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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1886)
J THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , JANTJAEY 20 , 1880. NUMBER , 182 , BOLDLY FORCING THE FIGHT , Dakota's ' Delegation Lay Their Oaso Before the President , GIVEN AN ATTENTIVE HEARING. * . An Hoiir'H Audience , DnrltiR Which Jtiilco KdRcrtoii Ably Presents Ai'Riinioiitn In SitpporL oT tlio Territory's AilmUsIoii. Dakota Talks to tlio President. WASIIIXOTO.V , Jan. 10. [ Special Tclc- Bram.1 A delegation from Dakota , com posed in part of Senators Kdgcrton and Moody , Itcprcsentatho Kaiiotisc , Governor Mollettoand Judge John II , Drake , called upon 1'resldeiil Cleveland this afternoon by appointment , nml were heard upon the ques tion of dividing tlm tcultory of Dakota , ad mitting ( o statehood the southern half nnd organising the northern poitlon into Noith Dakota lerrltoiy. Upon a previous visit of these gentlemen nt tlio wliito hotiso Mr. Cleveland expicssed a dcslio to heal the Da kota side of the question , and Invited n con sultation. The delegation occupied moio limn an hour , nnd dm lug the. cntlro time they wcro listened to In the most nltentlvo manner. Senator IMgcilon did most of the talking , and In the course of his icmaiks , said that Dakota was grateful for an oppor tunity of assuring the president that ( hey i arc not revolutionists ; that everything done by them has been done In the most orderly manner and In accordance with established precedent-- , and for nn oppmunity ( to lay be- toie him the n > a ons which have Induced them to take tlm steps they hrtvf.'lie" .thiiir icoltcd to the piesldent -action'of Iho leg- islntmc of Dakota ill authorizing a constitu tional convention , ( lie work as performed , and how tho.ies.ult had beqn laid before con- r'- ' It will takeMr. . President , a very'asluto lawjer , " said Senator Edueiton , "to detect mi } thing i evolutionary In the procecolngs of the convention. " "Hut It has been wild" continued he , "that'hero ( was no authoiity for calling the constitutional convention In other woids that the law enacted by the leg- islatino 19 without auUioiIty mid.consequent ly void. I will not examine the question as ' to whether the organic art passed by con- giess , in vesting the legislature with power 'to It'glslaio ' upon all rightful subjects of. leg islation not prohibited by that act gave the teiriloriul legislature power to piovldo by law for constitutional convention or not. That Is not hcccssaiy for our piesent pur- jjiohus. When the statutes nro bllcnt , pre cedents make law.Yhllo constitution . of the United States provides that congies shall have , the power < o admit new s.tatos , it novvhcro piovldcs In-direct teims or by im plication what steps shall bo taken fo bring tlio mattpr-of admission of a now state lo'the attention of Connies * , or hovro'r with vvhom the ( list steps shall bo Initiated. Precedents have Varr t. In many instances congioss . . has Initialed the proceedings by i'novldlngfor a convention. In other cases , and not a few. conventions have assembled byaiithoilty of the people of the tenltory.- . . . Senator Edgcilon named a' number of precedents showing hovr territories have been admitted to the Unlou of states , and then continued. ; "We" confidently claim that our course was "justified by abundant pieccdcnts. Somu lutYO claimed that Dakota r'h was puidiilng an unusual and. reiolullanary course In electing her ofllcers. I think that , the parties who mnko this dunjo have not carefully lead history In connection , vvlthjljic admission of other xtatcs. In iieaily-'ev'crT case , ho far tis 1 nm Informed , the state , prior to admission , ban elecled.lts state oftl- cers. It has been Kild by some fetr that the people of Dakota do noi dcslip divfsiqh on the forty-sixth parallel , I Invllo your atten tion to the evidence on. Umt quosUon. CTIio leglslaturo In lb7I passed a memorial to > con gress by a luianlmatis vote to divide .tho tcr-- rllory on tha forty-sixth paiallci ! Two years later n Mmllar memorial was passed witli but four dissenting- votes In both houses. Again In 1SJ74 un'ollier incmoilnl passed with but ono dissenting vote In both house * . .Again Jn June , 1ST7 , another lllco mcmoiial 'passed both houses unanimously. Again nt the next session In IfiTO , a piotcst ag'ilnst the admis sion of the teiiltijiyas to was paswd. At tlie next session a. me'iiioilal was passed asking for division Into three ten Italic : * . In IBS ! ) a bllt for a constitutional convention for south D.ikota was passed by the ioglshitmo , but failed to became a law for want oC tha governor's approval. At ( ho last session of the leglslatuio It pusicd tholawprm'tdliig foi a constitutional convention , and the same leglslatmo passed a memoilal to congress asking for division on the loity-slxth paial- Ii.-l. The legislature Is coiupose'd of ' twenty- four mcnibcis of the council mull'oity-tilght mombeis of the house. Upon thh vote there weioSl ajcs In tlio council and no nny.s , and h In the house 4S ayes , "Thus it will bo wvn Ihat nt every session , . of the Icglhlaturo fin- the past fifteen years thoiepiesenlatlvcsof the people have been pionounced and neaily uimnlmoiis upon this question of division. What better mode has anyone for detcimlnlng the will or choice of the people' . ' The paily con ventions of each patty , composed of del egates fiom the whohi toiittoiy , declaied In favor of division in 1SS1. Another evidence of the dcslro of our people uuon this quest Ion Is thu fact that foi u number of yenis , when ever a public Institution has been provided In south D.iUota , u like Institution has been pro vided by law In nm Hi Dakota. The law has located one university at Yuimillion In south Dakota and ono at Uiand Foiks In north Da- kola , ono Insane asylum at Ytmkton In south Dakota and ono nt Jamestown in uoiili Da- kola , ono penitentiary at Sioux Falls In south Dakota and ono In lllsmaick In neil h Da kota , and so with other Institutions. " ' 1 lie supporters of this movement are not conmied to ono patty. The llrbt convention which met at Huron to Inltlnto piocccdlngE Tor a constitutional convention was pie.shled over by nn nblo and well-known dcmociat foiineilya member of congicss from Illinois Tlie Ilibt constitutional convent ion whtcl met at Sioux Kails In lbS3 was pieshlcd ovci by avety eminent lawjcr , a dcmociat , tin present distinguished chief JusHeQ of our