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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1885)
HVdaiubu. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS -THURSDAY , MAY 28 , 1885. THE DAILY BBE. _ OOUNCIL BLUFFS , s Thursday Morning , May 28 , . . TES 1 J.U.SOKimON ek . j iT i - - " - 110.00 i * r " MINOB MENTION. h fa Got your dinner at the Phccnlx , twenty-five cents , 005 Broadway. ) OQ1C3 matting at Harkncssjirothera. "The board"of 'trade ls to moot next Tuesday evening. The now residence o B. Haag , on Pierce street , la about ready for occu- pincy. Hard and aott wood refrigerators at Cooper & McQoo'8. The mayor has laaucd "a decoration day proclamation. " Now the arrange- meats can go on. Something now in gasoline stoves at Cooper & McQeo'fl. Aa outside entrance la being made to . the second story of 510 Main street , over ,7 , G. Scott's store. For low prices In boots nnd shoes call at R. I. Skilos' , 102 Main street. Go and aoo the display of pictures at 502 .Broadway , Friday evening. "X Y Z" [ art museum. Lice curtains at Harknoss Brothers' . The mayor's little son Eddlo was yes terday quite badly scalded by the accl dental overturning oE a kettle of hot water. Water coolers very oheay at Cooper & McGoo'a , 41 Main street. The X Y Z society will servo suppot for everybody Friday evening at 502 Broadway. Admission 25 cents , supper free , served from G to 10. Got you dinner at the Phoenix , twenty-fivo cents , C05 Broadway. Leave to marry waa yesterday given to 0. H. Hnlliday nnd C. 0. Watldns. The former is from Bureau county , Illinois nnd the lady from this county. Pool selling , nnd headquarters during the races , at the Pacific house. Some maliciously-Inclined person yea tirday put several cnta with a knife in anew now rubber coat that was hanging out side the pawn shop of D. Goldstein , on Broadway. Bricks for sale in large or small lots by J , A. Weaver , 815 Seventh avenue. The two young men'who were seme time ago arrested at the transfer on the charge of burglarizing a store at Missouri Valley , have broken jail from Harrison county. The best place to geta bath tub is at Cooper &McGeo's. They have from a child's to a largo plunge bath tub and at very low prices. About forty boys and girls from the catholic schools will next sunday observe tholr first communion , and the services at the church will be particularly inter esting. Reltor Is offering great bargains at his merchant tailoring establishment , No. 310 Broadway. See his goods and got his prices. The Council Bluffs driving park asso ciation seems to bo no sort of a weather prophet. It always fixes Its dates on rainy days. It ought to hire aomo gooc signal service man to pick ont fair day for the races. Bargains In silk at Harkneas Brothers' . The waterworks company will keep tholr office open at the noon hour am from 7 to 8 o'clock In the evening , to ac commodate those who are engaged during the regular business hours of the day. Buy n good carpet sweeper at Hark ness Brothers' . A permit to wed tras yesterday grantee to A. W. Mandormakors and Wllhemlna K. Themor. The carpenter firm o : Mandormakors & Van teem to bo "join era" also , as Van , the other partner , gen n license the day before. White goods and summer drees goodi at Harknosa Brothers. The four-year-old boy , Bert Hunt , who fell down the collar stairway at hii parents' realdonco , 722 Fourth street , ( few days since , and received aovoro In juries to hla right aldo , ia slowly re covering. John Frederick , who scorns to [ have a very ] hard reputation aa a "coon carver , ' now lloa In the city jail on a charge ol assaulting another colored man , namei John Boochor , a razor being the offensive- weapon. No blood was shod In the rumpus. A qulot talk was yesterday had be tween several gentlemen In the mayor's ofllco , planning or trying to plan with & Knosvlllo , Marlon county , man about getting a delegation to the convention in August next that was favorable to the mayor as democratic nominee for gov ernor. The city marshal yesterday tervod notices on all the railway companies that they mutt not run their engines fatter than about eight miles an hour inside the city limlta , and must not los their oars stand on street crossings , so as to obitruct travel , and that any violation would bo prosecuted , by order of the city council sitting as a board of health. : Whenever there is a ecarcity of losal nowa the evening papers