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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1886)
THJE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TIT3SDAY , JANUARY 19 , 1880. 14'rfl e ; coed roll , ll nc ! fair roll , ' pour 4 a if. < nt * -Fnney full cream clictMars. ( ) c toN-r make. Ho. Hats Vic : JOIIIIR America. 11 Iir-tfitialily \ S\vl s clieon1 , IIV ; M-COIIU piali < j. 1 , ' < /l Ic ; biick cliccsc , LJc ; I.lmburijor , I'ot i TIIV- The nmrkpt ! \voik on poultn- tun jinov , arc lower. 'J'lic receipts arc larcc iind the slocks are aTiiinnlntlnif. While sidiie f.-uifv < lrcs cd rliichenseio held nt fc Hie market ennnot be fiiot | ' < l nlMiver/ . I ncre are more turkeys In thu market tTian nt anj tune iluiliiK tlii ? * > Ciison except nt the time of the holliln } s. uy reason of the lar e slock prices dtopiie l to-day nnil choice ttir- ko s aie quoted nt luc < M1r. ( k-e o and di c ! ; are not M-r > plenty nt ( t'filfk- . < . \MI. The maiket Is fulily slrone and ro > ce'jits Ilirht , rmliu ; pilnclpallv to the evplra- I on of the -uasoit. 1'ialile elilckens S-.T.V't 0i ; < lnek . mallardS-\0'd1.M \ ; duek . teal , Sl.'iVrf1..V ) ! ducks. inlMMl. ? l.'lV 1..iO : ipiall. ' lUV/tM ) < < > ' ' - .i 7 : . : jack labbit.s 53.00' < WO ; small rabbits , SI.ixi. SAI r.n KII.U-T He t quality , SO..W Ibbariel ; perbbl. SJi.if , . l'iii. K.nvr. , .iKi.i.ti : * , iTf. Pie erves : nil kinds. 'JO-lb. palls i > er lb. , 10 Vi do 10 pall ! ' . ' .lo < ! . ! ? . ' ' . ' . ! ' / " " . ' l" > " . ' < l > er..tW. . . S\UO. alls , per . per do/ . , SS.'il ; ilo. tumblcis. per 1 , ! ! doz. , S1.-1II , all kinds second cinde. : : o-lb. nails , per Ib. ! , , \ Mlnei ) Meat , best per doSfl.Oi ) ; iiearh and ofnin butter , 40-ll > , , jialls per Ib. , .ik'e ; pencil , plum and quince build , a'lSOUe.d , 0-lp , pails , ver doz. , S7.W ealsuii t.Snyder's ) , tinest made , per rave , 'J do/ , pint bottie' < . ? : > .00 ; horse radish , pint bottles per dog. , ? I..V ) , Ni IHuirkoiv mils laiRe per Int. S1.40 ; do shell barks $ l. " > ; cnestnnts , I- ' " , pecans la rye polNicd , lie ; pecans medium , Ho ; Ktmllsli walnuts lie : almonds Tiuniifona , 20e ; do , l.nni uenoe , ire ; llra/lis I''e , lilbeits : ile ; peanut * , hand picked , laney Viiglnia , 7e : do toasted S'e. I'KIS FIIT : : , 'I nii'i : , AMIIj.VMiiVToxni'K'i ' I'lL's * feet per U bbl. , S4.7i > ! do. * { bbl. , 52.10 : do. tier kit , fcl.W ) . Lambs' toimue.4 , per } H bbl. , Sr.'UX ) ; do. IMT kit , W : . ; do. qturt jairt per doz. . SUM ; do. pint jaisper ea-e , \i \ doz. . 57.00 , 'l'iipc , per Jv bbl. , 5:1..V ) ; do. per Hbbl. S'i.'ii ; do. pet kit. Me. Hrolled mack erel , new , pel ea'-e. Ml cans , f.\M. ( \ COMII Caillornla'Jib frame GO Ibs In wive ) ier lb. , l.'c ; extiaeled , t ! Ib. in cans 'J doIn ease , per case , S4.00 ; 10 lb. liames Nebiaska , IV. CIIIIIKNew Vnik rellned , per bbl. , 57.00 ; do. haifbbl. , S4.UO. Vixr.riAii WhltiMvlne. 1V ( ; cider , lUjfe. CiK o\M-rs At 5:4.00iH..ri ( ) . S'l U I-HIM AMI IIATI.S 1'lps. h-lliyitin. 100 Ib. kens per Ib , lie : lajer , * , U mid 10 Ib. boxeH. per Ib. K' rire ; lajer , laney , IS lb. boxes per lb , 2.V : lajer , taney , 'J II ) . car- loons ) ' ! ' Ib , li'ie. Dates , fancy I'anl , It ! Hi boxes pei Hi , lie ; fancy Persian , Ml Ib boxes per lb , lie. 1'innelles , ' . ' . > lb boxes , per Ib , ice. I.HIONS per box , S5.0055 . OiiANf iv : Floilda , per box , 5M..V ) ; Call- fonil.i , SUX.i : ) : ! . ' , ' . - , jier box. ( iiANiii.iuir.s : Capo Cod , fancy dail : , Per bbl. . Sl'.OO ; Capo Cod. fancy dark , 5 bbl. lots. per bbl. S8.M ) : . ) ei.-ey Hell and Hude , per box. } tt.r,0VH ; - consln Hell and Cherrv , per bbl , SO.0Vis ; - COIIMII Itelland Cheny , r bbl. lots , per bbl , fO.25. UAI.IFOH.VIA i < uriT rears K.ilcurre and pound i.eius. per box. SH.OO. Ai'i'i.Ks t'iiney ' iNework and .Mlehitjaii njiplcs , per bbl , W.7.V : ! . ( X ) . ; fancy New Yotk and Michigan apples 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. , 63.1'hi' fancy New Ymk and .Mieliisan apples. 10 bbl. lots , per bbl , , S'J."j ( ) ; Jllinois apples , per bbl. gy.7fi ; IHIiiDis apples , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. , M.Ki ; Illinois apples , 10 lib ] , lot * , pur bbl. , 5W.IO ; Mi-soini ( ienitons , 0 bbl. lots , per bbl. . S'-.W ; .Mlssoinl ( ienitons , ] 0 bbl. lots , perbbl. . S.CO : : ; Inncy eatlnu , per bbl. , § : i.ij ! ; laney .Miehliran fiuit. Si.00 : ( < o : . ' . ' % . i ( iitAPKS Mnliiun , per bbl , S7.00. I'liovisioxs. Ham , lO dflle , breakfast bacon , .v'sC'1'1' ' : clear shlu bacon , 7ediysalted : hides , fc : shouldeis. sn ar emed , S' u ; mess poiU per lib ! . . SliUX ) : lard. 10 lb. cans , per lb , 7e77'.e ; 10. r.and ! ! Ib Faltbanks , 7 i'iSc ( ; tilled beef hams , I'-V. OVSTI.IIS N. Y. eotinlsirx ; ; extra selects , iWc : hulcc'ts. ' * ' * > : stitiidtiiits.txx. * : mediums.5c ( I.SKINS Salt l.uke stock is sellini ; nt Sl.OO per bushel ; common home Blown reds , 70@ 75e. 'I'licu ; aio a lew u\tra choice In the .Maiket that aie held nt 51.00 nor bush. J'lir.vioKS None aio eoiiilnir , and prices are nominal at .V/.iOOo torelioleubtoelc. JJJIASS lieoelpts or interior stoclc nro sixain iicoiiiiuiliitliii. . Good clean block is .vellinuie.nllly. Hand picked navy. Sl.7 % ! U.UO ; Hand-picked medium. S1.M ( < U.75 ; toml clean conntrv. 8l.ii1G31.-rJ : infeilor. TSeful.OO. ( iitAiN- The lohowini' me the nrovallinc prices nnld for wasron io.uls on tno sheets and at the mlll.s to-day : Coin , - ' . ' ( : oats , ' ' ( > o i' - , wheat. No. - ' , OUc ; rye. 4.104 17e. Elevator prices for ear lots : Corn , il'0e ! : oats ' t'ic ; wheat. OJJie : r\e , 44o : bailev. niyiMe. Kr.ot'it and .Mu.i.srL'Fi's Winter Iteat Fli m ; best quality tutent at SD.OOQtf.DO. .Second cinality W.iXKj'Jl.OO. j ; Wheat Uestqiiallty patent at S2..10 Jluekwheat Flour III bauds , $ ri.r - ready raised : ! lb packages , S4.00 ; 0 lb packages , Hian .Vic per cwh Chopped Feed I'er 100 Jb . 