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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. 1" ! \ JPIFPEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , MAY 8 , 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. NUMBER 278 , ' THE END ALREADY AT HAND. I ; . Rtrikers All Anxitus to Return to Work on . the Old Terms as to Time and Wages , FUNERAL OF OFFICER DEAGAN. The Anarchists Deal a Fatal Blow to tlio Interests of Labor. REPORTED ARREST OF PARSONS. The Ohio Mllltln Called Out in Antici pation of Trouble on Sttmlny Uits- incss llooinliiK at Chicago Ohcr Interesting XCWB. Tlio Situation fit Clilcngo. CmrAfio , May 7. [ Special Telegram. ] Passenger trains filled with passengers nnil ficighi trains loaded with incrclmnillso were blockaded by switch tenders on tlio Chicago < fc Western Indiana road this morning. Uc- forc 8 o'clock four passenger trains and half ndozcn engines had accumulated at tlio Forty-ninth street crossing , where there was a crowd , but no onu to turn the .switches. * Homo .soil of trouble exists nt the Fortieth , Forty-third ninl Forty-seventh street cross ings. This blockade afl > ct.s not only the Western Indiana , but all of Its track tenants the Grand Trunk , the Chicago it-Eastern In diana , Hit ) Wabash , the Louisville , Now A I- bnny & Chicago and the Chicago it Atlantic. The striklnc switch tenders belong to the Western Indiana and number nbotit thirty. Their wages nro from SIX ) to S10 a month. They demand a ralso of S10 all around. This the company refused ix week ago , when the trouble lirst began by the dlf-eontontcd tend ers making the demand. A llttlu before 12 a train load of Wabash men went down and tiio tending thu switches under police protec tion , and the blockade Is raised. The Chicago , 15 ill-Hunt mi & Qulncy ran out a freight train at ! > o'clock last night and this morning Is securing all tlio freight offered. 3lr. 1'otter feels sure that business will now go on with little or no delay , Notice was posted In their freight houses this morning that all old freight handlers who reported for work buioro U a. in. would bo taken back , but that those who.remiitned out after that liour would bo paid oil for good. TIIK1IK WKIIi : NO IinVUI.Ol'.MKNTS this morning In the way of fresh evidence concerning the dynamite outrages. Something what the police already have as tending to prove the anaiehlsts were bunt on mischief , caino to light this morning. It was repotted at the central station that early Tuesday'evening , an hour or so before the anarchists were to assemble at Hay market , a mnn purchased nineteen boxes of cart ridges from a hardware dealer on Mil waukee avenue. The locality mentioned Is known to bo thickly inhabited by anarch ists , and the police consider thu circumstance significant enough to call for an Investigation In view of tlio subsequent events. It Is their belief that the man who bought these carl- ridges was an anarchist and that In accord ance with the plan of armed resistance , bul lets wcro Intended for the police. Detectives feel assured that wholesale assassination was Intended by anarchists and that the princi pals in tlio plot were the trio under arrest and I'arsons , the fugitive. At 8 o'clock this morning , an old-fashioned shell , about four inches In diameter , was found In under a pile of lumber in Charles Helta's lumber yard , North Canal street. It was of tlio kind which Is exploded by percus sion cap and the cap was on ready for use. M'COUMICK'S UKAI-KU KACTOIIY was the only 1 > lg shop In operation In the paralyzed lumber district early this morning. Stillness and Idleness were everywhere else. On the surface theru was no signs of disor der or anarchy anywhere apparent. SlcCor- inick's factory is ( Hied with hands to-day. Nearly the entire force of 1,500 went to work. Busses which brought the north side contin gent niado their appearance for the lirst time since the rioting began , bergeant Ku- rlght and thirty-live ollicers guarded at the gate , and thcro was no attempt at interfer ence by the strikers. Armour's glue factory , at Tlilrly-lifth street and the river , was set In operation at nine o'clock this morning. Employes , number ing several hundred wcro glad to get back on the old terms , namely , ten hours work for ten hours pay. Ollicers wcro Di'oscnt to ctub any violent demonstrations , but none were made. LumbermenIt is bellcved.aro getting ready to ivMimo operations on Monday. It is said that the executlvu committee of the Lumber men's exchange will ISMIU orders to that end. AM. CI.OSDI ) . At Pullman to-day all the shops are closed. There Is the utmost ipilet and no apprehen sion of dlsoiiler. Nobody knows how soon tlio differences will be settled or how long thu lockout will last. Everybody at Pull- niaii Is living in one of the company's houses and consequently Is paying thu Pullman com pany rent , even when ft is paying no wages. The Aibulter Xoitiing , thu incendiary an archist sheet , notwithstanding the arrest and Impilsonment of the editors. ijiiles fc Schwab , and its temporary suppression by Mayor liar- lison , made lt appearance. In the streets this niornliiL' . A copy of It was posted up on thu door leading to thu oIlU'u at 107 Fifth avenue. Olllccr Dower came along and nabbed this copy and took It to thu police headquarters. Thu tone of to-day's paper Is comparatively mild. ( viiioAno , May 7. [ Special Telegram. ] The leporters visited to-tfay all thu yards In the city and found everything quiet. Thu roads aru receiving more or less freight , ami nru experiencing no tumble iroin strikes. Thu loads have notified striking freight handlers that they will have until to-monow morning to return to work , and if they do not let urn by that time their places will bo Illlcd. At all railroad freight houses more business was being done than since thu freight handlers \\eiit out. At all thu Northwestern - western houses and thu St. Paul's houses u great deal of freight , comparatively , was be ing handled , ( lieatciowds stood about , hut there was no apprehension of trouble. The St , 1'aul Is boarding and lodging its new men , and special police mo stationed right In the freight house. At other freight houses about the same condition of affnlis existed , now men bolng at work. About sixty Im- iioitoil freight handlers went to work at the Fort Wayne depot. These , In addition to the remnant of the old employes that ro- ina'ni'd with the company , comprise a corps of seventy-live freight handlers which Is now actively engaged at the freight houses of thn road. Many of tlio old hands have applied for their former positions , but they aio not