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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FRIDAY , MARCH 5 , 1886 H1011KST AND LOWEST. Showing tlio lilglicst and lowest prices paid on this market for hoes durlntr tha past seven tlnys and for the corresponding period last month. January. Kcbrtiarj- . Thursday 83.75 @ 3.85 $3.70 @ ,00 . . . 3.05 Saturday 8.0. ' , @ 3.75 3.75JInrcli February JInrcli Monday . n.rx ) @ 3.60 Tuesday. 8.05 ( ) .00 3.0. ' . @ 3.80 Wednesday 3.W ) fjl.05 S.'fi 3.W ) Thursday . " 8.75(3UG _ ( _ -l salc3"or stockTn tills market arc made iicrcwt , live wclchl unless otliciwlso stated. Dead hoes sell at Ic ixr Hi , for all welglita. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are ilockeu 40 Ibs and stazs 80 Ibs. OMAHA. R MARUGIS. Thursday Evening , March 4. General Markets. Enos The inniket is quiet. sales of round lots being made to the shippers nt lie , n few ttlnKle case lots going nt llji. IniTTKU Choice tixble rolls nro scarce , wlille Inferior grades nro In abundance , nnd will only bring very low prices. Oliolco rolls nro quoted nt 13lGc ; fair to gjod , b@10c : Inferior , 4 < 3 < io ; creamery , ate. CHKKSE The chceso market continues about steady , with little or no changes. Fancy full cream chcddars. October make , ll c : Hats 12 < ai2Kc ; voting Ameilca , l3J < c ; iirstnuallly Swiss cliecse , lOe ; second quality , l.T@14c ; brick chcoso , 10 ; Lluiburncr , u PoUi/rnY Chickens nro bringing 7QOc ; tnrkuyB , K&0ogeese \ \ and ducks , D@10c. GAME There is none coming hi nnd prices remain unchanged. Prairie chick ens , per doz , 83.50 ; quail , per doz. Sl.-'Kir ) l.fiO ; jack rnbClts , per doz , 83.00 ( < ii.50 : : mat- lard ducks , S'J.U.'XRy.W ' ) : teal ducks. $1.25 ® 1.50 ; mixed ducks , 81.2501.50 ; sniiill rab bits..7Sc@31.CO : ceese , S3.00 < ; PKESEIIVKB. JKI.I.IF.S. ETC. Preserves , all kinds. 20-lb. pails per lb. . lOKc ; do lu pail lots , per lb , lOc ; assorted 5-lb. pails per rratc , C palls , S3.76. .li'llle'j , nil kinds , Ilrbt grade , 20-lb. palls , per lb. , 8c ; assorted , grade , 5-lb palls , per orate , n palls. S2.RO ; do , 1-lb palls , per rase , 2 doz , 52.25 ; do , tumb lers , per case. 2 doz. . 31.40. Jelly , nil kinds , second grade , 30-lb. palls , per lb. oc. MIIICO Meat , best grade , X bbl. per lb. , 7c ; do , 18. 38 and GS-lb pails , perUlb. , 7 > < c : tio. 5-lb palls , percrale , 0 palls , E3.75. Apple butter , extra line , X bbl. , per lb. . 7c ; do. 40-lb palls , per lb. , 7 ; do. 5-lb palls , per crate. 0 palls S2.75. I'cacli nnd plum butter , 40-iu palls , per lb. oWc : pencil , plum and rjui'icc ' butter , assorted - sorted , 5-fb. palls , per crate , 0 pails , 83.75 ; catsup per case , 2 doz. Dint bottles. S5.00 ; horse radish , pint bottles , per doz. . Sl/iU. Jt'ios FEET , TKIPK , KTC Pigs' feet per H bbl. , 84.75 : do. fcbbl. . , S2.40 ; do. per kit ; 81,00. Lambs * tonirues , per K 6bl. , 53.50 ; do. per kit , S2.75 ; do. quart lara per doz. , ? u.50 ; do. pint jars per case , 2 doz. . 87.00. Tripe , per } 4 ubl. , 84.50 ; do. per Jlbbl. 82.25 : do. uer kit. IT- . UAUUU KiiAtiT nest quality. 45 K ! bbl , S7.W ) : 80 pal bbl , S0.50 ; 15 cal bbl. 84.00. NUTS Pecans , Inrgopolished , lie ; pecans , medium , Oc ; Kncllsh walnuts , 14p ; nlmonds , Tnn-aBona , 20c ; do , i.anguenoc , I7c ; brazils , I''c , liiberts , l-lc ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy "Virginia. 7c : do roasted 'Jc. COMII Jlo.VKY California 3 loframu 00 Ibs , In case per lb. , 15e ; 10 lb. frames , Nebraska. CIDE'U Michigan refined , per bbl. , 50.50 ; do. half bbl. . 84.00. VINEOAK White wlno , lOc ; cider , 12Xc. CoroANUTS At S4.50isJ.OO. NEW Fins , , UATKS , ETC. Layer figs , 5 and 8-lb s , per lb , lO l'c ; Prunelles. 25-lb r lb ' If-'c Dates , fnney Fnrd , 12-b boxesl jier lb' , 14c ; do , tancy Persian , 50-lb boxes , per lb. lie. IJCMONS l < ancy Messina and Palermo , per box. ? 5.00 : do. choice Mos-ilna and Palermo , per box , $4.53 ; do. per 5 box lot , 84.00. Cali fornia lemons , S3.M ) per box. OnAPES Mnlaca per bbl. 87.00. OitAXfiES Choice Los Anueu-s , per box , 82.75 : do. 5-box lots , per box , 82.00 ; do , 10-box lots , 82.50 ; fancy Riverside , 83.75 ; do , 5-box lots ! 83.W ) : Navels. 84.50. CnANiiEitiiiES Capo Cod cranberries , per bbl , SS.fO : C.ino'od < do , 5-bbI lots , per bbl. S8.00 : Bell and Cherry do , per bbl , 85.75 ; Hell and Cherry tlo , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. S5.50. OysTinis-Pilccs am steady ; New York counts : , 4.V ; ; extra selects , 40o ; selects , 35c ; standards r 0u ; mediums. 2.V. . Arri.r.s Fancy N. Y. Baldwins ami Kreen Ings , { 3.r > orjt2.75 : Jli soiirl Oenltons. per bbl. , 82.40 ; do , 5-bbI lots , 82.25 ; do. 10-lb lots , 82.00 ; Jlisj-otni WillowTwlKS , Hen Davis , etc , 82.75 ; do , 5-bbl lots , 82.50 ; do. 10-bbl lots , 82.40 : fancy Michigan Btoclc. Sl5.00faj5. : ! ! 1'OTATOKS Nonoaro comlnsr , nml prices nrn nominal nt 6500c forclioico stock. ONIONS Ketl We.-tcrlield , $1.00 per bu ; Salt Luke. 2 > fu ncr II ) . VJWTAIIIKS : : California cabbage , c per lb ; California celery , S2.00Q2.50 per doz ; Jersey sweet potatoes , 4o per Ib ; parsnips , 82.00'per liuslii'l ; Michigan rtitnbaga , 82.BC per bbl. ; caullllower , SiOO per doz ; horse radish , 7c per lb. llKANs Hand picked navy. 81.75@2.00 linnd-picktMl medium. Sl.BOftl.75 ( : coed clean countrv. Sl.a'SrtJl.M ) : Inferior. 75c.00. : UitAix Kluvutor prices : Corn , 2'c : oats , 2-lc ; wheat , Oijfc ; lye , < " . : barley , 4 c. i < i.otjt ! and aiiM.8TUi'KB Winter wheat Hour , bt-ht quality patent , Si.OO@3.iO : ; hcconi quality , 82.60@3.00 ; best quality nprliu wheat Hour , patent. S3.50a'i.7.'i ( : huckwheai Hour , In bands , 55.75 ; ready rained iilb pack nBCS. 84.00 ; 0 lb packages , 83.W ) ; bran , 55c per cwt : chopped teed , 70o | .er . cwt ; whlto corn meal. bOu ; yellow corn meiil. 