'Oc. Coin .Meal White , No ) ; yellow , 7."cpcrcwt. HctceninK No. 1 , 7.ric per uwt ; No. ' . ' , 50e. Hominy per cut. rjhoits-COc per cwr. ( iialiam S1.75 per uwt. Jlay-liales , SO.tKH. i7. ( ner ton. I'Uits AMI ISKIXS Prices on furs and hkins are .sle.idy. .Mini : , each , 10 ( < ? 30o ; muhkint , winter , 2ir ( c ; do. kits. 2c : Otter , S2.MX t.UO ! ; skunk , hhoit Miiped. IfiWijo : do. InoairMtlped , lOiZil.ri ( : badger , li' oO ; liac- < -oon. N'o. 1 laice.KK M : do. Xo. 3 , SOfrfa ) ; do. No. 'I , lUi'JV ( . ; wolf , jirairlo..riOic75e : do. mountain. S J.OOQiD.OO ; wildcat , 15040 ; bea- \er , { sl.SCO'-.M ) per lb ; fox. each , SI.-lOQl.W ) : deerskin : , ilrv winter , 15ilSc ( per lb ; do. fall iiiul Miinm'T "Ot L'Ou Jlnir.s l'ileeann1 weak ns is usual at thld hfitsoii of the year , ( freen tintcneiV , 7c ; Kroen emed. s c't'c1 ' ; dry Hint , J4c ; dry salt , lOe ; damaged hides two-thlids price. Tallow 4c. ( ireaoe , jnlmo white , 4c Sliecprelts S5&i 7."c. i.KATitr.n No. 1 I'ittsburc harness J. C. 1 . A- Sons , 3Cc ; No , 1 ntUbnrc , K. & H. a5c ; No. Cincinnati , Me : No. 1 lace leather. O0c ; nrlmo hlaimlitersolii leather , 'Jsx/l ic ; vrlnio oak solo leather , ffidllVJc. Upper leather , per foot. i0@ ! S7c ; Hem klp rrfnwcjoakkip.t.Xtlft'c ; French kip. 8l.oo < c/ call. Sl.oo1.10 , oak call. Sl.tXXjtl.'JS ; Krench calf , Sl.iH ( < il.S5 ; Mo- inccn boot lejr , ! MJiliJo ( ! ; JIoiocco oil pebble , if/wc ; ( ! / : ; topplncs nnd ilnln s. SG.OOYdlo.oo per dor . COAL Anthraolto prate , S .ftO ; SH.r-0 ; ranire , SS.7. ' ) ; che.stnnt , SS.73 ; low.i. Walnut block , ia.75 : jninols , 55.00 ; Mlh- sonrl. 84.00. UKAVV ll.MinwAitr. Iron , latcs. 53.055 1'lowPteel , special cast , 4c ; ciuctulu bteoI.Oo ; eiihl tools do , IWIb'o ; wiicon spokes , per set. , . : hubs , ner , Sl.'A felloes , sawed diy , Sl.-IO , toiiRiio.s cacli. 75o , nxS eaeh , 75i ! ! sqtiaii ) nuts , per lb , , , ( . , i lie ; coik'hain per u > , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " o- ' - . r < a'r.V ; maleable , So ; lion eitijes ( > e. : crow- tiais.O ; haiiow teeth , 4c ; M > rins Mecl , 7gSe. ( ; llunlcn's hniMi shoes fr'l.'Jd ; Hurden's iniiln KIOCS. | S.Vr , . Htirbetl Wlio- car lots , Sl.OO per 100 tts Iron Nails Kates , 10 | o CO , sy.oo. bhot 61.50 ; bucKsliot , S1.H.V ( lilenlal po\\der , kens 5i.Wy : ) 4.oo ; do , half kcfjs.S'.oo ; do , quarter Ki-is l.iU : bla-.llm ; , Keis , Si.3i : ; fii'e.pcrlWJUvt.Wc. Lead. 15ar. S1.05. Dnv I'.MXT.sVhltn \ lead , be ; J-'ieneh zinc , l' . > cl : > arU hlllns,2'c ; whitlncKiidcrs.l'iu ; \\liitintcoin'l , Uaelampblack , tiermantown , 12e ; lampblaek , oidlnary , lee ; Priixslan blue , 6.V' , , nntramarine , lsc : Vandyke , tuown. bo umber , mnnt.lo ; umber , raw , 4o ; Menna , tnirnt. 4c : sienna raw , 4n : Paris creen. senn- ine'i * : 1'aus ureen , common , tuio ; ciiromo Bieen , N. V , 20 j ehr mo cieen. K , l"o ; ver- mllllon , KnijlNli. in oil nv > t ir > o raw and buint nmber 1 lb cans , luo ; raw nnd mnnt fcleiina. lOo ; vaiulvkn Profit , l e ; reiimil lampblack. I''c ; coach black nnd Ivory bla * ' lOc ; diop black , ICc ; Pni-alnu bine , > 0c : ul- trnmarlnu blue. JJ-e ; ehroiuu cieen , L. . Jt & llfio ; blind and bliutter ureen , U. M. Ai \ , ICe ; 1'aris ween , IHo ; Indian led , 15o ; Vene tian led. Uc : Tuscan red. 'Ac ; American ver- millltni , li. AOo ! ; yellow oeiire. Oo : Jj. M .V ( ) . 1) . , Ifro ; colden ochre , lOe : patent dryer K' ; imiliiliii : colois. llclit oak daik oak , wnl- mil. chestnut and asli " llllllll < .lllt .III t ill Ul ll .l l , " , 7.Vermllllon. . American , l c ; Indian. 10ero.-.o ; pink , 14c : Venetian , red. Cook on' . < i She ; Venetian led , American , IJi'c ; red lead 7)c ; rhromo yellow Kenulne , AH ; ; chromo yellow , K , 12e ; ocluo lociiello c : ochre , KiencJi , Weoehie ; , Ameiican , 2c ; Winter's mineral. ' . ' } c : Lchluh brovui. ti'e ; KpanUn bio\Mi. " > iu ; Prineo'smlneialiio . . . iMi.8 llUearbon , per irai on. lie ; 150 : bead light , per ; gallon , is'o ; HSo tiraUllgiii , Ion , life ; IWo water white , ino : linseed hard tier pailonHo ; Unseed , boiled , ycr Rallnn , 47c : laid \\lnter btr'il , p--r Ballon 5 o ; .So. 1il'e ' ; No. ' . ' . 4i'e ; cantor XX N , per tallon , Jl.W ; No. 3 , fcMltbwtct , per yalloii , Sl.OO ; W. U. , j * > r pallon. St. < V ) : flMi , > v. ! . , Ballon , We ; nent foot extra , p r cation , iOe , No. 1 0iiibricatlne ; - . 7ero , rK-rcallon , 5iinnncr. l > c : colden machine. No. l , m , pallon : xv ; No. yxsp \ -rin , siznal , Ion 7 : > rtnrontine. ! | iicrfralIon,4G'cnaptha ' ; , , per Rallon , 7h. ' \ Aii.vtsHi : * ; Hariels JKT calloni tum-t tnie. cstw , SI. in ; furniture , " No. 1 , S1.1M ; coach , etlr.i SI. 40 ; coacli , No. 1. Sl.-'O ; Daniar. ertra , SI. " " ' ! Japan , "Oc ; aspballnin , extra , ssc ; shellac , $3.00 s bara oil linUli , tiriniTS- Cologne sphits , 1S3 proof , $1.1'2 ; do 101 iircof sr.lH ; jpirits second anallty 101 proof. 81.13 $ do. 1-vS proof , SI. 11. Alco hol. 1V3 pi oof , S'J.10 ] M > r u inc gallon. Kedls- tilled whiskies , S1.0iAiTl. : > 0 ; Rln blendeil , Sl..VX2.tW ; Kentneky boinbons S'i. Kentncky and I'eiins > lvaiiii : ijes f . ' . colden slieal. bourbon and lye \vhl kles Sl..VXif.1. i. nrandles-lnipotled , S-VtWr/V-O - ; donifMie , Sl.flOC-W.00. ( ilns-Inipoited , ( nti.tx ) ; doniP'.tJp , Sl.j < y < i J1.W ) . Ittnns Ini- portfii. SJ.r/X' .lw : New ] : nilaiiil$2.uo 4.00 ; domestic , Sl.'V > ' < .Oi ) . Cliaiiipasnes Ini- iioited , per ra e , 5 > 'HOiX3UJO ; Ameiican , i > er case , t-10.lXXS 10.011 _ . tlHIIIIMIS oinfiriroi. . risii. JO 100 UJ M 40 l.'i 12 10 Munn' * S'tNo.1 I/b 7 tn' ' ( 00.1 ns 2 fill 70 WR ! 