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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , jTEBRUAKr 24. 1886. | SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertl cmcnlMindfT this head 10 cents per line for the first Insertion 7 wntlfor ovjh mib8C < iuontlr.scrttnnnil S1.W a line per month. No itTi irincnttnkrn for Ion than 2Tcf > nK Berenivords will bo counted to the line jtbty must run consecutively nn < l miirtbo paMln Hi- vnnce. All advertisements m J t be himdel la before 5 o'clock r > . ra. , nod under no circum- stnncea will tbor bo taken or dlseoiitlnuod by telephone. Parties advertising In those columns nn \ hvr- Infrtho nnswcrs addressed in euro of TIIR FIRE , will plcnso note for check to enable thorn to trot tholrletters , ns none will bo delivered except on prcstntntlon of ctcck. All unworn to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. TO LOAK-UOHET. to lonn on mortingo fecurlty. Itonl MONUV nnil rommcrclnl paper Imtmnt ninl fold. .1. It. rreodmen , care Slomnn llms , , 101 N. IStli t. 8J2mhl .100,000 to lonn on business and reside nco $ property In sums of 51,000 and upwards. Ames , lW7rnrnatn st. WW _ _ TO t.OAX on horses , vacons. fur- MONHY , , without rcmovnl. Terms cany. ( X .1 Cnawell , HOOIII in. Iron Hank Hulld- IIIK , 12th nnd I'm imti. . TnKo elevator. COO-nih' * ino.oooto lonn on city residence property $ ( Ico. W. Iny , 1608 Kiirnuni. * > " rpo LOAN Money many amount , JL On all classes of security. Hhort time loans ou real ostnto. Iximr tlmo loans on rcnl estate. Mouryto loan on chattels. Money to lonn on eollnlorats. Money to lonn on any peed security. Terms easy , tlmo to suit. Apply utthoOinnlm rinnnclnl I. Ilnrkcr'n bulldltifr , SW corner of Fifteenth and Knrnnm MB. upstairs * 9 TO LOAN on Improved and unim proved city property. Cunningham s llrcnnnn , Ifill Dodgu street. - & > for everybody I ou can boriow MONKV money on turnlturo , horses , wnsrons , pianos , Ktock of all kinds , diamonds nnd line watches on your own tlmo. Payments received nt any tlmo , nnd interest reduced pro into. Property left In your own possession. Terms low nn the lowest. Cell nnd RCO mo. uushieps mnflilcntlnl. Nondvautnco tnkon..lUCioft , lloom 4 , Wlthnell's Now IJullOJnif , Northeastcor ner 10th and Ilnrnoy. 230 njJ'OTJEY TO LOAN O. K. Davis & Co. Real J-iJL r.otato nnd Loan ngonU , 150o rarnnm St. TO I/OAN-On Rood pocnrllios. A MONHY - , room71lcdlck Dlook , 1.109 rnrnntn ' " ' Bt - - ONKY TO LOAN On lonl cstato nnd chat M tels. 1) . U Thomas. "JL _ TO LOAN In sums of JMO and up wards on flrnl-clnss real cetnto socurity. I'ottcr & Cobb , K,15 , Fnrnnin Ht. W LOANII > nt C. P. Ilcod & Co'8. Irfinn MONKY on furniture , pianos , hoiros , wagons personal property of nil kinds and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. : nn H. 13th , over lllnphain's rommlss.on Btorc. All bus iness strictly conudontnl. IM CIIANCZS. T71OHSAM3 The furnltiiro nnd Icnioof tlio JQ Altklu Ilnnso , nlio tlio Amiiilcini Ilouon , In Kearney , Nob. Inqulro nt Altlccn Ilouso. 7M 22 SALT : A small Riloon with n w oll-p'tnti- FOIl trndn , near Omnhii ; onlv small capi- tnl rociuliod. Addro s C. 22 , Hco Olllco. 11-24 : * Foil SALi : PtoPlt of furniture , Riocotle ? nnd dry Roods In n tlulvliw conntVRont : will Invoice nloiit 2,4'K ' ) . 1M noi es of Innd , crooil hou u and barn , worth $ IOCXWill pell the whole for ? nOUO. C. K. 3In > no , S. W. cor. 1.1th nnd rnrnam. 7S7-25 OlT RALU J. T. Gonrtnor , oC Wnyne , tlio countvscatoC Wnyno coiintv. Nob. , oilers liUonttro furniture business , ImlldhiffAnml lots forsnlo. Jloro Is n bnran. ! Who nnnlB to go In the rurnltmo business ? C07-2. , * \\'ANTii : > To oiclmnprn for stock of hard- waio nnd Kcnnralinorrhandlso , WrOncrosof fine Thavnr Co.Noli. , land ; r > lots In Oonoa. Nt'b. . Kcod stoio bullilhiir ( bust cornar ) ; Rood dwelling ( beet location ) In r. ov , la. , nl o 8J iicro ' 4 mlle from town of Ks oTu. . , soodort In blue irran ? . I'or further jinrtlrulirs nddross John Lindcrliolm , Contrnl City , Nobrnskn. C31 FfJTl sTi.iV AT.riOOstookof "rnlliliicfy poods In sp'ondld ' looatlon. A hlirlmretifn for annie ono ns n liberal discount will bn givon. I'or fur ther particulars uddross 11 vn , Ioo ! Oflico. fi2J WANTin-Oponlnp for n uinbpr yard In ( rood town on railroad , or will bnv estab lished business. CoiTrnpondenpo from hUFlnnsi men solicited. Addtcss M. II. Lumber To. , Ex eter. Nub. C02-2H FOIl.SALK A diusr < itoroln nfrood live town : a tlrst rate locution for n phv lclnn. Caultal renulrcd nbont W.800. Xo\v building nnd clean sioolt. Addicss or call on II. Moses & Co. . Vnl- cmlno , Neb. ailtncli2 P I'lt SON A L Tf you w ant vour piopeity Bold for cash , list It with 11. C.l'nttor3on,12 > l Par- iinm. " PKKSONAT. Special bargain nf now cottnco and lot on monthly payment ; , only < ; lW10. Jl. O. I'litlers-iii. 1224 Tainani. _ 8CO-2'i BII. K. II. AIINOT.1) , Oculist nnd moved to 1511 DoiiBla * stioot. 87J-2J * KEAZ. ESTATE. rr YOH hnvo property to poll or ( nchaniro , ll t It with O. J. Caswcll .V Co. , Room 1' ' ) . Ne braska National Dank IHiilcllnsr. W.'mlil * STOVE KEPAIItS. miin W. C. MotznorBtovo Itopalr Co. . Ill South Jllth St. I'Otwotin DodfO ( and Douglas. MISCELLANEOUS. T AniKS in want of good doniPstiobolpcnn 4-J bo Hiipplicd by callln ? on the Omaha Km- jilovmont Olllco , J too in I , llushman's Ulook. lira. J , W. Morrison proprietor. 871 lDKIl jour Hour nnd feed by Telephone m. Ncal Is Conrnd , ItlilDodgo 8t. 270 TOR FOHKAI.i : A fresh milch cow with en I f by lioraldo. No. 2:107 : Chicago st. 7ua 21 * J > OIt HAT.i : Or tindo-Ono soda fountain : 4nearly now. A good chanon. rorpnrtleu- larn call upon or addict I ) . 31. llavorly , 420 N. Jbtlist. 713-27 _ _ _ " 171(111 ( NATtiAifooil : tt'.un ot ponloa , Dnrnnss JL' nnd w nifon f or Bivlo cheap , Addirsa U IS , Ileo Olllce. 70t-33 _ f7 < Olt SAT.K 6 or (1 ( Imad t good woi k liorsos ; JL1 also a lot ot hoiiftchold funiltino , etc. An- liousci'-lliiBcli Iliowlmr AR'oclatloii. Dili nnd Capitol nvo. U. Routing , Agent. 701mhlS FOK SVI.I ! Or Bulo , 1 top buggy , bran now ; 1 phaeton top buggy mid 1 platform Hprlmr wncou. Iniiulio ntllospo's MiiBlobtoro. iiC'Jrnhl ' ru 1 ( HA r-iTlsIimriinTgiaVcl. 1'rnn U J. ICns- 5 1 par , US South mill bt. _ lauub J7 * "F71OII nenther stiipi , etorm eash and doors , go JU toK.U. Mftid SUDS. lUthst. 2U3 HELP. WANTKO Snloslndy ono that win sponlc liorman an I Knirllih ; nn oxuoili'neid pur- eon piulcrrcd. V > Cent Sun o , IM'J Barnaul. 7l'v2U ' WANTIID-A Klrl to do ceiu r U M-nueok togoodHlil. a. IS. cor. Slet and I.eiucnnorth. , 7117 ! SrifANi-lfD rA llUWO Kill. Inqulio nt II Pojglns bllinlil * ii : > -ili ( ) linr in , to help tnUo i-nio ol chlldi on , 107 N. lUli st. _ 7b'J-21 W A girl for general hoiuewoik : prc'lerrod. At lUUCassst. 