70opcr cwt Ecieeninir , cooper cwt ; hominy , 81.noper cwt shorts , OOe per ewt : graham , 81.75 per cwt linv. In bales. SH.OOTA7.00 per ton. J'KOVISIONS. Hnm. 10@10Kc. breakfast bacon , tsveclear ; side bacon , 7cdry : salte * Bides , Cc : shoulders , sugar cured , 6X0 : mess rk i > er bbl. . 813.00 : lard. 40 lb. cans , porlb 10. 5 aud 3 Ib 7JiP33c ; diled bee hnms. 12c IliDi'.s Gioen IwtHiers , m''YX * gree cured. f-KiJ"c ( : dry Hint , lldjlile ; dry milt. tXiijOc ; damageil lildos two-tliluls price. Tallow : ; , 'jc. ( iieaso , ijiiino white. hj/i : \ol low. : ; brown. 2tfi ! . Sheep Pelts-25 $75c. I-'UIIH AND SKINS 1'uees on furs ant Fkins are i-ti'iuly. Mink , each , lOQiyiOo nniRknit , winter. 2ff5c ( ; do. kits , Ic ; Otter ( HI. t' * ' * vv * * 'u. _ ttiiit | I'ltiuiu tvtiviu do. mountain , S'-.oOGp.oo ; wildcat , 15 ( < ? 40bea ; vi-r , 81.wiCLW.WJ per lb : fox. each , .0 @i.7S dr 'J > kin : . drv winter , 1518o per Ib ; do. fal ami t-uitniH-r MBAVY ilAiinvfAHii Iron , rates. 52/8 plow steel , special cabt,4o ; crucible steel , Oc , cast tools do. 12@18o ; wasion spokes , per set , Jf 1.7.W3.00 ; hubs , per set. 81.25 , felloes , sawed dry , Sl.40 , tongues , each , 75e , axles , each , 75o ; Mutniunuls. jter U > . , 7llo ; collclmln per lb ( XiiUUc ; nmleabIe.Vi(8c ( : Iron weiitfos.uo : rrow bars. 0 ; harrow froth , 4c : spring 8teol , 7 ® ' . Vuidpn's hon-n - hlioi's 8J.S. ' > ; liuulcn's mule shoe * , 8.V25 , Uiulied Wire 'n car lots , 84.00 per 100 Mis. Iron Nulls-Kates , 10 to CO. 83.00. Shot 51.50 ; buckshot. Sl.bS ; Oiiontal pow- ler , Ui-gs S3.5X'i4.oo ( : do , half kegs. 8'J.OO ; do , quarter knit ) . 81.50 ; blasting , kegs , u.35 ; tube. iSorloofi-utSO& Lead ar.S1.0\ hEATjiKit Mo. 1 rittshurg liariu-ss J. 0. K ASons , ic ; No. 1 Pltlsburg , K. t\e \ ti. Me ; No. 1 laeo leather , Mo ; prime flautliter Bolo lonthcr , tiSc : nrlmu oak sole leather. : av < 83Uc. Upper lonther , per foot , S02 c ; Hem . . kip. . . . TiXS-Jte ; . . oak . . . . kip , 8.VftV ! ; French oak ilo- pertior. COAL Anthracite gmte. 88.6 : egg , SS. 5 ; mnci' , 5S.W ; chestnut. SS.5) ; Iowa. W.1) ) ; Wnluut bloi-k. S3.75 : Illinois , 85.00 ; Ml - | r suuil jlnv PAINTS White lend. Be ; Krenim zinc , r 3VcParlswhitlncUKo : : whitinggilders.lJic ; v.''l. melampblack.Uermnntown. : 12e ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , NX ; . . utramaiUio iso : Vandyke , brown , bo umlicr , burnt. 4o ; umber , raw , < c ; sienna , burnt. 4c : sienr.a raw , 4o : Paris mrcen. jenu- Ine , V'-'HS : I'ann Kreen , common , ate : ciirome crrcn , N. Y.'JOc ; chr mo green , K , 12o ; ver- mlllion , EiiKllsh. In oil a t lac ; raw and burnt ninb r I lb cans. lOc : raw nnd Durnt nlpiuta , 10o : Vandyke UroWn. l c : reUn-it lampblack. IV'o ; coacJi blank ami ivory blu ! JPo : djop black. 16o ; i'nissiuu blue. 40c : ul- traiuarliio blun. IN1. ; chrome irn-on , L. , M & Ma-.tK-r titocn , U , M. Oc L > . JCo ; Pans green , * bc ; Indian red , 15c ; Vene tian red. So : Tuscan red , 2 % ; American vermillion - million , 1 > . & U. , 20c ; yellow ocnre , Voi lb M A O. D. , 18c ; coldeu ochre , iCc : patent dryer 8c : pralnine rolor * , llcht oak , dark oak , wal nut chestnut and Mil lac. . _ J'AINTS J.v On/-White lead , Omahn , P. P ' ! < c ; whlto lend , St. LoulP , pure 37.-o ; Mnr- so llesKTccn , 1 to 5 ft cans. 2Cc ; Frcnclj zlno , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zlnc.ln varnish asst , 200 ; French zmo 75c : vcnnllllon. American. 18c ; Indian , rod 10crose : pink , I4c : Venetian , red. Cookson's Sffc ; Venetian red , American , Ij/c : red lead 7j < c ; chrome yellow genuine , we ; chromo yellow , K. 12c : ocnro rochelle ? c : ochrn , French , 25fc ; oclwe , American. 2c ; \ \ Inter's mineral , 2&c : Lclilvh brown. J c ; Spanlsn ' \ AiiNtsuns uarrcls , per callons Furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81.00 ; coacn , cxtrn S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Daraar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan. "Oc ; aspnnllura , xtra , 85o ; shellac 83.50 ; hara oil nnlsn , ' OILS liucarbon , penjailon. I0cl50s nead Ight per gallon , lie : 17oo headlight , per gal- on. l c : 1500 water white , I4o : linseed hard per Ballon , 4ie ; linseed , boiled , per gnllo.n , 7c : lard , winter str'd , per callon. 6c ; JXo. , 4Uc ; Mo. a , 4''c ; castor XXX , per gallon , f 1.55 : No. 3 , 81.44 : sweet , per canon , SUW ; pcrinV. . u. , per'oti. ' Sl.oo : fish \v. H. ter ( rnlloni5G ( ; nentsfoot extra , per gallon , Oc.No. l.C8c : lubrlcatlne. zero. perEallon , No. summer. Iftc ; golden machine. No. l , per ; allon,80c : Mo. 2.25c ; sperm , signal , per gal- on.75cturientlneper : gallon , 5 e ; gahoieno per callou. We. KUDOS ANII CllKMIfAI.9 Acid , C.tlboliC , c : aclil , tartarlc , Me ; balsam copaiba , per b. , noc , bark , sassafras , per Ib. , 12c : calomel- Tcrlb. , TVc : clnchonidtn , per oz. , 40c ; cliloto , frfi > i , per lb. , GOo : Dovers powders , per lb. , 31.25 ; epsom salts , ncrlb. , .1) c ; glycerine , Hire , per lb. , 20c ; lead acetate , per lb. , 20c ; > ll , castor , No. 1 per gal. , Sl.iiO ; oil , castor , No.2pcrgal. , 81.43 ; oil.olivepergnl. , 81.40 ; oil. orlqa'iimit , 50c ; opium 83.7" > ; quinine , P. & W. , nnd It. & S. . per oz. . 85c ; potassium , Iodide , per lb. , 83.00 ; snllcln. prroz. , 40n ; sulphate morphine , per oz. , 83.00 ; sulphur wr lb.,24c ; stivclinlnc. peroz. . 