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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1886)
- SPECIALJSTOTIOES. . Advertisementsimdor th ahead 10 centspor 1 no for tlio Orst Itt'ortldn 7 eonta for eiab Kihscquenticserti'n.nnd tl.fiC n line per month. Jtondtttl omcnttiil > on for les * limn M cents. Bercnwords wll ho counted to the line ; they mtlstruneonseeuUvclyftnd mustbo paldln al. rnnco. All advertisements muet bo handed la before 3 o'clock p. m. , nnd under no circum- ttanccn will they bo taken or discontinued br telephone. Fnrtlondvcrthnir ! In these columns find har- In tlio answers nddrc ed n euro of TUB lire , will plcnso n X for cheek to cnnblo thorn to got their letters , asnono will be delivered except on prcsentntlon of check. All nniwcrs to ndvcr- tl cinenB ( riiould bo enclosed In envelopes. TO X.OACT-HONEY. , ' 00,000 to loan on biilno < ii nnd rp'Monco $ property In Films of fl,000 nnd upwards. Anits , liWrnrnnniBt. ( H8 ' . TO LOAN on horse * , wneono , fur- MONI'.Y , wntchi"1 , without removnl. Terms cnsy. 0 , .1 Onwrll , Hnom 1I > , Iron Hank llulld- Inp , 12th nnd Fiminiu. Tnko elevator. nOO-mliT * ino.oooto loan on city rosldonco property $ Gco.V.Dny , IBT.i rnrnnm. 839 LOAN Money innny nmount , TO On nil clauses of security. Phort timn lonns on ronl ostiito. Txinp llmo lonnn on real estate. Money to loan on chnttcls. Money to loan on cnllntcrnlg. Money to loan on nny coed Bccitnty. Terms cany , llmo toKtilt. Apply ntthoOmnha VlnRnclal R llnrkcr'd bulldlnif , flW corner of Fifteenth and Fnrnnm sts. tinatnlra 010 TO LOAN on Improved nnd Unim proved rlty property. Cunnlmjhnm & Tlrennnn , 1511 Dodffo street , _ Oil for fvcobodyl Vou cnn borrow MONKY on furniture , her ca. wnirons , pianos , stock of nil kinds , diamonds nnd fine wntches on j our own time. Pnymonts received Rt nny time , nmf interest reduced pro rntn. Properly left In jour own possojslon. Terms J w ns the low ret. Cnll nnd POO mo. niulnnss ronfldontlnl. No ndvnntniro tnkon. W. IU Croft , Room 4 , Wlthnoll's Now llullt'Jntr , Northcnftt cor ner 15th nnd Hnrnoy. 942 TITONEY TO LOAN-O. F. Tlnvla * Co. Itoal JLU. Estate and Loan agents , 1505 Farnpm SL M ONKY TO I/AN-On ( rood securities. A McOnvock , room 7 Kodlck Ulock , 1509 Fnrnnm Bt P4 _ M 'ONKY TO T.OAN-On real cstnto and chat tels. D. L. Thomas. 945 MONTY TO LOAN In sums of 1200 nnd up- wards on flirt-class rent cstnto security. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm St. _ 040 MONKY LOANrn : nTrI F. nerd .V Co'B. Txinn office , on furniture , plnnos , horses , wnsons pcrponnl property of nil kinda nnd nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. JI10 P. nth , over lllnihnm's rommfssion store. All bus- mesa strictly conHdontnL 917 TTlOIl SAT.K A hip bnrprnln My stock rnnch , J-.1 oonslstlnv of 401 ncros , well Improved , with Rood house , bnrn nnd outbtillillntrs , well fenced nnd riinnlnff vntor on s mo , for snloor ex- o'lnnvo for n Rtook ot crocoilesi No nnswers wished unlos' they moan business. Address N. Crabtrce , 1' . 0. Box 115 , Genoa , Nance Co. . Nob. 160-10 * AHI : ciiANCi-inm error for iu\io n well established harness shop In n treed live town of MX ) Inhnblt ints , on the 1) ) . & M 71.11 , in n good rnrmlmr community ; no oppoiltlou : Biitl fnetory i onions for selling out. Address forplx ot > K , Chni. Fllcklngor , Ifirth , Lnncus- tor Co. , Neb. Ili7npr3 cvoiy kind , for fnrms nnd Jnnd : nlso Inn Is to ox- ohatKTO f or ( 'onds. If you wnnt to matter whnt Itis j on have , , with full de scription , to C.U Mnyno , icnl ostnto broKer , Omnhii , Neb. 103 _ _ FtTlFRALi : Hotel furnlturn In n irood live to n of (1 000 Inhabitants. Hotel doinir peed buslnoss. flood reason for sellingAddirssO 40 , llco oinco. 158-13 * _ FOR SALT Nlco llttlo cfjrnr , tobacco nnd oinfpctloncry Btoro on a prominent stroot. Aildicss C Jfl , lee ! OIIlco. P83-0 * FOK KXCIIANOK-fU.OOO stock of clothlnp. Hcnh. balnnro unlncumberod Innl : $ " / ) < ia stock of dryiroodsM cash , Imlauco unlncuni- bcrcd laud : f'l.Offl Mock of lints nnd cnps , J { cnwh , balance luilnciimbcrod land ; J4.001 stock of lints nnd enps , ' { cnsh.bnlnncnunlncumhorod Innd. jVichcr , AlhrlRht it Ailosuortli , 21fl 8. 16th St. , oppoalto lloyd'H oporn housu. B33 Foil RALK Hnkory nnd lunch stnnd In town of about FOO Inhnbltnnts : chnnco for n good hnkcr. Inquire of Kopp , Drolbus & Co . HOT Fnrnnm st. 837-1 Foil SALK Crcnmory will bo sold ohenp , on easy terms , to nuyono who will run it the coming season. 0. 31. Carter , Ashland , Nob. B18 _ _ VI TANTin To oxchanffo for stock of hnrd- > wnro nnd sonmnl merchandise , MO ncrcsot flnoTlmjnr Co. , Nob. , land : n lots In Genoa. Neb. , treed ptoro buliaiiicr ( best corner ) : peed duelling ( bo t location ) in K ev. In. , nlo M neros Vt mile from town of Fssov , In. , seeded In blue ffrnes. Tor further partloulnrs nddrnss John Llnderliolm Central Cltv Nebraska. 'G5fl TTIOKSALK A $2.500 stock of mllllnnry ( roods J In splendid location. A bl-r hnrpnln for someone ono ns n llbornl ill < caiint will bo prlvon. Tor fur ther particulars mldress Hot ] , line OIIlco. 623 HEAL ESTATE. "ITTANTBH-To buy n plcro of Innd sultnblo . lorhrlPk-ynwl purposes. Cnll nt Mlllnul irotol. H. H. I'lorco. 110 h * _ EK VOtTimvo nmpoity to snll or oxclmniro , Hstltwltlir..T.rn wcll * Co. , Uoom 19. brnskn Nntlonnl Bunk I\ulldln ? . PEKBONAL. T > nnsoVAL-I will build fonnysolf tills Fon- l Mn n61,1,000 ipsldenco upon Ortinrd Hill , liosldoHii d.o/on find houses for the Orchnrd Hill . .Jlulldlns Aspoplntloii. This ini > iiro < i n pooil stnrt for Orchnrd Hill , and to amono who wlshos to li'illd nhousa I ulll nlvo nstromnlv low prices nnd oisy terms , fioo this beautiful nddltlon bo- foronurchnslnir elsowlioio. C. E. Mnyno , S. > V. cor. 15th nnd rnrnnm. HB-'i T > IIHSONAT. Sovonil olnsrnnt rciMopcps on J upper Farnnrn 8t , tiot. Kird nnd Slth St. , thnt woliiiypforsntn for n fn\v dnjs nnd tlmt wo . UlllKoll ut a hnrRiiln. I'lonso pall nt once or to'ophono us nnd wo will cnll on you nnd If con venient tnko you to Investigate these proper ties. 13. T. Peterson & Co. lin ' " STOVE KEPAIRS. TIIKW.C.MounormovoBopnlrCo. lllSouth Uth SL I'otwoon Uodpo nnd Doutfliis. EOAHDI1TO. OOMS und bonnl. ; < n North 22d st " tOST. V OST flronnnl. I will pny ( J rou-nnl for Jvtho return of my Colllo dog ; no nuostlons nskod. D. C. Kingmnn , S94 Tleasant st. Ififl 5 a LOST A diamond nnd hlnl onrrlnr. Finder will plonso Inavo at KJliolm & flrlckson's end got Bullnble reward. 