being taken back in yet. Tlio regular workIng - Ing force of thu road Is about 125. t'hu AibelterXeitung made its appearance oneo morn this morning , but it no longernre- Mints the bold appearance it did in the days ot Its glory. It comes out In very small quaito A single sheet printed on both sides and its laiiKiinuo Is much milder than hitherto. Ono misses the blood-stirring and tiautlu appeals of Spies and Schwab agaliibt law , capital and order. The sheet contains simply a whining appeal to thu "working- men of Chica o'1 for Ipiids. Hern anil there "tall" words but altogether nro Interspersed a lew ; gether it is pretty tame. Early this morning Iho bhect was ported on doorposts of its Issu ing olllce and was scanned with visible dis gust at its mildness by a fuw foreigners. Eight carriages contained all the mourners that followed Olllccr.Ocagan to his grave tuis noon. Deceased was thu only ollicer killed outright bv the explosion ot the dynamite bomb Tuesday night , and was the lirst victim of the anarchists boino to thogravu. Ho was a man of gigantic stature , weighing almost 8X ) pounds , and thu casket In which his uody icpo/srd was OH' thu largest size made. At his la'to homo l street tbe scene ibis after noon was sad beyond words. The body was nltlred In the uniform of n police ofllrcr. It rested In a rosewood casket heavily Inlaid wllh silver. Many floral offerings testified the esteem and respect In which the deceased was held. These were all the gifts of per sonal frlend'J. The face of the dead ollicer was lifelike , and nothing , save an abrasion on the forehead , above the right eye. Indi cated the terrible manner of his decth. A detail of police from tlio Dcsplalnes street station acted as pall bearers , all of whom participated In the riot In which ho lost his lire. Xo other police ofllccis wcio present. It was said that the exigencies of tbo occa sion would not penult Deagan's brother ollicers to turn out In greater numbers. All of Ihem present shed tears. When they look the last look at tboir deceased comrade they plopped n moment to read the Inscription ou the casket. This was : .Matthew-Joseph Deaian. Horn October ? P , ISM ; died May4. lisa. Uest In peace. Dece.ised was married when only 10 years old. ami leaves one child a bov amid U , and a widow. Ills parents arc still llvlnc. I ho funeral services were held at St. Fran- els'clinrch , corm > r Twelfth street and New- berry avenue , Father Schafers olllclatlng. Mas * was not celebrated on account of the lateness of the hour at which the remains ar rived at tlio church , and tlio services wcro brief and simple. No funeral .sermon was preached , and no ono of prominence In mu nicipal aifalr.1 was present. Only one ollicer beshlfcs the pall bearers was In the church. Tito Wnll of nti Organ. CHICAGO , May 7. The Arbcltcr Xcitune made its appearance again this morning , though in a very reduced form. The old paper was a lame , prosperous looking fo'lo sheet , while to-day's Issue Is a ten by twelve hand bill. Thn leading article lo day Is addicsscd to worklngmcn of Chicago ami after relating the dllliciilties they had In publishing the paper , owing to the arrest of all printers and editors the article ' 'These , says : twenty-two printers were arrested on a ridiculous charge of murder , people who did nothing but their work , mid lor which they were paid. Hall was refused for them. On all sides there was a .systematic attempt to make thu reap pearance of the paper impossible. You see , then , worklimmcn , that the ruling class understand better than you the value of labor organs' . We will show you that although the recklessness ot some may temporarily confuse , it cannot disrupt our workmen's party. Wo there faro appeal to you , workingmeii. Von will see that tno workinginen's fmovementis Impossible without nil organ. We shall continue the. fight for freedom and right that tills paper has always conducted. Forward , and un hesitatingly forwardIn suite of all chicanery of tlio ruling class. Again , worklngmcn , tlo your duty ; we will tlo ours. " In another part of the paper Is an article which directly charges that the dynamite which the police found in their building , was brought their by tlio ollicers themselves. They say "after tlio police arrested tlio edi tors they carefully searched the building but found nothing. A shoit time alter ward they i--apuearcd and arrested all connected with the paper , and behold they also found dyna mite. They nro also said to have found a re volver and an old lilc. Indeed I Dreadful I andtlils lind Is said to prove the printers are murdoiers. " The writer then goes on to say the whole tiling Is a conspiracy to suppress the paper forever. In a conspicuous part of the hand bill Is printed the contents of the New York Volks XcItuiiK on the arrest of Schcrk and Brounscliwelg in that city. THMIII3 WAS NO DISTt'IHlANfi : at Cuiinuings , the location of the Calumet Iron and steel works , this morning , but It was feared tliat trouble would occur dining the day. The fear Is based on a report tha't the Calumet Iron and Steel company is colng to brina ; some new men to the mills. The strikers say they are determined that the 'new men should not go to work. Dav < Scott , station audit , was driven out of town last night by a mob of striKors. Tlio company filed a bill and the leading strikers have been enjoined by tlio circuit court to keep away from the company's works. UUOWNHI ) IN CAIiUMI'.T T.AKE. Yesterday afternoon Daniel Dun bar , of Pullman , ono of the team selected to row at the spring race of that club , went , out in a shell for training practice on Calumet lake. A tierce squall blew up aud all sight ot Dun- bar was lost. A rescuing party went out. but were unable to lind him by nichtl'iill. This morning his boat was found bottom side up ou the west shore of the lake. The body was not recovered. Fielden , tlio socialist now under arrest , was trealed by Dr. Dexter this morning. The doctor states , from the course of the bullet. Fielden evidently shot biniselt while carry ing Ids revolver. ItAH.HOA.ns HUSUMINCi. The western railroads aio resuming opera tions this morning on nearly the same oasis prior to the strike. Ou all roads freight trains are being run out without molestation. In all freight houses increased forces of men are at work , and tbe < [ iiaiitty ! of treight being offered and handled Is very largely In creased over that of any former day. The olllcials of the Burlington road this morning notified Its old employes to return to work or take their absolute discharge from the com pany's employ. The body ot the young ollicer , Miller , who