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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1886)
HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 24. 18SG. NUMBER 202 WHEN MADE IN GOOD FAITH , Senator Van Wyck's ' Excellent Measure to Secure tlio Honest Settler , A LAND LAW THAT IS NEEDED. Positively HcqulrliiB Confirmation of nn Kntry Mndo at Any Time AVIicroNo Kvldonco of Fr.iwl or Dishonesty Appears. Senator Van AVyck's Tmnd Bill. WAHIIINOTON , Feb. 23. [ Speclal Tcle- g-im.J Senator Van Wjck to-day repoitcd to the senate1 , fiom the commlttco on public lands , his bill to confirm entries of lands herctofoie made under the land laws ot the United States. "Thu purpose of this nicas- me , " said .Senator Van W > ck to the Hnr. eoncspomlent to-day , "Is to bccuio beyond question cntrks of public lands made by honest scltlcis dining the administration of the general land ofllcc by pun ions commis sioners. Consldcrablo apprehension exists among Betllcr- * that under the rulings of Commissioner Spaiks they may bo deprived of their holdings by reason of the fact that the founiila they pin. sued may hiuo the effect of cancelling claims which weie taken in good faith under the law as liiteiptoted by foi mcr commissioners. 1 do notbclloNo any Injustice would bo done an honest scttlei by Commissioner Sparks , but 1 pioposo to CIJH- tnll/o ceitalnwell recognized piinclples of practice Into a law that \\111 place beyond the possibility of non-conlliinatlon an cutty of land made In good faith. " The report ol the committee , as picscntcd by Senator Van Wyck , is licicwlth given in lull : Much anxiety Is natmally produced among these Intoicsted when congicss changes , ic- peals , or modifies a law , Icst the proposed changes will disturb rights ahcady sccuied or Initiated under the law fought to bo lopealcd or modified. In Midi cases congress by the changing or icpcaling act piotocts all lights recognized under the law cbanged or ic- pcalcd. So , too , in administration of the laws. Any change of construction or ruling by the exe- cutho departments should equally piotect rights or claims Initiated or begun under the rules and i emulations In foico at the time the claim or light oilglimted. This bill seeks to piotect all entiles ot pub lic lands subject to entry under the land laws of the United States , when made in good faith and without fraud. The law , in fact , is what the executive department , for the time being , says and decides It to be. The cltl/en does not deal with congicss , but the ofllccradiiilnlstcilng the law , and ho is only responsible , and must bo consideied to have obojcd and conformed to its piovl- Blons , when ho does what the olliccr In charge prescribes as being ncccssaiy. The govetn- ment must bo lesponsiblo when the agent or olllcer makes the leqiiliemcnts and the cltl- 7cn obeys them ; any othci tulo would bo absolute Injustice. Such , also , is the view of the land depait- ineiit as to the light of the citbon and duty of the government , as appeals by the letter of tlio commissioner , made uart ol the icpoit. Department of the Interior , ( ieneialLand Ollico , Washington , D. C. , Feb. 11 , IbbO-Sir : lain In rccilpt , by your icteienco , of a copy ot scnato bill No. Iil9 ! , "toconihm entries of lands hcictotoinmado under the laud laws of the Unlfed States , " and requesting an cx- piesslon of my views thereon. The piuposo of the bill appeals to bo to pro- vldo that wheio entries of land have been allowed - lowed under i ulings and decisions ot the laud depaitment in loico at the time , a subse quent change of ruling shall not bu deemed to affect the validity or mich foiiuci entiles , but that tlio same siiall bo adjudged In the bamo manner as It the uillngs had not been changed. Ihavo the honor to Infoimyott that the principle of the bill is welliecognlzed in tlio practice and decisions of this ollleo and dc- jiaitmcnt. It has Ircquontly happened In the history of the land depaitment thattiillngs upon vatlous points ha\o fiom time totlmo been changed , and that entries which have been doomed permissible at ono pcilodlmo been deemed not permissible at another pctlod , and in the same manner entries dis allowed at ono tlmo have been consideied al lowable at another time. In bitch cases , how ever , the gcncial rule of tills ollleo and dc- paitment has been that a change ot iiiling does not affect rights acquired or cases de cided under previous iiilings. This rule Is subject to necessaiy exceptions and might not apply to a case where action should lm\o been taken outside of tlio limitations ot exec utive authority 01 where wrongs have been done which It may bo within the powei of executive alsciutlon to remedy. The only i tilings made by me , changing previous rulings made under a different con- Mructiou of the law In lospect to the admls- Rihillty of entries upon publlo lands , aie the following : I have held , with tlioconcinrcnco of deci sions by the secretary of the Intei lor , that a section of land to bo subject to a timber cul- ttno ontiv must bo "devoid of timber. " Pie- vlous rulIngH had allowed .such entries to bo made upon sections not < lo\ old ot timber. 1 ha\u held thatauoison who has made and pel fected a pio-emptlon claim Is not entitled - titled under the law to afteiwaids commute a homestead ontiy , slnco the commutation ot a homestead Is equivalent to a pio-omp- tlon , being in iact and In law the change ot a ImmustiMd ontiy to a pre-emption , and the pre-emption laws icstilct eveiy pci.son to ono mc-empllon cntiy. This rule Is now befoio the beeiotary on appeal for Hind decision. bhonld my iiiling boalllimcd by him It Is not expected to aflcct eases In which such entileseio piovlously allowed. Thoio is , tlieieloie , no reason why any person who Incoodlalth madoan entiy In accoidanco with uilos established ana In Joicotttthotimoof Ids ontiy , sliould have any iipmohenslou that his entiy will bo dis turbed if ho has complied with the law since theentiy was made , if ho has not compiled with the law , that , of. course , is another matter. I do not suppose that it is Intended by the bill ineseiited to conllim entiles not made in good tallh , nor these whcieln the laws have not been compiled with , butsimplv to declaie valid such entiles as mny ha\o been piopeily allowed under i tilings anil declMonb as they existed nt the tlinu the cntiy was made , leaving tlio adjudication of all oihci qucs lions to tlio usual couiso of pioccdure undei the laws. 1 see no objection to the pioposltlon as nboui Mated , out icspectfnlly biigirest that the bill as diawn mny perhaps bo llablo to n