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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , JUNE 1 , 1885. WOMEN Keedlnii rcncnrl rtrtnethf or the mitTcr from t | nflrmtti > A peculiar to their ci , houl < l Irr BROVW = * t 0 WllN THE ; BEST TONIC 'Thin Mlelnn eamtitnM Iron nilh pnro Twrelub end tAnlc , a.nd Is I Infalanldo for DlifoMefl peculiar to \Vomcn.a allnholvad toriontArjIlrm. H ICn- and 1'iirlnrn the Illoml , Ntlniulntrn the Arprllli'i ircnnthrnn thn ntuficlrn end Krrfrw-tn fact , thoroughly Invlnornlcs. , Olnara the complexion , and makra iue ikln smooth. It dom cot Macken the iff til. eanta headache , or prodnoo conrtlpatlon nil oftrrrcn ntdiclati da. MM. FriziBKTn lUini ) . 74 Tanrell Aro.Mil km. Win , narn , under data nf Dee. 26th , 1084 ! "I ham UMxl Ilrown's Iron nittora , and It him lx > n mom than a doctor to me. barlnit cured me n ( the wmkncmOadlcflliRTeln lire. Al o cared tnn of Mr- or Oomplalnt , and norr niy cotnpleilon Is clear and Rood. Han been beneficial to rar children. " Gennlnoliaji almTo trade mark anil cmraed rrd lines on wrapper. Tnlin no ollirr. Madaonlrby CIIIMIOAI. ! : o.nAi.TiMoiti : , MP. ' HAND noon-nwful and tttractlvc , con. ( t of prltoii for roclpo" . Information about coin * , ehj. , ( tlren away by all dealeni In medicine , or inailod to any addreim on receipt of So ttamp 3 / > * * jjiniiilghfil ITil.a \ t.t ! rsi > , , , / / . , . . , . fv'Soua two Rtnmpi for Cfletirated Jlcdi-al Wrrki Adclro-B , F. j > . c r\iuti : , M. u. . 180 outll LlnrU Strrct. CIIICAQO , ILL 8 cJOHDUOTBJ > "TjF Koyal Havana Lottery I [ A. QOVEIU IBNT IliaTITUTlON. ! Brawn at Havana Cuba , jBivorv 10 to 14 Days. Tiekats in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac tions pro rata Babjacl lo no nunlpalttiua , net coatrollod by th * farlinln Inlorost. II Ulna ( aliBtt tblnz tatht ilcreol chinooln eilatonno. lor tickets apply to SIUP3EYS CO. , 121 ! Broad w 7N. Y. City ; SOLINQSU & 00. , 108South 4th 81 EL Louis. Mo , or li. OTIKNS fc CO , 919 Ukln 81. E JI M City. Mo. MADAMEl D E A N'S without ShoulJerTlraco , $1.GO incn. with Shoulder llrauo , mailo ot line Coutil , double stitched 3.00 NuraliiSt without Shoulder Bruce , 1.76 Abdoiiiiiial , " " 2.00 nil e ' , lOtollyeard . l.GO Youiiff XnUlcs * , li to IS yeara il.OO Highly recommended by the leadliic Modistes , the rashloimWo Dressmakers and the most eminent I'liyslclans In the United States and Europe. Circulars free. LEWIS SCHIELE & CO. , 8ul Oimcn OS 1'attnt > od HlnuUtlurfr. , 300 HUOAmVAY , NEW YOUK , CHARLES H. PATCH 1517 Douglas Street , Oroaba , And leading houses everywhere. Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jr , Will itond for ( took it Om&ha Fair erounda tha teaaonof 1HS5. UolalOi lunJa h Igh. weight 1296 Ibe , his tire JACK Suxrrinu li full brother In blood to DKXTIR i:17i : , alto ta DicrATORthe elra ot JAT.HTI BB S:10 : , FALLAH , 2:11 ] and DIRXCTOK 8.17. Call at the JTalr cr undg and sea him and git bta pedigree In ( uii , terms J25 f or tha teaaon. A. TUOUBON. Make No Mistake ! Up-stairs Up-stairs MisfitClothingParlor 1312 Douglas Street Up-stairs Up-stairs Make Ko Mistake , INS AND OUTS. Life and Its Incident at WasliiDgloii , Loga 'White House Salute and Congratulations , Tlio How Among the low * Faithful Ono on the Inside Tolls How "Williams Got In. AVASHINQTON MFE. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , May 28 , There is a hum and a buz in the air this morning that bespeaks summer tlmo la really horo. The rains of the last few days have cleaned the filthy streets and thlngi generally are bright and cheerful. "Strawberries , four boxes for a quarter , " wo hoar called the live-long day , and not unfrcqucntly the sweet flavored calling Is extended far Into night. It Is a welcome call In the morning just before breakfast , bnt along towatd midnight a policeman's whistle sounds bettor. As much as wo llko strawberries and are fooled In the eating opacity of ' 'them boxes four for a quarter , " thcro ere times In the louo hour of night when wo would rather bo soran- aded by the friendly tones of a polloo man's whistle to bo assured that i holpint ; hand Is ready If need bo. And our Wanhlogton policemen am ouch handsome , gentle follows. While they are always willing to ba kind and accom modating In hours of trouble , they mind their own business bettor than any other class of officials in Washington ! The de tective btnineES was a llttlo overdone about a year ago , but our policemen , bless them , nothing to fear from them , By the way , speaking of midnight erron- ados and sweet sounds reminds mo of THE SALUTE 1IRED FOU LOGAN last week. Such a blarttod racket it created to bo sure ; and why shouldn't It ? A wheezy old republican cannon unloaded off right under the democratic noio of our president at the ; unearthly hour 1 o'clock In the morning , when ghosts do aport themselves , was a trifle inconsider ate of sound sleep , to say the least. It was an imwelcome sound to us nl1 , for wo na < urally thought cf General Grant , and that wo wcro warned of his death , and sadly and wearily we waited for the morning to dawn with the sad news that it would surely bring. There was a gladness and a madrfcss both in the reading of the head lines of the morning capers , "General Logan saluted on the White' House lot , " nnd such a beating aa that follow or fellows got for the untimely ncisa. The offender I think , was a Mr. Cunningham ; 1 hear ho'belongs to Nebraska. Well , I gncsj his intentions were good , only this Is a democratic administration and Gen. Logan is spoken of by the press of the country a3 being a republican and no mistake , and that ho has stood by his colors faithfully for six months and at last came out victorious. Ho certainly deserves a salute , several of them , but there Is the eternal fitness of thlnca which should bo observed. This now ad ministration don't want its slumbera dis turbed for any man especially a repub lican senator. And we certainly will have a quiet third of July night. After this hue and cry no cannons can be fired at 12 and 1 o'clock la the morning , of course not. I fancy "Black Jack" smiling ouo of his grim smiles over the row that Canning- ham fellow has caused , and I wouldn't wonder If ho sends In his approval with a note of thanks alter ho takes his aoat again In the United States souato. There were some very unique dispatches of con gratulation sent to Mrs. Logan to make her glad heart gladder , among them ono from Iowa which ended up " iod reigns. " No doubt of that , though there are times when It does look as though tether fellow had the host of things ; bnt there Is a difference of sentiment In regard to WHICH is WHICH in the minds of Iowa's political Christians. For instance , In the fall of 1884 , It will bo remembered that the elections went In favor of the democrats for the next house of congress , the first democratic majority einco the war. I was then In Iowa , stopping at one of the hotels in Les ) Mnines quietly eating my dinner , not having heard the news of the returns to spoil my appetite , when I was startled by the excited appearance In the door way of ono of the prominent citizens , who was a devont democrat and a devoted admirer of Bob Ingoreoll and a firm be liever of Bob's unbelief a. Ho made a rush for mo with , "Christ is on earth again 1 The next house of congress Is oursl' I will leave the author of the above and the sender of the telegram to dosido doctrinal points between them. " Iowa seems divided In regard to many thlngi thono days. 1 BOO that the Wil liams-Campbell appointment has boon decided in favor of Mr. Campbell , which teems to glvo satisfaction to Iowa Demo , crala in Washington. It was a case of politics against Wall street influence , Ono of the ablest lawyers , aa well as the ablest democrats In Iowa , the Hon. Benjamin Hall , of Burlington , who was hero to settle the mixed condi tion of affairs , said to me : "You eoa the proildcnt didn't