died last night , will bo sent to Oswego , X. Y. , where his parents reside. Tlio blockade at tlio Fortieth street crossIng - Ing of the Western Indiana road was cleared at I0io : : o'clock tills morning. Up to that hour eight engines and two trains had been stopped. Special Ollicer Billiard of the Wa- basil road , took down lifty special ollicers and .soon learned them to throw switches , thus starting trains. _ TOO GOOD TO IlE THUE. ilcriorted Capture or Anarchist I'nrs- onn Snltl to bo Itatlly Woumlctl. CHICAGO , Slay 7. A rumor In In circula ; tlon this evening that A. It. Parsons , an- ' archlst , associate of Spies and Fielden In the horrible massacre of Tuesday night , has been captured In the southwestern part of the city. Lieutenant Shea , of the central police sta tion , declates that the report Is untrue. Tlio .statement Is that Parsons has n painful shot wound on his left thlirh and showed no re sistance when arrested and that Parsons sought shelter at the residence of a farmer friend , who. fearing consequences Immedi ately gave him up to the police. HtrikoH in Now York. Niw : YOIIK , May 7. The strike at the Brooklyn sugar rellnerics still continues , The strikers have adopted n plan of going to the houses of men wlo : have taken their places and terrifying their wives with threats auainst the lives of their husbands. Ono of them was arrested yesterday. Joseph O'Donnell , John Hughes and Joseph Downing , members of the executive committee of the Knights of Labor , have re signed. The cause of the resignations was that the members of Assembly No. 75 wcro not b'atlslicd with the sottlcimmt of the strike on the Tliltd avenue road. Tlio resignations were accepted. Three hundred builders and laborers In the employ of McrU it Sons , at Port Chester , struck work for nine hours work per day , ex cepting Saturday , when they demand eight. Tlie linn stopped woik rather than aectdo to the demands. The Illoolrnde nt UAWUNS , Wys. , May 7. No freight Is moving on the Union Paclllc. Tbo yards are full of perishable uoods. Kvorythlng is very quiet. A notice was passed this mornIng - Ing notifying brakemcn that they discharged. Cheyenne leports trains being made up there for the west , The engineers will pcihaps refuse to go out with green men. CIIKYKN.NK , Wyo. , May 7. Tlio brake- meiih1 strluo all oloni : the line of Hie Union Paclllo has ended. Thu last obstruction at Laramle and Ilawlins has been removed. All tlio men offered to ret urn to work aud most of them have been accepted by General Superintendent Dickinson , who Is at Ituwl- ins. The Old Hates Good CIIAUI.KSTOK , W. Va. , May 7. At a mass meeting of tlio miners of the Kanawha dis trict , held at Coal Valley last night , it was decided that the miners would return to woik at the old price , two cents per bushel. It Is said that the mlhers In the New river district will also return to work at the old i ales. THE DEMOCRATS IN TROUBLE Pears Among Thorn That Their Eoform ( ? ) President May Veto Pension Bills , NO OCCASION FOU SUCH ZEAL. Congressional Honesty Impeached Republicans Indignant Demo- crnts KcnroU The Hills "Will bo 1'nsscd Over the Veto. WASHINGTON , May 7. [ Special Telegram. I There has been a great deal of comment In congressional circles to-day over tlio an nouncement that President Cleveland 1ms called upon the pension committees In con gress for papers In all cases rcpresenlctl by bills which have been passed and aru now before him for signature , and that ho in tended to veto all of these which have been rejected by the pension olllco for any other reason than a want ot jurisdiction. Yctir correspondent asked Colonel W. W. Dudley , ex-commissioner of pensions , this afternoon , what ho thought of the deter mination of the president. Colonel Dudley icplicd that very few cases were rejected by the pension ollice lor "a want of jurisdic tion. " All casjs , In fact , containing sulll- cicnt merit to pass congress were those which lacked the required testimony to war rant allowance muter existing laws. In very many instances it was plain that the claimant was entitled to a pension , but on account of death of witnesses or In ability to find all of those required by law , Hie olllco refused to allow pensions. Those wont to congress. There the cases are ex amined with"ureat care. Tlfty are first re ferred to stib-commlttccmcn , who examine every available piece of testimony , and , In many instances , the applicants themselves. Ifoport Is made , and this , with a revic.w ot thu testimony , Is laid before the full commit tee ; so that It Is almost Impossible to get a fraudulent case reported favorably. Then the testimony is often opened upon the Hour of ttiu house or senate , and Is always liable to be. The reason these bills are some times passed so rapidly Is because of a con sciousness of members on the floor that great care and judgment has been exercised in the committee. The same procedure In each case Is gone through by committees In both houses. Colonel Dudley thought that If the presi dent executed his determination several hun dred pension bills will bo vetoed. Great in dignation Is expressed by icpiiblicaiis. ami fear by democrats , on account tlio president's action , which is nothing short of a veto of the honesty of congress , Individually and collectively. The democrats real I.u I that it is fatal to tncm for the president to veto just measures for soldiers and their widows and orphans , and at the same time Insult them , and those who have In the name of justice worked for them , while republicans declare that the proposed procccduro is simply out- raucous. No such reflection was ever cast upon n const-ess by a picsulent , and ills probable that the. bills , when vetoed , will bu taken up unit passed by a two-thirds vote. N TALK 1'IIOM. BKAGG. Paid Patriots nml .Deserters Should Ilnvo tlio licncflt of Tjicir Records. WASIII.VOTOX , May 7. [ Special. ] Gen eral Bragg , chairman of the house committee on military affairs , Is turning out some very plain and hard-spoken comment on bills which he reports to the house , asking for the removal of charges of desertion against mili tary records. General Bragg believes that if a man , through cowardice or anything else , commits an act in the army which makes a defect in his record , he ought to bo willing to hear it. Of course , the object of men in de siring the obliteration of the charge of desertion is to seeuro pensions. The Bun correspondent is informed that not more than one in fifty of the bills introduced to correct military records are favorably re potted , and not ono In a hundred arc passed , so strong Is the feclinc against interference with the ollicers who have matin up the rec ords of tlio F oldlcrs. Following is a sample of General Braug's comment upon this ques tion , the .same being from one ot his reports. on a bill : "Isaac Williams Was enrolled March 2 , 1ST5 , to servo onu year in Company ( ! , Fif teenth Illinois volunteers , and on thu muster roll of said company for March and April. 