bioador construction. If , thcrofoie , the senate it , of the opinion that the pioposctl nieasuuiof legislation Is neeossniy , 1 iecom < mend that the bill bo amended as Indicated in the inclosed copy. copy.WM. . A. J. SPAIIKS , Hon. 0. II , VAvWvrK , Commissioner. United btatcs Senate. With the amendments Indicated In the body of the bill the committee recommend that the same do pass , f Wouls to bo strlcKci ; out aio enclosed In brackets ; words to bo In BeiU'dme in Italics. ] 1 Mil to confirm entries of lands imutettticftvf/icitmtl / lava of the lie It muctcdbu the Senate nnd House oj JtcirfiiMHi' < otic / ITnltcil Ktiitcs oj Amrrkti in Conuicss assanlilal , That an ) unliyo/ public luml wbjcct to cntru hereto tofoio made under the land laws ot tlu United Slates , in confoimlty wltli the nilu * regulations and decisions of the general lam otiico and the inteilor depvtmcnt at the time Mich entry was made. iJiaU Ic < KiJiuyt ( ( < Z ( i the Mime tncntnrr [ is hereby con firmed to tlu extent and shall bo txjrferted anil proceed tc patent the samel us it said rules , regulation ! mid decisions had not been reversed or modi lied : { ' ( Orifice ? , That such entiy must have been made In good faith , ami no chruees ol fraud have been made against the same ; ami in casu any chaigcs ot fraud have been 'iiadc , , * ucchnrves [ theyj shall bo ln\cstliattd ; in Ihc same manner and with the same effect as If the rules , regulations and decisions under which tie ! entry was made had not been mod- Hied or reversed. The bill was placed on the renato calendar. Senator Van \Vjck liitcndn to give It earnest attention , and Is confident of securing Its early passage. coyounss. Senate. WASHINGTON , Feb. 23.-Among the bills reported favorably fiom the committees and placed on the calendar was one by Mr. Van Wyck , fiom the committee on public lands , toconllrnienhlesot public lands made under the public land laws of the United States. Among the bills Introduced and refcircd vvns 0110 by Mr. Kdiiiunds to facilitate the admlnlstiatlon of laws in Alaska. Mr. Kdmtinds explained that persons appointed to ollico could not give bond in the tcnltory , and the bill was Intended to aid such persons to give bonds In the states from which they wcic appointed. Mr. .Moigaii nffeied a preamble and lesoln- tlon , which , at his icqtiest , woto oidcied minted and laid on the table lei the pic < icnl. Tlio ptnposool thu picamblc and lesolutloii Is to show that the senate judiclaiy commit tee has not the nutlmiity to atialgn the attoi- M ey genoial , as it did In Its recent lenoit and uccompaiiv Ingicsolutloiib 111 iciraid to the refusal of the attoiney gencial to ti-aiismlt to the committee ceitaln papcis In icgaut to the lemoval of an olliccr , which had been asked lor by that committee. Tlio picamblu sajs , leleiring to tlio lecont judiclaiy comiultteo resolution : It said lesoiutions aio adopted us being lute upon the tacts and as a matter of law , they will theieby announce the pie- judgment of the maioiity ot this body , with out any dial uccoullng to law , that the attor ney general ot the United slates is guilty of and condemned lor wilfully commit ting an ollcnso In the conduct of his office , which Is In violation ot his olllclal duty , and Is subversive ot the fundamental piinclples of tlio government of the United States. The iitloiney geneial , It ho has In fact wilfully committed any offense that Is In violation of his olllclal dutv.and issubveislvo ot tlio fundamental pilneiples ot the govern ment of the United Ktates , Is only amenable to the condemnation ot the senate when the senate Is sitting with the clilel justice of the United States as a coint ot Impeachment to hear and decide upon aitlcles ot impeach ment presented by the house of icpiescuta- tlves. Mr. Dolph , from the committee on public lands , lepoited a lesolutloii calling on tlio sccictaiyot tlio Interior tor full Intoimatlon concealing the selection , suivoylng and p.ttentiiigof the land given In aid of tlio construction of the Noithem Paciliciailroad. The lesolutior. was agreed to. Mi. lloai called up the bill appiopiiatlng S2oO,000 for the election of a monument In Washington city to the incmoiy ot Oeneial CSrant. All. Plumb thought tlio bill ought not to pass. Howassuto that ho voiced the wish of thogicat soldiei whose fame the proposed monument would commcmoiate , when ho ( Plumb ) said that no such monument was necessaiy. No monument had been elected , or thought necessaiy , to tlio memoiv ol Lincoln , tionciai Ciiant's fame did not de pend on a monument. Mr. Iloai wassuieMr. Plumb was as sin- ccio as anjbody In his icspcct lor the giea- memoiy which It v\as pioposcd to commem- oiate , but , Mr. Hoar said , all civill/ed na tions honoied their great leadeis by the eiect tlon ot monuments. Mr. Hoar biiclly but waimly eulogized the niemoiy of Giant. This bill , All. Hoarsalu , had tlio suppoit of our most distinguished volunteei soldier ( alluding to Uenoial Logan ) . The bill was passed , Mr. Hoar saying that the committee on libiaiy would consider the mattei of an appropihuo monument to the memory ot Lincoln. On going to the calendar , among the bills postponed to a later day was the woman suf frage constitutional amendment , Mr. lilair saying that although It was a veiy Impoitant meastnc. It could not bo discussed undei the llvomlnuto into. The education bill was then placed befoio the senate , and Mi. Gray took the lloor in opposition to the bill. Alter a shoit executive session the senate adjourned. _ WASHIXOTON , Feb. 23. On motion of Air. Forney , the icsolutlon was adopted giantlng leave to thecappropilatioiis committee to sit during the sessions of the house. Air. Moirlson , from the committee on ways and means , tcpoited a joint lesolution direct ing the payment of the suiplus in the ticas uiy on the public debt. Kefeued to the com mittee of the w hole. Air. Howllt obtained leave to lilo the views of the ndnoilty. The icport which accompanies the joint icsolutlon says : On January 80 , li&O , as Miovvn by the official statement of the assets and liabilities of thotieasuiy of the United States , theio was In tlio tieasury and In United States deposltoilcs , Including the amount held lei redemption of United states notes and not Including minor liactional sil ver coin classed as assets not available , the sum of s < $17y.Cb9bG2.2l $ In excess of all other liabilities than for the icdcniptlon ol said United States notes. It is believed that this Rtini is hugely In excess ol the sum requlied lor the puiposc for which it is hold , and that a considerable ) pait tlieicof sliould bo applied to vim payment ot the interest bearing debt of tlio United States , now payable , to the end that public moneys shall bo used to lighten public burdens and not unnecessary held to line the agents and lopicsentativcs of the people into Impiovldent and wasteful c.