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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY J3WB : MONDAY , , MAY TO 1880. Now York. May 8. MOHRY On call , f asy at lJ < C2jf w.1 r cent. PHIJII : Jlniic.vxTiM' 4) ) < @j per cent. STiru.l.vnrtxcitAXon : Hull but stcadv ; S4.N > ' { for sixty days ; Sl.SOJf for ( teinand. UOVIII.NMKSTS : Dull but stcadv. STOCKS Stock markelwns [ marked with no KlroiiL' features. Theicasan Irremilar open- fr. ( llspla > in considerable llrmncsi. until 11 o'clock. Jltislncss thun became dull , and prices slowly > lelilcd until the last hour , when thcio wsi consldei-ablo strength , ami material advance * \\eio made , the niaikct rlosliiK sti oni ? , nnd generally tit tlio highest ptlcesot to-day. STOCKS OH WAT.T. STIIEKT. 8 ccntbniuU. . . ; N. W U.S. 4 ! < 's \Vi , preferred. . . f. r Pacific 0 > of'at ! WTJi oleiron Trail. ' " Central 1'nclllo 15 ! ) iPacllio Mall C.&A . 140j P. , I ) . &K preferred. . . KM I P. P. C C. , JJ. &H KlOJf Hock Islann. . . . I ) . , L. A W St. Ij. AS. K. . I ) . A11.G referred. Erie. 24 O. , M. A prefpncd. . . . M preferred. . Illinois Central. 1 7 St P. &O : i' J. , H.&W prefeneu. . . Kansas t Texas. Texas Paellie. . . LakcSlioro Union P.icllic.- 451 ' < ! , . & N | \V. , St. L. & P. . Mich. Central. . . . prufened. . . .Mo. Pacllic 107'f Wctterii Union Northern P.ic. . .\i \ N W vrefened. . . Chiitillor-Hro\vn ( CO.'H lloport. Tim fdlhiwlut , ' icpoit Is furnlshoil by Chandler Drown Co. , of Chicago and Mllvvnu- keu : Consuls \\oro Ji'e off this morning and vheat opened strong nnd c higher than last niulit.s closing juleu , but HODII weak uued and bold Ki.idtially down to 7riKo for .Iiino or le below tin- opening price. Kstlnmted ilucrunso on the visible Minnly Is iiK less than a million. Wheat heavy. Koielirn maikets don't 10 Kpoiul to war scale. Six loads lor expoi tat New York. Coin Weak : Kc lower. Trovlhlons We.ik ; 2-lc olT. U. S. VAim < ! Iteceluts JIojis 11,000 ; mixed packers , aa.Ki@1.0' ; heaw.J-1.0.X4.X ; ; : ) ; light , 6i.7-J.lO : ( ) ; lelt over , 4noo ; cattle re ceipts 2.1 OJT Cai lots Wheat , 10 ; corn , HO ; oats , 3D ; rjc , none ; bailuy , 11. CHICAGO 1MIOIJUCI2. Clilcn o , Jlay 8. Flour Steady and unchanged ; winter wheat , $ l.40ri$4.47 ; Bouthuin , S4.00@4.aWisconsin ; , S4.riO@ 4.r , ; Michigan soft spiing , Si.704.00 : ; Jliiuicsotn bakeis1 , $3.r.0 4.SO ; patents , S4.0 , > ( SMX ) ; low uradcs , SJ.OOy ) . ! . < X ) ; lye Hour , $ : j.o : : < # In barrels. Si.00l.0 : : ! in sacks. Wheat WoikVC : lc lower than opening ; 7c for cash and May ; 78o for Juno ; lor July. Coin KasvJ < @Kc lower ; H-IJ < c for cash nnd May ; JMJc lor Juno ; Me for July. Oats May. steady ; defoted fixtures fctronjrcr : .U' c for cash and May ; 2t > > ' c for Juno ; 'J7Xc for July. Kyo-Dull at OOo. JJailey DullntnSc. Timothy rilinc , S1.71@S1,72. AVhlsky SM4. 1'orlt weak and lower ; SS.S5 for rash nnu May ; 89.0-J for Juno ; § 9.1 % tor July. J.aid Cash , weak , and lower ; defeiied futures steady ; S5.b7 for cash and Mav ; S5. JK for Juno ; SO.OO foi Julv. Bulk Meats-Shoulders , S4.004.10 ( ? ; short clear. S5.M@-j.rjO ; shoit libs , S5.27Jtf. IJultcr Cieamery , iriffllOc : dairy , 14@10e. Cliecso Steady ; choice lull eicain cheddars - dars , 10@llc ; cliolco > ouugAmuiIcall@r c ; skims 4 ( < . 2Gc. llldi's ( ircuii , OKe ; heavy green salted , 7iCc ; light , h c ; damaged , OJ4C ; bull hides , s5 < c : dry salted. 12'fTc ; dry Hint , I3@l4c ; call 7kliiR , lo@lc : ! ; deacons Wc ) , Tallow Grease , white country , A , 4J < c ; U 4c ; yellow , S c ; brown : ic. Kecolpts , Shipments. Flour. bbl8 . 5,000 0,000 Wheatou . 8,000 00,000 Corn , mi . 2.J1.000 Oats.bu . W.OOO 70,000 . ntmo iiono Uarlnv.bu . 0,000 3,000 AlknncapoitR. May 8. Wheat Weak and lower for futures ; No. 1 hard , 7Bc for cash ; 70j < o for June ; lc for July ; No. 1 nortliern , 70 } < u for cash ; 77c lor Junu ; 78 > c lor July ; No. 2 noithern , T-c for cash. Flour Patents , S4.50@-l.75 ; bakers , S3.r.0@ . 3.75. 3.75.Hecolpts Wheat , SO.OOO bu. Shipments Wheat , U.OOO bu ; Hour. 17,000 bbls. Cincinnati. May 8. Wheat Heavy ; No. S red , bifgSOc. Corn Dull and drooping ; No. 2 mixed , e. OntH Steady ; No. S mixed , 32c. live Jiasler : No. 2 , Cbc. UaOoy-Dull ; No. S , sprint' , 48c. Poik0.50. . laid-S5.75. WhlskvSteady ntSl.10. Milwaukee , Mav 8. Wheat Easy ; isli , 7sxc ; Juno. TO c. Com Tame : No. a , aij/c. Oats Dull ; No. sa , > .Yc. Ityo Dull ; No. l.OoUc. lliirley Nomiiiftl ; No. 2 , 49c. Piovlslong Jlirlier ( ; muss pork , cash nnd Jilny , Slut ) ; June , sv. ' , Now York. May 8. - Wheat Kecolpt.i , C.COU ; expoits. IM,000 ; Mint , hrm ; options opened tirm , advaneed JiiQ < ifnc , later weak ened , declined - ' - ' e. eloslnif heavy ; Un- u'nult'il rod. OTiL . . c ; No.2ied.01of. o. b. ; No. l icd , U c ; Juno closing at "i6 < Coin ho\\er ; iceeipts , 0,000 : exports , ! MKOj ( iingradi'd. : KKM ) tfc ; No , a , 47Jf < a 4beln elevator , JS Qj-l'J ' e alloat ; Juno clos- liiu'at 4Sl c. O.UH IllKltPr on whlto mixed and rather cnhler ; leeeijits , S7KX ) ; exjioitH. 75OCO mixed webten yti yiJ'Jc ; whlto western , 40 . Petroleum Steady ; United closed nt Kggs Dull and weak ; western , ll c , Lnnl hewer but moro aetlvo ; wustoin Eteam , ti > ot , S0.20 : Junu , FO.10XitO.19. Uuttei Dull nml easy ; wcstein , 10 < 3C3o ; Eluin cieamcry , 'J4e. Cheeiu Dull and dopicssedcstorn ; , . Bt. lioulB , May 8. Wheat Weak and low 01 ; No. 2 led , cash , 85 b5Ko ; May , Me. Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , May , 83e , Oats UnchaiiBCd ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 29 ® Jfvo Finn ato.'c. Whlsky-Si.ia 1'ork Stead ) nt J-9.nOS0.40. ( Laid K.w.y at S5.70@5.75. lluttcr Dull nuuchnUKCtl \ \ ; choice 10 fancy creamery , 10@20c ; choice to fancy dairy , " - Kaunas City. May 8. Wheat Higher ; No. a red , cash , 03c bid ; June , 04fc ! bid. Coin Slionger ; No. 2 , cash , -O c bid , SCWo asked ; Juno , 27fc. Oats Nominal. May S. Wheat Easier ; cash , tponi-Cash , 37K& Oats Neglected. LIVE STOCK. Chicago , May 8. The Droverb' Journal lepoits : .tCaltlo Jfecelpts , 2.J.OO ; slow and lOc loner : Ehlpptug Moors , Sl.irXg5.70 ; stonkeni and feedeiH , SS. 00 4.75 ; cows , bulls and mixed , itecl'lpts , . 1,000 ; slow aud weak ; wookrt natives , 82.005.50j shorn , 52.00 W5 > .00. St. rdtils , May 8. Cattle Receipt" . 120 ; shipments , none ; active , quiet and Rteatlyj choice shipping nnd export fitcors , 8C 3r < * j.C-i ; common to turdlum , 84.n..i.20 ! butcheis' steers , S3.T. * > ® l.i.'i ( ! cows antlhelf- cr . § J.5XiJ4oo ; stockera and fecdeis , S3.35 ® 4r o. Hogs Hecelpts 2,400 ; shliinicnts , 1,000 ; fairly active and steady ; butchers and se lected hca\y , S-i.10tf4.2Q ; mixed packing , .Oi ; light , 5 .00I.'JO. City , May 8. Cattle KccclpK l.UOOj chlpinents , IWO ! heavy , weak and 5 ® lOc lower ; light about Meady ; common to fancy , S4.00crt5.30 ; itockcrs nnd feeders , . : uua4. ( o ; cows , S3.(0 ( < .bO. Hogs Hecelpt.s , S.OOT ; shlinncnts , none ; common to choice , S3.rxijt4.oo. ) Trndc Ituvlcw. Uepoits , received from dlffoicnt parts of the state , all Indicate that the farmers are holding a very largo pioportlon of thplr last season's crop of eoi n , besides thousands of head of rnttfo und hoz . This fact accounts , In a largo degiee , for the light trade which Is bolng experienced liv the business men In all Ilitesof business. The retail , as well as the wholesale tiaile , Is slow because the farmers have not jot convcik'd their labt season's eiops Into money. ' 1 ho produce markets are fairly active nud n good deal of stock Is being hnndlcd by the commission dealers. There have been n few Impnitaut changes In the maiket .since last week. Tim rcioipts of butter are mote liberal nnd grass Imtlci Is beginning to como in quite freely. The mar ket is lower and will probably go still lower us the season advances , bhlppeis should in mind that unless stock Is choice and can bo sold for table butter that it will not .sell to advantage for other pur poses. Hutter that is not suitable for table use has to bo turned over to the packing houses lor shipment , , and will only command it very low piice. There has boon a decline of nboute on ecus the week , the pie- vallln.g juiro being 8 e at thn present time. 'The receipts are veiy liberal and tbo maiket Is coirr'sriondingly weak. Theio has been no material clmniro In thn poultiy market sinru last week. Live chickens con tinue to bo in good demand and .sell leadlly aterv tnlr piices. Tlio polato maiket Is Hat. The olleitngsnie liberal but there Is no demand and no sale for oven the choicest stock , except In n veiy small way. Itetall dealeis are only buyinz in small lots just siilllclcut to supply their Immediate wants. A good many dealers have eousideiable stock on Ii.uid which they bought eaily in the season or havn since bought ol the fanners , so that they me Independent of the commis sion dealeis. _ O .MAI I A IiIVK STOCK. Saturday Kvcnlnir , May 7. General As usual at the rlose ol the week the market was very quiet , buyers not caring to take hold ol anything unless they could sec some extra inducement. The demand very light on all kinds of live stock , e.s- peclally bo on hogs. Cattle Tlie maiket was steady ntcstei - dny's quotations. The receipts weio lighter than they have been lor seveial day.s past. The prospects nro good for tin active maik et. the coming week anddc.duisuiegeuciully anticipating moie business. llogs Theiecehit.s were not quite so heavy as on the day piovltnis , but libeial for a SU- uiday. The market opened very qiilcfuml wc.ik and nt a decline of 56410. Tiicio was no life in the mm ket and salesmen weie tin- able to get oven a bid on their hogs , In mauv cases. Skips and coarse , roiujii heavy hogs sell very slow. Sheep Thcie are none on the market and theio is n very fair demand lor choice grades. i'itivAii.iXi : iMiins. : Showing the piexnlline prices paid foi live stock , on this maiket. Choice steers , ll ) to 14W ) Ibs . S4.80fi5.00 ( iood steers , 1250 to HMO Ibs . -I. i0n4.70 ( ! Medium steers , 1UOO to ira ) Ibs . -l.-10$4.50 little steeis. 10 > 0 to llf.O Ibs. . . . 4.25@i.50 ( iood teedeis , 900 to 10X ) Ibs . 3.GO , ' < : U > 0 ( ! oed to choice cows ami heifers. . . : ! .50i..7.'i ( : ) Fair to medium cows and heifers. . 3 00a ( : ! . 10 Coed to choice bulls . 2.70 < wa'r > ( iood to choice mixed hogs . H.on@.70 ) Common , lough grades . H.50 < vs'l.55 Clioico to extra blieep . 4.l" Cattle . "WO Hogs . bOO UKl'IinSKNTATIVE SALKS. 8Tiins. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 . 810 § 4.00 43 . 120 $ 84.75 13 . 1070 4.25 04 . 1UW3 4.75 14 . 1140 4.25 4.25COWfl. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 5 . 1070 SIUO 5 . ! ttJ S8.59 S . 1110 11.40 14 . 1270 4.00 1 . 1170 a.50 a.50HULLS. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 . 1090 52.09 3 . 17'3 53.00 13 . 1230 8.50 2 . 10SO 3.00 siixnn. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 13 . 1210 S4.40 No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 05 . 250 S3.75 02 . 2SJ SJ.75 Itanco of Prices. Showing the highest nnd lowest prices paid for live stock on this maiket during the pant seven days , with comparative values : nilKSSUli ttKttV AND HllU'rlXU CATT1.H. OOOftJIUOO Dates. Ibs. Ibs. Friday 4.00 Saturday 4.40 4.75 Tuesday 4.20 ( B4. : 4.75 Wednesday. . . . 4.10 ( $4.50 4.C5 Thuibday 4.5'J 4.75 ( < 4.bO Friday 4.25 @ 4.40 4.00 @ 4.85 Satuulay 110(1 S. April May. Saturday 3.05 Monday a. 55 3.55 Tuesday 3.00 ( Tof.70 Wednesday. . . . 