70 I/ o Illl.'eil , Piincy ( I IM | 1 MH 2 } I y > 1 1 75.V1 M HbK Half llblq ( J'r IIWs SIBW M ) 100 W , W < U = t _ _ ' I I lllontcr.Me . . . . Vi m is nn 10 S3 o m 7 ) i a * > Kx. No. ISIi'r . j < i i2 rxin : wr no.-i m 110 No. IShoio . ih w u m s w i HII'.HI : i 10 Mod. No. lyiune. . M on 7 ( x > . ii : v ; i iV , 2 in K > Iluy. . . . il w | o ft flflft Al flfl 4 , VfS&T3 101 1'nt T ( W , 4 tiO | . ' 1 IV. 2 05 1 T0 | Ki ' . irr iibi ( > 'r iibi p'u ids MW : il-'it. 1UU W I 1X1 < 0 i 12 I 10 . vii i | T > 1 ( ii mi I'oinlly : i rnn ir.y n-ii TII < U fir , No. 1 Tmtit. . < TiO 4 m 3 < " , : : 10 74 ia No. 1 Pickerel 4 on : i co ; ; io t w w ' co _ _ _ ' " 'Is ' Illf HblMjir1ilili PnlM or kits llinibltO'rllbN , PnlH . or Kits . , | M 1 ( ) , j. ,0 , KKK iiei-in s.n 007 oio a3 , ra no . 08 8."i I i * ' I i I K itiu-riiws.'ia ' noi ; nun ran : m J TO' ' . . . . w so lIllMllinr * . I 8 ml | M4 002 ! 1 ! KI' ' . . .1 fii ] JM Sf.Miiiii : * . UonicMlu Hollaml hciiint's , ki-es ' " "Oe ; Jlii'sslan sanlines , 45o ; Anclio- \ies in | { la.s > , Ole Hull branu , iier no/ . , Si.0 ! ( ) ; Aneliovlr-s in K'egs ' / Ole 15nll br.unl. S1.IJO ; spiced llanibnn ; heirinjjs , skins and bends oil. per pall , 81.UO. CODKIHH .New liirao bank codle ; sea kill ! ; , Ci-ont" ! chunks "Jie ; clover leaf , ( icorpe-s snip's , fii e ; 1 Ib lolli , 'J lb , r.c ; iiialrlo llower , 'J Ib bilcl.-.Oy ; wild io--e , U lb biiek. Be. HMOKI : FISH Halibut , now , fc ; new scaled herrlnj i , 'J.'c ; inaekeiul l''e ; salmon , K'o : smoked stiircuon. H'e. Holland lieiilntr , new , j er ke ? , 7.'c ; lone split stoeklUh , lOc , new shoit Millt stueklKb , 0'st- ' . Groccra Jj1st. Svnri1 tjtaiulaiil 0 ! i" > c , bbl-j ; Stantiaid , 'oxMleieil , .vc ; cut loal.Ve ; nlaleil , ' 'nc ' : conlectioneiV A. 7''e ' ; Man daul extni 0. ( i e ; extra C , fi e ; mediiini > el low. O'ic ' ; New Oileans. . " J/nri ( e. C.VVNKII ( i'ooiS ) Oysters , .Standard per case. ? ; ; .CO : str.iwbeiiled , 2-tb. , vercase. $2. MI ; laspbernes . , per ease , S' , ; CalllurnU iiears. per case , So.CO ; apucots , per ease , fc4.iV ) ; peaches , per eaie , H.75hitc ; cbei * ries , per ca e , .cii.OO ; plums per ease , S-I.OO ; \\lu.itlebenies per ciM1. ? ' .MO ; eg ; ; plums ! MI > . . per caw , SS. 0 , jjiwn Rafjos 'J-H > . . ) ier ca e , & ; . uj pine apples -Vi. , per case , § : ) . ' 'o ' MATCHES I'cr caddie , Coo ; lounil , per case , 45c ; feiinaie cases , S1.70 ; Ushkosh caies , gr. , gl.'JO : mule Mitiare. Sl.'J- . SALT Uray loads , per bbl , 51.M ; Ashlon. In sack.s SD.ii'i ; ' 4 sacks , Ashton , OOobbls dairy. S-J-f ' " cloves , tWc. tWc.UOFFEKS Oullnnry gianes , f c ; fair , ' . ) ? 4@ lO c ; pi line , ll l'JUc ; choice , l'J'4imUc ' > ; laney cieen and \ellow. U'a'OtH'-.o ' ; old cov Intel tor .lava. lH3ir ( < ! _ . . . . . . .I's XXXX are sold COc per case oil above prices n : t-c.ist3 lots. ( rood , : TeaS i'j.uo TOUACCO Climax leper Hi ; lloiso- slioe , -l.'e ; .Star , 47c ; Spearhead , -lOo ; Hold Itoll , -ICc : Viper IleldMck. COe ; Punch , I e ; Kiltz , 4lc : Silver Tnsr. 4 < ic ; JT.I. . Koi-i : .Sisal. K inch and larger , 8&4'e ; Inch , OKc ; H Inch , o c. OANiiy Mixed.i@12e ' ! : stick. n SODA In Hi papcis , SW5 a casoj saisoda Kperlb. 8i.2S. ! \ I.VKOAU CiuKii 13 < 31Sc ; whlto wine , 13 ni-jCKs Crround Black pepper , boxes l.'i ( a'-itc ; aNplce , V.'QlGo ; einnamon , ISyi'lV ; cloves , 15Joe : ginger , 13 'I5o ; mustaid , 15 i'jcKi.ns Medium In barrels , S7.00do ; In half barrels. 54.00 ; small in barrels , 58.00 ; do In half barrels , S4.50 ; gherkins iu barrels , gy.OU : do in lialf bauds. $500. CIIACKIMIS Ciarncau'3 soda , butter and plcnie , 5/c / : cie.uus , Sj-jo ; ginger snaps , " t'ltv soda , 7J e. CANW.IS : Ho.xes. 401b. Gs li.h'c ; Ss , : boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Gs , ll.'ic ' ; halt box , 12e. 12e.FIXI : CUT Hard to Heat , 'Oo ; Cliarmof the West , We ; Fountain , 70o ; Golden Thread , 67c ; Favorite , fxte : lluds , 50c ; Hoeky Moun tain , We ) ; Fnney , 45o ; Daisy , 40o ; North Star , 7Uc : ( ! oed Luck. Me ; Our llest , W 'c. SjoAi'S Kirk's Savon iiniiprmi , SO.OO ; Klik's satinet , S.15 ! ) ; Klik's .standard. SH 50 ; Kirk's Whlto Htisslan. S-I.OO ; link's \Vhito \ Cap. S .iJO ; DuiiH1 , M.3"i. cillc , ( ! < ; llannony. 4Sjo ; Anchor .Shillings , Tj-jjC ; .Mertliiiack tililitings , 4c ; Ut-rwiclc , f > o. HI.IAPIIIII : COITOXS , Knrniprs' choice , fi' o ; Cabot. C fc ; Hope. 7c ; Hill 4-1. 7'c ; Hill K , o > / i /.onsdale , tI'rnit / ; , 8'4c ' ; Wuiul bUltll. lOjfC. CinisiU' JKANS Kearsargp , 7c ; Armory , 7c ; J'cppcrell , 7Ke ; Indian Oicharcl , o o ; Nnunit'eai : . 7e. Jicow.v Corrox Lrrvuunco L\4 \ < 6c ; Khaw FIXE Hisowxtonoxs IVpncrell It , C'/c ' ; PciwrollO. 5 4c. Atlns , flifojistatuo of hib- ertv , Co ; Saranao. I ! . OHe. DKKIHB lloavi-r tieok AA. Ilo ; Ileavor Creek , 1U5 , lOo ; 1 tea ver Creek CO. c ; Jaffrey XX , llo.inirioy ; XXX , I'-'n ; Jalfrey I ) it T , l'Jl-ie ; Columbian , I'J'-jC ; York , I8c ; Voik , fancy. lUKe : Kveiett , IScj Haymaker's blue anil blown. Trie. lurK-Unbleached ( ) Soz. Masnolla , lOijc ; 10oz. Magnolia , lie : Soz. West Point , lO y ; 10 01. We.-t Point. 12 > ( c- DUCK ( colotedi liostonO oz. brown and drab , 13" e : Huston 0 J ! blown and drab , Ooj lioiton XX brown and drub lOo : Iloston XXX brown and tlrab.llHcjiJostonOPbliie , ll.v/e / ; \ \ .men Tricot , l&c. TiciiiNos Amoikeuc AOA 12Kc : Thorn- dike OOO , 7Jio : Thorndikotaney , u ; c : "V ork lOKe ; Vork fancy , 1'J'so : Mlllbury , 12 > io : Pearl HI ver , Hfc } ; Hnmllton. 