\- pendiltues. Air. Weber of New SToik , fiom the commlt- tcoon lailvvays and canals , lenoited a bill lp tlio permanent iinpiovomcntof tlio Kilo and Oswego canals , and to sccino licedom of the same to. the commeico ol the United States. Keleircd to the commlttco of the wholo. Mr. Tucker , liom thocommllteco on ju diciary , icpoited a bill piovldlng that no poisons will bo hold to answer lor any cilmo whcrcot the punishment may bo loss of Ufa or llbeity , except on piescntment on an In dictment ol a grand jmy , except In cases ailslng In the land or naval loices , or In the militia when In actual scivlco In tlmo ot war or public danger. Placed on the liouso cal endar. Aih Kllsbury , fiom the committee on In valid pensions , inpoited u bill gi an ting pen sions to all invalid holdleis or their widows or their children who aio dependent on their dally labor lor support. Ucteired to the committee of the wholo. Air , Buchanan , from the conimmlttco on claimlepoited n bill foi the lellofottho sinvivoisof the exploring steamer Jeannette , and the widows and childien of these who peilshed in the expedition. Placed on the pi ivato calendar , SUNATI : Tlio Measures Introduced ly tlio I jaw Mnkcra Yesterday. WASHING rex , Feb. 2J. Among the bill's Intioduced In the senate to-day weio the following : Uy Senator Wilson of Iowa For a public building at Foit Dodge ( Iowa ) , It appiO' pilates 5100,000 for the puiposc. Uy bcnator Call Providing that in oil eases of homestead cntiy whom the homo- Pleader or his widow orchlldien lesldcd upon and cultivated the land for live yean > patent * theiefoi shall bo granted although final pioot was not made within the time icquiicd by law , and such pi oof may bo made nt any tlmo and a patent obtained for the same. Uy Senator Vim Wyck Authori/ing the use of the piocccds ot the sinking fund flo ated by the Tlun nun act in theconstiuctlon ot branch railroads and telegraph lines. II cicates a boaid , to consist of the secretaiy of the tieasurv , the sccielaiy of the luterloi and the president of the Union Pacific and Kan sas Pacific rallioads , which shall conveit Into money tlu ) seem Hies now on deposit in the ttcasury as a sinking fund to pay the maturity Indebtedness of tliesocoiiiiuinles , anil usathc same to consttuct branch lailioad and tele graph lines to connect with the Him of sale ! companies. It piovldcs In detail for the manner of construction , rates to bochaigcd , and tor other matters connected with the construction and operation of such loads and lines. _ _ ] f you buy linnbc ? anywhere without fhsogottin < j Hollands pru-.os you will ntoUoy. PUSHING HIS PENSION BILL , Mr. Henderson of Iowa Argues a Matter of Interest to Maimed Veterans. INCREASE FOR LOSS OF LIMBS. Citizens of Iowa AYnnt Judicial Boun daries ClmiiRcd Sioux City hand Ornnt Porfeltnro Itcportccl Adversely Notes. for Pension Tncrcnsc. WASHINOTON , Feb. 23. [ Special Tele gram. J Ueprescnlatlvo llcndcison led an Important discussion before the house com mittee on Invalid pensions to-day. Hender son's bill to tncicaso the pensions of those who have lost an arm or leg Was under con sideration. 'Ihcio Weio also piescnt lepie- sentatlvcs of the United Slates Maimed Vet erans association , who argued for the pas- saieoftho ; bill , which piovidcs lhat in all cases vvheie a hand or foot has been loit pen sions shall bo 535 a month ; wheio a leg Is amputated at the knee 01 the aim at the elbow joint , or so neai theieto above or below the joint as tobo equivalent to amputation at the knco or elbow joint , S-IO a month ; where amputations have been made at the shoulder 01 hip joints , or near enough theieto to disqualify the soldier from wearing an aitttieial limb , the pension shall bo S-fli a month. Within the past month the membeis of congicsa have been flooded with letters from maimed soldleis asking for the passage ol this bill , and It was at this instance that Colonel Hcndcison a foitniuht ago giiangcd for a hcaiing to-day. All tlio bills that have been Intioduced containing these provisions ask for atiearat'cs fiom 18ro at adecieascd rate , but upon consultation It was deemed best not to fcatuio upon the com mittee , although all recognized the justice of It. It.WANT WANT JUDICIAL BOUNDAnil.S CIIANOr.n. A laige number of petitions fiom clti/ens inlei estcd have been lecclvcd by Rcpiesenta- five Frederick , asking that theie bo a new division of the uoitheiii judicial district of the state of Iowa. The petitioners ask that the boundaiics of the judicial districts In Iowa may bo so changed that the counties of Cedar , Johnson and Tama may bo attached to the J oithcrn district , and that theieupon a new division may bo cieatcd In the noi th em district , consisting of the counties oi Jones , Cedar , Linn , Johnson , Iowa , lionton , Tnma , Grundy , Hardiu , Uutler , Brewer , Clln ton and Blackhawk , and that the place foi holding cotnts lor said pioposed divisions shall be Cedar laplds ! , at such times as may be fixed bylaw. It is icprescnted that all of the counties named have dlrecl communication by rail with Ccdai Ilaplds , which enables the citizens of those counties to leach Cedar Uaplds in from ono to three boms time ; that the establishment of the division proposed would greatly faclll tate the transaction of business in thoUnitci States courts for that division , and wouh' gieatly add to tlio convenience of citizen1 aggiegating 200,000. The pioposed changes In boundaiics between the northern am southern dlstiict , they say , would still leave the greatci pait of the population and bus ! ness ot the state in the sonthcin distiict The petitions have been rclouedto the housi committee on judiciary , whcic action will b ( taken. A DISAPPOINTMENT TO IOWANS. Air. Plumb , fioin tlio committee on public lands , to-day icpoited with an advcis ( iccommendatlon the bill to resume to the United States certain lands granted to the state of Iowa to aid In the construction of ; lailioad in that 5tate. The lands aie those granted by act of congress appioved Alay 1ft 1664 , and embraced In the alternate .section : given to aid Iii the constuiction of a lalhoac from Sioux City to the noi th line of the state of Iowa , and now held by the Sioux City A St. Paul Railroad company. The refusal ol the commlttco to make a favoiable icpoiton this bill will bo a gieat disappointment tc many