who really does not seem to cure what ho save. Congress has denounced the treaty of 1S5I ; It has denounced the llsherlcs treaty of Ib71 and has substituted nothing , leaving us to fall back upon n miserable old treaty of 1H18. Instead ot progress , thoio hiw been retiogresslon In this matter , nnd we nre now acting under a treaty made over sixty years nuo. The ques tion a now is the interpretation ot that tieaty. Canadians may Interpret ono way , Americans another , while tlio Im perial government mny understand It in a way of its own. Kv- orytldng appears now to depend upon the way in which the Hrititdt government may Interpret this treaty. Tills seizureof tun Adams will bring up the question and possi bly decide tlio interpretation. It will como before a mixed court , part Hritish citizens and part Americans. 1 don't believe tlioro will bo any retaliatory action taken by either country. That system Is tno old and has gone out of use , nnd it lias been found always to operate against retaliation. About Distinguished People. WASHINGTON , Mny ti. [ Special Telegram. ] Mrs. Judge llowell and Miss L. Ilowell of Iowa are at tlio Kbbltt house. Friends of ; Senator and Mrs. Van Wyck expect their re turn homo from Nebraska to-night. First LieutenantJoseph M. Cnlllf , Third artillery , has been detailed ns professor of military science and tactics of tno state university o Iowa nt lown City , July 1 , relieving First Lieutenant Kdwnril C. Kuower , Third artil lery , who has been ordered to join his bat tery. TILE AMKHIOAN AHEAD. Mycr.s IJoiits the Kii llHlinmii in a Three-Quarter 7 > ! llo Kiioc. NKW Yonic , May 10. Thirty-live hundred persons to-night witnessed the second race between Myers and ( Jeorgo In Madison Square Garden. The dlstnnca was three- qinrteis of a mile , rind ( ho men started at 11 o'clock. Hotting at the time wns three to ono against Gcorgp , with few takers. George nt the start went off to a lead of about elclit yards , which he increased idler the llrst lap to fifteen yards. Tills ho held until the last lap had been entered upon , then Myers broke away and flitted past George. Mvcrs crossed the line in 8 minnles , 15'.J-5 ' seeo'nds , with George seven yards or 1 3-S seconds behind him. TI1KY All 13 INDIGNANT. Much Feeling In Gloucester , over Seizure of the "David .J. Adnins. " GI.OUCKSTI'.U , MASS. , May 9. There is great excitement hero over the seizure of tlio schooner David J. Adams at Dlgby. People feel Indignant that nn American scliooncr Kiwuld tie seized for endeavoring to make ' purchases when Canadian vessels nio at pri'.Mint in this port lilting out. Tlio American fishery union will do nil In its power to piotect tlio rights of tlio Ameri can vessel. Aflidavlfs , with nil the evidence , will bo submitted to the United Stntes government. HIust ITnvo Their Pound ori-'lcsh , CHICAGO , Mny U. The Union Mutual LI'o Insurance company ot Maine to-day ngrccd to relinquish its claim upon Iho property oC tlio Chicago unlveisity upon condition Ih t the trustees of tlio university raise by sub scription SfiOO.OJO in cash before the l liC l April , 16S7. Tills hum is lo be used paitlyfor the purpose of lifting the insurance- com pany's mortgage which , with Interest , now amounts to 8200,000. The balance- for cur rent expenses nnd to furnish to the Indtltn- tlon nn endowment of Sl.W.OOO. In addition to tlio 8WO,000. n fund of 510,000 , to bo paid tlio Insurance company , an rent , must bu secured by the trustees before August 1,1W3 , the AimruhlHtfi , CHICAGO , May H. The anarchists niadoan attempt to hold meetings in several of their customary assembling places hut were In each CIIEO dlspoiscd by the police. At ono place twenty men were found by a detnll o police. They snld tlieyweio the "llod Cnr- rleis' Union" nnd wanted to iirgno the point with the pollen lieutenants. The police were in no mood for an argument and niter search * I ngoveiy man present ordered them tore- urn to their homes. Cntloi-H on SlrlUo. PiiiiAniii : > niA , May 0. It has been de cided to-night that all cutlers In the employ of wholesale houses should go out on fitilko on Monday for eight hour * work nnd ten hours pay. Wholesale houses employ some 000 cutlers , nnd Ihii withdrawn ! of these men fion : diN feicnt houses on Monday will throw out oc employment between 7,000 nnd 8,00 , ! ) persons , Everybody needs and should take a good i ; ; medicine , for two reasons : 1st , Tlio body Is now moro siiEccptlblo to benefit from niedlclnotlmiint any other season , 2d , Tlio Impuiltles which hr.vo accumulated hi the blood bhould bo expelled , nnd the sys tem given tone and strength , bcforo the ] > ros- trallng effects ol warm weather nro felt. Hood's Bnrsaparllla Is the best spring medi cine. A tliiglo trial will convince you of Ita superiority , Take It licfoic It Is too late. Tito Jicut Sprlnu HctUclHO "I take Hood's 8 < rsap.irllla for a spring medicine , and I find It just tlio thing. It tones up my system nnd makes mu fcul like a dlllcr- cut man. My wlfo takes It for dyspepsia , and shoileilvcs great benefit from It , Bhosayslt is the best mcdlcluo shu ever took. " F , 0. TimNint , Hook Ki Ladder No. 1 , liostou , Mass. "Last sprint ; I was troubled with bolh , caused by my blood Icing out ot order. Two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me. 1 can iccommcml It to nil troubled with alk-c- tlons of the Hood. " J. Kcuocn , re-orb , 111. 8 B la by all druggliU. fli lx for 5. Sold by all dniEsUU. fl | li for I5. ? 1'repaua b0.1. . HOOD. & CO. , Ajx > ticcarle ! , Lowfll , Man. l > y U. I. IIOOl ) & CO. , Ai'otliccarlci , Umell , MMv , IOO Doses Ono Dollar IOO Doses One Dollar