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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEff , TUESDAY , JANUARY 19,1888. STRICTLY PURE. tx COXTA.IAS ao orirsr i. > A.-VV ronst IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS , 50 CENTS , AND $1 PER BOTTLE fj ) E CEN I BOTTLEs nro put up for the n /w * JccMiMiiiimim ) ( or nil wlio iloslro n iroo nnd low prlciM Cough , Cold and CroupKemetly TIIO * : tllSMIISO A nFMI.HV nil CONSUMPTION OUA.NV LUNG DISEASE , Should secure the largo $1 bottle1 ? Direction bottle. Bold by all Medicine Dealers. Janes Mod Institute VCtiarteredbythcStateorllli. tnol for theexprestf purpose ? of Rlvinglmmedlate relielin . , 11 chronicurmaryand prl. ( fjvate diseases. Gonorrhoea , fOleetandSyphills in nil their ' complicated forms , Hlso all diseases of the Skin and Uloodpromptly relieved and pcrtnanentlycured by reme * . dics.tcstrdinauttyYrnr $ - . f .tf'jiffliilJ'iaFticf , bcmlnal \Vf > knc)3 , Nip lit I.o sesby Dreams , Pimples on the I'nce.I.ost Manhood , ; < mlf Ji-ri//o rtii , There t tioeri > rrti r > ttlnnihe appropriate remedy is at once Used In each case. Consultations , per- onnl or by letter , sacredly confidenliat. Mcd- Iclneii cent tiy Mall nnd Lxpresa. No marl's on fackone to Indicate contents or sender. Address DlUAMES.No. 2C4 Washington SI.ChkaQOlll. OK SKIN CANCEI5. Pot-men jcnin I sii'liroil ' ivllli n , cnncpr on Hi } Into Kiirlil immilH upi u It ten I re- Loinim luleil ihc use ol Sn Ifl a Spi tlllp nnd I do torniliiKil to niiil.o nn nirort to M tuio It , In this J was MH entJlul , mill l ) rmill'Ui o 'Iho lntlu- Plicoot tin' niodlilnu ut Hist wits to fcomonbat nKniiiuite tliu Mire : font teen I lie Inlliimnlliiu wns nllnjed mid I Ix'KHii to Itnpinvo iiflei tlio llrnt Tim linttlcs M > ( uni-nil lu-iltli IIIIM KI rally Improved 1 HIM glion cr , iiml iililo to do liny Mini of n'oik. Tlintiiniprim in ) Iitf u bojfiin to ilrcionio nnd tlio uk < r to liiol , unlllllicri' Is not n vo-ttlKO ol Itlolt nut } n lltllo KIII nun Us tlio Jjlucn. Mil . .Ion ii. A MtUo.AU ) . Atlnntii , On , Aiifiiisl II , IbBi. 1 ImMi ( mil u cnntci on m > fnro for fomo JTIUS , oxlomlliiff Irom no ulicok bono ntioss tlm iifKo lotliuothoi. It 1ms Klv in mo n irieiit dual olpnln , ut ilnus foiiinliiir nnil Itching to miuli nn mlunt tluit It " UN almost ulilu nt iblu I uoniincntuil u lnir bu KI fl dpoLlDo In > luj , Wi , nnil liinou cilclnlit liottli's. It bus trlvcu tlio ii'lk'i by romovliw tlio liilliiinutlon itnil Bcnuiiil liculth , V , 1) ULNES. Knoxvlllc , town , PcptS , 183" ) Uioiithuoii bHKl ! uiul sKIn discuses niiul < . < l "i ho PH Ifl SpoUfio Co , Drmvor U Atlftntn , On N. V.ia ; W.-JjastiLCt. f. lonfs.Mo. of two Uodleal Co\\fft \ \ bat bfen lonctr mffaKetUu the ! - ' ! IrefttiQCDtof CHROMIC NIBYOUI. Hvitt nd UIOOD DIIKKM 'liininr o'hrr ' rhiilclia laUt. Louli , M eltr i [ * ! thaw mid 211 old re l lenlikuow Nervous Prostration , Debility , Menial and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial anil oilier Alice- lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning , old Sores nnil Ulcers , ro treitcj with unpinUd * ! uee ii ( nUtcitielrlitlQdprlnclpl < > hafrlr I'lUlle/1. ! Diseases Arising Irom Indiscretion , Excess. Cuposurc or Indulgence , ubicii crodnc * tome at th r llowlDff cUccti : ncnoumeiv , deMlltr , dlmntii of il bl uiddfrfetlfflnitu * ry , plmpl sou tLa r ep , phrilraldeeiy , arerilou tolhe tuelrljor femtlei , c nrmlwa or Ideit , vto , rendorliijr Marriage Improper or unhappy , ats pfrminenll/curcJ r iuptilrtfSQ pige > ) on tbe bo\r , cent InlnlrileDVtloFO , freotoAujr adilren ConiullatlooKtoN Her or by mill fret Invited a > litetl ! ; eibQdtatlil. A Positive V/rlttcn Giinranteo ditt iQ r ryei. r&Mecii * . U iHclot eatcrcrjwberebj niaU rext > rBii. MARRIAGE GUIDE , 380 PAGES , FINS FLAT28. o1 < c at elcth Q 1 .lit Morflog petlflforBOo ln(3su oru icuej. Ot r crtj * ondfrfuli npleLcrct , true 1 life j rttolciou the follow I tj OWL M > T MAM . . . stiiv > nHM. H , \ ? * A H M HK : I.No QiiuoUr. . iNDISlMlTAULli FJtOOl K. nnolc hy inall ) .P\M'I > I'll ! l : RIC MEDICAL CO..BUFFALO.N.Y ; Z > JR. HAIR'S Asthma Cure. Tills linnhmlilo gpecIQo rondlly nnil porma- nonUy ciiri.s nil kinds oC Aitlimn. Tlio obstlnniu nnd low htiindlnrr cnsos ) Hild prompt ly to itH oiulorful cm inn propoillcJ. It U kiiiiwn iliroughout tlio worlil for its utirlMilcU ollioncy. J. L.CAI.nwiU.n , cltj-of Lincoln , Nob. , writes , Jan. a , 1HS1 ; hliic.o nslnir li. Hull's Aetliiini Cnro , for mete tliiui ono JIMU , my wltu brtfi buun ontlrt'ly well , uiul not oven u bj niptom of the illhcnsn IHIH nppi uruil. WII.MAM IIIINNKIT , llloliliuul , Iowa , writes. Nov.Ud , VMi I lm\o boon ulllltteil wall Hay I-ooriind Astlinm slnco 1WO. 1 followiil jour directions nnd 11111 bappy to Fay tlint lnu\er Blopt bolter in my lltu. I mil Kind Hint I am nmoiiir tlio many who can bpcuk so fuumibly of your ri'iiii-illoa. \ulniibUiVI ( pniro ttonllso rontnlnln slmllnt \ otntoin tlio U. b. , Can uln und Broorfioiun\eiy real Hiitiiln. will bo niHlled upon nppllcutlon Any iliiifybl not having It in etoblc wiU pro- euro it. ESTABLISHED USED IK ALL 3.070 , PARIS OF THE WORLD IV- t'Rlulosuoa itnd Trlcrg on np | > ll"tlon " " ' lii-al 1'irrlncc llulliUrMmid IlcuK Ol.NOIMNATI. II. K. A. Cable AdJrib.1 , COO CIN. A TINE LINK Ot Pianos and Organs -AT- WOODDREDGE BROS1 OMAHA KKUIIASKA. A Clear Skin Is only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least , what looks like it. Magnolia Ualm both freshens and beautifies , A MARVELOUS MINING CAMP , A Reminiscence of the Palmy Days of Piocho , in Nevada. Story of the Kstnlillsluneivt of tlic Most "Wonderful MlnliiR Unini ) Ijver on tlic 1'acillc Coast. A icminisccnco of tlio ino t wondciftil naning enni ] ) ever founded in tins icnioto