thousands of lowanswho have repeat edly petitioned for the forfeltuio of these lands. A I1LACK nYE FOH DBS MOINK9. E-A member ot the liouso committee on pub lic buildings and gi omuls said to-day that All Conger's bill appropriating $150,000 jor the Impiovomcnt of the DCS Aloines govcinmen building would probably not bo tcported , since the advlsoiy board of the committee had ictuscd to act upon it. If theie is no re- poit. of comse it will die in tiio committee Thcroisa possibility , however , of the bll' being staked out by its fiicnds. The south cm clement on this committee is veiy strong and while small towns , bomo less than 10,000 people , are given money lor buildings , the noithcrncis aio icfuscd It , no matter \\o\\ \ \ \ good a case they piescnt. Tim oA5Uiiiii.i-wrAviu : : CASH. Judge Hants , counsel fortSovomor Camp bell in the Campbell-Weaver contested elec tion from the sixth low a district , Infoimee yourtorrespondent to-day that by airangc mcnts cnteicd into some time ago the case should coino up before the commlttco on elections for aigument on Thursday , bu that Weaver had not yet filed his hi let. Tlu aso was theioby delayed. Wewcr hccms to bo fighting for as long a stay In his seat ai possible by delaying by all sorts ol subter fugcs consideration In the committee. j'ATiiNis TO wisiiiix : : iNvr.Nious. Patents vvcio to-day Issued to the follow ing : Joshua O. Benstcr , Duncan ( Neb ) windmill ; John ( i. W. Fleming , Emersoi ( Iowa ) , btovo hood or heat collector ; Uoiace ( , Council lilnilt ; , headscicon ; licorgi AI. Weeles , Stuait ( Neb ) nnd E. O. Fisher Atlantic ( leivva ) , plow ; Marquis F. Seeloy Ficniont ( Neb ) , gialn elevator ; William A Smith anil J. II. Hughes , Woodlawn ( Neb ) liamo couplings. r.Kejuusr KOUIUVKII IMPIIOVI.MINT. : : Itepiesontatlvo Lyman introduced Into tin liouso to-day resolutions of the city council ot Nebraska City , and the board of trade o : that place , the commissloneis of Otoo county etc. , in favor of the linpiovomentof the Mis- souil ilvor in the vicinity ot Nebraska City , and on the east side of the tivcr in Iowa a an expense of 5,000. AVAI.ANCUU OF IT.niCOAT PETITIONS. Another impetus seems to have been giver to tlio woman sulliagists In Iowa. To-day i laigogilst of petitions asking uongicss t < submit the question to a vote of the peopli weio presented in the senate by Air. Wilsoi from the cltUens of Knoxvlllc , Wintcrset and other places , 1JIK NEWS IX NUOOETS. Senator Wilson introduced a bill to-da ; appiopiiatlng 8100,000 lor a govcinmen' building at Fort Dodge ( Iowa ) . Porter Fiedcrick of Iowa and 0 , J. Brovvr ofNebiaska have been appointed postollici Inspectoral a salary of § 1,200 a jcar for si : months and 51,000 , a jcar thereafter , and 81 i day expenses. of Whisky Men. PEOIUA , Feb. 23. A meeting of the whisk ; pool was held hue to-day. There was a laic attendance but nothing of Importance w a deuic , the meeting having adjomned to awai theuuival of Spellman of the Kntcrprls ellstllleiy of Pcklu , to whom much ot th recent trouble in th pool Is attributed Another session will bo held to-morrow. OWl SHil'M.SS NAVY. AVImttho Home Committee Hns De cided Upon for Its Itchabtlltatlon. WASHINGTON , l"eb. 23. The members of the ho'use committee on naval affairs held an Informal meeting yesterday , at which the question of rehabilitation ot the navy was discussed and an Interchange of views on the subject was had. So far as can bo learned It was the unanimous opinion ot those present that the navy sliould bo reeonstructeel. The commlttco will merit to-morrow and will probably agree upon n report which will ! > o presented to the house without delay. The recommendations will involve the expenditure of eight or ten million dollars. They will recommend the completion of tbo monitors already begun , and a liberal an- propilatlon for ; naval ordnance ; they will advise the construction of fiom fifteen to twenty torpedo boats , and n laruo expendi ture for torpedoes , anil w 111 provide for tlio construction of six or seven steel belted crulscis of5.003 to O.OOJ tons. These ciniseis aio to bo the main reliance ol the navy. Tholrfeatuics arc swlttuessand the power of their ordnance. Theio Is n difference of opinion as to whether this woik should bo done In the navy yauls by the government or by contract , and both plans will probably bo given a tiial. AH ordnance work will bo done in the raids , not all , will be done In Wash ington. The constuiction ol oulnaneo will bo almost the exclusive work of tlio Wash ington yard , and It will bo the aim to have it thoroughly equipped. The commlttco will recommend a veiy [ perfect toipedo sjstein. The boats used are not expensive' , costing about Si.0,000 . each , ami aio consideied veiy elle'ctual as a means ol defense. The com mittee elo not favoi the eonstiuctlon ot heavy lion-clads , which aio consleleied less seivlee- ablc than modern last ciulsers armed with powerful oidnancc. Tlio Cabinet Considers Promotions. WASHINGTON , Feb. US. The cabinet meet ing to day was mainly devoted to the conslel- cratlou of the general question of promo tions In the anuv and navy , paitictilarly as to the wisdom of giving inefctcnco In such matters to ollicctssoon toboietiieel , and who in tact aio unlit at the time of promotion for active service. Tlio geneial sentiment was adverse to such promotions except in espe cially meiitoilous cases. The Suit Against the Telephone. WAsniNeiroN , Feb. 23. Solicitor General Geode said to-day that nothing had been settled w ith regard to the tlmo and place of filing llio suit against the Bell telephone com pany. It Is expected the pfocedlngs will bo instituted bcloio the close ot the piesent w eck. TIIH CROP OUTLOOK. A Very Pnvornhlo Showing Presented by tlio Farmers' Review. CHICAGO , Feb. 2J. The following crop suiinuaiy will appear in the Farmeis' Uc- viovvthis wdckliom the numerous letuins made by its coiiesnomlents : lletinns from tlio wlntei wheat fields aio almost uniform- ally good. They piescnt an outlook very nearly as lavoiablo as these sent earlv In 18b5 w hen the prospect was exceptionally good for a large field. The snow has enthely dls- appcaied fiom the llejels. enabling veiy clear iindeistandinir as to the condition of the plant , and liom neaily every county in Ohio , Indiana , Michigan , IllinoisAlissomi _ , Ken tucky and Kansas , it Is ropoited looking strong and healthy. The utter disappearance of the snow coveilng , is the only serious menace now tlueatehlng growing gialn , anel wltlianotliergeneralifall of snow the out look could hardly be better than Is piesented In the icpoits of our correspondents. A pro longed season ol some cold weather , with tlio fields still unprotected , would undoubt edly cause damage which might completely chang the tenor of the repoits. The latest rn- poits from California , Oregon and Washing ton tenitoiy are generally moio lovoiable than at the same time last year. . Grain in Sight and Store. CHICAGO , Feb. 23. The following figures , taken from the official statement of the boaid of traele , show in bushels the amount of gialn In sight in the United States and Canada on Febuiary 20 , and the amount of incicase 01 decrease over the preceding week. Wheat 62,771,787 Dccicasc 700,595 Corn 8,875,071 Increase C.s9bSO . , Oats 2,003,223 Increase 128,200 live C91,8'K ' ) Deciease 8,5'JU Bailey. 