understand the matter , and I have just como from an hour's talk with him wherein I was dotermenod ho should know what the wishes of the democrats of lorra were and are. At first ho seemed impatient and didn't care to listen to our disapproval ] ; you see ho was a little snappish and tired from the long'day'n tussle with visitors and oQico- soekera , but I talked away till ho became interested and then gave us his full attcn tlon , and when I spoke of chiming too much of his tlmo , especially as there was so mudh for him to consider , he assured mo In the most gracious manner that no appology was necessary , and he would give the matter careful consideration. The tcoublo with the president Is , ho Is nndortaklng to look Into the little detail of everything instead of trusting the delegates with that tiresome matter. We understand the situation , understand what our paoplo want bettor than ho can possibly do , and he should ba governed by our wishes and judgment. " It is a fearful undertaking for htm. I replied , to go into every llttlo detail of every little and big Appointment , and I fancy ho will only bo too glad and willing to have you shoulder the burden by and byo. Jntt wait until congress convenes and if bo does not have an attack of nervous dys pepsia then he li moro than mortal. But look here ; don't you think you rather mix things , and get the president Into a chaotic state by signing everybody's pe- HI ion for ofiico that is extended to yea ? "For myself I can speak , " said Mr. Uall , "I do not sign petitions carelessly ti pay off debts for political work done , or put my endorsement tP A J > for going , o the president. When ,1 loft here soon after the 4th of March , I fully believed Mr. Campbell would bo appointed United states marshal , and was confounded to loam that Mr. Williams' ' name had been sent in , and am here now to rectify the mistake. The same names were on the same papers , bat Mr. Williams' papers were not for anything dcGnlto ho simply wanted to bs endorsed for something , but nfttr wo wont homo ho used the Influence for the marshal- ship. The people of my district generally - ally desired Mr. Campbell's appointment , and I am carrying out their wishes. " "That's what yon are In congress for , " I remarked , "You to are supposed repre sent the psoplo and not the politicians , and , by the way , that's just what the president Is trying to do carry out the wishes of the people/ ' Poor follow , I really do feel sorry for him , land would gladly take the burden off his shoulders just for a few days that ho might have a rest , and I might bo convinced of that which wo all , moro or l ° s , bollovo wo can do bettor than anyone else run the government properly , edit n daily paper successfully , and poke n fire no that It will bum brilliantly. Nothing llko finding out how It is yourself. MISS CLEVELAND AND 1IEH BROTHER. Whoever that miserable scribbler was that sent ont of Washington the vllo falsehood that the president and his sis ter had quarreled and that iras the reason son she had gone away should bo hunted down and branded a vllllan and coward. The order excluding two newspaper fol lows , who were supposed to bo the au thors of the scandal , from the whltn house had its effect and now all trace of the real villlan seems to ba lost. It Is not so surprising that such an Item should bo sent , for there are all sorts of crazy cranks and sensationalists In Washington , bnt that there la a respectable newspaper in this land that would publish such a sensation is moro sur prising. Miss Cleveland miht have occasion tto differ , often , with her illustrious brother on many points domestic and political , but to quarrel with him or an/ ono impossible 1 I cannot think of a woman so grand and broad in thought and fooling as I bollovo her to bo , stooping to a low quarrel , ff r all quarrels , bo they in castle or hut , are low and vul gar. My faith and confidence In Miss Cleveland as n noble , true woman , is