niaj ' ] K ) < isibl3' bo of intcicst , and iliusliate another instance \\lmtcotir- - priscvciaiico nnd confidoncc ms\y \ In Iliooullio.islcrn Coition of tlio ta to of Xmniln , In Lincoln count y , caily in tlu si\lii"i , there wni cMnblishcdhy the AIonnotK n small trading station nnmoit 1'iiinr'a , whii'li wns u Kind of roiitlcvou for tin in on tliotr Annual evpctlitlon to Cilifornui and other puinU south The rmintry was \\iltl , baircn , and only the liubit.itiou of the coyote and u io\ing band of Indi.tns The conrnjroous i > ios- poetor , in his deMro to make new di eov- uiiw , horcprn < i not dutcncd from explorniK iti huietoloro unknown trcas- nre In l Oia fo\v prospcctoi * , including - ing Uncle Hilly Unyniond and Jack Wy , crossed over from California and diroclcd their cottiso easteily Aflur trn\cisiiif { thedi' ' eit in the otitlicin pait of tlie slate and enduiin till lltu IniitlMiips in cident to such a trio they reached I'.ttiaca. After a few days of lost and having recuperated their animals and replenished their laidcr they sluiuk out in a northctly direction o\er the moimt.iins , at a distance of twelve mill's north of I'.in.tca tluii found stioii'r iudie.itioiH of the vxNtiiiuo of liher Niglil coining on tli \ rctiu-d to ti ( mall Mi cam which tlu-j- Iijul c'lo'-M'd timing Ihe da\ and e tib- lishcd their camp , w hit-It aftorwaid bluomcd into thu town of lliillioin illo. and while laigi ) nulls wile afleiwaul constitictud for the ludtiction of tin ir oie UhoiHi\l morning they iciiuncd their work and in a shoi I time ili - coorcil an old ab iniloiH'd shaft and ( ' \amiiiation of it disclosed the fact thl it had been abandoned only a short time A ftutlu i exploration levealed to them the e\Kt L'ncc of mineral in fair < | tiantitica and vcrj rich. Tlie. > then diic-cted their at tention to ficcnimg the giound , which being accomplished , they commenced to de\i lope the piopoily into a ' .vstcinatiu inaniur No time lost in coinmnnl cat ing With their bunclactoi , Mr Piochc , a Vieneh capitalist in San Fiaiai-co , who sisso gi.ittljed nl their sncte-s th-tl lie lot < no tiinti in supplying them with all the means ucLtsi.u as well as in.1- tinner . OUT OK rOMI'I.lMl.Xl TO III M thej named the town bite , which been located , 1'ioclje , and the mine Kaj- iiiond and Wj. Thcie being no woiks of u auction ncaiei than : > UO mile , an arr.isir.i was constutcled on the tienni , w licit1 they camped and worked their ote bjy that pioccs ? until thu ictuin > thoie- fiom would justify them in electing a mill H was not long befoie Ihoh hiid de\ eloped into \aluablo piopcity , m.i c hincr > was pin chased in San rianeitcp , ttanspoitod to I'alisulo ami Toans in Ne ; .iil.i , on the Pacilic , and then hauled * 400 miles acioss n the moat desolate ovei ti.uetscd bj n human being , the teamstus being co nipt lied to e.ui.thu . watei ior llieir aninmlh in bauds strapped to ( ho sides of their wagons. Uhe intiodnction ot implo cd inachnu iy in causing on tneir opcialions woiked a wondeifnl change. ' 1 lieseenlaigcd facilities necessitated an inetcaso in their foico of Illinois , and instead of shiping ] ) their bullion b > pen > expiesWoodinll and llnnnr established a line ot Uoneoid toadies to tlie "diggins. " ' 1 ho tame ol the pioduction had already aiou ed the pcoplo of California. A tide of omigi.t- tion soon tinned to the new 111 Doi.ulo , and in a shoit time the town of Piochc a-huined quite inti testing pi opoi lions Tin1 country for miles aioundwns soon located , while the town ilselt picscntcd a st cue of at In it , } and piogie i cncoiug- : ing to all. In ISO' ) , however , the mine showed signs of peteiing , and piepata- lions weio accordingly made to meet such a contingency. The foico of mineis was leduced anil the extraction of oie limited to so much nor diem. The ow n- i > is , lityinond and ljy ] , posted of ( to San 1'ianeiico and negotiated a .sale of it lo IlagginaiulTiavis.laige mining Ooi.itois ) ) in that city. The new purchase ) s intio- dnccd their system of mining with a de gree of success nmuiallclcd in the hif- torj of that industry. A Mr Liglitner , a gentleman of vast g\peiience iii mining as well as a most successful miner , was appointed siipeiiiitendenl. lie applied lnm-elf dilligently in his new lielil and succeeded be\ond his most sanguine ex pectations. The inine continued to yield nand-oinely , and its famu oxtendeil lar and wide. Largo numbers of people c.ime ft om ever , } quarter and thionsred its M rents day and night , exceeding ( lie p.ilmient da s of the Comstock. Dining tjio years 1871 , ' 7 ' , ' 7 and ' 71 the lliibh times in 1'ioehe ptescntcd A MVRMi.Ol'S : StKNl. 'IO Till ! MnVXOKK ; neatly o01 y other building was u saloon and gambling den , crowded with men phu ing tilt } game fiom excitement and anxious to impro\o their foi tunes , and it was a frequent oecuuciupto sen the play ers place their icuilvets in fiont of the'm on the table to intimidate thu festive check guertillas b. > jts } > otent aigument. Seldom was a morning ublicml in but the services of the eoi oneryoio called into icquMUon , and Col Van llogan , acting in that capacity , held Ihieo inquests on the bodies of men who had met with \io- lent deaths , and jot not a binglo execu tion ever took phieo for these offenses , The bar of the city could claim among its Humbert , some ot the biighlest lights in the legal profession , Col lliur.v 1 Thornton , John Ouibor , David Ashley , ono of thu most btilliant hivvjrrs thai ever framed a biief , and others No min ing district in the great west pio-onlcd a liner Held for the uxeicinttof their abili- tit"- , baldly a mining claim vvhoso title was ftco fiom Komo cloud The llciccst contest which over oceuircd in any com Is characleil/cd the litigation in the