1,50 ,853 Decieaso 89,029 The amount in Chicago elevators on the date named was : Wheat lUtfi.OGO Corn. ' . " . 2,751,520 Oats 879,979 Hyo 279,80. ! Bailey. 1 ,2U Weekly Dry Goods Review. NEW Yewic , Feb. 23 , Exports for domes tic cottons lor the past week have been 3,110 package * , and slnco January 1 , .11,038 pack ages , against 3l,8j for the same tlmo last year , and l8.CVj7 in IfcSI. In all depaitinents of commission tiado there has been more doing , and in icccipts and shipments of goods there has been moro activity. Cotton gooels continue veiy strong , and agents aie not disposed to make conliacts more than thirty days ahead. Agents have advanced Naumkcag and Andioscosgin sattecns } { c each. MEX OF OUR KIND. The National Eelitorlal Contention and "What It Is Doing. CINCINNATI , Feb. 23. The editorial con vention was in session to day. Piesldcnt Ucibert made the annual address , urging the Impoitanco ot giving the association a per manent basis , and suggested the appointment of standing committees on ad eitislngand legislation , and also advocated the adoption of n professional code ot ethics. This evening a reception was given by the president ami OACcutlvo comiultteo nt tlio lUiinet house , at which the Floilda delegation caiiicd off the honors of the evening. They had bi ought with them from Floiida a largo lot of oiangos , w ith spiaR and twigs , ami when tlio delegates cnteied the pailoi at half past six thu milt and blanches weio handsomely arranged on tables , Interspeiswl with branches of Spanish moss. The Floildu delegates had , they said , adopted this method ot showing the country that the recent 10- noits of heavy damage from cold weather to Florida oiango groves weie not true. The coiibtltution comes up for debate to- moi row , the ooject being to perfect the or- ganUatlon begun last year at Now Orleans. The question of lepit'sentation was decided by allowing nonq to vito ( who were not icgu- lar rcpioscntatlvca of state associations , though visiting Jounallsts ( weio invited to puitlcipato In thodlsciiPsioii. As to voting , the > question vvaa whether a short delegation wouldbopcimittedto cist the ontlio vote of a sfato allowance. It was decided to give a vote only tei the accredited delegates present. The at avals to-nlzht make the attendance about 200. _ Our Minister a Gentleman , SAN Fii.vjfcibco , Teh. 23. Assoclatcet press Yokohama private advices state all the icports chaiglng liK-Governor Hubbaid , United Status minister to Japan , with con duct unbecoming an Ameilcan minister , aio untrue ; that lie always conducted hlmselt in Hich manner as to win the eontielenco of the Japane'so government and the lespect ot his diplomatic collogues , nnd that his utilities and high character are recognized by the en tire foreign community. A French flagship anlved at Yokohoma from Nagasaki , where the small-pox Is epi demic , with a number ot cases ot that dis ease on board. * Another Panorama Picture. CHICAGO , Feb. 23. The panoiama paint ing of Missionary Illdgo , making the third laigo battle picture open to public view in Chicago , was disclosed this afternoon. A great deal of tiiceand expense have been in volved in the production of the latter woik , nnd it Is piotiouuced by critics t one of the best of the war pictures jet piepaied. MINORITY AGAINST MORRISON Their Kcport on His Measure for Disposing of the Treasury Surplus. THEY SAY THE BILL IS UNWISE Oppose It Because They Relieve It Will Not Mo Economical for tlio Government Nor of Admit * Inge to the Country. Payment of the Surplus. WASIIINOTON , Kcb. S3.-Hewitt , icpie- scntlngtho minority of tlio commlltco on waj s anil means , to-day submitted a loport on the .MoriIson bill directing the payment ol the surplus In the ficasmycvcoodlnirSlOO- 000,000 In liquidation of I lie public debt. The effect of the icsolutton , says tlio 10- poit , If enacted Into a law , would bo to ic- duce the balance in the treasury available for the payment of the cinicut Indebtedness nnd lor the icdcmptloii of legal tender notes to S100OJO,000. It litres no piovlslon for 10- plcnlshlng thotieasuiy when the available balance shall fall below 5100,000,000. The question tlmspiescntcd Is whether , in view of. the obligations and functions of the trcasmy us now dolliied by law , the pioposed limitation on balances now held for meeting liabilities payable on demand Is prudent and safe In view of the pledge of the United States to ledcem all its Indebtedness In coiner or its equivalent. The undesigned believe that such limitation would bo uimlsc , dangcious , and a arlanco alike with the ex- peiionco with solvent nations and of sound financial Institutions. The ordinary disbursements of the treasury maybe roughly stated to amount to S1OOJOCO a day. To this dlsbuiscmcnt it is necessaiytlmtaieasonablo woiking balance should bo kept on hand , be cause at times the ctuiunt cxpcndltuics largely exceed the dally iccelpts. Careful business lirms usually cany a balance equal to QUO mouth's ellsbuisemonts. ilcasmed by this standard r.d ! a lower ono could not safely bo adopted because ly ! : seciotary ol the tieasury has no power to make temporary loans the woiklng balance tn the uoasiuy should bo about § yo,000000. That this amount is not too laigewill bo appaicnt from the fact that in the pension bin can alone dratts tor $10,000,000 will bo made the first ot .Maicli , and the amount ot piobablo payment under tlio ariears act cannot be lixed for any specific date. Uutbc'jides thociinont expenditures pro vided lor by law , the United States has a totally dibtinet obligation to ptovide lei a debt payable on demand in the shape of $340,031,010 or. legal tender notes. These notes foun about one-half ot our paper cuucncy. They constitute the final means ot payment between indi viduals and ol settlement In all tiansactions of business. It is absolutely necossaiy , therefore that the ability to icdeein these notes in coin should bo at all times assuied beyond penuUcntnrc. Tlio only question is as to tlio amount ot coin which will consti tute a iiusonablo and adequate icseivc. To dcteiniine this point wo have no olhei guldo than usage and experience. In the case of uolel and silvci ceitllicates , the tre.isuiy keeps dollar lor dollar , but in the case ot local ten der notes it has not been usual to have at any tiuio in the treasury a reseivo In coin exceed ing one-halt of the whole issue ol such notes. When sppclop 'mentsweioiesuniudbondi-L of the United Stales wemsold so as to pio- vide ft lund amounting to SUo.SOO.OJO m gold for the purpose of assinlng tlio icduinptloii of the notes , which , as the l.iw tiien movided , wcio toboieduccd by cancellation to feliOO- ( K.0.000. It was ceitainly not consideied sale to bezln lesumption with less firm a one- third icserve , and as a mattci oL fact , the available balance In the ticasuiy amounted to over 40 per cent. At the piesent time , under the practice of the tieasury claimed to bo In accordance with tlio bank act of lbS3 , 8100,000.000 In gold coin Is set apait foi the redemption of leal tondei notes ; being rather less than 2'J per cent. This leseivo would bo regarded by bankers as the minimum amount in an easy money market , but if the financial prospect should bo threatening pntdenco would icqulre that It should bo cnlaiged and stiongtlieiied. The piactice of the tioasmy under Secretary Sherman , who put the losuniptlon act in opciatlon , was not to allow the reset vo to fall below 40 per cent , and all tilings consideied this is probably the smallest amount con sistent with absolute safety. It this ratio Should bo adopted the amount of icacno in coin would bo 5133,000,000. Adding this amount to the amount hcieto- fore stated as a reasonable woiking balance , we have the sum of § 103,000,000 as the minimum balance which tlio tie.istuy should cany In oidcr to bo in a condition ol case and safety. Any other conclusion is at Vtuianco with the lessons of oxpoilcncenml the well established tides foi the safe conduct of business. The main argument served for Infringing on this balance must bo a saving ot Interest on So3OGO,000 , which , alter allowing for the tax on bank chculatlon , is 'iy nor cent per annum , amounting to ? 1,700OCO amiuallv. But it is to bo rcmemboiod that the demand debt of the United States , lepiescnted by legal tender notes , bears no interest , and that the gain in interest between the total amount nnd the pioper leservo is ovei HOOJOOO per annum , bo that ( ho KOV- einment could well alloul the outlay leqniicd to keep Its nuances. In the stiongest possible condition , and should ceitainly never approach preach a point whcioundci tlio law it may become neocssaiy to sell United States bonds In older topiesoivDspecle payments. Such a contingency would not bo an edifying spec tacle to the people whoso proud boast Is that within twenty yeais liom the close of the war it has paid off moio than one-halt of the public debt and icdiici'd the bunion ot Jntei- est to one-third Its oilglnnl amount , Cei- talnly , a policy so humiliating would bo con demned by the people when ito oflect should become apparent. The gicatcstcaio must bo taken not to In- teifeio with the lloxibllity ot the ouucncy , and the only flexible agency lests in the tieasury , in tlio power now oxpjciscd by the secu'taiy to inaKocalls lor icdcmptlon of the nubile debt. Jt Is a giavo question whether buch power should e\cr bo enti listed to the goveinmcntorthudlscietlon ol an olllclal. In all other ronservatho commeicial conn- tiles It has been conform ! on an Intermediate agency in direct communication with the business intoiests of the people. Wo ha\o no such system , and hence the tirasmy has been lorced to become a member ol the Now Ymk clearing house , which Is the linanclal center ot the exchange of the countiy. The treasuiy Is thuspiactically engaged In the banking business , not only tn the issue ol currency , but in adopting Its opoiatlons to the general requliemcnts of trade. Dan gerous as this sjsteut Is , it was the outgiowth of necessity , and until soim ) other security besides tlio bonded debt of the United States is devised for the Issue of bank cm loncy , the powei toeomo to the relict of the money nmiketln times ot stringency must icst with the treasurer. Onoothei consideration maybe piesented as a fatal aigumcnt against the reduction of the tieasury balance to & 100.003,000 in coin as necessaiyat all times to bo Kept lor the 10- dcmptlon of legal tender notes. The ability of speculator to icduco this balance below § 100,000,00) by piesontlni. demand notes lor payment Is obvious , and unless the expedient oj replacing the amount by the sale ol bonds bo resorted to , the money maikot can bo so manipulated as to Impair conhdcnco and bring about genuial disaster , by which operatois for a fall would reap abundant piolit at the expense of the legitimate business of the countiy. Tee undersigned , being cleaily of the opin ion that thopioposeel reduction will neither be economical as faras thu government is concerned , nor advantagous to Urn intuiosts of the country , but in tact extremely dan gerous In times ofiecunlng btilngpiicloslii the money market , iccommcnd that it be laid upon the table. The report Is signed by Mr , Hewitt , Messrs. Heed , Jllscock , Diovvn. and McKinley - Kinley , while asieelng witli. Mr. Hewitt that thuie&emitton should not pass , dllTerasto homo points of his aigumcnt , and -attach the following to his reports The umlculirnea dcoiti that 8100,000.050 at least aio tiucdcU as a suitable security for the redemption of Icttal tender note * , - thinks that securities ought not to bo Im paired , They think that a sufficient working loscivo for the biiMiicss of the government ought toboictalncdln the treasury In addition to the legal tender redemption fund. The bill pi oposcd by the committee , In our opinion , Ignoies these conditions , and In our judg ment will shako public confidence In I ho sta bility of our cuncncy In such a way that the saving otlntciest which the bill will cause w 111 be but a trillo compared with the injury tlucatcned. .1 TAKEN iou uonaisTiur.vns. Two Prominent Citizens of N'ellgli Ar rested on tlio Chargo. NKUOH , Neb. , Feb. at. ( Special Tele- prain.l This place was gieatly eveltcd last inqht by the auest of O. A. Kcklos nnd I * . 