wide and deep ; my admiration for the now mlatrosB of the white house un bounded and sincere. I am confident she will act well her part , not only as a society loader at the executive mansion , bnt lend a helping hand to women in every avenue of honest work , and when called upon to extend her sympathies will do so with an overflowing heart. Miss Cleveland appears before us now as a gifted authoress. I have already read extracts from her book to bo published and no doubt everybody eho has or will c'ro this can bo published , and all the world will be eager to read Miss Cleve land's book. CON. Fourth or July Arrangements. NORFOLK , Neb. , May 30. Correspondence of The BEE. Senator Van Wyck has telegraphed his acceptance of an invitation to deliver the fourth cf July oration at Norfolk , and the citizens are making oxteneivo pre parations to give him a royal rocoptlon. Subscriptions to the celebration fund are pouring in at a lively rate , and the evi dent determination is to have the biggest affair In the way of a celebration that his ever bean witnessed in this portion of Nebraska. _ Koyal Blood. Wo are all kings and queens In this country , and we have a right to as good blood as that which courses through the veins of emperors. If the blood is poor and the cheeks ore pale , it is well known that Brown's Iron Bitters is the great tonic which will give color , vigor and vi tality. Mr. M. K. Gibson , of West Point , Miss. , cays , "I felt weak and de bilitated. Brown'fl Iron Bitters made mo strong and well. " A Complete Symphony of n Bonnet. Hartford Post. It was just after the sermon and they were wondlng their way homo In a soothed and peaceful frame of mind. "Ob , Job , did you see that delightful now bonnet of Mrs. Arbutus's ? I think I want something llko that ? " "Like that ? " exclaimed Mr. Shuttle. "That ! Why It's the worst phantasy In rag roses I over saw. " "Now , Job , you know hotter. That bonnet Is a complete symphony In har- monons tones , an efloot , that is perfectly bewitching , and I'll have ono llko It If I have to scrape the silvers off the Inside of tbo flour barrel for the next loaf of broad. " The Root ot the Evil. To thoroughly cura scrofula it is necessary to strike directly at the root of the evil. This Is exactly what Hood's Sarnaparllla dees , by acting upon the blood , thoroughly cleansing it of all Im purities , and leaving not even a taint of scrofula in the vital fluid. Thousands who lave been cured of scrofula by Hood's Saraapnrillo , testify to its wonder ful blood-purifying qualities. Sold by all dragglsts. _ Wily She Wouldn't Talco Her Bahy Brother Homo with Her. Pretzel's Weefclv. A now style of dress has lately raado its appoaranco. Without going into par ticulars with regard to the style , we shall remark that it would take a man with a microscope to discover whether it but toned behind or In front. Very recently an unmarried lady , wearing one of those dresses , called at a friend's house to see a lady who had a day or so previous presented - sentod her liege lord and master with a token of her affection in the shape of a boy. In a bantering way the young lady remarked to the oldest little girl : "I am going to take your llttlo brother homo with mo. " " Deed yoa'wlll not , " was UIB reply , "for you couldn't feed it. " "What makes you think that ? " "Because you can't unbutton your dress. " _ * * * * Stricture cf the uretha in Us worst forms , ipodlly cured by our new and Improved methods. Pamphlet , references and terms , two throe-cent stamps. World's Dlsponstry Medical Association , C03 Main street , Buffalo , Perilous Partisanship , Chicago News. Wo regret to hear that Col. Paul Solby , postmaster at Springfield , was among the first to shako bands with Gen. Logan and congratulate him on his re-election. Wo advise Col , Selby to go slow , Ho Is in danger of being bounced for offensive partisanship. THE BEST WASHING COMPOUND of the day is undoubtedly JAMES PYLE'S PEARLINE. It cleanses the