disttiet eouit ot Lincoln county , of which Pioelie was the county seat The pm chase ot jmies anil witnesses peijur- ing themselves weio culinary circum stances and woio practiced with impun ity. The most luniniktiblo instance of this character AUIS thu cele- biatcd luliijiuc case known as tlio llaynioml and Kly , whoiein thu lleunca. a lictitious mining claim , claimed possession by reason ot piloaitj of location The lloimes pur ported to bo u location made some j ears bcforo b > soniu Mormons on ono of their tr.uling visits to Pan.iea and the Muddy. On tlio discovery of tlio licli minoial in the Kaymond and Lly a scheme was do used vvhcieby the purch.iseis , llaggin and Lewis , wore to bo euchoied out of the minu. The plan was conceived by an alloinoy in Pwho , who laid the mat ter befoiu other capitalists , who iccog- ni/ed its feasibility and i esolv cd ( o carry it into execution. Accoulingly thu usual prdhifinaiios weio inaugiu.ttod and thu suit commenced. The ino t cminont at- tornoya in San Francisco weio cmploved to assist local counsel on either side. The casu was tiled before Judgu Fiillor and occui'itu THKIK : WIIKS. : : After the case had i cached thu jury the manipulators of thu schcmu miulo ar- i alignments with tholr biokurs in San I'tancisco to unload thu Hermes stock , which had nu\cr been oil thu muikot. The RaMiinnd & lh < ock , though , was tonini.nnliiip Uil JH r slian . The jury after rustling with the rn o for several daj , found for the plnintill- , ' The Hermes. ' The operator hud been fixed , o tint the reult would not bo known to the stuck exchange in ' 'an Francisco until thp jiropcr time. It ar n vi d nnd was generally known before the board met iLi knowledge caused the most profound sensation , the excite ment \va * u.'iond bound" Men viho hold large blocks at Dajmond it Kl wore frantic nnd iniloideii at acioat sncrillcc while the lltrmp hnd no dilllcullj in un loading nt fo 1 he unfoi lunate ones be- wadfMi their lo s foi some time , having in the nn.ntime found they had been Ihe victims of unserupulon * op ( iator . They. however , tinned then attention to ie- tiievmg their looses in a field nearer home , wheic information conceining the mines could be more leadilj obtained mid much quicker The old Comstock , which after year * of failure , to pioduco anj tiling of con equcnce , was beginning to show signi of opening up new boiiun- /as of nn cxlent Uevci tontciv cd of by the most Hiiicuitiu. Thciesult of ilio suit was 'the con eli datioiiof the llermos with the Hajmond and Klj , for a huge consideration In tht meanwhile w oik was pio-ccuted with duo diligence on the mine , and lt < ] ) ait- nor , the Meadow Valley , and their shafts had leached the doaptli of ncarlj 1,700 feet , tit which a rich body of ore , cmial in extent to the oiiginal find , was ili eov- I'icd , but the How of water was. sogical that woik was "stispc tided and the ino-t impiovcd pumping machine known was placed on tlieptopcity i.v IIOITS or i. xii vt siivo run ri.ow , but in vain The most eminent scientists weio engavcd to examine the bottom of thewoik-i , and they loportod their inn- bilit. } to devise meant to check the How , in consequence of llieir belief that it vvas a tiibutar > to the gieat subterranean river heading nt the Ilmnboldt and Car son rivers , which sinks in the northern part of thu state and having its outlet at some point on the Coloiado liver \cl un determined. Pioche , during these event ful times , had a population of 10,00(1. ( To day it cannot muster lift } adults , while its ucli mine lies idly awaiting ° omo im- piovtd methods to contiol that powerful cltincnt THE NAV AJO IN"D I A N S . An Intelligent , Industrious People. C'hiiMgo News : J met a gentleman named Taj lor , fiom Doming , N M , at one of the hotels jestord.i } , and in the i oiu-o of convocation ho rotated much intiiost about the Na\ajo Indians. Thoj oeoiipv : i losiivvalion abuutthree coitiitu.s m extent , loiMted near the Coloiado river between b.uita To and AlbiiqueKiue The tubi- numbers about 1(1,000 ( "bucks" and "nvilmlies " Thej are an intelli gent , industiioits people , and their wealth now tonsists ot about 800,000 slice ) ) , v'OJO > , 10,000 hoiscs. a. ' ,000 "boios" , and ' , ' 0,000 cattle and hogs. Theii income - come last jear was over 1 , . " 00,000 from the sale ot wool and blankets The Navajo blanket is a vyomloiful fabiie. Its mumif.itturo is -i sociot , known onlj to the tiibo , and this Fceiet has been handed down liom geneiatioiis long torgotl'Mi The blankets aiowoith ftom > " > to 7 , " ) each 'llu1 ! iigh-piiced blanket is wan anted to hold water ten1 foil , } eight hours without leaking. It is coloicd vvith the Cilice ot Innrios , and the color u mams hi ight until the blanket is w 0111 out. It is claimed that with oidi- nar , } e.uo one ol these blankets will last 200 ycai s. The Nav a jo im thod of fai m ing is votv ] ) iimitive I'lte plow is a ] ) ouitcd stn k. It is sometmits drawn by a "boio , " but of toner by two stout "bucks" Their "wickiups , " or houio- . , aio built of adobe -inil : uc nuanjrtd in : i ( Mi ele for pm poses ot dcttn e " \Ir Tii- Icr gii w i nthiisiastic on Ihu sitbjoct of the Navajo } ounu lad } 'She wears bright- red stocking- ud he , "and hoi < he s conies no lower than the knee. She wo.iis ombioideu'd buckskin pantalels , and her moccasins aio be.intitiilly tiinuiK it and oinamcnled. llei black hair is long , but 'li-ingcd' in fiont. I sec the pale-laced ladits of the east have adopted that fashion. The Navajo gnl can nde the woist Mexican 'kiu-e,1 his-o the wild cat steer , and she i a dead shot with a rille. She makes a piutty piotme as she gallops over the pia'nio with her long hair stioaming out behind her , n Win Chester over her shapolj shoulder , and