12o : bwitt Itlver. 6 > Xc < Shetucket h , s' < c ; .Slietuoket SS HKc : MontaukAA. r.'o ; Montauk 11U , lo io ; OmeeaACA , l ( c. , , , UISOHAMS Honfrow. . ' ' ' ; Amoskoa diess. Uc ; Ainoskeap , staple , ty c ; Ivanhou * " , < ? ; AVnmsnlt.1. * \ eNubian. \ . * \ wiok. 5- , c : Whlttcndon. Pe ; JJates dre S'ao ; Hates . t " Jtnnttolitli ,0'iC Maple. > "te ; staple , , Lnnxlowno. TO : Oloneester , 7 , e. I ni.viois Aino kf ! ! r , checks , O' ct Amos f > M ? , Mripdsc ; .stater , .Mrijx-s * o : ICdin- bure , li' ' , \\lnttendon : , tnpes ? o ; Olen- lose , 'o ' : Oti. , checks -"iC ; Otis .itrii-cs. e , Itojnl CJ c ! Amo'kenir , naiii > eil , 10' ' c ; I.n- ray , book fold , 1'Jc ; Oberon , book fold , li ; < c ; Knuurance , book fold ! ? , Dry Ijiintbcr. lMlXSION3AN : TIMIIGK * . 2 ft II ft 10 ftlS ft 20 fttS ft 24 ft x . . . . no vm ISA ) Rft rn ? i uo 2x . 14.f > 3 14.M 11.53 15. VI IB.rfl IWfl 20.50 2\1 . riOIS.W ) 15.W Pl.tX ) 1T.IO 1W ( 19.00 2X1(1. ( . 15.00 15.00 15.0H 1 .m 1T.OO 20 00 211.50 2x12 . 15O1 15.O1 15.01 1D.W 1T.KI 1U ! 20.00 4n4-.t8 . 15.W 15.0015.00 I6.0J' ' IT 00 13.00 10.00 ctit.ixo : Clear , K Inch Yellow 1'ine . S2J.M ricar.s Inch .Vorway . 14.00 2d Com.V inch. Noraav . 10.00 HIMXMXU. 1st nnd Cd Clear , l | incli. s 2 ? . S.'iOOJ 1st and Sd Clear , l i and 'J Inch , s iis. . . . M ) 00 : M Clear , 1 'A inch , s''s . 4SOO 3d Clear , 1 and' ! inch , s 2 . 4800 It Select. 1'i ' , 1's , and 2 Inch ' , s.2s. ' . . . . . . MM Ut and \ ' 'd ' ' Clear , 1 incii.s.'Js ! 'd clear , I Inch , s 5s . 44 . 0 A .Select , 1 Inch. s. ls ! . 4000 JJ Select. I inch. s. ' 's . WW ) 1IATTT.NS Wii.I. : Iflll.VO , I'ltKr.lS O. O. H.ittsy'i "leli . SCO 70 " Jix" . s Is . 00-10 3 Inch Well Tubinir. I ) , .t M. and Uev. . 'JO M noAiins No. 1 boards 12 , 14 and Ifift . S10.M No. a boards ' " 1 U and ID ft . 14..V ) No. Jlbo.irds I'.1 , 14 and K ! ft . KM Xo. 4 bo.uxls , 1'J , li and 10 ft . 10.50 No. 1 , 4 ifc ft Inch , 12 and 11 teet , lough. . 810.00 .No. l , 4 it r inch , 10 feet , lotich lO.Tfl Xo.- , 4 it C. Inch , 1'J and 11 feet , rough. . it.7.'i : Nd.t. ' , 4&Gineh. 10 feet , lough I'Anrnio.s. 1st Com. , "f Inch While I'ine S"AOO 2d Com. , * i Inch While Pine SS.M Fi.noiil.vri. 1st Com. fi Inch , \ \ lilte pine SM ( K ) till Com. 0 Inch , white pine : M no Ikl Com. G Inch , whlto pine ' - " . > OU D. G inch , white pine -0 oo Com 4 and < i inch yellow pine 17.63 Vtar4 ) and G Inch yellow nine -'l.iH 1st and M elear j ellow pine , 4-0 inch. . . ii'J.W ) SHIP i.\r. Xo. 1 , Plain , S nnd 10 Inch $17.00 Xo.'J , Plain , Sand 10 Inch 15.00 17.50 roi'i.Ait t.r.MiiKii. Clear Poplar Hex HiN , K In , s ' _ ' * S31 00 " " 'i ' , in , panel sk | wide , s'-'s. UT OJ ' ' " ( omnrated Ceilinir , & . . . . -"J OJ : I'A'I II. A * .Standard 52 ? 00 f > inch , deal , 31..VJ ; G inch , elear 1 fa Xo 1. . 1 10 Lath 52 tw roil v. White Cedar , G Inch , liahes S It " " " " ' ' > oJii andSliui'rs - " " 4 " round 11 Tennessee icd cedar , split 14JS' S1OOK lIDAlillv. A 12 Inch , Is 12 , 14 and 1G itet 34G 00 11 " " " " 41 00 C " " " " " " no 00 D ii ii u .1 mi 00 Xo. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 11 and If ! ft. . 17 r.o Xo. l ' " " 10,18nnd 20 ft. . IS M Xo.U " " " 12. II and 1G ft. . 1530 T.tMK , KIT. Quliu-y whlto lime ( beit ) , SSc ; cement , Akron , si.7. " , ; plaster , ? tQ ! : ! ; hair , per bushel av ; sash , 10 percent oil' list ; doors , blinds mouldlnirs , 'M percent oil lisutanedlclt , per c t. , Sl.7.1 : .straw board. Sl.GO. THE CHICAGO AWD RAILV/AY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago The only rend to tnko lor PCS Moinee , Mnr- KhnlltounCcdnr Itnpld"Clinton. Dixie , Chicago. MllnunKeu nml nil points unit. To iho peopln of Xobruiltii. Coloinilo , Wyoming , t'tnb , Idnho Xuvudn , < lie on , Wiielilii > rliu nml Cnllfornln It oflerHsnpetlor ndvnntnue-j not pos'llilo by nny other lint1 AininiK n fov of tlio nnmcrous points ol suiio- rlorlty enjoyed by the jiations ot this ioid : be tween Omnlm nnd Clileato , nro Its two trains 11 day of HAY COACH US which nro the HnoM Hint human art nnd Ingenuity Cnn create. llsl'AI/- ACi : SM'.Kl'IXO CAItS , which nro models of coinlort nn.l elcKimec. IlH 1'Altf.Olt DHAUIVC HOOM CAIIS. iininrpnssed by nny , nnd its ivldo- ly celobriited PALATIAL D1X1XU CAUS , tno L'ljunl of which cannot bo round elsewhere. At Council llhiOH thu trnliH of the 1'nlon Pnci- fie Uy. connect In lrnlon Depot with the u of the ChlcaKO.V Northwestern Hy. In Chlcnjfo the titilns of this line miiKo elo o connection with thosoof nil eu'lf.'rii linee. I'or lletioit , Colnmliiis , IndlnnnpolN. Cincin nati , XiiiKiirn Falls. IlnlTnlii , I'ltthbur . Toronto. Montrenl , lloston , Xow Yoik , I'lillndelphln , llnl- timorc.Wni-blnKton nnd nil points In thu cast , ask the llcliot njfnnt for tickets viiithn NOHTII-WISTIIIN : : , " If you wish the beht nccommodiitloiH. All tltkct Rcnts sell tickets via this line. w. iiuuinrr , it. s. IIAIK , ( Jeneml Manascr. , .Gci' ' CIIICAljO. V.HO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH HIE CCOOnAPHY OP THIS coui.Tnv will. tfE air fXAMIMSO THIS MAP THAT THE ciiicaso.nocK ISUHD s PACIFID RAILWAV flv r ft on of Ha central poiitlfttl and rloeo ifUtlonto nil piluoliinl linen i.i : t amiVett. . at Inltltl amltcr- lilllKl | iiillH. rululllutcj Hie mort Impoilnnl mliT- ranilnt'iitnl link hi that m.tnn r Ilirouuh Irniixiioi- Lutlon whlt-h Invltoi ami rncjlitil. . * tiarei onil tr | l'fl lietwrtn cltlei or tlio Allunllu nnd 1'urlflc Coailn It Jj nUoiJi-rniorlM nil lj t louto to aud from jiolnts EifTTViilIti > A t iii.7 . Boiitbrr/N fnd vv l > olni > Wi'ft. Noilliwcit ana foiitlmm. The Great Rook Island Route OntrtntiiM IK patinn * lint tfiuo of