11. Warner on thoohaigoof stealing a team of horses horn near Plalnvlow. Hoth men are among the most prominent In town. The case Is a peculiar ono. ThoclmiRo was pro- foiled bvW. W. Quhny of 1'J.ilnvlew , who lormcrly resided hcie. Iloo\\ed the pa < tlt'S at rested a personal nolo nnsecuicd , and also ono .seemed on the team alleged to have been stolen. Qulvoy pald oiio of the notes and ho claims It was the ono secured bv the moil- gage , while the other paitlcs claim It was the unsccuied ono , and with this view of the case they took the team under the ntoitgatfc. They were taken to Plalnvlow for trial. A Itlrtli In a Car licrth. GKAFTON , Neb. , Feb. at. An Iowa lady named Mis. Miller gave birth to a itnoghl baby on the tialn on her way to this city jes- teiday. Conductor Tom Uyun distinguished himself In piovldlng for the comforts of the lady , and tclcguphnd greeting to her hus band. The mother and child are impiovlng at rail toad speed. The youngster was appio- pilalely named Caioltnc. \VY03IING NOTKS. A BUI to Ornnt n I\\K \ Hnilroael llonun 1'asses Ono House. CimYnNNi : , \Vjo.Feb.W. [ Special Tele gram. ] The i ail load county bond bill passed ono house oftholeglslaluio to-day , and will undoubtedly pass the other and be signed by the goveinor In a few days. It giants a sub sidy equal to 5400,000 In this county to a load building 100 miles noith and south , piovldlng tie ! CQinjwny making application file a bond for 15 per'cent of the lull amount of the sub sidy asked by It for the faithful completion of the woik. After the application is made by the company the people vote on the Ques tion of giaiitlng It , The Union Pacific , Noithwestcm , and Uuillngton & Mlssouil roads are all supposed to bo after the subsidy. The bill lengthening the time of residence in Wjomlug to exeiciso suffrage to sl.x months was signed by the go\emor to-day. The central point of Inteiest In Wyoming now is Foil Fcttennan , on the Platte il\cr , wheio It Is expected the Xoithwestcrn extension will icach in six months. Six wholesale houses of this city are establishing blanch stoics theic. TUB Fin 13 KCCOKI ) . Serious Destruction of Business Prop erty in St. Paul. ST. PAUL , Feb. 3-1. A liio has just biokc out In the laigo dry goods sloio opposite the Pioneer Pi ess ollleo , and thiealcns destina tion to tlio building. The smoke Is so dense thothemcn cannot locate the mo. LATEU The Hie was'rllscoveied to bo In Manholmei's ' marble block. The lire burned fiotccly , consuming enormous quantities of line labiics , which woio also much damaged bythowatei fiom eight engine1 * . The value ot the stock is about S'200.000 , with an Insur ance of pi obably 3100,000. A small amount of goods weie saved , but His not known how much. Fire in the Mlkailo's Land. SAN FnANcisco , Feb. 23. A destiuctivo file broke out at Yokohama at 1 o'clock on thomoining of Fcbruaiy 8 , and destroyed the Windsor hotel and several sunoundlng buildings and contents. The total loss Is about 5100,000 ; Insuiance , 500,000. The hotel building was insured for 530,000. Many In- mtitos ot tlio hotel baioly escaped wltli tlieii lives. United States Consul General Denny , who was stopping at Yokohama en louto to Coiea , was obliged to jump iiom the second story window but sustained no injiuy. liABOIl TROUBLES. Tlio Tlircntoncil Shoo Strike Com menced at Milwaukee. Mn.wAUKKt : . Feb. 23. About 000 employes in thesixlaigestboot and shoo facloilcs of this city went out on a stiike this aftcinoon because of the icfusal ot the manulaclurcis to sign the scale of wages as pi enaied by the lioot and Shoe Makeis' Union. The Miikciu will bo assisted by the Knights of J.aboi , which now lias a mcmbeishlp ol 5.000 In the city. Coal Miners GohiK to Work. MATI-OOX , 111. , Feb.4'J. Thlity coal mincis losumcd woik ycsteiday morning In the mines heio and weio not molested. Thoicst will go to woik to-mouow , the stilko being ended. The mlneis acknowledge tliomselves beaten and goto woik mulct the same condi tions pievalllngbofoio the sniko was made. Tlio Pennsylvania Given In. PjMJ.Anr.U'iiiA , Feb. 2.J. The Pennsyl vania lailioad company , in defeionco to tlio wishes of Us employes , o.spiesscd tlnough their grlovanco committee , has decided to abiogato the compulsory leatuio In its pio- poscd icllel lund schcine. Tlio Brakemen's Sti-lko Hndcd. NEW OnriA.xs : , Feb. 20. The Milking brnkemen and switchmen on the soutlicin division of the Illinois Ccntial lalhoad 10- stimed woik to-day iijion an agiecmunt that thelt gilovances would bo consideied by the management. OCJAN imjASTnus. Tlirco Vessels Coniplotely Destroyed in I'aclllu tioaH. S.VK FHANCISCO , Feb. 23. The facts have boon leained to-day of n number of disasters In tlio rfotith Pacific ocean. Tlio schooner Navigator , which left this cityhuveialiiionths ago for a ciulso among the Slmoan Islands , was Mi tick by a licavy sea , eapMwil and became - came a total \vlilliilinnnil liom Apia to Toittillla , two cities In tlio Slmoan Islands , 'llioeiewandbcven passciiKoi.s weio fia\ed. The vessel was icceiilly built , and valued at 810,000. The schooner Doinmtlla. ciulsing among tlio Sandwich Islands , wasdlsco\eied bottom up In the Hawaiian channel , She had on bonid aeicw of MX and a pass-onuin1 , all ot Whom are bcllovcd to bo lost. Tim \cssel was \alued at SO.WK ) ; instneu lor54,000. January -3 the stuamei Planter , wlillo bound liom Katial to Nellian , Sandwich Islands , struck a iccf ne.u the latter phuo dining a heavy log , and was completely wiecked. No lives weio lost. The vessel was \aiuedat 815,000 nnd Insuicd , A BaptlHt Boom for Howard. HOSTOK , M.IS3. . Feb. 23. [ Special Telo- gram.J At the legular meeting of thu Uap- tlst niinlstcis Monday , Kuv. Philip S. Maxom , of the Fiist linptlst rhiiich , bald that elfoilsaro making to defeat by Iloinaii CatliolIclnlluencothoappolnJmcntof ( ienciai Ilowaid to succeed Gcneial Hancock In com mand of the Dcpaitment of the Kast. A committed ot three was appointed to con sider the subject , and a teolutlon adopted uxpiesslng the desiio of the Uaptlst minis ters of Jioston that Howaid bo appointed. A Democrat Cots There. MIMVAUKUI : , Feb. 23. Kcltnns fiom vari ous pails ot thu Fifth dlstiict show J. it. Hiidd ( dcmnciat ) ot ( iieen Day to lia\o becij elected by a laigo m.ijoilly , us biu-- ccssor to thu late Congiesbiiian Kuiikiu. THE TORY LORD'S ' WILD TAUt Ohuroliill's ' Hytlropliobio Howl Against Home Hub Evokw MOJIOUS Comments , IT IS GENERALLY DENOUNCED. rnrnell Spcnlcn of It With Contempt Bovton Follows In Simitar Strain Clmmbcrlnin Will Not Talk Homo Itulc. Churchill's Ornuco Rpecoli , Nr.w Yoitu , Feb. S3. ( Speetal Telegram , ] The Herald's London cabin says : The principal feature of this morning's picssls naturally Lord Kandolph Churchill's bold lilsh speech , which Is