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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1885)
THE MEN OF OTHER DAYS , An Ei-Mayor of Omalia Doing Sifflilar DntyatLawrencclmrg.Infl . , TJio Gmvcfl of Harrison nnd Plko at South Bond The Famous Cnbln Interesting Itcnt- IflcenccB. Special Correspondence of the BEE. Ono Saturday afternoon , during the lovely October days of last Autumn , cir cumstances took mo to the old city of L&wroncobnrg , Indiana , ono of the first tovriu built In Indiana territory , lying upon the banks of the Ohio river , and hard by the Ohio atato lino. After the close of the war of 1812-15 , several ofll. con , who had won renown in that trnr , retired from the nrmy , and located in the vicinity of Lawroncebnrg. Gon. Harrison wns ono of the nambor , Gxlng his location nt North Bond , just over the line In Ohio ton rnllos from the former pltco. The old national road , which was the great thoroughfare between the At lantic and the Mississippi river , ran through Lawroncobmgwhich was ono of the well-known stopping placoa on the route , and the ancient looking houao where I was ( stopping was ono of the noted hoatlorlca that marked the line at convenient distances. There the great men of the olden days have tarrlud for icst in passing to and from the national capital. Gen. Jack- non , Ham Houston , President Polk , Felix Grnnday , John Bell , Thomas H. Benton , Henry Olay , J. J. Orittondon , and many othora of the eminent statesmen - men of that era , now long none , have boon sheltered beneath Its roof. Fit- teen and twenty coaches a day need to halt there to partake of Its choor. But the statesmen who then travelled over the line have all passed away , and the old fashioned tUgo coach Is now ono of the associations of the past. Who does not recall , If his memory extends back to that period , the tlmo whan the com ing of the atsgo coach was the great cvont of the day In the country village , when the driver , coming In sight 'of town , Bounded his horn , giving notice to all of his approach , and with a crack of his whip starting his six foaming steeds Into a gallop , ana reigning them up at the door of the village ion lu all the prldo of the commander of an army. The stage driver In those days was the great char acter along the line , especially with the young , who looked up to him with feeling nklo to awe. Wonderful the changes the last fifty years have wroughtl Will the changes of the next fifty years bo aa wonderful ? Several gentlemen called upon mo during the afternoon , among thorn , the mayor of Lawranceburg , Mr. Roberts , whom I did not recognize as aver having Boon before. In conversation , ho said , to my surprise , ho was once mayor of Omaha. It was G. W. Roberts , who was mayor in 18G8 , and was in partnership with Mr. Popploton. He soon after wards returned to Lairrencobnrg , his na tive place , and Uat year was elected mayor of that city. On Sunday it was my good fortune to hoar an eloquent sermon from Rav. Mr. Lee , pastor of the Hamllno Meth odist church of that place. Be was the Captain Leo of General Popo'a staff , who carried the now famous order from Pope to General Filz John Porter , about the time of the reception of which there has been.BO much controversy , and which has been deemed to have sach an im portant bearing npon thu question of the guilt or Innocence of Porter. Captain lieo was then fighting the reb'a ho ia now lighting the devil and showed himself to bo a good fighter. A VISIT TO TUB TOMB OF GEN. IIAIUUROX. A gentleman kindly Invited mo to a drive to North Bond , made memorable as the homo and last retting place of the ex-president. There ho made his dwel ling placa , though there wore , at that time , but few settlers in all that region , and between North Bend and Cincinnati , some thirty miles away. Ho built his log cabin on a beautiful plateau overlooking the tivor , and in full view of the Ken tucky shore. Ho lived in qalet retire , ment except when filling the oflico of United States senator from Ohio. Ho was accustomed to sit on the porch of his log cabin , which became such a conspicuous feature of the presidential campaign of 1810 , and watch the steamers BB they passed np and down the lazy waters of the Ohio. Ho was , at the tlmo ho was nominated for the presidency , clerk of the United States court at Cincinnati. His famous log houao has entirely disappeared , and In its place there was some kind of an out-building or grain house. The tomb stands upon the crown of a small mount some forty rods bask from the river which it overlooks , and In full view of the country round about. It Is solid masonry , bnllt of heavy stone ; Is about three foot high , and twelve foot square , with a > flat surface roof , the heavy stones resting on the arched brick vaults hermetically sealed so that if cannot bo opened except by digging through a thick solid