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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1886)
WHY TERRY WAS APPOINTED Promoted to a Brigadier Two Months in Advance of Howard , THE LATTER WILL SUCCEED POPE Slow AVork on Appropriation Hills Auliay Sharp Will Get n Boodle Blalr'H Hill Will Ho De ft jitctl Notes. The Hancock Succession. March 3. ( Special Tele- l Soon after tlio ilcatli of ( Hancock 1'rcsldciit Cle.veland took up the papers In tlio case of tlto ni > ] ) olntincntsof licnorals Hovvaid and Terry to tlielr present ranks. The president very soon learned that although Hovvaid's commission as brigadier general antedates that of General Terry In Hie ni my register , the latter was really promoted meted soinu two months befnio tlio former , and that tlio commission of General Howard \\asdated back In oulcr that he might rank as a brigadier from the date of the snneiidcr of Savannah , December 21,1SOI , in which ho took a gallant part It was not done to In- jmeUcncial Teiry In any manner , btit as a slmpli ) reward for ( Scncml liovvaid's service. Senator Sabln and .Mayor Straight iccently called upon the picsldent In Tony's buhalf and submiltul these facts to his considera tion , but leained that the incident had nhcady posted lilm.-cir upon the lads , and they came away convinced thathc would be eoveined by them In making tlio appoint- mcnt to siicccedCieneial Hancock. Howard will without doubt be nominated to succeed ( ieneral Pope when that olllccr rcllios one " A , week trom next Tuesday , and It Is probable ' that ho will bo ouleml to theroinmand of the Division of the Atlantic , wlilIeUeiioialTcuy will bo placed In commandof the Division of the I'acllle , which Isconsldeied the most Im- ] ioitnnt In mllltaiy clicles. Tim probability Is that ( Jcneral Tciry will bo confirmed at once , as the military committee Is known to favor him. .His appointment gl\es general satisfaction In army elides. I : I\Y iy APiMioriuATioN' nir.i.i. The statesmen who uigcdthochangoln the inks of the house in order that the appio- prlallon bi'ls ' might got in earlier aie not vciy highly gmtllicd with the icsnlt. An examination ol the journal of the house shows tlmt the appiopilation bills have not boon In so backwmda state in n long session for the past ten years as at the piesent time under the new inles. Only lonrappiopriation bills have yet been lepoitcd and no action had on any of them. A noom.n ron ABI IY : MIAIU * rjMr. McKenna , fiom the committee on claims , will repoit the bill for theietlcfot Abucv Shativwlth a lecommcndatlon favoi- able to its passage. Abbey Shall ) is the only survivor of the Spiiit Lake massacre , In which , it will bo reniembeied , about folly persons wpie muulered by the Indians. At that time she was a child of 14 veais , and her experiences while in the custody of the In dians WPIO most filghtliil. The bill elves 1101-82.500 , and will in all piobability pass on the Hist in Ivuto bill day that shall be i cached , Abbey Sharp Is now living atJLako Okoboji , Iowa. rA'iK or TIIK nr.Ain EDUCATION HILT. . It is the general belief iicie that the Blair educational bill \ \ III bo defeated. Its friends in thohouse aio fewer than they were a few months ago , notwithstanding tlie action of thobcnato to-night. The advocates of the proposition , who place a picmlnm on Illiteracy , have found enemies In all sections of the eountrj , and the members have lately been flooded with newspapers piotestlng against It fiom .sections in which Senator Bhir thought himself the most powerlnl. The north and west have been paitlciilarly emphatic in condemning the bill , and the south Is by no means united In Its Mippoit. WANTS A KKAI'I'IIAISUMKN r. President Cleveland sent to the speaker of the house of icprcscntativos to-day a bill pio- paied by the secretary of the inteiior provid ing for icappraisemcnt and sale of a tract of land In Nebraska belonging to the Sac and Fox Indian rcseivatlon. Tlio appiaisemcnt made at 5.10 an acie , which Is found to boexcessive. The bill just picpaicd gives the hceietary of the Interior authority to re- apinalsc the l.uul and sell it to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value. Thopiocccdrt arising liom the sales shall bo applied to the bunt-lit of tlio tribe. IIOQUS lIUrTKll'b KNIJMtr.S. Mr-Tapper , of Usage , Iowa , who repio- bents the National Piotectlvo Butter associa tion , went to Now Yoik to-night to confer with the committee Interested in the passage ot the bill to icstiict the saio of bogus butter. Mr. Tupperbays that ho Is confident that a bill can bo gotten through which will not only compel the inannfactuieis of , and dealeis In , this matenal to brand their waics , but lie Icels ceitaln that It will bo possible to seem o an act taxing It at the rate of ton cents a pound. HAWKS' sioux IJKSEHVATIOX DILI. . The sub-committee on tlio Dawes bill , throwing open the Sioux icsei vatlon In Dakota to bcttlcment , have agieed to i eport the bill bark to the full committee with some minor amendments. It will probably como up In the latter commltteo next Monday or Tuesday , and It Is the belief of the sub-coin- mlttoii that it will bo ngiccd to and favorably lepoitcd to tlio house. IIAMIIUKO'S I'OSTMASTnit. In executive session quite n discussion nioso over an adverse lepoiton the nomina tion of the postmaster nt Hamburg , Iowa. The report was advcrbo as tlio appointment was imidu to 1111 a vacancy created by suspension. Then there wore mimeiou.s chaigea agaliibt the nominee. After n good deal of palaver the nomination was laid on the table , which Is equivalent to lejectlon. l'illSO.VAI. : ANI > OTIIKIIWISK. A favomble lepoit was to-day made by the house commUten on ways and menus on the senate bill to extend the inovisloiis of a poit of entiy to Omaha. A. 0 , Pinltnml wife , a well-known cltl/cn of Tlpton , lovui , uio hcie looking at the Eights. Hem j Hindi and wife of DCS Molnc.s aio Jieie. CAPITAL GOSSIP. Nebraska's Senior and tlio Howling British Pup That Bothorn Jllui. AYABiuxfiTOK , Mmch 3. [ Special. ] Tlio fact that Senator Van Wjck has been exces sively aiinojrd by a lot of howling dogs kept by the attaches of the British legation has been commented upon by neaily every news- jtapcr In the countiy. The Benator istlll bullors tiom thoannojaiice , and is banteied a good deal on this account by his associates In the bcnate , Hu was asked the other dav why ho illd not