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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY MAY 10 , 188(5. ( THE DAILY BEE. 6xAHA OrriCE , No. uu AND mo KATIWAM ST MKW VOIIK Orrtcr. , HOOM CJ.TntnuNS llun.ciNO WABHINOTON Orncu , No. 613 Founricictrrtf Sr. Published every mornlnir , exceptSunday. The only Monday morning impor published la tlio CtAto. nnMR nr MAIM One Tcnr fin.OO.Thrc'o Month. * $2.50 ElxMontus. . . 6.COOno , Month LOO Tnr. WEEKLY nr.n. Published Every Wednesday. TF.nns. POSTPAID : One Tc r , with premium. , . . . , . , . . . $2.00 One Ycflr. without premium 1.25 Six Month-without premium 75 One Monthon trlii ) , . . > . . . , . 10 connnsroNnrjiCKi All commvtnlcntlon * rolntlnp to ntws nnd cdl- torlnlmnttcm oliould bo lularcsscn ) lo the Kin- ton or cut : JIEK. T.r.nKnst All b .ines | * letters mul rpmlttnncos KhonM ho midresfcil to TUB HKK I'ljiit.isiuwi COMPANI- , OMAHA. Prnftn , checks nml postofllco ortlora lo bo nmdo payable to the order of the company. IDE m rOBLISRIItliPtl ? , PHOPHIETORS K. UOSBWATHIU BDlton. TIIIJ DA1LV IJKH. Sworn Stntomcnt orGlrcitlntlon. State of Nebraska , I _ _ County of Douglas. Is'3' N. 1' . Fell , ciMliler of the Uco Publishing company , ilocs solemnly swear that tins ac tual circulation of the Dally BCD for the weekending .May 7th , 1880 , was as follows : jr < irnln0 Kventng . r i cnale. tMlttim. EttUlnn. KiUuiitoy , . 1st. . . 0,500 0,050 13,630. Monday , ! ! rd. . . . 7,0."iO 5,070 r3,720 Tuesday. 4th. . . . 000 : ! fi,725 Wednesday , nth. . o00 : ! fiU75 , 1B.27C Thursday. Ctli. . . 0,000 flKX ) 12,700 Friday , 7th 0,000 C.830 12,450 Average 0,003 5,857 12.4C5 N. P. VKtL Sworn to and subscribed before mo , this 8th day ot May , A , D. 1S80. SIMOX.T. _ Notary Public. N. P. Fell , belnp llrst duly sworn , deposes nnd says that ho Is cashlur of the lien Pub- llslilnp company , that the actual average dally cliculiuion ot tlm Dally Ire ! for the month of Janimry , issc. was 10,378 copies ; lor February , 1880,10.r 0. ) copies ; for March , IBS ) , 11,537 copies ; for April , 1880 , 13,191 , copies. .Sworn to and subscribed bcforo mo this 5th day of May , A. D. 18SO. Snio.v J. FISHER. Notary Public. Tlio Chicago police relief fund now amounts to over $ a,000 and will probably reach $50,000 this wuok. Tliero is .jioth- ing slow about Chicago. WHY has no action boon taken by the city council looking towards the appoint ment of a scavenger ? Warm wentlicr is approaching and liltli is accumulating. Disease and dirt go hand in hand. STIHKES are being rapidly settled all over the country and the epidemic is subsiding. Onntha lias been compara tively frco from the trouble , for which her workingmcn have every reason to bo thankful. THE aflidavit at the head of this column shows a healthy increase In the BEE'S cir- 'culation last week over the preceding week. Wo are still waiting for circula tion statements , sworn or other wise , from our esteemed cotumporarics. THE leading southern newspapers are by no means enthusiastic over the ghost of JolTDavis who now is stalking through the land. The Wheeling Intelligencer thinks the potato bug is more to bo feared than Jell Davis. That'a about the size of it. Now that the bricklayers' strike is ad justed , building can bo promptly' re sumed. The bricklayers have every reason to bo satisfied at the conclusion reached nnd so has the city. Every dis turbance in the labor market is a blow to the prosperity of Omaha. JAY GOULD is said to bo a good amateur photographer , nnd on his yachtIng - Ing journeys carries a camera and "printing stock" with him. Jay's ex perience in manufacturing bogus securi ties for Erie taught him the value of cameras and printing stock to unload on an unsuspecting public. CHICAGO'S police have covered thorn- solves with glory. There lias been no agonizing cry for troops from a city which has boon crowded with Idle labor- nrs for moro than two wooks. The men tyith the clubs and stars found themselves able to handle all trouble without outaldo assistance. WORK is going right on in Omaha and It will continue to go on. The luvel .headed , thrifty and industrious working won of Nebraska's metropolis have not lopt their balance during all the labor ox- eltomout. It is to bo a great summer for jthts city and working men will reap their f nil fiharo of the bone Ills of the general prosperity. THE river and harbor bill passed the fcouso last week , and has gone to the sen- ' to. Mr , liandnll bollovca that should Ida measure roach the president it will be promptly vetoed. As the larger por- tiqu of the appropriations are for the west it la quite likely that thin will bo the result. The president's ideas of the west MO RH vague as the policy of his party. Saturday the DKB published near ly 400 small advertisements of the kind tilled "spooinl" or "wantV The BBS 18 fho greatest medium through which tun peoplu of Nubruska are roaohod by jjUyortisors. In Oiuulja , it nubHshyS a greater number of individual advertise ments every doy in the week than any or all pf its contemporaries combluQtl. TnKnppoinmcut _ | of one Critcs to an IT , | M'/l-liifcail ' ) position Is considered by the , II , Jfcrdld soup dispenser as a very impor- 11" taut matter. Critcs may bo the right man for the place , but according to our boat Information the place la not worth crowing over. It Dr. Miller gives