a long knife in her bolt She's a good girl , too , and never gives her mother anj trouble with love all'aiis. "TheMj Navaioos , " continued i\Ir \ Tayloi , "think tiiat the white man will eventually die out , and that the gieat spirit will give tlio whole oat th back to the Indian , The } despite a Chinaman , and say ho is a cioss between a 'coyote1 and a white man. They mat ry at about sixteen year's ol ago , and i.ii-e liom nine to fifteen cliildicn in a family. J have seen families of twenty-seven child ) en J saw llnoo squaw s aged 10" > , 111 and 114 ycais , and they woie then in good health. The alcalde showed me the 10- cords to piovo their nges Take a tiip out thoio some time , " said Mr. Ta.vloi , looking at mo ethically. "The N-ivajo country is a good ] > lacc for invalids In dian Mimmci till the \c.u 'toiind. " . - - Tlie Ji'li-Ht KOCH Twinge. As the season advances , the pains and aches bj which ihcumatism make' itself known , aiu expotienccd after every o- posuie. It is not claimed that llond's Saisapaiilhi is a pceihc for rheumatism we doubt if theio is , 01 can bo , such a lomody. lint the thousands benojited by llood'nSiir-iiipiiiilhi , wiuiant iis in mg gotheis who sufloi fiom iheumatisin taku itbofore tlu lirit keen SELF-DOCTOmNG. Tlio llulill VVIdeHpTiiiKl. l > iil riiiody 1'iov alont Auioiij ; Women , "Docs the habit of self doctoiing do- cieaso or incicaoi ! the practice of plnsi cianHV" paid a Dispatch icpoitor to a Pittsbmg ) ) hjsician. "The cllcct is to inciease ofir woik , " ho replied. "Tho habit ol self doetoi ing has beeomo verj widespioad of late , as the extensive use ot patent medicines and the enoi moils quantities of th ng- sold attest. The harm done bj- the ri'ckloss 11-0 of certain dings is appalling. A pa tient will sometimes iitu a ] > rc.sciiption for years , and for every disease , lint , as I suiil , this does not ailed our practice Pcoplo whoaro being injmed by self- doctoiing only harm themselves b } delay , and honcn wo do not lese iimoli ' "Do palien's have much ditliutilt in discovering their ailmentsj" "it is not uncommon for a man to go from onu plo&iciaii lo another in the v ain tlloit to distovcr his ailment. Kumolimos a jiaticnt will be treated bj suttessivo phi Ieians for the wrong ailment , because eomu of the n } mptoms ot Ihu dillurent dis eases aiu similar. How unlikely it is , theiofore , that poisons who luivo not .studied mediciao can lind out what nils them * " "Which do you think do the mot doc toring , women or inonv" "U omen , decidedly , especially moth ers and old women J'hu icuklcss tumor * itj of some women in this icspcct is won derful They rush In w heio angels to tiead. Hastily judging fiom a few t-v mp toms that a casu loscmblos onu which the family doctor has ttcatcd , they will hunt ii ) ) an old prosciiptjon and administer the ilosu to some confiding hush md or help less child. " TTlcn lUbj wu tick , ire gtTa her Cutoria , 'Wlten t'ua TTM Child , elio cn d far Cixuforl * , "W'litn ilio liocame Miss , elio cluug to Cattoria , Wbeu iLo liail Cbildreo , she gare Item C etotift , ittifivlf < inTnn ( < iTiTJf MAKING MONSTROSlTIliS , Work In Wnch ? an Impecunious Inventor Busies Himself. fecn 8er | cni * ftiMl Mormnlili ' ous Oovlooq to SInUo Hustle \ VllAVonilct \ * . In a lonjr , < liiy ! Inft , where sloping r.if- tors imkf1 ouejinublo up like a jackknife , of a lingo wooijon rookery in Newark , X. J , i ys the New Yolk Herald , an old bi on backed ( lotman , with long , matted , gr.ij beaidand small rod eio , is piopar- ing a monstrosity that is to electrify soioulilio men and wring silver dimes from the curious and benighted public The inventor is a nnti of genius , and as talented as he is impecunious lie came to this countiy several 3oars ago w ith a panoram i of the Hliinn , w hleh piovedto 1)0 n f.ulme Since then he ha been occupied in giving bii111 to a largo family of extinct and nithical beings , such as sea dragoiH , ichjtlio- satiri , plesio ami , nlligator loj , Indian maidens and moi maids. These dahoiato vvoiksof art find a s.ilu in the dime mu seums of this country , and it is ? lid ate accountable for wondious bii lit minks in cidental to tlio population of the dis- tiicts This has been proven b , } the fact thai icccnlly a ladj In Pcnn-ylvaniagavc bii 111 to a child whoso back was embel lished with a led outline sketch of the llomba Hook moi man , with whom the lad.v had become smitten while on a vi il to Chatham stioct in ior to her becoming a mother 'I ho chart of this identical marine animal is now employed to keep the snow out of tlio woikshop in the loft , nn. SIAS.III-IM. | Now , there is nothing that the diseased brain of man has ever conjuied up that thu model n Michael Angelo cannot at onto convt it into hideous shape All ho needs is a i oil of Mill w no , lots of lags , paper and glue , some dhty eoloiul paints , pig's tais , tuike. } bones , lishon' teeth and the pit kings of a do/.in ash bands UiVLthisc tilings in plenty to the sculptor and he appeal sin adtlnmm ol fiolic With a tuin ot his wiist , like magic the mo-t lepulsivo looking objects loom up on all sales. At piescnt hois nl woi k on the "lii t genuine sua serpent over captmod . . " II is over a hundied feet lung , and its giilhis equal to lotijaiiiii ! ) i i inklin's stumaeh on its podi tal in punting house sqmnu The v 01 tebr.e of the huge sea mouslei standout will gieat piomineuce , and aio composed ot old poicdam dooi knobs ' ( hey aio about a } .nd aput The scales ol the beast aio the shells of the Venus moiconaiia haul clam ovei- lapped. The lins , no Palmtica ) fanus ( old palm lo.Vt 1 ins ) The mane and whiskeis wcie.tonliibuted by the liioad- wai stagcus oq\ms \ ( ] ) l.ied oul Dioadw.i } stage horswij. 