710 \\7"ANTii : > A iliM-iiltihs Bill lor fixMieinl > ! lioiisrunil. ; mu t bo iroml oool ; gooil > MISC\S paid to good clt ICall at 1213 1'anutm. \ , \ rNTIII : Gooil friiiiiBtrfg would llko sow. > In fmnilUu , d.iy cir \\t-ek. Addrosj W. . S1W I'aclllObt. 770 21' T\7A'NTii Active lady aircnts to sell our ii romblned alst nnd corset. I'or circular , ndihesa Juckton Cui'St-t Co. , llox HIOninliu , Neb. 7uJnihU ) \ \ rANTiifilila : forpr TI wuKei ; dlalnir loom Klrls. onu cnllll'.X ) I'nuuuu , t. , Oiuaba Kmpluymunt Hit- 71V ) Ooodghli for Hist and second \ioiU in privatu tumlllii ; guodragi3 ; oj irivini iici > . : ct\ll ut NolituiUa Employ- t nceiicy , 1IU littb ttrcol , our Capitol Ave. 718 " \V 1NTI3U At ouco , iinua Klrl fixim 15 to 11 ii H'ursojdtn luUo ut child K , ttfd ; ficuuuii piofuucJ. 1 Hi Contut St. . " " * * * V\T"vNTiii-rsp"crlJiicocri\io : t. w i uucps , fortiunll finally. Apply Him Struct. H Good BlrU for cpncral house- J T work. Iloom 1 Uughman ulock , IGth nnd Douglas. - quire at 107 South llth ot. WASTED MALE HELP. WANTIID Votinir men of nucces ful cxppi I- once ns cnnvnssera for books , nnd who knnw how torte thorough nork , to sell , hlro nnd train agents throughout the west. State ngo nnd oxpcrlotico In full. Special terms to tlio right tnen. Pcnd this. ( Jofgill & Compnnj' , Limited , w Dearborn at. , Clilcngo. III. _ ; ie Si * \\7ANTI5D Expcrlcncpil doputlrs for thoor- ii dcrof mutunlproloollon , In the states of Ohio , Indlann , lown and Iho northtrost ; n Rood opportunity for good men. Addro'S (1. Del Vo x-hlo , Lack-do Hotel , St. I/otils , Slo. Ttn-Sl * WANTKli Agonta nnd salesman. Ill S. Utli Mioot. 771-27 * _ " \\rANTi : I ) A liarnD s mnkor to go to n i i small town In lown. Inquire of Clins. Verly , nt 1'oj cko Ilros. 7IU-23 * WA T I : i A cnleoinan of experience. A good mancnn find permanent employment t No. 310 South 15th St. 713 W Amnloortemnlocoolc. Address 1'lntt Volley House , I'latt Vnlloy , Nob. W ANTKIt A ffood tinner Hint spcnksSwodn. 1' . C. SchruodcJ , llcrlianrl.Nol ) . n21 * n\rANTii-iiicwrtlo : : men to sell household i nrllclcs. Vtollts ( .ipcrilnr nnil upward. C. II. Wlillinan , Iliil 1C 31. Lincoln. 477 _ > ANTiO-AtfcntS. 20(1 ( K. 10th at. 3.T "V\7ANTKI > A first-class salesman toropro- sent it urlloftlnhlMied house to the drnir trade , either ovclnslvolvnr In connection with ccmio other lino. Address r. O. Hot 14RS. N. V. City. 2JH BXTUATIOIT WAITTSD. WANTIJU A situation ns compositor. Ad- die s G 23 , Ileo onictt. 7HVJ4 * WANTIJti sltuntloli by n competent younirlidy ns bookkeeper , clerk or cnslncr In Btnro or olllco : speaks and writes nngllsli nnd Ocriniui perfectly. 1 * . W. , 8.'J S. lst at. 7K-24 * l A nr = t clnss broad nndeiko bnkor wnntsn Rltuntlnn. Apply or nildrj ss 107 N. l th st. James llussoy. _ 7M1 : 1 * LADIIIS In want of coed xlrl ? can bo sup' plied by caUinir nt thu Oiuilni Cinplnvmoiit Iliirennlli1 rnrnam SU Telephone Mo. 452. 13. 0. Hello-lulu ft Co. 491 _ iaxscxi.z.Airccms \\7ANTii : > Thrco rooms fin nlilicd for light housekeeping. AddicssO "I , UtoOnico. TXTANTinj Parties npcdlnir wolla duir , els- TT toins built or wells cleaned. Addiess Ijiithcr Coon , Heal tV nohrnos' store. 77fl-"rt * 'ANTKD-Tonms. 3093. llth St. W GG5 XTKU To buy n secind-liand tvpo- writer. J. 11. Ilnj-non & Co. . Oinaliu. : B-3 KENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. FOIl UiXT-CottnsoNo.ni3N. : t7th. Tnqillro lnt con 13 mid 1 p. m. $2 .50 per month. 731-2' . * J71OH llKNT iloncro truck fnrni ; has ono 2- J.1 Rtoiyliioomhouse. 1 and t 100111 cotlii o. Imrn.friilt. otc : Koodplmnco for country iosl- donee. E. T. ItiiiBor. HON. 15th. 803 ITKHt KKNT A cottapro with 4 moms , city J water nmlcl torn , at 818 South inth Rt. , bet. lavonworth and Mason. Iiiqulioof A. Kitllsh , 310 South 13th. S17 r Two vcrv deslMblo lints on JL1 Howard Street over 1D11 with nil inoJeinim- pro\ements. A splendid locitlon to rent lur- nlshnd looms. Omalri Heal Instate nnil Loan Co. , Itooms22 nnd \Vlthnoll lllcclc. 7b"J T71OK HUNT Ap ] en = nnt octapon fiont alcove -L ; room : pis , bnth , hot and cold wutor , heated Rtcnm. Terms lonsonnblo , 211 S. yidbttoet near riiiunni. 7110-21 OlFllKNT A nlcoly fuuiislied tiont room ; loxoly location ; suitable for ono or two gou ticmcu , ysi'ist JInry'snve. 701 "T71OH 11KNT Cottaso of tbroo rooms. S. E. Jcorner"d ! nnd ClnrS sts. Inquire oC Owen McCaffrey , loth and Douglas sts. 76.1 309 8.llth St. 10U UKNT-Sovoral houses of nil Ilallou Hi os. , 317 ? . 13th st. 09331 oil HUNT IIoiisooC thioo looms and 2 lots In Olsu'sudd ; $10 per month ; iniiuliu Nn. 4 . Ml--U * T71OII ItllNT Cottapo opposlto Catholic JJ church , ou N. 18th 3troot , lour rooms , $1 ! ) . O. C. llobblo , 14U I'urniuu. ( KIT TmoitKKNT Now cottage. 0 rooms , on S. nth J ? Bt. C. A. llaldvvlu. ait _ Foil 1.1KNT HOIIPO of 0 room1' , pantry , ( Insets , etc. , I'lill Shoridati nnd Hull sts , MO per month. E. T. Peterson & Co. , ICoom 3 , B. i : . cor. IStli and Douglas sts. " < } . ' "TjlOU KUNX ThrciO-ioom house , Oth & Dodtre. JJ _ 1 1 Ilmno of 81 ooma 2.'d nnd liar FOIlltKNT ol' Mount .v aillllnSlS S llth Sti unt. _ llSi _ FOll IlKNT Tlirro tiou'sos of 10 , U and 1 rooms uaoh. J. Vnlpps Itoe. iSlXia 1T1OK ltiXT liouso licloiiRlntj to the citato JU of.Tudtfu Clmdwicl ; , 60J I'urk uvonuu. W.J. Council. COJ FOB IIENX-UOOKS. TTHHS ItKNT siuinWiod rooms , $ i > ] ior innnlh J3 each. 1 8 DoiltfO. K1'T | * T71OK 1U2XT rumlshod 100111 to quiet lady. JJ 13111)munpoitsi. ) . K.VJ1 ( F Olt KlNT Ilnfuinlbhcil loom. COo N. 17th. 60026 * III'.NT Two nicely funilshcil rooms Foil IG-M TtoU-o. 7i'9-3.t _ FlTintirKT Uufurulsliod room , iblaininl st 7005 * linXT-l'mnlshuJ rooms. SiOO Foil _ irli'I : ! _ KIJVT Hall onsccouil llnorof mv Imlhl- FOH , 1103 I'mii'ini sl.Hullublu fur club , ' BO. Ploly orbiiglncB * . S. Iioliinun. _ 7'J1 ' FumUhoil looms at 110 North roitllKXT . Cnpltol nvo. and Diilto. 7U'J-'ii * FK ( itKXT For light hoiisolvucplmr rooms furnlslioil and uiifurnl-huil hi Jiooinci'-s Illock , cor. Ulirhtu anil Hotvaitl st. 771 TTum HUNT stem loom .11 withnoli iilock , .1. hot. Ilarncy ami I'arniun on 15th. Inimhu Hoom.l7\Vithnoll I Uncle. _ 777 IllSVr Dojlr.thlii looms , sluirlo or en Foil with l.oinl . , In pdv.ito lamlly , Kuw icsd"iicn ! : iiioilmn coiiM'nloncps. Terms rca- boiltililci. C.B I'luiHimt M. 7I9-U'3' FOlt HKNT-nlooms , ! lclosetscollar , at no N , IJIh st. W 'J ) oil HKNT l'i out loom ith bomd for two F Kontlouioii at lllil llonunl bt. 7 > U-"i ! . . . ; ItUNT i nicely furnished looms with or J-1 without > a.01'lcuMint st. 71'inlil3 T71O11 ltiNT-Coiufoilablu : loom wltli bonid JIn ix in-lvuto family ; moderato tunas. Ad dress 0 17 , lluu Olllco. 711-2.1' TjViTIf'itisxr 'J Inrnbhed rooms , ohciip , elf JJ North Kill St. 7U5 FOH ItKNT Nicely fuuiUhed rooms In hand- KOinouow totliio lor f5 , SU , ? 