104-fl sf 01'T-notwoon 25th nnd I'lorco , 'Jth ) to St. -U Mary's ave. , Uth atrnct to Falconer's , bar pin with neil twiat across tlio top. Ixiuvo ut Falconer's nn < \ receive reward. Oil- NOTICi : Thopnitnershlp heretofore exist- liitr under the tlrm mime or J. Karris & Bon U this day Unsolved by mutunl consent , J. Hur- rla , 8r , , oontlnuliiK the business nt tbo old ft ami. Oiuahu , March U , lusfl. J , Harris , Br. , J , Hnrils , Jr. JT-J-g LAIIKS In want of Rood xlrls can bo sup plied by calling * at the Omaha Kmplovmcnt llureau.lljj Farnam St. Telephone No. 1U. 40 _ _ OKUKll jour flour and food by Toluphono KT , Keal S , Conriul , UU Dodge Et. .TO FOU SALE One hundred slmics stock lu No- liruskii & Iowa Iiiduitmce Comiaay of Onatia ; nUo 10)flmi-s vtiuk In Western Homo Ins iinnoii Cnmpiiny of Sioux City. 1. N. Miller , Couiicllin H 170-5 _ _ _ ontlro contents of the elegantly fur- TIIIK nUhed house. UU Webster Btieut , consist. Ing of line I'prlght Clilckurlnir Piano ; oak nnd cherry bedroom ots , Frcuch plur mirrors , Pur- toll paintings , Moriuettu nnd llnifttlj carpets , cherry dining room sets. Monitor cooKlug range , Qliony cabinet , brasd fender and llrv-lrong , und jniuiy other articles , all nearly now and li\ good condition , will be sold at auction , ou the prom- JSI , wtboit ) | ltSer\e ) , on Viidiif , Murch Cth. Sale to cooimeiicu ut 10 o clock. Intendinginir - < i/xseri / may vloir the property any time before the ilo bv upplyliiK on tliu premises. Terms cuth. A. W , Con mi , Auctioneer. "TjAOU SALtVA f plendld squuru piano. M good 4a * now , of onu of the best manufacturer * iu'thucounirv. Hancoit CK > X- Will bo eoM at law tlffuro. To bo Been nt my oitltu , H n. rwi 8. Cliarlw Brftudea , FOU SATlAn almost new delivery wmron , n eil only ono month , will sell on time , drnftll enOi pnvmont. Inquire Itoom 20 , Omahn NntlonatJUnnk. lgM _ _ T71OII SAI.n Miriit express wagon , for want JJ if \ \ < MJ. 1812 Webster gt. flSQ-S1 _ F JIt SiM-rnrniruro nnd louse of hoto 0'ionp. AddroiB C W , Hoe umco. P43- ' Iiou SAI.K A lot of extra tlno milch cows. Kvory cow will bo cold undnr n Kimrnntoo. Cnll at our yards on SUth nnd Hurt sts. Penny ttlt-5 FOU SAI.n rrcsh cows nnd sprlncors , 2 of thohutor , Hol tcln holfors ; nlso nno > oiing Holstcin iiullsnd and 1'opplolou n\o. DlS-fl * roil SAI.K B or 0 hcnd of jrood work horses ; alson lot of household furnlturo , oto. An- lienjcr-llufch llrnnlnsr Association , Oth and Capitol avo. > t. Keating , Agent. 704mhl8 FOU 8AI.U Or sale , 1 top biifrRy , bran now ; 1 phaeton top Initnry nnd 1 platform spring wagon. Imiulront Hospo'sMusloStoro. BWmM TilOU wonthcr strips , storm sash and doors , go J-1 to F. I ) . Mead 2098. 10th st. W9 WAlITEB-rEMAiE HELP. "l\7'ANTii ) Good girl forgcnoral houfowork \ > 113 3 Ktlnt. 170-S' _ _ _ \1TAN Olrl at Mrs. J. T. Iloity's , cor. T T 1'lnrco aud toward st. Agply ut once. 10Jf , W ANTED nutton-liolo mnkorj. 1113 Far- nnm , \\7AJfTED-A girl for'general housework. > Imiulro nt oinco of 0. B. M.iyno , a W. cor 15th nnd rnrnnm. 161-9 WANTED Oood ghl for general housework. 421 North 17th St. 15J-0 * ItTANTED Good girl tovgotiornl housework. IV Mif.'W. A. Stow , S. K. cor. Charles and Jnmos sts. lr > 3 TT17ANTKO A girl nbout 15 or IB years old to T nurse. Apply d. W. cor. 21st nnd Lent on- worth. 1&3 WANTED A nomnu to do housework ; must bo competent nud come well recommended. Good wages. 501 S. 20th. 131-5 WANTED An experienced mllllnory sales lady. Address 1) X , Duo olllce , with references. W ANTED A girl for general houseuork. UOFninnm ) st. WWANTED WANTED A lady teacher to gho private In structions In common branches ( if Btudy to n glil 13 ycais old who will come to tonohcrLs homo two or three hours ench day. Address Mis. .1. W. Holmes. Lock llox l'i , Omaha. IJS-il * WANTED Wet nurse fflrl with joung bnby , ono willing to come west. Address H. C. Henry , Valentino , Nob. 117-5 * WANTED Girl foi general housework. An- ply utl210 Cupltol avo. 115-b * WANTED Girl to do ceuornl housework. Apply to Dr. AinolJ , i U North 17th Bt. 118-4 * WANTED-A first-class dining loom ghl , none other need apply ; nlso u dlshu nslier. Occiroiitnl Hotel. 110 T\7ANTED Woman cook at onco. 210 S. 10th > > Btroot. U82-4 * AfiENTS Local nud traveling cnn mnkc from $25 to ( . " 00 weoklv. Address Imperial Fire Extinguisher Co. , Stonart Uulldlng- , Now York. Pfll-nprl WANTED Good second girl for housework. 100 South llth St. 076 WA.VTED A girl to do general housework ; nGorniun or Swede prcforiod. Apply to 1020 Douglas st 002 WANTED A nrst-class dlnlng-ioom ghl nt 1518 Dodge St. t > sa WANTED Good dining-room glils , 1 fiecond cook lor rostauiaiit , Rirls for flrst nnd second work in pilvnto families ; plnoos given 1'ico. Oiuului Kmploymoat Uiuoiiu , ll.'t ) l'iu- nam st. . 690 WANTED Active lady agents to sell our combined waist nnd corset. For circular , nddross Jackson Corset Co. , Hex 845 , Oninlm , Nob. 753mhlil * \XrANTED Good girls for first and second ' woik in private families ; peed wages ; places given tree. ; cnll at Nebraska Employ ment iigoncy , 11010th street , cor Capitol Avo. 71H WANTKD At once , nurse girl from 15 to 10 yonrsoldto tnko cnre of child 14 yonra old ; Gcrnuui pioforrod. 4m Convent st. CS7 WANTKD Good girls for Koneral house work. Uoom 4Uushmiiu lllook , 10th nnd Douglas. 050 WAHTED-MAXB HELP. WANTED An o\porloncod ictall dry Roods salesman ; n permanent position to the light party. Address , giving experience nnd references , C 4 > , llco offlce. 55-0 TryANTED-Uniborat No. 413 S. 13th st WANTED Competent tn'cimen for dress- goods nnd white good * dopurtinonts ; must speak both English mid Get m in and luivo gocd city rofoimic' a ; none otlieis now apply. New York Dry Goods Store. 171-0 Biib-conti actors for a few miles WANTED of No.J eoinpei oik ; fieo trausporta- tlon. H. II. dllsonMetropolitan Hotel. U0-i ( TXTANTED To employ an oxpoilcnccd trnv- i' cling diugsalosninn for Noluaska ; tuido cm Union Paellle. Address , In contldonep. C 14 , Bee OIIlco. 154-C * WANTED A boy to tnko tnro yard , horse , light woik , dilvlutr , etc. Di. Jono , 1111SJ Karnnin. . 142-fi A boy about 18 jo.irs old n ho WANTED undoistamls how to take euro of hoiscs nnd cows , and mnko hlui'-ell'iHoful ; must bring good lofcicnce , uud bo a nice smatt and \\lllinjr iioy , eli-oiifr ami lollntilosteady ; woik. Innulio nt idholm \ : B. IcKsou'-1. 135-i WANTKD-llim'noss men with f 100 to f."iOO to cstnbllMi mill inanago general ngcn- closfor thosuluof SllvorOIlt linking Powder , In luigo cities. Can show you moiu money in It than anything jetolfoied. Cox Chemical Co. 1.115 Harnoyslicot WI-4 * WANTKD Boy for Kitchen work ; Geimnn pi ofcirod. 215 nnd 217 S. 15th St. l'JO-5 * Just foity men for railroad w ork In NebrnsKa ; fioo trnnspjrtntlon , peed wngps. Callnt loom il , Wltbnoll Ulock ; Hhlp this cck. . .1.V. . Atkinson. 