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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE---THUESDAY , MAY 28 , 1885. VICTORIOUS TUENEES , Return of the Imotcy Orrmlmns from the Atoliluoii Turnrc&t , Tuesday ovontnf ? the tlelcRation of Om han , nnd the ropreiontation of the local Turner society , returned from Atchiton , where the errand turnfoit had been In progress elnco Saturday , The victorious members and their Wends were mot at the depot by the Music * ! Union orchestra and escorted tothahall of the society , where an informal reception was held. held.Tho The Omaha boys return homo Jubilant on account of their success. The members who went to the 'oat were C , T. Qrommo , llobort Ilotenzwoiff , V. J. Lanio , O. F , Eltassor , A. Moravoo and W. Schulza. Four of the prizes were carried oil by them , two of the lirst-clMH , one of the second nud ono of the third. The prize winners were 0. T. Orommo for high jumping , nnd hop skip and jump.F , T. Lango. who took the second prize for hop skip and jump , and the class took the fourth prize for general turning. The -clnsi did well in all exercises , but was beaten by the Kansas City class in the matter of climbing , . , . . . The Omahans wore cordially received at Atchiion and were given a banquet in the night of their arrival in the city , on the occas ion of which an interesting address was delivered - livered by Governor Qlick. Ho was followed by the mayor of Topeka. On the 24th n grand picnic was hold , of which the gymnastic and caletthcnic oxcrcuen of the Turners formed the central fonturo. The priza contests continued until Thloiiday evening and were brought to a close with a grand ball in the garden of the Turners which was thronged to overflowing with the members of the society and their friends. The street parade was an Immense affair , several bands of music being in lino. Altogether the occasion was ono long to bo rornorabercd , and the Omaha Turner * oa- pccially are to bo congratulated ( upon the very creditable manner in what they repre sented the metropolis of Nebraska , I'olloo Court. In the police courtyostordnymormng George Collins was arraigned for dumping manure on the river bottoms. IIo bad been told not to do it by a pollco officer , but persisted in dleobejlng the Injunction , IIo was fined 55 nnd coils. Judge Stonborg says that he intends - tends to deal summarily with this class of cases and will show no mercy. Itobert Homer , an old granger from the in terior o ! the state , had succumbed to the temptation of too much bock beer Tuesday night and bad landed in the city jail In a hopeless atato of intoxication. IIo plead guilty , and wasiuned S3 and costs. Released upon pay ment , Tha event of the morning session was tbo trial of Jack Ford , a bear trainer , for cruelty to a brnlu which he had In hia possession. The man was seen beating the animal cruelly Tuesday afternoon on St. Mary's avenue nnd at the request of some of the residents in the neighborhood ho was arrested by Officer Fuller. The boar , tired and heated , bad lam down and refused to perform'bis ueunl tricks nt tbe command of his master. The bruin was brought into court and caused considerable amusement by his odd pranks , Ho testified In n mute way to the cruelty of his master , and human witnstses supplemented the evidence of bruin's bruises , with oral testimony , .Ford was fined $5 and coatn. The gas burners in the now court house were all lighted and tested yesterday. That magnificent structure will bo a blaze of beauty to-night. PERSONAL. Architect Meyers is at the Paxton , J. 0. Lewis , of Fremont , is in the city. 8. H. H. Clark left Tuesday for New York. John B. Duff , of Cedar Creek , is at the Paxton. * B. W. Powtrs , of Kearney , Is vinltinp the Metropolis. ( Mils Katie Murphy lolt Tuesday for a -visit to Minneapolis. Fred Berger , advance agent for Theodore 'Thomas , is in the city. T , S. Ciarkson , of Schuyler , registered at the Paxton last evening. W. B. Starrs , Oakdalo , and T. Walchob , Wayne , are at the Arcade. J. M. Parker and daughter , of Davenport la , are guests at the Paxton , W. J. and J. N. Paul , of Ht. Paul , Neb. , nro among yesterday's Paxton arrivals , A , W. McLaughlin and T. E. White , of Plattsmouth , nro registered at the Paxton. A. B , Parker and wife , J. 33. Durgin and wife , .1 party of Boston folks , are guests at tbo I'Axton. Mr. O , Hoi way and M. S , Holway , promi nent men from Augusta Mo , , are in the city , acthoMillard. H. 11. Hudson and wife returned from Boston jvstoiday , hiving bad a delightful visit in that city. Messrs , Bowen , Jordan and A , D , Smith , accompanied by Frank Whltnof Plattsmoutb , went to Blair Tuesday to found there a now Masonij lodge , Miss Marion G , Cooley , a well-known teacher of Lincoln and Plattsmouth is spend ing n , few days visiting her brother and col lege ftlonds at the I'.xUm , Charles A. Potter was Tuesday appointed by Judge Dundy an examiner in chancery , Charley's friends in this city ( and he hat many of them ) will be glad to hear of the well merited honor which has been bestowed npot him. him.Mr. Mr. II. H. Haogor , representing H , B Glover & Co. , Dubuque , Iowa , was in tin city yesterday , lie is ono of the jollies ' 'knights of the grip" that ever traveled , am has made quite a number of friends durinj his recent visits In Omaha. N. F , Scruggs , Kanso * City ; A. T. Wohl onbcrg , Das Moine ; W. K. Pare , CIncin nati ; Ira Thompson , Tokamah ; F. It. Frlck ! Porte ; F. J. Halo , Battle Creek ; H Nlcodemus , Fremont : II , Aisop , Chicago ; I ! T. Hare , Springfield , Mass. ; 0 , F. Shedd FairlieldjW , J. Taylor , I. B. Sorter , Bew rd 0. S.hroedor , St. Louis ; H , W , Hobinson Chicago ) 0 , T. Kimball , Glenwood ; G , VI Terrir , Sussex ; W. Clougnly , Audubon ; J. I Perkins , A. L , Spearman , Sprlngnold , are n tbo Oanfield. L. L , Dailiog , Decatnr ; J. M , Cummlngi Lincoln ) George II. Powers , Beatrice ; K , I lintel , Holdredgo ; Leo S. Kstelle , Blair ; I 'JCdgington , Fullerton ; J , Warrlck and wifi Blair ; Thomas Pfttr , Crete ; 0. W. McCume Schuyler , Neb. , C. II. Buck , Atlantic , IB M. L. Stevenson , William Kramer , Denve Col. ; J , Clugena , Now lUchmond , Ohio ; I E. H yea , Council Bluffs ; M. : A. Smith , Cb cage ; Frank Brown , New'.York City ; Jol Moor , II , Fetter , Chicago ) J ) . II. Stalfor HU Louis , onclS , 0. Harvey , Austin , Texa re at the Metropolitan , Tr ck and Train , Mr. Charles n , Rood , of Topclro , Km ft bright youug man with considorab experience in the hotel business , wi yesterday rnado manager cf tbe Unlc Pacifio eating homo at Obeyenno. E leaves for thera Friday to t ko charge. 