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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1885)
" . . . M , . ! THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , MAY 28 , 1885. VIOTOBIOUS TURNERS , Hcliirn of the tiucky Omftlianri from the Atolilson Turnfest , Tuesday ovontng the delegation of Omihani , nntl the representation of the local Turner society , returned from Atchiton , where the crand turnfest had been in progress since Saturday. The vlctorioui members and their blonds were mot at the depot by the Musical Union orchestra and escorted to the hall of the society , where an informal reception was held. held.Tho The Omaha boys return homo jubilant on account of their success. The members who went to the feat wore O. T. Qrommo , llobert IlosoDzwoifr , Tf , J. Lantjo , O. F , Elfassor , A. Moravoo and W. SchuUo. Four of the prizes wcro carried off by them , two of the first-class , ono of the second nnd ono of the third. The prize winners were O. T. Gramma for high jumping , and hop skip ixnd jump , ! ' . T. Lango. who took the second jirizo for hop skip and jump , and the class took the fourth prize for general turning. The clnsi dirt well in all exercises , but was beaten by the Kansas Oily doss in tbo rentier of climbtnif. The Omahans wore cordially received at Atchison and were given n banquet in the night of their arrival in tbo city , on the occas ion of which an interesting address was do- Ilvored by Governor Qlick. Ho was followed by the mayor ofTopckn. On the 2 lib n grand picnic was hold , of which the gymnastic and calefethcmo exercises of the Turners formed the central feature. The prize contests continued until Monday evening and were brought to n close with a grand ball in the garden of the Turners which was thronged to overflowing with the members of the society and their friends. The street parade was an Immense affair , several bands of music being in lino. Altogether the occasion was ono long to bo remembered , and the Omaha Turner * es pecially are to bo congratulated ( upon the very creditable manner In what they repre sented the metropolis of Nebraska. 1'ollco Court. In the police courtyostorday morning George Collins was arraigned for dumping manura on the rlvor bottoms. Ho had boon told not to do it by a police officer , but persisted in dlsobejlng the Injunction. Ho was fined $5 and coils. Judge Stonborg says that ho in tends to deal summarily with this class of caeca nud will show no mercy. llobert Ilomor , an old granger from the in terior of the state , had succumbed to the temptation of too much bock beer Tuesday night nnd had landed in the city jail in a hopeless state of intoxication. Ho plead guilty , and waslfined $3 and costs. Koleaaod upon pay ment. The event of the morning session was the trial of Jack Ford , a bear trainer , for cruelty -to a bruin which ho had In hl possession , The man was seen boating the animal cruelly Tuesday afternoon on St. Mary's avenue and at the request of some of the residents In the neighborhood ho was arrested by Officer Fuller. The boar , tired and heated , had lam down and refuted to _ perform his usual tricks at the command of his master , The bruin was brought into court and caused considerable nmusoment by bis odd pranks. Ho testified in a tnuto way to the cruelty of his master , and human witnesses supplemented the evidence of bruin's bruises , \vlth oral testimony. Ford was fined $5 and coats. The gas burners in the now court house were all lighted and tested yesterday. That magnificent structure will bo a blaze of beauty to-night , PERSON All. Architect Meyers is at the Paxton , J. 0. Lewis , of Fremont , ia in the city. 8. H. H. Clark left Tuesday for New York. John B. Buff , of Cedar Creek , is at the Paxton. * B. W. Powers , of Kearney , is vialtinp the metropolis. ( Miss Katie Murphy lolt Tuesday for a visit to Minneapolis , Fred Berger , advance agent for Theodora Thomas , is in the city. T , S. Clarkson , of Schuylor , registered at the Paxton last evening. W. 13. Storrs , Oakdalo , and T. Walchob , 'Wayne , are at the Arcade. J , M. Parker and daughter , of Davenport la , are guests at the Paxton , Vf. J. and J. N. Paul , of Ht. Paul , Neb. , nro among yesterday's Paxton arrivals. A. W. MoLaughlin and T. 13. White , of Tlattsmouth , are registered at the Paxton. A. B , Porker nnd wife , J , 13. Durgln and wife , a party of Boston folks , are guests at the Paxton. Mr , O , Hoi WAY and M. 3 , Holi7ay , promi nent men from Augusta Mo , , are in the city , at thoMillard , H , B. Hudson and wife returned from Boston jestorday , having had a delightful visit in that city. Moasrs. Bowen , Jordan and A. D. Smith , accompanied by Frank Whlto.of I'lattsmoutb , went to Blair Tuesday to found there a now Masonio lodge , Miss Marlon G. Cooley , a well-known teacher of Lincoln and Plattsmouth is spend ing a few days visiting her brother and col lege friends at the Pixton. Charles A. Potter was Tuesday appointed by Judge Dundy an examiner in chancery. Charley's friends in this city ( and he has many of them ) will be glad to hear of the well- merited honor which has been bestowed upon him. him.Mr. Mr. H. II. Haegor , representing II. B. Glover & Co. , Dnbuciuo , Iowa , was in the city yesterday. Ho is ono of the jolliest ' 'knights of the grip" that ever traveled , and has made quite n number of friends during hit recent visits in Omaha. N. P. Scruggs , ICansa * City ; A. T , Wohl- cnberg , Das Molno ; W. II. Pore , CIncin natij Ira Thompson , Tokamah ; F. ft. Frlck. La Porte ; F. J. Halo , Battle Creek ; H , Nlcodemus , Fremont : II , Alsop , Chicago ; H T. Hare , Springfield , Mass. ; 0. F. Shcdd FairlioldjW. J. Taylor , I. B. Sorter , Howard 0. S.hroeder , St. Louis ; H. W , Kobinson Chicago ; 0. T. Kimball , Glenwood ; G. W TerrU , Sussex ; W. Olougbly , Audubon ; J , F Perkins , A , L. Socarmnu , Springfield , are nJ tbo C&nfield. L. L , Darling , Decatur ; J , M , Cummlngs Lincoln ; George II. Powers , Beatrice ; B , D Eniel , Holdredgo ; Lee S. Hatelle , Blair ; H 1'dgington , Fullerlon ; J. Warilck and wife Blair ; Thomas Patz , Crele ; 0. W. McCumel Schuyler , Neb. , C. H. Buck , Atlantic , la. M. L , Stevenson , William Kramer , Denvei Col. ; J , Claigeni , Now liichmond , Ohio ; H E. Hayes , Council Bluffs ; M. TA. Smith , On ! cage ; Frank Brown , New'.York City ; Job Moor , II , Totter , Chicago ; E. H. Station ! Ht. Liouii , andS. 0. Harvey , Auitin , Texai are at the Metropolitan. Track and Train , Mr. Charles H , Hoed , of Topeka , Kas , a bright young man with coneiderabl experience in the hotel business , wa yetteid&y raado manager cf the Unlo : Pacific eating hnuio at Cheyenne. II leaves for there Friday to Uko charge. 