out any moro soup bones , his hungry con stituents will demand that the bones have BOIUO meat on them , _ JOHN L'luasoN , the ox-convict , who , being exonerated by 0110 grand jury , was kept in prison for several i , mouths for examination on the charge of murdering WnUuu U. Smith , lias bncu t discharged from custody. Thorn was not n scintilla of a shaito of proof that the lunn was connected with the atl'uir , Tlio whole trcmtmunt of L'iorson hns been a hnmuful travesty of justice , Thrown in n dark cell and tied up by his thumbs by Warden Nobes , in order to extort a confession , written up for the sake of a toiwtion by a reailerlcas Omnba sheet , "d imprisoned for months after his in- o was admitted Uy it grand jury , may well woudcr whether tm or. envict has any rights which ollicers Of Ik * law am bound to respect , Omalm's School * . The report of the board of education which has just been issued from the press is ono of moro than usual interest. The information which it affords Is fuller than that given by any of 1U predecessors , and the Illustrations of the various school buildings are a feature which will bo ap preciated. The larger portion of the pam phlet is naturally taken up by the report of Superintendent James which gives a comprehensive resume of the history of the past year In our schools and what is perhaps moro Important is Illlcd with many valuable suggestions upon educational questions relating to tlio needs of our public school system , Omaha's school population , according to the last census , was 11,802. Of this number 0,273 , only are enrolled in our public schools. Air. James notes a ten dency on the part of parents to patron ize private schools , and attributes a decrease - crease in the per cent of enrollment to school population largely .to the opening of the German and church schools. This tendency is general throughout the coun try , anil is not at all peculiar to Omaha. With the growth of cities in population nnd wealth , private schools invariably onorato in attracting pupils from the public schools proner. Omaha is to bo congratulated that the excellence of her free school system has maintained its reputation so well against atl comers that during the past year ! )97 ) moro pupils wore in attendance that at any previous period. There arc other gratifying re sults to note in the year's work , The pnr cent of daily attendance has materially improved , and the number of cases of tardiness has decreased. Tito mem bership of the schools has reached 70 per cent of the total enroll ment. During the entire year only sixteen cases of corporal punishment have been reported. Commenting on this last fact the superintendent very sen sibly queries whether the roil cannot bo entirely abolished from the school room. Mr. James outers into a lengthy and forcible inquiry upon the nroper func tions of our public schools and the course ; of study which they should bo expected to provide for their patrons and makes an earnest plea for the higher mathemat ics , theoretical and applied science and the classics as parte.of the frco education which the state should afford to its citizens. Ho believes , and very rightly , that the high school should bo the cap stone of the public school system , able and ready to provide a culture demanded by the ago nnd required in the over increasing strug gle for individual pro-eminence. Ho urges an enlargement of the high school course inordcrto meet the demands of a con stantly increasing class of citizens who desire to fit their children for college , and woh if such facilities are not provided will transfer their allegiance to private or church schools. The superintendent strikes homo when ho declares that the employment of in competent toucliprs on sentimental grounds is n wrong to the chil dren and to the interests of the schools which when once com mitted can never bo repaired. Ho calls the attention of the board of education to the fact that Omaha , with the high sala ries-paid , can have the best in the country if she will only take them. Outside pressure upon the board , appeals to as sist the nccdv but inexperienced , and urgent applications on the part of rela tives in behalf of needy friends , have too often boon successful. As Mr. James says : It sometimes becomes very difllcult to re sist these appeals ; but to employ a poor teacher , or any other than the best that can bo obtained , on account of a tale of sorrow , or through the persuasion of Influential friends , Is to defraud little children of what Is their rightful duo. There are many excel lent and needy young women , with Influ ential friends , who can never become good teachers ; and when to the smallest extent the welfare of needy applicants is made par amount , and the schools are administered in the Interests of others than the children , a great wrong Is done a wrong that can never bo repaired. The Importance of maintaining a hinh standard In the selection of teachers Is not likely to bo fully appreciated. The cbaractcrof the teacher Is the mostImportant factor In maintaining asystom ot schools. A loss of property may bo repaired , but an In ferior teacher means the loss of opportunities which can never come ngaln. The school report for 1885 is a ro port of progress. It shows that there has been hard nnd united work on the part of all the officials and teachers