bii pieiuu couit. In view of these facts , we chlni that there cannot bn question ns to the de.slui of our people on the subject of division of the terriloiy upon tlio foity-sjxth parallel ns provided for tn thu constitution now sub iiillted to confess. ' The next , and perhaps moro vital qties ( Ion , will be , Is that portion of the territory south of the forty-sixth parallel piep.ircd foi iidmlsblon' . ' Dakota lias been u teultoo longer than any other tenitoiy which has heretofore been luluilttcd Into Iho union That poition of It now fccoklng ndmlssloi has n greater popttlRtlon than nny or anlzci leriltory ever lad vvlion admitted into tin union. ItHpopultttlou U over S03.W3. Itlmi moioaud bettor equipped public institution ! th.iu any tori Uory ever hail. It lias a aysteu of fica schools eupportcd entirely t > y taxa tlonaud dctlvlncno aid from thu icioivtt rant ot the&UtceuUi uiad thiily-slxtli sec lloaof public lauds , now -lr.t3dlo. l ; . Las year wo expended for school pur | > oses 81,203- 000. " The senator gave some Interesting and pertinent statistics , showing the growth and Improvements tn Dakota , and con tinued : "There has been some cittlclsm about the propilcty ot dividing the slate. Tha founders of the republic never contemplated the Idea of a few- large slates , but rather n Ricater number ot small medium sized states. Considering , then , nil these questions , Mr. President , that Dakota has been n tcnitory so long , that her population Is so gicat , that her Industries arose so Inrgc , that every condition and purpose ot territorial law has been subserved , that the proposed constitution is icpiibllcan In form , nnd that our people have so long and patient ly awaited the will of congress , we con fidently expect Iho appioval of just men who will give the question an intelligent and imnaitlal consideration , " "It has been suggested , , ' continued Senator Kdgcrton , "In some quaiicrs , that while congress makes annual appropriations for ccitaln e\pcnsos wo should not 'K > anxious for admission. This niiauow view of such a question , and I iialntaln that when uteultory has fulfilled ill these conditions , and still desires to le- inln a ward , If ( hero over bo one , contacts ad better emancipate her willing or unwill- : ig , unless there aio exceptional icasons to lie contrary. If a people that have fulfilled ,11 , Iho conditions of territorial tutelage , vhicli Jm\o thu wealth , the numbers and in- clllgenco entitling them to emancipation , hotikt willingly nnd uncomplainingly rc- naln In that inferior condition , it would bo in evidence of their Incapacity for cinancl- iaUon aiidBclCgoveinmcnt , and bo a cause f salons apprehension with pat'ilotlc.states- nen cve'ry where. " At the conclusion of Senator Edgeilon'a rgmneiitMr. Cleveland nsked many infou- nal and f radical queslto'usregahling the ppcaranco of , the faco. of tlio eountiy Inoughout the teirltoiy , education , improve- nents , the character of the people , the benefit o bo.derived by the passage oE the Harrison illl now before the senate ; , and iiv different vays evinced a keen Interest. Tho. delcga- lon was veiy favorably Impressed wltli the eccptlon , an'd believe they mndo a good 1m- ) iesslon upon their auditor. To-moirovv liey will bo heaid on the same subject by the ouso committee on territories. Didtotalans icro have iiinelo rapid piogrcss dining the inst few davs In ( his matter. They Jiavo cu- Istcd a number of prominent democrats in oth blanches of congress in their cause , mvlng been nssuicd If they can help it , the iiucstlonshallnot-boapnity one. To-night ho Dakqlalans believe tliey see their way 'lear ' lo success. MAUD MlLifcEITS 1'QVKKTY. Story Positively Donlc'U Her Hhlftlcss Hiisbuiul. Niw YIVHK , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram. ] The story of Joaquin Millet's daughter begging In Chicago created an immense sen sation among literary and theatrical people icrp yestoulay. Mr * . Frank Leslie wasvciy nucli distuibcd and said theio was no.foun * lation for tlio chnige that the gill's father ic- 'uscd to help her. She said Maud wa-s veiy erratic nnd wag but aivahiateur in the stage msincss. She hail been finely ediuMted by her , r nnd alter .gradtraling made a'tourof Europe. Slie'hatlsplendid'oppoitunitics but 'ailed to avail' herself" them. Mis. Les.llo nddcd : "You may uot bo avvmc that she is a married woman and that her husband , not icr father , Is the pehion.'to whom she , should looTc for support. Her htis.baud is the son of Stcelo Mackrtye , the theatrical manager. If the icpoit bo true , lie has'nevor been able to suppoit his wife. They w'cro mart led against Joa'quin's express wishes , yet he lias jonerally co.ntrlbuted to her suppoit since , know this , because lip instructed mo to trans mit her cliccks-in pay fdrw'hnt ho luuldone for tis , and I myself saw that these checks were f in-warded. " "CIIIOACIO , . Jan. 10. The story published about the supposed discovery of the 113111:11101 of Joaqui'n Miller. ' In this city , penniless ami In deep dlstiess , appeals to be thoroughly ex ploded by the statement of Elder , ptiblisiiei- ol the Literary Jouinnl , upon whoso sup- Dosed authority tho.story was lirst given pub licity. Kcl'QiiIng to Ilio matter to-day , Elder said : "Tlio .stories about Maud Miller are unjust and absurd. The only couect portions tions ot them aio that she has been playIng - Ing In The DanlteR , nml that she was In'Chicago. She arrived from tlie south , wheio tlm company disbanded some three week's ago. She was an entire stianer In this city , ami knowing I was in almost constant coirespondenco with her lather , she came tf > sens me. Ono day I asked her to vvi Itn an aitleld about Iho lltciary llto ot Mrs. Miller. Shu did so , and 1 paid her for It She was well and comfoitably dressed , nnd did not need assistance. She told mo she should go to Now Yoik tor the purpose of getting another theatrical engagement. 1 can't undeistnnd howilbecnmoknown.shovlslled me at any time , but think wmio one in Iho olllee who saw her and who Ic.tilicit who hho was , and whopmhapssaw uo p.i'y her for her contil- blitlon. and gave the facts Matting the hbsuidstorv.