7 and f3 per monthNo 40U Wnluut St. , b luliuitcj walk bontli east of U. P. dopot. CM oTuTllXT l-urnlshod room. 1117 HownidT F EOIU1 * " " ' TTIOH""UK'Nl'-Nleely furnUhed rooms , with - 1he'it , trns and hath ; nlio lrst-uhii ) > H liiblu hoard ; hont off uloroiicos b'lvcii and ioiiilroU. ) ISjt Ooiliro bt. _ Mi _ Foil ltiNr : iiw > tit funiNlial rooms , with hoard , all muJurn coiivonluucoj , ut - - " J Dodge St. 073 _ TiuiTs llJJNT-HoomwUh board. 1013 Caiillnlav JL ? I-UIKSI SAr.E-lIO0SE3-I.OTS. 1'AllK Is the latp t , best and dltion ; no ai'io nropc'ity iifiir OniiiluibD cUoaptu llils JIM toi.Vj iier ncie , 1'Jwt lloor , Iron lUaU Ituildiuir. I ) . C. I'm tor- ton , cm Foil bAI.K riuo tlmhor claim In Cherry Co. , Neb ; Ci.Mi'titli.or will tiudo tor food loam ; Addi oag , ' 1. C. , Y , M. C. A. , Oimilm. 7K1 U ncreslhio luii'l ' IV , mlles from po.xtolllco ; tlid per ncro U bold at onco. K. T. sur.lU.V. 15th btiect , blQ " 171OII SAl.i : 10 acres. 3J miles item po t- JL' ulllco , house audstablo ; ou y icrms. A.I' . Tukoy.UM 1'urnuiu tt. fcOij 1 > C. I'ATTKKSOX , Kcul T.statf , l Jl Far- XX nain-rlloutin. ciiHnjfi-'S. lots , suliuibHii nudix > i lent , forK'do lur cash or uu monthly piOiuciU.lnnUp > t of the < it } , CuUo .oriiJ- Uuiu It. U. l'attn&ou , 1--1 I'utimm , Wj SALi : llargalns lijr W. G ( Shrlrcr. Hcautlfulro tdoncoon South 20th street. near car line .5 " , "OJ Two homo * , half lot , ou 20th , near Paul street . . . . . . 100 I'lilllot , cottage , well , clstorn , on Illondo street . N > 3 Vnll lot. cottage , well , cistern , on Uecatur street . . . . 1,110 Tull lot , cottaeo , clstorn , on Orant street i,3nO Twche roomed liouso. clstorn.woll , collar , etc. , on Cassi , near IBth street . oOJ Tnclvo-roomcd hou o on St Mary's ato- into , near 20th street . . . . . . 0,500 Tour cottages on Loaicnttorth f > treotenph . . . . . 1,005 Cottajre , four rooms , cellar , cl tcrn , on Charles street , niontlily paj mcnts . 1,4. j Cottaso , ll\o room . erllur. cl tern , ou ( linrlosstreet , monthlj inymcnu . . . . ljO Cottope , lour rooms , ccllnr , cistern , on I'ati IcU in eiiuo , monthly paj mcnts . . . . . 1,0)0 Cnltnw , thrco room , oellnr , ilslern , on rotrlck nvoiiuoiiionthlypaynionts . . 1,200 T ittoiy house , ti'ti teem , and cottage on I'tli.nenrPnillstreot . . . . . . 3/03 Corner lot hi Parker's uildlllnn . 1. " . > J Insldo lot In 1'arkers add tlon . li 0 HcniitlfulrosMcncDlot ont'n sMroot . . . l.WO TlncolotJ , corner of Hurt aniU'Glli streets n.oOJ rull lot on Cnpltol avenue , near l"th st . . . fi.ofW roll lot on ( loot glaimnuu , east trout . . . 1,000 Two comer lots on l avcnwoithsticct. . . lilOO Luis on North 17th street , ncnr Iznra . . . . . 2,500 . , Thlrty-threo feet on 10th , ic.urarnain : st. $ 7,5X1 Kill lot on I''th nnd I.caxciitrorth . . . . . . . . . fiiUC J fool coninr on Sauth llth sticot. . . . C.C03 rull lot on Dodijp , nonr 12th street . IjOnn Thirty-two feet on Howard , wojt of loth. . n,1W roity-stsht lect lots on CuniluK street. . . . 1'JOO I'oursiory lulck , 4l\Ml Irot , basemunt , elevator , on Hth mid Dodfto . 13,003 Onohtimltcdnml sK y nuros In Vnl'or Co. to Undo for cottiurii and lot In Omaha. Aciopropoity uoith o t of postotllco. . . . 12.1 Aeiolot near Imriai' pa ) mcnts JfPO Impiovcd ami unlmprovud piopoity In all pnrtsdt the city to sell on easy terms cirux- rhiiniro for lands , cte. Call nurt sco mo. W. O. Slnlxcr , Opp. I'ostolt'oo. ' _ 7OT-3I E ( Ml SAl7n r boititlful homo In pplondld cnndltloiii laiirolot with Hue Miailo This la u special Imigiilu. It. C. Patter < on. lii : rnriiitin. 801-2.1 _ Foil SAI.i ; rull prr.icr lot on Kiirnaiu , two Mocks fiomComt house , M cash ; nalancu lonir time. rim > double corner lot on Chicago t. , lIHxlltJ , for n lo ' dill s $ . 'iUU ) . Aon ! lot with huuso and ether Improvoiio nts , ! nflls3' < .nlilltlonor wlllpoll house lth clthor one-half or ono-qiini tcr of the lot. Spoolal pi Ico. I o's hi l'io pcct p'ncn , $ ilU ) : ICIrkwood , ? WO : I'lnlnvh'W , $51) ) : 1'ellium placo. JOJO : Dcnisos' $ st , ) ) . Al-ol ii'ffAlns null thuot'.iorcholeo and ponularaddltioiit. \Vn hnvo ovei lv hiindied thousand dal'nra wotl'i of Imrrivcd clt- property mill vacant lots on our list , mid cauniit lull to Und Mimothlnu to Hiilt > ou. Call caily and a\ old thu rusli. Slock- dale X Itttnahct , 1511 Didgo St. 7n7-2 1 T71frsA"iri : llyV. . 'Lliuham. . J ? Block. Lot on I'lciuo St. OlxlOJ. Sl.lUJ. T.nt In West Omaha add. . S700. * Finn cm nor iinar HauiuloM St. . fl.WJ. 40viio s J its in HaiiRPom Plato , f 850. ( oed lot on VIrKlula ave , S-'JiM. Coincrlot and novt ono to K , Georgia avo. , each $1,500. T ootsoii ) Oeorsla av . Cho block from t.cav ciiwnrtli. botli S-Tj-0. 20 low ir. Xilhj add. , each $100. flood lioucoU-iooius , Noith Omaha , $ ' ,000. Hou o 7-rooms , Georgia avo. , fD.OOU. Splendid enttairc. 5 moms on 2Urd St. near I.cavenworth , $ i,100. I'liio house on S. Ills St. , S-.PM ) . lif'xKU near Nicholas \Miiohouso propcity for short tlmo , ? JH)0. ) _ 778 TfOltSATJ : 5 acies , with house , barn , l < i J1 aci os ( ir.ipo vines , 34 aero of rnsplarrles , horse , Inn iu3 mid nntron : 1 mlle west of 1'ott Omaha , nllforSl.a ifl ; St.-'OOcash , baliiucoto suit purchaser : must bo sold botoro Iho 7th of JIiucU. Inquire on piomlscs. tiaml 1) . Jones 78)71110 * _ _ FOK8AI.12 Oncnsv terms , 1 ! ) lots III Hiins- toiul'lnco liomfSi'Oto $1,1103 each. Lot on Pleasant St.v Illi double house , 10 looms o'ich with all inodorn impiovomcnts ; rents lor $110 per month. 511,030. I-ot In West Ciimlnr Irom & ! iGtoto$4iOoaou. Comer lot , 1'iospcct I'luco , barcaiu. Cornin1 lot. Shlim's ! U1 add. . barjri < lu. C. J. Caw ell iV Co. , ICoom 11 > , lion Hank. 774 J7HttSAI.i-SoM3ral dcsiiablo busiuo.-s lots J ? nn Ifith St. , and business mid losldoucii lots lu nil pni Is ot the city. Also \\iuohouso , hotel nnil larni piniictty. Houses to rent. Properly Bhonnfioo ol chin ffo anil laiiro list to select fioniut prices rausliiK : trom SSSii to $ IOKD. Par- tics desiilnpf to luvptt should look o\or our list nud pilceslioforo buviiiB1. Coriospondcnca so licited mid inlormatioii about thu cltv ticely plvoii. Omaha Heal Kbtatu & Loan Co. , Uoniu 2J , Wltlmoll Illock , Omaha. 727 _ T71OU SAI.n Inrostlirnto spoolal tarniils In JE Improved lesldonco juopcrtf by Hluo k Mooi u , I"I'm num. Foil s7\T7n T.niui Improve ! stocic laim , 1 ) BO acres , Jlouick Co. , ono ot the best In the state. J3acics bottom laud In Saipy Co. , $15 per . 40Jacics neiir Council Hluu"i3. 10 per ncio. l , Xncicsln ) Miicolu Co. , SO per acio. K. I" . Itlugcr , IIP N. 11th St. 7113 _ $ 1 , 000 111 buy a ( 'ood pa lm ? h irness busl- 110 = 3. The only hoii'oof thukind In the town. Good ica'on tor Bcllln ? . Tor paitioiilai-S' ad dicts C 10 , lice Ollleo. 