always put In an account of McClurg's cracker factory team running away. One would suspect that It ia an advertising dodge of McOlurg'i ) , if it were not for the fact that they are so poraUtcnt in declaring that they have had no runaways , and they don't want any such notices. The prohibitionists have served a notice on Ed Sherlock , the partner of Henry Wagner , that an Injunction will jo asked for against him , before Judge Joofbourow , In the district court next Monday afternoon ah 2 o'clock. A like notice in another court waa lorvod on Wngncr aomo time ft o. Thla ia the Crat of the Council Bluffs Injunction caioa brought In the district court. Ono of the race horses at the driving park yesterday morning got away , and made a wild run ont of the gatoa , and away to the transfer and dashed into the wilding itself , and waa there caught , causing quite a flurry oE excitement in and about the depot. There seems to bo a mania among , the horaea to enter ) ntldlnga. Only a night or two ago a cblt managed to climb the stairway to the second floor of Everett's block , and thla other Incident following 33 quickly gives color to the belief that It is an epidemic. Everybody ia going to Old John Rob inson's great ahow , which is to bo hero next Saturday. Thla show docs not make as big a spread on paper aa aomo othorn , but puts the extra money into the show Itself , ao tnat the people got moro satisfaction. Robinson takes great pride In keeping all of his advertised promleca , and the praiaa which the show la winning everywhere thla season Ia proof that this season It Is a bettor show than over , which ia sayint ; enough to cause every man , woman and child to bo anxious to take It in. jg Dr. Capoll , who baa lately located hero , and established an office In the opera houno block , has concluded that this ia a good field for the starting of a popular medical journal , and haa completed ar rangements for publishing such a ono , to bo known as the Council Bluffs Medical Journal , the first number of which will appear in about ton days. It ia hla pur pose to give the people the benefit of the lateat facts in the science of medicine , the peculiarities of different diseases and how to treat them. Care is to bo taken to use plain language , simplifying and explain ing professional modes of expression so that the journal may bo of practical nao In the household. J The Wobash railway ia arranging for a change of tlmo-tablo , to go into effect next Sunday , by which the leaving time will bo an hour and a half later , thus ac commodating the public much bettor than now. There will also bo a change by which the trains will leave the trans fer , and then stop nt the local depot , In stead oE the rov'erso way now followed. The eatabllshment ofa local depot meets a long felt wont , surely , for the incon venience of going clear out into the country , at the transfer , to got a train has boon a serious Inconvenience , anc has given other roads , having local do pota , a grnat advantage. Not only wll the public appreciate the convenience of the local depot , -which can easily ba reached by street caw , and which Is within easy walking distance of a greai portion of the city , but the road will fine that their business will be Increaaed by thus accommodatlng'thls city. A BLUE OUTLOOK , Rain , as Usual , Spoils the Races at the Driving Park. The rain yesterday made a sad inter ruption In the races , and the programme , aa announced for yesterday , goes over until to-day , BO that , should the weather prove farorablo , there will bo all that can bo attended to. The rain la a grea disaster to the aucceaa of the meeting which otherwise promised to bo so great. With ouo of the finest fields of horses oyor gathered at any meeting In thia pan of the country , with the boat track in the west , there seemed nothing to bo desired bat good weather , but thai was eaaontlal. Since the opening moot ing of the driving park association there haa not been a alnglo meeting which haa not boon interfered with , and practically spoiled by bad weather. At each recurr ing meeting the plucky managers one directors have gene down into their own pockets , and labored with aomo of the moro enterprlaing cltlzjns , to got the moans of hanging out heavy purses again , and mooting the largo expenses , liopiuf that the results would .commensurate somewhat with the exertiona put forth , but each time , juataa tholr hopeajeeomet about to bo