rtitonal ircti- rlty altauli-it by > > olll , ihoiHighly luljkUil ] io d- bed , inicioili irncli of cnnllniiouii tlid m | | , cubalan- Ililly built iiiborls anil lirlilcis , iclllurf stuck as n r IMTfntlun i liuiniii blill inn mnlio II. tlm nifty upplUncoi ul riitent ImRri , | .Ufoi . | nm anj air lunli i. ami that Dioclliiu cilillMu : | ljh hJMMIU ilio iiroc- tjuatupciinlionof nil IK Irnlni Olbcr tiirclnlllm of kl > loute aru 7ranir r > nt .ill lonniKtlni ; points In Uuloii ilfpali , anil Iho iiniiin > 3 < i l luiutults and lujuilomf Hi 1'd.icngti ] : < | UlpiuMil. Ilia ril Cinirii Tmlnt Uetuwn Culcapo anil ram la , Council Ilium , Kanens niy , Ivan nniuih anil 4UbUon aio fimiui l or ncllutltllntKl , lluslr up. hpliifieil l' y I'oachn. M cnlllcnt 1'iilliuan 1'alaia The Famous Albert Loa Route l < tlio dlrnct ami farorlto line batwern Clilragaaii < l MlnnoaiifllliundNt I'Aiil. lie iu lohiici'llciiniru mudd In Unlan U < pau rurall polnii In thu Irnliorlni and llrltlitt ITuvlncri. Over IhU innto Fait Kiplrx Trains ai run la the watering plarr , nminer ro- aurK. plctuieiiue lot allilei , ami Imntlntr and tttMne § rouDii of Iowa nnil 3llnnr la. It Is alto | bo niotit pilrablaiuuielo Ui ililivlical lltldi onU I'tttoml ' Iindiar Interior nakota- HUH nnolli.r UIUUIT LINK , T | Bi-ner anil Kan- Kiuee , lui L . 'n | i'u il botvreen riin-innall , Inclliin. atwIUan.l iJtavBUe. and Coimi-n HlulTi. Kaniai City , lliuucapolli nn.l bt , I'uul and Intrrineillatu point" . lor ilotalltil Information ii'o > Upi anil KoMerf. yell at ilckett , at all principal ikkri Oincet In the UtilteJ btutrt anj Cunadij or br ad- diciiintf R. n. CABLE , C , ST. JOHN , I'rei't 4 Oin'l M'K'r , O n'l I'tt A J'ate. Ag't , SPRING VEHICLES , OVER 40O.OOOm. . IN USE. ' Cc&li.t ItUIng Vebltle w&dr. lUdea aj euj withonu pereonulxo. Tbo Sprltiio lotiffhcoand bhorton bcoorUiox to Iho ua ! < ht lue/barry. Uquauf trrll ndaplfd in rough country ruud > iind iJl leudlau C'orrlu'tolJuiMi ; ; ' ! . . OMAHA Billiard Tables , TIM ; imrxswit ; > n.KM > iiU : : Co" Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables , Ami ? nloon. Oflico nml llnnk Ki\tiires. Market niul Huron St } . , Chicago , III. Uinnlin onico , 503 P. 10th St. _ _ _ _ Book Binding. Etc , CO. , Printers , Book Binders , Anil lllnnk Hook Mnmifitetnrers. No" . 106 nnj _ _ KIS South UlU Sttvot , Omnhn , Neb. Butter Tubs. " ' " " " J. SKYMCni , Manufacturer of Butter Tubs. Mi ft. JBoj 40 R. . an. : .M ft , lUc : SO ft. . EC ; UW 6 firk ins'"e. l tli nml fiercest . , Omaha , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. " _ MAX MIYIU : : & co. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , finns niul Amnninltion. si.'i to S.E1South Illh S-treet. 1OI to llt'l I'linum Street , Oinnlia , Noli. l.Ntr.n-Oi EVN Cm MI K.MTOIII * . WKST A rillTSt Hi : . Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , Anil Wliol ( > * nlo Detdei-b In Leaf Tobacco' . Noi KiS niul HON. Uth Street.Omnhn , Neb. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Worts. .lohnKpcnoter.Vioprletor. Manufm tnrcr of ( InlMuilK'd Iron nnd t ortilcc. M lioib-o nnd 1'JI ' nml 105 North 13th Street , Omaha , Neb. itrn.MriNo , v HOI.TI : , MnniifncturcTsof Oniainental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Wlnilous , ritinls Kte.UIOf5. U'th St.Vorkdono In any pan ot tlieeonntry. Western Cornice Works , C. PPECI1T , Proprietor. finlvnnl7cil Iron Cornices , Kle. ? ptchl' I'n- proM-il I'ltu-nt Metiill'eShjIlKlit. COS nml C1US. lClh ; , t. , Oinnlia , Net' . Doors , Sash. Etc. The Gate Cicy PIsn'nglllH , Doors , Push niul HllnilH. Al o nil Vliuls of Ititiilnc. lct-oJl mill t-ttilr woik ol v\vry ilo- Fcription. A. itosi\iiTuv : : , Maniifacturcr niul llenlcrln Doors , Sasb , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc. Sliilr Halls a specialty Telephone No. M nth niul Mnrey ytt. . Oinahn , Ni-b. _ _ Electrical Supplies. " Jj.V. . WOI.Vn & CO. , Electricians Electrical Supplies , Masonic lllock , Onialia. Ittirirlnr AlnriiK. llolls l''lu-Aliinns , r.lectrle MntllnrSpesiklns Tubes ( iold , SIl\er nnil Mcltel I'Jntliiir , l tc. Iron and Nails. OMAHA NA1I. JIANrrACriMtlNG CO ? , Cut Hails and Spikes , Til e Nails n fipeelnlty. Omnhn , Neb. Omaha Iron Works Company , Mnclifnorv , CiiMlnirs , S-teiun Unplncs Hollers Areliltcrtunil Iron Work. Iron Hrldiro , Jllnliic nnil Mill Miichinery. oicc ; ! ami ivorKs , Union I'iieltlu li. It. 17th and Mil titled : " . nno. , Foundry Works. Cor. 14th niul Jackson gK , premireil to do nil UliuN of Iron and 1 trass Oi'-tnws ; nl-o , ( J , C. llaimiMiT's llncklni , : t i-6to Har ? _ iiiuiinlaotiiic.l Mattresses. n. M. jinrsi ? , Mattress , Company , Mniinfncttirinir > fnttu > 8clleililinjr , readier 1'illims Cots , Kit ; . 1SW mid liuS Douglas Miect , Oiniiliu. Neb. Overalls. " CANl'IKLD M. ALTACl'l'lllNfi CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Punts , Sliiits , ito. : , llltt and 1101 Douylns Street , Oinnlia , Neb. Paper Bozes. J. L. WII.ICIE , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , IOCS. Uth St. , Onmlm , Neb. Onlcru by inall so- _ llclti'il iiiul will recolvo prompt intention. Safes. _ _ ' " " " Omaf a Safe Work's , n. Axr > mn.v. : Manurnrturcrof J'lHMind Dnnilnr Proof Fates Vault Door * . JnllVoilc. . Slinttcis mid Wlrn Woik. Cor. llth uiul Jackson Sle. , Onmlm , Neb. Soap. r. .1. QUIAUV : : , Soap Manufacturer , OHIco nnd Factory , near Powder Omaha Xeb. Wagons and Carriages. GHATTOX ft DHUMMOXn Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , 13ISnnd 1III7 Ilnimiy street , Omnhn , Neb. Solu AKCIIIK in Nchiiiikii lor Join. " ) ' Celebnited Split Shalt Sulkies. KslliblWied 18'A A. J. SIMI'oOX , The Leading Carriage Factory , HtOnml Hll DoJge .Street , Omnlm , Xob. White