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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TIIUKSD AY , FEBRUAK Y 25 , 1880. ' , SPECIAL Advertisements tinder this bend 10 eentspor line for the flrat Insertion , 1 wntsfor owh subsequent Iniortvon.nnd J1.3C a line pormonth. Nonflvprtl oim'iittnkm for los * tlmn e5crnt . BoYcnwords will ho counted to the tlnoi they jnuBtrun consecullrolr nnd mtmtbo pMdln 4- vftnco. AH advertisement ! must bo handed In before 2 o'clock p. m. , anil under no circunv ttnnccs will they bo taken or discontinued br telephone. Parties ndvortl ln < t In thcio columns nnl h-w- Ing the answers luldros'cd in cnro of TUB HUB , will ptcnso an * for cheek to enable them to got thplr letters. nsnono will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ndv < ir tlscmcnls should bo enclosed In envelopes. TO tOAIT-MOKET. : to lonn on morfrnjro security. Real MONiV nml commcrclnl pnp < < r bonirlitmul MM. .1. II. rrccdmnn , onro Sloraan Itros. , KM N. 13th ft. BIHmhl r nnnno to lonti on Imslnoss nnd roslilcnco $ property In snmu of $1,000 nnd upwards. Ames , ion Vnrnntn st. TOO ONF.Y TO LOAN on horses , wnirotis. fur- M nltwo , watches , without removal. Terms cn r. C.J COSH ell , lloom in. Iron Hank Ilulld. Injr , 12th nnd rurimti. . Take olovntor. cnO-mliT * $ ino.onnto lonn on rlty residence property flco. W. Day , 1IWJ rnrnnm. SIT mo I.OANt-Monoy in any amount , JL On nil of security. Phorttuno loans on real ostnta. Lontt tlmo loans on renl estate. Money to loan on chattels. Money lo loan on collaterals. Money to lonn on nny irood secn/ity. Terms easy , tlmo to milt. Apply ntthonmnlm Financial richan9t Ilnrkrr'fl tmlldlmr , S\V corner of Fifteenth and Knrnnm MB. uustalra 233 T\f ONKY TO LOAN on Improved and utilin- 111. provetl city proppity. Cunningham & llrcnnnn , 1511 Dodge street. * -S3 i for everybody I Voti can borrow MONKY on fnrnlluro , horses , wnirons , plnnos , Block of nil kinds , diamonds nml fine watches on your own tlmo. Payments received nt any tlmn. nnd Interest reduced pro rntn Property loft In your own possession. Terms low ns the lowrst. Call and oeo mo. nnsliicss ronfldonllal. No advantage taken. W. U. Croft , Iloom 4 , Wllhnoll's No lliilli'Jiiif , Northeast cor ner 1.1th nnd llnrnoy. 210 TO LOAN O. F. Davis * Co. Heal MONnY nnd Loan agents , 1D03 Farnnm St. TO LOAN On peed securities. A MONEY , room 7 Itcdlok Block , 1509 rnrnnm St. TOM ONKY TO LOAN On real estate and chat M tels. D. I * Tliomas. tWI _ TO I.OAN-In siimB of $200 nnd nn- MONKY on flrst-rlnsa rml estate security. Potter Si Coljb , 1515 rnrnnm St. a)3 ) MONKY I.OVNnn nt C. F. fiend & Co's. Loan olHro , on furnlturn , pianos , hori > ns , wmjona rcreonnl property of nil kinds and all other ar ticles of value , -without romovnl. IHU 8. Wth , o\cr Ulnuhnm'B Cominlbslou btoro. AH hus- Inoss Btrlctly conddontal. tKW CHANCES. WANTICD Ily an old ostalillMird onstorn flrm.n partner with from fTi.OOO to f 111,000 to join them m cstnlill < lilnK n branch Jobldtiff liouso In Omatnu Partner may bo silent or nctlvo , but must bo of undoubted standing In every way. Principles only who have the inonns mid ilNpoRlllon to net promptly mav ntldrcss C 7 , Hco Olllco , givlnff full nnmoiiml FOIt SVTi : A prnornl Rtnc'c of morehandlso , lll Involro about $10,000. To any pmty nn- ' tlto dry oods and urocory liusl- S. Itrokon Ilowis Iho best po'nt In tbo state. I will tent or soil the bull bmr. ItiilMlnfr. two tloors 1UO.\22 feet. D. S. I ohr , llrolton How. Nob. 812111)13 ) _ &lTlt"SArjl-Cronniory will bo sold cheap , on JL ? na y terms , to anyone who will 11111 It the coming season. 0. M. Carter , Ashland , Nob. 81B . : A smnll saloon with n wnll-ostnb- roilHAl.i llshedtrado , near Omaha : onlv small capl- tftl foqulrorl. Aildro'B a a , Hi o Olllco. TOt t * T71OII SAT.K Stock of furniture , srocorloa JL' nnddryjroods In a thriving county sent : will Involoo aleut 2,100. 1C9 acres of Inml , ( rood Itouni and linrn , worth $1,000. Will pell the whole for Sl,000. C. E. Mayno , S. W. cor. 15th nnd rarnnm. 757-25 "I71OR SAT.K J. P. Oonrtnor , of Wnyno , the JU conntvBontof Wayne countv. Neb. , oirois hliontlro lnrnltiiro business , bnlldhiprs and lots for sain. Hero Is a bargain. Who wants to go In the funilturo business ? C07-2.r * TXrANTUIl To exchange for stock of hard- wnro nndgonrralmairhnndlso , 510 noresof flno Tliayor Co.Nob. , Innil : 5 lots In Oonoa. Nub. , ( rood store bullillnif ( best corner ) ; good dwelling ( lie t location ) In Tssov , In. al .o 80 iicros Vt mtlo from town of Kssor , In. , seeded In liluo Bra s. Tor fnrthor particulars nddross John Mnilorliolin Central Cltv Nebraska. C51 FOItSAT.i : A $7.500 stock of millinery goods In sp'ondld ' location. A big bargain for someone ono an a liberal discount will bn glvpn. Tor fur ther particulars nddrcss HIM ) , line Olllco. C" 'ijlOIl SAT.1I A drug store In agood llvotown : Ja flrst rnto location for a phvnlrlaii. Cnnlttil required about $2KOO. Now building and cliwn Fiock. Addicss or call on II. Mosoa St Co . Val entino , Neb. IL'llnich ? PEKBO1TAX. PIMISONAL If you want vour property sold for cash , list It with II. C. Patterson , lKt : Tar- nain. PKItsoNAi , ppppial bargain of now cottacro and lot on monthly pnymonts , only M.sno. 11 , 0. Pattei son , 1 M Farnnm. 800 23 BCAX , ESTATE. P' YOU have propoi ty to soil or ofclmmro , list It with 0. .1. Cnswell & Co. , lUxjm IP. No- liruBlm National Hank Uulldlng. DTOVK EEPAJB3. TIIKVT. C. MotznorBtovollopnlr Co. . Ill South Uth St I'Otwoon JOIRO ! and Douglas. MIBCEI.LAJTEOU3. LADI1CS in want of good doniestia hcln rnn bo supplied by calling on the Omnhn Km- plovment Olllco , Hnoni I. llusliiniiu's Dloolc. Mrs. J.V. . Morrison proprietor. 874 O Union your Hour and food by Telephone 127. Ncul & Coiinid , Hill Dodso St. 270 ron. F OK HALi : Furnliiiro and lease of hnto cheap. AddregaOa ) , llooOnico. KH-'O * r li R/VI.U Lot of furiilturo noiuly nowi 1711 California Bt. aji-t * TmtMl 8AT.U ao fiosh milch cows. Cor. 13th JJ and Martha , South Omaha. Waison's. FOU SAI.K Or Irado for Oinnlia city prop erty , n line rpau of youmr matehotl mark liorsus , 4 ami C juarsold. I * A. Eckront , North Jlcml , No . 817-yi * * F OltSAr.K A fresh milch cow with r-iilf by her ( ililo. No. SJ07 Chicago Bt. 7dlt t * FOIl'HAT.K-Or trado-Ono soda foiintnlii ! nearly now. A Kootl elnmrn. Tor partleu- Inro mil upon or address U.M. llaverly , 420 N. - 771011 SAl.i-5 : or 0 head of jrootl work horses ; 4 ; also n lot of household luriiltuio , elo. An- lieuser-llugch Iliowlmi Assoelutlon , I'th ' and Cnpllol avu. M. ICciitliijf , AKUIU. TClmlilS oil NAI.i : Or Bale , 1 top bmrpry , brnu now ; 1 phaeton toji tnimry mul 1 pluttorm sjirliiar Inuulro nt lloapo's Mtislo Store. ] r O I tl.s-Snnd tuiii eroviil. Tnink J.lf par , U.