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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1886)
M MAHA KE. L1 FIFTEENTH YEAK , OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , JANUARY 18 , 1SSG. NUMBER 180. DASIEl WOULD DO AND DARE The Amanuensis of the Treasury Ready to Force a Fight , HOW A COON MIXED NAMES , The ri ll Service < 'oimuls doii' ) Hi pen t C'oloicil tinbor licm In ; ; Ilic Somli I'pTOOiml tint ) Other ( iosslp li out "Washington. AVnnln thr * Doiitoctnm Whipped In. \ \ \sixenci\ | | , .Inn. 17. [ f'iKe | Te-le- 1'iam i 'Ilili moining a senaloi whofavois stispoiisiou of silve i coinage said hokncw that bclwcon the piosldcnt and Societal } Man- IngspiliitHdliToionfoseif opinion have niNeii ( oiiee'iiilng tlioattiiudo to bo pnistiod b } the iidmlni-tiation em the si\ct | ciieslion. | 'I he picshlcnt iii"lsts he Ins no light to use the pouci nl the exec iithotn Inllupnco the action ol congios" . liesldos ho feels It would be pom pollcv lei him , holoic tlio mallet Is doeided. to pieeipilato gte-aloi distuibtnco Inside the pailv than it has now on hand. Hut In all admlnlsli.itlon c in los It is spoken of as a sine thing that tliopicJdoiit will veto iinv sllvei letflsl.ttloii. Mho dilleionco be- Iwienhlm and Munniiii ; Is Hint the lattoi wants to I cure the milting while the piosldont le-ols II Is not the piopn thing foi liim to go antintliet at picsont. ' 1 ho-octeiai } wants the piesldent to oxeil the ontiie pouei of tlioadminlstiiition lo foice the dcmoci.ilie vote to ateiiid with it on the sllvei iiiostloii. | IIe > believes that as It has taken * o dc 'led a ground on this mallei , the piopoi wi : > Is to make a diicc t Issue , nnd that the demonits \\lioallacl.nlitonllic \ sihoi ijtiostlonhall be * tc'gatded as its enemies. He thinks that the action ol llio admliiKtialion t'o allow tlio democrats in congn-ss to p.iss mi } more sihoi loglslnllon will boa discredit both Hie home and abiotd. Kobe peislsls in liming that the line be drawn and the admlnlstia- tlon tiso all Us Inlluetieo lo In Inn its parts suppoitcij In congicss to Its position on sil ve" , eir serve notice upon themthatthe } must e.xpect no lavois. inr roov viivt.n titr : vvvtr-j. Scrtolai } U'liltne } iccelved a soveio shock last week , liom which ho lias scaiecly re- covoitd. The loc'ling between him and ills immediate picdoccssoi , Mi. Clmndloi , is not us < ol dial as It migbl bo. They elo notox- tlmngo visits , and seated } speak as they pass by. 'I ho otlioi da } a colotod man came to Ihe elep.iitmcnt and told Mi. Whitney that Mi. Chandler wanted him to come to his house as soon as he left tlio ilcpaitmcnt. ' 1 he scciutai.v asked what was wanted , and the messenger icpllcd ho did not quite ic menthol , but that Mi. ( "handle ! "wanted to t-etllo'omelhlns' with him. " As that sound- id.i little belligerent , and as Mi. Whitney was awate of no dllfcience between Mi. Chandler and himself , except in legaid to the management ofaiTalu In HIP department , lie sent back woid that it Mi. Chand ler wanted to talk ovci matteis with him ho had bettet take the tumble to come to Ids olllce. A few moments nltui tho. messenger bad gone it occurred to Mi. Whitney that them might bo some mis take , so he sent his pi hate sceretaiy at once to Mr Chandlei's house to make an incpihy. The messciicei had letuined and delivered Mi. Whitnej'sreplj' , at which Mi. Chandler was a good deal dlstutbcd , but it icqiiited but a lew moments lo discover a funny mis take had been made , ns the man lor whom Jlr. Chandler had sent was a cleik in the de- pal tmcnt of the name of StlcKney , instead ol tlm secretary of the nnvjMi. . Chandler nt once wiotu a note to ills successor to apolo- give lei the stupidity ot his messenger , sovtt : aoon AXD SOJIK vutrt.vr > . The civ II seivice commissionets aio busy on their annual report and will Issue it about I'Ybiuaiy I. 11 will contain a number ol val uable tables , allowing the numbei of civil hetvicecliaiigcs nil eiver the coitnliy , as well as inteiesting deductions drawn fiom obsur- vatlonsof tlio commlssioneis and the chief ex.tmincis. Among the stiange tilings ot tlie report , It will be shown that alaigopet- centage , and \eiy large one , ol male candi dates fail on examination in Kngllsli giant- inai , show ing a lack ot knowledge In their language , bomo ot the answers to tlioso questions ate ridiculous and one could baldly believe a man possible of sucli thoughts weie they notboloie him In black and white. Tlie female candidates tall In aiithmcllc , al I though It Is quoted that one of the lady ap plicant passed n latingot W , n remaikablo high mail : foi tills branch. Ten pci cent ol thosowho passed come liom the public schools of the country , and show that public education Is rapidly helping to fill the public MM vice with good cmplojes. Some of the Bt.itcsshow nn average ol blight candidates. The north especially stands high in guiding , roi.oui.i ) t\oiUS : I'novt nit : soi rrr. A Xorth Caiolina tongiesaiiiaii savs lliat tliu planteis of that state aie a good deal dls- tmbed nt the prospect of n scarcity of hiboi , as the colored ncojiloaie going west In laige numbcis , Emigration agents from Kansas. Aikans.iH , Texas and Calltoinla have been \\oikln. , ' ( piletly amoii- the coloicd people , lormlng mutual emlgiatlon societies and col onies and pat ties unbracing from tllty to a bundled adtdts aio leaving almost daily. Thcio ate said to bo a doreir men Irani Lo Angelci In Xoith Citiolina peeking laboieis lor thu oichatds \inejatdsot Scmthetn Callfotnia. The } contract with tlio railway , companies lot veiy lowi.ttesof tianspott.i- tlon , and .send the emigrants ( hioujli liom .several points lo l.os Angeles In emigrant blKping cars , fntnlslilng them lue tickets ami guiiiantcelng il- iv inonlli wagc- > and boaiel lo evety able bodied adult. JtUsaid that at loaU 11,000 colmod people have left the slate wltliin tlm last four months , nnd thu plunteih aii ! talking of holding a convention and learning an association to stop the ex odus , i'i nsoN.u. AM > niinnvvisf. : Iteprvsentatho and Mrs. Ionian of Iowa me plea-antly located nt thu 1'urtland for the winter. Mi . 