'Uhei.os aio the bottoms ot biokon l.agcuii becuis bottliis ( lager boor bottle-iuitl ) the teeth sue the spuio nbs of ( he M'ainjdoimaton * ; sus < * ciofa , most commonly calkd the hog. At pies out the inventor is wilting the histoi of the soipout fiom J'loto'-sor Itaml's in- toiostmg woik on the subject This iuon-ter , itis * iftiml , was liist discovoied in the tiutUin ! otoan , catmod | ) by the ciew of a nWi-Hikod whaler and In ought to San riaiioiseu alive , vvheio it died and was embalmed , ote. 'Ihe stoi. } of this wonder woTdd till tun pages of tlie United States lish commissioiiti's icpoit , and will bo noailv as mcmaic. Jlu tO MVKI. A JI1.1I3IAII ) . The makni" of moimaids is ] ) iirely an Aini'iioan achicvonieiit , although the fiist invontoi'was an Jliighshinan now living in this oil } Thej woio lust made in this counlij unity tlucejcais ago to till an outer of a noted showman Hundreds since have been mantacturcd and have been exhibited all over the conntiy as genuine Thoj aio ot all si/osand shapes. The bodies and heads aio made of paper , rags and wno. The tails me of the cod- lish. The tooth aio IMu.s' The aims aie tin key bones and logs Diiedo es of the tu i key aio iistd when available. rho > aio presumed lo bo mole hideous and fossil like than those _ ol glass 01 1 > isle The seciet of the mcimaid's success is that they : ne dcsciibod as be.uiinlul vvomoii vvho have lost tluipowciof talk ing back and asking questions , their time being too much occupied with paddling , splashing , and combing long , buautitui , tloalmg liair and singing. Anhoit time ago 1'u. liuihcld , the champion seal bun- tei oi Now Hughton , S. 1. , thought ho had discovoiod the whoieabonts ot a moimaid , which ho said hung about Hob- bin's Hoof. lie said that while ho was hshingat night ho could distinctly hoar her singing "Johnny Moigan" and another ot his most f.uoiitc opetas Mi Huiliold tonlinued in this opinion until Geoige Ijaywaid , of Tompkins- \illc , caught a big doglisli , which on its travels had swallowed n small musical box of the " .Johnny Moigan" pel sua sion Since then Ml Bui held has given up moonlight dips to Kobbin s Keof and says "lie passes on the nieimaid itickot no singing simges' ' for him. " The suttoss of every iiiongiel woman depends tion ] her histoiian Them aio men vvho sit up nights lo think ot some thing now to -.13 about them , Some of the exhibilois-no voiy happy and clover in their doMiiptions , Ono of those said the othei d j , " 1 vo boon a side shower till DO life and have ti.ivelled the w hole coimti } over. The best louto foi iner- mauls is thioiigh Ohio The men theie autwildto-eo 'em. 1'vo known half u ( jo/en cngagemi'iits of marriage bioKon oil because the ioveis would go in the tent , and thoio was a divorce suit stinted down in Kimx tounty because tome old fanner follin loui with Iho pictiiii'sof a moinuiid at a side show of a client * , Kinda ipiooi lliings Is moimaids " .sh.V DIlVCiO.NS AM ) Al.I.ICA TOK IIO1 s Jt takes a iii'in with a f-loul hoiut to conloniplato calmly Iho lerriblo sea dia- gons which hfrttr Irom wiiosal the roof of the loft Tliti are molilioof staitling jams and byvtVhy iieuigieos. Tlmj , too , aio made 01 vv'io. lags , iajcr ) and paint , 'Iho piongs stud tlioir back hones are loostur spuin , thoii Illppcis aio hogs eais , their legof i-titks and lags. The alligator bovs no suppo-od to bu tin-oil'- snnng of ( tiioitv't ladies who have boon dtasoii orfirglffoned bj alligators. Thej' , too. aio made of _ lags , paper and who , with t-iiily shApskm put on odd jilatea withglno , U Thu Indian maidens are tonois fiom Teno ll.iutii , IiTso of ings , vainish and papor. Thoj aie alwajs di > ooveioil bj ( 'olonel l'giM"ii , who , while iiiospceling for coal in ( ho west , came across tluo natural mummies in daik cave * Thu drj air of ( lie rc-t is cited as being the nroMrving power Some jcats ago gonillas had quite a tun. Tlioj weio all manufactuicd 'rcli'pliono SI ucU holders , The lioll tclojiliono umipanj and its and siibsidiarj lines am cipit- ali/od lor about 11 ,000,000. A huiru IHopoilion ot tills Motk has no public inaikot value-that is to saj' , it id owned loeallj and none of it gets into outside channels but the stock , of the p.mlnt tompanj has made and lost foituno.- . for moio men than anj iocogn/cd ! slock that can bu mentioned , having a histo.i'y no older. The hcioou of the Mariouto trials made more money in Dell stock limn they did in sMiiiilliiir thu govern ment , and hail it not been tor tlioir lutky hits in thaldhoctlon the expenses of the trial would have loft them inpt. As it is. Hiady , who made iii-aily 'JI.OOO.liOO bj thu hist gloat ad- vauto in Hell Moil , seven .voain ago , tak ing in onu check for lUjOtX ) prohts , io underload to Invo blow n the mo t of his mono into Wall stn ot 11 rail } is a nnt gambler , and if ho vvcro luck } , as a rule , would be ono of the loading lights on the * trcct. His greit strike , above de cribpd , wa a conspicuous exception to the Mile , how over , as ho has boon a stoadj lo er at the game in the long tun for twenty yoir Ho is what poker players call a producer. " His father- In-lavv , a noli old hooker , used to stake hi dashimr son-in law when ovotj other resource failed , nnd thogcncial behoved that the old man's mono. } vv is "luekj " Ho almost invarmbij made winning * from it , and alwa'piid bnok the st ike thus accumulattd out of the lirst good vv inning- . The Hell company is now in for a long siege of litigation" Alexander Utah nn Hell , its founder , dnc not hold a very laigo ainounl of stock in thoeompam now. having leali/odon the bulk of Ids holding * at nigh liguios but ho i < still in- ( eiostod in the toitunos of the oiganiri lion to n coiisidoiable extent ( ii.inim i * a domestic man. nnd , like Hi ail y , a linn and gonoiotis filend lethe owho nio on oonhdontiol terms with him Ho lives in Washington , in one of tlio host house In the fashionable milliter His childionaio blind , and his life is wrapped up in them. \ \ halovor may be the result of the wi.