realized , the ralna sot In am all proved In vain. By this long con tinued & > rca of misfortunes , n heavy financial burden baa had to bo berne by a few men , and It la not to bo _ wonderec at If now , when another attempt haa boon made , only to ba again thwarted , thai those plucky and enterprising men ehonlt feel like weakening a little , or letting some ono elsa put the shoulder under the burden , Ono prominent man was board to make ] the prediction yesterday that thla would bo the last meeting to ba hold on the track bore , hla roasor for saying so being that the few who had been bearing the burden had naturally become weary and discouraged. Added to their other discouragements ia the fad that little support la to bo bad from the citizens hero , there always being moro patrons from abroad than from the city Itself. If there is nny benefit to bo de rived from the reputation gained by the track hero , and the drawing of many strangers lira to attend the meetings it la surely shared by many who will not do a thing to keep the association alive. FLAG STATIONS , Several Oaacs of SmnlM'ox Reported In the Outlying ; Towns. Several towns la Iowa are being ronblod some by email-pox. Seven cases of tbe disease are reported aa having been at Shenandoah , two of which havu proved fat land two others aa very likely to prove ao , ono of the persona now lying dangerously ill being the former editor of the Republican. Dr. Hager , of St. Jo , says that the disease haa been of the most malignant typo , but that no .further danger la feared , as the quarantine pro- ylsloni are so complete aa to prevent Further cpicad of the disease. There are 4 ° cBe < Deported at Farraput , ono cue at Esjex , and throe cases at Strathan. A FRISKY FREAK , An Omaha. Man Jmnps From a TMrfl Story Window of the Ogden don House. Ho Gets Off With a Urokon At n late hour Tuesday night an ) maha man giving his name an Mlohaol 3hay , regtatorod at the Ogden and was [ Ivon a room on the third floor. Between L and 2 o'clock in the morning , an occu pant of n room on the second floor , with a window facing ont upon the roof of the ono story brick building adjoining the hotel , and occupied aa Motcalf's saloon , tioard a nolso aa of n man falling onto the roof , und then tortiblo groans. Ho anmmonod the night clerk , and the dis covery waa made that Shay had fallen or jumped from the window of hla room onto the roof , and waa lying there in an unconscious condition , Dr. Lncy waa called , nnd an examination showed that Shay's leg had boon broken In the fall , the fracture being below - low the knoo. It was a long time before the injured man could bo brought Into any condition to answer questions intel ligently , and oven then ho could glvo no explanation as to how ho got out of the window. In taking the jnnip , or the tumble , ho carried some of the bed cloth1 ing with him , and the charitable oxplana tlon naa that he had a spell of sleepwalking walking , while othera assert that ho was so under the influence of drink that ho did not know or care what ho waa doing , but In a crazy fit jumped to got out of the way of aomo fancied enemy. It was strange that ho WAS not moro seriously Injured , and ho mar well congratulate himself on getting off with a broken leg. Word was yesterday sent to Officer Donahue , of the Omaha police force , who Is related to the Injured man , and stops will bo taken to have him removed to his homo. Substantial abstracts of titles and roa estateloans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street. Weather permitting , the races will open at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Got your dinner at the Phcanlx. Twenty-five conta. 505 Broadway. Brussels carpeta , tapestry carpets , In grain carpets , ruga , mate , matting , etc. , In apodal bargains , at Harknosa Broth ers' . Business men with their families and frlonda are Invited to the Strawberry Fes tival and Sapper at 5:30 : o'clock thia evening. Supper will bo served at 502 Broadway. Charges 25 cents. COMMEKOlAIj. OODNOIL Btorra MAHKKT. Whoot-No. 1 milling , 70 ] No , 2 , G5 ; No. 3 , 00. Corn Now , 28o. Onto For local purposes , SOo. Hay 9 00 per touj baled , 60. Rye OOo. Corn Meal $1.60 per 100 pound * . Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6,00 ® 6 50. 