1-jmaii has made a hoit ot 11 lends hcio dtnlng her tliort stay by her oiisj- and graceful manneiH , Slio announces In to elajV newspapets that she will not to- tuin her calls until the luit 'Ihtitsd.ij of this month , Itopieseittntlvo Kiillei of Iowa has inlio- ditced In Iho hotise a petition ot J. M. DemaiyV. . II. II. Cable , and 10J other citi- /etibot Iowa , nsklng that ptopcr means betaken taken to piotict growers of tobacco. riorrt wrr.i , 111 ; ninAiKn. : : An attempt will be made to InciCRso the Mihulesof Iho civil Foivlco pommlsslonets , \vlilc'linieneiw enl } S i , K ) , to ? . % 000 , but Ills piob.ible that thu proposition will bo de feated In the house of leptesentatlves , wheie the commission U very unpopular. It U not believed that tltcra will bo any legislation on the civil set vice , ns thu icpiibllcans will ktrenttously opjioso any change fiom the present sjstem , and oven If enough of them should join the democrats to si cut o the passage - sago ol bill , It would ccitnlnly bo stopped b } u presidential veto. SJ-XATK I.A.MJ jr.cisr.AiioN- . Thu senate committco on public lands jes- teiday niithoii/cd Its chairman , Sciutoi riitmb , to report favotablj the. bill Intiodtice-d , by him to extend Iho l.tvvi. of fin 1'iip'd btatesuvci the 'rublie land illip' > < -th i the slate of Katies , ihc bill attaches the strip for judicial put i > o-cs i'i the judicial ills- ttict of Knnsis. 'I ho eoinmltfce has amended the bill by providing that the land shall onlj bo ocuied In this stilp under the provisions of the liomeMrad law. 'llio committee also authoiieil I'ltimb to toport f.ivoiablv bis bill to grant light of way through public lands lot litigation piiiposc- < . o COXGItiSS. : U fiat Anntliei- Week Mnv HiliiK I" I he- Way of liesiolatioit. W vniNfiio's' , Jan. 17. The pa t week hnvlni : been devoted bv thoH'imte laigelv to sp < cell making and exoctitlvo business , the1 cnloiidiricnulns utmost us It was nt tlie bc lnnln ? of the week with tcspoot to mots- titcstof genetal legislation 'I lie judicial salatvbillls iinllnlshed bttsine'Iho \ ) , \ - kotn bill , biinktiiptcylilll and cleetoial count bill , ue lo be brought foiw.ud for debate and action as eon as possible , nnd an ttndoi- slaudinir prnbibh will beiiurbcdonIondi } 01 Tucidav b ) llio seirtiturs lespectivel } In ihatge nl these moasincs , as to the oidct In which the } shall be taken tip. Senatoi Han Item's icso- lutlon looking to an Incpiliy Into ccilaln statemeiitol the commiss loiici ofpeiisbms iivatdings the nlllulnl acts of his pidece soi , nnd Senator Vothees' substitute foi it. nto still pending , .Scnntot laistis Ims given notice ot his tnti ntlon to deliver a speech on 'I iiosdnv upon his toMjlutlon toimj iiisihot the licnids that h ivo boon calli'd lot irdomp- tlon on tin 1st of rcbiuaij. This ie oliition , with Hoik's sulistltule lor it , Is still In the financial committee's Lands , with no pioba- bllit.v ot le'coivingeailj action. In tlie house to monow afloi the inliodnc- Hon ol bills , committees will be called lei motions to piss mo.tsuies , one for each com- mlllee' . iindei .isiisiicnsient ot the rules. A two thlid vole Is requisite lit ovoij Instance. The committee on mllltaiv atfatts will avail Ilsoll of this oppoilunit } to biing befoio the house the senate bill nppiopiltttlng M" > 0,000 toputcliT-o the old iiioilueo exchangu build ing in Xow \ ork illy toi army pin poses. Among Hie moio Impoitant me.isuies that me Ilkel } to be passed In thu committee and icpottcd to thu house this week , aio the bills known as Iho Mcl'hoison bill in the last congiess au- tlmri/ing national btnks to litcieasu tbeli clicul.ition notes to the lull amount ot their sci in It ) bonds' , nnd tlio bill atithoii/lng tlio compctiollet of cuiiouc } to sniictlon the change of name and Ini'ieaslng the capital stock li } national btnks. Hie Oklahoma bill , Hatch's bill to cieateadepaiimont of agii- culture , and tlie Masons bill to increase the pension ot widows. 'Iho Houtellc resolution iclntivc to the Xoiloll ; nav.v } , ud will be fnithci consideted by theoommiltieon naval alTaiis tn-tnoirovv in Tuesday. The nutlioi of the resolution Ins little doubt that It will ho reported to the : house \\odiipsdiy , as it Is.i ptlvnto lOsoln- tion and immediate action can bo demanded. It the tone of Ihe discussion of the niea nte in tlio commltlco can be taken as an indica tion of tlio disi nssion to ' "lltrv in the house. that bodi will tind thtiift i It u spirited political debate. TIIOM OUK OWX STATK. l''ell I.Ike n Itomhs-hcll Atiion ; : the 31. O. People. Jli.v mmXeb. . , Jan. 17. [ Special. ) 'Iho oxpostnoof the M. O. book in Hie Hr.i : ol Fiida } has been Iho prevailing topic for thu past two dajs , and tin1 Ui.i , was in demoli tions demand. The "Protective Association" sent out messenger * } esterday afternoon , and gathctccl up all the books with the in tention of changing the "cipher. " Tlie c\- posine glow soul of ono ot the mcmbc'is of tlio association being lated as M. O. , nnd he gave the thing awa } at once. Ho deposited the book with his attorney for nd\ico , with a % lew to bringing a suit foi damages. The book was leplevineil from the attoiney Tliuisd.iy , though It is claimed tliat a photo graphic cop } was made of it. The motcliants of the association are known , and a list ol them has been tuinishcd to active Knights ot I.aboi and rarmeis' Alliance leaders ail ovei thecountr } . It Is Icatcd that the existence of the M. O. book the watei vvoiks proposition to be voted upon 1'ilday next , as a matter ot revenge. A Slander on Chndton. CH \ nttov , Jan , 17. fSpc clal.l The spec ial appealing in tlie Omaha Hcptihllcanot the Olth hist.staling that the county seathad been icmovcd from Chadion and that tlio present board ol county commissioners had declated all acts ol the fotmX'i board illegal , is wllluily and malicious ! } Inlse , nnd was originated by a cotrupt ting hciothat have been " .set elovvn on'1 by the piesent count } bo.ud , which In its action is suppoiled by nrnil } nil the In- Iiabllants of the county. The icpoit Is u slander on Chadion and Dawe's county and Is depiecaled b } all outside ot the ling. Itoincinheied l > y n rrionel. I'n\Mit.iK , Xeb , Jan. 17. [ Special. ] ( lOueral O. O. llow.iid , commander of the department of the 1'l.itte , lias just sent S" > 00 , n donation icccivcd by him liom one of bis fi lends in the etst , to aid In tlm coiistitiction ot riaiiklin academy. 