-m- glo ovoi the telephone patent" , Itdl's for tune will not bo unloHily impaired It may have been a consciousness of the woakm-sof his position and it m.i.v have been onlj oulinarv caution , that cnu-cd him to invest tin"most * ot his nionoy in other securities , but , whatovoi it was , ho lias placed himself on high ground so fai ns his futuio is oonceinod. lie will never go to the pool-house. Mon "Who Sliuntil Never IMny Poker. Chicago Herald The f tscimiting gamn of pokeris bomotimos indulged in at the Pi ess Club Hut human natuie Is piotty much the same among the distinguished members of institution as it is ever- , whole , and a self-appointed committee of llnee have prop.uod the following lidos , partioulatl } specifvmg the men who should not play poker , which they will ask lo have adopted and ciuispicuouslj IM-ilt d , ' 1 he man who alwi } < i wants to quit as soon as ho gets ahead of the game. The man who is in debt anil whoso homo needs o\eiv penny ho can cam The man who gets mad and laiscr.iblu when he loses The man who becomes ovcibcamig and insutlbiahlo when ho wins The man who is alwas Idling other pcoplo what big money lie could make if he had ( lien bull head luck. The man who } .iwns when ho holds a big baud. I'hi man who pioposos ] ) iogicssion or doubling in the j ick pots The man who makes a bold binIV , and , when catiijhl at it , giowls ami s lys the c.illoi doesn't nmici-tniul the stioneo of the game. The man who , in bolting , makes so man1 , mist ikes m his count ot the chips , all ol Iho "mist.iki s" being m his lav or. The man who h isn't sen o unoii"h to ki'ovv when ho has enough , and vvho , when li o/o out , gees aiound trjing to boi low The m in who attribute * , his ill luck to thi'alleged tact that nobodj- mixes the catds , and spends about htteon minutes shnlllmg them when it comes lu = i turn to dealThe The man who makes a "shoo sti ing" investment with the bank and then tries to win a pocketful. The man vvho toigols to ante up or put in ami then swears he did The man who cusses his luck ono half Iho time and spends the other halt won- deling wlij other p.iors ! have such good foituno. The man vvho is always asking per mission to sue an uncalled baud orsneak- mg a peep at it w lion ho deals. The in in who counts his stack of checks aftir every deal , and frequently delays the g imo w bile ho is ascoi lainiog vv both er he is r > cunts ahead or 10 cents shoit. The man who 'blinds" the auto and tries to lush things The man who is erti/.y on jack-pots.t The ninn who giowls it anj body laises tlio opener alter ho has put in. The man who after every tluovv-up of the c.uds on an unopened deal insists up on asking the other players how many they would have taken had they draw n-o that ho can tlnovv that many cauls oil and hnd out what kind of a band ho would hav e got if there had boon a draw. The man who alwajs lofusos to como in unless ho has a pan of face cauls. The man who whistles oi sings , The man vvho asks other phijors how many cauls they drew beloio lie ventuies to bet. The man who can't icsist temptations to client The man who must ahv.iys bo nudged or icmiudcd when it is his linn lo ante , bet ordeal. The man who pretends that the game is too small for him , and that it is a tiillo that he doesn't c.uo whether he wins or Jo os. The man vvho cndeavois to create the impiossion he is "lightning with cards " but whosr honor and ! , gonoioty would not permit him to win fiom gieen horns and Inonds , The man vvuo has stoiics to toll of the big games he has pl.ijod in and of the wondorlul wins ho has made , And , linally , tlio discouraged and dis- grunted man who , oluully fiom a lack of sullloionl nerve to bet to their probable compaiativc value Ilio few good hands winch ohaiiLoends him , is inner able to win. Hurled Tii-a.suic. An Allm } , N. Y. , special dated Jan. 15 , sajs ; IVtci llail , a shot maker of ( jiiildciland , Albanj county , has put the whole tountijMdu in commotion , and pcoplo aio biisjing themselves di tussing eaves and buried lio.isinolopes and valises - lisos with l.ili-o bottoms , bmglais , poison ing , muidoi , and thoj > plng up of the bed } of a man while drawing wood on Indian Ladder mountain. A foitnight ago ho found a badly spoiled littler on a shot1 ! ot ioolse.ipand hold down on a lo" bj a bit of lumluek It was dalcd > Soitembir | , 1NS5 , and pictcndul lo bo a tonfos-ion of ciimo by .loltn Itohcit Swift , who claims to bo a SOM ot a lieh laighshman. The wiiler sirsho oiimo to this country in Septum bur , 18(5 , nnd continues "A coming ovoi the oiein I bivoamo acipinintedith a noted , thief iiml bmglar , and ho ooaxi d mo to go with him to California , ami theru wo bioaino acquaintid vvith two otliei nioii ot bad ruto / The ono was an liin.lmun naniod John Ilalcj , at least that was the mime ho wont bj and thoio wo lobbed a bank and slolo > , - 000. " Ht then s.ij.s ho and Haloj camu lo Now Voik and rlion vv < mt to Canada As It bivimii hot for thorn there , thoj wont to Holdoihuig moimtahis , Albanv counlj. whoiti Ihoj lived in u oavo. A qiiauol on'Julj ' 1 led lo Huloj's death. Swift iajn rio loll ! < r > ,000 in the ia\o in a. sin-lid , iinduiow pioploino busj eoaich- ing lei Iho tVoasiuo. A Ti i\Kody \ oTt ho Paclilo. Sidno.y UnpaidThu sleamoi Kildaio aiihud at Couktown on Nov. ! 