dirtiest and most elegant fabric without injury and with lltllo labor. For sale by grcccre. TOO MUOH DIVOEOE , The DmiRcrs that Brsot Society ami tlio Homo. To the Editor of The BEK. Satan said to Job , "All that a man hath will he glvo for his life. " That Ho has locg slnco boon dtivon back to whence It catno. Character has over bocn hold a holier thing thnu llfo llsolf. To the good and ( rno all that la worth living for la swept away when the bar- riots of charaolor is torn down , Society , the home , the church , has no longer a narao to live , when dcatllnto of honors. The alarming Incrcnto of divorces , and the cnuo with which they ate obtained , and tho' sacred tloa of marriage act naldo , is alarming the pabllo conscionco. It is no longer a question whether wo are our brothers' keeper , when the blood of the Innocent cries out of the ground. It Is people's business. The slaying may bo that of the body only , or It may bo that which to all it morodoar than life , a good name , slain by the hand of mallca. The pure sonMiko Job of old will do and dare as ho did amid the whirlwind of the tempest and storm of trouble. When accused of and commanded mandod by hist friends to inako confession of sorno deed which had deserved served the wrath of God and the con tempt of mon , ho cried out In agony , "I am pure , I am guiltless. Yea , though ho slay me , yet will 1 hold fist my integ rity. " The very foundations of society are built npon the dtvlno laws concerning the tnarriago tie ; and Its Eacred obllga ( ions demand observance or society drifts into anarchy under a deluge of rotten- nosa , morally and physically. The youth of our land will bo hopelessly corrupted by the low and groveling conceptions of the marriage relation as exhibited and taught by lawmakers In the laws which literally abolish any sort of permanency of this divine institution. The club of the law in the hand of the husband or wife may , and oftoncr than otherwise , slajs the Innocent community , may stlflo the cry of injured Inuccanco. Society may shrug Us shoulders and tar , "Whose business if the trouble Is settled ? " I say to you , false husbands , recreant wives , you unworthy and ungrateful children who dishonor the tits of blood ( blood that links soul and body together for a dwelling place for the spirit ) , you are murderers. The Innocent blood crlea out of the ground for vengeance upon you. Think not that God or society will hold you gnlltlecs ! To that husband who perpetrates nn- named indignities upon the wife of his youth and at last flings her aside , shall bo meted out a punishment swift and euro. Dr. McKuno is stricken down in an un guarded hour ; ho Buffers ono awful mo ment ; trio lifeless form is followed by a loved wlfo and children , and is gently laid away , while the unloved wito sufltrs a thousand deaths , and is consigned to a grave that knows no waking. I point you to a picture of a life scone hung upon the wall of socltty within the past few dayo. A girl of slztoan , a wlfo , a mother , unloved , but still faithful , abused bnt silent ; deserted at last and left to support herself , satisfied if she could but hide oven from her boys the suffering she endures ; all along starving mentally and socially for all that makes life ; worth living for. Twenty-two years have fled , broken In health , and hopeless and penniless , she stands shivering under the brandished club of the law In the hands of her huiband. She grants the destroyer of her llfo the boon he asks a con'osalon of guilt. She calls herself the "deserter , " end ho calls him self "tho deserted husband without cause. 