6. A Calaway , general manager of tl Unlnn Pacific road , accompanied by ' . L. Klmba.ll , the general tratiio minage starlod , last evening , to Ogden , where they will moat Charles Francli Adams , president of the Union PaclGc , and re turn hero with him , Eraatna Young , auditor , and W. S. Wing , auditor of agents' accDunta for the Union Pacific road , willlo ro to-day with a parly of friends for Madiion lake , la. , on a fishing expedition. H. M. Hello , accond vice president and general manager of the Missouri Pacific road , waa In Omaha n few houra yesterday. J , J. Dickey , superintendent of tele graph for the Union Pacllio , and his wife , returned homo yesterday from San Fran cisco. The Chicago , St. Paul , Mtnnonpols & Omaha road ia hauling an imtnonto amount of lumber Into Omaha. Proaidont Charloa Parkins , of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy road , was in the city yesterday. OOUBT OULLINGS , The Snyclor ABslRnco Slnttor Flnnlly Settled Entirely. William Snyder , the carriage manu facturer who failed loot winter and made an ntalgnmont , yesterday completed making his soUlomonta and paid the money over to Judge McOnllongh of the county court. The record will bo com pleted to-day , and the money icady for distribution to whom it belongs to-mor row. row.Tiro now suits , no follows , were com menced In the county court yesterday : Felix Moore vs. Rlsa Nowmnn , to re cover on a note for $300 ; Wm. Grouch and Samuel Oronch vs , John B , Heath and John Atkinson , n suit for $172.50 , alleged ta bo duo on a oar load of flour. Jacob Sannders commenced proceedings yesterday against the city of Omaha , In the district court , for § 1,000 damages , which ho claims has boon dpno to his property by reason of grading streets. Mr. Saunders owns and lives on lot 5 block 250 , Sixteenth street , and in front of hla promises the street has been cut down to an average depth of eighteen feet , thus leaving him up BO high that his plnco is rendered entirely useless for resi dence purpoces. The Union Pacific railroad company filed Its bond yesterday removing the case in which It la defendant to Robert Martin , plaintiff , from the district court of Douglas county to the circuit court of the United States. The suit is for $15,000 damages , on account of Injuries which plaintiff claims ho received while In the employ of the compiny. The hardest nnd most disafrrfioablo rain oE the season foil yojtcrday afternoon and last night. 1'or a time the street crullers looked like small rivers , and torrents of water rushed dawn the ravines. TREMBLING WITH FEAE. Danger of the City Prisoners Being Crushed Beneath n Pile of Brick. The priaonera who are now confined In the old city jail were trembling with fear yesterday and last night , leat at any mo ment they might be buried beneath a great pile of broken timbers and brick. Silica the work of tearing down the old court house commenced , several toaa of brick have boon piled up on the floors In side , directly over the prison cells , and unless the floor joists are very strong there ia great danger of the Immense weight crushing thorn down. Should such a calamity occur every unfortunate person confined in the jail would bo killed euro. If the work of tearing down Is continued the jail cannot bo occupied many more days , But nhoro will new quarters bo secured 1 Is the question agitating those who have the motter nndor their charge , nd responsibility. It was expected that artaln cells In the county jail could bo isod by the city , but as the mayor stated n his communication to the council 'uosday night , the county jail is already crowded that no prisoners will bo laken hero except those held and sent up answer nome severely criminal offense , nqniries were made yesterday by a re- ortor for the BEE , but ho learned that othiag had been dono. That part of ho ordinance approved Tuesday by ilayor Boyd , designating certain cells In o old courthouse jail for city purposes , of little use now , because by this tlmo oit week the old court house will have anlshod from sight , and a now structure , r butincja purposes , is to take its place. Dust to Dust. The remains of MM. Emma W. Hull , Ifo of Mr. Frank Hull , who died Tuos- ay night , will be carried to their last eating place , in Prospect Hill cemetery , t 3 o'clock to-day , from her late homo , ho residence of Mr. Kondorson , No. 014 Hamey street. Six of Mr. Hull's associates and compatriots from the nrlous hotels will act us pal bearers. hey are Messrs. Honshaw and Klbby , f the Paxton ; Davenport and Hnlott , of , ho Millard , Illgloy , of the C&ufiold , and Seodam , of the Gozzcns. To the grief stricken husband thera ; oes out a fcollng of the deepest sympa- hy from a largo number of frlonds In his city. In this dark hour as ho realizes the lots cf all that made homo sweet and dear , each coming day e elf-fulfilling joy , Hfo Itself must seem al k stand-still for him , Six months age deceased was a happy bride , to-day she Ii no more. Strange , Indeed , that twenty. ; wo abort years should conclude all th < lopes , love , ambition and despair of the cycle of existence , "and life's cup bi drained nnto Its blttor dregs. Loved b ] all , none save ono know In its complete less the Inoxpressabla beauty ol he character. " The police nipped another suspicious chai acter last night , who Rave his name as beln M. McDonald , William Maynor and William Klllotl two young bruisers , engaged n a fight lai night tmd the latter received a bad kntfin over ono of his eyes , Uotli were arrested an taken to the lockup , A gentleman of tills city who is interest * soinowhat in the Aspen silver mine , near Sil verton , Colorado , received news yesterday li forming him that tbo mine h d caved in an killed a number of won. Particulars of tl calamity could not bo learned further the that tboso killed were what is called the nlgl shift. lira , K. Bhults went out last evening c one of her periodical sprees , and annoyed M ShnlU'a peace to badly that lie had her a irested and lodged in jail for the night. Oi of her violent acts was to throw n utoi through the front window of her huibanc saloon oa tbe corner of Twelfth and Dod streets , TUTF PILLS BBMHHHHBI 20 YEARS IN USE. Clio Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age ) SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER , Ioi of appetite , Barret * coatlve , l' ln In ( he bend ! with n dull icnnntlon In the fcncU part , 1'iiln under the ihonlder. blndc , FuIInem nfter cntlnir , with ndle Inclination to exertion of bodr ortnlnd , Irrllabllltynftcmpcr , I/orriiplrlU , with a fooling oftmTlna neglected nomodntr , Wcarlncaa , Dizziness , Vluttcrlnrnt the Heart. Dot * before tha eycn , Ilendaclie over the right eye. KeRtleainesa , wllb ( Itful drenmi , Hlchty colored Urine , nnd CONSTIPATION. TDTT'S 111,1,8 nro especially adapted to such cases , one dose olTccta Biioli a Jmngooffccllnprnstoixstonlshthosutrorer They Increase tbe Appetitemil cause the bodr to Take on l-'Ie htliin the rrtcm ti iiouri lic < lnn < l bj-tnolr Tonic Action on the UUceiUveOrirniiiiiUrtnilnr StoolRara prodncM. 