8. II Oalaway , general manager of tb I nlnn Pacific road , accompanied by 1 L. Kimbill , the general tratlio nnnagoi aUrtod , last evening , to Ogden , where they will meet Charles Francis Adam ) , president of the Union PacIGc , and re turn hero with him. Er stns Young , anditor , nnd W. S. Wing , auditor of agents' accounts for the Union Pacific road , will Io ro to-day with a parly of friends for Madison lake , la. , on a fishing expedition. H. M. IIoxlo , second vice president and general manager of the Missouri PaclQo road , WAS in Onuhn a few hears yesterday. J. J , Dickey , superintendent of tele graph for the Union Paollio , and his wife , returned homo yesterday from San Fran cisco. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minnottpoh & Omaha road la hauling an immonio amount of lumber Into Omaha. President Charles Perkins , of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy road , was in the city yesterday. OOUBT OULLINGB , TIio Snytlcr AflslRnco aiattor Fln lly Settled Entirely. William Snjdcr , the carriage manu facturer who failed last winter and made an atalgnmont , yesterday completed making his settlements and paid the money over to Judge McOnllough of the county court. The record will bo com pleted to-day , and the money xoady for distribution to whom it belongs to-mor row. row.Two now suita , an follows , were com menced In the county court yesterday : Felix Qlooro TB. Illaa Newman , to ra- cover on a note for $300 ; Wm. Crouch and Samuel Crouch va , John B. Heath and John Atkinson , n suit for $172.50 , alleged to bo duo on a car load of flonr , Jacob Sounders commenced proceedings yesterday against the city of Omnha , in the district court , for § 1,090 domagoa , which ho claims has boon dpno to his property by reason of grading streets. Mr. Snundors owns and lives on lot G block 250 , Sixteenth street , and in front of hla promluca the street has boon cut down to nn average depth of eighteen feet , thua leaving him up so high that his ploco is rendered entirely luolojn for real- denco purpoocs. The Union Pacific railroad company filed Its bond yesterday removing the case in which It ia defendant to llobert Martin , plaintiff , from the district court of Douglas county to the circuit court of the United States. The suit is for S15OCO damogos , on ccconnt of Injuries which plaintiff claims ho received while in the employ of the compiny. The hardest and most disaprrcoablo rain of the season foil yoaterday afternoon and last night , For a time the street gutters looked like small rivers , and torrents of water rushed down the ravines. TEEMBLING WITH FEAE , Danger of the Oity Prisoners Being Crushed Boncath a Pile of Brlclc. Tbo prisoners who nro now confined In the old city jail were trembling with fear yesterday and last night , lest at any mo ment they might bo burled beneath a great pile of broken timbers and brick. Slnco the work of tearing down the old court honse commenced , several tons of brick have been piled up on the floors In side , directly over the prluon cells , and unless the floor joists are very strong there is great danger of the Immense weight crashing them down. Should such a calamity occur every unfortunate person confined in the jail would bo killed euro. If the work of tearing down is continued the jail cannot bo occupied many more days. But whore will now quartets bo secured ? Is the question agitating those who have the metier under their charge , nd responsibility. It was expected that rtala cells In the county jail could bo sod by the city , but as the mayor stated his communication to the council 'uosday ' night , the county jail ia already o crowded that no prisonera will bo taken hero except these held and sent up answer uomo severely criminal ofTeneo. nqniries were made yesterday by a re- ortor for the BEE , but ho learned that othlng had boon done. That part of ho ordinance approved Tnoaday by Mayor Boyd , designating certain cells in ho old count houao jail for city purposes , .a ' of little UEO now , because by this tlmo ext week the old court house will have antabod from sight , and a now structure , r bneincia purposes , is to take its place. Dust to Dust. The remains of Mrs. Emma \V. Hull , wife of Mr. Frank Hull , who died Tnos- iy night , will bo carried to their last 'eating ' place , in Prospect Hill cemetery , .t . li o'clock to-day , from her late home , ho residence of Mr. Kondoraon , No. 514 narney street. Six of Mr. Hull's .ssoolntoa and compatriots from the firloua hotels will act as pal bearers. They are Messrs. Honshaw nnd Klbby , > f the Paxton ; Davenport and Hulott , of .ho Millard , Illgloy , of the CanGold , and Cieodam , of the Oo/.zcns. To the giief stricken husband thcra goes out a feeling of the deepest sympa thy from a largo number of friends in hla city. In this dark hour as he realizes the lots cf all that made homo sweet and dear , each coming day a olf-fulfilllng joy , lifo Itself must seem at t stand-still for him. Six months ago deceased waa a happy bride , to-day she Is no more. Strange , Indeed , that twenty- two short yean should conclude all tdo 'lopes , love , ambition and despair of the cycle of existence , "and life's cup be drained nnto Its blttor dregs. Loved by all , none save one know in its complete- less the inoxpresaable beauty of her character , " The police nipped another euipiclouscbar acter last night , who Rave his name as being M. McDonald , Willinm Maynor and William Ulllott , two young bruisers , engaged n a fight lasl night imj the latter received a bad knlfmr. over one of his eyes , Both were arrested am taken to the lockup , A gentleman of this city who is interests somewhat in the Aspen silver miuo , near Sil- verton , Colorado , received news yesterday In forming him that the inlno bijd caved In am killed a number of won. Particulars of th calamity could lint be learned further