leported at length In Urn toiy organs and to MJIUO lesser extent lu others. The Telegraph stionely doubts whether any le ponslulo politician outlit ; to utter any thing hinting at the possible necessity oC civil war. The toiy Post applauds the speech and claims that his reception In Ulster Is a slg nlticant evidence- thu spirit with which Lngllsh statesmen and lilsh separatists will have to icckon. The News blttcily attacks the Inccmllailsiu of the speech. The Standaid bewails that the tone of ox- ttavas.ince and sectanan blttci ness Is detiacl- Ing fiom the chances of success in the union ist cause. LoN'iio.v , l < cb. 23. In an Interview 1'arnell said : "I do not attach set Ions political 1m- poitauco to Loid Chuichill's speech at Bel fast. Ho says his v Islt to Ulster Is likely to end In smoke , it Is not pencially known the * proportion of Catholics to Piolestants In Ulster Is foi ty-nluo to fifty-one. Chuichlll ho consideied a moat rontemntlblopolitician. Ho would take elthci side just as suited bin pmposes at the moment. Ho was vhtually on the national side and against the Orange men just betoio taking olllce. Ho was OK- tiemely with the Oiangeincn then. His militant orations may bo summed up In ono woid , "talk. " The Orangemen do not intend to fight. The last Orange de monstration lu Ulster pioved this. As soon as a few Oianucmmi wcio pilckcd with ba.voncts by a handful ot policemen all the better , Chuichlll is no moio violent then was tobo expected. " Air. Sexton In an Inteivlow said : "Tho speech lendeied Uinnehlll Impotent to affect English opinion. Chinchilla position on tin ) lilsh question Is one ot bad faith. Everybody know that if the elections made Salisbtny independent ol tlio Oiango mem- beis , Chuichill would now have been engaged - gaged on tlio homo lido bill. Chuichlll now appeals to the Oiangomen under the delusion that they would put thotoiles In power by winning Uiltish sympathy. His speech , showedlgnoianioof liisli politics as well as human natuie. Within living niemoiy men had been hanged lei lanirna u not moio tiaitoious than Chuichill's. Within Sexton's own memoiy men have been sent to pilson foi Illo lei using such language. ChuielilH was a political outlaw. It was impossible ) lor him ( o speak foi the niatiuo membeis ot his pai ty. " In an Intei view Cliambcilaln said ho felt It to be Impiopei foi him to discuss home inlo betoio Ciladstono matincd and piopouuded hl < scheme.uAlv speeches on the subject , " ho said , "me well known. 1 see no icason vcttoab.indon the views 1 o\piosscd In 10- jfaid to homo iide , alihouuh possibly later In- loimatlon might eausoa slight nioilllicntlon ot my views. Attacks by the lilsh members ot | ) , irliiiment will bo iunoied. Their uttei- ances , as fai ah they icfei to me , i logiud with pel feet indilfeieneo. " Tin1 Dllko clique in the fnelsca llbcial council aiochaigcd with stealing a maich on the memheiB In adoptinu : tlio icsolutlon oC confidence In Sir Chailes DIIKe. The ma- ' Joiity ot the council had no Intimation of tlio icsolutlon tobo hi ought up. The meeting convened ostensibly to hear a member read a papei on liectiado , and only Dllko and his niends wcio piesent. DHku appealed to the feelings ot tlio meeting , but gave no good reason why ho did not go Into the witness box dining the recent trial. The llbeials Ill- tend to demand ol Dllko a public statement if ho did not pack the meeting. Painoll and Aithui O'Connor have been nominated to leprcscnt the IMrnellltes on the piocedmc commlttco ol the liouso ol com mons. Loid Itoscbciry , foreign seijiclaiy , received fiom Sir Horace llnmbold , Hiltlsh minister at Athens , a tclcgiam announcing formal sub- micsion by tiieece , and stating Picmier Dcly- annlswill picpaioa protest to the powers tlmtOieeco submits only to the foiced inenB- uics. Tlio PoIlHh n\piilNlnn J5II1. Dniiu.v , Feb. 21) ) . Discussion ol Iho Polish bill continued In the louei house of thcl'iiis- slan diet to-day. The bill was opposed by the Polish deputies and the membeis of the new Got man libeial and centio parties , while thn , conscivatlves and national llbeials snppoitcd the mcasiiie. Dr. Lucius , mlnistei of do mains , pointed out that the ihiitycain Pol ish agitation culminated In a dangciousnnd thinly oiganl/cd menace , and that It might take ten yeais to oveieomo this evil to attain the objects of the bill. The bill was finally iclciicd to a committee of twenty-one. Fraudulent Olllcials Ply tlio Country. CINCINNATI , Feb. 2. ! . JudgeJoebol ( , of the piobalo couil , to-day aniiounccd his decision In the Impeachment pioeeedlngs against Mailin Uiockman and Ficd Heimand , dl- icctois of thoclty liilinuaiy , clmiged with making liaitdulcnt vouchcis and various acts of mnlleasauoo in olllce. Ho found them cuilty as charged and lemovod them liom ollice. They sent their resignation to the mayoi last week and then lied. It bun been abceitlined that Itiockman went to Canada and lleimann to Havana. Mayor Smith 10- luscd to ucceiit their icslgnatlons. A filap at Jnko Bhnrp. AI.IIANV , N. Y. , Feb. 23. The ) liouso tonight - night passe-d a icsoliitlon instinoting tlieat- toiney goncial of the Mate to take the nec essaiy slops lo sot aside an < l annul the fran chise of the liroadway sin face i.tjlioael. Care for the Children Clillihcn feel tlio debility of the changing ecasons , even moio than ailulls , and they bo- coino cross , peevish , and uncontrollable , The blood should bo clcansul and the system invigorated by the usoof Hood's HarKnparilla. "Last Bprlbg my two children were vacci nated. Boon alter , they broke all out with run- nhu ; sores , to dreadful I thought 1 should liisu them , llfiod'.s K.irs.ipaillla ( laud them com pletely ! and they have healthy over rlncc. I do fit ! lhat Hood's KarMparim raved my clillilicn to me , " Mit3. U , L. V/ci > \\'arrcn t \ , Purify the Blood - , Hood's Kirsipirllla U rhai.icteilml l > y tlirco pecullaiHlcs' ; let , the cointitiiullon ot remedial agents ; 2d , tlio proportion ; 3d , Ilio 1 yrocesi of s-ccinlnt' the atllvo medicinal fmallties. Thoicsult Isaincellthioof ui.usual ttrcngtli , cffcftlns ttucs Mthcito imlcnown. Head for book contalnlnn' adJltloiul tv lettnce , "Hood's Haik.iparllli tones up my sjKtcis , ptnifleii m > iilood , Minipf us my nmnitliu , nd reeins to mike mo in ei " .1. V , Tjioursox , s , J.owe II , Majj. ' "Hood's Hnnapaillla boats all other * , and Is worth Its weight lu fold. " I , lUliii.NOTO > f , 130 Uank btrcct , Ni-w Voi k City. Hood's Sarsaparilia Hold by nil druggist * . $1 ; MX for J3. Made only by 0.1 , HOOD it CO. , Lowell , Muss , t 1 fOO DOGOG Ono Dollar * ,