1S 5 , lie is reported absent sick ( since ) April 15 , lS r. , Goldsboroiigb , N. C. On the roll for May and June , 1ST . " > , be Is reported present , anil on muster out roil dated September 10. 1605 , bo is marked 'deserted at Fort Leaven- worth. Knns. , July 18 , 1ST . ' ' This is a pretty poor record to liuvo .patched up for a pension. It is just such a record as a largo majority of the 'substitutes' who were bought during the Inst years of the war niado. It Is not assumed that this 'patri otic soldier , ' who waited till March , 1HI5 , to enlist , belonged to tbo class named , hut the time of enlistment and the historical stir- loundings of the time call back the remem brance of substitutes , who mustered courauo eiiouKh to bo 'put In 't when they were told , 'You am sickly , aud not fit for duty ; got sent to hospital and you will soon get out' But tlio course of this soldier's lite ( If we did not know that ho was a patriot , burning to de fend the flag of his country ) might justify a suspicion that ho had thu qualities of the class , If ho did not belong to It. "Ho enlisted In Illinois In March , 1605. was sent to his regiment , which was on Sher man's march to tbo sea , aud found It at Goldsborougli ; this would consume , several weeks of time. As early as April lie got into hospital In North Carolina , and rejoined his rciriment in Washington at tlio time , of the gi-and review. Perhaps ho was suffering with chills In North Carolina was the reason he could not comu on with his regiment , Piospeots of battle , however remote , gave some people chills. Fiom Washington to Fort Le.wmworth ho pushed bravely to the front , fearing no danger. When ho reached Lcavenworth ho took Hick again , or , us he .says In his application to the war depart ment for relief , on the Iflth ot July. 16T5. 'lie went home , as bo was In bad health and un able to do duty. ' "Tho committee sympathize with this 'noble patriot' In the hardships lie has under gone and tlm sufferings and privations lie endured In the suppression of the rebellion , which , but for him , perhaps , would have suc ceeded In overthrowing 'the best government tlio woild over saw ; ' but cannot see their wny clear to make an ofliclal record state what lib admits will bo an untruth , 'that ho did not desert. ' but they sincerely recom mend his ease to thu tender consideration of all the 'benevolent associations' of his coun try , and especially to the politicians of his town , who may crown themselves with never-ending popularity If they will all 'chip In' and give tills man what ho evidently wants. "Tho committee , however , in tlio language of a celebrated 'country squire , ' 'notwith standing all the mitigating circumstances of the case , find tlio prisoner guilty , ' and report adversely. " rOHTV-NlNTH CONGUES8. House. WASHINGTON , May 7. After routine busi ness was disposed of the housq went into committee of the whole on ilia private calen dar , A bill which gnvo rise to a most Inter esting discussion was ono paying S200 to W. F , Haldlman , The repoit states that dining the war , Haldlman. then a boy 13 years old , desired to join an Ohio regiment , but was refused muster on account of his ago and size , He , however , purchased a uni form , and served In the regiment a year , act ing as bugler and performing scout duty. Ho is said to Imvo performed gallant &er ! vice. vice.Mr. Mr. Bracrg ( Wisconsin ) in a sarcastic speech , opposed the bill. Ho ridiculed thu idea of a boy too young to bo mustered in , fulfilling scout duty and doing gallant service. Ono of the most glorious memories ot war was that of noble women who became nurses in order to allvelato the sufferings of the soldier , but now these women were founa coming io the war claims .committee , begging that their gratuitous services should bo coined Into dollars and cents. That knocked all sentiment out of the thing. Ho wanted some of tlio rich memories of the war preserved. He did Hot want them all broueht down lo dollars and cents. Mr. Weaver of Iowa admitted that war plelutcs wcro very deceptive , but ono moro deceptive than tlio of a dead drum mer boy , was that which depicted nn olflccr with opatiloltes , leading a charges sword In hand , singing out "come on , men. " If there was a humbug In American military history , It was that portion tion which represented a commander leadIng - Ing a charge on the enemy's works. As a rule , they wcro where their orders and rules of war requited them to be-ln a safe place In the rear , while the private soldier did tbo lighting , shouting and dying. Afte.r lengthy erosS llro between Mr. Bracg and Mr. Johnston , a vote was taken on tno amendment to the bill , but a number of Its opponents refrained from voting , and tlio committee , being left without a quorum , rose. The housoat Its overling session passed fifty- ty-livo pension bills , and at 3 o'clock ad journed till to-morrow. AIDING TUB \VOMI3iV. Projector the Rollol'or Fcmnlo Vic tims ol'IMormonlsm. WASHINGTON" , May 0. Mrs. Newman , representing the Industrial home , an Incor porated Institution of Utah , addressed the senate committee on education and labor to day advocating appropriation for the sup port of that Institution. She is endorsed by the Utah commission , by Chief Justice Xauu and his associates , by ox-Governor Murray and the gentile clergy of the territory. Thu object of this in stitution Is to lit for self-support such of the women and girls of Utah as wish , or can bu induced , to escape the evils of polygamy. It Is proposed tn teach the duties of domestic service and such of the trades and professions ns women aru fitted for , aud , by means of butcaus of information , to find employment In the states for graduates of thu Institution , and to supply them with the means of get ting away. Mrs. Nowiiian mitdu nn eloquent address , depicting forcibly tlio horrors of polygamous lite , as described to her by women who had sulfercd them , and stated it as her belief of the intelligent Gentiles ot the territory that I f opportunity of escape were afforded , many Mormon women , who nro now in a condition of slavery , would bo rescued. UUSV Uln\liE BOYS. The Friends of the I'lunicd Knight Stand by IIIiji Bravely Xho Cnmimlgii Opuuecl. WAPHINOTOJT , May 