thai that those killed were what ia called the nigh shift. Mr . J ! , Bhultz went out last evening o ; one oi her periodical sprees , and annoyed Mi ShulU'a peace so badly tbat he had her ai rested and lodged in-jall for the night. Oa ot her violent acts was to throw a uton through the front window of her hmbaud taloon on the coiner of Twelfth and Dodf ; streets , TUTT EHHHHHMffiMimMI PILL 25 YEARS IN USE. Fhe Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago ) SYMPTOMS OF A TORPED LEVER , , IloweUcostlTF , 1'iiln In the henil , with a dull rnnntlon In the AncU pnrlt 1'nln under the > ihonlder * blnrtc , Fullnci * nfter entlntr , vrllh ndli * Inclination to exertion of bodr ormlml. Irrllnlillllroftomperi I < atr plrlti , with B. focllnrorlin.Ylnf neglected lomedntr , \VcnrInca , IHzzlncaii'Fluttering ; nt the Hcnrt. not * before the eyes , Ilondncbe oTor the riant eye , Rentleiineii , with atfal drenmi , Illclilr colored Urine , nnd CONSTIPATION. TtJTT'S are especially adapted to such cases , ono doao effects snoli n , ] mnrnorfeellncfts ( to astonish the sufferer They Increaie tbci Apt > etltenil cause the body to Take on Jb'lc lit\\n ! tbo T tcm li nonriihoil.onil brtnolrTonlc Action on the HlcreitlvoOrini inIlraulnr ( Moot * ftre prodncfd. . . l'rin uBo. 4 < t Murray Nt..rV.V. I 1 _ _ . . . . _ . _ GHAT HAIU or WHISKRUO changed to a OLOSST IJLACK by n sliiRlo application oi tills DTK. It imparts a imtunxl color , nets Instantaneously. Solil by Druggists , ot ent by express on receipt of tl. dfYIco.44 Murray St. . Now York. THE FINISHING TOUCHES , Activity In ana About the Now Court House Yesterday. The county commissioners were in ses sion yesterday afternoon , examining the architects drawings of the now court louse to BOO If they bavo been fully car ried out , preparatory to receiving the juildlng to-day. The architect was present , but declared that ho has not vrltten a speech for delivery to-day , so if ho reporters want to got what ho nays .hoy will have to catch him on the fly. The commissioners seem to fool BatloOcd that all the details of the > lans have been accurately followed in ho construction of the building. A force if men and women were at work scrub- ) lng floors , washing off furniture , and making everything snlne , BO as to present i bright and attractive appearance to-day. Che gilt lettering over various depart- nont doors was completed. The law Ibrary has been moved In and nicely shelved , and every oillcial about the great icmplo la happy. Heal Estate Transfers. The following transfers were ( Hod May 20 , with the county clerk and reported 'or ' the BEE by Amos' real estate agency : Annie Sophln Hobble ( widow ) to Helen L , Hobble , q c , B 88 f t of o J of lot 8 blk 23 , in Umaba , $1.00. it Gcorco C , Hobbla and wife to Annie Sophia Hobble , q c , a 8ti ft of a J of lot 8 blk 23 , in Omaha , St.00. John Barrett and wife to George Holmes , w d , w 110 ft of s § of lot 3 in Hartman'a add to Omaha , $600. Michael J. Murry and wife to James E. Riley , w d , lots 5 and 6 blk "B" Shmn'a 2d add to Omaha , $1,600. Thomas A , Ureigh nnd wife to Edgar 13. [ Tastings , w d , undiv J < * f lot C blk 3 of liecd's 1st add to Omaba , $1,400 , George P. Stebblns ( single , to David P. Whelpley , w d , lot C blk 7 Hanscotn Place add to Omaha , $875 , A. C , Davenport and wife to Olln Daven port , w d , lot 5 in Burr Oak , $500. Civil Rights Meeting , A civil rights meeting will bo held at the Capital avenue skatiug rink Friday evening , May 29th. 1885' The question of the right of American citizenship in the United States will bo discussed. All citizens who are In sym pathy with civil rights nro invited. The following named gentlemen will bo the speakers : Hong. E. Bosewator , J. I. Reddick , J. M. Thurston , E. E. Overall , Rev. W. E. Copeland , Dr. M. O. Rlck- otts and Rev. Mr. Harris. By the committee.A. A. IE. WILLIS , Sec. The best regulator of digestive organs and the best appetizer known Is Anpostura Bit- tcra. Try it but beware of imitations. Get from your grocer or druggist the genuine arti cle , manufactured by Dr. J. G. li. Siegert & Sons. _ W. O. T. TJ , The hdlcs of the W. 0. T. U. will hold their monthly mooting at their parlors over the lunch room , corner Fifteenth , nd Capital avenue , Thursday at 2:30 : m. All are Invited to attend. By rdor of the secretary. Horsford's Aciil 1'liosphatc , IN.DEUILITY. Dr. W. II. HOLCOMDE , New Orleans , La. , s ya : "I found it an admirable emedy for debilitated state of the aye- cm , produced by the wear and tear of ho nervous energies. " The lowest prioea in the oity on ictints , oils , varnishes and painters' atJ. A , Puller it Go's , Buy a straw Hat at Saxe'a. Largest itock and lowest prices. Cheapest Children's Hats , Saxes. Yesterday the combination store ro- : olvod another lot of oil paintings retailing , t $1.00 and upwards. Choice Dairy Butter always on hand at SMILEY'H. CATAERH Sanford's Radical Cure iho Great Balsamla Distillation of Witch Hazel American Pine , Canadian Fir , Marigold Clover Blossom Kta , For the Immediate llellef and 1'ermanent Cure o every form ot Catarrh , from B Simple Head Cold o Influenza to the Loss of emell , Taste , and Hearing sough , Bronchitis , and Incipient Consumption. IU llel In flve minutes In any ande > ery cose , Nothln like It. Grateful , fragrant , wholceom * . Cure be gins from fin < application , and U rapid , radical , pei mauent , and ne cr falling. One bottle Kodlcal Cure , one box Catarrha ! Sol vent and Sanford' Inhaler , all .In ono Vockag * , lei mlng a complete treatmen of all druggists for fl Ask for 8indford' Hadical Cure. Potter Drug an Chemical Co. , Boston. H B K M Collins * Voltalo Kloctrlo Plait > A H 111 Instantly affects the Nervoi A H System and banUhea Pain , ' * I 111 perfect Electric Battery con " "B Lined with a Porous Piaster f ( IS THE CUV 26 oenta. It annihilates Vali or A rt tallies Weak and Worn Oi SUFfERIHa H WE 1'arta. itrcnjthens Tired Mu clci , PrevoutiUisease , and Jovg more In ono ball tl time than any other plaster la tha world. Sold ever ; where SPECIAL NOTICES. All a < Je trtittmtntt in the tpecial column * utll tt charged at the rate nf 10 tentt per lint for the frtt intertion , and 7 emit per line far raeh subie- qucnt inurtioni AV > adccrtitement will lie inttrttd