avail himself of the consti tutional pilvilego of self-piotection and put an end to the balking buites with a leaden h'lllet. Senator Van Wyck , who avpreclates \ciy thoroughly the POM era of the. foieign diplomatic corps answered that ho would si ont ( he dog In n moment , but for the fcai ll'itt ho would he taken to Kngland for trial bt'foio the senate udjourncd. i coNvuruTioN : LAID our , The cat' itiu sjiucih of Senator intallb In ll.nbcnatc.ut ) , In which hu arraigned those of his conrcrei who arc constantly thrusting the constitution against almost every measure which Is proposed , tins been the subject of a great deal of discussion and the cause ofery many reminiscences among congressmen dining the past week. A Now York member , \\hosenod In the senate of the Empho state , tells a rather good sloiyon "Tim" Campbell of New Yoik In this con nection. Ho "aid that some jcars ace the Honorable "Tim" had n bill In the Now Yoik senate which ho was very anxious to have pr.Sjed. The senator fiom the Twenty-llflh district arose to oppose the bill on constitu tional ground * , when Iho Jlon. "Tim , " ad- drcsslnc him , said : "Will the gentleman from tlio Tvvcnty-llftli allow mo to ask him a question ? " Thcptlvllego was granted , and "Tim"continued : "Pliat has the constitu tion to do wld n question between frlns ? " Ills appeal was successful , and amid the lauijli which followed , the bill passed In splto of tlio constitution. sn.vXKii HAD ins nnvnxnr. The probable lejectlon of the nomination of Judge Mcilick as one of Iho judges of the supreme court of tl.o District of Colum bia calls to mind the cause of his icmoval fiom the bench some twenty 3 cars ago. Kx-Congiessman Spinner of New York had been appointed ticasuier of the United Slates , and lie went to one of the judges to take the oath of ofllce. The judge , who was a southcin man and a hcaity southern sjnipatlilrcr , icfic-ed to administer the oatli because Spinner was distasteful to the southcin ele ment by reason of his abolition speeches In the house. Upon the refusal to administer the oath the old gentleman be came \oiy angiy , and went out saving , "Per haps theio is nothing in the constitution to compel you to administer the oath to me , and , peihaps , congiess cannot compel yon to do so , but congiess can put you out of ofllce , and 1 will see that It does so. " A bill was Intiodnccd In the house a few days alter abolishing the supreme comt of the dlstiict of Columbia , and among Its wannest advo cates was Mr. Spinner , who had been sworn in as United States ticasurcr. The bill passed , the couit was abolished , and It was leoigatiUed under a subsequent law by the appointment of men whose sympathies weie not .stiong enough to Induce them to 10- fuse tocai iy out the duties for vv hldi they wei o appointed. The objection to Judge MenIck among tlie senators Is that ho Is now so old that lie will icach the ago of rctiiemcnt within a vciy few POHTY-MN'l'H COXGUKSS. Senate. AVAsntxoTox , March y. The chair laid bcfoic the senate the ptcsldent's message on the tic.itmeiit of the Chinese In the west , which has alieady been published , if was ictciicd to tlie committee on foieign icla- tions. Also a mcss.igo tiom the pie-sldcnt iclatiiig to tlio payment of the claims of the Chciokce Indians , and the sale of a tract of land belonging to the Sac and Fox Indians. Boleiicd to tlie commltteo on Indian alTalis. Mr. 5110 picsented a petition fiom the citi/ens ot New Jciboypiavingfor legislation for tlie legal piotection of young gills. The petition , which is on a pi in ted blank , with the woids "New Jcisoy" wiitten In the body of the piint , uiges congiess to piovidoex- emplaiy penalties tor seduction with or with out promise of marriage , and lor the dclilo- mcntof tlie poisons of girls , with or without consent , under the aio of at least eighteen je.irs , in tlie Distilct ol Columbia and all other localities under tlio jmlsdlction of con- gicss. 'Iho petition was icfcircd to tlio com mittee on the Distilct ot Caluinbia. Mr. Kvaits presented the petition of the otllcers and trustees ot the savings banks ot New Yoiu state , piaylng congress to stop the coinage of the silver dollar. It was icfeiied to tlie committee on linance. Mr. Uiddleberger ottered a resolution , which was aciced to , re'iuliing each senatoi to lepoit to the senate the name of his pi hate secietaiy. In Intiodiicing the resolution Mr. Itlddlebergcrsaiit that some men weie holding tickets of admission to tlio senate lloor who would not bo admitted to the par lors of a gentleman's icsldcnce. Such tick ets weie so Issued to people who received no pay except admission to tlie senate lloor to blackmail gentlemen to libel them in their newspapers. .Mr. Itlddlebcigcr said ho knew of a case In point. We know what had been said in the house of lepiesontatlves about Kails being on the lloor of that lieu c. Ho asked II It weie peniilssab'o ' for him ( Hlddlo- bcrger ) to state that while Kads had not been on tlio lloor of the senate ho bad had three henchmen theie two ieprc enting re publican new spapeis and ono a democratic newspaper whoc.imo to sectno inloimatlon on which to libel senators. Imaginn having a ticket to the .senate lloor In the pictended capacity of private secietary to a senator , which senator bad his own BOH as Ids pil\ato becretaiy , who dicw the pay , while the other creatuio was compensated by u ticket. Alter the adoption of the icsolution Mr. Hoar had It lecunsldeied and amended so as to have the names sent In to the becielary of the senate. The education bill was then taken up , and Mr. Hairison spoke In advocacy ot the bill and In opposition to Mr. Allison's amend ment. An amendment offered by Mr. Hoar to the amendment of Mr. Allison was tigiecd to , piovldlngtlMt Ino.ich state havingscpaiato whltu and coloieil schools , the money re ceived by such Ntnto under the bill hliould bo apportioned and applied in thopiopoitlonot illiteracy of the two races le.siiectlvely , until an equal sum per capita shall lia\obecn ap- propilated fiom national and Mate funds ; andilcclailng the object of the bill to bo to .secure equal advantages to all chlldien of w batovcr color or i ace. Mr. Kdmnnds then moved a substitute for the amendment as amended. The substitute is as tollow.s : "And In each btato and teul- toiy In which thcrohliall be sopaiate schools lor white and coloied ehlldiun , the money paid In such btate