1'rli-naBc. 44 Murray M..IV.V Gnxr IlAin or WIIIMCRRO ohnngod to n GLOSST BLACK by a BliiRlo application 01 this Drn. It Imparts a imturnl color , ncti Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists , ot acnt by express on receipt of $1. office. 44 Murray St. . Now York. THE FINISHING TOUCHES , activity In ana About the Now Court House Yesterday , The county commissioners were in ses sion yesterday aftomoon , examining the architects drawings of the now court louse to BOO if they have bean fully car ried out , preparatory to receiving the auildlng to-day. The architect was resent , but declared that ho has not ivrlttonn' speech for delivery to-day , BO If ; ho reporters want to got what ha Bays ; hey will have to catch him on the fly. The commissioners seem to fool satisfied that all the details of the plans have boon accurately followed in ; ho construction of the building. A force ) f mon and women woni at work scrub bing floors , washing off furniture , and making everything sblnc , so as to present x bright and attractive appearance to-day. The gilt lettering over various depart ment doora was completed. The law .Ibrary . has been moved In and nicely shelved , and every official about the great : cinplo la happy. Real Estate Trans ! ore. The following transfers were filed May 2G , with the county clerk and reported for the BEE by Amos' real cstato agency : Annie Sophia Ilobbio ( widow ) to Helen L. Bobbie , q c , a 88 f C of o j of lot 8 blk 23 , in Jmaba , $1,00. f * G cor co O. Hobble and wife to Annie Sophia Hobble , q c , B 8 i i t ot si of lot 8 blk 23 , in Omaha , Sl.CO. John Barrett and wife to George Holmes , w d , w 110 ft of B § of lot 3 in Hartman'n add to Omaha , 3600 , Michael J. Murry and wife to JnmcsE , Rlley , w d , lota G nnd 6 blk "E" Shmn'a 2d add to Omiha , § 1,500. Thomas A. Oreigh nnd wife to Edgar E. Hastings , w d , undiv if lot G blk 3 of Keed'a let add to Omaha , § 1,400. George P. Stebblns ( single , to David F. Whelpley , w d , lot5 blk 7 Hanscotn Place add to Omaha , $875 , A. 0. Davenport and wife to OHn Daven port , w d , lot 5 In Burr Oak , $500. ' - " " " " " - r L , Klnnehan , who several months ago we Q Injured at the Union PaciBo yards , hag BO f i h recovered that he has returned to his homo I this city , and hopas that ono or two moi months will bring him into pretty good cos tion again. It has been a long , hard siegi and his many friends have watched the resaj with much anxiety. Civil Rights Meeting. A civil rights meeting will bo hold at the Capital avenue akatiug rink Friday evening , May 29th. 1885' The question of the right of American citizenship in the United States will bo discussed. All citizens who are In sym pathy with civil rights are invited. The following named gentlemen will bo the speakers : Horn. E. HOBO water , J. I. Ileddiok , J. M. Thnrston , E , E. Overall , Rov. W. E. Copeland , Dr. M. O. Rick- etta and Rov. Mr. Harris. By the committeo.A. A. n. WILLIS , Seo. The beat regulator of digestive organs and the best appetizer known is Angostura Bit tern. Try it but beware cf imitations. Get from your grocer or druggist the genuine arti cle , manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Siegort & Sons. IV. O. T. U , The hdlea of the W. 0. T. U. will hold heir monthly mooting at their pallors ver the lunch room , corner Fifteenth , nd Capital avenue , Thursday at 2:30 : m. All are Invited to attend. By irdor of the aecretary. HorstorcVs Acid Phosphate * , IN.DEJ11I.ITY. Dr. W. H. UOLCOMIIE , New Orleans , i. , siya : "I found it nn admirable emody for debilitated state of the aye- em , produced by the wear and tear of ho nervous energies. " The lowest prices in the ally on aints , oils , varnishes and painters' luppltea at J. A. JFullcr A Go's. Buy a straw Hat at Saxe'a. Largest itoek and lowest prices. Cheapest Children's Hats , Saxes. Yesterday the combination store ro- iolved another lot of oil paintings retailing , t $1,00 and upwards. Choice Dairy Butter always on hand at JIEHGEN& SMILEY'H. CATABEH Sanford's Radical Cure I ihe Great Balsamla DIstUIatlon of Witch Hazel , Ainertean line , Canadian Fir , Marigold Cloter Bloejom Ktc. , For tbe Immediate llellef and Permanent Cure o : every form of Catarrh , from a Simple Head Cold 01 Influenza to the Loss of smell , Tarto , and Hearing xmgb , Bronchitis , and Incipient Consumption , lie lief In ave mUiutes In any and ei ery cane , Nothlnj like it , Grateful , fragrant , uholesomt. Cure be gins from flra < application , and U rapid , radical , per mauent , and never falling , One bottle lladlcal Cure , one box CaUrrhil fiol vent and Sanlord'a Inhaler , all.In one Package , lor inlng a complete treatmen of all druggists for tl Aik for Sindford'a Iladicol Cure. Potter Drug am Chemical Co. , lloston. " Collins1 Voltalo Electrlo Flut Instantly aflecta the Nervoi ) AIN System and banlahea Palo , i perfect Electrlo llattery con Lined witb a Porous Platter to IS 1UK CUT 25 cents. It annihilate * Pair or A % Weak and Worn On JCffERI B NERVE ParU , ktronjtheni Tired Vlui cles. Prevent * Dieeaae , and do 8 more In one half tt time than any other plaster la the world. Sold ever ] where SPECIAL NOTICES , All adv trtiiementi in the tpecial columns teill In tharged at the rate ( \f \ 10 ttnti per tine for the frit in ertion , and 7 ccntt per line for each suite- quent iniertioni A'o adtertttement teill lit inierttd for tett than ! S centi or the fint time. These advertisement ! teill tie interted in both Morn- nj and Jlttniiy Editioni , rfprcfcntinj a tiraila lion of mer Eight Thousand. Tht clas of adccr- titcintnti tniittpotitivclli til paid in advance. TO LOAN MONEY. OXKT to loin OnH tcst to In uny amount nnJ M to ( lilt , ( iomS50to000. On colNtcrtll on thirty to ninety days time , In * sutrs ot fifty dcllirsumuipwuri's. On chute 1 1 , In sums of five to flvo ImnilrcJ dol- Un at low rttoiund time to suit. Mlaccllaneout , UortR gc > , ccurcd notcf.cltr claims and judgement t > oUKhtad\anc sin&do to c'ntrac- ton , and general tlnanclil business cf Ml kinds trans acted promptly , quietly nnd without dtlav. at the Omaha llnat.cUlnxchujKO.UO ) Karuam St.nn sl lr 057-SO l VOSKV 1 1 WOSRT I II Money to Loan -On 1V1 chattel scoiiUy by W. U , Croft , room 4 , With- neil bulldlntf , N , E. corner IStn and llirncy After jcars ol experience aid a careful study of tbo busi ness cf loaning money on personal property , I have at lilt ptrfcctod a system whcronr the publicity usual In such caio < It done atvay with , and I am now In a position to moot the demands ot all * ho become tompotarUly embarrassed and desire to ratio nunoy without deity and In a quiet manner , llouie icon- cm , professional pontlcmon , mochanlci and otbors In this city can obtain alvincus from $10 to $1,000 on such security na hounhald lirnlturo , pianos , ma chinery , horsce , wagons , warehouse receipts , secur ed notoj cf hand , cto. , without tomov Ing tame from owncis residence or nlaeoof buttnes' , Ono at tbo advantages I offer li that any part of any lo.ti can bo paid at any ttmo which will reduce the Interest pro rati and all loans renewed at tlio original rules of Interest. ' I havnio ( brokers In connostlcli with mycfllco , but personally superintend all mr loin * . Ihnro jirUato offices connect < d with my general oflico to thnv cuitonors do not coma In contact with each ether , consequently Baking all transactions strictly pilvato. W. u. Croft , room 4 , Wlthncll building , N. K. cor. 35th and narnoy. 637-J-21 ( jf mortgage Ioan ; loana negotiated on city prop erly nnd Improved farms 6 per cent Interest n'lowed ' on tlmo deposits. 032-11 to loan In sums ol 8200 and upwards on MoxrtT lust-clan real estate sccu rlly. Potter & Cobu , 1B15 Farnam st. CU-tf Io\p.r TO LOAN Hi lowest rates of Interest by lie- M mis 15th and DonRlas. 013-27 " "Ho IOAN One ( list class socuilty , $150J for B years JL Ainca , 16C7 Fainmnet. r3b-2J ] \Tosr.Y to loan on [ urnltmo , horses , nngons.planoa 1YJL personal property , oalUtcrala and unj thing o- roluo , ovorythinR strictly conOde' Hal ; Roods Finanf ; lal agency John P Schmlnke , Cashier , 233-J U . TO LOAN On riacstito soourlty , In sums MOSF.T to S40.000 , at roitoniUo rates. 0 K. Ifnyno &Co , SV cor 15th and Farnam. SCO-jll TO LOAN In amounts to suit , on chattels , collaterals or nm good eocurlty. OmMia Flnan- : lal Exchange , 15C3 Farnnm et. , up ftilrp. 1853p ] nf ONEY To loan on chattels , Woolluy & Hairleon , 'VI Room SO , Omiha National bank building S1MI TO LOAN On teal osuto and chattels MONEY Thomas. OlEtt. H/r / ° NKY Leaned on chattels , cut rats , U. It lyitlokotaooughtandsold. A. Fonmn.2133.13th St 167-tf \TONEY LOANED at O. F. Uocd iCo's. Loan offlce i > l. on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property ot all kinds and all otho mtlclos ol value , fflthoui rcmrval. Over lit National Danlccorner 18th ind Farnam. All huslncus strictly coaQdontlalOEOtl OEO-tl % /f / OKKV TO X.OAH In sums ot SSCO and upward. 141 O. F. Davb and Co. , Beal Estate and Loan i , 1505 Farnatn St. 051-tt WANTED FEMALE HELP. -AXT n At 1010 Capitol a youn ? gill to doliibt work. 7f4-29 WASTED A girl for general houEo work ; must bo a Rood coot , 1017 Chicago tt. 718 tf WARTHDAgirl to do kitchen work ; apply at the Cozzcns. 723-tf "Y717"AMTD A girl for goooral bouso work In a tm ll VV famll > ; apply at otto , 1824 uurt. 712 23p WASTE Girl for general house worknsoanurce ; ! Girl , 2214 Dougla ? St 700-2Sp TXTAxiFD-Glrl for general huusa work nt2511 St , VV Mary's ave. ' 703 SOp WAKTKn-QIrl to do gcrcral housework ; npp'y to Mrs. Jos Cotter , 1621 thorium Ave. WI7 t AMTD A girl for nonoral hauso work In a email family. Simon Kohii , 808 S 10th St. 699 27p AATFU A girl for concral hhuEOWorkai S218 W Cass St. 095-28p TTTANTED Girl for general house work. . Inquire W at 107 south 14th St. 0/7-28 > AXTBE A TOUDg girl at { 18 north 18th St , W 872-2Sp' WWAXTFD A good smart woman to do chqmhcr WAXTFD wages per week. Apply at 012 Douglas etrect , between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. 469-tf A girl for general homework aptly bo- WANTKD and six p. m at office of i > , E. Mnyno & Co. , 15th and Karnnm. 831-S7 W AKTED Glil Lr house work , 2412 Capitol ave. 633-27p WisiFli Good glil for general house work ; ap ply Fred Drexel , oirner 10th and Williams. TTTASTBD Girl to do general bouso wort,2010 Bmt W Ht. 603-27 ANTED At once , a goad wet nurto 1C2 , 25th nt W corner Dodge. 148-tf Ww -ASir.D-Qood girls , rxpurlcnccd cooks ; Pnmha w ttcploymcnt llurcnu , 1120 Farnam St. 701-tt FIret-clats dlnlnc ; room girl at the Met ropolitan hotel ; nouo other need apply. 821-11 TANTED by Kensington Art Co. , femMe help . / In all parts of the country , to do our light , pleasant work at tbtlr homes , feat by mall to any address , no canvasisiir , cair to learn and any cno can oavn from $ ) to $10 pr week. For full Intorma tlon'oddrcsa KenilnEton ArtHoomsS5 Congmes Bt , , neaten , Utea 130x6078. U06-30p WANTED MALE HELP. An agent la every uouuty tl sell "Daisy WANTED Bham Litter. " Address . 1' . Mellor SUt Agenh,4 3 N Kth Bt. , Omaha Neb. 72Mp A good reliable man as city Hilcstnan WAXTKD K FrIUher , 103 and 110 N 14th. 7I8-2p . llirber , will pay gojc wages ; will an- WAMK.D all letter ! concerningbuslncs ! , Address 0. V. llousf , wctt PoUt Nob. 711-28 TTTASIFDTsn men for Bilao Pity , Idaho ; work on VV etage line ; gioi wigep , fre ? transportation. Omaha t.mrlOment Agenoyt122t Karnam Bt. 705-7 An ox | > erlceced dry goods salcsminoco ; WANTED epoiks Qcrmin and bkaiidanatltii pro erred ; apply at once , with relerencea , to O'Uonthoo ibhertv llth tt next to PostoHIco , Omalu , 031-27 - Te > talesman to represent Sow York tea WANTin . Address "IV'care U H llusiell , 107 Water St. , New York City. 073-2Sp - boy who can got up at 1:30 : a. m In quire Bee Hill Boom. 603-Srjp Employers to know that the Omaha Em- WANTED I Agency. 