'lh > new acadeni } building is going up i.ipldly. It will be four stoiies In height , COsOO , and contain thlttv- two looms. It will accommodate liltypn- plls , nnd will be , when completed one ol the finest educational Institutions In the west. BXKAM > ii > AMONG STUANOnilS. ilv .iiiu Miller's : Dniighter l-'omiel ' I'eniilloss In CHICAGO , Jan. 17. l.astThuisilay a joung woman , apn trendy about twenty-ono } c.trs of age , calletl at the olilco of the J'lder I'ul > - llshing cominny , and asked Soi the editor of Llleiaiy Life. Mi. Kldei , the jnib- iibhei , answered lit thu absence of thu editor , and to him Mio piciieirtcd a iiianttscilpt which show islied to sell , hi 10 told a touching stoiyoffiow she liadleltXew Voile with a dramatic company hoping to secure a place In thu profession ; how tha company went to pieces dually , ami how Mm nt last found hciscll alone and ponnllosy In Chicago. 'Iho girl boio evidence of education and cnl- Imo. bhu concluded her story by saj ing that her namu vvas Maud Millet and that .sho wasthodaughtoi ot the poet Joaiiuln Millci. Mi. r.Idei Mippllcd Miss Millet with money , and introduced iiei to some kind hear toil ladies , by whom Mm vvas caicd foi until last night when she was put nboatd a Xew York tialn , completely equipped lei the nip. Jtollglon AVIiuro They Xeed It. Cmc.u.o , Jan 17 , I ) , h. Mood } , tie evan gelist , preached today and tills een Ing at IhoCliicago avennu clinuli to a vcr } laigu congtegntlon.M. Mood } will conduct a series ot meeting * In this chinch , lusting Ihioitgh- out the week. Two M-ivIces will bo held cat h day , emu foi women In Iho atteinoon nnd one for men In the evening. Ad mission wilt bo had by tickets only , and the demand has alieady nearly exhausted the supply. KIOIII heioho will go to Knoxville. Xitshvlllcand Xew Oilcans. t'l ' > IJOIIB "SuliiRS. " , Jan. 10. Upon jestetdav's flg- in cs being collected , this morning It b found l > vyhas taken third place In the tpo set ting contest. H Is Impossible to get a veri fied table to-night , but as ne.ti as can bo as cot t.ilrred , the total numbei of ems set by each man tit thu close ot the tournament Is : thiid piizo. Hello , Don u There. liosrox , Jan. 10. Thocflect ot the Wash ington decision Is still apparent on the liell telephone stixlc ; , whkh today Is down to 151 "v . , it Iho mioit board , nlcs vvno not h'nvci p'isj tg In all A DATH CIIIVVH iJUili MLLi AM ) v T1- " Wild Acsertions Ootnmissioncr Black Will Hvo a Chance to Provft TARIFF TINKERCRS AFFILfATE. 1'iovldliii ; Muitllloiiq for P. The Hilt or Tit Ihc Administra tion Kcancm far Detuocrntlu Opposition to DaUotn. The 1'cnoloti Hiiioau rhnjsos W vsinxeiiox. Jan. 10. ( Special 1 " ( Jen Black can't siib"iintialo a single ehuijip he has made against the republican pattj'1 aid Col Dudlejexcommlssloner eif pensions , speaking , , oflho propeised ' enate In- ve-stlgitlon "Do } on think Scciet.tiv saw tint as'cillon bcfote It wni punted in ( ion. IHaok's report which chaigcd } ou with ic'- quliing iienslon applicants to ntovo icptibll- raitlsm before their c.T-es weie t tken tipV " ( Jit 1 no , U was not chovvn lo Sc iftfttv l.amai. It was just lacked on lo the icpoit as u concluding pniagi.iph and vvas a wild speculation , without am foundation In fact. When told It wastheie and bofoie 1 saw It I could not believe It , because I knew it would be absurd and slllj. Hwa3 the otttlmtst of p.tslon , but 1 at oiicodcclated it would not stand under such a cliarto.1 "Will the Investigation bo n length } one1' " 1 don't believe it will last long. " loplled Colonel Dudlc } . "Hecan't ptovohlsehaiges. and it will vei } soon be dlsoovoiod. ( ! eiieial Hi.tck has made chaiges , and It now stands him in Ii.tnd topiove them. It is his e-.tse , and he must make it good or be convicted himself. " M\MS : srn wen : rti nrri.iovi. Dining tlie past week a good deal has boon said b } the tailffdomociats about the seeming Intimacy between certain republican leaders and prominent flop ti.ido democials In the house , nnd a good deal of jealous } seems to be glowing among thu hist mentioned element. Messis. I Seed and Monlson have fioqnontly been seen with their heads to gether , ami lllscotk and McKlnle } haM'beun obseived over among the taiill teloim dcm- oci.its. Of course , the association of these men maj loiebode nothing , but it soi\os nt this time to biing ont a feeling that would other- wisebeslumbeiing. KvotslncoMr. Randall led his followets Into tlie lopithllcnn iMtup to defeat the Monison lioil/ontal bill , tha lan- ! dali men have felt that thcj hadaclalm tiion | the republicans and have guaidccl them with a jealous c } e. Xow Hint the fico tidders me alliliating with well known taiill lepiililie.ins the um bilical coid hns been cut , and it is likely that tlicskitmisliing will be between new loces. The defeat 01 tbeappiopiiatlon combination , teptiblicaiis ay , lias tiiado the new bed- tellow.1 vt vivt : inm r on u > nnoi .Ndt s. Member- the Iiotisc and senate geuei.tlly believe that the report ol the ordnnnce com- mi'sion will be adopted if It does not contemplate - template a too large expenditure o mono } , llvety one SOCMIIS to ciidoiso the idea ot es tablishing plants at Pitlsbuig nnd atiothei point in the cast , where heavy guns can be made. There is a til in belief that the gov em inent should ns soon as possible put itscll in condition to make all the munitions ot wai which ma } be needed at any time without being , ns now , at the mere. } ot othei cotin- tilcsoithe pttces pilvate individuals may impose. Mi. llandall , who isclnhman ol tlie com mission , believes the people w ill not object to this wotk even though srx > ,000,000 ate 10- qitited. Ho the most impoitaut thing at this time Is to find ont wlieto the expense will stop , and not establish an ex pensive sj stem ol woik with no Indication when Hie drain on tlio ticasttrj will cease. O.M : rr.iii'niLAi. t'liir. A good deal of surprise is being expiessed by people hcio that no ono comes lo the icsctiool the administration in the senate 01 house on the silver question , So tat all the speeches , with one exception , have been dc- llvoie'd at tlio position taken by Mi. Clcve- lind in Ids message. And neail } all the o speeches against the administration have coino fiom dcmociats. His well known that tlic'io are cnilto a number ol men In both blanches of congicss who favoi the suspen sion 01 limitation of coinage , but the1 } do not m.iko themselves heard. It Is one perpetual Ilieat the administration. This Is.sutpiisliig , in view of the additional tact that ( kmociatir benators and representatives AIO going dail } to the president foi oflicial