atone work. The reason of this la fonnd In the following facts : A few yoara ago , a grave at North Bond was robbed by ghouls of its victim a night or two after burial , The poison was an In timate friend of the Harrison family. Aa aoon as the fact was made known , Senator Ben Harrison , of Indiana , who IB a grandson of the ox-president , and hia brother , started for Cincinnati to search through the medical establishments there for the remains of their friend. In ono of thorn , In company with an ofiiccr they came upon a coflin which had boon brought in only that morning. Upon opening It , the Harrisons were horrified to aeo befora them the fco of their own fither , John Scott Harrison , who had died but a few days before , and was laid by the side , of his father , Gen. Harrison. Not only had the grave cf their friend been robbed but the grave of their father also. The remains were , of course , re turned to their nutlng place and then the present tomb waa built , as described. It Is a lovely , quiet spot , fitting to be the tilont homo of the illustiioas cltl- Z3n , chief magistrate of the American nation. A few tall troea stand around npon the crest , like sentinels keeping guard oycr the sacred shrine , und tneii branches waving a solemn requiem : 1 Ho has fought his lait battle , Ho has won bis lait victory , No uiorn iball wake him to glory again,1 Returning from North Bend I notlcu a great stone standing a few rods bad from the roadside , moss grown , and al most black with age. An Inquiry brough the answer that it was the grave of Cap Plko , an officer In the war of 1812. Tiii prompted me to examine It , and , thougl the lettera wore much defaced , it wa evident that It w s the grave'of ciptaln , afterwards Gen. Eebnlan M. Pike , THE DISCOVEnEU OF TIKE'S PEAK , who o history Is foil ef interesting adven ture , and heroic fortitude and bravery. Ho explored the sourca of thoheaa- waters of the Miisisiippi in 1805 , and then down to the junction cf that river with the Missouri. His next explorations were to the headwaters cf the Arkansts , the Osage and Kansas rivers , then up the Platte to Its source , and discovering Pike's Po k. While ho was thus engaged Lawls and Clark were on their memorable - blo expedition up the Missouri to its sources , and thence across the Rocky mountain * to the Columbia river and the Pacific coast , which has recently been visited by a corps of Omaha's enorgolio. live , business men , traveling in palatial c rs , surrounded by all the comforts and luxuries of the moat refined civilized life. These explorations will form the subjects of subsequent letters , embracing what the writer regards ai Interesting realtor relating to the early hhtoiy of Nebraska. JOHN M. TnAYEii. GIUHD ISLAND , May 29,1885. Relief and euro is what St. Jacobs Oil brings to the rheumatic and neuralgic sufferer. GENKKtVLi rilODUGE. LivxnrooL. Liverpool , May SO. Wheat-Dull and In poor demand , holders otter freely. Corn Dull nnd In poor demand ; now mixed western 4s 7d , IiIVK STOCK. OUIOAdO. OIUOAOO , III. , May SO. The Drovers' Jour nal reports : Cftttlo Kowipts , 1,000 boadi steady and firm shipping"grades , § 4.50@5.75 ; butchers' , $2.35@4 CO ; etockera and feeders , 83.40(34 ( 80. Hogs Receipts , O.GOO bead ; steady and firm ; rough and mixed , 33.55@3,70 ; packing nnd shipping , ? 3 70@3.90 ; light. S3.05@5.00 ; skips , S3.00g3.DO. ( Sheep Receipt * . 200 bond ; tteady Inferior to good shorn , ? 2.50@3.75 ; woolod , $3.80 © 4.CO. KANSAS OUT LIVE BTOOK. KAHDAB Orrr , Mo , May 30. Cattle Re ceipts , 403 head ; shipping grades strong ; butchers' steady : exporters , S5.iCK25.-10 ; com mon to choice shipping ,'J@5.16 ; feeders , 54.20@4.COcows ; , S2.80@4.00. Hogs Kccolpts , 5,200 head ; opened strong and lOo higher and closed weak and Co lower ; assorted $3.GO@3.G5 ; heavy and mixed $3.09 © 305. Sheep Receipts , none ; steady ; common to good muttons , $2.00@3.25. OMA.Ua lUailKEIS. OFFICE OF THE OMAHA BEE , I Saturday Evening , May 30. } Trade Review. During the past week trade bos been fairly active and prices cocxl , comparing favorably with the'.week before. The hog receipts at the Union Stock yards were liberal all week , and the bottom dropped out of prices. The market closed this evenIng - Ing steady at 83,20(23,25 ( for common mixed packing , and § 3.30@i.35 : for good to choice mixed , which Is 30@35o lower than this time last week. The aheep market is 2oc lower than last Saturday ; butchers' stock is in good demand at slightly lower prices. Batter receipts have been extra heavy here this week at slightly lower prices. ] 2ga are slowly advancing and prospects favorable. The commission men report that they have all the business they can attend to , The grocers have had an excellent trade this week , with a small advance in prices. Sugars advanced i@ jo on nearly all grades. All other business is reported