intrusted with our educational system. , The results are gratifying , lint there is still room for advancement. The conoluding words of the suporlntondont's report rovcal the possibilities and point to the goal whoso attainment is the desire of all patrons of our school system : The city of Omaha Is pourlnjr out money like water for llui support of the public schools. Ilnrdly another city In the country Is as generous. Attention Is drawn to us from afar tor the lavish outlay with which the schools are supported. We who are In charge of them should aim to make thorn the best In the land. This city should bo as em inent for the uxcollonce of her schools as for the liberality of her people In supporting them , if nuy schools costing less thau ours are as good , or any costing the same nro bet tor , the fact should stimulate us to greater diligence In our endeavors to luurcasa their elllcluncy. 1 have no desire to BOO the people of Omaha pay loss for education , bul I earnestly - estly hope thiU tlio scJisals iuay bo so mlmi'n- ( stored us to reach the highest dogieo of ox- collouco. _ 'JTho National Trail. The farmers of western Nebraska are protesting vigorously against the proposed - posed national cattle trail from Texas into our state. This suhomo of the stock raisers calls for a strip of land six milts wide on which no settlement shall bo par- milted for a term of years , and which chilli bo open for the UFO of stockmen and thulr herds passing from the brooding grounds ot the south to the feeding grounds of the north. The Government has been exceedingly liberal with tlio ranch men. It Ifos permitted them to occupy the notional domain free of cost , it has winked blindly - ly whllo the millions of acres of available agricultural lands have boon taken up under the pre-emption and timber cul ture laws for ranch purposes , and for years raised no protest iigamst the unau thorized fencing in of largo sections of country by the cattle baroni and their employes. The same arguments which wore used to defend the uggrodsions of the oattlo kings in occupying Immense tracts of country to U o detriment of settle- ' oionturn new being uoad to'lobby through the national trail job. Congress i told that the land proposed to be sot apart Is " a dcsort , and that it neicr "can be made useful for agricultural purpp ej. As a matter of fact , portions of it are Already occupied by Nebraska farmers , nnd the entire tract in this stnto will bo covered with settlers inside of two years. The best national trail for all concerned is ono which will run on wheels upon iron rails. The stock grower must not bo per mitted to block the path of the settlor. Ho roams the ranges In sufi'ranco until the land is needed for the farmer nnd the settler. The moment that time comes ho ought to gracefully retire. Reversing the Iollcy. Thn advertisement by the Union Pacific for bids for the construction of the Choy- cnno & Northern railroad shows that the construction of this important feeder to the system is to bo pushed as rapidly as possible towards the ranges of central Wyoming. The object is undoubtedly to secure a portion of the summer and fall shipments of cattle which will otherwise bo diverted over the Northwestern. Tlio construction of tlm road is begun none too early , for the rails of the North western extension nro already within 11 few miles of the Wyoming line and are going down at the rate of n milu a day towards i-ort I'cltorman. It has been ono of the most singular of the many Instances of mismanagement of the Union Pacific properly in lime past ttiat all the elibrtfc of that corporation seem to have been directed towards securing through tralllc on long hauls rather than in occupying the moro profitable terri tory for local trafficnonrcr homo. The cost of the expensive and prolitlcss Ore. gen Short Line would have built hundreds of miles of feeders in 'Nebraska which could have been counted upon to pay good interest on tlio investment from the start. For moro than six years every dic tate of wisdom lias nrgcd the extension of a north and south line from Cheyenne into Central Wyoming and towards the territory of the Northern Pacific. The road now unfortunately finds' its territory - tory invaded on all stilus by active rivals , who , after occupying the local field , are pushing vigorously to claim thuir share of the less profitable long haul competi tive traffic. Mr. Adams recogni/.cs very clearly that the salvation of the road depends unon its ability to secure its share of the growing local traffic of Nebraska and Kansas. With a state doubling its population in llvo years , the increase of business which must bo done by rail is enormous. The past policy of the Union Pacific has been to grasp for what was in sight and to let rival roads lay plans for future profits. Tlio wreckers who carried out this policy so successfully have retired with their spoils. The now management is wise in reversing tlio policy. The interests of the government and of the stockholders unite in demanding it. Dninngo By Dynamite. Organized labor , through the trades unions ot Chicago , raises its indignant voice against the red handed anarchists of that city whoso death dealing bombs have delivered a staggering blow to the interests of working men and working men's organizations. The scoundrels , who nretondcd to bo advocating the cause