-J South IJIh 8t. Utifebi7' weather strips , storm Bash and doors , KO to 1U. . Mi > atl SOU 8. 16th et. WS \\r.\NTin : ( Joodulrl forffoneml haiiscVork Mr > * A'1 * ' TllL" > ' < > ' " t'lllCHSO bt. f2) ) > rirst-cliisa dining-room City Hotel. b.M-23 * \\T-l NTIIIl-A nuiso jflrl. liKjulio nt law ? > Douchis Btrrot. bllmhl' " ANTiilrll1orlfl , to Uolp take i-aro of chiMron , 407 N. Uthtt. 7ftJ-'Jt * i A fl t-class clrl lor housework ; must bo good cook ; > Jig vi paid to food girl. Cull tit 1-11 r'urnnm. 'ibll _ _ WAM'ii-rood : boamstrisi Mould HKo sow- In ramlliod , day orroU. . AUdi-unti W. . W10.Puulflo . st. _ 77 1 * AffTANTKii Anlvo lady nircnlB to Kcll our it romblnod xnist and corset For circular , iddrcoj Jackaou Coroct Co , Hex M5.Umtih.i , Scb. for private families ! ( rood , . . . , - .oom girls , ono l undrp ss call MM Farnam st. , Omnhn Kmployraent Ilu- rcau. TIB WANTKD-ubod girls for llrst and occniid work m privnto families ! ( rood wngcss placM given ircc.tcall nt Nebraska Employ ment ngcncy , 11018th street , cor Capitol Avo. 713 \VANTKU-At once , nuraoirlrl from IS to 18 ' vcnrsoldto tnko cnro of child 1'4 years old ! Oerinim proferroJ. 4 J Con vent st. r > 37 WANTini flood elrls for general houso- work. Hoom iuushmnn 11 look , 16th and Douglas. 4S9 WVNTi ; nirl for general housework. In quire nt 107 South llth st. 835 WAHTED-JIAI.E irELP. \VANTr.n A painter who Is willing to mnko > himself generally useful In a buggy ro- pofcltory : ono with some knowledge of the busl- nofs preferred. Llnlngur & Motcnlf Co. . Cltr. WAN'TKI ) Shooinnkcrs I have steady work the year round tor a flrst-clnas workman tnnt l steady nnd rcllublo. Address with reference - once , W. A. nuggott , Mnrj vlllo , Mo. 8lfl-2i WANTii : > immediately , n llrst-clasa wmto barber ; wn c" , $17 per week ; permanent employment ; none but llitcln j need apply. Write or telegraph to l < ouls 0. Ilaycr , North I'lntto. Neb. mn-M * WANTIHi-A boy. Max llecht. cor. nnd Hnraoy. \T7ANTin : Tlxpcrlencpil dpputlos for the orT - T dorof miitiinlprotpctlon. In the stntes of Ohio , Indiana , Iowa and the northwest ; a good opportunity for good men. Addrow fl. Del Vecclilo , Lnclcdo Hotel , St. Louis. Mo. 7m-3t WANTKn-Agcnts and salesman. 117 S. ICth street. 7J1-S7 * WANT Kit A male or femnlo cook. Addrcas Plntt Valley House , Plait Valley , Nob. WANTlil ) A good tlnnor that speaksSwcilo. P. 0. Sclirnoilcsi , llcrtrand , Nob. 031-24 * WANTii-inen'otloinon : : to sell household articles. Pmllts Jlpordnvatid upward. q H. Whitman , 1184 1C St. Lincoln. 477 WANTEU-ABCiltS. 200 N. 10th St. KB " \A7ANTin A first-class salesman to represent - * sent n well cslabllsliotl house to the driiT trade , either oxcliHvolv or In rotmoctloii with some other lino. Address P.O. llox lisa , N. Y. Cltv. GITTJATION WAHTED. W A situation ns compositor. Ad dress 0 23 , lleo Ollico. 7U52O WANTin : Situation bjn competent young lady as bookkeeper , clerk or cashier In store or olllcn ; ftpcnks nnd writ ( s Rngllsh and acnnnn pcifoetly. P.Y.i 3S.3l8t at. 7r---4 * LAIlis In want of good girls pan bo sup1 plied liv ralllm ; nt the Omnha Kmplovmcnt IltirennlrJl ) FnriiamSt. Tolophoilo Wo. 13' . ' . K. O. llollo-lslo&Uo. lilt MISCELLANEOUS WAHT3. ANTKli Tollont Iwlsli to rent for ono or two years a Rood ID-room dwelling ! must ho In good repair and good locnlltv. Ad dress II. r. Cady , care Chicago Lumber ro. 837-2' WANTKIJ Two rooms and board for gon- tlonum , wlfo and damzhti-r , coiivonleiit to Varnam st. oust. Addiuss 0 f , lleo Olllco. SJ7-i : \\7ANTin : Throe i-ooms fin nlshod for light 11 housekeeping1. Address C 24 , Hen Olllco. 701-33 * WANTii > Parties nt-edlmr wells diiir. cis tern ? built or wttlls cleaned. Adtlioss Luther Coon , llcul & IJolirnos' storo. 7"i2011 'earns. ' 800S.I 1thst WANTKD To buy a second-hand tvpo- wrlier. J. U. Hayno3 & Co. . Omnha. 831-23 BENT-nOUSES AXTD LOTS. Foil IlKNT 5-roomod houso. nnd furiilturo for snlo : also now so lnr ; machliio. Attdross C -JO , Itco Onicc. KO-2B * FOR HKNT-Coltngo No.B13 N. Uth. Inquire brtwcon 12 and 1 p. m. $22.50 per month. 731-35 * FOR HUNT a'lacro truck farm ; has ono 2- storyG loom house , I nnd 4 loom cottage , barnfruit , etc ; good chance for country lesl- denco. E. ! ' . llliigor. 119 N. IJIh. 809 FOIl ItKNT A cottngo with rooms , olty water nnd clotorn. at SIS Soutli 10th St. , hot. I.onvonuorlh nnd Mason. Inquho of A. Knlish , Ulfl foulh 13th. 807 FOItllKNT Two vorv deslrfiblo tints on Ilownril Street over 1(115 ( with nil modern Im provements. A splendid looitlon to rnnt lur- nlshod rooms. Oniah i Ural Kstnto and Ijo Co. , Itooms23 and \Vlthiioll lllook. 7Si Fait ItUNY-Qiudon farm. 309 S. llth ST 720 T7IOU KKXT-Sovornl houses of nil -U Hnllou llros. , 317 g. 13tri St. U9S31 KENT House of tlnoo rooms and 3 lots FOIt lu filso's add ; $10 per month ; inqiilio No. t cnglno liouso. U91-21 * Poll KKNT Cottniro opposite Cathollo rhurcli , on N. 18th street , lour rooms , $13. O. C. Hobble , 141J Knruiun. C07 77OIllliNT ! Now cottage , U rooms , on S. IDth J ? Bt. C. A. llqldwln. 30t 771O KllKNT Tliroo-room house , Olh &Dodgo. HUNT HDUSO otSroomsS'il and Hnr FOK noy St. Imiulro of Mount & Urlllln 2IJ S 14th Bticct. Uiii FOR RKNT Tinco houses of 10 , 6 nnd t looms each. J. Pnlpps Itoo. FOB EEUT-KOOM3. 7710H RKNT-Funilshrd kltclion , bed loom J3 and dining loom , OD.lN.37th st. aJO-'id'a 771OR HUNT A ploiusnnt octagon front alcove JL ? roomjgns , bath , hot and cold water , boated by steam. Terms reasonable , 211 S. 2Jd Rtioot ncur I'luiuiiii. 7CO-21 FOR IlKNT Two nlcoly fiirulshod rooms , with or without board ; all conveniences. ! S35 Dodge St. _ B21 FOR IlKNT Iloom with bo.trd forgpiitlomaii. 701 South ISth. Itoretouccsoxlmiiged. HU--'o * OR IUNT 2 furnished rooms , f 0 per month _ eaeli. jllS Dotlgo. _ KII---7 * T71OII RUNT Kiirulshod room to quiet lady. JP 1JI1 Davenport bt. NJWl * FOR IlKNT Unfutnlshetl loom. CW N. 17lh. WO ' 'D * Foil uiNT : Xvro nlcoly furiilalied moini iai3 Do Ige. 7i0-rit | " _ OR RKNT-Unfurnlshed loom. ISlflliiird 7UO-35 * st _ TT1OR IlKNT Furnished rooms. 22W Dodga J3 381-27 * _ OR IlKNT Hall on second floor nf my lmild > Ing , 1103 Farnnm si. , suitable lor club , so ciety or business. b. Luhmaii. 7'J1 IlKNT Furnished looms at 119 North FOR St. , but Capitol nvo. and Dndgo , 7UJ-25' FOK RKNT l'or light hoiisokooplnsr rooms lurnlshril nnd iinfiirnlhhed In lloomur'd lllock.cor. Ulghth nml Howard st. _ 775 FOR RKNT Store room -II Withnell block , bet. llnrnoy and rarnnm on 15th. Innulru Hooinn.Wllhiiolllllofk. 