3.00 (53.80 ( 3.00 3.75 Thuibdny 3.75 3.90 Fildav. 3.75 & .1.90 63.70 ( it.K ! ) Sattuday 3.bO &i3.n ( a.75 All sales of stock in this market are made pcrowt , llvo weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hoes sell nt KC per Ib lor all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs , no value. Piegnixntbows aio docked 40 Ibs and btags 80 Ibs. Notes. The last ilaj' of th * V.'Cek. Hog market 510c lower. No hhcop on the market. . Cattle maiket quiet nnd steady. Ostenbeig A : F , , Wahoo , maikotcdn load of hogs. H. 0. Stout , Louisville , marketed a load of cattle. A. 1) , Scars , Clark , had a load of hogs at the y in ds. F. Kiopf , Schuyler , had a load of : hogs ou the mai ket. J. A. Moore , Clbbou , had two loads of hogs at the y in ds. M. P. Williams , Louisville , came In with 04 head of cattle. Aliens & Kenyon , Hovvaid , had a load of hogs ut the y mils. lei soy liiotheis , Wcston , had n load of hogs on thu market. Lobman & II. had 79 Head of cattle at the yards , from SU Paul. C. 0. Clifton , Wahoo , was at the yards with two loads of hogs. A. L. Spearman , tiprincfleld , had 4'J head of cattle on the market. E. L. Martin , Palrmount , was at the yards and bold a load of bulls. Cooper & Towksburry , Weening Water , were on the market with 20 lieiul of cnttlo. J , A , Frazler , of the firm of J. A. & W. Frazlcr , Wayne , maikctcd u load of cattle and a load of ho/s. Fisher & Wayncr , York , E. E. Day , South Ueud. nr.d Walker uros. , Waverly , each bad a load of hogs at the yards. "Tell thu country shippers that It Is poor policy to bond wooled sheep to market now. " bald a salesman , "Thn wool Is woith but lit tle , and buyers are willing to pay proportion ately moro for shorn sheen than for those bearing tleeces. " Drovers' Journal. OMAHA WJloLl ALG MARKETS. General Markets. Saturday Evening , May 8. Eoos The iceelpts are large and the mar ket weak with a downward tendency. Stocks are accumulating und dealeis laid It blow sale at 6)40. ) JiUTTKii ( irnss butter Is beginning to come , In and iecclptsarc.inoie liberal. Prices are going domi to their summer bas > lb. Choice table butter , uniform In color nud quality. Is quoted at I4tai0c ; fair to good , 7 < 310e : in ferior , 4f.r > eercnmpr.v. ; VH 'iic. Care should betaken not to mix white and yellow , ns that detracts from the value. It is n very Rood plnu to send nacKnizcs to bo filled at the dairy. Top prices must not bo anticipated for stock that Is not In every respect choice. The city retail trade wjll pay moro for stock that Is In good shape and 'clean than they will for stock that is all mussed up. Citr.tsr. : Fancy full cream Cheddars , Oc tober make , llXc : flats. 13' c ; young America , 14 c ; liist qualllv Swiss cliccsc , 15c ; ' oeond quality , iZ QUc , Lliubtirgcr , llM2c ( ? ; skim Hats , JxftiOe. Poui.TMY Tlio receltits of ll\e chickens nro llbcnil and the prevailing price Is Pii.50. A few choice lm > ebeen sold as high as 58.73. PitKSEitvr.s , JRI.MKS , KTO. I'rewnes , all kinds , 20-lb. palls pcrlb. lOc ; do In pail lots , per Ib. like : assorted Mb. palls per rate , Palls , S3.7..lollies , all kinds , lirst grade , 20-lb. palls , per Ib. fcc ; assorted , lirst glade , Mb , pall' , per crate , 0 palls , S2.rx ) : do Mb. palls , per case , 2 doz. 53.85 : do , tumb lers , per ca c , 2 doz. , 81.40. .le'ly. ' all kinds , second grade. 30-lb. palls , per Ib. 5c. Mlnco meat , best erode } ( bbl. per Ib. 7cilo. ; 5-lb palls , per crate. 0 palls , S2.75 ; do 40-lb palls per Ib , 7) ) c ; do , 5-lb palls , per crate , 0 palls S2.75. Peach , plum and nulnco butter , ab orted , 5lb pails , per crate , 0 palls , S3.75 ; horse ladlsh. nlnt bottles , per doz S1.50. Pins' KKKT. Titin : , KTC l-igs' leet , per J hbl , S4.00 : do , < i bbl. S2.00 ; do. per kit , We. Lambs'tongues , pertf bb ) , 83.25 ; do. per kit , S2.50 ; do , quail Jars per doz , S5.2. > ; do , jilnt law per case , 2 do7. S0.75. ' 1'ilpe , per J j lbl ) , $4.00 ; do , per "ibbl , S1.00 ; do , per kit Hoc. Hoc.COMIJ COMIJ HOVEV California 2 in frame iiO Ibs , Incase pcrlb. , 15c ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska. CiDEH Mlchlvan rcflncd , per bbl. , 30.50 ; do. half bbl. . S4.00 ; .Molts , per bbl. , $7.00 ; di > hall bbl. , S4.W ) . ViNKOAit Whlto wine , lOo ; cider , 12tfc , Oit.VMins The market l b.uu. Several car lots aie belugdelajed owing to U. P. li. It. strike. Lr.Mo.vs Paiirv Messina , per box.S7.00 ; good to eholco Messina , per box. SU.OIXU0.50. Ari'i.tis Stock about cleaned up. Noth ing In the u < ark < t lit to ship. HANAXAS Theiearo very few in the mar ket and pi Ices am correspondingly stronger. Quotations nro S3.MXrt4.00 per bunch. CiiA.\niitiur.s : Themis veiy little demand and there is not uiurh Mock being sold. Dealers.tie clearing up their stocks as best they ran. QuotatlonsnroSr > .50@ii.OO per bbl. Jersey aie sellmir nt S2.00 tier bush box. COCOANUTS Per 100 , S5.CO ; less than 100 , 55.50. NEW Kios , DATIS , ETC. Layer figs , S and 10-11) ) boxes , per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Furd , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , lie ; Peisiau. 50-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc. Pninellcs , 30-lb boxes , pur Ib , 18c. 18c.MAri.r. MAri.r. SimAU Hileks , stilctly mire , 53-lb- boxes , pcrlb , lOc ; penny cukes , 35-1 b eases , 12 ! c. PitovisioNH-llnm. lOc ; breakfast b.i- conb@8Vc { ; clear side bacon , 7@7 > fc ; dry salt shies , OiO c ; shoit lib sides. ( < kc : shoulders , fie : mess poik. 812.50 per bbl ; lined beef , ham pleees. Ute : laid , tleiecs , liji/c / ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ; 70 Ib cans ( Kalibauks ) , 7'J'c ' : 5 Ib eaiis , do , ! > 'HC ' : U Ib cans , do. , 75fc ; boneless ham , 10e. UKANS The maiket is dull and Iliu supply liberal.V iniotc inteilor stock. 