or teuitoiy shall bo appoi- tioned and paid out lor the suppoit ot such white and coloied schools lespectlvely , In the piopoitlon that the white and coloied dill- dten between the age-sol 10 and 21 years in such state or ten I lory bear to each oilier , as shown by thi ) census of lbb ( ) . Tlio foiegoing piovislon shall noteifect the application of a projici pioportlon of Mild money to the snp- poit of all common schools wherein no dis tinction of race or color shall o\Ut. " Mr. Kdimuuls addressed the senate In sup port of this amendment. Mr. Logan bald theie seemed to bo a greater desire tobe consldeied the champion ot some kind ot a bill that would bo called an educa- cation bill than to liiuo ono tlmt would pro duce the icsult contemplated. He ( Logan ) wab as silicon ) n fi lend of tlio colored race as nny senator on thu floor. Ho ( Logan ) had Intioduced two of these education bills In Ibb * , ono In IbsS , and ono In IhSi , Ho had appealed bctoro the education committee of the bcnato In older to make some biigges- tlons , but soon came to tlio conclusion that what little hu had to say would luuo no oiled on tlio mind of tlmt committee. , and thai the icsiilt would bo what it over had been that the shrewdness and bhaipnc.Sb of the men on that committee fiom south ot the line would get the veiy ad\antages that by this bill they eventually had got. Foimeily. Logan said , the colored people of the .south cnvo leprescntation to congress and In tha electoral college based on the ihiee-tiflhs principle , iiowwas It now ? Tlioiepienentation was based on the whole number ot colored and white people Acnl- nied man counted the same a * a white man. On that principle the southern presenta tion In thueltvtoi at college and In congress was enlarged , but to wliat end ? When It came tootlng when * were the colored people ? Mississippi had n white voting pop ulation of iftJ.rjbO and a colored \otlng population of JSOU70-that is to tai\ about 80,000 majority of colored votes. How many men voted in Mississippi ? Only ieo.000 , jn t 10XX , ) more Ilian there weio while uilci * . Wkat that \oto meant and tliowed Mr. Logan would not bay. He did uot think , however , that It was for want of education thccoloied peoplu abstained from votlntr. They w tie counted w hencver greater political power would eomn to thu wl.lte men by couutlu ; ; them ; tliey wcw not counted as voters. When election day came no man said to the colored voter , "Stand up and be counted. " The same principle , Mr. Logan continued , ran through tide school bill as repotted fiom the committee. What for ? Kor money. For whom ? Was it for themselves ? Oh , no : It was the old story , and uoithcin men had alwajs been found In congiess willing to legislate on the coloied man for the benefit of the while man , If money waste to bo taken from the ticasnry on the basis of the coloied race , In God's nanio let the colored people gel tlielr pioportlon of It. That was the object of the amendment proposed bv the senator from Iowa ( Allison ) , but the bill would accomplish nothing as It stood because the amount Was too small. What was § 7,000,000 the lirst year when dis tributed around among the states ? At pres ent In some poitlons of Iho south , school could not bo kept open more than lour months. The piovlsfon of the bill would add \ery little to that- Hence ho ( ) proposed to nmko the llrst ) ear's appropria tion SIOooo,000 Instead of 87,000,000 , incieas- Ing the amount each i car for H\e j oars and then decreasing It , until In ten years tlio amount evpendeil would bo Siw,000,000. : This amount was cnonnlitoaccomplish some thing. Decides his amendments Included a scpaiate fund of 52,000,000to aid in the build ing of school houses In sections of country in which the local community mlghtbe too poor to stand all the expense ot building. SchoolIng - Ing could not be got without school houses. Hut the gcneial government should super vise this thins In some way , Ho ( Logan ) favoied a commission for tlmt puipo e not to presetIbe what should be taught , or to Inteifcie with schools , but to -co wheio the moimy went to. Thcic seemed , however , to bo n disposition to pass the bill w Ithont the amendment , even If it did no moie good than thiowing money into H pool. 11 the senatoi from New Hamp shire ( iilaii ) wanted to analgn him ( Logan ) before either the noitiicin or .southorn people ple for wanting this amendment , ho could do so. The time would come , Logan said , when gicat wilteis , oratois , poets and musicians would be found belonging to the coloied lace. We should reach our light hand to these people ple stiuggllng down in the pit ot daikncss and despair ; wo should llftthein up and give them a lair and equal chance. Mr. Hlalr was willing to accept Mr. Ed munds' Mibstltutoloi the Allison amendment , and it wasagiecd to. Mr. Dolph moved to amend by providing that the bill should not take ellect till two- thiids of the states should accept its piovls- lons. It was i ejected. Mr. Doliih called up the yeas and nays on his amendment , and pending the calls the senate went Into executive session , and when tliodoois ic-opeiied adjourned. House. AVASIIIXCI TON , Maieli 3. The speaker laid bcfoio the house the message of the picsldent on tlio Chinese tioublcs and Itwasicadby the clerk. It was icfeiied to the commltec on foreign alTans. Thowajs and means commltteo lopoitcd bills extending the provlsiohs of Iho act for the Immediate tianspoitatlon ot dutiable goods to the ports ol Omaha , Key West and Tawaia. Placed on the house calendar. The committee on agi icttltmo lepoitcd the bill to establish cxpeuniont sta tions in connection witli the eolleycs estab lished In the several states. Keleiied to the commltteo of the whole. The committee on expciidlhnes In the In- tciior dopaitmcnt icpoited back thoiesoltt- tlon diiectiti ! ; tlmt commltteo to investigate tlie adminlstiation and cxpcndituies ot the. pension bineau under the piesent and pievl- ous administrations , and to asccitaln what foundation thcro is for the statement in the annual lepoit of Commissioner Ulack in icf- cience to paitlsan management and extiava- gance In that buieau in the teim ot otllcc of Ills ptedeccssor. Placed on he house calen dar. dar.In committee of the whole , on the pension apmopiiation bill , Mr. Howard made a satlil- caranil lionical speech in reply to that dcliv- cied by Mr. Hcmleisoii some dajs since , ridi