777 _ RKXT From room with board foriwo FOR Kiiiitlomon at 1110 Howard st. 7AKM FOR IlKNT 4 nicely fin nlshtul rooms with or without board , KO Pleasant st. 715mhlS FOR HUNT -Comfortable room with board In a prlvalo family ; moderate terms. Address - dross 0 17 , lluu Olllce. 714-35 * _ T71OR KKNT 'J ( unilshetl rooms , ehrap , Oil j North nth St. 7Uo _ 71OR RKNT-NIccly ftirnUhed looms lu hand- JJ some now councillor S , fO , t > t and J3 per mouth , No toil Wrtliuit at. , d mmutvs walk south eabtof U. P. dopot. OOJ 7710R RKNT-Nlcoly furnished rooms , with JJ heat , gas aiitl liuli ; nl > o llrst-cluss lublu board ; bc-it of lofuit'nvai Klvuu and lo-juliod. UAI-n-HOUSES-LOTS. 77 Oll SAt.i : Full corn3r ou FariinuUxla ! ! , J.1 SUi&M. Uraham Cielyhlou llloek. kM ijMHl fa\l.i--riuo : corner on Fuiimm , GrtxUt ; , ' ftefOQOruhimi.CiLUUtoii llloult. fflj TT\OR s.\rK liouso nuJ barn , cor. 35th and 1 ? Calif urnln ets. EM.SS * IJ OIl SAI.K Small now store room , Add ! 0 SO , lleoOillue. tl5-ia * 1 > vH'intON r.\ui .is . .thotc tii > cst ami chi'Upust ' tiddllton ; no nero pi-op irty neur clirtiims tljU it "i n ( I'tl per nrre. rIri-n ll.a < c IliiilJ.ikj. 1) , 0. Puiti-r- . tia JTIOII SALK-Dargnlns by \ \ < 0. Shrlver. Ilenutlful resldcnco on South 20th street , near car line . , . . . . . .55,000 Two houses , half lot , on 20th , near Paul street . 1)800 Full lot , cottage , well , cistern , on Illondo street. , , . MO Full lot , cottage , w ell , cistern , on Dccatur street . 1.0M Full lot , cottage , clstcin , on Ornnt street . 1,350 , Twolvo-roomctl house , clstorn.woll , collar , etc. , on Cnw , near 10th street . 0,000 Twelve-roomed house on 8tMary8n\e- into , near 20th street . . . . 0,500 Tour cottages on 18th , near I.eavonworth t root , each . 1CO ) Cottngo , four rooms , cellar , cIMorn , on Charles street , monthly pnjmcnts . 1.47J Cottasro , tire rooms , cellar , cl tcrn , on Cbailcs street , monthly pnjments . Ii50 Cottage , four rooms , cellar , clutrrn , on Patrick avenue , monthly payments . 1,030 Cottiigc. three room , rollar , clstorn , on Patrick nvcnuo.monthlypayincnts . . . . 1 300 Two-story hou o , ten looms , and cottage onltlincarPmilsttcot . 3 , < 03 Corner lot In Parker's ntldltlon . 1 , < V > 0 Jnsido lot In Parker's addition . 1,050 Ilonutlful residence lot ou COM st i ect . l.'OO Thrrolot'.cornorof Hurt and 2th ( ! streets 3,00) Full lot on Capitol nvonuo , near IMh St. . . . fi.OiiO Full lot on Georgia nvonuo , east front . . . l.W 'iVn coiner lot son Lenveiiworth stroot. . . 1,100 Lots on North 17th street , near Iznrd . 2 00 r.oT3. Thlrly-threo feet on 10th , near Fnrnam st 1 7,5'W ' Fill lot on 12th and Loavcnwoith . ( WU8 1 feet corner on South llth street. . . . fi.fflO 1'ull lot on Dodge , lipnr 12th street . 1.01)0 ) Thliti'-tno trctan Howard , w oat of 10th. . 3 0i ) Foit.v-slght feet lots on Ctimlng street. . . . 1,200 Four-story brick , 44x0(1 ( feet , bn cmcnt , elovntor.on llth and Dodge . 13,003 Ono bundled nnd sixty acres In Vnllor Co. to trndo for cottairc nntl lot In Oiniinn. Aero property northwest of postolllcc. . . . 125 Acre lot near bnrincks.montUy payments ace Impiovid nnd unimproved propoity In nil partsof the city to sell on onsy terms orcx- change for lands , etc. Call nnd sco me. W. O. Shrlver , Opp. Vostollloq. _ 7M-24 FOR SAT.I7 BOxIlK on rornor Fnrmim st.ouly 4 blocks from Hi o coming mammoth hotel ; Hero Is n chance for making $ : , V)0 ) lo $3,0X1 with lu thirty cny ! , nicgHiit lot * In the Clark estate close to St , Mmj s nvonuo. OilvirWon Stundcrjsttoct , with 7 room house , a flrst class Investment , only $ I.COO , fern few ( lavs. 7."xl" > 5 wlto 5 room house on Park Wild nvo. , for onlv $2,500 , Two line lots In W. A. Ucdlok's add. , $1,250. For the next four days wo can sell you ono ot the ( Inestlots hi U. V. Smith's ndd forlllJO. We have any amount of flrst class piopeity mid bargains lu nil dlicctlou.o. Itemi'inber If you buy bofoio Mmch 1st jon will make money. Stockdalo i Hunehcr , 1511 Dodge street. 8.11-35 FOIlSAfiC SO aeiestliiolandllS miles from po tollcot50pornerolf ! ; bold at once. K.T. ltlngcr.110 N. 15lh iticot. 810 _ TJVm SAT.K-io acres , : i'4 ' miles fiom post- JL' ollico , house nnd smblo ; easy teims. A. P. Tukcy.WM Farnnm st. M3 RC. 1'ATTHIISON , Heal Kstuto , 123 1 Fur- nam Houses , cottages , lots , suhmban and resKlent , forsiiln lor cash or on monthly payments , lu all paitsof the olty. Call o A oviui- drcss U. C. Patturton. 1224 Farimin. KB _ OU SAI.K-A beautiful homo In splendid condition ; largo lot with flno Phado tioo' . This is n special bargain. It. C. Paltei on , 1221 Fin num. Ml-25 Oil SAI.i-By : W. T. Uralmm. Ciolghton llloek. Lot on Ploico St. HOxlOi , ( Jl.lOO. Lot In West Omnhn atld. , $700. Fine corner iiMr SnundoH St. , $1,500. 40x110 S. 15th St. , 81.000. J jts 111 Ilanspom Placo. $8X ) . Oootl lot on Virginia ave , $ OiX ) . Corner lot and next ono to h , Georgia avo. , each ? 1,500. Two lots on Georgia avo. ono block trom Lcav en worth , both $ ! , ono. 20 lots In Kilby add. , each S500. Good house , ( J-iooms , North Omaha , $ ,000. House 7-rooms , Georgia avo. , 5.1,000. Splentlid cottage , 5-rooms on 2Jrd St. ncnr I.oa\enwoith , $ J.riOO. Fine house on S. 15ts St. , $2,100. ] K\rt3iimr Nicholas St. , warehouse property far short time , RS/iOU. 778 TJ Oi : SAf.K 5 acres , with house , barn , 1U J1 acres grnpo vines , 3i aero of raspberries , liort.o , harness mulvairon :1 : inllo west of Fott Oinalin , allforl,800 ; $1 00cash , balance to suit purchaser ; must bo sold beloro the 7th of March. Inquire on piomiscd. Snml D. .lanes 737mC * _ T7IOU SAT.K Tflvgron isWIIdo. E 137 8 loom house and lot. Walnut 11111 , $ ! , 900 118 4 room hou-c , Lowo's ntlil. , $1MW. 132 house nnd lot near Dorcas .it. , f 1'iOO. 202 Ixt in Isaacs & Seltloii'b ndd , fUJO. 223 Lot In Patrick's add , $700. iU5 FiiiolotliiSlilnn'8 aJU , ? 850. - , ' , 22& IotS In Lowe's ndd , tl'X ) . - 5C 8.11 Lots 111 Plainvlew , $70J. ! ! 00 1IW ncro impiovcd farm near Hastings , Nob. , with good hullditiuB.atc. : n bargain , $3noo. U'J5 10 acres beautiful land In Ninth Omaha , fronting on Saunders pt , per aero , $ JK > . inj ; Meat nun hot on Noi th IDth St. , all com plete , 5300. Lovgion & Wildo.10 Graiilto llloek. O 13 trfk PORSAT.K On easy terms , II ) lots in Hans- coml'lace tiomJHOOto $1,00) ) each. Loton Pleasant fit. , with tloublo house , 10 rooms ouch with all modern improvements ; rc'iitg lor $110 per month , 11,011) . Lots In West Ciimlnglrom $ . ! 