of labor from behind the mask of murder and arson , are repudiated by every working man in America who seeks lo improve his , condition by the lawful methods of a free democracy. The dynamite which exploded in the Eighteenth street riot sent a shock across the Atlantic where Amorican'citi- zens and American working men arc now receiving the abuse of the English press as enemies of order and civilization. Even Ireland's cause is menaced by the report of the Chicago bomb. The opponents of homo rule are using the incident as an ex ample of the methods used by the pro fessed friends of Ireland whoso money and influence have assisted so materially in pushing that great issue to the front in the British parliament. The anarchists must go. They are a for eign growth , a national result of despot ism , but with no reason for existcnco in this free republic. Mr. Dana , oHho Now York Sun , puts tlio case in his usual concise - ciso and torso language when ho says : Liberty of speech Is the right of every man In this country , but liberty of murder Is the right of none. The miscreants who como hero with bombs and dynamite , and with the avowed purpose of Killing those who do not please them , should bo dealt with In the sternest and juost relentless man nor. There Is no room for them In this country , and the places they oc cupy cannot bo vacated too soon. In such a contest as that which has boon provoked In Chicago , where the crazy fools who are advocating the slaughtering alike , of peaceful citizens and offlcers olQ \ \ law have attempted to execute their feroclous'pur- posc , there Is but ono thing to bo done : They must bo put down with the strong hand In stantly , and afterward those who remain allvo must bo tried and must Have justice , but not mercy. There Is no excuse whatever for their crime , and tlio courts and authorities of Illi nois may be rolled upon to deal with them as their deserts and the public safety require. AND now oomo the IJumilo sowing women , following in the footsteps of their Washington sisters , with a vigorous protest against President Cleveland and his bride-elect purchasing the bridal trousseau abroad. They propose to boy cott the presidential bridal pair a.nd sife 42)\'ll ) on Grovor's political prospects. Mr. Cleveland will bo thrown into n very unhappy state of mind upon reading the following ringing resolutions which wore unanimously , adopted by the Buffalo girls : Whereas , Urover Cleveland is about to be married to Frankle Folsom , and both have been residents of this city and should bo Interested In Its industries ; therefore , Kusulved , That the action of Miss Folsom in biiylug her bridal outfit in Kuropo ba dep recated on the ground that the work could bo better done In America , particularly In Buffalo ; and , Jlesolved , That wo use our best efforts to defeat Mr. Cleveland's further political ifcpl- inUODS If ho perUl3 lU JlaVlUS iiis uriuYa trousseau made In Paris , is forced by the unprecedented rush of advertisements to ask the forbear ance of a number of its patrons whoso advertising during the past week it has been compelled to reject. There nro limits to the caimcity of a paper to meet the demands of its advertising patron age , and the DUE has three times within the past seven days had that capacity tested to the utmost. The invaria ble rula of the oflico is , first conui , first served. If our patrons will bear this in mind and send in their applications for space in advance , they will bo less likely to bo disappointed. The business uion of Omaha huvo long recognized the.BKE us tlimr favorite , ad vertising medium , because its largo nnd growing circulation , reaches as many readers as the combined circulation of all its contemporaries. It is the only Omaha paper which has advertising space to sell on the basis of the number of papers which It actually prints. IlEiin wo nro again. The boodle organ witli a republican 'brand ' now assails the DEE for having the haVdlhood to criticise Senator Van Wyck's position towards the Hall timber cutting controversy with Sparks. This pappr , which has consist ently sustained the ] present management of the land officefor , moro than a year , is ncctiscd of a sudden flop because it sustains tlio position taken by Sparks in the present case. Occasion is taken to belabor the land commissioner and bedaub - daub Van Wyck at the same timo. The Jtqmblicnn could not bo honest if it tried , nnd wouldn't if it could. WIUT this country needs , says the Macon Tdctjmph , is an annual arbor day , upon which it will bo lawful to plant statesmen who have failed. Nebraska has on hand a big supply of old cottonwood - wood statesmen who ought to have been planted long ago. A HAINV May Is good for hay , but how about the corn ? A little moro sun and less water is what Nebraska is hankering after. INTENDING builders can now go right on with their work. Omaha will have no serious labor troubles this spring. TIIK city council will decline with thanks the Invitation to walk into Mayor Boyd's traj ) . POINTS. The Michigan republicans are said to bo waking up though still drowsy. The total vote polled in Khodo Island on the prohibition amendment \ vns2l110. . In Georgia the piohlbltlomsts allude to the colored voters as ' 'our brothers in blade. " General Gordon Is said to be usluct JelTcr- son Davis as a bait for the G 6rgla governor