703--M * _ "TTVMl SAr.i : The llnojt suhurhaii propoity JL ; liiOinalia. Vo'irno-oa in west pirtof city. f2,500hi iniprovumonts fiult In uhuniliineo oNcollout water matjulllccut view Ihst-class Investment fora home or to sub dl\ldo 1IOJO. Coclinui Hi os. , ro.xl estate , 150'J 1'iuiiaiii st , 741. 20 Oil SAT.i : 20 lots , ICIlby add. , easy toims fVK ) . Giahaii.Crultflitiiii llloplc. 77i > OK SAT.i-"Amblur Pliico" lots , the lasto-t gelling. lots hi thu iiuukut. lialloa Itrod. , Solo Agents , ! 7 S. ISth St. CiB-24 _ Foil SAI.12 Ono of the thio < t ( ornurs on rnrnam. $18OJO : f j.CO ) cash mid o isy terms. Hunts lot frlr > MI ; u bargain. iJeshablo houses and lots , vacant lots and ucicu. Jlurehall & Lobcck. 720 17\OKSAljK IInrCTliis In liousiH unit lots and ' vacant lots In all p.uts of town. Callou ad dress Ilallou Uros.ai7 S. 13th ht. 037-21 I poiisA Li : Tt\lX ; ! near switch , food \\niv ' hoitfo property , $ J,5tW. Orahnm , Crotirhton Illock. 7M _ "IT1OK SAI.i : Clicap , ono of thu bo > > t Improved JL und tlnust located fauns in Douglas county , Neb , . 5 miles vest of Omaha couit liouau.cou- talulns 1W iicios , wltli IICIISP , stable , wells , or- cliiiul and pastiiiu , etc. ; oac-lial ) caMi. Imluticu to suit purchaser. I'or further partlcul'iis nd- ( lirssOco. l.tiido , ciuo Omaha lluu , Omaha , Ne- briifku. dOJ HAI.K 23 IfiO n''io blosks ( if nelcoted Foil plow land hi coin bait In llonno , Oioolov , Howard , Nunco nnd Slieuiiunconnty. wuith > l tojt * . will tukojl to ? il per aero , half caMi nnd luusr time at (1 percent. Must bo It told III nliDdv will cut thopilco. MaiBhall TTlOIt SAI.i : lloii-uiuul lot lnSlilnn'9 udd , 1 JU block Iroiiibtieot car Hue , fl.UW. House and lj lot near 20th and I/urd streets , S-MTO. Ul loot , east front , on 13lh street , ( business piopertyfli.r ) ) JO. Coriiorlot on Karnnm Ftreet.ssvUJ feot$2iooa ; House U looms , lot JJ\UDon sttcot line , j. ( j.joo. . r. llouils , 15th and Douglas st. . 021 BJU.I , & M'OANHI.ISH- Sailiiders st. btibluu-ij propei ty uheau ; fi'i ' acres In popu- Krpailol tlm city for platthi ) , ' ; 10 ncies ( or Iruit fmmorplattlnflr : lOacrns onrua > euunth lor platting ; ! ! 0 acres on licit Line lor plattlnR ; 80 acres lor subdlv dlnif , very easy lorins ; sav- end pi oi > erllei south ul ralhoml cheap ; lmliios.s ami residence uroperty niittltiv $1,10J n jonrnt a baiunln.or lor oxcliantfi ) ; fine residence | ot , smnll houso. nuarstroet oar line , rash payment only f I1.JU. Hell A ; MoCaiidllsh , 1511 Uodgo st 703-21 _ _ _ _ [ _ - p CJ. I'ATTiniSON" , Itoal lMnto.1221 Fnrnnin Al i Lartfo lot and buaulllul eottiige only. , ( I ) ; ! K ) ( 'oincr lot , llmuiport mid-Ill . il/iilO Nmv eottairu an 1 lot , monthly payments. . 1,830 Ton licaulllul acies , ehuiip , , , . , . . . . . . . il.luM liSfretiin I'arnuiM Ht , cheap . , 3r , > 'ii ' ) louniloet , HlmotiiiiiKh Plnco . 5.I.OJ I'.iicliot' the atiovu nio barifalus and I luuu solo njrcnoy. _ 11. G. I'alteisou. _ 741 SAr.K A fine ft iicio tract on Pouth 16th EOK ttrcet , only n finv blocks from gtrcut car Hill1. Jmiuhout l.unifo A ; 1'oltlek , 818 ti. Uth st. 13.VTTKUSON I'AKK U the latort , best and die post addition ; no itcro propoity near Omnlii. o cheap us tills $17.1 to $ IYO per ncro , 1'lrst lloor , Iron llauk llulldlnff 1) . L' . Patter- sou. nit ) ] 3ATTiilSOjr : PAIIK 311 miles from court house , $175 to & 1Y ) per iiciu ; small o ish 11 iy- mnnt , biilaucu tusy tdrms. Hut lloor , lion Hunk ilulldhit , ' , I ) . C. Patteimm. 515 TjvrnilSOX l'AKIC-3'J miles from court J. house , $ I7o to $35) pur aero : small uaiih pay ment , baluiH'O easy terms. I'list lloor. Iron llauk llulidiUT , 1 > . 0Pattoijon. . 515 _ F OK SALi : Two lots m PelUam Pluoo. ono block from gtroot cur track , Inqulro 213 ? . 13th strc-ou 6.1) FOH SAI.K At n bargain. Tina business property on S. 13th , biilSJ ft. This can bu bought lor f-.oOJ lesi thun uctual vuluu If tukuii ntnuee. Ifjouwaut nn iiuentmeiit look at thU. Cochr.ui llro'afc Co. . 1503 Fanmm St. 813 T710USAI.I : Ity Potter JcCoob , 1515 1'aranm X1 Ft. . 1 lut InVc5t Knd and ut f'JW. t lots In Slilnu's 3d add nt * 7 A fowchoicolotsln > larsli'a ut $1SQ3 each. lx > t ( < OxlU on 13th , U blocks from pavement , . Flue UITO In t ! olio's udj , flitt. Sot the choapust lota lu l'l.iluvlo\v , only $ ( > ) each. 7JI vrKWPOUT NeiiftM , best nero lots , clojrnnt i > location , unsutpas ed view of the city , reached over level Tonrt , no hills to climb ; oa y terms of pnyinlint ; per cent Interest ; price , $303 nn ncro. ' r AME , 1603 I nruam. AMP.S \CEJ-C1icahpst nml nonret city lots for the mnnoy ; onhl ? JiO to $303 per lot. HKinnt's ( litovE .Ii/st / south of rnrnam St. , block from 2 > illi nH'l Fnrnnm st. fchool house ; only $300 rb f 1,203 per lot on cnsy terms. AMES , 1503 Farnntn. NATfiiAf. Onowrit shmlo trees on every lot In llodlck's Orovojonln2'-4 ; ' blocks from Pnrk live. car * . Sco llodlek'Srarove. nulOllTON Splemlid nqro lots , $375 per lot ; most de < lrnblo ncro 4ot4 next to Newport , See this liand'oino propnrtyj MKI.IIOSB lltt.ti ioutiwilt | ) of Hnnscom Park lOmlniitc1 * wnlk Iroin Park nvo. cars ; lots ? ate to $ VVon terms to rnltr bluer. Molro o Hill lots will sell for do li present prlros In n ycur's time. Comu > : iJ io this property. AMR * , ISO i Fnrnnm. \Vitr PAY HKMT when ) oucsu buy n lot In Amos Place for $ .1)3 to $ J30 on such easy tci IUR ? See these lots. \K CIIVTIHM This love trnot ot laml has not a poor lot In It. Tlio llelt I.lno depot has bpcn located on this land I/ots sell for $ < VW to ' $3'0oii very cnsy pumcnts. : Sco Oak Chat ham. PJ.AIXVIKW Choice lots still for "ale In this popular addition at fair piiccs , on cnsy pay ments. Pnvrr's Stim > tvi iov Aero lots southwest Hnn4eom Park , very doslrnblo ground , BulUtitf nt $050 per lot. BAIIKAI.OW Purr. These lots nro the cheap est for saloon l.eaumnortlt st. Prlco$500to $ OUO , on pa ) uiouts to suit , AMI : ? , 1533 Fnrnnm St. C\r.i < nnd feofor jourself thochnncos for safe investment o'lcrod. Iteinoinbor , Omaha's grow th Is solid nnd InJthiff. Property will con tinue to ndvnticu. lluy now nnd make the ad- mice. AMES , 153D Fnrnnm St. 4t'i T IOll bALK PnuUen c Co. , 151J rnrnnm st. Lot on P. 20th st , 140\hV ) . with 6-room inw house , cistern , cellar , fciici'd , near cur line , only $3U)0 ) ; half cash , balance iittl per cent. A Rood bniRiiIn. 5ncros , fenced Int , S. IGtli nt. near car line , excellent location , SI.OOO. Veiy cheap. IKMxllO fuel , with two story almost now hoiiRo , near St. Mniy's avo. , $ J,003. A chnneu to m.iko moiioy. Lot In Hlckoiy place , south front , good 4-rcom house , cistoin , stable , ete. , $1,100 $100 cash , balance nu monlhlv p.x > tiients. Lnt hi BoggsA : lllll > A2d mid near Farnnni st , with 7-room liouso , f JI7.1 $3CO cash , limuiicu on vety easy terms. Coiner lot U3\17Jon ! Hnmillon splendid loca tion , southeast front , with \ery substantial 0 mom brick house , Diablo lor OluMos , veil , olMorn,53noi. 2J lout on llth hot Hnrnovar.d llowaid. rnst f tout , with huge 2 stoiy buildings ; lent $85 per mouth , $ UiO. ) 2ehoieulots loft in Paulson's adcl. Oeholco lots In Cliikl'luco at $1VI. 2 oliolco lots In JVlliam add , ? 