75to to $410 o.ioh. Corner lot. Prospect Place , luiiL'tiln. Corner lot. Sbhm's M add. , bnrgnlii , C. J. CasNoll & Co. , Iloom 1' ' ) , Iron Hank. 774 SALE Several desirable builnoss lots POR on ICth St. , and business mid residence lots in all pnitsol the city. Also warehouse , hotel nml liu m property. Houses to rent. Property bhown liuo ol chaigo nnd n laigo list to bolect trom nt price" ranghu fiom S.5) to ? IO,000. Par ties ilesh ing to Invu-t should look ever * our list ami prices before buying. Corrospoiidtmeo so- licltetl and Intormnllon about the cltv freelv given. Omaha Itcal I'statu & Loan ( -'o. , Itoom 23 , Withucll llloek , Omaha. 727 JTToit SAI.K Land Improio 1 SIOCK inrin , 1 1,3CO acres , Murrlck Co. , one ortho best In the Etnto. 3,500 acres bottom laud In Sirpy Co. , $ n per aero. IOJ acres near Council IllulfA , $50 per ncro. l.ttOO acres In Lincoln Co. , $0 per itcre. K. F. Ulngor. 119 N. 15th St. 7J8 _ $ 1,000 will buy n good paying harness busl- ne > s. Tlio only house of t lie kind hi the lo n. ( ! oed icii son lor sollln ? . For particulars nd- th ess 0 HI , lleo Olllco. _ 70J-2fi FOR SAI.K 20 lots , Kllby mid. , easy terms fr-m Ornlmn.Crclgliton llloek. 779 Foil SALi : "Amlilor Placo" lots , the fastest soiling lots In the market. Hiillou llros. , Solo Agents , :117 : 8. HHIi St. GD3-21 Foil SALK Ono of the flno t corners on Farnam , $ I8OJO : $1,00) ) cash and easy lorins. Hems lor $1,600 ; n bargain , lloslr.iblo houses and loU , vacant lots and uctos. .Miuslmll & Lobcck. 7-'Q (57T.SAI.K Hawilusin tirmsos nnd lots nml vnoiint lots In all parts of town. Call on nd- dioss ILillou Itios.J17 ! 3. lilth fet. 0'J7-2I TTIOIt SALK L'lican , out ) of the host Improved Jmul lluost located taring In Do'igltisununty , Neb.S mlles west of Omiihn court house , eon * tnliilng IUD ncius , with house , ntalilu , wolls.or- chaitl nml p.iilino , etc. ! oiiu-hnlf onsh , bnlanco to suit puroliBsor , For further particulars ml. tlitus ( iuo , Llndo , c.uo Omaha lleo , Omaha , No- braska. WU OHiAI.K L'J II * ) il = ro blocks of hulootoil plow lami In corn bolt In lloonu , Oiculov , Howard , Niinco and Shonnan county , woith $0 tnH. will laUoSltoSJ porncro , half cash nml loiur tlmo at n pur emit. Must lie sold In ! JU days. It hold lu a loilv will cut the piluu. Jliirshull & lxliocli. 7Up FDUSAhi : HouFuaml lot liiBhliin's ailil , 1 block trotii struct car HUD , f I.U J ) . IlmisoaiuHi lot nourOth uiul l/.arJ streets , fi/iM. 12'i loot , east front , on l.llh street , ( business pioporty ) , $ iur > ii ) . ( "oniorloton Ktirmmi sticot.HSxlUfoot.l-VOOD House 1U rooms , lot JJ\HJ , on stioot uar line , W.VW. lioi ) . P. llomls 15th anil Douglna st. _ OJ1 _ : . , M'OANlM.lsu , tlor Saiimlors st. Bii.l biislMO-s piopcrly ohoap ; T , " > acroj lu popn- I'tr pint of the city lor platting ; lu ncroa lor Iruit liinn or planing : lOauros mi I.o.i > ouworlh lor plattlnsrwaLTOsou ; ! Holt Line tor platting1 ; BJ acres lor siiliillvMlnsf , very o.isy tonns ; sr-v- pi oportlus south or ruUrninl cheap ; b usluoss mid rosidoucoDroperty ii'ittlnif f 1,10) ) a j oar at a Imiirnlu.or for oxrh.uigo ; flno roslilunco lot , finiitllhouan , nuar street uirlluo. rash paymuut only ; .1X > . Hull to MuCandllsh , 1511 Oodin > st ( ) . I'ATTIJIISON , Uonl INtnto.liSI Kiirnnin Imrtrolot nml biiiullf ul onttnifo imly f J ! i Corner lot , Divonpoit amiJJ . , JluO New colt.ijro uiul lot , monthly p lymonts. , l.HXI Ten lioaiitltul acres , choup . , . . . , . . iifjO ) IH leu ton 1'iirniiin St. , uliiuip . . . . . . . . . . , ' ) / > ' lOixlViioot , Hliuobuuuh Place . & , < JOJ Kauhof thoiibuvo are bnr Mlns aim 1 ha\o solo air cney. It. C. 1'attui son _ 711 : SAM- flno r > uoi-o trust on South icth Foi Btrcct , only n few blocks from struct car line , lunulto ut l.ansu X roklck,31S t ) . IKtli st. btl _ _ TJATrUllSIIV I'AKIC ii the Intost , l)03t and X oho pc > t aJlltloii : no ncr > i property nour Omnhl. o cheap us tlils-K'i to fi'il per ucro , i'irst lluor , Iron Hunk lluliaiiitr L ) . 0. Pattur- bou. _ 516 P.VTTKIt&ON l'.VUIC-3i ( mlles fiom oouit house , J 173 to Sl'.J pur acio ; 8 nail cash imy- mont , b ilanuj ti.t > terms. Fli t Hour , Irou llanK HuiUlii ) , ' . U. U. Puttorsou. & 1S P \TTHltSOV l'AltK-3Vi mlles from court housp , $173 to $ .13. ) pur acre : snmH culi ; ) my > ment , t-ilitn < . 'O eilsv tcirms. 1'lrst lloor. Iron lliinl. llulltlinif , p. C ? . I'liitoMon. _ .J15 ; FiK ( > .VI.i-Two : Iot8 m Pelhum Pluoo , ono lilork fi j-'n btreot car trttuic , luquo-OiB f. LithijtrecU ' KU II' you want to buy n lot , If 5on want a ho ICQ nml lot , If j oil want n"re property , Call nml otnmluo our ll t. Cminlngliitn Aillronnnn , 1511 TjMmSAI.K Ctifciii lots In Hanscom Place. I1 Lasy terms. Cunningham * llrcmian , 1511 Dotlgo. TTIOU SAM : A hoti o ami lot < ui SiiumloM ft. , Jncnr Cumintr. A bargain , Cumilnglmm ft llrormnn , 1511 Dcxlpe , 771011 sJ.vt.K-A house ami lot on S. Ptrcot , JL' t-.liX ) . Cunningham & llrcnnan , 1BI1 Dotlgo. WI3 have n fo\V moro aero lots for snlo In Waihlngtoii um. Secure Ono In HiU licantlful suburb. Cunatngham & Rronnnn , 1511 $80O will buy some choice lots In Hnuscom Place. This pilco only for a few days. Cun ningham & llrcnnnn , nil Dotlgo. Foil SAM : Come-r lot and brick house on Hamilton street ; lot WHI73. Just the place to build. Will boold chcai ) . Cunnlnfflmin Si llrcnnnn , 1511 Dodge. 10OH SAI.K A Inuifo nn < l co.'iipr lot near 1 CumltiK Btreot , $ luuo. CunnltiBhaii. A Urea- mm , 1511 Doiliru. SAIK A uood hou < o ami lot on bard J. ' street , only fi2XH. Outinlngham St Ilion- nan , 1511 Dodge. WASlllNnrox UILII Istho best note prop erty. Vou can buy an aero there for less than you will Imvo to pny for a city lot In Its Iminotllalo vicinity. Cunningham & llnmunii , 8J3'J4 771011 SAM > -At a barfrnln. Kluo business J-1 property on 8. 13th , MxISO ft This can bo bought for $2,000 loss than actual value If taken atouco. If you want nn Investment look at this. Coohran lira's A Co. . 