50.Coal Coal Delivered , bard , 9.CO per ton ; Bolt 4.00 per ton Lord Armour's , wholesaling at 711. Flour Olty Hour , 1.50@2.90 , Brooms 1,75@3.00 per doi. uvia STOCK. Cattle Butcher cowa 8.25.76. Butcher steers , 8.7G@4,00. Sheep 3.00@8.60. Hoga-3.50@3.76. PBODUOJS AND FBUITS. Eggs Receipts moderate ; demand food ; OJc.Butter Butter Receipts liberal and much la ex cess of tbe demand by the local trade , who care only for the choice lots of fresh gross ; mixed nnd streaked lots slow Bale. Sales to day were made at 10@13o for fresh country , solid packed ia tubs or jars ; 8c for unwrapped rolls , in boxes and for streaked lota of fresh stock ; old stock , 4@5c ; creamery dall at It @ 20c. Poultry Demand strong , supply light ; spring chickens , S4.00@6.00 per doz ; old chickens , S3.BO@4.00. Game-Demand ia only for fresh killed ducks ; mnllardaS2.00 ; mlxed.51.59 ; teal , 1.00. Onions None in market ; choice stock would likely bring 81.76 ; sprouted and poor , S1.00@1.25. Beans Clean stock in good demand at SI.25 © 1.35 for mediums , and 81.50 for navies ; dirty stock is dull at 7Cc@S1.00. Potatoes Good demand and prices steady ; GOa for good stock of any variety if of good size and sound. Strawberries 81.00 per 21 qt case. String beans Per one-third bu box , 75o. Green peas Per one-third bu box , 76c. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. Ctb A\c. and I'csrl Street , ( Formerly Martin's Kink. ) PALMER & SANDKR , Prop'ra & Managers. , Eogagoment Extraordinary ! Two Weeks Only , commencing Monday even ing , May 18 , of the Eminent Young Actor , Mil. EDWIN IJAHBOUB , supported by his Huperl ) Dramatic Company , in ono of the following choice repertoire of etandard ' ' - nn AV1U1 .OCO times Oun Bois I JOSIIDA WIIIICOJIB ! MAVOURXEUX ! &c. , & . In Our Curio H II : 2UMA. the wonderful living half-lady. PROP. STEUDELL , and hta wonderful Thanmnscopo. PROF. E. If. DUNTON , the Illusionist. MADAME DEVERE , the bearded lady. A Kcsort ( or T/idics. A I'tsort for Children , I'ntrflnlzcd by the nllto , nothing succeeds Jlko suc cess. Museum open 1 to G and 7 to 10 p m. Thoitro performance every KenlDf ? end Saturday Uatlneo Ladles can H if fly visit thii popular place ol arouse ment without on oicort aa the management : person al guarantee that nothing will bo done to offend the moat tattldluua. MANDEMAKEES & VAN , AROHITEOTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Ho. 201 TJopor Broad way , Council Bluffs , rOS 8ALB BT S. A. PIERCE,1 100 Mm St. , Council bluffs lletill Boot andShoe etore vhere big bargiln ) cm al ; i be found. WAR IN CHINA. And other wares. Attend the GREAT SAL Ab 23 Mnin St. , Council Bluffs. Ono sot handled cnpa and naucors , , . 38c Ono sot knivca and forka 58o Ono bowl and pitcher ! )8o ) One 5.bottlo triple plated caator 1 08 Ono act Rogcratriplo plated knives 1 08 ' Ono decorated tea cot ( CGplecos ) ' . 4 08 Ono decorated dinner set (08 ( pieces ) 13 08 Ono decorated dinner tot , [ 131 pieces ] 17 98 Call and SOB : Yours very respectfully , HOMER , THE CHINA f. K. MeflUBKSOlf , AXDDKALBR AND VEGETABLES Vegetable Plants and Fruits. Orders from abroad promptly filled. Sweet Potato Plants a specialty. Plants will bo ready for shipment by May 10th , Orders should bo placed early. J. RcMcPHERSON , 2181 Fierce St , Council Bluffs Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizzesSwitch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaperthan ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. 1. GILLETTE. 29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff. Judd & Smith's IMPROVED ELECTRIC B Office and Factory , No SO , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. PCD mL , e \aJT9 mM Jft 504 Broadway , Wholesale T I N W A Charter Oak and Acorn Stoves neea no comments. Lf > onard'a celebrated cleanable Dry-air Refrigerator. These Refrigerators excell all other in cleanliness. A refrigerator which cannot bo cleaned becomes useless , it becomes a nuta ance instead of a benefit , . . . t ta. Ki.Mua t eat mi mi mimam I MJMIU M * In with latest improvements. Fort Iayne With this washer we do not ask you to risk confidence or money. We know that a 1 that is necessary is a trial. TAKK ONE , and if after ono or two fair tests you are not pleased return it and we will reluad your money. GOLDffl STAR fiASOLIFE { RIMES. TJiese lianges ore a complete departure from tJie regular "Fire- per Stove , and possess many ncu ) and val- uaMe features Jiat ivill fee appreciated. We have the exclusive agency of the celebrated Tvo Pnnit Steel fire t in this city. Do not be deceived by 0 and Joe at bottom price ; . Mall ordera solicited. TM ? 