- ' ' "It It f < ahl slio telcgi-nphotl her father for aid andho icAtsed Iiccolvo the uiessage. " " 1 an cusily account for that stoiy. I whey him conocrning business mutters in no wiiy connected with his daughter. The ia- forniAtlon wtw returned bv tlioteK'4fraphtv > m l ny that Miller never nccoptcd tcojan ! | t Horn anyone. " * Clilcn o'u Election Tjaw. CIIICAOO , Jan. in. The .lonrniil'a Spring- Held (111. ( ) special says ; The supreme couit to-day ufllimcd thu decision of tha lower couit , theieby sustaining Iho constitution ality of tlio new state election law. The law ns adopted by the leglslntmo Is In all e.sscntlal features similar to the New York statute. adopted by the olty of Chicago cage nt the iccent election , and the city has hlncu been icdlsttlctcd into smaller voting pi relucts and election commissioners ap pointed. It was lecendy taken before the- htipicmo couit to decide the question of Its constitutionality. The ColilVavo. . CIIICAOO , Jnu , 10. The signal scivleo this morning repoits the provalcnco of another Bovcio cold wave. The thermometer touched zcio In this city last night , but rose to 8 do- giccsabove at S o'clock , Itepoits from dif ferent points In Iowa show an nvcrago tem perature of fiom "to 10 decrees below zero. Jmncatoun , Dak. , quoted 2.5 degrees below zero , nmnVlnnlpeg til degrees below. The signal buicaii also repoits that during the iio.xt twenty-four henns tlm toinpcrauno In the Mississippi vulluv will fall 15 to i > de grees addltlonnl and that the cold wave will then uxlcnd eastward. The Chesapeake ) lee Illoakndo , ] ) Ai.TiMour0 Jan. 10. The Ice blockade In ( ho Chesapeake bay still continues and no attempt Isinado to cet to or from port except by heavy vessels. A large number of sailing craft nro reported fast In the Ice nnd many of the oyster ilcets Imvo been kept so long away that there is much suifcilng among the crows. The too extends down to the mouth of Pntuxcnt liver and is very solid. Milder tempeiaturo novviuovallsandlt IB hoped It will let loose the l.u-gii fleet of coasters mid bay emits , Now York Dry Goods ivrnrlcot , NKW VoKic.Jnn. 10. An Important feature of thodiy gooitct maikot Isan incicasedbiul- ness In the cxpoits of cotton goodswhich for the past wcuk Imvo bean , Ml packages , mak ing the total for thn month ll.SCO ; iijuinst 7.7-il Ibe 4amo tlhio laat year , an increase ot such lmpoitancoasoompaieawth | last year that It cannot fall to attract attention. Trudn has been lluht In coiuenueuce of the heavy full of snow , auca'tded by j NEWS OF THE NORTHWEST , Annual Meeting of Iowa Hoiticulturalista and Nebraska Agricultural Board. CITIES DENYING THEIR STATE. Piroat Ames , Iou-n lOxctcr's Factory Ijn iicnster County's Undj- ct Freighter Fro/.cn to Dentil AVyomliiR News. Iowa irortlottltnrallHlR. Di : < t MOINKS , Iowa , Jan. 10. [ Special gran. ] The Iowa State Horticultural society convened In nineteenth annual meeting this moining. The state Is divided into twelve districts , and these wcro well icpiesentcd In themectlni ; to-day. The llrst papers icad weic by members oC Hie committee. Mr. Porter thought that the white plno was the best evergreen for general planting , being the most innid grower. A pawur by Mr. Onidnei of Osage , was rend on the .same sub ject. ' 1 he discussion following was in favor of led cedar for hedging purposes. Hemlock was considered too lender for most positions. Tlie whlto plno had the most fi lends for geneial planting In the noitli- easteinpaitof the stale. For close winded bleaks It was thought that uotiilng could ex cel Noiway spiuce. The oflleeisot the association are Silas Wil son president , and Piofe , ser Uudd secrctaiy. Tlm president Is the member of the lower house of the leglslatuio fiom Cass county. Thepiogranimo for the afternoon and oven : Ing , Included articles ou vaiictlc ? of the srnpo by D. X. ( Jilbcit Ulatchlcy of loa ) .Moihos and A. l'Holer ot McUfcgor ; "IIIs- toiy of OurlJcet Strawberries , " by 11. M . M c- eehen -Atlantic ; "lie vision of. Small Irruits ' ; and ' ' " , 'Experimental Hp/rtlcultiuc , " > y D. L. Wntrous o * DCS Molncp , J. A. alvaland of Fort Dodge , anet J. h. Uudd ot [ Vines. ' _ Cities Not n Part of Tlielr Slate. Dis Moixi1' ! , Iowa , Ji n. 10. [ Special Tele gram , 1 Tlio lemarkablc statement Is put out nt Dubuque that the cities of Davenport , Dubuque - buque and Kooknk are not practically a pait of tlio state of Iowa , anil so do not come Binder the jurisdiction of its lavv.s. Hence If Senator button's bill giving the governor lower to remove mayors who do not enforce .ho laws should pas ? , it Is claimed that it wotild not apply to.thcso cities. These cities ffcio qr anbcd tinder. special cliaitei-sfroiu the state , nnd not under the general Incorpo ration act , so It Is claimed { hat these special charter constitute a contract between the state and the municipalities , which the state cannot Impair without violnllug the piovision of the fudcial. constitution foiblddiug the myall incut of the obligations of n contract. The removal of a city's' mayor , It. 1s saiil , > vould be a Very scilous Impairment oa city's right. This lalses a novel question hi coniiectiotr with the pioposcd 'egl&Iatlon which Is attracting considerable ' attention. Exeter's " . Proposed Canning Factors" , Neb. , Jan. .If1. [ Special. ] R C. Hutter , of Glpnwood , Iowa , who has been heie. is veiy favoiably impressed with this place as a location for a canning factory. Seveialofour citi/cns have been in com munication with Mr. Hutter tor the past two months , and ho came to Inspect this place , much to his satisfaction. Ho lolt t'wo pioposltlons for the consldera lion of our people. One for n bonus of c'i.OOO to be applied. on 'buildings , nnd held for live years. Thenj providim : ho put up 200,000 cans per ycnrfortlwtlcngthof time ho would receive a deed to the piopei ty. The other proposal was lor a stook com pany with a capital of SIO.OOO , with himself a ? manager at a salary of 51,200 per year. The former was considered as the most practicable , nndsubsciiutlon papers are now In circulation with about SlflOO inised at the pi csentviltlng. . | State JKoard or Agriculture. LIXCOI..V , Xeb. , Jan.10. . [ Special Tele- giam. ] Twenty-nine members o Iho State Hoard of Agiiculturo answered the loll call at the annual meeting to-day. Sevcml district lair associations were admittqd to the pilvi- lego of the mcetlnC , Including the Omaha exposition , Weeping Water nnd Fiicndvlllc societies. Foity-soveu county fair associa tions wcip lepoitcel .T5 entitled to voles In tlie board. On motion of D. H. Wheeler , the reports of the president nnd ficcrctiuy weio ruferrei.1 to a. coinmittoc , consisting of I ) . II. Whculur , H. W. l-'mnas , H. 