ship. ' -'The Chicago Tribune thinks the republi cans will gain three congressmen in Illinois lids fall. William II. English of Indianapolis , is investing - vesting much money In natural gas. lie failed to lind it work In 1880. The Vermont republican convention meets Juno 10. There will bo 700 delegates , which Is a very large percentage of the voting population. The New York Sun says : Wo judge that all attempts to reconcile brother lilalno and Senator Kdmunds 1aro , doomed to failure. They will light it out on that line if it takes all summer. And yet tljcy are two of the most entertaining m'cnli'i the world , especial ly Edmunds. According to the Brooklyn Eagle there Is an obligation iipon'abcatpn candidate to sup- poit the nominee who Is falily nominated In a convention In wlrtch tyoth have sought the honor. The obligation ( .cannot be forced In ' court , but It cannot bo' waived in politics without grave consequences. Mr. Edmunds did a great deal tovaive It and very .little to appear not to waive It. Taxation of 'ttatVrontl Lands. Clicvcrinc leader. , Senator Van Wyck's effort to subject rail road lands to taxntlorl should' meet the hearty approval of every inhabitant or taxpayer of any state or territory through which the route of a land-grant railroad may lie. Tlio great companies which have received enor mous subsidies In lands , from the conditional sales of which they dcrlvo a constant rev enue , ought to be nmdo to bear in common with all other property owners the burdens of an coual and impartial taxation. The Effort Not a Now One. Prof , Adamx , of Cornell. It may bo Interesting to notice that this agi tation for eight hours is by no means now. During the labor demonstration that took place between 1815 and 1820 In England one of the common banners was : "Elgiit hours of work , Eight hours of play , Eight hours of sleep , Eight shillings a day. " The Nebraska Metropolis. Ktmball , ( A'cb. ) Observer , All Nebraska should bo proud of our met ropolis , Omaha. The city is fast becoming the great market of thonoithwest. She will buy all our produce and supply all our mer chants. Chicago factories , packing houses and wholesale establishments aio seeking lo ; cations In Omaha. The Mollno plow works , Iron manufacturers , machinists and whole sale houses from all over the country are sending a constant stream of representatives to Omaha to secure locations there. We nail this evidence by stating the fact that no Omaha men are becking to move to other cities. Let the 75,000 Inhabitants of this famous city len'd all the encouragement they can to tlu now comers and wo will say , "Hurrah for Omaha I" Neglected Newspaper Mall. Chicago Herald , It Is the duty and It ought to bo the pleas ure of the postal authorities to give the same close attention to newspaper as to letter mall , but It Is also the fact that the failure to do so * is conspicuous and annoying. A feeling ap pears to have grown up among posal ( em ployes that newspaper mall is of very little conserputncc , and the result Is that In the same proportion as they are careful of letters they are careless of newspapers. Yet the newspaper Is often a handy substitute for a letter , and Its contents Is apt to be quite as important. 'K hQ. donmioity ! ! ) iji this regard is hot how. Habitual neglect of second- class matter , excused , ncrl nps , on the giound of the assumed prior ( importance of first-class mutter , has been thrao. . The situation calls for the serious consideration of the postmaster general , vftrf oiight to st'curo com plete reform In this lujpojlant particular , The Houses Wo Clean ' In the Spring. lloitm lliirf'icl , The houses wo cloairln the spring , Give a blow to all soohxl grtushino And wo prolanely sriyms we sing , There's never a olt of the thing , . Tra-la I But we find that It is useless to > vjilna. MifV'Ji8 ' " 'erofraliitlmt ' TO uolofully'eing. Oh , bother UIQ ftouso-rtlti wo clean In the , Vr.vIa-la-Ia-la-ljufira-la-Ia-Ia-la-laJ The houses wo clean iu the spring , Tra-la I Have putTcd nut each ague struck face. And it flits like a bat on the wink' , Tra-la I A most unattractive old thing , All covered with soap suds and "grate. ' ' And the men are at sea In this bcrubblng- brush lling , That danced without glee In the height of the bprinir , Tra-la-la-la-la I Tra-la-la-la-la I Let's fly wlioio the houses ar'n't cleaned In the spring. * STATE AND TlJIUUTOl.r. { Nebraska Jottings. Hastings has declared war on tramps. A MelhodUt church is to bo built at Jackson. Nincteenfmarrlago licenses wore issued iu C.ass county during April. Pldttsmonth wants another railroad but how to get It , there's the rub. The contract has been lot for the can ning factory buildings at Tokairmh. The clgarmnkors and tailors of Hast ings started tiio base ball rolling Satitr day. day.Tho The editor of the Coleridge Sentinel grinds out stunning "leaders" in r cyclone cavo. A crazy passenger lumped off the train near Central City , Thursday night , anil escaped unhurt. Wayne extracts an occupation tax ol $700 from saloon knopors in addition tc a license of $300. Blootnington proclaims the fact in advance - vance ot tlio season , that the natives will celebrate the -1th of July in grand stylo. IJodgo county school children are or ganizing to boycott picnics on the Haw- hide. Tlio willows thereabouts grow straight and