for ten than ! S eenlt or the frit time. Theieailrcrtiscmcntt trill lie inserted In loth , Morn- njand Eteniiy SJitiont , rtpretentlitg a circula tion of orer Eight Thoutand. Thtl clati t f > adcer- tttcmentf muttpoiitMf be paid in advance. TO LOAN-MONEY. too ! n OnBMkltsUto In any amount and MOXKT , ficm $50 to81000. On colUtcrilt on thirty to ninety days time , In. sun-act fifty dcMirsMiihipwiri's. On chMtcli. In sums of flva to five hundred dollars lars at low ritcinml time to suit. Miscellaneous. lIoitK gc'iccurcd notcfclty claims ami Judgment bought , BJnc"snmJo to contrac tors , and general ilnancUl basinets clall kinds tract- acted promptly , quietly nnd without delay , at the Umahikllnacclalls.xchinito.I50)l'artiamBt.up8Ulrs 057-30 "S TONRV 1 VOSKV 11 MOSRV 111 Money to tonnOn IVichattolsccuillyby W. K.CrcH , room 4 , With- neil building , N , E. corner lotn and Ilirncy Alter ; can ol experience aid a careful study of the ljusl. nts3 cf loaning money on personal property , I have at lilt perfected a system whereny the publicity usual In such catet Is done away withand I am now In a position to mcol the demands of all * ho become temporarily erne-massed tnd desire to ratio nuncy without delay and In a qutet manner , Homoicop- crs , professional ccntlcmon , mechanic ! and otbon In this city can obtain aivinct-s Irom $10 to 81,000 on such security as household furniture , pianos , ma chinery , horses , WBKOIU , warehouse receipts , eecur- cdnotoiof hand , etc. , wlthtut icmoMnR tame from ownois residence or place obmlnte ( . Ono ef the ndvantaprcs I offer Is that any pan of any loan can bo paid at any time which will reduce the Interest pro rail and all loans renewed at the original rutos at Interest. ' I Imo'no brokers In oonnoctlOi with tny cfllco , but personally superintend all my loin * . Irmvo prhato offices connected with my Konctnl ollico eo thai cuitorccra do not come In contact with each ether , consequently caking all transactions strictly pilyato. W. 11. Creft , room 4 , Wltbncll building , N. K. cor. IGth and Uurncy. 037-J-Z4 / 1 ARUCIIS \JC inortxage loani > ; loans ncfrottatcd on city prop erty nnd Improved farms 6 per cent Interest nUonod on time deposits. 082-tt JVfoxRY to loan In sums of $200 and upwards on If Lntst-chia real oatato security. Potter & Cobb , IMS Farnam st. OlS-tt' M oxr.r TO LOAN at lowest rates of Interest by De als 16th and Douglas. 013-27 To LOAN Ono first class socuilty , $1G01 ( or 6 years Ames , 1CC7 F.iinam at , 63&-2J TlToxw to loan on fiirnUmo , horses , wajrons.planoa 1 > JL personal property , obliterate and anjthtnj ? o- value , oiorytmng itrlctly conDJo' ttat ; Uoods Finiof clal agency Jonn V Schmlnke , Caahlor. 233-JU TO LOAN On rral ootito security , In euma MONEY to 940.000 , at rcaeontblo rates. O & Itayno &Co , S'f cat 15th and Farnam. EtO-jll MONRTTOLOAN la amounts to suit , on chattels , collaternhor anr good eocuilty. Omaha Finan cial Exchange , 15C3 Funam it. , up-ftilif. 1859p ] \ r ONEY To loan on chattels , Woelluy & Harrlcon , 'VI ' Room 0 , Onuha National bank building 917-tf TO LO AN-On real estate and chattels MONEY D. L. Thomas. Oletf. Iioanod on chattels , cut rate , H. It LYJ. tloltcta Doughtand sold. A. Forman,213 S , 13th St Ifl7 > tf VTONEV LOANED at 0. F. Reed fcCo's. Loan office 1V1 on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all klnd and all otho rtitlcloa of value , n-Uhout rcmt-val. Over let National liink.corncr 18th and Farnam. All buslcona etrlotly conQdential conQdentialOEOt OEO-t ) H4"OHKr TO LOAH 111 innuof JSCOand npward. IfA O. F. Davis and Co. , Beal Estate and Loan tcrcnto , 160B Farnam SI. 051-tf WANTED FEMALE HELP. W i At 1019 Capitol a young gill to dolliht work. 7f4-29 TTTASTKD A girl for general houco work ; must bo V"n good coott , 1017 Chlogo st. 710-tf WANTKIIAgirl to do kitchen work ; apply at the Cozzcns. 723-tf T 7"A ! > TKD A girl for general bouso work In a fin ll f > famllj ; apply at orco , 1821 hurt. 712-23p AKTEII Glil for general house work ; also a nurse Olrl , 2214 Douglas St 709-28p WANTEO-Olrl for general house wolk at 2511 St , Mary's avo. 703 SOp 'ANTKD-Oirl to do general housework ; app'y to Mrs. J s Cotter , 1621 thermal ! Avc. b'JT t ANTED A girl for general hauso work In a email W family. Simon Kahn , 803 S IGth st. 699 27p iglilfor general hhuccworkac 2218 WAMKD Goes St. C95-28p Girl for general house work. . Inquire WANTED south 14th St. 077-23 A JOUDB girl at CIS north 18th St. WASTED - 672-2Sp- A good smart woman to do chamber WANTKD woyea per week. Apply at 612 Douglas rect , between the hears of 11 and 2 o'clock. 469-tf WANTKD A girl for general housework aptly ho- twcn five and six p. m at office of U , K. "ayne & Co. , 15th ami farnam. 031-J7 W 'Ahir.D Qlil IL ! house work , 2412 Capitol a\e. 833-27p TtriSTKb Oood girl for general house work ; apr - r r ply Fred Droxcl , cuner 10th and William ) . 031-tf 1ANTID Girl to do general house work , 2010 Hint w at. 603-27 At once , a good wet nurto 1C2 , 25th nt WASTED Dodge. 148-tf WANTKD-Qood girls , fxperlcnced cooks ; Omaha Employment liurcau , 1120 Farnam St. 701-tf First-class dining room girl at the Met ropolitan hotel ; none other need apply. 824-tl WANTED by Kensington Art Co. , femf.lo help In all parts ot the country , to da our light , iloasant work at their homes , tout by mall to any . , ddrc83 , no canvtsiBTL' , easy to loirn and any one caneara from $ r to $10 pr week. For full Intorma "Ion address Kenilnctoa Artllooms.SS Congrneg Bt , , OB ton , Maes Cox 6078 , C06-30p WANTED MALE HELP. ANTED An agent In every county ta fell "Daisy W Pillow SImil ; Litter. " Address W , J' . Mcllor , 3 rt 16th Bt. , Omaha Kel721.Ip ANTKD A peed reliable man as city silesmati ; w lVtst l & Frltchcr , 103 and 110 N 14th. 718-Wp WANTKD-llirber , will paygoja wages ; will an- s or all letter ) conccrnlDg business , Address 0. K. Housr , Witt I'okt .S'eb. 711-28 -Ton men for Boise Pity , Idaho ; work on WASTED line ; giot wige ; , free transprrtatlon. Omaha Jtrnjlojuiont Agency , 1221 Frnam Bt , 705-17 An experlocccd dry goods salcimiiioiie ; WANTED epoiks Oermin and ekandana\ltn pro crrcd ; apply ct once , ulth references , to O'Uomlioc bcrlv Uth tt next to Tostotlice , Omah . 