81.45. Sri HITS Cologne spirits , 183 proof , 81.12 ; lo 101 proof 31.13 ; spirits , second Quality 101 proof. Sl.ia ; do. 183 proof , 81.11. Alco- lol , 188 proof. S2.10 per wlno gallon. Hedls- lillcd whiskies , 81.oo < c1.50. Oln blended , 1.50(32.00 ( ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00rt.oo ( ; Centuc.kv nnd Pennsylvania ryes. 82.00 ( < G.50 ; Golden Sheaf boiuboti aud wo wnisities , Sl.50rtiH.00. Urniidlcs Imported , S5.00@8.M : lomcstlc. S1.30C' i.OO. (51ns Imported , S4.50 ( § 0.00 ; domestin , 81.2. ' > f4'J-00. Kuins 1m wrted , S4.50il8.)0 ( ( ) : New Eimlaml , 31.75 .00 ; lomestlc , 81.2.VS3.00. Champagnes Im- wrted. per case. S23.03$31.00 ( ; Amurican , per case , 810.00 10.00 Fish. SUNPUIES Domestlo Holland herrings , jegs , 50c ; Hiisslan sardines , 45c ; Ancho vies In class. Oio Hull brana. per an/ . . 5'.00 ; spiced Hamburg hcrrinss , skins and icads elf , per pall , 81.00. v nKUIUNUS. Ill's H'f'H'ls O'r Ilbls.l'ls Kts . HIW nsrt. SOO 100 00 i 60 40 IS 10 Munn's S'tNo.l L'b fl CO it 75,3 , 4J 1 12 ; ! fid aib'cd Funo.n 003 603 Oil Ml 60 53 l.'KO KM Sll'10 F'cyjS 5UJ3 ! J5ii | H7 1 Cl | 4fl | SI LAKE V1RII. Iff Ilbls Q'rnblsjP'Is'Ktl ' . nsn. NBW 100 BO DO 10 12 10 No. l Wblto Fish BOH iui , 04 w Family " 8 508 152 ! 05 1 No. 1 Trout 4 60 4 00,2 , KtS 10 No.H'lckorcl 4 00 3 CO 3 30J1 UJ MACKF.nEL. Ubls. NEW FISH. 00 100 00 60 (0 | St DloMorMcES . 35 00 18 00,10 , 2o 9 03 7 30 1 05 Kx. No. ISh'r . 24 00 12 50 11 30 C 30,5 10,1 , 40 No. 1 shore . 18 001 U ru OJ'4 * K > ! l D0l , 10 Med. No. 1 Shore. . . 13 00 7 00 0 85J3 rv'3 ' 93 | Ki " Uiiy . 11 00 0 00 6 45 3 05 2 60 75 F mily . U 00 600 4 NS 2 Ui2 | 10 ( ITi Fat TOO ! 4 00 3 CJ a 05 1 70 55 PICKLED SALMON. Itbls Q'rDbls I'ullsor kits HEW ft FAT llblsilllf 200 100 90 CO 40 K 13 10 Illood Hod AlUHKU . . . 13 00 7 00,0 35 8 65 S M OS Blood Hod Cat 13 00 7 00 < b : 3 65 2 00 Tonijuofl & Sounds 15 00 8 Oo7 ! g. ' 4 03.3 30 1 10 IMI'OUTED FIBII. llbla Hlf Ilbls O'r ' kits HEW FISH. Uhls.l'nlls or KW 100 90 60 W | 15 12 10 NorwoKlnn T unit llcr'iiigs 12 036 505 903 303 70 Norwegian KK Herrings. 11 300 00 Ti 453 OT 2 50 8 00 4 60 4 00a | 30,1 OJ Oi CO SMOKED FISH Halibut , lOc ; scaled herr ings , 2.c ; salmon , He : b molted sturgeon. 17c. 17c.CODFISH CODFISH l.areo ( f. B. whole cod , 4o ; C. tteT , Georges chunks , 7c ; clover leaf , CJeorgcs snips. C c ; 1 lb rolls,5 Ib boxes , CJ c : prnlrlo ilower , 21b brlck,0 > c ; wild rose , 3 lb brick. 5o. Grocers' Lilst. Ocpcr gallon ; 1 pxllon cans , S9.25per d % Kallon cans , SS.vUpcrdoz ; aimrtciins S" .00. STAHCH > iasrnra gloss , l lb , Ojfc ; Niagara gloss , : i lb , Co ; Niagara ploss , Gib , To ; Niagara corn , 1 lb , ty c ; Kinirsford's corn , 1 lb , c ; Kingst'ord'B ploss , 1 lb , 7c ; Kincrsford's Klos-3 Olb. iMc : Klngslord's pure , 31b5c ; ford's bulk -to. 1'i.uo Tonxcco Climax , 42cper lb ; llorse- fihoe , M > c ; Stur , i o : Spearhead.Me ; Hold Uoll , 4'c : 1'ipcr Ileldbick. OOc : Punch. 3-ic ; \ouiiKKrltz. litfc : JTJ. : BC. OANDT Mixed , OK@ISO : elicit , oj j iic SODA In lb papers , S3/.U a case ; salsoda keg per lb. 2 c. I'IOKLES Medium In barrels. 8VO ; do In half barrels. 5J.7. ; small in barrels , 7. 0 : do in half barrels , 84. 5 ; gherkins in barrels , . do In half barrels , $4.75. Dmx.n Knurrs Mo. 1 Quarter apples , 4'c ; evaporated , boxes , 8'c ; blackberries , boxes. 9& ( < § 10c : peaches : Kastern. 4 > ( < ft > fc : pcaclies , evuporatod. 15 > @l7c ; Salt Lake , now , iji'c : raspberries , now. S34o ! : cur rants. nuw.TJi'C c ; prunes , naw CANNED UOODS Oysters , Standard per case. SS. ' : strawberries , 8-lb. , per case. 33. .75 ; raspberries , 2-n > . , per case , 82.3 ; California pears , per case , 85.CO ; apricots , per case , $4.00 ; peaches , per case , 84.75 ; whlto cher ries , per case , 80.00 ; plums , per case , 84.00 ; whortleberries , per case. 83.40 ; eg plums. 2-a > . . per case , Si'O ; green cnse , 82V ) ; plno apples , 2-lb. , per case , MATCHES Per caddlo , S5c ; round , per case 45c : square cases , 31.70 : Oslitosh , S1.20 : miilfl .sQuaro , SI.-1- . BAI.T Dray loads , per bbl , 81.55 ; Ashton. In sacks. S3.i5 ! ; X sacks , Aahtou , tttobbls dalrv. S3.ava > 2.7n SOAPS Kirk's cJavon imperial. 52.P3 ; Kirk's satinet , 83.15 ; Kirk's standard. 83 SO ; Kirk's White Russian , 84. : ; Kirk's Whlto S4.Vaslitioaril \ uutr Cap. 80.50 ; Dome. nhited. 0 c : conloetioneis' A. t w : Stan dard extnx C , 0 } < c : extia C. ( l&'c ; mediiin : yellow.B'/c ' : New Oileans.o 9/rdR'ie. is ( Iround lllack i > eppcr , boxes , W ( S'-Wc ; allspice , 12@ir c : cinnamon ItX iSc : cloves , I50j25o ; ginger , l5J25o ( ; mustard , 15 < s TEAS ( Umpowder , fair , 30@"i7 ; good , 45 ® 6Sc ; choice , fx ) 7. > o ; gooil Imperial , 40 ( < .v-13c choice , OOJiTOo ; ; Young Hyson , good , SO IIc cliolco. 50@70a : Ooloiu ? , good , 35C tOc ; Oo long , choice , 4KU ( < > OoKiit'llsh Hreakfast.gooil uxji Oc ; choice. 50 < 4l15c : Houchong , good , M'i 85o ; choice , S5 < i5c ; Japans , fair. 2. r < * ; rio ; good , 35@15o ; dmico. 550 75o ; Tea Uust. Vto ; Tea Slttln.R. ! ibo VINEOAK CIDER ISQISo ; white wlno , 13 CitACKEns linrnmu's soda , butter and Elcnlc , SKc : crojim , b ; o ; Binder snaps , 8 } o ; Itv boihi , 7Xc. COKFEES Ordinary grades , 0'4'c ' : talr , lO ® 10'ic ; prime , llKMUJo ; choice , li ! @ 13 > c ; lant-y gii'im nnd yellow. ll's14.l : ' ( ( < o ; out gov einment Java , SOii'Ma ; interior Java , 10) ) aoo ; Merlin , -X Mc : Arbucklo's roasted , Vi' i : ; .Mel.aushlln'a XXXX joasted , IS.ifo ; Piiworth's lac : Hed Cioss. 18j/c. CANDI.KS lioxea , < olb. 03 lUac ; 8s , llU'c ; boxes , 40H ) , 10 oz , C.i , ll'ic ; halt box , 'JODi , itoi'B Sisal. Jtf inch and larjor , 8 c ; ? tf Inch , Uo : S Inch , 0 o. FINIS ( HiT Hard to lleat , 70o ; Charm of the \S'est , fiOo ; Fountain , 70c ; ( Jolden Thread , 67c ; Vavorltu , COc ; Huds , 50c ; Hocky Moun tain , .Vta ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40a ; North Star. 70c : Clood hucl : . 