lavois. in neatly cveithlng else they have been enlisted by tlioadmlnlstiatlon. An old Fcnatoi , who favoislimitation of coinage , said to join correspondent tills moining lliat this question would icstilt bcfoiothicooi four } cars at most , In making ahc\nlei sliver dollar one with one hnndieil cents' vvoith ol bullion In U. iir.u. rti'VsoN rom 111:111 : ot't'osi i rov. "Thedemociats in tlm fccnato and house are getting Into a hole on the question of admitting.South Dakota to statchorel1 said one ot Iho most piomincnt advocates of that movement to daj. "They now have nut ono single excuse to make befoie tboj acknowl edge the real icason thoj oppose ns the } can merely say that all tlio people In the tei tlloiv object to admission. " "Is that ttno' " ' I asked. "Of couiM ) ; not all the people of Dakota want statehood. It would by impossible to present any question so ami lar-ieauh- ing In a way to meet the appnnal ot .ill. Xow , il ischaigcdthat tlio republicans want statehood to get olllcus. I know the ilenitv ciats in the tenltoiy opnoso statehood be cause the } want ollice. They see they will bo tut out of the distribution ot places iinilei tbu federal govcinmunt , as no\\it wo coino In a ; a state , licfoie the admlnihtiatlon i hanged no class was hall so anxious and clnmoious for statehood as thu democrats. ' 1'hey blmplj how led foi it. X'ow none otheis ojiposc. Is not the object of this change ol heait obvious' ' The lepubllcaiis have been steadllj in favor ot statehood for moiuthan ten } cais. " soviirrjiis ; rAMii.AnAins. . Senators living In thofni west and extreme south i egret now that the bill increasing the sal.ulesot jiutgcs oftho riilled States courts fiom SiWO : to § 1,000 , a ) eat was so amended the olliei day as to peimit thu continuance of nepotism , The ) rclatu some outrageous ea os ol iropolism jiractkeet bj United States judges of where the } have as many as thicu potts conneetocl with the couits , and an- point other relatives as commissioners , eta , and fix' tnelr fees and salaiics so they make good round sums. The people thus Imposed upon think It quite enough to pay thu Judg 53,500 a } eat under tue circumstances , as lh salaries of the judges' families , lu some In stances , aggregate 525,000 a jcar , A ViilY : SW J.I.I. hTATi : niNVKIt. Much Is being snld by the ladles about the gi.uulcur of tl.e ptesldent's Hist state dinner on Thursday night last. They declare It was as giand us any given by Mr , Arthiti , and that it ccllpscel those given bcfoto the lust administration. Mr , Cleveland seems ambi tious to keep up the social standing of the In habitants ol the white house , ami toh.ivu fui- gollen all about the "JefTer onlan simplicity mentioned so frequcnll } elijhtecrr months ago. STI3NCH OK * 1H3ATH. The Smell of 1) . Jl. I'crrj's Jseods Causing Swlou1 * .Sickness. 1)1 i non , Mich. . Jan. 17. [ Special Tele- gum j \ terrible nuisance has grown out of the gicat Xew A ear's lite , when D. M. I'eitv A Co s seed house burned A da } 01 two ago the lit o. which ha * burned constant ! } . reached some seeds tindeineath n big pile ot bilck , and their burning tilled the all around ths it ins foi a mile 01 more with nti almost unendurable stench. l > a t night the fito binned more bright ! ) . anil smoke and slink dtovo tfio families out of the neighborhood. The electors llv Ing and hav ing patients w Ithiti thosllnklng tadliiswtio Intctviewed tod.t } anel tlie reports are nvot alarming. Two phjslans report two ontltc families very sick fiom the effects of the mcll. An- othci icpottsascvotc epidemic of dlatthoea onttsed b.v the smoke. Othei phjsiol.uislmvo matt } pitlents who nto sick liom vomiting , caused bv llio stench , and not a few = erlous cases of utdlnat } slekness have been ren- deied dangerous Ihetebj. 'llio lire depatt- mtnt has not tliiown water on the lite since Ihedaiigci fiom the lite Itself was ovetcomo Xew Yeat'sdav. The healthaullioilllcs have ofllclall } dcclarcel 11 a ntiisatice , but onode- pattment ot the cit } government lias onh u doubtful tight to enfotcu Ilioidci against an- oliiei depatlment. In die meantime , people In the infected dWilit stitrct teitiblj. GIMII : < \ IJ iuKi5i \ xnws. The Itilllsh Oahlnot Has n Sloi-iny Ses sion Over the lilih Qurstiein. Xi.w YoniJan. . 10. [ Special Telcgiam.J 'lhcSun' London special sas : Thp cab inet council lasted neail } thice boui . and was thu longest session which has been held since I.otd hallsbury came into ollice. IV e-rv member eit the cabinet was present In cluding the 1 ail ot Cainaivon. It Is said theiewns an itngi } dispute between Lend liandolph Chuiclilll and land Ashbourne , loid cbancclloi ot lieland. The littler advo cated stringent metsuios of coeiclon , salng the } wcio demanded by die condition ot the countty , and Avould biing to the support of Ihc gtncinmcul the Oiange menibeis liom Ulster and many modeiato libeials , thus enabling the government to defy t.te I'atnell- ites. I.oul lEandolpli Chmchlll denied that theie was any such condition of dls- oidet as to watiant thu enactment ol excep tional laws. I.OMIDX , Jim. 10. N'othiiig w 111 be settled icg.itning the government ot lieland until nflei paillaitient is fotunill } opened by the qtioen next weeM\ . Di ni. IN , Jan. 10. Tito I'lceman's Journal IcMlaystvs : The cnblnpUnt ils meeting \cs- terday ilfsoiisspd thejnoiirlctv of isMifng a pioclamatlon dcclttlng the national league un illegal oiganbation. : Di in tx , Jan. 17. J'ho liish oxecntivehas niled that the National league is not illegal , as it exists in ovci v couliy | in Ireland willi- out seeieoj. and has been tolet.itcd bv the govcinmcnt , who know.s itsobiect. ItidicMillnii the Icloa. LOVDON , Jan. 17. Tlm Dallj Xcwsildi- cnlos the attempt to depose ( iiadstonc liom the liberal le.uleiship. It sijs that the libcials cannot iinitQexceptiiuilei ( lladstoue , tint the tuodeiatcs' , exci'pl fossils , MII b as tlie Duke of Aigj lie and Km ; Onu , will refuse to vote foi ( oeiLlim ; Hiat the goveinmeut must sbow its liaiid , ami It It has nothing' bettei than luoidim Itb flajsnic numbered , Pront'h Colonial 1'olioy. 