culing that gentleman's profession of lilend- ship 101 the south , but expressing his admh- atlon for ( lie manner in which ho had de claimed tlio old story which was as veil known to the country as "The Boy Stood on the Hnming Deck , " or "Maiy Had a Little Lamb. " [ Laughter. ] Alter considerable further debate , pending fmther action the committee lose. Mr. Hragg repotted the army appropriation bill liom the military committee , and it was icleiied to the committee of the whole. The house then adjourned. The Pacific llallroail Debts. WASIIIXOION , March 3. Stoiey , attoincy for the Union Pacific lallroad coinpanyniado a statement to the house committee on Pacific railroads in icgaid to the indebtedness of that company. He lavoicu some such pro vision as was incorporated in tlio Hoar bill a fixed annual payment to the govcinmcnt. Instead of vailablo poiccntage. Stoiey dwelt at length upon the Importance of bianch lines , saying tlie stocks and bonds based on them amounted to $30,000,000 cash. Besides the.-o stocks thu company held a number ot other secinities that it would bo willing to tin n over to the goveinmcnt. Tw ccd , counsel for the Central Pacific mil- road comnany , also explained to the commit tee the financial condition of that company. tlio Pension Ollloo. WASHINGTON , Match 3. The senate com- mittecon expenditures of public money met to-day to make ainingements.lor beginning its Investigation of the charges by Com missioner ol Pensions Black in his annual icpoit to the effect that the pension olllco had been conducted as a political machine under the republican adminlstiation. It was decided tor the piesent at least tlmt the in- \estimation should be. conducted by the full committee , instead of delegating the work to u.sub-committee. Hides go\einlng the ex amination of witnesses were adopted and It was agreed thaticncraiiilack ; should be sum moned to appear betoro tlio committee next Wednesday as the lirst witness. Hamburg's Hiispoudcd Postmaster. AVASIIINOTON , Maich si. The nomination of the postmaster at Hamburg , Iowa , a "sus pension" case , was leaclied to-day , and the papers upon which thu late Incumbent was suspended were laid betoio the senate ami read. They weioolumlnous , and the chaigcs aie said to have been tiiviul In their natmc. Thu case went o\or. Senate Hills Introduced. WASHINGTON , March f ) . Senator Sher man Inlioduccd tlie following measure In the senate to-day : An amendment to the ingcnt dellclency appropriation bill , appiopilating S'-Kti.uUl to pay tlio salailcs of postmasteis and late post- masteis , which have been adjusted and al lowed under the act of Maich 'J , Ibb3. Tlio Maokln Case Again. WASHING-ION , Match 3. Aigument in the Mackln-Oallagher Chicago election case was concluded In thesuineme. . court of the United States to-day. Assistant Attorney General Jlowiy appealed lor tlio government , and JudgoShcllabargcr made the closing argu ment for Mackin and Ciallau'her. A decision In the case Is not expected for several weeks. Postmasters Continued. "WASIIIXOTON , Match 8. The senate made the following continuations to-day : Ueoigo H. Paul , postmaster at Milwaukee ( Wib. ) ; Thomas U. Coon , lOatmasterat Kll- bouinu City ( WIs. ) . In Aid of Homo Hitlo. AMIANV. March 3. A grand demonstra tion was held hero this e\enlng , presided over by Governor Hill , in aid of the Irish parliamentary fund. The governor entered tarty , accompanied by Alexander Sullivan , cx-piesldent of the national league of Amer ica , who made the speech of the evening. About 32,000 was subscribed by those present toward the parliamentary fund. Bodlca Hurucd to Cinders. UTICA , Jf. Y. , March3. A Irelght train on the Ontario & Western railroad , which went through a bridge near Fish Eddy , Delawaie county , last night , carried down with it two eonductois and two brukcmcn who weie i id- Ing In the caboose. Their bodies weie buined I Interest Taken in the Hawko Divorce Suit at Nebraska City , THE REMAINS OF AUONZO LAIRD. lilac Spring on llio Doom Gold I2x- cltcmcnt tu Uutler County Judge Mitchell's Successor Blaze nt Kearney. The llnwko Divorce Hnlt. Nr.nnASKA CrrvNeb. , March a ( Special. ] Among the 120 cases that will occupy the attention ot the district court In this city at Its next setting , which commences on the COlh of this mouth , none perhaps will draw more attention than thu ono docketed Wil liam Hawkos Sadie Haw Ice , application fordlvoice. The high standing socially and othciwlsc of the plaintllT's ' foimer ciiclc , the lepoitcd dlsinhciltaiiccby tlio father of the son on account of this maulagc , together with the prominence of tlio defendant as the dhoieud wlfi'or oncot Omaha's piomlucnt meichants , Mr. A. ( Gladstone , all tend to the diaw Ing of public attention to this now phase In the life of the two pitndpals In the com ing suit. The readers of the Ur.i : have already been Infoimcd that on Febiuary 3 , lb > 0 , William Hawkc tiled his petition In the dlstiict comt of the county , piaylng for a dUoico on the ground of extieme ciuclly. Since that date conjcctuio after conjeduic , icpoit followed by lepoit , have been put ulloat as legaids what course the defendant would take , some saying the breach would bo bildged over , while others ! m\o gl\cn It as their opinion that the piayer as applied for In the plaintiffs peti- tlllon would go before the court without any contest on the pai't of the defendant , but to day surmises , lepoiis and conjectuies asre- gaids the action of the defendant received a check In the tiling of thu defendant's an swer to said petition fordlvoico In tlio dls tiict clerk's olllco of tlio county. The answer conipnses about live pages of legal cap. The defendant , in answerdenies that she has ever been guilty ol extiemo ciuelly , or that the plaintiff has over since tlielr marriage con ducted himself toward her as a tine and faith ful husband. The answer then goes on to chaigo Iho plaint ! ! ! with the excessive use of Intoxicating liquors , and that his conduct at such times tended to destioy her peace and happiness and Impair her bodily health. "And that tiie said plainlllf had ever since said man iage gi ossly.crnolly anil wantonly re- tused and neglected to provide the defendant with suitable and proper clothing ; that never , at any time since said man Iage , has ho given deloiidant any aitlelo of clothing ; that de fendant has been forced 1o sew and embroi der to cam money