1121 Farna mBt , ls now pre pared to furnish all kinds of help free ol charge. Country ordei a promptly filled. 070-Mp By cm of tbo largest i oldest wh ( lu- ulodothlnghguKSof PnilaJelphla , astleam.n to reprcsen t tbem In this state , Api-lloitloiu will bo comldcred from sucti only as can furnish approved eecuntj ; fcr sample &e , and pay tbelr own traveling experreB , The hcuse Is willing to pay a very liberal commUBlon and to the right man a iplendld opportunity oHera. Address P O Bti 110) Philadelphia , Pa. 653-9 One man to sell goods steady , employ WAKTSD Call til South 10th ht. O31.7 | \X7ANTfiD A traveling taleimtn , one who hti VV had eoveral yean experience In che cigar bus- Iceji , and has been tf velng ! In Western Iowa ant EasternNebiaalta. uood rtfdienocs r'qulred , Ad drea llathmaun & Burner , Cl ar Manufacturera Stutrt , Iowa. 638-29 All persona recking employment to cai WAMtu Omaha Employment A b'ttc-y ; 1221 far nam st , room 3. (0-0p & An oiperlenced traveling man to solid WA&TKD for an cstiblljhei grain rocelv ing commUslonhouse ; must hive some tiado , am Qratclari rcfeicnoia Address for one week , Cnm mlwlon Omaha Bee offlcj. 523-27 FCUIl dgarmiken wanted , tnaulre.ol Oco. II Qcdlrey , Fteicoot , 11 el. 670-2 Active lalcsjian 105 North 18Ui. WANTED t03-Jp AXTED Five good paper hanger at 413 Nort W Iflth : tflrsct , 812-tl TTTAvrKn Live f nergello men wltb horse and oir- V > rltgeto handle flrAt-clas * article thiouth tbe country ; oall at onco. C. It. Katon , 111 S. 14th. . _ . _ 816-tt slTDATJOiNS ' WANTm WANTKD Situation by a flr t-cl.iM tinner or fur- nice man. AilJrc "Q. 11. Bcoomte. " 07-S3p WASTRD Situation bv a joung man to work Around the IIOESC , ran f crnlih best ot references. Address ' -T. 0. " Bee olllcc. 710-5p WANTRD A situation as running enjlnofr , have had IK yrars cxrorlcnco and am a graduate of Eurottan mining academy , would accept a situation ru civil engineer ; oddrcsi Ivtrl SeUlo care Oereko Kittle , Seward Neb. 03L2Sp TryANtrD SltuUtonby a joani munby three years Yt experience at watch making and jo olery re pairing. Addrrea "A It" Bee odlce , OgQ-27p WANirn A Mtuatlon , by a eimpetcnt jouig man , ai ealetmitn oiuthlng preferred has 0 yean ex perience and speaks Knglisn , Gorman and PcMidtna- vlan ; Address ' Cletk" Bco Odlco. C30-S7p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANIF.D-TWO unturnlshod rooms with board for eemlemau and wife wr t of Sixteenth niH S. j ( ra'lfornla ' preferred. Addresi "Prtmpt 1'av" P. 3. Box 301 , city. ,02-lt \ 'AXTKD lly a family ol three ; ti rent a B room > Y house near Et Miry.s or Patk aenue. . Address N. L. N. " Ueo oHlce. 70-29p llv a gentleman , n room on the hill wc t WANTun of postolilce. rcfcrenco Rhcu , tddrcsa P. O. > ox 3C7clty. 7JO-20 'AMKD A eooond cook at the Emmet House. W ODZsIOp WWi 'ATMD-Zor 0 unforilshcdroomsforllRhthou'e- kcoflng. Addrosi "J , O. It. " lloa office. 075-2Sp WANMHD- Trams for Holarcdge , Nob. , on B , & M. n. 11 , no olllco foes and Irco trannporta- Ion , 110 Farnnm st. 013-tf A or.sra wANTitnT"Addiona at. LOUH ElectrloJUtmp c VCo , St Louti for circular , cut ] nnd terms ot th o IS candle poitor Marsh Electric Limp. 3U-J12 WANTRD Everybody to try our Prepared Corn Jloal , ready tor Instant uo with the addition ot nllk or cold water. I'ut npln 3anJ Olb. ptckageB. iold by groocrs. W. J. welshani & 03. , Mnnuloct- ircrs 070 tt HTF.l ) Kvcry ady In need ot a sowing ma- chlno , to see the new Improved American No. P. K. Flodman & Co. agents ; 220 N 16th. oSltf JO-OR KENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. [ Ton HINT IIouso with G r.-otrg , modern liuorovo- D mcnta and barn , $25 per month. Apply nt 1D10 , t 1C10 Ltixvniwotth til. 703-2p FOR RtXT IIouss , 7 rooms , good well , cistern , $10 per mouth Inquire ot 0. E , Thompson I.V. . corner llth and Itarncy. & 55-U riou RKXT-Uoiiio 7 rooms S4th and Ilarccy by 0. L1F. DaUj&Co. ID7-U " np.\-T Smill stiblo 1012 Farnam street ; In- tJ"OB Dr. bncctnam , Cor. Itth and Farn.m. caotf nr.NT % news room cottages IS'.h and VInton FOR et. Inqu'raon ' promise ) or ot 3 M aloxhara , nt aclflo Express Co. 001-29p RE.NT Stoio on Cumlog street between 19 and FOR it ,825 n month Jno , Kick , 015N Iflth st 017-23 T A house on Htckorr ami Oth street at L. ' SOatuomh , John Eras , 015 N 10th st. 010-29 FOR itKXT On CapItM hill , citUiro 0 rooms one block from street cats. Apply 2410 Capita ave. C81-28P Fen BENT A hou39 of 0 rooini S closats , well , cis tern , ono block south of fie U P depot. Inquire if M. Lee , grocer , 22d and Loavenworth. 513-tf | 7Vm RKNT \ 8 room coltago on Calltcrnla itroet , I ? between ? 4th and 26th Btrcots. P J Creed on. 430 tl p ORnKXT Thosouth- 1 section 2,15 , 12 ; flvo L1 miles from Omaha , for a term ot years. 0 W laralltnn , ot U 8 Nat'l Bank. 427-23 foR BENT Cottage 5 rooms and house 7 rooms. J 1 PhlpplRoo , 1512 S. 6th St. 331-tl FOKRENT rhrcestory brick etoro building ; en quire of Edward Korrla li Co. , room IB Crourso Hock. 053 tf J HMS FJ3RJRENT. RK.XT Two nicely unfurnished rooms No 816 FVMi Howard st. 607-28p Port RENT Boom with board suitable for one or two tcntlcnun , 1812 liodge St. 701-tf fORRKST Two clcgjntly furnished rooiiH , terms 1 reasonable , Gl ! > N. 10th St. 714-30p I OR RENT Ploapant furnished Iront room 411815th F Street , opposite Herald olllcc. Gi4-E0p HK.IT Lar e hindsomolr furnlihcd cool rocm FOR convenience , wltli excellent board for , wo BODtlcmcn , 1718 Dociirn O37'tf r on RKNT TBO front rooms. Apply atlMOTodge streit. 070-28 fTtOR RENT Two handsome furnished rooms , East JD side of 21et street , eocend doornoith of t Mary's ivcnue , 650 2fp F ( OR RKVT Ihrco nice unfurniihea rooms for light housekeeping , 1703 Hurt st. 823-27 F I OR RS.VT Furnished front room 1002 Farnam , 280 2Sp F I OR RE.NT Room ; Inquire Drug stoio 10th nnd Douglas , . 621-tl TTtoRRKXT Twonnfarnlthed front rooms at No 1512 1J Douglas street ; Inquire up-stalrs. 079-28 F I OR RENT Flvo furnbhed rooms cheap at 1212 Davenport Ft. 514-7p TT'OR ' HUNT Two nicely ( urnnhod rooms at 1318 Jj Uo < Jgi Street. 6 8-27p A room for gcntlctran Rnd wife or lor two gentlemen , Drst-clMS beard 1822 Hurt st 70S-tf RENT Large front room on llret floor with or FOR beard ; inquire at 1001 .Farnam St. 337-tf " 17OR REN-T-Furnished rooms , 1816 Dodge street. L' 247-J10 RKNT Furnished rooms w'.th or without FOR . 