55c ; Our Ilest , & ! yioOood \ News. Vc. Ury ooa * . FIIINTS Aineiirnn , &X ! Arnold's , Cc ; Cocheco , Oo ; Manchester , Oo ; Lynan , 6e ; Gloucester , 6J c : Dunnell Jacnimnl , 6c ; Dunnrll , 5c ; Windsor. Oc ; Pacllie , Cc ; Harmony , 45c ; Anchor Shirtings , 4Uc ; Merrimack Shirtings. 4Kc ; Hcrwlck. 4c. Hi.KAf.'iiKD toi iox . Fanners' choice , < H/cC ; bnt. fi c ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-4. " ' Hill .6 0 ; tKnsdale , 8 ; ; Fruit , 8c ; suttn , 10 c. c.JKAN8 Kcarjarge , 7c ; Armory , 1fIVnpurt'ii \ , 7 > c ; Indian Orchard , 6Jio ; Maumia-ajf. 7i Bnowir COTTON Lnwrenco Lli , 6c ; Shaw- mut JiL. 6c : IJoaver Dam M > 6c ; Atlantlo MA,6cIndlanIlead. ; 7c : Wnuchtissct CJfc ; Crown XXX ( > < c : Clifton CCO , O c ; Utica C , 4Ko ; Atlantic 1 > , Sl < c. TICKINGS Anioskeae ACA UKct Thorn- dUeOOi ) , 75fo ; Thorndlke fancy. &Xo ; iork lOJ c ; xork fancy , I2i < c : Jlllibury , 18) ) < c : Pearl Klvor , . Il } < c ; Hamilton. 12c : Swifi Itivcr , C5io ; Slictucket a , BUc ; Shetupkot S3 9 > < c : Monta JLA.A , I2c ; Montauk 1JU , Ho ; Ome ftAOA.TSi Creek AA. lie ; Heaver r Ko ; uoiumuinn , i3 > tc ; IIIFK , ; iorK , nn cv. l3Kc : Kvcrctt , 13c ; Haymaker's blue nnd brown. 7Uc. IucK-Unblcxched ( ! ) 5oz. Magnolia , 10 ! < e ; 10 oz. Magnolia , He ; a oz. West Point , ! 0 > Jo5 10 oz. West Point litWe. DUCK ( colored ) Uoston 0 oz. brown and drab , 13Uc : IJoston 011 brown nnd drab , PC ; Uosto XX brown and drab lee : Hoston CXX brown anil drnb.llKcs UostonCH'bluo , IKcs WnirenTilcot l&e. uiNotiAMS Itcntrow iK3io > $ c ; Amoskoa ress. no : Amoskeaz , staple , 7'jo ; Ivniiho Kc ; Wnmsutta. ) < c ; Nubian. bKc ; War nek. 8 > < c : Whlttendon. Oc : Hates , dress 8c : hates , staple , b c ; UandoloU staple , " " . .ansdownc. 7c : ( Houccster , 7 > < c. CllKVlOl'S- Amoskoa ? , ciiecKs.OKc : Amos ; aj ? , strliKj. * , 8Kc ; Slater , stripes , bo : hdln- : Whlttendon , stripes. 8c : Glen- - oscfyc ; Otis , 'ciiecksr ° Kc ! Otis , stripes. 9c , Hovftl C'fo ; Amoskcair , napped , lo ; < c : L.U- rny , book fold , lie ; Oberon , book told , llj { < j ; Knduraucu. book fold 12o. Dry IjUiuucr. niMiNsioNH 12 f tll | f tlOn'l8 | ' tJ20 ft Si ft 21 ft til 15.50 n.W'lS.50 ) lfl.50 17.80 13.50 19.CO xR 15.00 15.0J.15.00 . 1P..OO 17.O ) aO.M ( 21.09 : x8 15.W 15.60 15.W 10.50 17.50 1 JO 20,60 ; x\o \ 15..V ) 15.50 15.50 10.M ) 17.60 S0.6U,2l.fiO , .X12. ' . . . " . . . . . . 1R.50.15.M ) 15.50 1B.EO IT.fO 20.H ) 21.60 X4-8X8" . . . . . 15.50 ! 15.50' 18.50 10.50 17.601 ! S.riO9.60 | ItOAUUS. j. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12,11 nml 10 ft 817.00 Vo. 2 " " 12,14 and Ifi ft 15.00 > fo. 3 " 12 , 14 and 10 ft 13.00 No. 4 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 11.00 KINCINO. : * ? o. 1 , 4 A0 Inch , 12and 14feet , rough..810.50 So. 1 , 4 AC Inch , 10 feet , roush 17.0J Mo. 2 , 4& lnch , 13nml iiti > i < tiouih. . 14.00 No.2 , 4 & 0 inch. 10 feot.rough 15.00 SIIM.NO. 1st Com. , 12 , 14 and 10 feet S2-2.50 3d " " " " 20.00 Id " ' " " 15.03 Fence , " " " 11.00 Cnit.JNO AN ! ) PAIITIT10N' . 1st Com. , X in. White Pine Partition..83t.OO Jnd Com. , ii In. " * " . . 27.03 Clear. g In. Norway " " 14.50 JiutCom. ? in. " " 130 FI.OOIUNI. A flinch , white pine HOtnch " " "UK ) C 0 inch , " " 9.M > 1)0 Inch , " " 20.50 li Oinch , " " 17.50 STOCK llOAl)1 : ! . A12inch , slsl2 , 14 nnd 10 feel : .S4GOO | J " " " 42 00 " " H u ii ' ' ' . . 30 00 . . " " " " " " . . . 2300 No. 1 Com. 12In. s. l s. 12,14 and 10 ft. . IS 00 S'o. I " " " 10 , 18and 20 ft . 1800 No. 3 " " " 12,14 ami 10 ft. . 1000 FINISHING. 1st and 2d Clear , V { incli.s. 2s § 5100 1st and 2d Clear , l ) < f and 3 inch , s2s. . . . 5100 , ! d Clear , ! } < inch , s2s 4'JOO ! d Clear , Vi and a incli.s 2s 4UOO A Select , Itf , l if amlSlneh , s3s 4300 [ J Select , ! , " { . \yt and 2 inch. s. 2s 30 00 1st and -'d ' Clear , l men , s.s 51 00 idclear , 1 inch , s2s 4500 A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000 13 Select linch. s. 2s 10 00 SHIP LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 nnd 10 Inch $17.50 No. U , Plain , 8 nnd 10 inch 15.50 No. lO. O v.oo I'OI'I.AU I.U.MIICIC. Clear Poplar box bds , H Ins , 2s.$30.03 " ( l Kin , panel stk wide , s2s. 2S.IO ' " CoiTimatcd Cellinit " , . . . 20.00 SHINGLES , LATH. A Standard 82.05 rinch , clear , S1.55 ; Oiuch , clear l.Ki No. l. . 1.3" . Lath 2.25 LIME , ETC. Qulncy white limo ( best ) , S5c ; cement. Akron , 81.76 ; plaster , SS.bO ; hair , per bushel SOi , ; bash , 60 per cent oil list ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 pur cent oil list : tarred felt , per cwt. . 31.W : straw board. 81.03. Oiaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago The only road to tnXo for DCS Mnlncs , Mnr- halltownCodnrltaplls , Clinton. Dixie. Clilcngo. Mllwiiulioa nnd all points oust. To the people of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho Novada.Oremin , Washlnston and California It otrers superior iiaviuuntf03 npt possible by any other line Among- row of tbo numerous points ot supe riority enjoyed by the patrons of this roua be- twcon Omaha and CblcaR-o , uru its two trains n day of DAV COACHES which ere the flnost that human art and Ingenuity can create. Itsl > AI < - ACE BLBKI'INQ CA113 , wlilcn are models of comfort nnd clotfnnco. Its 1 > AHIXK DHAWING ItOOM CAHS , unsuroaxeod by any. and Its wltlo- ly celebrated PALATIAL DININO CAHS , tno equal of which cannot bo found olsowhoro. AtCounoll UluUs the tmlnsoftho Union Paci- flo Ity. connect In Union Depot with these of the ChlcuKO& Northwustorn Ry. In Chicago the trains of this line nmkocloso connection with those of all eastern lines. For DetroitColumbus. Indianapolis. Cmoln notl , Niagara Falls , IlulTalo , I'Htsburir. Toronto Montreal. Boston , Now York. Philadelphia , Ilil- tJmorc.WuBhlnuton and all points In the east , aslc tho'tlcket