13. MIcodemiLS , H. D , Kcely an'd U. N. ( 'rliiucll , and the bo"id ndjomncd until Wetliie luy inonilng. The election ofoflle is will probably take plaixs'to-rao'TOW. .H , Harlccr Is the leading L'3iHlllatofir.prc3lilc f , ft W. Kurno * for ' , nnd C ; Hartniwi foi trejaurer. . W , Io\va \ , Jail. 19. [ Spells ! Tt-legra m. } A ttro ! i t Jiilstit destroyed ( ho clothing atom of 1C. W , IJiowJi , stock- and liiilhlluir ; aUo the goods nnd buildings occupied by Miss D. 1C. Dix , milliner , nnd Thopias Urothers , dry goods. Ono of the walls left standing fell on the adjoining building Of Chniles Hanoi ) , crushing It. The dry ( roods stoio of D. A. UlgcJow was also damaged to the extent of ! > oveial hnndt-rul dollars , Tlio ontho loss by the II ro la liom 813,000 to 515,000 ; insured for S10OC0. ! ChailcKiunks , n fiieman fiom lioono , was sovciely Injured by falling walls. Freighter Froon to Death. CIIADIIOX , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele- giam , ] W. C. Chlldcr * , a freighter between this place and Fort Itoblnson , was found fio/en to death In a cabin on Cottonwood Clock , about ten miles west of heie. Child- m.Shtaited tiom Chadroii last Fiiday with a load of fruit bound for Foit.Koblnson , nnd yesterday his body was discoveicd in a cabin fioien stiff , but covered with blankets. It Is supposed thut ho was neaily frozen before leaching the cabin. Deceased leaves a l.ugo tnmlly In destitute ehcumstaiicej. Arnpahoo AiiAVAiioi : , Neb , , Jan. 10. [ Special. ] WlUuegard to the arrest of W. 11. Mont gomery , It Is meiely a rumor , as nothing definite can be learned. The parties most In teiosted Ignorance. Thonncstof J , W , McCJinley for fraud- caused considerable slirhcro yesterday. Tfieimometeryeatciday bhuvved 7 * * below zeip at 3 p. m , Imncastor Couniy'n nndKOt. LINCOIJ- , Neb , , Jan. W. [ Special Tele- giaui.J The commissioner of Lancnster county estimated the expenses for l&sf' at SHOOTS. This Is an incieasd sf SIT.OOO over last year. This Is caused by § 12,000 , In Unr- llugton & Mlssouil bonds coming duo , 53,000 oideied paid the Insiuio pienie court , and S'J.ODO increase in the care el roads and tnldgos , Jown Temperance AVorkcrs. JES MOI.NES , Iowa , Jan. 10. The tenth annual meeting of the State Temperance alliance began in this olty to-nlglit. The op&nlngiies&lon was devoted to the appoint- ' uicutof committee ; ; and couipletlu- ; the or- ganlzatlon of the contenUon. Public meet ings will be held to-moirW , to which a large number of delegates from nh parts of the state aio e.Npcctcd. sago of the gov crnor , F. < 1' . Wairen , to-day. All the members of the legislature wcro present except tw o. The govei nor's mcssago is very complete and compiclicnslve , embrac ing some valuable suggestion ? . Tlio Oldest JjlvtiiK "Woman , ATLANTIC , Town. , Jan. 10 [ Special ] Mis. Joidan celebrated her 110th bhthdny Sunday , undalaicc number cf friends gathered at her residence to liclp celebrate. The pros- iiits wen1 numerous and costly. Mr ? . .Tor- [ Inn Is believed to bo the oldest woman now living In the United Slae.s. ( He Citnvr.NXi : , W > o. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele gram. ] In the supreme court to-day the ppeal Of Win. Dooth , the murderer sentenced , o hang , was dismissed , no appearance being nade by the pilsoner's counsel. F OM OTHER niototm Iliu-niOBO Itebols Assuming a Threatening Attitude. i.AY , lUinuah , Jan. 10. The Hying L-olumns of Ihltlsh troops .sent out on recon- iioltciing expeditions have leturned to Mnn- dalny. They lost several men killed and wounded in a skirmish with tlioDaeolls. The loss of the latter Is unknown , lleln- 'oicemcnts aiu needed here. Much uneasi ness inevalls among' the' Europeans' rcBiiid- im ; the situation , and'thcylong for tltc.aui- valof Loul Diiffeiln , when they hopoa'llrm policy .will be adopted. The Mnndalay concspondeiit of the Lon don Times , In a recent dispatch , says : The loices mulct the rebel piluccs are dally In- creaslm ; in strength. Their troops no longer plunder villages , this fact showing that the movement Is developing Irom biiRniidago Into insunectlon. I'lincu Jltollsin. son of the latd "War-Piinee. " who lias proclaimed hlinseltklni ; , is nt Tnbaln , fo the noitiicast ot Mnndalay. He has 10,000 nrmed men. ' One body of his troops under his younger b'rather Is threatening Isagam , seven miles to the southeast of Maudnlay. Another body of his troups is cNjiccted to cro s the Irrawaddy lo the north or Manila- lay , nnd thicaten the city from the west. _ _ The Nationalists Delimit. Jan. 10. Tlio regular foitnlghtly meeting of. the ! NAtlopal league was.held'here . this ftarnoou , Deasy- member of parlia ment for We/jt Meath , occupied Uio chair , and In an address snid he'c.iied neither about the piopo&ed cocicjon' ivfoiin. ThoPar- ncllitcs were masters of thcr situation , and bcforn the end of the year Ireland would have Its. own parliament * . Kedm'ond. member of partlamcut for North Foimniingh , said : "England hasj enemies everywheie , and the lirst blow struck at lieland would llitj a train of rebellions. > fo p-ower on earth could prevent iclatlon by thulilsh. The Painclllfes.aio icsolved not to btop In their demand for home iulo. Jlr. Kenny , meinberf-of parliament , said any coveirimeiiit atteuiptinir to Inleifeic with the 'National league wmiM-po deprived of of- lice in a tew weeks' , J. with people , and the Tenth llur/ars , which regiment the earl is lieutenant : Llnd Isles , .Karl of Krm , gave the brldo away , and the Pililce of Wales signed the register. Theio weic eight bridesmaids.- A Nihilist'N'est Kalilcil. ST. I'KTKnsmiiiG , Jan. 10. A nilillist re sort has been discovered opposite the An- nitchkoff palace , iii-.thls'city. The police mndo a descent oii'tho plnco and ancstcd sev'- eial persons found 1u tho'lioiise. They soi/x'd a number of bombs and otherexplosHes , a printing press ami U ' quantity of tieasonnblc documents. _ SpiiniHh Hop'iilAicnn's. MAt > irn > , Jan. 10. The. 