150 ! ) Kaninm St. 815 NKWroilT Nearest , best aero lots , elegant location , unsnipassivl view of the city , reached over lovul lomK no hills to climb ; easy terms of payment ; 8 per cent Interest ; pi Ice , J-300uu acre. AME9,15D9rainnm. AMES Pf.Acn Cheapest nntl ncaiost city lots for the money ; only $ UOO to JJOO per lot. ItEIUCK'S OllOVI ! Just FOUtll Ot FlintUlll St. , Vt block from ffiuii nntl Fariinm Rt. bchool house ; only fSOO to jl.200 per lot on easy terms. " AMES , IfiOa Fnrnnin. NATttiut. OHOWTII shade trees on every lot in Hctllck's Orovos onlyS'5 bloclo from Park nvo. cars. See Itotllok'aOrovo. IlmnilTON Splontllil ncro lots , $375 per lot ; most ilcslrnblo aoio lots next to Newport , See this hatulsoiiio property. MKI.HOSI : HIM , Southwest of Itansoom Park 10 mluutus walk liom Park nvo. cars : lotsf'lW to STiO nn terms to suit bujer. JInlroxo Hill lots will si'll for tloub j prp oiit pi IPOS Inn year's time. Como ami SM thispropoity. Asms , 1W. ) Faiuam. WHY PAV HF.NT when youcin buy a lot In Ames Place lor SJM to ? JOO on such easy terms ? See tin-so lots. OAK CHATHAM This levo trnot of Inna hag not a poor lot In It. The licit l.lno depot lias been located on thlslaml. I < nts Roll for f'.KW ' to SStOou very easy puyments. See Oak Chat ham. PLAISVIEW Choice lots etlll for sale In this popular addition at fair prices , on easy pay ments. Piivrr's Stinnivisiox Acre lots pouthwcst llnnscom Park , very dedlrablo giouiul , selling nt fC5U ior lot. BAUKM.OW Pt. vcn Thcso lots are the cheap est for snlo on Ieavonworth st. Prlco $500 to UOO , on payments to suit. AMRS.W ) rarnnm St. CAT.rnnd sco for yourself the chances for safe Investment olfercd. Homombor , Omaha's gionth Is s-olld and lasting. I'ronerty will con tinue to advance , liny now nnd miikothond- vnnco. AMES , 1500 rnrnnm St. 415 TJlOit SALI : pnuUun & Co. , 1513 Tuinum st. Lot on P. COth sh | llOxlo1) , with fi-room now house , cistern , ccllnv , Icncnl , nciir car line , only Kl.OOO : half cash , bulauco at 8 per cent , A good bat gain. 5 acres , feticotl Jot , 91 Ntth t , uoar car line , o.xccllont location , S'l.OOJ. Very cheap. IWOxUO feet , wilh-two-glory uhnost now house , near St. Mary's nvi- . , $ a,000. A clmnco to make money. I/it in Hickory plnco. Soutli front , good l-room house , elstuin , stitblo , etc. , $1,100 $500 cash , balance on monthly payment" . Lot In HOBV' inn's Sil mid near Faruam st , with 7-rooni lioufti f J,175 53CO cash , balance onvery uasy tornift , < Corner lot SJxlr.l pn Hamilton 'plontlltl loca tion , Poulhuitst front , jwlth very substimtlnl 0-room brick house , sjablo lor 0Horses , well , clsto rn , $5,001. feet on 11th bet. Hnrncy nnd Hoivnrcl , east front , with lMigo2 > tory.bulldliifSi ! rout $85 per month , $ DOCO. U cholco lots loft In Paulson's ndd. Gchoiro lots in Clurlo Plnco at f > V ) . U choloo lots In Pcllmm add , J50J , easy terms. 1'auUon & Co. , 1513 Fnrnam st 751-28 Foil SAT.n By Potter &Conb. 1513 Farnara St. , 1 lot in West Hnd nnd nt f'JOO. ' Slots In Sh Inn's 3d add utfTi'j each. A fowcholeo lots in ilnrsh's nt $1WW each. Ixtr,0xiai on I3th,3 blocks from pavement , onlyJIBOO. Fine aero In Oolso's ndd , S10D3. "oftho cheapest lots In Plaluvlow , only f t" 3 each. TH Foil HAI.i : } j ncro lot , a good ( l-i ooin liou-e. agroeerv store , with stables , out-houses anil cllyMuler , yu'd near r.onvomvorlh , rent t.ij.oo : cr mo. , price $ .7,500. This is n llrst rnto invest- menl. Oiimlm Itoal Kstnto Ic Loan Co. , Itooms aiand 23 , Withnell block. 740 Sl'MIXDII ) floughis county Htoek farm , 4" 5 acres.3 orchnrds : flno Improved farm , 210 acres ; lar o amount timber , cheap , iloll A ; Me- Cuiulllsh , 1411 Uodgo St. 710-21 77101 : BALK A tew good lots in Hlllsldo No. JL1 ono on Davenport , nnd Chicago sis. , cheap nt $750 to e'.V ' ) each. Potter & Cobb , 151ri Far- naiii Bt. 737 771O11 SAM : Choice 5 orlO ncro tracts , 4 miles X' southwostfiomcouit house , 1'i mlles from junction of IT. P. Ity. and Holt Llnu , mid 1 inllo trom Stock Yards. Lies well ; all under cultiva tion. Can b-j bought for $175 and $ . ' 00 pur ncro , if sold Boon. Cnonpost property In vicinity. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnain sU 73i FOIlSAr , ! ! A two story , 2Ji33 , frnmo build inisuitable fora store , noir 10th aiU Far- natnSts. Applyut thU ollico. D17 7 AND sinitius : , ATTKNTION For full .U particulars about free and cheap lands la Western Nebraska address The : ) . 0. Patterson , Heal Estate Airont , North I'latto Nob. 3Jj MHO 19 UIMCQJAIMTED WITH THE OCOCnAPHY OF THIS COUNTRV WILL 6CE D1 EXAMIMNQ THIS MAP THAT THE CHIOcCO , ROCK ISLCHD 3 PACIFIC HfliLWfiV llr reason of Hscpntral position nnd close reUUon to U iirliulpnl lln l t nnrt Weft , at Inltlnl nnd tep. tnlnal polntu , roiutlluti'i Uiu mont Imporluil in lit rontlneutnl Unit In time r l < m ul tlirougli traiihpon tatlon irhloli Invllci inid/arllltnio tmrrl > nd trolTio liottvpeii clllvi or the AlUntk' imd rnclllc CoatM It Is alia tha rurnrlUi nn'l l- t louta to and from pulnu Taut , Nnrthrant DIII ! boutlicnit , ami corre jiondliitf liulnti Wet , Nouli ( i t jiul botithorit. The Croat-Rook Island Route nnainntriii Its iiilomit Hint fonn of iiertonnl iccn. rltr alFurtlflil hy n Mlll.tliorutiKlily lalla t-il road , liwil , kinofrfli track * nf ' ontlmioua i.fcel rail , nljlon | > | UI1 > hum ciilterljiuiiu Lrluirc * . rolllntr i > u > ek ii near titTlVitlim n * linnian fklll uin moke It , HID vaTety upi > llanrc' of patcfitjIiutlnJ.iilatfoiinBand air brnkt' , unit that exftrunadli'iiJliitt whlrh irovenni tlio prac * tlt'ulopBinllunnr all Its mtlnn other Bpccialtks of .lili ruiite nra liauifi-rt nt ull connrctliiir jioluK In ynlun lioiioln. aiil lua..uniiiivaii d coiufurli aud luiurliuut it > iCtici ul The Famous Albert Loa Route J Uio direct anil fAtorJto Una betiietn Cllcauoni KtuuiKUot Iowa mul Jllimi'ni t % . Jt J iilco I Uet.lrablt > routeto iliv ilili wheat lltlJi unJ ju.iuiui luu U ol linLuM htlll nnoilitilillll.OT HUB. Tla Scnc nnil Kan- W. . . . Ill W\ > , , UMtlct luu , . . . .I. .11 ,11 IIII , 'UIII . 1'ur dvtalltrd Infunnatlon no llaiui mid l-uldera , otdalnablv ns "ill in ll'ktK , at all principal llclrt ' . In tlio Uulti.d t > Utc aud Canada ; vr ty &d R. R. CADLE , E. ST. JOHN , lYu't & Gtu'l ll's'r , Oiu'l T'At & I'UM. Afft , "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " The Orlelunl mid 1 > nly tirnnlue. 8&f aadalwaji lcll&l : > U. HtfTirtoftvurllil" " Imlutldol. 2udtsc a > &Me U LAP I SLSf AiL ) our Ilruxf Itt tur " t Mthnlrr' . rBsn h11 > > , un no ntlier or ftclow . ( ititniM ) to n ( ur | ntouUr In Ittftr br re-turn mull. HAME PAPER. < hlrlie ttr-tliiiilr l . . 