agent for tickets via the "NOUTH-WKSTEItN. " . , If you wish the beet accommodations. All ticket ' Vla tb'8"n ° - rHUOH'iTT1:618 : B. 8. HAIll. Qenorul Jlunairer. Oen. 1'ass. AgouU GlilCAuU. WHO II UNACOM1NTJO WITH THE OCOORAPHr OF TKII cauNTnr will > ce Dr CXAMININQ THIS HAP THAT THE GlilGAGO.ROCK ISLAND a PACIFIC RAELWAV Pr renBO'i of IU central petition unt ] cloiA rc'Iitloa to all principal linn Hut nml Went. t Inllltl And Iri- puInlH , colutltule * Iho moit lni | > oltan ( lnlT- eoiitlncntal lluWlii that evttvnt u ( tliruuifh tianriKtrv litiou whlcli Invltvt mid fHcllltalti trmrcl and Iraltla tmtwcen clllrl of the Mluntlc anil foclllc CoiiK It It alia the favorite and liont i onto to and from iolnU Kast. NortlC.i ) t mid boutlicaFt , and oorrefpoadlAii | iulnu Woit , Noiluvrcit and Boulliwt.t. The Great Rook Island Route Ouirantoci IU patroni that eneo of partonal tera. rltv atlunlpd by & polltl , thitroufflilr bullaBtoil road * W , ] Hinuoili triicka uf onnilnuoti * afecl rail , tubftan * tltlly built culverts olid brldgca , i oiling tock as nvar p < trrpotluu u human rktll ( an make It. tlitt safety appliance * of lutent bnlfrra.plnirormiand air bmkri. f.nd that eiavllntf dlarlpllne whlrli govern * tlie Lrao- tloal operation of all lu tiulni Oilier tpccUHIti or hlii rout * Alt Tiauirer * at all connecting polnli In Union Driiptn. and tun immirpixmid cviulaili anil luxurUi of It * ruasengqr Kqulprar'it. Tli fa t VinrfM Tralui brlwren Chlrmo and TeorU , Council mufff , City , Uaven net th ni.d AtcliUon are comitoked of we-ll ventilatrd , tln lv ui > tu'Ulerod D r CoxcliM. llairnlflcent rulluian I'.liro CI0 p raof the latatt deil u. and fumrttuoiu Ulnlnir Cm. la which elaborately reeked meala alnleUnrilr eaten. HetweeiiCulcaco and KanrasCltr andAtcliltoa are alto run tlie CeltUraUit Kecllolorfualr Can. The Famous Albert Lee Route ! tbe direct And favorite line between Chicago and Itmneapolli andHt. I aul. vlieio connections are inado In Union Depot * fur all pulnte in the Territories and Iirltliu l'ru < luces. Otcr tliU rt > ute Fast Eipresa 1 rains are run tu thi > uaterlnif places , summer re- sorts. plcture tue locHlltleft. ana uuntlofr and flthloir If round t of Iowa and Vllimbivta. It I" also the most ncvlratilo route to Iho rUU wL.'at Heidi oud pastoral Ian Is nt Interior Dakoli . Bllll another DIKCirr LINK , via Rf nica Mid Ksn- kaki'v , has been opened botwrtiii t'loclnitl. Inillan * anolls and Lafavi tie. and I'uuncll lUurTr , Kun akCUr. lainneapolls and bt. I'aul and InlermedU : * iwlnts. For detailed Information M * llapa and r older * , obtainable , as well a tkkrts , at all principal Ticket fAltlces la tlie Uulteii Btiles and Canada ) gr t > y ftil- drc.ilnf R. R. CADLtT , e. ST. JOHN. I'r.i't&Utu'lWV'r , ' OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , iBIfiard Tables. . Mannfactnrers of Billiard & Pool Tables , Ami Snloon , OfH " > nd Hunk Fixtures. Market nnrt Huron Sis. , Chicago , 111. Omaha office , 593 - - - , - - - - r-f T Book Binding , Etc , * jrj3j , inrm-ri a co , Printers , Book Binders , And Illnnk Dook Manufacturer * . . Nog. 106 nnd _ 103 South Hth Street. Omaha.Ncb. _ _ Bridges Sloam Pile Driving. _ IlAYMO.Vn & CAMWKM , , Engineers nnd Contractors. Bridges , Roof Trnsses , Steam Pile Drlrla * Iron Combination nnd Howe Trim flrldiroi , I'lllnp : ami Oak Timber. 13th St. , noiir Fnrnsm. Telephone No. TM Cigars and Tobacco. "MAX MEYKIlfc 00 , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Ouns nnd Ammunition. 215 to 223 South llth Btrcct , UCO to 1024 1'nrnum Street , Umnhn , Nob. l.MBii-OcEAN CIOAII F.icronr. WEST It FlllTSCHKIl , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealers In Loaf Tobnccos. Nos. 108 nnd 110 N. 14th Street , Omiilm , Neb. Cornices , Eagle Cornice'works. John Eponotcr , Proprietor. Mnnufnr.turor of Onlviiul/iMl Iron and Cornico. ttU Doilrjo nnd 101 nml 105 North 10th Utrcot , Umitlm , Neb. & noi/nt , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Flnnls , Ktc. , 310 S. 12lh St. Work done In any prut of the country. Western Cornice Works , C. BI'ECUT. 1'roprlotor. Onlvnnl/cd Iron Cornlco" , Etc Ppcchl'slm- fro\cU 1'ntont Metallic Ekyllffbt. 6U3 anU 610 a. litU St. , Umnbu , Nob. Doors , Sash. Etc. Doorn , Bnsli nnd Illlnds. Also all Itliuls of turning. Scroll nnd Stair work of every tlo- Ecrlption. A. llOSENIiEUY , Manuf ncturcr nml Dealer In Doors Sasb Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Etolr Knlls n specialty. Telephone No. 02 loth and Murcy Stl.Oimum , Neb. Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOLFE l-'co. , Electricians , Electrical Supplies , Masonic Block , Oinnha. Dur lar Alarms , Bolls , Fire Alarms , Klcctrlu Mnttlnt , Spoatclnff Tuboi , Gold , Silver und Nickel I'latlng , Kto. Iron ai d Nails. ' " OMAHA NArLJW N'UFA'crUlUNO CO , Cut Kails and Spikes , Flro Nails Spc , ; lnlty. Oinnlm , Nob. Omaha Iron Works Company , Machinery , Casting Stemn EnRlncs , Uollcrs Avcliltccturul Iron Work , Iron UrldRcs , Mlnlnir nnd Mill Mncliln6ry. 'Olllco nnd works , Union ruciuo 11. It. 17t\rmui8th ! Streets. WEAIINE & DUO. , Foundry Works. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson' , Sts. , prepared to do nil kinds of Iron und Ilrnes Ciistmtw ulso.O. O. Uiinnistcr's Hockini Uruto liars nuinufi > .cturod Mattresses. 'Safes. Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDHEEN. Manufacturer of Hro nnd llurglnr Proof Sifoi , Vnult Doors. Jnll Work. Shutters nnd Wlro Work. Cor. l4th und Jnckson Sts. , Omnhn , Neb. P. 3. QUEALEV , Soap Manufacturer , Oflico aud Pactorj' , near Powder Umnlm Neb. Wagons and Carriages , GBATTON A DIUJMMOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , 131S uiul W17 Hurnoy street , Omuhn. Nub. Cole Agents in Ncbrusku for Jones' Cole bra ted Split Shaft Sulkies. Established m > 3. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriag8 Factory , HOD und 1U1 Uodffo Street , Ornuhu , Nob. \VhiteJLead. \ OMAHA WHITE LEAD COMPANY , CoiTodcrs and Grinders of Perfectly Pure White Lead , Omnhn , Nob. Levi Carter. 1'rce. ; C. W. Mead , Vlcu I'ros. : II. W. Vutes , buc. uud Ticus. OK&HA HOTEL D EOTORY. The Hillard , B. Shears , J.E. Markcl.Tlios. Bwobo , Proprlotcrs Omuha , Nebraska. Arcade Hotel , James Caeoy , rroiirletor. j2ir , and 1217 Douglas Ht. , Omaha , Neb. Thenutionaf'oof commorcittl men rcepuiitfui'.y BOllclted. They will tlnd this the best J.J aucy liouso west ot ChiuKO. ? Ianters Housa , C. E. FKHR1B , I'UOl'HIETOn. Hates , J1.5U per day/Street ears liom U. P , depot , within ono block of house' . Conic.- Dodge aiul ICthstrcotn , ( ; mutm , Nub. Thejozzens , RurnseJ' ' 'Co. ' . P , * , Projirlotora. Rates $ UO per dny , no dark rooms. Omaha , Nub. Also ) irupr.our of 1'ulaco Hotel , bantu Now iloAlco. Fo , j c Canfleltl House , Cor.NIniU nnd niriinni Sts. The best $3 pc : Gees , P. ( JOOSfl'roiirlctor. European Plan.ta'li * only ccnti-ally located S3 a day house. Th.-eo dijors from lloyd's Oporo ilotuo und ono half block from thu I'nt-tolliuo ' ' 13U E. M. IIULSE , Mattress Company , Manufacturlnir Mnttreffoa , Ilcildlng- , Feather J'Jllows , Cots , Ktc. KM and 120H Douglas Street , Omaliu Ncb. _ _ Overalls , _ _ " _ CANFIELD JliTuFAofuUINa CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Turns , Shirts , Ktc. , 1102 nndllOi Douglas Htrcut , Omaha , Nob. P. BOTEB &TdO. Hill'SatesVaultJimiOckt and M Work. 1020 Turuaui Sliest , Omaha , Nob. OMAHA JOBBER D1RCTORY Agricultural Implements ! &METCALV co. , Wholesale Dealers in Agricultural Implements. Oflico , Comer Ctli anil Pnclflo Sts , Omnhn , Nob. ' rAULlN , OHENiOUFF * ltAnTIN , Wholct to Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd lluggics , Omalm Nob. CI1UHC1I1LL PA11KEU , Wholesale Dcirior In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carriages and llupRles. Jcncs St. , bot. Cth and 10th , Omnhn , Neb. Boots and Shoes , " < V. V. MOUSE .t Col. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , J411 Fnrunm Street , Onmlm , Neb , Manufactory , Summer Street , Hoston. Carpets. S. A. OHCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , MattlnRS , Curtnln Good ? , Etc. . 1123 farnnni Street , Onuum , Neb. Coal , Lime , Etc , JI'.FF W. UKDK01U * , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Omco,213S. Nth Ct. , Omntin , Noli. Yards , Oth nnd UivcnportBticcts. COUTANT & SQU1HK8. Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Beet varieties. omco,213S. 13th St. Telephone No , m , Omalm , Nob. " NEHHASICA FUEL a ) . , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 81t 8.13th St. , Omnhn , Nob. Oro. C , TOWI.B. Prcsidont. GEO. PAirr.nsON , Sec. and Troan. J. H. IIUMIEUT. F. A. IlAtjCII. Propilrtor. Malinger. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NBIlltASKA. OnicoZ17S. 13th Street. Telephone49. GEO. V. LADAdit , Prcs. C. P. GOODMAN , V. Pros. J. A. SUMDKULAMl SeC. Ulld TrCOS. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard nnd < oft coal , UN S. 13th St , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA COAL AND PKODUCB CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclusive dealers In Ilouldcr Colorado Coal.217 houth Htli Btixut. CofTcc and Spices. " ' " t CLAHKB llllOS. & CO. , Omaha Coffco and Spice Mills. Tea- , Coffees , Splcoc. Halclnir Powder Fliivorln ! ? Extracts , Laundry lliuo. Ink , etc 11H-10 Ilnr ney Street , Omaha , Neb. Commission , Etc. " ' UHANCH & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 1111 Karniim St. , Omuhn. Apples-Our own ( lack. ing I'lntt i : Co.'s Tl cr llrand Oysters , Butter , Eggs , Game , Poultry , Potatoes. JOHN F. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , Provision- ! , Fruits , Flour and Feed. 105 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments tollcitcd. Keturns inndo promptly. LOUIS HELLER , Jobber and Commission Merchant. ChecEO , Saubiigcs , Fruits , liutchcrs' Tool * and Sui.pllc-3. 1213 Jones St. , Omaha , Nob. W. E. RIDDBLL , General Commission Merchant. SPECiAi/riES-ChceM ! . Uutter. E gs , Poultry nnd UIUIIP. 113 K. llth. , Omaha , Nub. Telephone - phone ffo. 3U5. _ D. A. HUIILEY , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , Eptrs and Produce. A full line of Stone- T/aro. Coiiblgnmouts EollclteU. 1411 Uodgo St , Oinubo. _ _ _ r E. MOHONY , General Commission Merchant , Butter , Kpirs , Chccso nnd Country Prnduco gen- trafly , olW S. Kth St. , Omalm , Nob. McSIIANE Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Ilcfrlpc-rator and Packing House , 14th & Lenron- worth St , on U. P. 11. 14. Track , Omaha , Neb. Established 1S70. ItOIJEHT PUl'VIB , General Commission , 211 S. 14th St , Omaha , Nob. Specialties lluttor Eggs , Poultry and Uamo. PEYCKJ3 DUOS. , Commission Merchants , FruiU , Produce nnd Provisions , Omaha , Neb ISAAC GIUKFITJl. Commission Merchant , and wholesale dealer In country produce , fruits , butter , cgjrs , rlc. Goods on consignment a specialty. S20 N. 10th st , Omalm , Nob. KinSCHllHAUN & EONS , ( Sueeei i-orf to A. P. Pchack. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. 213 South 12th Street. Omahn , Neb. ' THOXELIT& WILLIAMS Storage and Commission Merchants. Fruits. Flour , Apples , Stonowiirn , Clder.Vlnrjfnr , Grass Heeds , lliitlcr and Ergs , U13 und 31& South lath Btrcut , Omuhu , Nebrabko. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Uutter , Game , Fruits , Etc 220S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nebraska. A. F. JtETHGK , Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Meats , Ijird , Jellies , Uutter , Eirgs , Ohocso , Eta. _ No. Wtt S. 12th St , Omaha , Nob. WESTEUFIELD 11UOS. , General Commission Merchants , ] 4CCjodgo Street , Omaha , Neb. Consignments Solicited. it. MCDONALD. COMMISSION MERCHANT. 