'government of Spain has itraWn the attention of Fiance to tlio suspicious movements of Cailists jind re publicans on the frontier , and asked her to iievont any hostile demonstration against Spain fiom Fiench territory. Succuiiibcil to I'resHiii'O. CONSTAXTIXOI-J.I : , Jan. 10. Owing to the prcssmo brought to bear on Prlnco Aloxnn- derbylho powtSrs , ho hns agreed that tlio negotiations for peace between Scrvia and Bulgaria shall be carried ou at JJiichniest , A Tcrrlblo Boycott , l.rxnbx , Jan. 10 , 'f ho tclpgrapli saj-s a con dition of great alarm oxhts In Dublin com mercial circles owing to the reasonable loins legarding tin ) extensive * boycotting system which It Is thought will bq inaugurated ; The Telephone Aronoiioly. WASIIINOIO.V , Jan. Ill , [ .Special. ] Pat ent attorneys hero express the belief that the reference , by Secretary. Lainar , of the telephone - phone cases to the courfs Indicates that In : thinks the Belt monopoly ought to be ills- solved because tliop ents were not honestly qtjUineil. An nttoincy whO'has talked much to the hccrctnry nnd' ' other officials In the in terior depaitment on this subject doubtless reflects the sentiment theio cnteilalned when ho said to-day , that tlieio would bo no telephone - phone monopoly ( wo yeuw hence , "because the Hell patent could i\ot \ and will not hold water before the courts. " Btallo flnnbH the Vatican. Nr.w YOIIIC , Jim. 10. [ Special Tiilciiram.J The Sun's London cabloonys : The stoiy Is published In Itoino now-spapeisthnt Judge Stallo , the now United States minister to Italy , abruptly loft a dliinin * given by Dr. Dehuunter , an American dentlbt , living In Itonie , on dlscovcilng tlmt the chambcilaln of the popo'o housclibld was among the guests. In oNplnlnlnghls depaitino to Dr. Delnmater , Judge Stallo Is repiciented to liavo said that he had orders to have no icla- tlons of any soit with the Vatlpan. The affair hns created considerable sensation , but Is not credited by Americans. Death ft-oiii .Hydrophobia. Nr.w Ilnuxswiric , N. ' J. , Jan , 19. The child Edw'aid Applegulc ; of Spottswood , N. J , , bitten bva mad dog twnty-ouu days ago went into convuUUmti . 'IflBl Thuisday am dlediestoiday of h } drophoUIn In the IIIOH horrlulofonn , leqiilrlii ! ; two men to hold i In It-sstniBgles. Tliothlld was 0 yenis ot nge. _ They Prelter Montana. HII.IXA : : , Mont. , Jaii'l9. The citizens o northern Idaho aio protesting against an iie.Miliou to Washington territory iH'cniiho the laws of that tenitoiy are antagonistic ( ( mining. They want annexation to Mon tana. _ The Hiicoctitiloii 1)111 Signed. WASIIIXG-IOX , D. C. Jnu. 10. The prcsl dent to-day approved the act piovldlng fo the performance ot Ihn duties ot piegldcn In e-u-,0 of icmoval , death or Inability both v president and vice-president. Ico. HATCHES , Miss. , Jan , 10. The mall boats on the MUsibslppI river wflio 'detained by running Ice , the heavlcal known hero foi lltty-thieoveaw. A MUsuni-i Mo. , Jan. 10. A Jho dcstroyec flyc business houses here Ibis inoiulug , Loss A COMPROMISE ON COINAGE , Indications That the Dollar of the Hereafter Will Contain Ono Hundred Oeiits. A SATISFACTORY SETTLEMENT , Patents to Western Inventors Im provements on the Missouri nml Mississippi Democratic Hona- tors ntul ttio Appointments. A Dollar ? of Kull Viilnc. , lnn. ID. [ Special Tclo- ; ram.J Kvery day lias a growing tendency owant compromise with icfercnco tn tlio sll- \crcotnngo question. Indications point to nu Increase In the amount ot silver in the itamlanl dollar ns sncli a compromise. Tlio optonbnt < < of the sllvcrdollar are scelm ; that hey cannot possibly get suspension of coin age , and aio inclined to accept whalcvur they can get. An Increase of the amount of sil ver in a standard dollar , so that It might lie woith about 100 cents , would bo pictty satis- 'actory to thorn. It would not ho entirely see o tlio extreme silver men , but It would prob- ibly be supported by the Rieat mass of mem bers who arc not radical on cither side of the question. The majority In both muses liavo been repicse.nted as silver men. Tills Is scarcely a fair statement .of the case. i'hcio Is doubtless a largo majority whgaru opposed to the suspension or to the do- nonctlzatlnn of stiver , but fully three-fouilhs of the meinbois of congress will tell , yon that something ougnt to Tic dona ( o stop thu system of coining qn 80 cent coin and calling t.n dollar. They say It will not do'to.stori ! hp coj nngo of' silver , for currency -Is de manded by the people. Theip am evidences ot aHiovvlnsbeliot among tljo ntajgilty of conservative thinkers In congress that- in lucre-user In Uie vnluo of the lo'llar would bo the' easiest ami Wisest . .solution of tlio dlfllculty. Tho. : ) iojiQilt.lon'forinnieaMng'tho dollar tg 100 : ents , making coinage fiue , sq that every - ' jody may have all liis silver coined Into full' value dollars at United Slates m'luts and the to exchange thcso coins for silver cer- : lfiealcsat tlio treasury , would meet with very btiong support fiom the moio inodciato silver men , with the gold men who see that this will bo the best thing that they can get , with the largo conservative clement ot con- rcss , and with llnj people geileially. Thd piess of the east is beginning to'sce , too , that some proposition , ot this soi tis 'tho most sat isfactory one. that can bo found , and Is be ginning to advocate it. PAT13NTS1O Wl'STnilX I.VVKXTOIl" . r.atonts were to-uay Issued for Xeuraslcan ? and lowans as follows1. Oco. II. Aiigell and Gl L. Lqslt'e , Omaha.seal lock ; Silas 0. Dick inson , Wilton , Iowa , electric lock move ment ; Win. L. Haas , Charles City , Iowa" , twine and who cutter ; James O. JIcKami , Ftills City , Neb. , measures lor diafilng gar ments' ; Edward J. Miles , Kellogg , Iowa , fence wire stietchers ; Phillip Pickering , . Bqone , Iowa , valve for operating air brakes ; Love- Joy Kogers , Burlington , ' Iowa , piactlco cas'o for postal clciks' ; Frank S. , Welsh' ' Mount Pleasant , Ipwa , , excav.ator , - . . , . N , Jan. 19. ll'iess , ) The sec retary of war tq-dny tr.uismltWd to the house of representatives the supplemental icport or the Mlssouil river * coiumisslon. l't says dur ing Ihn past'yoat the iHver has been surveyed from Tort Beaten * to Tmvcr's point , a dis tance of. 2-10 miles. Work on tlio Mlbsoml river- join -Sioux City to Fort Henton has been con lined to tlte upper poition ot the river , with a view either to "inclcaho the depth over the rapids in that poition ol tlie liver by damiping the , water back or to sweep away the .shoal.s .ot band by cbncen- tiiitinc the cuiient. These opciations sol.u-hnvo been Hiicccsstul , but the work has been suspended owing to the exhaustion ot the nDpiopiinUbns. Opclatious for tlio iinpiovemontot the Mlsbomi river Irom its mouth to Sioux City liavo been confined to tlmconstuietiim of luvctmcnt for the pio- tectlng'of caving banks in the vicinity