gocd at same prices as last week. The following prices are charged retailers by Jobbers , wholesale and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prices furnished by the eleva tors and other local buyers : tilro Mtock Market. Hogs Receipts were light at the Union Stock yards ; the market Is steady and all sold at the following prices : Common rough mixed packing , S3.2U@3 25 ; good to choice mixed packing , 83.30@3.35. Common rough hogs and skips unsaleable. All soles of stock in this market are made per cwt live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at IJc per pound for weights of 200 pounds and upwards , and Ic for under 200 pounds. Pregnant sows ore docked 40 p DUD da and stags 80 pounds , Shoen-S3.50 3.7C for good sheep. Cattle Butchers'stock , $3.50@4.60 ; dressed beef steers , averaging 1,050 to 1,150 pounds , $4 C04 7. ) ! peed , averaging 1,250 to 1,400 pound8S4.85@5.00. Grain WhoaS-Oash No. 2 , OS : . Burley 45@60c , Rye Cosh No. 3 , 52r. Corn No. 3 , 30a. Oats No. 2 , Sffo. IllUCB. Steady ; green butchers' Cc ; green cured , i@7c ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@llc : ' .auinaod ludos two-thirds price. Tallow U@5c. Grease Prime white , 3J@4c. Sheep Polls 25c@75. Flour ana Mlilstuffo , SELLING ritlCES. Winter Wheat Firmbest ; quality patent at ' 3.00@3.30. Soooud Duality S2.7C@3.00 , Spring Wheat Best quality patenfat 83.10. Second quality-$2.40@3.00. Bran 70s per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs , , 05a@$1.00 Corn Meal 81.00@1,20 per cwt. Screening No , 1 , COo per cwt ; No 2 , GOc , Hominy $1.50 per owt. ShorU 75o per cwt. Otaham 92.00 par cwt. Hay § 18.00@19.00 per ton. Gonornt Produce Kggs Stronger , strictly freah bring 10 ® lo. lo.Butter Butter Only the best grass bnttor taken by the trade and nothing above 12Jc obtain able , Poaltry Old chickens are steady at $3.00 © 3.50 per doz , according to quality. Spring chickens , moitly very small , soiling fairly well , t 83.006360 ; larger sizes in good demand , ud will brine better prices. Potatoes Receipts very light and demand good at 60@76c , according to quality ; Califor nia new potatoes selling at 3@4a per Ib , Onions New southern sell at $6,25 per barrel , and California choice at 5o per Ib. Beans In moderate request ; navy , per bushel , S1M@1CO ; medium , per buahel $1 SOdl 40. " 5 Grocora' lilst Boo ABB Powdered , 7fo ; cut loaf , 7jogran- ; u'atod , 74c ; confectioners' A , 7o ; UUniian extra C , UJCJ extra 0 , CJ : ; medium yellow , 0) dark yellow , CJo. Counts Ordinary grades , lOoi fair , 12 good , ll12o ; prime , 12@13o ; choice I6@17c ; f anor green and yellow , 16@16c } ; olc government Java , 20@2Gc : Arbuclcla'a roust ed. 14c ; UoLaughlin's xyvx" roasted , 141c Imitation Java. 162 < 318c. Rom Sieal , J inch and larger , 7io g Inch Bet 4 Inch , Sic , SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 125 ; Aahton la sacks , S 60) ) J tacks Ashton , 1 00 ; bbls dairy 2 60@2 75. SPICKS Pepper , 18s ; plce , 14o ; clovei , 20 assla , 15c. BTBOP Standard Com , , 27o , bbla ; Btajdan do 4 gallon kegi , $1,30. DBT VBDITS No 1 , quarter apples , bbl 51cN ; O sliced , boxes , 6Jci evapc-rated , boxes 8Jc ; blioiberrles , boxes lljc ; peaches , j boxei , Cjoj peacnei , oraporated , none in tin market ] raspberries. F0 . OANnt-Mlxed , 10@11 ; stick , fl@lle | twisl stick , Oo. CRACKERS Garneau't soda , butter and pic nlc. 4i ; creain , 7i ; ginger snaps , 71 ; Citj soda , BJ. Finn-No , 1 mackerel'l hall bbls. , 7 60 Family 1 bbls. , 3 50 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05 ; family kits GOc ; No. 1 whitefith , half bb , .6 CO ; Mo , 1 kltB,05ot family hall bbls. , 800 ; family kits and pall * , GOc ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , G 21 , STAKCH Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Glow , 8ci Corn Starch , 8c ; Exccltior Gloss , 7d Corn , 7ic. UANNIU GOODS. Uystais ; (8tandard ( ) per case. 8 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per ewe. 3 60 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per eoao , 2 60 ; California ? ears per case , 6 80 ; apricots , per cose , 6 00 ; Beaches per case , 5 80 ; wbito cherries per cane , 0 76 ; plnms per case , 4 50 ; whorOobor- rioa per case , 8 00 ; OCR plums , 2 Ib , per case , 290 ; green Rages , 21bjper case , 2S 0pino ; aples , 2 Ib , per cane , 8 20@5 CO. OASDLKS Boies , 40 Ib * . If * , ISJo , 5 ; . lJe , boxof s 401bs , 10 or , Cs , 12Jc ; half box , 201bs , , Ss,12e. MATOIUS Per caddie , 85o ; roundrleasa 255tqnaro | , cases , 170 ; Oshkosb , cases grl.20 SODA In Ib papers 8 25 per toasej keg , per b,2ic. PiORLra Modlom in barrels , 5 00 ; do In ialf barrels , 8 00 ; small , In barrels , G 03 ; da In mil barrels , 8 50 ; gherkins in barrels , 7 COde do in half biuroli , 4 00. TSAS Gunpowder , good 45@5Sci choloo , X7Cc ) ; good Imperial , 40@43o : cholco. CO ® 65c ; Young Uj-ion , peed , 8 ( < § 50o ) cholco. 