503 , easy terms. IUiljon&Oo. ( , 1513 rainainst 751-20 TTIOIl SAI.i : { nero lot , n good H-iooin house. * - ngioccrvstoie , with stiblcs , nut-liou = esaiul city water , d near Leuvonwoith , lent TiOJ cr mo. , price $1,500. 'I his Is n first rate In vet - inimt. Omiiliu Heal Ksti'.tu Loan Co. , Itooms 22 and 2J\VltluiCll block. 740 _ Sl'I.KNDII ) Doiiglns county stock fnrin , 4)1 ncies. ; ) oiclinrds ; llns Impioved Inriu , 21D acres ; Inrffo amount timber , cheap. Hell &Mc- Caiidll8hltUluJK03t. ) 710-24 _ T7\OUSALi-AfcwKOoa \ lots in lUllslrtO No. JL ? onqoii liavouuort nnrt Clttc.igo sts. , cheap nt ST.'iO to S.V. ' ) each. Poltur A ; Cobb , 151.1 Far- naiii BU 7H7 T71OII SAM : Ciiolcu 5 or 10 ncro tracts , 4 miles - * - ' eouthwestfiomcoiiit house , l't miles liom junction of IT. P. Ity. nnd Kelt I.lno , and 1 mlle Irom Stock Yntds. Lies well ; all under cultiva tion. Can bo bought lor $175 and ? 5K ) per ncro , It sold soon. Cho.uiest piopoity in vicinity. 1'ottor & Cobb. 1515 Inium st. 7J1 FOISSAM : A two ! story ) 22r33. fr.imo hulld Imj.sultablo fora1' ptoro , noir lOtli auJ Far- namSts. Applyiit thjj 01)1,30. ) 'J17 AN 1 > VinfKiniT , ' AT.TJTNTHIN FoTTliH" P'lrtlculars ' about freaand cheap lands in Western Nebraska address Tlios. 0. Patterson , Itoal Eatatu Agent. Xnrth frlatto Neb. 333 GflPITAL Pdize , $ iS05080. "W'odohorobycertlty tnat wo biipciviso llio nrrnniroinonts for lill'thu Monthly mid ( jimitaily Drawings of TJioLpuWnua btato Lollorv Company , and In i > Q.rson nmnngro nnd control tlioDinwIiifrsthonibdlvos , and that thesninonio conducted with honestyInlmcsi mid In ( rood faith toward all imrtlex. mid wo nuthorUa tlio Company to USD thiaeortino-tto. with fac-slmhcs otour Biffiintuios attached la Its advortlsuio n § " _ * " * * " ft" I j -r - i j COJIMISSIONHHS. _ _ Wo , tlio undersigned Hanks nnd Ilnnkors , will pay nil I'rlzvs drawn In llio Loiilxlima State Lot- toiii's which m.iy bo pieontuJ nt our counters .T. ii. ocrisiiv ; , Pres , Louisiana National Bani bAMUJJL , II. KUNNUIIY , Pros. State national Bank. A. . \I.II\VIN , Pros. He\v \ OrleansHatIonal Bank. _ yNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. Ovm iiAi.rA Ui riiniUTii ) LOU1SIAH4 STATE JOTTERY COMPANY. Incorporated In 1803 fpr2" > years by the lois- laturulor Educational nnd Cliaiitablo purpose * with n capital of SI.OJO.OO ) to which ii io-urvo fund of over $ .V > iU ) > M lias hlnl-o boon nddod. lly an otam helming popular vote I tslianchio us made n inn t ot t lie prusent State Constitution adopted ei.'oinior2U. ) A. U. lb7'J. Its irrnnd single number drawings wllltakoplaco monthly Tt nouir sculps or postpones. Look at the following dUiiihutlon : 190th Grand Monthly AM\T1I3 ! EXTRAORDISIIRI OUAfilEfiLY DflA'i'/IHG / In tlio Academy of Music , New Oilcans. Tnesil ly , March Kltli , 1SSO Unili'r the personal snpcrvison and inannKu- incut ol ( ! i.v. : ( ! . 'I' . liAi'iiciAiii ! : : ) , ot him- isl.ui.i , anil OIN' ; . JUUAI. A. K.VIILY , of Vh- Kin la. CAPITAL PRIZE 8150,000. Notice , Tickets are SlOfonly. Halves , --S5 Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI- USTOIM'III/.KS. i ou'iTATii'iii/Kov firono. ) . . . . ? irAOM 1 ( ilUM ) l'HI/iOI' : fiU.UUJ. . . . &IIIKJ IGllAMll'IU/.mir 2U.OW. . . . 20.UOIJ 2 1 , Midi : I'lll/tfaOf 111,11011. . . . 2U.IMJ 4Liuu : I'ni/.hs or n.fljo. . . . i.ixu SOl'ltl/FSOIT 3,1)110. ) . . 20,1)1)0 ) ) r o r.uj. . . . 2.-oii ) ) 100 " IIOMM ! ) ) 200 200 . . . 4U.OH 1030 " 5J Al'I'IlOVIItATION IMII7KS. 100 Appioximatioii tirUesot f.-OO , . . , 5 0,00) ) 10J " n' 100. , . 10.00C 10 " j"jj 75. . . . 7.VIC "fin Prlros , amountln to Slil.liO ) Application for rut'oj t(7''clubs should bo made onlv to the olllco oC th * company In Now Or leans. K " ' For finthor Information write doiulv. mvnu full address. l > OSTAh NOl'HS , Kxprcsj .Money Oi-dois , orNew yorkLvchaujco in ordinary let ter , currency bv oxiiixiM/ull HUIUS of $5 uud up wards ut our uxponA : > vndlu3 ) o < i , > | . A. DAUPHIN , I lt NewOileuns , Li. Or M. A.DAUPHIN , d MnUo P. O. Monoy.p'rdcis pnyablo nnd address rcfc'hteiiiil letters ti NKW OKI.HANfrNATlO.N'AL HANK , i.jj.i S'ew Orleans , I v. "CHICHESTErTS1 ENGLISH. " The OrlRiiiul nn < l Only Opiiulnc. Ribulalwiji Bvllnlli. Hf ir of vurllili-.i lullitloni. Iuillip Diat > U to LADIESi A L ) eur l > ruual < t fa * " flilch i .Icr1. npcU.1 ? ' uJ ukc .o otb.r , CT C'lait it. ( > t&oip ) to fur tutlcuUrl ( n Itttir tjr rruril mull. NAME PAPER. C'hlcbritrr t'hrmlral ( K , aEiaAmJIton uarc.l'lilluJu-.i' . . Bold by Druircl'U cvrrrwb'rr. iik ftr ' Chlrlirf K-r1. iUl.U" : I'tnnjroful I'llln. T ke Dttlbir. . J 11' " A > tuioor jontu. 100 ' ul Jmprudtnw ) cau inir -y , Men Jiooil. aliariuf trlcdln\u 111 crytnowureiuwly ha j illian ered a nlmrle w Ucart. . iilcli bo will leud JUKI' to liU fulldujuirurerH. ArMrcin i. U. IIUKVKS. < J Cluttan et-eot. Now York City. _ HEF. You ore allowed a free trial of thirty Jayi of the use of IJr. Uyti'a CelebratuJ Vultaloli'lt with Kleitrlobas- pcnsory Appllauces. for tbp , Pc ly nllof and l r. manentoureot Ken-out IxMlifu loss of Vitality ami jL'unioo.1. nuU all kindred troubtdA. Also- for munr tithrr disease * , ComiJcta rcewnulon to Ilraltli , Vlct > r , and Munbuod iruarauivfU. u ritX It lacurred. Illu > ( rated | > anu.hU-t In M < il'lr wloi ) inallc < lfiecljyad. ' - A DUEL ON HORSEBACK. Sixteen Kullct Holes In Ono Over coat tt'lnchoMor Hlllcs. Lns Vcjrns Gnvetto : Hilly ( Srccn , who had the recent tmfortunato encounter with L'ridomoro , was shot near Juan do Dioa ranch by Dick do ( traftenreid. n cowboy ll known in the city , nndlio left hero only last week. The wounded man was brought to the city byV. . II. Howard nnd Uilly McKcon. Howard , who \va nu oyo-wmnss to the shooting , pave n ( .Tazctto reporter tliu following ac count of the nll'nlr : " 1'aily In the ovoninp liilly Orccn , Chnrlcy Thompson nnd I started from our ranch to go to a dance. 