to puichaso her wealing appaiel. " Alter ictuting the chaiges made by plaintift In his petition to tlio effect that she had at divers times lefuscd to pieparo his meals for him , Mis. Hawko concludes her answer as follows : "That the plalntllf , utterly icgaid- less of the duties and affections of a husband , has lett their home williout any cause or pro vocation on defendant's pait , and has left the defendant penniless and homeless , and without one morsel of food. That she hits' donated her cntlic time , energy and labor for the comfort of her husband and the happi ness of their homo ; that she did the cooking and washing for their household , and built the homo files , and waited upon the plaintiff , and blacked and polished his boots. Where fore the said defendant prays that the .said plaint ! ! ! may recover nothing by his said suit , but that the said action may bo dis missed and that said defendant may havs judgment and her costs In this action most wrongfully expended. " Colonel F. P. Ireland will look after the Intcicsts of the plaintiff , while Hon. John Matson will appoir for tlio defendant. Pub lic sentiment seems to bo in the majority on the side of the defendant. It looks now as though the case will bo hotly contested. A Boom on the Smiling Blue. BLUI : SritiNGS , Neb. , Maich 3. [ Special. ] An enthusiastic meeting of tlio business men of Cage county was held In Blue Springs last night. The Immediate occasion was the report of a citi/cn's commltteo just re tinned fiom Omaha , where they have been for several days in confeienco with the officials of the Union Pacific railroad , arrang ing the details for the establishment of a large flouring mill and several other 1m- poitant branches of Industrial cnteiprlsc , among which may bo enumerated a large planing mill , sash , blind and door factory , loundry and machine shops , etc. , all of which will bo commenced immediately and pushed to completion as fast as men , muscle and money can do it. Butler Couuty'H Bonanza. DAVID CITY , Neb. Maich 3 Uutler county Is all excitement over the repoitedgoldlind In the bluffs lour miles north of heic. Messrs. Applcdlck and Itisedorf , the men who own tlio land , have been workinc ; the bluffs forever over tlneo months , and It is said that some of the "oro" has been sent to Omaha lor assay. The vein opens out at tlio base ot the bluff and runs In horizontally , the specimens ol gold beliiK found In a gi.uilto rock , mixed or layeied with quait . Mr. Appledlck fays the \eln which ho is now woiking is six feet deep and lour feet across and has been followed Into the bluff lor unite a distance. Bcmnlns at HASTINGS , Neb. , March ! ! . [ Special Telo- grain. ] The icnialns of Congressman James Lalid's brother , A. W. Laird , who was killed Friday evening near Albiujucique , N. M. , weio [ nought heic to-day and will be Intciied In the Junlata cemetery to-morrow. Con gressman Laiul airived hcio last evening. The verdict of the coioner's juiy states that joung Laird's death was wholly thu result of nn accident. He had been visiting an Indian village near thu Atlantic & Paclllo Junction , and on leturnlng at nliout 8 o'clock In the evening , In attempting to board a freight train whllo in motion missed.his looting , and was thrown under tlie wheels. Judgn Slltcholl'a Successor. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 3. [ Special Tele gram. ] Ciov. Dawes to-day appointed M. L , Haywood , of Nebraska City , as Judge of the second judicial district , to till the vacancy caused by Judtfo Mitchell's death. Ni'.niiAsicA CITY , Neb , , Maich 3. [ Special Telegiam. ] It being rumored on thosticets that M. L. ifoj ward had been appointed to fill the vacant judge's chair , ( lie HIK lepoitcr approached that gentleman as to the truth of thojepoit. Mr , Hay ward stated ho had been officially notified of his appointment and had accepted the trust. Overhaul Their County Hccords. NEUIIASKA CirvNib. , Maich 3. [ Special Telegram. ] A large mass meeting was held hero this evening , at v\hlch a commltlce of thlity-bix were ap pointed two delegates fiom each ward and precinct who are to meet with the county commissioners on the 10th of this month for the purpose of considering the appointment of borne experts to examine the county's oQidal books for the past teu yeais. The meeting met In accordance with a call signed by seventy taxpayers. Seven Buildings Burned. KKAIINKY , Neb. , March 3. [ Special Tele gram. ] Acry destructive fire occurred hero this morning at 4 o'clock , icsultlng In the destruction of Iho Amei lean house and six other frame buildings in tlio same row. The loss aggregates 510,000 , half covered by in- suiancc. The heaviest loser Is C. J.Alex ander , landlord of the hotel , who lost all the furniture In the hotel. The Iho originated probably In the oil room of the hotel. The stocks of goods In the buildings other than the hotel were saved. Terry Succeeds Hancock. WASIIINOTON , March 3. The president sent the following nominations to the senate. : Brigadier General Alficd II. Teiry to bo major general , vko Wlnlleld Scott Hancock , decea ed ; Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Chambers , Twonty-llrst Infantry , to bo col onel of the Seventh Infantry ; Joslah T. Child of Missouri , to bo icsldcnt and consul general of the United States to Slam. Fatal Ilallrnml Accident. Fnr.MONT , Neb. , Match.1 ? . Conductor Hall , In chaigcof aficlght tialn on the Klkhoui Valley road , was killed while coupling cars at Hock Cieck station yestciday. Ills ie- mains weie brought to this city. TIIK HOUUnO.V BREAK. Tlio Sun ItinlstH on Friendship Be tween ( JlcvRlnud and IHn Cohorts. Nr.vv YoiiK , March ! ! . [ Special Telegram. ] The Sun this moinlng prints a long ed- Itoilal under the heading oP'ThcPicsUtent and the Democrats , " I'lom which the follow ing extracts mo made : "The time has come for plain and honest speech. The hope of bettering a bad condition of things by patient forbearance , by appiobatlon for all that could be appiovcd , and byadesho to avoid eveiy cause of probable dlillculty , has In duced the dcmociats to withhold tiuth that can no longer be piopeily concealed from public view. Candid consideration of them may possibly piovldo a lemcdy for the exist ing evils. A year has passed away since Cleveland was Inaugmatcd as president under cheoifnl and oncouiaglng auspices. Tlio paity was united and the out look was