1'Aiiis , Jan. 10.De I'lojeinct to day made a ilcclai.ition in die chambet of dcimtics ol Hie polio } the now cabinet would follow. Ho said Its colonial ] ) ollcy would bu less id- \eiitinoiis than dial ot its leccnt picdecchsor. This statement vvas teceived witli cheers by the chamber. _ Drawliitc Others In. LONDON , Jan. Hi The failure of the Jer sey bank lias caused several small falluics including thatol Itaiilin Itobln , a Xew found- land ship owner. Coesct , tieasuici of the b ink , w ho is also n banki nut , lias been taken into custod } on a chaige ot enibez/lcmc'iit. AccoiupliHhPil. Lo.vnox , Jan. 17. Sli Hemy DHiinmond" Wolfl , lintlsh coitiniisilouci tet Kgpt lias liecn iceallcd. Ills mission is believed to have been without icaiilt. Died on a 1'oroicn Sen. At i.xANDiit \ , Jan. 17. Captain Ha } ward , ol the United State's steamer Quinntbang , who tcccntl } joined that vessel , is dead. I' In . 1' Mils , Jan. P-Thc ) ttcat } of peace bo- vvoeii I'lance and Madagascar has been ti itihcel.j _ Tim I JAGUIJ rjti.sii.NCY. : The Irish I'olitlolaiiH of Now York XeeellehHly Alaiincd. Cnif vc.o , Jan. H ! . [ Special Tolegiam. ] In rejily to an aiticlo In the Xew Yoik demo- ci.ttic paper. tolcKi.tplieil thu linn .vi'sleiday , Intimating tliat I'atrltk Kgan tontemplitetl icsigning die piesldency of die lilsli national league was for the ptirposu of giving thu po sition to Alexander Sullivan , who , like Mi. Kgan , is a republican , Mt Sullivan said to } ourcouospouclent that the Xow Yorlc poli ticians weie nccdlcsM } distuibing tlicii slumbers. He had not the slightest reason to suppose the national committee ovci thought ot him In connection with the ollice. He knew he could not and would not accept It 01 an } other ollico , whclhoi tendered by tbo committee oi the lonvendon. "It I de sired the ollke , " said faulllvnn , " 1 might bo president to daj as 1 was nnanlmoiisl } reelected - elected at Hoston. " Mi. Sullivan said fmdiei ho had no Idea wlio would be chosen , but considered Itafo lopicdicl tliat no man vhoevei held dioof- hco could be prevailed to lake It again. cooxs KOU A Itoinat liable lixoilun of Coloi-od JjahoreiH -oiiutho Soutli , CiiAiiKtiiu , N , C. , Jnn. it The exodus of colored labor on. I rein Xoith Carolina foi points Is beginning to excite some In- Uust. Chailottuis auulioad center and It lilicte thu omlgiatlnu parties aici niado tip anil agents jiioot and airango itr theli traiisiKirutiiin. Xot less that : iC03 , have i lott the state racibtlj lei Kansas , but theio scptnato bo no 1 111 tlitu demand tot them In Kansas and they aio novvfioing to California. l ast night seventy wrio tiniiid over to the Santa Fo and Missouri I'aclfiu toads lot transput tation to ( 'alllnliiiii. This batch of emlgiants Is liound/i't ' Lo > Angeles , hav Ing contincted to work' hi the vinejards and lields of K. A. DaidwlD , who owns over two million ncicsot html. According to the Kiecment made with jliHldvvIn ditoiiL'h bis agents beloie leaving hero , they aio to get U per month tot the Distjcar , with board anil house lieu. Hildwln mivanced dm money to pa } their transposition to Los Angeles , thu mice for each lull ticket being frui.70. - * The AVcAloru Mall Question. CrtrcAoo , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram. ] A Washington dispatch published here charges In connection with the Mniulouou nail resolution that it was a conspiracy on the pait of llatton audCiicshiim In thu Inler- et-tHof certain railroad- Injure thu Union I'Aclllc and boom tliu llutlingtorr and St.I'aul sjtulleate , us this woik Is vvoith tipvvntds of 5-JWOaeartcthu ) Union raelllc. fires- ham and Hatton , wlio me lieie , pionounco the ehaigo utterly false. Hatton MIJI hu upi > osed Mandemon jiihoduced the icsolu- tlonat the Inptttiesn of bis ctin dtiients vvlui tue Intcie-Ud In tae I nlon i'ai-lllu. DEVOID OF DEMACOCUE'S ' DAYS Little Obanco for the Blatant Blatherskite to Practice Mischief. TrTE INAUGURAL CEREMONIES. Mnko Unoftlu'Conunltli-oi anil Jfp.i < - in OH Introduced In tlio loua Iicg * lilnliitc 'Llio Oiuiiiiiios-ont liolibjlst Ohoii it Clinncc. Itself Much ( "icdlt. Di s MOINKS , Iowa , .Ian. 17. [ Special. 1 The Iowa legislature has taken its custom. ioic sniul Is now adjouincd to I'lbrnatj ' - ' " . The iccess nt HIP boulnnlni ; of a session Is oslcnxiblj foi thopniposo of phlnt ; the \ls- Itlnc lommlttcci time t < > visit the Mitlciis state Institutions and make theit icp.nts tbeicon. Itut Itones a double put nose in allowing the lobby to thiuoiijrhij otgani/e foi an unanimous onslaught on lliennsopbto- tleatcd leclsl.ttoi , and it allows the standing committees time to niaKo up tlieh sj.tto foi tliososjlon. It Is allen well. The leulshi- tois should have a lueathlne spoil , 'lho.\ will come back , the snow Moiius not piovent- Inir , rcfiesbcd ninlittthe. The Iowa le lslatute is coins to do itself much ( icdlt. ThU Is plain lioin thuei \ statt. Tbi ! boiiso puts itsull on tecoid at onto as the wtitch ol tlio tioaMiiN and tlio seii.ito is disposed to c.uelnlh an.ih.o all technical points biouiht ; beloio it. Hctween the two theo will bo little thanco foi the dcmagoeno to piurtlco bis nils witli aio hope of success. The -enato is to be a bilanio wheel on aiii means in matleis ol loual iiuestloiis' , and tb" house will ail as a s.ifety \al\c on api'inpiiatloiis In matteis ol ic- tienchinont. Thu hon-o punnptl } i in tailed thecspondlluie foi lodesloi nicmbeis Sl'O , and the kon.ito lefn ed to older the usual niimbcu of thoo\einoi's { inatiguial uddicss ptlntcd in foiclgn lan u.iKcs. This l.tttci wasslilctlj nucleiituott to not be an > insult to tlie now governor. 'J he inaiimil cciomonles woto l.ntclj ; at tended. Tlioiotnnda ol the i.ipllol and all thu aisles , halls and st.ili\\.i \ > - , weiellllcdwltb bpectatois anxious to get a Rlimpso ol tlie lormalitlc's ot making a new o\eenthe. JudL'c .loo Itccd of Council HlulTs was u piomincnt li 'ine on the stand , bis imposing lonn well becoming tlio man who should : id- mlulstei thuoith ol olllcu and tlioowot allegiance. Jlls sUe was u disadvantage , howcvri , in that It tbiew into insliriiiiicaiict ; tlie damped foi in and low statute ol Mr. I.atiabce. 'Hie sovoinoi is u small man , and no one will objcc'it he is stj led ugly. JJut all great men must have tbeli l.titlts and Cov. ! Laiiabee in Iieait and Inltllcct is as and bioad as an > of hjswotth > picdo- The govoinor showed his prod .sense at omc bj keipln ? In tbu evecntho ofllte Itobetl n.uke , chief cleik , who has Jhoiousblj mistoicd the duties ol that posi tion nudei ( ! oMioiman. . 