15111 and Thompson had revolvers , bull had none. After wo had ridden nbont live miles wo overtook Dick do Grattonreid and John Gnyhart , going to the same dance. Our Party was sober anil hadn't drank a drop , but Dick and his partner were pretty full. Dick was very loving , and would ride. alongside of us wo were nil on horse back throw his arms nbont our necks , and toll Us ho loved ns better than ho did his brother. Wo rode along for a few miles , and Dick kept liring his revolver , but holinallv agreoitto quit , and gave the revolver to Hlllj' , who stuck it In Ms hip- pocket. Along about fi o'clock the tionblo commenced. Dlok rode up along side of Hilly und drew down on Him with his Winchester. Hilly grabbed the gun nnd pushed it aside. Then , Hilly , Thompson and I rode on nhead , nnd soon Dit-k hrcd at Thompson. Hilly shouted back , 'Don't do that ; this nmn is a friend of mine. . ' Do Grnftcnreid the.n accused Uilly of having $510 of his ( Dick's ) money , and said if ho denied it ho was u liar. Then Diok began shooting with his Winchester. The lirst shot hit Hilly niitl pu-Sbcd through his hip. Ills horse shied , nnd us he leaned over in his saddle tlio second shot struck him. Ho then reached for his revolver , but got Dick's. Ho Hied live shots , nnd so did Thompson. Ono shot from Dick's Win chester broke the buckle of Hilly's cartridge belt , his revolver , cartridges , nnd nil It'll to the ground. 1 had no re volver , und when Hilly got out of nmmti- nitionilwiis time for ns logo. So wo roilo oil'as fust as wo could. Do ( Jraften- reid lircd two sliols after us as we rode away. Wo rode about four miles to I'ui'i to do Luna , where wo took supper , and L aijvised Hilly to como to town. Wo started jus-l as the moon rose and drove all night. Hilly laughed and joked with us all the way as he lay in the wagon. The laM. wo saw of Do Grnflenroid lie was making for a Me.xican's house. " Hilly Green stood his ride of ninety miles from Puerto do Luna in an open carriage icnmrkulily well , and ho was very lively and talkative when ho ar rived. ilo insisted that lie was not much hint , as ho rolled down the blankets and showed his wounds to the doctor. At a late hour last night ho was resting easy. During the shooting , which occnircd in broad daylight , none of the parties dis mounted. Orcon'it overcoat , which was behind him on tlio horse , had sixteen bullet holes tluough it. PILiKS ! PILES ! A sine euro for lillnd. Ulccdlnt ; , Itchln and Uleciateil Piles has been dhcoveied by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian lemedy ) , called lr Williams' Indian t'lle Ointment. A single box h.ib cured the woibt cluonie c.ises of. itt or CO standing. No one need suffer live minutes alter applying this wondciful sooth ins medicine. Lotions and Instiniiiontsdo moio haim than pood. Williams' Indian 1'ilo Ointmi'iit absoibstho tniiinis , allays the intense itchlnt ; , ( p.uUciil.uly at nluht * after cuttinc wann in bed ) , acts as n poultice , elves instant ii'liet , and is pivpaied only for I'Ilo3 , Itchins of private paiN , nnd for nothing ehts. SKIN IHSI3ASKS CU11RI ) . Dr. Tiayiei's Manic OlntiiuMit , cuies as by tna ic , I'lmnles , lilack Heads or Grubs , lilotchcs nnilKinptlons on the face , leaving the sKln clenraiid beautiful. Also cities Itch , S.ill Ul'oum. ' Soio Ninnies , Soie Lips , and Old Obstinate UIcci * Sold by diusgists , or mailed onicceipt of BO cents. Hetaili-d by Kulin & Co. , and Schroeter A Uecht. At whole.s.ilo bv 0. F. Slio AVIalicC to Help Him. "Darling , I rise to a question of priv ilege , " said George , as ho left his scat and approached Miranda's chair. "Is'ot to-niirht , George , " and she shrank back from him. "Ah , Miranda , do not say those cruel words. Give me but one kiss ! " "Hellect , George nh , rellect. I would save you from an awful experience. " "D.irlinjr , I cannot accept your noble sacrifice. Why not to-night ? " "If 1 yielded it would drive yon from my .side forever. No , George , no , " and the gold in her front teeth glistened ns she wl.ispoied with intense of- loot"I ate onions to-night at the cur few hour. " 1 have no appetite. " complains many siMiflbiPr. Hood's Sarsapanlla gives an appetite , and enables the stomach to per form iN duty. A physician of Washington , now 70 years old , recently found near Spartans- burg , ( S. C. ) , a daughter , now over -10 years old , whom'ho had never scon and nut recently he rd of. He married her mother about tlio time of the breaking out of the Mexican war and joined a leg- ment for Mexico on account of tlio oppo sition the match mot with from her pa rents. lieforo the troops disbanded ho liotml of his wifo'ri death , but not the birth of her daughter , nnd therefore did not return to the home of her people. IJet'ontly ho saw a notice in a newspaper that led him to look up a Mrs. Cook nt the above , mentioned place , and found that she was his ( laughter. The doctor did not marry again after tlio death of his wife. _ _ C. W. Dyor7 No. 15 Fulton Market , ow York , a gentleman of seventy-two 3'onrjs of ago , has boon using Hrundroth'.s Pills for upward of thirty years. Ilo says they have purcd him of inllnmmato- ry ilinumatlsm three times when phyni- clan's' prescriptions wore in vain. Ho took ono or two pills every night for a fortnight. Paper i ? about to monopolize another branch of industry , which is no loss a ono than the making of gentlonien'8 head gear , lly a new process ot manipulation hats more soivleonhlo and liner than any thing now in the market nro made of wood pulp. Thpy are impervious to water and not wanting in lloxibility. It is bclioved that felt hats will liavo to take a back scat as boon as tlie o new hats ran bo placed on the market in Milllciont numbers to .supply the demand. They are col tain to rovoiutloni/o the hnttorn1 trade , as they can bo moulded into any bhapo or style do > ired , and colored to meet the taste of the public. They can bo made to npre ; : > ciit a glossj' or nappy appearance. An Investment Tlint 1'altl .10,000 I'cr Cont. Lieut. Joslah Chance , of tlio 17th Jnf. U. S A. , died suddenly im-ntly at Tieinont , O , Maki'n hick \\hlfo hlniilnc. ) ] lie died on tlio \\ay homo of he.ut illoasi' . Ilo was a binther of tlm Hon. Mnldon Chance , of Ohio ; Capt. Je se Chance , ol the KJIh U. S. Ca\.dry , and of Mm. St.mley Jlnntley , widow orithu late Diooklyn 1'aule hninonst. Ho drew SSO.OOO In thu diaulni ; ot tliu Loulhlana Ktnto Lot tery on .Inly JOih. Iteii , and iiuostcd It In laud In Dakota Teriiloty , ulioro htatloned. At his death his rst.UoM s \ > orth StJO.OOJ. Ho put his monov who ho jot a leturn of 60.