strong. Twenty-seven wagons loaded with lum ber , hay , provisions and farming imple ments , left Bonkolmau on Monday morn ing for Chasu county. The proposed Hour mill at O'Nolll will cost $40,000 and will have a capacity of 100 barrels a day. Tlio town gave a bo nus of $ . ' ,000 and the silo. The St. Paul & Omaha road proposes to branch out from Wayne in the dlrco- tion of Niobrara. Engineers are already in the iiold surveying the rontn. A canvass of ninety-four farmers in Blooniinglon last week showed ninety- ono VunWyck men. The proportion will hold gootl throughout Iho stato. Kditor Watkins of the Blue Hill rimes , somln greeting to Kditor 1'utnuv of the Uakdam Journal. Doth are under bonds for being too familiar with domestics. The treasurer of Nance county lias adorned his oflico with a mammoth snake which ho demolished the other day. The reptile Avas born before tlio prohibition 'era. 'era.Tho The pushing pcoplo of O'Neill having planted a Hour mill on a solid founda tion , have turned their attention to a can ning factory and starch null. Success is sure to crown their united ollbrts. Ncbrasuti City is still crying out for a bridge over the Missouri. Tlio News urges a combined kick and a pull for something better than a nokoty pile af fair. fair.Peter Peter Nelson , of Argo ' Burl county , ended his lifo and troubles by jumping into a well. Polo married a widow some months ago and could not shako her in any other way. J. E. Hill , of Gage county , is training for a conspicuous- place on tno republican state ticket next fall. The title of secre tary of state , his friends claim , will satis fy his budding ambition. The Hickmiin Enterprise was ushered into lifo last week , accompanied by a Blizzard , in name only. J. E. is tame in a weather way , and bears no resemblance to his Dakota namesake. Lincoln's amateur minstrel troupe tackled Crete for a few dimes last week , and were so coldly received that their gags congealed before empty benches. They counted the ties on their return. The climate of Grand Island is fatal to cowboy thugs. An escaped bull prod named Watkins set out to run the town and gild the pinnacles , but collided with a policeman and is now in jail nursing a broken leg. W. H. James of Fremont has received a letter from London which went down witli tlio wreck of the Oregon , and re mained at the bottom of the sea at least a month. And yet the writing is perfect ly legible and almost as distinct as when lirst written. Some rascally sneak thinf robbed a hard working widow in Fremont of $140 , the savings of ycara of toil , which she hoarded for the solo purpose of educat ing her only child , a 8-year-old boy. The heartless villain will got a lively turning over if caught. Mike Hallcn , a luscious drummer from Platte county , toyed with a pet bear at Fullerton last week , and lost his milled shirt front and glossy tile in tlio embrace of bruin. Mike declares it was the tight est squeeze ho had since his courting days. The depot building at Fort Robinson will be located about three miles east of the post and near the reservation lino. The town is to bo named Crawford , in honor of the Into Lieutenant Crawford , killed in Mexico , and who for several years was stationed at Fort Uobinson. Information is wanted of J. D. Smith , a lad of IS , who ran away from his homo in Springfield , 111. , April 23 , and is sup posed to oo in Nebraska or Kansas. The boy is tall and slim , with light com plexion , blue eyes , brown hair , and is lively and good looking. Ho wore a dark woolen shirt , winter boots , and a bufl'colored slouch or a straw hat. Prof. Hurshbargor of the Franklin academy , while puttinc his class through the manual of arms , stood in front of tno line , and ordered the class to aim and tire at a button on his breast. The guns were loaded with powder only , but a wad penetrated his clothing and entered his body , causing liommorrhago of the lungs. The wound is considered dangerous. The latpst wrinkle in swindling meth ods js reported from Dodge county. Ono sharper' agrees to buy a farmer's land- pays him $35 to bind the bargain. An other comes along and offers him $500 moro and gets the promiao of it , if the farmer crin buy off No. 1 , who sooncoinos around and insists on the fulfillment of the contract but will give up for $200. This the farmer agrees to , pays back the $25 and the $300 and the second pur chaser never returns. Iowa items. Eight hours is an olllcial day's work jn DCS Moines , The Brown impeachment trial com mences on the 19th. The total debt of DCS Monies on the 1st ' 6f May w-is $003,807.04. , The Methodists of HmnboldtiTavo con tracted for a $3,000 QkTiruh. The ig\y . Press association will picnic m tfillw fit Spirit Luke for a wcok in July. A company has applied for a charter for an olectrlo steel railway in Dos Moincs. John Petersen , a Sao City farmer , toyed with a loaded gun , and climbed the golden stairs. Creston lias moro newspapers In pro portion to its population than any othur city iu the state , Jabob Welder , aged 83. who died at Osccola last wcok , rosldcil in the state forty-two years. The receipts of the treasurer of Scott county for April , from all sources , amounted to $ y,327.51. The Salvation army is making dally sortie ? tigalnst tlio hosts of sin from the skating rink in Waterloo. A lynx measuring 51 feet in length , anil weighing 