7. [ Special Telo grain , j Many statesman and politicians here are talking about what they term "Iho meas urement of words between Blalno men and their opponents. " In the selection of a chair man and secretary of the republican congres sional campaign committee , the other day , General Golf , of West Yliginla , who was chosen chairman , ami Representative Me- Pherson , of Pennsylvania , who was selected as secretary , aru both , strong Blalueadvo cates , and were urged by the iriciids of the plumed knight for.thc Iposltion. For chair man , tlio name of Itopresentatlvo Harvey Dingham , of Philadelphia , anil ox-Commis- slone.rof Pensions ; W W. Dudley , of Indi ana , were used. Botlrof there men are op posed to a renominatlqn of Mr. lilalne , and were defeated for the chairmanship. Other names were used by anti-lilaine men against Mr. MePhcrson , but they too wore defeated. It is said to bo the design of tlio Blalno men to put as many oC their friends Into con gressional fields as 'possible this fall , with a hope of controlllng lie next bousu of repre sentatives if is it republican. The campaign for Ifc'&S thus open's , ' IIK DIDN'T J&UfrfoOl'ZE DAVIS. Captain Sntiiulcr . of Now York lix- plaiiifl His Item arks in Savannah. W.VSIIIXOTON , May 7. [ Special Telegram.J' Captain S. M. Sounders , the Now York gentleman who was present at the recent banquet to Jell Davis ig aavann'ali , Ga. , and who was reported to have offered n toast to "ex-President Davis , " is In the city. Ho says he miulo no further allusion in his re- maiks to .Mr. Davis titan that the latter In bis private relations has preserved an unsullied reputation for truth and Integrity. These sentiments from u northern man on such an occasion called , forth a torrent of applause which an Imaginative 'reporter printed the following day as the result of a glowing eulogy to the late president , of the southern confederacy. GOKS TO YOKOHAMA. Clarence II. Grcnthouso Nominated an Consuf. WASHINGTON , May 7. fSpecial Telegram. J Clarence 1 ! . Greathouse. formerly editor of the San Francisco Examiner , will be nomi nated early next week as consul general to Yokohama , Japan. The present incumbent Is Warren Green , son of ( lie president of the Western Union Telegraph company , whoso record slnco reaching his new of duty has been of so unsavory a character as to re sult In a withdrawal of his nomination to avoid a rejection by the senate. Movements of Statesmen. WASHINGTON , May 7. [ Special Telegram. ] Congressman Holmes of Iowa has been called home by the Illness of his wife. Sen- tors Allison aud Wilson did not accompany cither of the concessional dining parties ot-t of tlio city to-day , both being very busy with their ofliclal duties. One party went to New York as the cueiits of the Ohio society , and the other to Lochull , Pa. , as the guests of tbo venerable ex-Senator Simon Cameron. Sen ator Mandcrson was detained ut home by illness in his family. Hit vine nt the WASHINGTON , May 7. John S. Williams , third assistant auditor of the treasury depart ment has submitted a report to the acting secretary of thu treasury of thu operations of his olllru from April HO , 1S8. " > , to May 1 , 1880 being tlio lirst olliclal ycar.ot his service. It shows there has been a .saving of SI I110 I dur ing the year for compensation to clerks , and It IB estimated that SiW.ooawlll behaved by the reduction of tlio clerical force the next fiscal year. _ _ KKl'T TIIIJIIlljOOKS SHUT. Over Zealous Customs OlHocrs Ar rested in Montreal. MONTIIKAI , , May 7. For some time past the customs authorities have understood that the firm of Patterson , Kissack & Co. wcro re ceiving goods at an iindcr valuation. Several times they attempted .to gain access to the books of the firm anil. obtain necessary information mation but failed. ThH morning they niado another attempt and u Struggle ensued as the firm had taken legal advise and were In formed that their boolaj could not bo forcibly taken. ' , During tlio altercation revolvers were drawn , and the police wtirq culled In , who nrre.sted custom olllceju" They returned to the , store subsequently but were again balked by the linn , who had locked their books In the safe. Officers then seized stock which Is vnlnod at Snfl.OOO. Tno firm have taken legal proceedings against the custom house authorities. Thu linn state that they aru Innocent of any wrong doing. It Is said the chaigo against the linn is of a very burlous character. No Harm Done. PiTTsnuiiaWhy 7. Considerable excite ment was occasioned In tlio lower wards'of Allegheny and some parts of this city to-day by the distribution ot anarchist circulars In largo numbers. The circulars were printed in German and English , and urged thu work- ingiuen to IOVOIIKO thu killing of McCor- mick's men , 'nn'd to burn , Dlllauo and destroy , and to cat. drink and bo merry. Thu circu lars were distributed so early that no suspi cion of their character was enlet tallied until thousands of copies had been given out. In this city there urobcvcn groups of anarchists , with a total membership of not moro than l&O. A Harmless Duo ! . JAWS , May 7. Henri UocheforU editor of L'lntranslueaiile , and PoitalU , fought a duel with pbtols to-day. Four .bbots werq liicd by each , none ot which dun.- any harm. WHISKY OR NO WHISKY ? Difibronco of Opinion at Kearney Ecsnlt in Legal Warfare. SOME VErtY SHARP PRACTICE. licenses Granted tiy tlio OutoliiK ( Council Tcmpcrnnco lci > iito lO.xcltott anil Kcmly to Ap peal to the Co lifts. KriAiisr.v , Neb. , May 7.-fSpecal ! Tele- gram.J During the latter part of last week the temporauco people of this city became apprehensive that the old city council were intending to grant liquor licenses , thus cut ting off the hearing and tiling of remon strances. Accordingly u temporary Injunc tion was granted bv the distiict court pie- venting the council fiom Issuing llcens to two persons who were ready , until May : > . In tlio meantime remonstrances w'ura Hied by thu temperance people. The bearing was set for Mayft and was not finished until to day noon. Four counellmcn , Hensclmotcr , Tuttle. Wilson and Kills , cave Mayor Cone a petition asking for a special meeting to bu called at once. He wanted time to consider and consult with the city attorney. The mayor then left and the coun cil was called together by one member , Scely and Jenkins being absent. The city clerk wasalso absent and Councilman Wilson was elected clerk tire tern. Tlio council , thus consisting of ( lie four lirst mentioned , held a special session and granted licenses tu IJully Winters and S. Weible. Thu licenses were neither .Muncd nor Issued by