7 VStUMudUAu Hrjuare , riill.ila ! . SoM by ! > niffzM > crtTr" hfrr. lit ( > "Clilcbf * . lcr' iusllt" 1'cuurrviitl 1'Uli. TU tooiLu. IMIiRS A sure euro for nilnd. Ulocdlni ; , Itehlti nnd ulcoratwl 1'llos has been discovered by Dr. Williams ( an Indlnii remedy ) , called Dr Williams' Indian I'llo Ointment , A slnilo ? \x \ > \ lias cured tlio worst chronic wscs of ft'i or TO years standing. No ono need suffer flvo minutes after applying this wonderful sootli Ing medicine. Lotions nnd Instrument. * do moro liartn than pood. Williams' Indian 1'ilc Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the intense Itclilntr , ( particularly at nlclit after petting warm In bed ) , ncti ns n poultice , civoa instant relief , nnd is prepared only for l'll t itching of private parts , nnd for nothing else , SKIN DISKASKB CUHKI ) . Dr. Prnzier's Jlaelc Ointment cures as by mnclc , I'limilcj , Ulnck Heads or Grubs , Blotches nntl Krnptions on the face , le.ivlni ; the SKln clear nml ueantlful. Also cures Ilcli. Salt Hl'cum , Sere Nipples , Sere Lilps , nml Old Obstinate Ulcers. Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of GO cents. Uetallert by Kulm & Co. , nnd Schrocter * Ueclit. \vholesalo bv 0. F. UooiUnan. " \Vlioro Uoiit Is Ghcnp. Toxns Siftiiigs : Two wretchud looking tramps \voru brought up before a Texas jnstieo of the pc.ico. Adilrcssing the worst looking ono the justice asked : "Whcro do you live ? " "Nowhoro.lf ' Antl where do j'ou HvoJ" said the jus tice , addressing the other. "I'vo got the room above him. " Sprains , burns , bruises nntl scalds are ch healed by St. Jacobs Oil. Fifty cents , At liio request of the mayor the drug gists of Fitchburg ( Mass. ) liayo agreed not to sell cigars , confectionery or soda water ou Suutlny. The most ctllcnclons stliiinlanH to excite tlieunputite nio AtiKostura lilt tern , pie- pairtlbvDr.J. O. lH Slwrt & Sons. T5e- \\aro of counterfeits. Ask your giocer or druggist for the genuine nttlcle. When the iiour is struck in Maudnlay tlio watchmen Htlll announce : "By tlio favor of the king it is such and such o'clock. " 1 _ _ _ _ _ Tim "Favorite Prescription" of lr. Pierce cures "fomalo woaknoss" and kindred alVectlons. Uy druggists. ] \Ir8. \ Clara Fisher Macdcr , wlio fifty- five years ago and moro was well known as a pleasing commcdiciiuo , is now , at the ago of 75 , playing in tlio southwest with much of her youthful charm and grneo. Tlio Hoot of the Evil. To thoroughly euro scrofula It is nec essary to strike directly at the root of the evil. This is exactly what Hood's Sarsa- pnrilla docs , by acting upon tlio blood , thoroughly cleansing it of all impurities , ami leaving not ovou a taint of scrofula in the vital lluid. Thousands who have been cured of .scrofula by Hoods Savsapa- rilla , testify to its wonderful blood-purify ing qualities. Sold by all druggists. During the last twenty years peers or the relatives of peers in England have held ollico as follows : Dukes , 520 ; mar quises , 020 ; carls , 8,000 ; viscounts , Ub'3 ; barons , 2,402 total , 7,091. For beauty , forcomfoir. for impiovenient of the skin , use only Pozzlnl's povtdur , George Loib , a colored carpenter of Savannah , Ga. , fell backward from a third-story scaflblding the other day , turned a coinpleto somersault , struck squarely on his feet , looked around to see if any ono Avns hurt , and quietly climbed back to his work. The soft glow of ( lie tea lose is ncquitcd by the ladies who use Po/.zoni's powder. A Philadelphia physician fastens liis lantern on Ins horso's breast on dark" nights so that the light is thrown forward , whore it is most needed. "For real inert"i says one of the most celebrated Prima Donnas , "B. H. DOUG LAS & SONS' CAPSICUM COUGH DROPS for irritation of the throat arc On a nuw fire alnrm bell at Cnthbcrt , Gn. , will be cast the names of the mnyor , council and citj' ollicers , together with "Heck and the cart. " Beck , the faithful mule , has served the city for twenty years , and this is a memorial of her sor- vices. THIS UMItVALMSU SOinilElt.V UEMKUV1S SIMMONS- WAmiAXTKD > OT TO CONTAIN A 8I > Or.I ! rAitncr.K OF MniicniiY OH ANT INJU1IIOCS MINErt VI. SUI1STANCK , VIM- 13TAULK. _ It AVI11 Cure nil Diseases cnuscUp by UrrniiKCniciit of the Ijivcr , IClilncy and Stoinnoli. If you fool dull , drowsy , dnbllltatod have frequent quent headache , mouth tiistos badly , poor an potlto and tongue coated , you arc fuitlcrlng liom torpid ll\cr , or "biliousness , " and noth nj ? will euro you so speedily nnd permanently as NS LIVKII hiaurAToil : At any tlmo yon feel your system needs Hounslng , toning , regulating without - out violent imnrJnyr , or stimulating with out Intoxicating take Simmons Liver Regulator nv J. II. ZKILIX & CO. , riillailcliilila. _ Pa CFb VJ I V A Quirtt. rcnnk. OlvLtV . rent tllhli ; tnr MANIKIOl * . Itr.lllI.iTY , EBS.KA KVBHH ! No qnpiLrrr. ir noot hy tn n. hr.AT.ri > . inti'.i ; MEDICAUCO..EUFFALO.N.Y ; RESTORED. Itrnif-ilr 1 clAl'i''iiicf ' ' jomh. , uxnir X " turPIu ayt Non voiiu UnMllty. Ixst Man. hood , io. Imlnif trlcillnvfliioveryknowiironiciy Inii Ulscovrred a f liuplo nclr-curo.M nlrb bo will tcud J IlKP. to | | | H tnltau tufTererti. Adflrt'MH J. U. ItUEV J ) . 43 CUatlwn-htreet. New York Cltr. TH- ESTERN RAILWAY- Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago The only road to take for fios Molnrs , Mar- fhiilltown.CodiirHupldi * , Clinton , DUIe. Chicago , Mllntuikuuund all points oust. To the pooploof NcbiiibUu , Coloiado , Wjoinlng , Utah , Idaho Kovmla.urcuoii , Washington and California It olTcrasui > crlor ad vautag-os not possible by any other Urn. Among n few of tlio numerous points ot suno- rlorlty enjoyed by the patrons ot this road bo- IwobnOmnhu and Chlcairo , aiu Its to trnlnua day of DAY COACIlUn which uro the llnost thut human art and Ingenuity can create. Its PAI < - ACi : BI.ii5I'INO : CAHS , which are models of cnmfnrt and ulorunc0. ; Its 1'AltlXJllDUAWINU KOOM CAUS , uii3Uiin sol by any , and Its wldo- ] y culobratod I'ALATUMMNI.NO OAltS , Iliu ociuul of which cunnot bo found oUou hero. At Council lllutfii thtt trains of the Union Paci fic ly. ( connect In Union Jirpot tilth thosoof the Chicago & Nortlmostorn Ity. In Chicago the tniiiis of this line mnku tloso fjuntctioii with tbo o of all eastern linos. I'av Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis. Cincln nutl.Nlngiiru FiilN. liutralo , Pitldbuig. Toronto Monti cal. llo ton , Now York. Philadelphia , Il4l- tlmore.WuslUnirton mid all points In the east , ask for tickets via the thu ticket uKCnt " " .N'OltTH-WKSTKUN. If you wish tlio boat accommodations. AUtlcxot wxeiits fccll tkikctn via tWs Hue- 5 - M. IIUaiirfT. - . . .8HAlIt , . Gt-norul Munfiscr. Oon. PUSH. At'out. DAILY COMMERCIAL REVIEW , Now York Dispatches Construed as a Trick to Break Wheat. SERVE TO HARDEN THE MARKET Fluctuating Prices Tlmt I'all to IConoh 87c Other Speculative Coinino- Dull-Good Feeling In Iilvo Stock General. CHICAGO CHICAQO. Feb. 24 , ( Special Telegram. ] WIUA.T : Wheat opened this morning will tlio local scalping crowd bearish. Mi\y sole