satlsfactoiy when ho en- teied the white house. The situation to-day , as compaied with what It was on the 4th of March , 1885 , Is sadly altered. It is not neces sary to Inquho into the causes which have biought about this chango. The fact exists that tlicie Is no coidlal confidence , familiar communication , or political cohesion between the piestdent and the democrats In congiess. They have been drifting apait gradually until It may be said the line of sepaiatlon between them has become broad and maikcd. The piesldent's want of experience In national atlalrs and his slight acquaintance with public men , aio doubtless icsponslbie for some ottho cnois Into which no was un consciously misled in tlio beginning of Ills new cares. In a limited redistribution of pationago the president lias suffered as all hlsplcdecessorsof late years have sulleicd , by either wilful or accidental deception. Discovery of tills practice made him suspi cious in other cases , and by slow degiees a mutual distiust has giown up which now ap pears as threatening danger to the democ racy. A scries of singular successes In his brief earcei has undoubtedly pioduccd a belle ! In the president's mind that his whole course has been acceptable to the people , and that however politicians may disagree witli him , ho Is always sure of that support. This be- llet strengthens the sclt-asscrtton which seems to be natural to his character , and is liimly and bluntly maintained against arguments and mild piotestatlons when dlf- feicnces aio discussed. Hence it is giatity- ing to know that a confeicncc between ac credited lead cis and the president will soon take place , at which the point of disagiee- ment will be frankly discussed and with hopes ot-a clearer iiiidcibtaiiding. Whoever Mauds In the way of haimouy will ceitainly bo tlio loser in the long run. Tlio dem ocracy can lorgive much , but ticachery they will notfoiglve. SIX DEATHS ON TIIE SKA. The Steamer Saxon From Now Vork Wrecked In Cnlcos Passage. HALIFAX , Maich 3. The steamer Beta , which arrived today , brought fiom'fuik's Island the second engineer and several of the ciew of the steamer Sa\on. which was wrecked on the even ing of Febiuary 4 , In Calcos passage. The steamer was bound fiom Now York to Cane Haytion with an assoitcd caigo. On the litth day out she struck on Ulicli's Lookout reef , and on the following day broke In two. The liist and second engineer and lour men took to a boat and reached the shoie in safety. Another boat , in which were two of tlio eiew , was swamped and both men weio di owned. Two otherti of the crew by the aid ol a plank swam to a schooner , leaving Captain Wyinan and lour others on tlio wieck , Ono ot these , the chief mate , a son of tlio captain , attempted to swim to land , but became exhausted and was drowned , Tlio stevvaid became cra/cd and leaped into tlio sea and was not atteiwatd seen. seen.High winds and lough water piovented any attempts at rescue ot the remaining sui- vivois until Monday , by which time still another of tlio men had been washed away and tlio captain , becoming delirious , had died. Wlien the weather modciated the wreck was boaulcd by men fiom the land. Theie was but ono flieman and the icnialns of thecaptaln to lemovo tothoshoie. Besides Captain Wyinan and his son Frank , Second Mate Poteison , a seaman named Johnson and two otlieis whoso names are unknown , weio diovvncd , making the whole number of vic tims six. The steamer registered 8.K tons and was owned by Biemer , Bennett & Biemer , of London. The Beta also biought iiom 'Pink's Island live men belonging to tlio baik Noithein Otieen of Yainiouth , which was wiecked on the 15th of Fcbiuary , CABLH WU1SPKUH. Hupturo Between British > lnsonsand Tliolr llllnolH Brotlu-on , LOXIJON , March a. The Prince of Wales , as grand master of the British Fieo Masons. has withdrawn the patent of appointment Iromthfl icpiesontativo ot the Giand Lodge of Kngland at the Guild Lodge of Illinois , the latter having hcvciod fiaternal lelations with tlio KltL'llhh Lodge of Montieal. LONDON , Match 3. Bra\ton Jllarr of IJI1- nols , delegate to the Giand I.odiro of Masons of Kngland , has icblgned. Churchill Decries Gladstone. LONDON , Match 3. Loul Itandolph Churchill spoke at Manchester to-day , lie sild that Gladstone deluded thu countiy with false issues. There was an imnciatlvo nece.s- blty for the establishment ot a Ihltlsh unionist pat ty , which would nnlto what was beat in all parties and cieeds. Winston "Will Shako With Iho Sultan. CONSTANT INOCI.E , March 3. Winston , United States minister to Peisia , will have an audience with the .Sultan on Friday , and will leave forTeheian on Saturday. HU Brother. William Tucker , a yonn man from West Virginia , nirivcd in Omaha. 'yes terday in faoarch of his brother , Thomas F. Tucker , who came to this city over a year ago. When last heard from , about four mouths ago , Ilionms was btill in this city , ills name , however , jlocs not ap pear in the city directory , and no trace of him can be discovered , His brother is at tlio Kagle hotel and will continue the search , TIIK ST. FAUIj WAK. Inllroads Rlotlnc on Bates. Ctitrxoo , III. , March a [ Special Tclo- pram.J No change In passenger rates to St. Paul or Council Bluffs was made > esterday by any lines Interested In that business , but the opinion picvalls that rates will etgo considerably lower than they now aio befoio the war is over. The Uock Island feels rather sore over the continued efforts ot the St. Paul and Illinois Central loads to puichaso tick ets of the Bock Island Issue at scalpers' ofllco at i educed rates to find a pretext for cutting rates still further. In older to get even and piovo that tickets oxer competing Hues aio being sold at ov en lower tales than the Illinois Central claimed to have bought over the Bock Island from scalp ers , and official of the Bock Island went the rounds of the scalping offices jcs- teiday and succeeded In uurohaslng a ticket over the St. Paul fiom Chicago to St. Paul forS8.80. St. John ot the Hock Island had an aflldavlt made by the party pin chasing the ticket to piovctho genuineness of the Irans- lion , which he sent to the St. Paul people , to gether with a note advising them in accoid- ance with their policy to meet the Bale ot any ticket sold by the scalpers with a similar rate over the counters ot tlielr regular offices , they ought to make at once an open rate to