of bt. Joseph and Kansas City , Missouri , This woik will bo continued until the htone covering - ing is deemed essential to protect the revet ment fiom ice and Moods is complctrd. The ' coimiiNslojicr says' the auiount of money available after completing the work now in piosross is not larger than should bo ictain- crl to meet the umereeneie.s which may occur at any time , unit thai general lesumptlon ol woik is therefoio Imposslblo until congic s maizes , additional apmopilatloni. Jn tills connection It says , not Jnoio than hix. months woik can bo done on the Missouri rlvei'cnch vcar , and tlmt woik should bobcuitn by Apiil 1. Moitiovcr , " iciiulies considerable timu to get the plane In winking order , piellniinary anangeinents , and engage .skilled men. etc. As the aiipinpilation lor the cuiienl liscnl year would nut bo available unUl-Jnlyl , It is locommcndod that ' 0 per cunt of the amount asked tor the coming fiscal jearbo appropi luted mid made immediately availa ble. The total amount ufckud for the next Is $ lKWUuO. : Thoamountavalla- blo on November 'M , W , for continuing the liinnoreliiGiiUof tliuMlasoml iler wfHfeiTB- 732 , ivniiiv ON 1111 : MISSISSIPPI. Tlio scci etuiy of war to-day ti.insAiJttud lo thq liou'so of ruut-eMMitudvcrl the Mipplc- niental icpoit of ( he .Mississippi liver eoiii- missinn , asking n'n Immedliitu appropiialion ot $1,000CO , , ( ) lor inijiroveinent of the river , and S 10.000 foi continuing the woik of.suivoys. Uho commission i-ayo that to all biibstaiilial ends the luiids available lor woik below Ualio aiQ now exlmiNted. Consldi'nitlons oJ economy leqillio that It tlio woiktliiuo is to ho com pleted at all lhit.should bo can led on with out intermission ol another season , Tlio great equipment ol Im.itf , and machiiicry for tlio pro ecullmi ot Ilidoilc , leiiiesuntuii ; u cost o niMily . ' ,000,000 , U lying idlnat : in expeiibuand duk-iliiintlon faster than if in actlvo hcivlco , The woiks nliuady con- btiucted.iiHIiough upon thu whole In good condition now , aio liublu in their imlinNicd state to Injniles , which It would coil much moio to ivpalr alter the lapse of months limn topieventby llmcly ilops 01 to lepulr by pioinptmeabines. liMOCIIA'l ) If al'XATOItS AS1) A PJ'OIN TilKN'TS The democr.itlu fauiuitors held a two horns' caucus this attuinoon tocompaio vlew.swiih icgaid to ihu anticipated Ihstiu between the hcnatoand the administration over tlio mat ter of inloim.itlon about icmovids. SenatotB lltmls , Ma\cy and Vest , the commltteo ap pointed last week by Heck , chairman of the caucus , to consult with tlio piesidcnt and members ol his cabinet about the matter. nude their icpoit , Mating the individual vlew.sol the mombcis ol tlioadiuliihtiatlon , but outlining no dellnllu policy or planet action. Individual bunatoiii expie.ssed their Individual opinion at length , hut no motion was made and nothing occiiucd to Indic.itn In any way the opinion ol the imijoiity. Flnalli'asuggehtlon was made that the sub ject bo further discussed after the lepubliean position had bean morn cle.tily developed , and the caucus adjoin ned subject to thu call of the cb.iliinan , with tlni undeislandlng , howiner , that It hliouhl bo called \eiyifcoon , possibly to-moruiw. SU.VATK nii.r.s IKTHODHCIM ) . By Senator Aldiich To pievent fiaud In the customs i eve mil' . It provides for Iho Miliuio of undervalued goods In ( vitnln cast's , for additional methods of ascertaining the actual dutiable" value ot Imports , and foi to > feltuiu of goods coming In Under attilbo invoice , 1'iovibinn is made tor extr.icom- PuntMitlon to tugli olliceis of the customs or consular set vice us aie actlvo and buccessful in the detection of fiatids upon the revenue , and for the icpoal of the act of IfaTJ , repealing mottles. By Mr. Conger To legalize agreements between common can lei ti and commeiclal assorlatlons Incorpor.ited under the I.iwsot the United Stutas , or of any btate , with 10- siiect to the conditions of liability which shall govern the caiihiL'c ot mcrclmndlse ; pro\fdcd , that such conditions t > hall bo made public , and that all bhlppcis shall have their goods caukd uniler ifl.o wuditioui , . Tlio commercial Afi ocladons ( o bo benefited are only such a.t Imvo be.ell til cvlsteiico more than live years , mm ImVe a mcmbcrshlD of moro than COO. CAI'ITAI. OMlAXIXnO. The hou o commltteo on foreign nffaln to day Informally discussed that pait of the president's imwiira relatlnt ; to the llshcrie . The soiicral sentiment of Iho commltteo np- iwared to bo adverse to consideration of fish- erics alone , but rather in favor of so broad ening the subject as to include a eaieful In quiry Into the existing relations between this countiyand Canada. The treasrn v department is in receipt of Information that tlio government of tlio .Ncthcilamls Is considering n proposition to assess duty on petroleum and ship timber , articles which have hllhoito been on ( lie free list. list.The president today approved ( ho act legalizing the < -le < tlon of tlio tcrrltoilal legls- lattvo assembly of Wyoming. It Is lopoited that tlie finance committee of the .senate , at a meeting this inoinlnc , deter mined upon a now foim of ittqutiy to bo sent to the heads of depailnicnB to elicit in formation with icspect to nominations which may bo under consideration , The leasons for making removals will not bo asked , but nil the papcirt minting both to the appoint ment and lemovnl will be called for. The Highbinders on Trial , ST. Loris , Jan. M-The trial of ( lie Chl- lllghblndcis continued In the ciliu- Inat couit this moinlng , The cir cuit attorney opened Iho case by reading the Indictment found by ( he eiand jury airalnst the defendants and explained tlm facts. U Is expected that the taking of testimony will beirln this afternoon. Thocoioner who invrMieated ( lie death of Lou Johnson , whom , It Is alleccd , wasmur- deied by the defendant , was placed upon the witness stand , and test I lied as to tlio location and piob.iblo manner of tlio infliction of Iho wounds found on Johnson's 'body. Leo ' Chlo testified that u eoiispliaey was fanned to uut.Jolinsoii out of thii way , and ho was ottered SV-'OO to do the lob ; that ho lefused , and the money was paid Chlo Chlagck , who liiuidcied Johnson , U IIness stated that Chi- agek would , with ns little hesitation , kill n limn as a chicken. AMOXCf TillKAlhftOAD.S. . The Missouri l'acino''sl > lan-to Po-vcl- op'o ItK System , NJW : Vomc , Jnn.'lO. Thedtic'etoT.sof Iho Mlssouii Pacific rajjioad company h.ivo ad dressed n , choular'jto the shareholding , In which tLey say.that'to piovldo the neccssaiy monuy by which to couti'ol -ownership of the VAiioua branch loads nr-cessaiyto a piop- cr develo.ment ] of tlio AIIsso.iii " Pacific sys- toin , It is pioposcd to InctiMso "tho capital stock Of the company git.OOO.OuO and lo offer tlio same to the biockliohler.s nt par. Tliu circular says : "It will bo necessaiy under the law-ot ! the states throu-jh which your loads'nio operated to own or control some of their bianciiosttiul oxtenslons , ! ) v means of Independent mixiliuiv local lallwny com panies , thioiigluu'quisitlon ot their Iwnds or stock , or both. This company. so , fnr as it shall use the pioceedsot the sale of rftichnd- ditional stoclc lor this pmposevlllplacnllio ncqulii'tl bomK anil stocks ot such railway coipoiatioiis in tlie hands ot iJussell Sago , llenryU. Murqiiaud. and Oeoige K Oonld. "to bo held in tiustn'ot to b ( ! pledged or solder or In any" way illspo-jCil ol , un less the company shall nniuiio full owneinliip by. consolidation or otheivvlse. " The tiunsfor ooolcs ot tlio company will bo closed on l-'ubimuy 0 for the annual meeting , and stoekluddl'rs.of it'coulnt. date will have the privelego of hiibscilblnj ; lo un issiu ! of stock at j.u * equal In amount to one-tenth ot their jfcspcctlvo ht > ldimr < . A. meeting ot slocklmhlei-n will be hehj in St. Louts on Match 10Htvhoti .nn'.issife oj. ' . 'JO poi ; cent of tlie new stoeiiWitbwraUtied } " ' * & * * ' the ST. PA I , , ilnn. 10. In tho'fedcral com I to day , the casts of"Fiodoilck'vs' life Northein i'acllic-nndSt. I'uul Duluth , for half n mil lion dollars woith ot lake fiont property at Dulutli , was dechled ugaliibt the defendant by J udgo MIJ5S BAVAIID'K PUNKIIAD. Sad and Simple IJiirlal Services at the family Home. WII.MIXOTOX , Del. , Jan. 10. At the fun- eial of Mhs CathniliiQ L\i Ustyoid , this alfer- noQi ) , tht-ip was a largo attendance. The weather was bleak and cold. Among the many weie Sccie.tarlesVhltney and ' Kndicott , Col. Lament and Wade Ilampt'on. The mourners weic Secietaiy Bayard , with tlm eldest -iiirvivlng daughter , Mis. Mabel Win it'll , leaning on liln aim , followed byUr , and Mi-s. Kane , tins ticcietary's slhter , and Mr. lUyaid's bens , Thomas band 1'hll- llp. Set vices began promptly at U o'clock. luv. ! Muitin , lector of Til nl ty paiisli. led thu sad procession to the giave , lecillng thu words ot tlm burial hoi vice , "lam Ulo ic-iur- lection and thu life. " The casket wis then blowly lowcied to itb iil.ieo in the family vault. At the head of Uio tmnb stood Soul clary Bayard , his daughter , MIIIS and .slhter , gazing long ami liugeilngly u ) > on fho Jlower'canopled coilln , whim at the loot weio aiouped Senator ( Jmy and otlioi.s jfcar to the family. Witluiuivcilngllps Mr. Ifayai'd ' at lou th turned liom the open giave .tnd Iho tad i lies wei cover. TKLKOUAIMI NOTKS. The TCaiibusleglblatuio convened in cxtia sc.sfllon yejleidny under call of tlioginornpr. The Ohio Society lor the 1'ieventloii of Cruelty to Animals is In Cession at Olneln- natl. natl.The The snow Is three leet ih-op at Aspen , Col. Heavy avalanches mo coming down the sides tit Aspen inoniitnln almost dnllv.- One man lias been Killed and several aiu buppobed to bn bulled btiiic.ilh the snow , SeniitoiValtliil \ : will bo elected as hid own Micccssor lioin Mibsl.s-.ippl , .Jewelry. Boston Beacon : It Will doubtless takij Rorno time ! for lioalonltuin to got ncuiis- toincil to tlui jMikado jnwoliy wliieh Is bullion-produced lur : i from Tiiruny'H do- hi ns. Bnieulutr of a l-ri ht , eopner-col- ortid gold are Hindu ury tliiolc anil broad , and arc worn with another brnculut of .silver , Tlio brooches nro bi'oail uud nro ( eon in varioly of slmiie.s. ( Jno wliich will BOOH Iw heeu in ( ho jovv lors' window in pansy hhapod , with n center of ham- niisroil ixold hiirroiindcil by eniuiiel and .small diamonds. Kur drops Imvn cunturs of diainonds mid other ntones. Tlioy am diilciilcd ] ! in Klilnufltonc.s and 'iltvhicli look iiiito | : is protly us the I'oslljur ono.s , mid tlio dill'orcnuo ih iiotoiifiilj'di&cerncil. Tlio styles arc n tiillo biwiiTo , but on cer tain types of Immotlo beauty add si sort of barbaric splendor not oxeelted by Iho ilruiuny-oyci ] beauties of the oast. Cull' buttons and scurf plus nro semi in rmldlbh gold , with luuves mid vines traced in hilvia * . AVIiy Tint \V ! ai'H Whlto TioM. Now York Horiild'ri Washington Sjieciul : 'J'ho lion. Timotliy Campbell , member of the J'orty-nintll congress from the Now York district , formerly ropro- fcimt d by Mr. S , H. Cox , on being told that ho would Imvo to discard his whlto ncokif ( ) if bn became u member of tlio committee on labor , declined to niako any fcncli aiiurliicu. Said Congrossnmn Campbell : "I do no fcimh tiling. Am 1 not a friend of labor ? Any dirty follow can wear ablucJc ncekjio for six months without being laundried. But I'll liavo you to umltjrslaml that I mi ) u frlund ol labor , for my white neckties uro always Huiii , and it lakes labor , toil ) ) and Wjitci * to { jive thorn tlio Miowy wliito color , " Mr. O'Neill , the chairman of tlio h 101 * committee , it is sahl , Ims proposed to Congres'Jinnn Timothy Campbell lo lim it liib lov'u for the Clilneso huiiidryincn by asking him to wear wliito neckties at iiight and wear tlio conventional black nccktlo during'tho .session of the IIOHM- , If yon buy lumber anywhere without fco getting lloagluud prices you will lose monoy. LOCKOUT ASD BOYCOTT BEGUN Fifteen Tbonsantl Striking Oigairnakcra in Now York Oily , FIFTEEN BIG SHOPS INVOLVED. A Itoyeott t Go Into KflTuut nt Onoo on nil Clunrs Alaiinrnotiifrd by the 1'lrins ARnlnst AVIioni the Strike ii Made. Tlio ClKimnnkcrs' Strike , NIJW YOIIK. Jan. 10. This ntlcrnoon ( lie employes of fifteen of the sixteen fnctoue of ( ho Cigar Manufactuiers' nosK ( > lnttou wero" told theiu was no moro "stock. " The mon palheied ii ] > their tools and belongings amr * quietly left the shops , nnd ( ho lock-out wan begun. The .sixteenth Him of thu nochv' ( Ion Is Jllisch & Co. , who will- con fcr lo-motrovv with their men , nnd doubt \ less ndjust prices to suit. Tw o hundred mon will thus bo saved o lock out. A "boycott1' tlnougtiout the Untied States wlllntonco go Into cftcct against ( ho films locking out their men. It Is stated to-night that tha Knhihts of Labor have