Lead. OMAHA wurrr. LHADCOMPAXY. Corrcders nml tjrimlcrhof Perfectly Pure White Lead , Omnlm , Xeb. J.evi I'm ler. Pies. ; C. W. Mend , Vjeo Pii ! ! > . : 11. W , Yules , tfec. iimlTieiH. The Millard , S. Shcuis,3.K. MurielTitos. Snulw , I'roprirlcrs Oimilui\fbiij-kfi. Arcade Hotel , ,7HnifiBCifey , 1'ioprlclor. aSin anil 1-17 Jjonirliis St. , iiiinihn , Ncli. Tbopntionu > root ioiiiinerciitl men rt > peetlnr.y tolli Iteil. They will Duil ilib the licst f U a ilrj lumga i\evt of Chlcico. ? lanters House , f. r. IT.RIII& . I'lIOI'llllITOIt. Hales , Jl.Mper aj'KHtrei-t curs Ironi I' . P. ik-pot , within ofio 'Mock of hoiir-c. Corner- mid UltlmU'cts , Oiuuhu , The Cozzens , P. Iturasoy & Co. , Proprietors. Dates i'-.W per iluy , no iliuk loiinip , Onmlia , Neb. Also proprietors ol I'alnco Hotel Huntu J'o , Now Mciico. Canlleld House , Cor. Nhuli nnd Fatimin Sts. 'Ilio licet $2 per day hotel In Umahu. KcnioileUtl , lefurnielioJ , l txlccoi ntuil j one block from nriuy neiitliiuui tern , opposite Union 1'iicltlo bcuilnuurlern : btrect cura ptiai tlio door. ( Jeoruo Cuntlelil A : f'o. , proprlo- lore. AMJ ! Union Stock Viirtls Hotel , houtli Oiuitliiu Hotel do Gees , P. GOO.S , Vropiietor. European I'lnn , U'liu only icnlrtilly located j3 R day bouse. U'lireo ilooin from lln > il'ri Opcr.i lloufonml ono-lmlf bluek fioin tbt 1'ottullieo uiultbu Court JloUif. lyfi , 1510 , 15U Kuniaiu I OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements , L1M.VOE1' ' vMTTi AL1' CO , Dealers in Agricultural Implements. Office , Corner Gth nml Pacific St , Oinalm , NcV. " ' 1'AHLIN. OUUNIXHUT i MAHTIN , Wholesale Ucalcis In Agricultural Implements , Wagons "rut uciiiu. I'AHKKN , Wholesale Dialer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carrngc : ami lluirgles. Ji n" < Pt. , bet. tith nml Mlh , Onmlui , Ni b. Boots and Shoes. " " * W. V. MOHPr A. CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Ull rnrnntn Street.Oinahn , Neb. Manufactory , Summer Street. Ho tOn. Carpets. . . . v. " " ' " " " g.'A < OHCHA1U ) , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths. MntthiBS , Curtain ( ! ooil . I'.te. , H2J rnrnnni Street , Oinnlia. Net. Coali LirtiCi Etc. - y y ] 5inrotti : > , Coal , Coke , Lime aud Stone. Office , S13S. Kill rt. , Omnhn , Neb. Vnrds 8th niul lit1-enpoitBluets. " COfTAM' it SQflHKS. Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Ilest Mirlrties. Oiiiro.SI'li * . l1lh ! SI. Telephone No. 1 , Oninlin , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ " Ninit.\iCA : vcit. : ro , Shippers of Coal and Coke , ; .HS. IlitbPt. . Otnalin , Xcb. HID. r.Tnwi.r. I'lCSiilent. OFD. IHTTrnsov , S5io. anil 'I're.i- . J.1I. Uri.iii.iiT. r.A.lUi.i it. Pioptlitor. Miinnircr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. StlllUASKA. Olllce , l7rJ. lilliMreit. Telephone 11. Utu. V. I.Alliill. . 1're * . C 1 * . ( ionliMVN.V.l'iLS. .1. A. SfMH ilUNIi See. ami Trens. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbeisof hiiril nml < olt eoal.lVJ . lltli M- , Oninlni. N" b. OMAHA COAIi AND VllOliri'li CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclusive denierIn lloulilcr t'olor.i < lo Coal.217 Mmth Htli'-tiiet. ColTee and Spices. _ " " " rrAUKi : into ? , .vco. , Omaha CoiTco and Spice Mills. Terr. Colfees. 8plee . lliiklni ? I'mvilei I'LivorliiB KMiuetM , ( .niiiulry Illue. Ink , etc. 1111-10 Hill- liei StieetOiiiulia , Neb. _ Commission , Etc , _ _ 11UAXCH & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , J121 rtiiniimSI..Oinidni. Apples-Onronn | . .ick- Ins I'lutt \ I'o 's1 Tljrcr llnmd Oytert , Iliitter , S , ( .mile , I'oultrj , Voluti-e * . jonxr. VI.ACIC , General Commission Merchant , ici'.l'iovls.loiH , rrults , rioiirmid r.-oil. Iftl S. 14tb St. , Omaha , XeK L'oiialjrniiients toliciteil. lleluriis iiuido promptly. " " tons HII.UI : : ( , Jobber and Commission Merchant. Clicvt-o. S.UMi'e" : ( . Krnllii , lliltelici-s' Tools mid SuMilies , . l.'li.loius St.Oiu lia. Xeli. AV. K. HI11DIM.I , , General Commission Merchant. EriCiAi.Tii > Oliiifo. Ilnlter \ ' { > > s1'onltry mid nnnio. 11 ' S. Uth. , Onuili. : , .VeK H'le- phone .So. Il'l'i. ' ii. A. : uiti.nv , Commission and Jobbing , Ilntler , V.n H iiml Vroilnco. A full Hue ofPlone- ini' . L < 'ii > lLrniiieoH bolieituii. HH Joilio ; St. , Omiil p. i : . MOUOXV , General Commission Merchant , ' ' ' ( Iice-eauil ( , ' ' IlKttei'.I'id-'s - 'ountiy 1'ioiliicuKcn- enilly , WJU .S. 1'tli S.t. , Omaha , Xeli. Buyers of Butter and Eggs. ' - .t tenvrn- Itefrlireiator nnil I'lieklnir lIoiiM-.l-ltli - n 01 lb St. , on L" . 1' . It. j : . Tinei ; , Oimihii , Xeb. l Ib.V. HOlillltT I'UItVlS , General Commission , 111 p. lltb St. . Oiniiliu , Xeb. Specialties llultor ICfe'Kh , I'oulliy ami ( iiuiie. J'KVCKi : I1HO. ' ' . , Commission Merchants , rrulf , I'roiloeo mid I'lovlsloiis , Omtihn , Xeb " A. I' . SCI1ACK Wliolesalo Co-n mission Merchant , Fruits , Seeds and Piodiice. No. S13 ii. I'Mi Street , Oiiiabii Xe TltOXlIhi , * WILLIAMS , Storage and Commission Merchants. rrults , Hour , A ppleh , Slommiirp. ( "lder.Vincrnr ; , ( Iriiffl Seeds. Hnttcr nnil.pne \ aiamiU.'llSPoiuli 13lb i-treet , Oinului , Xebiiitilcu. \VIitliMAX : : 4 ; CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. J'oultry , Duller , Riiinn , rnillH.Kte. SJUH. Htli St. , Omali.t , Nebraska. A , .MKTIU'.i : , Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Jtciitu , I.ind , Ji-llies , lliil'er , I.Vrs. Cheese , Ute. No.SOfiS. 12lliSt.OinnlmXob. WUSTEHl-'IUM ) JIIIO ? . , General Commission Merchants , 3400 Dodfc'O Sued , Oinahn , f.'cb. Conslfnmcnls Solicited. ii. .MI DONALD" . COMMISSION MERCHANT. 