75e@Jl.OU ; itood clean countiy , SI.a5@1.50 ; medium hand-picked , 551.50 1.00 ; liar.d-picked uuvy , ns Thcio h no demand and no ntoek Is moving. It requlica thu veiy best a oited jtoeK to bilns ; 35JP40o , and only In a small vtav , u\eu at niire. Uealeis liiiil It a dllllciilt matter to sell their stoek at any pi lee , und a Kood many \\ill have to bo held some time , as the maiket Is glutted. Niw N i : < : cabbazc , PCI Ib , : % : : vaiilillnwer , pel do ? , S'J.riO ; colon on- , per do8I.SO ; aspativ us , jier Ib 1'Jc ; spinach , per bbl , S-.50 ; sreen onions , per do5j : ! ; ladlshpi , per doWlc : lettuce , per do/ , SOc ; pl < * plant , per IbKSJoe ; peas pcr - bnsh bos , S1.'J5 bov S8.00 ; y-f-bush , ; cticuiii- bois , S1.7.r > Wi.OO per do ; lieimuda onions , per box , 53.50 ; Ucrmuda tomatoes , per box , § 2.00. OI.H : Onions , eholco yellow - low , S'J.r < 0 < 7i.00 : ! ; i uUbasas , nurbbl , S1.UOJ5 l.'JS ; c.irtots , Sl.- " > C't.75 per bbl ; hoi so ladihli loots , per bbl , Sd.OO ( < I.i.50 ; do per Ibl@ - > c ; p.itsnips , per bbl , SL > ( fL.'iO ' ; beets per bbl , Sl--iO iHO ; SaltUikopotatoes , "tQi'Ou. ( iiiAix At the mills : Corn , Sic ; oats , 'JS ) < e ; wheat , Mo.- , Mc ) ; rye , -bffl50c. ) 1'i.oun AXI > Mn.i.STurr.s Winter wheat Hour , best quality patent , itf.00@uo $ : ; second quality , & 2..Vt.OO ) : ; best xu.ility spiintr wnent Hour , aatunt. S . 'iOiW.7ri ' ( ; buckwheat Hour , In banels , SV ? . ! ; leady inlicd , U Ib pack" nijos , S4.01) ) : 5 ib packages , S.IK : ! ) ; bran , OOc per cwt ; chopped feed , 7f > c per cwt ; white corn meal , bOc ; yellow corn meal , 70s per cwt ; scieiiniu ! , ' , O'Jc per cwt ; hominy , S1.30 pcrcwt : feboits , COujicr cwt ; giaham , S1.7a ; hay , In bales. S.CO@7.00 ( ! per ton. rims AND SKINS Mink. each. 1040c ; muskrat , winter..r@Uc : ; do. kits , le ; Otter. Sa.rxxan.OO ; skunk , short striped , IKOryio : do. broad striped. 10@15 ; badger , 25@50 : Kao coon. No. 1 largo. 40@dO : do. No. 8. UOffilJO ; do. No. 3 , 10 3.5c ; wolf nralrlorjO(37 ( ! > c ; do. mountain , 5 > 'iOO@3.oo ; wildcat , 15@40 ; bea ver , S1.50@2.50 per Ib : fox. each , 40c@1.75 : deerskin L drv winter , 10idl5c ( per Ib ; do. fall and summer , Koii c : antelope. Wjf 10 ; net Ib lliiKS ) > Uieen buuibers , 0 > o ; preen cured 7' ' to7 cdrv ; Hint , liKiyc : dry salt. OiWlOc : damaced hidetwo-thirds price. Tallow SV/c. Grease , prime white. He ; yellow , 2J c ; brown. 2c. Slieei ) Pelts 2.Vi27ae ! Kr.ATiir.u 1'iliuo slaughter solo leatlicr. 28Jiytc ; inimo oait solo leather. SOWS'Je. bpper leather , per toot , tiOYitt&c : hem. kip , 7.rKffh. ' > c : oak kip , 8.15@l.'ic ) : French kip , . 'i > ; hem. calf , Sl.DOffll.lO ( ; oak calf , ffii ; Fieuchcalf , Sl.'i > l.a > ; .Morocco . . rfvij - 4k.ii viii III > IIAJ > * * * * * - % W-'t " % -aHt * " ' * * * " raucc , 8850 ; che-itntil SS.50 ; Iowa , 83.25 ; Walnut block , S3.Wllllnols ) ; , S5.00 ; Missouri , HKAVV HAIIDWARK Iron , rates , S3c ; ; plow stool , special east , 4c ; crucible steel , 0.3 cast tools do , 12 ® 18c ; wagon spokes , per set , Sl.75ftai.00 : hubs , per set , 81.85 : felloes. sawed dry , 51.40 ; tongues , each , 75o ; axles. each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib. 7@llc ; cell chain , per Ib , 0@12c : malleabK ( i@8c : lion wedges , Oc : crowbars Oc ; harrow teeth , 4ci spring steel , 7@Sc ; Buiden's horseshoes. 81.40 : Burden's mule shoes. 5.40. Barbed Wlie , in car lots , 94.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron Nails , rates , 10 to CO. ? : i,00. Shot 31.50 : buckshot , 81.85 : oriental powder , kegs , 83.50 ( SH.OO ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs , 81.50 ; blasting , kegs , S3.35 ; luso , per 100 feet , 50c. Lead Bar. Sl.iV > . PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha , P. P. , TKc ; white lead , St , Louis , puro. 87.80 : Mnr- bellies green , I to 5 Hi cans , "Oc ; French /Inc. green seal , 12e ; FienchInc. . led seal , lie ; Fiencli zinc. In varnish o.sstOc : French zlnc,75c ; vcrmllllon. American , 18o : Indian red. lOc : losonlnk. 14o : Venetian , led. Cook. 25 0 ; Venetian , ed , Ameilean , 1 red lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow , K. lie" : ochre' , "roeliclld : ie. ; n/'hrp. , Fieneli , ajfo ; oelne , Anierlcali , " 'o ; 12e ; Paris whiting , 2J/o ; whltlnc gilders , IJje ; vtlilting , com'l , fife ; InlHi'S.flvl' ; UCI" ,111:111 : town , 12c ; lamoblack. ordtilnry , to I Piussian blue , 5T c ; iiltramailnup Ibc ; van * dyke , blown. Be : umber , biiint , 4c ; umber , raiv , 4c ; sienna , burnt , -le : hleniia , r.uv4o ; Paris green , genuine. 25c ; Paris gieen , com mon , 20c ; chrome green , N. V.Oc : cliromo green , K , 12e ; voimlllion , Ungllhh , In oil , 70e ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke , blown. I8c ; relinrd lampblack. 12c ; coach biacK and orlvy black , lOo ; diop black , lOc : Prussian blue , 40o ; ultiainarlnu blue , Ibc : chroni. , yellow ochre , Oo ; L. M. it O. U. , 18c ; godes ochre , lOc ; patent dryer , Ho ; graining colors llKht oak , dark oak.alinit , chestini t nd ash. lOc. Ultuns AND CiinMicAi.s-AcId , carbolic , HO ; add , tartarlc , 63c ; balsam copaiba , per , , . , gljccrinc pure , per b. 1805 lead , acetate , per Ib.'JOc oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal , Sl.CO : oil , castor No. 2 , jter cnl. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. 81,40 ; oil. oriirauuin. 50c : opium. 