031-27 - To > salesman to represent New Yoiktea WAMTID . Addr'es "U" care It S llussell , 107 Water St. , New York City. 073-2Sp A boy who can get up at 4:30 : a. m In quire Bee Hall Hoc31. C03-5Cp Employers toknowttmtthe Omaha Km- WANTED Agency , 1121 FarnaoiUt , U now pre pared to furnish all kinds of help frco of rhargo , Country ordeis promptly filled. 070-tBp By cm ot tbo largest anl oldest uh < lo < WANTED lothfng luuiea of I'ailaJelphla , aeiloam.ji to rcprcsen t them In this state. Application ) will bo conitdcred from such only as can furnUh approved security ; fcr simple to , and pay tbcli own traveling experies. The hcuso Is willing to pa } a very liberal commission and to the right man iplendld opportunity offers. Address r O Ilti 1105 rblUdelphla , Pa. 653-6 One inin to sell coeds steady , employ WAMTBD Call 421 Booth 10th ht. C31-7l IT7ANTBD A traveling talesman , ono who hti W had tovoral yean experlenca In eho cli ( r bus iness , ami has been traveling In Western IOWA am EasternNebiosVa. Good rufarenoce rfcjulred , Ad drcs llatbmaun b llirner , Cljar Uanufacturert Bturrt , Iowa. GS8-29 All persons reeking employment local WANTED Omaha Employment t geLi'y ; 12t Far rum it , room 3. (03-jj ( > An erperlenceJ tra\ cling man to solid WANTED for an established grain recclv ing oouimUsIon house ; mu t h vo some tiado , an flratclacarcfeicData Address for one week. Com tnlulon Omaha line Offlcs , 623-27 clgarmiken wanted. Knqulro ol Goo , t FCUH , Fremont , ileb. 870-2 Actho salesJitQ 105 Korth IBtlL WANTED IBtlLf03JZp W ANTED Five good papvr hanger at 413 Nort Htli : street , SlZ-tl TT AVTTD Mxernergetlcmen wllb horsaandoir- Vrltge tn hnidle flrxt-cla artlola thioiuh the country ; call at once. C. It. Eatoa , 111 S. 14th. SlO-tf SITUATIONS WANTKD. WAXTF.D-fHufttlnn by a flrst-claM tinner or fur nace man. AiMrc9)"Q. IU Bceomcc. ' 07-I3p WANTF.D Situation by a joung man to work around the house , can tcrnlsh belt of reference * . Address ' -T , O. " Bee office. 7IO-Jp W ASTRO-A situation ts running engineer , have had 15 years experience and am a graduate of European mining academy , would accept a ultuatlon iwcHtl engineer ; addresi Ktrl ScUlocaro Ocreko \ Kittle , Sowaril Neb. OSl-29p ° \\7'ANTKD Sltuatonbr ! a jotmtr nun by three years t i experience at watch making and jewelery re pairing. Addrrea "AH" IJeoonico. 080-27p riT'ANTEn A situation , bya mp tcnt Touqgman , at ( talesman clothing preferred has 0 yean ex perience and speaks Knpllsh , Ociman and Pcumllna- vlan ; Address ' Clerk" Dee Office. C30-27p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANtED-Tn-o unfurnlshoil rooms , with board far cenilemanand wlfewrtt of Sixteenth and B. ot Ca'lfornla preferred. Addrtst 'Trcmpt Pa ? " P. 0. Box 304 , city. " 02-lf \MrANTRD-By a family of three ; ti rent a B room ' r house near Et JUry.s or Paik aenuo. . Address "N. L. N. " Bto onicc 703-2 p WANTS nlly a gentleman , n room on the hill vest ot iwwtoBlec. rcferciico ghcn , addrcM P. O. box 3C7cIty. 7SO-29 " \X 7AxtF.D-A eooond cook at the Kminct House. VV WATMD 2 or 3 unttirilthcd rooms for light hou e- kcopIng , Addresi "J. O. M. " Boo oulcc. oro-28p WAXMRD-100 Teams for Holarcdge , Neb. , on D. & M. n , H , no olllce fcca and free transporta tion , 1120 Farnam st. 013'tf A ORNTSWANTKD. AddiBKa St. Louis Elcctrlo Lamp J\.Ca , St Iiouti for circular , cuts nnd terms of th o 60 candle potter Marsh Kloctrlc Ltmp. 3U-J12 WAKTKD Everybody to try our Prcparwl Corn Meal , ready for Instant uo with the addition of milk or cold water. Put up tn 3 and 0 Ib. ptckages. Bold by grocersW. . J. wolshanb & Oa , , Manufact urers 070 tf VTtrANTF.D Kvcry ady In need of a sowing maT - T T chine , to GOO the new Improved American No , P. K. Flodman & Co. agents ; 220 N 10th. oSZtf 1TOR KENT HOUSES AND LOTS. TT'ORRRXT ' House wlthor.'oms , modern Imorovo- J ? mcnts undbarn , $25 per inonih. Apply at 1MO at 1CIO Lcnvnuvorth lit. 703-2p FOR RUNT 1IOU33 , 7 rooms , good well , cistern , 816 per month Inquire of G , K , Thompson S. W. corner llth and Harnoy. E55-tl TTlOR RHKT IIoiuo 7 rooms ! 4th and Uarcey by 0. JL1F. Davlj&Co. t07-tl FOB KENT Snnll stihlo 1012 Farntm street ; In quire of Cr , tncctnain , Cor. ICth and 1'arium. V COOtf FOR BUST S new 5 room cottages JSih nnd Vlnton et. Inqii'won promlsej or ol S U afoxham , at I'jcino Express Co. C01-20p TTTon RENT Stoio on Cumlng street between 10 and JL1 20th Bt , 823 a month Jno , Erck , 015 N 10th et 617-23 A house on Illckorr ami Oth Direct at FORRKST , John Erck , 01SN 10th et. 016-29 TJlORRKNT OnCarltM hill , cottaco 0 rooms one JD block from street cats. Apply 2440 CarltM avo. C81-28P T Ahousjof Oroomt 3 closets , well , els- J ? tern , ono block south of the U P depot. Inquire of M. Lee , grocer , 22d and Loavonworth. 513-tf TTViR RENT \8roomcoltago on Calllornla street , Jj bttwccn Wtli and 25tU Btrcots. P J Creed on. 450 tt TiVm RE.VT Thosonth-eajt J nectlon 2,16 , 12 ; fl\o J ? miles from Omaha , fora term ot years. 0 W Hamilton , at U S Nat'l Bank. 427-23 BEST Cottage 6 rooms and house 7 rooms. J FhlpplRoo , 16128. 6th St. 331-tf FOR REXT Three story brick store bullillng ; on- qulro ot Edward N orris It Co. , room IB Croucso Block. 053 tf RENT Two nicely unfurnished rooms No 816 Foil iToward gt. 667-88p TT'OH itr.XT Knoin with board suitable for one or two -D ( cn'lcnun , 1812 Dodge bt. 701-tf roRRKvr Two clcimtlv furnished rooms , terms reasonable , C1U N. lath St. 714-30p REXT Ploatant furnished front room 411815th FOR Street , opposite Herald offlce. Oi4-E0p FOR RUST Large hindsomolr furnished cool room modern convenience , with oxcoUcnt board fcr two. gootlemon , 1718 Dodtrn C3Mf fOR RUNT Two front raoma. Apply at 1519 Podge Btro > t. 619-28 FOR RUNT Two handsome furnished rooms. East sldo of 21st street , eecsnd door north of bt Mary's avenue , 620 2'p roR XKNT Ihrco nlco unfurnished roams for light housekeeping , 1703 Hurt Bt. 623-87 FR RUST Furnished front room 1002 Farnam , 280 28p FOR BUST Boom ; Inquire Drug stoio 10th nnd Douglas. . 6.1-tf TTOR RK.NT Two unfurnished front rooms at No 1612 JC Douglas Btr < tt ; Inquire up-stalre , 679-28 FOR , RENT Five furnlihed rooms cheap at 1212 Davenport Ft , 614-7p TT'oa RENT Two mccly furnished rooms at 1319 J.1 Dodgj Street. 