tbe city clerk and are without his seal , but were issued by John AVHson clerk pro tern. Omvu doubts are expressed as to timlr legality. The two siloon.s are nosv running. The affair has caused much bitter teeiing among citizens. some siding with the four councmiicn and others condemning them. There is strong talk of coniinenclliLr an action against tbe saloon men for selling without license. A 1G BOOM AT YOHK. n City Waterworks nnil n County Court at n Cost of $8OOOO. Yoitiv , Neb. , May 7. fSpecial. ] The specifications for tlio York waterworks are printed and aru now in the hands of bidders. The system consists of an engine , engine house and thirty-six wells In the center of the city , near thu public square , and a standpipe - pipe 100 feet In height on cast hill , near the collcso , giving a diicct and Indirect pressure. The city is to have five and three-eighths miles ot pipe laid on all the principal streets. The Hpeeilicatlnns call for a system witli a capacity of 1,000,000 irailons of water per day. IMds are to be In on or before May -i ( . The estimate places the co = t of tlio system at a liguru not to exewd SiiO-lK ( ) . The plans and specifications adopted by tlio city council wcro drawn oy A. A. IJichardson , civil engineer of Lincoln. The bonds , to tbe amount of SuO.OOO , were voted nt the regular spring election , and as the majority for them was only seven votes it is tcarcd tnat the op- ponontsof the measure will yet apply to tlio courts tor an Injunction to restrain the city from issuing the bonds until the legality of the election has been tested. LAW AND U'XUHY. The board of supervisors at their meeting last nlithtnwnrded'thc contract for the erec tion of the court house to David IS. Howard , ot Lincoln , at $49,1)30 ) , that bolus the figure at which the contract was let to Ilutcliinson & Collier , of tills place , two weeks ago. These gentlemen failed to come tn time and Mr. Howard was sent for and the work awarded to him. Everything Is now rcady tq proceed witlrtho' work except sllrhlng tlio necessary papers and tiling and approving the con- tractor's bond , which will bn'dono at a spe cial meeting' next Thursday. A SAD ACCIDENT. 1'rofcssor Hnrshbargcr While Drill ing Ills Class is Hiully AVouiuIcd. HI.OOMIXOTO.V , ! { eb. , May 7. Professor Harshbarger , teajher In the academy at Fianklin , while ( trilling his class In military tactics last night met with a painful if not a fatal accident. Alter the line had been formed he slopped ten paces to the front and cave orders to aim at a button on his coat and lire. Imme diately after the firing be was heard to ex claim , "My ( Jod/boys , 1 am shot. " . He was assisted to tlio dormatory nt once and Dr. Finley was Mimmoned , who" found that a number of wads nail pierced his clothing , one of them nip-ruing the .stcrnium and dancing to thu right causing licmmnthagu of tin : lungs. Ho Is in a critical condition , but re covery Is hoped for. - The Trouble Settled. VAMIXTINI : , Neb. , May 7 , [ Special Tele gram. ] Kverytblng Is now quiet at Ifosc- butl agency. The band encaged In tno trouble and who denied the agents authority was led by CiowUog , the Indian who killed Spotted i till * Flnjjors Crushed. O'Xr.iu , , Neb. , May 7.- | Special JTcIe- giani.J Tliis atlcrnoon Norris Pender , a brakcman on the west bound freight , had thn fingers of his left hand badly mashed while. coupling cars at this .station. Vt'llili IT UK WSSEVTKD ? nritisli Authority .Displays Ita Oltl Disregard for the Itl htH or Americans. HALIFAX , N. S. , May 7. Two or three American lishlng. schooners have appeared In tlio basin at Dlgby within the past day or twofer for the purpose of buyini ; bait. In response to a telegram the Government steamer Laiids- downo went there tills morning and idvinir chafe to the David J , Adams , of ( iloucester , overhauled her and took her back to lIgi > y. She will bo taken to St John to-night under scl/.nro for violating the fishery laws. What St. Ijouls Wants. ST. Louis. May 7. ThoKait.St Louis city. council has determined upon making a vig orous light acalnst thu St. Louis Dridgo com pany. At this morning's session of tno city council an ordinance repealing the ordinance granting the company the right to erect an eastern approach to the bridge over Crook street , and ordering the company to pay within thirty days 870,000 on judgment obtained awUnst the city by Crook street property owners , was passed. Unless pay ment ot the above amount Is made , the city will order the removal of the bridge approach preach , The company refuses payment of this bum on the grounds that the present company Is not bound by the charter of the former company , which has been merged Into the present company. Gene Up for l''ivo Yonrs. , BI.OOMIXOTO.V , III. , May 7. At 4 p. in , the jury In the case of The People vs. Dr. Harvey L. Harris , on trial for tbo killing of his pro fessional rival , lr , Uarton , at Scabrook , last October , returned a verdict of guilty. The punishment is live years In thu peniten tiary , Thocaso has been on tilal for two weeks , and has excited gieat Interest. The jury was out twenty-eight hours. Harris bhot and instantly Killed Harton , but claims it was donu in hot blood , and that Barton had struck him In the face unprovokedly. The Kx-Bciiiitor Itecovcritif ; . UI.OOMIXOTOX , III. , May ? . Kx- Vice Presi dent David Davis * physician said to-ngU ! ! that the crisis was safely passed and that his patient would soon iccovcr. The virulent carbuncle from which ho has been suffering seems to imvu reached its climax , and the pain has disappeared. A Soldier Murdered. Four SULLY , Dak. , May 7. John Murphy , of company D , Eleventh Infantry , alias J. J. Harrington , was murdered last night by some ouo unkuqwn. Biislncsti Failures. . Nnw Yoitic , May 7. The total number ot business failures throughout the United States aud Canada during tbo last sovcn days was 104 UISADY FOIt AVAIU Oroccn Kvltloittlp in Knrncst Hopes oT Non-ltticrrniitton by Utissln. ATIII : : * * , May 7. The soldiers at the ganl- son hero received with cheers' orders to march to the frontier. Tcwflk Boy , the Turkish minister , when ho departed took with him all the members of his stair on the Turkish legation and caused all of his and their personal effects to bo removed. The secretaries of the other foreign locations re main. Two iKxllalllons of Iho Athens garri son have already started for the frontier. The soldiers went out with great enthusiasm. They will embark nt Lniirliini with outers to avoid blockade stationed to cover other water routes. The popuiaco are enthulastlc over the vtros- poet of war with