1' ' The wlfo is slain , her own sons unwittingly bend to his nod and dig their mother's grave. Unheard of crime 1 Lot the heavens blush and tocioty put on sack cloth If such things go unavenged. Shall this woman's name be cait out as vile , as an unfaithful wife ? Yon know that she is innocent , that woman , that mother , Is gnlltloes befcra God and man. Don't quibble about the law Law never was designed to bo the Instrument of crlmo. Shall sons stand and BOO the mother branded "a deserter without just cause , " an unfaithful wife ? Where are our uoni to-day ? Are there any men ? Are women so cheap that womanhood can ba murdered In our midst and the cry of Innocent blood not bo hoard in heaven or heeded by man who by reason of physical strength were designed to protect and care for the physically weak and helpless ? Gnd rs jnst , society must be in the like- nets of God or die of its own corruption. The youth of our country must bo pro tected and shielded from the leprous touch of teachers and "professors" who laugh to scorn the marriage vows and contaminate by their teachings and ex ample the very fountain of society. Shall men who trample under foot all that is sacred and holy , go free ? Shall no aveng ing Nemesis track that husbind in all lila devious wanderings and wreak von- goanco. Aye , the blood of the Innocent crleth unto us and they shall bo avenged. MALVEIIN , Iowa , May 28. X. A Cano Made of Leather. Now York Sun.- "Hero la something odd In canes , " said a dealer to a reporter yesterday. "Cari ous grain to the wood , isn't It ? " The cane was three-fourths of an inch in diameter , and had a curved top ending In a silver horse's hoof. Itwas dark. The grain teemed to ran around in rings , the upper part of each ring being darker than the lower. "It was made of leather buttons slipped over the ramrod of an army musket by a shoemaker at the Indiana reform school In 1872. The ramrod belonged to the musket the roan carried during the war of the rebellion. He cut the pieces of solo leather with a die , punched a hole of the right size in the middle , shaved them to a wedge shape where the curve came , forced them on and compresied them with a screw cut on what Is ODW the fer rule of the cane , and then soaked the whole In varnish. It required two quarts of varnish to got it Into slmpo. It is a beauty , and it would roll for (50 If I wanted to part with it. " Both the queen and prices of Wales hayo written autograph letters to the archblihop of Canterbury euloglzinc-the reUied version of tlici old testament. The eulogium , however , li not generally endowed by thernibllo and the sale oi the now bible la comparatively languid , now that the demand of curiosity has been rjpplled , When Jl l > y WM sick , wo g re her Caatoria , When eho WM a Child , the cried fur Cattorla , When she became Hiss , elie clang to Caatoria , Wliiu ihohaAChlldita , eho g TO thorn CaatorU . . ' u Rheumatism , 'Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache. Headache , Toothache , VorcTltrnntKnelling.SprntiiH.Ili-uUcs , IturtK , SrnliU , Trout llllcn , , * * ' onirn nomiT i-im , t\n Aiiirs. BOM tij Drujjlili nil Dmitri rricli < r . > ini OtaU t tottl * riirctloni ID II umtnntts. THE CIIAULKS A. VOUEI.UK CO. ( itmiHfi to A. toauxa * PO 1 tUUlnort , B < L. f. 8A. C17 St. Chnrlcs St. , St. Louis , 3fo. A f citrtftr EM Inate or two VeJIeal OoUrcr i. M been Inrtt 3a.ireil lo IheipetlMlreUnirJlor O itCi ! , Vitro ? ! . Dvu and BLOOD TiMKi.uttita anr th r rty.lcltnla Qt. Locta kj tttjt ftpcrmhovand Blloll re lJMjt.h&ow. Ncrious Prostration , ncbllltr , Mcntrl u > f Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otnf.-.Xii : . tlons o ( Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood PoltCT.'M , old Sores and Ulcers , an trend * ith nnr e < i _ - mceeii , on Itteit ncKntlUi prlnelnln. Bif < lT , frln'sl Diseases Arising Iro-n Indiscretion , Exc'oti , Exposure or Indulgcncu , vhldi vroJoc nme f ft ; .llo lnic eETeetil ncnouioect. delillilr. illmDC'i criliU m4def etlteinOTor/.rlTdplnt.n . the r e , | > nyilel ilewr , lietilontoltt .ocln ; of knuln , ecnruii.i ofllrvi , < M , r'ndorlna Mnrrlnca Improper or unlmnp-r , tl fwrmititill/mrcd , rimpbletM ( pu ioatha ) lK > reitt * UltllfJ enveltvpr , freslo nr Ji1rf.i. Con > ullttlintt t. Caocrbymilirrijc , B'llnTlttJ. Htlto forqucalloni. A Positive Written