SI. PaulofS8.50. St. John has not > el decided whether to adopt the SS.r.0 . late as the basis of the rate to all points west and noith of SI. Paul and Council BlulK It Is gcncially admitted that the present policy of the loads Inteiested In SU Paul business is calculated topiolong the Mar In definitely , and that It would bo far better If the waning roads would at once reduce rates to St. Paul or Council Bluffs to about 55 or less , as this would bring matteis to n focus and hasten a speedy settlement of the exist ing dinicul.lcs. It is stated the St. Paul and Noithwestern aio now considering tlio advisability of hoitcninc tlio running time of their trains between Chicago and St. Paul from eighteen to fourteen hours. If this Is done the Bock Island will have no other , nlteinatlvo left than to meet the shorter time by its compctitois with a coircspondlng icductlon of r.ites. Under these clicumstanccs It Is claimed the only way out of the existing complications is al lowing tlio Bock Island adillcientlal late. This no doubt will bo the ultimate solution of the problem , but before it is done the St. Paul and Noithwestern will make a deter mined effort to bicak up the commission sys tem which they think is icsponsiblo for the piesent tionbics. Tlio Bock Island Is so stiongly In favor of the system that it will not abandon It without a scvcio struggle. The Sunset's Earnings' . Nr.w YOIIK , Maich 3. The Southern Pa cific company did not begin opciations until Maich 1. Its fiscal year ended December III , IbS" , and the following is the company's statement for the ten months : Gioss eain- Ings , S'-4rr3S75 ( ; operating expenses , 811.fiC9,040 ; net earnings , $ iuOI : ) , , ' > ( l ; add tlio icntal for leased lines , SJir > ,937 ; makes a total ol S13,720lli ( ! ; deducting fiom this amount the Inteiest on tlie bonded debt , sinking fund , taxes and all other expenses 'and chtirgosrSU-40700. ! nmi construction and Impiovements S"3iy ; ) , leaves ancfprolHof S1,7S,4SO. ! ) "The Pacific system of the company contributed to the gioss cainlncs above , mentioned $ l7l jii7 , ( ; to the opeiating expenses , S7i93.5S7 ! : and to the net eai nings , 5(1,8 ( 1,000. The Central Traffic Meets. CnicAflo , March 3. The general ajrcnts of the passenger dopaitmcnts of the lines mem- bcis of the Central Trallic association met to-day and had a dcsultoty Inteiclmngo of opinion regarding the pi oposcdagi cement of the new pool. Some slight modifications not affecting the main points weio agiced to. Tlio choice of aibitiators was so amended as to omit Commissioner Fink , tor whom Hugh Iliddlu was substituted. As hcietoforc , the Chicago A : Atlantic was not represented. Another meeting' , In which both the soncral managcis as well as the general agents shall participate , will piobably bo held on the 18th lust. An Agreement at Fifty Off. CiucAno , Match 3. An Infoimal meeting of the lines that composed the Pacific Coast association was held heic to-day. The pics- cnt dlbtuibed condition of the Transconti nental freight tiallio was fieely discussed , and it was agieed that for the piesent tlio chief lines .should ad in unison and bill all freight at CO per rent nil the old tariff. For some time past they have been engaged In a sciamblo for freight , each road taking what It could get and at whatever rates obtainable. Good Out Tor Canned Goods. CiiifAOo , March 3. Trans-continental freight lates fell down to 37 } < f cents on all classes to-day , where tile foimeriatoon class was S5. The canned fiuit trade Is In gicat nwltement at this icmaikablocur. It Is said that Chicago jobbeis ot gioceiios have ordcicd Immoiiso lots to bo shipped on tlio 7.K-cent late , and that mailed prices lor canned fruits will undergo a decided reduc tion. The Cut Goon Deeper. Ni'.w Yonic , Maich n. On all giades of freight lor whlcli the transcontinental tariff Is SU'iOand upwaid the. Northern and Union Pacific loads to-day niadoa cut of 50 per cent ; also , a coirespondln ? icductlon on glides on which the transcontinental tail It' is less than Sl.OO. The "Sunset" to-day included In Its 75 per cent rate another SS grade. Tpylnjj to Form n Poorla Pool. CHICAGO , Match 3. Tlio lines endeavoring to f 01 m a Fcorla eastbound ticlghl pool In connection with the now Chle.iiro eastbound pool , devoted several hours to Iho eonsldeia- lion of tlio form ol agicemcnt. Though tint meeting was haimonious no conclusion was reached. Adjoin nmcnt was taken until to-moirow. _ _ Heavy IlnslnosH Failure. Nr.w YOIIK , M.ucli 3. The Post's spedal liom Boston says : F. W. Nlekerson & Co. , luigo impoitei.s , West India tradeis and com mission merchants , who have been In busi ness between forty and ntty years , annouiico their failure to-day , assigning to Joseph B. BuRscll.a confidential employe. Liabilities are SfiOO.OOO diiect. and 3800,000 Indliect , and their nominal assets aio good. The firm Is agent of the Boston & .Savannah . Steamship company , which Is not affected at all , Tlio Kiisttin steamship linn lunnliiL'to points In Ihupiovlnccs Is owned In imit bvtlin firm and is thcrcfoioatledcd by tlio falluio. The cause of the assignment Is the general dulliie.-s in business In which Iliu Him is engaged. The linn is composed of Frank W. Mckcrson , Allied Nlekeison and 1C I La- nlak C. Crosby. A FlrohiiK's AVork. .v , Kan. , Maieh H , J. C , Grail's lively stable , Sixth and Commeicial streets , burned last night with twenty-two and fifty vehicles. Loss S.W.OOO ; lus-.iied. Tim stock of Donald Bro's , diy goods , In the adjoining building was damaged to the ex- Kent of frW.fJU ) by watei ; Insuied. Incen diarism Is suspected. Murders liy the Apache ? . TUCSON , Aiir. . March 3. Don Cailos "Vilosto , editor of Fionleri/o \ , of this city , has iceclsed adviu'S fiom .Sonora of the killing by Apaches , near Eumpae , Monte- ziinia district , of one American and one Mexican ; also the woundlngof an American and a Mexican. The names weie not Jeaincd. 'Iho Indian * also look their houes and THE DAY DEVOTED TO HAYES Lively Discussion of the Majority Report to Impeach tlio Clinton Jurist. OOL. KEATLY DEFENDS HI Mi A Dozen Member * Ventilate Their Idons ou the Subject Kor and cjilslat fl Other Specials. Judge llnyes' Impeachment. Dr.s MOINKS , Iowa , Match a [ Special Teleitram.J Tlio house devoted Iho whole of to-day to an animated debate on the question of Impeaching Judge Hayc * . The ca o came tip under a majority lepoit of the judiciary committee , iccoinnicndlng an Investigation of the chaigcs against him with a view to Impeachment. The minority report lecom- niends dropping the subject without further action , Alieady It Is appaient that whatever is done will have to bo done as a paitlsan measuie. 