'Hie nddicss was long and was teallj not listened lo ban } gieat niniibei of peojilo. Most pet- sous pictei to lead It inmlnt. This leading ot.i longaddicss hi tiic now goveinoi ought lo be dispensed wltli. Let tlio lemaiks be printed at onco. Tlie house committees hao not been made as jut , but tonlidenco is cxpiesscd in Speakei Ilead'.s Inclination to make tip the committees in the Inlcictt of the people of the whole .stale , and to a\old : ui > leaning towaul the much dteaded lallioad and coi poratlon monopolies. lie is binitcll a banket ami a wealthy man , but be h.isan agricul tural con-ititucncy that will watch him closely and icsent eilcitnallj anj bad move on his pait. Hiscandldacj tor the s > peahei'lilp bittcilj fought by the tailioada.and they will not expect ninth fiom him. The "enalo com- mittcs were announced at a most unexpected lime. President Hull fned the list at the senate at tlie close of bis ilrd bpeech. It almost stampeded the senate. K\ciy man was on his leel and stepping aioiind unions his tollow committeemcn Incattrliigns to the leaning of this 01 that man , or advocating the cl.ilms ol some fuvoiite who is u candi date lei a tloikshlp. 'I he lailway committee is headed by .I. II. Sweeney , a well known onponent of the railuaj lobbv anil a staunch Ilend ) ol the people. The committee on ap- piopiiatlons is Jic.nlcd b > Senatoi .Sullon , one D | llicbtglile ! t , cleai botded men in tlie bcnatc. He is an aitlvc , haul woikcr , and ma > bodc'iicndcd on lo see that net appropria tions slip tlirouglithe legislative tuifjcis with out t-eintlnj. Senator Jlntchinson , too , of tlie committco on wavs and means , is nit a bad bcicclion. He has had abundant Ic al and loglslntho ti.tinlns , and will guldo the ship of state with stead ) hand liom the high pilot house of this impoilant commitloe. Tlio bills introduced Imvo been numerous and ot some Importance. Of com se , no ac tion has been taken on anj of them , euepl tobeic'.idbj title and uloiied. Vestcidaj ijonatoi Sulton intioditced the expected state constabulary bill , a bill which , If passed , will pjacticallj ie\iliitlonl/fl the slate ovein- mcnt. It jucivIdestbatthegnvoinot siiallln- ijulio into tlm niannci in wliUli II.o penal laws of the htate ate enforced in cities ana towns. Ho may appoint a commission toi this purpose , upon wlioio loeommcndation ho can remove tlio majoi , the polUomcn , the police jrnlirc , itnd oven Iho eltj attoinoy , It ho sees lit. In other winds , vuu iciei the exec- lithe ( il the st ill ) shall Iilid a itvv to bo not induced he ma.v lake away the il ht ot * cf- ] Kovoinment liom such munlclpalltj. This Is a bold and sweeping mo\o , ono which Is In pcilect keeiln0' | willi the jiiofjiammo m.ulo neccssmy when the ill it move was talicn tou.nd tlio fitaleicsiimlng police powoii ovci DIB il ht. , ol individual clli/ens , Ills a nccc It > to eireetuallj cnlouo llio piohlbl'oi > law. II lib design be to make odious tlm law s now on the htatulo books , It will be good , tor In that object it can be siiuesstul. ( lenetal suiptlso U c.\pic.-sc'il nt Its le-oliitlonaiy natino , and the peojiltt read It with ojieii-e.vcd wondei and exclaiming " .Mas , what aio wo coming to ? " When the Twentj first general assembly meets again It will bo read } foi business. It will go to work with Its coat oP. The per sonnel Is good ; tlie bplilt of norr-paitlsnn work for tlio good of tlm state lh abroad , and piouiptnt'bs Is to be the watchvvotd. What Another Correspondent 8ajn. 1)1 s MOIM.S , Jan , 17. [ bpi'dal. ] As 1 predicted tome da > ao , the license republi cans have given up the hope ol being able to repeal or modify the luohibltorj law , and have nulled with the nltia-piolilbltlonlsts In tavor nt its moiu vigorous cntoiccinent , Just before the senate adjouined , .Senator Kulton Introduced a bill , know it as sennlo tile No. ! l , which piovldes that ono half ot the lines Imposed by majors and police jus tices should go thedly. As It Is the vvholo tine goes to the school Iniul. IJiuIei this new piovlslon thofcchools will only get one hall of thu line , and thu cities will have adl- rect peciiniaiy in the eiifoicement ot the law. In return foi Ibis concession on the pait of henatoi button , the ultras hav agucd to dispense with the state constabulary , fo this rneasuie will piobablj bo the only ono be.ulng on piohibitlon that will belntto- duccd dining the bCssioii Uj the i and nnj and nil meastnes relating to this Mtbject lliat the democrats tnaj Introduce \vltl bonneetomonlou'dj voted down bj a strict paily vole. ' 1 he atblltntlon bill Inttodtiord bj Senatoi U'ooKon will be pushed forwaid bj the Knl l.ts of 1 abor , anil othir kinilred otpanl- 7ttlons. The < o aio the two most impoitant measures that have u l coino tip. \ \ hen the lo islnltno icconvcnes on the COtli Inst. llioniembeis will no doubt be load ed down with bills on all conceivable sub jects. A vicious giowl Is hcaid fiout the monopolj ott'ans on nil sides on ac count of the deleat of tholr pet candidate for sprakci. All Intetvst Is now icntcird in tlio hou o committee" . If Speaker. . Head tcdecms his pitnnl c such well known untl-monopollsis ns Hunvnof Maishnll. Converse ol llowatd. notrjhlllof 1'olk. and linn of 'lavloi , will hold the chairmanships ot the leading committees. Woovei will inobablj bophuedon the judl- elatj commltlco , thoiicli even then ho can do an untold amount of mischief. It Is haul foi the old \ctetaits to take btek scats , lien- son ot 1'ianUln. the leeognl/ed monopoly leader of tlio last lintc-o , w ill not head the ralltoad commitlco this It ptomlscs amount to iiiijthlnir. The Iowa blato Amictdtmal ; oiiotj is now in session In this city aii.mging Its premium list foi the coming veal. Theie was quite n bice/e In tioannn.ii ! meeting caused bj the president ehaigtntr up some $ \WQ \ mileage to the soi'ielj when ho lode over } mile of the distance on a fteo pass , ' 1 bete was .in client made bj snmcot the gonuinol.umers to elect some ot theli own niimbci to take the place of eeilain piofcxslonal men on the hoatd. The riglit w.iscblellv dliccted iifitlnst ; J. , ) . Stroller , of ( "editt Kapldn , who has boon on the boaid lot twentj jeats or moio and seems deleimined tot.tay theic the test ot his natmal life. _ liftoffs ( u Impeach a iludK < * . Mi sr Atist , , lowit , .Ian. 10. A commltlce , consisting ol ex-State Senator Pllnj NiclioN , Uoniamin lleisiicj ami John Malian , was ap pointed as a committee b.v tlie Count } Tom- lioi.ince alii nice jcsleidaj torucsonta icpoit to the iKgistaluie toi the impeachment of Judge \ \ allei I. H.ijesof the Seventh Iowa judicial distikt. 