Turkey. Soldier * ate p.v ratling tlio streets , slngluc patriotic songs. They ore everywhere cheered. A lariro mini- Iwrof soldiers remain here. Tlio foreign squadron has returned to Stula bay. bay.Tho freok ! llccl left Salamlsand Is believed to have gene to I'atls. It Is not believed that Itnssla will takeaiiy share with the other powers In the ulterior woik of Coerlcon against ( iiceec. ATIIK.VS , May 7. The government lias pent a gunboat to Constautlnoiilu to take away from the Turkish capital , Conduriott , the ( Ircek minister. Greek troops aru being hur ried to thu front with nil possible speed. All foicicn ministers have embarked on vessels of tlielr respective nations to dcpait I rom Greece. Thu powers have ordered tnelr cot ) to blockade the Greek ports. Soldiers at tbo garrison hero received with cheers orders to march to thu frontier. Tow- ilk Boy , thu Turkish minister , when ho de parted to-dav took with him all members of the stall1of the Turkish legation , and caused alibis and their personal clients to be re moved. Thu secretaries of other foreign le gations remain. Two battillons of the Athens' gan Isou have already started for the frontier. The holdicrs wont out with great enthusiasm. They will embark at Laiirium , In order to avoid the blockader * stationed to cover other water routes. The. ponulaco Is enthusiastic over the prospect of a war with Turkey. Soldiers ate parading the streets , slimlni : patriotic songs. They aio everywhere cheered. A largo number of soldiers remain hero. Tile foreign squadron relumed toSudabay. The Greek licet Sahimls , and it is buileved has none to Paros. It Is not believed here that Hussla will take any share with tlio other powers in the ulteiior work of coercion against Greece. ATIIUNS. May 8. Turkish troops nrd massIng - Ing at I'revisa. HtlSfjAND'S KSrAXCIPATION. Great Meeting at the Auailemy of Music O'Donovan ilossa. Squelched. Nnw YOIIK , May "T The Irish homo rule meeting at tlio academy or' music to-night was a great success. Among those on the platform were Kugeno Kelly , ex-Postmaster General James. Governor Hill , Mayor ( Jrace and Governor Leon Abbott of New Jersey. Later , Senator John Sherman , Congressman Grosvenor. Congressman liutterworth of Ohio , and General Stewart L. Woodford also arrived and were escorted to seats on the platform. Mayor Grace was made temporary chair man , and spoke briefly of the objects of the meeting. Ucsolutlons wcro passed eulogizing Glad stone and Parnell , congratulating Ireland on her coming emancipation , ami congratulat ing Kngland on thu progress in public senti ment which had permitted the introduction of a home rule measure in parliament. TIIKO'DVNA.MITK WAS TIIIillK. After the resolutions passed , U'Donovon Kossa demanded au amendment and pro tested against praising Gladstone. Ills voice was'drowned In hisses and groans , and. on advice of Governor Hill , ho subsided. The resolutions" will be presented to Messrs. Gladstone and 1'arnelf by J. J. O'Donoghuu , who will sail with them for Liverpool to morrow. . Destructive Storms. FOIIT SCOTT , Kas. , May 7. The most- severe storm of thu season passed over this city at noon yesterday. The rain fell in tor rents. About one o'clock Larfib's ice dam broke aud an Immense body of water rushed down the valley. The live year old boy unit infant of Mrs. Brown were drowned , The damage In the city and vicinity amount to several thousand dollars. Si'iiixoFir.i.u , Mo. , May 7. Tbu heaviest rain storm ever known struck this section yesterday , doing a vast amount of damage to property in Iho surrounding country and town. The rain was preceded by hail. Jor dan Creek overflowed thu lowland driving : : o or10 families from their homes. About half a mlluofthu Gulf railway within tlio city limits was completely submerged and lialns cannot pijss. Three of the city's bridges were washed away , and the base ments of a number of business houses filled with water. Some smaller dwelling bouses were washed away trom their foundations and it large amount of lumber swept away , The- total damage- thu city is estimated at 875.000 , . and in the surrounding country at SJO.OOO , Ohio Militia in Arms. Cot.i'MiiL'b. Oliio , May 7. Governor For- akcr to-night , at the request of. the mayor and jiollcu commissioners of Cincinnati , and as he Is required In Mich cases to do by law. ordered to report at Cincinnati to-morrow the Third , Seventh , Fourteenth and Seven teenth regiments , Ohio National guards in anticipation ol'.thu labor outbreak on Sun day. Thu militia are preparing and will bo on the road by morning. TRiiicranco Mooting To-night. At\\r. \ C. T. U. Buckingham hull tonight - night occura the regular Saturday evening - ing temperance meeting conducted by the Omaha Itofonn club. Kvoryboily is invited. Following is the programme : Scripture Heading and Prayer S. L. Baumister Duct Miss Blanche Sylvesteraud Mr. ,1. Watson - son Address Ktiv. Mr. Hitler Solo Mr. It. J. Spoerrl Address Mrs , M. K. Itoberts Solo -Mrs. Howvcr Itcmarks by members aud others. Organist Miss Dlllraucu The High school nnil Commercial college - lego nines will pluyumutch giimo of biifiol b.tll on the H , it M. grounds at U o'clock- Ihis forenoon. OHIO'S SONS IN NEW YORK , Tlio "Bnckoyes Abroad" Enioy Themselves AtDolmonico's. SUNSET COX'S FUNNY DISPATCH , All the nistliiRUlshca Men of Ohio Scon or Hoard Krom-Sneooh by John Sherman No "OflToti- stvu Partisanship. " A Festive Occasion. Nnw YOIIK , May 7. The son's and foster sons of Ohio , resident In this city , celebrated the founding of the Ohio Society of Now York bv a banquet at Delmonlco'a to-night. The leaders In the movement wcro General Thomas Kwlng , General Henry L. Huinctt , Colonel W. L. Strong , General Waiter Swaync , General Thomas T. Eckcrt , Colonel T. W. Moulton , Homer , AI- gernbn S. Sullivan , Whltolaw Held and others of national imputation. Unlike the similar organization , "Now .England society , " which Is composed or sons .six of states , the Ohio society Is mudo up.of natives of ono state , Brst born of American republic. The large banquet hall was filled to repletion. More tban SM people were present and talked over times when the Buckeye stain was the homo of the Indian and buffalo , and the site of many u log cabin long since made famous In song mid story. All political differences were forgotten , all sectional disputes were overlooked , and , as John Sherman and , Iou McDonald nhook hands In tlio ante-room , beloro di liner , all present considered that they had need to leel proud of n state which "sits In tlio center , " belongs to no section and is a bond of all. The hall was plainly but. pietllly decorated. Among those present were Congressman Jacob Itoomerls. A. 0. Thompson , , lumps K. Campbell , 11,1) ) . Pavny , C. W. Moulton , Joseph K. McDonald. Lev ! 