down from 80c to S5j ? c bcforo 12 o'clock with occasional icncttons , the rcoit | about 1 o'clock that llvo boats hnd been taken In New York having qnlto n bracing effect. The bull clement received qulto a severe sc back , however , the exchange- being sudd enly Hooded with dispatches from Nu\v York , ill couched In the samu language. totlioclTcct that the twenty-one boat loads bought for export yesteulay by Nightingale had been ordered resold at nny mice , and that the inaikct theio had broken on the news going out. That way ot doing business was denounced as vciy reprehensible by the crowd , and free selling followed Not a few , however , expressed the belief tha thopiotondcd order lo sell was a trick to bicak the market to enublo exporters to buj more piopeity at cheaper llguies. It was the Prevalence of this donut as to the location ol the llttlo joker that gave sustaining power to the market. It was noticed that theio was coed | buying by the strong specula tive and commission houses all through the day , and tbo floor broke and seemed to have plenty to do , The general distrust will which the Nightingale icsclllng Intelligence \\as received deepened , and the inaiket haul cued , the close for May being bO'f c , a lecov cry from the bottom of * e. Cables closed dull , and according to most of the private cables weak , though theio was n conlllct of testimony on that point. MixouGiiAixs Coin and oats were dul ! and without change In pilccs or conditions. Pnovisioxs 1'iovlslons wcio sluggish am the maikct had a suggestion of languid weakness about It. Tiadlng was too light however , to develop drill cither way , and the price of the piodnct was without Important lluctiiatlon. Arxini.voox BOABD Wheat was stronger on the altei noon boaid until neaily the close , May selling up to bG @SGJ4'c , from whlcl point the market japhlly iccetted to bO'ifc , whcio It rested at the close. The other com modities weie not matcilally changed In pi Ice. 2:45 : p. m. Puts on May , 83J ® S3fc-5 calls , , sellers. _ Chnmllcr-Itrown Co.'s Report. The following report of Chicago's specula- tlvo markets is fuuiishcd tlio HUB byV. . P. Tcck , Omaha ropiosontntivo of Chandler- JJrown Co. , of Chicago and Milwaukee : Cables quoted wheat linn but quiet. Weath er clear and waiin. A majority of the crowd were uncertain nt tlio opening bnt inclined to take tlio short side. JJeain bought quite heav ily. Our private cables weio very strong , showing a good continental demand. It was stated that Sawyer bought twenty and Clews twcnty-fivo loads of May for foielgn account. New i"ork reported thirteen loads lalcen lor export up to 13 o'clock. Slay wheat opened ntSO c , sold to 80 } c , then reacted to bO } c , from which point it sold to & > % c , finally closing at SOJie at 1 p. m. Corn Quiet at about yesterday's figures. Oats Weak and quiet. Provisions Featuieless. 2:30 : p. in. Wheat fn in , May selling to SO,5 and finally closlngnbouttho same nsat 1 p. m. Now Yoik repoitcd twenty-one loads taken in all for export. Corn , Oats and Piovi sions , unchanged. 8 n * 8M 4 5" . OPTIONS. 8 \VnnAT Match , 81K POVJ fins Apnl HP/a Hl ! BOV4 May fafl ? - Juno 68 Cons 1'obninry. . . 07' ' J March I17'/ ' April May O ITS r < > hiiiary. . . 2115 Muioh Apill May . . . . saa Linn rohruuiy. . . G05 o o ; 002 o a1 ; March OU5 0 115 ( I 04 o 03 Apill ( i 10 0 10 fi 10 G 10 May 0 15 U 15 o r ; C 15 1'OIIK Vobrmuy. . . 10 m inns in oj 10 P.-I Mmch 1U ! C , 10 1C , 10 J II ) 115 April n o : , 11 05 11 oa 11 05 May 11 15 11 15 11 i- 11 15 CHICAGO LilVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Feb. 24. [ Special TcIesiam.J C ATI M : Tlio dressed beef men and n uood many of the shippers weio out early and ap peared to bo Quito anxious lor coed cattle. Salesmen asked consiileubly higher juices. Their rates \\cio lOc higher on nil good , use ful , fat cattle. Handy fat btcers wcio In good dcmuiid , and some good to piimo shipping c-xttlo sold well. Hough and lean , 11 00 to IIJO ) II ) entile wcio plentiful , and they sold at barely steady prices. Theio was an volume of hnslness done. Doubtless buyers , especially dicbhed ( Mjot men , are hustling to gut as much beef on hand as possible be- loio height latcs advance. Shipping steers , li'51) ) to irxw Ibs , , < H. ' > 0@5.00 ; l'M > to liJSO lb ? , S4.0025.00 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , 8:1.700-1.70. : lions The mailcct was active and prices n big Co higher than at the close ye.steiday. I'llmoto choice heavy wont tip again toSi.rX ) ( gJ.OO , anil packing soils at S Vr @ ) . 10 , with odds ami cndssclllng nt SJ.COCJI.15. racking and hhlppln Now York. Feb. 31. MONHY On call , cany at 1K@- per cent. PHIMI : SlKiif AN'i II.K PAPKH 4@5 per cent. tSiKiu.iNO KXCHANOK Steady nml un changed nt S4.b7i for ulxty days , ami SJ.b'J tor demand , GOVKJINMKNTS Dull but strong. SIOCKS With two or tlnco exroptlons stocks \\eio dull , but prices \\ere gcneially llrm to stiong. Theio was active tindlng in Lackawanimanil liuading. Kilo picferifd slmwed very dpddfd sliLiiglli late in the day. dosing with a gain of \ } ' l'or < " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " " - ' ' of Uiu usually nctlvo llbt ibjiictly evenly ill- \ Idi'tl between advances and declines. Lake .Slioie , Now Voik Ccntial , J'acllio JMall , 'IVxns & P.iclli , Union J'.iollic , nnd Wr-Mem Union aid all unchanged , after lliictiiatlons of less than 1 per cent. BfOCKB ON WALL STIIl'J'.T , sipcent iionas. . , 100 0. ie .W lin'f ' 11.8.4 lii' : ' < ' iiinfcneil. . . HO New 4's 120 N , Y. 0 lOOVj Pacilicfi'sof 'U'i , I''OM OiPiion Tiiu. ( . . Slit Central Pacific , . 4ji4 ! liiillli | ! < Mail ttH ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * iiroti'iied. , . , I'M I''P.b1. ! . . . . . . . . . liii C. , h. &Q 1W7 Mock Inland , . . . U2'J J'ti 11 -j I ifrV - * f t * * l'S .St. L. ite.S. I' . . . . yHf 10 I pu-fi'iiecl. . . Eric , . SS' C. , M. iVSt. 1' . . . luufuru-d . . . i ! j piaftMiiid. . ( ! , , Jii's'ii ' nt. V , i\O , . . . . . . J. , 15. & W i7'4' ! j.rcfi'iUHi. . . . Kansast'JVxas. 2 ! ) > ( ' 'roxns Pacilii- . . . J.nKu.Slioio M Union 1'aclliu. . . ' N 41J $ W. , St. U As P. . Mich. Contral. . . , profcnud. . . Mo. Pacific HO \VcMern \ Union. Noitheni Pac. . . CO. ' pirteiicd. . . &S * KJMUY. I'KOnUGK. CliluuK" . Teh. ei. Klour .Little more doini ; ; winter wlieat Hour. S1.40'f4.v > iv , MMithein < $4.XX'i.C.i ( } 'Wiscon1 ! ! ! , M W 4.TU ; Michigan bolt spiiug wheat , A' < . " t 4.00 ; Stinnesota hakew' , S3 MKfN.fiO : pat ents. > w\oo ; low grades , S3.Kfo\ ( ( ( : Wlieat Active but ruled lower ; opened n shade weaker , tallied l c , declined IP , rallied n trlllo ng.