83.15 : qui nine , P. & W. , and Ii. A : S. , per oz , 65c ; po tassium iodide , per Ib , 83.00 ; sallcln. per oz , 40o ; sulphate morphine , per oz , 82.00 ; sul phur , per Ib. 4o : strychnine , per oz , 81.40. VAitNisiiES-Uarrels , per gallon : I'lirnl. ture , extra , 81.10 : furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach , extra , 51.40 ; coacti , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Daman extra. 51.75 ; Japan , 70o ; nsphaltum extra , tscj bhellac , 88.ioj hard oil Jinlsh , &l .jO. briniTS Cologne spirits. 188 proof , 51.12 ; do 101 proof , gi.13 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 51.12 ; do , m pioof , Sl.ll. Alcoi hoi , IbS jnoof , 82.10 i > er wlno gallon , liedls- tilled whiskies , 81.00Q1.50.D ( jn | blended , l.6o@2.00 ; Kentucky Iranibons , 8a.00@0.00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00ol < > .50 ; Oolden Sheaf bouibon aud rye whlbkles , 81.50(33.00. ( Hmnules , Imported , 85.00@a50J domestic. 81.axai.00. Gins , Imported , 84.50 ,00.00 : domestic. 81.25 3.00. Hums , Im- poited. S4..V ( Si.00 ; Ncw'Kngland. S1.75@2.00 ; dotjiebtie , Sl/J. 3.00. Chdiupagnes , liuporU Amcrlcan' rcr Srnur Kit. 70. 3c ? , bbls ; No. 70 , 4-s.illon koesS1.0i : New Orleans * ) @ 4" > c per gallon ; Maple bymp , Ji barrel , strictly pure , 70cper Ration ; l gallon cans , $0.25 per dor. ; } f gallon can * , 85.35 pef doz ; quart cans S3.00. SrAiicii Mirror Kloss , 1 Ib , Gc ; .Minor , 3 Ib We. Mlirnr gloss 0 Ib , oj < c ; Ornvcs' corn , 1 Ib. CJtfc ; K lues ford's corn. 1 Ib 7c { Kinjrsford's clos * . 1 Ib , 7c ; Klmrsfonl's Ios , 0 Ib , 7 > < Tc ; Klucsford's pure , 3 ib , D c ; King * ford' sbulk.-te. . : In bbls ? n.OO ; do In half bbls , S . ' > o : iinnll.Un bbls , S7.00 ; do In half bbK S4.00' elftik jis , in bbls , SS.O 0do. ; In half bbls. S4.w. CANNII ) ( ioons Oysters. standard , per case. 53.ri5 ; strawberries , a Ib. percale , SJ.M : raspberries , .Mb , per ea e , S'iJH ! California pear * , per case , Sft.GO ; apricot" , per case , S4.CO ; peaches , perca'.o , S4.75 ; white cherries per case , $5.00 ; plums per case , S3.K ! ) ; whor tleberries , per case. S140 ; ej'i { nlumc , J-lb percaso. S'iflO ; green gaaesMb. . per case S-.fiO : pineapples , per case , 3AHJ ) < ' > .W. l.imi > FHUITS No. l quarter apples In evnwmited boxcs.SfiU'cjblackbcnlcg boxes.O'.f ( ' ( HHo : peaches eaitein , 4 ( < M < ifc ; peaches cvapoiated , I5' ( ll7c ; Salt LaUc , now , 7' ( H ) 8c : raspberries , new. IW.'Oc ; currants. 78' @ 7 u : prunes , now , -IJffS-JKc. SuoAns Powdered , s'fc : cut 'laf , S'/c ; eranulatcd , 7l ( < J75 c : confectloiieis A , 7Jc ; stanuam extra 0 , OJ @ 7o : extra 0 , medium yellow SoAi" Kirk s aavon Imperial. 82.113 : Kirk's satinet , 53.15' Kirk's slundnul , : ! ; Khk's while Kusslau. S4.JH : Kirk's White Cap , 50.W ) ; Dome , 51.25Vnshboanu ; S3.1. > MAI runs Per caddie , ! Kc : round , per ease.ine ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule square , CoKKr.F.s Ordinary uradei , 0Vo ; fair. 10 ® lojfc ; prime , lUflfoWc ; choice , isjflinwc ; fancy preen and yellow , lH3f@l4.Kc ; old trov- . .IavaMC'iyOc ; inteiior Java. IG'i'dS ' 20c : Moclin. 2 > @Jlc : Aihnckle's roasted , 14c ; MeLauehlirP XXXX1 roa ti-d , 14c ; Ullwoith's , IH'fc ; lied Cross 14c. CAxw.r.s Ho\es , 40 ID. ( is love : 6s , lOKc ; boxes , 401b , 10 oz , G < 5 , 10 > fe ; ha't box. 201b , I'/e CA.\iiv-MI\edlif@l2e ) ; stick , ' . , SM.T-Dray loads , per bbl. S1..V5 ; Ashton , In sicks St.t.i : : ; " sacks , Ashton , S3c ; bbls , dahy , 3J.iOiiJ2.7."i. ( SODA In Ib papers. 53.2.J a cabo ; salsoda , keg , per Ib. 82 > ie. Si'icr.s ( 'round utncc ! neppar , boxes , l @ 2c ; nllspu-e , 12@lOc : cinnamon , lSQ'i" § > c ; cloves , lOQi'jc ; glngT , i5@2. " > c ; lutistaid , 15 < iS ( JiiACKinis ( iinnenu's soda , butter an picnic , 5 > c ; cieams , 8J c ; ginger snap 8 > jojclty ; sodn , 7 jTc. I.TIAS ( iunpowdcr , fair , 20@n c ; good , 4) © STie : cliolt-c , WKiMoc : good Iinueilal , 4'iJ4 ( ) J ; clioiee , ( iojc'o ; Young lly > on , good , : 0.'i6t'c ; ehoire , 50i570c : Ooloiitr. good , : t > c < JIOc ; Oo long , choice.4KttfiOo ( ; rmsli | | bieaktnst , cooil , JWirtiOc : choice , f-offio'ie : Souchong , goodie : © ifiu ; choice , iVKii > 5c ; .lapans , tair , 2.r ! > o ; good. : r > ( ffi4'c ; choice , S.X ' . 'x : ; Tea Dust , 15c ; Tea Siltlius , ISe. KIM : Ct'T Hard to Beat , 70c : Clmrm o. the West , OOc ; Fountain , 70e : OolJcn Tlncad- C7c ; Favoilte. OOc : Huds , 5Uu Itoeky Miiun tain , 50c : Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; Noith Starf Oc : Good l.uek. 55c ; Our liiwt , 02 } c ; Good Nuws , J5c , I-ish. nsn. HT ll'la O r Hbls I'ls Kta 100 w fa 10 12 10 Munn's S'tNo.l L'b fi oo ipfiO 3 20 1 8H 60 61 , r'BO Gib'cU Knncy.5 CO i2d 2 117 1 07 1 40 r'cyJH 6Uij'2.-2 07 1 (17 ( 1 40 MACKI'.HKU DEW Hbll. 1200 \ 10J 00 I 00 40 | St Bloater Mess n5 00 18 09 10 25 9 05 7 30 1 05 Ex. No. ISh'r ,24 , 00 Ui M 11 UO 0 ) 5 10 1 43 No. IShoru 180-1 M. 80)4 ) M)3 ) Wl 10 Med. No. 1 Shore. . . ] J w 7 oo n srs ns.s oil sr 14 " Huv 111 ( VI' 0 00 6 45 3 05 2 CO 75 I-nrifo rmnily J ( K ) < 5 OJ 4 iV. 2 ML' 10 C5 Tat " j 700 4 UO 3 K2 OJ1 70 K H'f Bbls Q'rnbls T'ls Kit DOQ'rnbls 100 DO fiO 40 13 I 1U No. 1 Whltol'lsh Family " 3002 rdi roT co | M No. 1 Trout. . . 