140 ANTUI ) A peed onko hnlier. IIalilult& W Co. , 10th and Capital uvo. A muloor female cook. Address WANTED House , Ashhind , Neb. KM-i * Uneigctlomon losoll housoliold WANTED articles. PrOtlts Ci per duv aud uimaid. C. H. Whlliimn , 11J11C Bt. Lincoln. 477 -lyANTED-Agcnts. 206N. 16th st P51 BITUATIOW WAUTED. \VANTKli-SHiuiHon as n clerk In diy t > or mllllncrv Btoro. Good it'forenco. Ad- ilreai 0 47 , lli > o olHco. 175-5 * WANT1SIJ A douWo-cntry bookkeeper and connral olllcomnu ottlncon jearsnxjicil- rncoueshos u poJillon In hU lino. Salary mod- crato. Uiiipicatloiiablo , Addrui < s HooLkoupor , euro Clark & . Hatchor , 1078. Uth st. WANTKIJ A position Experienced In mil- Hurry or drossnifiklug. Address 1719 Cum- IngBt. _ 14J-6 * WANTjn ; ny u young rami 23 years old. sober and industrious , work In uny kind of store ; inn uscxl to hnrd work ; cau wiltogood liuiid ; rolcroiioos. Addrosi 0 i3 , Ueo OIIlco. T\7'ANTK1 > A position by a lady ns copyist , T > for the purpose of ronmlnliitf In Oniuliu to look nt property with the Intention of bii > lnK In the future ; ow furn'sh beat of reforeaovs. Addivss C.37 IK-0 olHco , Ud3 WANTED-$30.UOO to W0,000-l'artnor with capital from KU.OOO to JMXOOO In the lum ber tmslnasa out west , runnluir duos of luuitier ynrda , State amount of capital , und if native partner or notAddrosi II. A. Callund , UulTalo Unp , Dak. _ 88M jeiSCELlAJrEOUS WAVT8. WANTKD Tin co or four unfurnished rooms wltliorwlthout board , ort 111 rent hulf o house with responsible party. Apply by luttur to H , J , Llovt-r , euro Tootlo , Haul & Co. 171-C * _ _ _ : > To rout 7 or B room bouse south WANTii and east ot 2Mh preferred. II. 1' . novtUon , care Unlngcr & Hetoalf Co. ( lentloman woiit furnUhod room WANTED nlirhtB ana SunJaya. Ituto must bo low Ilpsl of references if roqulroi. Address 0 UH , Itoe ollloc. 071-i * TX7ANTKI * Two or three unfurnished reemiT T for light housfkceplng near bug Iness 0011- tcr ; must bo rouBoimblo. 0 il , Ueo Oilioe. lit-t * _ _ \\rANTCU-Furnlshed bod-room and silting. f r room , MltU or without board , tor marrlod couploi tormamust b moderate.- Bond panic- 40 , lleo Ollloo , li < k. ' TANTKU-Tcams. 8038. llth st. \Y UEHT-KOUSCS ATTD Z.OTS. niXT Store nnd bar omcnt In center cf Ifioit 1 ; fixtures nnd lease for sale , 30s South ICMitrcct. 1C9 n * i > OU UKNT-gomo omnll cottages on 2Ath I 1 ttrcot , near St. Marj's nvenuo. Wnrron S \vll7lcr. ( irnnlto lllock. _ roil nn T-Cor. 2Hrd and Kurt. houfO.O rooms ; nil convanloncos ; (10. C.K. Mnyno , S. W. cor. 15th nnd Fnrnnra. lliMl _ T7IOU 11ENT A 11-room houses modern Im- J-1 provcmcnts ; good location. Inqulrn 2110 California. P34 _ UENT-Cotti ( oNo.f.l8N. Uth. Innutro Foil 12 and 1 p. m. $ iJ.50 per month. Foil itttMT A plei ( nnt , octngcn , front , nl- cox o room , hot nnd cold water , gns , bnth , , for ono or two Bcntlomen. Terms ronsonablo. 211 8. 23d fct. 160-0 _ TTIOU UiNT-Oralo-A splendid highly Im- J. ' proved fnrm of 4X ) acres , 3 miles west of Omaha ; 310 acres culthatod , line grove , pasture , nnd hay land , running wntor , wind mill , tanks , etc. , two houses , eloinnt Inrgo barn , room for 1(0 ( head of cnttlonnd horfos : onsy terms. In quire of Marshall & Ixiboek , 1VW Fnruam St. , lmalia , or of Joseph A. Connor , rinttfliiioulh , NOD. _ 057-8 FOU SAT.n At n bargain , fine Doom house with modern convenloiicos ; full lot ; on Harney Bt. , near 25th ; $5 ja Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnnm st. P.VJ _ _ oil ItENT-Nlcoly furnished rooms , 101J Dodge. _ K114 * FOUItnNT Two very dcslrAbla tints on llownr.I Street over lull with all modern Im provements. A splendid looitlon to rent fur nished rooms. Omulm Koal Estate aud Iioan Co. , Ilooms22 and 23 .Wlthnoll lllook. 783 OU UKNT-Qardon farm. 303 3. llth St. "ITIOUUENT Nowcottnao , t ) rooms , on B. loth J * st. C. A. nuldwln. 052 FOU 11ENT Throe-room house , Oth & Dodge. 053 Kr.NT House of 8 rooms 2M nnd Mar FOK SU Imiulro of Mount & Grlllln213 S 14th btroot. 082 Troll 11ENT Thieo houses of 10 , 0 and 4 J-1 rooms each. J. Pnlpps lloo. 051 EEHT-nOOMS. TTAOIl IlUNT-3 nicely furnished rooms. 10.3 J ? Dodge. 101-17 * _ Oil HENT-ruinlshcd loom. 1011 Dodga. 14M' A largo handsomely furnished ' room ; also ono small one ; modern convcii- lonccs. 1720 Capitol in o. _ 8314 * ItHNT Furnished front room with use FOU of bath loom. lniiilto | at olHco oC C. L. Jlnyno , Htli nml r.iinum. L21 . Tj OIlltKNT A furnldhcd roqm with boiud IJ for ono or two goiit'oinen nt 1512 Daren- roit et. ISO-.1) * _ _ UCNT Throe unfurnished rooms with Fou closets. IiiqullO 2J12 IluineysU FOU HUNT Unfurnished looms. 1IKH Tar- mini st. 114-3 * _ Foil IIKNT Furnished looms , one lauro loom 5'J.OO ; small loom $100 , 005 Noith 17th street. IIM" _ Foil ItnNT Good room and day board. 10UI Fainam street. 07J-0 * TTIOU KENT Furnlshod rooms. 2209 Dodge J3 _ 281-0 * FOU HUNT Handsomely furnished looms , plensaiitly situated , with boaid ; bath uo- commodatloiis. Apply at 1023 Cr.pltol nvo. _ _ _ 881-4 * T7IOU IIKNT With bonrd ono Inrso fiout X1 room with gns und bath room , nt Hif Jones st. _ ira-5 * FOU nilNT-Hoom with bourd. 1013 Capitol nv. C17-3 * _ 77011 lir.NT-Nieoly furnished looms. No. ± 1 111 South 18th. 001 Fou HUNT For light houaokoopliisr looms furnlphcd nnd untiirnlslied In IJooiiior'a lllotk.cor. Eighth and Howard st. 775 OU ItKNT Store room n Wlthnoll block , bet , Hni noy and Fiumiin on 15th. Inquire Uoom 17 , Withnoll lllock. 777 Oil IIKNT 4 nicely furnished rooms with or without boarit 5Jii Plcmttat sL 715mh FOll HEXT Nicely furnished rooms , with heat , KM und b.itlt ; also tlrst-class table boaicl ; best of references given and required. liU Dodge st. 531 FOB BAJ.E-HOUBE3-I.OTa. PI.ATS of Orchn d Hill now looJy ; pot ono ol C. F. Mixj n ( i , BW cor irth & I uiiinin. Ufa-5 TT1OU 8Ar.lI Atalowpilco , a lot oaVtiglnla J-1 iivonuo , cast liont andon irrudo ; aUoono oftlie eljnlcost enuioi-3 In Hawthorne , addicss 0 42 , IJoo OIIlco. 122-0' pI.ATS ! of Orchnid Hill now irady ; got ono or J _ aK.Mujne , SW eor J5th and lirnam. 14b-5 Oil lIXCIIANOE-Suvoinl ( loshublo houses nnd lots In Omnlia. for Douul'is county im- proed or unlmpioved lands. C. B .Jluyne , SW uorlStliiiiid Tin nan. 107-U PLATS of Orchard Hill noiv ready , get ono of C. K. Ma ) no , SW cor 15th nnd Fiiniam. ,140-5 Oil bAr.K Urnss farm in Elkhom Ynllcy at IJwlng. Holt Co , Nob. , 130 miles not In west of Fremont ; price , SV/K ) ; 1 milo from town und iiiiliond ; 10) ucresoC hay meiidow nnd pastnro enclosed , \\Ith timber and ilccr ; good liouso , c ittlo sheds , bums and outbuildings. A do-lr- nlilo place lor biecdlnp and shipping Btock.or for n small much nnd lioj pistuio : ; 1(11 ( acias of irood f mm Innd adjoining can bu bought cheap. Apply to Kdwnrd Stringer , lowing , Holt Co. , PLA1S of Oioliar.l Hill now roady.get onoof C.F. .Mnyno. BtVeorlith.nnd I'arna 11. 