'J'ho tepott chaigcs Judge Ilajcs with vvllfullj' , deliberately and per- sistontlj dclp.itlint the law , by Imposing morel } nominal lines and deeioaslng the amount on subsequent otlenses , instead ol in- etenslnjr them as tlio law ieiiites. ( | It tli.nges collusion with Dlsttlct Allotnoy Cannott in requlilng eonvieled saloon keepers to plead not guiltj Insleid ol guiltv , so that the attontej can get double tecs , nnd gives lu st iticcso men fined l.ugci amonnts when tliev plead gtidtj than when the } plead not guilt } . It chaigcs the judge witli shami-Icssl ) refusing lo applj the law as changed by the last Ic'gi-datmo , lequiilni : him to abate nuis ances , the woid "shall" having been substi tuted fin ' 'iiiaj" In section IVtioftho code. ' 1 lie report concludes as follow"He : gives all possible aid and cncoui.icfoineiit to thollquoi ti.illleby Ids ch.iiges , opinions , de cisions loltcis , cheul us and inlctvicws with the public ptcss. In eomtnlltlni ; the above grave offenses against justice and piopiiuty , he has repeatodljnnd in man } w.ijs been gnlltyol gioss and glaiing mallcasance in ofllcc. Yotu committee aio conlident that they have in their hands , or at their disposal foi the use ol the leglslatuie , ample pi oof of evci } oneot thosn fctatomeiits. " Dnok to the Stnto Courts. Ii in ejrr , Iowa , Jan. 10. [ Special Teio- gi.ttn.Judge ] Sliitas } Csteulay remanded he Unite ) ! injunction cases back to the state cotiits. ' 1 ho opinion and lullugs of Judge Hievvei in the Kansas cases were identically followed by Judge A wnsTrmx MINI : noitnoit. Thill veil MliiiTH Killed Hy An n\- plosloti .it Almj , Wo. Kv * . lo ' , AVjo. , Jan. 10. A tenlficcx plosion roccui icd nt the Alma mines near liere , cat ! } Tliuisdaj moining , killing two men out right and burj ing nine othei s in the depths ol the mine. Tlio cat containing two men was descending the slope , when the explosion tame with such tciiilic loice as to eliive tlio car before It out ol the mouth ot the mine , tlnowiiig the bodies ot the men fully hall a mile awaj Intoalield. i\eiy- : thiiig vvas lilovvn out elcai fiom the bottom of the mine. 'Ihe engine house loof and stacks weio iciiocked dnvvn , the lioii'c tie1- , liojcdaud thoblacksmilli shop and Moio- room icduccd to kindling wood. I'limcs buist out instantly and limned ncail } all daj VC'steiday. Piisiiccessful atli'iiiptr.wi'romado tocnfei the mine jostcidaj , the men being dnvc'ii Inik I ) } coil damp. K.NSI ON , Vjei. , Jan. 17. Two mote victims ol the mine dis.iitei at A liny wore found this morning in the eleventh level. ' 1 his complets tha list of those missing nnd hi ings the iteilli loll nji to thiitocn SQUS | , Theli names ate : I'.nocli Thomas , 1' Mason , John IV iko , Kills drnlgei man , John Htinti'i , Joseph iansV11I1 : un Kvans , John IVIoisem , John Hood , lleniv Ciimmoek. Wil liam Hnrt-oluy , Alev Jellies , lli-nry Mllllken , All we'ic Moimoiisand all but two leave families. Unloiiuol thp bodies wits but tied. 'llio hvoKvans bovswhei were elcscendlng the slopci when the explosion took p.i-o ! , vvete- bloNvn out and hoiiilily mutilated , one ot them being thioun ovci thu online house anil a poilion o [ the town , alighting In the valloj full } 700 j.tid , liom the month ol the mini1. Tne bal ime boio no biuisos , but wcio kllleil by the loucol the ceimusslon. ' 1 lie most acccjitable1 theoi } as lo Iho caii-o oftho explosion 1 1 this : I'onr men am em ployed to e\ainlnc the mine tnoiem hly evi'iy night lot hie * damp , and to M o that the mine Is cleat beloio the ciuj shilt goes on. Ihi'so men cairj both open and silelj lamps , nnd It is believi'il th it out ) of them at the time ol the explosion , 11 p. in. , vcnluud into some' 10 Jiu with an open lamp wheiu an unusual * ciianlltv | ol gas h id aieiuiiulateil. An Inquest is now in plotless The funeral takes pl.ieu to morrow. Tlm.Nitirtlc'okfs D \Vn.M.sii\jiiii , r.t. , Jan. 10. Tlio rescu ing part ) atwoik on the tlnpo ot ono ot tliu Xaullcokc mines of thu Snsquelianna Coal companj had up to an c.uly hour this moining woiKed Iheh wav , tliioti li ovoi : t,0K ( ) feet ol hand , culm mid io < ks , and ai now hmnlv oxpivtlng to reach thn fatal ( liamnei , Vesteiday piactlcal inlncis wi'to dcdtig miitn tovv.nd aiding tlm icicucis , and thev do not hesitate to ray tliat liom piesent indications the men met all bulled beneath the sand.Vlicnttun reach llio fatal sprit , should this prove lino. It niaj } ct takoioveial dajti bcfenu any bodies can beiccovciod. A DVNA.MTrTj SHARK. \Vhluh lied loan Km tlititialro Hearn nl Xjiiiil.- . y. N\ArK , X V , Jan. ! ( ) . Shorlly befoio 110 : ! ! last night , two distinct shocks ot eaith- quake vveto lelt in ever } part ot llockland county. In Xick pic lutes weiu shaken fiom the walls and llio Ice In the river along Hie slioii ) In ola-n. In .Sullcin , .Spilng Val ley , I'lcnnont , HpaiKill , H.nersliaand > ICocKland lake the jai vvasvei } heav } . Vo.Mvtis , X. V.lan. 10. A biuall vrnodcn building IOOM-IJ thrown to0'thci in which vas'0 pounds of djiiamllo htoied In a fio- /cn slatuat shaft Xo. it of the Cioton acjuu- ttitct was. blciwrt tip at 10 : ; o this moining , .spieadlng etcstiuclion In all dlici lions. Around the building woo an engine and compicisoi looms , the shall boatdlng IIOIIM- , and othei buildings , whlili weie all bully damaijtd. A pcudlat featmoof thoallali ! > the fact that nohodj was hull , with the ex ception of Mrs. Ko\ , who keeps a boaiding liou-o nc.u the Mi.ilt nnd > hu nnlj leie'ueil blight biul'-os. ' Class In all houses ot the iieUhboihood was hioki-u at 1 piojilo nt a distant o lliou ht tin , shock was < 4Uulbj an i ai thai ! . " I.e. i > u UljLl ijlv 1/luiKLuui j Glamorous Calls that Celtic Soil bo Covered ) With Moro Coercion. MTMISTRY DOUBLY MENACED. The . .mil HtittgKlo Hot vor n the League'anil llnjillsti ImItcpoiuliiK Jloro Appiu out Homo Uulo Sec ml UK' ' ) * nil InipcissHtllitj. The Ui Itl h Pollllnnl Situation. l.oMto.v , Jan. 17.bpeelal [ Cablegram. ) Loid Cniiiaraon s teslgntitlon iiiatks Iho collapse - lapse of hlT'ntoiosdng expeilmenl. 