20 , bilng ing DaVld Hi awn , tht uolo survivoi fioiii the schounui I' Castle. U ho I'M bank C.isllu loft Hilrb.ino a few months rsinco on a copi.i trading expedition in chiirgi of ( Viptum Uoutch , Una pluvious crniju ( wool lioroiowwoio m.tssacicd , ho being then owned by lio.itch , but not sailed bj him. On the last liip hu do tot mined to take , personal charge , in 01 dei to work up a friendly business with thu unlives. Hu was between r > OandOfJ joamof ago , and has u wife and family residing in l.dinbmgh. Thu vessel won to thu Solomon Inlands and anohoiod l-'iflun oi twont } natives oamo on bo.iul. iair.\inj , ' tomuhavvs and sijotiia. and Ilio captain was showing them ' 'Hade ' , " when they suddenly at- \ IN * TO IS ILxcn One of the Hcst and Largest Stocks hi tlic U.S. to Select front. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , OKO. Ilt'UKl ! , Mnnntror , UIHOH STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. nr.rniinNTRI1 Mprohntitfl nml rnrmorV Hank , TtarM City , Neb : Konrnoy Nnllonnl n ncy.Neti ; CohiinliiH btnto Uiuik , Columbua , Ni'b. ; JlcUouulJ'a Hunk , Nurtli IMmto , Neb , t > lliiml ( llnulc , Omnlia , t > b. 'VV 111 pur cusliiuioi-J' draft v\ lib bill ot lnJUn ? uttfiolicil , for two tlilr i T luo of stock. taokod the eiew David Hi own vvas in Ilio foi ocastlo when ho lioaul the ones. Ho took a lovolver , and was going on dock , when one of the n itlvos stnick him with a tomahawk anddiovo him below Another scam in , mimed Hugh ( iildio , eame down also , li'iv ing ono sulo of his faoo split open with a tomahawk The } both lemaitiod below until evening , vvhilo the natives weio shipping the ves-el of all Iho cargo Then , healing no noise , thev wont thiougli the bulkhead into the hold and up the main hatch , ju-l as it wa * > setting dark Thojuw alight in the cabin , and on going aft Ihoj mot a native coming out. Blown tiled at him , but the lev oh or missed and the unlive giapplod with him , when the lovolvor wont oil in the stiugglo and Ihu bullet went thiougli Itiovvn s li.ind lie oallod on ( iddie to liie , whoiuunon Iho latter shot the native in ( ho head , and ho full dow n the oabm laddoi . ' 1 ho sailois then olo-id the eompanioiiwa } and lntd tlnough the oibin > vimlows at the two other natives inside , and killed them both. It tlu u got d nk , and thej slipped tlie table and made sail In Ilio inoimng the iloul bodies of the captain , mate , cock , one seaman , and a native bo } woio all found 1 } ing on Iho dock , tou'iblj gashed , and weio bulled at sea The vos-ddnftod about for a wi el ; The } then sighted what lliown suppo-od to bo Now LJmnoa , and stranded on the loci. 'Ihocssol got oil , but leaked -o bully that tlio men put all the piovisions , wati if and the ship's papois into a bo it On the southwest side of new ( Sttinu.i thev gel into.i gale , and Iho sail , giving , suit donlj , knocked CJildio ovoibo.ud , liiown being unable lo help him ow ing lo tlio heavj sua Hi own then sailed and dull- oil about lor foi -eight days , when ho loaohul Key Island , and w.ispitked up by a Dam-li Inig on Soiitombor ' . " ! Ho had exhausted ail the piovisions in the The crew ot the Klibank C.islle consislud ol Iho captain , mate , cook and lluoo suamun , ami a nntive bojall of whom polished oxoojit l > rown. An osluri Hilton vvcie piepnied bv 1).1. \ . ( I. li , bk'fji'it lei 'us inivato use. 'I hell iuiutatloil ] is smh to d i ) that lhe > h.uo ho- ( onie gouoiallj known as the best aiiiiotizlnt ; tomo. ISew.ue ol ooimtoi toils. Ask join Krocoi 01 ihiuijist for the coiiuilie ailiolu lu.iiiiii.K-tiiieit bj Dr. ,1. ( ! . IS. bie i-i t A- bens Not l > > Vlctoo llu o. Merchant Tiavclcr lie at in tlio pai- lor. lor.She She was Mmil.uly induliriiig. I'hej had been doing this snnilaily for four liouis. It was 11 . ! ( ) g. m. lie was happy. .She was liioil. lie asked it he might sing. She said the patiol wagon didn't eomo out alter 11 o'clock Then ho limed up his voice and slai led. "Kvor of lliee , I'm tondly dieaming , " ho waibled. " \Vh } don't you wake u ) > and go homo ? " sheiieiiod | queiuloiislj' . He waked up. He went homo. Ho novel e-uno back Hut another joiing man took his place , They Inn n the patoiiml coal and gas seven nights per week. I'o-siblj it is better thus. Who know a ? Cures RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA. Itacliiiblio , llrniliK lit , Toollmclic. Niiiiiit , IStiilixn , ( , . , fir. Trice , 1 lit ) Cenli. At lruji I8 BiiU Dcalcrr. THE CHAntCS A VODELCR CO. , Solo Pfoprlitof il VJi > li , I . .A. A iSnniliiul Mulical } \ oik foi Vonng > Ien illddlo AgulVon , only M uj mail atjl lid. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD . . _ crt Vitality , Nrrroiu nnd I'luulm ! Delillltf rn iiuitiirn I'oillnalii .Mini , l.rr iri ntViiuli mil UIH untnlil inlpi rli s rmullliu from In llun-ili n nnil nr rvrtr * A lnwifc tnriv ry m in , ) , " " " ' mid lln < > I iinu old 11 rniilinnii U'5 pi mi riiU | iiu foi nil in ulu nu t olinmtr dlnenseii tin lionu nt nlil > i H liunni illn Mg found hy liiiiiilliir | liip ntiirlmi' I , r il i < ir ll null lit iiroi il'ly notiir lofur , tell lullm lot of tinr ) ) ! ; * . ! ! ) ) ! ! ! 9kinH'i ) lioiind In h i itlf il I r , n li HUM I In i mbositil loxiri. UillLlli 'iiiri"t' < I to 11 i ilnor < M ( k In ii ry niii ! > " mcrtiiuil I hu i iry n 11 or ifu < tliiiinl-lhiiniii'r i HIT work In tlili miry for'1 il. I rllib riionf y irlll In * rofiiiul lni-\ir ) lt ) tnii o Prl j finly fl hy mull imHipuil Illiii-lr in d niniln r | . M-ndnnir ( .1 hi MIU Inlaunr led Uiu nutliur I y the S'T llonal Aso latlun.lo tliuu'llrnriof win "i In 1 'jho'-rlin"1' Ufofclioulil Loroj ) tif tlioyounj f > r InMnitllop mi 11 ; } Hlo iiflliUuJ fur rolluf. It will ujno- I lull Jjiinlon l .imtt. 'lliiiaHiii > 1 oiil > ' < > ' ' < 09l''lr ) W-wlioni tliaFclonci nl I.llu w III n' t l' l UBofnl , w liciln r ) uutli , | > ircnt , uu ir- illiin.limrwluror ilur finni Auunaut Aildii. Ihe I' iliiil > liixltiiin r lr Vv. II , 1'urkir.Sii lllullilnili nuuct lloilon , VI iu , Hliuuur I1 cuiikiiluil oil ull .lUi'usi.