6 6-27p TT'ORiiNT ' A room for gontlerran and wife or for J ? tno gentlemen , flrst-clus beard 1022 liurtat 703-tf FOR BENT Largo front room on IIret lloor with or with beard ; inquire at 1001 farnam St. 337-tf TORRENT Furnished rooms , 1816Dodge street. 1 ! 247-J10 i .on RENT Furnished rooms with or without L' board , 2112 Harnoy St. , ono block from ettcct" car. TJ'oa RENT Furnlshod front room with board In J ? private family , 1617 Chicago et. 086-tf FOR RENT With boardnicely furnlihed front room ga. and bath , 14:9 Jones. 987-tf If on BENT Farnlshol rooms 1621 Cipltol ave 007-roCO 'OHRRNT-Nlcely furnlsbea rooms 1617 Davtnport 722.JJp T > 0011B With boatddc.lrablt for eummer , Appl ) LXat Ht Charles Iletol. 941-tl IlENT Sovcra flnocinccaln Crounso' block , FOR Ed , Norrls , room 10 Crounso blook 942 tf FORSALE FARMS. FARMS.l. l. F seres ; 80 acre , cultivated ; good buildings ; One rchnrd ; running water ; all foaced , Edward Norrls Co. , room 19 Crounso Block. 474U 70BSALS * 610 acre stook and grain Urn ) , a'l ' lu- proMxl ; four hours' rldo Irom tne Omaha Stojlc .ardfl ; 8e\onrnlle3 from the o'ty of Fremont ; two allroada within tbrosmllos ; 800 acroi under plow , , he reit In pwtuic ; board fcnoe , running stream ; hrough paiiuro ; houaa with ten rooms ; will box 1.1 jheaplf sold immedlatelv ; on terms to suit. For urthor rrtlculart Inqulio of Ooo. C. Qrodfrer , l'io- moot , Nob. IGT'tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. TTon HAIR Fi'rtv lots for e.i'o on Hurt and Cumlnet 'Iutweea9tliand3l8t cheap , insldo property , liJIord & Bouer. 7H tt TT'on tEA8 Best unoccupied ground In the city foi " woronoiiao house,87 feet front on Lcaveuwotlli north bet KiU and llth.will lease for 09 years. Bed ford & Bauer. COMt - HllK-fu lots Tn Ii eT aal"TTotl anc H-oii , each ; three lots on Hamilton , west ol Blunders street , 855) ) , ? COO and 8300 each , llsmls , 16th acd Douglas Sts. 1C 010-27 TJioH 8ALK-12 good lota Mulon pUce three blacki V from etr'tto rs one iy terms. W II Oieco DtorUttlat'lbank , OOUf 0RSALK OUKS.1T A. ! J Bt"r/ building , HUlt for ( tore and boirdlng house at Block jar Ja. Ad dress Mra. John Heed , Ibll Cass Bt. 078-28p BALK-SI feet oaCumlDgbeUecn 19th aiidfOtl FOB huuse , ? 2,700. llodford t ; Soucr , 660-tf ' BALK At a sacilflce , double brick house > cr ; H'OR location , lint-class renting proper ! ) C. E. Uayno & Co , , 1'iltecuth and Farnami (02-27 TViR SALB Three bsiullliil leildenca loti lu Slilnu ? 31 aid. Spleadla view , $2,710. liends , | Mh aa T70U BALL At a gr at bargain In a fine lot an f houno 8 roouid , stable end other eut balUlng will grow Into 3 line botloei ) lota to a \ ciy few ) eai 81.000 , r > WeMh , balance on rnonlhlv ' ilolco Iot < 'wnMnR ° n street rar lino. Morse tt llrunner. 891.JS < > ' ll"n' n(1 two Iotf- hou5' M srni M J1.t ? Jll ' ' - i-.t. Mn' UUu$50D ln w 'ant Httures , illh st ' ' "M On tlm ° ! * l1 > ' 31 ! > S < on , 00 One. on it > ng timcv s. * A K fTwntJ'-two ' cot on T.rnam street , a , , , , bargain If taken Inmedlatelr. W It Green 4S9-tf ' S ? * ArAl ! ! ! rKln. thicc good helms S17 und X' 817J 18th , south of Ixiavenvrorth ; rent JOS per t r month ; pi lee S5.600 ouy payments ; muit be sou before June l t. Apply 8. Kortonscn , tailor , 1418 Farnam ttttH. ISl.i J7lORiAL.K-Houso full lot , well , clitorn , bun , all In A. ' good condttloh , ono block from street carl fl.800 easy term * . W H Orecn , o > er lit Nut'lBank. etl-tf . 000.16 room hou o , lot BOxlSJ tttt.eas , , ' / ° nt. 8 W ; 8100 cash , balance JIB per month. W.JI Orofn , ( XfrUtjfatlonal bunk. Stllf "if OH 8Alj * At err fin * rut" ! frUh eottcr r > up , at JT fi2 Flrit avenue , t'ounc'l Plun > . 700-jg FOR HALS oft Tiun * A go dtrack sulky , Omaha Merchants Rxprca ) , llth and Lcavomvorth. OS3-lp ] FOR RALE A coed tiding rosy 'for $10. Inquire 1112 Farnam. 071-SOp FOR RAW. Thirty tons ( if good bottom hiy at 85.50 per ton. John O'Donncll , Florence Lake. 069.S7p FOR SALE * , horpo wagon and harness choap. Ap. ply to (7e rieJohnson _ , Allkntlo hotsl. 479-28U 17oii SALE ! S6 dollars wTiTbuy pooTtabTo'atTaelno J * house , 10th and Davenport , Omalu , l7S-SCp F OR SALE A line lot ol young graded cows with Oalven , HolstecnHcrfoids Short boms and Jer seys ; also horses , nigonp , hamcsi &c , foroilo crcx- change at Major Croft'splaco , nor fair grcund > 0 6 23p IfOR SALE Wsgon umbrcllai , flno now stock at 1 140) and 1411 Dod o st. 672 tf FOR8AUC-A eoad lo'Ublo'horgeand ladles canopy phaeton , 2440Capitol av < nuo. 68ili8p B -A four hundred dollar piano ntnbar J. gain , 1610 California St. 610-tf TTIon R TK-Elgntmarbb top restaurant tiblo j } A. J. Mandcl , 325 Broadway , Council Bluffs. SALR-SOOOCO bilclt , lor Blo ! nt DjlloMio or Omaha. II. T. Clarke. 2CO-tf FOR BALK Two No 1 > ) h oton.onc ecooni hand bugr. gy. Apply 1400 liilllUUmUosb. 145-tf REAL ESTATE , o. Speclilbargains For silo 4acrts J Imlln from clly limits 1850 , 10 acres Joliilnc Fort Omaha 83.5JC. Lot { 0x141 tint front on lolli , hftwfcn IllcVorv and Center with cow 9 room home , fc3 OCO can bo traded foi farm. Corner inh and Pierce , 09xU4 BE front , 2 story house 20x40 , cUtc-n , well , Bt.b'o etc. , 815tO , Choloo let In At hir pbce , 8350. Half lotcrest In a well centrally located grocery bushiest , cheap en account cf 11 health. 6 acn-s on N tSuudois , 4 rocin house , erlotdlil or chard $3 00. S2 feet on Loavenworth noir 13th st , S3 300 , suit able for v holr sale. 2 choice lots cast front , Dwlght & tyinann's odd 8750 .1 choice cirntr loti ( n Lake odd 157 feat front oa 17th and I ilk o with 0 rooms , new louse , fenced , stable , wolUto.S3,6)0. ( 4 loti , cart front In Iltirr oakadl SiGOO. Choice lot on 1'aiUtuo. S'.tOO. ' Corner lot Dorcas and 12th , 1 iquaro from St cir with 4 room hou'o.stable , c'ttarn etc , S1.703. 75 feet east front , lisquarofroiu St Mary's aye. , $1,450 * Forrant or sale Z lots now Itcdlino and Cumins street , wltliclcinnt | , 10 room houre , with all modern improvements , Paulscn & Co. , 1513 Farnam fit , 72D-27 sKH and lota In any part of Omaha , 81.101) ) to 6,000 Beml ? , 16th and Douglas. 645-27 FOR SALK The choipest lots In the city only li miles north wcii ot the Peat ofllcr , price ? ranging from S22.1 to St.OCO each ; terms to suit , liomla , 15th and Douglas. flid-27 FOR BALE Loti In Credit Frontier add , grand view etc , near U P nnd n & U depot 8150 and upwards. L'cmis , 15th and Douclas. 