4 uoa oo a cuii so 03 No. ll'ickorel. ' col 3 oo a run 8D'i no , jg , bOc ; smoked halibutlOJ c : Yarmouth bloaters , Oos ; now scaled herrings , . JMPOHTED FISH. NSW FISH. HblHliiniblsO'rlltils Pulls or kits 200 100 03CO 40 IS 12 10 Norwegian I KKK Her'lngs 13 030 50 6 CO 3 303 70 11 000 COS 4r > 3 W2 8 0) 4 CO 4 00 3 30 1 OJ CSJ CO Dry Goods. I'niNT.s American , .1) ) ; Arnold's. Co ; Co checo , Oc ; Manchester. Cc ; Lyiuan , flc ; ulou coster , .iKc ; Uunncll Jacquard. Cc : Dunnell 5kc ; Windsor. Oc : P.xciUe. Oc : liaruion 4Kc ; Anclior Shlrtlncs , 4cMeirlinae \ , liirtliiBN 4jfo : Uerwlete. Jc. UiiAru : ! ) COTTONS Farmcis' choice , fi'fcjCabdt. f % c\ \ Hope , 7c ; Hill 4 4 , 7 } c ; Hill , X , o > a'c ; Lonsdnle , 8u ; Fiult , 8c ; Wain' snttn , lOJ/c. Coiisr.T JHA.NS Kcarsartio , 7c ; Armory , 7c ; I'eppuroll , 7J < c ; Indian Orchaid , Os ; Naumkcai ; , 7c. UUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 oz. Macnolla , llOo ; 0 Magnolia , 12c : 8 oz. West Point , 10 c:10 : o/ . Wet Point , 12J c. BIIOW.N COTTON Lawrence LL , So ; Shaw- lucuILL. Sc ; JJeaver Dam LL , 5c ; At untie LL , 5c ; Indian Head , 7e ; Wauclmsmit , < % c ; CiownJ5.XX,6Kc ; Clifton CCC , Oc ; Utica CJ Jf ; Atlantic P.iKc CIIRVIOTH AmobkcaK , checks , OKcj Amos- koatr , stripes , 8' c ; Slater , wtilpes , He ; Edin- burg , OKc ; Whlltcndon , stripes , tc ; ( ! len- rosu , Oc : Otis , checks , 0 > c ; Otis , Mrlpcs , Oc ; Itoyal , C9fc : Amoskuas , napped , 10jc ; Lu- ray , book fold , 12c : Oberon , book fold , Knauianec , book fold. 1-c. Sealed Proposals Will bo received nt tbu nfllta of the chief on- Kliieor , Union I'uclflo Hull way. at Omtilm , until JViilny evening. May Ibtli , for tlio ( riuJltiK , pllo biId 'inj ? and tiuck-fuylntr of about lorty mi'os of I ho Cliojcnno& Norlhorn Jlullnay from Clieirnno nnrtlinniil. I'rotllc'R nuJ snueincntlouscuu bo scon at tlio cbli'f enclnopr H olllco In Ornulm , or on tbo Mork after tbo 10th lust. 8. ItOALIjAWAY , iny.1toml5 Otncrnl Mumper , U , P. Ry. OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The milord , B. Shears , J.E. MarkoljTlioB. Bwobo , Proprietors ( Jmulm , Nebra&Vo. T ll Job Printing , BEES IJHINTINd CO , , Job Printers , fook Binders , And lllnnk Hook Manufucturers. 100-103 South Flour ancl Feed. IL , W.J.WIII HANB&CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of W. J. Wclshans & Co.'s Quick llaUl't" Huc)4 ) hcat Upurand proprietors Omaha City MilTs , tor. btn T.2'1 t'urnuni Streets , Omuha. Leathe'r , nTdes , ttc , EIvOMAN I1HO& , Wbolcealo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Baddlery und Shoo rindlnirB , Hides , Wool , 1'urs , . Pelfs , OrtasoTallow , Etc. , Omulia Nel. Confectionery. F. P. KAV & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 1211 Farnam St , Omaha , Neb. Beer , M. KEATING , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n Special bnmdj Fuust , liudwclser , Kiluuyur _ . - . ' Cor. h nnd Capitol Arc. , Omnlia. _ OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. Book Binding , nr. Printers , Book Binders , And lllnnk llooV Mniuifnctutfro. No < i. 108 and _ 108 South lltli Street. Omalia , Neb. RAYMOND & CAMPHKI.L , Engineers anil Contractors , Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Combination ami Howe Tiu s Itrl.lcc . ? , IMllnir nml Oak Timber. 15th si. , near 1'nrnam , Telephone No 73 . _ _ _ Cigars and Tobacco , MAX MI'.YUH Se CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Ouns nnil Ammunition. SI" to SSlPoutli Hlh 8tuetlEOtollC4 ( rnrmun Street , Omalm , Nub. 1'ACTonv. WEST XriirrSCUIllt. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , Anil Wliole ale Denier * In Leaf Tobacco * . Nos. ; o nml HON. Htb Stiect , Omnlia. Neb. uocKery. " * " " W. L. WlllOHT , Affcnt for the Manufacturers nml Importers , Crockeiy , Glassware , Lamps , Chlmiiujfl , Ktc. Olllt-o , ai7 South Htli Struct * c. s. uoonuicii A co Agents for r. A. Whitney Ciirrlnso Co. s Children's Carriages , And Jewctt's Cclebiatcd HotiiKfriuora. Ben Jor price l ts. Mil rurnsm st , Omiilm. O. S. PETTIS & ( O. , Wholsala & Retail , Fine Cirriages , Phnctonr. llnitclc * mid Itnnl Wncoii * . ft ) per cent lavcil In billing of ii . IIA-IIIO-IIU , Unrd Street , liiiulii : , .Nclinnkil. Brnncli nt Couiicll DIuiTs , lo n. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works. Johnftpenolottl'ioiirlotor. Jliinufarturer of Iron und Coi nlre. iffl DinlRO anil 131 , . . . . . II till lOoNonli utli Sticet , Omnlia , Vi > W. . U & 110LTK , Jtanufacturersof OiiKiiiicntnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals Ulc.,310 8. lath Bt. Workdono li ( any pin tot the conn try. Western Cornice Works , C. SPECHT. Proprietor. Onlvnntzcd Iron Cornices , ntc. PpccnlNtm. pnivcil Patent Motall'aSkyllg'lit. ' TOS nud C10H. lit liSt. . Omnlia. Neb. Doors , Sash. Etc. The Gate City Plcn'ng'ill. Doors , Sash nnd IlllndB. AKo all Itlnas of tin nine. Scroll and Stidroik ol o\cry Uo- ccilptlon. A. Ifnnufncturer and Denier In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stnlr Halls a specialty Telephone No. C2 _ JMlinml MmcvSts. . Omalia , Neb. Eleclrical Supplies. \vTwOLrE & CO. , ElcetrlcianT Electrical Supplies , MasonicHloclcOmalia. Alarms. Hells , 1'iio Alarms , i 'cctriu Malting , tijicaUliii , ' TuboJ , Iron Works. PAXTON A VIEKLIXO JHOX WOIt'CS Y/rought / and Cast Iron Building Work ron Stairs , Kalllmr , Hollod Icnins ! and Ulrdrrj Stcarn Engines. Ilrasa Work , ( Jeiiei a ) rouudry Mncliinennd UlackMiiltb Work. Office nnd Works , U. P. Uy. und S 17th bt. Iron ar d Nails. VMAIA NAIL M/ Cut Hails and Spikes , Fp' jlnltv. Omaha. Neb Safes. Omaha Safe Works , 0. ANDREEN. Manufacturer of Fit o and IlurRlnr Proof Bafei" , Vault DOOIB. Jail Work. Bliuttera mid Wire Work. Cor. 14tb and Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Wagons and Carriages. Established 1853. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , HOOaud UU Doilfo Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission ! Etc , M. I ) ( JUKE i SONS , Live Stock Commission ( Sco. Iluiko. Manager , Union Stock Yards , S. Omali * . Tolo.jhcno 583 W. P. 11I10WN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Offlco Exchange IlulMlnp. Union Stock Vards , Boutli Oniiiuii , Neb. Telephone No. C03. Union Stock Yards Company , OK OMAHA. Limited. John V. lloyd , tiuporlntcndont. SAVAOE & GHICKN , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Shipments of miy anil nil kinds of stock solicit i til. Union bti ek YurdaOmabaKeb. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS IIIIADFOHD. Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Gash , Doors , Ktc. Vnuls Cor. 7lh and Dougl.13 , Cor. Uth und Uout'l.ia. BOHN MANUFACTTOINO COP 1 Manufacturers of Sas ! } , DQOJS , Biinds , MouldlntTS , Btitlr Work and Interior Hani Wood I'inUli. Jiifetopuned. N. K. tor. Eth uud Leaven- wet thSticets , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMUEtl COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , 814 B. Uth Street , Omalm , Nub. F. Colpotzer , C. N. 1)115 PA Lumber , 13th nnd Calirornla Btrect ? , Omaha , Nob. FltED W. OKAY , 1 Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Cth anil Douglas StrocU , Oiunlm , Neb. GKO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nebrubku. " " CHAS. It LEB , Hardwood Lumber , Wnron Block , Fancy Woods , Ilrlclgo Tlmberi i.c. , B. V. Cor. Utb imU Douglas , Umaba , Neb. Q. F. LYHAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Bulldlwr I'upcr , Ktc. South 1 " KtLrafcku. Fish , He , 1 BENSOlTFJSH CO. " Eucceesors to Itien KIcuiCtcn & Co , Wholesale Fish Dealers , - ' Importer * of Forolitn .Fish , Nos. VIl-'Jll Jonei r filrctt mid U. I' . Truck , Uwuho. Neb , , , JQBQERS' mREOTORY Agricultural Implements , * L1N1XGEH JfcMETCALF CO , Wltolrsnlo Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Onico , Comer Cth nn.l Vatlllo Sts , Omaha , Nob. 1'AKLIV , OHKN'DOltrr ft MAItrlN , Wholes .o Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Wagons nml llupjtlep , Omaha Neb. ' ( MlUKCHIIjlj I'AUKICI ! , Wholesale Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Y/agons / , Cair'asei ' and H ( TflIe ; . Jt n"a St.l > ot. Ulh nntl lUth , Omnhn , Nob. Boots and Shoes , " " V. V. MOl'SK ft CO. . Jobbers of BoHs and Shoes , Ull Fnrnam Street. Onmlia , Nob. Manufactory , Minimor Street , llojton. Carpels , _ - - - " * " A > OHCHAIID , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , MMtlngn , Curtain Oooi ! . Kle. . U23 I'arnatu Street , Omaha , Nob. Coal , Lime , Elc. JhFP W. inDK01ll : , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. niEL )4thrt.Onmtm ) , Neb. YnnSs , ° Ul and Diveupott streets. _ " " " COUTAAT * SQUIHKS Deelers In Hard ana Soft Coal. Best vnrlctics. oniro.SIHP. llithst , Txlephono No. lite , Omaha , Js'eb. _ " " " ' KU11ILVSKA rtJEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , S. 13tb SI. , Omaha , Neb. Gno , C.Towi.r , rrcsldont. CJro. PATTFIIPON , Sen. nml Trcna. _ J.H. , r.A. llAi n , 1'ioprietor. Mnnajior. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NKHKASKA. Oince , l78. Wtbfctieet. ToltphonoO. GEO. V. LAiiAcm , I'rcs. C. r. GOODMAN , V. Pica. J.A. Stl.sil.iii.ANl ) > See. mid Tieus. Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of ImrU mid < oft con'.iVJS. ' Uth ht. . Omnhn , Neb _ OMAHA COAL AND PHODUCU CO. Hard and Soft Coal. EJclufivo dealers In Houliler Colorado Coal. 217 t outli lllli btrcet. Coffee and Spices. _ _ fSAI'KS. COLK & MIIKS , r U Horns Coffee and Spice M II s MTg Co. C'olleu ItonMPiH und H | > ko ( lilndrie. nmiiu IllubiK. elu Try ono ut'-eof mu 1-th pnckiiao Homo llli'iul Hoatlcil Colloo. 1UITJ Ilonaid M , Cinalia , Ni'b. brAIIKH JlUOS. kCO Omaha CoITee and Spice Mills. Tea' . Coirces , Spicr > i. IlaKlnir Powder 1'bivorlnB Kill acts , I.niltiitry Illun. lull , otc. 14H-IU H'ir- ' noy Street , Onmlia , Neb Commission Etc. , . " , _ _ HHANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 3121 riirniimPt.Oiiiahti. Apples Our own | .ack- luff Vlatt&Co.B Tl i-r Urmia Ojeleis , llutler , L'glfS , Giunu , roultiy , 1'otatocs. JOHN F. rLACIC , General Commission Merchant , Produce , PiovlslonH , 1'rultP , Flour und Teed , 105 ? . 1 lib St. , Oii.alm , Noli. Coiiblifiimunts bolicitod. Itetutns nmdo uromutLv. it. MCDONALD. COMMISSION MERCHANT. 815 12tb Street , Oinu'ia. Neb. Siieclultloa : Ilut- ler. limits , and ( 'hlckt'us- Wir.DEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. Foultr > , Iluttor , Gaino , rrnlt ? , Ktc. S20S. 14th St. , Oiiuiliu , Nebraska. WKSTKKFIULn General Commission Merchants , K06Dodso Stiect , Omaha , Neb. Consignments Solicited. _ _ W. K. IHDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Si'LCiALTius ClieeM > , Hiitter n 'tfs , Poulliy anil lliiino. lia S. lltli. , Oinaliu , Nub. Tele phone Js'o. auj. Storage and Commission Merchants. I'oie.frn nnd loniotlo ) I'l ultH specialty. Kl- CBunl ftoiu o fntllltlos. Wmrliousu uinl ollleu , 1U Noilli liltb Ft. Tolophonc 77J. _ D. A. HtJIlLEY , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , IVcs'iud ' Pioiliico. A fulllliiuof Btono- nnio. Coiiblfiimtnts bollclteti. HI I Doilvo Su , Oinuliiu E. JIOHONY , General Commission Merchant , Dtlttcr , UITKC , Clituso nml Country Produce gen erally , WJ 8.12tli bt. , Oiniibit , Neb. lICHHANi : Buyers of Butter and Eggs , Rcfrlpcrntor and Packliu ; HoiiKo,14tli & . Ixmvon- worth St. , on U. P. It. li. Track , Onmliu , Neb. Tstabllsiied 167ft HOllEHT PUltVIS , General Commission , 2118. Uth St. , Omaha , Neb. Specialties Iluttor H Poultry und Game. PEYCKB HROS. , Commission Merchants , Frulu , Produeo ana Provisions , Omalm , Neb il A : 'HiU.UA > . In In 'ii'i ( ii III , ill. Commission Merchant , and wholesale dealer In country pioilnro , frnltc , butter , egpfl , etc. Goods on coiiBlK'iumit a spcciftlty. 