140-5 IjlOUHALK Full ncro , new < J-roompd house , J-1 burn , ete.SauiiilorsBt. , $8,03J. > good house , Suunders , near Cuinlng , 5 east front lots , " corners , N. 21st St. , with 1 Inmo Jl-room house nnd 1 noiv K-ionm liouso , barn , trull trees , etc. , n bnrgali (14OUO. 109 cottage , Diuoupmt et , $3,500. ftOvlSO. eouier. gooc' house , SI.701) ) . Choice lots In Mmsh's add. , (1,00) to { 1,903. Lots uud icsldouco propoity In nil'parts of the olty. Cull und look over my list. K. V. Illngcr. HON. 15th st. 077 PLATS of Orclmid II11 now londyVKOt ono of C'.K. MaHi' , 3.V cor llth and Fuinam. 140-5 Pou SALE Ttvo lots In Plalnvlew , ei50 oath. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fur nam st. 05S rLATS of Orchard Hill now ready , pot ono of C. U. Mayno , &W cor 15th un I l-'ariuun. 110-5 POU SALE 7-ioom cottage , 1 bloolt from fit , Maiy'g avo. cur line , lot 75x110 , only M.l'iO. Potter Jc Cobb , 151J Furnum. % 0 PLTSofOrclinid HIM now icndy.gotoi oof C. li. Ma ) no , 8U' cor 15th und Far nam , 110-5 POU SALE Some elegant lots In Ilunscom Place 1 hat wo will sell for $850. LotsluThornburg Place (350. Lots In Lowe's add (000. Ixitfl In ll.u-tloil's ndd (050. Lots in Ha thorn ndd $100. 1-oUlii niso'8adil(700. Ix > t3 In Molrosn Hill O30. I/its In Nawpoit ( , SOO. Aero lots in Washington Hill $750. l < otn on Email monthly payments In any of lie additions to Omaha. E. T , Peterson & Co. 112 L jr.ATS : of Orchard Hill now icady , ( jet ono of U. K. MnynotiW oor 15th mU'Funmm. ll5 > OHSALK-inl aoros of lund , SO broke , 3 E inllos from Illvorton , In Frunklln county , > Jet ) . Call onoriuldriBi Nels II. Uorsballo , 6w ( , tUIMun St. , Omnha.Nub. 9CD-4' Pr.ATS of Oichard Hill no\r ready , got one of C. B. Sluone SWoorUtliand rainmn. li < H > I71OK SALE Or trade ; Tttrm forOmahnprop- lorty,2 acres in Lancaster county , Neu , 454 nllosBoiittiwnst of Valparaiso ; 115 acres cultl- rated , liouse , stnblo , well , 8 aprlnga on land , rtilt aud Blmilo trees 12 years old ; a \ ory good itok f urra. for further information call on o r uldross V. D. VoaioUu , KO B. IDth st , Oiuiilm' Vobruskn. WJ3-0 Pr.ATd of Orchard Hill now ready , got one of U. K. Hip no. BW corlMli and I'ainuin. H8-5 A CUES , Mayflold , * 2M. t\- Acres , HonUeld. (37K. Acres , Patterson Turk , $15. Acred , I'attoi-son Park , ( JOO. Acres , Patterson 1'utk , * 250. Acrus , Patterson Park , * JOO. Aoies. Puttorgon 1'iuk , taVJ. Jai with S cottages. Millurd Place. (3.500 Lot with 1 cottage , Bulun'8 Zd , S1.0UU. 8 beautiful lots overlooking Walnut and Or- : hard Hills , each ( SOO. 8 extra fine lots , 6 blocks from Hansoom Place , lultable for the boat class of residences , cock Fax ) . I ) . O. Patterson , Iron Hank. 867-0 rL.ATS of Orchard IIHI now ready , get one of L C. U. JUyno , 8W cor ISthaul Kurnam. UU-5 FOU KALE The finest suburban property In Omaha Four acroa lu west part of city , 12.500 m improvements-fruit in abundance jicelleiit Water magnificent view flrst-closs iirostuiont fora borne or to sub-dlrldo (14OUU. : oeUruu llros. , ro l estate , 15uy Farnum st. t > l.ATS ofOi'dmnl Hill now ready , get on of 0. li ilu > lie , 3W 09115th uua I'uruam. 140-5 ptATSpf Orclufchlflll now ready , get ono o ( X 0. li. Mny iosrftCWl'ilh and Fnriiam. HM Foil SAI.n-lxits , . " I < ots chonp nntrht treat bargains. Jjots on Cuminir. Ijth , Farnnni , and other Btreots. TV Ixts ) In every ndditlon to Omahn. lot son easy terms nnd long llmo. Lots to suit all piiroh ? or . lots thochenpo t Inithoclty. I/its from $300 to ( U.OflO. Lots In KirKwood B nl. nt $400. l ts In Hanpcoin J'liuo at (1,10) ) . l its In Dwlght * . Jjj rann's ndd. very cheap. Lots ou nth street nt ( l,50i ) . Ixits In Snunilcrhft Hhnobuugh's add. Lots In Hogors' nilrt. nt $1 0 ! ) . Lots ot ory wliorojln tfjnclty. Cnll on A. McQiU'pc % lloom 7 , ttodlck Hlock , rnrnnm st. 'f - ( , _ t07-t PLATS of Orchard Jtlll now rondj- , got one ol C. K. Mnj no , S\Vjcxir \ Iftti and rnrnam. 140-f _ * FOUSALi-A lotGOxi40 , and dwelling 20x23 , noarfiiluro llroirnoll Hall , cheap ; half ca h , bnlnneo smnll moiuhly pnymonts. V. L. Vo- dlcka,520S. 13th st. OU PLATS of Orclmt-d mil now ready , get ono ol C. E Mnync , HW cor 15th and rnrnam. HO-f Foil SVLK ( loWTf nil corner lotT"scor 17th nnd Davenport st. Will b llld on this lot If not sold soon. Aldross IL S.cnro IJpoof- nco. KK-0 * _ PLATS of Orolmrd Hill now icady. potonool 0. K. Mnyno. 8 Y cor loth and Fnrnnin. 140 i 1)LATS of Orchard Hill now icndy , got ono of 0. R. Mayno , SW cor 15th and Fnrnnm. 140-u Oil SAt.U-10) ncros In olty HmlU of Kearney - noy at n bargain , nnd on good terms. Ad dress H. M. Woolmnn , U. P. Town Lot Agent , Denver Junction , Colorado. llmh24 _ 1JLATS of Orchnrd Hill now ready , get one of JL 0. K. Mnyno , BW cor 15lh nnd Farnam. 14M FOIlSALE-Fnli conor on Fnrnnm , 00x133 , S12 600. Qrnlium Crclghton Hloek. P.M pLATt fjf Oiclmrcl Hill now rcndy , got ono ol ± C. B M ayno , SW oor 15th nnd Fnrnnm. 140-5 FOU SALE Lots to the west of town , nonr Fnrnam st. nnd Lone nvo. , in Potter's add. , safe and profitable Investment nt (50Jand(000 oaoh. Potter & Cobb 1515 Farnam st. 830 pLATSof Orchard Hill nowion-ty , get ono of J. C.B. Mnyno , BW eor 15th and I'ninnm. 140-P FOU SAM ; A now 7-rooni house nnd lot on Siuiiidors St. , n bargain. 4 aero lots In Hlmolmtigh'snild. > ory cheap. Homes and lots In nil purls ot the city. Iinprtnod mid iiiiltn- piood laud for tale or trade. It , 11 , Unit , 1C2 N. Ifitli Bt. 841mli21 _ PLATS of Orchnid Hill now rondy. got ono of C. K. Mayne,3\Y cor 15th and ruiiiiiin. 144-5 FOU S > VLUso acres , Improved. 4 mlle west of water works iosor\olr on Military road. For price and terms , addrogi I * . O. llox 411) ) . 611 pLATS of Oiclmid Hill now ready , get ono of X C. K. Mnyno , SW cor llth and luinnm. 110:5 : FOU SALU-Tlnco line lots In Shlnu's 3d ndd. nt f 800 each. 1'ottor & Cobb , 1515 I'm nam. 817 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PLATS ofOrchnid Hill now icndy , got ono of C. E. Mayne , SW cor 15th nnd I'luimm. 141-5 _ ' fjOll SALi-Lots : In Lowe's 1st addition , J.1 south fronts , easy tcims , only $500. Potter H Cobbl'il5 Fauiiiiii st. K > 1 _ J5LATS of Oiclmid Hill now icaly , got ono of -L C. E. Mil ) no , HW i-or.lSM nnd rurimin. 140-5 TTiOUSALK-nostr. ncro U nuts In the mnrkot , -t ? only COO pur acre. Imiulro about them. Potter V Cobb Kill rarnnm. B53 _ PLATS of Oiclmid Hill now icndy , get ere of C. K.MiQno. SW cor nth nnd Fninam. 140-5 POU SALK- Aero Int jGIso's add. .only 81.503 Potter & Cobb' , 15ir Pnriinm. 