- OtXJiiorcent on liU tvto-dollnr Invesinent. X 0 , Tiiiicb-Uciiiocntt , Dec. U. Ihavotho agency at Omaha for the sale of largo blocks of lands in Keith and C'hoyunno counties , Nebraska , and in Wyoming. Also of lots In Schuyler , Kimball. P.iMon , Hg ) Springs , Sicfnoy , Pottir , Don vcr Junction ( C'ulur.uloj Aldur ( Hall Co } and other points. W Il.GllPKN. sin s. iatt ) st. MAY SOLD AT EIGHTY-SEVEN The Market Surprisingly Stimulated by Outside Buying Orders , A REVIVAL OF CONFIDENCE. TUo "O. P. " Takes n llniul tii tlio JJcnl Oilier Commodities Dull The tilvo Stoclc Market Over stocked General Itoptirts. CII1CAOO G11A1N MAUKUT. CHICAGO. Feb. 2.T. | Spccli\l Telegram. ] WHKAT "The country , " \Vnllsticet financial sheets flippantly call II , the " 0. IV ( gteat public ) took n hand In the wheat deal to-day. Public confldcnco In the down It od- tlon cereal seems to bo experiencing a ipvlvnl , .Maiket cables noted nu advance In pi lens on llio other side. Now York \ \ as exceedingly bullish on account of the export movement last wcckaud aienowal ot Inqnlty by ox-- pOttcis this week. Local houses haxlng totclgn connections imported u bettei fooling on the continent and in Ihlt.iln , and houses having a laigo and sninll lionio trade were In iccelpt of gicatly Inctoascd nuinbur or cinleus and Inquiries from the Intcilor. llusliicss iccolrctl considerable Btlninlatlon today fnun many quarters. St. Louis and the southwest veto bcatlsh on the splen did outlook for the growing crop In that section , and Minneapolis was growling under largo iTcelpts , but ( hat was explained on the theory that thu millers wcro rushing forwaid supplies from the buck conn try nnd dealing the declcs picparatoiy to nu oiiblansht on the coucuiitr.itul waie- liouso stocks. May wheat opened at &lj < c , an nihanee. from Sntmdny ol Me. Thu tin- pioveineut established on the cuib josteiday lm\ Ins been fully sustained , the market ad- \anced strongly to Mij c , with goml miscel laneous buying by ooininlsslon nnd inlvalo waiehnnses. It receded slightly and then held film and steady , with n very buoyant undeilone and excellent trailing. The mar ket sold down loSOcforMay tiftei t'lo initial advance , but later climbed to subsequently offerings wcio tccblo nt but the market did not bieatc or show signs of heaviness and toward the end bioincd. The closlnc at 1 o'clock wasSOs c , Thecnwd had another chance to guess on the visible supply dcciea e , the icport bolng one day late on account of the holiday. Estimates weio not materially dilTnicnt from Saturday , 00,000 to 1,003,000 bushels bolus the flgiues named. The last ioily minutes of the long session witnessed a sliati | advance fiom 88f > © Nj oto SO,5 (7Si8.fc. ( on lupoits that about thirty boat loads had been taken In Now Yoik , Nightingale alouo taking tweuty-oiio oC tlic number. CoiiJf Corn was dull to day , only a faint suggestion ot last week's Ufo remaining. 1'obeit Wan en sold about iJoO.OOD bushels and Norton it Woithlngtou sold as much. This was about the only nuUblo tiadliiR of the day. OATS Oals were quiet and not quotably changed. I'Jtimsioxs I'lovisions wcio heavy and dull to-day. The whole list opened slightly lower than Knttirday's closing. Pork sold down lOc and laid and libs about He. IJusI- ncsswnsllpht nnd the m.irlcot without con- splcuous featincs. AFTKHSOOX Uo.vitn On the aftoinonn boaid May wheat sold tip to bTc. It only lingered tlicro a shoithilu and slowly loll back to 80@tGKc , and closed at SOJfc The fcatuie of the nf lei noon tiado was lai o buy ing by shorts and puiclmscfl for investincnt bj-many of the best houses on the lloor. No change in the other speculative commodities. 2:1 : > p. m. Puts on May wheat , SjJ c , calN , 87 c. 1-atc on thocinb May chopped olt to BG&c. Oliniicllor-nroxrn CO.'H Report. The lollowlng repoi t of Chicago's specula- thrmaikuU Is furnished the llin : byY. \ . P. Peck , Omaha rcpresontativo ot Chandler- Blown Co. , ot Ciiiea o and Milwaukee : Cables ri'poi ted foieign marlceta quiet tills moinlii ! ; , bill icportsfiom Ohio and Indiana stated n cold wavu coining ami tlio giound baiehlcli liad a tendency to strengthen juices. Ucam bought heavily , taking all that was offered by scalpel's. NowYoik ic- pnilod ! i5 lo.uls tikou for cxpoit. Miv wheat opened at SIJ c ; good cvpoit , demand advanced pi Ices to S,5 e at 1 j ) . in. 20 : p. m. AVhent Him ; May selling nt SOJ < C , closing at btfc. ( ! ( 'urn and Oats Weak nnd little doing. 1'iovlsloiis Lifeless. The following arc the opening and closing pilous lei the day : JAVI : STOCK. CHICAOO , Fob , 23 , [ Special T C.VTI 1,1 : Ilt-colpts of cattle tor the day 5,000 , npalnst nftiO list Tuesday , inakiiiK about 11,830 for the wcclcFO far , nualnst ; 10fi. , " > 7 Jor the bamo tlmo last wcnk , Jtucoljits so far for the vvcclc , ns will bo notlcud , bhow an in- cicaso , ascomiiaiod with thoMino tlmo last week , of ahuut 1,000. This Is a hcn\y Incie.iso lei two dayp , nnd its ell eel ha ? huen to bond pi Ices down 1520c ns oompatcd with the highest prlpo-j last wcel ; . To day the demand was conMilcinhly btioiiuor than yos- tcidny , Htiicrs { jot out oaily and Ix'Rau to buy early , whuic-as ycstoiday thcio was little or no business buforu noon. NIcp , 6lm ] > cly , oven stccis , vt'hcthcr lighter or heavy , \\o\o \ the elass-os mostly \\nutcd , nndliuii n sjilchinnn had n soil that o.Mictly suitrxl liu could como niMier getting his in Ice than ho could ycMoul.iy , Somu Balobiiicn wont so lar as to say they m.tdo sales lully lOo higher than they could got > ( tciday on sultablo stooks , andnt all cvonts theio was iiioio activity anil a butler demand thun tliL'to was yestuidny , and that means a good deal after a droji ot 15WJV. Tlio best bk' , heavy cattle may bo quoted ut S'i.OOvifS.eo , ami fancy nt i.5.B ' > ' ! .7.i , and the lilk'hust this lU-el bolar was So.oo. lint It mutt bo berne In mind Hint tlio great bulk ot the Bo-callcd fut cnttlo continued to sell bftwcen S'1V < 5 fi.tKl.tind thogieat bulkol light ami mcdlimiiit SI.OO < < i-l.'K , with common at S'J.O-'icS/r.i. Oau- nlng block and butchcrb' Mock Is making equally as high juices as la \veuk. . Thu btockcrand tcedur tiadu Is actho and julcos ate advancing on the best he.i'sy feedcin , that aio now selling bctut'cn SJ.OOv&i.S1 ! . Theiu has been a substantial advance In pilcit-s on milch cows the past nook , and good to lanoy blnglo itnlmals aio nulling tlm hot piiccs for several monlK past. Car lots , , u'h ' as nio ttauk'd ' for clti dalrii s auit ti | til" " 'ill > , aic luaLlngi 1.00 i' 4.00 pci ht.ul mtio tl-ui .t month aeo. The ueiirnj proachotspilnglstho lirlmo cause for the aihance. Veal calves nro In Rood demand , liight joung cahes , that are fat alul ha\o been left \\lth the dam until M can Ing time , command 11 o high est i ricc.4. Shipping stiors , 1V > 0 to l' < 00 Ibs , S4.0J\t > 3j T.'OO to U10 Ibs ga'-fi dAOO ; KQ to I'-W Ibs SS.iKX.M.iVi. Stwkors ami feedcis , S3. X ( ? U 0. Cow , bulls and mixed , 81.Wc23.7B. Hulk , F2. > ( W.aiv. Through Texas ( nttlc , 750 to MO lb , $ ) .75c.4. ' . lions lircc-lpts for tlio day SS,0 0. agalnsi 10Ri3 last Tuesday , making about -W.IKIJ for the week so lar , airalust 3Jsaj for the sama tlmo last week. Thoheavi iunlo < 1n\ had the ctTcctof bi caking price ? , and the cenral mar ket undct\\ont adiop of I0ifl"ens cimpaivil M I th j esterday ot last \ \ cektho best heay bell ing at S4.-10C'r > .OJ , ngnlust SUi3 ( < M.r ( yestcr- daynnd last week , racking soils sold ntSt.Tt ) 015.0J light at , with a few slugelni : pigs at S4.