'Iho v icciov all } of that able and amiable nobleman was the outwntd and visible sign of the tor.v- 1'ainellito alliance lie went to Dublin to rnnko an hone t etlott to govetn lieland by culinary law , lelincptlshlm ; tlio climes act , and loljlng on I'mitoU's coopetatton In , maintaining oidot. Ills well mo.uil ondcnvor 1 toicprcsscilmo ends wllh Cmnaivon's re- tut n to Kngi.ind , Hoth paittes ngteo that the eondldon ot lieland was nevei moio alaiming than nt piesent. Kuil Cow pet's wanting that thu touutty vvason the uvuof Ihc most tmmldablit stilko against tent jot soon , Is altcady jtisll- lied. The league has oig.inln'd u combina tion among the tciunlsovci a l.ttjio part of diecountiy. It nndottiikes to llx an nrbitnny percentage leu tedticdons ot lent , anil put- hlblts all ptjments to laudloids who icfitsu to accept the league scale. Judicial touts nto hold , according lo I'.iincirs dictum , to bo no nioiu binding than the othoi attempts ol thu l.tnilloids to onloioe pi } meiit b } legal means , ami aio losistod by oignnhod fotcv. The kimllouls ate oiganlrlnjr also. Thu Duke ol Dcvonshlto , Loid H.utlngton's father , owning 00,000 acres In lieland , has accepted the ptosidonc } of the Irish Defense union. The most iitgenl appeals have i cached the goveinment. The menaces am not less in gent liom the other side. United lioland , the chief I'atnelllte oigan , doclatos , with all solcmnilj , that It togaids the agiarlan sttugglo as never , dining the ecu- turj , mote sciIons tbin now ; that the popu lation of counties ate icadj to take ) up aims , nnd tliat Hie people will not submit , elthoi to eviction 01 punishment foi teslst- ancc. It opcul ) Hiioatous icpiis.ils It the goveinment attempts lo ontotoe dm law. The aichbisliop ol Dublin , in jesterda't speech , echoe's these tlite.iN. Lord Salisbury scorns novelIholess inclined to ttj * . Tlio Standaid eUclaics tlmt the1 c'lisis Is neat , nnd that die llnal stiugglo lei suptomacv between the league and law Is Imminent ; that thoio Is no humanity In half mcasutc ! < ; that a vig orous polic } is the only succosslul ono ; that the truest moicj to the Iilsh people is to s.uo them fiom the oigani/cel pet sedition they have set up. 'Iho eoucspoiidoncc between Loid Sails- Imi } ami Loid Cainauon tails to allccl pub lic judgment on his icslgnatloii. Uojond doubt C.itnaivon accepted the vieoioaltv on condition dial lie might withdiaw alter tlicgenetal election , licjond doubt , also , ho w ottlil hav o lemoined In ofllec had n policy of : conciliation and concession proved a su " " Instead of a fallute. Ills believed the cau. \ net Intends to appoint no biieecssoi to Car- nat von ami tlmt I y will bu left in commission. The I'atnollltes say this means coctclon in thu most stiingent form. Xobody pietcntls to know the line 1'ainell intends to take at the opening of tliu session , uorhasheoxpiessed an opinion on the sus pension of thevleetvtally. Kvoijtlilng Irr- dicatcs llio Iilsli question , which paillamcnt must In si deal willi , will not bo political but agiaiian. 'Jhellish will pitss foi ameasuio to prevent pvlctions. The tones and llbcials agree that pniliament must , In Moiloy's wotds , pieventthe tenants fiom couhscadng thu propel ty of the landloids. Thciu Is nochango In die nltitudu of the paidcsoi the public to hoiuoi ulo. Thciu have boon repealed conferences between Glad stone and his colleagues , hut theio has been no known iciiilt. Kvety cabinet council IB follovvetl by fiesli icpotlsthat the Itish policy ol the goveinment is Mlllunlng. An ex change ot opinion among the members ou the assembling of paillamcnt indicates strong hostility lo homo tide in anj loim. Oiilsiclu discussion continuus. Tli6 duke e > l Wesfc- mlnstei has dclivciid a bilel and violent speech. Its violence liom a man M > modeiato as lie is , is significant. Lock } , himself an lilshman nnd an advocate of Iiisli rcfotni , publishes a powoiful piotcst against homo rule In any form. lie elcolatc- , that the Kng- llsh statesmen , who , tiftet leading united lieland foi tlui'o months , can pioposo to band ovoi the govern incut to the men whoso ideas it represents must be a tiaitoi. The Chin uli in l < 'roiich Politico. LO.VDOV , Jan. 17. ( Special Cablegram ] Advices liom the nthcisldool thu channel indicate the question ol separation of tliutih and slnto is likely to piny a piomlnen ! pati in I'lencli politics In the uc'.u Inline , 'llio ni'W mlnisli'is haj dm tendency of public opinion at the piesont tiiho is umiuohtlonably tovvnid complete sopaiatlon of political and eci'lcslasdini aulhoilt } . The mlulsltj , the di'elaiatlon continues , Is unpiop.iicil tn Itil- tlata ( ; movement in tills dlicctiou , but stantln read } to help the chambci should they de cide to attempt a solution ol tbu pioblcm. I''IiCllt Ot' I'l IriCIIIHI M. Poi'i.Mt HM i rs , Mo. , Jan. 10. 'J'liuisday last five priMjiiPis escaped liom tin1 county jail tlitough the nogllgcnco ol tlm colorei ) Jnnitoi , wlio Ilioiightli sly lelt tin ] koj India diioi , Xancyliow Ilheialcd lout m.ile pils- oncis and e-caped with them. Ono ol tbu piisoneis , named Idee , sick ol diiuhangi > , lotutiicd and gave himself tip to tliotdieifll. Thoothii toui pilsonc'is aio htlll at lingo in east ol this pl.ue. Catarrh Cured C.ilanli I * a very prevalent disease , with Olbtressluc and ofTensivo Hjinpl" ' " ' . Ili'txl's f-ars iji.irllli gl\ci rcuily relief anil Hpculy cure , fiom the fnd It ads through thu Muod , ami I luis n. ulios r\ciy part of tliu hjhleni. " 1 sulfcrod with i-itairh fifteen jears. Took Hood's Mrsaurill | mini I .imnutlioiililcdauy with catarrh , and my lio.illh Is much IK tier. " IV. . I.u i IH , 1'ostal Cleilc C'lilcnco i hi. Louis JUlioaU , " 1 siilltrccl with catarrh Cnr 8 > eai.s ; tried mnny womlerfiil cures , Inlnlt-rs , etc. , nitnd. iiigiicailyontlmiKJrrdiloll irswltliontlioncllt. I tried Hood's i iirsiparlll i , and was ircatlr ; trairo | cd. " 11 , A. AmnnVorccslcr , Hood b irsiparlll.i Is clmarloilrrd \ < j tin oo jicctill irilks : 1st , llio cii > ililniilnn < > t rciacdlil agents ; dttio jnoioition ; 3d , Iliu jiroceu nt btcmlui , ' the nilltu fiualltles. 'IJieipsult Isnir.edlcmoof iiuusuil ttreiitli | , rncctln ; ; fines l.lllicito iiiikmnvn. bend for book cent lining e\lilcnco , "Huoil's Hjrciiarllli | ni es up my r. > stim , puilflts my liUioil , tluipciii nn , IIIM | Hie , aiu { sec in j tii mil.o mo enir. " .1. ] ' j IICJMIKO.V , liculstu of Jlctilx , J.u\\tll , Sliisi. "Hood's Hus\pirllli ln'.ils till ollie rs , ami ilUiillills\srlilil ; nifcolil " I ItUtUIMJTUN , 1M lianU html , .Stu VoiKCitj. Mood's ! SarsapariUa Pold lij .ill ilru ? ' h. SI i six for ? 5. Mnilfe cclybyO. J. liotii ) fi , Cd , loi\fWai5. | | ! IOO Doses Ono Dollar.