65 @ 1 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75o ; Japan choice , G0ft76o ( ; Oolontr good , 85@40c : Oolong cholco 40C < $5Coj Sanchong , Rood , S0@40c ; cholco , 86 © 45o. RICH Louisiana , prime to ehoico , 6i@7 WOODENWAKE Two boon palls , 1 85 ; thrco hoop pailf , 2 10. TubB , No. 1 , 8 50 ; plononr washboards , 1 75j Double Crown , X 00 ; well' mckets , 8 75. Bnsrs Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 15 ; Kirk's attnot , 8 30 ; Kirk's standard , 8 55 ; Kirk's White Russian , 4 85 , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans in case 3 -.Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; An mor'bnll , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. ViNKOAB Now York apple , IGoj Ohio op. pie , 18c , Tobacco. tfino cut Hard to Bent , 70c ; Charm of the West. GOc ; Fount iln , 74c ; Goldoa Thread G7c ; Tavorlte , GOc ; Buds , 50c ; Rocky Moun- aiu , 50ci Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c. Plug tobacco Climax , 44c per Ib , ; Horse- boo , 4Gc : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our Rope , 50c ; Piper Heidslck , GOc ; Punch , 40c. Smoking tobacco O. 0. , 22ct Meorschanm , 80o ; Long Tom SOo. Blackwell'e Durham , lu r. , 51c ; 8 oz. , 65c ; 4 oz. , 57c : 3 or. , COo. Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz. , 42c ; 8 oz. , 45o ; oz. , 48o:3oz. , Wo ) , Navy Clipping ) , 2Gc. Ctlllkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28c. Dnvos AND CnEMiOALS Acid , carbolic , 4to cid , tartaric , 55o ; baldam oopalba , per Ib. > 5c ; baik , sassafroa , per Ib , 12o ; calomot , per b , 90o ; cinchonidla , per oz. , 80 50 ; chloro- orm\ per Ib , $1 00 ; Dovorn powders , per Ib , 1 25 ; epsom saltsi per Ib , SJo ; glycerine , iuro , per Ib , 25o ; load ncetato , per Ib , 20c ; ol , castor , No. 1 per gal. , 81 GO ; oil castor , No. per gal. , $1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. . SI 40 ; 01 iriganum , 50o ; opium , 84 50 ; quinine , P. & 7. , and R. & 8. , per oz. , 8100 ; potassium ; odldo , per Ib. . 83 50 ; salicin , per oz. , 40c ; snl hate morphine , per oz. , 83 50 ; tnlphur , id b , 4a ; strychnine , per oz , , ? 1 80 < FAlnta Oils and Vnrnlshco. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lloi 150 eadllght , per gallon , 13o ; 175 ° headlight or gallon , 16c ; 150 ° water white , 15o ; lln- eod raw , per gallon , 2c ; linseed boiled , per nllon , 65c ; Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , ? 0c ; ! fo. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 60 ; castor XXX. per gal. on , 1 50c ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00 ; perm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B , , > er gallon , 65 : neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; ? o. 1 , 75o ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; nmmer , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per pal- on , 85c ; No. a , 28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon Oo ; turpentine per gallon , 4&3i naptbn , 74c , er gallon , ilGo. Spirits , COLOQNE SPiniTS 188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101 > roof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 0 : do , 188 proof. 1 18. ALCOHOL IBS pooof alcoLol 2 SO per wine allon. WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 1 00(51 ( 50 ; Tine blended , 1 50 ( 2 00 ; Kentucky bour- ons 200@600 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva nia ryes , 2,00(20 ( to. BRANDIES Imported , G 00@16 00 ; domes- io , 1 60,3 ( 00. GINS Imported , 450GOO | domestlo , 150 © 300. RUMS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; New England , 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 28 00@ 4 00 ; American , per case , 10 CO@1G 00. Dry Paints White lead 88c ; French BO , So ) Farii whiting , 2ic ; whiting gilders , lo | whiting com'l , lip ; lampblack , Germantown , 1455 ampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , o mtramarino , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umba iurnt,4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , burn4ctr ienna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o 'aria greencommon.20c ; chrome green , N. Y Oo ; chrome green. K. , 12o ; vermllllon , Eng So ; vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , red Oc ; rose pink , 14o ; Venetian , rod , Oookson's | c ; Venetian , red , American , IJo ; red lead { o ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yol- ow , K.,12c : ochre rochelloSc ; ochre , Frenh Be ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral , Jjc ; lohigh brown , 2jc ; Spanish brown. 2Jo ; frinco'a mineral , So. VABNISHES Barrels , per gallon ! Fnmltnro , itra , 51 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 81 ; coach , ex- ra , 81 40 : coach , No , 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 $ 75 ; Japan , 70c ; rtspholtum , extra , 85o , shellao , 83 50 : hard oil finish 31 50. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. i o ; whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 50 ; Marooil es green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zlno ; rroen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie , French zlno , In varnish wst , , SOo ; French zinc , noilasst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b ' mnj , 10c ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke : rown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12o ; coach ilack and Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , 16c ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c : chrome green , L. M & D , . 16c ; blind and butter green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 8c ; Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tus can red , 32c ; American vermillion , I. & P.- ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L , M. , 0. & P. 0. , 18c ; rellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent Iryer , Be ; graining caloro , light o&k , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. ICe IJry Goods BROWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7Jct Atlan lo P , Co | Atlantic LL. 5Jo ; Bronawick , 7io ; Beaver Dam LL,5 c ; Lawrenca LL , 6 0 ; Pa cific B , 7c ; Royal Standard , Ggo ; Indi&n Head A , 7o ; Wauchusett A , GJo. FINE BBOWN SnEETiNQS Argyle , Go ; Pop perell R , CJc ; Salisbury R , Go. BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , GJc ; Bal' on , 7-8 , 5c ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 740 : Davoll DD , ! } c ; Falrmount , 4o ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , 8c ; Glory of the Wont. 8 Jo : Golden Gate.Sjfc ; Hill 7-8 , 7c ; Hill 4-4. 7c ; Lonsdole , 7goj New York Milla , lOJc : Wnmautta , lOlo. DECKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljoi Bos ton , 10 oz , lOioBoaton , 9 oz. , 12Jo | Fall River o. o.DDOKB ( Gray ) West Polnt,8oz. , lie ; West Point 10 oz. , 12lc ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie. TICKINGS AmoskeaA. 13o Continental Fancy , 9c ; Oordls 13o ; Pearl River , 21o ; York , ISicj Uamleton Awnings , 12c. UINIUH Amoske g , 13o : Beaver Creek AA lie ; Beaver Creek BB , lOcj Beaver Crook CO , Uo ; Haymakers , 8c ; Jallroy D & T , 12 c ; Jaflrev XXX , 121c ; Pearl River , 13o ; Warren - ren AXA ( brown ) , lie ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAMBBIOSFifth avenue glove finish , 4c , Keyitono glove finish , 60 , lOonsET JEANH Amory , TJc ; Hancock , So , Kearsaige , 74o ; Rockport , 6o. PniNTa AUens , 6ic ; American , CJcj Arn old's Go ; Gocbeco , Go ; Harmony , 4o ; Indigo 7o ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc : Indigo 4-4 , llio ; Qtoe lUver , 6ic ; Charter Oak , 4ic. PIUNTB BinnTiNQS American , 4 Jo ; Cocheoo 41o Gloucester. 4io ; Southbr'dga , 4io ; Waver leys 4Jo ; Rcsedale , 4 Jo. Ho v n .rd\viiro List. Iron , rates , 2 10 ; plow steel , special cast , 4c crucible , Be ; cast tools do , 15a20c ) wagoi spokes , per set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per act 1 25 ; telloei sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues each , 70c ; axloc , eaab , 75c ; square nuts per Ib , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8c ; rivets , po Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2c ; malleable 8 : | Iron wedges , 601 crowbars , 601 harrov teeth , 4o : spring steel , 7a8c ; Burden's horsn shoes , 4 80 ; Burden's muleahoos , 5 30 , BABBED WIRE In car lots , 4 00 per 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to GO ; iron , 2.25 ; steel " SHOT Shot , 1 50 ; buckshot , 1 85 ; orients powder , kegs , 3 50ai 00 ; do , half kegs. 2 00 ; d t quarter kegs , 1 50 blasting , kegi , 8 85 ; fuse per 100 feet , 50o , LEAD Bar , 1 65. COAL Cumberland blackimlth , 10 00) ) Mor rls run Blossbnrg , 10 00 ; Whltebreast lump j 6 09) Wbitebretet nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 6 00 Iowa nnt , 6 00 Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra- del , 11 X5all 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per on , Dry Lumber. Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha , DIMENSIONS AND TIMBEII3 , 12 It. 14 It IB It. IS . tO It. < 2lt. 24 It 1x4 18.SO 18C01fl.0017.OC 18.00 10 00 jn.CO 2x8 IS CO 16.00 16.00 16.00 17,00 19.60 19.60 SlS 10.00 18.00 180' I7.CO 18:00 : 10.00 20.00 2x10 1600 16.60 16.03 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 2x12 1000 18.00 18.CO 17.00 IF.OO 20 OC 21.00 4x4 8x8. . . . . 1060 18.60 I860 17.60 18.60 19.60 ! O.M BOABDS. No. Iboards , 12,14and 16ft 81G 75 No. 2 boards , 12,14 and 1C it 14 76 No. 8 boards , 12,14 nnd 10 ft 12 70 No. 4 boards , 12,14 nnd 16 ft. ( shipping cull ) 10 75 FENCING. No. 1 , 0 ineb , 12 and 14 feet , rough..817 50 No. 1,0 inch , 10 foot , rough 1760 No. 2 , G Inch , 12and 14 loot , rough. . . . II 30 No. 2 , G inch , 1G foot , rough 15 BO No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 foot , rough. . . . 