837 PLATS of Orchard flHl now icndy , got ono of C. K. May-no , SVtj cor Kth mid Farnam. 140-5 FOUSALK fi uoies.wllh house , bnrn , l'i ncrosgrapo vim's , ? , nero of raspberries , horse , harness and A\.uroTil ; mlle west of Fott Omahn , nllforSl.SiW ; { I OOcash , balance to suit mirchasor ; must bo fold before the 7th of March. Inquire on/pioinlsos. Saml D. Jones 787mfl _ _ 1)LATS ofOiclmrd HJU now ready , got ono of 0. E. Mnino , a\'cor 5tli nnd Fainam. 140-5 FOUSALi-Onfcasr'torms,10 lots In Hans- coin Place tiom $ 00 to $1,003 onch. Lot on Pleasant St. , with double liouso , 10 rooms oncli with all modoi n Improviiineiits ; rents for $110 per month , $11OW.Lots In West Ciimlng from $27ototoS4-Voftoh.i Corner lot , Prospect Pluco , bargain. Coruor lot. Shjnn's 3d add. , bargain. C. J. Caswell & Co. , Uoom ID , Iron Hunk. 774 PLATS of Orchnid Hill now rondy , got ono of C. E. Maj lie , SW cor 15th and lui num. 116-5 T7IOU SALE Several desirable business lots JL' on 10th St. , nnd business aud residence lots In all parts of the city. Also warehouse , hotel nnd 1 arm property. Houses to rent. Property shown fioo of charge unrt n larzo list to select troin at ptlcos ranging from $ J50 to 10OOJ. Par ties desiring to Invest should look over our list nud prices bofoio buying. Coriespondoiico so licited und information nbout the cltv freely gl\oii. Omaha Itoal I Ma to & Loan Co. , Uoom 23 , Wlthncll lllook , Omnhn. 727 PLAT S of Orclmid Hill now rondy , get one of C. K. Ma > no , S. W. cor. 15th nud l amain. FOU SALE Lots Just soutn of tlio parkin Clark 1'luco $ "i5Q each , on easy terms. Potter - tor & Cobb , HIS Fiu nam. _ b50 PLATS of Orchnid Hill now londr , got ono of C. B. Majno , S. W.cor. 15th und I'mimm. FOU SALE A tow of the host ots In Wileox's ndd. nt $ SJO each. Potter A : Cobb , 131S Tar- nam st. 353 LAI'S of Orclmid Hill now ready , got ono of C. 13. Mnyno , 8. W. cor. i5th and Farnam. FOU MALI : 20 lots. Kllby ndd , easy terms (500. Qruhan , Croighton lllook. 779 LATS of Orclmnl Hill now ready , got one of C. 1 ] Mil } no , B. W. cor. 15th and Turnum. Foil SALE One of the Ilnost corners on" Fnrnnm , (18.0J ) ; C > , 'XJ ' ) cash and oisy terms. Items tor (1,51)0 ; u bargain. iJushahlo houses ami lots , vacnnt lots uud aoics. Mai shall & Lobock , 1MJ I'nriiaiu. 7.0 IJLAThol'Oiclinid Hill now rondy , got ono of C. K. Muyiiu , b. W-cor. 15th nnd rtunnm. FOU SALE Clio ip lots in Hiirr Oak , Just east of Hanscoin Pink , nourstinot euro , $750 , easy terms. Potter is t'obb , 1515 Fuinutn st. 851 IJLATS of Orchard Hill now ready , got ono of C , U. Mil } no , S. W. cor. 15th and 1'ai num. IN oilUEIt to encourage building In Orchard Hill thU Kcnson , 1 will Bell lots to those In tending to build at a reduced lute , and on terms to suit purchaser. No liner locution than Ur- ehnid Hill can bo found magnificent Uow , beiiutlf ill groves. Taken look at this addition befoio liujliik- > houhuro. U.K. Muyne , B. W. cor. 15th and Km num. 147-0 " 13 LATS of Orchard II 111 now rondy , got Ono of JL C. E. Mnyno , H , W. coi. 10th and 1 iirnum. HALE Cheap , onu of the bostlmpioved nnd lluost locutod farms in Douglas county , Nob. , 5 miles nest of Omaha court house , con taining HU ) HcrcH , with house , stublo , wells , or- oliuril and pasture , ote. ; one-half ciuli , bulanco tosnlt piirulniHor. For further pnitloulars iH- tliossOeo. Llndo , care Omaha Uoo , Omaha , Ne braska. CU ( _ of Orchard Hill now ready , get ono of PLATS Mayno , B. W. oor. IMh and Farntim , 0118ALE Housllaiid lot in Hhlnn'a add , 1 block from streetcar line , (1,0 JO. House und H lot ne ir th , and Uard streets , 125 feet , east front ! orT'iaih ' street , ( business protortyloVX ) ! ) . i 1J- Corner lot on Farnnm strcot,83xl32 foot , ( ' .09) llouso Id rooms , lot 30x140 , on street car Hue , (3,500. ( loo. P. Bomls , iSHjftu fOouglaa st , 621 TJLATS of Orchard Jllllnow re ady , got one of J0. . K. Mayno , bWt'Qr.-l/lb and Furnum. 146-5 HALE nig ilsrguin Corner in Isaac * Foil ' addition ] only 2 blocks from Loav- nnworth st. , 182xUI , onrjr tl,6X . Potter & Cabb , IS15 Farnum st. P5J PLATH of Oichard.IlUl/iow i-oady. Got ono of C. K. Mayne , BW eor Mlh und Farnain. 110-5 Foil SALE-aibson bds for sale lots In Hans- com 1'Iaoo , (800 in (1 00. Gibson bus for sale' ' hoXises and lots In Hans- corn Placo. Gibson has for sale liousos and lots In all parts t the city. Gibson has improved farms and lands In all parts of Ncbiasku for sale or exchange. Gibson has thousands ot acres of land in Western Nebraska for sale from ( ! to (4 per ncro. Gibson would like to ECO you If you want to buyorsLlL Gibson's Is tbo place to list your property. Call nnd see him at Uoom 3 , Wlthuoll Block , cor. 15th and Hurney Ets. t > H ) r > LAT8 of Orchard Hill now ready , go 'onoof JL O. B. Mayne. BW cor 15th and Farnam. 10-5 Oil SALE-Throu lots In Shlnn's 2d addition , on eastern slope , only 3 blocks fiom street : nrs , cheap only (750. Fatter i. Cobb , 1515 Far- lam st. 653 LATH of Orchard Hill now ready , get ono of 0. E. Mayno. BW cor 151 hand Furuurn. 118-6 FOU BALE A flneAkero tract on South 10th' street , only u few block * from street car me. Inquire at Lunge & Follicle , 318 B. Uth st. FOU SALE No.stU-Lot (52x126 ( , elegant no * ft-room house , Nelson add. , near ( "inning gt. (2,805 ! (800 cash , bnlnnco to suit. 15. T. Peter- BOH It Co. , 8. K con 15th and Douglas. FOU SALK-No. TEl-Lnrgo lot nnd 3 house ? S. Uth st , easy termSi ti.OOO. K. T. Potorsor &Co. SALE-No. 12J-2 full lots and 3 line JL1 houses In 81iuH'a2dadd. , moilorn Impioie- inont s , easy terms , (0,600. K. T. Potore on & Co TTion SALE Xo , ISO-IM TSXUU , house r * - rooms nnd basement , Improvement Assooln uon. Iflth St. , ( corner ) , (1M , easy pnjmcnts 1 T. Peterson & Co. _ Oil SALE-No. im-r/t 47x160. n nno 2-ctory brick dwelling , staulo , etc. , S. 10th St. , (1,230 K.T. Peterson & Co. _ Foil SAM : No. BtT'lno 0-room house , ful lot , Dnvonport Bt. Jiistwcstot high school $3. ; .T. Peterson & Co. FOIlsA.LE NosniOt BOxWJ. South ICtt street , 2 two story liousos , very cheap ot ( S.OJO. U. T. I'otorsoii A Co. I7H > U SALE-No. ini-Lot fiOxllO , house of 11 J- ' rooms ( newj ) n bargain , $3,700. K. T. Voter son & Co. Foil SALE-Ho. 338-2 full lots ami 5 houses on inth mid Pierce sts. ; very cheap , ( S.DOO , 15. T. Peterson. & Co. FOK SALE JtoT3lO-2 f till lots O0.tiai , Beware ft ; cheap nt f . ' ,000 ; cosy terms. K. T. Peter son & Co. Foil HAM : NO. cso-r/oi coxno , 10 roon house , 18th Rt. on car line , chcnp , ( J.800 K.T. FotorgQiiA Co. _ I Mill SALE-No. . OH-Full lot und smnll house 1 Vhglnhi o\o. , cheap at (1'JOO. IX T. Peter son & Co. FOU SALE No. .133 Largo lot