2112 narnoy St , ono block from ettcct car. 09Uf " 17V3RR Furnished front room with board In J ? private family , 1817 Chicago et. 085-tf TpOR RENT With boardnicely furnlihed front room J ? ga ] and bath , 14'-9 Jones. 087-tl 1'urulahod rooms 1621 Capitol ave , FOIUIBM DQ7-mSO TOH RKNT-Nlcely furnlsbea rooms 1617 Davtnport JL1 722.J6p T > OOMS With board.dotlrabU for summer. Applj Hat St Charlea Hetol. 011-tt HENT Severn fine cflloca in Cronnao * block , Inquire Ed. NorrU , room 19 Crounao block | 012 tf FOR SALE FARMS. * | j"VR BAI Uood farm lu Washington Co. ; 171 JU acres ; 80 acres cultivated ; good bulldingi ; One orchard ; running water ; all fenced. Edward Morris Co. , room 19 Crounso lilock. > 74tf " | ? OR SALE \ 6)0 acre stook and grain farm , a'l ' Im- I ? proted ; four hours'ride from tne OxahaStojk "fords ; seen miles from the o'ty of Fremont ; two allroadsvlkhln tbros miles ; 800 aero ) under plow , .ho ceit In pantute ; bjard fence , running stream ; hroughpaiture ; house with ton rooms ; will be s < U chcaplf sold immedlatelv ; oa term * to suit. For further rartlrulart Inquire of Oeo. C. Qrodfror , Fie < mont , Neb. FOR SALfi--nODSES LOTS. iron BALK Fiirtv lots for eVe on Hurt and Cumins , ' between ! 9th and 31st cheap , Inside property tjdford & Souer. 7U tl HASI Best unoccupiedgrouod In the city to FOR lionse , 87 feet front on Leavenworth north bet 10th and lllh.wlll leaiefor 09 yeara. Dcd ford & Bauer. C05-tt 'on ' BALK-Two"lots In Lane's a3iT 4TToo an . $1,809 each ; three lots on Hamilton , west o Blunders street , 855) ) , $000 and $900 each , llsmli Uth and Douglas Sts , > ! 610-27 TT < OB8ALK-12goodlotaMulon place three block i1 from utr'et oira oil city terms. W H Greet ot er l t Kat'l bank , 832-tl ou IIB.NT \i stor/ building , bultabl FORKAUK and boirdlng liouse at Block ) nrdi. At dress Mr > , John Heed , 1811 Cans tt. 078-28p OR ALK-S3 feet 04 Cumlog betuecn 18th and fOt F wltb bouso , { 2,700. liodford t Souer. eeO-t ! T70R BALK At a laoilllcc , double brick house vci P deslraole location , lust-class reotlcg pronert ; C. E. ilsjoo li Co. , Fifteenth and Farnami (02-27 ITVjRBiLB Three beiulllut re ildenca lots lu Shin c I1 3J a-ld. Splendid -vloic , ,7W. Ikmli , 15th at Uouglid 0)327 fjoa SILL At a gr > t bargain In a fine lot ti f houta S rooir.B , ttabla and other eut ball Jla H III grow Into 3 floe batlaeii loU In a \ iy few \ a 91.000 , FOR * .n-Cho p , ( lOOcilh , b\1anc 0n reonthl payments , come choice lot ! fronting on street ra lino. Mono tt llrunnor. 651-J2 TT'OR ' SAW-Seven room house , barn , and two lol X1 $2,2CO ; would take 50J In re Uurant Hxturcs clears , clo. , JSOO cash balance on tlmo ; at-plv 810 8 llthitriet , 4l4.raSO IJMR rum-Five lots 4Jxl30 : together n Lenten worth street ; heautllul locuion , 00 One fourth cash , boUnol on long time , easy terms Crallefc Jonts. 210-tf Twenty-two feet on F rn m street , * 1 bargain It taken IramedMclr. W H Green 439.11 I TOR an At ft tvirgalo , thico good homos 817 ni ! 1 817 | IFth , Bouth of Ixiavcnworth ; rent $05 pci per month ; pi Ice $1,600 owy ptvments ; mint be sold before ] une lit Apply d. Mortonson , tailor , 1418 Ftrmxtti street. 13l.j < p " | ? OR nALK House full lot , well , cittern , birn , Ml In J ? good condition , ono block from ntroet cars f 1,800 eaty terms. W II Oretn , over U > Nat'lBank. B t-tf ITIOR SALU Good 6 room hmuo , lot 60x132 fofit.cus r front , $1800 ; 8100 cash , balance { 15 per month , W. II Orem , fi > frUtN" tloiil btnlc. 88lt ( FOR SALE ISiTsOELLANEOUsT IJ1OH HAL A > crvfln rod Irlth setter rup , ol X' t2 Flrtt avenue. I'oiinc'l DluftV. _ 70J-J8 FOR SAI.R OR TRADR A go d track sulky , Omaha Merchants Kxprcsi , llth and Lervvcnucrth. F OR HAI.H A eooil tiding pony 'for $10. Inquire 1118 Farnam , 671-SOp FOR SALR Thirty torn of good bottain h y at S1.0 per Ion. John O'Donncll , Florouco Lake , C69-S7p FOR SAI.R A horse wagon and harness cheap. Ap- _ _ ply toGc mo Johnsjn. lltntlahotil. 479-28P tj > OR K.UK-SS5 dollars wTi ] buy pooTtablo ntl'aclfo J * hoiiie , 10th and Davenport , Omaha. l7S-S ( > p FOR BALK Anne lot ol yonnif graded cows with cet \ , Holstetn.Horfoids Short bonu and Jor- IOTB ; also horsis , WOKOIIC , hat nest &c , for mlo or ex change at Major Croft's vlaro , near fair grctindi 0 629p IfoR SAI.K Wogon umbrella ! , flno now stock at ' 1403 and 1411 Dodge et. 672 tf FORBALR-A eoad lo'UHo horse and ladles canopy phaeton , 2410 Capitol avtnuo. ESilSBp Fen BALK A four hundred dollar plino at n bar gain , 1618 California St. 616-tf Fen fiiLK-Elgntmirbhtop restaurant table A , J. Mandel , 325 Ilroidwjy , Council BlulTs , _ _ 358-t TTiOR SAiR-SOO.OtO brick , for sale at Bjllevuo or Jt1 Omaha , H. T. Clarko. 206-tf FOR BALn 1 wo No 1 ecoond hand bug. gy. Apply 1400 nd Itll Dodge St. 145-tf HI KEAL ESTATE. " PAULSRN&co. SpocUl bargains For Bile 4 acres Imllfl from city limits 1850 , 10 acres Joining Fort Omaha $3,500. Lot { 0x141 taU front on 10th , hf twfcn Iliolcorv nd Center with now 0 room homo , W.OCO can bo traded foi farm. Corner I0h ami riorce , 03xU4S E front , 2 story house 0x40 , tl tc'n , well , stib'o etc. , SJ 5to , Choiookt In Aibor plsce , $3EO. Half Interest In a well centrally located grocery buslncs ; , choip en account cf i 1 health. 6 ncwi on r < duudois , 4 rocm house , erloidtd or chard § 3 00. S2 feet on Lowen worth noir 13th st , 83.SOO , suit able for \ holrcalc. 2 choice lots tavt front , Dn-ltht li tymana's add 5760 Schoioo eirner lot ? In Lake add 167 } feat front oa 17th and Inko with 0 rooms , new liouao , fonecd , jlAblo , wolUto.S3,6X ( ) . 4 lot ) , oartfrcnt In Ilttrr oak add $2,500. Cholcoloton Patlc ave. 8'VOO. ' Corner lot Dorc&s and 12th , 1 iquaio fiom St cu nlth 4 room hou'o. stable , c'ttorn etc , $1,70) . 7fi feet cast front , U square Iroin StMary'a ave. , For rent cr tale 2 lots noir Ilcdllno and Curalng street , with tlc a-t 10 room houfo , with nil modern improvements , Paulson & Co. , 1513 Farnam Ht , 725-27 _ T | onsufl and lots In any part ot Omaha , St.lOD to 1.1816,000 Memlj , 16th and Douglas. 645-27 FOR BALE The ohotpcst lots In tha city only li miles north u esl ol the Peal olllcc , prices ranging from 8225 to SLOCO each ; terms to suit. Itcmls , 1.1th ind Douglas. 010-27 Fen BALK Lot ) In Credit Frontier add , grand view etc , near U P and Tl & U depot 8.50 nnd upwards. Pcmis , ICth and Douclas. 