20 pound ? , was killed near Buf falo , Scott county , last wcok. The city council and mayor of Davenport - port have cabled homo rule congratula tions to Gladstone and Parnoll. The buildings for the pickle factory at Burlington arc nearly completed. They will ripeu with the Innocent cucumber. The recent rains did considerable damage Jn Fort Madison , Collars wora Hooded and goods damaged to the extent of $5,000. The Northwestern Klllo association meoU \Vapello August 17 to 20. A line range has been selected , and twenty im proved targets erected. Simultaneous with Governor hnrrabee's prohibition proclamation ooinus the an nouncement that COO liquor permits weru issued in Iowa during tlio mouth : of April. j Tlio city council of Diw.onporl has adouted atl ordinance' requiring a license of f 100 R year from all who soil lemonade soda water and other beverages not pro hibitcd by law. General Sheridan writes. In response to an invitation , that ho will attend the Creston reunion of old soldiers in August unless something transpires in the meantime time to prevent it. During the storm Wednesday the rest denco of Gcorgo Draper , seven miles south of Correetlonvillo , was struck by lightning and Mrs. Draper and child so nously injured by the shook. Davenport clergymen imagine that i mountain of moral depravity is disguisci in the Sunday newspaper , nnd advise boycotting. The gentlemen of tlio clotl nro too anxious to monopolize the world's oar on tlio Sabbath day. The Sioux City board of trade has pur chased a site for the proposed chamber of commerce for $18.000. The board has issued $50,000 in stock , oft which $30,000 has been subscribed. Work will begin on the building at an early day. Dnlcoln. The population of Wells county has doubled this spring. Jack rabbits Imvo destroyed several young orchards in Sully county. The product of tlm Iron Hill mhio for April was 3,070 ! ) ounces of silver. The treasure coach which left Deadwood - wood on the 3d , took out $1 > 1U11 ! ) in bullion. The court house at Mitchell has been insured against cyclones and a cave has been built for the olliuials. Fifty now buildings are in course ol construction at Aberdeen. A party ol Michigan capitalists have purchased land there with n view of building an iron foundry. A lady recently died in Hand county at the ago of 80 years , and liio local pa per fuels 11 necessary to explain that her prcniaturo demise was the rcsulfof an accident. Deadwood is the scene of great activity in mining stocks. New companies are organized ouch week , stock is taken at home , the mines are developed and the gold and silver and tin pour intro the laps of the stockholders. Mining companies are being organized at the rate of four a day , and a mining stock exchange is now talked of. For the past five months the Plankin- ton Ilouring mill has been run by steam produced by the iicat of flax straw. The cost in running tho-mill by the llax slraw power is but a trillo more than half what Iho cosl was when coal was used , and the null is run with a regularity fully as satisfactory as when run by coal. Editing a Paper. Dawson ( Ga. ) Journal : Editing a pa per is a pleasant business if you like it. If it contains much political matter , ueoplo won't Imvo it. If tlio type is largo it don't contain much reading matlor. If wo publish telegraph reports , folks say they are nothing but lies. If wo omit them , wo have no enter prise , or suppress them for political of- lent. If we have a few jokes , folks say we are nothing but rattlchcads. If wo omit jokes , folks say wo are noth ing but fossils. If wo publish original matter , they damn us for not giving selections. If we give selections , people say wo are lazy for not writing more , and giving them what they have not read In some other paper. If we give a complimentary notice , wo are centured for being partial. . If we don't , all hands say wq area hog. If we insert an article which pleases the ladies , the men become jealous , and vice versa. If we attend church , they say it is for effect. If we remain in our office attending to our business , folks say wo are too proud to mingle witli other fellows. If wo go out , they say we don't attend to our business. The Mikmlo. Philadelphia Press : So much is being said about the Mikado of the stage thai these points that follow concerning the real Mikado may bo of interest. A revo lution brought the present Mikado into power in Japan , some seventeen years ago , at which time he was a boy of 10. He found a feudal system , wherein COO- , COO men were maintained for war. The empire was a military encampment. The Mikado changed all. Ho made the de pendent the freemen and the feudal rulers the subordinates Ho made men freeholders iu perpetual tenure of their lands. He insure'd as great protection to lifo and property as may bo enjoyed. His code of laws he modeled after those of England and the United Statesestablish , ing a sullieicnt judiciary. Ho gathered aboul him broad , sound and progressive counselors. He rules an empire already having 500 miles ot railroad , 5,000 miles of telegraph wire , unsurpusHcd postal facilities , with a postal savings bank system worthy of imitation in this country. Hn has built a navj" , and can repair whips with the lost. As great , if not greater , than what lie has accomplished , is what no hns proclaimed - claimed ho proposes to do , and that isin , 1890 to convert Ills empire into a consti tutional umpire , with a parliament exor cising the delegated authority of the people. "For economy and comfort , every spring , wo use Hood's Sarsaparilla1 writes a Buffalo ( N. Y. ) lady. 100 Doses One Dollar. Absorbed , Detroit Kwniny Ktwi , Corporate capital has grabbed , and is grabbing : 1. All the pine lands of the northwest , 3. All the grajslnii-teSflsiJ ih TSomfc w tr S. All tlio mines of coal nnd iron of tlm cast and control states. 