1' . Motion , Clmiles II. Giosvenor , W. W. Klstbuig , John Llttln and W. C. Cooper , ex- governors of Ohio , It. M , liishop , James M. Ashley and Charles Foster , Judge Upton , U. Lawrence and . ) . H. Brady , Leon Ab- botl , governor of New Jewry , Alexander Sullivan , of Chicago , Stewart L. Woodtord , Stephen U. Elkins. A. J. C. Foye , Wallaro Sbllletto , General W. B. Ha/.en , Win. Henry Smith. Hugh J. Jewett , Colonel Wm , Linn Tidball. A. I ) . Jullleard , Homer Lee , Wm. Perry Kngtf , BcnJ. Harrison , Parker I landy , .1. A. Hostwtck , ox-Postmaster General Thos. L. James , Cyius Butler and Mayor Z. K. rangborn. The following cablegram was received from Hon. S. Cox : General Thomas Kwlng , 155 Broadway , New York-Ohio Is full of civil and martial honors. Her sons are peers without thu her aldry. Her daughters peerless without the harem. Fill the golden born. Mr. Homer Lee , secretary , read a number of letters of regret fiom invited guests , among which were letters from Chief Justice. Drake , ox-Governor Hoadley , General Durbin Ward , Murat Halstcad , Judge Thuniian. Chief Justice AVallc , . Judge Carter , General Hchenck , Senator Jones. William D. Howell , Itlcliard Smith , General Sherman , Lieuten ant General Sheridan and Senator Allison. Afteranpropriatoreinaikson the reunion- General riiomasEwing , president of thu so , ciety , said : Gentlemen , I now have the pleasure to pre sent to .you a typical Buckeye , tlio 'architect of his own fame and fortune , who stands be low only one man in the republic in otllclal station ; and below none In the respect of. Ills countrymen , "John Sherman. " Senator Sherman was < enthusiastically and vocifcrouslyre'celvcd. Ho spoke at length in nlianpy vein , rovlowlng'tliD history of Ohio mid bur prominent mcii. He was followed by .Senator Pavuo , ex-Governor Bishop , General Benjamin Harrison , anil others. The Knees at Brighton Beach. Biuoiiro.N BKACII , Jlay 7. First lace , for maiden fi-yeatvolds and upwards three-quar ters of a mile Fleetwing won , Stclmo second end , Ganly third. Time , l:17tf : > Mile- General 1'rlco won , Compensation second , Joe Shelby third. Time , 1 : ! . % Mile and an eighth -Lord Beconsliclu won , Winlicld second , Selllah third. Time , l : MX. Seven fmlongs George Singcriy won , Hazard second , Judge Gilfllth third. Time , Illicit Love niifl Suicide. ST. I'Atn. , May 7. It Js rumored that P. Woerner. and a domestic In his family com mitted suicide. Mrs. Woorner charges her husband and the girl witli being too Intimate. The girl's name Is Kato Werner. Doth toolc prussic acid to avoid public disgrace. Tlio 1 girl died about ft this morning. Woerner swallowed poison while the oillcors were actually taking him to prison. C. K. of A. Last night : i mooting of about twenty- five Catholic ladies and gentlemen met , tit the purchasing agency rooms in Hush- man block to inako arrangements for the holding of thu first slate council of tlio C. K. of A. , which is to take place in this city ou the 1st of June. It IB intended to prepare a banquet for tlio delegates , which may bu attended by residents of tlio town. ' There will also bo : i literary and musical onterlainnicnl , which comprise some of the most talented people of tlio city. Committees wuro un pointed to inakn arrangements for tlio' event , and tlio following ollluors were elected : L'rchidont , Mrs. Dr. O'Uourko ' ; vice president , Miss K F. IMoCarnoy ; si ! rciury , Miss Katie Murphy. The next meeting will IK ; hold at thu Bumopliico on next Tuesday night. A 1'alii fit I Cut. Ed , Phillips , employed on Stanley's bridge force , mot with a painful accident ; while at work on a bridge on the licit hlnc railway j'ustnrtluy afternoon , lie. was trying to raise u pfoco of timber liy the iiM ) of an ad/u when the bladu slipped from the timber and was imbedded in Phillips' left leg , just below the knee , in- illiitiii" u very painful wound. Ho wont to his homo in Council DlullH last night for tx few days rest. Is prepared from Barsnp.irllla , Dandelion , Is tlio liest blood purifier before the public. Mandrake , IJock , PJpitlasewa , Juniper Ilcr- It eradicates every Impurity , and cures Scrof rlcs , and other well-known ami valuableTcgo - ula , Halt Itlicum , Ilolls , I'lmplcs , all Humors , tnblo remedies. The combination , proportion Dyspepsia , IllllousucE.i , Kick Headache , Indi and preparation are peculiar to IlooU'g Bars.v gestion , General Debility , Catarrh , Itlieuma- parllla , giving It curative power not possessed tlsin , Kidney and Liver Complaints. It over by other medicines. U cltccts remarkable comes that extreme tired feeling , unU builds cures where others full , up the system. " I consider Hood's B.irsapnrllla the best " Hood's Barsaparllla was a ( lod-scnd to me , medicine. I ever used. 11 gives me an appetite for It cured me of dynpcpsla and liver com and refreshing sleep , and keeps tlio coltl out. " plaint , with which I linil gullcrcd 20 years. " J. 8. Fouo , 100 Spruce Street , I'ortlanil , MB. J. 11. HoiiNiiucK , Boutb Fallsburg , N , Y. Purifies the " When I bought Hood's Sarsaparllla I made " Hood's Parsaparllla takes less tlmo and a good Invcstiac'tit of ono dollar In mcdlcliiu quantity to show Its cdect than any uthrr prep for the lirst I . U has driven off rheuma aration. " Miis.O.A.IliiiiMni ! , N. < : hlllN.y. tism and ! m ; , ! iiy appetite so touch that " Jlyvlfo liad very poor health fur a long my boarding m. .ticss fcays I must kt-cp It time , sutlcrhig from Indigestion , poor appe locked up or she will bu obliged to ralso my tite , and constant headache. ha tried everything - board with every other boarder that takes thing \vc could hear ( if , but found no relief till Hood's Sarsaparllla. " THOMAS UUKIIKLL , she tried Jlood'u H.irsnparllla. She Is uow W Tlllary Street , Brooklyn , N. Y. taking the tlilnl bottle , and never felt belter " I find Hood's Harsnparllla the best remedy hi her life. Wu fuel It our duty to recommend for impure blood I evur used. " II. II. DAXTKII , It to every ouovo know , " droncis Scum. ticket agent , I' . & It. ltd. , Hound Jlrook , N. J. VH.I.K , Morchnd , Cool ; County , 111. i Hood's Hood's Sarsaparilla Sarsaparilla Sold l > y all drugetitf , fill llz ( or ( i. l.'uiuutcl Soli ) Iall'drugglili. . fl ; ilx fur fJ. l'r pif < 1 > T U. 1.110O11 At CO. , Apottiecarlei-I > n-'ll , Man. 1,7 U. 1 , HOOD A , CO. , AfKjtliccarlci , LowellUut. IOO Doses Ono Dollar IOO Doses Ono Dollar