815 12th Street , Omaha , Neb. Specialties : flut ter. Ezzif , und tiilcKc-ns : Dry & Ca Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , ouiflau Stiuct , Omuhu , Nub. I * GINGUEP.O & CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , /.iieos , Embroidery nnd Whllo C'cods ' , ItC-X ) Douglas Street , Omuhu , Neb. Engines , UKOWNEI.L jc. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary nnd portable unglncb , hollers r.nd Flicut iron Moik , wugons , iiKriculturul linp'.o- lueiits , jiuinjid t'tc. Iiil3-liil5 Lcuvenworth St. Leather , Hides , Etc , 67 HUNTI'GTON & Dealers in Hides , Y/ool / and Tallow , lilt Juckeon titicet , Omaha , Neb. SLOMAN Wliolcbula Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Cnddlcry ntul Shoo Findings , Hides , Wool , Turs , 1'tltt ) , Urvuko , Tallow , Etc. , OmuUu. Not. Flour , Etc , \VaC. I'UUSTON. OlIO. HlCUAHDSOt : WM. I'IliSTON 4 ; CO. Y/holesale / Flour , K f 10 und C131'icrce Btrv t Ouiulio , OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY TZSCHUCK , JR , Agent for J , C. HolTinftyr * Co. , lannfacturers of Highest Grades of Flour IJy Holler and Hungarian Process. Warehouse , _ 1213 Jones Street , Omnhn , Nob. W.J.WELSHANS & CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain. Manufacturers of W. J. Wolslmns & Oo.'i Quick Half Itifr lluckwheat flour nnd proprietors Oinnhn City Mills , cor. t'th nnd Fnrnam Streets , Omaha. ' ' Fish , Uc. "cor Successors to Ickcn Slcmsscn te Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Foreign Fish , Nos. Pll-nll Jonci fcs. . Street nnd U. P. Track , O.nnlm , Nob. A Furniture. Etc. & STONR , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , _ Farnntu Street , Oranlia , Neb. _ Groceries , AI.T.KN nnos. , Wholesale Grocers , 1110 nnd 1112 Douglas Street. Onmhn , Neb. B. U. CHAPMAN ft CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco and Smokora' Articles , 1217 Howard St MRYBll It UAAP1CI ! Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Eplcts , Clears and Tobaccos. 11)17 ) and 1310 Douglas - las Sticot , Omaha , Nob. IJCCOIID , 1IUADY & COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd Furnnm Blrcots , Omaha , Neb. PAXTON , GAI.LAGIIKU & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , NOS.J05 , 707 , TOT und 711 S. 10th St. , Omalm , Neb. Hardware , W. J. HHOATOH , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Bprlncs , Wnjrou Stock. Hardwood Lumber , Ota. I'M ) nnd 1211 Hanicy stieev , Omaha. Neb. KDNEY It G71H10N7 Wholesale Iron.'Steel . , Wagon And Carriage Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware , Etc , 1217 and 121U Lcuvenworth Street , Omuhn , Neb. lilMEIUUail & TAYl-Olt , Builders' ' Hardware , M cchanlcs' Tools nnd Buffalo Scales. 1405 Doug- IHH Street. Omaha , Neb. I.KE , FUIKD & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware aud Hails , Tinware , SUuot Iron , Etc. Agents for Ilowo Scales and Miami Powder Co. , Omaha Neb. MILTON 1100EI13 & SONS. Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Mantles , Grates , 13rusa goods. 1321 and 1323 For- nam Street. ItECTOIt & WILHELMY CO. , flholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. lOlh and Harnoy Streets , Omaha , Nob. Harvesters , ' * w3l.DI3EIUNG & CO. , CHICAGO , Manufacturer of the Deering Harvester Goods , Write to Win. M. Lorlmcr. ( 3nenU Agent , Omaha. Telephone ( ilO. Iron Pipe , Etc. " " " " COWING & "CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jolibirs In lion 1'lpo Iron Ittlngd. . Iron and flrnss Goods. Knifliieors' SupplJcs. lltn nnd Dodfo Streets , Oiualm , Nub. A. L. STKANG COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , Water , Italhvny nnd Milling Suppllc.i , Etc. 920 , 9 ± ! mid WJ4 Farnam St. Oinahii , Neb. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam und Water Supplies. Headquarters fo- Must Foost Co.'a Goods. 1111 i'uriiiini Street , Omaha , Nob. Jewelry. EDHOLM & EU1CKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Sllvorwnio , Diamonds , V/ntclus Clocks , Jewelers' TooU nnd Material * , Etc. , 101 und 103,15th Street , Cor. Dodge , Omaha , Neb. live Stock , Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Ynrdngo Chnrirod. Close to U. P. HrldKO. Dpeelal accommodntlon nnd a Kood market lor hogs. E. C. Coojior , Mua- agur. Oflico , South Cth Street. M. I1UHKK & SONS , Live Stock Commission Gco. Uurko , Manager , Union Stock Yards , K. Oinuha. Tolo.hono 683 w. F. nitowN & co. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Oflico Exchnnfro Hulldliifr , Union Stock Yards , y South Omaha , Neb. Telephone No. OOJ. MALLOHY. SON & CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock Ynrde , Chicago , III. , and Omnhn , Neb. 1'nuil ; L'hlltenden.ManiigerOmaha Itrunuli. Telephone No. UKJ. Kstaljllslied Ibfti. W. L. I'ATIUCK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Address all rommunlcatlonfl to us itt Union Stock V'aids , South Omaha. Advances made on Block. Union Stock Yards Company , OK OMAHA. Limited. John F. lloyd , Superintendent SAVAUK ifc Live Stock Commission Merchants. Ehll'incnts of miy and nil kinds of utoelt solicit ed. Union back Yard : ) , Oimilm , Nob. Lumber , Etc , IXU13 Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Bosh , Uoora , Ktc. Yuida ( 'or. Vtli and Douglas , Cur. Otli and UuugUu. IJOHN MANUFACTUHINO CO ' Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , MouldliiKH , Stulr Work nnd Interior llurd Wood I'lnlFli. Just opened. N. K. cur. btli anil l.cuvou- vcrtli BtifotH , Oniuliii , Net ) . CHICAGO LUMUCIl COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , 814 S. 14th Struct , Oniuliu , NuU 1 ? . Colpctzcr , .Mumper , " " C. N. DIET * , Lumber , J3th and Cullfoi n U Strouts , Omaha , Neb , riun : AV. OKAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Uth und Uouulua Sticclc , Omuha , Nub OEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumbar , Oiuiihu , Nt'hruaku. " " CHAS. u. UE : , Hardwood Lumber , Wnrcn Flock , 1'nncy WoodH , Iliidfo Timbers , i j. , ti. W , Cor. Uth und JJdUflaa , Uiunhu , .Ncli. G. f. TiYSIAN , Dealer in Sash , Dcors , Blinds , Uulldliur Paper , Ktc. .South Uth ti NcbrujLa. Nebraska Lumber Co. f aid in Capital Stock , { 300,000. l/O icrHiutmu ftirturiTi unit wlioii ! > , ile > l nV rfe. Mllluat MtirriJIVlfc. . Wliolt-nulu and ruiufl " i.omuiij.iicb. iiia. yiusu OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY OMAHA I. 