\ln , ruled ea y nnd advanced ? < , nnd Ilimlly closed -\c under yoMenlny : 8Uii , N'c for cash ; 81 > 4C for March ; bO iQSVc ) for Corn Dull and weak : ruled about J/Qhc lower nnd closed steadier ; ; ? 7 ( ( M7 c for Vc for Kobnmry ; 37 > < e lor Alntch ; 40 i@IOk'p for May. Oats Dull and lower ; JHV- for ca h ; 'Jd for Kehtuary nntl March ; ffWQJWiJiC for May Uye-SteadyntS''o. Uatley OOc. Whisky S1.10. Tlniothv Stronger ; prime , Sl.SiXgl.M. . Klaxseed Tame and weaker ; No. 1 caiiu SI. 10 % 1'ork Moderatolv active and steady ; S10.PO ( f5lo.oi forca-ih ; Sfo.i for Fcbrttniy nnd Match ; ll.i' for May. Laid Steady ; SiVOi for cash , February antl March ; Sn.t'J ' 'f ' .ir. for Jlny. Hulk Mo.iti Shoulders , SS.WC'M.OO ; short clear. S5.sO.r'.W ( : short rlbi , S5.4rr- . Hutter Ordinary to fancy cieumcry , 14 { < J S3o : Rood to line dairy , lO.V , Cliccso Steady ; f nil ci cam rhcddars , ! Mfi4 10 > c ; young Amcilcas , HtJllKi skims , good , 4ync. Hides Dreen , 7e ; heavy ercen salted , fully cuied , Sc ; light , s. c ; bull hides , Co ; dry salted. I2 > c ; dry mm , 18@Hc ; calf skins. lOfaisc , Tallow .No. 1 country , 4eNo. ; S5 cotin- try,8j fc ; cake , 4 fc.HpcoInK HpcoInK blnpinent . Flour , bhh . lfi.000 H.OOO Wheat , bn . IW.OOO 1 ,000 Corn , on . 21M.OOO 2TJ.OOO Oats , bu . 10SlKX ) W.OOO Kypltl ) . SilXX ) II.OOO Uarley.bu . 01,000 Now York , Feb. 24.-Whoat-npeeliK | 1,700 ; oxpottM , 110,000 ; cash opened lower , but closed stronuer ! peed oxiuiit demand ; uiiKiaded red. HTic@Sl.uu ; No. a rod , lO of. o. b. , Me afloat ; Match closing at ( Me. Corn Spot higher but IP.S ; ) active ; options unsettled : iccclpts , r > c\OlXi ; e\poits , f > ,000 ; ungraded. 4 ff , ' > ; ! e : No. n , IS X'H''Vc ' ' ; No. 3 , C3 e In elevatoi ; Match clo liiR at fiOKp. Oats Dull ; rccuhit1) , b7KW ( ; cxpoib * , 1,300 ; mixed western , U7 > 5$40c ; white western , 40 . Petroleum Firm ; united closed nt SOVo. rclined , tiT c. Kggs Dull nnd heavy ; receipts , 0,100 pack ages ; westein , ' I'otk Oulet ; mes-s , 810.50@10.7 , " > for old ; Laid Westein steam spot , iC.tyU ; Match ' 80. . Uuttei Dull and weak ; westcin , 12j33c ( ; 9H Llgln cicameiy. SKgOTc. Steady but qttlcl ; western flat , 7 St. Ijoiiiw , Feb. 21. Wheat-Quiet and easier ; No. 'J led , cash , 1UV ; Match , 02tto ; Muv , v * > kc bid. . .9inTi''lll8.iNfiS ' ! lllixHl1 ( cash' : r > ' @ ! ! . .Kc ; Mn > , H7 , ' e bid. 1 Oats Steady and unchanged ; No. 2 inlxeJ , 1i cash , aiiKo ; Afni'cli ' , : wc asked ; May , Ul c. Uye Nominally nt l > 0o. Whlsky-81.ll ) . 1'oilc Steady ntSll.aofiZll.a1) . Laid Nominally at S5.1H ) . Hnttor Steady ; cieameiy , 24@GOc ; dairy , 15@'J4c. Altcrnoon Uoard Wheat Steady and J Q } { a lilghor. Coin Kasy nnd n shade lower. Oats Easy nnd } c lower , Tolctlo. Feb. 21. Wheat-Closed active : cash , 93K@ni c. Coin Steady ; cash. 40c. Oats-Quiet ; cash. : Xc. Ijlvorpool , Feb. 21. Wheat OuYiod mod erately ; new No. U winter and bpilng , stenily nt 7s Id. Flour Supply good ; mailed stead vat Ss2d. Com Supply good ; bpot nnd Fobiuniy , Him at 4s 3d ; Maichand Apiil , linn nt4s3Xd. Now OrlcniiH , Feb. 2-1. Maikets BCII- einlly easier bnt not ciuotably lower. Com Steady at 47rf43c. ( Oats Easier at : w@ ; ie. Corn Meal-Quiet atsa.15. Hog Piodncts Dull and n shade lower. l'oik-Sll.50. Laid 55.00. Hulk MeatShonldeis , 53.87 > rf : long clear , S5.60 ; clear libs. S5.GO. KaiiHns City , Feb. 24. AVeaker ; cash , ? 'c bid , 7'l e nskcd ; Api 11 , 70c bid , 7ii fr asked ; Way , 7ltf@71)tfc. ) ! ) ! Corn Weaker ; cash , SSL'c bid , 2SXc asked ; Much , ite fu bid , 29c nskcd ; JUay , Bl o bid , ! IU/c asked. N Oats May. noc. Minneapolis , Feb.2-1. Wheat Slcady and In good ( lemand ; No , 1 Imid , cash , bbc : March , bS c ; April , 'JOe ; May , 02j o ; No. 1 noithein , cabh,8lo ! ; faich , ; Apill , 83o ; A av , 87c. Flour Firm ; patents i S4.60@4.85 ; bakers' i 53.SOff4.10. ( , 131.000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 7,000 , bu ; flour. 12,000 bbls. bbls.Milwaukee Milwaukee , Feb. 21. Wheat Weal : | cash , SioMay : , 8Cu ; Juiie,87Kc. . Corn-Tamo : No. 2 , 37kc. IrA' 1 Oats-Dull ; No. B , 'Me. * v Hyo Steady ; No. 1 , 59 < > . Hailoy Tame ; No. 2 , 50J c. 1'iovlslons Steady ; mess pork , cash and March , 810.00 ; May , S11.10. Cincinnati , Feb. 21. Wheat Strong anil higher ; No. S led , t)5@t ) c Coin Quiet but linn ; No. 3 mixed , SSc. Oatb Finn ; No. 2 mixed , ia c. Hye-Qulet : No. 2 , Me. Hailcy Dull ; oxtia No. 3 swing , GSQBSc. Liild DlllfntSTi.95. Whisky-Quiet at 81.10. JLiIVIC STOOIC. Chlcnso , Feb. 21. The Iiovers' Journal loporus : Cattle Hccclpts , C.OOO ; active and lOe high er ; shipping steers , si.70@n.r ; 0 : stockois nnd fecdeiH , 32.W& 1.40 ; rows , bulls nnd mixed , gl.60@y.iiO ; bulk , 52.75 : slop-fed , Sil/WHOO. / Hogs Jtccclptb , 23,000 : stiong nnd r.10c fit. houlH. Frb.24. Cnltlo Receipts , 1,101) ) ; shipments , TOO ; imukct active , strong and H' ' < ; higher : choice shipping mm export hleeis , S4.oo@r..2a ; common to good , S-.oo@l.bO ( ; butcliL'is' btecrs , 53.35@4.8'i ; cows nnd heifers , $ 'J.21@3.75 ' ; stockcib and feeders , Si.76@V.iO. : Hogs-liccuipts , 0.000 ; slilpmenls , : i,030 ; nmiket active and mm , closing 5i ! higher ; buteheis' best iM'avv , Sl.'i" > @ . > .00 ; mixed pack ing , S .OOa@l.CO ; light , * .J.7li(3U5. ( Kansas Oily , Feb. 21. Cattla-Kocolpti , 1,400 ; shipments , none ; shipping nml butch- cis' and lecillng steers Btiongcrnnd higher ; butcheib'COWK , hliong nnd a sliado hlglier ; nxnoilcis , S. < i,10 5.'iU ; common to choice slilpplni. , $ -t.Q ) ' < ! i.O' > ; stockois and feedcia , 5i.i : igf.lO ; rows , Sii.-I0ftjto. : : ; Hogs Jlncolnts , U.OOO ; fihlpmcnts , n,009 ; active nml fie higher ; good to chnlco. 31.00 ® 4'iO ; cummon to medium , 11,703:1,05 : ; skips mid ; OMAHA MVlsTOOK. Wednebday KvenliiK , Feb. 2-J , 'J'ho rattle mmkut was a little moio nrtlvo io-dny , and a lew lat cattle chnnecd lands as well as bulclicis' htock. Ktcers uvcinclng 1"OD to 1,100 aio quoted at S4.IO@l.0 : ! ; a\ernglng l-'M > to 1,450 at 81.35 ® 4.60. Choice young rows and helieia uiu In demand at SWWW3.M ) . Tlio hog mil knt was not ns nctlvo nnd was ( wor. Theio were a good many coaibvmul rough hogb that weio not vmy Inviting to , lie buy01 b. There weie n few sheep offered on the mar- cot which sold leadilv nt tnlr pila-.s. Shwiji nveraglngTri lo HO Ibs. me quoted nt S3..V'4 1.00 ; 125 Ibs. , Si.60fd'.00. : Chobti , well-fattoil bhcop hell qubkly , ns cholco bhecp ate bcaico n this market. IIUCKII'TS.