610:27 : FOR BALIHii'Iness lot on 13th street 125 feet east fontago , $12,500 ; a'so a ware house , lot noir Nail works 82,600. Uciuli , 10th and Douglia. 617-27 T OR B * tK Lot nnd a half In I'arKcrs ud t sJi.fiUU cr JL1 { 500 for half lots ; two loti In Uhinn'a 2d cdd fSQO e > ch. nalj , 16th ocd Domlav _ 643-27 FOR SALK Acre lot oa CumFng street ( routs on three streets , $ iiO ? . i Thice quarters ol nu acre on California street , near 3acred Heart Academy , $2co. Dcmls , 15th and Douglas. 012-27 FOR SALE Loti or Sauiden street $1,00) rach : trrmseasy. TJemls , )5tb ) and Douglas. 011-27 FOR SALK lleinia' now maps of Omaha ? feach. . Bemlr , 16th acd Dougla ) . 639-27 | ? on fALK -On south 22d et , one 1 room and one 5 I ? room cottage , barn , wtll , els ern , te , on came lot , rent for $25 per month , r ii'y ' $3,200 ; would fell separate ! ! . 1'otteris Cobb , 1515 Farnam St. 660 tt SALE Lots In Hillside odd chearest nnd best FOR lo's In the city , $7CO to $950 exclusive agcnta. P6tter & Cobo. 651-tf 1/OR SALE 7 room cott go , wo 1. barn and cistern , JC" oa i8th street 6 blocks from shops $2,5CO , on easy terms. Potter & Cobb.1815 Farnam St 652-tf _ IT OR BALR One of tlnesc resldencesTn city nltbln P 6 bbcksof Post ofHoe , 11 1 its oorner , cheap at $15,000. Potter & Gobi ) , 1616 Frn m St. 053 tf TOR BALK-Three cbolccet lots In Uansc'm place. X ? 654-tf Potter & Cobb. ri"V ) KxciiASOK A 10 00 > Itoek" now TTara. JL ware for good No braslik land. A ( ILO farm for groceries or other merchandise. For eale A full lot and house on S 13th tt , facing cast along car line , price 83,600. For sa'o Two lota on Farnam Bt between 10th and 2Cth , $3,500 o-ch. For sala Flno residence and full lot oil Da\cnport below roth st. pilce $0COO For sale six lota in Grand View addition , \ cry cheap , For Enlo fine rciHcnce lots very cheap , In Ilans cum Place , piles $560 , to 33to each. For talc lots In all additions to the clfy utbotton : prices. It. C. Patterson , 13th and Farnam. For sale Four cottages , one $1,010 , for one $2,03 ( one for $200 and ono f jr $2,700 ; To loan82,010 on flrat-claesclty rccuiily , For eale Four lots In Meat End addition , elx Ir Hawthorne. Easy terns. For sale Deautl'ul and dcsliab'o lots at 82CO cict on monthly paj inenti of 810 each ; 1 1-2 inllen frni the city nnd I will as-Ut woitby pirtle ) tw build DIU take f mall monthly Installments. I will show property In any part of tbe city free o charge. Address or call upon U. C. Patterson , N I car 13th and Fnnmni , Oll-tf For rent Otllco room , $ 0 00 per month. Gll-tf ' LKALK-A I a'l ootnor lot near 13th end Farnan H'OH , will lease for a term of 60 or DO } ars , Moric Brunner , Paxton block , cor 16th and Farnam sts 660-27 \f ARION ri/ACB-8 gand lots In this addition witb , VJ In 8 blocks of street cars , can be had on oas rma. WII Qrcoo , over 1st Nat'l Bank. HB-tf' ' & miDKMKitH-IJargalne For rent Two flu MOBBK brick dwelUnfcs , modem Improvcnte , $50.0 per month For Hen t Store bouses , rooms , furnluhed an nfurnlsa For Bakw-Acro 1 ots on Saunders street , near stree rs , J1JM ) . For a * ) Ten acres three Lbcks from street ca 'or ' 810,000. For Ble Elegant bouse and other ImprovcmfiiU Including eight full lots , all for 93,040 , ono bloc 'rom street car. For Ha'e Hou < e , 8 roorai , flno homo , full lot o launders street , 81,000 For Htle A splendid builnoit corner lot on Fa : iam , 69x182 feel , 63,600. For Bale House , 6 rooms , and i lot oa street cai 1,600 , For Sale Lota In "Hansoom Plice"t500 , eai term ) ; also loU In Shlnn's addition , JIOJ to 501 iasy terms. Lota In Lowe's addition , 9160. For Sale * House and lot Harney street , near cou liouse , $ , ! 60 For Sale Lot 140x131 on Tirk Avenue Car lln $6600. For Sale HruieB roomi , lull lot , on Harallti ttreet , One plico , 81,000. For Sale House and lot on Divcnport etrec J2.600. For Sale House 9 rnomt , modern Improvement ot ISOfett front by 78 feet deep , fine place , oa .eims , $5.200 For Bale-Two lots , ono a corner , one-half ml from postollleu , near car linn , for both 9,0(0. ( MOltyi ; & hllUNNKR , 470-23 Paxton Dulldlng , Fifteenth and Farna n otrr.a tea BALK Rait hall ol block 8 Hrnlt ! Wx add. , tiOO fe C front , two acre Icto , clceut Omaha , fu Micwot city Hid BluQg , making 10 It 105 feet etch , will sell ball or all , LotJ 44 and 60 , > < -lson' add , 8700 each or M tell bull of dthet ; LoU (0x145 Kountz'a 2d add. in 9th act ) Cutter , S'OO each. Lot 6 , bloek ) , Kcimtz'd 4th add , being etoro 10th et , lull lot $2flU , also lot 0 eirno block I,35C Two loti In Bjutli Omaha , by Goodwill's , w house , orchard , cittern , ocd wtll , all $100 , 16 tne acre lets In Yineland , 6 miles noith c llmlti overlooking tity and lllufTs , 836 per acre. Loti 10 and 11 , block 19 , Ilnuucua plioo vi sightly , ? i,20) for botlu Half acre IJOfiet front block 6 , Park pUcc , w homo , born , "til , and cistern , Corner , Slots In Hawthorne on Cass it , OCO both eta etc. Call and sue us , Dexter L. Thomas i : Dro , I EsUttjltoomBCielgbton Hock , 1,731 , J. ; ' - -'tnn' ' 13th t , between Farnam and DonjU ) , CMI * , lAT | lWO-To ol b st rt U neo lots In the jlty. 81,601 noautllol cornet resldonco lit , a hirgtln. 3 " on Grcn ltrctti Uc"MWo lee - 'lllen" on ' * ' . near St car. $3OCo-33 fett , business locttlou on Cualiij it , St.tOrtNew homo 4roam . relhr and cistern , lull Iotstlookifromttreetcirei3y ; ptymonts ; agroat unraln Farnam street business property tint will double ln > aluo In twoyea-4. $3.0COto loan. J , K. UlleykCo.,21B South IStli tirct. . _ _ _ _ Rfi noR situ -By 0 , F , Divli k Co. , IMS F rimm St. 1 Omaha , House and lot on couth Klghttenth Bt. , f 1,000. . ' ! .Twentieth " UM. , . ahomcs ' < Dodge neat ? eth 81 , f200. ots In Ilftnicom flirt ) , each , 8 625. linuto and lot on Park avenue , SJ.'OO. " " " Dl\cnroitSt.Sl2XX ) . " " " 82 flW " " " " 4W. eouth 13th $ . 