17 50 No 1 , 4 Inch , 1C foo' . , rough 17 50 No. 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 fsot , rough. . . . 14 50 No. 2 , 4 inch , 1C feet , rough 15 60 SIDINOi 1st Com. , 12,14 nnd 16 feet 822 CO 2d Com. . 14 and 1C foct VO 00 3d Com. , 14 and 1C feet IK 00 Fence , 14 and 16 foot 11 00 BEADED CEILING , 1st Com. 3 inch , Norway 15 50 2d Com , 8 Inch , Norway 14 60 FLOORING. 1st Com. G Inch , white pine 838 00 2dOom. Uiocb , white plno 35 00 3d Com , G'inch , white pma 28 00 Sol. Fenca G Inch , white pine 20 00 stand 2d Clear yellow pmc , 4-Giucb. 21 50 SHIP LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8or 10Inch 818 00 No. 2 , Plain , lOinch 10 fO No.l , O , G. 1 00 FINISHING. st , 2d nnd 3d Clear , IJInch , s , [ 2s 850 00 st , 2(1 , and 3d Clear. 11 and 2 inch , s. 2s 50 00 B Select , 1 $ . 14 and 2 inch , s. 2s SG 00 st , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , B. 2 45 00 A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 40 00 B Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 30 00 STOCK BOABDS. A12 Inch , s. Is. 12 , K and 1C feet 45 00 B12 Inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 feet 41 00 O 12 Inch , s. 1 B. 12,14 and 16 foot 36 00 D 12 inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 feet 23 00 No. 1 Com. 12 in. , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 ft 18 00 No. 1 Com.lBin , , s. 1 s. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00 No. 2 Com. 12 in.s. 1 s. 12.14 and 16 ft.14 75 BATTfNS , WELLTDBING , PICKETS. O. G. Bats , S Inch 8 ,65 O. G. Bat' , 2ilnch 75 inch Bats , s. 1 s 40 Inch well tubing , D. & M 23 00 inch well tubing , Bov 23 00 Pickets : D. & , H. Flat , 821 00 ; D & H. Square 23 00 BUNGLES AND ATH , GInch , OInar ? 3 23 A8tandard 2 GO inch , Clear 1 40 No.l. 120 Lath 2 BO POSTS. Phito Cedar , 6 inch , halves 11 o Vhlto Cedar , 5& inch , halves 9io Vhito Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 9fc Vhite Cedar , 4 inch , round 12 c LIME , EIO. ulncy white lime ( best ) 9Ca lement $1.75 laster ( Michigan ) 2.40 'arrod felt , per cwt 1.70 traw board , per cwt 1.50 DENVER MAKKET. Flora Colorado , 100 Ibs , 2 15@2 20) ) pat- nt , 100 Ibs. , 2 753 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75 © 3 GO ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 6) ; ryp , 1 00 Ibs. 25. 25.GRAIN GRAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat 100 Ibs , 81 35 orn , 100 Ibs , 115(31 ( 2)oato : , Nebraska mixed , 100 Ibs 1 G0@l 65 ; Nebraska oats white , G5@l 701 bran , ton , 17 00 ; chop , corn , 100 bs , 1 20@12576 ; ; chop mixed , 100 Ibs , 150 @ 1 GO ; corn meal , 100 Ibi 1 401 50. HAT Loose , per ton , 10 C0@12 CO ; baled , ocond bottom , 10 50@11 00 ; baled , upland , 12 0014 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00@1B 00 ; traw , ton , 6 00 7 00. BUTTED Creamery , finest , Ib. 27@28s ; creamery , "good , Ib , 21'g25o ; Illinois nnd on a dairy , Ib , 18@29j ; Kineas and Ne- irasia dairy , Ib , 15@lgc ; common , lbG@8c ; mtterine creamery , Ib , 20@22c ; butterlne airy , Ib , 16l o. CHEESE Full cream , Ib , 13@15o ; ball ream , Ib , 10@llcj skim , Ib , 9c ; Swiss , Im- ortod , S2o ; Swiss , domestic , Ib , iO@22 ; Llm- mrger , 20o. Eaos State , freah candled , doz , ll@lCc ; resh ranch , doz , 15@16c. FoCLTBt Live old chickens , doz , 560 < 3G 00 ; dressed chickens , Ib , 15@16c ; dressed turkeys , b. , 20@22c. POTATOES 100 ibi 1 Cf@l 05 ; Salt LaVe , 00 Ibs , 2 00 ; new California , 109 Its , 2 WA 00. VEGETABLES -Onions , 100 Ibs , 400@t25j turnips. 100 Ibs , 1 75 ; cabbage , new Colifor- ia , 100 Ibr , 8 C0@ < t J5 ; lettuce , doz , 50c ; addlshes , doz , 40c ; young enions , doz , 20c ; inrsloy , doz , 40c ; pie plant , doz , 20c ; oyster > lant , doz , tOc ; splnoch , doz , 8c ; asparagus , b , 40c. rallfloner , Ib , 18c ; cucumbers , doz , 50@1 75. GHEEN FBUITS Apples , bbl , 850 ; Messina omens , extra , ' box , 5 00@6 00 ; cranberriec , bl , 12 00 ; Messina oranges , box , 5 76@GOO ; California osanges , box , 2 25@2 75 ; bananaK , unch , 2 00@1 00 ; pine apples , doz , 4 00@ 1 50 ; Strawberries , California , 15c qt , 800 25 box ; strawberries , eastern , crate , 3 fit ® 50 ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25 ® 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots , box , 8 2D , CoisED MKATB Unins , ngar oured.'lD , 101 Oj > c ; nacon , breakf&st , Ib , 10Jllio ; salt Ides , ib , 71@7So ; Icrd in palls , 929cj lard n tlorres , 80. TTn sil MEATS Droaaed beef , Colorado , per 00 Us , 7 00 7 25 ; hogs , dressed , 100 Ibs , 25@675 ; mutton , 100 Ibs , G 10@G EO. LIVB STOCK Beef grars cattle. 100 Ibe1 00 © 4 60 ; hogs , 100 Ibs , 4 50g4 75 ; sheep , 100 Ibs , sheared , 2 75@3 50. Hldeu. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , lll@13o ; SIo. 2. Ib , 910c ; preen steers and cows , b , 4@5c ; green calf , Ib , G@8c ; green ; kip , b , 5'ilCc ; brandol call , Ib. Go : shearlings , Ib , 10 irlSci nhoop skins , dry , Ib , DgG : ; deer skins b. 32310 : : nntolope okina , Io. 1215 ; elk kins , Ib , f@10c ; tallow Ib , WOOL Oolorndo choice , per Ib. I415ci heavy , 12@lScJ ; Now Mexican , ovenwo , 7 FlBH-Mackorel , No. 1 , 1 40 kit , 1 15 ® 1 35 ; IDEM. 1 602 00 ; California salmon , halt bbl , 9 COr Holland benlnj ; , keg , 1 25 ; 'resh lake trout , bbl , 15@lCc , FRED W. ( SUCCESSOR TO ) FOSTER & GXAY , LUM WHITE 1'INE , YELLOW PINE , CALL FOJINIA KEDWOOD ABU , OAK , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH OKDAIl. Bear Cieek Lime , Loulsvl Cement itland Cement , Iowa and Michigan Has ter , Hair , Eto , Etc. Cor. GtJi & Douglas St HAIBUEG-AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Prance aud Germany. The HtaiMhlps ol this well known line ar < bull c Iron , In w ter-tl ht oompartmenH , and are nr Llihed with every requisite to make the paaaae both eafe and agreeable , They carry the Unite ttite * and European malli , and leav * New Yor Ttttwdaysand Saturdayi for Plymouth ( LONDON Oaerboug.tPARia and HAMBUEO. Ilatej , Hrit Cabin , WO-8100. Steerage , to o from Hamburg , | IO. 0. B. KICUAIID& CO.aeo eralFMS. Agents , 61 Broalway , New Koik an WashlnKton nl La Belle itreete. Chicago , or Hcnr Pundt , Mark Uauicn , K. K. Uoont , Harry Deuel In Omaha ; Oronewlg&Schocnfeeo , la Council THE CHICAGO AND RAILWAY. TDK BKST nOUTR AND Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago. The on y to take ( or De Molne * . Marshall. own , Cedar lUplild , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil waukce and nil points cait. To the people ol Ne. iratka , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada Oregon , Washington and California It odori superior advantages not poaslblo by any other lino. Among a few ot the numerous points ol superior' ty enjoted by the patrons ot this road between ) maha anil Chicago , are Its two ttalns a day ot DAY CACHES which are the finest that hntnan ait and ngcnulty can create ; Its PALACE SLEKF1NQ OAKS which ro models ol comfort and elegance ; Its TAR LOH DIIAWINO nOOM OAI13 , unsurpassed by any and Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING ! CAUS the equal ot which cannot bo found elsewhere . At Council Bind ) the trains ot the Union PaclBo Ry. connect In Union Depot with tboao ol the Chlcn ro & Northwestern Ity In Chicago the trains ot thli Ino make cloao connection with those ot all eastern Ines. For Detroit , Columbuj , Indianapolis , Cincinnati , Niagara Falls , Uudalo , Plltaburg , Toronto , Montreal Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash- ngton and all points In the Bait , aak the ticket agent lor tickets \ la the -NOBT.H.WESTEBN , ' I von wlsn the b st accommodations. All ticket agents sell ticket ) via this line. M.nuaniTT. n.snAm , General Manager. Oci. P/is. Agent. CHICAGO W.N. BIBCOCK , Gen 1112 FunatnSt , Omaha , Nob. ilftSLPfll THE SHOUT LIN And BEST ROUTE. tUOlt OMAHA TO THE EAST. TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND iiiicngo , Minneapolis. Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar llaplds , Davenport , Clinton , Dubuque , ' Rockford , Kock Island , Freeport .Tanesvillo , Elgin , Madison , La Crosse , Bololt. Winona , And all other Important points Eat , North east nnd Southeast. Ticket oCBco at 1401 Farnum street ( In I'axtoa Ho cl ) , and at Union Pacific D pot. Pullman Sleepers and tbo Finest Dining Cars In bo World are run on tnomain lines ot the CmcAoo IILWAUKKB & ST. I'AUI. H'T and every attention la paid o passengers by courteous employe ! ot the company. . S. MEllUILL. A. V. O. OARPJJNTEH , General Manager , Qen'l Passenger Agent 11. MILLEIl , QEO. F. HEAFFOUD , AEs't Ocn'l llantgor. Aea't Ocn'l Viol Agent J. T. OLAIIK , Gen'l Superintendent Eailway Time Table. In Effect April 5th. 1886. Tbi attention ot the travelling pnbllo Is called to be fact that this Is the only complete and absolnlelj correct time-table pnbltehed In the city , All trains arrlto at and depart from Omaha bj Central Standard Time. Trains of the O. Bt. P. II. fc 0. arrive at and de art from their depot , corner of Hth and Wobiioi troeti ; trains 01 the it. AII. , 0 , B. & Q. . and E , 0 it. J. * O. B. from the B. ft II. depot ; all otheri from lie Union Pacific depot a , Dally ; b , except Saturday ; o , except Soudayl d , xoepl Uonday. OMAHA BRIDGE TKAIN3 Dummv Tralno T vo Omaha at 840,7 (0 0 to , 10 CO , 1116 a ml60 , 2 00. 