010:27 : TTlOR BALK liu'lneis lot on 13th street 185 feet east JL' ficntago. 812,500 ; a'm a ware houee , lot near Nail works § 2,600. IJcmli , 15th and Douglis. 017-27 FOR s VLX Lot and a half lit I'arkcrs i.d1 iji.fmu i r (500 for half lots ; two loti tnshlnn'd 2icddSSOO each. liirtli , ] 6th ntd Doulai. 643-27 IJ'OR HILX Acre lot oa Cumin ? etrcot lrouTs on J ? three streets , $1,207. Three quarters of an acre on California streetnear Sacred Heart Academy , 82.ECO. Cemls , 15th and DougUs. 012-27 FORSUK Loti oc Saundor-i street 81,00) ach : tiroiscasy. Bemls , ) Dth and Douglas. 011-27 FOR BALK Hernia' now maps of Omaha fP. each. Bemlf , 16th acd Douglas. 039-27 lon. CALK-On south 22J st , ono 1 room and ono 5 C1 roomcotroge , bora , will , els crn , &c , on tame lot , rent for$25 pcrmonth , rnly 83,200 ; would tell separaten. Potter&Oohb , 1516 Farnara St. 650 tf T7on SALE Lots In DUIsldo add cbtarost and best D Inaldo lo's In the city , $7tO to $950 exclusive Rtrenta. Putter * CobD. 651-tf l/OB. BALK 7 room cott po , wo 1. barn and cistern , X1 oa iSih street 0 blocks from shops S2.6CO. on easy terms. Potter & Cob.1515 Farnam St 652-tf I7 OR HALE One ol Bnott resldencea lu city nltnln P 5 bbckaof Post oflloo , 1 Ints corner , cheap at 815,000. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Frnim St. OJ3 tf i'oa BALK-Three choicest lots InHansc'm place. 654-tf Potter & Cobb. f"\ ) K\C1IA ! > OK A ( O.OOj stock of now Imra. JL ware for good Nebraska land. A flLo farm for erocoiloB or other morrlmcdis- ) . For sale A full lot and houaa on S 13th tt , facing east along car line , price 83,500. For sa'e Two lots on Farnam et bctwocn 10th and 2Cth , S3f)00 o'ch. For sale Tine residence and full lot on Davenport below roth st. piico JO.fiOO For sola BIX lots In Oracd View addition , \ery cbea ? , For calo flno reiHcneo lots > ory cheap , In Hans- cum Place , pricj fPBO , to $ jco each. Fnr fate lota In all additions to the cify atbottom prlcoi. It. C. Patterson , 13th and Farnam. For sale Four cottages , one ? 1,00 , for ono $2,00 ] ono for $2OU and ono for 82,700 ; To loanS.0oon : flrst-clafsclcy rccuilly. For eale Four lota In H cat End addition , elx In Hawthorne. Easy terms. For sale Beautl'ul and dcslrab'o Iota at S2CO oich on monthly pa ) menU of : J10 each ; 1 1-2 milen Irrm the city nnd I will r.s-M worthy jurtlul to build mid take jmall monthly Installment ! . I ulll show prcjiertv In any part of the city free of harpo. Address or call upon It. C. Patterson , N E or ISth and Farnam. Bll-tf For rent Ollico room , 8 0 00 per month Cll-tf -OR LKALK-A fa'l ooinor lot near 13lh and Farnam 1 tt , will lease for a term of CO or 99 jears , ilorse Brunncr , Paxton Hock , cor 16th and Farnim sts , 600-27 \yfARiON i'LACE-6 gnd lot3 In thl addition with- IVJlnS blGcksof street cars , can bo had on c ay erms. Vf II Orcco , over 1st Nat'l Bank. lU-tf MOESE & URrniNKRK-Uargalns For rent Two fine brick dwdUnfcs , modem Improvcnta , (50.00 ier month For If on t Store houses , rooms , furnished and nfurnlao For Bakw-Acro lots oa Saundera street , near street cars , Sljtt ) . For Rbio Ten acres throe Ibcka from street car or $10,000. For Halo Elegant homo and other Improvcmtiits , ndludjnjf tight full lota , all for 93,000 , ono block 'torn street car. For Ba'o Hou'o , 8 roomi , flno homo , full lot on iaundern street , 31,000 For Hilo A splendid Luslncij corner lot on Far iam , 69x132 feet , $3,600. For Sale House , 6 rooms , anJ i lot on street car. , For Bale-Lots In I'Hansoom Plico"g500 , easi .ermi ; also lota In Shinn'i addition , H101 to $500 , asy terms. Lots In Lowe's aldlllon,8160. For Sale. House and lot Hnrooy street , near cout lionse , 2S60 For Sale Lot 146x131 on Tark Avenue Car line 88 BOO. For Sale Hr USD G roomi , lull lot , on Hamlltoi street , One pkcu , $1,0)0. For Sale House and lot on Davenport street $2,600. For Sale House 0 rnomi , modern ImprovementE ot 180fe t front by 78 feet deep , One place , oas ieims , 85,200 For Bale Two lots , ono a corner , one-half mil [ rom postoillce , near car linn , for both 83,0(0. ( MOItSi ; & UKUNNER , 47C-2D Paxton llulldlnir , Fifteenth and Famu tn 01 mi Kea BAI.B Eait half of block S Htnllh WK add. , (00 lt ) t front , two acre lets , nicest I Omaha , In I view ot city i rid Bluflu , making 10 lei 1GS feet each , will sell bait or all , Loti 44 and 60 , l > > lsou' add ,8700 each or wl tell half ol cltliti ; Lota 60x145 Kountr'u Vd add. nci 9th accl Center , $ ' 00 etch. Ic4 6 , tlock ) , Kumtz'jJUi add , being etoro t 10th et , lull lot f-.flO , also lot 0 atme block 81,320 Two ! ot In HjutU Omaha , by Clocdnun's , wll house , orchard , cistern , acd will , all 8100 , 16 uvo acre lots In Viovland , S mllea noith rl limit ) oveiloolilog city and Illuffa , t$5 per acre. Loti 10 and 11 , block 19 , llarjicoaj plaooc sightly , 81,20 } fur both. Hall ai-raliOftet front block 6 , Park pUce , v , | houio , btru , utll , and cittern , Corner , 2 lots tn Uawtboine on Cess it , OCO I both eto tc. Call and sou ui , Dcxler L , Thomas & Bio , Di EsUtt ; Room BCielgbton block. 678 tl J. " ' ° ° , ' .b , ' l Ifl''onco ' lots In the jltr. "ilfotnf ? rclacn l" > l rBn. | o.10' ' ° " QtW ° 'UMt' " ? loca. bl5 toW e ? on.F4a . " " St car. pavtd " " ' locUloa otl Cualn ? It , Sl , 00-V MOCOtoloan. J. K. Ullcy &CO..21S South IStli * tlcot- House and bt on south KlRhtwinth St. , 81,030. , " " Twentieth 81,40 } . J'T',08 ' , , " Iptif ! ' nr" ? clh 8 , 82 200 J otn In Hanscom Pltcs , each , 8 625. iljuio and lot on Park nrcnue , Sl.too. ' ' DMenportPt.SlJOOO , ' " " Q 9 fll , , , " . " " south 13th 8 4 IHXI. ivIHi * ? , " " O'l ' ni' ' . Uoona county , (17 ( to 810. 'w Stuatnn " J7to81 ! . e' I'lllloi"ld " ime , 550 tf TO EXCHANGE , F'ORSALRonixcilANfiK-80 : acroi of Keel | n.l . tn MerrlckCo. ; would evehanjo fo ? house to 1)5 ) built on my lot. Inquire at S K corner Seward ami 'ronoBt- ' - lo xxciuxan-IIO acres welt Improved land mile L Irom E ox , Iowa , far a .took of eoncral moichan. dlse or hardware. Address John Uudoiholm , Kmex OB - 6S4 tl T OIl HAIK-Or exchange. Wo have for mlo the -tJ exclutivo right In this utato to sell the ooal ccnomlicr nnd soot destroyer , the Book and will save twenty per cent on ooal , will sell county right ) or the statf , or will exohango for real estate or W7 londpropfrtyon application will send ( ampin lot aland giro pvttoular * . Itcaton ( or selling ) vn , r caunot lve It hl attcr.tlon . , x rare chanoo for Ivri * ion : l > dtord , Souer & Davis. WS-tf 13U8INE33 TTlOR SAI.K Drue nek ; nice , clean stock of drugs 1 In utlcj , ch. , fornnloj good roisons for cl Irg1 For further particulars , tddrcss 1'ox CD Utlca , Neb. tiiH * * . i p Fen B LK Urii7 store In a desirable locality , wll luvolco about 81.000 UCPattenon , NK cornel 13th and Farnam. 