'JM N. 10th frt. . Omalm. Neb. KlUSUHBUAUN & SONS , ( Successors to A. P. Sclme'c. ' ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. S13 South 1 'Hi Street. Omalia , Neb. Dry Goous , 'j. j" . HIIO\VN" & Co. , " Y/holesale / Dry Goods and Motions , iaa Dou lua Street , Omalm , Nob. L. GIN8HEIIG & CO , WhoJoealo Dealers in Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , I.nctn , Kinbroldory mid Wlilto C'oods. IffiODouiflas btrect , Omuli/i / , Neb. White Lead , CAHTEH WHITE LKAD CO. . Strictly Pare White Lead , 201 li 6t- , and U , P. Ry. Oinalm , * _ _ _ _ _ _ . . v _ Harness , Etc , WKLTY LANDROCK , ManufuctureiB und Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , lllunkctg nml Holies. 1121 Funmto ht runt fliniiliii. Neb. Mattresses , E. M. IIDLSB , Mattress Company , MnnufncturliiK MuItreBsca , Itoldliifr , Feather 1'jllows , Cols , Etc. ITOO und 120B UouKlaD Struct , Omubu , Neb , _ M JJTui'ACTUKINO bo. , Manufacturers of Overalls , J tun's l'autfKlilrt , Kta , . 11CU and I'M DouglU . IJUott , Omulm , Nob. mm JOBBERS 1 OMAHA I , 'Mlini CO , Dealers In All Kinds of Bailding Material at Wiiolesald , Ifth Stiect nntl n on I'nc fl Track. Oinahvi CinitMAX \VYATT > , Yfholesalo Dealer in Lumber , I01h nna lianl Streets , Omaha , NobrruVi. _ > J. A. WAKBKir.Ml , Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , nullclltijf Paper * . Prtsh , loor. , UllmH , Moull liiir" , 1'lcKels , 1'ottfi , Mine , ri tcr , Hnf , IVmenu Nbun nnu Jones Omaha ' Millinery. Importers anil Jobbers oC Millinery and Motions , 1513 nml 1214 Hartley Street , Omalm , Nob. Musical Instruments ! r.UMOMl & EIUCKSON Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Ftelmvuy I'lnuoo , Weber , Detkor. Hntnoi and llrlw I'limoM , PncKanl Organs , Chnso f % 101 imil 10U IMIi strom. Furniture.E C KSS IVEU Fiirnitur , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors o. , 1200.1-18 ami IJtO rninnm Street , i , TKWEY ) A. STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Kin-mini Street , Omalia , Neb. Groceries. AM.UN 11H08. , Wholesale Grocers , 1110 find 1112 Douglas StieetOmaha , NfK _ K. II. CIIAl'MAN V CO. , Wliolesalo Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco und Smokers' Articles , 1S17 Howard St. MEYKH&HAAPKE Wholesale Fancy Grocers'Teas , , Spices , Cigar1 * ntul Tolmeco . 1H7 ; anil 1311) ) Dim/T / his Slrcol , Oinalin , Keb. MtCOUD , HHADY& CO.MI'ANIT , Wholesale Grocers , Corner lOlli anil Furnani Btieots , Omaha , Nclv 1'AXIXJN , aAl.l.AGlIKH At CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 705 , 707 , 71W mill 711 S. lOlli St. , Omiihi ) , Neb. Hardware. " W. J. IIROATCtl , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Eprlnps , ft'njron Stock , Hurdnuoil Lumber , Oto. 12UUamlU'll Hnrncy sticex.Oumlin , Nob. _ EDNHY & GUIltON , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Carriage Wood Flock. Heavy Ihmlwaro , Ulc. 1217and 1210 Lcuvu.'iuoitb Bticet , Omaba , Neb. & TAYLOH , Builders' Hardware , Methnnlcs * Tools and IlulVulo fc'culcs. 1405 Toujr ct , Oiiuilia , Nub. LKC , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and-Nails , Tinware , Bhcot Iron , Elc. Airunts for Mono Scales and Miami 1'owdcrCo. , Oinuliii Neb. MILTON rtOOUItS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Grates , Hi ass Roods , and 1U2J F&r > nam htrect. HECTOn & WILHELMY Coi Wholesale Hardware and Halls , Emerson Btcrl Nails. Cor. 10th and llurnoy Slreola , Omalm , Nub. Harvesters. Wif.'jElSKINO & CO. , Manufacturer of tbo Deerlng Harvester Goods , IIVrltB to Win. M. Lei liner. General Agent , Omaha. Telephone G10. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. I * STltANO COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines , Eteam. Water , Hallway anil Milling Supplies , Et i VMWS unil 1C * Fnrnam St. Oiniiliu , Neb. i " CHUUCIIILIi PDMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Btrmn mill AVutcr Supplies. Henilti.irters | tar Must 1'uobl Co.'u Uoodb. 1111 Kurimm Street , Oiniilin , Neb. j " * Jewelry. _ _ , EDHOMI & UIUCICSON , Wholesale Jewelers , Dnilors In Silver" arc , DlaniomU. Wntcbas Clocks. JewrlerB' Tools and Matoi UH , Etc. , 101 nml 10(1,1Mb ( Hlrcot , Cor. Dcilfu , Uiniilui , Nob. | ' Nolloss Etc. VINYAIID & SCHNKIDER. Jobbers m Notions , Hosiery & Gents'FurnlsWng ' Good 1000 mid JftOti I'm nam St. , Omaba.NcU J. T , Robinson Notion Company , ' } 40U and 405 S. KKb Ht.Oniiilni , Nob. ' Wholesale Duulura In Nollona and Gents' Fun > nlslihijf Goods. Oils , Etc. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINT CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gasoline , Mica Axle Grcu n , Ktn. A. II. Ill-mop , , Onuiliu , Nob. Pork Packing. 'JAMES E. noYoT' Pork Packer and Shipper , Onmlia , Nebraska , IIAItltIS & FIRIIEIt , Packers and Provision Dealers , OIHce , Union Miiilcct. 1517 DoilKC Streol. a house , U , 1 > . It. It. Truck , Oiuuuu , Nob. Telephone - phone No. 157. .Safes and Locks , , , V . . , f . - N s w 1 > . HOVEH & < & . Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' ' ' FlrounanuiKlurl'ioof Safos.TlmoI ekp.Vnult * and Jail work. 1020 Viiriiiini tticuj , Umiilm , Neb Seeds. I _ " ' _ 'j. KVAN8 , Wholesale and Retail Dealer IQ Seeds , Airileuliiirnl , Vcgotntilti , lila Odd I'ollowi * ' Hall , K. W. Cor. lUh mid Dodge Bt . , Oiunhu , Neb. , Drugs , Etc , , 'THE GOODMAN DRUG CO Wholesale Druggist" , And Dealer In I'alntu , Oils and Window Gl&a\ Omalm , Neb. , Wlnei and liquors. ILEH & CO , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Lliiuorti. Bolg inunufneturorH of Kenuodr'l IvubtiiiaiuUltteii 1114 Hurnoy Btieet , Omaha , UEd. w. uuKOAN , Successor to MONAMAIIA & DUNCAN , Importer * and Whole-said Dealer * In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 814 nnq210 S. 14th St. , Onmha , Neb. notions , ttc. J. L. nitANDIES & SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Jrr Goods , Notions , Gents' Kurnlslilni- > U Goods from Now York. Triulo sales daily , 5 * u > d CUB South IJtb St. , Oombu.