8 00.100 , * 65. G 60 110pm. On Snndayi tbo 7 60 and 10 00 a m and 00 and 4 00 p m trains do not run. Arrive ct Irani- fer depot 13 minutes later : Broadway depot S3 rain- ateg Uteri Leave Council BIuCs ( Droadvay depot ) M 7 IE , B SO , 10 SO , 11 iO a m ; 1 80,1 SO , 8 SO. 123 , 62C. and 1145 p m. On Unndayo the B 0 and 11 40 km and 8 CO and 6 26 p m trains will not run. Airlvo al fransfei 7 minutes later , Omaha io mlnutea later. TrannforTralnn I STO Omahaat 8 u , an a m , 12 85 , a 20,0 16 and 7 00 p m , dally. Anlvo al 8 It and 1116 a ra , 120 , 8 0 , 7 86 and 816 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Co and from Chicago via the Trlparilto Alllanoo Lues. I icspir iioimiKa. | BITPEDJT BV . I Mil. | lt-1. | N-W | N-W | K.I | Ml februiry. . 16 1-22 81 SI 7-28 H March . . . . 6-2S 16 1-221 14 21 7-sa April IB 6-20 12 I i-26 11 18 Uay 10-81 17 B-J1 | IS 8-23 B-EO Sunday evening and Monday morning trains arrlr a corresponding order. C. 1) . & Q. trains run eve day. STOCKYARDS TRAINS. Leave Union PacIUa depot at 0 40 a m and B 16 Arrive from Stock Tardi at 7 26 a m and 0 25 r Make No Mistake ! Up-stairs , Up-stairs Mitt01othingParlor 1312 Douglas Street Up-stairs , Up-stami Make No Mistake S elf AUrcrlta prucrlptlcu of a noted tpecUlut ( noirr * < T r dO Drvnliu can Oil It. Addt.iT DR. WARD co.rtoci8uxA.kaa CHAS. SHIVEKICK , FURMITURE UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , r " ssengorElovfttor : to nil floori. 1206 , 1203 and 1210 Tainum Btrfot OMAIIA , NEBRASKA RUJEMJPJCNG i I Manufacturers ol OrnmnenUl Dormer Wlndowi , Window C pt. WeUUlo Sky.lljMs , fto. Tin , Iron and ilatt Hooferi , 318 South lUh Street.Omnh , Nek. Work dontln any porlo the country. Q , B. GREEN. GKO. BUHK ( Will pay cnitomciB Draft with Bill of Lading attached , for two-thirds value of stock. ) GREEN & BURKE. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCH'TS UNION STOCK YARDS , HEl'EnRXCKS ! / \ _ _ , _ _ 1 _ N I I Merchants , Farmer's Itank.DavIdCity.Neb. U 1713. M & . , IN 6 D. Kcnrnoy Notional Bnnk , Kcftrnoy , Nob. Columbus SiatoBank , Columbus , Nob. McDonald's Bank , North Matte , Neb. Omahn National Bank , Omaha , Neb. 3SS , . . BTABDWOOD T" . UMBER A Fnll Asiortmentof Air and Kiln Dried Wnlnut , Cherry , Ash , Butternut , Yellow Ponlai . Redwood , etc. Hardwood and Poplar Panel , Hardwood Flooring , Wagon Stock , Stall Builders' Material , Rod Oodar Posts , Common Oak DImenilon and Bridge Timbers , Cedar Boards for moth proof closets.Ete. V noor , Fancy Woods forSorollSawing.Eta.Eto. 8. W.Cor.Otli and Douglas. - - Omalia. Neb. lqXNItr T. CLAltEE.rrcst. end Treat. CLARKSV\e rrctidtn JOHN T. CLARKK , Secretary. H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY. SUCCEEDING LEIGHTON & CLARKE. T ARQE3T Jobbing Drug houio between Chicago ind S n Francisco. CAVITAIi STOCK , $200,000. Wi JLBhtll boat the bottom of the mtrkct atoll times. Will duplicate Chicago and St , Louis prices with freight added. Oar ipoc'<y ' will bo \irc.Jrii js , Paintsf Oils anil tWintlow &lasx Es Inmtca given on pltto glass. To these about to embark la the drug business will do well to 1111 > your Interest by calling on us or sand lor our prloo list which will aupoar bout January Eth , Mall orda solicited 1H UA.UNKr UinGET. FIEE MD BUEGLAEPKOOF SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. IIWE CALL TOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake I I M It la'ilio best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound ia equal to three pout da of 9 orn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako in the Fall and Winter tnate&a of nala .down , will Increase in weight and bo In good marketable ocndl- lon In the Dairymen , aa well tts othora , who uao it , can testify to its mer its. Try It and d o for yourselves. Price $24.00 per ton. No charge for aacka , Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS. Omaha. Neb. THE ± . L. STRANG COMPANY,4 Double and Single Acting Power and liana Trlmmlnga , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , I > rass and Iron at wholesale or retail. HALTjADAY WIND-MILLS , OHDROR AND SCHOOL BELLS , Corner lOtli and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. OMAHA , NEB. M. HELLMAN & GO. 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , A. TDLL03K , Eng , & Supt. 0. P. N. BAlUKn , Asst. Enff , II , W. DIAMOND , Asst. MISSOURI VALLEY BEIDB-E AND IRON WORKS OVFIOE AXD WORKS LEAVESWORTII , KANSAS. llon'/g's and Dulldiis ol Wronglit Iron , Steel , Hove Truss and Combination BRIDGES I'or Ilailroads and Illghwaya Turn Tables , Draw Spans , lloo Tiuseer , Piers and Hub- structure ) . Shiie & lull PROPRIETORS , A , McLouth , Agent. III. A. Wise , " Pltaie send us notice ol all bridge work to let. Correspondence tollclted from engineer ! and bride ontractoig. BKPBKSKNlfll Phanlx Icinraoo * Oa , London , Cuh AM.U. . . . _ HM1OOI We tch it rN. Y..A eU 1,000,000 Tu UorchJU > UoHitwarkN.J.AM t lS7i,000 aitaidnrlrhlladelphlaAiMt , JSOO,000 . _ - . l. lt.OM Mendelssohn & Fisher. ARCHITECTS Rooms 28 nd 200mah N U.BankBI&ck SVOCUSOU 10 Dufrene & Mendelssohn Oio. L. lih t , fenntrr with * W , L. B. Jm