315 12tb Sliii-l , naiiiliu. Veb. H ] i-elaltlcs : Hut- ler , Ktter , nnd CIllcln.'IIS , Crockery. W. \\IIKiIIT I , Crockery , Glassware , , riiimnejh , OMIee , 117 Hbulli 13th Ulieel , Oinidia , Neh. Dry Gooiis. .1. .1. 11I10WX & CO , , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , ft U IJou Inh Struut , Onmlm , Xuli. L. ( ilNSIIKHO k CO. , WLolcenlo Jlcnlcrb In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , tinenp , l-nccs , KinluoMi'j-y mid Whllu Goodj. 't , Omuliii , Xeb. Engines. " " iiitowxr.u. ico. . , The Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary and portnblo eiiciiius , boilerh and ( heel Iron umk , MIIKIIH , n ileultoiul lmil | . , puiupn Lte.lilU15 ! ! Leather , Hides , Etc , " " L. C. IirXTINCiTOX .V SOX- , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , . 1111 Jni-ksoii Stiect , Omubti , Nob. ftOMAN IIUOS. , Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Cnildlery uiul blunt Hndlnu" * . ] ( hleVudl , I'urp , _ l'ell ( jieuteTiillo\v1Htelmiihi : .Nul. Flour , Etc , W.M. I'lHSTOX \ 1.0. Wholesale Flour , MS , ' 10 I.IH ) cm I'll icv Street Ouiul'.a , XcU JOBBERS' DIREGTORY 0 lYfCIItCK , .111. Agent tor .1 C. Hoff nmjr Jt Co. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flonr By Itoller mul H imp man Vroecjf , WnrehoUM1 , 1213 Jones Stirot. Omnhn , Neb. Wholesafe Flour , Feed and'Gralu. Manufacturer * of W. J. Wclihnn * .x Co.'s O.nlcX KalMni. llueVnlient flour niul proprietor * Omnlm City Mill ? , cor. Hh nml rnrnnni Street" , Onmlm. rurnilurc. " " DUr.Y \ STOM : , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Kainam Street , Omnhn , Xeb. Groceries. " " " " " AI.MN : line ? . , Wholesale Grocers , 1110rml 1112 Douglas Ptreet , Omshti , Neb. U. 11. Cll M'MAN .V CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobnceo ami Piiiokri-V Articles , til * HowardSt. MiYiU& : : HAAVKK Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Pplce ? , Clciir * nnd Tobaccos 1317 nnd 1.1IU DOUR- IntStitctiOimihii , Neb. " MCCOUI ) , IIIIADY * COMl'A.NV , Wholesale Grocers , CoriiT 10th and I'ainnm StreetsOiralin , Neb. 1'AXTON , ( lAt.I.ACIIKU vV CO. , Wholesale Groceries anil Provisions , No , tto , 707,709 ntul ' 11 y. 1t iht. . , Omahn , Xeb. Hardware. W. J. IlltOATCII , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , FprlncsViiKiin Stuck , ltnuluoo.1 l.umlicr , etc. l-.tuauil I''ll llaino stiei t.Omalui , Neb. " KllNlIY.xr.tllllON , Wholcsalo Iron Steel , , Wagon Anil Cnrilairo Wood ploel ; , Heavy llaiilwaio , I'.te. Ix'lViniil K\'J \ l.ea\enMoithPtieelOiiialia , Neb. lllMI-.tlACRIt A TAYI.Olt , Builders' Hardware , Mechanics' Tool ami llullnlo Senli1tO. . " > tous' lt fell eel , Otmihn , Neb.- 1,1:1 : : , mi . , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet lion , Hie. AirenH lor llowo Scales nml .Miami Pouilcr ( o.Omuh.i Neb. MI1.TON KOr.r.113 & PONS. Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , ( Jintes , IhUK pnoili. 1K1 nml list I'nr- niini . ' treel. " " lir.ClOK A : WIl.HIU.MV ro" , Wholesale Hardware and Hails , rjiucHon Steel Nni'i. ' Cor. Kith mill llarncy Miiclt , Onmli.l. Neb. Harvesters , wiT."irr.uiNi ( .v co.CHICAGO. Mnnufncluror of Iho Deeriug Harvester Goods , Wrlto to Win. ii. LoriineiSoiioiiil ( Aijent , Onialia. TelcplionoUIU. Iron Pipe , Etc. LOW1XO > V CO , Hydraulic and Heclumical Engineers , .lolib is III lion 1'ipo lion I lllnjrs. Iron ami < ! uoil . lIiiKliiieiSiljipllesi. . lltn mid Ptieels , Omaha , Neb. A. h. STUANO COMl'AXV , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Stenm , Wnter. llnlluuj nnrt Milling Supplies Kte. VMJ ! > nnd c.f.'l I'm mini St. Oninlin , Xeb. CHCItCIIIl.M't'Ml' CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam nnd Wnter Htipjille * . lli'iidipiniters ro < - Mn-t Koost Co.'a ( jood < . 1111 I'limam Street , Oinnlia , Neb. Jewelry. " " " iillU.M ; ( ft UltlCKSOX , Wholesale Jewelers. Ilcnlors In Silvern-lire , liJninoniK V/ntcliJ" ! Clocl.a. .leweleis1 Tools ami JlaterluK JCle. , 1U1 nnd KKi , 15th Street , Cor. Dodao , OniP.lia , Xeb. j Fisli , Etc. " TTK NSoN Fi s ii 'coT - - > Euccewir.t to Icrn ) : cli > ins ° cn & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Impoiteis of roiol ii l'1-li , NO * . 911-flll Jonoj j > . . . Stret I and C. 1 > . TrauU , Uninh.i , Nob. , Live Stocl < . Bridge Slock Yards , Onialia. Xo Y.u'dntfo Charijed. Close to r. r. llrlilw. opi'flnl neenininoilntlnn nnd n jrooil iiiiirket lor lui s. K. C. Cooper , Mini- ger. Ollae , Soul h W h St rei t. M. lICHICi : & SOX ? , 1 Live Stock Commission ( Jeo. lluiku. M , Union Stock VnrdS. . Onialni , Tulo.ihono 58S w. r. iiituwN .v co. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. ' Ofllce i\eliamro : lliillilmp , PiIon Sioclc Yanli , f , b'om li Onialia , .S'cb. TeleiihonoNo.CUI. [ . . .MAIJ.OIIY. SON &CO. r Live Stock Commission , TTnlon Stock Ynnlr , rhlcnwo , III. , nml Omnlm , Kib. Krnn.ciiliiemien.Man.iki ) i Omnhn Ilranch. Telephone No. u'fJ. ) C-ttiblhlietl ItC : , ' . f . W. f , . 1'ATJIJUC & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Ailib c- < > nil eoinninnletil Ions to us in I'lilou Stock YiiKh , South Omaha. Aili illicit niailo on eloec. ! I Union Stock Yards Company , Ol' OMAHA. [ T.lmlteil. John P. llo\il , Siipcrlnteiulenl. SAVAtiK&iSKKK.V , Live Stock Commission Merchants. i ol' nny nml nlllcimlsiir cloulc fcolielt 1'nion f-f ik YniilsiiialiuNob. ( ) Lumber , Etc , Dealer in Liinilicr. Lath. Lime , Ebb , Joois ) , Klft Vimlh I or. illi Iiiul Ci > r. ' . 