-IO. Light little pigs sold at SS.IXX 4.10. Hough nnd mixed , ? .l.tKX < 04.20. Packing Ing niul shipping , S30 to UOlbs SI.SOn'I.W. Light \ \ eights ? ! J.70.t I.W. Skip ? , g'J.bO Now York. Feb. 'J ! . Mosr.v On call , easy at IHoWtf percent STKiti.i.Nd KXOIIANOU lull but steftily ; S4.S7'stoi .slMj dtosnmt S-l.bii'j ' tordoumud. UovKitNMr.\T8 Dull but slionc. SIOOKS Upeiied luegular , Lacknwanua and Deiawaie .fc Hudson liplnc materially lower , and Kcmlintr ami .lersov fine- tlonallv higher. \ \ llh few exceptions open ing inlecs weiis near the lowest of the day. A .sliKht dcelltiu lit some cases \\nstollowcil by a lluu tonu , vtlilch continued generally until : ) o'clock , the inaiKct iluniitt tlio last hour lining decidedly sluing. 1'acllk' Mall \\as weak In early dealings , selling fiom Mif to4(1,56 ( , and later after a rally ftom SOU to l ! . After midday , howe\er , It lecou'tcd tlui most of tlio loss , nnd closed at WV. ) Moitliern 1'a- ellic juefeiied de\eloed | decided weakness Into ( n the day. which continued until It leached 57V , hut It closed on niivlly 1 pur cent higher , with a net loss of M per eonl. The whole list of so called e\-Villatd stocKs are down liouiMiiall finctlons to 1 % percent , the latter Die ou > , 'a\l atlou. Iho nnuUet closed stinup. STOCKS ON W'AT.I. flTIttlT. SStccnt Ixmds. . . lOO' .O. itiN.V 110 if. S.tlfa lii'4 : ' tnofeired. . . MO New 4's 1'JiKiX. Y. 0 I'acllieO'sof ' 01. Otevon Trail. Central I'aclllij. . I'neilloMall. . . . . C.AA ; 1 ! ! ' ) 1' . , 1) . AsK inefened. ir.o I'.V. 0 1 ! C. , R. , 137 tJoek Mann..i. isn ; J'IJ 1 \ I < VV \r \ \ I * It. tS. K. . . ur D. K. G piX'feueil. . . 4V Erie C. , 31. & St. P. . . M- Erieprofcired. . . . . prefened. . 1SI3 ; Illinois Central. . St I1. itO -10 luefenoa. . . 103 ] Kansas t'L'o.\a3. : : uf Taxns t'nullUi. . . IS1 ! I.akcSlioio S7K Union I'aelllc.Id Sl slW.St. ! Ii. i\l' . . S . Mich. Contra ! . . . . 7-J piefuncd. . . Ifl1 Mo. 1'acilic 110 Western Union. 73' Noitliein I'ae. . . . Sil jf'o. ' N 101J pieleiicd. . . . nsjgl * jdiv. : . P1CODUOU. o , Feb. 2.1. Klour Qnlctbtit steady and unchanged : winter heat Hour. $ l.40v4 ! I.b5. bonlhein , SI.OO&M.rM : Wisconsin , S4.5U ( 1.75 ; Micblan ! bolt , C3.704 ( I.OJ ; blinncsota baker * ' . S3.rOc < tU.r > ( > : pat cuts , S .mWTOO ; ijo ilour , SU.Oii.fiO : ! : in h.nruli , SM.fogu.-tO In faeks ; hnckwhoat lloin , tl.OOftl.50perb.uiolSJ.OO ; i > erc\st. in sacks. Wheat Stiongpr and active ; opened } $ c IdKhcr than Satntday's close , steadily ad vanced l * < c mote , lieeamo weaker , and closed abo\e feat in day ; , lor cabli , Februaiy and Match ; sr5K@bC.Ke . for Alay. Coin Dull hut steady , and \\lthout .special clung" ; : ! "VC' ) . c tor c.ish ; : ) " e lor 1'ehru- iny ; . ! )7 ) feM75/c for Aiiuch ; I0 ; @lle lor O.ils Steady but quiet , with no mateilal change ; JMC'iiW. ' c for c.ish ; : JOc for Febiuary and Match : ay e tor Maj. Hye Steady at r/.H ; . IJ.ulov OOe. Whisky Sl.ia Timothv Pi Imo , Sl.SSl.SB. KMxseeil Weak anil lo\\ei : No. 1. S1.11K- J'oik Jmled weak , declined 10C l'JJfo and closed steadv at medium ligmes : S10 1W@10 ! 5 lor cash ; SlO.OJj lO..r. lei and M.uch ; ll.lU' H.15 for May. Laid 2' ' , @ " ) C loner ; closed qalet. Hulk Meats-Shonhlcis , Sa..r.@I.OO ' ; shoifc clear , S5.fcOtor .b5 ; slioit libs , S.'i.'i'KtXn.fiO. liiilter Choice good a bhado higher ; coed to e.stia cic.uneij , UO@iUc. Cheese Steady and lit in : full ci cam chcd- clars , I'JCcVZIOifo ' ; flats lO Ue ; jounaAmeii- c.T , ll4'iUJ4c ! ; skims , CQCo. . Hides ( Jieeii , 7c ; heavy eieon salted , fully cmeil , So ; litfht , 8j e ; bull hides. Cc ; dry salted , 12)50 ) ; diy Him , 13@llc ; calf skins. Tallow No. 1 rountiy , o. 2 coun try , Xe ; caUe , IJA.Kecolnts. Kecolnts. tilupincnts. 1 Klour. Mils . ' % 000 18,001) ) 4.1 Wheat , bn . -11,000 JK.OOO 4.1J Coin , on . r OJ,000 r 5ooo ( ) ats.bti . 211,000 S l,000 Uyebu . A003 8,000 Uailov.bti . 111,000 77,000 M Now York. Feb. -Wheat Itecoipts. i 0,000 ; expoits , 01,000 ; spot higher and laiily active ; options advanced l@l"ifc , closing steady ; No. a led , OJKc In btoio ; Match clos- iim at Oiyfc , Corn lllshor , closinK Blcaily ; lecelpts , 8 7,080 ; oxpoits , iiirooo , ; miKiadcd , 4dvOv. No. ! ! , 47f4i ) > fe ; No. 2 , MiIn elevator , C5 ; 6 ; March clo.slnu at r > 0 c , Oats Receipts , nn,00 ( ) ; cxpoils. 019 : mixed wcbtein , 37@4e ! ) ; white western , ! W . IVtiolcnm Finn ; nniled closed at70c. KuKS-.AVc.iker and dull ; itccipls , 8,100 , . ; \\eslein , S. Poik Steadv : , S10.50@10.73 for old ; now , Sii.rr.ciMi..oo. I/inl Dull : \\cMoin steam spot , O.l ! ) ; Maieh , SO.SSilO.a'J. Htiller Quiet hut steady ; wcstctn , K\K\n \ \ crcameiy , 'A'ic. Cheese Finn but lather qiilct ; westein flat , 7i < 4U > ; c. St. Ijonis , Feb. 23. Active , htron ; : and hlu'hci ; No. a red , { cash , Die ; May , IRXo bid. Coin Quiet and easy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , aiTHMc : May , 7tfe. ( J.its Quiet but higher ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 21) ) Vc * Mav ! > * c * . jfvc Xoiiifnally higher at COe. WhlHkv-'rl.lo. Polk Kasyat SI 1.20 11.25. J/iid-K.isyatSS.lKi. Jititler Qtilut but Him ; creamery , 24@30c ; Altcrnoo'n 'jJoRid Wheat K.isy and } ( ole lour , Coin Shailo easier. Oats ifc lower. ifniiBnn City , Fob , 2'5. Wheat Stiontf ; rash. Tilkc asked ; Miuch , 7IKc nskcd ; 'Ainll , 7Cc Did , 7i ) c asked ; May , 7Uc > bid , TO o ' Coin Steady ; cash. 2SS < fW8Ce ( ; ; March , 2'J e aslfeil ; April , aOohld , ao , e asked ; May , yi' Wil'fc. O.xts Nominal ; ITo hid , 20easltcd. Toledo. Feb. 21. Wheat Closed active : cash , IHUdWIKe. Coin HTo uly ; t-abh. W c , Oats-Dull ; cash. 'Jitfc. Ijlvoriiool , Feb. 21. Wheat In mom do- maud ; now No a winter undbpilni , ' , Btc.tdy Flour More demand am ! steady at 8s. Coin Fair diMiiaiid ; mint and Fobinaiy , 4.s iid , linn ; Maich and Apiil , yA linn. linn.Now Now Orleans , Feb. 23 , Coin .Steady at Corn ut Si. IS. HDJ I'loiliiutn Dull and a shaJo lower. 1'oik-SII.BO. Laid % W . HnlkMciats-SlioiiIler9,83.87K5 ( long clear , Milwaukee , IM > .2A Wheat Finn ; cash , 82 < > ; May. wiJie : June. bSc. Coin i.isy : ; No. ' - ' . .ivj. Oats-Dull ; No.txe. : Itju-Uiill ; No. l , .vac. Jlmlnj-i.isv : ; No. 2 , sic. I'o\lsliiib Lowei ; p'nk , cash nnd March , Sll.OJ. JMItuioapoiiH , Feb. 2 ? . Wheat Actho anil about lo liluher ; No. I luiul , S-vi ; cash , MVtv\ \ Winch , COn April , U4j ! ? Iiiy , no liifr ; No. 1 , lioitheiii , Ko ! cash ; W > < o Match ; 8V ) Aiull ; bc May. Klein Inrto.iKd ! oiilcis which cannot bo flllud at ln > , t urok'a i.ticcs ; patents , SJ.bOuJ J.SS ; iMhi-w' . 2il.Wii4.10. JldcoiPtWheat , 1U5.000IIU. .Shlpiiients-\Vhc-at \ , 20XW , ( bu ; flour. 30,000 ' JuVt . . - . ' .J.J.r'J ; St. Paul , 1,112,000. fliu jHnutl , rt'i.2J , Wl > wt Jfiriucr.No ,