Guarantee lr ln til eirtlile eiica. hrllglaei icnl ercrrnhert. X'Araphlct * . SnpllBh or German. G4 r 0i. At- muloor fomaU.ljtEn I CUflDE ! tettallnslilnlo Chartered by tlicStnteof 1111- Inola fopthecxpresiparpose orcivlnnlmmcdlotc rclielln nil chronic , urinary nnd prl- , vatc diseases. Gonorrhcca , Gleet andSyphillslnnll their complicated forms , also nil diseases of the Skin nnd LJlood promptly relieved and pcrmanentlycured by teme- dicstestedtnai'uir//Irni8 . . _ . - , , _ _ _ bpcclttlVracttre. Seminal Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the Face , Lost Manhood , jioittiecly cm f.T/icro intto crjieriincntliKi. The appropriate remedy 13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mail and Express. No marks on package to indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAIMES.No. 2G4WasMnjlon ( SChicatjoll. ! , ! .rurlnrdio ai. - . lo Uie LIVi : .iiul KIONCVfJ , VHil ITS1OIU T"fUllAliTJ ? Hnd VIQOn of VOUT1C > o i > itn \ \ Aipetlte ) ouicn. airvosu.'cuoiinMorcc , UrlKiiH tha mlii'l aus , . ? u/ WV ? Btf UiaxVri ) Ballon-ill r , iolljrlowlt irom \ cou * . iilalnlt 'r wJli Jnd InBK. 1' aiTlTfa IKOK IONIC u cof * < u. , - cure Viltet a tlt.ii.liwulIivcomiilLiloB , ont bticiupts t o' > l 'Miii ; only a , ' . * ppopnlirllyol tlie otir-iii.i ! . e HKMii.NA'NU i : t. i n < lJrt' 3t < . ThfiUr IliiilM 1. Mo , lor our"DRI Inuci , lUch. , Feb. S , 18S2 , I.M. Loon < fc Co. . Moimoi , Mich. GBMH 1 am oaln your fluid Extract Uoa Glorer Blossom and Wet Compress for Cancer on the brent , and am well. I am utlsdod It 1 * the beat remodr for Coneer known. Yon &ro welcome to uio this for the benefit or niderlnfr humanity. Kespcctfolly , MRS. I * A. JOIINSOK. J. H. LOO.B * CO . QwiTLKUFN 3lv wire has foreomottmo been afillcted vlth something 11L.O a ( croraloug Ul.icAse.nnd round no relief until ihe ffaro jour Extract of HedCloreratrlal. I am happr to eay ohe has cxperltnccd great relief. Thlf Is but a alight testimonial or mj appirclatlon of jour ottorts In behalf of humanity , which you are welcome to use for their bcnrflt. I am , > ery respectfully , II. AMIS. -'OUDO , O , , Doc. 1st , 1882 , J. M. toosa 4 Co. , MOKHOB , Mich. GBSTB 1 oommtHicod taking your EXT. Red Clorer. Vo years ngo , for trjalpelos , and hare not been troubled Blnco. It Is hereditary with mo. Iblnlc you have the boH blood medlclno known Yonn truly , W. M. SKIDEUT. K. n Hyman , of Grand Itaplds , Mich. . eny Afttr two Doctors ad vised him tousorxraso'Hl xt.lUil Clover for A hod case or 1 ezcma , or > eter bore on the let ; . Only uswl two poundsor your Solid ijctract Hod Clover. Aia now well. AsnSprinR MedicineTonloand Ercncml Ttlood X nrl * Her It has no equal , loraalobyall drucglsta , or J. M. lx > eco & Co. . Moar ( SDOOE2EOUS 70 IOI1X 0. JAC02U | UNDERTAKERS 1 At the old eland 1117 Furnim 81. Crdore by Itle rrBPhaallcltod and prompt ! ittomlcj to. Telephoai IN BOTTLES. Erlnngcr Bavaria I Culmba.hcr lluorla 1'ilencr. . . . . . . llahomUn KaVcr Uromon DO5IKSTIU. Ruduclscr fit. LouU I Auhiusor St. I.ouls llcst'a . . . .M..Mllwauken I Sclil tz I > liiertlll aul < ce Krtig'a Omalu , Ate , 1'ortor , PomeBllcnnd Uhluo Wlnee. ED MAUBER , 1213 Parnam St , JPM.JULA.I1VS ASTHMA CURE This Invaluable epoafh readily and pcrmmcntly euros ll kinds of Auihtna. The mott obstinate nJ IODK sUndlng c * > ei' teld promptly to tta wonderful curing propertlea. It la keown throughout ths world lor Ui unrivaled elHcocy , J. L. CALDWELU oHj-TIncoln , N b jwrltei , J n IB , 1B3U B nee using Dr. H lr'a Astlitrn cure , lot moro lh a one yc rmy wife hu been entirely well , and not a\oa a Bjmjitcin ot the dlaottehaiapptared. WILT I AM BBNNE1T , Wlehland , I iwa.writeiNflV. W. 18 3 I have been allllctod with U y Fever and Atthma Blnco 1859. I followed your directions and am htpny to tay that I ne\er slept better In my life. I am glad tliat I am amonz the many who can gpeak eo favorably oi ) our rouedlca. A iMuatle 61 page tr < a'l ' ocontainingtltrllikrprool frome\eryState lathe V , 8 , CantU and Great Urlt&lu ; will bo mailed upon application. Any Urufght not Imln ? It In stock is 111 procured , toordtr. AakforUr. Ilalra AithmaCure. 