and cottage , S. Kith nonr viaduct. Chcnp at $3,000. B. T. Peterson A Co. _ FOIt HALE-No. 109-Lot 2.2x00 , 17th ncnr Hurt , fi-room house , well and cistern , etc. (3rtOO. K. T. I'clorgon & Co. _ TTIOll SALE No Bid Kull lot nnd elognnt 8- J- ! room hoiifo , all modern improvements. Will soil for $1,330 It Bold utoiico. E. T Peter son & Uo. FOU HALE-No. UO-LotGOTia'J.fl-room house on grnrtp. llitli near Lciuonwoith , (3,530. K. T. Peterson & Co. _ Oil SALE-No. 30.1-Lot 41x110 , house of 5 rooms , hirgo tmsomcnt : will build poixh nnd picltot fence , good well nnd cistern ; Hickory plucc. f l. JU. K. WPctuison & Co. FOU SALV No. ! W4-I.nt2.n\UO { , hotlso ot 3 _ rooms , chonp ut $ 30. U. T. Peterson & Co. " 171011 SALE No. 372-Lot f > S\140 , S story L liouso , 1st stoiy of hrlek corner , S. IGth nnd Hickory st , ; cheap , (3,000. K. T. Poteison & Co , Von SALE room house , -1 lotCO\127 , Sliimis S l ndd , foncu nnd poich ; thl3ls worth Imcstlgntlnir ; lot usbhowyou this piece , t JMJ. ! K. T. 1'otui son 4 , Co. Foit S.YLE . No.s52-Lot CD\r > 7 , oiognnt inifro house , S. E. llogcr's ndd , ( J.OOO. i : . T. Peter- eon A. Co. Tioii SALE No.ivi-Lot42\r. ! < i , a house" , in - * - ' McCoiinlcVs udd. , (3,250 , , K. T. Petcison A. Oi on SAM : NO. asr-Lot 54Kxi& , MOU O of 5 looms , liuscmciitof i ! looms , Dnvonpoit st this Is ehcnji-J,70J. 1S.T. I'otoison & , Co. Fou SAM : NO. issr Fine ) , house or Sroonu. stnblo , etc. , bhoimnn nvo. , (3,000. n. T. Peterson i Co. FOU SALE-No. 373-Lot 50x131' . now hou o of fl tooras : line olovntlon , nhcup nt $2,000. U. T. Peterson & Co. SALE-No. 833-Lot . . ' FOll * - A.VF. fju - 1JVI > 75\140 , .1.1. Hcdlck's add. ] , 3 slory lioci o of 1J rooms , cluirant surround ; $5.700. K. T. Peterson & Co. FOK SALK No. 398 tot 3)\25i , house of 0 rooms Slionnun u\c. ; cheap , $ J,000. E. T. I'etci 1.011 Sf Co. _ Fou SAM : NO.ioaLot notua , house or 7 rooms , outhouse , beautiful location , K. V. Smith's ndd. , easy toims , fS.OOO , E. T. Peterson &Co. FOU SALK No. 41S Kleffiint lot nnd liouso or 8 looms , modern imptovomcnts ; llnns- coin plneo. E. T. Peterson Ac Co. FOU SALK-No. 101-LotGfl\H2K , Phil Sherl- dun , V block fiom st. car , house of 10 rooms $1,000. , K. T. Ptitorgon A. Co , 15th niul Douglas. FOU SA I.K Do you wnnt liny business prop erty nt low figures , If so call on us. E. T. Potei son it Co. m PLATS of Orchnid Hill now ready , got one of C. E. JIayro , S\V tor 15th and Fnrnnin. 14(1 ( 5 FOU HALK For 10 days only , on FO-nero trnct nonr lloronuo nt $50 per ncro ; has locn platted mid stnkcd In 5-noio lots. Con bo sold out nt flOOporneio easily. This I * nchanco for some one to inuko inonny quick. C , E. Miiyno , S. W. cor. 15th nnd Kurnuni. 150 U "I LATS of Orchnid Hill now r'ondy , jfot one or - 1C. . E. Ma ) no , S\V coi15th r.nd Fiunnm. 140-5 L AND HHEKHim , ATTKNTIOX For full purtloularB about free and cheap lands la Western Nebraska nddroai Thos C. Patterson , Heal Rstato Agent , North Platte Nob. Oj > PLATS of Oie'imxl Hill now icudy , got one of C. E. ilnj no , SW cor 15th und ruiinitn. 141X5 Ncnrcst , best ncro lots , olopm location , unsiiipHsiod vlow of the city ronchod over love ) toads , no hllU to climb ; onsy tonusof payniont ; B per cent Interest ; pi Ice , $300 nn aero. AMES , 1B01 Furnnra. AMES Pfucn Cheapest nnd nouioit city lots for the mnnoy ; only fr.OO to ? D tier lot. KEDICK'R OunvE Just south of Fiirmim st , M block from 28th and Farnnm st. school house ; only fSOJ to $1,20J per lot on oixsy toims. AMES , ifiOj rnriium. NAIUIIAI , Gnovrrii shade tioes on oveiy lot In Koillcli's Giovo ; o ly2 ! J blocks Jrom I'm k nvo. cms. Sco llodlck's drove. nuiaiiroN Splendid nero lots , $375 per lot ; most dcdlrnblo ncro lotenovt to Newport , See this handsome property. Mi.i.nnsK HIM * Southwest of Itnnscom Pi rk 10 minutes walk riotn Park nvo. c.irs : lots ? too to f-S-V ) on terms to suit buyor. Mnlroso Hill lots will sell for doab 3 present prices Inn year's time. Come nnd so this property , AMI : * , r > 0) ) Fm num. \Vnr PAY HBVT when youcnu buy n lot In Airios Plnco for $ MJ toT)3 ) on such onsy torma ? Sco thi'so lots. OAK CHATHAM This love tinot of land has not a poor lot In It. The licit Line depot haj been located on thll Innd. Lots soil for f'1) ' ! ) to fSCOon voiy easy payments. See Oak Chat ham. PiAiixvinw Olioloo lots still for sale In this popular addition nt fair piicos , on oiisy pay- Illt'lltH. PitAtr's Bruin VISION Aero lots pouthwcst llansooiri park , yury doshablo ground , solllnir at tfiji ) per lot. 1UHKAM Pi , tor These lots nro the cheap est for sale on doiyonnortu Bt , 1'ilcu J.VJO to $900 , on payments to suit.AMB3 AMB3 , 1503 Fnrnnm St. C u.i , nnd sco for youraolt the chnncos for sufo Investment oironxl. Uomombur , Oiiialni's Kiotyth is solid and lustliu , Piopeity will eon- tlnuo to advance , lluynow nnd iniiko the ad vance. , AMbS , 1S09 Iftuimm St. PLATS of Diehard Hill now inndy , tret one of C. E. Mayii" , 8 W < or 1 th and Furnnni. 140-5 T71OU SALE Four lots , cor. California and JL1 JlOth sts. , 2 blocks f torn proposed pinlimou Cumlntr fit. , $850 nnd $ UiJ each. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Ktirnum st. B4l ! PLATS of Orchard Hill now ready , KOI one of C. E , Wuynq , B\V cor 15th and Furnum. UU-5 TJlOUSALE Two iota m Folham Place , one -LV block from itreot car track. Inquire S18 9. Uthstroct , _ KH > LATH of Orchiu-d Hill now ready , Ret one of I a B. May im , bW cor 15th and Ifuinum. 148-5 FOK BAT.K > i acre lot , a Rood 6- room house , utrroccrv store , with stables , otu-tioiisos and olty wuter , d near Ixiuvouworth , rent V3S.OJ cr mo , , price (1,500 This la a Urit rate Invest ment. Omaha Itoal Estate & Loan Co. , Itooros 3 , Wltlincll block. 7 < 0 of Orchinil Hill now ready , ( jot one of PLATS Mayne , b\V cor 16tli and Km u air. . UU-5 A two storr , ' * > . frame build FOKSALB for a store , uoir Dta and Far- nnmbw. Applytitthti otnao. 917 ) VTS of Orchard Hill now rondy , srot ona of IL . E. Mttj no , BW < -15th an I Furimm. 140-5 I.TIfs of OioTuml HlTl now londy , KCt one of 0. E. JIayno , SW cor JDth und Furnuiu. 110-5 of Orchard Hill now ready , got one of PLAT5 JIuyno , SW cor 15th and Fnrnain. 110 5 EDWARD KUEHL , MAGIBTUUOF PADIYSTBBV AND CONDI- riONAUST , 303 Tenth Btroot. between F rn m nnd Hurney , will , with the aid of guardian iplrlts , obtain for anf ona a glance la the paatand present , and of osrtam conditions In the future. Uoota and show raado to order. Perfect satisfaction guurjiitooJ. BARGAINS IH TEAL \ RBEST ESTATfi ' 1 OUNNINaHAM & JJRENNAN , 1511 liOUCSE STKELT. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Hnrdly a Icaturo of JToto in Any of thi Prominent Commodities , CONFLICTING EXPORT REPORTS Whont Soils Jjowcr TliroiiRhout tin Dny Only n I ocnl Business Done In I'rovlRlong Mvc Stoclc nnil Gcnornl Kcports. OUICAGU QUA IN MAUICKT. CincAcio , Jlnrch 4. [ Special Tclcgram.J- WMKAT In tlio privilege market ycstcnlnj afternoon tlio sprojul was very narrow , bui the price \\-M held within bounds without np parent tlinicnlty. The amount on passage showed a slight Increase this week , The torn of the public cable * wns encouraging to 111' restore , but pi Ivatocnblcivcro received violently lently conliiulictlng public market news ami declaring in posltho terms tliatKngland was dull with a declining tendency. Oonlllctin roporU wcro icrolrcd of the operations of ex' porters at Now York. They wcro said to be buylnp nnd they wcro said to bo selling vUial they had already bought. Both sets of re ports wcro on au equality so far as the sur face ovldenco of reliability could bo deter mined. May opened at&lc , a loss from yes- tetdnyof tfc. It then advanced to b4 fc on reports of export purchases , and declined to 84"rf@84tfc on the contiadlctlon of these re ports , subsequently hardening on llbeial ami steady pin chases by commission houses and remaining quiet to llrm to the cud of the mouilm ; session , The close was at B4 < c. Crop damage icports wcro qnito numerous , especially from Ohio and Michigan , and to tills Is dun some of the later strength that was developed. Coitx Tlio only feature of note In corn to day was the selling ot 210,000 bushels of May byltram , Thu disposition to sell was decided , but the market held steady. OATS Oats wcte unruflled by excitement orlaigotiadlnj : . Pnovisio.vs The agitation in the provi sion pit was not so great to-ttay , and the mar ket ruled comparatively steady. Pork opened 5c under jcsteidny , first trades In May being on a basis of S10.S5. The price dropped off a function , advanced to SlO.a1 ; , icceillng subse quently to S10.17 > , and then advanced once more to SWM , and closing at 1 o'clock at (10.27 % Laid was not materially affected by the lluctuatlon In the other pioduct. Thu volume of tiadlng was not laigc , and seemed to bo mainly local. The vicious dtivo nt poik by some tmdcis did not tetmluato with gieat piollt to them. ArrrntNoox BOAIID The afternoon mar kets ucrocry dull. Wheat was a shade lower , and pork rather stionger , the shorts iimnlne to cover in considerable numbers , TS'o change of linpoitanco in the other com modities. 8:40 : p. m. Puts on May wheat , &W@S4Yc ; calls , 84 ? c. Clinnfller , Brown & CO.'B Hoport. The following report of. Chicago's specula tive markets is f mulshed the UEK by W. P. Peck , Omaha repiescntatlvo of Chandler- J3iown Co. , of Chicago and Milwaukee : Dead , lifeless maikcts the whole day. Tiadeis on board played tag and swapped lies with each other to kill time. AVlicat for May mo\ed in a limit of J c , opening at 84Xc and , with but llttlo cliaiiKQ all day , closed on the o\ening call at SlKc , precisely the opening point. One load was taken forex- poit , nnd lour moio loported. Each time this market moves it settles back into lower limits. Wo bellovo it to bo n sale still , and shall think so , until something now occurs. Corn and oats have lost what little life they tlld possess , but they hold their own. Pork on opening was very weak nnd fell off to 810.17K for .May , but filmed up and closed at 510.32 } per baircl , or 2 > c above yestci day's close. CHICAGO J.1VK STOCK. OIIICAOO , March 4. ( Special Tnlo- Kiaiii.J OATIM : Hccolpts vieio the heaviest for any tiny this week , and there was larger per cent of peed cattle , nlso , than for nny day thlswcoic , Older demand was lather light. Modular Milppcisvscro In nohuiry dmlng Iho foicnoon , and buyers lei the dieted hecf trade wcio r.ithcr slow to get to woik. A few loads of big heavy cattle sold at S'i.GOS'i.riO. ' The dppiand for butchers' stock was stiong , nnd the host cows and hellers sold at ns high prices as at any time The stocker and feeder trade was icnmiksihly actlu1 , and hundreds of light little.stocis that Vtcrosont In hero for fat stock hiuo been bought by fanners and feeders and sent back to the country again , bticli are selling all the way from S4.0034.50 , and light averages nt S't.W23 CO. Shipping stceis , isno to I'M Ibs , 85.00@5.00 ; 1200 to 13,0 Ibs , JM.B035.00 ; 'X ) to 12CO Ibs , 83.tWQ4.GO. IIoos Trade was ruthor slow , and In a general way pi leas \\cio about 5 < f$10o lower than at the close last night. The demand centered mainly on light sorts , for which the range was 84.00 ® 1.20 , according to thebort , style and quality , Packing orders wore light I'uckinc sorts may In quoted at 4.15 ® i.30 , nnd good heavy at84.85@4.40 , with prime Phlladelphtas at 84.50. Tacking aud bhlp- plng , 250 to 400 Ib3 , 4.10@1,50. FJIODUGE. OIiluBKo , March 4. Flour Strong and unchanged : winter wheat Hour , 84.4lX.iJ4.85 ; noiitherii , S4.00if4,05 ( ; Wlhconsln , S4..riO ( < 4l.70 ; Mlcliigan , 8U.70G44.00 ; Min nesota bakeiti' , S' ; pateala , fcJ.UV 100 : lowgiades , $ > 2.00@J.Oj. Wheat J.ess doing : opened lather \scalc , iccllncdKc. then lluctuated within u rangu af K < * . nnd linally closed Xcunder jpstnidnv ; rOS ; ; ( < | Wo for cash : Wcc for Match ; W CS MJieforMay ; bOJji t < ! > o for June , C'orn A'ery little doing ; futures ijulct and rather easier , and closed steady : STW17K0 for : ash37e ; for Maich ; 40c bid for May and Oat's Cash demand good and firm and about X cbettcr than yesU'iday ; IWJ c for cash ; yjo for March ; 'AlxGi'MMc lor May , Kje Quiet at 5'Jc. liarluy Dull at OOc. Tlmoihy I'rlme , 61.81. Flaxseed No. 1 , 1.07Qt.07 > < . \Vhlsky-S1.18. 1'ork Active , early stronger , rallied 10 ® I2ic , later became weaker , ( 'raclimlly de clined tf lTKc. nuar tlio close advancixl lOc , jiid ruled comparatively steady ; felU.llXji 10.15 for cash : S10.10@10.WK lor March ; 510.17X 10-20 for Apill ; S10.i5 < 310.27 # for May ; 810.8Ki4l0.a2K ( tor Jnne. l/aul Hleadli'r ; advanced 2 > fJi5c ( , and the appreciation was moderately well supported * : 55.00@ ' > .WK for cash nnd March ; \07Jf for April ; SCtOo W for May ; ) .07i < r for June . Bulk Meats-Shoulders , S3.WW4.00 : short clear , S5.000W.Vr ( ; short ribs , SWiO&js.JMtf. Hittter Kaslcr ; good to line dairy , ' x < $ S choice to line dairy , ICCiJJJo. Cheese Kull cream Cheddars , 0 flats , lOSlOJfc ; Young Americas ) , skims , SMfic. Kites-Weak at 12 > { @l5c ! , Hides Urcen. 7c ! hcavv etron sailed , fully cured , So ; light , bjtfc ; bull hides , Co ; dry salted , 13ko ; dry flint , 13@Uc ; calf skins , lOffiJlJfC. Tallow No. 1 country , o. 3 coun try , 8 05 cake , 4c. . c.KccrlnU. . bhipmcnts. Flour. bhl3. . . . . . . . iaooo 11,000 Whpatbu . 