'MIIKIl CO , Dealers In All KlmUot Building Material at Wholesale. I'thSlicctaml I'n nnl'ao HJ Track. Omaha. OKIIMAX T ) . WYATT , Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , COth nnd Izard Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. J J. A. WAKr.KlUI.l ) , - . Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , tlulldlnK 1'npers. Pnh , Doors , llllmH , Moulf lnp : , Pickets , PoM , I.linc , 1'lnstor , Hnf , Ocraont. Nlntn mm Jones , Oinnhu Nob. _ Millinery. " " " " Importers nnd Jobbers oC ' Millinery and Notions , _ K13 nnd 1214 llurncy Street , Oinnlm , Nob. Musical Instruments. KDlIOtiM & KItlCKSOX , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Stclnway I'lanoe.Vobor , Decker , llnlnosnml HrlKKfl Pinno * . 1'ncknul Orgims , Chiiso Organs. 101 and 103 loth ktrcet. Notions , Etc , J. U nitANUlUS li BON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Good" , Notion' , Qonts' Furnlshlnjr Ooodf , Ooodn Horn Now Yoik. Trndo gules daily. 60J nnd SOB South 13th St.Otmilm. c. s. ( joonmoii & co . AccntH lop V. \Vlilfmy CairlnRO Co.'n Children's ' Carriages , Jewett'B CVle'.iratcd Itorrlirorator * . Semi pu or prlco lisle. 1 < 1' Furnain tt. , Omaha. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ' ' 4K ] mid M > P. 10th St.,0nmlm , Nub. } Whoki-iilo Dealers In Notions nnd dents'Fur nishing Goods. Oils , Etc. " " CONSOMDATKD TANK LINE C0 ; Wholesale Dealers In Oils , Onsollnc , MIcu A.\lo Oroato , Etc. A. II. RIshop , MiuiugerOtnalia , Nob. Pork Packing. JAMKS E. HOYD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Oinnlm , Nebraska. Packers and Provision Dealers , Office , Union Market , 1517 Doilirc Strdct. 1'noVlnjr boiibo , U. 1' . 11. U. Truck , Oiimlui , Nob. Tolo- pliono No. 157. Safes and Locks. " " " l1. HOYKlt .V CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 lire nnd lluntlnr Proof Safus.Tlino TioeksVnultf und . .lullvorlt. . HKO I'liriiiuu struct , Oninliu , Neb Seeds. J. KVAN3 , Wuolesalo and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Agricultural. Vcjretublo , 1'tc. Odd Follows1 Hull , N. W. Cor. llth und Uodffo St . , Oiuiba : , Nob. Drugs , Etc , II. T. CIiARKK UltlTO CXOII'ANY1 , j Wholesale Druggists , Jobbers of I'ulnts.OlU , Window Olu Etc.lllt Hurncy Strait , Oinuha , Nob. THE flOODMAN DRUG CO Wholesale Druggist5 , And Dealer In I'nlntc , Oil * und Window Qlasa , Omuhn , Nob. , , Wines and Liquors. DELLONE & CO. "Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1S02 nnil 1M loulua St. . Omnhn , Neb , Fno- torlus-Nos. 4 und UU.1,3d Hl t. N. Y. 11 UEl ) . W. , Successor to MuH.tMAiiA &DUKCAN , Importer * nnd Wholosnlo Denims In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , H und S10 S. 11th St. , Oinnbu , Null 11. It. GltOlTK , Wines and Liquors. WcBtorn Ajjont JIB. SclilltJ ! llrowlnir Co. 7199. 01 h Strcut , Oinnlui. I IIKNUY iu : , Y&olesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. lUil Douglus Strcot , Oninliu , Nob. _ I1.P.II & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And I.Iijuors. Solo nuiiiiifnctiii-ord of Kounody'a EubtlndluBUturs. UlS Hurncy Sirec-t , Oiuuhu , L. P. LA11SON & CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And CimifH , und Goncniil Affonts for the Plitllp ' Cclobiutcd Mlhvuukuu Doer , Omubn , Neb Harness , Etc , WELTY fc IiANDIlOCK , Munufucturors nnd Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , IllnnkctH und Hobos. 1 U Fiinuim Klroot Omiilm. Nub. uocKery. .TTwfnnjL- , Aaciii for the Manufacturers and Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Chimneys , Kto. Olllco , 317 Pouth I3th Street. Oinubk , Nob. White Lead , CAKTKIl WHITK I.UA1) CO. , Strictly Pure Wliite Lead , 0th Stnnd U.I' , lly. , Oinaiiii. Nub. Beer , M. KBATINO , Agent for Anheuser-Busli Brewing Ass'n Bpcclal biun.l Faust , Iliidwulccr , Krluntrur Uci-r. Cor. inli Mini ( 'ii'.i t 1 Vvc , , Oriin tin , ee & Si , Paul The ShortlTiiie and Best Jloute\ From Omaha to the East. a TWOTUAIJMDAll.V IIKTWKIJN O.MAIIA AND ( 'hlo.iKO , .MliniuiiiiolU. Mlltvunkoi ! , .St. I'/iiil / , ( 'oilur HiiplJi , llivuiiorr ) | , 1 ( 'Union. Dulnniuu , lloclllonl , Hock Ulaiid , ricup'irt , Jnnusflllc , 1'ltfln , Minlhon , J.uCrosse , Ilcillll , WIlllMlll AuJull other Imp'iitaiu polnt 1'nst , NortUs.u nnd .So u Hi oast. TJelirl oflleo at HOI Fiirnam street , ( In 1'axton llotcli. and at Union 1'ncltio Dnjiot , I'lilliiuin bli-epcrs nml tliti I'Jncst Tl.ilii-C.u-j ) : In HIM Win Id nio run on ihu main linen of tliu ( ; iiic.\oMiiw\tJiciK\Br ! : , I'.uu , luu.WAV.iuid every iiltcnllon In paid to puuswigoM by coiuto- ( iiiBi'iMiiloji'sof lliu'oinuny. | It. MH.I.KII , ( JliMicral .Manu or. J. I' . TIICKKII. Asslhiiint OiinenO Maiiagar , A. V. II. CUni'iixTuii , ( JoiiLi-nl I'ttwngor anl Tlckot Atfonr. , Cio. ) : K. llcAtrouu , AbSl tunl ( ; cu rui'.i. ! cii KIT ami Ticket SEINSTC. O. O.M : OK jjoiu : ATviiui.r > Ai.K I'AV all cipme cmrs ! < to all point * nllhln 3CQ mllr < . l.iui i-anlatria to fl t from Srml t o cilw L G , SPENCER'S TOY fACTOBY , 221 W , M plSON ST. . CHICAQO.