-l i lllliliu el > ill nn I CJpurJ- < i HA' , i'liiuniu an 1 ol ) > iimiu ! > nml I liillllod tliL el.ill or ull Otbfi plijsi- KHO\Y \ llull' , n fcwtl llty .Surh tii.itul tliiifilll } ttlllmiit nu iiiMiin , ; ) tlfulluru. JIiuiilou this iMiiibr. PEMMYRBVALPSLLS "CHICHESTER'S ' UNGLISH. " 'lite Orlwiunl mill Only 4ji > nuim > . lull r' A 'i , r DrUKKliI r > l "I liliht.lfr- . rniill.K'-nil f I muliT cr H. u , 4 t ADM u > u r > i Fitliriftjrffrr lf rlturil mutt. HAME CAP.f.v,4'l.1.l-'b.l'Jtr.r'V..lSl. , ! ! ! * ' > * .0 At Dru.-el.l. 'I ra I ullcr A I ullrl i , tbicuco , in. WHAT WOMAN WANTS IN SHOES : 1st , ANcnt , Cfoso-fittingnmfDraccfut' littficilStioi. _ i 2J. No brcaking-m iorlurc. Easy a ? first , n/irfn/na / > s snug anfTiandsomo. ALL THCSC DCSIDEUATA SHE CAM FIND IN _ 7hocclebrnicd "J. & T. Cousin ' New YorkSfiocs , ' ' of all hinds and 'materials ' , in 14jidtlis anil 1 0 slinpcs of toes andTiecfs. Ttijy Hilljlotnpftvill not slip at the hcsT WiH"ndtwrinh _ lcjtndaro tlio perfection fffacliiaicmcnt in tlio eliocmakcr's art. Look on Cotes for l'.imo tnj AilJicsi ol J. & T. COUSINS , Tiine OMAHA Tint followInir Is Ihu linn1 of nrnvnl rind do- pnrliiionr lining Iij-linlial Pliuidiinl tliiui nt tnc lei Mlik-piHH Tiainsol HID ( ' . . * H. I' . , M. & 0. nrilvo uiul ilopuit I Mini tlu > ii ilouot. i-iiiiiiir nl inli uiul W'ubstiT Mipols ! linlimm thu It & Ml ! . . II. , VltimilK ( .1 .V ( It. horn the II. & .M. depot : nlUilliois n mil Iliu I nlou raclllo dL' " ° U IIUIIKIU TUA1NS IlridsotinliH will iLiivu I . 1' ili'pin nt 0:1" If tt ( K ) S 10 H 50 It 10.00 11 : On. in. , 1:00 - 1 "U 1MIllMiO I W t.OO 5 DO D.'JUUu3 : 1 , 10-7 < M11:11) : ) p in. 1 utviMr.uiiCi i I oi Oinnlm n 7:1liBIfiHM : 'i u ! t lo.n 10 17 11 : i. n. m. ; I-1 : ! ! : ! I' ll J ' -II )0-l'7-4.17 ) ! 5 lr > U.J.J 7-0-7:0J- : ll.5Jp. ni. , CONNIlTN | ( ; r.IMX Arilvul nil , ! ilnpuituiii nl tuilus fiom the trnii'-ri.i iltjiot lit Couni.ll Ilhiffa. DU'VIIT. AllUtVC , iiuo3O ; .v NOitTiivvtsmiK. Plri : A. > i Mull nml i\pions : 7.00 p. M U4III * . M . AiioinniDilalloii 4. 1' . 11 0 M i1. vi i\priH4-i : U:15 : A. M UIK v.o . ' . HOI u IM VMi. 0:1 : % V.M .Minium ! I\piots. . " . ( On.M 7 l'i v.M Attniiiiiioil Uioii . fi.hlr. M tj JU i1. H Uxpii' s O.ljA.u I IIILM.Il. MII.VV VI KI . hF. PAUL. 0:10 : v. M Mull mid l.xpioss . T.iMr. > i 5 4J l1. M. Kxpioia U.I5 A. M LIIICVI.O. IIIMIIIMIION .V QUIVCr. ! l ! l"i \ . M Mill ! uiul Hvpicsi filiOlM ti y.j i' . M I\IIK.MS : . . . . 11.11.M VV MIVMI , SI. I.OI'H I-VC1HO. Sl"il : * . M Iiiiciil r-t. Louis I\pit-s i ocul , d.WJi * . M 'J iiuisliMbt. l.'inis 'li.inslor ; ; iMr.M : KANstsclM ,' ( it I III'M | llllIMi-K. | | 2\ : \ ' < A , M . . .Viiiil nml Kxpioss t I'U'.M a.tio i > .si KMIIOSS O.JJA.M wor\ i in ft IMC inc. : OU hlitux ( ll > Slnll 7.00P. I ii-liii' M . . Si. I'niii llviium . y.r A.M Ilcimrt. VVUMWAUI ) Airivo A. M , P. M. I I'.NlDN l'.V < 11 If I A. M I I' . W , H.'Uii.l'iicllloi\pro ( ; i I 7:50iil. I. . Dcnvi i i\pios- : > i o Auir. : . 1.20.1 .Mull mid i\in : ( ! < 11 A. Jl IN M'.II. 8.10.l | . Mull anil i\piiH4 : o iKhi _ Mniu r\iii--s | " ] } i > | iiilt. _ "bOI 'I IIW Alll ) . _ Arrlvo A. M. I P. M. iMlhSIH III I'M II K I i P. M. 10 : iOu' ' ' . . I. . DIHpijss | { . U..15H K. O. , r > T..I. te < ' . II. Vlu I'liillsinniilli 7.00d Dopiut. NOItrilWAIll ) . Anlvo. " A. M. . P. VI. I C fil' I1 , il & O A M. I P. M. b.WJii. . I MouHy i\pic-n : . . 0J9j : . . ! C.IOuOiilihiinl AttommuiTn lO.OOo ! . . , . . . . DC pint. iA81'WAUI : ) . _ _ .M. , c , n A , g. ' A.M. I P.M. 5 LO Vlu I'lnli inoutli 9.0 VAKD-5 TUA1NB Will Icnvu 1' . 1' . ill , ) , Oinuli i.iil C.iO-8.31 Kl.i1) III fi'iii. in. ; 2:111 : ,1 HI fiJ'.p. in. I.niMiSloiii Vniddldi Oiniili i at 7V : > I035n. in : IJ 01-l.yj-t.i | } ' , 07nitiv. . Hi. Neil A liiilnsiliilly ; II , dully uxocpt Buniliiy ; f. ilnllj except iJatunliiy : J ) , ilulli t-xcupt Mon- day. RESTORED. Hrmc lr l'i oi--A > u Um of > oiith- lul linpnultnco cnniluir Pjcruatiirn lc < j , Ncn \onu Iclilllty.lx it Mail- , ln illkiovnrml iKlinpluniilr ( uro.MMli liliu J JIT I to llU fttllllMlRl rfM AllllfOKrt J U. ItLI'.V l.d , U Cliatlum utroot , : - > mv Vork Cltr. < > * Iho ll < | iuir Jl.ihll , 1'osillti-ly Cnri-il I i.v Ailiiilnlslt rliiv ( l > f. llalni * ' < J Iili'ii Nprrllli- . H c.iu hiihlvin Inn LUP ut i ( ill oi ln.i without llui l.iimvli ilk'i nf Uiu PLISIIII liiMni , II luatiHuliiteljr liunnlcsi , und u III nfict n JH IIIIIIIK nl unit n | > u < ljr cum , * * ! llur the puilent IHU iiiodtrnlit ililnkuror mi ulLulnilli uri'U , It I iii licui hlvin In tliait- nantlsi > fniliiui > l In uvrr ) UiHlniKiiiiperfictture Im-i fulluvMil It iii\i-i- lulls , llin n > i > loiiiunco Inipn 'iiili : d u Itli lliospi i iht , II IM ( ninrsnii iitltl Imiimsllillli ) for tlic liquor ii | iictllu lorxlit. roitsvi-i : nv ioi.t' > vvi.DIIUCKIISTH : KI'IIN , V C'O.iir. ! L'Hli nnil l > 3 Jsiinud Ihlli iX ( 'iinilni ; < * ilx. , ( Inia'iU , Keb.i A. I ) , i ( ) - TiiC ; kV IIIM\ . CiMinnl UliiIlN , 7cirn < ur rllp fur puinilili-t | < oiilainliiu l.criJrpds of liliiiiunl tin rrniu Iholnr t UIIUILII iincl men from all p irl to ! thi. ( aunlrt /iriTrnnm CHID witho . IIIUllI' AT POSITIVE hX'ivr ' ml Oito OIK IJIIN il uro OKI liinU oliliniilo < n-o In fun i No nnii'i oils ( losus of culH li. , ( opalliiioroll of tunilahtooil Unit mil iciiiuii In piijiliuu iljupup- Flu bj ili-lKivIni ; thu < nitiius ul the slnmiion , l'ilu > $ l VI Hold IM ull ihuriribii oi iiiilllnl nu irccipl ol pilii * I'oi luillii'i- piiilUlilius oi m lei clu uhti I' . ( ) llov 11 I-1 * " ' T. C. jft3LjXj./i2T -CURE. . , Ninv V o'K tuc-Hlh sal I ) in .Did you Suppose - pose Mustang Liniment only good fur horses ? It is for tion of all flesh ,