438-tf iilOU SALE Or cxohante ; a full stook cf clothing 1 boots an J jhoos , ponf furnlsblnK oods , will ox- chungo for Nebraska Lauds. G. U.l'ctcrson.6018. IQ'.hSt , Omaha , Keb. o G-U FOR s LR-aoo < lbusltict3 In Omaha ; uroSla 00 per cent ; carltalrcciulrcd , three or four thousand dollats. Persons mcnnlng business , addicM Lock Dox Sol , Des ilolnes , lon-n. C02-J11 FORSALK \wollo3tibllihedtallor3 bnclno > s be- tweoanowond Juno 15th , low rent ; goo I loca tion ; heM lease of slcro for tnoyeareonly ; email o > | > ' Ital required. Address " 'N. O. " Bee ollico. 132-J-4p FR SALB-A well cstabllihod bakery. Addrtes "K. " this oflleo. i2s.- FOR BALK OR KXciIAXiii-In part ) for rostauran furniture ? roomed house , lurn and two lota. An. ply S19 south llth et. 106-nma FOR SALB In Oakland Neb Drst-clasamuat market also the furnl'uro ' ot the 8t Paul hotel. Foi par ticulars , Inquire or write Wiggorn & Uchling.Oaliland Neb. 674-ml ? PERSONAL Mrs E. W. Hoar or. franco clitrvoyant , and healing medium , oer 710 North iflhst. 662-JJl Bn , A ciiKsirnFiKLD-Mognellophytlclan , test ind develojlng medium , o\cr 010 north 16th St , 6B3-J21 "OKUSONAI. If you want a detective , ecnd your ad X adarou to the Omaha Detective Agency , P O box 544. fiQVca 216 > outhl4th Kt. ( 60-m27 _ NHTITDTR Hotel , formerly Cro'chtoa house , newly furnished ; tcrnu moiorate , 13th and Capitol ave. 4S8-17p | CARRIAGES , G RATION & DRUMMOxn dlatlay tha finest grade of vehicles fur the money to ha found In the city. Wo will take pleasure In showing you eurroya with canopy or extension top , Inwrcnco Canopy topv. Ktmbill stvlo , furroy 2 FO'toi open and top Jobs. ladles' phaetons low or high wheel , nrowstor , open and top box buggies. fornlm ? buggloH. 2 wheel road cart. Awheel Cottage gig , 2 wheel Glidttone cart for 4 pcrasnjj Wo make a specialty of repairing nod guirantoe satisfaction Call and examine Jur tip top jointed and MiiecdumbrelHs Qratton & Drummond , 1316' and 1317 Harnev Btreot. 034 tf BOARDING. _ _ _ minis'I'arlor Itcstaurait. N1 Hoard by the week , ? 3. . MealticketaS3.60. Single moils , 25 oontp. 107 N. 16th street . , near Dodge. 713-Juno-2S CLOTHING. HPAKK NOiiCK-Owlng to the baokwardne89 of the JL season , I am detoimlnedto cl ae out tny ontlro etcck of of spring aid ( Uinmur clothing at a great sacrifice , they are bound to ha sold , so call oarlv and get flno clothlD ? at low prices. Volack the clothier , 1310 Farnam Btrcet , near 14th 487-tt JOE OREAM. I.1RK3II loocreatu plea and cakoi every clay. "bruoVa JU promptly attended to. Carl Schmld , SO ) eouth IBth St 14Q.J5 BIISOELLANEODS. T OHT Smr 11 Icullierhnncllugllbouthondlo Flrd- JUcr may keep cm-'outth tno contcntr , and Icavo bag at Stephetson'u stable. 713-26p , oar A ladles hind catchcl containing a email Jsum of money , and eoma trunk koyn. valuable alone te the owner. A liberal rewnid will ha paid on return of fame , or kes only to Mrs , J. W. 1'aildock , 1017 Capitol ave. 710-28p All poisons who ere Indebted to Heath & I.'l Atkinson are i notified not to vty or accept any orders from J. .H. Heath , J. W. AtMofon. 71B-27p A light red cow with lope tround her STKHKD liorns and g vet milk on three tits. Finder will bo rewarded by returning her t" Fred ICowrnan , 310 4th and ClHslnut street , Oinoho. flgB-2fp \ -Tuesday May 2t > th , from rrtmlics rf un- STHA\FII , 32d street near t'nvenporl , a dark tay iiony about 10 join old , largo uhltmpot on fore- htad , thrco liga hlt < > , nnnc dark. Howard for In formation by Frank l'ohtc. 717-29p STRAYED OR NTOLKX On the lOtll Illlt , , a 0V , Ugh roanc , nearly white , Durhtm Block , ono horn tllgh'ly ' drooping , red iars ; reward foi return to A , S.liilllnge ; 2lv3 Harnoy Ht. 453-tf l > IIOODMABIS Parties wishing to purchase brood IJ marcs for ranch purpves please call at Homan'ii LUery ( table , 413 sooth 13th street , Omaha. 202-tf ) niCK $3 per in. T , Murray. S rei-t /"IIIKWBILVKBTAG , Joes nit giro you heirt-buro. V /la9iodeemodat ono cent , each by the dealers. I'oyoliolJrod. , Agents , 08341 JABIUKB On Elkhorn and FUlte. T , Murray. 800-tf / 1iiKW SILVER TAO. IU fruit flavored , Ug > ) redeemed Wat tno cent each by the dealers , 1'oycko llroa. agents , 683-tf on banjo given by Q E Oollen * beck , at 1110 Capitol avo. 4SO-tf VKK TAO , It rites not taint the breath , tag ! redeemed at one = ti ch by the dcalcru. 1'oyck Droa , Atoiite. _ e83-tf _ _ vaults , and coannicU rleantd at ehorteat no- PRIVY any titno of the day , In MI entirely erderlcea waywlth our Improved pump and dentgan appara tus , all placdi clianed by us dlienfectod free , cliarjci leasonablo. A. Uvan , 12P8 Dodge etroot up stairs. , vaults , Bints tnd ocanpooU cleaned at the PH1VV notice and satUfactloa guaranteed by V. Abel , 1' . 0. Vex 873. 400-inJp EDWAEB KUEHL HAGIiTER OF PAUITSTERY AND CONDITION AMBT. BOB rmth ttreut , between l' rnim ud U r > uey will , with theald of guardian tciilts , obtalalna ; for anyone gUnoa In th pact and ptcseut , aa'l OD oortiln conditions In the fauire. Eootj and thOH made to order I'oi'wt ntlnUctlon Kn r iti > ' < ' MatUrofapiillcitlunuf ivtlciA ilorifll , fur icrinit tu8ellllur ( ] Oil a druggltt. KOTICB , Noli la liiTflu RlMin that Lculio A. Jlorrcll did upon - on the 2ith il y of M.i > ih , A. D. , 1B85 , Clo Ihtlr aj'i'll- ' aitlon to the Major mil City il Oruilii , tur iiennlttu tell m It. MiirituuiM nd\lnuiui ! ! ? " < ' " , a ilruBl t , for mcdlc'l , mo-lit nlctl , ami tlwinilcal pur. poscaoidy , ttKn. lOJIUhbtrtct , 4lh > nl , Onwht , Nth. , from the lltli < I ly i > l A j ril , 18S5 , to the llth day of < prll , . lltlwrabonu utilcctloiii , rumoiistrancu. or filed wltldnt wo u vck I turn JUul > 29 , A. D- , whl iicrmlt ulll bcgrintid. LKHLII. ic lloatlL , J. B. SOUTH Altl ) , tlt > lU'rl. .