levied Si ? per head on e.u-h mcmbei foi Iho support of the stilklng clirar maXi'is. -Xnvv YOIIK , Jan. 10 The tlrm of D.Hlreeb ' & Co , notiiicd the Inernntlonnl ( Cigar- ' I makeislhat they had withdrawn from the Clgnnuakeis' Association and dashed to con fer with a commltteo oC thq union about j l . justing prices , acccntnblo to both sides , llli cli < & Co. employ -about 200meii and if any airaiigement Is mndo theio iiipit will , nitt bo locked outto-iiionow. About i.UOO'buitohmakers woi locked out to-day by ( ho action ot thw ManittrcltnciV association" ycsteulay , A thocniplnyo.soriAvy ! Hio * . , ftrown it'Knrlo and kaufnmn Uros. me now on 'asluko lurninst thu new' .price' list , nml lllisch A Uo , liavo In n * inauner I'onceded the demand of the men. Only twelve fnctoile.s will bo closed to-moirow , iustead ol ni\leeh. Ik-tween l > ,000 ami lO.OW men will be thrown out. Clio Coke lloc'lou Trouble. JIot'XT PMIASA T. Pa. , Jan. 10. The situation in the eoko regions Is guvvlng' serious. I4ast lilght the thico or four gunrda at loixsvvood.venluicd . too clo o to Iho llun- garinii qttaitei.s , vlion nn "alarm was given ' and thefoiolgners swaimed out of tlicli- qnartcis and begnu filing iilstols. Almost Instantly all the. stilKeis joined .In the Hi ing , nml tli guanlii bfoko lot ? safe qilnrteis. 'Iho Hungarians rctiunodc lo their liotiH-s after tlm guard had. let t. Ni/ , ' trouble rieeuricd at ( ho Sf.uulavd workyup t . boon. TliKmrtinlnir the Mnrowood striker ' , held a meeting ami decided to luitithu'AHco' eoko ynul. .They maiehed o'vcr and drove the diaweis off. The Alien dinners ictuincd to woik but were ngaln driven uwny. woilc ' wns. then abandoned. Tlio outlook is do-1 . chledly squally. Pi n siii'KO. Jan. 10. Tills evening a car load ot milioimed police was dlspatclmd fiom this city to thescenenot Ilio liotousilla- tuibances in HIP coke-region. Tije swoiniK by.tho 6)iciif ) of Wcstluoielamt . county as , deputies. It Is thought a wnmll . V01.1 / ! " 0111,1 ! ' ; n uwUlhavo morc , iTcct ? . ! \vlth the ir&iMis HuncaiTans tha.n Irvo tlnief * . , as inany-olleeiiln.olil7e1is' ) " . Governor Pattlson was also callcdiupon fdjr military-aid , but has nut yet le-jptmtlcd. Tliui .sltuntlcmol HIP coke stilko to-night may bo .summed tin asfollowf..fn thu'ConnclIsvllIO1 Mount Pleasant. Slonosvllle , Scott- dale. and iadfoid dlstilets a total of t-ViTi ! evens are Idle , or nbout - one- third tlio'ovojis In I the icglou. The Hungnii Inns , numbering about bOO , in Iho Minn\t \ Pleasiiiit district , are hard to handle , tho' women being than the men. They are very revengeful , nnd will tight to the fleam betoro being capluicd. The Ameiican elo- . muiil claim the Hungaihinsnio olono losnoii- siblo for what they do. This inornlni ; 209 strlkcis drove the men fiom the yaid at tlio Alice mines. They blew ill ) the tipple with dynamite , anddiovo Mr. White , tno Miper- liitendent , from the gionmlH , threatening his life. Committees aio wnltlljg on the laboieis In the Uiadtord regions to indtico ( liom to Mi Ike , nnd the jticvallliiK onlnlAii ' Is that the. men will go out In Uiat distilct to-moiiow * . Mouxr Pr.nAHAK'T , Tn. , Jan. 10. Aspeclnl saffj the hliciiflauivedto-ulttht with nineteen * additional. deputies , who will bo placed on. duty at the Alice mines. The hherifl hns ' ordered his deputies to piotect' these who want to woik , and ItIs , expected tioublo vvlll lollovv lllls older. The llungailans mo paiadlngnbout ( lie village sticci recklessly bold to-niKliri andthieutcninsc vtolonc'o to all wito-nttoluuc . to ictiiiii to woik and destruction to the com pany's pi opeity. SUFFERING FKOM t.VSOM.\l"A > ' Arthur .Seriously , ilut Not AlarlutiiKly. 111. Nr.w YOUK , Jon. 10. [ Special Telegrain. ] , The health of ovPie ldentr Aithur luw caused some anxiety du'ilng. Uio .last low * weeks. Ho hits tyccn , under trcntniVnl for rio * vcio IndlgivAIou , and lii-j diet has-'bjcen ic- blv.H'ted ' tofliufiltni.ilest nitlclasoUood , prjiii cipnllv milk and pup > lli. Ho sud'ered niucli fioiirinsom'nla ajui attendant nervous exciter nicntnnd dcplesslon. Dr. Gcoigo C" Pctois , who Ins been hfs phyMclnn for many years , Fall ) tea reporter to-night tlieio.'wus nothing In the li.v-picsldcnt's condition to occasion humcdlnto nlnim. Tliough ho remalni nt home , ho Is not at pic.sent confined to his lieu , but goes out raiuly , nursing his strength In everyway. His mind Is us blight and iicllvo ns ever , and ho shown no bodily Inllimlly. Ho Millers liom n complication of troubles which liavo been made WDIMI by general hc.ivv colds. lllH libiiidu hope that Ins hlinnjj con.sillnllon will pull him tlnouili ; safely , but don't ileiiythatanyrlmiipo in his condition lor Iho vvorsu would ho ic\ lowed with anxiety. Most lilt IOH. I ) . T , , Jan. JO.-Hotli thoMIN waukeu and Jfoi thwehtern Imvo wlthdiawn thcli- men , The couits will decide tlio iluhtfl ot the ie-.poctlvu romiiaiiles on TliuiMlny , Rheumatism VTo iloulrt It tlicro It , or can IIP ; a ppcclflt Vemcily lor rheimiaUbin ; mil tliousajiilalm havoEiilTcrcil Its pahis Imvo liccu ijrcally hen. I'fltccl by Hooil's 'Haniapnrllln. Jf jou liavo lallfil to fltiO icllef , liy tlila ficat iciuvdy. "I was afflicted vvlili rliciiiiMtlsin twenty years. Previous to jssa I foiiiid no relief , but iruvv ; worse , and nt nun liino wan almost hclji * less. Uooil'g HarsnjKirlll i Old mo moio gooil tlmn nil tlio ytlior ine < llclna I over had , " II. T , JUl.coM/3'ililey / Village , Jlafs , . " 1 hud rliqiimallsin Ilirco years , and jot ; no icllef till 1 look Hood's Karsaiarllla. | It has done great tlsliifs for me. 1 iccununcnil U to > others. ' J.ivv : u ItiiKiiANK , lilddcfoiii.Me. Ifooil'ii Bamparllla la cliaractdlrfil \ > j tlneo pccullniltlcs : ut , tlio combination ot remedial agents ; 2dtlio proiioitloni 3d , Ilia yxjcen of eccurhig tlio active iwdtcinM ( innllllts. The result Is a imdlclnc of umis'ial ' strength , cffcfllnff nues liHIicito unldiowii. tii-'iitl for liook cciitaliilni ; adJIlloual ov Idencu. "Hood's Haisaiiarlll.i tones up my tyalein. ixiilllcn my Mood , fcltiiH3 : | niv aiipclllc , ami KCCIV.S to mriKe mo over. " , ' . r. 'rjiOMl'SQMk .Ht'Hl ter of lfcd ) , I ncll , Ma > s. "IIoml'H Harsiparlll.i beat * 1I nthern , nnc | Isvvoit'iltKvvelKlithienhl. ' " I , HAIUIINGION , isy HaiiH Htttui , h'cwToi k City. Hood's Sarsapanlfa t'oid by all dru.liti , SI ; tlx for $5. Ma wily by a. I , Jioou & CO. , l.ov.i u , Mass. IpO Dosca Ono Dollar *