'Hi ' nml lioutriKt' , iioiix MAxn'Ai'rntixc co , . ' Maniifactui'ers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Monldliivh , St.ur Woik niul Indiior HnidUood I'lnleh. .Inn ojn mil. X. K. cm. ctli und woith siuits , Omalin , Xi b. i.t'Miir.ii COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , 814 S. Ulb Sticit. otimhii , XtU I' . Copcl/er ] , Munaj-er. c. x. mny , Lumber , ] 3llnml \ CiUlforaui HIiccK Oinnlia , Xub , ' T ninu w. GHAV , Lumher , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Cih nnd Douglas Mroetn , Oniulm , Neb. GKO , A. IIOAGIAXD Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omnlu , XcliiJialin. * " " CIIA8. H. J.lli : , Hardwood Lumber , Wnrcn Ptoek , I'nncy Woods. lbMr Timber * . A.C. , ri. W , Cor. Ulli nnd llonithH.Ouinlui . < } . T , i.YMAX , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , i' 1'aper , iic. : South l.'Jtli Htruet. Oiuulia , Xchrubi.a. Nebraska Lumber Co. Cnpttnl tiioek , , . . , luctiiiei-4 nml wholesnlo drill- ere. Millxnt MuiiUl , Wlr.Vlioli rUe : nil J ru : , ill v > util . "lu.ubu . ' , 't-b. 01IS. ' . OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY OMAIIVl MillUCO , Denier * Inll Knvl * ot Building Material at Wholesale. If It Strcitnml noirufl Track. Onmln. HKHMAX I1.WYTT , , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , j COIti miilliuml ttTnt Onmhni Nibtnkn. * Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , tUilldiinr Vnpi-r * . Sash , lioors Illlmls Moul.V tuns I'lckcn , ri ) t , Iilme , 1'lifter , llnlr. Ciment. Nlinn tinii Jones Omnhn Neb. Millinery. " ' ' T. oiiiiirr.i.inii : : , Impoiters nml.lobbeisot Millinery and Notions , IllUn'.ul 12U Hartley Street , Onmlm , Vetx Musical Instruments. ' " I'.IIHOI.M A. r.Ull'KSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. StelliH ny Piano * . Weber , Decker , lliiliienn(1 ( nno < , I'aekiiril OIRIIII ; , Cliiio Urgntuh 101 anil Kttl.MU siiei-t. _ _ = j Notions , Etc. j. i. . ituAXwi : * * sox , Wholesale Job Lots , Ilry ( iiiotU , Notion" , lieniH i iirtiiiiniff ootit lioinU from New York. Ti-ndo ! ilei ilnily. 508 nml MS South iith : St.Omiilin. " " " " c. H. ( HWMticH \ co. , French and German Fancy Goods , \ and SliillonctV Sumlrlcsu 1115 T r nntn , Onmlm , Nib. i J. T. Robinson Notion Company , t 4irl nml IW S. lOlh * ! , Oimdin , Neb. ' Wholemle Ilenlei * In Notions mid ( Scuts' Kill * . nl lilnif tiooil" . Oils , Etc. CONSOI.11)ATiil : TASK LINK TO , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ( Infollnc , Mica Axle OiennI'.lc. . A. II. Illfliop , Mannirer , Oimilia , Neb. Pork ' , I'acking . . , . " . , AJ1J.g , , ltovii > Fork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , NelmiiKa. HAliltlS & , Packers and Provision Dealers , nillce , rnloii Market , I.IIT Doilirc Plreel PackhiR house , 1' . 1 > . It. It. Tract. , Onialia , Neb. Telo- \ihono \ No. 1YT. Safes and Locks. " T. noYr.u .x co. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' Tire nml llnwlar Proof Safe-i.Tlme I.oeUsVnultl mul .lull uorK. llt.'O rarmim street , O-milia , Xob Seeds. _ ,1. V.YANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Airrli-nltinal. Vejtclable. lite. OiM rcllowV Hall , N. W. Cor. I lib ami llmlse SI . , inm'.h.i , Neb. Drugs , Etc. " * 11. T. CI.AHKi : llltCCJ COMPANY , , Wholesale Druggists , Jolmeisori'idnlsOII.Wlml.iw C.latitc.Illl ! , lliiiney Stieel , Onialia , Neb. TincoonMAN : nitrr co" Wholesale Druggists Anil Denier In 1'nlnts OU ! iimlYlmloir \ ' 11 , Neb. , Wines and Liquors. _ ti ' ' 1'itAXK iiiu.oxr. : & co. , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , ' 12 i nnd 1SO-I Doii lns SI. , Oiniilnt. XoU Fnc < loiies N'os. 1 andoU.yd | llht. X. V. < nvj ( ! io. : w. i' to Mi'if Mitx c.V Di M IN , Importer ! and Wholesale- Dealers In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , Mlnmllil'JS. Illh St. , Omaha , NuU II. II. fiUOTTI ) , Wines and Liquors. Wi-stein Affcut.lT ! . Pelilllllrenliitr Co. 7103. _ Utli Street , Onialni. i iinxitr , ! Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. ' VKl Doiifflas SttcetOiilit1iuXob. ILIIll &CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And - . Solo ' MIJIIOI-S. inniiiifiictururs of ICeiiiiodjr'8 IJiibt liMlln Hitters , ill1' Hiirney Street , Onmlm , fico. _ _ _ _ U P. I/AKSOX & CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And Cl ars mill t.enenil Agents for the I'lilllp llesth' Celebnited Mihviuil.eo lleer , Onmlm , Xob Harness , Etc. wii/rv : & J.ANIHt Muiiiliicluierri : and Jobbers : of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Tuif Uooilii , ItlankelH ami llobeu. H l 1'iuiiu : hit , Neb. ' .ee fill Paul Tlie Sliortldne and Best Houte From Oiaaliajo the East. TWOTHAIXS DAILY lirTWiix ; OM A II A ANO Chlcnio , Mlniienpolln , Mllwnnkee , St. I'aiil , Cednr linpldi , llnvenporl , Clinton , Dubiiiiii | ) , ItoeUloid , Kork IMniul Ficnpoit , .1mics\Illo , I-.ldn ) , Mndlcon , l.aCioxtv , lleloit , Winoim , And nil other Importaiil polnti r.nH. Xorthciut Tltliet offlco nt HOI raninm filloutin Pnxlon Hotel ) , nml at Union Pneillo lloj ol , PiillnmnHleeiiorsiind the I'lnost Dinln ; ; I'H-S In Ilin Woild nioinn on HID main bum ol thu CiiifAOO.Mii.WAUKii.VKr ; : I'AI-I. HAM \v\vnml i vnrv nllenlion is paid to pap.ieiit'ers by vourto * MlC/'nililnyeinr i ! . CJ ] iinnv. 11 , MM , I. KM , Ccnernl > litiinCei' ' J. Ti'Clcr.ii , As lstnnt ( leneral Mnim'/c , , A. Y. II. CMII'I-TUI ; , ( luiirnl Patsent'e r nml -Mi-hot AKUIII. ( lio. i : , lluArrout ) , Asbtbtunl Cien irer and Tiokot Ajrent. P. BOYEB & CO. and Jail Woi'k. 1020 I'sirnuiu Street , Omaha ISMD fflffifi'A , Cominission Merchant , And Wholotulu Dculor in Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc , coons ON cuNsniNMK.vr A M'ccitt.'rv. 320 [ i (6fh ( Si. , OtnahQ , Neb. llefeienees , by ] 'i > riiil slon I'lisl Xatlonul Ilanlc , DiiliiKiuc , A. H. ( iani'tton. Cuslilcr Sioux Nntlonnl linkSionv ! ; C'ny ; louiiNalloiml llnnk lies Moling ; 11. M.h'lnmnn , Abfelstuiil I nuliL-r Flrtt Xatloiml Hunk , l-bleufro. WANTED BY R. B. flon3 Uncoin . . ? , , jilnrkot 1'rieo raid.