4. All the petioloum of the middle states. 5. All the gold and silver minus of the llocky mountain region. 0. It huiulu& ! > all the wheat and pone , and is fasl absorbing all the land upon which those staples are raised. 7. ft controls all the means ( railroads ) for the distribution and exchange of these things the primal necessities of human lifo. lifo.Catarrhal Catarrhal Dangers , Tob < ) treed from ( ho dungon ! of uullocmlon wlillulylntfilown ; to IJTO.U lie fuH'ly , Moop sound- y anj iiiidlstruLnid ; to rUu loCioDhod , huu-J clear , hroln lultviiiviid fiou Irom pivln or uclio ; to know Unit no poisonous , putrid mutter ilo- nlos the broiilh mid rots niviiy the ilollciito inn- chluory of binell , tasta and liciirnifi lo ftol Unit the system ilot-s not , tUruUf1) ) IIB vein ? nadjU't- tries , Buck up Iho poison thut U sure to uudor- mlno unJ ilustroy , Is Indeed n blessing bujond nil other bumnu cnjoymuiua. To puichusu lia- WVWyrrquj duvu a fatu sl'ouia ho ihoobjori or nil mulcted , But tUoso who Imvo tried inuny rumcdlcs nnd physicians despair or rt'lluf or cure. BANHJHD'S itADiUAr. CaiiK moots c\-orv plmso of Cutnrriih , i'rom u nimplu no ml cold to ( ho most loutluoiUB auJ ilnitructlvo status. H Is local nnd ronsntullona ) . liiitnnt Jn ivlluvlnir , ponuiuiont In curing , safe , economical iinj novor-fiilliiuf. BiNroiiu'H JUDICIAL CutiB coiislstn of ( mo bottle of tlio lUniCMf , C'Uiiu , ono Im.x ofCA. , mid ono Uit'jiovitIsiMi : , tit. all \vrupiil ) In ono inokimo with ticiullsoiuid dh-cifloiiJ , Ujiil sold by nil drntrKUtH lor J-W. | ( I'OTTEK DllUU fcClllIMIUAl , CO. , ACHINGMITSCLSS UIIMICVKD IN ONU MINUTE by that nunr , orxtntil , clo im ) , mid In- niIllbulnliumitiU ] ! < in.lnoij'TI'IJIA ! i AN'l'M'AIN I'i.ASTKK. . No ncha or piiin. or ! jriiio : or atrnlti , or uouuU . _ til or cold , or iciicous euln si liut lloida lu itisjiecdy , fill pnwoituliind nuirr-rail- Inf , r'all-nllovlntluir ' proiit'ttlc * , Al ilrtiKC 2toi five for $ l.w > : or of 1'ocTrti t'uuu CifMICAL | CO. , UDSTO.S. STRICTLY PURE. tT CONTAINS NO DPI DM IX ANT FORK IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS , 50 CENTS , AND $1 PER BOTTLE n CtCEN I BOTTLESnro put up for the < & .fcnmmivlntlonot nil who dostro ft roe And low tirlooil Cough. GoldandCroupRemedy TIIO.'K DKSIIIINn A ItP.MKDV > Oll CONSUMPTION LUNG DISEASE , Bbouldsccuro the lat u $1 bottles , lltroutloa nccumpnnyltiironoli bottlo. Sold by all Modicluo Doalo ra. WHITTIER 017 Ht.Clinrle Nf. , fit. Louis , ! Uo. A fffuhr | ri < tniti of two Htdlcsl Col1tt < , h i tctn lonttf * niif ed ID tbt ip eUl irrttmenl o r CHunnte. Nttroim. Rtra ted BL03U DKIUM Ibinnnjr olhtr PhjkUn InSl. touli , l pllf r P"l 'bo * 1 < 1 ll old rBild.nlAnow. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec tions ol Throat. Skin or Dones , Dlood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , are ir tti with nrlr > tiit i cteeii , on Uleil identlBa pMoctptti. Faf 1r. rrlTitetj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess. Exposure or Indulgence , nhlrh product < emi r th. followlnf cntelit ntrtouinen , tfellllij , Ulmnrit or itibl and if rettlre mcnorr , | . | mrUion Iho r te , rtjilcil Jtf.j , Terilonlolbe luelcljror fcmilo , cootuiloi r ld < n , elo. , rendortnc Mftrrlai-o Improptr or unliftpny , kit prm.ututlr ur.J. l-imptiltt(36 ( pillion tbe it tei nl ln > c lecl nTcliip . rrfelonnjr > < ldrt > i. Con.nll.Uonttot. Scior bj null fret.Intlltd nd ittlttlj e.nOdtntlil. A Poslllto Written Guarantee iiron in crirjn. r blo cue. Utdlctno itnl et rr wb t bj null 01 tiprui. MARRIAGE GUIDE , Spa PAGES , PINE PLATES , t rtnt elolb uH till I'lcdlnc , , ' . ltd forBOo. In r il > or < tirr < ueT , Orer On wonJcrful | n pltturti. true to 11 le I irtlclti on the following bood.phrilrild r , effccti ofetlli > uj il ieeiilbe pbnt loloty otrrprtilucllon , and n nr raor . Thoin n > rttr < or > hould rod It. trlir edition " . ! ! Si. AcMrMiV'tia I Dt. iTMtllir ' hood , fta. ha vlnir tried In rain ovc yf LOOK FOR STAMP I ON "EVERY CASE IT FOUNTAIN PEH , BEST IN THE WORLD. Warranted to pvo [ aatlafno- ° " U"y 1m < ] Price $ 2.50 JBTrickey&Co WHOUiSAUS JKWEM511S , IJiiooln , Solo Wliolcfnlo agents for Ntbr.isU * . Surrr.iEo AT N. U. This Is cot a Btjrlo- sruiiU poudl , but A Pins * iloxtblp K"M pen of uny do- tiliocl Cucucsa of point. Jo yoi ! wnti a pure , bloom * ! ii Complexion ? If HO , a few niMilicallons of JI nn'H HAGNO LI A. MLltTit lUgi-at- H'y you to your heart's con tent. It docs away with Sal- lowness , llr.dnoss , Pimplco. 3JlotcIiesaml all diseases and iniporfecUims ol'tlio Klein. Jt ovorconif.sllio Unshed arijioar- nuco of lioat , fatigue and ox- uitflinoni. 11 makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWliN- TV ; and so natural , gradual , and vnufoct , are HK cfl'octH. that it is Impossible to Outm its application.