1P.001 cres of land In Boone county , 7 to $10 0'01" " " " ' 8Unll1n 87t 8lt . . . . Land In MaJIson , Wajno , rhtto and Hall counties nn easy term' . Money loaned on long time. MXJ tf TO EXCHANGE , TPOR RVCIIAVOII NebraskaUnd aiul ImproiodTowa ufiKijer' ' ? rJ : lor111111" ( or busln . Address W WWIIdc 1203 , Douglas tt OjO-JS F onsALRORRxcilANOii SO acres of good land In MorrlckCo. ; would e\ohanio for home to bo Imllt on tuy lot. Inquire at S K corner Sowurd and 'rene ' St. 033-27 | > .J Tpo men ixoii 410 acres well Improved laud J mile L'roin ' BMOX , Iowa , for a stock of general mcrchitu- dlse or hardware. Addrosi John Lludorholm , Knox Bwa. 634 tt "Tj Olt HAtii : Or exchange. tVu have tor H\O | the X1 exclusive right In this stata to sell the ooitl ecnomlier and soot destroyer , destroys the seat and will save two.nly per cent on ooal , will sail county rlghti or the statf , or will exchange for real citato or BUSINESS CHANGES. FOR BALK Drua nek ; nice , clean stock nf drugs In Utlc > , Neb. , fornalo ; Rood roisous for cl Ire" For further particulars , tddross Box CO Utlcx Neb. COU 27i | FOR SALit linn store In a desirable locality , wll luvolco about $1.600 U 0 PaUunon , NE corner 13th and Farnam , 4SO-tl IflOll SALE Or exchange a full stook cf clothing 1 boots an J shoos , gent1 furnlsblnggoods , will ex. chtngo for Nebraska Lauds. 0. II. Tctcraon.SOl S. 10th St. , Oxaha , Mob , FOR MLR Good business In Omalu ; mo3t.H 1)0 per cent ; capital required , three or four thousand dollars , Persons meaning business , addicas Lock llox 301 , DCS Mollies , low-.v. 202-jll FORBALB \ well c3t lIMieitailors \ biislnoia bo- tnooa now nnd Juno 15th , low rent ; goil loca tion ; hold lease of store for twoyf ars ; only email c p Ital required. Address "N. O. " Bee olllcc. 132-J.4p FOR RALE-A well c&tabltihod bikory. Addrtei "K. " this ofllco. _ izs j.4 TTtORSALnoR EXCIIASOII ( In part ) for restauran l ; furnlturo ? roomed house , bun nnd two lota. Au. ply 819 south llth et. 100-mHa FOR SALB In Oakland Neb Orst-clatiimeat market alio the furuPure ot the St Paul hotel. For par ticulars , Inquire or write Wiggera & Uohllog , Oakland Neb. 674.m _ _ _ _ TjKRso.sAb Mrs U U. Hoaror. trnnco clilnoyant , JL and hoillng medium , oor 710 North Iflhst. 062-JS1 _ D IR , A ciirsiKRKir.LD Ungnellcphytlclan , test ind dovclof Inj , ' medium , o\cr 018 north loth St , 653-J21 L If you wanth dctootlve , send your ad > JL aduroEa to the Omaha Dctcctlvo Agcucy. P O bos 544 , nmc8 SIB eouth 14th tt. _ TNSTITDTB Hotel , formerly Cro'chtoa house , no'wly JL furnished ; term ] molerato , 13th nud Capitol avu. 488-17p | _ CARRIAGES. /"I RATTON & uiiOMMosn dlstlay thi finest grade of VJCtehlclesfiirtho money to ho found la thooity. Wo will take pleasure In showlci , ' you eurroys with canopy or extotslon top. Inn re D co Canopy topi. Klmbill stvle , rurroy 2 potol open and tip jobs . Indies' phaetons low or hl h u heel , 13 fO stor , open and top box buggl cs. 2 wheel road cart. ! i wheel Cottage glr ( , 2 li < el Gladitone cart for 4 pcrscnii Wo make a specialty of repairing nnd gutrantea satisttctlon Call and examine jur tip top Jointed cndf'Incedumbrcllis Qratton & Drummond , 131 5' and 1317 Harnor street. 531 tt BOARDING. ORRIS * Parlor Rcstaurait. N1 Hoard by the week , S3.JC. Ueal tickets , $3.50. Slnrlemoilj , 25 oontr. 107 N. 10th street , near DoJgc. CLOTHING. rpAKR NOTICE OntDg to the baokwardnees ot the X season , I am dttonnlned to cl'sacut my oatlro etcck of of spring ccd summer clothing at a great BicnDco , they are tiound lo be sold , so call early and get line c'othln ? at low prlcis. 1'otack the clothier , J310 Farnam street , near 14th 407-tf I RESII lee cream pies and oaken every a&btauf E promptly attended to. Carl Schmld , 803 south 16th St. 14Q.J5 IVUSOELLANEOUS. T OST Smelllc lh'.rlmndh gwlthouthondlo Flrd- jlJcr iray keep cnt-'ouith the content ? , iind have big at Stepbcnson'a etnlle. 713-26p IOST A Udlcs hand eatclicl containing a email Jsuin of money , and BOIIID trunk key" , valuable alone te the owner , A llbfrtl rcwaid ulllbapaldon return of tame , or kes only to lira , J. W , 1'aildock. 1017 Capitol ave. 710-28p All poisons who are Indebted toIloath & Atkinson are notified not to i > i > y or accept any j orders from J. H. Heath , J. W , Atklufon. 716-37p . A light red cow with ioro around her ia horns nnd gvos milk on three tits. Kinder will hu I rewarded by returning her to Fred Kuwtnao , 310 4th and Ch-)8tnut etrect. Omohiv. fl2B-2rp ' -Tuesday May 2tth , from rrtralicirf un- _ 'del ' Hlgncd , 3fd street near J3aonporl , a dark bay pony about lOjeinold , largo hit ) spot on foic- litad , three hgsvhltr , mine dark. Howard for Ic- formatlon Kiank l'ehic. " by : 717-8p STRAIKDOUHTOLK.H OuthO 10th ltl ta CW , Ugh roanc , nearly white , Durham stock , ono horn tllghMy drooping , red ars ; rouardfor letuin to A , 6. Tjlllfngs ; 2b3 llainoy Ht , 453-tl I > ROOOUARIS Partiesnlshlngto purchaio brood IJmarcs for ranch purpif ej please call at Ilonmn'n Livery ( table , 113 south 13th street , Omaht. 802-tf ) RICK ( S per m. T , Murray. > COM /"liiKWSILVERTAO , does nit K\vo \ you hetrt-hurn. vjlass ledeeiuod a ODO cent , each by the dealers. I'cyctio JJroa. , Agcntl. 0834f ) ASTUKB On Elkhorn and Tlatte. T , Murray. tuo-tt r\ur.v BiLYiR TAO. Its fruit flavored , ( am redeemed VJot me cent cadi by the dealers , 1'ojtko llrou. agents , BSS-tt on b&nlo given by Q K Oellen * 1 beck , at 1110 Capitol ave. 4SO-U VIR TAO , It rftea not taint the breath , tags redeemed at one cet ash by the dealers. Peyck Bros , Agents. " - " vault ) , and coanii'Mlscl an < l at thortrst no tice any tlmo ol the day , In ftn entirely erdorlcsa way v Ith our Improved rump and dentg n ai > para- tus , all nlacds cleaned by us dlfenlected free , charges reasonable. A , Gvan , 12C8 Dodge street up Btalra. PU1VV , vaults , elnkl ud oesapoolu cleaned at the shortest notlu ) and satisfactloa guaranteed by Tt , AbJ , 1' . O. Hoi 873 , 400-mp MADIJTEB Of PAHJTSTKKY AND CONDITION AL1UT , B03 rinth utreot , Uttrten 1'nrnim ud Hai. uoywlll , vUhthealdotiruardUcipiilts , obtaining for anyone ulinoo In tht put an J prcseul , tad no oorUln condition In the fninio. Hoots and the > made to order I'tifftcl uttnUctloo iru r UatUrofapplk-itluiiofic lclit Moriell , fur iiriuit tueell llqur u druggUt. KOTIOB. N'otliu IH hereby pl\cu that l.cMu A , Mprrclldld up on the 111 city of Miirili , A. I ) . , 1K95 , lu their appll- catloii to the Major ind City Coundl < 'f Omihi , fur pcimit to tell ni It. tplrltuoiH ond\lmm * llijuorii , n a < lnifBlitfunncillu > l , lacthinlcal , Biidclieinkalpiir. puki-aonly , t No. 102 Ibtlittrict , 4th uird , Oiiuli * . Ih KUi. , from the llthdly ut April , lb , to the llthuUy of l > rll , I8W. If there bo no objictlonn , rimomtrauco.or protct.1 OK-il nithin tuo uteU from Mtull 83 , A , U. , lbS5 thu bul'i permit \tlll Iwgrintul. . ' 'C.I LIJII.U. & JIORgti , Applltmt. J. 11. SOUTHaUD , Lllj tlcrl ,