14,000 Coin , on . ( ) . C ,000 , Uarloy.bu . 4,000 Now York , March 4. Wheat Kccelpts , 17,000 ; expoits. none reported , spot , llrmj oiithms opened lower , locortuca nnd closoil hteady ; ungraded red. TUK lc ; No. a red , stoic , U3 o alloat ; April closing at Die. Corn-Spot firm and options higher ; ro- celpN , 817,000 ; expoits , 110,000 : ungraded. 4w ; : > 0c ; No. 2 , 47'f@JS ' tfs5 Apill closing at Oafs A shade stronpcr but nulot ; rccchits , ; expoits , none : mixed western , SftM 40o ; white western. 404Vc. IVtroieutn Steady ; united closed at 70 > fc. KBKS Lower ; receipts , 0,000 packages ; western , 10 @ 17c. 1'oik Steady ; old mess , S10.00@10.50. Ianl Falily active ; western steam spot , EO.aV3fl.87 : April , so.Mjaafi. ! ( ! Uutter Uetter demand ; western , ISMIOc ; Elgin creamery , Si@ac , Ohfcsc Steady ; western flat , 7sJJ-fc. ( ! ' Cliiolnnntl , Maich 4. Wheat Quiet ; Xo. 2iod , IVjM Corn Dull ; No. 3 mixed , S7c Oats FlrmersXo. 3 mixed , < ! > /o. Kyo-atoady ; No. 8 , ( We. Bailey Steady and unchanged ; extra No. 3 spring , ( WfiWVTc. 1'orlt Dull at 510.75. Laid-Steady at S5.07K- Whisky Quiet at 81.10. Milwaukee , March 4. Wheat Quiet ; cash , 80c ; Mny , 84 > fo ; Juno. N' . Coin Nominal ; No. 8 , JJ'Jifc. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , SJJfc. Ityo Kasy ; No. 1. 07c. IJ.u ley-Steady ; No. 2 , filjfc. I'rovislons Easier ; mess pork , cash and Mnich , 810.15 ; May , 810.35. Mliinoniiuiis , Match 4. Wheat Steady nnd in good demand ; No. 1 hard. bTjifc lor cnsh and March : 8S > tfc for April ; Ole for Jiay ; U-J > < c lor Juno ; No. 1 northern , 82 > < o forcash and Match ; SXJ c for Apill ; 65 o for May : h7c f or .1 lino. Flour Steady and llrm ; patents , 54.80 ® 5.00 ; bakers' , SU.NM.OO. ) ( Kecolpts Wheat , 152.000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 11,000 , bu : flour , 14,000 bbls. bbls.St. . tioula , Mnicli 4. Wheat Easy and lower ; No. a icd , cash , Olc bid ; Mav , OU/e. Corn Steady ; No. S mixed , cash , 35K30c ; Mny , SOJ/c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 20Vc bid ; Mav , 31 > Vc. Hyo Firm atC ; . Whisky SI. 10. Poik Weak at S10.0- . Lard Steady at S5.75@o.bO. Butter Steady ; cieameiy , 25@30c ; daily , APTniiN'ooN1 BOAHD Wheat Steady and n sliado higher. Corn } fa blgliei. Oats , Easy and > Xc lo\\er. Kansas City , jifnicli 4. Wheat Lower ; cash ? .Je bid , Ktfc asked ; Apill , 74c ; May , Corn Lower ; cash , 27J c : April , JUay , SOXc. Oats Nominal ; 27c bid , 28 0 asked. Liverpool , March 4. Wheat Poor de mand ; now No. a winter and spi Ing steady nt 7s id. Flour Poor demand : steady at 8s 2d. Corn Pooi demand ; spot and March sto.tdy at la 3d ; Apiil and May , easy at 4s 2d. Toledo. Match 4. Wheat Closed steady ; cash , l @ ! Kc. Corn Firm ; cash , O.its-l > ullcash. ; UJc. Now Yorlc , March 4. MONEY On call , easy at 1 @ " per cent. IMtiMnMuiicANTiLK PApr.n 4@3 per cent. SiniiLiNo EXCHANQK Dull hutbteadyat § 4.b7i foi sixty days , anu Stb'y.y for do- inniiii. OOVLHNMKNTS Dull and heavy. SiofiKb-OpMiijiR prices In stocks wcro iuv.j'ul.u. In the Ihbt lew minutes there was a decided bicak , which was 1 olio wed by n s'orally dining Die forenoon. Aitor mid- d.iy the maiket was ataln hca\y , sjnd In the last hour dccidjdly weak. Tno greatest weakness , ho\M\er ) , in the last hour was In coal Mocks , nnd hence this had little influ ence upon the market , which , after opunlnc at about the best pi lees of the day , closed with a net declinci of : ! pirccnt forLacka- vtniina and -j < foi Djl.iuaio il llmlbon. STOCKS ON WALL HTltlCttT. 108' ' 120 21 45 10:1 : Koithcin I'.io. . . 20 % 0. U. &N . IHi'lciiud. . . M I UlVli HTOOIC. Glilcngo , Maich4. The Diovcra * Journal reiioits : C.ittlo Hccclpts , 8,200 ; market slow ; com mon lower ; snipping steers , : ! . ( ) ® > .Wj ) Btockcre ami fcudois , 64,40 ; cows , hulls and mixed , S1.75@1.00 ; through Te.\aa cattle , " " Jlo'S ItVcclpts. 10.000 ; slow and fi@10c lowei ; lough and mixed , 5UO@4.10 : ; ii.ick- IIIK and sjilpplni ; , SUO&O.DO ; light , .1.05 ® @l.l58klfS.fci.7.r.@l.7ri. ; ) ! . tjhccii Hecclpts , S.400 : Blow and weaker ; natives , fcSOOQKuiXi To.xans , 82.505g4.ii5 ; lambs. S4.00@3.10. St. hoiilH , March 4. Cattle Kecclpts. 1.000 ; shlpiiionts , ! ! 00 ; maikct actlvu und ; early , closlni ; nulet ; coinmon to choice , , . , 1.2.V cows and hi-lfers , 8..25Q'J.bO ; stockcrs nnd fecdcis , SH.K@l.yo. ( ) JIojjs Hm-lpts , 4.400 ; slilpments , 2,000 ; market steady on heavy , C@IOo lower on IlKht ; iMitchui.s'soloctloiiH , 8l.'rQI.l.r' ; mixed Liac-klnjj , S38.X3-I.10 ; Unlit , 83bO ( 1.10. City , Maich 4. Cattle Uocolpts , m itkiiuy nuii/iiiiiK , v * ' . w5 . i , j , j uuit fcu uiuiiiii , 31.00@4.yO ; common toinodluin , 8l.40@-l.fiO : ntockuisand feeders , ; cows , ' -.60 ! : i.rx ) . J logs need pts , 8,000 ; shipments , 3.0CO : inarki't opened steady but closed weak and 5@10 lower ; good to choice , * 4.UO@UO : common to medium , 3.70(23. ( 00 ; bkipa uud tigs. a.oou.oo ( , OBI/VI1A IjIVC STOCK. ThnrsUay Evcninjr. March 4. The market in general was fairly active to- lay , Tliu hc < avy Htorm and Impending block- idu solved to utieiiKthun values to ft certain extent und to lend the puckuis to antlclpato Iholr wanU. Nuiuly over ) thing was sold , ind the present prospects \\oiildsoointolii- llcato that there will bo nothing in to-mor- low , The receipts of hogs to-day vt ore heavier ; han yesterday , but there vtoronot so many Mttle. Thu rucolpts coiuiiaicd with a week igo hhow a ilcciu'asu of lee : ! hoir-s. Values aio about the same In the rattle mar- tet , there liulng no change worthv of noto. riiuiu v > as no choice heavy cattle on the mar- % ft , and the sales consisted for the most part ) l hutclierb' stock. Cholco fat cows are in 'oo < l demand , but the buyers are very rcluc- unt to take thin , light Htutf. Native corn ed steels uvctaglng 1100 to 1275 lus. are quoted at V0 ! < 34.a.V 1XK ! ) to 1450 Ibs , at 84.40 'ci. ( & ; liulls , common , nt & 2.U5@i.bO ; cliolco it $ . { .OiX y.25 : choice cows are quoted nt 9W liSM ; peed , fcU.OO a20 ; common , 8400 ® 'in spite of the 10c decline In eastern mar kets , the maikct lime was ( inner , caused by ihc competition nmoiii ; tliu packers , who i\cro anxious to get as many loads as posslblo n anticipation ot u snow blockade. Choice lacking liog are quoted at ja.W i.OO : good .nixed , S3.701.7G : rout'ti mixed , Jr8.60(5a.05. ( Jnu load went us high aa I3.WK , which , hovv- iver , must bo coiibldored an oxticme prlw. Cholcu rJhu3 | > . weighing 75 to 100 Ib-i , nrn inotfcd at 82.7iJ ( : l.OO ; 100 to 1'35 , Ibs at83.6X 100. There U a demand for tliolwi lipavy ilicop , but Uitu II"1 ' ' ' - - * *