1)11 U W UAIK & BON , Prop's Cln'tl.O. | "I ought to know bontlt , ' was the rc- | -nark ol a gentlemtn to li'i ccmpati'on In the exhibit ol , : cut lair. 'I hue reared fite children on t. " Suih tCBtlmouy , , IB bittirtlun a.11 arguirtntl. Hldgo'i h'ooil btlll mtlntalra the at beet suited ta till uatttt and oonnuioun ol child II e , In canr , 5lOSsi. 5andl.75 rold by Bn Bend tiUocliicb i. Us , faluxr , Mn- . , lot lieu ) ootwruiuf reailns < I clil'Jicn ' , Deal Estate > 2I3 S. 14th STREET , BET. FARNAM AND DOUGLAS. Have a large list of inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the city. We Iiavo business property on Capital Aveuuo , Dodge , Douglnp , Fariinm , Hartley , Howard , JHh , 10th , 13th niid 16th sreets. We have flne resideuco property on Farnnm , Doug'as ' , Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cuss , California streets , Sher man , St .Marys nnd Park Avenues , in fact on all the best residence sheets. Wo have property in the following ad ditions. Hawthorne , McCormick's , MiUard& ; CaldwelFs liountz & Huth's , Lakes , Impr'nt Association Elizabeth Place E. V. Smith's , Horbaeh's , ! Isaac Patrick's. Manscom's Parker's , West Omaha , Shinn's , Grand "View , Gise's , Credit Foncier , Nelson's , HLountz' First Armstrong's ountz Second , God&ev's , Kountz' Third , ILowe's , IHountz' Fourth , Kirkwood , Syndicate Hill , College Place , Plainview , Park Place , Hill Side , WalnufcrHiU , Tukev & ; Kevsors , Thornbuirg , Boo-gs&HilT Clark Place , Capitol , Mvers < & ; Hichards , Heed's First , Bovds , And allljthelother Additions to the City. 1 * JL " " " 11 y 11 dicate Mill Adjoins the stockyards property in South Omaha These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo cated and will make convening cheap , and de sirable homes for the employes of the stock yards and packing honses. Tukey & Keysors Sub-division. Located in West Omaha , two blocks south of Leavonworth street , w fine location atd the cheapest lots in Omaha ; 5125 for inside lots and 5150 for corners ; terms $10 down , halauce ? 5 per mouth ; dent fail to see those if you want a hargain. Kirkwood. Wo have a few lots left in Kirkwooi addition , which wo offer at low I-rices , terms 525 dowuhalauce § 10 per month. These lots are on high level giound and are defcirable. Hawthorne. This addition is mere centrally located than any other now addition near the best Schools m the city. All the ereets are being put to gride the grades Imvo neon established by the city council , and is very desira ble residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower than adjoinincbdditions ior a homo or investment. These lots cannot bo beaten. Let on Davenport with fine FOB SALE Lot 28th and Farnam street , ,000. good property , Sl.COO. FOB SALE Full lot 21st and Clark street , 6 FOB SALE- } aero on California , cant of room houeo , 82,800 , Sacred Heart ; house , barn , an' * cistern , cho p Ton SALE Beautiful aero lot in Giao'a add , onlySlCOJ $1,200. I1 oil . BALK Lota In Ilanscom plaoo each , 6500. FOR BALK lot on Chicago itreet between 6500.FOB 101 feet front 15th . 13th and 14tb , 82,500. FOB BALE on stroot.with riraall houao lust south of Uartxaan Schoolon BEAUTIFUL . , lota corner F roam and 20th ly 81,7CO. street cheap. FOB BALK 1'ull lot and 5 room house come i Fen SAtE-Lots In Walnut hill , 5200. llth and Caatellar , $2'100. . FOB SALK-I lot withC rocm house 21 t FOB BALK Lot ani'i 2 homes 18th andKlchi ttreet easy payments , $2.000 , oKa 85.COO. IF"e witl furnish conveyance free to any part of the city toshowproperty to ourfrienfls and customers , anil cheerfully give informa tion regarding Omaha Property. Those who have bargains to offer or wish property at a bargain , are invited to see us. Bedford & Souer , Real Estate Agents 213 S.I4thSt , , bet. Farnamft Douglas