'Hie commltteo reports were made on party Hues. The debate to-day as inado on paity lines , with ono exception , Major Thompson , n lepnbllcan , opposing the Inves tigation , but In general none but republicans favor the Investigation and none but democrats oppose It. The action of the democrats Is In strange contrast to their couisoa month ago. When Auditor Brown , n icpnblican , was tinder criticism , they were ravenous for an Investigation , even though It lead to impeachment. Now , with a demo cratic judge undei Hie , they are solidly op posed to any Innuhy Into ills conduct , and tight it inch by inch. Tlio prosecution was led to-day by Bcpic- sentatlve Weaver of llardln county and the deienso by Colonel Keatley of Council Bluffs. Tlio former , In his opening speech , said thera weio two { impositions which , If true , would justify impeachment. Fhst , that Jiulgo Haves conuptly abused the dis cretion vested in him by as sessing punishments. Second , that ho exceeded the jurisdiction of his office. Ho is cluuged with n coirupt combination with the district attorney to charge and collect fees moio than should have been charged. He Is clmigcd with dlscouixginLr : a plea oE guilty. I such plea Is given , lie rcnuois judgment forS100 and costs. Attoinoy lor the accused objects. Hayes scratches out Iho judgment. Tlio plea Is cnteicd not guilty. Nodcfcnso Isoircicd , and a line of S.'i is Im posed. It is further charged that in eveiy way possible ho has biought his influ ence , by leason of his high olllce , to bilnp : the law Into dlslavor. It becomes Judge Hayes , If ho believes the law a bail one , and ought not tobe cnloiced , to fcsljm his olllco and not use It lor the purpose that ho . has. He should ticnt the law against selling Illinois as he would the law against larceny , assault and battciy , or any other .statute In our code. Ho might make the line light for the fiist offense , but It one should bo aiiested and biought back time and again , week after week , ho would bo n strange judge , Indeed , who would let him go on Ills own recogniz ance. Alohas so used his dfcciotion that wo must believe he has used his power to shield the criminal Instead of punishing him , and as such ho should bcanswciablo to the high- tribunal in the hind. Mr. Kent ley followed Mr. Weaver , saying that ho rccognl/cd theimpoitaiicenndgravity of the duty of the house at this stage of the pioccedlngs. Ho coincided with his oppon ent ( Weavei ) in totting aside all vnrtlsan feeling. It has been claimed here , ho con tinued , that In uiglng the rlghtfnlncss of the majority lopoit , tlmt theio Is no bound to tlio rights of this house In detei mining whether j Hayes should appear befoio the senate and answer to tlie chaigcs In the memorial. Ha ( Keatley ) stood etlrely : uninfluenced by any body or peison. Ho had never mcb Hayes but once , fifteen years ago , and knew nothing of tlio charges until reading the memorial. Ho wanted to dlschaign his duties In a conscientious man ner and with that end In view had given the subject carelul study. He would ask the In dulgence of tlio house as to time. Tills body owed it to itself that befoic voting articles of impeachment to the .senate lo take time for n most thorough Investigation. Theio Is no countiy under the sun having a coint of Im peachment llko our own except among Kn- glish speaking people , i'ho matter of Im peachment was not of rapid ijiowtli , but of slow grow th. Aseailyas 1H13 the Impeach ment ol public ofliccis was known. The cntlio afternoon was consumed in thlb debate , both sides making very earnest' speeches for and against a luither investiga tion. At 0 o'clock tlie question was left pcnd. Ing , Messrs. Ball , Itanck , Cialg and Thorny son of Linn having spoken against any 1 mther Investigation , and Mcssis. Sloioy , Finn , Dobson and Bedmon In laver of It. Tim house adjoinned with tills as the first order to-monow morning , when , the dcbato will be icsumcd. In the senate tlie Oatch bill to exempt fiom taxation homesteads to the value of $1,000 wai laid on the table when up for engrossment. The commltteo on constitutional amend ments repotted In favor of unlimited womait sufliage. A hill was intiodiiccd to foibld employers liom compelling employes to lake wages In anj thing else than current lawful money. _ An IJ\-Banlcer Under Arrest. Ii:8 : MoiyKf , lown , Maich a. ( Special Telegiam.J An Odeholt dispatch tajs that John Wright , a foimer Odcboltbanker , who failed In the fall of IBs.1 ! , was Indicted by the gland jury at the piesent lorn of tlio district comt on a cliaigo of ombc/rUng tlie funds of 1) . 1) ) . Osboino & Co. Deputy Sheriff Myrlclt was sent to St. Louis w Ith a icrjtilsltlon liom ( lOvciiiorLauabce , whcio hoaucbled Wright and ai rived at Sao City tills morning with his prisoner. The accused will piobably glvd ball for his appearance at the next term of the district comt. Wright was on trial last Riimmei nn a slmllai ehaigo piefened by. another ciedltor , and was acquitted. Hu ban iccently been canvassing foia.St. Louis Ilfo insurance agency. The Hlol ISHIIO Kulsed. OiTAWA.MaichO. Mr. Laiindiy , of Mont Magny , has put the folloulii nolle o of a motion on the older calendar for Friday next : "TJiatthU house teds it Its duty lo expiess Us deep regielthat tlie sentence of death passed upon Loul * Urn ) , convicted ot high tieason , was allowed to bc > caiiled Into execution , it Is understood that the motion l.s bulng made nt the Instigation of ( lie uov- einment whoaio said to bo coin Hug defeat on this issue. The Tjondoii .Socialists. LONPO.V , Maieli it. Btiins , Ilyndman , Williams mid Champion , socialistic leadcit ) , were again bcfoio the police comt today , and altprfmtherhc.iling weio committed for trial on Ilinchaiguot indtln ( ho sulijicts of ! tlio queen to riot. Tlio defendants weio per mitted toturnlsli ball for their appealauce. "Wrntlier I''or To-dny. Missouw VAU.IIV ; Cloudy weather ami local snows ; slightly vvaimer In noithern pottlon ; btiitionaiy tjinpeiatuiu in soulhuu. Coughs , Colds iinil Koro-Throal yield rcadilv to I ) . II. Douglus.s & Sous' Capg , cum Cough Diopu.