1TOT 50i Broadway , Pft . iFJa \JJJt COUNCIL BLUFFS. IEL .P. ZLsTILIES , draining , OlUlnff , I'apcr Hanging and Frtscolnff , no Main StCouncll Bluffs. Sold by the lending dcnlor in every city nnd town , E : Burhorn , 17 Mniu St. , Council Bluffs. ill W. P. AYLESWORTH , Brick buildings oJ any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame Lruu moved on Little Giant ttucVs , the best In the world. W. P. ATLSWORTH. 1010 Minth Street , Council BluUa Norene & Landstrom , srchant T Suits to order in latest styles at cheapest possible Prices.No. No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluff * . Will Discount all Prices. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 3 Broadway , Council Blufia , loira T TT7"1 CH o STOCKERS AKD FEEDERS. Ilcllcrs and cons ol nil njo8 furnlihol ID nny desired numbers : ranchmen ehouU correspond with U . kcfcro purchasing elsewhere. WINDOW & ORAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa , SMITH & TOLLER , ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA. AComplete Line of New Goods to Select From. M Keep Horns and Mulcn constantly on hand which wo will cell In retail cr carload lota All Stock Warranted as Renresented WhoIetaleRnd retail de&lcra In Grain and Dalocl Hay. Prices ien > eonable Satisfaction Guaranteed. .SCBCLTJTEIt So ZBOLETST Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Conncll Blufia. AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The only all night house in the city. Everything served in Cret clui style and on shor notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready. IH03. OFFICER. W. H. II. ITSE Officer & Pusev. ERS Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established - 1865 Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Homo Securities. J. L. DzBEVdISE. No. 607 Broadway Council Blnffli. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following ro the times of the rrlv I Mid de parture of trains by contra ! Btnndard time , it the ( OCA ! depots. Tr Ina leave tr&nalor depot leu min utes eaillor aud iirrlvo ten mlnuteg Inter. DEPAIIT. Anmvit. tuicABO * nd HOETDWISTWUI. 0.25AM Mall and Kiprcss ttlo'e u 12:40 : r M Accommodation 4:10 : p u 0:30 : r M Kxprcsa 0.05 A u CHICAOO AMD tOCn I8LAHP. 0:56 : A u Mn.ll and Kxprcsa : ES p II 7:25 : A M Accommodation 0:15 : P u 5:30 : r u Kxprcca B:00 : A 11 cmoiao , UILVAUEII AMD sr , nci. D:20"A : 11 JIail nnd Exprcu 0:50 : r 6:25 : p M Kxprcaj 0.05 A M KnoAoo , BUBuxaroa Ain > qmscr. 0:50 : A M Mall and Kinross 7:10 : p u 30 p M Accommodation 2:00 : ru * ; 45 p It Eilirtua 6:6CA : H WJBAS0 , f. LOUIS 12:15 : r M Locil St. Loula Express Local 1:30 : PM Transfer " " Transfer SiCOpji 6.65 PH Loc l Chloigo & St J * Kxp Local 8:55 : A il t7-)0i' : ) i Transfer " Transfer 0:10 : AM ILAItSAB CUT , BT. JOB AMD COUNCIL ILDFM. 10.0S A M Mall and Expresa 6:40 : r u 8:15 : r M Express 6:25 : A u IIODX CITY AND PACinC , 7:50 : A M Mall for Sioux City B.50 r M 7SO : p u Kxpresa for Ht Paul 8.50 A II UMON pjtemc. 11:00 : A H Dsnvcr Kxprena 4:35 : p M U05PU Uncolo J'ata O'a Jt n V 2:35 : f M 7:55 : p u CHorlandliirrtea 8:30 : A u BDHllT TIUIXS TO CMiHA. teavo Council Blufla - 6.65-7:55-930-10:80- : : 11:10 : a. m. 1:80 : 2:30-8:80 : : 1:28 : 6:26 : 8.25 11:15 : p. m. , Leave Omaha 6.25 7:25 e:60 10 11:15 : a. m. 12:50-2:00 : : 3oo : : iiO-i:65 : 6:65 : 11:10 : P. m. N. 80ETJRZ , kticeofie OmOB OTKB AMKBIOJLH KXPREII COUNCIL BLUFFS. TOVVA. of tthtitanon r aoT l wllio tki , ksU tl drawlr * cf U ft CHRONIC MI i In * . C jJr r Curtains , Oil Clothss Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Caieful Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders , Upholstery and Drapery Work a A Specialty. Our stock la the Largest in tlie ffest and n being continually replenished b ; nil the latest and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Biufts THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITER NO. 2 , lathe Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With only 89 key to Icarn en operate , it print * 78 characters ( Deluding cat and umall letttre , punctuation , flKuru , ilgnt nj fractious It nine simplest and " tiff * mot rapid nrltlng inaohlno X" made as well as thu mo t durnUo for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Sorrrnns & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Solo Agent * . 0 , II , SHOCKS , Council JMulT * Agent for Western